Spa pedicure at home. Features and secrets of salon equipment. Doing a spa pedicure at home Spa pedicure step by step

Our feet are real workers. They take on a huge load: walking under body weight, uncomfortable shoes. Therefore, it is so important to take care of them in order to maintain beauty and health. To do this, you need to get a pedicure at least once a month.

Today, beauty salons offer many types of pedicure: classic, hardware, Japanese, spa pedicure and others. The latter includes not only standard foot care procedures. Spa pedicure is, first of all, relaxation through a full foot massage and the use of natural ingredients, such as, aroma oils, mud and sea salt.

Do you think this can’t be done at home? the site will tell you how to make elite foot care a familiar home procedure.

Differences between spa pedicures and other types

First, let's figure out how a spa pedicure differs from a classic one. Unlike a classic spa pedicure, a pedicure is performed without cutting off calluses, calluses, or rough skin. The cuticle is also not trimmed. All manipulations are performed using special compounds that gently and painlessly remove all excess. When doing a spa pedicure, you do not risk injuring the skin of your feet, and the stratum corneum is removed more evenly than with a classic pedicure.

The entire procedure takes about two hours. During this time, your feet will experience a lot of pleasant and, most importantly, useful manipulations!

Every woman dreams of an easy walk, charming legs and countless compliments addressed to them.

It's unfair that we pay more attention to our face and hands, because the skin of our feet also needs to be pampered. And when you have perfectly groomed feet, there will definitely be someone who wants to be at your feet.

What is a SPA pedicure?

You can get a good pedicure at home or in a salon, but now we will talk about a very special type of foot care - Spa pedicure. This procedure includes cleansing of dead epithelial particles, deep moisturizing and nourishing of the skin, foot massage and aromatherapy.

Massage is not only a pleasant part of the procedure, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Once you try the effect of a Spa pedicure on yourself, you will never give up on it.

Of course, it is better to carry out this procedure in a salon. A qualified master will do everything flawlessly, and you will be comfortable, all you have to do is rest and relax.

Spa pedicure is carried out using special herbal products containing essential oils. It excludes the use of any tools; only a wooden stick is allowed to push back the cuticle.

This type of pedicure can be a stand-alone procedure or combined with a hardware pedicure and the use of tools.

Carrying out a SPA pedicure

There is a certain scheme for carrying out this procedure. In salons, some stages may be replaced by others or supplemented with elements of a classic pedicure. Here is a general diagram for your reference.

The duration of the Spa pedicure is two hours. The office environment promotes maximum relaxation: beautiful design, pleasant calm music, aromatherapy.


Pedicure begins with steaming the skin of the feet. To do this, they are immersed in a bath with an antiseptic solution. It would be good if the bath was a hydromassage one.

The skin will become soft and prepared for the next stages. Dead epidermal cells will be easily separated from the skin so that it becomes smooth and soft. The epidermis of the feet is thick, and after the bath it will become permeable to nutrients, and they will pass deep.


The next stage is cleansing. It is carried out either with a grinding machine or a scrub.

Dead skin areas are mechanically removed from the surface of the feet, this stimulates cell regeneration and rejuvenation. A scrub based on sea salt is suitable for the procedure. In this case, salt particles serve as the abrasive.

For a Spa pedicure, a moisturizing scrub is used to make the procedure softer for the skin and speed up the recovery process.

Since the skin on the feet is rough and there are often corns or calluses, one scrub will not be enough for complete cleansing. For this manipulation, special products containing fruit acids are used. They deeply and carefully cleanse the skin of remaining lifeless cells. After this procedure, the legs become perfectly smooth and look healthy.

Then the feet are washed with warm water and proceed to the next stage.


A nourishing and moisturizing mask is applied to the feet. It contains natural ingredients, vitamins, oils. The most useful are algae masks, as they contain great amount microelements.

Duration - 20 minutes, then it is washed off.


It's time for a massage with aromatic oils. Your skin is completely prepared, you are accustomed to your surroundings and relaxed.

The massage is carried out using a special technique, which has a gentle effect on the energetic points of the feet. Each area of ​​the foot has a nervous and energetic connection with the internal organs; each point has its own specific organ.

Thus, massage relaxes the entire body, relieves muscle tension, relieves fatigue and headaches. Under the influence of a massage, blood circulation in the legs improves and more nutrients are supplied. After the procedure, you will feel fresh and rejuvenated.

Paraffin wraps

Paraffin wraps are done before or after the massage.

They enhance the effects of other stages and make the skin very smooth and silky. Heat penetrates deeply into the tissues and stimulates their metabolism, nourishing the skin. Paraffin is famous for its moisturizing and rejuvenating effect.

The spa pedicure ends with a cooling lemon or mint toner. Then the specialist deals with nail treatment and decoration.


No matter how useful this procedure may seem, there are a number of contraindications to it:

  • Fungal skin diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Rash of any origin
  • Microtraumas
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Thrombophlebitis
  • Pregnancy.

If you have any doubts or questions, consult your doctor.

  • Get a spa manicure once a month
  • This procedure must be carried out regularly for the effect to last.

