Development of the child in the ninth month of life. Development of a nine-month-old baby - skills, habits and abilities How to help a 9-month-old

The baby has already grown up completely, he is no longer such a small toddler as he was at birth. Every month he learns to do something new, learns the world, pleases with success. In this article, you will learn what a child can do at 9 months, how to develop it, and what parents need to pay attention to in order to help the child learn new skills and abilities.

Physical development of the child at 9 months

At the 9th month of life, the weight of boys reaches from 7.9 kg to 10.5 kg, height is from 68.2 cm to 75.1 cm. The weight of girls is from 7.5 kg to 9.7 kg, height is from 67.5 cm to 74.1 cm. Head circumference in boys reaches from 44.0 cm to 47.4 cm, chest from 44.4 cm to 50.8 cm. In girls, respectively, from 42.9 cm to 46.4 cm - head circumference, from 44.5 cm to 49.3 cm chest circumference.

Height and weight at 9 months of development are the main indicators of the physical condition of the child. When measuring these parameters, you can see the growth trend, and draw conclusions about how the child develops.

Starting from the 9th month, the baby grows by about one and a half centimeters up to a year. Previously, the baby grew faster, but every month the growth rate decreases slightly.

By nine months, the baby should have begun to grow teeth. During this period, the second (lateral) upper and lower incisors should appear. But this is not necessary and depends on the genetic predisposition, these teeth may begin to appear a little later (up to 12 months).

What can a child at 9 months

The abilities of children depend on their individual predisposition, some children develop faster, others a little slower, so if you notice that the development of a child at 9 months does not coincide with the development of his peers, this is not an indicator of his deviations. Your attention is invited to a list of what a child can do at 9 months:

  1. The child looks at himself in the mirror with interest
  2. Sits without support with a flat back
  3. Crawls on all fours
  4. Plays the usual games "Ladushki", "Goat Dereza"
  5. Remembers the sequence of actions
  6. Can stand up and with the help of a support and move around
  7. He himself takes the toy from the hands of his parents, tastes it, carefully examines it.
  8. Rattles with a toy, knocks, throws.
  9. A child at 9 months can take a toy no longer with the whole palm or with the index and thumb (tweezer grip)
  10. Can open and close lids.
  11. Pours out (takes out) small (loose) objects and puts them back
  12. Can play with two toys (which he has in both hands)
  13. The baby has favorite and least favorite toys
  14. Reacts positively to his success (for example, he is happy if he opens a jar)
  15. Reacts to music, can move to the beat.
  16. Interested in other children's play
  17. The baby already has emotions that are expressed on his face (you can tell by the expression on the face that the baby is happy or upset, interested or bored).
  18. Responds to his name (turns his head, creeps up, babbles something in response)
  19. When an infant is asked where an object is, it may show it or simply turn in its direction. The same applies to body parts.
  20. Understands a certain set of simple words (on, lie down, quit, spit it out)
  21. Knows how to use a spoon and a feeding cup (optional)
  22. She babbles a lot, knows simple words (mom, dad, etc.).
  23. Can imitate the sounds he hears (meow, dog barking, etc.)
  24. He knows how to bring a child's cookie, a slice of bread to his mouth.

If a child at 9 months old does not know how to do something from this list, do not be discouraged, everything is fine. He just needs a little more time, which is the case with so many children. If the doctor does not talk about the presence of any abnormalities, then everything is fine and you should not wind yourself up. The child needs the attention and love of parents, and not their censure for the fact that he still does not know how to do something.

At 9 months, the baby's babble cannot yet be fully understood, but words understandable to an adult can already be traced. It is worth talking with the child all the time, constantly commenting on actions, showing and explaining everything to the child. You can bring it to the shelves on which there are objects of interest to it. Since the baby is already crawling fast, stands with support and can even walk holding on to a support (it doesn’t happen often at 9 months old), it’s worth removing all cords, small, heavy or easily breaking objects, and buying fuses for the corners of tables.

What should a child be able to do at 9 months

Of course, all children develop differently, some of the children learn new skills earlier than their peers, and someone needs more time to catch up with the skills of their peers. But still, there is a list of actions that a child should be able to do at 9 months. A pediatrician should be consulted if a child at 9 months:

  • Unable to balance while sitting.
  • Cannot roll over and crawl forward.
  • Doesn't try to drink from a mug.
  • Does not tap the toy against the toy.
  • Does not try to repeat syllables after others.
  • Does not feel embarrassment and fear of strangers.
  • Doesn't get angry when taking away toys from him.

How to develop a child at 9 months. Educational games

A child at 9 months becomes more active, babbles his first words. During this period, it's time to start playing educational games with your child. What games are best to play with a child at 9 months of development?

