Grunge examples. Grunge clothing style is a daring and fashionable look. Grunge in men's clothing

The grunge style denies classical tenets, glamor and luxury. Its founder is considered to be Kurt Cobain, who exploded public morality not only with incendiary music, but also with daring clothes. At his instigation they became fashionable ripped jeans, worn jackets and flannel shirts. From the outside, the grunge style in clothing seems like something from the nearest trash heap, but upon closer inspection, you can recognize expensive brands from famous fashion houses. Quite recently, only young people flaunted stretched sweaters, torn tights, sundresses with a stretched hem, but now the trend has captivated fashionistas who have crossed the age of 40.

The grunge style combines several trends that complement each other. It combines notes of hard rock, simplicity of hippie culture, softness of software, elements of vintage and military. Most often, dark and light colors predominate, natural fabrics without glitter and tinsel. Small patterns and checkered designs are welcome.

All components of the grunge style in clothing create a single image, although they seem incompatible with each other. They select an outfit according to the unity of fabric, texture, silhouette, prints, complementing with accessories.

Main features of the style:

  • multi-layering - several things are selected for the exit, each layer should look out from the previous one. For example, first a stretched T-shirt, sweater, vest, and a long scarf will complete the look;
  • a combination of unsuitable things in style. It is difficult to draw the line between military and grunge, so it is allowed to use things of different styles;
  • comfort - grunge clothes are comfortable to wear and do not cause discomfort. Nothing can throw followers of the style out of balance, and torn edges of shirts and holes in tights become the “highlight” of the look;
  • natural fabrics - clothes in the grunge style create the appearance of a beggar in items from expensive brands;
  • muted tones - it is allowed to use a palette of white, muted blue, gray brown, black. The style excludes neon shades and bright prints;
  • patches and holes - abrasions, pilling, and tears are considered a sign of style.

Adherents of the grunge style discard everything shiny that distracts attention from a person. There should be no rhinestones, decorations or embroidery on clothing. Grunge did not remain in the past along with the rock culture of the 90s. It continues to develop, giving a person the right to self-expression, allowing him to stand out among the gray crowd. The style has divided into several directions, giving you the opportunity to choose a suitable image for yourself.

Types of grunge style:

  • Rock grunge is a challenge to glamour. The wardrobe contains only branded items made from high-quality materials, but with patches, scuffs, and holes. Suitable for women who prefer strictness in their clothes, without challenging society. Basic item– leggings or jeans, complemented by shirts, jumpers;
  • soft grunge is a softened version of the style. Jeans and shorts are worn with dark ripped tights; short skirts with plaid prints are allowed. It is interesting to combine tight tops and corsets, wear a checkered kilt over skinny ones;
  • punk grunge - will appeal to extravagant youth. The wardrobe is complemented with leather clothing and rough accessories. An example is the combination of short full skirt with army boots or a chiffon dress with a leather jacket;
  • neo - maturity combined with romance for creative people. Chiffon shirts instead of traditional flannel, tied at the waist, will add subtlety to the look. Fashionistas choose T-shirts, loose trousers, skirts with floral patterns;
  • post – fashionable and expensive things. Multi-layering is not encouraged here, although other differences of grunge remain - crooked edges of clothes, army boots, ripped jeans.

Representatives of the grunge style are wealthy, educated people who can afford to wear branded clothing, artificially aged or torn.

Wardrobe elements

For girls, the grunge style in clothing becomes not only a sign of negligence, but also carries a gender accent. Provocativeness, aggression, appeal - distinctive features grunge lovers.

To create a wardrobe, follow the rules:

  • jeans are tight or loose, but always have holes;
  • tights with holes and arrows;
  • torn hems of dresses;
  • distressed denim jackets with a worn and greasy effect;
  • leather jackets have an abundance of metal rivets and spikes;
  • large check flannel shirts;
  • stretched sweaters, jumpers several sizes larger, gray or marsh-colored chunky knit items are in fashion;
  • T-shirts made of faded fabric with large prints, the obligatory elongated collar of the product;
  • loose-fitting straight T-shirts decorated with abstractions, skulls, and stickers;
  • the set combines several inappropriate items from different styles;
  • Threads stick out from clothes, unevenly processed edges, broken rivets are visible.

