How to clean gold items at home. How to quickly clean gold at home to make it shine. Rules for wearing gold jewelry

Over time, gold jewelry loses its shine and acquires a dark tint: this means it’s time to clean the jewelry. You can contact a jewelry workshop or return the product to its original appearance at home. If you decide to cope on your own, we’ll tell you how to proceed and what nuances to take into account.

Golden ring SOKOLOV 017269_s

Low degree of pollution

(loss of shine, uniform darkening of the metal)

For daily care polishing is suitable for jewelry, giving products a mirror shine and removing small dirt. It removes light plaque consisting of dust, sebum and cosmetics. The polishing method is also indicated if a darkened product needs to be returned to its original shade.

Polish your jewelry with a soft microfiber, flannel or suede cloth using gentle, one-directional strokes, applying only light pressure to the metal. To enhance the effect, use the following improvised means together with a soft cloth:

1. Lipstick

Apply lipstick to fabric or directly to metal and polish. There is no need to wash the jewelry after the procedure.

2. Table vinegar 9%

Rub the item with vinegar, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse the jewelry with water and dry.

Gold ring crown SOKOLOV 017416_s with cubic zirconia

3. Onion juice

Rub the product with juice, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse the jewelry with water and dry.

4. Solution from egg white and beer

For the solution you will need the white of one egg and two teaspoons of beer. Rub the product with the prepared mixture, then rinse the jewelry with water and dry.

5. Magnesia, glycerin, ammonia.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, rub the product with the prepared composition, then rinse the jewelry with water and dry.

Gold long earrings with pendants Vesna jewelry 2342-151-01-00 with diamonds

Average degree of pollution

(plaque and old dirt)

For cleaning jewelry with medium (old plaque) and severe (uneven shade of metal) degree of contamination, soaking in a solution is used.

The method is also ideal for cleaning jewelry with a slight degree of dirt, but a complex design, when there is a need to get rid of plaque in hard-to-reach places.

1. Water, liquid soap, ammonia (10% ammonia solution)

For preparation: glass container, measuring cup, pipette, paper napkin, soft fabric

Mix in 200 ml water room temperature 10-15 drops of liquid soap and 5-10 drops of ammonia. Immerse the jewelry in the solution for 8-10 hours. After the allotted time, remove the products, rinse clean water, dry and polish with a cloth.

2. Water, salt or sugar

For preparation:

Pour 150 ml of hot water into a container, dissolve 50 g of salt or sugar in it and immerse the gold jewelry. After 8-10 hours, rinse the products with clean water and dry.

3. Water and baking soda

For preparation: glass container, measuring cup, measuring spoon, paper towel, soft cloth

Mix water and baking soda in equal proportions to a paste. Gently apply the composition to the product and leave for 2-3 hours. After the allotted time, rinse the jewelry with clean water and wipe with a soft cloth. You should not rub the surface of the product with paste - abrasive particles of soda can damage it.

Engagement ring in white gold SOKOLOV 1011116_s with diamonds

Heavy contamination

(uneven shade due to exposure chemical substances: cosmetics, perfumes and detergents)

1. Water, hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap

For preparation: glass container, measuring cup, teaspoon, paper napkin, soft cloth

Mix two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide (3% concentration) and a teaspoon of liquid soap in 200 ml of water. Immerse the gold jewelry in the prepared mixture for 20 minutes, then rinse and dry.

2. Ammonia (10% ammonia solution) and washing powder

For preparation: glass container, measuring cup, teaspoon and tablespoon, paper napkin, soft cloth

Ammonia can be used in two ways: apply to a cotton pad and wipe the product with it, or prepare a solution based on it.

To prepare the cleaning solution you will need 200 ml of hot water, a teaspoon of ammonia and a tablespoon washing powder(use children's). Immerse the jewelry in the mixture and leave for 2-3 hours, then rinse with water and wipe with a cloth.

Ammonia is also suitable for matte gold products, which are contraindicated for any use, including soft abrasives.

Gold pendant SOKOLOV 035395_s with cubic zirconia

How to clean white gold?

White gold contains silver, manganese, palladium and nickel and is often plated with rhodium to achieve a beautiful shine. Only gentle products are suitable for cleaning jewelry made of this metal.

