Which month is the most difficult for a child? A child’s life after birth and development week by week for first-time parents. The simplest but most effective games with babies

Since the life of a large family was replaced by separate living of a newly created family, young mothers have developed uncertainty and a feeling of helplessness after childbirth in the correctness and timeliness of the development of the newborn.

Having no extensive experience in “babysitting” small children, a woman is thrown into a stupor by literally everything related to the characteristics of the physiological and mental development your baby, especially in the first year of the child’s life.

We offer you a brief overview of the development of a child up to one year old. Let’s look at the first month of life, the most difficult in terms of how a young mother and baby adapt to each other, in more detail - week by week.

Week one, let's get acquainted

Sense organs of a newborn. The long-awaited return home. Now the baby can get to know his mother in a calm atmosphere, see, hear, smell and touch the world around him from a new perspective, already familiar to him in absentia from the muffled sounds coming from outside during intrauterine life.

A newly born child's vision is blurry; he can only distinguish large objects located nearby, which is a kind of protection against the sudden surge of colors and shapes. Hearing, smell and touch are quite developed in a newborn; these sense organs developed while still alive inside the mother.


In the first week after birth, it is very important to establish breast-feeding. Get used to the fact that for the first time after birth, the baby will be in your arms almost all the time during waking moments and will constantly demand the breast.

It’s not so much a matter of hunger, but rather a need to feel the unity that is broken with the mother. Attachment to the breast at one week of age is perhaps the only and most effective way to calm a crying baby.

First bath

The first bath after birth is the most frightening procedure for new mothers and fathers. Try to do it correctly and calmly, so as not to spoil everything the first time and not cause the baby to dislike water.

Physiological characteristics of the newborn that most often cause concern:

  • Regurgitation. Many mothers worry that the baby spits up often and a lot and does not eat enough. Spitting up is normal for babies up to 6 months old.
  • They occur due to the immaturity of the alimentary tract, immaturity nervous system and incorrect organization of the breastfeeding process, during which air is swallowed.

    For a one-week-old baby, the norm is to regurgitate after each feeding in a volume of no more than 2 tablespoons and once a day in a “fountain”. You can check the amount of milk regurgitated by pouring 2 tablespoons of water onto the diaper and comparing the stains formed from the water and milk.

  • Weight loss. In the first days after birth, breastfed babies tend to lose weight. This is normal and temporary. They will gain weight when breastfeeding is fully established.
  • Jaundice. You may note that 2-3 days after birth, the newborn’s skin tone has become yellow. The phenomenon is also normal and is an adaptive process that results in the formation of excess bilirubin in the blood, which turns the skin yellow. If jaundice is not pathological, it goes away on its own in 7-14 days.
  • Strabismus. Sometimes it may seem that a newborn's eyes are squinting. This occurs due to weakness of the eyeball muscles and inability to focus the gaze. Help your baby learn to use his eyes - hang a large, bright toy above the crib in the center, and the eyes will begin to move in sync within a few days or weeks. In very rare cases, strabismus can last up to six months, which is not yet a cause for concern.
  • Trembling in sleep. Does your baby startle suddenly in his sleep? It is not at all necessary that he has problems with the nervous system. Swaddle him tightly while he sleeps to create similar living conditions during pregnancy and the baby will become calmer. Such tremors disappear on average by 3-4 months after the birth of the child.
  • Peeling of the skin. After birth, the baby does not have a very attractive appearance due to a special lubricant that covers his body to facilitate the birth process and initially protect the skin from contact with air. There is no need to take it off for the first 2-3 days. Then it is absorbed and the child’s skin adapts to new conditions, resulting in peeling.

The benefits of walking with a newborn outside and when you can start walking

Do not use detergents, if your skin is dry, lubricate it, preferably with any vegetable oil, previously sterilized in a water bath. When walking, ensure that your baby is isolated from gusts of wind and direct sunlight. If you follow these recommendations, the peeling will soon go away.

Week two, getting used to it

A week has passed. For a newborn, this is a huge period of time, including a lot of new impressions, getting to know his body and the world around him. Heals umbilical wound. The baby completely adapts to the new way of getting food. The number of intestinal bowel movements is normalized and is 3-4 times a day.

Weight gain begins. The baby becomes more and more interested in what is happening around him and begins to listen to surrounding sounds and look at objects more carefully. He can examine all the details from a distance of 20-25 cm. At this time, facial expressions begin to develop - your pet may even please you with his first smile.

