Pension calculation services. My pension is underestimated: how easy it is to check the calculation. What determines the value of the pension point?

IN Lately over the past thirty years in Russia pension reform changed several times. Because of this, both young and older citizens of our Russia are interested in what the pension is now, and what it will be in many, many years.

In this article we will look at what accumulative and insurance part pensions. Let us tell you what a pension point is and why it is needed.

According to the law, all citizens of the Russian Federation pay taxes, and a portion of the tax goes to the pension fund. Plus, the fund itself is replenished from budget funds from the treasury, and at the moment the income of the fund itself has increased compared to last year. Back in 2015, it was legislatively separated from labor pension cumulative, and now it is an independent payment.


The insurance part of the payment itself is formed in the pension fund as a result of monthly top-ups from the employer.

Let's consider the conditions for calculating a standard pension:

  • The standard age limit is for men from 60 years old, and for women from 55.
  • The experience must be a certain number of years. From 2024 – 15 years of the vehicle.
  • Since 2015, an additional condition has appeared - a person must have at least thirty pension points. The number of points itself depends primarily on the length of service, and only then on other additional conditions and, of course, monthly payments to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

IPC- this is an individual pension coefficient, was added with the release of the law in 2015. Moreover, payments now directly depend on this indicator. The maximum number of points per year is limited.

In order to perform the calculation according to new formula, you need the information that is in this table.

YearMaximum annual IPC without PNMaximum annual IPC with PNRequired IPC amountMinimum total experience
2015 7,39 7,39 6,6 6
2016 7,83 7,83 9 7
2017 8,26 5,16 11,4 8
2018 8,7 5,43 13,8 9
2019 9,13 5,71 16,2 10
2020 9,57 5,98 18,6 11
2021 10 6,25 21 12
2022 10 6,25 23,4 13
2023 10 6,25 25,8 14
2024 10 6,25 28,2 15
2025 10 6,25 30 15

When an insurance half is built, the points themselves often go only to it. When a savings account is also formed, 27.5% of the insurance amount goes to the savings fund reserve, and the maximum number of points becomes not 10, but 6.25.

NOTE! The entire pension is indexed annually by the state. Cumulative part from pension payments may belong to a non-state pension fund and is used to finance various companies. If the financed organization makes a profit, the final payment increases. Otherwise, it will have the original amount that the pensioner himself has accumulated over the entire period of service.

Fixed payment this year

PV or fixed payment is a fixed cash equivalent that is established by the state. By federal law number 400, the size of the FV increases by the amount of last year’s inflation.

But in 2016 the increase was suspended and now the indexation coefficient is 1.04. As a result, in 2017 the FV was 4805.11 rubles.

FV indexing:

  • February 1 – according to last year’s inflation.
  • April 1 – based on PF income for the past year.

How to calculate the payment?

Calculation of old age pension using the formula:


Where: SP – Insurance part. IPC – number of pension points. StIPK - the cost of one pension point wages before personal income tax. FV – fixed payment. K is the bonus coefficient, which increases for a pensioner who has the right to a payment, but has not yet received it, and the size of the IPC also increases.

Note that you only need to plug in the number of points you have to make the calculation. The remaining indicators are constant throughout the year and change at the time of indexation from the state.

The number of IPCs itself is calculated by pension fund employees. The value depends on the number of payments to the pension fund itself, as well as on the presence of a funded part - so the number of points will be less.

NOTE! The number of IPCs can be increased when engaged in a certain type of activity.

Points can be added if a pensioner works overtime for more than a certain period of time. Typically, the points increase each year more and more. But there will be an increase if he does not apply for a pension, and so in 10 years this coefficient can be doubled.

Pension point cost

For 2017, 1 point from the IPC is 78.58 rubles. On the January calculation, you can add 3 points if you are entitled to old-age payments, but do not apply for them. If a person is still working, then points must be taken from 2015, when one point was equal to 71.41 rubles.

As many people, including officials, say, this moment It’s more profitable to work and not apply for a pension, and of course the amount of state support increases. But this was done only so that people do not immediately apply for a pension, but do it a little later and work beyond retirement age.

But in general the issue is controversial, since many people continue to work out of habit, and in order to maintain at least some social life, and some, on the contrary, retire to relax and take care of their grandchildren and family. In this case, the state provides the opportunity to choose.

