Tough stories from real life. Short stories from life. Interesting stories from real life people

In our yard, a 25-year-old guy killed his wife. Killed drunk. Neighbors said that they got married at the age of 19 for great love. At the age of 20 they gave birth to a daughter, a year later - a second. And then Seryoga was changed. Eternal scandals, fights. Oksanka, his wife, was always covered in bruises. Previously, she was considered a beauty, and then she completely wilted. He runs out to the store during the day and hurries home. Sergei was very jealous. Didn't let me go anywhere. Well, in the end he killed drunk.

They gave him 15 years. The children were taken by Oksanka's relatives from another city. And their apartment, which was registered to Seryoga's mother, began to be rented out. Everything was slowly forgotten. And now, 10 years later, the neighbors became worried: Seryoga was released on parole and settled in this apartment. Of course, everyone was afraid of his drinking, hooligan actions (after all, he did not rest at a resort), etc. But soon the neighbors were even more surprised when they began to notice that Seryoga, clean and tidy, went somewhere every morning. It turned out that he got a job as a mechanic in the housing department. In the evening I ran into the store, bought simple products (where there was no place for alcohol) and went straight home. Six months later, he furnished his apartment with new inexpensive furniture, bought an old Zhiguli, and every weekend he went somewhere with full bags of groceries. Well, and only when in the summer from another city came to visit his daughter for a week, then the neighbors were completely stunned. They wondered how the children forgave their father, because before their eyes he stabbed their mother. The neighbors were surprised, but they were also happy with such changes. After all, Sergey did not drink at all, he did not drive companies. Polite. Helped whenever possible. The fact that he decided his wife - well, now, he has served his time. Silent only became strong, and the females did not even come close. Grannies in the yard tried to ask him where he goes every weekend with groceries, isn't it to sweetheart? But Sergei only smiled and was silent.

Once, the faucet in the kitchen was blown off for no reason at two o'clock in the morning at the woman Anya, who lived alone. She lived opposite Sergei and therefore that night she knocked on his door to ask for help. Sergei did not refuse. I've done everything. In gratitude, Baba Anya offered him a white bottle, but Sergei refused, asking only for a cup of tea.

Oh, Seryozha, there you are! And handy, and you don't drink. You need a woman, - the old woman sighed.

Sergei smiled in surprise.

I have one love - Oksana. I don't need another.

Baba Anya was silent, and then quietly said:

So she died, Seryozha! You know.

I know… I met her when I was 16 years old. I saw, and everything - I realized that I love. We met for three years. It was such a good time - always together. Not one step apart. Wedding, daughters were born. And then ... When the youngest daughter was 2 years old, Oksanka increasingly began to say that she wanted to get to work as soon as possible. She said that she wanted to unwind, that she was tired of sitting within four walls, that she wanted to be in public. She worked in the store before giving birth, and that's where she was torn. She was bored. Very. This is what I later, in prison, only realized. And then… It was as if the demon possessed me. I couldn't understand why she couldn't sit at home? Why is he so eager to work? And I found the answer for myself - someone she had at that job. Some admirer. And so this thought stuck in my head, like a splinter, that I could no longer live in peace. Well, they gave the kindergarten to the youngest daughter. Oksana decided to go to work, she was very happy, she looked after the outfits. And I went crazy with jealousy. In short, I beat her then for the first time and forbade her to work. It would be better if she wrote a statement to the police then, maybe her brains would fall into place. But no. I forgave you. And I felt impunity. I go home and think, there were children in the kindergarten - and she had fun with him in our bed, from her work which. She cooked a chic dinner - she makes amends. I cooked something in a hurry - there was no time, I was with my lover. As if the devil was sitting in me and prompted:

Lips, I went to the store, put on makeup - I will see him. She decided to buy a new dress - she tries for it.

For whom for him? I didn't understand myself. After all, I myself am not jealous at all. I have always believed that it is necessary to trust. And here! He began to drink heavily. Well, one day...

