Report for preschool educators from the experience of "ecological education in the conditions of preschool". Experience in ecology "Environmental education of preschool children Experience in ecology in kindergarten

Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 10 "Solnyshko"

Municipal stage of the All-Russian competition

"Educator of the Year" - 2015

Completed: educator 1 square. category Berezina M.V.

v. Gagarinskoe 2015

Table of contents

1. The social significance of methodological development _________________ p. 2

2. The relevance of the tasks of environmental education ___________________ p. 3

3. Presentation of work experience on environmental education in MDOU kindergarten No. 10 "Sun" ____________________________________ p.5

4. Bibliographic list ___________________________________ page 10

5 APPENDIX _____________________________________________ page 11

A long-term work plan for environmental education in the senior mixed-age group of MDOU kindergarten No. 10 "Sun" _______ page 13

Our awards_________________________________________________ page 20

Advice for parents___________________________________ p.22

Synopsis of the environmental lesson “Why animals disappear” ______ p.26

Synopsis of ecological entertainment "Cleanliness will save the world" _________ page 29

Everything good in people comes from childhood!

How to awaken the origins of goodness?

Touch nature with all your heart:

Surprise, learn, love!

We want the earth to flourish

And grew like flowers, kids,

So that for them the ecology becomes

Not science, but part of the soul!

Social significance of methodological development

Preschool childhood is the initial stage in the formation of a person's personality, his value orientation in the world around him. During this period, a positive attitude is laid to nature, to the man-made world, to oneself and the people around. Ecological upbringing and education of children is an extremely urgent problem of the present time: only an ecological worldview, an ecological culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which they are now.

Environmental education is also significant from the standpoint of the child's personal development - properly organized, systematically carried out in a preschool educational institution under the guidance of people with environmental culture, it has an intense impact on his mind, feelings, will.

The world of nature is fraught with great opportunities for the comprehensive development of children. The thoughtful organization of training, walks, special observations develops the thinking of children, the ability to see and feel the colorful diversity of natural phenomena, to notice large and small changes in the world around them. Thinking about nature under the influence of an adult, a preschooler enriches his knowledge, feelings, he develops the right attitude towards living things, the desire to create, not destroy.

Whatever educational concepts the educator adheres to, no matter what programs of preschool education he works with, he cannot but set himself the goal: to teach to take care of the nature of his land, his homeland

The relevance of the tasks of environmental education

Currently, the task of environmental education of preschoolers is particularly relevant. Children receive a large amount of information that is difficult to rethink and use. Each of us has experienced the influence of our native nature to a greater or lesser extent and knows that it is the source of the first concrete knowledge and those joyful experiences that are often remembered for a lifetime. The ability acquired in childhood to see and hear nature as it really is. , arouses in children a deep interest in it, expands their knowledge, contributes to the formation of characters and interests. Familiarization of preschoolers with nature is a means of educating in their minds realistic knowledge about the world around them, based on sensory experience. Environmental education of preschoolers will be important in the future, as it is connected with the social problems of society.

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​this work is to teach children of senior preschool age to show initiative and curiosity in order to gain new knowledge about the world of nature and ecology. To form an ecological culture of the individual through the development of components:

    Environmental knowledge and skills

    ecological thinking

    Value orientations

    Environmentally Sound Behavior

Particular attention in working with preschoolers is given to moral education. It is manifested not only in the ability of children to take care of animate and inanimate nature, but also in a humane attitude towards people around them.

Objective: search for new approaches to solving the problem of the child's personal development in the system of work to familiarize him with the outside world.

Work principles:

    The encyclopedic nature of the knowledge and ideas formed in the child about everything that surrounds him

    Natural conformity: a person is a part of nature and obeys its laws

    Educational value of knowledge

Problems and tasks

Primary school education programs place high demands on the preparation of preschool children for schooling, so it is necessary to bring the knowledge of the child of the preparatory group to the appropriate level. To solve this problem, the teacher sets himself a number of tasks.

    The study of pedagogical literature and familiarization with advanced educational technologies on this issue

    Selection of the necessary content from preschool methods

    Development of new forms of planning various types of children's activities

    Search and testing of new methods and techniques of working with children

    Formation of children's knowledge about the vital manifestations of humans, animals and plants (nutrition, growth, development)

    Formation of ideas about cause-and-effect relationships within the natural complex

    Development of emotionally friendly relations in the process of communication with natural objects

    Formation of the habit of rational use of natural resources

    Developing the ability to properly interact with nature

    Education of a humane attitude towards people

    Developing an interest in the environment

    Formation of an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality

Achieving the goals and objectives of the system of environmental education of older preschoolers providescompliance with the principles:






    Relationships with family

Presentation of experience in environmental education in MDOU kindergarten No. 10 "Solnyshko"

Our kindergarten No. 10 "Solnyshko" works according to the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" M.A. Vasilyeva. The program provides for the formation of ecological ideas in preschoolers, the value bases of attitudes towards the world around them. Based on the main content lines of the "Child and the world around" section, the teaching staff developed an additionalprogram "Rostok", which is used in work with children of preschool age. This program involves the solution of the following main tasks:

The development of an elementary understanding by a preschooler of the value and originality of his personal "I" and any living organism;
- formation of the foundations of natural science thinking, culture of knowledge of man, nature and awareness of one's unity with it;
- development in preschoolers of ideas about the relationship of man, flora and fauna with the external environment;
- unconditional acceptance by the child of the right to life of a being other than him;
- education of the position of a researcher of the surrounding world;
- development in children of the need for knowledge and improvement of themselves and the natural world;
- education of the environmental responsibility of the child: understanding their actions and their role in specific environmental and life situations.

The program is built taking into account the principle of using various forms of upbringing and education of the child:elementary research activity, cyclic observations in nature, variable walks, educational games, heuristic conversations and etc. The content of this program is based on the principle of integration, which ensures the interaction and interweaving of the foundations of the humanitarian
nyh, natural, psychological and pedagogical sciences and a harmonious combination of all types of activities: communication, games, labor, creative activities, etc.
In our kindergarten, conditions have been created for familiarizing preschoolers with nature: in group rooms - corners of nature, on the territory of the kindergarten - a flower garden, plants of the forest, fields and gardens. Already from the end of winter, we begin to arrange mini-gardens with children: we plant onions, oats, peas in boxes with earth; we prepare flower seedlings: marigolds, asters, zinnias. In the spring we arrange flower beds. We teach children not only to admire and cherish the beauty created by nature and other people, but also to create beauty for themselves and for others. Throughout the summer, children take care of flowers, see the result of their work. Educators talk about the effect of flowers on people, about the benefits of medicinal herbs.
We pay great attention to the organization
elementary search activity, helping to introduce children into the world of knowledge of nature, to awaken their intellectual abilities. We give children the opportunity to "communicate", "act" with objects of nature. Such capabilities areexperiment . It allows you to give children the most complete information about the objects or phenomena being studied, increase the visibility and accessibility of the material, make the learning process the most effective and, of course, satisfy the natural curiosity of preschoolers.
In the conditions of kindergarten, we use only
elementary experience . Its elementarity lies, firstly, in the nature of the tasks to be solved: they are unknown only to children. Secondly, in the process of these experiments, scientific discoveries do not occur, but elementary concepts and conclusions are formed. Thirdly, household and gaming equipment is used in such work. Such as, for example, transparent and opaque vessels of various configurations and volumes, measuring spoons (from baby food), flexible plastic or rubber tubes, beaters, wooden spatulas and spatulas for stirring, etc.
Experiments are of great importance for children's understanding of cause-and-effect relationships. Experiments are carried out most often in the older group of different ages. In the younger group of different ages, the educator uses only individual search actions. In each experiment, the reason for the observed phenomenon is revealed, the children are led to judgments and conclusions. Thus, experiments contribute to the formation of children's cognitive interest in nature, develop observation, mental activity.
Preschool childhood is a period of play, so we make extensive use of various
didactic games of natural history content . Each group has printed board games, for example, "Zoological Lotto", "Botanical Domino".Word didactic games develop in preschoolers not only perception and speech, but also the ability to analyze and describe; they teach children to generalize phenomena, to classify objects: to attribute them to one category or another. Children like the games "When does this happen?", "What is round in nature?", "Name it in one word." Widely usedecological games-activities, games-travels, games-competitions. Interest and distribution are gainingecological theatrical games. These games develop imagination, empathy, strengthen the dominance of the relationship to nature, enhance the components of a personal relationship to nature, form the skills of interaction with nature.
Of the important tools in the education of many generations of people who lived in harmony with nature, there was, surprisingly, a fairy tale that accompanied a person from birth to old age. The use of folk tales in ecological education is a method of forming the foundations of ecological consciousness among preschoolers. One of the directions of creative search should also be noted -
ecological fairy tale , the interest in which in children is determined by the novelty of the plot, the presence of unusual characters, elements of mystery and allows the teacher to reveal complex natural phenomena in an entertaining way, makes it possible to teach children scientific vision, arouse sympathy for all living things, lay the initial forms of a consciously correct attitude to nature.
We assign a special role in the environmental education of preschoolers
modeling activity , with the help of which it becomes possible to deepen the knowledge of children, help them understand the essence of phenomena, establish connections and relationships. Our program provides for the formation in children of an understanding of the relationship between the development of a plant and the conditions for their existence, mastering elementary concepts such as "fish", "birds", "forest", etc.

Particular attention in the work of our MDOU is given to the topicenvironmental education for parents . Her cooperation takes place through parent meetings, individual conversations, consultations, stands, promoting pedagogical knowledge. Participation of parents in exhibitions, joint activities for the improvement of the group's site.

Thus, the experience of work on the environmental education of preschoolers has shown that the direction chosen by our team is correct. The program runs successfully. Children express a steady interest in these activities, understand the importance of relationships in nature, and realize the place of man in it. But, despite a significant improvement in the state of work on the environmental education of preschool children, there are still problems and the teaching staff of MDOU No. 10 "Sun" will work on their solution.

People, take a look around!

How beautiful nature is!

She needs the care of your hands,

So that her beauty does not fade.

B. Ryabinin

Bibliographic list

ABC of environmental education // Preschool education. - 1995. - No. 5.

Veretennikova S. A. Familiarization of preschoolers with nature. - M .: Education, 1993.

Nikolaeva S. N. How to introduce a child to nature: a method. materials for working with parents of institutions. - M., 1993.

Nikolaeva S.N. Young ecologist M.2005

The program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Verax 2012

Ryzhova N.A. Our home is nature. M.206

Solomennikova O.A. Ecological education in kindergarten Program and guidelines. M.2008

Shilenok T. Helping the teacher in the work on the environmental education of preschoolers // Preschool education. –1992. – No. 7–8.


Based on the work carried out, a number of recommendations can be formulated for educators:

    Familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding nature will be more effective if the teacher notes all the achievements and independence of children, praise for confidence and initiative.

    It is necessary to constantly use innovative technologies in pedagogical practice, as a result of which a positive effect will be achieved in the development of all aspects of the cognitive activity of a preschool child.

    Work on the environmental education of preschoolers should not take place in isolation from the upbringing and educational work carried out by MDOU

    Activities for the use of innovative technologies should cover all activities of preschoolers.

A long-term work plan for environmental education in the senior mixed-age group of MDOU kindergarten No. 10 "Solnyshko"

the date




Possible form of holding during the day


Through good deeds you can become an ecologist

To give children an idea of ​​who a "Young Ecologist" is

Morning conversation, walk

Acquaintance with the book "Ecology in Pictures"

Getting to know the main sections of the book


CHL in the afternoon

nature and man

Give an idea of ​​the impact of human activities on nature


Observation while walking

How to behave in nature

To consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature

Walking conversation

We are friends of nature

Raising a caring and kind attitude towards nature

reminder signs

Repetition of the norms and rules of behavior in nature

Making signs in collaboration with the teacher

Diversity of plants and their relationship with the environment

Describe the stages of development and growth of plants.



Plants in our life

To systematize children's knowledge about the importance of plants in human life


medicinal plants

To acquaint with medicinal plants, their benefits for humans



Familiarize yourself with the variety of houseplants

Work in a corner of nature

Moisture-loving and drought-resistant plants

To give an idea of ​​the different types of plants and their structure

Experimental activities

Plants in the kindergarten

To acquaint with the diversity of the plant world at the MDOU site

Educational tour


To acquaint with a complex of characteristic phenomena of animate and inanimate nature in different seasons


Did. a game

Red Book

Introduce the Red Book and protected plants

Conversation Book presentation

Reading the story "The Amazing Walk"

Introduce the educational work; encourage answering questions


Trees around us

Clarify knowledge about the diversity of trees; show the distribution of different trees in different climatic zones



tree bark

Clarify the concept of "bark", its meaning for a tree, form the ability to distinguish trees in appearance

Observation while walking

Visiting the trees

To acquaint with the features of different types of trees, to cultivate a careful attitude towards nature

Excursion to the autumn park

A conversation about the forest

Clarify and expand the idea of ​​the forest, educate interest in the life of the forest


Importance of Plants

To form the ability to understand the processes occurring in nature. Give an idea of ​​the importance of plants


Animals and man

Introduce the main groups of animals. Reveal the importance of animals in human life

Presentation for GCD


Discuss the importance of pets in human life. Cultivate a desire to care for them

Journey to the backyard

Wild animals

Build awareness of wild animals. Introduce interesting facts about the life of wild animals

Work in the corner of nature MDOU

Did. a game


To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200binsects, their types and benefits to humans. Encourage respect for wildlife

Conversation and presentation during the day


Why don't polar bears live in the forest?

Get to know polar bears and their lifestyle

CHL "Ecology in pictures"

forest dwellers

To consolidate knowledge about the appearance of wild animals

NOD on artistic creativity


Give an idea about fish, their appearance, protective coloration, habits, habitats

Conversation in a corner of nature

Did. a game

Why do animals disappear

List the basic principles of the extinction of some animals, explain why it is necessary to protect the animal and plant world


Inhabitants of the corner of nature

To acquaint with the inhabitants of a corner of nature, to consolidate knowledge about how to care for the inhabitants of a corner of nature

Making an aquarium

Introducing children to aquarium equipment

Joint activities of the teacher and children in a corner of nature

wintering birds

Making feeders

Introducing children to the technique of making feeders

A conversation about the importance of a bird feeder for wintering birds


"Bird City in the Trees"

Familiarize yourself with the contents of the book


Diversity of animals and their relationship with the environment

To consolidate the understanding that all animals and plants are living beings. Develop curiosity



To acquaint with the visible phenomena of the universe, to give an idea of ​​the earth and other planets of the solar system

Informative conversation

Observation on an evening walk

Our Earth

To acquaint with the globe, to form an idea of ​​the existence of different regions of the Earth



Sun, earth and other planets

Give an initial understanding of the structure of the solar system

Working with did. material in the corner of nature

Earth is a living planet

Clarify children's understanding of the solar system, give an idea of ​​the uniqueness of the earth



Earth and its satellites

Describe the Moon as a satellite of the Earth

Observation while walking

Day and night

Give an idea about the rotation of the planets around the sun, about the change of parts of the day

Experimental activities

Water in human life

To form knowledge about the importance of water in the life of living organisms, about the sources of water


Water properties

To introduce the properties of water, with the different physical states of water

Sorceress - water

Clarify the idea that water is a very valuable product. Provide insight into drinking water

Informative conversation

The water cycle in nature

Learn about the water cycle in nature

Informative conversation


To form knowledge about the importance of air in the life of living organisms, about the role of plants in air purification


Reading an environmental story


Experiments with air

Develop laboratory skills. Consolidate knowledge about the properties of air

Experimental - experimental activity

Why does the wind blow

Understand the cause of wind

Observation while walking

Soil and stones

Learn about different types of soils and their properties. Give an idea of ​​the stones

Joint activity in a corner of nature

"Soil is the living earth"

Get to know the work


Environmental pollution

Show how environmental pollution occurs, discuss the possible consequences of this

ecological entertainment

"What the Stones Whisper About"

Continue reading the book "Ecology in Pictures"



Plant and animal life in the community

Expand your understanding of the world of animals and plants


Forest - as an ecosystem

To give an idea of ​​the forest - as a community of plants and animals. Cultivate respect for wildlife

Informative conversation

Observation while walking

Pond, lake, river, as an ecosystem

Give an idea of ​​the community of aquatic life: plants and animals that have adapted to life in the water

Informative conversation

Excursion to the reservoir

The sea is like an ecosystem

To give a concept of the sea - as a huge expanse of water, about what kind of water is in the sea, about animals and plants of the seas and oceans


Meadow as an ecosystem

To give the concept of a meadow as a community of herbaceous plants, to consolidate knowledge about insects. Get to know land birds

Excursion to the meadow


That's what I am

To consolidate knowledge about the appearance and structure of the human body


Environmental cleanliness

To give an idea that human health depends on himself and the cleanliness of the environment


Observation while walking

Work activity on a walk

Cleanliness rules

Consolidate previously acquired information, encourage them to use them in everyday life


I am a young guardian of nature

Consolidate the acquired knowledge in the section "Ecology"

ecological entertainment

Our awards

Advice for parents

Topic: "Environmental education in the family"

Target: To give methodological recommendations on the formation of an ecological culture in the family, to help realize the need for personal participation in environmental activities, to acquaint them with the literature on the environmental education of children. The role of the educator: Help in the selection of literature, didactic games, give the necessary recommendations to solve this problem.