Now your happiness can be overshadowed by the onset of intestinal colic, accompanied by prolonged crying and squeezing, twisting of the legs. You can start fighting them, but there is no consensus among doctors about both the cause of their occurrence and ways to alleviate the condition. There is only one piece of advice: be patient, sooner or later they will stop.

Week three, small victories

The third week marks the first achievements in your baby's life. Lying on his tummy, he tries to raise his head and examine the surrounding objects. He succeeds in this for a while. The baby's movements become more and more orderly, he makes attempts to reach the toys suspended above him.

When you address him, the baby becomes quiet, looks into the face of the speaker, reacts to the intonation of the voice and may hum and smile in response. During this period, it is more difficult to calm the baby; to relieve the tension of the nervous system overflowing with new impressions, he may cry for a long time. For some babies, crying for 20 minutes before falling asleep becomes the norm. The intonation of crying becomes more and more demanding.

Week four, summing up

The first month of life is coming to an end. The baby goes from newborn to infancy. The child’s vestibular apparatus is improving - he senses the position of his body in space, which will soon allow him to roll over and grasp objects.

The flexor muscles are still stronger than the extensor muscles and the limbs are in a semi-flexed position.

Muscle hypertonicity is a normal physiological condition for children under one month old.

A month after the birth of your child, you need to undergo a medical examination, during which doctors will evaluate physiological development and compliance with age standards.

What should a child be able to do by the end of the fourth week of life:

  • focus your gaze on the object in question, turn your head towards the outgoing sound;
  • recognize parents and perk up when they appear in sight;
  • try to briefly hold your head while lying on your stomach.

Height and weight

Here are the average indicators developed by the World Health Organization. In parentheses we will indicate critical values ​​indicating the need for a medical examination. Everything that falls within this range is a variant of the norm.

Second month

The period is characterized by the establishment of a similar pattern of sleep and wakefulness. The baby still sleeps a lot, but now mom knows when and approximately how much time he needs to rest. Now he can firmly grasp everything that falls into his hands.

What a baby should be able to do:

  • focus your gaze not only on moving, but also on stationary objects;
  • roll over from side to side;
  • briefly hold the head from a position lying on your tummy, try to rise on your arms, arching your back, turn your head towards the sound;
  • demonstrate the support reflex: feel the support under your legs and push off from it;
  • demonstrate a “revival complex” when adults appear: smile, move arms and legs, arch, “walk”, making drawn-out vowel sounds.

How to wean your baby off night feedings

Third month

If development proceeds at an average pace, then at the age of three months the child has learned to roll over from his back to his tummy and lift himself from his tummy on his arms, maintaining this position for up to several minutes.

Don't worry if your baby doesn't succeed, he will catch up by 4-5 months.

Due to the increase in subcutaneous fat deposits, the baby acquires rounded shapes, swelling with folds appears on the arms and legs. The child puts everything into his mouth and tastes it. At three months you need to undergo a second medical examination.

Skills and abilities:

  • the revival complex develops further, the child tries to talk using “cooing” and is very happy to see mom or dad;
  • rollover from back to stomach;
  • emphasis on the arms with raising the body while lying on the stomach and holding in this position.

Fourth month

Most children by this age end with problems with intestinal colic, and mothers can breathe easy, but not for long - the first teeth may soon appear. Some are destined not to receive the long-awaited respite.

Skills and abilities:

  • holding small objects with ease;
  • babbling, humming, pronouncing the syllables “ba”, “ma”, “pa” and others;
  • reaction to your name;
  • confidently holding the head vertical position in the arms of an adult;
  • grasping, pulling towards oneself and tasting objects of interest;
  • first attempts at squats.

Fifth month

The baby’s motor activity has increased so much that the most the best place for him now it’s a floor where he can happily perform all sorts of tricks. By this time he had already become bored with the crib. Now the restless one needs vigilant supervision. Most people start teething, which is accompanied by itching, anxiety and profuse drooling.

What a child should be able to do:

  • roll over from back to stomach and back, pull yourself up on your arms, make your first attempts to crawl and sit down;
  • play with toys independently for 5-10 minutes;
  • “talk” in syllables vaguely reminiscent of human speech.