1. Plaque is removed by soaking in gentle solutions (soap, salt, sugar, soda).

2. Stains different shades Jewelry on the surface cannot always be bleached at home; to remove it, you will have to go to a jewelry workshop.

  • – Yellowish stains are formed due to the destruction of the rhodium coating and are eliminated by galvanization.
  • – Dark stains are formed under the influence of acids and their vapors. Even careful polishing of white gold jewelry can damage the rhodium plating, and it will have to be restored.

Gold wedding couple ring Yaselisa V-1009d with diamonds

How to clean gold with stones?

Jewelry decorated with inserts is capricious. Minerals differ from each other physically and chemical properties and require an individual approach. Therefore, for example, gold with diamonds or pearls should be cleaned differently: choosing the wrong method can cause a change in the shade of the stone, its dullness and destruction.

Stone What is possible What to exclude
Diamond, sapphire rinse in soap solution room temperature, wipe clean ammonia, soft cloth Avoid heating sapphire jewelry
Emerald, ruby, topaz shocks and other mechanical influences (including abrasives), heating
Garnet, amethyst
Aquamarine, peridot wash in a solution based on ammonia or washing powder shocks and other mechanical influences (including abrasives), heat, chemicals (acids, alkalis)
Tourmaline wash in soapy water at room temperature, wipe with a soft cloth shocks and other mechanical influences (including abrasives), heat, chemicals (acids, alkalis)
Turquoise, opal dry clean only with soft fabric or suede any contact with water, shock and other mechanical influences (including abrasives), heat, chemicals (acids, alkalis)
Pearl rinse in clean water, wipe with a soft cloth shocks and other mechanical influences (including abrasives), chemicals (acids, alkalis), heating

Reader Recipes 25.04.2018

Dear readers, every woman, girl, and even men have gold jewelry. And many are familiar with the situation when, over time, the noble shine on jewelry disappears, small scratches become noticeable, and between the inlaid precious stones dust gets clogged.

How can we correct this situation so that jewelry continues to delight us every day? I propose today to discuss how and with what you can clean gold at home. We will choose the simplest and most affordable means.

Why do you need to clean gold jewelry?

Gold is a noble metal and it requires proper and careful treatment. As a rule, when purchasing jewelry, we do not think that we will need to take care of it. And before we start cleaning gold jewelry, let's find out the reason for its darkening.

Jewelers strongly recommend removing jewelry before visiting the sauna, during sports and physical activity if you are at home. But even if the basic rules are followed, gold rings, earrings, and chains lose their original shine over time.

The shine of this metal is like a warm sunbeam, and it disappears with frequent contact with water, aggressive cleaning agents that contain iodine or chlorine. Even when in contact with cosmetics and perfumes, stains appear. Gold must be protected from mechanical damage. Dust gets clogged into small scratches, and the surface precious metal becomes rough, darkening appears.

This problem can be solved with the help of specialists. But it is much more convenient and easier to use simple recipes cleaning gold jewelry at home.

How and with what to clean yellow gold

Chains, earrings, rings of complex shapes with engravings have hard-to-reach places that are difficult to clean mechanically (with a toothbrush, toothpick, napkin). In order to get to “secret” places, solutions that are simply prepared are ideal.

There are several recipes on how to clean gold at home quickly and without hassle. First, prepare a container, preferably glass, for this procedure. It should be deep enough so that the cleaning solution completely covers the jewelry and they are evenly cleaned. I suggest you get acquainted in detail with the most popular recipes. Let's look at options that are suitable for yellow gold.


How to clean gold with ammonia? Our mothers and grandmothers know this method well from Soviet encyclopedias of housewives. To do this, you need to dissolve one tablespoon of pharmaceutical ammonia in 100 ml of water and add a tablespoon of washing powder. After thoroughly stirring and dissolving the small particles, immerse your gold jewelry in the solution. After 2-4 hours, rinse the jewelry with water and place it on a napkin to dry naturally.

Hydrogen peroxide

The second most popular method is hydrogen peroxide. To do this, pour 1 tablespoon of liquid soap and a teaspoon of ammonia and 45 ml of hydrogen peroxide into a glass of boiling water.