Preparatory stage.

1. Reading the fairy tale “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it” from the book. Ryzhovoy N.A. "Nature is our wealth."

2. Questioning of parents.

3. Acquaintance with literature, games on ecology.


1. Introduction.

2. Learn to be polite people.

3. Teach children to see the beauty of nature, enjoy its harmony.

4. Read and learn with your children.

5. Labor of children in nature.

1. Increasingly sounds in nature "SOS" - Stop! Change your mind! whisper to the man of the forest. - Don't bare the ground. Don't turn it into a desert. - Spare! - the earth echoes. You cut down trees. It robs me of moisture. I'm drying up, I'm getting old. Soon I will not be able to give birth to anything: neither cereal nor flower. - I know you have learned to fly to the stars. It's fine. But you need me on the flight too. I will always be with you. You cannot live without my bread, without my flowers.” This is how the Earth calls us for help, and you and I must protect it, save it. In addition, we must teach the child to do the same, because he will continue to live on it. Our task is to bring children to the understanding that all of us together and each individually are responsible for the Earth.

2. How to form a humane attitude towards nature in a child? First of all, through compassion, caring for those who need it, helping those in trouble (animals, plants). But one must start with oneself, because a child learns a lot thanks to the imitation of adults and, above all, his parents. Therefore, always remember that you are a polite and well-mannered person, but ....

A polite and well-mannered person will not allow cutting, disfiguring a birch trunk in spring in order to taste birch sap. - An educated person does not break branches of trees and bushes, does not tear armfuls of forest flowers. - We must not kick down unknown to us or even known poisonous mushrooms. Many of them are medicine for forest dwellers. - You should not catch and carry forest animals and birds into the house. - A polite person will not leave a dump behind.

3. It is necessary to be with children in nature as often as possible. Go with them to the forest, park. Children should be taught to see the beauty of nature, to understand it, to enjoy it, to convey their impressions in a word, a drawing. Children's attention to various objects of nature should be attracted with the help of questions, gestures, emotional speech, games, appeal to poetic images. The multifaceted world of nature awakens curiosity and interest in children. Encourages reflection and doubt. Impressions received in childhood from communication with nature are unusually sharp, they leave a mark for life. Plunging into this world, absorbing its sounds, smells, enjoying its harmony, the child improves as a person. It develops and strengthens the invaluable property of the human personality - observation. Everything he sees does not leave him indifferent, it raises a lot of questions - “what?”, “how?”, “why?”.

4. But very often parents, feeling their incompetence in this or that issue, get annoyed, brush off the “boring” questions of the child, and the result of such an attitude will not be slow to affect: not having time to grow stronger and develop, the child’s interest in nature will fade away. Think! Do not ruin good beginnings in a child's soul. Try to replenish your knowledge of nature and together with your child find answers to the questions that have arisen.

5. Do not remove children from caring for animals and plants. On the contrary, it is necessary to include children in practical activities that are feasible for their age. In the process of labor in nature, labor skills and environmental skills are improved.

So, the role of the family in protecting nature is enormous. It is she who can instill in a child a love for nature, change the attitude towards it.

Questionnaire for parents.

Dear parents, environmental education of preschool children has a beneficial effect on the development of the child's personality. Your sincere answers will help us build a program for the development of children in environmental education and instill in children all the best that nature can give a person. Please answer the following questions:

1. Do you have animals, plants at home?

2. Who looks after them?

3. Do you involve your child in caring for animals and plants?

4. Do you trust your child to take care of an animal (plant) without your prompting?

5. If the child does something wrong. Your actions

a) you don't care

b) Shout, for example, “do not tear”, “do not trample”, etc.

c) do things differently

6. Do you read books about nature with your children?

7. Do you always do the right thing in relation to nature?

We sincerely thank you for your cooperation!

Synopsis of ecological lesson

Topic: "Why do animals disappear?"

Target: give children an idea of ​​the diversity of nature, list the main reasons for the extinction of some animals, name protected ones, explain why it is necessary to protect the animal and plant world, enrich the vocabulary of children (dinosaurs, mammoths, exterminate, poachers, black stork, sea cows, rarest). To inspire sympathy for wildlife, to teach empathy.

Material and equipment: Illustrations with extinct animals (dinosaurs, mammoths), material for children's visual activities (pencils, felt-tip pens, A4 sheets of paper).

Course progress.

1. Introductory conversation.

A very long time ago, the planet Earth looked completely different from what it is now, before, completely different trees grew on the planet, other animals lived. (Show children illustrations depicting ancient forests).

Questions for children: What animals do you know that do not live on Earth now? (Dinosaurs, mammoths). Why did they die out?

2. Reading the story "Sea cows"

Many years ago, a Russian ship was wrecked near distant, unknown islands in the Pacific Ocean. The sailors escaped, but they were threatened with starvation. And then they saw that huge sea animals, similar to large whales, were swimming in whole flocks off the coast. They were peaceful and so trusting that they allowed themselves to be touched. They ate algae, and the sailors called them sea cows. The meat of sea cows turned out to be tender and tasty, so the sailors did not die of hunger. From the wreckage of the broken ship, they were able to build a boat and sail home.

Having heard about amazing animals, other people began to sail to these islands and stock up on meat. But no one thought about the need to save sea cows, and in less than 30 years they were all killed. Scientists have long hoped that sea cows are still found somewhere, they were looking for them, but they never found them. Not a single sea cow is left on Earth.

3. Discussion to consolidate what was heard:

What amazing animals did the sailors meet?

How do you imagine sea cows?

4. Invite the children to draw sea cows the way they imagine them.

5. Explanations of the teacher:

More than a hundred species of different animals and birds were destroyed by people. Some were hunted too hard, others were not even left a piece of land (forest or steppe) where they could live, others were caught by predators brought by people.

Many plants have also disappeared. In the end, people understood: if you do not help nature, more and more plants and animals will die. To prevent this from happening, they compiled the Red Book. You already know about her. Let's remember what is written in it? Why is she red? Scientists have compiled the International Red Book. It is very large, because it contains endangered plants and animals of the entire planet Earth. Each state has its own Red Book, and it is even possible to create a Red Book for each region.

6. The teacher's story about the black stork.

This is the rarest bird. The black stork nests only on the territory of the Oksky Reserve, builds a nest on tall trees. It arrives from South Africa at the end of April. After arrival, storks repair their nests, cover them with moss and grass, and lay two to six eggs. Hunting for black storks is prohibited. There are very few of them left because of poachers.

The brown bear is also protected on the Russian plain, here it is in the illustration. Once upon a time there were many brown bears, but now there are no places left in the forests that people do not visit, and bears like to live in the wilderness where a person cannot go. What other animals are threatened with extinction? Why? How can you prevent their death?7. Summarizing

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Solnyshko"

Generalization of pedagogical work experience

Topic: "Modern approaches to organizing work on the environmental education of preschoolers in the MBDOU" Kindergarten "Solnyshko"

Prepared by: Vice President

Platonenko L.M.


At the present stage of development of preschool education, we work within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Important provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard are the targets, according to which a graduate of a preschool educational institution:

1. Shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers.

2. Interested in causal relationships, tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena.

3. Inclined to observe, experiment.

4. Possesses basic knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world.

5. Has elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science.

Based on the above, our teaching staff sets the following tasks for the environmental education of children:

1. The development of positive moral qualities that encourage children to comply with the norms of behavior in nature, in society.

2. Education of aesthetic feelings, development of emotions, feelings of empathy.

3. Formation of cognitive, practical and creative skills of an ecological nature.

4. Creation of maximum conditions for the development of cognitive activity and curiosity of children and additional conditions for organizing independent, joint work of teachers and children, taking into account socialization and individualization.

For the successful fulfillment of the tasks set, we developed a work plan for the environmental education of preschoolers, developed and implemented a methodological project on the topic "Development of children's cognitive activity through research and project activities in a preschool educational institution."

In our work on environmental education, along with the main general education program, we use the partial program of S.N. Nikolaeva "Young ecologist".

We carry out environmental education of children in the system throughout the entire academic year through the integration of ecology in all educational areas, using various methods and forms of work:

  • Ø This is the organization of educational activities.
  • Ø We carry out observations of the work of adults, of nature, seasonal observations.
  • Ø We put experiments and experiments.
  • Ø We organize excursions.
  • Ø Starting from senior preschool age, we conduct environmental contests and quizzes. For example, "Riddles of the Forester", "Connoisseurs of the Forest", "Connoisseurs of Nature".

We include ecological holidays and entertainment in the work plan.

Ecological fairy tales are an interesting form of work with children.

A new form of work on environmental education in our preschool educational institution are environmental actions. They have recently entered our lives and have successfully established themselves. For example,

"Feed the Birds in Winter"

"Vitamins on the windowsill"

"Forest Defense Day"

"Plant a Tree"

"Give a book a second life - save one tree"

"Hand over the waste paper - save the tree"

Actions serve as a good environmental propaganda among the parent community. Children see the attitude of parents, the organization of the event and take part themselves.

Our teaching staff gives preference to environmental projects. Only during the last year we have implemented the following projects:

  • "Exploratory activity on a walk"
  • "Bugs - spiders"
  • "Trees are our friends"
  • "Plant a houseplant in a group"
  • "Colorful Summer"
  • "In the garden or in the garden"
  • "Mysteries of Nature"
  • "Artist autumn"
  • "Medicinal Plants"
  • "Colorful underwater world"
  • Methodological project "Development of cognitive activity of children through research and project activities in the conditions of preschool educational institutions"

We conduct ecological games with children (didactic, role-playing, moving, round dance, dramatization games).

Children together with their parents prepare works for environmental exhibitions. For example,

"Autumn Tale"

"Autumn Kaleidoscope"

"Miracles from an ordinary garden"

"Forest is the pantry of nature"

We solve the problems of ecological education of children through labor education, organizing labor ecological landings to improve the territory, to create favorable conditions in walking areas.

"Winter buildings"

"Sand Fantasy"

"Plant a tree and save it2

"Feed the Birds in Winter"

To expand the ecological horizons of preschoolers, we are holding a week of ecology. Within the framework of the week of ecology, mini-projects on research and experimental activities are drawn up in all age groups. The result of work at senior preschool age is the release of a poster or newspaper on a designated topic.

From the experience of working on the education of ecological culture in preschool children

The catastrophic deterioration of the ecological situation is one of the most urgent problems of our time.
Preschool childhood is the initial stage in the formation of a human personality, and I believe that environmental education should begin in preschool childhood, to instill in children a love of nature from a very early age.
Kids are delighted at the sight of a flower, a butterfly, and at the same time they can mindlessly crush an ant running along the path. I want to teach them to take care and protect nature, all living things that surround us.
Therefore, I have chosen environmental education as the main and main direction in my work.
I set myself the following tasks:
1. Formation of the initial elementary skills and habits of environmentally competent behavior that is safe for nature and the child himself.
2. Education of a humane, emotional, positive, careful attitude to the natural world. The development of a sense of empathy (sympathy, empathy) for the objects of nature.
3. Formation of the ability and desire to preserve nature and, if necessary, provide assistance to it, to foresee the consequences of some of their actions in relation to nature.
4. To help children realize that a person is a rational person, yet only a part of nature.
I start working on the education of ecological culture with young children.
Based on the development of positive emotions, I teach children to observe seasonal phenomena and objects of nature, listen to sounds, and imitate them.

We organize elementary experiments and games with water, where children watch how it pours, flows, can be cold, warm, hot, etc.
At the same time, I use a lot of nursery rhymes, poems.
We know, we know, yes, yes, yes.
Where are you hiding water!
Come out, vodka
We've come to bathe!
Lean on the palm
little by little
Run, run, run
Wash up more fun!
I draw the attention of children to flowering plants, causing a desire to look at them and admire their beauty.
I show how they should be watered, using various game techniques and characters: a nested doll, a bird, a paper butterfly, Katya and Vanya dolls, games: “Where did the toy hide?”, “Flower shop” and others. I draw the attention of children to the characteristics of vegetables and fruits. I help to learn the material about them with the help of didactic games: “Wonderful bag”, “Taste it”, “Guess I guess” and others. I conduct interesting classes to get to know them, using dolls of Grandfather and Baba, various animals, dramatizations and theatrical performances, dummies of vegetables and fruits. Teaching kids to establish cause and effect relationships. Children grow up and they develop a steady attention and interest in living and inanimate nature. Children are very inquisitive and the organization of elementary search activities helps me to introduce children to the world of nature knowledge, awaken their mental abilities, and introduce them to the beauty of the world around them.
In the junior and middle group we conduct such experiments as: which objects sink and which do not, what is stronger than dams - sand, clay, stones, who plays with leaves, who heated objects, etc.
In the senior and preparatory groups, we find out what color the snow is, where the water flows, who sowed the dandelion and others. I try to do a lot of work to introduce children to birds. In order for children to learn elementary ideas about birds, we conduct a series of observations of seasonal changes in their lives.
I widely use fiction: the works of K.D. Ushinsky, V. Bianki, M. Prishvin riddles, poems about feathered friends.
I introduce children to the peculiarities of animal life in different seasons of the year, their appearance and ability to adapt to the environment. To consolidate this knowledge, I use didactic games: “They fly, run, jump”, “Whose house”, “Who has a mother”, “Whose baby are you”, etc.
One of the traditional forms of work with children on the ecology of KVN. In addition to educating children in love for nature and respect for it, it brings up the speed of reaction, ingenuity, resourcefulness, logical thinking.
An interesting and attractive activity is the manufacture of crafts from natural materials. Therefore, working in the senior and preparatory group, I organize the “Forest Friends” circle, which children love very much. Crafts from cones, roots, nut shells, applications from dried leaves, seeds are excellent sources for developing creative abilities.
I try to work on environmental education in close contact with parents. Ecological holidays, KVN, quizzes, parent-teacher meetings are jointly held on the topics: “Education of respect for nature”, “Let's learn to love all living things”, “Enriching children with knowledge in the process of labor in nature”, etc.
I am sure that together with parents, by attracting children to close contact with nature, to the knowledge of the world of plants and animals, we will be able to instill in children such qualities as kindness, patience, diligence and mercy. These traits, laid down in early childhood, will firmly enter the character of a person, become his basis, and then you can be calm for nature and the younger generation.
The topic of environmental education is very extensive, I have not yet fully worked it out, and therefore I take it again and again.
And for many years, before the children go to school, I will form an ecological culture in them, cultivate a love for nature and a humane attitude towards it.


"Experience of ecological education of children of senior preschool age"

Ukolova Svetlana Alexandrovna.

Introduction………………………………………………………………………. 3 p.

ChapterI. Theoretical aspects of ecological education of children of senior preschool age ……………………………………………………… 7 p.

1.1. Ecological education of children of senior preschool age: goals, objectives, approaches to content ……………………………………………. 7 p.