Sixth month

The child tries to crawl, and many do it well. Attempts to sit down turn into triumph, but the spine does not yet have strength, and the little one cannot sit for a long time. He actively explores the world, showing capriciousness due to his teeth bothering him. At six months you need to have another medical examination.

Skills and abilities:

  • short sitting in pillows, a highchair, or a stroller;
  • crawl;
  • laughter, muttering, and even something similar to singing;
  • jumping in the arms of an adult with the support of the arms, which becomes the toddler’s favorite pastime.

Seventh month

By this time, the child has learned to understand the meaning of many words and points his finger at objects of interest. He understands that the trick with missing things is just a trick, and they can be found.

Many toddlers begin to experience fear when parting with their mother, which is a high indicator of mental development.

Skills and abilities:

  • the child stands up with the help of support and moves while standing;
  • crawls confidently, but it also happens that the baby skips the crawling period and immediately begins to move, holding onto support.

How to care for your baby immediately after birth and during the first year of life

Eighth month

Your baby learns to achieve her goal by being persistent and measuring the boundaries of what is permitted. He already understands the word “no” well, which is very upsetting. little man. Character traits emerge. A child may already have 4-6 teeth, but there is no clear time frame for teething; all children undergo the process individually. The level of distrust of strangers increases even more.

What can a child do:

  • sit down independently;
  • throw toys and transfer them from one hand to another;
  • take the first steps holding the hands of an adult.

Ninth month

The child is growing before our eyes. Once helpless, he now tries to do everything on his own, despite the fact that it turns out poorly. The baby is good at sitting, standing up and walking with the help of support. Speech skills are developing, some children are already pronouncing their first words.

The child can explain himself using facial expressions, gestures, syllables and words. Copies the intonation of adults well.

At 9 months, a medical examination is necessary to assess the baby's development.

What a child can do:

  • holds a spoon in his hands and tries to eat independently, drinks from a mug or sippy cup;
  • at the request of an adult, takes objects that are named to him;
  • sits, sits, crawls and walks independently with support;
  • transforms babble into words.

Tenth month

The skills and abilities acquired in the 9th month of life are further developed.

The fact is that a child’s worldview is constantly changing. Literally every month the baby goes through crises caused by growth spurts. Be sure to read what this is in my article. In just a year, your baby's life will change dramatically four times, and with it your lifestyle. Therefore, the most important thing you need to be able to do is be patient, flexible and knowledgeable in order to respond to changes in a timely and adequate manner. Many mothers continue to live in the past for a long time, not accepting new circumstances. This leads to the whims of the child, who cannot otherwise reach his mother, and to damage to the nerves of the mother herself, who cannot or does not want to adapt to new life baby...

Periods of a child's first year of life

What periods exist? In the first year, I highlight the following stages:

  1. From birth to 3 months.
  2. From 3 to 6 months.
  3. From 6 to 9 months.
  4. From 9 months to a year.

Below I will tell you how these periods differ and how to spend this time most effectively and pleasantly;)

From 0 to 3 months

The most difficult stage in the life of both the child and the mother. The change happened so suddenly and everyone still needs to get used to each other. Mom often doesn’t understand, even if he’s not the first. Colic, lactostasis, chronic lack of sleep... All this can be difficult to survive if you don’t know some points that can make life a lot easier!

First, be sure to read my article to prevent typical mistakes, turning motherhood into hell.

Secondly, involve as many assistants as possible. Now I really regret that I tried not to bother my relatives and mostly walked with the stroller myself. Newborns sleep well outside for 2-3 hours, and I advise you to give this responsibility to your dad, grandparents, and let yourself be distracted. resume self-care, do what you love, or sleep, in the end. There is nothing difficult about pushing a stroller around the park - anyone can do it. And you will get precious hours alone with yourself and return to your baby as a renewed, loving mother.

Third, remember that this period will end. And it also contains undeniable advantages, it’s just that not everyone notices them right away! For example, in the first three months of life, the child sleeps more than 70% of the time, which means you can go about your business. Yes, as a rule, these things happen with the baby in a sling or under the breast, or on the street during a walk. I was so bored at first that I created this blog. 😄 Now I remember with longing those times when I could spend hours reading a book or writing articles - by the time my daughter was one year old, my free time had become significantly less, and I only had enough for a couple of lines a day! Reading books has also almost disappeared... So, despite all the difficulties of the first three months of a child’s life, this is also a time of opportunity for relaxation, albeit with a phone in hand. Get a functional smartphone and read, communicate, learn new things, watch movies while the baby is dreaming. A completely different stage is coming soon!