Example of calculating state support

  1. Insurance experience: 60 – 20 = 40 years.
  2. Calculation: (30,000 x 12 x 16%) / (876,000 x 0.16) x 10 = 57600 / 140160 x10 = 4.10 points. Where: 12 is the number of months in a year. 16% rate insurance premium at 0.16. 876,000 – contribution base for 2017.
  3. We calculated the number of points for 1 year. Now you need to calculate the points for 40 years: 40 x 4.10 = 164 points.
  4. We use the formula for calculating pensions: 164 x 78.58(how much is 1 point in rubles) = 12887.12 rubles.
  5. And add the value FV V 4806,11 rubles It turns out 17693,23 ruble amount of calculations.

NOTE! Now you know how to find out the size future pension, but here it is necessary to take into account that the size of the contribution base and the size of the salary can change and grow, and from this the monthly pension payments will increase. Additionally, the pension is indexed annually, and in the end, at the end of the service, it will be significantly higher.

PC and pension deferment

Let's look at how the bonus coefficient increases depending on the deferment of payments for working pensioners:

Year of defermentThe value of the individual coefficient (in the formula, denoted by the letter K)
1 1,056
2 1,12
3 1,19
4 1,27
5 1,36
6 1,46
7 1,58
8 1,73
9 1,9
10 2,11

How is the IPC calculated?

The points themselves are not taken from the sky, but are calculated according to this calculation algorithm:

Calculation of IPC = SV / SV(max) x 10

Where: SV – contributions paid by the employer (10% with a funded part or 16% without a funded part). SV (max) – if we take exactly the maximum value, then it will be 16%.

In what case can EF be increased?

  • There is a disabled dependent.
  • Late retirement thanks to a PC.
  • Work in the regions of the far north of the Russian Federation for 15 years.
  • 1st disability group.
  • Reaching 80 years of age.
  • For citizens of certain professions, the fixed payment may be higher.

Old age pension

To do this, you will need FV and StIPK, which can always be found freely available on the Internet. How to calculate your pension yourself? Let's look at an example - we have 80 earned points for the minimum pension. We take the values ​​from 2017, where FV = 4805.11, StIPK = 78.58 and calculate:

Old age pension = 80 x 78.58 + 4805.11 = 11091.11 rubles

Disability pension

The number of rubles in a pension will primarily depend on the disability group, and only then on the size of the insurance pension.

Amount of payments for disabled people since 2015.

1 Group2nd group3 groupIndexing
7870 3935 1967
8767 4383 2191 11,4 %
9117 4558 2279 4 %

In case of loss of a breadwinner

The payment goes exactly disabled citizens– children and wives who are raising young children. In this case, the deceased breadwinner himself must have any seniority. In the event of the loss of a breadwinner, the income level is half that of the main one. For 2017, with a basic PV of 4805.11, the PV for the loss of a breadwinner will be 2402 rubles for each disabled family member.

Military pension

Let's calculate using the formula:

Military pension = (NdVL + OVDZ) x 0.5 +(service more than 20 years, for each the year goes by additional 3%, but not more than 85) x PC + 2%(with each non-indexed year of monetary allowance)

Where: NDVL - additional bonus for length of service. OVDZ - military salary. PC – reduction factor.

When serving in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, military pension, but this requires at least 20 years of experience. Additionally, they can pay for disability and loss of a breadwinner to family members.

There are additional circumstances for receiving a pension:

  • Total experience 25 years or more.
  • The total length of work experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs was 12.5 years.
  • Age from 45 years.
  • Dismissal due to health reasons.

Funded pension

There is a formula:

NP = PN / T

Where: NP – funded pension, PN is the sum of all savings, T is the number of months during which you are expected to be paid a pension (for 2017 this is 240 months (20 years)).

The amount itself comes from:

  • Pension insurance contribution.
  • Results of investing in the fund.
  • Additional contributions from the employer.
  • From maternal capital.

NOTE! Citizens have the right to receive an early pension, but this requires certain conditions.

Example of calculating a funded pension

Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich has accumulated savings of 3,000,000 rubles over 25 years of work. Calculation:

3,000,000/240 = 12,500 rubles.

Checking the amount of pension savings

How to find out the size of your pension? To do this, you will need your personal account number according to SNILS:

  1. We go to the portal - Pension savings -
  2. Next, you will definitely need to register and go through the entire data confirmation procedure. (You will need mobile phone And Email, as well as enter your passport data and SNILS in your personal account).
  3. Once you have fully completed the authentication process, this service will be available to you. Of course, the procedure itself is very tedious, but it is one-time, and you can receive all the information after that in one click.

  1. Then enter in the search bar - "Pension savings".

  1. Next, click on “.
  2. You will be taken to a page where you can find out your pension if you entered your SNILS number in your personal account. If it is not there, then enter it in the required line.