1.2. Age characteristics of children of senior preschool age ………………………………………………………………………. 17 p.

1.3. Methods and forms of organization of ecological education of children of senior preschool age ………………………………………………………. 22 p.

Chapter II. Experience in the environmental education of children of senior preschool age ………………………………………………………. 35 pages

2.1. Diagnosis of the level of environmental education of children of senior preschool age ……………………………………………………... 36 pages

2.2. Formation of ecological education in children of senior preschool age ……………………………………………………..... 50 p. 2.3. Analysis of the results of the work carried out on environmental education with children of senior preschool age …………………………………… 62 pages

Conclusion………………………………………………………………...... 66 pages

Bibliography………………………………………………………………. 68 pages


Ecological education of preschoolers is not just a tribute to the "fashionable" direction in pedagogy, it is the education in children of the ability to understand and love the world around them and treat it with care. When children communicate with nature, opportunities for aesthetic, patriotic, moral education open up.

The tense environmental situation around the globe requires that environmental education and education at all levels form students' ideas about the world around them as an environment that, while providing a variety of living beings with a variety of conditions for fruitful activity, is at the same time an environment with obvious limits of resources and opportunities. .

Interest in environmental issues is not accidental. It is caused by the ecological crisis disturbing humanity and its consequences, as well as the search for new ways out of it. However, technocratic thinking is so strong that the ecological crisis is presented as something external to man, and not as something that is contained in him. Therefore, the formation of environmental consciousness, environmental culture and the worldview of the individual as a whole should become the primary task of environmental education and upbringing.

The "Concept of Preschool Education" indicates that at preschool age a positive attitude towards nature, oneself and the people around is laid. In the implementation of this task, teachers should focus on the educational potential of the environment. The idea of ​​modern integrated ecology is being actively introduced into the practice of educating preschoolers.

From the recommendations of the Parliamentary hearings “Problems of environmental education and education in Russia” dated September 22, 1998: “Consider the environmental education of preschool children a priority link in the system of continuous environmental education, a necessary condition for the sustainable development of the country, development and improvement of ensuring continuity between all spheres of social formation personality (family - kindergarten - school - university - professional activity) ".

The foundations of ecological education can be laid only in the process of communication with nature, and pedagogically competently organized activities. It is important that in the process of environmental education, the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities should not be an end in itself, but contribute to the formation of the foundations of ecological culture, behavior that allows, without hostility, to be patient with other people's opinions. The ecological consciousness of the child gradually rises to a higher level, if an interest is created, an attitude to the perception of nature, activities affect the feelings of the child, cause empathy.

It is important that the child can evaluate the behavior of a person in nature, express his judgment, opinion, as well as understand and accept the position of another. At about the 5th year of life, elements of the child's ecological consciousness begin to come to light more clearly: interest in nature, in certain types of activities, emotional reactions, deeper assessments of behavior in nature. From the sixth year of life, the ability to motivated assessment of behavior in nature is formed.

Many researchers consider the attitude to nature as a special part, or element, of a holistic relationship to the real world. Since personality traits are manifested and formed only in relationships, the study of relationships is the main one in the pedagogical diagnostics of environmental education. Of particular interest in this direction are the works of A.N. Zakhlebny, I.S. Matrusova, A.P. Mamontova, L.P. Pechko, V.A. educational process.

Thus, the environmental education of preschool children is a social order of society. A preschool institution already today has a special vision of the world as an object of its constant work. The formation of environmental consciousness is the most important task facing teachers at the present time. It is at preschool age that it is necessary to start environmental education, because. at this time, acquired knowledge can be further transformed into strong beliefs.

The theoretical foundations of environmental education are presented in various psychological and pedagogical studies (I.A. Khaidurova, P.G. Samorukova, N.N. Kondratiev, etc.), in the monograph by S.N. Nikolaeva. "Communication with nature begins from childhood" (Perm. 1992) .

The methodology of environmental education in a preschool institution is much younger than the achievement of adulthood of the methodology for the development of speech, musical, artistic, and physical education. Therefore, such a problem as the environmental education of preschool children is acute and important.

Despite the fact that there are many environmental programs such as the integrated program "Childhood" partial "We". “Our home is nature”, “Young ecologist”, etc., the practical implementation of these programs in preschool educational institutions continues to be problematic. Search in this direction and determined purpose of the study: to identify and describe the pedagogical experience of environmental education of children of senior preschool age.

Object of study: the process of environmental education in children of senior preschool age.

Subject of study: pedagogical experience of ecological education of children of senior preschool age.

Research objectives:

1. To study the theoretical and methodological foundations of the problem of environmental education of children of senior preschool age.

2. Identify, describe, systematize the experience of working on the environmental education of children of senior preschool age

To solve the tasks set, a set of research methods was used: theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, diagnosis, questioning.

Research base: MDOU kindergarten of the combined type No. 9 "Birch", Uglich, Yaroslavl region.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of education of the foundations of ecological culture in children of senior preschool age.

  1. Ecological education of children of senior preschool age: purpose, objectives, approaches to content.

Ecology as a science has existed for several decades. Not surprisingly, ecology has become very popular in the last thirty years, when people in many countries have felt for themselves that environmental degradation negatively affects people's health and quality of life.

This affected literally all components of the environment. In cities, the air has become polluted - due to the abundance of cars, emissions from industrial enterprises, increased building density, and a decrease in the area of ​​parks and squares. The quality of water in the rivers has deteriorated: oil stains have appeared on the surface of the water, many rivers and lakes have “bloomed” and even swimming in them has become impossible, salts of heavy metals, radioactive substances, pesticides have appeared in the water. The area of ​​forests has decreased, and the forests themselves, especially near settlements, have lost their attractiveness: pine and oak groves, lindens, and maples began to disappear. They were replaced by other, less attractive species - alder, shrubs. Flora and fauna were sharply impoverished.

Of course, people began to sound the alarm. The most active part began to call themselves "green", ecology became popular. The boundaries of ecology have inevitably expanded. They talk about "social ecology", "engineering ecology", "political ecology", "cultural ecology" and even "family ecology". Firstly, the term "ecology" turned out to be very successful, it can really be interpreted broadly. It comes from two Greek words: oikos (oikos) - house or dwelling, logos (logos) - study or science. The term turned out to be successful linguistically, they began to designate in general the quality of life in relation to the state of the environment (ecologically favorable area, ecological well-being).

Secondly, man is also a living organism, part of the biosphere. It is in relationship with the environment and affects its state, and over the past century this influence has become decisive. Therefore, it is natural for a person to consider ecology as a discipline “serving” his well-being. Ecology should, from this point of view, give answers on how to preserve the environment in the most undisturbed, natural state. Ecology is a science that studies the systems of living organisms, their relationship with the environment, and the relationships between different forms of life. In the minds of most people, the word "ecology" is also associated with the concepts of "alarm", "protection", "preservation".

It is from preschool age that it is necessary to lay in children the idea that a person needs an ecologically clean environment.

As an independent direction in pedagogy, environmental education and education has become widespread in the world since the early 70s of the XX century. and was put forward by UNESCO and the UN program for environmental protection in the category of the main means of harmonizing the interaction between man and nature.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the influence of natural history knowledge on the development of the child was studied, the search for ways to systematize it, teaching the possibilities for preschoolers to assimilate the relationships existing in nature, nurturing a positive attitude towards nature, the desire to work, take care of living beings, protect the natural environment (P. G. Samorukova, V. G. Gretsova, S. N. Nikolaev, N. F. Vinogradova, N. N. Kondratiev and others).

In the 90s - the development of goals, objectives for the content of environmental education for preschoolers, ways of its implementation in kindergarten (S.N. Nikolaeva, N.N. Kondratieva, A.M. Fedotova, N.A. Ryzhova, N.N. Veresov, V. I. Ashikov and others) [ 27].

Today, pedagogical science uses different terminology "environmental education" and "environmental education"

Environmental education is a continuous process of upbringing, training, self-education and personal development, aimed at the formation of norms of moral behavior of people environment (Draft Federal Law "On Ecological Culture").

According to Makhaneva M.D., the main goal of environmental education is the formation of environmental culture, which is understood as the totality of environmental consciousness, environmental feelings and environmental activities.

The main tasks of environmental education:

fostering love for nature through direct communication with it, the perception of its beauty and diversity;

formation of knowledge about nature;

development of empathy for the troubles of nature, the desire to fight for its preservation.

Analyzing the tasks, we note that in the first place is the task of education, and only then the formation of knowledge. The third task is the task of moral education, and moral education inevitably comes into contact with the ecological education of the individual.

According to Ryzhova N.A., environmental education is “a continuous process of education, upbringing and development of the child, aimed at the formation of his ecological culture, which manifests itself in an emotionally positive attitude towards nature, the world around him, in a responsible relationship to his health and the state of the environment. environment, in observance of certain moral norms, in the system of value orientations.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

- formation of a system of elementary scientific environmental knowledge, accessible to the understanding of a preschool child (primarily as a means of establishing a consciously correct attitude to nature);

- development of cognitive interest in the natural world;

- the formation of initial skills and abilities of environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and for the child himself;

- education of a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the world around it as a whole; developing a sense of empathy for objects of nature;

– formation of skills and abilities of observations of natural objects and phenomena;

- formation of the initial system of value orientations (perception of oneself as part of nature, the relationship between man and nature, self-worth and diversity of values ​​of nature, the value of communication with nature);

- mastering elementary norms of behavior in relation to nature, the formation of skills for rational use of natural resources in everyday life;

- the formation of the ability and desire to preserve nature and, if necessary, provide assistance to it (care for living objects), as well as the skills of elementary environmental activities in the immediate environment;

- the formation of elementary skills to foresee the consequences of some of their actions in relation to the environment.

In our opinion, most of the tasks are aimed at the formation and upbringing of a humane, careful and emotionally positive attitude of the child to the world around him.

Ecological education of preschool children is the process of formation in children of a consciously correct attitude to the objects of nature with which they are in direct contact. This attitude arises in the interconnection of intellectual, emotional and effective components. Their combination makes up the moral position of the child, which manifests itself in various forms of his behavior, notes S. N. Nikolaeva.

Ecological education presupposes, first of all, the formation in the child of an emotional, careful attitude to nature, the ability to see its beauty, and not a detailed knowledge of the characteristics of each type of animal or plant. . Environmental education affirms the concept of the integrity of the environment, using an interdisciplinary approach and learning in a problem-solving mode.

Environmental education interacts with the moral education of the individual. The task of moral education is not just to achieve knowledge of moral norms, but, most importantly, to form beliefs, motives and actions. Protecting life on Earth from ecological catastrophe is becoming the most important problem of our time, and awareness of this problem should be given attention from early childhood.

“Ecological education of children”, from the point of view of V.G. Fokina, implies: the education of a humane attitude towards nature, the formation of a system of ecological knowledge and ideas, the development of aesthetic feelings, the participation of children in activities that are feasible for them to care for plants and animals, G. V. Chirică noted in his work that the concept of “environmental education” in relation to preschool children is broader in content than environmental work in kindergarten, than education of a careful and caring attitude towards nature. Ecological education of a preschooler “can be considered as a process of forming a conscious humane-active attitude to nature, which is manifested in the behavior of children. It is formed on the basis of: children's awareness of the connections and dependencies that exist in nature, the impact of human activity on nature, understanding the need to protect nature and a humane-active attitude towards living beings.

We share the position of S.N. Nikolaeva,” that ecological education is the formation of an ecological culture - a consciously correct attitude directly to nature itself in all its diversity; to people who protect and create it, as well as create material wealth and spiritual values ​​on its basis. It is also an attitude towards oneself as a part of nature, an understanding of the value of life and health and their dependence on the state of the environment; awareness of one’s skills to interact creatively with nature” .

The goal of ecological education is the formation of the principles of ecological culture in children, the development of ecological consciousness, thinking, and ecological culture in adults (educators, parents) who educate them.

Considering "environmental education" and "environmental education" we can say that one is impossible without the other. “The essence of ecological upbringing and education lies in “acquisition by each person of a sense of nature, the ability to delve into its world, in no way irreplaceable value and beauty; understanding that nature is the basis of life and existence of all life on earth; dialectical inseparability and interdependence of nature and man.

Recently, two types of programs have been created: comprehensive, aimed at the comprehensive development of children, and partial , providing one or more areas of education and development.

The purpose of the program: Ensuring the holistic development of the child's personality during preschool childhood: intellectual, physical, emotional and moral, strong-willed, social and personal.

This program has a section “A child discovers the world of nature”, where one of the main tasks in the implementation of the program is to educate children in elements of environmental consciousness, value orientations in behavior and activities. In the system of formation of children's attitudes to nature, a large place is occupied by the development of cognitive interest in nature, as well as aesthetic feelings associated with its beauty.

The section "The child discovers the world of nature" involves the acquaintance of children with a variety of phenomena from the life of plants, animals, and their communities. The program includes four content blocks for each age: information about plants, animals as representatives of the living in the natural world (features of the external structure and vital functions, the relationship of living beings with the environment, their uniqueness); mechanisms of adaptive relationship of living organisms with the environment, their uniqueness; mechanisms of adaptive relationship of living organisms with the environment (properties of various environments, ideas about groups of animals living in a homogeneous environment); knowledge about the growth, development and reproduction of plants and animals familiar to children (ideas about successive changes in organisms, the cyclical nature of the process); ecosystem knowledge (children get acquainted with plants and animals living in the same community, their interconnectedness).

A positive aspect of the program is the inclusion in the cognitive activity of natural history content and nature - communication, modeling, experimentation. What allows children to satisfy their curiosity, the desire to explore the world around them.

The purpose of the program: to form such personality traits as upbringing, independence, purposefulness, the ability to set a task and achieve its solution.

The program has a section: "The child and the world around him", which deals with the relationship between living and non-living things, about what surrounds the child. One of the objectives of this program is the formation of an active and carefully respectful attitude towards the world around us.

The "World of Nature" subsection of the "Rainbow" program is a component of the cognitive development of children, within which they are given information, develop cognitive processes. Thus, we believe that in the program "Rainbow" great importance is given to the cognitive development of children, i.e., it is more in line with the section "Familiarization with others", which does not allow us to fully disclose the issues of environmental education. This program, in our opinion, is aimed at the mental development of the child and the formation of his personality.

The purpose of the program: the development of mental and artistic abilities of preschool children.

The program is aimed at developing children's mental and artistic abilities and children's activities. Therefore, when developing the program material, first of all, it was taken into account what means of solving cognitive and creative problems should be learned by children, and on what content these tools can be learned effectively.

In the main directions of the program, a place is given to familiarization with nature, it is aimed at clarifying, expanding and systematizing children's ideas about the relationship of plants and animals with the external environment. Cognitive material includes ideas about animate and inanimate nature, plants and animals; about various environmental factors and their influence on the life of plants and animals; about the diversity of flora and various ecosystems; about connections and relationships. In our opinion, the section "Introduction to Nature" does not fully set the tasks of environmental education of children. Basically, cognitive material is given and training is given to the simplest forms of symbolic reflection of objects of nature, their state, changes, relationships in nature.

Along with complex in the 90s, a significant number of partial programs, including those aimed at environmental education of preschoolers.

One of the first in the country was the partial program "Young Ecologist", authored by S.N. Nikolaeva, created on the basis of her own concept of environmental education for preschoolers. When selecting the content of the program, a biocentric approach was used: the law of the study of nature is at the center of the study, man is part of nature. The main content of environmental education, according to S.N. Nikolaeva, is the formation in the child of a consciously correct attitude to natural phenomena and objects that surround him and with which he gets acquainted in preschool childhood.

The Young Ecologist program is equipped with a full package of program and methodological materials, which allows teachers to successfully implement it in the practice of preschool institutions.

« We",

Purpose: formation of ecological education, development of the principles of ecological culture.

The content is based on a gradually expanding understanding of the living organism. In all sections, knowledge acts as a leading factor in the development of environmental consciousness in children. The program “We” by N.N. Kondratieva offers traditional types of children's activities - observation, modeling, work in nature, play, creative activity and design, with which the author associates the manifestations of ecological and universal culture in children.