Men's clothing style does not always imply classics; many people prefer the looseness and comfort of grunge. For a party or friendly get-together, it is preferable to wear ripped jeans, complementing the look with a stretched T-shirt and a checkered flannel shirt; a long one is also suitable knitted jumper gray or blue.

Popular colors and combination rules

In the grunge style, things look beautiful in muted shades of gray, marsh, khaki, red, dark blue, bottle, black.

Rules for combining things:

  • ripped, distressed jeans look stylish with any outerwear. Summer option - shorts with torn edges over tights with arrows;
  • leather skirts, leggings, pants in brown or black with a dusty or worn effect;
  • leather jackets with stripes and metal details. The jacket will complement light dresses, sundresses, T-shirts and tank tops;
  • Denim jackets also go well with chiffon dresses and skirts. Denim must be artificially aged or decorated with broken rivets;
  • straight-cut T-shirts with stretched hems. Choose dark shades of burgundy, rich blue or black;
  • shirts are plain or large checkered. The product shows stains, abrasions, holes, and patches. The sleeves can be rolled up or left loose. Be sure to have a stretched T-shirt or T-shirt visible from under your shirt;
  • knitted or denim short sundresses are combined with T-shirts and shirts. Small patterns on fabric or embroidery are allowed;
  • Light dresses with floral patterns are worn with faded T-shirts and leather jackets. It combines the delicacy of chiffon with the roughness of the rest of the wardrobe.

Stripes have become a fashionable print this season. Skirts, dresses, T-shirts and tights are decorated with stripes of different widths. Women with large figures should opt for a strip no more than a centimeter wide, complementing the look with two vertical lines - a tied scarf over a shirt or jewelry.

Selection of shoes and accessories

All grunge style shoes are made from genuine leather, painted black with an artificially created scuffed effect. Products are decorated with rivets, metal inserts, and spikes. Allowed low and high heel, the main rule is to wear shoes on bare feet.

Examples of grunge shoes:

  • ankle boots - most often made in black, although there are interesting combinations of several shades. A high, stable heel, a textured sole, and a wide zipper on the shoes will complement the stylish look;
  • army boots with chunky soles and laces are suitable for wearing by a man in a grunge style. Although girls also like to wear ankle boots light dresses. In summer, they prefer worn-out sneakers or trainers;
  • low-rise sandals stable heels or “ballet flats” are chosen by women of advanced age, refusing a heavy platform.

In the grunge style, accessories are used in minimal quantities. Several large bracelets or rings and glasses with specific frames are allowed. Instead of a flirty handbag, style followers recommend wearing torn bags with stickers or disproportionate, worn-out backpacks.

Grunge style involves wearing comfortable things made from quality materials. Layering, combining several wardrobe items, and avoiding glamor are the main features of the style. Grunge things are appreciated by free people, independent of the opinions of society.



The right clothes are a way to tell the world about yourself. Not only to show your social status, but also to reveal your lifestyle and way of thinking. It's the style grunge gave many girls the opportunity to express themselves and show their independence from fashion trends.

History of grunge style

Grunge arose in the depths of the rock movement. Rock is rebellious music for brave, active people with a special point of view. And in different eras rock gave different ideas for clothes: from dude suits to biker suits. Grunge became a separate style in rock music of the 90s, and a trend in fashion was also named.

Grunge is simply translated from English: something repulsive and unpleasant. This is the main idea - to deny familiar things, boring conventions, including rules good manners and glamor in all its forms. While the establishment is sorting through expensive fashion collections famous brands, rockers wear shabby, casual, well-worn clothes from thrift stores. There is a special chic when things look like the costume of people “without a fixed place of residence.” Paradox: in fact, this is an anti-trend, it denies all fashion. However, it quickly became fashionable.