Baba Anya was silent, lowering her eyes. Sergei continued:

When I came to my senses in the cell, I wanted to hang myself. Not allowed. Then the court. The colony. The realization of what he had done, came only after two months. As the psychologist explained, the shock passed. Well, when I realized it, it got even worse. Worse so much that I howled, threw myself at the walls. He cut his veins, tried to hang himself three times. Saved. It was bad not because I was in prison, but because Oksanka is no more. How many times have I replayed that last day in my head. How many times I wanted to fall asleep and wake up in my house, along with Oksana. Begged her forgiveness. Prayed, cried. I deliberately provoked fights so that my cellmates would kill me. They began to consider me violent, mad. They began to fear me, and I deliberately climbed on the rampage. Dreamed of being killed one night. Well, I did not know how to live without Oksana. I wrote to the children, they did not answer. I was angry, I considered myself a nonentity, a worthless person. Therefore, he did everything in such a way that such an attitude would be towards me. And then... I was transferred to a cell, where, besides me, there was only one young boy, Oleg. I didn't want to talk to him or anyone else. He was also silent. So we lived for a month. Silently. Until one day, to my surprise, he said to me in the morning:

You have an ulcer.

Che? I asked rudely.

And by lunchtime, I was so twisted that they sent me to the hospital with a diagnosis of an ulcer. I lay there for a long time, almost a month. And when they were discharged, there was only one wish that Oleg would not be transferred from the cell anywhere. To my delight, he was in my own cell.

How did you know? - I immediately asked him.

I just saw it,” he replied calmly.

What else do you see?

That he killed his wife out of stupidity.

Everyone knows this.

And what did you call her Chanterelle? And the fact that you never dreamed about her all this time? And you after all every night ask its about this. Do they know too? He calmly looked at me.

I sat down on the bunk and covered my face with my hands.

Are you trying to die?! You think that there, in heaven, you will be together. No. They won't give you that happiness. Did not deserve. Do you think you will serve your term and receive repentance? No. Everyone will remember for a long time, and your children will curse you. You will start drinking as soon as you leave. Woe to cherish.

I could not stand it, I jumped up to him, raised my hand to strike and lowered it. Oleg looked at me with such a calm look, as if he knew that I would not hit. He knew everything. I myself thought that as soon as I got out, I would drink, either to drink myself to death or to run into a fight. I sat down and wept.

You understand one thing. You have to live with love. With calm love. Children are angry with you, but how else? So don't ask them otherwise. Just love them. Evil spirits feed on strong feelings - pain, anger, hatred. And love... That too... He loved his wife and killed him out of love. They love children so much that they make them their property, not realizing that this is a living person. Until you understand this - you will not see a meeting with your wife. Not there, not in a dream.

He didn't say anything more.

I did not understand then what Oleg was talking about. I was so tired that after the conversation I immediately fell asleep. When he woke up, he found out that Oleg was being transferred to another colony. I will not talk for a long time about my later life in prison. Only those words sunk into my soul. For a long time I thought what it is - "quiet love." And then one night I dreamed of Oksana. Stands, smiles and is silent. Everything suddenly fell into place in my head. I stopped looking for death. Calmed down. Decided to just live. Let in prison, but live like a human being. He began to help those who were humiliated and offended. Not for my own narcissism, but because ... Yes, it's a pity because suddenly there were those who were weaker. The most interesting thing is that life began to change. Became calmer about everything. Here I live. More or less reconciled with the children. Working. Every weekend I go to orphanages as a volunteer, I bring clothes and food there. Only now I still don’t know who this Oleg is. Is he a prophet or a psychic? Or a psychologist. Although he was only 21 years old. I don't know his life. We only spoke once then. And Oksana dreams almost every night. All the same, smiling. So I'm doing everything right. And I look forward to being together.