In our opinion, the program and its content contribute to the development of the child's personality, the formation of environmental consciousness and behavior, environmental education.

Program N.A. Ryzhova « Our home is nature” is aimed at raising a humane, socially active and creative personality of a child of 5-6 years old, with a holistic view of nature, with an understanding of the place of man in it. In accordance with the program, children receive ideas about the interconnections of nature, which help them acquire the principles of an ecological worldview and culture, a responsible attitude towards the environment and their health. N.A. Ryzhova pays special attention to the formation of a holistic view of nature and the place of man in it. “Children form the first ideas about the relationships existing in nature and, on their basis, the beginnings of an ecological worldview and culture, a responsible attitude to the environment, to their health” .

Thus, after analyzing the comprehensive programs "Childhood", "Rainbow", "Development", it follows that not all programs, in our opinion, pay special attention to the environmental education of children of senior preschool age. In the program "Rainbow" and "Development" to a greater extent form children's cognitive interest, but insufficient attention is paid to environmental education.

We share the position of the authors of the team of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University. AI Herzen of the program "Childhood", where a significant place is given to the environmental education of children of senior preschool age and the formation of environmental education of the child through familiarization with the ecological culture of society.

Among partial programs, we accept the point of view of Nikolaeva S.N. "Young Ecologist", according to which the formation of the ecological culture of preschool children is their consciously correct attitude directly to the phenomena, objects of animate and inanimate nature that make up their immediate environment during this period of life; to people who protect and create it, as well as create material wealth and spiritual values ​​on its basis. It is also an attitude towards oneself as a part of nature, an understanding of the value of life and health and their dependence on the state of the environment; awareness of their skills to creatively interact with nature.

From the foregoing, we conclude that:

Ecological education is the education of morality, spirituality, intelligence. All components of such an integrated approach to environmental education in a preschool institution do not exist in isolation, but are interconnected. So, a humane attitude to nature arises in the process of realizing that the world around us is unique, unique, needs our care, and is fixed in the process of practical activities with children in caring for indoor plants and inhabitants of a living corner;

- a review of a number of domestic programs for the environmental education of preschoolers demonstrates the great creative activity of specialists - understanding the environmental problems of the planet, the need to solve them, the value of nature and life on Earth in all its manifestations, the need to change and tactics of introducing humanity to the planet, ways of its interaction with nature. And for this, intensive environmental education of all people is needed, starting from preschool childhood. Many programs have used a biocentric approach to content selection. This makes it possible to bring children to an elementary understanding of the problem of the relationship between man and the environment and, subsequently, the activities of people.

1.2. Age characteristics of children of senior preschool age

The transition of children to the older group is associated with a change in the psychological position of children: for the first time, they begin to feel like the oldest among other children in kindergarten. The teacher helps preschoolers understand this new situation. It supports in children a sense of "adulthood" and, on its basis, causes them to strive to solve new, more complex problems of cognition, communication, and activity.

“…We can teach kids what we can; we are preparing for school - such motives are readily accepted by older preschoolers and direct their activity.

Relying on the need for self-affirmation and recognition of their capabilities by adults, which is characteristic of older preschoolers, an adult must provide conditions for the development of children's independence, initiative, and creativity. He must constantly create situations that encourage children to actively apply their knowledge and skills, set more and more complex tasks for them, develop their will, support the desire to overcome difficulties, bring the work they have started to the end, aim at finding new, creative solutions.

Senior preschool age is a valuable stage in the development of human ecological culture. During this period, the foundations of the personality are laid, including a positive attitude towards nature, the world around. At this age, the child begins to distinguish himself from the environment, develops an emotional and value attitude towards the environment, forms the foundations of the moral and ecological positions of the individual, which are manifested in the interactions of the child with nature, in the awareness of inseparability with it. Thanks to this, it is possible for children to form ecological knowledge, norms and rules for interacting with nature, foster empathy for it, and be active in solving some environmental problems. At the same time, the accumulation of knowledge in preschool children is not an end in itself. They are a necessary condition for developing an emotional-moral and effective attitude to the world.

By the senior preschool age, the entire mental life of the child and his attitude to the world around him are rebuilt. The essence of this restructuring lies in the fact that at preschool age there is an internal mental life and internal regulation of behavior, the formation of which is associated with a number of neoplasms in the psyche and consciousness of the older preschooler. Living conditions in this period are rapidly expanding: the framework of the family is moving apart. The child discovers the world of human relations, various activities and social functions of people. He feels a strong desire to get involved in the life of an adult, to actively participate in it.

Changing the child's lifestyle, the formation of new relationships with adults and peers, and new activities leads to differentiation of the functions and forms of speech in the older preschool age. New tasks of communication arise, consisting in the transfer of the child to the adult of his impressions, experiences, reasoning. A new form of speech appears - messages in the form of a monologue, a story about what has been experienced, seen, about the work done.

In older preschool age, the connections between thinking and speech become more complicated. There is an intellectual function of speech, which acts as an instrument of thinking. The word fixes the result of cognitive activity, fixing it in the mind of the child. In communication with peers, a dialogic speech develops, including instructions, evaluation, coordination of actions. At the end of preschool age, the number of extra-situational contacts increases, a new form of communication, extra-situational business, is emerging.

Speaking about the value orientations of a person, a certain orientation is always implied, leading life motives that subjugate others. By the age of 6-7, the mechanisms of these subordinations are developed (N.M. Matyushina). Based on the subordination of motives, the child has the opportunity to consciously subordinate his actions to a distant motive.

Thus, the child's behavior turns into extra-situational personal, loses its immediacy. It is directed by an ideal, conceivable motivation (K.M. Gurevich). The hierarchy of motives is the psychological basis on which the will, arbitrariness and orientation of the personality of a preschooler are formed.

Research by psychologists (E. Subbotsky and others) shows that on the verge of the age of six, important changes take place in the child's mind, a turning point begins, the result of which is a strong and final predominance of the natural-causal approach to explaining the world. This is a very important point, on which the level of knowledge, the depth of interests, the orientation of the personality, the future worldview position of the child depend.

At the senior preschool age, questions, the motive of which is the desire to know the world around, the spheres of morality and values ​​increase and become dominant.

Psychologists S. D. Deryabo and V. A. Yasvin note in their studies that the features of the subjective attitude to nature in older preschoolers are largely determined by the peculiarities of thinking characteristic of this age. V. A. Yasvin in his study notes that “pragmatism prevails in modern society - nature is considered only from the standpoint of benefit and harm, a person opposes himself to other living beings, considers himself “higher, more significant” than them ". A new type of relationship to nature should become a subject-ethical (partnership) relationship to nature. With the help of this type of attitude, the problem of forming a conscious attitude to nature can be solved. An important place in the formation of a humane attitude of children to nature is occupied by the organization of the emotional and sensory experience of children's communication with nature, the moral and positive ethical experiences of the child: care, compassion, responsibility, desire to help a living being, confidence in the correctness of their actions.

Attitude towards nature is an important indicator of ecological culture. Psychologists (S.L. Rubinshtein, A.N. Leontiev, V.N. Myasishchev) consider the category of attitude in the aspect of personality, as its manifestation. Attitude always has an emotional coloring, it is subjective and finds its expression in deeds, in practical actions, activities. A significant characteristic of the attitude is awareness, which is formed on the basis of knowledge and is associated with experiences. Psychologists note the complex nature of the links between knowledge and emotions: an attitude cannot be born on the basis of knowledge - personal meaning, understanding, and awareness of the objectivity of what is happening must be connected to it. S.N.Nikolaeva and I.A.Komarova found that the ecological approach is more consistent with the characteristic of the relationship, as consciously correct. At the same time, right is understood as such an attitude that has developed on the knowledge of specific environmental dependencies that exist between any living organism and its environment. Without taking into account the needs of a particular plant, animal, it is impossible to properly, and therefore humanely interact with it. Conscious means that the child has a verbal understanding of environmental dependencies: he himself can say, explain why it is necessary to do this, or understand the words of an adult who explains to him, asks, forbids. This means that the emotional aspect of the relationship is present in it as mandatory, since it provides the entire process of its formation.

The criteria for the formation of a conscious and humane attitude to nature are the following:

understanding of the need for a careful and caring attitude to nature, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical significance for a person;

mastering the norms of behavior in the natural environment and observing them in practical activities and everyday life;

manifestation of an active attitude to the objects of nature (care, ability to evaluate the actions of other people in relation to nature).

Thus, forming a humane attitude towards nature, it is necessary to proceed from the following: the main thing is that the child understands that man and nature are interconnected. Therefore, concern for nature is concern for man, for his future, and what harms nature harms man.

All these profound changes in the psyche of a preschool child do not occur by themselves, but under a certain influence of upbringing and education. Parents and educators, introducing the child to the environment, giving him new knowledge and skills, organizing and directing his activities, enriching the experience of the child, at the same time develop his psyche, form his personality, develop certain psychological traits. Comprehensively educating a preschooler, expanding the child's stock of ideas about the simplest phenomena of nature and social life, developing his ability to independently think about the simplest laws of the surrounding reality, teaching him to act in accordance with the simplest requirements and rules, forming his love for knowledge and for serious , socially useful activities - the teacher creates the necessary prerequisites for the transition of the child to schooling, for his full participation in the life of the school.

Taking into account the age characteristics of children of senior preschool age, it is necessary to select such methods and forms of work on environmental education so that the child can not only receive certain knowledge about nature, not only admire its beauty, but also be able to feel, "pass" through himself, acquire a subjective attitude towards world of nature.

1.3. Methods and forms of work on environmental education with children of senior preschool age.

In the 70s, research began in preschool pedagogy on the selection and systematization of natural history knowledge, reflecting the leading patterns of living (I.A. Khaidurova, S.N. Nikolaeva, E.F. Terentyeva) and inanimate (I.S. Freidkin and others .) nature. In studies devoted to living nature, a regularity was chosen as the leading one, to which the life of any organism is subject, namely, the dependence of the existence of plants and animals on the external environment. These works marked the beginning of an ecological approach in familiarizing children with nature.

In the studies of N.N. Kondratieva, A.M. Fedotova, I.A. Khaidurova and others proved that children of 5-7 years old have access to ecological knowledge about plants, animals, man as living beings, about connections and dependencies in the natural world and between man and nature; about the diversity of the values ​​of nature - health-improving, cognitive, moral, aesthetic, practical; that nature is a habitat for humans .

In modern research R.S. Bure, S.N. Nikolaeva, L.M. Manevtsova, V.G. Fokina and others note that in the implementation of the tasks of environmental education, knowledge and ideas should be taken as the basis. A variety of methods and techniques are shown that stimulate the cognitive interests of children, their desire to learn more about the needs of living beings in order to learn how to properly care for them and, to the best of their ability, take part in the protection of nature in general.

In the studies of S.N. Nikolaeva, the forms and methods of working with children of middle and older preschool age are revealed: “... these are cycles of observing plants and animals in a corner of nature and on a site, maintaining various calendars, classes (simple and complex), targeted walks, excursions, game learning situations using toys and literary characters. These forms and methods are effective for both age groups.

Speaking about the methods and forms of work on environmental education, it is necessary to know the meaning of these words.

M e tod (from the Greek méthodos - the path of research or knowledge, theory, teaching), a set of methods or operations of practical or theoretical development of reality, subordinate to the solution of a specific problem.

The method from the point of view of environmental education, notes S.N. Nikolaev, a way of joint activity of the educator and children, during which the formation of environmental knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the education of attitudes towards the outside world is carried out.

The form "is the internal organization of content." This is a way of organizing the educational process.

The word forma in Latin means outward appearance, outward outline. The organization of effective training and education is possible only with the knowledge and skillful use of various forms of organization of the pedagogical process.

Thus, the concept of "method" characterizes the content, or inner, side of the educational process. The form indicates the external side of the organization of the educational process and reflects the nature of the relationship between the participants in the pedagogical process.

The same form can be used in different teaching methods, and vice versa.

Methods of environmental education and upbringing are: visual, practical, verbal. All three groups of methods are used in teaching throughout the preschool age, just as the main forms of thinking coexist. Each of the selected groups of methods involves the inclusion of techniques of a different nature (visual display of a sample, mode of action, question, explanation, game techniques - imitation of voice, movement, etc.), as a result of which all three forms of thinking are used in each method in various combinations with the leading, determining role of one of them.

The main method in the ecological education of children is observation. With its help, the child not only learns the external parameters of objects of nature (color, structure, smell, etc.), but also acquires various skills aimed at the knowledge or practical transformation of nature (work on caring for plants and animals, art activities and stories of children based on observations).

Observations contribute to the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards nature. The variety of natural phenomena surrounding preschoolers creates conditions for the teacher to organize observations. The general pedagogical goal at the same time is to arouse the interest, cognitive activity of children, develop their observation, desire and ability to look at the world around them. With this approach, observation becomes an integral pedagogical process and a joint activity of the teacher and children. At the same time, the actions of the teacher are aimed at planning and organizing observation, at solving the educational problem, and the mental efforts of children are aimed at the full perception of the object, at obtaining the necessary information. With such activities, observation becomes a method of environmental education, through which specific environmental knowledge about objects and attitudes towards them are formed. Observation develops in children different shades of attitude towards nature: cognitive interest, aesthetic experiences, sympathy.

For the formation of a consciously correct attitude to nature through observation, the activity of modeling is important - maintaining a calendar of nature and reflecting the results of observations in them. The teacher teaches preschoolers to fill in the pages of the calendar on their own, to use symbols correctly. Of great importance is the fact that this activity takes place throughout the school year. The attitude that arises in older preschoolers to the observation and modeling of its results is a cognitive attitude to nature and interest in learning activities, and this is very important for the development of the child's personality.

An important method of environmental education is verbal, its correct use in various forms of work with children. The conversation is of the greatest importance - it is a consistent chain of questions that help to understand the cause-and-effect relationships, to make generalizations, and conclusions. The use of the verbal method is due to the essence of communication, the activity desired by children. The educational dialogue contributes to the development of a consciously correct attitude to nature, if the teacher chooses the right words, builds statements, and explains. It is the conversation that reveals the moral position of the child in his relations with animals, plants, people.

A special place in the environmental education of children of senior preschool age is given to the development of labor skills and abilities when familiarizing themselves with natural objects. In nature, one should continue to cultivate a positive attitude towards work, a desire to work. At older preschool age, children need to form ideas that animals, plants in kindergarten, at home, i.e. outside natural conditions, they cannot live without human help; form a responsible and careful attitude to the environment by organizing specific actions (feeding birds in winter, watering, loosening the ground near plants, removing garbage on the site, etc.), fulfill individual and collective assignments; to cultivate independence, if necessary, to take care of plants (water), animals (feed, water). Of particular importance is the evaluation of the activities of children, who can analyze the performance of their actions and the actions of their comrades. The task of the educator is to direct the children, first of all, to a positive assessment, although it is necessary to emphasize the shortcomings, if they were in the work.

The most important indicator of a careful and caring attitude towards living beings is the desire of children to take an active part in caring for them. It is important that they understand that care is aimed at meeting the needs of plants and animals and that every organism lives, grows, develops, if there are appropriate conditions for it. Communication with living beings can awaken in children sincerity, disinterestedness, kindness, humanity, i.e. moral spirituality.

Play plays an important role in working with children. It is easier for children to master ideas of an ecological nature if game learning situations, elements of a plot-role-playing game are included in the processes of cognition of nature.

Playing activities that bring great pleasure to children easily and quickly cause a positive attitude towards its content. I.A. Komarov and S.N. Nikolaev developed various game learning situations (ITS) - special forms of role-playing game, saturated with environmental content. They are specially created by the teacher to solve a specific problem in environmental classes, excursions. The following types of IEE give good results:

IOS involving toys - analogues (toys depicting objects of nature - plants, animals);

IOS with the use of dolls - characters of fairy tales, the plot of which is connected with nature: various options for playing a trip ("tourist trip", "excursion to the North Pole", etc.).

The game, specially organized by the educator for the process of learning about nature, successfully performs the function of the method of ecological education, which makes it easier for children to assimilate environmental knowledge and forms a consciously correct attitude towards nature and its content.