    Be gorgeous and happy, spare no time and money to pamper yourself! Love yourself and enjoy every minute of life!

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  • Today there are many various types care for the skin of the feet, which help not only maintain their attractive and healthy appearance, but also produce a relaxing effect. This good way relieve tension from your legs after a difficult day at work.

    What is the essence of SPA pedicure

    One of these methods of foot skin care is SPA pedicure. Many people, not knowing what it is, confuse it with a regular pedicure. The main advantage of a SPA pedicure over a regular one is a more gentle method of treating the foot, which occurs without the use of sharp metal instruments that can cut the skin. The specialist, using special cosmetics, easily and without any pain removes dead skin cells, as well as its various irregularities, improves blood circulation and makes the skin of the legs smooth and soft.

    It consists of several stages, which include: cleansing the stratum corneum of the skin of the feet, deeply moisturizing it, as well as massage and the use of various types of aromatic products.

    The main goal of this procedure is to relax the legs.

    This type of pedicure can be done both in specialized SPA centers and in regular beauty salons that provide this type of service.

    The process occurs in several stages. Before starting it, you should definitely conduct an analysis of the condition of the skin of your feet. This is necessary in order to choose the right skin care products. Before proceeding directly to the procedure, you should definitely disinfect the skin of your feet. Among the services provided in some SPA centers, in addition to standard procedures, there may be specific methods of treating the skin of the feet, for example, peeling the feet using Garra Rufa fish.

    To ensure that your feet are always well-groomed and rested, this type of service should be performed regularly, as it is easier compared to other methods of treating the skin of the feet.

    Listening to the feedback from their clients, most salons use a combined method of treating the skin of the feet during SPA pedicures. It includes both manual processing of the skin of the legs and using a special machine. Hardware pedicure is aimed at treating individual parts of the foot using various frasers, and manual pedicure, in turn, is aimed at removing the cuticle around the nail.

    There are many nuances with a combined type of pedicure. To tidy up the nail cuticle, you first need to soak your feet in warm water, but the treatment of the skin of the feet occurs only on dry feet.

    Now in many salons, in order not to steam the skin of the feet, they combine hardware and European pedicures.

    The choice of method for treating the skin of the legs remains with the client, which, due to their diversity, is not a problem. Everyone can individually choose a method that is convenient for them, which will help maintain well-groomed condition of their feet.

    There are many advantages of this type of pedicure. These include:

    • gentle cleansing of the stratum corneum of the skin without sharp blades;
    • the use of various products that soften, nourish and moisturize the skin of the feet;
    • the duration of preservation of the result of such a pedicure is longer than that of a standard one;
    • relaxing effect.

    SPA pedicure technique

    Main feature This type of pedicure has a relaxing effect. However, it is worth noting that such a service is quite lengthy. The entire process may take 2 to 3 hours. But if time is not an issue, then this procedure is exactly what you need.

    After all, during this period it is possible to not only get your legs in order, but even take a nap, which will only improve your health.

    Relaxation is an essential part of the process. It is achieved through the use of special SPA materials by the master, various aromatic oils, sticks and, of course, light soothing background music, which is played quietly during the entire procedure.

    The specialist’s auxiliary means are various types of salt scrubs, nourishing creams, cosmetic clays, fruit acid is also used for peeling feet, various refreshing lotions and more. A device such as a hydromassage bath with sea salt added to it helps relieve tension from the legs while steaming them.

    Today there are an incredible amount of foot skin care products that are used in SPA pedicures. Each master individually selects materials that are convenient for him.

    Therefore, if there are any contraindications or allergic reactions to certain components, you should notify a specialist about this in order to avoid problems.

    Stages of a SPA pedicure

    The technology for performing this procedure is individual for each master, but there are four mandatory stages of which it consists. Next, you can get acquainted step-by-step with the methodology for carrying out each of them.

    Stage 1 is steaming the skin of the feet. The feet are immersed in a bath of water to which a disinfectant has previously been added. The average water temperature should be 37-40 degrees, depending on the client’s request.

    Very hot water injures and irritates the skin, and cold water does not steam it.

    The steaming process lasts up to 12 minutes. Staying in water for a long time will make the skin too soft and flabby. Also added to the water are various cosmetical tools, which have a beneficial effect on the skin of the legs.

    Stage 2 – peeling. At this stage, the skin of the feet is treated different types scrubs that help remove the top dead skin cells and also soften it before applying fruit acid. It is the acid that breaks down dead skin, which can be easily removed with special scrapers. After which the feet become delightfully soft and silky, as all calluses and cracks disappear. At the end, the legs are caressed in clean water to move on to the next step.

    Stage 3 – moisturizing. At this stage of the pedicure, the master applies a mask, which consists of natural trace elements of plant origin, with the addition of vitamins and minerals. The composition of such masks can be varied: natural plant extracts - chamomile, aloe, papaya, various oils and clays, seaweed and much more. The mask is applied for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with running water.

    Stage 4 – foot massage. Perhaps few people know that there are many acupuncture points on the foot, which are responsible for the work of many internal organs. That is, by doing a foot massage, we not only relax, but also have a positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole.