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It doesn't take a lot of imagination to write a great screenplay. It is enough just to look around, and life itself will throw you a plot, and even filled with such vivid details that you will doubt if this is a dream. Just read real stories about the fly Anatoly and the grandmother who met her prince at 72, and see for yourself.

  • I met a girl on a dating site. Pretty, came on a date without delay. We sat in a cafe, and then went for a walk. We pass by the police station, she stops me at the stand “They are wanted by the police”, shows a woman in the photo and says: “This is my mother.” And then she laughed out loud and abruptly fell silent, adding: “I'm not kidding, it's really my mother. Been on the run for 6 months now."
  • My grandmother is 72, she is very active, she began to learn English at her leisure, even though everyone made fun of her. 2 years ago she met a man her age from Norway. He came to her once, but she did not introduce him to her family, fearing ridicule. A year later they got married, and she left. And yesterday they came to us: a handsome athletic man who can’t even be called an old man, a thinner, fit, tanned grandmother in jeans and a fashionable blouse, with a haircut, eyes shining, holding hands. He speaks good English, learns Norwegian, travels. We sat for an hour and went to the museums. And my mother and I, completely stunned, were silent all day.
  • I’m on the bus, a woman comes in, asks the driver for a lucky ticket to give to my mother, who is in the hospital. And the driver, like a good fairy, gives a whole roll of tickets so that she chooses the right one for herself.
  • Due to work, I often have to return home late, through unlit streets. You can't wait for public transport after 21:00, and taxis are expensive. In addition to pepper spray, I always carry a creepy Halloween mask in my bag. When I go home in the dark, I put it on and keep the player ready with satanic laughter. So far, no one has bothered me yet, but sometimes I even wish it happened. I want to see this person's reaction.
  • When I was a teenager, I met a guy. He lived outside the city, we rarely met, because my parents did not allow me to travel so far alone. Communicated on the Internet, sometimes called up. Then the communication came to naught, there was no “official” parting. After 4 years, out of boredom, she wrote to him, saying, let's part in a good way. We laughed, remembered, decided to meet. Already 6 years together after that meeting and 10, if you count this 4-year pause.
  • We went to the forest for mushrooms. We sat down to rest, we look, there is a door in the ground, out of curiosity we went in. What we saw there shocked us: a good repair, a huge TV, video cassettes with films, a full cellar of elite alcohol, books, cigars, leather furniture, air conditioning, windows in the ceiling, a stove, expensive dishes and wiring leading to the transformer. Apparently, no one was there for 10 years. The dude has good taste and a bitch wife, as I understand it. Then I found out that this is the "lair" of our neighbor, who moved to Germany.
  • My husband and I met in the emergency room. I came in with a buttock burn, and he dislocated his leg. We have been together for 2 years, and all this time we have been haunted by the question: what to answer the child to the question, how did we meet?
  • I go in a taxi, I ask the driver:

Is that your fly or can I release it?

Leave it if it doesn't bother you - it instantly turns on. - This is Anatoly, he needs to go to Pulkovo.