NOTE! If you transferred the savings portion to a non-state pension fund, then you will not find this information here and you need to go to the website of your non-state pension fund.

Male Female

Generally installed retirement age
men - 60 years old, women - 55 years old.
At this age you have the right to apply for an old-age pension.

The generally established retirement age for men is 60 years, for women - 55 years. For citizens entitled to a pension earlier than the generally established retirement age, the age at which the right to a pension arises is lower than the generally established one. Please indicate the length of your expected work experience - from start labor activity until you reach retirement age. Periods of study, childcare and military service by conscription are not taken into account. If your total length of service by 2021 is less than 15 years, then you will not be entitled to an old-age pension, and you (women at 60 years old, men at 65 years old) will be able to apply to the Pension Fund for a social pension, the amount of which is smaller.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The size of the pension under the new formula increases significantly if you postpone applying for a pension to a later date upon reaching retirement age. According to the new formula, the size of the insurance pension increases due to later retirement, that is, by applying for a pension after reaching retirement age or becoming eligible for a pension (for “early retirees”). The insurance pension will consist of the amount of a fixed payment (from February 1, 2015 - 4383.59 rubles) and the insurance part. For each year of later application for a pension insurance pension will increase by the corresponding bonus factors. For example, if you apply for a pension 5 years after reaching retirement age, the fixed payment will increase by 36% and the insurance pension by 45%; if - 10 years, then the fixed payment will increase by 2.11 times, the insurance part - by 2.32 times.

Your future pension is formed only from your official salary. Here you can enter your current salary before personal income tax or the conditional average salary for your entire working life in current prices.
The higher the salary, the higher the pension will be. The main thing is that the salary must be official, that is, “white”. This means that the employer pays insurance contributions to the compulsory health insurance system for you. If you receive an unofficial salary, the employer does not pay contributions, your pension is not formed, and your length of service is not taken into account. According to the new formula, insurance premiums at a rate of 22% are paid from a maximum salary of 66,334 rubles per month.

Military service upon conscription is counted towards the total length of service. For each year of military service under conscription, according to the new pension formula, 1.8 pension coefficients and one year of insurance (non-work) experience are calculated, which is taken into account in your total length of service.

In the new pension formula, periods of leave for children (up to 1.5 years for each of four children) are counted towards the total length of service. According to the new pension formula, the following is calculated: 1.8 pension coefficient per year maternity leave for caring for the first child, 3.6 pension coefficients for the year of maternity leave to care for the second child, 5.4 pension coefficients for the year of maternity leave to care for the third child, 5.4 pension coefficients for the year of maternity leave to care for the fourth child .

No Yes

If you have worked in agriculture for at least 30 years and have remained living in the countryside, the amount of the fixed payment as part of the insurance pension will be increased by 25%.

Please select your tariff.

Please indicate your gender.

According to the law, for citizens born in 1966 and older pension savings are not formed.

Enter another value for your work experience.

Please indicate your year of birth.

Enter a salary higher than minimum size wages in Russian Federation in 2016 - 6,204 rubles.

From 2025, the minimum total length of service to receive an old-age pension is 15 years. The minimum number of earned coefficients for assigning a pension is 30. If in your answers to the questions you indicated less than 15 years of experience or the number of earned coefficients does not reach 30, then you will be assigned a social old-age pension: for women at 60 years old, for men at 65 years old. The old-age social pension today is 4,769.09 rubles per month. In addition, you will receive a social supplement to your pension up to the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of your residence.

If you want to receive more high pension, revise your life plans so that your experience is 15 years or more and you can ultimately earn at least 30 pension coefficients.

Sorry, the calculator is not intended to calculate the size of pensions of current pensioners, citizens who have less than 3-5 years left before retirement.

Since January 2015, another conversion of pension rights has taken place, now into pension points. For the first time since the Soviet period, the conversion of pension rights in Russia was carried out in 2002 - into pension capital.

From January 1, 2015, on the basis of laws No. 400-FZ and No. 424-FZ that came into force on December 28, 2013, the insurance and funded parts of the old-age pension became independent pensions.

We remind you that the funded pension is formed and calculated according to the old principle (it still remains relevant only for citizens born in 1967 and younger), and the insurance pension is calculated according to the new formula - based on the pension points accumulated by the citizen during his working life .

SPS = FV × PC 1 + IPK × SPK × PC 2,

where SPS is the insurance pension.

FV - fixed payment.

PC 1 - bonus coefficient for increasing the fixed payment at a later retirement.