The liquid should be mixed well and the jewelry should be placed in the container for 20 minutes. Finish cleaning the gold in the same way as in the first option: rinse with water and transfer to a napkin to dry.

Sugar solution

If you don’t know how to clean gold and silver with improvised means, use regular granulated sugar. To do this, you need to dissolve one tablespoon of sugar in 200 ml of water and lower the gold jewelry to the bottom. After 4-5 hours, take them out and rinse them under running cold water. This is how regular sugar can make jewelry shiny again.

Liquid dishwashing detergent

Dishwashing liquid can be used not only for its intended purpose in the kitchen. Liquid detergent effectively dissolves dirt, which is what you want to achieve when cleaning gold. To prepare the solution, pour 200 ml of water and one tablespoon of the product into a metal ladle.

Then the container must be placed on medium heat and brought to a boil. Then you can transfer the decorations that require cleaning to the ladle and continue boiling for at least 10 minutes. During this time, water bubbles will react with the detergent and remove dirt from the most inaccessible places. Finally, remove the jewelry, rinse it with cold water and wipe with gauze. This method is especially suitable for cleaning gold chains.


At home, every housewife has ordinary table salt, without which not a single dish can do. It can also be great for cleaning gold jewelry at home. The thing is that table salt has drawing properties, which means that it effectively removes dirt from the surface of jewelry.

This method is as easy to implement as the previous ones. All you need is to dissolve 60 g of salt in 150 ml of boiling water. Place your gold jewelry in this solution and leave it overnight.

Cleansing using this method is slower, but more gentle. The next morning, all you have to do is rinse your rings or earrings with water and dry them.

Remember that you cannot rub jewelry with salt, as its small crystals will scratch the shiny surface of the products.

In addition to solutions with soap or alkaline agents, foil can restore the former shine and beauty of your jewelry. It's inexpensive improvised means, which is very easy to use.

Line the bottom of a deep container with metal foil. Pour 500 ml of boiling water 50 g baking soda in a container and place gold jewelry that requires cleaning there and leave it for at least 8-10 hours. In the morning, rinse your jewelry with water and wipe with a towel or cloth.

Toothpaste to restore shine

The list of available tools that will help if you don’t know how to clean gold to make it shine is quite long. One such product is toothpaste, which contains low abrasive substances and foaming components. It is due to this composition that the paste helps to carefully and carefully clean your favorite jewelry.

If you want to use this method, then take a soft toothbrush with big amount bristles (you can’t use it in the mouth afterwards) and apply a small amount of paste. Start brushing your jewelry just like you would your teeth. Duration home cleaning depends on the degree of contamination of the product.

Onion juice

This method has helped many housewives, although it is not so popular. Cut a medium-sized onion in half and rub the fresh cut over the browned garnish. This way you not only act on the metal with juice, but also conduct mechanical cleaning. Leave the jewelry in the rubbed state for 2-3 hours to enhance the effect, and then rinse with water and dry naturally.

IN Lately V jewelry stores can buy ready-made products to add shine to gold jewelry. Among the most popular are the following manufacturers:

  • “Talisman” – paste, liquid, napkins;
  • "Aladdin" - solution;
  • “Sunny metal polish” – cream paste.

As a rule, the price of such funds ranges from 300-500 rubles. Jewelers recommend using special means, when the darkening is too extensive and deeply ingrained.

The advantage of polishing pastes is that they contain no abrasive substances.

These cosmetical tools made on the basis of petroleum jelly, water, vegetable oil, lead carbonate. This means that even with intense rubbing, the product will not be scratched.

In order to clean jewelry, you need to apply a small amount of paste to a soft brush and work the surface with rotational movements. After this, rinse the jewelry with vodka or medical alcohol to remove any remaining grease and wax, and leave to dry on a napkin.

If you are the owner of white gold jewelry, take a closer look at the following tips. White gold darkens faster than yellow gold. And in this case, the methods for cleaning jewelry that were described above will not work.

This is due to the fact that white gold contains several types of metal: copper, nickel, gold, palladium. The surface of the products is coated with rhodium, which is almost completely erased over time.

Given this composition, the care of white gold jewelry should be more gentle. Jewelers recommend cleaning jewelry with ammonia and then wiping with a soft cloth.