  • A couple of years ago I worked in an expensive gift shop. We had a regular client - an intelligent aged man, a doctor. He bought all the porcelain clowns from us: from small ones for a couple of thousand to half a meter for a few dozen. It was known that he buys them as a gift for his daughter. Once I asked where she keeps them, as the man bought up an unrealistic amount of them. It turned out that my daughter had a whole room under them in a castle in England! She studied there and married a count. At that moment, my envy could be touched, as well as the peasant's pride for having a grandson - a count.
  • A friend managed to sneeze so hard that her eardrum burst. For a long time she considered her a model of "luckiness", until she herself yawned until her jaw was dislocated. No wonder we are best friends.
  • I work as a cashier in a supermarket. I see hundreds of people a day, they are all as one. I don't see anything spectacular. One nice guy got into the habit of going to our store, I noticed that he liked me. Always smiling, but noticeably shy. Once I was in no mood, bored, I would rather go home ... He comes in. And so I let him go at the checkout, saying the standard algorithm, and add on my own: “Do you need a cashier?” And he replies: "I need it." Twisted. I love.
  • When I was at school, after school I went with my friends to a cafe and saw my father with some blonde. She was sitting with her back to me, and dad was too engrossed in conversation and did not notice me. So much anger came from somewhere in me that I went up and poured a glass of cold water on this krale's head. She starts screaming, her eyes meet, and I see that this is my mother. She just dyed her hair.
  • Once I was walking down the street, as usual, I stopped at a traffic light, thoughtfully looked at the other side of the road, and there ... Grandmother in nuclear pink tracksuit and with a rooster on a leash.
  • After the divorce, my aunt's friend was drawn to extreme sports. I decided to go skydiving. The first jump - a crack in the spine. A month on painkillers, jokes “I should have gone diving, you fool!” Six months later, a call: “I’m calling you from a Spanish hospital. I got electrocuted by a stingray!”
  • I’m standing on the side of the road, then the back door of a passing van opens on the move, a box falls right under my feet, the door closes, and the car is carried away into the distance. I didn't even get scared. I open it - a full box of ice cream in waffle cups. This, of course, is not 500 popsicles from a helicopter, but luck, definitely luck!
  • Once a week I go to the market with my granny and help to buy everything you need. IN last time I watched a picture of how two meat sellers quarreled over who had the best goods. One grandmother with screams threw raw stomachs at another, and her rival defended herself with a ram's head.
  • I was standing in China near a coffee shop, waiting for a friend. It's cold, it's raining, I forgot my jacket, my phone is dead, my friend is late and I don't know when she'll come, I don't know Chinese - in general, the whole set. I'm on my nerves, shivering from the cold, when suddenly a barista guy comes out and silently hands me a latte. I hesitantly reached for my wallet, but he just shook his head, handed me a glass, smiled and went on to work. No names, no dialogue, just a minute episode, but I still remember that delicious coffee.
  • Shoes stolen on the train. I slept on the top shelf, I wake up, get off at the next station, but there are no shoes. Searched the whole car. People laugh, it's fun. And I'm crying, I still have to go home on the bus, and I'm in socks. One guy helped - gave his flip flops. And here I am sitting at the station in flip flops 6 sizes larger, crying. People are squinting. It's embarrassing, and sad, and funny. Thanks to him. I will return the slippers.
  • As a child, when I had nightmares, I jumped out of bed and ran barefoot in my pajamas to my dad in the workshop. Dad is an architect, but he often painted with paints, so he rested from his main job. I ran to him, sat down in a chair, wrapped myself in a blanket and, shaking with fear, described the terrible creatures that I dreamed of ... Father listened to me attentively and at the same time drew from my words. Whatever monster I described, every time there was some nice little animal on the canvas. I indignantly told him: “Dad, he doesn’t look like that monster at all!” - and he answered in surprise: “Seriously? Sorry, can you describe it again? And as soon as I tried to remember the dream, I realized that it had almost disappeared from my memory, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Have there been stories in your life that could become a script for a Hollywood movie?

Everyone has moments in life when difficulties are overcome, and it seems that hands are about to drop ... The stories of these amazingly strong-willed people will help many of us understand that you can cope with any situation and under any life circumstances, the main thing is to believe in yourself and to your strength!

/ Life stories

/ Life stories

The history of the creation of an amateur series about the manners and customs of the African country of Ghana and the position of women in society. Even if you are a doctor of science or, by chance, the owner of your own business, for an African man it does not matter. You are a woman, which means that you should not have a personal opinion, as well as desires.

/ Life stories

Timur Belkin is professionally engaged in photography, creates websites, develops the public “Another Odessa”, in which he covers informal events of the seaside city, conducts performances as part of the authentic La Briar theater. But today we are going to talk about the features of hitchhiking in domestic open spaces.

