Where the lights on the Christmas tree were first lit. The history of the Christmas (New Year) tree from the 16th century to the present day. Why is the Christmas tree decorated for the New Year? Where did this custom come from?

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a New Year's holiday without snow and spruce. But a few centuries ago, an evergreen tree was not an attribute of the New Year, and the holiday itself in Russia was celebrated in September.

The tradition of decorating the New Year's tree is known from Celtic legends. The ancient Slavs decorated oak or birch instead of a Christmas tree.

In Europe it is a tradition to meet New Year with green beauty began in Germany with an ancient German legend about trees blooming magnificently during the winter cold. Soon, decorating Christmas trees became fashionable and spread to many countries of the Old World. In order to avoid massive deforestation, artificial spruce trees began to be produced in Germany in the 19th century.

Old Christmas card

Sergey Korovin. Christmas

In Russia new year tradition came on the eve of 1700, during the reign of Peter I, who gave the order to switch to a new calendar (from the Nativity of Christ) from January 1, 1700 and to celebrate the New Year on January 1, and not September 1. The decree stated: “...On large and well-traveled streets, for noble people and at houses of deliberate spiritual and worldly rank, make some decorations in front of the gates from trees and branches of pine and juniper... and for poor people, each one should put at least a tree or branch on the gate or above his temple [house] ... »

After the death of the king, the instructions were preserved only regarding the decoration of drinking establishments, which continued to be decorated with Christmas trees before the New Year. Taverns were identified by these trees. The trees stood near the establishments until the next year, on the eve of which the old trees were replaced with new ones.

Heinrich Manizer. Christmas tree auction

Alexey Chernyshev. Christmas tree in Anichkov Palace

The first public Christmas tree was installed in the building of the Ekaterininsky Station (now Moskovsky) in St. Petersburg only in 1852.

IN different times and Christmas trees were decorated in different ways: first with fruits, fresh and artificial flowers to create the effect of a flowering tree. Later, the decorations became fabulous: gilded cones, boxes with surprises, sweets, nuts and burning Christmas candles. Soon, handmade toys were added: children and adults made them from wax, cardboard, cotton wool and foil. And at the end of the 19th century it was replaced wax candles Electric garlands arrived.

During the First World War, Emperor Nicholas II declared the Christmas tree tradition “enemy.” After the October Revolution, the ban was lifted, but in 1926 the government of workers and peasants again eliminated the “Christmas tree” tradition, considering it bourgeois.

Christmas tree in the Column Hall of the House of Unions. 1950s TASS photo chronicle

New Year tree in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Photo: N. Akimov, L. Porter / TASS Photo Chronicle

Only in 1938, a huge 15-meter Christmas tree with ten thousand decorations and toys appeared in Moscow, in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions. They began to install it annually and hold children’s events there. new year holidays, called “New Year trees”. Since 1976 main Christmas tree country became a tree installed in the State Kremlin Palace. Kids in New Year's hats near the tree. Photo: T. Gladskikh / photobank “Lori”

What is a Christmas tree? This is a coniferous tree. Its representatives are spruce, fir, larch, cedar, pine, sequoia, yew, cypress, and kauri. Some of them have needle-shaped leaves and cones. These plants are mostly evergreen. Of the trees listed above, only larch sheds its leaves in the autumn. The rest retain dark green foliage throughout the year.

If we talk about the New Year tree, then the festive streets and homes of people are decorated with spruce, pine and fir. Lately appeared and artificial trees. Their advantage over natural ones is that they do not crumble, and they also serve their owners for many years, which undoubtedly contributes to savings.

When did the history of the New Year tree begin? The custom of decorating houses with trees has its roots in ancient times. From time immemorial, people believed that the symbol of human civilization is World tree. This is the basis of all life on Earth. This concept appeared thousands of years ago and is inherent in all peoples living on the planet without exception.