  1. Finger painting. At 9 months, the baby is still tasting everything (putting it in his mouth). Ordinary paints are not the safest substance for a child. To avoid unnecessary problems, you can replace ordinary paints with fruit puree. So you can be sure that the child will not get poisoned, even if he decides to lick his fingers.
  2. It is necessary to pour some kind of cereal (beans, peas, buckwheat) into a container and let the child play. He will pour the cereal, play. It also has a positive effect on the development of the child at 9 months.
  3. At 9 months, the baby can already lay out the figures in size and shape. It's time to buy him a pyramid. Almost every child had this. This toy is also good for the intellectual development of the baby.
  4. It's time to buy your child a toy that will move after the intervention of the child. For example, a toy on a string. This will cause incredible delight in the baby.
  5. Play with the baby in "patties", rolling the ball, jointly collecting pyramids, turrets from cubes, searching for toys hidden under the covers. Games of this nature will appeal to a nine-month-old child.
  6. Teach your child to undress on their own. Let the baby take off his socks and hat, unzip the jacket, pull his hands out of the sleeves.
  7. You can play with your child, creating the appearance of a ringing phone. Pick up the phone and jokingly say simple phrases “hello”, “what are you doing?”, “how are you?” etc. After that, pass the phone to the child, inviting him to “talk”. Over time, he realizes that you can talk through the phone.
  8. Children of this age are very attracted to other children, it is desirable to create situations in which the baby will be in contact with them or just observe. Let acquaintances with children come to visit you, make new acquaintances with mothers and their babies at playgrounds.

Daily routine for a child at 9 months

  • 6:00-6:30 The child wakes up and eats.
  • 6:30-8:30 Daily morning toilet: washing, changing a diaper, applying cream with light massage movements.
  • 8:30-10:00 Walk on the street, it is desirable to combine it with a period of sleep.
  • 10:00-10:30 Lunch.
  • 10:30-14:00 Time for the child to explore everything around, includes gymnastics and various games for general development.
  • 14:00-14:30 Another meal.
  • 14:30-16:00 Sleep combined with a walk.
  • 16:00-18:00 We spend the energy replenished in the child on physical activities and educational games.
  • 18:00-18:30 Evening meal.
  • 18:30-20:30 A good time for a joint walk with family.
  • 20:30-22:00 Communication with loved ones, quiet games; baby bathing.
  • 22:00 Late dinner.
  • 22:30-6:00 Sleep period.

Baby nutrition at 9 months of development

At 8 months, the child should have already been introduced to meat. At 9 months, you can start giving your baby dairy products. Naturally, gradually, in a certain amount.

The most popular fermented milk products for babies are cottage cheese and kefir. Previously, cottage cheese was advised to give babies as early as six months of age. However, an excess of protein is not the best for a child's body.

The nine-month-old age of the baby is, in its own way, indicative. At this time, all his achievements are evaluated - new skills, physical and neuropsychic development. Recall that there can be no established standards in this regard, and the average standard indicators are only a guideline for parents who want to know what a child should be able to do at 9 months. A slight lag should not bother adults, and being ahead of peers is sometimes directly related to the fact that regular developmental classes and special gymnastics are held with children.

At the age of 9 months, it is very important for a child to evenly build up and strengthen muscle and adipose tissue. If he needs the first to improve motor function, increase endurance and strength, the subcutaneous fat layer is necessary for cushioning during falls and other injuries. This is indeed relevant, since children are already starting to walk slowly and need to strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, hips and shoulders, the connective tissue that is the basis of the ligaments.

Doctors insist on a carefully thought-out and balanced diet during this period, because an excess of adipose tissue can adversely affect the baby's immunity and the formation of his nervous system.

The digestive system of a small person continues to develop rapidly, and undergoes some changes, due to which the intestines are unnaturally active. This can cause difficulty in emptying it and even obstruction. This moment is very important, and parents should pay special attention to it. Against the background of the fact that in children the second incisors erupt on the upper and then the lower jaw, and they constantly need to chew something, you need to be extremely careful with the choice of products.

By this age, all the main sense organs are already well developed in babies, they hear well and can accurately distinguish different sounds. Improves vision, its sharpness and range. The child already understands the shape and color of objects well, and his tactile perception also increases.

A nine-month-old peanut is highly emotional, can show a variety of feelings that are immediately reflected in his face and behavior.

The increase in height and weight in a child is the same as at 8 months - 500 grams and 1.5 centimeters, his head and chest circumference increase by about 1 centimeter.

Do not forget that the comprehensive development of a child at 9 months depends on factors such as heredity, nutrition, active pastime, the presence or absence of diseases.

What should a child be able to do at 9 months

Different abilities of children appear in someone sooner or later, but most babies, at this wonderful age, have the following skills:

  • sit down from a “lying” and standing position, be in a sitting position for more than 10 minutes, while at the same time reaching for toys and manipulating them;
  • climb onto a sofa, chair or armchair;
  • independently, using a support, get up and take small steps, move on a walker for up to 5-10 minutes, using a device, jump and squat;
  • deftly take small parts with two fingers, bending down, picking up the necessary things from the floor;
  • take toys out of boxes, containers and jars and put them back;
  • dance to the music, stamping your feet and clapping your hands;
  • respond to your name, at the request of adults, find familiar objects, imitate parents, repeating simple actions;
  • imitate sounds made by animals, pronounce syllables and short words;
  • throw and push balls, cars, crumple and tear paper;
  • show interest in other children, try to get to know each other;
  • Understand the "Who" and "Where" questions.

Knowing what a child should be able to do at 9 months, parents need to constantly stimulate the baby to be active and communicate, and have an idea which lack of skills is a sign of lagging behind or even serious disorders in the child's body.

Since the main, play activity of the baby moves to the floor, parents need to carry out wet cleaning daily - the child's immunity has not yet been fully formed, and any object that he tries on the tooth can become a source of infection.