/ Life stories

We are the fast food generation. We have everything quickly, in a hurry: instant pictures, short sms, express trips... A crazy kaleidoscope of events behind which you can't see the essence... Why are we in such a hurry to live? This question was asked to the heroine of the story by an old antiquarian. And the search for an answer helped the girl find her calling and taught her to value time.

/ Life stories

On the International Day of the Girl, which is celebrated all over the world today in support of equal rights, I would like to recall such an important, integral (albeit sometimes hated) part of our life as education. To get an education, for example, in Afghanistan, girls literally risk their lives...

/ Life stories

How to get into the winter in the summer, make it rain on a sunny morning and curb the wind? Why filming never depends on the weather forecast and how long does it take to put a lime in a block of ice? In the realm Snow Queen know the answers, you will too.

/ Life stories

She looks better than flowers on a dress. With a warm look, a caramel smile. Next to her is a confident calm. She says - Vajra, and you want to listen to her. She says awareness, and it needs to be written down. And read. After all, this is yoga. And something else.

/ Life stories

"A dream needs to be lived and thought about. It needs to be allowed to grow stronger so that it does not shrink in front of public opinion and criticism. To know that it is unique only because it originates from love. From the love of photography." Let's talk about your dream of becoming a photographer.

/ Life stories

What kind of business becomes profitable, how to survive frustration, build your own reality with your own hands and want to get married right. Says a European Top 100 Entrepreneur who worked for Google and Cisco in Silicon Valley and raised $3 million in funding for her startup.

/ Life stories

Pole dance is the toughest type of dance that requires not only coordination and flexibility, but remarkable strength in the arms, abs and other muscles. Acrobatics. Stretch marks. Soldier work. Expander in hand. And love. Because how can you endure all this if you do not like this activity?

Everyone's favorite section is "Stories from people's lives." Today we have prepared new stories, stories and jokes from life real people. All these stories can be both funny and shocking, both kind and sleazy. In a word, lovers of reading this, "let's go"! Warning, children under the age of 18 should not read this.

Interesting stories from real life people

I watched today how a mother and daughter, thirteen years old, were choosing a cake in a store. All the buyers followed them, because the daughter in tears yelled at her mother that she ruined the whole holiday for her. The daughter asked to order a beautiful cake with Marvel characters, and her mother calmly tried to explain that they now do not have money for such an expensive cake. The last straw was the phrase of the daughter: “Is there a grandmother for medicines, but not for my beloved daughter? I don't need you anymore, you'll never be my mother. Mom was the best! The woman calmly looked at her, then took the nearest cake and smeared it right into the mug of a hysterical minor.

I met a guy for six months, gave me a huge teddy bear for a month of relationship. We broke up a couple of months ago. When he left, he took the bear, arguing that such rubbish as I did not deserve such a gift. The other day I accidentally stumbled upon his page. new girl- and there are photographs with this same bear. It became curious, I began to look for his ex, look at photos. 3 exes and, bitch, every photo with that fucking bear. Here is the abomination! Screenshot the pictures and threw them off to all the former and current girls. We all met together, came up with a plan how to punish this freak. They ripped open the bear, stuffed bags of animal blood and all sorts of intestines, kidneys and liver into it. At night, the girl cut these bags of blood, so that the whole bed was flooded, ripped the bear open again, so that all the insides fell out onto the bed, and carefully wrote to the guy permanent marker on the forehead "asshole". She collected her things and left.

After the death of my stepfather, my mother and I decided to sell the car, but before that we had to repair it. Mom found a friend who would not take money for repairs, only for spare parts. Confiding in my mother, I gave the keys. As a result, my mother's friend decided to drive a car and became the culprit of an accident. As a result, two cars cannot be restored, miraculously everyone survived. A trial was held at which the culprit did not deny his guilt. However, the court decided to recover damages for the damaged car from me as the owner of the car, because there was no insurance. The fact that I did not have a driver's license, I had no one to enter into insurance, I did not give permission to drive a car and I was not in the city at the time of the accident, the court did not take into account. As a result, the person who crashed two cars, put three people in mortal danger, escaped with fright and a broken rib, and I was left without a car and had to “buy” a new car to the victim. Long live justice!