Different peoples worshiped and different trees. In Ancient Greece, the cypress tree was considered sacred. The ancient Romans treated the fig tree or fig tree with respect. They also revered the dogwood, since it grew especially densely on the slopes of the Palatine. This is one of the seven hills of Rome. According to legend, the “eternal city” was founded on it. The Eastern Slavs revered the birch tree. In addition to this tree, they also respected oak, spruce, and pine.

All these beliefs, legends, customs became a prelude to the fact that Christmas trees appeared in people's homes. The first of them took their rightful places in the squares of German cities back in the 12th century. Until this time, trees had not been cut down. The Germans chose high ground in the forest beautiful spruce and decorated it with colored material. IN New Year's Eve the townspeople went to this tree and performed rituals near it.

Then someone decided that walking into the forest was unnecessary. Trees began to be cut down and transported to cities. They were installed in squares and the same rituals were performed near them. Thus, New Year trees settled next to people's homes.

From the Catholic German lands to the Baltic peoples it was a stone's throw. The Baltic states in those distant times were inhabited by numerous tribes of pagans. But the eastern German lands belonged to the monastic knightly orders - the Teutonic and Sword Bearers.

The knights-monks were distinguished by their cruelty and aggressiveness. They sought to conquer the Balts and convert them to the Catholic faith. But the invaders clearly did not have enough strength. In the 13th century, the Sword Bearers and the Teutonic Order united and formed a single Livonian Order. The knights' strength doubled. They also entered into an alliance with the Livs (one of the Baltic tribes). After this, successful expansion to the East began.

As a result of wars of conquest, the Germans managed to conquer most of the Baltic lands (the modern states of Latvia and Estonia). The aggressors called this entire territory Livonia. The pagan peoples came under the undivided power of the Catholic Church.

They were forced to change their faith, but managed to preserve their customs and traditions. True, they were partially modified, taking into account the influence of Christian beliefs. New ones also appeared, but taking into account local conditions and legends.

One of these customs was the Christmas tree. But the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree arose in Riga at the very beginning of the 16th century. Candles, various sweets and painted wooden Toys. At the end of the holiday, the tree was burned.

The custom of erecting a Christmas tree gradually spread throughout Europe. In Russia, the New Year holiday began to be celebrated in 1700. The initiator was Peter I. The emperor introduced a new calendar for the country. They began to count the years from the birth of Christ. In Europe, a similar practice developed back in the 10th century. In the Russian lands, time was counted from the creation of the world.

Santa Claus and
Snow Maiden

Peter I issued a special decree in which he ordered festivities to be held everywhere at night from December 31 to January 1. To do this, put up Christmas trees in houses, congratulate friends and strangers Happy New Year, light bonfires, organize masquerades and set off fireworks. But at first, the New Year holiday did not take root in the homes of Russian people. Immediately after the death of the emperor, the people abandoned Christmas trees and fireworks.

This tradition was revived only during the time of Catherine II. There is no coercion here anymore new year celebrations gradually spread throughout Russia.

The process took a long time. Only in the 50s of the 19th century did they begin to celebrate the New Year with Christmas trees in all corners of the vast empire. But they began to decorate coniferous trees only in the second half of the 19th century. The first Christmas tree with toys and candles was installed in 1852 in St. Petersburg.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the New Year tree was “firmly established” in Russia and became an indispensable attribute of the Christmas holiday. It all ended in 1927, when the communists declared a fight against the relics of the past. Christmas was cancelled, categorically declaring that only enemies of the world revolution could celebrate it.

This continued until December 1935, when an article appeared in the Pravda newspaper. Its author was P.P. Postyshev, one of the leaders of the Communist Party. He called for the revival of an old and good custom, citing the fact that the New Year tree would be a wonderful entertainment for the children of workers and peasants. During tsarism, the poorest segments of the population were deprived of the opportunity to celebrate the coming year near the Christmas tree, but under the new government, every child can join in the magnificent winter holiday.