Deviations in development: how to determine

What skills must be present at this age, and what a 9-month-old baby should be able to do - are the main questions that concern adults when they begin to see the difference between the state and behavior of their baby and other children - his peers.

It is worth being careful in such situations:

  • the child cannot sit on his own for more than 5-8 minutes;
  • does not crawl, but lying down, does not roll over on its side, back and stomach;
  • does not try to get up and, moreover, to take steps;
  • reacts badly to his name, or such a reaction is completely absent;
  • does not know how to hold a mug and drink from it on his own;
  • does not try to imitate adults, does not pronounce syllables;
  • does not distinguish between relatives and strangers;
  • the baby does not have a completely normal negative reaction if a toy is taken away from him.

All these are alarming signs, and if, moreover, the baby is lethargic, indifferent to games, eats poorly, does not show affection for loved ones, this already signals serious violations.

Children of different sexes may also have differences in games, habits and general perception of the world, but this is a completely different aspect. When figuring out what a girl needs to be able to do at 9 months old, it must be borne in mind that babies are more emotional and attached to their mother. At the same time, they master speech abilities earlier than boys, adore communication, listen carefully to the sounds of voices and are more inclined to hobbies in music. Thanks to this, their vocabulary is quickly enriched with new words, even if, at first, the simplest and shortest.

Due to such a feature as lateral (peripheral) vision, it is always more interesting for girls to contact living people, receiving approval and affection from them. Of course, this makes them more sociable and social already at this age, but this only applies to relatives and familiar peers.

How does a nine-month-old boy grow, he can be able to do a lot at 9 months, but he is more interested in toys and inanimate objects. Against the background of girls, male babies quickly develop deep, spatial vision, which allows them to perceive the world in three dimensions earlier.

Games for the development of a child at 9 months

Nine-month-old babies absorb various information very quickly, so the task of parents is to present it in a way that is understandable and appropriate for the intellectual level of this age.

Developing classes can be carried out in several directions:

  1. For the development of fine motor skills, you can do finger gymnastics with your baby, use games and nursery rhymes with poems for this. You can keep your child busy with pouring small items - buttons, beans, beads from one container to another, as well as folding large cubes, pyramids.
  2. For the general physical development of the baby, it is useful to crawl a lot. To do this, you can purchase a collapsible tunnel or house, build obstacles from boxes and pillows. The more the baby will train, the sooner and more confidently he will begin to walk.
  3. Vocabulary must be developed by constantly talking with the child, reading him books with fairy tales and short rhymes. If the child learns to repeat them after the parent, he will quickly advance in oral speech, and also expand his horizons.
  4. A nine-year-old toddler needs to play a lot in order to learn different skills, and a variety of toys are suitable for this purpose - rubber and massage balls, pyramids with rings, a toy phone, children's musical instruments, dolls, rubber animals, plastic books with bright illustrations, designers and cubes for the smallest.

It’s good if the child already has his own play corner or house, which can be arranged so that the mother can control the child’s actions, and at the same time, go about her business.

Important components of a child's life: rest and nutrition

What a child should be able to do at nine months is by no means an idle question, because his future life, which is inextricably linked with physical health and mental abilities, largely depends on how successful the development of the baby is up to a year. And proper nutrition and sleep play a big role in this. The optimal solution for dads and moms is a well-designed daily routine, in which each action of the crumbs is given a clearly marked time.

The main points of the daily routine remain:

  1. Sleep, which is approximately 14 hours a day. At night, the baby should rest for at least 9-10 hours, and during the day the child is put to bed twice for 2-2.5 hours. Sleep disturbances can occur due to teething, so children will need to purchase special teethers and children's pain relief syrups and lozenges. Babies wake up at night, most often out of habit, but this phenomenon is temporary.
  2. Children are fed 5 times a day at intervals of 3.5-4 hours. As at 8 months, babies are given milk in the morning and at bedtime. In the diet of babies, kefir, children's cottage cheese, cereals cooked in milk with butter are already present. For some time, children will be banned from foods such as sugar, chocolate, sweets, nuts, mushrooms and citrus fruits. A child eats 1-1.2 liters of food per day.
  3. Street walks are about 4-5 hours a day - walking with a child is required in the morning and in the afternoon. Of course, in the summer and warm days, with kids, it is advisable to walk more - fresh air contributes to a good appetite, easier falling asleep and sound sleep. In winter, you can limit yourself to shorter exits to the street, and in severe frosts, it is generally better not to do this. Regardless of the season, the baby should be protected from cold, wind, rain, insects and ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Caring for a nine-month-old baby includes hygiene in the form of washing, washing and bathing in the evenings, exercises to improve blood circulation and strengthen muscles, and daily light massage.

Child development at 9 months: video

A child at 9 months is no longer a helpless baby, but a fairly adequate person. The baby not only grew up physically, he knows how to express his emotions vividly and appropriately. It can be contagious to laugh when dad or mom throws it up, and cry bitterly if they don’t give what they want.

Children at 9 months have their own point of view. They take off the hat that interferes, choose the path for a walk, strive to get the item they like. Children are selfish by nature. At the 9th month of life, they can already realize what they want, but they don’t understand why this is “impossible”, that their desires often contradict the interests of other people.

The child is not yet ready for prohibitions, so you need to try and remove from his field of vision all objects that are dangerous for him or for some other reason should not be in the hands of the baby.