Leaving rings and earrings made of white gold in soda-containing or soap solutions is strictly prohibited, as this will worsen the condition of the metal and its appearance.

If you don't want to use aggressive pharmaceutical products, there is an easy way. To do this, add a tablespoon of ammonia and the same amount of shampoo to 100 ml of water. Mix the solution thoroughly and place white gold jewelry that requires cleaning into it. After half an hour, rinse the jewelry thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth. Remember that ready-made cream pastes and powders are not suitable for cleaning white gold, as this can damage the surface.

How to clean gold with stones

If you need to clean gold with stones at home, remember that gemstones come in different hardnesses. Based on these properties, it is necessary to select an appropriate method of cleaning from stains and dirt that will not damage the surface.

The stones are attached to the products using a special glue that dissolves under the influence of hot water.

Cleaning items with stones

Gold products with durable precious stones include: diamond, garnet, diamond, topaz, sapphire, emerald, zircon, ruby. Such jewelry can be cleaned with ordinary detergent, which must be diluted in warm water. Using a soft brush, go over the entire surface of the jewelry and then rinse.

If there are old discolorations or scratches, it is permissible to use purchased products. To restore the former shine of precious stones, jewelers recommend applying a small amount of alcohol to a cotton pad and massaging the gold item.

A clear diamond reflects light better and sun glare, so jewelry with this stone needs to be cleaned monthly. Many people do not know how to clean gold and diamonds and are afraid to do it themselves, fearing for the safety of the product. Solutions based on water and liquid soap are best suited for this purpose. The old one will help speed up the process Toothbrush with soft bristles. remember, that laundry soap provokes darkening of the diamond and worsens the color of gold and platinum.

Jewelers recommend using another method to clean gold with ammonia. To do this, add 6 drops of ammonia to a glass of cold water (200 ml) and immerse diamond jewelry in it for 30 minutes. After half an hour, take out the jewelry and use a cotton swab to wipe the areas around the stones and back side frames Then you need to dip the gold into the solution again for a few seconds and blot it with a napkin.

Malachite, amber, pearls, turquoise, Moonstone, opal, and coral are fragile and require more delicate care. Items containing these jewelry cannot be cleaned with toothpaste, especially with a highly abrasive, hard brush. In order to remove accumulated dirt and add radiance and a noble shine, it is recommended to purchase disposable wipes with special impregnation at a jewelry store.

You can also clean such jewelry at home using soapy water and a soft cloth. In this case, it is not worth leaving the products in water for several hours, since many stones do not tolerate high humidity.

Jewelers warn that gold jewelry with natural pearls should not be cleaned with vinegar, as the acid will corrode the gemstone. The same prohibition applies to ammonia. And in order to quickly restore the shine of the product, moisten a cotton swab with medical alcohol and wipe the surface with quick movements.

How to clean gold plated jewelry

In jewelry stores you can see big choice products made not from standard gold, but only coated with plating. Experts remind that the surface of such jewelry is most susceptible to scratches and darkening and requires appropriate care.

Gold-plated items cannot be cleaned using standard methods that are safe for yellow gold. It is recommended to wipe them with a cotton pad soaked in beer or wine alcohol. Some housewives share their successful experience of using raw egg whites to process jewelry. A weak vinegar solution can also be used to clean gold-plated jewelry. To do this, wipe them with a cotton swab and then rinse them under running cold water.

I hope you found these tips helpful on how to clean gold when it has turned dark at home. All these methods are quite simple to implement. If you follow the basic recommendations of jewelers, gold jewelry with or without precious stones will delight you with its brilliance and beauty for many years.

Dear readers, do you clean gold jewelry yourself? Share your proven methods.

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Every home has at least one gold decoration. Such products require delicate care, including regular cleaning.

Jewelry that has not been properly cared for can be easily distinguished from a new one - it has a dull appearance and lacks shine. Cleaning gold jewelry can be done quickly and easily at home using available products.

Each method given is not only simple, but also effective. After each cleaning, do not forget to rinse the product with water and wipe dry with a cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide

Mix 1 tsp. liquid soap, 2 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 1 glass of warm water. Leave the product in the solution for 20 minutes.


