How to convert a denim jacket into a vest. Beautiful do-it-yourself denim vest (50 photos) - Patterns, master classes, unexpected solutions. Fashion handmade with pockets

If there are no unnecessary denim items at home, then you can always buy fabric in a specialized store. You can choose texture and thickness. Next, you only need to build a pattern according to your figure. Before transferring the finished parts to the denim material, make a draft on an unnecessary fabric.

Don't forget about seam indents. They must be taken into account. Otherwise, the vest will be smaller in size. Sew details better on sewing machine. You can combine such a thing with any options.

Making a sleeveless denim jacket

Very often you have to throw out a denim jacket, because the elbows are frayed. These areas are subject to rapid wear and tear. But do not rush to part with it, it can be an excellent basis for a denim vest.

To begin with, you need to unravel connecting seams sleeves with base. After that, take care of the collar, it must also be removed. To avoid damaging the material, use a sharp clerical knife or nail scissors. If you do not like the length of the product, then shorten it. Just cut off the excess length. Do not forget to process the edge of the product.

Jeans vest

Worn out jeans can also turn into a fashionable vest. To do this, you need the upper part of the trousers. Measure the length of your back from neck to waist. If you want a longer sleeveless jacket, then lower the measurement line below.

The zipper of the product must be removed, but do not damage the fabric itself. The seams are also torn apart. Details are first drawn on paper in life size. After that, place them on the details of the trousers. After that, the future vest is sewn at the seams.

You can also perform very bright and stylish option. To do this, you will need to cut the jeans into stripes and create a panel by intertwining horizontal and vertical lines. After that, sew the components and cut out the details of the sleeveless jacket according to the pattern. Such an element of the wardrobe will not be left without attention.


The simplest and most fast way change the jeans beyond recognition. Forget everything we said about the sense of proportion, sculpt everything you could find in stores: labels, names of your favorite bands, cartoon characters, lips, lightning bolts, arrows and other emoji.

Lourdes Leon and Amanda Seyfried love everything at once

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2. Lace

You can sew lace on pockets or sleeves, decorate a collar or back. The more chaotic your decor, the more interesting! The task is more difficult - to remove the old back and replace it with lace. But keep in mind, this option is good on its own, so do not add stripes, rhinestones and beads here.

3. Embroidery

If you yourself are too lazy to while away the evenings behind the hoop, you can turn to your beloved grandmother for help or go to the nearest second-hand store in the hope of finding a little thing with decent embroidery there. Found? Great, sew on the back - it will look very stylish there.

TV presenter Fern Cotton is not against embroideries

4. Scuffs and holes

It is necessary to make holes in a jacket or jeans with sharp scissors, just do not forget to place a metal or wooden plank under the fabric so as not to hurt the other side of the jacket.

Rihanna loves ripped denim

5. Beads, rivets, sequins and rhinestones

This item is for those who love bright decor. All these charms are sold in any needlework store. You can embroider the entire jeans with mother-of-pearl beads, decorate the collar and places above the pockets with studs, glue rhinestones, stones or spikes on the shoulders, and place an applique of beads and sequins on the back. Of course, not all at once, but one thing.

Miranda Kerr wears denim with studs

6. Color and ombre

Change the color of jeans with the good old white. If you can’t achieve a smooth transition, it doesn’t matter, chaotic stains also look great. By the way, with the help of bleach and a pin, you can apply even stripes on the fabric or make a pattern.

7. Patches

If you decide to decorate your jacket with patches, it is not necessary to cut it at all - you can sew pieces of fabric on top. There are also plenty of decor options here: neon, embroidery, a collage of old jeans and much more. One taboo: leopard.

8. Drawings

Don't limit yourself to the examples below. With the help of felt-tip pens for fabric, special paints and your wild imagination, you can create from denim jacket a real work of art!

For quite a long time, denim jackets have been popular all over the world, which in some cases replace a cardigan or a windbreaker, and protect the body from the cold. But in recent times denim windbreakers are becoming increasingly popular, which do not carry any special protective function, but rather are an accessory.


Among denim sleeveless jackets there is a huge selection of models for every taste and occasion. Consider the most popular models this season.


Models of sleeveless jackets with a hood look slightly casual and hooligan, they can be attributed more to a sporty style than to casual style. Perfect for a trip to nature, in combination with sweatpants and a long sleeve sweatshirt.

With pockets

As for the presence of pockets in denim sleeveless jackets, it is worth noting that absolutely any model can have pockets. They will not spoil the appearance of the product at all, but will only make the sleeveless jacket more functional, because you can store keys, a small mirror, and even a phone in your pocket.