If the little one still got something forbidden, you need to distract him. At this age, it is still quite easy to do. You can show a toy, interest in the view from the window.

The child spends a lot of time on the floor, crawling, walking along the furniture, studying the surrounding objects. Mom’s hands are now freer, but for safety reasons, you can’t leave one baby alone.


The main innovation of 9 months is preparation for walking. The child already knows how to sit well, stand on his own for a short time, this is a completely new sensation that needs to get used to both psychologically and physically. At 9 months, the baby can walk, holding on to a sofa or other support, squat, crawl.

Sitting, the child takes out, takes toys with his hands, studies them. Due to the increase in physical activity, the rate of weight gain slows down. For the ninth month, the child adds 0.3-0.5 kg. Weight is about 9 kg, height is about 70.


What can a child at this age:

  • Shows parts of the face, body. If the baby still does not know how to do this, this does not mean that he is not sufficiently developed. It's just that no one has shown it yet.
  • He sticks his fingers into any holes, pulls the studied objects into his mouth.
  • Leafing through books.
  • Tears paper, kneads dough, plasticine with fingers.
  • Firmly holds a cup in his hands, food. He picks things up well with his fingers. And still can't break them. Therefore, if the baby grabbed something, it is very difficult to take the object from him.
  • Babbles, sings, pronounces separate syllables or simple words. Some are good at imitating adults. Pronounce sounds and designate certain objects or people with them. In a conversation, intonations copied from the speech of adults appear.
  • Responds with simple gestures: a nod or a shake of the head, indicating agreement or denial.
  • Knowing his name, he responds to it, smiling at the same time.
  • Understands simple requests, for example, “come here”, “take the ball”.
  • He begins to show interest in dressing, helps by putting his hands into the sleeves, into the boots of his feet. He takes off his hat or sock on his own.
  • Handling toys comes down to learning from properties. A child at 9 months loves to take them apart, put one into another, throw it and watch the flight. This is not harmful - this is how the baby learns the world.
  • The kid likes to play peek-a-boo, hide-and-seek. He asks to repeat many times. The word "ku-ku" causes him a storm of emotions. This can be used when the baby is angry or frustrated. Remind him of the word, and a smile will surely appear on his face.
  • By the time the child was 9 months old, he had learned to distinguish between close people and strangers. The peanut is afraid or shuns strangers.

Daily routine, food

In order for the baby to develop normally, he must fully eat, walk in the air, get enough sleep. If there is a routine in the life of a child, he gets used to a certain sequence of actions every day, does not resist them.

In a child at 9 months, development and nutrition are closely related. At this age, the baby already eats a lot of "adult" food. The main condition: food should be varied, as useful as possible, include enough fiber, vitamins. The child already has enough teeth to learn to chew. It is necessary to gradually switch from mashed potatoes to more solid foods.

By 9 months, children sleep about 10 hours at night, and twice a day for 2. Each baby is individual, these numbers may vary. The main thing is that the child is in a good mood, developed physically and mentally.

Babies wake up at night to eat. The reason is not hunger, but psychological dependence on the mother. This is normal and will go away with weaning. A woman usually does not cause such discomfort at night. The baby sucks the breast in a dream and sleeps peacefully further.

Activities and games

The kid is already able to do something with concentration and enthusiasm for some time. To help develop a 9-month-old baby, you need to direct his activity in the right direction:

  • Learn what to do in the future. For example, take off, put on clothes, eat with a spoon. Probably, the child will be interested and want to try on all his things or something from his mother's wardrobe. You don't have to resist it. The more he practices, the faster he will learn.
  • Develop motor skills. This is an important condition not only for the future ability to write beautifully, but also for the formation of correct speech, the performance of everyday activities.

Children love tearing paper. This is a good development method. Give your baby a roll of toilet paper. This will keep him busy for a long time. Here it is important to show the child from the very beginning that it is impossible to tear books. It is necessary to form a special attitude towards them, to protect them. It is better if only cardboard books are available for some time, until the baby finally understands that they cannot be torn.

An interesting and useful game - sorting out small objects. Suitable buttons, beads of different colors, pasta of unusual shapes, pebbles, toothpicks. Toddlers like to look at and shift small objects.

But parents should be very careful, the child is able to pull any object into his mouth, try to put it in his nose or ear.

The game should be collaborative, controlled. If the baby is tired, it is necessary to fold everything and put it away so that he cannot get it.

Accelerate the development of a child at 9 months, the development of his motor skills help modeling, drawing. Mom needs to create with the child. He will like the resulting figures, he will strive to do the same. If beads or pasta are pressed into the dough, the child will pick them out. He must be able to do it.

Bath games

Bathing turns into an entertaining game at 9 months. Rubber animals, molds, cups - everything interests the child. Transfusion from containers, washing toys captivates the baby. He may not agree to finish bathing for a long time. To resolve this issue without tears, you can invite him to say goodbye to toys. Say that the baby will definitely meet them again soon, wave your hand and calmly take him out of the water. Or quietly drain the water and say that she has already run away.

In the morning you need to teach the child to wash. Show yourself how to do it. And then help him repeat. You need to teach your baby how important it is to be clean. Praise him for washed hands and face. Talk about how handsome he is.


