How to make a beautiful gradient on the nails. How to make a gradient in photoshop. How to make a gradient manicure with gel polish step by step

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Gradient manicure. How to make a gradient on nails

Bright and unusual combinations of colors, smooth transitions of shades on the nails - trendy manicure with a gradient effect has not lost its relevance for several seasons. Despite the seeming complexity, the gradient manicure technique is quite simple, and making a manicure with a gradient effect at home is quite simple. About how to make a gradient on nails - correctly, what techniques for creating smooth color transitions on nails exist and what shades are better to choose, read in our article.

What is a gradient manicure?

Manicure "gradient" (ombre, degrade) is a variety decorative coating nails with the effect of a smooth transition of colors. A manicure in a gradient style can be done in shades of one color (the color changes its intensity from light to dark), or it can be a transition of two or more colors. Both close in tone and contrasting shades can be combined - both versions of the gradient on the nails look spectacular.

There is another version of the gradient - in this case, each nail on the hand is painted in different shades of the same color, from the lightest to the darkest, or a gradient manicure in different colors is possible.

When performing a gradient, you can choose any combination of colors - it all depends on your imagination. Gradient manicure looks equally good on short nails and on long nails of any shape.

Gradient manicure techniques

Gradient style manicure can be done in several different ways. The gradient on the nails with a sponge is done in the first two ways, and in the third with a brush.

1. The first way is one of the easiest. It requires several shades of nail polish (2 or more), and a small piece of sponge. Lacquer strips are applied to it in the desired sequence. Then the sponge is gently pressed against the surface of the nail - the colors are transferred to the nail plate. To achieve the maximum brightness of the colors, you can pre-apply a dense white varnish on the nails. Excess color is removed from the skin with nail polish remover, and the nails are covered with a top coat - a top coat that fixes the color and gives a glossy (or, if desired, matte) finish to the manicure.

Gradient manicure (photo) is performed step by step on each nail:

2. The second method allows you to achieve the most smooth color transitions. Such a gradient is performed step by step: varnishes of different shades are first mixed on a flat surface, and then the colors are transferred to the sponge, and only then to the surface of the nail. This is the most common way to make a gradient manicure with varnish (step by step photo):

3. The third gradient technique eliminates the need for a sponge. This is the most easy way make a transition from one color to another, but in this case it is very difficult to achieve smoothness. The surface of the nail is covered in one or two layers with a varnish of a base shade, after which it dries to a part nail plate another varnish is applied in the usual way. A gradient manicure with a brush is simple and quick to perform, but often it does not look neat enough.

What is needed to perform a gradient manicure?

To make a gradient with varnish, you will need:

1. Several varnishes of suitable shades. There may be two or more - it all depends on your desire.

2. Sponge for gradient manicure. The smaller the pores of the sponge, the more accurate and smooth the transitions of shades will be. A normal sponge for washing dishes is also suitable, but it is best to use a cosmetic sponge for application. foundation by cutting it to the required size.

3. Work surface for mixing varnishes - this can be a piece of plastic or film.

4. Toothpick or needle for mixing shades.

5. Nail polish remover - with its help, excess color is removed from the skin around the nail.

6. Finish coat- top to fix the color.

How to make a gradient on nails

It is not difficult to perform a gradient manicure at home, you just need to prepare all the necessary materials and be patient. It is necessary to perform a gradient manicure step by step:

Step 1

Before you make a gradient manicure, you need to take care of the shape of the nails and the skin around them. Give your nails the desired shape with a nail file and scissors, remove the cuticle and polish the surface of the nail plate, that is, do either a classic cut manicure or a European unedged manicure.

Step 2

Apply a layer of base coat on your nails. It can be a colorless primer, a dense white varnish or one of the shades used.

Step 3

Apply strips of varnish on a flat surface different colors so that they are in contact. Gently mix the colors at the seam with a needle or toothpick.

Step 4

Press a piece of sponge or sponge against the painted surface, and then press the sponge against the nail and transfer the color onto it. Try to do this as neatly as possible, in one motion, so as not to smear the colors.