The most famous grunge rock band was Nirvana. Its leader, Kurt Cobain, showed pessimism and protest against social values ​​with all his appearance. It is believed that he was the first to start the fashion for shapeless T-shirts and flannel plaid shirts. The early 1990s saw unprecedented heights, and grunge appeared on the world's fashion catwalks. The first collection in this spirit was created by designer Mike Jacobs in 1992. And the queen of grunge was supermodel Kate Moss.

Main features of grunge

Grunge is all about layering. For example, wear a top under a sundress, a textured sweater on one shoulder on top, and a leather jacket combined with a voluminous scarf. The shoes are deliberately rough, lace-up and with thick raised soles, like “Grinders”, “Camelots”, “Doctor Martins”.

The typical color scheme does not accept bright, rich shades. We need muted, gloomy, faded tones: dark gray, brown, blue, swamp green (in other words, olive or camouflage), and, of course, black. The good thing about style is that it does not have clear rules, boundaries, or prohibitions. Focusing on their own taste, people add elements of other fashion trends: punk, military,. Since the 90s, girls have fallen in love with light dresses, sundresses, and chiffon skirts with small floral prints - they create a stylish contrast with rough shoes and chunky knit sweaters.

List of things that grunge style suggests:

  • jeans - frayed or torn, aged naturally or artificially;
  • T-shirts of indistinct muted tones, including those with rock symbols;
  • shirts, preferably checkered ones, in the style of an American cowboy or lumberjack;
  • sweaters made of thick yarn with textured knitting;
  • sports style jackets - denim, leather;
  • leggings - textile, “under the skin”;
  • short coats made of shaggy faux fur.

Modern grunge trends

Today fashionistas experimenting with style sometimes don’t even know the group Nirvana. After all, the style that arose on the basis of the spirit of the times, a rebellious way of thinking, has today been reborn.

Soft grunge is popular today. Soft means soft. What “softens” the sharp, daring trend? First of all, the shades - now they are brighter. Shoes are more familiar, classic, modern. Instead of army boots, you should choose an imitation from a good shoe brand or prefer boots with a comfortable, stable heel and a wide top.

You don't have to wear a shapeless plaid shirt. Instead, it’s good to sew a skirt from a checkered fabric. Let it be short or long, it doesn’t matter. Option: long skirt with a high slit and leggings underneath.

The sweater doesn't have to be huge either. Why shouldn't a slender girl wear a waist-length crop top that is stylistically in keeping with the grunge spirit?

Neo-grunge style, as the name implies, is more modern, fashionable, and glamorous. Neo elements - romantic chiffon skirts combined with leather jackets, fashionable pleated skirts with rough sweaters.

Stylists also distinguish punk grunge and hippie grunge, but these trends are not much different from each other, the lines between them are blurred. Interior designers talk about grunge style in relation to the space of a home or office. Loft or grunge are alternative names for a style in which all surfaces are treated as if carelessly. Brickwork on the walls, furniture with metal facades in gray tones, industrial fragments like communications exposed on display - characteristic features of this direction in design.

How to wear grunge clothes for women over 40?

Model Kate Moss is the queen of grunge. And her image was also called heroin chic. She made a splash in the fashion world, as her androgynous appearance and sophisticated thinness set a new modeling trend. It is now clear that this ideal cannot be called healthy. Kate Moss is already over 40, and she still looks like a rebel. She combines grunge with vintage trend and bohemian chic. Examples of signature stylish combinations:

  • military-style jacket - with a satin cocktail dress;
  • shaggy faux fur coat - with torn jeans;
  • boho-chic fringed jackets with black leather trousers;
  • a jacket similar to a man's - with a narrow dress and a hat.

Modern youth are distinguished by the fact that they constantly express their opinions, defend their rights and love to rebel. Moreover, their rebellion and protest can be seen even in their clothes. It is the wardrobe that can best demonstrate individuality and highlight originality. The grunge style of clothing can be seen more and more often today. But what kind of style is this and what clothes correspond to it, we’ll figure it out further.