The main rule of choice is safety. Toys should not contain sharp corners and details. A child of 9 months is interested in everything: clockwork, talking, soft animals, dolls, cars, cubes and pyramids, designers. You need to teach the little man to play with them. You can show how a car or a train drives, how to assemble a pyramid, how to build, how a doll or a bear "walks", feed them "pretend", wash them, take pity on them.

Children quickly remember and copy the actions of adults. Soon the baby will play and come up with something new. Both boys and girls must have at least one doll. On it you need to learn to show eyes, nose, mouth, arms, legs, tummy, back. And then find the same in the child himself, in mom and dad.

As you grow, you can add smaller details to this list, for example, fingers, knees, eyelashes. A doll is a visual aid for studying the human body. In addition, she will become a good friend of the baby, you can do everything with her, you need to show on the toy what the child himself still does not know how to do or is afraid.

Physical development

In order to develop muscles and dexterity, you need to remember about outdoor games. Kids like balls of different sizes, colors.

It is necessary to teach the child to catch and throw the ball, bring and serve, roll on the floor, so that he understands the difference in these actions. It perfectly develops dexterity, coordination and brings a lot of joy to everyone.

You can make your own "health track". Glue or sew on buttons, pebbles, scraps of fabrics that are different to the touch on a piece of fabric. And let the baby walk on it with bare feet. Until the baby can move vertically on its own, you need to support it. And in a couple of months, he himself will walk along the path with great pleasure.

It promotes hardening, is a foot massage, improves coordination and orientation. First you need to let the baby explore everything with his hands, touch, evaluate. And then you can give commands on what to step on, adding variety to the game.

Children are attracted to the mirror. You can also play with it:

  • consider the reflection of different objects, people;
  • compare what you see with the original;
  • make faces;
  • show joy, anger, surprise, fear.

This is very good for the development of emotions. Facial exercises stimulate good speech.

A 9 month old baby needs a lot of attention. Often mothers complain that they do not have enough time for all the things and games. But it is not necessary to break away from homework, you can combine it and communication with the baby. The time devoted to the child will definitely have a positive effect on his development.

Studying the development of a child at 9 months old, it can be noted that the baby is already actively crawling, trying to take his first steps, so he needs interesting games, emotions and impressions. At this stage, the bones and muscles of the crumbs are strengthened, so that soon he will be able to walk independently. The baby's body is psychologically preparing for such an event. For this reason, the baby needs special attention from the parents. By knowing your baby's skills at 9 months, you can determine if he is developing normally for his age.

Features of the development of a child at 9 months

The most important change at the age of 9 months is the strengthening of the muscles of the shoulders and hips, the ligamentous apparatus, the development of neuromuscular coordination. It has to do with preparing the body for walking. In the ninth month, the baby has other physiological changes:

  1. Development of the sense organs. This includes improving the baby's auditory perception and the ability to pronounce sounds and associate them with certain events, for example, the clinking of dinner pots.
  2. Cutting incisors. These teeth appear first on the upper jaw, and a little later on the lower.
  3. Movement. Almost any baby is actively developing by the age of 9 months - he knows how to crawl, stands confidently, and independently gets up from a prone position. The small muscles of the hands already make it possible to hold a spoon and teach the baby to eat with it, to take small objects. Toddlers move and point with their fingers, reach for interesting objects.

Physiological development

It is possible to determine whether the development of a 9-month-old child is at the proper level by some parameters. They are slightly different for boys and girls:

  1. Baby growth at 9 months. For a boy, this figure is 71.2-72.3 cm, and for girls - 68.5-70 cm.
  2. Baby's weight at 9 months. Babies are not gaining weight so actively because of the movements. The body weight of boys of this age is considered normal if it changes from 9 to 9.5 kg. In girls, the same figure is 8.2-8.7 kg.
  3. Head size. Its average circumference for boys and girls can be 43.8-45 cm.
  4. Chest circumference. Values ​​​​of 46.6-47.2 cm are considered normal.

Psycho-emotional behavior

Not only the baby's body is actively changing. According to the calendar of mental development, a child at 9 months also knows a lot. This can be seen in the following points:

  1. Tiny speech. The baby begins to pronounce syllables, making short words out of them.
  2. Hearing. The baby already knows his name and reacts animatedly, turning his head or smiling. The baby understands when they ask for something, for example, to get or take even a small item.
  3. Emotions. A baby at 9 months of development is already able to express indignation, resentment, anger, joy or surprise.
  4. Gestures. The baby performs head nods, answering "yes" or "no".
  5. Games. If you hide from the baby, he will be able to find you, even if you are not visible, by the rustle or voice.
  6. Clothing. The kid tries to help pull on his pants or T-shirt, sticking his arms or legs.

What should a child be able to do at 9 months

At this period of his life, the baby should already be able to do a lot. To follow the normal development of a child at 9 months, you need to know important skills. In the absence of some of them, you should not immediately panic. The development of each baby is individual, it is important to help the crumbs master this or that skill. If the baby does not have most of the skills from the list, then you should tell the doctor about it. Skills are divided into:

  1. Physical indicators. This includes being able to sit up, trying to get up or walking on your own.
  2. Communication skills. Here the ability to speak in syllables, to combine them into small words, stands out.
  3. Emotional. Associated with the mental development of a child at 9 months - the ability to understand what is happening around, to show facial expressions of their state, joy or anger.

physical skills

The kid should already be able to sit without support, try to get up and walk with support, try to crawl after a toy that is nearby. Other physical skills that a 9-month-old baby should have:

  • lying on your stomach, reach for a toy, crawl after it;
  • take a toy behind you;
  • be able to sit down independently from a standing position;
  • imitate adults, repeat their actions;
  • hinder when they try to take away the toy, hold it tightly;
  • turn the pages of a book, look at pictures;
  • shift objects, feel them;
  • stand on your feet with support by the handles, without twisting your toes.

