Effective and gentle cleaning of fur at home. How to quickly clean fur at home

From time to time, fur items need to be cleaned. Specialized dry cleaners will do the job, but you'll have to part with a fair amount of money. Not all people know how to clean fur at home, so it’s worth looking into this issue in more detail.

How to clean a fur collar at home

Jackets or coats have fur elements, which are much easier to clean than a whole fur coat. To begin with, it is recommended to unfasten them - fortunately, this option is provided in almost all models. Clean fur collar easy at home on your own. First, you need to determine the origin of the stain, and, based on this, choose a cleaning method, since each stain requires a special approach.

Rhythm of life modern man often forces you to refresh yourself on the run. As a result, stains from sauces or ice cream may appear on the collar. Contamination should be treated immediately wet wipe. If the stain was not noticed in time and had time to dry, then you can apply glycerin to it, and after some time remove the dirt with a damp sponge.

For serious cases, you will have to use the following recipe:

  • 1 part table vinegar;
  • 1 part water;
  • 1 part pet shampoo.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the fur so as not to wet the undercoat. After some time, remove the residue with a damp cloth or cloth.

Fur coat

From time to time housewives wonder: is it possible to wash fur? Natural fur products cannot be cleaned in this way, since the inner skin, the tanned leather from which the villi grow, may be damaged. Some people try to wash fur clothes in washing machine. This can be done only with some types of faux fur, setting the delicate mode or program for washing wool. It is recommended to use liquid, enzyme-free synthetic detergents.

Using sawdust produced during the processing of birch wood, you can clean your fur coat at home. They are dried, mixed with purified gasoline and rubbed between the hairs. The next day, shake or vacuum the product. Shampoo for bathing cats is also good for these purposes. It is mixed with water and whipped into foam, after which it is applied to the fur coat, kept for several minutes and removed.

A fur coat does not always need complete cleaning. Sometimes it’s enough just to give it its original shine. The following tool is suitable for this:

  • 10 g of laundry soap;
  • 12 drops of ammonia;
  • 100 g of animal fat.

All components are dissolved in a liter of water. The solution heats up, after which it must be cooled and applied to the surface with a sponge. After some time, carefully remove the residue with a damp cloth.

Fur hat

All methods used for cleaning collars are also suitable for processing hats. You can clean a fur hat at home using steam. Whether a steam cleaner or an iron is used does not matter. The jet is directed onto the hairs, after which the garment must be dried. An excellent refresher is a solution of lemon juice and water (in equal proportions). The sponge is soaked in the prepared mixture, then wrung out thoroughly and the fur garment is wiped. When the treated hat is dry, you need to comb it.

Fur on boots

The fur trim on shoes constantly gets dirty, so to maintain the proper appearance, you need to take care of it as carefully as possible. It is recommended to clean the fur on shoes and boots with steam. If you constantly carry out such procedures, then the edge will always look decent. It happens that steam does not cope with contamination - in this case you need to try another, more effective method.

Fur on a sheepskin coat

A natural sheepskin coat provides great warmth in the cold winter, and also looks stylish and fashionable. How to clean fur on a sheepskin coat? First, you should try combing the hairs with a pin brush designed specifically for this purpose. If the contamination remains, you can heat sand or bran from rye or wheat in a frying pan, apply it with massage movements to the pile, and then remove everything with a stiff brush.

Cleaning fur at home

Since fur products are an expensive pleasure, cleaning them must be approached consciously and competently. If you had to start cleaning fur at home, you should consult with specialists. It would be a good idea to study the product label, which provides recommendations for maintaining the clothing. Manufacturers recommend using mechanical and chemical methods for cleaning fur products. The first method involves brushing or cleaning with abrasive agents, and the second involves the use of special industrial solutions.

How to clean fur at home? For example, a beaver or otter fur coat can be cleaned well with sand. You can update an old fur item by using potato peelings passed through a meat grinder with the addition of ammonia. Please note that light fur coats cannot be cleaned with bleach or products containing dye. A mixture of gasoline and denatured alcohol can easily clean greasy cuffs, hems and collars of fur coats. After cleaning, the products must be thoroughly dried. It is better to do this in a shaded place, away from sun rays and heating devices.