History of origin

What is grunge style? If you translate the word from French, then grunge is “barn”. But in English it translates as dirty. At the end of the 80s of the 19th century, this style was just beginning to emerge. He owes this to the founders of the rock group Nirvana. Soloist Kurt Cobain and his colleagues released an album of songs, where the music and lyrics were full of aggression and a bad mood for the future.

This is exactly how the group members treated life, which they claimed was harsh and unfair. Young people who were already a little fed up with disco and glamor became like-minded people of the group. And as a result, they imitated the team not only in behavior, but also in style.

After a short time, grunge became popular among the growing population. This style could be seen in the behavior and songs of such performers as Soundgarden and Alice in Chains.

The style of clothing in question began to be visible, and Marc Jacobs became its founder in this regard. Under his control, a collection of products for youth was released. These included checkered shirts, floral print dresses that had a distressed look, and loose-fitting and ripped sweaters. In the clothes for girls one could see features of sloppiness. For its production they used expensive, quality fabrics. Thanks to this style, Marc Jacobs's fashion as a designer began to be actively promoted. After some time, he was able to create a personal brand.

The grunge style is in great demand among celebrities. You can see this in the clothes of Shakira, Johnny Depp and Alice Dellal.

Style Features

Now it’s worth determining what is typical for him. At the end of the 20th century, young people began to go out in T-shirts worn over turtlenecks and torn trousers. This method was perfect for standing out from the crowd and showing your attitude towards the world around you. That's why the grunge style is characterized by boldness and unpredictability. You could even call him a little provocative. It’s not for nothing that grunge is translated from English as disgusting. If you look at a person from afar, you get the impression that in front of you is a homeless person. And only at a close distance it becomes clear how sophisticated the outfit is.

Grunge style has the following features:

A person who decides to worship this style must come to this not only externally, but also internally. To do this, he will have to abandon the opinions of others, the general framework.

How to dress

Those who decide to plunge headlong into this daring and controversial world of fashion must understand how to dress in grunge style. Only by knowing all the moments will you be able to distinguish yourself from the crowd and declare yourself as an individual. Sticking to the grunge style is equally difficult and simple. The choice of clothing should correspond to style features. But the wardrobe can be based on certain elements of clothing, makeup, shoes, and hairstyle. All these and other features are detailed in the video:


When creating a grunge look, every girl should know what she can buy in a clothing store:


When creating a daring look, in addition to clothes, you need to choose the right shoes. The grunge style dictates the following options:

  1. Sneakers and sneakers. Moreover, their Eid should be as shabby as possible.
  2. Ballet shoes.
  3. Boots in grunge style with a rough cut.
  4. Bulky high-top shoes.


The following elements will help complete the look:


Looking at the photos of this extraordinary style, it becomes clear that makeup is most often absent. If you can’t live without it, then you should use dark shades. At the same time, you need to forget sparkles, rhinestones, and various manifestations of glamor. The created make-up should complement the look favorably, making it more rebellious.


Fans of the grunge style in clothing adhere to certain limits when choosing styling. The easiest way is to let your hair down or tie it up. high ponytail. Not long ago it became possible to dye the ends of your hair in bright shades.

Of course, using all these recommendations, you can get an approximate look of the grunge style. But for full compliance, clearly defined individualism is required. Each person puts something of his own into this term, while remaining faithful to the main stylistic features.

Style brands

There are several other features that define soft grunge. This is quality, branding, expensive clothing. Of course, the hippie style has some things in common with grunge, but when it comes to buying a wardrobe, hippie items can be safely bought at any Second Hand store, but orange items are not sold there. Certain world-famous brands are working on creating grunge items. Consequently, their cost will be appropriate. The most popular brands that produce grunge clothing are:

  • Marc Jacobs;
  • Zara;
  • Bershka;
  • River Island;
  • Chanel;
  • Vivienne Westwood;

The grunge style in the wardrobe has been entrenched for a long time and throughout all this time it has not lost its popularity. It is in demand mainly among young people who want to show the whole world their individuality and independence. And although appearance clothes look shabby and unattractive; not every girl can afford to wear them, since they are expensive.