Thus, from January 1, 1936, in Russia they again began to put up New Year trees in all houses. True, they were forbidden to call them Christmas trees, since Christmas was a church holiday, but this did not change the essence. The first New Year tree was erected on Red Square in Moscow in 1954. And these days, the entire Russian land celebrates the New Year with pleasure, and Christmas trees are an invariable attribute of night fun.

In the USA, the New Year holiday with Christmas trees began to be celebrated at the very beginning of the 19th century. The initiative came from immigrants from Germany. In 1840, enterprising businessmen first organized the sale of decorations for evergreen trees. And in 1851, felled Christmas trees appeared for free sale in New York shopping areas.

The first Christmas tree was installed in the White House in 1854 under the 14th President of the United States, Franklin Pierce. In 1924, the 30th President of the United States, John Calvin Coolidge, began the ceremony of lighting the lights on the Christmas tree installed on the lawn directly in front of the White House. Nowadays in America there is a special Christmas tree association. On the eve of each New Year, its leaders give the presidential couple the most magnificent coniferous beauty.

In the 21st century, New Year trees are installed in the central squares of the largest cities in the world. These evergreen trees are decorated by the best designers. Huge luminous garlands are an invariable attribute of every Christmas tree. For reference, it should be noted that the first garland consisting of incandescent light bulbs was invented by Ralph Morris (a simple English telephone operator) in 1895.

In Rome, the Christmas beauty is placed in St. Peter's Square. In London, Trafalgar Square in the very center of the city is used for this purpose. In New York it is Rockefeller Center. But in Rio de Janeiro, a floating Christmas tree is being installed on Lake Lagoa. The tallest Christmas tree in the world was installed in Mexico City in 2009. Its height reached 110 meters. In Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE, the Christmas tree was decorated with balls made of pure gold in 2010. The cost of this pleasure was almost 12 million dollars.

The New Year tree is unthinkable without Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka. These are Slavic characters. They are inherent in Russia. In Canada and the USA it is Santa Claus. In Germany Weihnachtsmann, in Hungary Mikulas, in Bulgaria Dyado Koledo. In each country, Santa Claus is called differently. They all give gifts to children or leave them under the tree.

The coniferous beauty has firmly settled in people's homes. Each family tries to decorate it as original as possible. Nowadays, New Year is unthinkable without a Christmas tree. She is present in apartments, shopping centers, offices, airports, train stations and creates a unique aroma of the New Year holiday. It seems that the history of the New Year tree will continue and will surprise humanity more than once with something new and unusual.

The history of the New Year tree goes back many millennia. The “prototype” of this charming and elegant heroine of the New Year holidays was the World Tree. In ancient times, it symbolized the structure of the world and was itself considered the center of the universe. Its roots, going deep into the earth, are the underworld. Its powerful trunk with branches is our earthly world, its crown stretching into the heavens is Paradise, man’s connection with the Higher Powers. U Slavic peoples The World Tree was associated with the birch tree, and among the ancient Egyptians - with the palm tree. In Greece, the center of the world was represented by a cypress tree, in Rome by a fig tree, and among the Celtic peoples by mistletoe.

The tradition of decorating houses with trees finally formed only in the Middle Ages. Day winter solstice(December 22, the shortest day of the year) was considered special because it was believed to be the birthday of Adam and Eve. Therefore, in the old days, on this day, people installed evergreens decorated with red apples in their homes. However, instead of real apples, glass balls and other round toys began to be hung on coniferous holiday trees already in the 15th century.

New Year tree - a symbol of New Year and Christmas

Around the same time, the spruce becomes a symbol of Christmas (which is celebrated on December 25 and almost coincides with the birthday of Eve and Adam). According to written sources, for the first time a decorated tree was installed for the Christmas holidays in the German city of Strasbourg, at the beginning of the 16th century. Over the course of several centuries, this beautiful tradition spread throughout Europe. And by the beginning of the 19th century it reached America.