Ecological education of children of senior preschool age involves the use of not only a variety of methods, but also forms of work. The following forms are used in pedagogical activity: frontal, group, individual.

The main role in the formation of the system of initial natural-scientific ideas, concepts and knowledge is assigned to classes. In the environmental education of children, classes perform a very specific and very important function: the sensory representations of children received on a daily basis can be qualitatively transformed - expanded, deepened, combined, systematized. However, they will be successful and effective only if children have formed cognitive motivation based on interest in nature.

At present, thanks to television, computers and books, children learn more about a variety of objects and natural phenomena, they have different questions about the world around them. Therefore, we teachers need to build a lesson in such a way as to, on the one hand, answer the questions of interest to children, and on the other hand, ensure that they acquire the necessary knowledge, introduce children to systematic and creative activities.

Nikolaeva S.N. identifies the main types of environmental classes, which fundamentally differ from each other in didactic tasks, the logic of construction, the course of organization and conduct - classes of primary introductory, in-depth cognitive, generalizing and complex types.

Classes of the primary introductory type. Classes are devoted to familiarizing children with species of animals, plants, conditions of their life and habitat, which are not represented in the immediate natural environment and cannot be known through observation.

The main component of such classes are various demonstration and teaching aids that allow children to form clear and correct ideas. Teaching children in such classes is carried out through looking at pictures and talking. Often, reading children's literature, looking at illustrations, watching a filmstrip or slides, and the teacher's story also become their components.

Classes of the primary familiarization type with older preschoolers are much more difficult than classes in another age group. With them, you can view pictures of nature that are far from their experience, go beyond the depicted plot, view several pictures at the same time - this is facilitated by some already established experience of children, and their range of ideas.

In the primary-introduction type classes with children, you can consider living objects of nature, but only if they ended up in kindergarten by chance, settled for a short time.

Classes of in-depth cognitive type. The content of the classes is aimed at identifying and showing children the connection between plants, animals and the environment that they need. The topics of such classes are determined by a number of specific dependencies, which, as research and practice of kindergartens have shown, are accessible to understanding and assimilation by older preschoolers. These are classes dedicated to familiarizing children with the dependence of plant life and growth on environmental factors, for example, the growth of vegetable crops, garden plants, their seasonal changes, etc. These are classes to familiarize children with the adaptability of animals to their environment, for example, with camouflage ways of their movement, protection from enemies. Various types of experimental work aimed at forming ideas about the camouflage coloration of animals are very effective.

Classes of an in-depth cognitive type actively contribute to the mental education of preschoolers. Children learn the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, reason logically, and draw conclusions. All this ensures the intensive development of thinking of a preschooler.

General lessons. In a lesson of a generalizing type, the educator sets the goal of highlighting a number of significant features (essential and characteristic) for a group of familiar objects and, on their basis, forms a generalized idea. Teaching practice shows that generalizations should be based on various specific knowledge systematically acquired by children throughout the preschool age, as well as obtained in the process of repeated observations of objects in nature.

At senior preschool age, all specific classes can be summarized, generalized. There is an opportunity to show preschoolers the unity of forms in wildlife. The content of generalized ideas can be regularly changing phenomena: the growth and development of plants, seasonal changes in nature. For a number of years, children have been watching how indoor plants grow, vegetables in the garden, flowers in the flower bed. A large number of bright, diverse ideas are accumulating. Based on them, it is possible to form a generalized idea that a plant develops from a seed, it grows, blooms, and forms new seeds. For its growth, certain conditions are needed: light, heat, moisture, good soil.

Generalizing classes allow you to intensively develop the intelligence of children - the ability to compare, contrast, analyze, draw conclusions.

Complex classes. Complex classes within the framework of one topic solve different problems of the development of children and are based on different types of activities. These activities can be done in all age groups, but are especially useful with older preschoolers.

In the field of environmental education, complex classes can be used in different age groups. For example, at the end of autumn, a game lesson is usually held with children of the older group, in which an idea of ​​​​the autumn season is formed. A comprehensive lesson on this topic may consist of several parts and include different activities.

Such a complex lesson, if it is properly organized, can go beyond the scope of a regular lesson in time - a change in activity will not cause fatigue and boredom. Moreover, at the discretion of the teacher, at the right time, use the music in the recording, make a fun physical education session.

Great importance in the ecological development of children is attached to excursions, where they get acquainted with the diversity of the organic world, observations are made of objects and natural phenomena at different times of the year; children learn to navigate the area.

As Makhaneva M.D. notes, it is important to pay special attention during the excursion to the organization of children's activities: “Children should be taught to think that they are going to visit natural inhabitants, to their big house, and therefore they must follow the commandments that guests must follow nature. The most important of them is the observance of silence ”(L.P. Simonova). The next important commandment is patience (the ability to observe plants and animals for a long time). The third commandment is mindfulness (children should be taught to find relationships in nature, check folk signs, predict the consequences of people's behavior).

At the senior preschool age, children are interested in experimental activities. Experience contributes to the formation of children's cognitive interest in nature, the development of observation, mental activity. Experiments are carried out with objects of inanimate nature, plants and animals, they can be associated with work in a corner of nature and in the garden, they can be included in classes. In each experiment, the reason for the observed phenomenon is revealed, children reason, compare, establish cause-and-effect relationships, and draw conclusions. Experiments increase interest in objects and phenomena, create an emotional atmosphere, cause a feeling of joy, delight.

Environmental actions are socially significant events aimed at preserving natural objects. They are directed, first of all, for the formation of ecological culture, ecological consciousness, ecological outlook in children and adults. These can be such promotions as: "Blue Patrol", "Bird Canteen", etc.

Holidays make a huge contribution to the work on environmental education. A very important factor is the revival of folk traditions (customs, rituals), and a number of tasks are being solved: moral, emotional, aesthetic. These are such holidays as "OSENINS", the holiday of "RUSSIAN BIRCH".

In the work on the ecological education of children of senior preschool age, mugs can be used in kindergarten. In circles, children can set up experiments, collect visual material that can be used in the classroom, draw, craft, make crafts from natural materials, etc.

Consequently, all of the above methods and forms of work on environmental education contribute to the comprehensive development of children, broadening their horizons, developing observation and sensory skills, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, developing various forms of speech - dialogue, description, explanation, story. As a result, children begin to understand that:

Objects and phenomena are interconnected and represent a single whole;

The world around us is not something static, it is constantly changing.

The intensive change in the surrounding life, the active penetration of scientific and technological progress into all its spheres dictate the need for the teacher to choose more effective means of teaching and education based on modern methods and new integrated technologies.

One of the promising technologies that contribute to solving this problem is the “method of projects”. Based on a student-centered approach to education and upbringing, it contributes to the development of cognitive interest in various fields of knowledge, forms the skills of cooperation.

A “project” is understood as an independent or collective creative completed work that has a socially significant result. The project is based on a problem, and its solution requires a research search in various directions, the results of which are generalized and combined into a single whole.

The "project method" of activity can be used in work with older preschoolers. This age stage is characterized by more stable attention, observation, the ability to start analysis, synthesis, self-esteem, as well as the desire for joint activities. In the project, it is possible to combine the content of education from various fields of knowledge.

The topics and content of projects for older preschool children can be very diverse: playful, creative, educational.

By duration, projects can be short-term (from 1 lesson to 1 day) and long-term (from 1 week to 3 months).

Using the "project method" in working with older preschoolers, it must be remembered that the project is a product of cooperation and co-creation of educators, children, parents, and sometimes the entire kindergarten staff. Therefore, the theme of the project, its form and a detailed plan of action are developed collectively. At the stage of development by teachers of the content of classes, games, walks, observations, excursions and other activities related to the topic of the project, it is important to carefully consider and organize the subject environment in the preschool educational institution in such a way that it is a "background" to heuristic and search activities.

It is necessary to involve parents and relatives in organizing the search and creative activities of children, since one child cannot cope with this activity. On the topic of the project, the educator offers children tasks (an album with drawings of rare plants, a poster in defense of animals, a herbarium of wild flowers, photographs of local wintering birds, etc.). The children, together with their parents, choose a task at their discretion. Before handing out assignments, the educator should carefully consider them. It is important that they are not too laborious and are performed with “desire and joy”, and if necessary, the educator could provide reference, practical material or recommend where it can be found.

The last stage of the project - defense - is always the most spectacular. You can invite guests, parents, kids to protection. It is at this moment that the highest point of emotional intensity falls, and it must be strengthened by the social significance of the project. It should be explained for whom and for what it was created and why it is needed. The form of project defense should be bright, interesting and thought out in such a way as to highlight and demonstrate the contribution of each child, parent, teacher.

Project work is of great importance for the development of the child's cognitive interests. During this period, there is an integration between the general methods of solving educational and creative problems, the general methods of mental, speech, artistic and other activities. Through the integration of various areas of knowledge, a holistic vision of the picture of the surrounding world is formed. The collective work of children in subgroups gives them the opportunity to express themselves in various types of role-playing activities. A common cause develops communicative and moral qualities.

The didactic meaning of project activity lies in the fact that it helps to connect learning with life, forms research skills, develops cognitive activity, independence, creativity, the ability to plan, work in a team. These qualities contribute to the success of children in school. [ 19].

In order to fully implement the environmental education of children, the system of work in the kindergarten must be combined with the work of the family in this direction. Only by relying on the family, only by joint efforts can we solve our main task - educating a person with a capital letter, an environmentally literate person. After all, it is the family that gives the first experience of interaction with nature, introduces them to vigorous activity, shows an example of attitude towards objects of the flora and fauna. When communicating with parents, it is necessary to convey to them the idea that the formation of the foundations of environmental education must begin with oneself. It is important to be a role model, an authority.

One of the most modern models of the work of an educational institution with a family is the organization of the activities of family clubs, classes in which are built on the basis of respect for the feelings, desires and views of everyone. The process of forming environmental values ​​is complex and problematic, since it depends not only on the content of environmental education in kindergarten, but also on the real life situation. Therefore, it is important in the classes of family clubs not to give recipes for behavior in nature, but gradually, through tasks and questions, bring the child to his own conclusions and conclusions.

Thus, we came to the conclusion:

The existence of a number of environmental problems in our country, and throughout the world, dictates the need for work on environmental education with children of senior preschool age. After all, this age is one of the most important stages in the formation of a personality, its value orientation in the world around it, during this period a positive attitude towards nature, the objective world, to oneself and other people is laid;

The forms and methods of organizing children in environmental education are very diverse, their choice depends on the educational tasks, program material and age of the children, as well as on local conditions and the natural environment.

The content of environmental education is based on the formation in the child of a consciously correct attitude to natural phenomena and objects that surround him and with which he gets acquainted in preschool childhood.

ChapterII. Experience in environmental education with children of preschool age.

Based on the conclusions made in Chapter I, we have identified the tasks of the practical part of the study:

Determine the level of environmental education of children of senior preschool age.

Formation of ecological education in children of senior preschool age.

To analyze the results of the work carried out on environmental education with children of senior preschool age.

To solve the tasks set, we determined the base of the study - a municipal preschool educational institution, a combined type kindergarten No. 9 in the city of Uglich, Yaroslavl Region.

The purpose of the program: Ensuring the comprehensive development of the child's personality in the preschool period: intellectual, physical, emotional and moral, strong-willed, social and personal, through a developing environment appropriate to his age characteristics.

This program has a section “A child discovers the world of nature”, where one of the main tasks in the implementation of the program is to educate children in elements of environmental consciousness, value orientations in behavior and activities. In the system of formation of children's attitudes to nature, a large place is occupied by the development of cognitive interest in nature, as well as aesthetic feelings associated with its beauty.

Thus, in the program, environmental education and upbringing is a significant direction, sets guidelines and is one of the conditions for working in this direction.

Work on environmental education was carried out in the senior speech therapy group, the age of children from 5 to 6 years (Appendix No. 1).

2.1. Diagnosis of ecological education of children of senior preschool age.

To solve the first problem, a diagnosis of ecological education of children of senior preschool age was developed in the conditions of a speech therapy group. We took the approach of Khabarova T.V., Shafigullina N.V. as the basis for the development. , which allows you to identify three components of environmental education: knowledge, skills, attitude, which meets the requirements of the program for the development and education of children "Childhood".

Target: To identify the level of ecological education of children of senior preschool age.


1. Reveal the nature of children's ideas about nature.

2. Determine the nature of the relationship of children to nature.

3. The level of possession of labor skills and skills for caring for objects of nature.

For the implementation of diagnostics, various methods were used: observations, conversations on pictures, tasks, board games, analysis of situations, labor assignments.

Revealing ideas about animals.

Target: Reveal the child's ideas about animals.

Diagnostic technique.

1. Prepare pictures of animals from four different groups; didactic game "Zoological Lotto"; models of the concepts "birds", "animals", "fish", "insects", "animals".

Picture conversation:

Compose and distribute into groups "fish", "birds", "insects", "animals" (zoologist).

Find (pick up) models for these groups of animals (ecologist).

Why did you combine the animals into one group? (ecologist)

What happens to fish (birds, etc.) in winter, spring, summer? (ecologist)

Why is this happening? (ecologist)

Criteria for evaluation:

1 point - the child recognizes and names 5-10 species of animals, makes mistakes in the distribution into groups, does not see the relationship between changes in nature and the appearance of animals, therefore, arranges the cards randomly. Cannot explain the relationship between animal and seasonal changes.

2 points - the child recognizes and names 10 - 15 types of animals, making 3-4 errors in the distribution into groups. Places the cards in the right place, relying on the teacher's suggestive explanations, can repeat the course of reasoning: divides the pictures into groups and identifies the characteristic features of the groups. The child has little difficulty in determining the relationship between the appearance of wild animals and the time of year.

3 points - the child correctly recognizes and names 15-20 types of animals and distributes them into groups. Easily places cards with animals in the desired ecosystem and freely explains what signs helped him to determine it: he freely divides the cards into groups and explains the signs by which the separation took place, names the habitat. The child easily determines the relationship between the appearance of the animal and seasonal changes in nature.

2. Didactic game "Who lives where?"

Carefully look at the animals and determine by their appearance which of them lives where. Place them in the right place on the picture.

Make pairs: for each living creature shown in the picture, select the appropriate picture with the image of the habitat, explain your choice.

Lay out all the cards: fish, animals, birds, insects. Explain how they were separated.

In what environment do they live: in water, in the sky, on land.

Criteria for evaluation:

1 point - the child intuitively places the pictures correctly, but cannot explain what the external appearance of the animal says about this, does not have a clearly expressed idea of ​​​​the signs of various groups of animals and their habitat. It causes difficulty to arrange the cards in groups, cannot explain on what grounds he divided them.

2 points - the child, with the help of a teacher, places the pictures in the right place, selects the appropriate habitat for the animal. Experiences little difficulty in explaining this choice.

3 points - the child independently arranges the picture of the animal in accordance with the environment. Arranges cards in groups and explains his choice.

Revealing ideas about plants.

Target: Reveal the child's ideas about plants.

Diagnostic technique

1. Prepare pictures depicting plants in a flower garden, vegetable garden, meadow, forest, field; houseplants; pictures depicting the stages of growth and development of peas (beans); cards "herbs", "shrubs", "trees", "plants".

Picture conversation:

What is the name of this plant?

Where does it grow?

Draw (or arrange) the pictures in order: how do peas (beans) grow?

What needs to be done so that the plants grow well?

Name and show plants that love a lot of light and moisture.

Why do they like a lot of light and moisture?

What happens to plants (gardens, forests, etc.) in winter, spring, summer?

Why is this happening?

Sort the plants into groups: "plants", "trees", "shrubs", "herbs"

1 point - the child distinguishes and names 5-10 plants, making mistakes. With the help of a teacher, he singles out the characteristic and essential features of plants. Knows only some of the needs of plants (in moisture, in food). Generalizing concepts cause difficulties.

2 points - the child distinguishes and correctly names 10-15 plants, making 3-4 mistakes. Correctly and independently isolates the characteristic features of plants, and under the guidance of an adult, essential ones. Knows the needs of plants. Owns general concepts.