Video looks:

The word “grunge” itself translated from English means “unpleasant”, “disgusting”. This style was invented by rock musicians from the city of Seattle; it became widespread among urban youth in the 90s. The essence of grunge is the combination of incompatible things. Teenagers, young girls and boys began to wear dark things of indistinct colors, giving the impression of being old and worn.

It is interesting that a girl from a wealthy family, dressed, for example, in a light dress, a worn khaki jacket and heavy laced boots, looked like a beggar. The purpose of this style is to cause rejection, to shock, to shock others. Grunge was created as a kind of subculture designed to challenge established cultural norms.

Grunge is the opposite of classic and glamorous style.

Do you want to dress in grunge style? Today it is very fashionable, stylish and speaks of good taste. Bold and outrageous grunge style becomes the hottest trend autumn 2013.

We have selected several simple tips stylists to follow the grunge style:

1. The main rule that you must remember: things should under no circumstances be cheap, but only seem so! In fact, each item must be of high quality; the worn effect is given to it artificially.

2. Clothes that look like they were bought many years ago, but now have a worn, faded look due to age and wear, are perfect. Choose sweatshirts and sweaters with elongated sleeves, T-shirts and shirts should have faded prints and inscriptions, jeans should have scuffs and holes.

3. Feel free to combine things in your costume that look unusual and even a little wild together. A light dress with heavy combat boots, a wide light skirt and trousers underneath, a leather miniskirt and a camouflage “sweatshirt” jacket... If you add modern accessories to this (with the exception of “glamorous” sparkles and rhinestones), you will look truly stylish .

4. When choosing colors, choose dark ones. Black, brown, gray, dark blue, brown... True, a combination of black and white or black and red is allowed - for example, a faded checkered shirt.

5. Try on a stretched T-shirt, on top of which you can put on a) ripped denim overalls; b) flannel shirt, c) T-shirt. Get a few of these T-shirts and add some faded and holey jeans. different colors And different lengths, and you'll have a whole wardrobe in grunge style.

6. Coarse knit sweaters, stretched and with dropped loops, must be present. And don’t forget about torn black tights, which look so impressive with a floral print dress.

7. For footwear, choose ankle boots, work boots, sneakers and tall, rough lace-up boots.

8. Don’t forget about accessories - a lot of wooden, leather and bone bracelets, wicker “baubles”, necklaces made of laces.

9. A mop of tangled hair is very important for creating an image. Agree, when dressed in rags, it’s stupid to do your hair! Fashionable to leave natural color hair or dye it some scandalous color.

10. Finally, makeup and manicure. Bright red or burgundy lips and nails, pale face - that's it! It turns out to be a mix of punk and hippie.

Let us repeat the main rule once again: all clothes, despite their terrible appearance, were purchased in expensive boutiques, sometimes even made by famous designers.

In the expression of worldview and image, the grunge style emerged, showing its individuality for those who were tired of glamor, luxury, and restraint. It combines “incompatible” things, creating comfort and convenience, showing outward negligence and contradictions.

History of appearance

The expression of Nirvana, rock music, youth culture in the late eighties of the last century was embodied in the grunge style in American Seattle, which is a combination of punk culture and some hippie features, which are indicated by scuffs in denim, clothes with patches and holes, frayed threads in jackets, sweaters, layers and splashes of eclecticism. Translated from English, “Grunge” means repulsive, unpleasant.

Kurt Cobain became the founder of street fashion. Having Irish roots and originally from Washington state, he spent his childhood in a family where among his relatives were musicians. His early charismatic, creative, aggressive character and not a childish interest in the rock genre led to the creation of his own group at the age of fourteen, which after a short period of time allowed him to burst onto the scene.

