Causes of increased sweating in children. Why does my child sweat a lot? Causes

Excessive sweating in a child is a phenomenon that worries most parents. It appears in Lately relatively often. But many mothers and fathers do not immediately pay attention to this, since baby sweat has no odor.

Hyperhidrosis, as the disease is scientifically called, can be due to various reasons. They can be associated both with disorders in various body systems and with external stimuli. It is important to find out in time why excessive sweating appears and what it indicates. childhood.

Physiological features

It is not always easy to determine the causes of sweating in children. After all, physiological characteristics and painful conditions can overlap. Wherein external signs in both cases the same.

An adult and a child have the same number of sweat glands. However, due to their increased localization per square centimeter of the body, increased sweating may be observed. In addition, activity, and therefore sweat production, is much more pronounced in childhood.

The occurrence of severe sweating is influenced by external factors. These include increased ambient temperature. It may not be normal both outdoors and indoors. Doctors recommend keeping the room in which the child is located at a temperature of no more than 18°C.

Changes in the body may be a consequence of excessive clothing on the child. The issue is especially acute if the baby is active, and he is literally wrapped up. Also, severe sweating can be observed when wearing clothes made of synthetic materials that disrupt heat transfer and also do not allow air to pass through. It is better to dress children in cotton and linen.

Among the physiological causes of increased sweating, changes in the emotional background of the child are also distinguished. With negative (fear, pain, tears) or positive (joy, delight, laughter) emotions, the child may experience increased sweating of the hands, feet, as well as the head in the forehead, temples and neck. Do not be alarmed when such signs occur, unless they are accompanied by blueness of the lips, nails, nasolabial triangle, trembling of the hands and chin. In this case, we can note the presence of pathologies in the body.

During an emotional outburst, children may have sweaty palms

In childhood, metabolic disorders are most often associated with the baby's condition.

Changes can be observed when:

  • lack of sleep;
  • irregular food intake;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • overwork.

In this case, the body cannot work correctly, so the child sweats a lot during sleep.

Sign of illness

Excessive childhood sweating is not always associated with physiological characteristics. If your child continues to have hyperhidrosis even when conditions change, you should consult a doctor. After all, many pathological processes in the body are in question.

One of the common, but also less harmless causes of sweating is an infectious disease. In this case, disturbances can appear both during the illness and after it. When the body weakens, hyperhidrosis occurs, which most often manifests itself in sleep. In this case, the body is cleansed of harmful substances that brought viruses.

Increased levels of sweating can be observed in children who suffer from various chronic diseases.

Among them are:

  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • vegetative dystonia;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • renal and liver failure.

In case of vascular and heart disease, increased sweating is a standard symptom. The child most often sweats at night, and parents discover a wet pillowcase. At the same time, the sweat feels sticky and cold to the touch.

Excessive sweating may indicate serious illness

If a child, even in a calm state and at low temperatures, sweats heavily, then disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland can be suspected.

Diet can also influence the occurrence of increased sweating. If a child often consumes sweets, he may develop dysbiosis. The condition is normalized if you eliminate sugar and replace it with foods high in fiber.

With a lack of calcium and vitamin D, children often develop rickets. This is a particularly common disease in children under 2 years of age, accompanied by night sweats in the scalp. In older children, hyperhidrosis can also be caused by a lack of calcium in the body.

It is worth noting that excessive sweating can be a sign of serious illness. If the sweat has a salty taste, then cystic fibrosis is suspected. If a mouse odor occurs, your doctor may diagnose phenylketonuria.

Types of sweating

Hyperhidrosis can manifest itself in different ways in children. Doctors distinguish two main types of sweating:

  • local, manifested in certain areas;
  • diffuse, covering the entire body of the child.

If local changes are noted, then hyperhidrosis is divided into several types depending on the area of ​​localization of the disorders:

  • facial;
  • palmar;
  • axillary;
  • plantar.

Local changes may be the result of the physiological characteristics of the child’s body. Diffuse sweating almost always occurs in pathologies of various systems.

How to deal with baby sweating?

If increased sweating is associated with a disease, then you need to consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. Without this, there is no way to cope with metabolic disorders.

In the case of physiological characteristics of the body, it is possible to reduce the level of sweating by following simple rules.