Artificial fur

Nowadays, faux fur is not only used to make beautiful things, but it is also used in the interior, in the manufacture of pillows and sofas. There are several cleaning options artificial fur at home:

  • apply industrial product for cleaning wool carpets. It is applied according to the instructions and removed with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth.
  • try to cook folk remedy. To do this, you need to mix starch, washing powder and dishwashing gel. Apply the resulting solution to the dirty area and leave until it is completely dry. Remove any residue with a brush.


Cleaning natural fur is a responsible task, so you should pay attention to the length of the pile. Fried is good for long cereals or salt, and short-haired products are cleaned with calcined sand. Sometimes all it takes to clean is to remove dust and dirt from a fur item. To do this, the product is laid out with wool on a damp cotton fabric and they knock out well.


How to remove yellowness from fur so that it shines in a new way? Hydrogen peroxide (3%) diluted with water will help restore the white color. The resulting solution is placed in a container and sprayed over the surface of the yellowed product. After the fur coat has dried, the fibers need to be combed. A solution prepared from water and a small amount of blue is good at removing yellowness. Moisten a sponge with it and gently wipe the hairs.

How to clean fur at home if it is white or has a light shade? For these purposes, use semolina or starch. Before you clean white fur, the grain is poured onto the lint, then the item is rubbed with your hands as if it were being washed. After this procedure, the product is thoroughly knocked out or cleaned with a vacuum cleaner until the grains are completely removed.

Arctic fox

Experts recommend using a number of methods to clean arctic fox fur at home. Purified gasoline can effectively cope with any dirt, yellowness and give a dazzling shine to the fox fur. You need to take a foam sponge, moisten it with the prepared liquid and wipe it with special care so as not to damage the pile. To remove residual odor, the wool is sprinkled with starch and then knocked out or vacuumed.


Mink coat often dry cleaned. For this purpose, semolina, starch, and talc are used. It is important to know that moths are very fond of fur items made from this animal, so when choosing a cleaning product, you should thoroughly clean the product and comb the lint. Mink fur can also be cleaned using the wet method at home. You need to take alcohol, apple cider vinegar and water. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply to the hairs with a soft bristle brush. Remove any remaining product with a damp sponge.

How to clean silver fox fur at home

You can try to tidy up an expensive item using potato starch or corn flour. Sometimes ammonia or peroxide is used for easy cleaning to simply add shine to the product. To clean silver fox fur at home, use purified gasoline or the following method: wrap the teeth of the comb with cotton wool soaked in soapy water, and carefully comb the product, and then remove any remaining product.


Because the rabbit fur coats They do not last very long, so you need to take special care of them. There are several ways to clean rabbit fur at home:

  • wrap the clothes in damp cotton fabric and beat them thoroughly using a beater;
  • apply vinegar to the swab and wipe the rabbit fur - this will refresh it and add shine;
  • Spray hydrogen peroxide onto the hairs and leave in the sun for twelve hours.


There are several ways to care for the tsigei - knocking it out or vacuuming it. How to clean sheepskin at home? A mixture of water, flour and washing powder is very effective means. Flour is sprinkled onto the fur, then sprinkled with a solution of water, soda and washing powder. A paste should form on the surface, which must be rubbed into the chicken pile. When the applied mixture dries, it is shaken off the product, after which the sheepskin is dried and combed. It is best to clean a mouton fur coat using a soap solution.


It is quite possible to bring products made from this type of fur into proper shape using improvised means. It is convenient to clean astrakhan fur at home with laundry soap, gasoline or alcohol. Vinegar, which is used to wipe the surface of a fur coat, has proven itself to be quite good. After the procedure, the products are hung outside to remove the smell. You can also moisten a sponge with soapy water and wipe the astrakhan item with it.


This type of fur is the most whimsical and needs to be carefully and carefully looked after. It is very soft and delicate, so to clean raccoon fur, you should resort to the dry cleaning method. Semolina or starch are suitable for this. One of effective ways to get rid of dirt and tangles - comb the fur item with a wide-toothed comb, which must first be wrapped in damp cotton wool. You can break the fur with your hands, but this task is difficult and painstaking.


Raccoon fur is not only beautiful, but very practical and has a long service life. It just requires special care. In anticipation of the cold weather, I decided to find out how to properly care for such material. I will immediately share the information received with you.

Cleaning raccoon fur: 6 options

Conventionally, all methods of cleaning a fur product with your own hands can be divided into two groups: mechanical and chemical. The first one copes well with dust and small debris settled on the pile. The second helps get rid of stains and restore a fresh look to the product.