More and more groups of people choose the protest direction that arose in the 90s and become its fans, and since 1993, designer Marc Jacobs has led the movement and presented a new collection that combines materials of various textures, breaking stereotypes in combining different fashion trends and causing admiration of teenagers. Young people were looking for an opportunity to stand out, find their individuality, express their attitude to life, and the stylists on the catwalk showed a very simple, original line in the form of light, airy blouses, dresses and brutal, rough shoes with thick soles, stretched sweaters and torn jeans, they were looking for the soul in the images , philosophy and moved further and further away from classics and luxury, opposing glamor and gloss. Such changes attracted the attention of the fashion world to sloppy-looking plaid shirts, dresses with delicate patterns, and military colors.

Difference in styles

Since the advent of grunge, new trends and subcultures have slightly supplanted the fashion of the street, music, and youth life, but now a second revival is taking place. Thanks to the search by designers for various branches of style, this led to the birth of new trends for young people from fourteen to eighteen years old who want to stand out in society and create exclusive, pessimistic and even aggressive images.

Soft grunge, which translates to “soft”, represents carelessness in detail, old age and vintage, as evidenced by clothing designs with torn elements and a muted color palette consisting of grey, black, brown, beige, with scratch prints, images, with handwritten fonts, sloppily stenciled, and other elements of rock culture. The same style is used as the basis for the design of cafes, music studios, fan clubs, thematic websites, accessories and the creation of stylish photographs, where the art of grunge is emphasized by pale skin, skinny forms, things with spikes, frayed jeans and smeared makeup techniques.

glam grunge marked by femininity: a loose shirt and Leather Jacket It would be nice to combine with a vest, a printed T-shirt to be combined with a short skirt or tight jeans, thin-heeled shoes or “men’s” boots to be combined with accessories such as a belt decorated with a buckle and rivets, a light scarf around the neck.

Designers in neo-grunge tried to combine femininity with creative negligence: high thin heels with metal decorations, in the form of pins or spikes, with leather skirts and dresses in black, depressive colors. In fashionable loose shirts for the summer season, checks of various sizes, mostly in faded tones, have become a hit. It is also used in finishing trousers and overalls, mainly for patches, pockets, and hemlines. Mixing romance and casual clothing with grunge elements is most often combined with such things as heavy boots, oversized coarse knit sweaters or matching accessories.

Fashion trends

Grunge fashion offers a stylish look and a sense of freedom, will, self-expression for both women and men, whose clothing is dominated by the usual baggy, pessimistic, disorderly nature, usually bordering on expressiveness and individuality, as evidenced by riding breeches, vests, and camouflage colors.

Men don't really like to wear classic suit, they prefer looseness in movement, comfort, so it is more convenient for them to wear jeans with holes, an unironed checkered shirt, a soft, worn, fairly stretched sweater with a worn-in effect, shoes, and at the same time have a trendy haircut and smell of good perfume.

In women's grunge, despite the protest look, monochromatic materials of different textures are combined and used in the image, such as Genuine Leather, pleasant suede, wool, light organza, denim, airy chiffon, possibly with a touch of crinkling or wear. For girls, a combination of loose cotton clothes with floral-patterned dresses accompanied by torn leggings or tights also goes well with this theme. Uniquely processed jeans with holes and frayed edges, shirts with sewn patches, voluminous knitted items, aged and frayed T-shirts, wrinkled dresses, worn-out sneakers must be of high quality, from good materials and the above properties have the form of an effect to maintain the style and be an integral part fashionable bow- street, youth, rebellious spirit.

Fashionistas over the age of 40 find themselves in the grunge style, using layers to their advantage, feeling free and comfortable in natural, high-quality fabrics, ballet flats, shoes with wide, low heels or moderate platforms, easily wearing soft colors, the length of dresses and floor-length skirts, long cut shirts and tunics without extravagant elements, rather than aggressive jewelry, scarves, and original glasses add individuality to their style.