Step 5

Remove excess polish from the skin around the nails with nail polish remover. The easiest way to do this is with a small cotton swab.

Step 6

Wait until the color coat dries, and cover your nails with a top coat - it will fix the color and prolong the durability of the manicure.

Gradient manicure at home step by step:

Gradient manicure with gel polish and shellac

You already know how to do an ombre and gradient manicure at home using regular nail polishes. But this method has a small minus - the beauty you created on the nails will remain for a maximum of a week. What to do if you want to extend the pleasure of a beautiful manicure for several weeks?

There is a way out - to make a gradient on the nails with shellac or using gel polishes. In this case beautiful manicure will delight you for at least three weeks without losing its original characteristics. How to make a gradient manicure with gel polish? The execution technique in this case does not differ much from the usual one, however, the features of the properties of resistant coatings require special care, thoroughness and professionalism. In addition, each layer of a resistant coating requires polymerization in the rays of a UV lamp.

Gradient manicure with gel polish (step by step photo)

If you are not sure that you can complete all the steps correctly, you should entrust this work to a nail service master, then the result will be of the highest quality.

Gradient on nails with gel polish (photo):

A few gradient nail ideas

We invite you to evaluate interesting ideas gradient manicure. Perhaps some of them will inspire you to recreate this beauty yourself.

white gradient nails

The closest "relative" of the French manicure. Delicate transitions of white, cream or light pink colors give the hands a special grace. Perfectly set off a white gradient manicure tan.

black gradient on nails

The dramatic combination of black and dark scarlet colors is sure to draw attention in your hands. Black gradient manicure in combination with white color will give the nails rigor and elegance.

Red gradient manicure

A gradient in shades of red - from bright scarlet to almost black burgundy - perfect for an evening out. The red gradient on the nails can also be done with a transition to other colors.

pink gradient nails

A combination of delicate shades of pink suitable for everyone - from a young girl to an accomplished lady. A pink gradient manicure makes the look feminine and gentle.

Brown gradient manicure

blue gradient on nails

blue gradient nails

green gradient on nails

Summer gradient manicure

Perform the summer gradient on the nails in bright, juicy neon colors. Even the brightest rainbow on nails will look appropriate in the sun, by the pool or on the beach.

Gradient glitter manicure

Here are just a few gradient nail art ideas. For even more combination options, as well as professional gradient manicure lessons, see the video.

Gradient on nails with a pattern

Vertical gradient manicure

It is performed by one of the methods described, only the colors are applied not horizontally, but vertically.

Gradient manicure photo tutorial

Gradient manicure for short nails

On short nails, the gradient is performed in the same way as on long ones. In this case, it is better to use only two colors and make the transition as smooth as possible.

Gradient manicure: photo

Gradient rainbow manicure

Now you know how to make a gradient manicure at home. Any manicure requires training, so do not be upset if your first experience is not perfect. Experiment with colors, try different techniques- and soon you will be able to get a result indistinguishable from a professional one. The video tutorials of beauty bloggers and professional nail service masters will help you perform the gradient manicure as correctly as possible.

Types of manicure are improved every year. Today you can do absolutely everything on your nails, even a work of art or someone's portrait. One of fashion trends the outgoing season became gradient nails. In simple terms, this is a smooth transition from one color to another right on your nail. This manicure has several subspecies that look interesting and unusual in their own way. In this article, you will learn how to perform each of them at home on your nails. Stock up on various varnishes, patience and enough time to complete. Ideally, if you have a liquid pink tape that will not stain the skin around the nails.

Types of gradient manicure

From season to season, manicure masters come up with more and more subspecies various techniques manicure. The same thing happened with the gradient. Now there are several types:

  • Ombre. When the color starts at the base of the nail, and ends up a few tones lighter towards the tip.
  • Dip Dye. This is the transition from one bright color to another.
  • Horizontal technique. When you paint each nail in a different shade.
  • vertical technique. Transition within one nail.