3 points - the child distinguishes and correctly names 10-20 or more herbaceous and indoor plants, trees and shrubs, owns generalizing concepts. Isolates the characteristic and essential features of plants. Correctly classifies plants on essential grounds. Has an understanding of the basic conditions for plant growth. Answers questions independently, correctly, in detail.

2. Didactic game "Confusion"

Material: pictures with schematic images of the main parts of the plant (root, stem, leaves, flower)

1. Arrange the parts of the plant correctly. Explain why the parts of the plant should be arranged in this way and not in another way. Name each part of the plant. Tell why the plant needs leaves, stem, root, flowers.

Criteria for evaluation:

1 point - the child correctly arranges the parts of the plant, but gets confused in the name of the parts, finds it difficult to explain their functions;

2 points - the child arranges the parts of the plant correctly, knows the names of the parts of the plant, their functions and needs. He makes the necessary explanations with little help from the teacher.

points - the child knows the main parts of the plant, their functions, names them correctly and explains them.

Revealing ideas about the living and non-living world.

Target: To reveal the child's ideas about the living and non-living world, about the adaptability of living beings to the environment.

Diagnostic technique.

1. During an individual conversation, put 10 pictures in front of the child depicting living objects (animals, plants, people), inanimate nature (sun, rain), as well as objects created by man (house, plane), and suggest choosing pictures depicting living .

Picture conversation:

1. Explain how you knew that all this is alive?

2. Why do you think that (a specific animal or plant is called) is alive?

3. What do animals (plants) need to survive?

Criteria for evaluation.

2. To identify ideas about the adaptation of living beings to the environment, the child is offered a picture-scheme with a conditional image of the environment (air, water, earth) and pictures of animals (fish, birds, amphibians). A problem-game situation is created: “Did Dunno correctly resettled the animals, why? Help the animals and settle them so that they live well. Additional questions are asked: “Can people live without nature? Why do we need animals and plants? Can they disappear? Would it be good if they disappeared, why?

Criteria for evaluation.

1 point - the child distinguishes between "living", "non-living" with the help of a teacher, making many mistakes. It is difficult to identify the characteristic features of the "living".

2 points - the child distinguishes between "living" and "non-living" with a little help from the teacher. Not always sure about the choice of answers.

3 points - the child independently distinguishes between objects of "living" and "inanimate" nature, accurately and independently describes the characteristic features.

In the section "environmental representations" 6 tasks. The minimum number of points scored is 6, if the child scores 2 points, then 12 points, and the maximum number of points scored is 18.

Thus, we have defined the boundaries:

6 points - low level;

12 points - average level;

18 points - high level

Identification of the nature of the relationship of the child to nature.

Exercise 1.

Target: To reveal the nature of the child's attitude to animals, plants in natural conditions.

Diagnostic technique.

Observation of the attitude of children to living objects of nature in a group, at the kindergarten site, during walks and excursions .

When caring for indoor plants, flowers in flower beds;

In the manufacture of bird feeders, their feeding;

Attitude towards animals on the street (dog, cat);

When cleaning the site from branches, debris;

When the first flowers appear on the site;

During an excursion to the forest, to the river, the behavior of children:

Criteria for evaluation:

score - the child does not show attitude to natural objects.

points - the child shows a passive attitude to the objects of nature.

Balla - the child independently takes care of the objects of nature.

Task 2.

Target: to study the features of the child's attitude to animals and plants in specially created conditions.

Diagnostic technique

The attitude of children to living beings in the corner of nature is being monitored. The created conditions may consist in the fact that some of the living beings need help (plants - in watering, removing dust; animals in feeding, cleaning the aquarium), for which the necessary funds have been prepared. The group also contains materials for other types of activities (visual, gaming, etc.). This allows you to create a situation for children to choose activities either with natural objects or another. To carry out the diagnosis, two children are invited into the room and each is invited to do what they want. If the child does not realize the need to help the living, his attention is drawn to the state of objects with the help of leading questions:

How does a living object feel?

How did you know it?

How can he be helped?

Would you like to help the animal and the plant?

Why do you want to help him?

Evaluation criterion:

1 point - the manifestation of a humane attitude in a child is situational. Answers the questions with the help of the teacher. The child does not show interest in the task and prefers the game. Has no desire to help a plant or animal.

2 points - takes care of animals and plants with the help of an adult. She answers questions with little help from the teacher. The child performs tasks quite independently, but of poor quality. To the manifestation of a negative attitude towards nature is more often passive.

3 points - carefully, caringly treats nature, intolerant of other children and adults if they violate the rules of communication with nature. Independently and with interest takes care of plants and animals. Answers questions independently, in detail, correctly. Ready to help if needed.

In the section "relation to nature" 2 tasks.


2 points - low level;

4 points - average level;

6 points - high level:

The study of the degree of development of the child's labor skills and abilities to care for natural objects.

Target: Find out whether children single out the object of labor, its features that are significant for the upcoming labor process.

Diagnostic technique.

Invite the child to select two plants from a corner of nature that need watering, loosening, dusting, and explain why he chose these plants.

Criteria for evaluation:

1 point - does not single out the object of labor with its features; performing labor actions, follow the instructions of an adult.

2 points - with the help of a teacher, the child identifies the object of labor, its features /

points - the child independently identifies the object of labor, its features. P

Target. Find out if children are able to accept the purpose of work set by adults. Reveal the nature of labor motivation.

Diagnostic technique.

The teacher gives the child the task of taking care of indoor plants. Offers different motivation, starting with the most difficult:

Cognitive (“Do you want to be on duty today in a corner of nature and learn how to properly care for plants so that they grow well?”);

Practical (“Help me (or the duty officer), please, water the plants, loosen them, remove dust from them”);

Game (Dunno does not know how to care for plants. Do you want to teach him?)

Each subsequent motivation is offered only if the child does not accept the previous one.

Criteria for evaluation:

1 point - the quality of the performance of labor actions and the quality of the results is low. Refused some assignments.

2 points - some labor operations are carried out quite independently, but of poor quality, some - with the help of an adult.

points - performs tasks with desire. Highlights the subject of labor, its features that are significant for the upcoming process. Able to foresee the result of labor.

In the section "the ability to carry out activities with natural objects" there are 2 tasks, thus:

2 points - low level;

4 points - average level;

6 points - high level:

Diagnostics consisted of 10 tasks, if for each task the child received 1 point, then he scored 10 points. This is the minimum score. The child scored 20 points if each answer received 2 points, and 30 points if the child scored the maximum number of points for the answers.

Therefore, we define a scale according to the level of environmental perceptions:

0 to 10 low level;

from 11 to 20 average level;

21 to 30 high level:

To confirm our decision, we used the method of mathematical processing Sidorenko E.V.:

1 step- determination of the range of the sample (R) To do this, the minimum is subtracted from the maximum element of the sample.

R =x max -x min, where (x - min and max number of points scored)

X max= 24 (the maximum number of points scored by a child)

X min \u003d 10 (the minimum number of points scored by the child)

R =14(difference between the maximum and minimum scores)

2 step- determination of the width of the data grouping interval (h) - the number of points between levels.

To do this, you first need to find the sample size (this is the number of children who participated in the survey (n)

k1=3 k2=2, choose an integer k between k1 and k2

h \u003d R: k (divide the difference in points by an integer)

h \u003d 14: 3 \u003d 4.6 \u003d 5

3 step- definition of boundaries of data grouping intervals.

Since the width of the interval is 5, then the left border of the first interval will be 10.

Got 5 levels:

Low level 0-10 points;

Below average 11-15 points;

Average 16-20 points;

Above average 21-25 points;

High 26-30 points;

Thus, we have determined intermediate levels, which more objectively show the level of ecological ideas in children of older preschool age.

Low level (0 -10 points) - the child names 5-10 animals, plants making mistakes. Intuitively places the pictures correctly, but cannot explain what the external appearance of the animal says about this, the child does not have a clearly defined idea of ​​​​the signs of various groups of animals and their habitat. The child does not see the relationship between changes in nature and the appearance of animals, so he arranges the cards randomly. With the help of a teacher, he singles out the characteristic and essential features of plants. Generalizing concepts cause difficulties. The child, with the help of the teacher, arranges the parts of the plant, finds it difficult to explain their functions; knows only some of the needs of plants (for moisture, food), does not own models; the child does not distinguish between "living", "non-living". Does not highlight the characteristic features of "alive". Indifference to nature. Does not possess the skills to carry out labor activities with natural objects.

Below average (11 - 15) - the child names 10-15 animals, but makes 3-4 mistakes. Puts the cards in the right place, can repeat the course of reasoning, but does not reveal the characteristic features of the groups. The child has difficulty in determining the relationship between the appearance of animals and the time of year. Correctly arranges body parts, knows parts of plants, but with the help of a teacher explains their functions. The child, with the help of a teacher, distinguishes between "living", "non-living". It is difficult to identify the characteristic features of the living. Attitude towards nature is situational. Performs labor activity with oral instructions of the teacher.

Intermediate level (16 - 20 points)- the child names 10-15 animals, plants, making 2-3 mistakes. Places the cards in the right place, relying on the teacher's suggestive explanations, can repeat the course of reasoning. Divides pictures into groups and identifies the characteristic features of groups with the help of a teacher. The child has little difficulty in determining the relationship between the appearance of wild animals and the time of year. Correctly singles out the characteristic features of plants, and under the guidance of an adult, essential ones. Owns general concepts. The child arranges the body parts of the plant correctly, knows the names of the parts of the plant, but sometimes finds it difficult to explain the functions and needs. He makes the necessary explanations with little help from the teacher. The child distinguishes between "living" and "non-living" with a little help from the teacher. Relationship with nature is sustainable. Has a complete understanding of the labor processes with natural objects and performs independently.

Above average (21-25) - the child correctly names 10-15 animals and plants. Puts the cards in the right place and can explain their choice. Divides pictures into groups and identifies characteristic features. Can determine the relationship between the outside world of an animal and seasonal changes. Correctly and independently singles out the characteristic features of plants, and with the help of an adult, essential ones. The child knows the parts of plants, can explain the functions and needs. The child distinguishes between "living" and "non-living" and can describe the characteristic features of "living". Manifestation of a humane attitude towards nature. To manifestations of a negative attitude towards nature is most often passive. He performs labor processes with natural objects independently, but not constantly.

High level (26-30 points)- the child correctly names 15-20 animals and plants. Easily places cards with animals in the desired ecosystem and freely explains what signs helped him to determine it: he freely divides the cards into groups and explains the signs by which the separation took place, names the habitat. The child easily determines the relationship between appearance and seasonal changes in nature. Isolates the characteristic and essential features of plants. Correctly classifies plants on essential grounds. The child knows the main parts of the plant, their functions, names them correctly and explains them. Has an idea about the basic conditions of plant growth, knows the models for their designation. Answers questions independently, correctly, in detail. The child independently distinguishes between objects of "living" and "inanimate" nature, accurately and independently describes the characteristic features. Carefully, caringly, humanely treats nature, we are not tolerant of other children and adults if they violate the rules of communication with nature. Possesses labor skills, achieving good results.

Diagnosis was carried out with children of the speech therapy group. There are 14 children in the group, of which: 9 boys and 5 girls.

Such a composition of the children of the group is expressed by the fact that over the years there has been a tendency that speech disorders are more common in boys than in girls. Due to the fact that there are few specialized speech therapy groups in the city and 5 children (the girl Lera and 4 boys Nikita, Danil, Vova, Danil) entered the senior speech therapy group from other kindergartens, and therefore the age of children in the senior speech therapy group is heterogeneous (most the youngest - 5 years, 5 months, the oldest - 6 years).

The initial diagnosis was carried out in the middle of the year (Appendix No. 2, No. 2-a).

During the diagnostics, it was revealed that some children showed intermediate results when performing tasks. Therefore, we introduced 2 levels: below average and above average.

So in the section "environmental representations" the low level is 14% (2 hours), below the average - 57% (8 hours), the average - 7% (1 hour), above the average - 22% (3 hours). At the same time, if we take the sections: animals, plants, animate and inanimate world, then we will see that children have enough ideas about the animal world - in the amount of 57 points, less about the plant - 38 points and the living and inanimate world - 38 points. Such results are explained by the fact that the children of this group were diagnosed with systemic underdevelopment of speech, therefore, vocabulary is poor, coherent speech suffers, so it was easier for children to answer questions where no special verbal explanation was required and illustrative material was used (in the sections of the animal world and plants), and the division of the animate and inanimate world required children to verbally explain and explain why the child thinks this way and not otherwise, or a complete and detailed answer to the question. During the diagnostics, the children were asked questions of a zoological, botanical, environmental and ecological nature. The results showed that environmental questions were more difficult for children than questions of a botanical and zoological nature. The questions on the classification of the flora and fauna caused difficulty, the children found it difficult to choose, got confused or simply kept silent. This is natural, since children get more information about animals from fiction, cartoons, many have pets at home. Questions of a nature conservation nature did not cause difficulties in the answers, children know how to take care of plants and animals, but they do not always apply their knowledge in practice. We came to the conclusion that children have insufficiently formed ecological ideas.

After analyzing the results in the section "children's attitude to natural objects" we got: low level - 50% (7 hours), below average - 7% (1 hour), average - 36% (5 hours), above average -7% (1 hour) . This is explained by the fact that in the course of observations of children, the manifestation of a humane attitude is singled out only in certain situations.

According to the results of the section "the ability to carry out detailing with natural objects" - the low level was - 43% (6 hours), below the average - 14% (2 hours), the average - 36% (5 hours), above the average - 7% (1 hour). In our group, there are more boys, they are very mobile, so they like to perform various labor assignments, especially on a walk (watering flowers, sweeping leaves, cleaning snow on the site), but this sometimes happens unconsciously, while girls, on the contrary, show passivity.

After analyzing each section separately, we compiled a diagram (Appendix No. 3)

Thus, the level of environmental education at the beginning of the survey was (Appendix No. 3a).

We made a comparative table of the results of the diagnostics of a psychologist, a speech therapist, and an educator (Appendix 4). A diagnostic examination of children by a psychologist showed that the development of mental processes in children is within the age group (high - 28% (4 people), medium - 50% (7 people). Low rates for the development of logical thinking - 53%, the ability to understand the sequence of events - 49%, 36% of children do not establish causal relationships, 21% get confused in the name of the seasons, which also affects the results of speech diagnostics and diagnostics for the environmental education of older preschool children.

The results of a diagnostic examination of children by a teacher-speech therapist educator practically coincide. The lowest in the development of coherent speech of children: low level -21% (3 people), below average -21% (3 people), average -28% (4 people), above average -28% (4 people).

According to the results of the diagnostics of a psychologist and a speech therapist teacher, we saw that those indicators that are necessary in the environmental education of children (logical thinking, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, the sequence of events, the development of coherent speech) are at a low level.

Summing up the complex diagnostics, we faced the task of creating conditions for the ecological education of children of senior preschool age, expanding and enriching children's knowledge about the animal and plant world, about the value of nature, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, developing a vocabulary, coherent speech of children, identifying the level attitudes towards natural objects and ways of interacting with them.

2.2. Formation of ecological education in children of senior preschool age.

Based on the data obtained, we built a system of work on the environmental education of children of senior preschool age, which included several areas of work: creating conditions for the environmental education of children, working with children, interaction with parents, interaction with society (Appendix No. 5).

In the work of a teacher with children of senior preschool age, one of the important conditions is the creation of a subject-developing environment in a group, which should contribute to:

the health of the child;

Formation of moral qualities;

Ecological - aesthetic development;

Ecologization of various types of children's activities.

The organization of the subject - developing environment should ensure the implementation of the goals and objectives of the "Childhood" program, the age characteristics of children.

The subject-developing environment includes:

A corner of nature where children get acquainted with plants and the conditions necessary for their growth and development, for observation and work in nature. Different types of plants are collected in the corner: light-loving and shade-loving, moisture-loving and drought-resistant, with different reproduction - to form ideas about the needs of plants in environmental conditions (light, air, favorable temperature), acquire skills in caring for wildlife and educating a careful and caring attitude to her. For proper care of indoor plants, the children and I glued symbolic signs on flower pots indicating the characteristics of plants (drought-resistant, moisture-loving, etc.). An observation calendar is kept in the corner, where children note the weather and its changes (Appendix No. 6).