IPC - individual pension coefficient.

SPK is the value of the pension coefficient at the time of registration of the pension.

PC 2 - bonus coefficient for increasing the individual pension coefficient if a citizen continues to work despite reaching retirement age or another condition for the emergence of the right to an insurance pension.

To understand how the old age pension is calculated according to the new formula, let’s consider what its main components are and how they are calculated: a fixed payment (the former basic part) and an individual pension coefficient, as well as who will be entitled to bonus coefficients.

So, with general concepts We have read about how to calculate your future pension. Now let's cover this topic in more detail.

Fixed part of the insurance pension

To calculate an old-age pension, you should know about the existence of a fixed payment (hereinafter referred to as FV) to the insurance pension established by Art. 16 Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013. In 2019, the payment amounted to RUB 5,334.19. This is the guaranteed minimum of the state for every Russian citizen of retirement age. The PV is indexed twice a year: on February 1, taking into account growth consumer prices and April 1 - at the expense of the Pension Fund's income for the previous period. April Fool's compensation is stated in the legislation as possible, and the possibility is determined by the Russian government.

Fixed payment to the insurance pension for various categories of citizens, northern pension

Gr-not entitled to ATP

Number of dependents

PV size (rub.) 1

Under 80 years of age and without a disability

Those who have reached 80 years of age or disabled people of the 1st group

Under 80 years of age and without a disability, worked in the Far North for at least 15 years, insurance experience of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Those who have reached 80 years of age or are disabled in group 1, have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years, have an insurance record of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Under 80 years of age and without a disability, have worked in the Far North for at least 20 years, insurance experience of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Those who have reached 80 years of age or are disabled in group 1, have worked in the Far North for at least 20 years, have an insurance record of at least 20 and 25 years for women and men, respectively

Work experience in agriculture for at least 30 years, not engaged in activities with mandatory pension insurance, live in rural areas 2

1 Amounts are rounded to hundredths of a ruble

Individual pension coefficient - the basis of the insurance pension

The individual pension coefficient (hereinafter referred to as IPC) is an innovation in the practice of calculating pensions. It has become a key component in the formula for a secure old age. One might even say - the basis for a citizen who wants to provide for himself after retirement and live with dignity. The higher the pensioner’s IPC, the greater the chance of achieving this goal.

The IPC is determined at the time of registration of an old-age pension and consists of the sum of the annual pension coefficients (hereinafter referred to as the APC) or pension points accrued to a citizen annually in the process of official work with a “white” salary. That is, for those years when employers transferred insurance premiums to the future pensioner.

New pension legislation also determined other periods for which citizens will be accrued pension points, and provided for coefficients for increasing the IPC and FV - for later registration of the implementation of pension rights.

How is the pension calculated in 2018-2019, are there any differences from the calculation in 2017

Now the formula for calculating the annual pension coefficient looks like this:

GPC = SSP / SSM × 10

Three quantities are involved in the calculation of the GPC:

Don't know your rights?

  1. The amount of insurance pension contributions from a citizen’s annual income (SSP).
  2. The amount of insurance premiums is 16% of the maximum contributory salary, established annually by resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation (SSM).
  3. Multiplier 10. It was introduced for the convenience of calculating pension points. Also, 10 is the maximum number of annual pension points that can be awarded to a citizen in an accounting year.

But future pensioners will be able to receive 10 points per billing year only starting in 2021. And only those who do not participate in the formation of their funded pension.

Maximum values ​​of the pension coefficient by year

Year of granting old-age pension

Maximum value of IPC with contributions to funded pension

Maximum IPC value without contributions to a funded pension

1 When calculating pension coefficients, values ​​are rounded to three decimal places.

When calculating an old-age pension, pension points for all years when the employee received insurance contributions from employers to the compulsory pension fund are summed up and an individual pension coefficient is displayed. The longer a citizen worked and the higher his salary, the higher his IPC will be. Accordingly, the higher the citizen’s IPC, the higher his pension income.

IPC= GPC 2015 + GPC 2016 +…GPC 2030

where GPC 2015 is the number of pension points earned by a citizen in 2015, GPC 2016 - in 2016, etc.

Calculation of individual coefficient: which years are better to take

Let's try to calculate our pension ourselves. As mentioned above, the annual pension coefficient is equal to the ratio of insurance pension contributions from a citizen’s income for the year to the maximum insurance pension contributions established by the state in the accounting year, multiplied by 10. For clarity, we will give examples. But first, let us recall that the total amount of pension insurance contributions paid by the employer to the employee is equal to 22% of his salary. Of them:

  • 6% go to the so-called solidary part Pension Fund, from which a fixed payment (basic part) of the insurance pension is paid to existing pensioners;
  • 16% are intended for the formation of the employee’s insurance pension or, at his request, 10% of them go to the insurance part, and 6% to the funded part.