    The relaxation process will help relieve headaches, aching joints, and tension in the legs.

    At the end of the session, the client feels completely restored, fatigue and bad mood go away.

    After finishing the massage, the specialist applies a nourishing cream to the legs, gently rubbing into the skin. This is done to keep the skin soft and hydrated. The end of the procedure is the application of a cooling lotion, as well as manual processing of the nail cuticles and their further coating with varnish, but this is done at the request of the client.

    When choosing a beauty salon, you should definitely go into the room where the SPA procedure will be performed to make sure that the room is comfortable. Only a harmonious combination of all components of the procedure will help you enjoy the process as much as possible.

    Watch the procedure for performing a SPA pedicure in the following video.

    SPA pedicure includes not only traditional procedures for treating the feet and nails (that is, a classic pedicure), but also the use of masks and lotions that moisturize and nourish the skin of the feet. The technology for performing a spa pedicure procedure may vary depending on the products used by the master.

    First of all SPA pedicure is aimed at achieving the effect of relaxation, aesthetic goals are relegated to the background. To perform this type of pedicure, products made from natural ingredients such as thermal water, healing mud, various algae, etc. are used.

    The standard salon spa pedicure procedure consists of a foot bath, scrubbing, skin and nail treatment, application of a nourishing mask, and foot massage. At the request of the client, this list can be changed and supplemented. The master himself can also influence the order of the procedure, depending on the set of products he uses for spa pedicure.

    The SPA pedicure procedure can be found in the list of services of most modern beauty salons. Depending on the prestige of the salon, the client will have to pay from 700 to 1800 rubles. Please note that this price does not include nail shaping and polish. As a result, the cost of the procedure will approximately double.

    What effect can you expect from a spa pedicure?

    SPA pedicure not only improves the condition of the skin of the feet, accelerates blood circulation and lymph flow, but also relieves fatigue and helps get rid of pain. It is also an excellent remedy for depression. That's why this procedure is so popular among beauty salon clients.

    A spa pedicure is not suitable for clients who do not regularly take care of their feet. It is not intended to solve serious problems, but is rather a means of relaxation and maintenance of care. So the SPA pedicure procedure is an excellent option for those who regularly visit the salon. You can alternate it with other types of pedicure or include SPA elements in a classic pedicure, for example, apply nourishing masks, scrubs, make wraps.

    Pedicurists in beauty salons are required to advise clients on foot care at home and advise which products are best to use. In addition, clients can seek help with problems such as dry feet, cracks, excessive sweating, tired feet, as well as the prevention and treatment of fungal diseases.

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    Why is a SPA pedicure better than a classic or hardware one?

    The SPA pedicure procedure is usually very long and takes at least two hours. However, many clients admit that the effect from it is much greater than from a classic or hardware pedicure. Here are the main advantages of a spa pedicure compared to other types:

    1. Removal of such unpleasant phenomena as calluses and corns occurs not mechanically (circumcision, filing), but with the use of special products based on natural ingredients. Under their influence, unwanted tissues dissolve, and the skin remains intact.
    2. Since during a SPA pedicure there is no mechanical impact on the skin, the likelihood of scratches and cuts is eliminated, which means it is impossible to cause an infection.
    3. Intensive massage using nourishing and moisturizing agents improves blood circulation and lymphatic flow of the feet, providing the legs with complete rest and recovery. The effect of such a procedure will be visible to the naked eye for a month or more.
    4. SPA pedicure not only relieves tired feet, but also relaxes the entire body. In addition, attributes such as aromatic oils and calm music help relieve psychological stress. During the session, the client relaxes, forgets about his problems and is charged with positive energy. In addition, the effectiveness of the procedure affecting a relaxed body increases significantly.

    Contraindications for spa pedicure

    Despite the fact that at first glance the SPA pedicure procedure is very harmless, it has a number of contraindications, namely:

    • fungal diseases;
    • diabetes;
    • the presence of skin rashes, regardless of the nature of the origin;
    • trauma and microtrauma;
    • phlebeurysm;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • pregnancy period.

    What the master will need to perform a spa pedicure

    To carry out a SPA pedicure procedure, a beauty salon master needs:

    1. Soaking agents. Soaking agents are added to baths that are made to initially soften the skin of the feet. As a rule, they contain three main components: an antiseptic, a humectant and a surfactant. An antiseptic disinfects the skin of the feet and can be either natural (for example, tea tree oil) or artificial. The effect of surfactant is aimed at deeper penetration of active elements into tissues. Dead Sea salts are considered to be one of the best surfactants. Contained in it minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and others, perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin. The presence of soap in the soaking agent is undesirable. If there is one, it should be a very mild soap, more like shampoo.

    2. Scrubs. Using a scrub, dead layers of the epidermis are removed, this is especially true for the area where calluses form. The scrub contains abrasive particles that actively affect the skin, but they must be soft enough not to harm living skin. As a rule, this role in scrubs for spa pedicure is performed by ground apricot or almond seeds, sea sand, pumice or quartz crystals. The action of many scrubs is aimed not only at cleansing, but also at nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the feet. For this purpose, various vitamins, aromatic oils and natural extracts are added to them. An alternative to a scrub can be a special pedicure file, which can be purchased at a specialty store.