From 3 to 6 months

Afterwards, life gets better, and motherhood seems like a fairy tale! The child still sleeps a lot, but already pleases with his first laughter, babbling, and attention. During this period, mom feels both relative freedom and giving. Finally, family members are starting to get enough sleep! Enjoy the easiest part of your baby's first year and build strength for the future. In the meantime, I advise you to relax, remember your hobbies, walk more, eat well and sleep. Our daughter turned three months old in the spring, so I was able to do my favorite crafts on fresh air, and at home I wrote articles for this blog. If you are getting an education or have long wanted to try something new, now is the time!

6 to 9 months

At 6.5 months, my daughter suddenly stopped sleeping outside. For some this happens earlier, for others later... And then there is the 6-month crisis - as it seemed to me, the most difficult of all. Now the child refuses to lie where he was placed and demands to be constantly carried in his arms. The baby wants to see the world! He learns to sit, crawl, eat new food, and his mother needs to help him literally every minute. So during this period you will have to push some of your business forward. long box. After the ease of 3-6 months of a child’s life, everyday life with a 6-9 month old child may seem difficult, sometimes even unbearable... What to do? You need to be distracted by your own affairs! Read my article It was this method that helped me not to go crazy, but to learn to make time for myself even in the crazy rhythm of life with a baby. Again, remember that good times are coming!

9 to 12 months

Usually by 9 months the child becomes a little more independent- he already moves around the house himself, crawling or even on his own two feet, opening all kinds of cabinets and drawers and pulling out their contents, which means now there is always something to do! At first, the mother may even fall into a stupor - what to do with the freed up time? It’s not that there’s so much of it, it’s just that we’re used to cooking dinner, cleaning up, and going to the shower in 20 minutes, but here the baby occupied himself for half an hour, and there’s only 10 minutes left. :))

I know from myself that by the 10th month of a child’s life, the mother can finally relax a little and calmly drink the tea that she poured when the baby was 5 months old. 😄 Well, seriously, after all the household chores, I even manage to do some handicrafts while my daughter plays. A few weeks ago I could only dream about this!

Some kids are even too independent! :)

Many mothers complain that a child of one year or one and a half still requires ALL the attention, and some do not get off their hands, even if they already know how to walk... Well, this only means that just from 9 months child care ends and education begins. And educating is really much more difficult than wiping your ass. You will need all your will, sometimes severity and firmness, to raise an independent, balanced person. Yes, you will have to make an effort on yourself many times a day so as not to indulge the baby’s whims every time. It's time to know the honor! It is now that upbringing is being laid, and it is better for you if you teach the new family member to adapt to your routine. After all, he is no longer a newborn, and he can be patient and submit somewhere.

At 9 months, children already understand a lot, and if they don’t understand, they feel it. Explain that mom can’t do it now and will have to wait. If you see that the child is simply showing his “I want”, try to ignore it (if explanations do not help). You'll see, the baby will occupy himself, and each time this will happen more often and for a longer time! By doing this, you are providing a service, first of all, to the child, whose wishes cannot and should not be fulfilled right now.

The complexity of the periods of the first year of a child’s life in my opinion

That is why I put the ease of this period in second place, and not in first place. Otherwise, with the baby it finally becomes interesting, entertaining, and fun! He already says “mom” and “dad”, plays, laughs, stomps his chubby feet, hugs, tries to kiss. And all this is incredibly sweet, it breaks my heart with tenderness :)

By 11-12 months The child switches to one nap during the day. When I thought about this six months ago, I was horrified. But everything turned out to be not so scary! With a child, as a rule, it is very comfortable, and time flies unnoticed - then you are even surprised that bedtime has come. It was at this moment that I felt that life had finally gotten better - you just live, do household chores, meet with friends, even work, you just always have a child with you. :)

These are the periods of the baby’s first year of life, and each of them is good in its own way. First - a lot of free time, but also a difficult adjustment, then - the usual rhythm and ease, after - a series of crises and new skills, and at the end of the year - next to you is a “one of a kind” little man, without whom you can no longer imagine life. Therefore, if you and your baby are facing a difficult stage, remember that the game is worth the candle, and very soon life will sparkle with new colors! Every day will be a joy! It’s not for nothing that they say that the first year is the most difficult. As you can see, difficulties arise in different periods baby's life. And now I understand why the one-year anniversary is celebrated on such a grand scale - there is something to celebrate! I think it will be even better in the future :)

All nine months that a woman carries a child under her heart boils down to one thing - waiting for the miracle of the birth of a baby. But along with joy, the mother also comes with worries and anxiety for the little man. Indeed, the newborn period is a very difficult stage and you need to learn to cope with your fears. At this time, you should not refuse the help of relatives and friends, because in addition to caring for the baby, the mother is still responsible for household chores. In addition, a woman after childbirth is very weak and needs to conserve milk.