An example of calculating the CPC with a deduction for an insurance pension of 16% of income

The salary of a citizen in 2018 is 20,000 rubles. per month. The amount of insurance contributions that the employer will pay to the Pension Fund will be equal to: 20,000 rubles. × 12 months × 16% = 38,400 rub.

In 2019, the maximum contributory salary is RUB 796,000. The amount of maximum insurance contributions from an employee’s income is RUB 127,360.

GPC = 38,400 / 127,360 × 10 = 3.015

The annual pension coefficient of a citizen in 2019 will be 3.015 pension points.

An example of calculating the CPC with a deduction for an insurance pension of 10% of income

For clarity, let’s take a citizen with the same wages for 2019. His employer contributes only 10% to the insurance pension, and the remaining 6% goes to the funded pension. The amount of pension contributions to a citizen’s insurance pension for the year will be: 20,000 rubles. × 12 months × 10% = 24,000 rub.

GPC = 24,000 / 127,360 × 10 = 1.884

The annual pension coefficient of a citizen in 2019 will be 1.884 pension points.

Since the size of future pensions directly depends on the value of the civil capital complex, it is clear from the examples that the formula for calculating pension points advocates refusal to participate in the formation of a funded pension.

Additional pension points: how to check the correctness of accrual

In addition to the pension points accrued to a working citizen for the payment of insurance pension contributions by his employer, when calculating the IPC, other periods during which pension contributions were not paid to the citizen are taken into account. For each full calendar year, the GPC is accrued under the following circumstances.

  1. Care of one parent for a child up to 1.5 years old (no more than 6 years in total):
    - for the 1st - GPC = 1.8;
    - for the 2nd - GPC = 3.6;
    - for the 3rd or 4th - GPC = 5.4.
  2. Caring for a disabled child, a group I disabled person, a person over 80 years old - GPC = 1.8.
  3. Military service by conscription - GPC = 1.8.

Point cost

The cost of 1 pension point in 2019 is 87.24 rubles. It will increase annually:

  • February 1 in accordance with the inflation rate over the past year.
  • April 1, according to a formula that includes such values ​​as the amount of revenue to the Pension Fund budget in the form of insurance premiums and federal transfers.

Premium odds

Despite the fact that in Russia the retirement age comes much earlier than in most other countries of the world, Russian legislators have not taken the path of raising the age limit for eligibility for an old-age pension. But they included tools in the pension calculation formula that encourage people to retire later of their own free will.

If a citizen, having reached retirement age and the onset of pension rights, does not encroach on receiving funds from the Pension Fund, that is, does not apply for an insurance pension, but continues to work, the legislation provides for an increase coefficient of the fixed payment to the insurance pension (in our formula PC 1) and an increase coefficient individual pension coefficient (PC 2).

Indicators of bonus coefficients for full months of voluntary deferment of receiving a pension

Number of months

IPC increase coefficient

PV increase factor

120 or more

Based on the above indicators, it is easy to calculate that if a citizen does not apply for an insurance pension within 10 years after becoming entitled to it, then the PV will increase by 2.11, the IPC - by 2.32 times. And the old-age insurance pension will accordingly increase by almost 2.5 times.

Conversion of “old” pension rights into points

Citizens who reached retirement age in 2015 or who will reach it a few years later are worried about what will happen to their pension rights, which until now have been measured in rubles and not in points. The same question worries people who are already receiving an old-age pension - after all, its further indexation will take place on the basis of pension points, which they do not seem to have.

The new pension legislation has provided a formula according to which pension rights formed before January 1, 2015 will also be converted into points:


SCH - the insurance part of the labor pension as of December 31, 2014, excluding the basic and funded parts.

SPK is the value of the pension point at the time of retirement.

The resulting sum of points will either constitute the citizen’s individual pension coefficient if he is already a recipient of an insurance pension or is retiring, for example, in 2019, or will be added together with subsequent annual pension coefficients for the withdrawal of the IPC.

How pension is calculated examples

Let's return to the new pension formula:

SPS = FV × PC 1 + IPK × SPK × PC 2

Now we know how its components are calculated, and we can find out the approximate size of the future pension.