    3. Foot massage products. To carry out the SPA pedicure procedure, specialists use various massage oils. They nourish and moisturize the skin, and also improve the glide of the master’s hands during the massage. Therefore, it is important that Massage Oil absorbed as slowly as possible. You should choose a product with the highest molecular weight: the larger the molecule, the more difficult it is for it to penetrate the skin, which means it takes longer for the oil to be absorbed. The oils that are used for spa pedicures are mainly a mixture of oils that improve skin health (jojoba oil, oils with vitamin E). To reduce the degree of friction during massage, silicone or glycerin can be added to the oil.

    Another product that professionals like to use is massage lotions. They consist of smaller molecules than oils, which means they are absorbed much faster. Therefore, it is better to apply lotion at the end of the pedicure as a final moisturizer to the skin. The lotion may contain fruit acids, vitamin E, tea tree oil and jojoba. A properly selected lotion will prevent the appearance of calluses and help get rid of old ones faster.

    4. Additional funds. These include products that are aimed at strengthening the fight against specific skin problems on the feet. For example, these include various ointments and creams that soften calluses and remove unwanted skin growths. The level of fruit acids in such products is significantly higher than in foot lotions from 12 to 15%. The principle of action of such drugs is quite simple. First, it is applied to the problem area and left for 10-15 minutes so that the skin softens sufficiently. After this, the callus is removed using a scrub or a special file.

    The use of foot masks consisting of mineral clay, fruit acids, aromatic oils and other components that help nourish the skin is very effective.

    Hot paraffin baths are in great demand among clients of beauty salons. As a result of deep heating of tissues, blood circulation improves and inflammatory processes are relieved. The aromatic oils contained in paraffin give clients a pleasant sensation. However this procedure has a number of contraindications. Paraffin baths are not suitable for people suffering from varicose veins veins, sclerosis and diabetes.

    The average cost is 10-12 thousand rubles. It includes salt for softening baths, foot scrub, nourishing masks, nourishing creams, as well as products for removing calluses and corns.

    • Top 5 service packages for a beauty salon in the summer

    How is the spa pedicure procedure performed?

    The SPA pedicure procedure includes several stages, at each of which it is possible to use different types of massage (classical, reflex, acupressure, etc.). The most popular cosmetics among pedicurists are those whose active ingredients are fruit acids or sea ​​minerals. First of all, these are professional lines of the brands Bio Solutions, Gena, Creative Nail Design and O.P.I.

    Stage 1. Removing old varnish.

    This stage of SPA pedicure is not necessary in all cases. For example, a client can remove the old covering at home in advance or decide to leave everything as is, wanting only a relaxing effect from the procedure.

    Stage 2. Steaming the legs.

    At this stage, the feet are immersed for 5-10 minutes in a bath with a special product, due to which the skin and nails soften and receive an antiseptic treatment. The temperature of the water in the bath should be around 38 °C. High temperatures will negatively affect the functioning of blood vessels, and colder water will not allow you to steam your legs properly. Keep track of the time of the procedure, otherwise the skin will absorb excess moisture and become loose.

    Special products are added to the bath to prepare the feet for further procedures. Also at this stage of the SPA pedicure it is possible to use hydromassage baths with the addition of sea salts.

    Stage 3. Peeling.

    This stage consists of two steps. The first involves a soft, superficial peeling, exfoliating upper layer dead epidermis. This is done using scrubs with sea sand, salt, crushed apricot and almond seeds, etc. The second stage is necessary if there are more serious problems such as calluses and corns. Special means soften and dissolve them, removing them without a trace.

    Stage 4. Moisturizing and cooling the skin of the feet.

    At this stage of the spa pedicure, a nourishing moisturizing mask containing aromatic oils is applied to the skin of the feet. Its duration of action is about 20 minutes. The main ingredients of such a mask are usually glycerin, menthol, mineral clays, aloe vera extracts, etc.

    Additionally, it is possible to do a paraffin wrap, which will enhance the effectiveness of the entire spa pedicure procedure. Paraffin penetrates deep into the tissue, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, improves blood circulation and metabolism, and also has a rejuvenating effect. The client's feet will become smooth and silky.

    Stage 5. Foot massage.

    Foot massage ensures deep penetration of nutrients into the tissues. In addition, it helps fight swelling, relieves joint pain and chronic fatigue, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire organism as a whole. The duration of massaging each foot should be at least 5-10 minutes.

    As you know, on the surface of the feet there are many energy points responsible for the functioning of various organs and systems of the body. Therefore, a SPA pedicure not only allows you to care for the skin of your feet, but also improves the condition of the entire body as a whole, and also gives a boost of energy.

    Stage 6. Applying cream.

    The next stage of the spa pedicure is application. nourishing cream, which will help the skin recover and also prevent dryness and cracking in the future.

    Stage 7. Varnishing.