Mechanical cleaning: 1 way

Under mechanical cleaning fur product means ordinary combing of the pile. For it you need:

  • prepare a comb with hard metal teeth;
  • put cotton wool on the teeth;
  • Carefully comb the raccoon fur, untangling the fibers.

To clean the product from dust and straighten the pile, lightly moisten it with a spray bottle before the procedure.

Dry cleaning: 5 ways

By chemical processing of a product, I do not mean dry cleaning services. The price for them is high - why overpay if you can get by with improvised means? The following components will help you with this.

Photo Instructions

Method 1. Gasoline and starch
  • Mix both components until a paste forms.
  • Gently rub the mixture into the fibers of the product.
  • When the pulp dries, carefully knock out its remains from the pile.
  • Hang your coat or hat in a well-ventilated area to remove the smell of gasoline.

Method 2. Alcohol and salt
  • 1 teaspoon of alcohol is mixed with 3 teaspoons of salt.
  • The mixture is filled with 0.5 liters of water.
  • After this, you need to moisten a cotton swab in the resulting liquid and treat the contaminated fur with it.
  • Rinse off any remaining product with clean water.
  • Leave the product to dry naturally.

Method 3. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide, available in every first aid kit, will help you clean fur at home:

  • Dilute a tablespoon of peroxide in half a glass of water.
  • Pour the liquid into the spray bottle.
  • Spray the composition over the surface of the product.
  • Wait for it to dry. If you clean a raccoon collar in this way, it will return to its original shine.

Method 4. Vinegar

Regular table vinegar will help make natural fur perfectly shiny:

  • Soak a cotton pad in it.
  • Treat the surface of a fur coat, collar or hat with it.
  • Change the cotton swab whenever it gets dirty.
Method 5. Glycerin

Did your favorite fur coat become matted after the rain? Lubricate the ends of the pile with glycerin.

  • Dry your fur naturally away from heating devices.
  • Be sure to comb the fur after brushing.
  • Wear fur clothing in dry, frosty weather. If you get caught in the rain wearing such a product, try to dry it as soon as possible.
  • Instead of a total

    I told you about simple and available ways cleaning raccoon fur that you can do at home. All you have to do is choose the most suitable option and try it in practice. I also recommend watching the video in this article, it contains additional useful tips.

    Do you have any questions about this topic, or would you like to share your cleaning methods? Be sure to share them in the comments.

    How many disputes and problems arise during fur cleaning. This is a very beautiful, but “vulnerable” material that adorns women and, moreover, gives warmth. Many housewives are interested in the question of how to clean fur at home, because they don’t want to spoil a beautiful thing.

    With the arrival of spring and warmth, all our warm clothes are sent away to the closet for storage, and of course, before putting them there, you need to carry out mandatory cleaning, which will rid things not only of dirt, but also of pests. When it comes to cleaning, many of us immediately trust the professionals.

    But since prices are getting higher and higher, then, accordingly, dry cleaning becomes less accessible, and we begin to think about how to clean natural fur at home.

    Everyone knows that things white They get dirty very quickly and are very difficult to clean. How to clean fur at home is a very serious problem, at first glance. But they still exist different methods cleaning white fur.

    Such a thing can be cleaned using hydrogen peroxide (3% - the best option). You need to dilute peroxide and water in equal parts with water and use a spray bottle to spray the mixture onto the fur. After you have sprayed the entire mixture, you need to wait until it dries completely, and then comb and gently shake the product.

    Pet shampoo is also a great cleaning option because it is designed specifically for this type of fur. Such cleaning will not only remove dirt, but also make your item snow-white and without yellowing. To do this, you need to dilute a little shampoo in heated water and, using a dampened rag, gently wipe the fur in the direction of its growth.

    After this processing process, you will need to blot the fur product with a towel, then dry it well and comb it, fluffing the fur with your fingers.

    To clean white faux fur, you can use semolina, wheat flour or starch. This method is more affordable, since we have it all in our kitchen. To make cleaning even more effective, you can heat cereals or the same starch to 70 degrees.

    When heating, you need to make sure that the food is not burnt, otherwise the color of the fur will change. After preparing the cleaners, sprinkle them on the fur, and then knead it with your own hands. After kneading, you need to shake the item well and comb until the grains completely disappear.

    But it is not recommended to clean white fur on boots with grains, since boots are very often exposed to moisture, so if suddenly you have grains left somewhere on the fur, they will swell and the fur will take on an unpleasant appearance.
    Using the methods described above, you can clean both white faux fur (except hydrogen peroxide) and natural fur.