At birth, the child faces many previously unknown difficulties - he needs to breathe and eat on his own, the light hurts his eyes, and his skin gets used to doing without moisture. Therefore, it is important to create the most comfortable conditions for the child:

It is best to feed your baby on demand and, of course, breastfeeding is the most optimal;

It is imperative to walk with your baby starting from 10-15 minutes a day; you cannot leave the child’s brain without oxygen;

For the first 6 months, children are bathed daily, the first month in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, alternating: a day with just water, a day with soap or bathing agent. The optimal water temperature is 37 degrees;

Develop your evening algorithm of actions: feeding, walk, bathing, feeding, sleep. Children love order, it teaches them discipline;

Babies are very sensitive to weather conditions, so one of the sources of malaise and, as a result, moodiness is weather changes. But here, alas, we are unable to help; we can only wait;

Up to 4 months, the gastrointestinal tract is formed in children, so they may suffer from colic, and in boys it is more difficult. Help here is quite simple: apply a warm diaper, take the baby in your arms and position him so that his tummy is leaning against you. Warmth soothes colic. Espumisan helps very well with gases;

And, perhaps, the most important thing - do not follow the lead of your family and friends. You need to listen to their advice, nothing more. Of course, your mother or mother-in-law has experience, but you have maternal instinct, you feel your child better than anyone else. And this is more important than experience.

Good luck and health to you and your children!

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Birth of a child is always a holiday for young parents and relatives, but it also comes with additional responsibility, sleepless nights, and many new skills.

It is the first month that is rightfully considered the most difficult, because an inexperienced mother has not yet gotten into shape after childbirth, is nervous and does not know how to do much.

However, having coped with the first month, further upbringing and caring for the baby will be much easier.

The main indicator of the first month of life, which pediatricians pay attention to first of all, is considered.

In the first month it should be within from 400 to 600 grams.

If the baby has gained less weight, then most likely the mother does not have enough milk, so the doctor may recommend additional complementary feeding in the form.

This means that you will have to supplement the baby with artificial formula 1-2 times a day.

The main thing during this period is not to give up breastfeeding, since many babies, receiving easily accessible nutrition from a bottle, can simply abandon the breast, where they need to make an effort to get milk


Mandatory walks in the fresh air will prevent deficiency. Starting from the first day, you can take your child outside, naturally, when the weather permits (if it is severely cold or pouring rain outside, you should hold off on walking).

However, in good weather, being outside will in no way harm both baby and mother. Sun rays promote the production of vitamin D in the skin, which has a positive effect on the development of bone, nervous and other body systems, in addition prevents the development of rickets.

For the little man the correct mode is very important, this will allow you to eat well, rest well and enjoy communication with the outside world, both for the baby and for the mother. The ideal option would be to wake up at the same time every day; of course, the baby may have his own individual routine, but by gradually shifting the wake-up time every day, you will achieve the desired result.

You need to swim, walk and sleep at the same time, but it’s better to eat on demand, because in case underfeeding the baby will gain weight poorly, this is fraught milk stagnation and strong breast engorgement, which in itself is very painful and uncomfortable.

From birth, the little man’s subconscious contains basic reflexes, the presence of which indicates his mental usefulness. That is why they must be checked and corrected.

Basic reflex actions:

sucking reflex– seeing a breast or bottle, the child begins to make sucking movements; he can also suck on a fist or the edge of a diaper. This skill is very important, and its absence indicates the immaturity of the body - most often observed in babies born prematurely;

grasp reflex manifests itself in the fact that any object that you place in the baby’s palm, he will certainly grasp tenaciously. This is an unconscious squeeze; the child will begin to deliberately take something from about 4-5 months;

support reflex visible when the child is standing upright. If you lift the baby and hold him so that his legs lightly touch the surface, he will straighten them, and if he leans forward a little, he will begin to move his legs;

protective reflex manifests itself in independent rotation of the head to one side when the newborn is placed on his stomach. The absence of this reflex obliges parents to monitor the sleeping child as closely as possible.