    This stage is optional and can be included at the request of the client. Please note that decorative nail design is not included in the price of the SPA pedicure procedure, and the client will have to pay extra for it separately.

    4 important facts about spa pedicure

    1.Equipment. The procedure does not require specialized equipment other than a foot bath. However, you can buy a specialized chair for a spa pedicure in a beauty salon, which has its own advantages.

    2. Specialist. The master must undergo training in a basic pedicure course lasting 20 hours. A health certificate is also required.

    3. Premises. The pedicure room must be equipped with at least two foot baths with hot and cold water supply. Furniture should be easily subjected to wet cleaning, as well as disinfection and not block light sources or block passages.

    4. Economics. The return on investment for a SPA pedicure is quite high, but somewhat lower than that of a classic and hardware pedicure.

    Chair for SPA pedicure

    A chair for a spa pedicure will help carry out the procedure in the most comfortable conditions for the client, and will also facilitate the work of the master.

    Today, the market offers a wide range of chairs for spa pedicures, from the simplest to modern models equipped with hydromassage and other options. In addition to its immediate functionality, the chair can become a striking element of the interior of your beauty salon.

    As customer surveys show, the quality of the services provided is far from the only thing they pay attention to when choosing a beauty salon. Equally important are the interior design, equipment, and the condition of the beauty salon as a whole. It is the little things that make up the image of the entire establishment.

    The sanitary and epidemiological standards specify the following requirements for the design and equipment of the premises: “In an office with an area of ​​at least 9 square meters, it is allowed to combine the provision of manicure and pedicure services with the provision of an organized place for the master to work.” Thus, in the water room it is possible to use two equipment simultaneously, including a chair for SPA pedicure. Its main advantages are:

    Convenience. A specialized chair will be comfortable not only for the client, but also for the specialist.

    Comfort. Comfort is also necessary for both clients and professionals. According to surveys, when choosing a beauty salon, many women pay attention to comfort.

    Design. Try to make sure that the spa pedicure chair fits perfectly into the overall interior of the office and becomes an integral part of it.

    So, a chair for a SPA pedicure should fit into the overall color scheme the entire interior. Give preference to calm, pastel colors. When a client comes to a beauty salon for a spa pedicure procedure, he wants to relax, and bright, flashy shades do not contribute to this in any way, so he is unlikely to want to visit your establishment again.

    Please note that the chairs differ in the mechanism for adjusting the seat height. They can be:

    • with electric lift;
    • with hydraulic lift;
    • with pneumatic lift;
    • based on a mechanical lift.

    The most practical and convenient to use of them are the first three - with an electric lift, a hydraulic lift and a pneumatic lift. As a rule, the base of such chairs is a frame, a disk, a rectangle or a pentagon. The latter have another very useful option - they can be freely moved around the office, unlike other chairs, which are stationary.

    You should pay attention to the quality of the upholstery for the equipment. Most often, foam rubber, artificial or natural leather are used for upholstery. Salon owners make their choice based on the class of their establishment. However, leatherette chairs have remained the most popular for a long time. They look great, are relatively inexpensive and are easy to clean with wet cleaning, which is very practical.

    Don't forget about the chair for the pedicurist. Modern stools also have the ability to adjust the seat height, which allows the master to adjust the chair to his parameters and work in comfortable conditions. Models with and without backrest are available on the market.

    A pedicure chair, like an armchair, will be an excellent addition to the interior of the office. For convenience, many of them are equipped with a control pedal.

    A chair for a spa pedicure can have many additional functions, depending on the specific type of procedures that the master will perform.

    For the convenience of the client, many chairs are equipped with a table on which the client can place personal belongings (phone or keys), or, for example, a magazine. Another convenient addition is a hook on which you can hang a handbag. Salons high class can afford heated chairs and massagers. This addition to the procedure will leave the client with the most pleasant impressions, and he will probably want to visit your salon more than once.

    As for the manufacturers of chairs for SPA pedicure, the leading positions are occupied by the companies TM “Aphrodite”, “Nadir”, “EUROPEAN TOUCH”. When creating such equipment, only high-quality materials are used, which means its service life is as long as possible. EUROPEAN TOUCH chairs are particularly distinguished by their original design, versatility and comfort.

    The most popular models of this series are Platino, SOLACE FORTE, MURANO chairs. The latter is the undisputed leader in the luxury segment. The MURANO chair is made of genuine leather chocolate color, has bronze fittings, and the bathtub is made to look like gold. Naturally, equipment in this category has the highest price. However, these products have been on the market for more than 25 years, which undoubtedly inspires trust and is a guarantee of quality.

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    BeautyHack editors tested foot spa treatments in beauty salons in Moscow and Minsk and told us where they would return again.

    Beauty salon "MONE"

    Tested by BeautyHack senior editor Karina Andreeva

    The beauty salon is located five minutes from the Mayakovskaya metro station. I really love interiors done in white colors - this is exactly what Monet did. Upon entering, there is a hairdressing salon on the left, and manicure and pedicure rooms are hidden behind white doors. I got into one of them. Master Tatyana sat me down in a cozy leather chair and told me about the spa procedure for my feet, after which we started it.