Speech development

From a 9-month-old baby, you should already hear repeated syllables and a small passive set of words, such as "mom", "dad", "woman", "give". Speech is always emotionally colored. Other speech skills:

  • the baby asks to submit a thing by mooing and pointing a finger at it;
  • during periods of wakefulness the babble is always loud;
  • the baby tries to imitate the intonation and actions of adults, repeat the sounds after them.

Conscious emotions

The development of a child at 9 months is already at such a level that the baby, having heard his name from his mother, will turn around and even crawl towards her. The baby can already manipulate adults, showing his character when he doesn’t like something. This is how children learn the limits of what is permitted to them. A 9-month-old child can be called a “mimic” - the baby tries to repeat everything after adults, imitating a phone call or feeding dolls. Other emotions that the baby manifests:

  • stubbornness - the baby intensively shakes his head, refuses what he does not want;
  • recognizes himself in the mirror, distinguishes himself from other people, reacts animatedly to his reflection;
  • can nod his head when asked leading questions;
  • rejoices and smiles when they try to make you laugh;
  • understands requests like "take" or "come here".

Baby care

The care procedures remain the same, but emotionally they proceed in a different way, because the baby imagines how bathing, washing, massage or eating is carried out. The baby is included in these processes, rejoices if they praise when something has turned out. Do not suppress the initiative - the baby must develop independently. If the baby can not cope, you do not need to do something for him. In this case, it is recommended to empathize, showing only positive emotions. In general, baby care includes activities for:

  1. Proper and regular hygiene. From childhood, you need to teach your baby to take care of himself.
  2. Sleep normalization. It ensures the normal mental and physical development of the child at 9 months.
  3. Drawing up a child's menu. At 9 months, breast milk makes up only 1/4 of the diet. Baby food should include certain foods.


Daily routines are washing, washing, bathing, cleaning the mouth and ears, combing, pottying, and sometimes trimming nails. For teeth, you should buy a rubber brush. They need to be cleaned in the morning and evening. From this age, you can start more active hardening:

  • start with a water temperature of 30 degrees;
  • daily lower it by 1 degree until it reaches 20;
  • after getting used to, contrasting procedures can be carried out, pouring water first at 36 degrees, and then immediately at 20 degrees.

Sleep of a 9 month old baby

A 9-month-old child sleeps 12-14 hours a day, 10 of which fall on night sleep, and 1.5-2 hours 2 times a day. At night, the baby wakes up 1-2 times for feeding, although it can do without awakening. This is the normal mode of the baby. During wakefulness, you need to deal with the baby, taking into account the mood and time of day. In the morning it can be gymnastics and active games, looking at pictures is left for the evening before going to bed.


A nine-month-old baby is still a baby, but mother's milk is no longer the only source of nutrition. Meals per day should be at least 5 with breaks of 3.5-4 hours. They should be around the same time. Breast milk is fed to the baby in the morning, before daytime sleep, at night, before bedtime and sometimes at night. Infants receive complementary foods in the amount of 1000-1200 ml of adult food for the whole day, i.e. 200-240 ml at a time. In between meals, you can give a drink - compote or unsweetened tea. Baby food may include:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • milk products;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • baby cereals and purees.

How to develop a child at 9 months

Although the baby must develop independently, he still needs help. Parents should work in several directions at once, paying attention to physical and psychological health. The list of what to teach a child at 9 months includes:

  • development of fine motor skills of pens;
  • educational games, including outdoors;
  • active movements to prepare for walking;
  • first steps with support.

fine motor skills

For already more developed fingers, training is also needed. Introduce the child to toilet paper, show how it unwinds. The baby will be happy to tear and scatter it. Stick a small piece of adhesive tape to your palm - the baby will try to tear off the piece with interest. Another way to develop fine motor skills is to put cereal in a bowl, put small toys and invite the baby to find them. The development of tactile sensations is promoted by a special chest with different materials, for example, a piece of paper, a sponge, cloth and other small objects.

Educational games

The simplest and most useful game is folding cubes or pyramids. The kid may not be able to repeat your actions himself, but will actively observe the process. Even if he breaks the tower, it's okay, because at the age of nine months, the crumbs like to watch how something falls and crumbles. Just ask the baby to put the blocks in the box. Another educational and simple game is upside down dolls. You need to show the crumbs how they should lie, turning them over to their normal position, and ask them to repeat after you.

Physical activity

It is necessary to make every effort to teach the baby to crawl. To do this, create a support for him for one and the other legs alternately. So he can learn to crawl. If the baby already knows how, then get a house with a tunnel. The baby will actively crawl in it, strengthening his skill. Babies this age love helping mom, so let your little one rub the rag while cleaning or hold the ladle before preparing dinner.