This method is ideal for matte gold items. The matte effect is achieved using special polishing.

When caring for such products, you only need to remove plaque. To do this, the decoration should be immersed in a 25% ammonia solution for 2.5 hours. Afterwards, wash with water and dry with a soft cloth.


Mix 1 tsp. alcohol, 1 tbsp. washing powder and 1 glass of water. Boil the mixture. Place the product in the solution for 2 hours.


Mix 50 gr. soda with a glass of warm water. Cover the bottom of the container with foil and place the decoration there. Pour in the solution and leave overnight.


Prepare a solution from a glass of warm water and 3 tbsp. salt. Leave the contaminated item in the water overnight.

Dishwashing liquid

Add a spoonful of dishwashing liquid to a container of water. Place the product in the solution. Boil it.


Another way is a sugar solution. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar to the water and leave the decorations in the liquid overnight.

Cleaning gold with diamonds and other stones

Jewelry with stones requires delicate care. If you're not sure you can handle the cleaning, leave the job to the professionals.

The following methods are suitable for cleaning gold items with stones:

  • a cotton swab soaked in alcohol or an alcohol-containing liquid, such as vodka;
  • a soft toothbrush soaked in gasoline - this method will help remove dirt from hard-to-reach areas.

How to clean gold until it shines

To make a gold product shine again, polishing helps. It can be done at home:

  • Wipe the product with a velvet or felt cloth. This method may take a long time;
  • use a cloth soaked in vinegar or onion juice;
  • a mixture of egg white and beer is suitable;
  • Some unusual ways are to use a soft eraser or colorless lipstick for polishing.

After polishing, do not forget to wash the product with water and wipe dry.

How to clean white gold

The composition of white gold differs from ordinary yellow gold by the admixture of nickel, silver or palladium - they give the metal a silvery tint. The outside of the product is plated with rhodium. Afterwards this layer disappears.

How not to clean gold

There are many ways to clean jewelry. However, some should be avoided:

  • if there stones, do not use vinegar or acids. Do not wet them with water or rub them with a rough brush.
  • turquoise and coral Do not wipe with alcohol.

To clean white gold, do not use powders, toothpaste or brushes.

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 4 minutes


We’ll tell you in this article how to clean gold at home quickly and effectively, what folk remedies you can use, and how to restore the original shine to your favorite items without damaging the surface.

The loss of the original shine of gold jewelry is explained by several factors: exposure to oxygen, which forms an oxide film; exposure to chemicals contained in household chemicals and chlorinated pool water; microparticles of dust and dirt that get clogged into the smallest, hard-to-reach elements of jewelry.

It is a well-known fact that gold jewelry is not made from pure gold of the highest standard, but from an alloy of gold with copper, silver or other metals. This is due to the fact that pure gold is a soft metal, and additives give it hardness. However, the elements of the alloy make gold prone to aging, the appearance of an oxide film and dullness.

Among the most common causes of contamination of gold jewelry: sebum secreted sebaceous glands, creams and decorative cosmetics, environmental impact - dust and smog.

Having understood the reasons for aging and contamination of gold, you will be able to select The best way cleaning. Anyone can cope with the task at home, just like cleaning silver from blackness.

Features of cleaning gold jewelry

In order for gold jewelry to enjoy its original shine for as long as possible, you will need careful, careful handling and storage. It is recommended to remove jewelry when playing sports, going to the bathhouse, or doing housework that involves using chemicals.

Even following the recommendations, it will not be possible to completely neutralize the negative impact of the environment: water, cosmetics, household chemicals, oxygen and the sun can change the appearance of gold not in better side. Due to mechanical damage, micro-scratches form on the metal, causing the jewelry to lose its shine. Cosmetics and perfumes are the cause of stains on the surface. They also have a detrimental effect on gold. detergents, which contain alkalis, chlorine, iodine.

The cleaning method and product for each product are selected individually. What works for classic yellow gold is not always good for white gold. Special attention pay attention to cleaning products with stones and matte surface. Cleaning smooth rings without inserts will take the least time and effort.

Folk remedies for cleaning gold at home

Every woman has at least one gold piece of jewelry in her jewelry box. Over time, any gold product loses its original shine and needs to be cleaned. It is quite possible to give your favorite decoration its original look at home.