All gradient techniques look very impressive, however, in order to learn how to paint with them, you will have to devote some time to monotonous work.

Let's take a closer look at how varnish can be applied.

Vertical Gradient Technique

This is the easiest way and at the same time the most gentle. You need to find five shades of polish in the same color, such as hot pink, fuchsia, medium pink, pale pink and salmon. Each color is applied to your finger, starting from the thumb and ending with the little finger. Apply the darkest or bright color on the big one to soften the colors towards the little finger.

Do not forget that the colors must be harmonious and belong to the same shade, otherwise you will not get a gradient.
If you have chosen four or three colors, you can mix the missing shades from them yourself. All varnishes, due to the similar composition, are easily mixed with each other. Therefore, take a small lid or other very small container and just mix a few drops of varnishes.

How to make a horizontal gradient on nails: technique one

The horizontal color transition is performed much longer and more painstakingly. For the first technique, you will need the following tools:

  • Orange stick or just a sharp object.
  • Two colors of desired transition polishes.
  • Sponge. It can be a special color transition sponge from a professional store, or a disposable makeup sponge.
  • Nail polish remover for erasing mistakes.

Now gently lubricate the cuticle with petroleum jelly or oil so that less varnish gets on it. Prepare your sponge. Apply the colors you want on it. While the polish has not soaked in, quickly put the sponge against the nail and pat it. Once the color has transferred to the nail, you can cover it with a clear varnish - this will smooth out the texture of the coating and the nail will look neater.

This is the most popular gradient technique, when the colors first fall on the sponge, and then transferred to the nail, but there is another.

How to make a horizontal gradient on nails: technique two

Here you have to distribute the colors on the nail, and mix them with a sponge.

Apply the desired colors to the tip and base of the nail. Now take a sponge and quickly blend the colors. Pat on the nail and add varnish until you are satisfied with the result.

After that, cover the nail with a clear coat. Wipe off excess polish from leather.

Instead of a sponge, you can try regular eyeshadow sticks. Their texture is just like a sponge, they are easy to use.

(on the left) in "one bundle" with the "Fill" bucket and is turned on by the quick key G common with it. It also fills the picture with "paint", but not with a solid color, but with overflows of different colors and shades with specified transitions from sharp borders to smooth ones, barely noticeable "overflows" of one color into another or dense coloring into a transparent layer.

Tool Settings Panel

For a bucket in the "Edit" menu, the "Perform fill" command is provided, where you can configure its parameters, specifying what color (or pattern) to fill, how to deal with transparent areas, and so on. And the gradient in "Photoshop" colors everything indiscriminately, however, adhering to the framework of the selected area, if one is set, but no more "conditions" are set for it.

Effect parameters, as in all other tools, are set on the settings panel at the top. Left-clicking on the small triangle next to the thumbnail on the left (or right-clicking on the picture) opens a palette with a preset set of standard color transitions.

This window has its own menu, which is expanded by clicking on the gear (or a small arrow next to it) in the upper right corner. Here you can select a few more "regular" sets, sorting through them with the "Replace Gradients" command, and set the size of the thumbnails, and by default the gradient in Photoshop performs a smooth linear transition from the first color to the second.

The standard sets also have options for transitions to transparency, but in order for them to work, you need to check the "Transparency" checkbox, otherwise the picture will be exactly filled with one selected color.

In addition to the options for the color solutions of the gradient, on the settings panel you can select its shape (linear, radial, cone-shaped, mirror and diamond-shaped).

With the choice of blending mode and opacity, everything is clear, a tick in the "Invert" box will build the opposite effect. We figured out transparency, and the "Dithering" function, deliberately "noisy" drawing, makes the color transition more natural.

In contrast to the fill "from a bucket", to draw a gradient, you need to turn on the tool and select the type of color transition, draw a line on the picture, thereby indicating the start and end points of the effect. After that, the program will fill the document with paints with the selected modulations and in the specified direction.

If you draw a line with the Shift key pressed, the transition can be made strictly vertically, horizontally or at an angle of 45 degrees.

