DIY Easter panel “Cathedral of Christ the Savior”. Master class with step-by-step photos. How to make a church model from paper, plastic, toothpicks and pasta? How to make a paper church with your own hands

Original gift for Easter with your own hands

Master class on making panels with step by step photos.
Do-it-yourself panel made of decorative cord using the quilling technique “Cathedral of Christ the Savior”.

The master class is designed for children school age, teachers, both kindergartens and schools, additional education, as well as for the parents of our students, and simply for those who really love to make and decorate their surrounding world!
Target: Making panels from decorative cord, making flowers using the quilling technique.
Tasks: Teach the quilling technique. Develop fine motor skills hands, accuracy in performing work, Creative skills, fantasy.
Purpose: the panel can be used as a gift, souvenir, or interior decoration.
Baizan Elena Leonidovna, physical education instructor.
Municipal budget preschool educational institution general developmental type with priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic direction of development of students kindergarten No. 6 “Vasilyok”, Krasnoyarsk region, town. Shushenskoye.

Majestic, solemn, wonderful
The temple stands above the Moscow River,
Golden reflection in the morning
Dark waters disturbing the peace.

Wonderful temple! You are a holy creation
Masters and people of Rus'.
Like Christ, he survived humiliation
You cried out to God, “Save!”

And your prayer voice was heard.
Again you are standing above the river.
And about what? About a secret, probably
You are silent majestically and proudly.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior built from 1839 to 1883 The idea of ​​erecting a grandiose temple in Moscow in honor of the victory over the French and their expulsion from Russia arose already in 1812, and on October 12, 1813, the ceremonial laying of the foundation of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on the Sparrow Hills took place. Byzantine was chosen as the basis for the style of the temple. The facades of the temple on all four sides were identical in shape and decorated with bas-reliefs depicting pictures of the Holy Scriptures. The sculptures for the bas-reliefs were made by sculptors Klodt, Loganovsky and Ramazanov from Protopopovsky marble (very strong and beautiful stone, easy to polish). The huge central dome was placed on a high light drum with mirrored glass, resting on an octagon. Widely spaced small four domes were crowned by four quadrangular bell towers. To gild the domes, crosses and balustrades of the roof, 422.2 kg of gold were required, and 176 tons of copper were needed. There were 14 bells hanging on the bell towers, the largest of which weighed 27 tons.
In connection with the approach of Easter, I offer a master class on creating a panel “Cathedral of Christ the Savior”.

To create our panel we will need:
- Frame 21x30cm.
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Scissors
- Stationery glue
- Glue “Moment”
- Colored office paper
- Decorative cord (gold, silver, black)
- Oil pastel
- Nail scissors

So, let's get started. Take a sheet of paper, the color of your flower. I took the sheet office paper light purple. Using a ruler and pencil, draw strips 0.5 cm wide.

Cutting strips

We take one strip and roll it into a roll like this. Secure the edge of the roll with glue.

We pinch one edge of the roll, you get a petal like this

Using the sharp edge of the petal, glue the rolls into one inflorescence

We take a strip of a different color and also roll it into a roll, securing the edge of the strip again with glue

We pinch it, roll on both sides, we get a petal like this

Such inflorescences are obtained. Can be used different colour paper, you will get very cute flowers

We create “Forget-me-nots”. To do this, twist the blue strip into a very tight roll.

Just like in the first case, we pinch one edge of the petal. We connect together 5-6 petals in an inflorescence

Each flower has a middle, so to speak, stamens. Our stamens are made from a strip of paper yellow color. Finely cut along the edge of the strip - stamens

Roll into a tight roll

Glue the stamens to each flower using Moment glue

All flowers have leaves. Cut strips of green paper 0.5 cm wide

We do it the same way as petals, we roll it up

Pinch on both sides

The next roll, slightly bent into a “month” shape

Sheet blanks are ready

Glue the three parts of the sheet together, then take a green strip and glue the sheet completely, as if securing all three parts together

We also experiment with leaves, bend the roll in different directions

We also connect the rolls together using a strip of paper

I took a piece of paper and drew the outline of the temple

Now the interesting part... We take a decorative cord of gold color and begin to paste the dome of the temple in a circle

We lay out the remaining two domes in the same way. Glue the cord using Moment glue

We take a silver-colored cord and lay out the base, so to speak, the walls of the Temple. We highlight the windows in gold. Using black cords we draw the outline of the towers of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Cut it out

The cut out temple is glued onto the finished background. Using a golden cord we form crosses on each dome of the temple

Our flowers and leaves, made using the quilling technique, are laid out at the “feet” of the Temple. We attach the finished panel to the frame

The panel is ready, let's decorate our interior with it!