  • In the first and subsequent months of life, it is necessary to protect the baby’s fontanel, and by what age it will be overgrown, you will find out.
  • It is necessary to treat the navel with care, treat it daily; if you notice that it is too convex, then this may signal a hernia; the first symptoms are described in.
  • Carefully monitor your baby’s hygiene; nipples need to be washed in order to avoid thrush, and you will find out how it manifests itself.

There are other mandatory reflexes, but they manifest themselves differently in all children. The big picture psychological state the child is formed on the comparative characteristics of the main basic reflex manifestations.

If there are any deviations from the norm, special techniques will help restore the ideal picture. psychological education, an experienced pediatrician will help you choose the best one for a particular case.

From the very first day, the baby successfully perceives information about the world around him; he does not understand much, but is already able to respond to his native voice, distinguish familiar faces and respond to affection. Many people believe that educational games are an activity for older children, and therefore do not play with infants.

However, in practice it has been proven that early development Children help to quickly consolidate new skills, and as a result, it is these children who are able to become leaders, they successfully perceive new knowledge and learn well without much effort.

The simplest but most effective games with babies:

swaddling process can be translated into game uniform, then the baby will enjoy this ritual and become less capricious.

while changing clothes place several brightly colored toys or rattles near the changing table, and show them to your baby periodically. Many children pay attention to bright objects from the very first days, so it is worth diversifying their range of interests;

massage– it’s very pleasant, and also useful. With the help of a massage, you can calm your child down; this is a good option for waking up in the morning; you can perform a massage both on the bed and in the water while swimming. This procedure will allow you to strengthen your baby’s muscles, prevent congestion of the limbs and will give you many pleasant moments from close communication with the closest person;

sound accompaniment– while doing the most ordinary household chores, try to communicate with your child as much as possible. No matter how old or days old he is, he still hears you and understands almost everything. Tell him what the weather is like outside, how to cook dinner, why you can’t take sharp objects, etc. This sound game will help your baby adapt to the new world, after which he will surprise you with his knowledge, which he absorbed from the first days of his life;

peekaboo"— while playing with your baby or giving him a massage, you can play hide and seek. When covering yourself with a towel or diaper, say “ku-ku” and immediately appear back. Many children happily perceive such fun and smile and coo approvingly.

There are many obligatory tasks for the first month of life, however, the main thing that a newborn baby needs is care and maternal love, everything else can be filled, but not this.

Experienced mothers will find this question funny. But I have heard it more than once and continue to hear it sometimes: when will it be easier with infant?

You can read many forums where you will find a wide variety of answers. For some, it became easier after 6 months, for others within a year, and for others, the further it went, the more difficult it became. And it seems to me that this depends not only on the age and individuality of each child. It depends on the mother herself and her attitude towards motherhood. How has your mother adapted to the new lifestyle? How to take care of yourself? How does he manage his time?

Of course, every child still has difficult periods and relatively simple ones. Here I will tell you about our daughter and I periods of crisis, about our lessons and conclusions. And of course, how to make it easier with a baby as soon as possible.

When will it be easier for a young mother to have a baby?

First, the disappointing news: if a mother doesn’t take care of herself, overloads herself, worries at every step, strives to be perfect and control everything... It won’t get easier for her never. And even vice versa, it will become more difficult with age. Since the “easiest” age is a baby. Who lies in his arms all day and sucks his breast. Yes, he's not sleeping. Yes, he's yelling. But he doesn’t climb on the closet, doesn’t chew wires, doesn’t take away other people’s toys... And in general, he’s always safe - in his mother’s arms. And his hysterics are not yet the same as those of a one-year-old or three-year-old.

And now - good news. With a reasonable allocation of your time, mom will not feel overloaded Almost never. Of course, anything can happen. Diseases, teeth, just crises... But these are only temporary difficulties that are not so difficult to get through... But I want to say that every age has its advantages, and you can adapt to almost every problem.