Editor-in-Chief Gradient Fills

The collection of ready-made effects is represented by ten groups of options, each of which offers from 4 to 16 color solutions, so the choice is quite decent. But those for whom this is not enough can not worry, since we can create a gradient in Photoshop ourselves.

We opened the window with sets of preset color transitions by clicking on the small arrow next to the effect thumbnail. And if you click on the thumbnail itself, the "Editor ..." will open, where, using the appropriate settings, we can create our own variations of color overflows without any restrictions.

Photoshop offers two gradient fill modes: Continuous and Noise. By default, the "Continuous" mode is set, because in most cases, when asking how to make a gradient in Photoshop, users have in mind the familiar look of the effect with smooth and gradual color transitions.

Building a continuous color transition

The colors are controlled by the sliders (they are control points, they are also markers) at the bottom of the gradient bar, and the upper sliders are responsible for the opacity. A control point is added by clicking on the corresponding border of the effect selection bar.

Clicking on a color/opacity control point activates the paint/opacity selection boxes, scale position (%) and the "Delete" button. At the same time, on both sides of the new marker, the editor places midpoints (diamonds) of color/opacity, "silently" occupying the middle position between adjacent control points-markers, but they can also be moved. At the middle points of the color, the gradient in Photoshop displays equal mixtures of the start and end colors, but the middle points of opacity hardly need comments.

Colors are selected by double-clicking on a breakpoint or on the color swatch in the Breakpoints section. If the cursor is inside the gradient selection bar, it turns into an eyedropper, which can be used to select a color on the scale or directly on the image.

The "Smoothness" slider regulates the smoothness of the transition between multi-colored and multi-colored stripes.

"Noisy" color transition

The Noise gradient, unlike the continuous mode effect, is a random distribution of colors in a specified range of colors. Depending on the smoothness (roughness), it can look like a "normal" effect with smooth transitions (smoothness / roughness up to 30-40%) or as a variegated, thin-striped spectrum (smoothness / roughness up to 90-100%).

In addition to adjusting smoothness, when creating a transition, you can:

  • choose a color model (RGB, HSB, LAB);
  • limit colors (for overly saturated colors);
  • enable transparency (for random colors);
  • select "Other option" (an effect is created with arbitrary color transitions, but in accordance with the specified settings).

Save the created color transition

If you plan to use the gradient further, Photoshop has thought of everything in this regard.

In order for the new effect to get into one of the preset (or your own) sets of standard options, you must, before approving the work of the editor (Ok), come up with a name for it and enter it in the "Name" text field, and then click the "New" button.

You can "Save" the gradient on your disk as a GRD (Adobe Photoshop Gradient) file, which by default will end up in the Gradients folder in the Presets directory of your version of Adobe Photoshop. From there, new effects are extracted and loaded into the editor.

Gradient fill as a style

You can create (overlay) a gradient in Photoshop on a picture (or a blank canvas) from the layers panel by clicking on the corresponding button at its bottom and selecting the Gradient Overlay style.

In essence and settings, this function does not differ from the fill tool of the color transition. True, here in the "Gradient Overlay" dialog box, you do not need to draw a line manually, and the angle is set either by a radial arrow slider or by entering a numerical value.

"Painless" gradient on the service layer

Even at the very beginning, it was necessary to make a reservation that it is better to create this effect on a separate new layer, so as not to inadvertently spoil the drawing itself. But for this, in addition to the usual layers, Photoshop provides service, or adjustment, layers, the list of which opens with a round black and white button at the bottom of the layers panel.

Among them is the "Gradient" layer, which is similar to the effect window in layer styles, where you can select a ready-made or build your own color transition, specify a style, select an angle, scale, invert, apply dither and align to the layer.

How to use a gradient in Photoshop

You can compose poems about the irresistibility of such coloring, and if you say it simply and briefly, then it's beautiful. That's why it's so popular in fine arts and as a background pattern, but it can also be used to apply a tonal transition to a drawing, use it as an alpha channel when creating a depth map, in combination with a layer mask, etc.