You can quickly and effectively clean gold using a cloth. This is the most economical way. Using a soft fleecy cloth, thoroughly rub the product until shiny. Fleece, flannel or suede are suitable for these purposes.

This will allow you to delicately clean any jewelry. If such care is performed regularly, you will not need professional products and liquids for gold.

The only disadvantage of this method is that the fabric will not cope with old stains, will not dissolve the dark oxide film and will not clean dirt in hard-to-reach places. For these cases, one of many will help folk recipes purification of gold.

Video tips


To add shine to gold using ammonia, you will need the following components:

  • 150 ml of ammonia;
  • 150 ml water;
  • 2 drops of detergent.

All components are mixed and jewelry is placed in the resulting solution for exactly 1 hour. After this, the products are washed in cold water and each one is wiped dry separately. White gold is wiped especially carefully; under no circumstances should moisture remain on it.

Hydrogen peroxide

A solution that will help “rejuvenate” jewelry is a combination of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. It’s easy to prepare: add 3 teaspoons of ammonia, 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and a drop of liquid soap to a glass of water. To prepare the solution, use enamel dishes.

Gold jewelry is soaked in this composition for several hours. After the procedure, films of oxide and old contaminants will be removed from the surface of the product, and a delightful shine will appear. Please note that the product is contraindicated for cleaning jewelry with stones.


You can clean gold at home using ordinary foil. This is a very simple but effective method. In a deep container, place a layer of foil on which we place the decorations. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of soda in a glass of water and pour the resulting solution into the gold jewelry for 10-12 hours. All that remains is to rinse the gold with running water and wipe dry with a soft fleecy cloth.


Place gold items in a small container of water and bring to a boil. Add table soda in the proportion of 1 tbsp. spoon of soda in 1 glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. After this, the jewelry is brushed, rinsed and dried.

There is a known method of cleaning gold directly with soda with the addition of vinegar. However, it is not recommended to use it, because direct mechanical contact of soda particles with gold leaves micro-scratches that are not in the best possible way will affect appearance products.


Salt can be found in any kitchen, so this method of cleaning gold jewelry is the most accessible and cheapest. A saline solution is prepared from 0.5 cups of hot water and three tablespoons of salt. Gold items are placed in it at night. In the morning, wash with water and wipe dry. This method is suitable for small stains; it will not cope with old stains.

Coca Cola

Many have heard about non-standard ways to use the popular drink Coca-Cola. One of these unusual methods is gold purification. Coca-Cola contains a high concentration of acid, which dissolves plaque. Gold jewelry is placed in a small container and poured into the drink for one hour. After this, just rinse the product with water and dry.

Lemon acid

Another great plaque remover is citric acid. To clean jewelry, prepare a concentrated solution citric acid and boil gold jewelry in it for about 10 minutes. Then they are washed with running water, and the products will shine as on the day of purchase.


Toothpaste and tooth powder contain substances with abrasive properties and, therefore, capable of cleaning metal. Toothpaste contains foaming elements that soften the impact of abrasives.

Gold is cleaned according to the same principle as teeth: a paste is applied and brushing is carried out using the usual movements. Use the softest brush.

Purification of gold using purchased products

If you don’t have the time and desire to prepare mixtures for cleaning gold yourself or boil them in solutions and rub them with toothpastes, you can use specialized products that are widely available in stores.

The products are available in the form of pastes, liquids, and impregnated wipes. The main thing when choosing is to consider what metal it is intended for and whether it is suitable for processing natural stones and various inserts.

Video instruction

If the instructions indicate that the product is suitable for processing gold, you should use it without touching the stones.

How to clean gold with stones to make it shine

For complete care jewelry you need to know how to clean gold and various inserts from precious and semi-precious stones. Stones require special handling. For example, some stones are not afraid of the effects of water and a number of chemicals, but for others it is destructive.

Products containing diamonds, zirconium or cubic zirconia can be cleaned in soapy water or using ammonia and vinegar. Diamonds will benefit from light brushing with a soft-bristled brush.

They can be wiped with a flannel cloth. Lapis lazuli, rubies and opals can be washed in a weak solution of water and baby soap.