    First I put my feet in warm bath With sea ​​salt and tea tree oil and kept them in it for about fifteen minutes. Then each of my nails was treated, the length was removed, and we began the spa ritual: my feet were massaged using Green Tea/White Tea Antioxidant Scrub from Mahash with coffee extract and avocado and olive oils. After this, they applied Dancing Feet Intensive Therapy Foot Cream with peppermint essential oil, aloe and geranium extracts and wrapped them in film.

    They put on warm La Ric felt boots and left me in them for 25 minutes. The master left the office, dimmed the light, and placed a warm and fragrant cape on my shoulders. I almost fell asleep! It was a perfect time for me to come for a foot spa treatment after the Health app on my iPhone showed that I had run about 20 km around the city the previous day - my legs were buzzing. But after the spa they felt much better. The peeling disappeared, the skin became soft, like a baby’s. At the end of the procedure I had a gel pedicure and chose the bright red shade of O.P.I Amore At The Grand Canals polish.

    Cost of the procedure: 3,400 rubles.

    Address: Blagoveshchensky lane, 1

    « KYNSI »

    Tested by BeautyHack editor Anastasia Speranskaya

    Fashionable salon with a sonorous name KYNSI opened in Moscow in 2012, and during this time everyone, from beautyholics to stars, fell in love with it. By the way, among the clients with big names are Olga Shelest, Svetlana Ustinova and Paulina Andreeva.

    I had the opportunity to try one of the most luxurious procedures - the Caribbean spa pedicure "Serenity" - at KYNSI on Patriarch's. The Scandinavian-style interior immediately makes it clear that you are in a salon with a Finnish name: white walls, red parquet and lots of green plants create the effect of a stylish and cozy space.
    Irina Stepanova, a nail technician with a soft voice and neat hair, led me to a comfortable folding chair and offered to choose a movie to pass the time. By the way, the choice was impressive: three pages of cinematic masterpieces for every taste.

    We started by washing our feet and removing the old gel polish. In order not to waste time, Irina took care of my feet. The master used a disposable file to go over the soles of the feet and heels, and when the varnish dissolved, she gave the nails the shape of a perfect soft square. To remove cuticles, KYNSI uses Christina Fitzgerald files - this technique is considered as safe as possible, because only dry areas of skin are filed and there is no risk of injury or infection. When visiting a salon, the issue of safety always comes first for me - fortunately, at KYNSI I didn’t have to worry about this. At the end of the pedicure, Irina applied Luxio long-lasting gel polish in the shade Polar - a cool white shade that perfectly matched my vacation tan. And then the fun began.

    Caribbean spa care is done using ST cosmetics. BARTH, created on one of the Caribbean islands - Saint Barthelemy. The promising title “Serenity” was just right at the end of the working day - I relaxed in my easy chair and was in the mood for relaxation. By the way, if you come in trousers or just want to experience the spa effect as much as possible, they can offer you a branded robe: all products are applied to the knees.

    At the beginning, the master suggested creating a beauty bath together: adding oils and lotions to the water to make it soft. My choice fell on avocado oil and nourishing lotion with the scent of Caribbean vanilla. Washing your feet in such a bath relieves fatigue, nourishes the skin and opens the pores. The next step was peeling - Irina mixed coconut oil, lotion, purified sand from the Caribbean Sea and papaya puree in front of me. The master applied this mixture with a mind-blowing aroma to the feet and calves with massage movements. The papain enzyme contained in papaya has a lifting effect and helps remove dead skin particles, which is why it is very often used in cosmetology.

    Having washed off the peeling in the bath, Irina began the massage with two large shells from the island of Saint Barthélemy. The master first applied oil and melted wax from an aroma candle to her feet. The shell massage itself reminded me of stone therapy, when the body is rubbed with hot stones. The massage relaxed the muscles, improved blood circulation and provided visual pleasure - I’m already planning to sign up for a similar back massage.

    At the very end, Irina applied vanilla lotion - it was necessary to wait until the product was absorbed. The aromas of coconut and vanilla helped me relax so much that I simply didn’t want to leave.

    Now I know what I'll go to KYNSI for next time: a perfect pedicure, soft skin and dreams of the Caribbean Sea.

    Cost of the procedure: 5,550 rubles.

    Address: Moscow, Spiridonievsky lane, 5/2

    Tested by BeautyHack editor Yulia Kozoliy

    In Minsk, a spa pedicure is amazing. The service is unpopular, and it’s difficult to find a great mix of foot spa and pedicure. But if you dig deeper (and that’s what you need BeautyHack for), it turns out that nail bars and salons have excellent treatments, they just want something faster, longer lasting and closer to home. This time I didn’t go to Pilka for speed, but to relax as much as possible, try foot treatments and update my pedicure. They also do manicures, hair styling, eyebrow correction and makeup. The place is girlishly bright, with Marvel-themed walls and vintage furniture. I was booked for Sunday. At lunch there wasn’t a soul here - this added to the intimacy, the girls turned on a film (“There’s space between us” - look!), sat me down on a purple chair, and Master Tatyana began.