Crafts made from plastic bottles are very simple and easy to make with your own hands. In this article we will tell you how you can make church models from ordinary plastic bottles.

It is worth noting that many bottles already have a dome shape, this greatly facilitates the production of church models.

As you can see in the photo, the top parts of the bottles are used in this composition.

The pictures are printed on self-adhesive paper using a regular inkjet printer and glued on top of the bottles, sprinkled with glue and glitter. In addition, beads and foil were used to make crafts from plastic bottles.

Quite affordable materials for making crafts with your own hands, isn’t it?

And this craft is from plastic bottle made using papier-mâché technology, this is when paper is torn into small pieces, the bottle is coated with glue and pasted over with pieces of soft paper in several layers.

After this, the homemade craft can be painted with acrylic paints or gouache.

This plastic bottle mockup is even easier to make. Used acrylic paints. Gold paint can be purchased at an artist supply store, but otherwise, all crafting items are sold at an office supply store.

This installation uses cutting windows into plastic bottles, the domes are made from polymer clay, we wrote about it in the article. You can take it already golden in color, or you can paint it.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making homemade crafts from bottles! This is a very simple activity and you can do it with your child.

More crafts from plastic bottles:

Helicopter from a plastic bottle - make a model of a helicopter.
Water rocket - we make a rocket using water-air fuel.

Hello everyone! Handicraft Tuesday on the ShkolaLa blog! Get your golden hands ready. Today we will make a very interesting school craft for the week. Orthodox culture. Does this happen at your school? We have them from time to time) So they asked us to do something suitable.

And we decided to make a church. We thought for a long time about what, and how? We thought and thought and came up with an idea. We will make a church out of a plastic bottle. The main thing is to choose a suitable bottle so that its upper part is shaped like the top of a church. And we found one like this, from under mineral water.

Well? Begin?

Let's prepare the necessary materials:

  • shoe box lid;
  • plastic bottle;
  • rope;
  • wire;
  • braid and lace for decoration;
  • plasticine (we chose white and blue);
  • cardboard or baby foam (aka foamiran);
  • cotton wool;
  • PVA glue;
  • double sided tape;
  • white paint;
  • brush;
  • scissors.

First, let's prepare the base of our craft. Paint the shoe box lid with white paint.

Set the box aside to let the paint dry. And we will prepare planks for the fence that will enclose our church. They can also be cut out of cardboard. We used colored foam for children's creativity (foamiran). We drew stripes and cut them out with scissors.

The tips of the boards were sharpened to give the fence a more natural look. The “planks” are ready.

Now we glue them to our base.

And we move on to constructing the main object of our craft.

Take a bottle and cut off the bottom part of it. Something like this.

The top of the bottle also needs to be cut off. This is quite problematic, since the plastic at the neck of the bottle is quite hard and thick. We heated the knife over the gas and slowly cut it off.

The time has come to take care of how our future church will be attached to the foundation. Using a marker, mark a horizontal line on the bottom of the bottle, approximately 2 cm from the edge. And segments were drawn down from this line.

We cut the bottle along the marked lines with scissors and folded the resulting strips. Looks like flower petals.

Let's start decorating our church. Let's add it to the desired shape using plasticine.

How to make a cross? Very simple. We took a beautiful decorative blue wire, since our church will be all blue and white. But you can also use regular wire and then simply wrap the cross in foil.

Well, we first bent the wire in half and bent its tails to the sides.

And then like this. It turned out to be a cross!

Now we stick the cross into the top of our crown.

We take double-sided tape and cover the walls of the church with it.

Gradually, starting from the bottom, we subtract upper layer double-sided tape and begin to wrap the walls with rope.

And so on to the very top of the wall, to the beginning of the dome.