Gradient (from lat. Gradiens - walking)- a characteristic showing the direction of the fastest increase of a certain quantity, the value of which changes from one point in space to another. A gradient creates a smooth transition between two or more colors. It is used very often, so excellent command of this tool is a prerequisite for effective work in Photoshop.

Gradient can be applied directly to the content of the layer, or you can use the new gradient fill layer (the gradient will be on its own layer and have a layer mask that you can use to mask the layer's pixels).

Gradient icon ( 1 ) you will find in the same group with the tool fill(Paint Bucker), key G(or Shift+G to switch between them).

The gradient type is set by the buttons on the options bar ( 2 ):

linear gradient(Linear Gradient) - the transition is carried out in a straight line along a certain direction.

radial gradient(Radial Gradient) - change color evenly in all directions from the center point.

cone gradient(Angle Gradient) - color transition in a circle centered at a given point in a clockwise direction.

specular gradient(Reflected Gradient) - two linear gradients that propagate from the starting point in opposite directions.

diamond gradient(Diamond Gradient) – forming lines line up in the form of a rhombus.

In a rectangular box ( 3 ) you can see the current default gradient.

If you click on the arrow next to it, the Gradient Palette will open.

You can select the gradient you want by clicking on it with the mouse button.

The Gradient Edit window opens when you click on the gradient fill swatch ( 3 ).

Chapter Sets(Presets) contains pre-made gradients.

Name(Name) - the name of the gradient.

Custom(Custom) is a gradient with custom settings.

Gradient(Gradient Type) - There are two options: Continuous(Solid) and Noise(noise).

Smoothing(Smoothness) - the softness of the transition of colors in the gradient.

If you want to edit an already existing gradient, click on its thumbnail.

Pay attention to the color bar in the center of the window - this is a sample of an editable gradient with color transitions and transparency. Under the strip and above it are markers ( 4 ) (squares with triangles above or below them).

Those under the stripe are responsible for color transitions. If you click on any marker, the triangle above it will become colored, which means that the marker has become active and ready for editing. What can be done? You can move it in any direction along the color bar, you can change its color.

To do this, click on the box Colour(Color) (5) and in the window Color palette(Color Picker) select the desired shade ( 6 ).

If you click on any free space between the markers, a new marker will appear, which you can also move and adjust. You can move the marker with the mouse, or by changing the numerical value in the field Position(Location).

0% - left edge of the color bar, 100% - right.

The transparency sliders are located above the color bar, they limit the transparency of the gradient fill. They are edited in the same way as color ones, but instead of setting the color, you need to set transparency value(opacity), the location of the transparency markers can be specified in the field Position(Location).

If you need a marker similar to an existing one, you can simply copy it by dragging while pressing the key alt.

If you need to remove an unnecessary color limiter, simply move it outside the color transition bar or select and press one of the buttons Delete(Delete): bottom button for color markers, top button for transparency markers.

Let's create a new gradient. Open a dialog box (by clicking on the box 3 ). Select a fill color for the left color marker, click on the right marker ( 8 ), set your color for it, in the field Name(Name) ( 10 ) enter its name and press the button New(new)( 11 ), your gradient will appear in the window Sets(Presets), click ok.

Translation: Oksana Gudkova;

A manicure with a gradient effect on nails is a novelty that arose on the basis of the ombre technique popular in 2016-2017. This design looks very stylish and beautiful. The gradient allows you to combine many shades, creating complex combinations and color transitions. To perform such a manicure yourself at home is not so difficult. It is enough to watch video tutorials for beginners and learn the basics of technology.

The gradient on the nails is a special decorative technique, while you can use both regular and gel polish. This design involves creating a smooth transition between several shades of the same color. Just look at the photo to understand that the gradient goes well with painting, stamping, and screen manicure.

AT recent times darker and more saturated shades gained popularity. An interesting color scheme will visually lengthen the nails and make the hands graceful.