  1. Most opaque stones are recommended to be treated with a special napkin or soft cloth.
  2. Stones cannot be immersed in water if they are fixed to the product with glue.
  3. To clean dirt from hard to reach places, use cotton buds, soaked in a special composition, which is sold in jewelry stores.

Besides proper care, careful handling is important for the safety of jewelry. It is worth remembering and following simple rules:

  • It is necessary to store gold in a box, away from direct heat sources and away from sunlight;
  • Products should not come into contact with each other during storage. If you don’t have a special box with sections, you can separate the jewelry using soft fabric, such as flannel;
  • Before doing household work using household chemicals, you need to remove all jewelry.

The main advice for caring for gold jewelry at home is simple: you should treat your favorite jewelry with care, and care should be constant. Then they will delight not only you, but also your children and grandchildren with their brilliance.

Chains and earrings, bracelets and rings - jewelry brings a whole sea of ​​pleasure. But the shine of all these “trinkets” can fade very quickly if you don’t make an effort. Learn how to clean gold at home and enjoy its beauty.

For cleaning gold rings and chains at home, you will certainly find these folk recipes useful!

Powder, ammonia and water

Cleaning with ammonia will take several hours, but your accessories will simply sparkle!

    • Ammonia – 1 tsp;
    • Water – 200 ml;
    • Powder – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Step 1. Pour boiled water into a deep plate.
  • Step 2: Add laundry detergent.
  • Step 3. Add ammonia.
  • Step 4. Mix well.
  • Step 5: Place the rings in water for about 2 hours.
  • Step 6: Rinse and dry with a soft cloth.

Dishwashing liquid

Another good method which will allow you to cope with even severe dirt.

Hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap

    • Water – 200 ml;
    • Peroxide – 40 g;
    • Liquid soap – 1 tsp;
    • Ammonia – 1 tsp.

  • Step 1. Warm up the water slightly.
  • Step 2: Add all ingredients.
  • Step 3. Pour the solution into a deep bowl.
  • Step 4: Immerse the gold for about 20 minutes.
  • Step 5: Rinse and dry them.


You can also clean gold jewelry with kitchen salt. It's very easy to do!

By the way, salt in this recipe can be replaced with sugar. The effect will be exactly the same.

Foil, soda and water

These simple ingredients, found in every kitchen, will make gold shine.

Borax solution

If your gold chain is very dirty, try cleaning it with this effective product.

  • Step 1. Soak a piece of silk fabric in the borax solution.
  • Step 2: Lightly polish the jewelry.
  • Step 3. Rinse them and rub them until shiny.

Chalk and ammonia


How to clean gold without harm and without scratches? Take table vinegar, soak a clean cloth in it, wipe the dirty areas, rinse and dry.


Very unusual way, but quite effective!

  • Step 1: Apply some light lipstick to the gold ring.
  • Step 2. Walk it over the entire surface.
  • Step 3: Polish the ring until it shines with a piece of velvet.

Onion juice

  • Step 1. Squeeze the juice from the onion.
  • Step 2. Dampen a napkin in it.
  • Step 3. Wipe the jewelry, rinse in clean water and dry with a soft cloth.

Special cleaning paste

How to properly clean jewelry with stones?

Not suitable for gold items with stones classical methods cleaning. And such products cannot be placed in water. You will need gasoline, cologne or alcohol.

  • Step 1. Dip a cotton swab in any of these liquids.
  • Step 2: Use smooth movements to clean the stones. It is better to do this with a rag, as sharp objects can damage the frame.
  • Step 3. Wipe the jewelry with a clean cloth and dry.

How to clean gold with a matte surface?

Jewelry of this type is becoming more and more popular, but you need to take care of it very carefully. Powders and hard brushes are not suitable for these purposes. We advise you to stock up on lime and ammonia.


  • Lime – 1 tsp;
  • Soda - half a teaspoon;
  • Water – 1 tsp;
  • Salt is on the tip of the knife.
  • Step 1: Combine dry ingredients.
  • Step 2: Add warm water.
  • Step 3. Leave the mixture for 3-4 days.
  • Step 4: Place the gold in this solution for a few hours.
  • Step 5: Rinse and dry.