With rhinestones

With models of denim sleeveless jackets decorated with rhinestones, you should be careful, because in excess of rhinestones can ruin an attractive appearance products and look simply clumsy and vulgar. But when rhinestones are used in moderation and lined with a beautiful interesting pattern or inscription, the thing looks really beautiful, stylish, even expensive and elegant to some extent.

With lace

A denim sleeveless jacket decorated with light lace is a real find for romantic dreamy people, because it looks quite gentle and cute. The decor of dark lace will give the image some light audacity and sexuality. But it should be remembered that, as in the case of rhinestones, there should not be too much lace so that there is no bust. Ideally, decorative stripes and shoulder areas will look stylish.

With patches

different kind patches are also popular when it comes to denim windbreakers or tank tops. It can be, as already mentioned, lace details, patches from the same denim in the form of slightly shabby pieces of patches are possible, various options for pictures and inscriptions are possible, in other words, the variations of patches are striking in their diversity.


In order not only not to create a visually excessive volume, but also to slightly reduce it, you should choose a model in accordance with the size so that the product does not unnecessarily tighten the body, but also does not hang out like a bag. In addition, you should choose a sleeveless jacket with a length slightly covering the buttocks so that you can hide problem areas in the abdomen, if any.

What to wear?

Denim is known for its uniqueness as it suits many situations and pairs with many other things. The main thing is to choose the right kit, which, thanks to small details, will turn into the most fashionable image. Let's take a closer look at the most stylish combinations of this season.

Denim shorts and tank top

It is best to choose denim shorts and a sleeveless jacket of the same style, as well as the same shade, so that neither one nor the other thing is visually knocked out of the image. For example, if the shorts have small lace inserts, you can pick up a tank top with the same small lace details, in combination with a T-shirt or T-shirt you get a good stylish set. But we should not forget about the measure - excesses in any manifestation will not lead to anything good.

under jeans

There are no restrictions in combining a denim tank top with jeans.

The only rule to be observed concerns colors- the sleeveless jacket should match in tone with jeans so that the image is complete and harmonious.

With a skirt

Of course, the most harmonious denim sleeveless jacket will look with a denim skirt, absolutely any style. But not only, a sleeveless jacket will also be in good harmony with almost any miniskirt, combined with a light turtleneck, T-shirt or T-shirt. In addition, a denim sleeveless jacket is quite good in harmony with skirts of the sun or semi-sun style, it turns out very stylish combination, romantic image with an element of hooliganism.

With a dress

As for dresses, a denim sleeveless jacket is far from being compatible with everyone. Summer sundresses up to the knee thin spaghetti straps, a loose-fitting cotton shirt dress, some of the long sundresses and knit short dresses are all good options, suitable for combination with sleeveless jackets.

How to do?

Surely every person has a pair of old jeans lying around in the closet that you don’t want to wear anymore, but it’s a pity to throw it away. And also, I think, many faced the problem of high prices, and not everyone can afford to buy some thing. And, of course, everyone knows the situation of a difficult choice, when you can’t find a model that you yourself invented or even closely similar, but you don’t want to take anything. In all these cases, sewing a denim sleeveless jacket on your own would be a pretty good solution, but we will now consider how exactly.

From old jeans

You can make a simple vest from old jeans. Having made the front part, thrown over the neck, thin from above and with ends expanding towards the bottom. And immediately fasten them with a small wide strip of denim. It will turn out such an unpretentious, but very good option, moreover, quite simple in execution.

Butterflies - stylish accessory relevant for both men and girls. From one pair of old jeans, you can make a whole dozen different butterflies for yourself and your friends.

2. Bags

Old pair of jeans + strap = lunch bag or tote.

3. Wall and desktop organizers

Such a cute coaster can be made even with children. Looks nice and keeps your hands warm.

5. Pillow

If you have a brutal bachelor interior at home, then such a pillow will come in handy. The pockets can be used as remote storage.

6. Mat

If you have accumulated a lot of old denim clothes, you can make a rug out of it - such as in the photo above, or such as in this video instruction.

7. Shoes

If you are not afraid of complex projects, then the idea of ​​​​making shoes or these “denim boots” may inspire you to create your own masterpiece.

Such detachable collar make it very easy. If you have an unnecessary old shirt with defects, just cut off the collar from it and decorate it with studs, rhinestones, spikes, beads or something else.

A great option for men is a holster made from old jeans, in which you can put small tools and parts when doing various jobs. Making a holster is very easy. It is enough to cut off the upper part with pockets and process the sections.

Dedicated to lovers of casual style: a table napkin with a cozy pocket for cutlery.

If you take a pair of jeans, connect the legs and cut off the excess, then the back pockets will turn into breast pockets, and the jeans themselves will turn into a convenient apron.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, such a simple decoration is very relevant. It is recommended for adult and very young fashionistas, as well as natures who are in love with life.