There are several types of gradient design:

  • The horizontal gradient is a very popular design that stretches the color from the base of the nail to the edge. It is considered a classic.
  • A vertical gradient involves a gradual transition of colors from left to right.
  • Gradient separately on each finger. Nails are covered with different shades of the same color. An overall picture of a smooth transition from a darker tone to a light one is created. This kind of design looks great on short nails.
  • French manicure involves stretching the color from light pink to white. It looks best on nails. middle length and will be appropriate in a formal setting.

What technique of applying a gradient to the nails to choose is up to the girl herself. Almost all of them are easily reproduced at home.

Step by step instructions on how to make your own gradient

Many are interested in how to make a gradient on the nails. It can be done in several ways:

  • with the help of a sponge;
  • vertical and horizontal gradient brush;
  • gradient on nails with gel polish.

When choosing the third method, you need to count on additional acquisition costs necessary materials and equipment. The first two methods using conventional varnishes easily performed at home with the help of improvised means.

The number of shades for the gradient is selected at your discretion. They should be from 2 to 4. A larger number of shades is not recommended. Firstly, because there is not enough space on the nail plate for such a wide palette, and secondly, because of excessive variegation.

Sponge manicure

To independently create a manicure using the gradient technique, you will need:

  • Sponge with a pointed edge made of fine-grained foam rubber, which will be convenient to create a gradient. The varnish is distributed evenly, and the coating is even and beautiful. Foam sponges are also suitable for this purpose.
  • Varnishes in two adjacent or contrasting shades.
  • Base and fixer.
  • Glass of water.
  • Foil.
  • Cotton buds.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Soft brush.
  • Nail polish remover.

According to step by step instructions, the procedure for applying varnish with a sponge at home looks like this:

  • Nails are cleaned and degreased with nail polish remover.
  • Apply the base and let it dry.
  • Droplets of varnishes of selected shades are placed on a piece of foil so that they partially overlap each other.
  • Mix varnishes in the overlapping area, creating a smooth transition from one shade to another.
  • Prepared varnish is collected on the sponge. It turns out a sponge-stencil. In order to understand what effect you can achieve, make an imprint on the foil.
  • Press the sponge against the nail, slightly moving it along the plate.
  • After the color layer has dried, a fixative is applied. It will allow not only to extend the life of the coating, but also to level it.
  • Using a brush dipped in nail polish remover, remove excess that has fallen on the skin.

Before you start doing household chores, make sure that the varnish is cured so that it does not deteriorate.

Gradient pattern with a brush

For a gradient manicure with a brush, you need the same materials as for the sponge method. A feature of this technique is that it can be performed by applying varnish vertically or horizontally.

A step-by-step guide will help you make a vertical gradient at home:

  • First, select the appropriate shades of varnishes to get a smooth transition from light to dark or from bright to muted.
  • The gradient on prepared nails holds much better, so it is worth doing a minimal manicure by carefully polishing the plate.
  • After the nail plate is prepared, a base is applied to it and allowed to dry.
  • It is useful to lubricate the area around the nail with a cream that will facilitate the removal of excess varnish after a manicure.
  • Gently paint the nail with the selected colored varnish, without stepping over the edges.
  • Then the varnish of a different color is distributed so that it covers only half of the nail plate from the cuticle to the tip.
  • Create a gradient while both layers are still wet. To do this, dab the varnish on the border of the merging of two shades with a sponge. Movements should be fast and sharp.
  • Let the nails dry.
  • And at the very end, a fixer.

A similar manicure can be created using 3 or more shades of varnish, but this will be more difficult. You need to try to follow the instructions step by step, carefully applying the varnish in a thin layer. Instead of a cream to protect the skin around the plate, you can use adhesive tape.

The horizontal gradient is done in a similar way. The only difference is in the direction of stretching the color. Varnishes of selected shades are applied horizontally. The border between them is also blotted with a sponge. It is best to moisten it slightly so that the varnish does not get in so quickly.

As for the design, which involves a separate coloring of the nails, it is also created with a brush. Lacquers of similar shades are simply applied to the nails so as to make a smooth transition from light to dark. Then, for example, the little finger will be colored in the most dark color, and the thumb, respectively, in the lightest.