Garden - a vegetable garden on the window, in order for children to gain practical skills in caring for plants in the winter. In it, children plant seedlings of parsley, dill, onions; grow seedlings of flowers: marigolds, asters, and then transplanted into flower beds (Appendix No. 7).

Mini - laboratory, which contains: flasks and test tubes of different sizes, magnets, funnels, sand, clay, a collection of stones, feathers, shells, cones. In it, children are engaged in experimental activities, both with a teacher and independently, during which their ideas about the properties and meaning of various materials, objects, and phenomena are enriched. A card file of experiments has been selected. Experiments are being carried out: “Water filtration”, “What soil is better to plant a plant in”, “What is water like”, etc. (Appendix No. 8).

Ecological trail on the site of the kindergarten. It performs cognitive, developing, aesthetic and health-improving functions. To create it, we explored the territory of the preschool educational institution, noted interesting places (Appendix 9). Small ecological trail includes:

A corner of the forest where trees grow (birch, oak, maple); shrubs (currant, lilac); there is an anthill; (medicinal plants (mother and stepmother, medicinal dandelion, burdock), this allows children to observe the same objects at different times of the year.

A garden where my children and I grow various vegetables: potatoes, carrots, beets, dill, etc. Children take care of the plants in the garden: water, loosen the soil. In the autumn we harvest, the children see the results of their work.

Flower beds, broken together with children and parents. Parents and children brought various types of flowers, which they chose so that our flower beds would delight us with flowers from May to October (tulips, daffodils, phloxes, marigolds, etc.)

To get acquainted with the immediate natural environment, the teachers developed a route: to a birch grove, a pine forest, a pond, to the Volga River. We especially like to go to the banks of the Volga River at different times of the year. We admire its beauty, observe and note the changes in it. Children display their impressions and emotional state in productive and speech activities (drawings, applications, crafts, stories) (Appendix No. 10).

Enthusiasm and interest prompted us to create a mini-museum "Mother Volga" in the preschool educational institution (Appendix No. 11). Teachers and parents of the preschool educational institution took part in the collection of information; employees of the historical - art museum, library and station of young naturalists; The photographic material was provided by the editors of the Uglichskaya Gazeta. The museum is visited by children, parents, guests of the kindergarten, teachers conduct classes on the study of their native land. A large local history, search and research work was carried out. The museum is based on authentic objects and materials, photographs, copies, models. Teachers, children and parents actively participated in the collection of exhibits. Joint activities resulted in the implementation of the project "We are Volzhan". As a result of project activities, the museum was enriched with methodological and practical material: class notes, stories, photographs, drawings. All collected material was distributed and systematized by us into the sections "History of the Volga River", "Modern River". "The Volga River - a worker and a nurse", "Flora and fauna of the Volga River".

An integral part of environmental education is the inculcation of moral qualities in children of senior preschool age, which are enduring values. To work with children, we have created a methodological manual "The ABC of Morality", in which, from A to Z, material is collected for all moral categories: good-evil, courage-cowardice, etc. - these are notes of classes for children of older preschool age, it is also recommended here literary and illustrative material on the moral and patriotic education of children.

Having created the conditions for the ecological education of children, we have selected those methods and techniques that are most effective for the ecological education of children of senior preschool age.

In kindergarten, thematic planning is carried out, all topics are logically interconnected and together represent a complete picture. For example, "Wintering Birds" (we conduct classes, talks, productive activities, etc.), "Steps of Spring" (lesson, talks about spring, about how we prepare for the meeting of birds), "Indoor plants" (lesson "How help a houseplant", "Plants in our corner of nature"), children clarify their ideas about houseplants, how to care for them). In the long-term plan of work on environmental education with children in our group, we prescribe observations made with children, experiments, work in nature, work in a corner of nature, reading works, work with parents and society (Appendix No. 12).

We consider observation to be a significant method in the work on environmental education. We observe with the children everything that surrounds us, observations are planned both in long-term plans and in the daily plans of the educator. Observations are carried out in a corner of nature: for indoor plants, for planting onions, parsley, flower seeds. So, for example, in a corner of nature, we put birch branches and began to observe and note when the first leaves appeared. Having planted tulip bulbs, the children and I first decided which window to put tulips on and why? (the window on the south side has a lot of light and heat, and on the window that faces west it is cold and there is little light). For the experiment, we created a greenhouse effect for several tulips and covered them with a film. The children were interested, and when they came to the group, they ran up in the morning and looked where the sprouts came out faster. Observations were sketched and noted in a corner of nature. Watching indoor plants, children note where it is better for them to grow, which ones bloom, who needs care, etc. At the site, we observe seasonal changes, the work of the janitor. There are many different types of trees on the territory of our kindergarten, so we observe the flowering of bird cherry, lilac, poplar fluff, red clusters of mountain ash all year round. Children are very fond of collecting acorns on the site and maple spouts, beautiful leaves for crafts and applications. Observations are made of the first spring flowers, flowers in the flower beds, etc.

As we already know, the main role in the formation of the system of initial natural-scientific ideas, concepts and knowledge is given to classes.

We know that children of senior preschool age have specific age-related features: unstable attention, the predominance of visual-active thinking, increased motor activity, and the desire for play activities. Therefore, it is much more effective to conduct non-traditional classes: travel, lesson - a fairy tale, a quiz, a game, integrated classes, classes using ICT (Appendix No. 13). A media library has been collected in the kindergarten, where the material “Wild Animals”, “Pets”, “Birds”, “Seasons” has been selected, the project “In the Animal World” has been created. Games and exercises for frontal and individual lessons are selected. We also use methodological material in classes for the development of speech, familiarization with others.

Children are interested in classes with the participation of heroes, Dunno comes to visit, Dr. Aibolit or sparrows fly in. Children are happy to tell them about animals, plants, about the rules of behavior in the forest, on the river.

In familiarization classes, some children have difficulty making up a story. But speech is a reflection of thinking. In the classroom we use diagrams with the help of which children can make up a story about an animal, bird, insect. To compose a story according to the scheme, the children were introduced to the symbols that are associated with a particular concept, and the meaning of each symbol was discussed. Using diagrams, children have learned to make up stories, and some children can tell on their own without the help of adults.

In the classroom we use the literary works of V. Bianchi, as they are accessible and more attractive for children, they reliably reflect the ecological specifics of natural phenomena. Based on his fairy tales and stories, you can bring up love and respect for nature, teach you to understand nature, its laws and features, for example, the lesson “What are tails for”, “Forest houses”, and “Sinichkin calendar” introduces children to seasonal changes in nature . Children are interested in the stories of Irina Gurina “How a Butterfly Appears”, “How a Frog Appears”, etc., where children get acquainted with the structure and development of an animal and a plant, identify causal relationships and patterns, and also clarify the rules of behavior in nature.

An integral part of environmental education is the game. Didactic games of ecological content - contribute to the clarification and expansion and consolidation of knowledge about plants and animals, allow you to remember the name of plants, animals, birds, etc. in a playful way (Appendix No. 14).

We have created the game "Journey through the cities on the Volga" (Appendix No. 15).

Purpose: To give children ideas about the cities of the Yaroslavl region located on the Volga. Cultivate love for your hometown, edge.

Children play this game with pleasure, as it is accompanied by those items that this or that city is famous for, for example, the city of Myshkin, the coat of arms of the city, a mouse, felt boots are attached. Children are told very briefly and easily about the city. Various environmental tasks, problem situations are also offered during the trip, children repeat the rules of behavior on the river, etc.

The group has a large number of board and printed games aimed at environmental education, the development of coherent speech, memory, attention: “Who lives where”, “Ecological Lotto”, “Why, Insects” (based on V. Bianchi “The Ant Hurries Home ”), “Entertaining Zoology”, etc.

In our work, we widely use environmental exercises both in the classroom and in everyday activities. They contribute to the formation of the moral position of the child, for example:

Exercise "Release the butterfly."

Arguing with the children about life and its main feature - the free exchange of information with the outside world, the teacher works with a drawing in which a butterfly is depicted in a tightly closed jar.

After a conversation about butterflies and their beauty, pollen on the wings and their careful attitude, fragility and the life cycle of transformations, it is proposed to color the insect. When the work is completed, the children answer the question of what will be the butterfly now, how interesting her life will be. They very quickly notice that the jar is closed and the butterfly is doomed. The search for solutions begins, and everyone agrees on one thing, it must be released. But how? (children offer various options) The teacher suggests using an eraser, the lid of the jar disappears, and the butterfly flies out.

“There is a city on the shore. It has a huge car factory. Cars are made beautiful, comfortable, people enjoy. From the Volga they take water for the plant, and the waste, with paints, harmful powders, is poured into the Volga. But for that, the cars are very good. What is good, what is bad? (Appendix No. 15-a).

Such exercises make the child reason, think, find the right and right solution.

Ecological education is a part of patriotic education. Love for the Motherland is one of the strongest feelings, without which a person cannot feel his roots. Therefore, it is important that the child, already at preschool age, feel involvement in his homeland, personal responsibility for the land and its future. Therefore, environmental education is based on the use of local history material.

Together with the children, a small ecological trail was created on the territory of the kindergarten. During walks along the trail, observations, conversations, games are organized, children encounter problem situations, in the course of reasoning they find the right solution to the problem (for example: why do many worms appear on the path after rain).

Our city of Uglich stands on the Volga River, we have many historical, beautiful places. The children's cognitive interest in the natural environment was very great, and the idea arose to create a large ecological trail that goes beyond the territory of the kindergarten. So in the process of walking and excursions outside the territory of the preschool educational institution, the objects of the large trail were:

Birch Grove;


Bank of the Volga River.

Children especially like to be on the banks of the Volga River, on which our ancient Uglich stands. The river attracts children with its beauty, power, breadth, spaciousness "working" with barges and a lock.

Children of senior preschool age created the album “Volga through the eyes of children”, where each illustration told us about the river (“From source to mouth”, “Water inhabitants”,). The children not only improved their skills in drawing and appliqué, but consolidated their acquired knowledge, remembered the rules of behavior on the water, and also discussed what and who can harm the river. The album turned out to be bright and colorful, and it can be used in the classroom as an illustrative material.

All collected material, drawings, album found their place in the mini-museum of our kindergarten "Mother Volga". The atmosphere of the museum, antiques create a unique atmosphere that helps the child to come into contact with the history and culture of his native land, and also contributes to the development of the moral qualities of the child. The first visitors to the museum, of course, were the kindergarten children and their parents. In the museum, we conduct classes with children on patriotic, moral, environmental, artistic and aesthetic development.

One of the interesting methods of work on the ecological education of children of senior preschool age is project activity. The project method actively provides the teacher with the opportunity to systematize the education and upbringing of preschool children, to build work taking into account the fact that the child's personality is valuable in itself. This method is of great interest to children, since the specifics of project activity is a complex and integrated nature, which includes different types of activities. So one of the brightest and most interesting events was the Flower Glade project, in which parents and their children also took part. The project was implemented in several stages:

Stage 1 - creating a diagram of the site where the objects of improvement and gardening were applied.

Stage 2 - discussion and approval of the work plan.

Stage 3 - implementation of ideas.

Stage 4 - presentation of the project.

During the work on the project, beautiful flower beds, a recreation area equipped with benches and a table, a stump path, and a new sandbox appeared on the site. According to the results of the jury, the joint parent-child project was recognized as the best and took first place.

We created the project "Volga - mother" (Appendix 16), which included the richest material about the Volga. The participants of the project were teachers, children, parents, social partners.

Work on the ecological education of children of senior preschool age is impossible without the participation of parents. After all, it is the family that gives the first experience of interaction with nature, introduces children to work, shows an example of relations to objects of the flora and fauna.

For the formation of environmental education in children of senior preschool age, it is necessary to develop a system of cooperation and interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents. Such a system includes a certain content, methods and forms of work. Therefore, the development of a long-term plan included such sections as work with parents and society.

In working with parents, various forms of work were used:

1. Questioning.

2. Visual propaganda: folders - shifters “Alone with nature”, “Enter nature as a friend”, etc., thematic screens “Take care of the birds”, “Flowers - earthly beauty - the beginning”.

3. Ecological newspaper "Interesting near".

4. Parent meeting "Environmental education of children."

5. Conversations and consultations: "The ABC of behavior in nature", "The ancient secret of health and longevity" (on the benefits of carrots).

6. Promotions, holidays: "Meeting the birds" (we make birdhouses), "Let's make the Volga clean" (labor landing on the banks of the Volga), "Flower meadow", etc.

Parents took an active part in organizing a mini-garden on the window (they brought onion seeds, flower seedlings), in collecting information about the flora and fauna of our region, in making bird feeders in winter

We began our work with parents by identifying the environmental education of the parents themselves, and the most effective method, in our opinion, is a survey on the problem of environmental education. A questionnaire was used for parents of preschool educational institution No. 403 "Environmental education of children" [7]. Eight open-ended questions were asked in the survey, which allowed the respondent to freely express his opinion. All parents of the group (13 people) were interviewed (Appendix No. 17).

According to the results of the survey of parents, we saw that parents have a superficial understanding of ecology, the answers of parents are not verbose, but parents have an interest in this science, they support environmental work with children in kindergarten and can help in environmental education of children.

There was an interest of parents to the information located in a parental corner. This is a folder - a move "Alone with nature" (Appendix No. 18), which described the rules of behavior in nature, natural phenomena in accordance with the seasons, shared with the ancient secrets of longevity (about the benefits of carrots), about the time of planting, etc.

Another form of work is an ecological newspaper on the topic "Interesting things are nearby." The newspaper contains interesting facts from the life of plants and animals, about natural phenomena, folk signs.

Group parent meeting (Appendix No. 19), held in the form of KVN, children's performances, and the preparation of vitamin salad opened up an opportunity for free communication, discussion of various issues and the development of common approaches to raising children.

The participation of parents in environmental actions has become traditional: this is the production of prohibition signs that were hung on the banks of the Volga, garbage collection on the Volga together with parents and children (Appendix No. 20).

Parents took an active part in the creation of the mini-museum "Mother Volga" in collecting information about the flora and fauna of our region, in the drawing competition "Volga, Volga".

It has become traditional in the kindergarten to hold the holidays “Autumn”, “Bird Meeting”, “Earth Day”, “Trinity” (Appendix No. 21), where parents also take an active part in creating costumes, took part in quizzes and competitions.

Most importantly, the success of such cooperation is visible. The system of cooperation between teachers and parents that we developed contributed to the education of children in a conscious and careful attitude to nature, people, and the world around them, which forms the basis of environmental education.

Cooperation with social partners has become traditional for the kindergarten, we have developed plans for the entire academic year with them.

Historical - Art Museum - introduces children to the history of the city, traditions, local artists (Appendix No. 22).

The HPP Museum surprised the children with its modernity, where the children traveled along the Volga with a “droplet”, which told a lot of interesting things about the Volga River and the HPP (Appendix No. 23).

Children go to the Yunnatov station with great pleasure, where they are not only told about the birds and animals of our region, but also introduced to the inhabitants of the living corner and given carrots and cabbages (Appendix No. 24).

Interesting meetings and excursions help not only to expand knowledge and instill in children a value attitude to everything that surrounds us.

In our opinion:

The use of such forms and methods in the work on environmental education with children of older preschool age allows expanding the horizons of children, involving them in environmental activities, helping to instill in children a sense of responsibility for the state of their native nature, awareness of the importance of its protection, the formation of ecological culture and environmental consciousness.

The relationship with parents and society should be based on the pedagogy of cooperation, and only by joint efforts can we solve such a problem as raising an environmentally literate person, a person who will live in the 21st century.

2.3. Analysis of the results of the work on environmental education with children of senior preschool age.

The period from spring to summer was positive, favorable for the development of ecological education of children of senior preschool age, since children had the opportunity most of the time to come into contact with natural objects in their natural form, and not in pictures. All this influenced not only the expansion of ecological ideas, and the improvement of labor skills, but also had a positive impact on the ecological consciousness of children (excursions, work in the kindergarten, planting flowers and caring for them, etc.). This was manifested in the fact that children independently began to notice natural objects that needed help, began to treat them more carefully and express their attitude towards them. (Appendix No. 25, No. 25-a) This is evidenced by the following results:

In the section "Ecological ideas": about the animal world - 70 points, about the plant world - 56 points, living and non-living world - 51 points, in general, the level of ecological ideas increased - above average - 50% (7 hours), average - 36% (5 hours ), below average -14%(2h) .