Example 1. Retirement upon reaching retirement age

Citizen Ivanova reaches retirement age in 2017. In 2015, her pension rights were converted to 70 pension points. For 2015-2017, Ivanova will earn another 5 points.

Citizen Ivanova was on maternity leave twice for 1 year to care for a child up to one and a half years old. For her first child she received 1.8 pension points, for her second - 3.6.

By adding up all the pension points, we obtain the IPC of citizen Ivanova at the time of the right to apply for an insurance pension - 80.4 points.

Let’s assume that the minimum amount of a fixed payment (FP) to an insurance pension in 2017 will be 5,000 rubles, and the cost of a pension point (SPK) will be 100 rubles. Citizen Ivanova has no reason to use bonus coefficients, so the formula for calculating her pension looks like this:


We calculate the old-age insurance pension of citizen Ivanova:

5,000 rub. + 80.4 × 100 rub. = 13,040 rub.

Example 2. Retirement after the right to an insurance pension arises

Let's try to calculate the monthly income of a pensioner from the distant future. Let's consider the conditionally ideal accrual option decent pension according to the new formula. After all, as legislators assure us, all their efforts and reforms are aimed at achieving a decent standard of living Russian pensioner. So, let's dream according to the new formula.

Citizen Petrov began working in 2015 at the age of 17 years. After working for a year, he was drafted into the army and served for two years. He was awarded 3.6 pension points for his military service.

Citizen Ivanov received a higher education by correspondence and worked without interruption insurance period before retirement age and 5 years after the right to an insurance pension arises. In total, over 48 years of insurance experience, he earned 400 pension points. Together with the “military” points, his IPC was 403.6 points.

Let us assume that by the time citizen Petrov retires in 2063, taking into account all possible indexations, the PV will be 20,000 rubles. But citizen Petrov worked in the Far North for 20 years, so his financial allowance has been increased by 30% and amounts to 26,000 rubles.

Petrov’s bonus coefficients for 5 years of voluntary pension deferment are: for a fixed payment - 1.27, for an individual pension coefficient - 1.34.

Let the cost of a pension point in 2063 be 600 rubles.

We calculate the old age pension of citizen Petrov, taking into account bonus coefficients:

26,000 rub. × 1.27 + 403.6 × 600 rub. × 1.34 = 324,527.42 rubles.

Of course, it is difficult to imagine what will happen to the ruble by 2063, but today it looks more than decent.

It must be said that the given calculation of the old-age pension according to the new formula is approximate. Not only in the second example, but also in the first. If you want to get a more accurate result, register on the website of the Russian Pension Fund. The Pension Fund already has all the information about the pension rights of officially working or working citizens that have been formed to date, namely the number of years and months of insurance experience and the number of pension points already earned. This information can be viewed in the personal account of the insured person. Enter in pension calculator additional information about the place of your current job and salary, and about other periods for which pension points are calculated. Click the “Calculate” button and you will find out the size of your pension. Plan a well-deserved rest based on the result obtained, if it suits you. Or, if possible, take steps to increase your future pension. Now you know how to do this.

Can I now count on a preferential pension? If yes, how to calculate it?

Does the new pension reform provide preferential pension provision, worries those who worked in hazardous industries, in education, medicine, etc. Yes, today preferential pensions have been preserved.

It is quite natural that such citizens are also interested in how to calculate a preferential pension. Let us say right away that there are no special differences in the calculation preferential pension There is no need to look for the usual calculation, since the same formula is taken as a basis, its size is directly dependent on the amount of accumulated points, which have been taken into account since 2015. Contributions to the compulsory pension insurance system are transferred to these, and the formula is used :

IPO/NPO x 10

IPO - the amount of individual pension contributions for the year,

NPO - the standard amount of pension contributions for the year.

However, it will be much easier not to do independent calculations, but to go to the Pension Fund website and use the pension calculator available there.

The recent pension reform has significantly changed the principle of assigning and forming future pension accruals.

As a general rule, several types of pensions are assigned:

  1. Old-age payments, which are assigned from the age of 55 for women and from the age of 60 for men.
  2. Disability deductions, which can be assigned both childhood, and to the adult population in case of any injuries, injuries, etc.
  3. Survivor benefits that are paid in the event of the death of a family member who was the sole source of income. Most often, such a pension is assigned to widows with children or other dependents who require constant care and attention.

With the introduction of new legislation, pension payments are assigned based on points assigned based on monthly contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; the insurance part of the citizen’s future pension is formed from these funds.