New Year tree in Rus'

In Rus', the first New Year tree appears thanks to Peter I. In 1699, he issued a decree to calculate chronology, as is customary in European countries, from the Nativity of Christ. And celebrate the onset of the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1 with magnificent celebrations with decorated Christmas trees, fireworks and feasts. True, this tradition took root in Rus' for a very long time, more than 100 years. For many people, the symbol of the New Year (which was celebrated on March 1 before the Peter the Great era) remained the Russian birch tree. The first “state” tree in honor of the New Year holidays was installed only in 1881, by order of Grand Duchess Alexandra Feodorovna.

For some period of time after the 1917 revolution, the New Year Tree was considered a bourgeois relic. But since 1935, the tradition of celebrating the New Year with her has returned. Nowadays, during New Year's celebrations, elegant Christmas trees decorate not only all houses, but also the main squares of many capitals of the world. Moreover, some trees look very unusual!

The most unusual New Year trees

Floating artificial Christmas tree on Lake Lagoa in Rio de Janeiro. Its weight is more than 530 tons. This Christmas tree is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Christmas tree in Mexico City 2009. Its height is 110 meters (40-story building, 1/3 of the Eiffel Tower), and the weight of the toys is more than 300 tons.

Christmas tree in Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates, installed in 2010. She was decorated with balls made of pure gold and silver. It is considered the most expensive Christmas tree in the world.

However, even the smallest and most modest Christmas tree will definitely bring joy and a feeling of a real holiday to your home. After all, the New Year is already unthinkable without this charming living tree, a beautiful symbol of Eternity and Infinity of the World.

Natalia Kuznetsova
Presentation “The History of the New Year Tree”

On furry prickly paws

The Christmas tree brings you into the house smell:

The smell of heated pine needles,

The smell of freshness and wind,

And the snowy forest,

And a faint smell of summer.

Yu. Shcherbakov

Now we can't imagine meeting New years without its symbol - fluffy evergreen beauty spruce. It is installed in every home, decorated with toys, tinsel and garlands. The fragrant smell of fresh pine needles, the taste of tangerines - this is what is associated with New Year's celebration. The children find their gifts under the Christmas tree. At matinees, round dances are performed around her and songs are sung. But this was not always the case.

Where did it come from in Rus'? Christmas tree? -

Our ancestors believed that all trees are alive and spirits live in them. There was such custom: at the end of December people went into the forest, chose the most fluffy and tall tree, decorated it with multi-colored ribbons and made various offerings. Then they danced around and sang ritual songs. Ancient Slavs instead Christmas trees dressed up oak or birch.

One day before Christmas, a poor lumberjack took in a little boy who was lost in the forest. He warmed, fed and left the lost child to spend the night. The next morning the boy disappeared, and in his place he left a small coniferous tree at the door. Since then, spruces have become the main Christmas attribute.

The custom of erecting a Christmas tree appeared in the country during the reign of Peter I.

The Russian Tsar issued a decree that the nobility should decorate their houses with pine and juniper trees and branches before Christmas. On January 1, it was also ordered to launch rockets, arrange fireworks and decorate the capital's buildings with pine branches.

At different times and Christmas trees were decorated in different ways: first with fruits, fresh and artificial flowers. Later decorations became fabulous: gilded cones, boxes with surprises, sweets, nuts and burning Christmas candles. Soon toys made by their own were added hands: children and adults made them from wax, cardboard, cotton wool and foil. And at the end of the 19th century, electric garlands replaced wax candles.

Now Christmas trees installed in all large areas. The largest in our country New Year's Christmas tree is the Kremlin Christmas tree in Moscow

Christmas tree (excerpt)

Shaggy branches bend

Down to the children's heads;

Rich beads shine

Overflow of lights;

Ball hides behind ball,

And star after star,

Light threads are rolling,

Like golden rain.