  • The air temperature in the room should be no more than 22°C.
  • You should buy clothes only from linen, cotton and other natural fabrics. It is important to constantly maintain the cleanliness of your underwear and bed linen. As soon as the child begins to sweat, he must be changed immediately. In this case, you can avoid both unpleasant sensations and prevent the likelihood of disease.
  • Particular attention must be paid to the diet. It should be balanced, enriched with vitamins, proteins, and carbohydrates. Avoid hot and spicy foods.
  • Daily hygiene procedures are required. The baby's skin can be washed with plain water.
  • If hyperhidrosis is associated with excess weight, then you need to increase the child's activity. He must engage in sports and physical exercise in order not only to normalize the level of sweat, but to prevent changes in the musculoskeletal system of the body.
  • It is necessary to walk with your child more often. This is especially important for the supply of vitamin D, which is produced under sunlight. For a walk, you should dress your child according to the weather, avoiding excessive wrapping.

Therapeutic baths will be useful to help cope with disorders in the body. They are prepared with the addition of decoctions of various medicinal plants.

You can add decoctions of medicinal plants to the bath

You can brew a product based on oak bark. Three tablespoons of the mixture are poured into a liter of water. The composition must be brought to a boil, and then reduce the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. After removing from the heat, the mixture is infused in a warm cloth for 3–4 hours. The product can be added to the bath. The child should bathe for 10 minutes.

Sage also fights hyperhidrosis. Two tablespoons of the plant are poured with a liter of water. The mixture is brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. After cooling and straining, it can be added to your baby’s bath.

It is worth remembering that many disorders in the body are associated with weakening immune system body. Therefore, it is important to strengthen it with vitamins, as well as by staying on the sea coast for at least 3 weeks.

Any changes associated with increased sweating should alert the parent. If the child’s condition does not change when external conditions normalize, it is necessary to visit a doctor. He will examine the body, identify disorders and prescribe treatment.

Sweating refers to the physiological processes that nature intended to regulate body temperature.

The nervous system is responsible for the secretion of sweat in the body; it also controls body temperature, heartbeat, breathing and other processes.

Basically, sweating in a child has the same mechanism as in an adult,

but due to a poorly formed excretory system, this happens with greater intensity.

Why on the street, during sleep or during meals? This needs to be dealt with in detail.

What diseases cause a child to sweat a lot?

A child may have increased sweating due to a number of serious diseases:

  • – the baby sweats while eating or after going to the toilet. Sweat in this case exudes sour smell and provokes skin itching. The top of the head is wet all the time, at the same time the baby behaves very restlessly - he often whines and sleeps poorly;
  • For nervous system disorders– in this case, thick sticky or watery sweat is released in certain places. The main areas of increased sweating are the palms, forehead and back of the head. The discharge has an unpleasant and rather pungent odor. Such sweating of a child is a reason to contact a neurologist or pediatrician;
  • For phenylketonuria– sweat has a specific mouse smell that is difficult not to notice. Sweat greatly irritates the skin, which can itch;
  • For cystic fibrosischemical composition sweat is completely changed. Sweat contains a lot of chlorine and sodium, which give the skin a salty taste and slight crystallization;
  • Heart failure or hyperthyroidism– heavy sweating is accompanied by increased anxiety and hysterics;
  • In addition, increased urination is observed. With this disease, you should be alert to a strong, hysterical cough with large sputum production;
  • Malignant tumors can also cause increased sweating. In this case, the sweat is sticky and has a noticeable odor.

If the child is sweating a lot and there are other alarming symptoms, then this is a reason to contact a pediatrician. Early contact with a doctor allows you to quickly make a correct diagnosis.

What everyday causes provoke increased sweating?

There are several completely normal reasons why your baby may sweat profusely. If the child is absolutely healthy, then severe sweating is possible due to the following factors:

  • The baby was wrapped up tightly- this is usually typical of caring grandparents, who always think that the baby is cold. Children need to be dressed like adults when going outside, just add one extra layer of loose clothing. And if the baby is very active, he can be dressed easily. While running and jumping, the child gets warm and begins to sweat, which leads to frequent colds;
  • The room is very hot. With the help of sweat, the baby’s body restores normal thermoregulation;
  • The child was very nervous– young children are quite susceptible to both positive and negative emotions. If a child is happy or, on the contrary, very upset, not only his palms sweat, but also his neck and the back of his head;
  • Fatigue or lack of sleep can also lead to increased sweat production;
  • - Chubby children usually sweat more than their thin peers.