Mandatory conditions for receiving an insurance pension include:

  1. Reaching a certain age on a general basis: 55 years for the female half of society and 60 years for the male half. On a private basis, reaching a certain age depends on working conditions and the characteristics of the assignment early retirement, for example, for length of service.
  2. The age for civil servants to receive pension contributions has been gradually increasing since 2017 and will continue to increase to 63 years for female employees and 65 years for male employees.
  3. The minimum insurance period from 2024 will be 15 years.
  4. Availability of a certain number of pension points. From 2025, the minimum number of points will be set at 30.

An incentive program is also applied to pensioners who do not apply for a pension after they reach the established age. Additional points will be given for working activities after old age.

The insurance pension fund is formed from citizens' salary contributions through a transfer from the employer, as well as in the event that a citizen independently contributes a certain amount of funds to the Pension Fund.

How is the pension calculated?

Since 2015, a new pension reform has been carried out in Russia, thanks to which the size of a citizen’s future pension is determined based on a variety of data about him and his contributions. The previous rules for assigning pensions still exist, but apply only to persons who were born before 1967 inclusive. Other citizens must follow the new principles for assigning pensions.

The insurance pension is calculated by determining the number of pension points that the citizen managed to accumulate during his working life.

The general calculation formula is as follows:


P - the amount of pension payments due to a citizen;

OP - a certain amount of payments due to a citizen for general conditions, established by the state, the so-called. fixed payment;

PKV - an increasing exit coefficient, which is given when applying for an old-age pension if a citizen has not applied for it for a certain amount of time;

IPC is the individual coefficient of a pensioner, which is assigned based on the characteristics of the work;

TsPB - the price of the pension point, which was established during the period of registration of the pension;

PKV2 - an increasing coefficient for pensioners who continue to work despite retirement age and receiving a pension.

The fixed amount of pension accruals is formed by the Government of the Russian Federation and in 2018 is:

The size of the fixed rate in rubles, depending on the category of pensioner

Old age pensioners

Women and men aged 55 and 60 years

Persons who have worked in the Far North for at least 15 years with a total work experience of at least 20 years for women and 25 years for men

Persons who performed labor duties in areas equated to Far North at least 15 years and having a total work experience of at least 20 years for women and 25 years for men

Disability pensioners

Group I

Group II

III group

Survivor pensioners

Complete orphans

Upon the death of one of the parents

For a general calculation using the formula, other data is also required, which can be calculated by the Pension Fund or assigned at the state level.

Minimum work experience

With the introduction of new legislation, the formation of a future pension has changed significantly, and now citizens must comply with a number of rules on which the size of pension accruals depends.

The total amount of pension contributions in the future depends on several important factors, in particular:

  1. The amount of wages officially received by a citizen.
  2. Method of pension provision.
  3. The period of retirement.
  4. Duration and amount of insurance period.

The amount of insurance coverage for retirement increases annually and currently amounts to 9 years.

The general specifics of increasing the insurance period are expressed as follows:

Year of retirement

Amount of insurance period

This definition is associated with the gradual transition of citizens to a new pension system with the final transition to it in 2024.

If a citizen does not accumulate the established insurance period by the year of retirement, then he can count on only a few options for the development of events:

  1. Work until the minimum established insurance period is formed, so that the amount of the insurance part of pension payments is formed from it.
  2. Receive social pension, which is prescribed from age 60 for women and age 65 for men.

The insurance period plays an important role in determining the size of a future pension and, in general, its assignment to a particular person.

What periods are included in the length of service?

The periods included in the insurance period are regulated by Art. 11 Federal Law No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013.

In accordance with the provisions of this regulatory act, the following periods are included in the insurance period:

  1. Periods of labor activity carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. Periods of other activities for which a citizen, independently or through his representative, made contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  3. Periods of work of Russian citizens abroad, if the employer contributed funds to the Pension Fund.

Foreign citizens or stateless persons who, on their own initiative, contributed funds to the Pension Fund account, can count on receiving an insurance pension, within the framework of Art. 4 Federal Law No. 400-FZ.

Citizens who have lost their breadwinner will be able to count on receiving an insurance pension, except in cases of committing a criminal offense against the breadwinner. Moreover, the children of the deceased will be able to receive a pension until the age of 23 if they continue to study in secondary specialized and higher education. educational institutions on a full-time course.

This legislative act also defines the periods during which a citizen did not work, but received insurance experience.