In the section "Attitude towards natural objects" - above average - 21% (3 hours), average - 37% (5 hours), below average - 28% (4 hours), low -14% (2 hours)

In the section "Ability to carry out activities with natural objects" - above average - 14% (2 hours), average level - 72% (10 hours), below average - 7% (1 hour), low -7% (1 hour) (Appendix No. 26) .

Thus, positive dynamics is visible in all sections. According to the intermediate diagnostics, I would like to note that Egor.S and Matvey.B got better results, the children's ideas about the world expanded, the children, with the help of a teacher, determine the connection between the appearance of the animal and the season, perform small tasks (collect dry foliage on the site, cut off dry branches and flowers in the flower bed). In general, children's ideas about animals and plants were enriched and expanded, they began to independently establish causal relationships, highlight signs of similarities and differences, children became more attentive, sensitive, not indifferent to the bad deeds of their peers, but not all children are fully aware of the direction of work behind natural objects, they are more interested in the process of performing labor actions.

Therefore, the results of the intermediate diagnostics are as follows (Appendix No. 26 a).

At the end of the school year, the final diagnostics on the environmental education of children of senior preschool age was carried out (Appendix No. 27, No. 27-a).

The results of the final diagnostics: ideas about the animal world - 79 points, about the plant world -67 points, "living" and "non-living world" -61 points, thus, the level of ecological ideas is as follows: high - 29% (4 hours), above average - 57% (8h), average - 7% (1h), below average -7% (1h). Attitude towards natural objects: high - 7% (1 hour), above average - 57% (8 hours), average - 36% (5 hours). Ability to work - high -36% (5 hours), above average -21% (3 hours), average - 29% (4 hours), below average - 7% (1 hour), low -7% (1 hour). (Appendix No. 28)

Thus, the level of environmental education is the following (Appendix No. 28 a).

When conducting the final diagnostics and analyzing its sections, we saw that the level of environmental education in children has increased, which is expressed primarily in a qualitatively new attitude towards nature. Most children began to understand the consequences of their actions and realize the importance of observing the rules and norms of behavior in nature, to carry out their own labor processes, achieving good results. Children have developed observation skills, a great cognitive interest in the world around them, children are inquisitive, independently establish cause-and-effect relationships, and identify signs of "living" and "non-living".

A comparative table of the results of the diagnostics of a psychologist, a speech therapist teacher was also made at the end of the year. An analysis of the results of the diagnostic level of the development of mental processes in children showed that the level of development of mental processes increased, high -50% (7 children), medium -50% (7 children), and there are no children with a low level of mental processes.

According to the results of the diagnosis of a speech therapist teacher, we saw positive results in the development of speech, with a high level of 36% (5 children), an average of 52% (8 children), and a low level of 8% (1 child).

According to the results of the survey by the teacher - speech therapist and educator, we saw that the level of environmental education exceeds the results for the development of speech, because. children not only enriched and expanded their vocabulary, but passed through themselves, through their attitude to nature, through activities in nature (Appendix No. 29).

Summing up the work on environmental education with children of senior preschool age, we came to the conclusion that:

It is necessary to lay the foundations of environmental education from early childhood. The basics of environmental education are associated with a cognitive interest in objects and natural phenomena, a systematic understanding of the world, the ability to use knowledge for reasonable children's activities and conscious behavior in the natural environment:

According to the results of diagnostics, the number of children with a high level of development is 36%, above the average 50%, which indicates that children have increased the level of environmental education, which is expressed primarily in a qualitatively new attitude to nature, their understanding of the world has expanded, and interest in natural objects and the desire to carry out positive interaction with them, there was a desire to take care of the living, creating the necessary conditions for life

Work on environmental education with children of older preschool age must be carried out in a system that includes several areas: creating conditions for environmental education of children, working with children, interacting with parents, interacting with society, only then will humane- value attitude to nature, the ability to understand, love the world around us, treat it with care:

One of the important conditions is the creation of a subject - developing environment in the group, which ensures the implementation of the goals and objectives of the "Childhood" program, the age characteristics of children, contributes to:

Cognitive development of the child;

Ecological - aesthetic development;

the health of the child;

Formation of moral qualities;

Formation of ecologically competent behavior;

Ecologization of various types of children's activities:

It is necessary to select such methods and forms of work on environmental education that are most effective with children of older preschool age, contribute to the accumulation in children of concrete-figurative ideas about the surrounding reality, which are material for their subsequent awareness, generalization, disclosure of the causes and relationships that exist in nature. , the formation of environmental consciousness and the ability to carry out environmental activities.


One of the most acute and pressing problems of modern society is the problem of preserving the environment. Modern civilization does not teach the ability to live together with people and nature. Aggressive-consumer orientation, with its desire to take from nature everything that a person wants, has led to an ecological crisis. Therefore, the creation in the regions of the country of a system of continuous environmental education and education, the first link of which is preschool education, has become extremely necessary. It is at this age that the foundations of a person's worldview, his attitude to the world around him, are laid.

Ecological education gives children the opportunity for further growth of the ecological personality in cooperation with adults and peers. Ecological upbringing is the result of the preschooler's appropriation of the values ​​of ecological culture in the course of ecological upbringing and education and is expressed in a value attitude towards nature as a qualitative transformation of the ecological ideas mastered by the child, the ability to carry out activities in nature and the accumulation of emotionally positive experience of communication with living beings.

In our work, we considered approaches to environmental education of such researchers as Ryzhova N.A., Fokina V.G., Nikolaeva S.N. We analyzed complex and partial programs that in one way or another go to the environmental education of preschool children.

The experience we have presented in the environmental education of older preschool children, in our opinion, is interesting in a systematic approach to solving the problems of shaping in children the initial skills and abilities of environmentally literate and safe behavior for nature and for the child, developing in children the ability to empathy, sympathy, empathy , consciously-correct attitude to nature.

Ecological education of children of senior preschool age is presented through various areas of work.

Of particular interest in working with preschoolers is the use of local history material in the study of their native land, environmental education through the creation of a mini-museum "Mother Volga", as well as a mini-laboratory, an ecological trail, and environmental projects. The experience of interaction with social partners and parents in creating a museum and organizing all environmental work with children is also interesting.

The methods and techniques of working with children are diverse and correspond to the age and psychophysical characteristics of preschool children, provide an individual approach to the upbringing and education of children.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that the work on environmental education must be carried out in a system that is interconnected, only then will preschool children form a humane-valuable attitude towards nature, the ability to understand and love the world around them, and the skills of elementary environmental activities in the immediate environment.


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Generalization of work experience

Completed by the educator

Anistratenko I.P.

MBDOU No. 36 "Firefly".

Maykop 2018

"Environmental education in the conditions of the Dow in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard".

The world surrounding the child is, first of all, the World

nature with an infinite wealth of phenomena,

with inexhaustible beauty.

Here in nature


the source of the child's mind.

V. Sukhomlinsky.

Ecology - it is a science that studies the laws of nature, the interaction of living organisms with the environment, the foundations of which were laid by Ernst Haeckel in 1866. However, people have been interested in the secrets of nature since ancient times, and had a careful attitude towards it. There are hundreds of concepts of the term "ecology", at different times scientists gave their own definitions of ecology. The word itself consists of two particles, from the Greek "oikos" is translated as a house, and "logos" as a teaching.

The ecological education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is a continuous process of development of children, aimed at shaping their ecological culture, which is expressed in the presence of:

Sustainable knowledge about nature and the relationships existing in it;

Respect for nature;

Correct understanding of the concept of "healthy lifestyle";

Moral and environmentally valuable attitudes, behavioral skills;

Emotional responsiveness to wildlife;

Positive aesthetic sensations from admiring nature;

Ability to recognize the features of the surrounding world.

The issues of the implementation of environmental education in a preschool educational institution are especially important.

From my work experience I can say: after all, it is at the age of 3-5 years that the foundations of a worldview are laid. On the other hand, the child's knowledge of nature is an important factor in the educational process.

Environmental education of preschoolers, taking into account the GEF, can be implemented through the following activities:






Artistic and aesthetic practice,

Acquaintance with natural history literature,

Physical education and sports,

Meetings with representatives of professions related to environmental protection,

Visiting exhibitions (pets, flower shows),

Participation together with parents in holding exhibitions, making feeders and birdhouses with their subsequent placement on the territory of the kindergarten or in the courtyards of houses,

Environmental trainings,

Creation of environmental propaganda teams and "green patrol",

Collecting objects of nature,

Making lapbooks.

I think that the important point is the need to implementenvironmental education in two directions:

in training sessions;

in everyday life.

It is necessary to strive to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom in the process of subject-transforming activity in nature. I involve children in caring for plants and animals, in maintaining a favorable ecological environment. As a result, preschoolers form a personal experience of influencing nature, cognitive interests are activated, and a need for activities in nature is formed..

In my work I use the following forms of activity, which have a wide range of environmental education.

Forms of environmental education

-Directly educational activities. Classes are the leading form of organizing work to familiarize children with nature. They allow you to form knowledge about nature in a system and sequence, taking into account the age characteristics of children and the natural environment. The main component of such classes are various demonstration and teaching aids, i.e. visualization, which allows children to form clear and correct ideas.

- collective;

- group;


Among collective forms the most popular are ecological holidays, “Golden Autumn”, “Winter-Winter”, “Meeting of Spring”, “Hello, Summer”, “Feed the Birds in Winter” campaign, “Meet the Birds”, “Week of Kindness”, tree planting. I also often practice joint labor activities in cleaning and landscaping, working in flower beds and the site. Children should be encouraged to participate in environmental training, kindness activities, environmental exhibitions, and drawing competitions.

AT group forms of work useexcursions, research and experiments. I believe that an effective type of group work is to involve children in the development of projects. In addition, for small groups of pupils it is recommended to organize such events as the speech of the propaganda team, role-playing games, distribution of leaflets in environmental actions.

AT individual form I organize nature observations. Positive emotions are evoked in children by such types of individual activities as participation in competitions, artistic and aesthetic activities: making crafts, modeling, creating drawings, etc.

Effective methods of environmental education of preschoolers are environmental education of preschoolers, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, preference should be given to gaming, visual-effective and project-based.

In the pedagogical process I use various teaching methods:




To visual methods include observation, viewing pictures, demonstration of models, films, videos, presentations.Practical Methods is a game, elementary experiments and modeling.verbal methods - these are my stories and stories of children, reading works of art about nature, conversations. In the work on familiarizing children with nature, I use methods in a complex, correctly combine them with each other..

Observation The main method of environmental education is observation. It allows you to carry out sensory knowledge of objects of nature. In this case, all forms of perception can be involved.

Most often, I suggest that preschoolers observe the state of nature and plant life. These observations are carried out regularly throughout the year. This type of work is an indispensable element of daily walks. In addition, birds, domestic animals and insects become objects of observation from time to time. Approximately 1-2 times a month, children observe social objects, features of the work activity of adults.

When organizing surveillance, it is important to observe the following rules:

The object of observation must be accessible to perception;

The time for observation should be 5-10 minutes;

It is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children, their interests.

The main thing is that observation should not be an end in itself. It is necessary that this process be multi-stage:

Perception of objects of nature;

Study of the characteristics of a given object, its relationship with other objects or phenomena;

Creative display of the received information.

In the process of observation, I direct the activities of preschoolers, ask questions, and set problem tasks for them. The main thing is to evoke an emotional response in children and a desire to continue such activities on their own.

A game

The game provides children with freedom of action, looseness and the opportunity to take the initiative. However, in order to use gaming activities in the process of environmental education, it is necessary to organize it in such a way that there is no threat or harm to wildlife.

An obligatory attribute of children's life are toys that depict objects of nature. Playing with them, preschoolers imitate the habits and lifestyle of animals.

A separate type of work on environmental education is the manufacture of toys from natural materials. Children will get acquainted with the characteristics of natural objects, and the fact that as a result of such an activity a beautiful bright toy will turn out increases interest in these activities.

Experimental Games allow you to verify the reliability of physical and natural phenomena and patterns (“Sinking - not sinking”, “Soap bubbles”, “Let's make solutions”, “Which water is easier to swim in”).

In order for children's knowledge of nature to be conscious, I use simple experiments. Experiments contribute to the formation of children's cognitive interest in nature, develop observation, mental activity.

I practice story games, practice games, games - illustrations and dramatizations. It is very useful to offer children practical games with objects such as sand, water, clay. The purpose of these games is not only to have fun and make a figure or make a house (splashing with water, blowing soap bubbles, etc.), but also to learn the properties of these natural materials

Also in my practice of preschool education in familiarizing children with nature, I widely usevariety of several groups of games: Didactic games- games with rules that have ready-made content. In the process of didactic games, children clarify, consolidate, expand their ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants, animals, lead children to the ability to generalize and classify.

desktop printed games - these are games such as lotto, dominoes, split and paired pictures. In these games, children's knowledge about plants, animals, and inanimate phenomena is clarified, systematized and classified.

word games - these are games, the content of which is a variety of knowledge that children have, and the word itself. I spend them to consolidate children's knowledge about the properties and characteristics of certain objects.Outdoor games of a natural history nature associated with the imitation of the habits of animals, their way of life. By imitating actions, imitating sounds, children consolidate knowledge; the joy received during the game contributes to the deepening of interest in nature.

Project activity

A great way to combine a variety of activities aimed at understanding the world around us is the project method. It provides for the implementation of practical purposeful activities by preschoolers and contributes to the formation of their personal life experience in interaction with natural objects.

Working on a project gives the child the opportunity to consolidate theoretical knowledge, feel like a tester, and participate “on an equal footing” with adults in joint cognitive activities. With preschoolers, you can implement research, practice-oriented, role-playing, creative projects. Usually - these can be short-term group, individual projects.

Creation of ecological environment

An important educational aspect that influences the formation of ecological culture among preschoolers is the creation of a favorable ecological environment in kindergarten and in the group. This is a continuous process that involves the organization of a special ecological space and the implementation of regular actions aimed at maintaining the conditions necessary for wildlife in it.

The most common varieties of this form of work are the creation of a "Nature Center", the cultivation of indoor flowers, the design of a flower bed. The educational effect will be achieved only if children do not just observe animals and plants, but take an active part in caring for them. Interesting and varied work is carried out in the flower garden and in the garden. Children watch plants, practice labor skills and abilities (watering plants, loosening, collecting seeds and crops, etc.). This work has a great influence on the education of diligence, independence and mutual assistance.

Forms of work with parents on environmental education of preschoolers Parental example plays an important role in the upbringing of children. If parents deal with issues of environmental education, then children will also develop interest, love for nature and respect for it. Therefore, environmental education of children should take place in close cooperation with the child's family. Jointly organized events not only help to ensure the unity and continuity of the pedagogical process, but also bring into this process the special positive emotional coloring necessary for the child.

In working with parents on the environmental education of children, I use both traditional and non-traditional forms, but all theseforms are based on the pedagogy of cooperation:

-Questioning , conducting surveys

- Conversations

- parent meetings in an unconventional form (business games, bureau of pedagogical services, question-answer),

-Consultations and messages of ecological orientation for the parent area.

- Calendar of interesting dates

joint leisure , holidays, quizzes, etc.

- Participation in exhibitions, review competitions.

- Involving parents in joint with children of labor activity on the site and in the "Center of Nature".

- publishing newspapers, ecological, posters, folders - movers.

Thus, the formation of ecological consciousness, ecological culture is a long process, the beginning of this path is preschool childhood.

The formation of the principles of ecological culture is the formation of a consciously correct attitude directly to nature itself in all its diversity, to the people who surround and create it.

In conclusion, I want to say that the most important thing in environmental education- personal conviction of the teacher, the ability to interest, awaken in children and parents the desire to love, protect and protect nature.