Bill Jackson

You can also make from a pair of jeans gift wrapping for wine with a functional corkscrew pocket. Instruction.

Are you tired, stressed? Pick up scissors and cut, cut, cut your jeans into long strips. Of these, you can twist rolls of different diameters and use them, for example, to decorate a frame. Instruction.

15. Covers for paper and e-books

Another option for a practical housewife is to recycle jeans into potholders.

17. Necklace

18. Furniture upholstery

If you've got a lot of old denim, it might be enough to upholster a few pieces of furniture.

19. Mask

20. Coasters

Every part of jeans can be useful to you. For example, seams make excellent coasters and coasters for hot dishes. Instruction.

Such a non-standard and eye-catching option for using old jeans can come in handy in a country house or balcony.

22. House for a kitten

23. Denim skirt

In the end, if the jeans are torn somewhere, are very dirty, or you are a little tired of their style, you can dye them, decorate them, tear them figuredly with your own hands, turn them into shorts or even a skirt.

A few cans of paint, sequins and a love of space are the main ingredients for turning ordinary jeans into galactic ones. Instruction.

If you've never done handmade, but you want to, try to make prints on a pair of jeans that you don't mind. Take red textile paint, cut out a heart-shaped stencil and decorate your knees with a romantic print.

Large holes on jeans can be decorated with lace inserts. You can also decorate the edges of shorts, pockets and other parts of the product with lace.

Remember that it is almost impossible to achieve a very smooth transition of colors, and the first time the result may not be very joyful. Gradient coloring is a matter of practice. By the way, the gradient can also be done with bleach.

28. Decorating with rhinestones

An interesting way to transform jeans, which requires lace fabric and special felt-tip pens for fabric.

And jeans can be cut with a blade many, many times - you get something in the style of one of the Chanel models.

Don't throw away your old combat jeans. Give them new life! We hope you find these ideas helpful and inspire your own DIY projects.

style trends

A variety of vests - the trend of the last few seasons. Well, denim products have long been at the top of all fashion charts. Do you want to get a stylish little thing at an affordable price? Try to sew it yourself. Do-it-yourself denim vest - the topic of our article

How to sew a denim vest?

You will need a piece of denim material, which can be purchased at a craft store. With a standard width (1.5 m), a meter of fabric is sufficient. Next, we make a pattern out of paper, as shown below. To create a vest, the following measurements are useful: product length, chest circumference, waist, shoulder length. According to the obtained indicators, we build our drawing. You can change the boundaries of the pattern if you want to sew a custom-shaped vest with your own hands. Next, lay out the paper patterns on the fabric and circle the perimeter with chalk, leaving a centimeter on each side for a seam. We fasten the parts of the vest with pins and try on. If everything suits you, then you can manually sew the existing elements, and then stitch everything on a typewriter. Fold all edges over and double stitch.

DIY denim vest with decor

From the blank that we received, you can make a designer thing. To do this, cut pockets separately or borrow them from old jeans. Also do not forget to sew in a zipper or attach buttons. Studded denim vests are a trendy and popular item. The spikes and rivets themselves can be purchased at the hardware store. Next, they need to be sewn to the shoulders of the vest. If you want to add stylish rivets, then attach them with special glue in the desired places. Also, inserts from colorful materials will help to add a touch of originality, which you just need to sew on to the finished product. In the trend of the image of the flags. You can cut them out of ordinary T-shirts.

Do-it-yourself denim vest from old trousers

If your wardrobe contains jeans in good condition, but out of fashion, then use them to create a stylish vest. Lay out the trousers on a flat surface and, using the same patterns that we used in the previous case, cut out the elements of the future product. Cut out from the front of the leg front side vests. The edges of our creation should match the seams on the jeans. The back will have to be cut from the back halves of the legs, so first divide the pattern into two equal parts. We sew all the elements together. We cut off the pockets at the back and alter them forward. Today, open vests with very deep armholes are popular, keep this in mind when building a pattern.

DIY denim vestfrom the jacket

Perhaps this is the easiest way to create a new thing. This option will please lazy people and all those who are not too strong in needlework. In this case, we will not make patterns or sew something. Just prepare your old denim jacket or shirt, which is already tired. Now carefully cut off the sleeves with small scissors along the seam. The resulting cut must be processed on sewing machine. You can leave it in this form, slightly fluffing the fringe around the edge. Here is our vest. If you wish, complete your creation with rivets or spikes, which we talked about above. But lace will help create a romantic mood, because they look great in combination with denim. Also, do not forget that the vest can be painted with acrylic paints or artistic wear can be made on it.