We mark doors and windows on the walls using blue lace. We made a door in the front. Still at the top thin strip The lace was glued on, and there was a silver braid at the bottom for beauty.

The windows were arranged like this: two on the sides, one on the back.

Let's start decorating the dome. We roll balls from white and blue plasticine, turn them into flat cakes, and glue them to the dome in rows, starting from the bottom.

Each next circle overlaps a little with the previous one. As does each top row to the bottom. The higher we rise, the smaller the cakes become. This is how the dome turned out! Beautiful?

We can say that we built a church.

We will install it on our base.

Remember when we cut the bottom of the bottle into petals? Now we glue double-sided tape to these petals from below.

We made the strips that are on the back side of the church a little shorter in order to install the building as close as possible to the base wall. Then we remove the top layer of tape and glue the building to the base. It holds very tightly and will not fall anywhere.

All that remains is to decorate the space surrounding the church. You can make it summer, glue some grass, make trees with your own hands and “plant” them around. But we took a different path, faster and simpler. We made a winter camp. Everything around the church was “covered with snow.” We made snowdrifts from cotton wool. And they “cleared” the path to the doors. A path made from a piece of padding polyester. All this was glued to the base using PVA glue.

So our blue and white church is ready)

I have already gone to the school exhibition.

Now, friends, you know what to do if a week of Orthodox culture has started at school. We hope our step-by-step master class will help you)

By the way, I think that our composition for Christmas with angels could also be a craft on the theme of Orthodox culture. You will find a master class.

And VKontakte is waiting for you our group "ShkolaLa"! Become her subscriber! We promise a sea of ​​school positivity and interesting information!

Happy creativity!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

In our group there is an Orthodox corner, there are books, icons, a children's prayer book, a candlestick, candles, holy water, willow branches, the only thing missing was a temple. So my children and I, with the help of our parents, decided to make a temple, which is now located in our group, in an Orthodox corner. Every year on Easter we set the Easter table, where our temple occupies the central place.

The execution sequence is as follows:

1.Collected plastic bottles. Prepared plasticine white paper, glue, white emulsion, green color, foil, wire.

2. We assembled a rough structure from bottles.

3. 1st layer was covered with paper, allowed to dry, 2nd layer was made of popier-mâché, also given


4. We painted the temple with water-based emulsion tinted green.

5. We inserted wire crosses into the domes, cut out small squares from foil and glued them to the domes from bottom to top.

6. Long strips of foil were cut out onto the roof of the temple and glued using plasticine and glue.

7. We attached windows and doors from Lego, and glued the face of the Mother of God above the central entrance.

This is how the temple turned out!

Joint work of the teacher of the preschool educational institution of the child development center - Natalya Viktorovna Gapchenko, nursery school No. 10, and children from the city of Alekseevka, Belgorod region.

Series of messages " ":
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 - DIY temple
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 41 -
Part 42 -

Crafts made from plastic bottles are very simple and easy to make with your own hands. In this article we will tell you how you can make church models from ordinary plastic bottles.

It is worth noting that many bottles already have a dome shape, this greatly facilitates the production of church models.

As you can see in the photo, the top parts of the bottles are used in this composition.

The pictures are printed on self-adhesive paper using a regular inkjet printer and glued on top of the bottles, sprinkled with glue and glitter. In addition, beads and foil were used to make crafts from plastic bottles.

Quite affordable materials for making crafts with your own hands, isn’t it?

And this craft from a plastic bottle is made using papier-mâché technology, which is when paper is torn into small pieces, the bottle is coated with glue and pasted over with pieces of soft paper in several layers.

After this, the homemade craft can be painted with acrylic paints or gouache.

This plastic bottle mockup is even easier to make. Acrylic paints were used. Gold paint can be purchased at an artist supply store, but otherwise, all crafting items are sold at an office supply store.

This installation uses cutting windows in plastic bottles, the domes are made of polymer clay, we wrote about it in the article. You can take it already golden in color, or you can paint it.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making homemade crafts from bottles! This is a very simple activity and you can do it with your child.

More crafts from plastic bottles:

Helicopter from a plastic bottle - make a model of a helicopter.
Water rocket - we make a rocket using water-air fuel.