    How to clean arctic fox fur?

    Items made or decorated with arctic fox fur, can be cleaned using several methods.

    1. Take half a liter of warm water and dilute in it one teaspoon of ammonia and the same amount. After you have made the mixture using a sponge, spread it all over the fur, then wipe the top of the fur with a sponge soaked in clean water. Use a dry cloth (towel) to go over the pile. After this procedure, you need to dry the item naturally in a room with fresh air.
    2. In the second cleaning method, you can choose from hair shampoo (for humans or animals), gasoline, or detergents for cleaning silk or woolen products. You need to make a weak solution of water and the product you have chosen and spray it onto the fur. After this step, wipe the fox hairs paper towel. You can also use a cotton pad to wipe the fur with it.
    3. To remove yellow spots made of fur, the pile is wiped with a swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide. After wiping with a damp sponge, remove any remaining peroxide.
    4. Like white fur, arctic fox fur can be cleaned using cereals or starch. But after the grains are scattered, you need to remove them at low power.

    Now you know how to clean arctic fox fur at home and what better methods cleaning use for fur.

    There is very little information on the Internet about how to clean silver fox fur at home.

    Here Several useful cleaning methods.

    • The silver fox can be cleaned using a cotton pad soaked in gasoline (or hair shampoo (for animals), powder for fabrics with special care). After wiping, be sure to go over the fur with a sponge dipped in water. After treating with gasoline, ventilate the fur coat in the fresh air.
    • Wet cotton wool is a good method for removing dirt. You need to wrap cotton wool, soaked in one of the mixtures described in the previous method, around a comb and comb the fur.
    • Like other types of fur, silver fox fur can be cleaned with grains and starch.

    Cleaning rabbit fur

    Pleasant to the touch and warm, rabbit fur also needs to be cleaned from time to time. To do this, you can use one of the above cleaning methods. But for the rabbit there are also their own effective methods.

    • Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Take one glass of water and dilute in it one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a couple of drops of ammonia. After you have made the mixture, spray it on the fur and dry it in the sun for a day (no more).
    • We clean different things rubbing alcohol or vinegar, but we don’t suspect that the same cleaning can be done on rabbit fur. But this method can only clean small stains. So, dilute equal parts of medical alcohol and vinegar and apply the mixture to the fur with a sponge. After application, blot the pile with a damp cloth.
    • Hot bran grains you can sprinkle a fur item and thus return excellent appearance fur. But after scattering the bran, you must rub the fur with your hands (only very carefully) to get the effect.
    • Damp cloth It removes dust well from rabbit fur, so if you wrap the fur in a damp cloth and gently beat it out, all the dirt will stick to the fabric and the fur will remain clean.

    There are so many methods on how to clean rabbit fur at home. But since this fur is very delicate, you need to study each method well so as not to harm your clothes.

    Of course, except natural furs, there are also artificial ones. Almost every experienced housewife knows how to clean faux fur at home, because similar products can be found in any home. This is due to the low price and charming appearance of such things.

    To clean this fur, you can use almost all of the above methods, except for cleaning with medical alcohol and vinegar, because because of them, the color of the pile fades, and the fur coat (or other product) will become unsuitable for wearing. In this article you learned how to clean natural fur with the most different ways, including those tools that we always have at hand.

    Have you become the owner of a luxurious fur product and are of course interested in the question of how to clean a raccoon fur coat? If you made a purchase in one of our fur salons, then you were sure to be given a lot useful tips and recommendations, and were also given, along with the raccoon fur coat, a “Buyer’s Instruction”, which contains the manufacturer’s recommendations for care and use.

    Raccoon fur coat practical and wear-resistant, but requires special care. Luxurious long fur and thick down are not easy to clean at home, but let's talk about everything in order.

    How to clean a raccoon fur coat correctly?

    The best option would be to give the product to a specialized service, where they will take care of your beauty in the best possible way, not only clean it from dirt and dust, protect it from various pests, and eliminate minor and even major damage. Also in such establishments you can deposit your fur coat. What to do if you urgently need to put the product in order or there is no dry cleaning nearby?

    So how to clean a raccoon fur coat at home?