The first steps

Some nine-month-old babies take their first step, but this is not necessary. According to doctors, it is normal if a child has learned to walk before the age of 1.5, but this does not mean that you do not need to help the baby and let everything take its course. Weakness or hypertonicity of the leg muscles can interfere with the little one. Gymnastics will help to avoid them:

  1. Put the baby in front of the stroller so that he holds onto it with handles. Then move it - the child will reach forward and take a step.
  2. Put the baby on the fitball with your back to you. Holding the hips, tilt the ball in different directions. It develops coordination.
  3. Pull a long cord between the furniture at the height of the baby's knees. Holding the baby by the hands, make him cross the obstacle.

Early baby development at 9 months - pros and cons

This is the name given to the upbringing and development of a child at 9 months, with an emphasis on maximizing the disclosure of physical and intellectual potential. The opinions of pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, are relative on this matter, but they agree on one thing - such methods can harm only when overloaded as a result of a fanatical desire to put encyclopedic knowledge into the baby. If you play with children in such a way that you not only have fun, but also teach kids something new, then there will be no negative consequences. There are several methods of early development:

  1. By Montessori. The motto of this method is "Teach me so I can do it myself". An example is three-dimensional letters and numbers that the baby can feel, or drawing patterns with ordinary semolina.
  2. By Glen Doman. The technique involves mastering cards with images of letters, numbers, words and photos. After such classes, there should be active outdoor games for physical development.
  3. By Maria Gmoshinskaya. The technique consists in drawing with fingers, which will require paints in jars and a large drawing paper.

How to play with a 9 month old baby

With the help of educational games, you can prepare the little one for future knowledge, make the brain work more actively, start the imagination and logical thinking. To do this, the crumbs should have musical toys, soft cubes, doll balls and cars. You need to pay attention to their properties - they should be simple. For example, the ball is rolling, so it must be rolled, the piano makes some kind of sound only when you press the keys. It is necessary to focus on the purity of the doll, the kindness of the bunny, the softness of the ball and other positive properties of objects.

Outdoor games

On a walk, it is worth showing the child the surrounding objects, saying what they are called and what they are needed for. Repeat the sounds heard on a walk - after such speech games, the baby will begin to imitate you. Carousels and swings cause delight in children. Do not deprive the child of the opportunity to stick his fingers in the sand or touch the grass. So the baby learns the world around him and at the same time develops.

Games without toys

The child may get bored with toys, so you have to offer him something new and interesting. In addition to the usual hide and seek, you can do the following:

  1. Draw funny faces on your fingers with a pen and act out an invented puppet show in front of the little one.
  2. Take pots, containers, boxes, give the baby pencils or spoons. Show that they can knock on objects, creating certain melodies.
  3. If it is not possible to go to the sandbox outside, then just pour any cereal into the basin, give the child a spoon or mug - he will be happy to dig into the bowl.


The ninth month of a baby's life is the period when the baby's body begins to prepare for upright posture. At this time, the main attention and development of the child should be directed to strengthening the bone apparatus. Physical activity and mental readiness are of great importance.

At this age, the baby moves a lot, his mother's hands interest him less and less. He realizes his curiosity by moving around the floor and picking up various objects.

Features of the physical development of the child

As the child grows, there is a gradual decrease in monthly weight gain. So, if in the first months the child could gain up to 1 kg per month, and in the period from 4 to 6 months - from 650 to 750 grams, then in the ninth month the child's weight can increase by 300-500 grams.

The reason for this decrease in monthly weight gain lies in the increased physical activity of the child. The more the child moves, the more energy is expended. It in turn affects the weight of the baby.

The average weight of a child at this age is 9 kg. In growth for this month, the child adds 1-2 cm. From the moment of birth, his height has increased by 20-21 cm. At the end of the 9th month of life, the average height of the child is 71 cm. and below.

Skills and abilities baby at 9 months

  • The child feels confident in the sitting position. At the same time, he sits down on his own, from this position he can bend over and reach for toys. The child can sit without support for about 10 minutes.
  • With support, the child can assume a vertical position. Can take timid steps. If there is a movable support in the form of a chair, then the child can move it, holding on to the back and try to follow it.
  • When using a walker, the baby can move, squat and jump for an average of 10 minutes.
  • Active attempts to crawl. During this period, some children already get on all fours and crawl in the correct position on their hands and knees. Others prefer to move around on their stomach. Both methods are a variant of the norm for 9 months of age.
  • The active development of fine motor skills is reflected in the fact that the child begins to use a pincer-like (two fingers) or pinched (three fingers) grip. He can lift small objects and even crumbs in this way. The sequence of actions: pick up, touch, put in your mouth - this is what a child prefers to do at this age. Tearing paper to shreds is another useful and favorite pastime for the crumbs.
  • At the 9th month of life, the child has a rather strong grip. Having taken something in his hand, he will not let go of the object until he loses interest in it. It is quite difficult to take something by force from a child's palm. This is due to the fact that it is physically more difficult for a child to unclench his fingers.
  • The child is able to actively express their desires and unwillingnesses. When trying to pick up the thing he needs, he will push the parent’s hand away, turn away or even completely go to the side.
  • By the 9th month, children already have 4-6 teeth, and the process of their further growth is very active. However, all children are not alike, and their physical development may vary. So if your child has no teeth, don't panic and wait.