    It was my first time doing it acid peeling: acid was applied to a cotton pad, applied to the feet and wrapped in a towel and film for 30 minutes, during which time the master performed a hardware pedicure. Then she removed the film and removed the remnants of rough skin with a blunt scalpel, sanded and treated the feet with scrub and creams. I chose German means professional brand Gehwol. The brand is 140 years old and specializes only in foot care. The salon uses the professional line Gehwol med: ointment for cracks with essential oils lavender, rosemary and panthenol, cream for rough skin with glycerin and allantoin and cream for sensitive skin Lipidro Cream with avocado and sea buckthorn oils. All products are available online (after 28 days of regular use, the manufacturer promises feet like a baby’s), but it’s much more pleasant when the master turns the application of creams into a massage session! At the end, Tatyana applied a long-term Luxio coating to her nails. We chose a neutral gray from the palette, which turned into a discreet blue on the nails - just what we need for the summer that has finally arrived!

    Cost of the procedure: 68 bel. rub. (about 2100 rub.)

    Address: Minsk, st. Storozhevskaya, 8, room. 12H

    Elegance Spa&Beauty

    Tested by BeautyHack editor Natalia Kapitsa

    I have not betrayed my master for many years: I trust only him to treat my feet and nails. But, having received an assignment from the editors to do a spa pedicure, she could not deny herself this pleasure. Moreover, the administrator of the Elegance salon promised me two hours of unforgettable sensations.

    The atmosphere of “Elegance” is conducive to relaxation from the very beginning: soft, calm music, dim lighting and the crazy spicy smell of Balinese herbs.

    Master Tatyana Saskovets took me into the office and sat me down on a “high-tech” chair in which you don’t need to make a single movement: one press of a button, and your legs took the desired position. The atmosphere in the office is pleasant: there is almost no bright daylight, no loud songs about unhappy love - only the sounds of nature and romantic twilight.

    The pedicure procedure is quite standard: processing the cuticles and feet, giving shape, applying a coating. All this is accompanied by light massage movements.

    In the last month of summer, the master convinced me to give up my favorite red and apply azure blue gel polish. Why not? A trip to the sea is ahead. The pedicure turned out neat and gentle.

    The most enjoyable part of the procedure began after turning off the lamp to dry the coating - a reflexive foot massage! If you've never tried it, you've missed out on a lot. For an hour, the specialist works on certain areas of the feet, influencing internal organs and joints through them. Result: reduction of pain in the musculoskeletal system, relaxation muscle tension, improving blood circulation and functioning of internal organs, reducing swelling.

    The procedure was so pleasant that towards the middle I almost fell asleep - thanks to Master Konstantin, who gave me the opportunity to finish my night’s dream.

    Cost of procedures: 68 bel. rub. (about 2100 rub.)

    Address: Minsk, Logoiskaya tract 15/2

    MN Studio

    Tested by BeautyHack editorial assistant Anna Khobotova

    I have become a frequent visitor to MN Studio; last time I had a gorgeous bun done. You can read more about the salon. Now it's time for a spa pedicure. The sociable Elena made it for me. I started with disinfecting my feet. Many salons have moved away from baths - the coating does not adhere well to steamed legs.

    The popular German Gehwol foam was applied to my heels, replacing all spa treatments at once. The master explained that spa pedicure is a very relative concept. Most often, the prefix “spa” is added to increase the amount in the check.

    While I was typing up the article and my heels were absorbing the moisturizing foam, Elena managed to do a pedicure and shape my little nails. Special apparatus They used a vacuum cleaner to sand off the rough areas on my heels, cleaned up my entire foot with a light brush, and gave me a massage with aromatic Cuccio cream oil before applying the polish.

    The surface of the nail was degreased and a nude color of OPI brand varnish was applied. For 5 days now I have been walking around with an untouched varnish coating and growing out my “babies” for a cooler pedicure.
    Thank you MN Studio for your responsiveness, look forward to visiting you again!

    Cost of procedures: 42 bel. rub. (73 Belarusian rubles with long-term coverage; about 1300 rubles and 2300 rubles, respectively)

    Address: Minsk, st. Zakharova, 25.

    « Express Nails »

    Tested by BeautyHack editor Dilyara Telyasheva

    I look at the brown leather chairs from Express Nails on Bolshaya Nikitskaya every day on my way to the office. They say that if you look at something for a long time, you can attract it into your life - and so it happened. For a spa pedicure (it already sounds like happiness) they waited for me in the morning and not empty-handed, but with coconut cheesecakes on low-fat cottage cheese (they can be ordered for 380 rubles; the salon menu also includes lunch dishes).

    Master Oksana Vasilyeva (on Oksana’s badge the abbreviation VIP proudly appeared) got down to business with lightning speed: while I was thinking about how to approach the cheesecakes, my feet were already foaming in the bath. First we did the usual pedicure with CND coating (I chose purple glitter), then we moved on to the long-awaited spa. Oksana applied a sugar-mint scrub (a feeling of lightness appeared in express mode), washed it off with warm water and wrapped my feet in hot socks-slippers (rice inside!). I drank cappuccino for 10 blissful minutes while listening to the French meditative film “The Swimming Pool.”