Once upon a time, the youth movement showed what grunge is even in children's fashion. It carries multi-tiered skirts, wide sundresses, jeans, decorated with wrinkles or fraying, in a discreet, natural color scheme from simple fabrics such as linen, cotton, cambric and without a hint of classic style. Grunge conquers the catwalks and the lives of children: thanks to different textures and shades of materials, there is an opportunity to play and dream up creating characters, educate and instill a taste for how to dress, develop creative imagination in invented images of pirates or elves.

Regardless of the characteristics of your figure, you can be stylish and graceful in summer and winter, even plump, knowing how to combine several fashion trends in one look. A mix of hippie, military, vintage will work on the image using voluminous, loose clothing that will correct the figure, feminine multi-layering will hide imperfections in complexion and reveal the emotional nature, flowing natural fabrics will gracefully fit the shape, and a non-standard cut with pintucks and draperies will allow fashionistas to feel comfortable .

Wedding outfit grunge is distinguished by challenge, determination, and originality, since the bride’s dress is possible in any color acceptable in the style, in an unconventional cut, and can be supplemented if desired denim jacket or a leather jacket, combined with heavy shoes and corresponding accessories, careless hair styling, perhaps even with a strand of hair dyed bright color. Casual clothes look quite good in a relaxed look of the groom in a combination of a white loose shirt, jeans, sneakers or moccasins.

Every woman has a cardigan in her wardrobe, which came to us from our grandmothers and received a second wind in the sixties. In the nineties, with the revival of grunge, fashionistas began to happily combine stretched, long, elongated sleeves, not brightly colored sweaters with small dresses with small flowers, midi skirts, jeans and thick platform boots, giving them a second wind. The grunge theme offers a feminine, controversial look when paired with other pieces of the style, especially fashionable options bottom.

A photo shoot in the Grunge style, as in clothing, consists of bold combinations that are limited by the color used and the setting of the image, where the dark tones of the scenery predominate. When creating an image, the main ones are stylish details such as thematic setting, clothing, haircut and attributes used by the photographer in his work. To obtain a good creative result, it is not advisable to violate the principles of the fashion trend, the generation of free and purposeful, uninhibited young people.

Most often, filming takes place on the streets or squares of cities, which looks harmonious and natural, but the setting of a forest or a studio equipped to match the theme can also convey a creative atmosphere. Details such as frayed, torn jeans, faded, oversized T-shirts, worn-out T-shirts with protruding threads, plaid shirts, and military-style shoes are perfect for a photo shoot. The freedom of the grunge style dictates relaxed posing during a photo shoot, which means stooping, swagger, an unconventional vision of the situation, widely spaced legs, ugly stances, an emotionless face with a slight, organized mess in the hair, along with modest makeup, with an emphasis on dark eyes. In grunge photographs, the effect of stains, scratches, and the play of light is welcome, and if during the process you get caught in the rain, then dirt and wet clothes will only intensify this; it looks good against the background of old, abandoned houses or torn walls. Grunge photography is popular among rock musicians, when creating posters, and showing new collections. Today, portrait photography is recognized as revealing the hidden personal traits of a person.

Hairstyles and accessories

Sloppy ponytails with a few fallen strands, bleached buns with the appearance of regrown hair roots, bright provocative coloring harmonizes with the complete absence of makeup, or, if it is very difficult to leave the house, a few accents may be present in the form of red or burgundy lips, dark eyes, not natural, pale shade foundation. The effect of unkempt hair and bleached and bleached buns are welcome, but these are still styling using stylish details in the form of asymmetry on medium length, on short hair- wet styling. Bob and bob haircuts are trendy today, suitable for girls of different ages and with any oval face, thanks to this they are universal, naturally highlight fashion trends and combine with grunge style. Practicality, ease of care is needed by independent people, a textured bob will help create a slight mess and negligence, will bring creativity, as well as elongated, torn side strands, identical or asymmetrical, and long oblique bangs.