Such non-insurance periods include:

  • completing compulsory military service;
  • caring for a disabled person Group I, a disabled child and a dependent who is over 80 years of age, inclusive;
  • the period during which the wives and husbands of military personnel were in places where the spouse served, where it was impossible to get a job workplace;
  • the period of work of one spouse abroad as an ambassador or consul, during which the second spouse could not find employment;
  • the period of maternity leave for 1-4 children is up to one and a half years old, but the maternity leave in total should not exceed six years;
  • period of receiving unemployment benefits;
  • the time the person is in prison.

These periods of time are recognized as non-insurance and length of service is accrued for them only if the employer or other authorized person made contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as if the citizen carried out work before or after the non-insurance period.

Minimum wage

The amount of the minimum wage for receiving an insurance pension is not established, however, the amount of future accruals depends entirely on the income received by the citizen.

With timely and constant transfer of pension contributions, based on the minimum wage, a citizen can count on receiving a standard pension amount. Moreover, the higher the earnings, the large quantity funds are transferred to the Pension Fund, which means the size of the pension increases significantly.

Today, the minimum wage varies from 9,489 rubles to 26,376 rubles, depending on the region and municipality of the future pensioner.

Coefficients affecting pensions

The size of the pension is affected by the pensioner’s individual coefficient; an established calculation formula is used to determine it.

The formula for the individual coefficient is as follows:

IPC = (Citizen Contributions)/(Maximum Possible Contributions)×10

Citizen contributions are taxes paid by the employer at a rate of 10 or 16%, depending on the choice of the employee. The maximum possible amount of contributions is the maximum possible amount of funds that a pensioner could contribute during his working life at a rate of 16%, established by the state based on the maximum possible number of points and their value.

Every year, the state indexes all citizens’ contributions to the Pension Fund and can increase significantly due to this. The IPC is formed thanks to the official salary, which largely determines the size of the future pension.

How to check if your pension is calculated correctly

You can find such a calculator on the official portal of the Pension Fund of Russia. It includes data on wages, the number of contributions to the Pension Fund, insurance experience and much more. With the introduction of such assistants, calculations began to be made much faster and better, and the likelihood of errors in this case is minimal.

Example of pension calculation

You can understand how the insurance pension calculation system works using this example.

So, a citizen with a salary of 70 tr. can earn the following number of pension points for 2018:

IPC = (70,000 ×12 months ×16%)/(1,021,000 ×16%) ×10=8.22 points

The maximum established number of points that a citizen can receive in 2018 is 8.7, so the 8.22 received will be taken into account in full.

In addition to the detailed formula for calculating the insurance pension, an abbreviated formula is taken into account:


SP - insurance pension;

IPC - individual pension coefficient;

SIPC - the price of one point per year of retirement;

FR - fixed amount of payments.

Today, one pension point is equal to 81.57 rubles.

For example, an employee at the time of retirement has 25 years of insurance experience, which assumes the following number of total pension points:

8.22×25 years=205.5

Based on this formula without taking into account any increasing factors, the calculation can be made as follows:

205.5 ×81.57+4,982.9=21,745.54

A citizen will receive such a pension, but increasing coefficients are not used in the calculation, for example, the number of pension points and their value in a given period of time, since indexation is constantly taking place. More accurate information can be obtained before immediate retirement.

Procedure for applying for a pension

Citizens who have the right to receive pension payments can apply for their appointment at any time after the actual occurrence of such right. You can contact the Pension Fund at the place of registration or stay, regardless of the location of the citizen and government institution.

When applying, an application for a pension is drawn up; the date of application for payments is the date of filing the application, with the exception of cases of filing documents one month before the date of pension rights.

The application is submitted to the authorized bodies in several ways:

  1. Personally by a citizen, when visiting a government agency to draw up a document.
  2. A representative who submits a document on behalf of the applicant.
  3. The employer of a working pensioner.

Review of the application takes about 10 days, after which the applicant is awarded pension payments.

What documents must be provided to apply for a pension?

Documents for assigning a pension vary depending on the type of pension issued.

By general rules, pensioners must provide:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • representative documents, if necessary, if the interests of the pensioner are represented by a third party;
  • insurance certificate of pension insurance.

It is necessary to provide not only originals, but also notarized copies.

To assign an old-age insurance pension, you must provide:

  • papers establishing the duration of the insurance period;
  • extract from personal account;
  • documents establishing the absence of other pension payments;
  • documents on dependents and disabled family members, as well as other papers that are relevant to the assignment of a pension.

General list necessary documents is established by Federal Law No. 400 depending on the circumstances of the purpose of payments.

Receiving an insurance pension is a new phenomenon for Russia, since the transition to a new pension system is a long and complex process that is fully regulated and controlled by the state.