    The next stage is restorative care from Margaret Dabbs (all Express Nails studios work with this brand). The moisturizer coated the skin in a cooling and gentle blanket. All! In an hour, Oksana completed the task with an A and even more (later I found out that the master has been working in the salon for 10 years, since the launch of the network).

    Cost of procedures: 6,550 rubles.

    Address: Moscow, Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 35

    « Nail Spot »

    Tested by BeautyHack special correspondent Anastasia Lyagushkina

    I was lucky: the salon is a 5-minute walk from our editorial office. Tired but inspired, I finished my business and went for my favorite of all treatments - a pedicure, also with a spa. At the entrance I was greeted by a friendly administrator, I myself chose the chair I liked and sat down to wait for the procedure to begin. The interior of the salon is decorated in black and purple tones, the furniture is made of wood. Each chair is equipped with a table for those who come for a manicure and pedicure with four hands.

    My master Lera brought a palette of shades, laid a signature purple towel under her feet and got to work. Together we chose a pedicure card. The master applied Israeli gel with floral acids to the rough areas and wrapped my legs in plastic. Gel softens problematic skin and has an antibacterial effect. After 5 minutes Lera removed the film from my legs. Next, I removed the length from my nails and gave them a soft square shape. For the fingers themselves, we used a combined pedicure. I always choose gel polish as a finish, ever since I first tried it. Today my choice fell on the delicate lilac color of the Luxio brand, which is so praised by professionals for its durability and comfortable removal without harm nail plate. After Lera quickly but professionally applied the polish to my nails and dried them under the lamp, we began the most enjoyable part. The spa treatment was the dessert of the whole process. I chose sugar scrub, the master applied it to the feet and rubbed it with massage movements. The pieces of sugar pleasantly tingled my skin, and I relaxed more and more, thinking about the sea and soft sand. After Lera washed the scrub off her feet, I felt how they were saturated with moisture. It's time for the next step in the spa program: a mask of... coconut oil. After applying the product, put it on your feet plastic bags, white terry socks and left to rest for 10 minutes. The third and final stage of the spa treatment was a pleasant, relaxing massage.

    This is probably the best thing that could happen to me at the end of a hard day at work!

    Cost of procedures: 5600 rub.

    Address: Moscow, Malaya Bronnaya 13

    "Main Point"

    Tested by BeautyHack editor Olga Kulygina

    I love the Main Point salon on Tsvetnoy Boulevard for its style, cozy veranda with breakfast and super-masters. Calm and Good morning After a delicious cappuccino, master Tatyana Telepailova took me to the office for a “royal” pedicure called GoldenTrace. What makes it special? This is a gentle pedicure without devices and without soaking, which uses Russian Golden Trace cosmetics based on enzymes. Enzymes (along with micelles and fruit acids) break down dead tissue and transform adult feet into baby feet. Feet sweat less, preventing nails from growing into the skin and forming calluses.

    How is the procedure done? The skin of the legs is cleansed with mousse and prepared for the main procedure. Next, the master rubs in an apricot kernel scrub with sea buckthorn, herbal extracts and natural oils(you can even use it on your face!). After the scrub, jelly is applied to the feet to soften the skin of the heels and toes, and a light massage is performed - this way the products work better. After the jelly, peeling takes place - an elixir with ascorbic acid and oils is applied to the skin of the legs, which dissolve roughness. The legs are wrapped in film to prevent the product from drying out. While the magic elixir is working, the master does a pedicure.

    After removing the film, the application areas are sanded with coarse and fine abrasive. Moisturizer is applied - done! After the procedure, the legs are very soft, even the heels do not differ to the touch from the main texture of the skin of the legs.

    The effect of Golden Trace lasts longer than that of a regular pedicure. To maintain smooth feet, it is enough to do it once every month and a half. Due to the fact that all the components of the products are natural, they are safe for pregnant women, teenagers, and those who already have deep cracks in their feet.
    Cost of the procedure: 3,000 rubles.

    Address: Moscow, Bolshoi Karetny per., 24, building 2


    Tested by BeautyHack editor Mur Soboleva

    Here, even a regular pedicure is treated with spa care: the procedure includes peeling and light massage. The additional Deep Sea procedure is considered rejuvenating and well tightens the skin of the legs. The master first does a massage with an antioxidant scrub, and then a mask based on algae. All cosmetics that are used during a pedicure are of the brand’s own production.

    For everything about everything - 90 minutes that you spend in a massage chair (a separate serious pleasure); During the process, you can watch a movie or just take a nap. They work here only with disposable files and treat your feet with the utmost care: no aggressive devices, everything is very gentle, but effective. I chose varnish coating; In addition to the Christina Fitzgerald brand, with which Mahash has been working since its founding, there are now also fun Smith & Cult polishes. I chose pink glitter, not least because of the perfect name Vegas Post Apocalyptic.

    Price: 4900 rubles

    Address: Molodogvardeyskaya st., 4k1

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