French gradient technique

One of the fashion trends is a gradient version of the classic French manicure. The design is covered with white varnish at the ends of the nails, closer to the cuticle, smoothly turning into transparent shades.

It is quite difficult to carefully carry out such a manicure at home. You have to practice and do it exactly according to the instructions. The design is done as follows:

1. Apply a base coat of a pink or beige shade to the entire nail plate, dry it.

2. The middle part of the nail is painted with a lighter shade, gently blending it with a sponge. This will allow you to achieve a smooth and imperceptible transition between shades.

3. Using fine-grained foam or sponge, white varnish is applied to the edge of the nail.

4. After drying the layer, the varnish is fixed with a top.

This design will look perfect if the plate has an almond shape. French is a great option for extended nails. It is suitable not only for the office formal style, but also suitable for everyday life.

geometric gradient

This year, the geometric gradient coating is especially fashionable. There are many ideas for its implementation. You can easily find them online and watch tutorial videos. This manicure is decorated with various shapes and lines. They divide the nail into identical or asymmetric segments and zigzags. Color solution can be both classic and avant-garde, bright and catchy. Stencils and ribbons are actively used. Complement fashionable nail art with velvet sand or acrylic powder. The effect depends on the skill of the performer.

The walkthrough says that to reproduce a geometric gradient in the form of diamonds, you need:

  • Prepare your nails so they are all the same length. They are given a beautiful shape.
  • Make a sketch on paper of the future drawing.
  • The base is applied to the nails and dried.
  • Nails are covered with white varnish.
  • Lacquers of two colors are laid out on the palette, one of which is necessarily white, and the other, for example, blue. This will need to be done every time before application. But at the same time the share of blue color should be gradually increased.
  • The shades are mixed and varnish is applied to the plate with a thin brush, drawing the outlines of rhombuses. They are painted over with the same color.
  • AT checkerboard pattern draw diamonds on the nails with a darker shade, which was obtained by mixing white varnish and blue. Again paint over all the figures.
  • Diamonds at the very end of the nail plate should turn out to be a saturated blue color with almost no admixture of white.
  • At the end, the nails are covered with a matte top.

This technique is best mastered with step-by-step photos.

gel polish gradient

Gradient manicure with gel polish is no less relevant novelty in 2017 than geometric technique. To recreate it, you need to prepare materials:

  • dehydrator;
  • acid free primer;
  • color gel polish 2 shades;
  • top coat;
  • Ultraviolet lamp;
  • Thin brush from a set for painting on nails.

You can perform a step-by-step gradient with gel polish as follows:

  • Nails are prepared by degreasing with a dehydrator.
  • Primer.
  • Then the base, which is baked in a UV lamp for a minute.
  • Apply a light gel polish, stretching with a brush from the base of the nail and up to half of the total length. It is necessary that in the middle of the plate this layer of varnish ends with a straight line. The length of the coating on all nails should be approximately the same.
  • A darker color varnish is applied to the rest of the nail. The movement of the brush is performed from the edge of the plate to the middle to the border of shades. There should not be a gap between two shades.
  • Using a thin paint brush, blend the borders of the two colors in short strokes. Then the transition of shades will turn out to be more imperceptible and smooth.
  • After painting each nail, the brush must be thoroughly wiped. This will allow you not to disturb the shades on the next finger.
  • After mixing the shades on all nails, each hand is kept under the lamp for 2 minutes.
  • The finish is applied and baked in a lamp.
  • Remove the sticky layer with a special tool.

A gradient with gel polish requires more time and skill, but it also looks much more advantageous. Such a manicure will please the eye for 2 weeks.

The gradient on your nails will look original even in the classic design technique. Buy charm will allow French manicure. Contrasting colors of varnish will look interesting and fashionable in 2017. They are relevant for summer manicure. The design option for autumn can be made in rich and juicy shades of warm colors, and cold tones are suitable for winter.