Decided to repaint in clean White color. The experiment went well, I liked my autumn a new style, the guy also appreciated) We are lying in bed, the whole thing goes to this, I decided to ask: “Well, how are you?”. Replies: “Like I’m about to have sex with the mother of dragons”)))

Lost my virginity on my boyfriend's wedding anniversary. For five years, he and his wife lived in perfect harmony, then she betrayed, cheating with my stepfather. My mother is a vengeful woman, so she came up with a plan on how to destroy the life of her husband and his mistress by sleeping with my future boyfriend, but I fell in love with him myself ... After a serious conversation with my mother, she abandoned her attempts to take revenge for the sake of her daughter's happiness. And now I'm happy with him! Life is still that Santa Barbara)

My husband works for an international company. And somehow, during a break, they started talking about joint birth. Europeans are completely in the subject, it is a common thing with them, and of the Russians, only my recent experience. So one of our compatriots began to laugh at him, like why he climbed into a woman’s lot, this is their fate, I immediately said to my own that “these are your problems, I made you a child, and then come on yourself, I have to provide for my family, not snot wipe you." The husband could not stand it and punched him in the face. Their boss began to figure out what and why, and when he found out the reason, he fined this “man” for sexual discrimination, and nominated my husband for a promotion. And all because he himself went through this with his wife and understands how hard it is sometimes for women to have children.

I work as a model for an artist. I like him not only as an artist, but also as a man. He is a passionate nature, he cares little about earthly affairs - on his own wave. I do this and that, and he does not react to me in any way. Once she posed for him naked, and on the canvas he painted me, lying in an embrace with a man! I recognized him in the man. He asked: "Do you want it?" I answered: "Yes!". It turned out that he doesn’t really fly in the clouds, and sometimes descends to the ground)) He fucks and kisses fantastically! If talent, then already in everything!

A young family, there is a 5-year-old son, so sex is only at night. So, on one such night, when my husband brought me to another orgasm with the help of kuni, and I was about to reach the peak of pleasure, the son woke up and calmly blurted out to us: “Dad, don’t lick mom!” — and went on to sleep. My husband and I were neighing like horses. Naturally, there was no further talk about any sex 🙂

In the summer we played with friends for undressing. I lost. And these wise men came up with a punishment for me: in a loincloth, with a rubber doll in my arms and handcuffed to it, I had to walk two blocks down the street, and even saying: “We will soon be at home and you will get everything you want, my love! ". At that moment, they were driving nearby in a car and laughing, filming everything on video. Well, at least they allowed me to wear glasses, and the street is far from my house, otherwise I would have fallen through the ground. And so fooled around and narzhalis for glory. The video was sent to my girlfriend. Now she teases me whenever possible))

Ridiculous stories from the lives of real people

Briefly about school education: until grade 11, I was absolutely sure that the First World War and the Great Patriotic War were the same war, and when I heard that Germany had unleashed both world wars, I was sincerely perplexed “how?”, After all, Napoleon is French!