Play, have fun

The children have gathered here

And to you, beautiful spruce,

They sing their song.

And, sparkling, it sways

Christmas tree lavish decoration.

R. Kudasheva

Slide9, 10, 11

Christmas tree (a game)

There's one game for you:

I'll start the poem now.

I'll start, you finish!

Answer in unison.

It's snowing outside,

Holiday is coming soon.

New Year!

The needles glow softly,

The pine spirit is coming.

From Christmas trees!

The branches rustle faintly,

The beads are bright.

They sparkle!

And the toys swing -

Flags, stars,...


Threads of colorful tinsel,


Fragile fish figures,

Birds, skiers,...

Snow Maidens!

Whitebeard and Rednose

Under the branches.

Father Frost!

And, decorating the top,

It shines there, as always,

Very bright, big,


Well, the Christmas tree is simply marvelous!

How elegant, how...


So they lit up on it -

Hundreds of tiny ones.

E. Blaginina

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for the holiday “Miracles at the New Year’s Tree” (middle group) Children run into the hall to the music. Presenter: Happy New Year, both big and small. We wish everyone happiness, goodness and frosty clear days.

Dear Maamites! We contact you with wishes for New Year's miracles and winter tales, amazing New Year's mood! December.

New Year's holiday "Miracles at the New Year's tree"“I approve” the head of MBDOU “Bee” ___ O. M. Antontseva “___” ___ 2017 Scenario of a New Year's party for children of the middle group.

“We’ll start a round dance like at the New Year’s tree.” Matinee in kindergarten“Like at the New Year’s tree we will start a round dance” ( New Year's party for children 3-4 years old) Characters: Presenter, Santa Claus, Snowman. Hall.

New Year's Eve celebration in the second junior group Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle. Presenter: Winter brought us a joyful holiday, the Green Christmas tree came to visit us.

The history of the New Year (Christmas) tree for primary schoolchildren.

Khamidulina Almira Idrisovna, teacher primary classes MBOU pro-gymnasium "Christina" Tomsk.
Purpose: This material will be of interest to teachers, educators, as well as parents in preparation for the New Year (Christmas) holidays.
Target: acquaintance with the history of the celebration of the New Year, Christmas, and the history of the New Year (Christmas) tree.
Tasks: develop interest in the history of the New Year and Christmas holidays, cultivate respect for folk traditions.