In the first three months it will be very easy for you if you don’t go crazy at every turn, and especially from the baby’s tummy problems (yes, it’s unpleasant, but it will pass, and mom’s nerves are more important). If you stop demanding from yourself perfect cleanliness in the house and a three-course lunch. In the first months this is very difficult. More precisely, for experienced mother it wouldn’t be difficult (the baby in the sling, and herself on the stove), but I wouldn’t advise setting unrealistic goals for yourself. It's better to lie on the couch all day and breastfeed. In the first months nothing more is required. The difficulty of this period depends on how the birth went, on your emotional state and on the help of loved ones. I didn’t have any help, but I simply lowered my demands - that’s enough.

Over the next three months, mothers usually feel significant relief. The colic has passed, the teeth are still not coming out. However, the baby is already bored of just lying in his arms, he needs to explore the outside world more... Perhaps he is now willing to lie in a chaise longue or under a mobile phone for 10 minutes. During this time, you can do all your household chores, breaking them into stages (“”). Usually this period passes relatively easily, since most mothers have already rebuilt their lives to new way. But if a woman has zero energy, it will be even more difficult than before.

After six months, the development of space begins. And here a lot depends on how you can secure your apartment. If a child has his own room, where there is nothing superfluous, great! Then it will be much easier for you with a baby. But we, for example, did not have this. Here the mother needs to rebuild her life again to meet new requirements.

And so on. The further you go, the more difficult it is to captivate a child with something. At 6-7 months, a saucepan with a spoon is already something incredible. In a year, a child will not fiddle with one pan for more than ten seconds. And then whims and demonstrative hysterics begin... Therefore, it’s better to start simplifying your life now! Yes, there are unique children who, from 6-7 months, crawl and play on their own for half an hour, leaving their mother alone... But such mothers do not ask when it will be easier with an infant. And most often, children do not leave their mothers alone, not even at six months, not at one year, not at two! They say that after three years the first outbreaks of independence begin... But even then - not for everyone!

How was it for us?

It was very difficult for me in the first month. It was very difficult, I was constantly crying, inventing problems for myself, and it seemed that I was on the verge of my capabilities. And when I realized that I couldn’t do it anymore, that this was the limit, I had no choice but to. And radically change your lifestyle. Olga Valyaeva’s articles on femininity and other materials on filling with lunar energy, which I read at night from my phone while rocking my child, helped a lot. I started to act. In the rare moments when my daughter slept, I replenished my strength, rested, took care of myself and did nothing. Household chores are kept to a minimum. It’s okay, my husband can tolerate it for a couple of months without delicacies, after all, the baby is born. At every opportunity I went to rest in the bath... I wrote about many things in the articles “” and “”. In general, after two months it became much, much easier for me. It’s so easy that I even started writing this blog, learning website creation and article optimization from scratch. And to the question of when it will be easier with a baby, I would clearly answer - in two months! But of course, this is not due to the age of the baby, but to the fact that I finally stopped going crazy over trifles, and made it a rule to constantly please myself with something.

It only got easier from there. With the exception of two periods: 7-8 months and a year. At 7-8 months, my daughter began to actively explore the apartment, stand on her feet at every corner and fall flat on the floor. I couldn’t remove absolutely everything dangerous, and I couldn’t cover the walls, furniture and the entire area of ​​the room with soft blankets. And this month was quite nervous and exhausting. But there were advantages here too - I calmly listened to lectures in the background, crawling behind the child, which I could no longer afford to do at one year old. At this time I wrote "".

The year another crisis began. The daughter began to throw tantrums, her character appeared, she became stubborn and harmful. The old ways of distracting the child no longer worked. I tried not to react to the hysterics, and they passed after a month or two. And we managed to establish everyday life using the method described in the article “”. When my daughter turned one and a half, it became completely easy. Now you can somehow come to an agreement with her, it’s easier to keep her occupied with something... And she herself is already very clearly communicating her needs.

For some, crises began at a completely different time. Everything here is individual. But I can say for sure that you can adapt to any crisis, if it is not caused by a serious illness. In each period, you can feel great and stop being a driven horse. And there is no need to calculate when it will be easier with a baby; start enjoying motherhood now!

When will it become easier with a baby?

When you start spending your children's sleep ONLY on your own rest. When you stop being afraid of difficulties and learn to do absolutely all household chores while your baby is awake. When you start doing something for yourself every day, allowing yourself something that brings joy. When you get to know each other and communicate more (if there is a need for this). When you relax and hide your perfectionism at least for a while. I wrote more about this in the articles “”, “”, “”. I won’t repeat myself here, so the article turned out to be very long... But I wanted to write just a little...