A friend calls me somehow and asks: “What are you doing in the hospital?”. I say that the member is reduced, very large. She asked what department I was in. He said that in vascular surgery. He says: “You’re lying, if you would reduce your penis, then in urology.” I answer: “They do it in the vascular, they suck it”))

I'm on the bus, there aren't many people. Sitting in front of me is a girl of 4-5 years old with her mother. The bus got into a small traffic jam, and at that time the girl became bored (the landscape does not change, and before that she was always looking out the window). Well, according to the classics of the genre, it starts to spin, and as a result it hits with a hand. Mom says: "Give me a kiss and everything will pass." The girl thought a little, and gives out: “What, did daddy’s pussy hurt yesterday too?” The people can hardly hold back their laughter, my mother is red as a cancer ... At the bus stop, they fly out of the bus like a bullet))

I am a girl with non-traditional sexual orientation. I came to this already in adulthood and no, not because of love for some girl. My craving for men was completely cut off by the former. A goat who, out of jealousy, kept me for a week in some basement, tied to a pipe, without food, along the way with frequent visits to beat me or to have his friends paw me. Who did you get jealous of? To my eight-year-old brother who gave me a rose on March 8th. It was precisely such an act that he regarded as treason and acted so brutally with me. It's been 5 years and I can't accept not only other people's men, but I even react to my father's hugs with a nervous breakdown. Neither drugs nor psychiatrists help. The rest do not care, but because of close men it's a shame. That freak was supposed to be put in jail for several years, but this did not happen. Hope he gets paid.

My tigress with me recently learned how to get a jet orgasm. We were having sex and she started squirting. I was below, I didn’t see anything, guess the pose yourself. And so, while this waterfall continued, I got a clear idea from the sound that there really was a waterfall - well, a very powerful stream. As it turned out a minute later, in the kitchen, in sync with the orgasm of my beloved, a pipe burst. So my hearing wanted to glue these two streams together, for a second self-esteem flew into space))

Yesterday I celebrated my birthday in a restaurant and with friends have already continued at my place. Nothing unusual, as it seemed to me, they drank, danced, laughed and dispersed. But in the morning, a neighbor comes to me through the balcony, opens the refrigerator in the kitchen, takes a beer and sits down calmly, asking how I feel. I'm in shock, he laughs. As it turned out, we had a lot of fun. We managed to throw the sofa out of the window, paint the bathroom in pink color, release live fish there, break the fucking balconies and lay out a passage between the two apartments from the boards. Subsequently, I found a couple of people sleeping in a closet, whom I don’t even know, and in the passport a marriage certificate drawn with a marker with that same neighbor. The third hour I'm freaking out with what happened and I'm thinking what to say to my wife. Walked…

Sometimes a stray cat comes under my windows and starts screaming heart-rendingly. At first I ignored it, then I tried to feed him, but nothing helped, and he continued, disturbing my sleep. Not knowing what else to do, I decided to show him my cat (Sphinx). He, apparently, was crazy about such a beauty, quickly dumped and did not appear again ...

They recently did a major overhaul in the apartment that my parents bought in 2002, and when they tore off the boards on the balcony, they found a yellowed sheet there with such a prophetic message to the future: “Say hello to Putin, I’m sure he’s still in place!”. Greetings were not conveyed, of course, but they left the same message for the next generations ...

We've been living with my boyfriend for 3 years. I didn’t want to introduce him to my parents, and there was no chance, but I brought my mother’s anniversary together. We sit at the table, talking, and then dad brings our family album. My childhood pictures, parents in their youth, our relatives. At one point, my young man froze when he saw my great-grandmother and great-grandfather. We sit in confusion, and he says: "These are my great-grandmother and great-grandfather ...". 3 years with second cousin. WITH A THIRD BROTHER!

I taught the cat the command "Face" for fun. Only when she hears this command, she starts running towards me and beats me with her paws! It looks like I did something wrong...

Girl, 19 years old. 2nd year student. My brother is 3 years old. What is a three year old child? This is when you come home from the university, you go into the room, and for you there is already a home-made trap made of double-sided tape, unwound all over the room and stuck to everything you can, starting with the closet and ending with notebooks with lectures glued together. I think you understand that double-sided tape is the worst thing that could be in the hands of a child .... And then you come in, get fucked up, and he quietly laughs outside the door and says, “Now she will get caught and will never go somewhere in the morning again.” I love it))