  • Actively developing fine motor skills give impetus to the development of speech. During this period, the child constantly says simple syllables, tries to put words out of them (mom, dad). By pronouncing them, he knows how to correctly associate words with objects. In a conversation, intonations are actively used.
  • The child knows his name. When addressing him, he turns his head or shows other motor activity.
  • Emotional manifestations become more vivid: violent joy, loud laughter or anger - these are just a small range of emotions demonstrated by the child.
  • He knows how to clearly articulate his desires with gestures. Accurately points to the desired object or direction.
  • Understands and responds to simple requests, such as "come to me", can express agreement or disagreement with an appropriate nod of the head.
  • The child tries to take part in simple processes, stretches out his arms, helping to dress himself. He can take off his hat.
  • While eating, he holds a cup with both hands, confidently holds a spoon. But he eats mostly with his hands.
  • Accurately reacts to sound or voice, understands where it comes from. In the process of playing hide and seek, it will easily find you, responding to “cuckoo”.
  • Toys and various household items, such as pots, are usually not used for their intended purpose. Favorite activity: knock on them or leave.

To determine if your baby is developing according to established standards, you can conduct a small test, which includes the following checks:

  • Lying on his stomach, the child crawls in the direction of the toy or reaches for it.
  • Sitting, can hold the back for 10 minutes, can take objects lying on the side, which means that it can turn the body.
  • The kid tries to get up and tries to take steps, holding on to a support.
  • At the table, he can hold a mug with both hands.
  • Imitation of gestures. An easy way to show your child how to drum on the surface. Usually kids do this.
  • The child must recognize loved ones, call them using simple syllables.
  • The child must be able to firmly hold the object in his hand when trying to pick it up.

If the lack of any skills in the child's behavior bothers you, then you should consult a pediatrician or a neurologist.

During this period, the child receives the bulk of nutrients from complementary foods. However, breastfeeding with a decrease in its share in the total diet still remains.

By this age, out of five feedings per day, three are meals consisting entirely of complementary foods.

Breast or formula is offered to the baby at the moment of awakening and at the last feeding before bedtime.

All the main products are included in the baby's diet within the recommended daily allowance:

  • Vegetables - up to 200 gr.
  • Kashi - up to 200 gr.
  • Fruits - up to 100 gr.
  • Yolk - ½ (given twice a week).
  • Cottage cheese (kefir) - up to 50 gr.
  • Juice - up to 90 gr.

Be sure to include bread and butter, vegetable and butter in the diet.

During this period, fish begin to be introduced into complementary foods. To start complementary foods, low-fat varieties of white fish are used. The maximum daily dose is 30 grams. It is necessary to take into account the increased allergenicity of fish and carefully monitor the reaction of the child's body to its introduction. Fish dishes on the menu should be no more than 2-3 times a week.

Meat can be served in the form of meatballs or finely chopped, as part of soups.

Vegetable purees may contain several types of vegetables and herbs.

Porridges also become more diverse. You can try to cook multi-component cereals from several types of cereals. And adding fruits and berries to the porridge will improve its taste and add nutritional value. It is not recommended to give the child only semolina porridge, due to the fact that its digestion in the child's body is very slow.

Mode - sleep and wakefulness

Most babies at the age of 9 months sleep at night for 8-10 hours, and daytime sleep is 2 periods of 2 hours.

Some children stick to three naps during the day: two 40-minute segments in the morning and evening and a 2-hour afternoon nap. This suggests that the child is not yet ready for a long wakefulness. But this is the norm.

A 9-month-old baby can already sleep through the night without feeding. However, breastfed babies continue to wake up at night demanding their mother's breasts. This does not mean that the child did not have enough food at the last feeding. Such awakenings are associated with the psychological need to be close to mom. The problem of night awakenings will be solved after the abolition of breastfeeding.

At this age, sleep disturbances are not uncommon, usually caused by the presence of external stimuli and uncomfortable temperature conditions in the bedroom.

A properly constructed daily routine with minimization of active games and unnecessary contacts immediately before bedtime, as well as the creation of a favorable microclimate in the room, will normalize the child's sleep.

  • For the harmonious mental development of the child, it is important to feel the closeness of the mother. Therefore, no matter how much your baby weighs, try to pick him up more often.
  • Develop speech. To do this, read books with bright pictures more often, show and name objects. Give preference to poetry and short stories.
  • Teach your baby to crawl. To do this, there are a number of physical exercises. And also a motivating factor works well - a toy that you can reach.
  • Build pyramids and towers together. The child will mostly destroy them, but may try to put the cubes on top of each other. After playing together, ask the child to collect the parts in a box.
  • Let your child crumple, tear, unwind and reel the paper. The ideal tool for this purpose is a toilet paper roll.
  • Study the parts of the body. To do this, in the child's arsenal of toys, regardless of gender, there must be a doll or baby doll. Having planted it next to the baby, you can show the eyes, nose and other parts of the body together. The doll can be fed, put to bed. In the future, such a toy will become a full participant in role-playing and situational games.
  • Playing with water, pouring from container to container, pouring on the hand, washing toys. In addition to a pleasant pastime, it is also a great development of tactile sensations.
  • Introduce your child to new textures. A good option is to combine pieces of different materials, various small items in one box. Just do not forget about the desire of the baby to put everything in his mouth.
  • Use cereal for creativity. You can arrange excavations of various toys previously hidden in a plate of cereals.

When working with a child and inventing new games, take into account his mobility. Dance, do gymnastics. During the games, be sure to communicate with the child and watch his reaction. Your 9-month-old baby can already suggest the development path that suits him!