Today it is impossible to imagine the New Year holidays without beautiful Christmas tree in the house. Lush, elegant fir trees decorate not only apartments, but also shops, shopping centers, offices, hospitals, squares, and in almost all countries. Near the luxurious tree, performances and performances are organized for children, making the holiday even more desirable and fabulous. It is believed that the tradition of decorating trees originally appeared among the Celts, who worshiped them. Treating the tree as a symbol of life is a tradition older than Christianity, and not belonging to any particular religion. Long before people began to celebrate Christmas, the Romans decorated their houses with green leaves in honor of the god of agriculture. And the inhabitants Ancient Egypt in December, on the shortest day of the year, they brought green palm branches to their homes as a symbol of the victory of life over death. During the winter solstice festival, the Druid priests hung golden apples on oak branches. In the Middle Ages, an evergreen tree with red juicy apples was a symbol of the holiday of Adam and Eve, which was celebrated on December 24th.
Before Christmas
Valentin Berestov
"And why are you, my stupid baby,
Nose pressed to the glass,
You sit in the dark and look
Into the empty frosty darkness?
Come with me there,
Where a star shines in the room,
Where with bright candles,
Balloons, gifts
The Christmas tree in the corner is decorated!" -
“No, soon a star will light up in the sky.
She will bring you here tonight
as soon as Christ is born
(Yes, yes, right to these places!
Yes, yes, right in this frost!),
Eastern kings, wise magicians,
To glorify the child Christ.
And I already saw shepherds through the window!
I know where the barn is! I know where the ox is!
And a donkey walked down our street!”
The Christmas tree was first used in Germany at the beginning of the 8th century. This was facilitated by Saint Boniface, who, while reading a sermon on the Nativity of Christ, decided to prove that the oak is not a sacred tree. To do this, he cut down a tree, which, having fallen, broke nearby trees and did not affect only the young spruce. The monk glorified the spruce as the tree of Christ, and later it became the main attribute of the holiday. Until now, the green beauty is a decoration of the New Year and Christmas holidays. Initially, many decorated trees symbolized the Garden of Eden, then they became a symbol of hope and revival, and over time they turned into a beautiful and popular tradition, which is now impossible to do without. By the way, in addition to Christmas trees, fir and pine trees, other evergreen trees are also used for decoration and shrubs, for example, holly and mistletoe. Their branches decorate the house.
In 1561, during the Christmas holidays in Germany, young spruce trees were planted and, according to German sources, people were allowed to place one tree in their home. A little later, it began to be used as the main decoration in homes at Christmas, while it was decorated with various paper homemade toys and apples, sweets that symbolized the fruit of paradise. In Protestant countries, spruce also became the main attribute of the Christmas holidays.
Historical sources say that Martin Luther himself, on his way home, noticed the shine of stars against the background of fir trees, and this brought him into extraordinary delight. Arriving home, he decided to show his vision to his loved ones. Having put up the tree, he placed candles on it and set them on fire, after which Christmas trees in every house began to be decorated with candles. The Christmas tree was brought to England by the German Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria. Also, with German immigrants, the spruce appeared in America. First time decoration electric garlands street trees appeared in Finland at the end of 1906.
In our country, the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree appeared thanks to Peter I. It was he who first ordered to decorate houses with Christmas trees or at least fir branches, adopting a beautiful tradition in Western countries. Many more years passed before decorating the Christmas tree turned from an obligation into a desirable one. holiday tradition, because initially this rite belongs to Catholics, and in Russia the main religion is Orthodoxy.
A live Christmas tree looks so beautiful at Christmas that people gradually began to like this tradition. Today, the Christmas tree is an integral symbol of all New Year holidays.
What do they mean Christmas decorations? Remember the Star of Bethlehem? It is symbolized by the star that traditionally adorned the top of the spruce tree; it was through it that people learned about the birth of Jesus Christ.

IN Soviet times in our country, the star gradually turned into a small copy of the Kremlin stars, but today its shape has simply ceased to be so strict. “Fairy lights” are modern New Year’s garlands. They appeared for a reason, because they have long symbolized the spirits of relatives who have passed on to another world and simply kind otherworldly creatures who, with their presence, protect the house and bring joy to it. Before the advent of electric New Year's garlands Candles were very popular.
Previously, the Christmas tree was decorated with a variety of delicacies: dried fruits, candies, marzipans, candied nuts, to the delight of children and as a symbol of prosperity and abundance. Well, then they were gradually replaced by figurines of angels, glass balls and other toys. Nowadays there is a very wide variety of Christmas tree decorations.

Thus, the New Year (Christmas) tree used to symbolize many things, but today the meaning of many symbols has been lost, and it has remained just a beautiful tradition, an indispensable home decoration, bringing the smell of holiday and joy into our homes!
God's tree
G. Heine
Brightly with star rays
The blue sky shines.
- Why, tell me, mom,
Brighter than the stars in the sky
On the holy night of Christmas?
Like a Christmas tree in a mountain world
This midnight is lit
And diamond lights,
And the shine of radiant stars
Is she all decorated?
- Truth, my son, in God's heaven
On this holy night
A Christmas tree is lit for the world
And full of wonderful gifts
For the family, she is human.
Look how bright the stars are
They shine for the world there, in the distance:
The holy gifts shine in them -
For people - goodwill,
Peace and truth are for the earth.
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas to you!!!