    The task is not easy, but still doable. To do this, you will need a fur cleaning brush and a special spray (or flour, semolina, talc, starch). Shake the fur coat thoroughly, try to shake out all the dust from it. A vacuum cleaner should be used with caution, just like a steam generator. Brush the fur with a brush. Then spread the spray or available products over the surface of the fur. We treat the areas of greatest contamination more thoroughly. Then rub the product in with light movements, and then comb the fur again and shake out any remaining cleaning product. You can use wet cleaning with soap or other gentle detergent. Do not use any aggressive means.

    How to clean different types honey at home? How to maintain shine, remove yellowness and stains? Features of cleaning, washing and storage. Caring for the flesh.

    The content of the article:

    Fur has long ceased to be a luxury item. Every woman has fur products in her closet. However, in order for them to have a presentable appearance, it is important to know the rules for wearing, storing and cleaning at home. Then the fur will delight you for a long time. Despite the apparent complexity, cleaning fur will be easy procedure if you have certain knowledge.

    Common types of fur

    The most valuable raw materials are the skins of fur-bearing animals and sea animals. These are arctic fox, fox, marten, rabbit, mink, seal, muskrat, and you can even use cat fur. The overall value of fur is determined by: hair, shine and softness, pattern and color, degree of hair curling and skin thickness. Various styles are sewn from fur products: fur coats, coats, capes, muffs, hats, vests, gloves, capes.

    Service life of fur products

    Fur outfits are quite wear-resistant. For example, rabbit fur wears out the fastest (4 years), arctic fox will last 7 years, mink can delight a woman's eye for up to 12 years, but beaver and otter fur are the most durable (20 years).

    Signs of a dirty fur product

    Before you start cleaning your fur, you should determine whether it needs it. Over time, signs of wear become noticeable: roughening of the leather tissue, stains, yellowing, tears and cracks. Often, intense baldness occurs in these places. Indications for hair cleaning are dust contamination, plaque, loss of color uniformity, and the presence of debris between the hairs. As a result, the fur loses its natural shine and silkiness.

    You can determine the degree of general dirtiness and find the most worn areas using a hairdryer. To do this, direct a cold stream of air from a hair dryer onto the product. If the fibers fly freely and fall back easily, then the fur is clean. Otherwise, it needs to be cleaned.

    What not to do with fur?

    Before you start cleaning, remember that you should never do this with fur items.
    1. Wash. Mezdra, i.e. the skin that holds the fur will become wet, rough and cracked. The product will become bald and deformed.
    2. Dry with a hairdryer, in direct sunlight and on a radiator. This can be done outdoors and in a well-ventilated area.
    3. Iron, and even from the inside out.
    4. Clean household chemicals: bleaches to remove rust and washing powders with enzymes.

    How to properly store fur items?

    Cleaned products must be carefully packaged for storage. summer period. It will depend on how long it will last in the future and what appearance it will have next winter.
    1. First, dry the fur coat in the shade in the fresh air. When it dries, carefully knock it out.
    2. Pack the product tightly paper bag. If the cover is made of polyethylene, then there should be a constant flow of air to it.
    3. Hang your fur coat, coat or vest on a convenient special frame hanger in melted form. Place hats, gloves, etc. on a shelf or cardboard box.
    4. To keep your fur coat in shape, stuff the sleeves with fabric or paper.
    5. The place with fur products should be away from radiators, heating devices and direct sunlight. The room should have a low temperature and moderate humidity.
    6. The fur should “breathe” and not lie close to other clothing.
    7. For a white product, choose a blue case. This will protect it from yellowing. It is the blue fabric that will preserve the brightness of light fur for a long time.
    8. Fur can absorb foreign odors, so do not smoke or use it near it. essential oils with a pungent odor.
    9. Protect your fur from moths. Apply tobacco leaves, citrus peels, geranium leaves or store products from moths.

    How to clean natural fur?

    How to clean a product made from Arctic fox at home?

    1. Make a solution of 0.5 liters of warm water, 1 tsp. ammonia and 1 tsp. detergent. Dampen a sponge in it and apply to the pile. Using your palms, spread the composition evenly over the entire surface. Wipe with a sponge soaked in water and wrung out, and then with a dry cloth. Dry the fur item naturally in a ventilated area.
    2. Distribute dry semolina or potato starch evenly on the fur and do not press too hard with your palms. Shake the product and use a vacuum cleaner on low power to remove any residue.
    3. Prepare a weak solution of one of the products (gasoline, hair or pet shampoo, silk or wool detergent). Soak a rag in it and comb the fur or spray the surfaces. Finish cleaning by wiping the product with a dry paper towel.

    How to clean a silver fox product at home?

    1. Dilute 1 tbsp in 200 ml of water. l. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. For greater effect, pour a few drops of ammonia. Dip the sponge into this mixture and treat the product so as not to wet the inside. Then dry, shake and comb.
    2. Rub the fur with chalk or tooth powder in the direction of the pile, shake and comb.
    3. Pour starch onto the yellowed fur and spray on top soap solution from a product for delicate items. Remove any remaining cleaning product with a brush and dry the fur coat.

    How to clean a mink product at home?

    1. Sprinkle a little talcum powder or flour onto the mink. Rub and shake the fur coat with your hands or remove any remaining loose substances with a vacuum cleaner. It is advisable to give preference to talc, since moths do not like it.
    2. Make a solution in equal proportions of water, table vinegar and medical alcohol. Soak a sponge or brush in this mixture and clean the fur. Then wipe the mink dry with a piece of cloth.
    3. Pure gasoline or a composition of 3 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l. ammonia and 0.5 ml of water, treat the shiny area with a damp swab.

    How to clean a rabbit product at home?

    1. For 1 tbsp. take 1 tsp of water. hydrogen peroxide and 1-3 drops of ammonia. Spray the solution onto the fur coat and dry in bright sun for no more than 1 day.
    2. Apply starch to the product and rub it in with your hands. Shake the fur to remove any remaining loose substances.
    3. Sprinkle the white rabbit with hot grain bran and gently crush it with your palms.

    How to clean a mouton fur coat at home?

    1. Hang the product on a hanger and clean it with a solution of soapy water. Afterwards, rinse off any remaining foam and dry.
    2. Treat the pile with semolina or starch. Then shake the fur coat and remove any remaining product.

    How to restore shine to fur?

    1. If the product has lost its shine because it has become dusty, then wrap it in a damp sheet and lightly beat it.
    2. Vinegar will restore shine. Soak a swab in it and lightly comb the cropped product.
    3. Wipe the dark pile with walnut powder, wrapped in gauze, folded several times.
    4. At a distance of 70 cm, slowly spray a special aerosol paint for suede onto the fur and immediately comb this area to remove excess paint and separate the stuck together fibers.
    5. Apply lemon juice, a weak solution of acetic acid or glycerin to the pile with a spray bottle and wipe thoroughly with a paper towel.
    6. Mix 1 liter of boiling water, 100 g of fish oil and 10 g of laundry soap with ammonia. Cool the solution, apply it to a sponge and treat the fur.

    How to remove stains from fur?

    1. Stains from fur can be removed with a solution of ammonia and denatured alcohol in equal proportions. Wipe the fur with the mixture, then blot with a clean towel and shake in the fresh air.
    2. On light fur, remove stains with gasoline and starch. Mix potato or corn starch with refined gasoline. Apply the pasty substance to the dirty area and rub gently with a sponge. Then clean the fur from the mixture and hang the product on Fresh air to eliminate the smell of gasoline.

    How to get rid of the yellowness of natural fur?

    1. Soak a cotton wool in hydrogen peroxide and rub it over the entire pile. Then clean the fur coat with a damp sponge.
    2. Dissolve 1 tbsp in 200 ml of warm water. table salt and 0.5 tbsp. ammonia. Apply the solution with a soft cloth, dry and comb.
    3. Combine 200 ml of warm water and 1 tbsp. shampoo for pets. Beat the foam and apply the solution to the pile with a sponge for 5 minutes. Afterwards, remove the foam with a clean damp cloth, dry and comb.

    How to care for the flesh?

    If the leather base of a fur product has become rough, then the product with wrong side wipe with the mixture: 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. glycerin or petroleum jelly and one egg yolk. Gently remember and stretch the flesh, then remove the remaining mixture and leave the item to dry inside out.

    1. Wipe items with short or cropped pile with or against the wool. For long fur, apply products according to its growth.
    2. When using any product, first test it on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the product. For example, under the arms.
    3. Some people tint their fur coats with regular hair dye of a suitable color. However, this is a risky method, since you don’t know how the paint will behave on the product.
    By following the tips and recommendations, you can keep your fur in excellent condition until next winter. Thanks to careful care, the outfit will last for many years, will decorate and warm you in severe frosts. And at the end of the article, we suggest watching some useful video tips.

    Cleaning fur at home:

    How to clean natural fur from yellowness at home?

    Fur dry cleaning - bio-cleaning at home.