In all these cases, it is necessary to adjust the child’s routine and monitor his clothing. Children should be dressed in things made from natural fabrics - cotton, wool, linen and silk.

Komarovsky’s opinion on the child’s excessive sweating

Argues that a child’s excessive sweating is in most cases a mistake made by adults. So, if the baby sweats a lot at night, then, most likely, he is dressed in warm pajamas and additionally covered with thick blankets.

Before going to bed, the baby should have only positive emotions; the room must be ventilated for an hour. The child should make bedding only from natural fabrics that absorb moisture well and are pleasant to the body.

During the day you should not give your child a lot of carbonated drinks, juices and fruit drinks; it is better to replace all this with clean warm water. Dishes for your baby should be prepared with a minimum amount of spices.

If, in addition to heavy sweating, there are any changes in your health, you should consult a pediatrician. Only an experienced doctor will identify the exact reason why the child is sweating a lot, and, if necessary, prescribe adequate treatment.

What should baby sweat smell like?

If the child is absolutely healthy, then his sweat has no odor. The unpleasant and pungent odor of secreted sweat should alert parents. This symptom usually indicates a disease of the endocrine, nervous or immune system. In addition, a slightly sour smell may occur with viral or infectious diseases.

A very sour smell of sweat in a child can be a symptom of many diseases. Sometimes you can detect faint notes of urine in the aroma, which indicates unstable functioning of the excretory system. Sweat smells strongly if there is a lack of vitamin D in the child’s body, which often happens in the autumn-winter period, when sun rays few.

When is excessive sweating a good thing?

Excessive sweating in a child also brings tangible benefits. So when physical activity sweat cools the human body and prevents it from overheating. If the child is wearing synthetic clothing, then body temperature is also regulated with the help of sweat.

If the child is sweating a lot during sports or during periods of great psychological stress, this can be considered the norm. You should sound the alarm if there are other symptoms against the background of profuse sweating.

Causes of dehydration

In a child, dehydration occurs very quickly due to low body weight. This condition may be a consequence of severe diarrhea or excessive sweating.

Quite specific and hard to miss. The following signs should alert you:

  • Dry mucous membranes;
  • Lack of lacrimation when crying;
  • No urination for more than 4 hours;
  • Sunken eyes;
  • Sunken fontanelles in newborns;
  • Weakness and atypical drowsiness;
  • Blue color of the skin;
  • Increased anxiety.

When dehydration is severe, there may be a rise in temperature to high levels and fainting.

To prevent intoxication of the body due to dehydration, it is worthwhile to properly organize the drinking regime. The child should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. You can give clean water, compotes, dried fruit decoctions, teas and non-concentrated juices. It is not recommended to offer children carbonated drinks in large quantities.

When should you urgently consult a doctor?

If your baby, in addition to heavy sweating, has other symptoms that frighten parents, then you should immediately consult a pediatrician. This approach will help to quickly identify serious diseases and prevent complications.

Reasons for going to the hospital are the following:

  • Unreasonable anxiety in a child, especially younger ones;
  • Streaks of blood in stool;
  • Long absence of urination, more than 4-5 hours;
  • A hysterical cough, with large sputum production and streaks of blood;
  • Prolonged high or low temperature;
  • Spots of irritation appeared on the skin after sweating.

The child stops sweating heavily after the causes of this phenomenon are identified and eliminated. If, after eliminating all possible reasons sweating is still excessive, then you need to undergo a medical examination and, if necessary, receive treatment.

VIDEO The child's head is sweating

VIDEO Excessive Sweating in Baby

Maybe excessive sweating is a sign of some kind of illness?

Our expert is the head of the pediatric department of the Federal State Budgetary Medical Institution “Treatment and Health Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia”, doctor highest category Svetlana Cheremisina.

The autonomic nervous system is responsible for the secretion of sweat, which also regulates the activity of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive organs, body temperature and much more. In babies, it is not very well developed, and the sweat glands are not fully formed, which may be the cause of severe sweating.

They begin to actively “work” only from 3-4 weeks, and their development is fully completed by 4-5 years. Therefore, it is normal for a child’s body to react to temperatures above a certain level by sweating heavily.

They wrapped it up!

To most parents, the baby seems so fragile that they begin to wrap it up to protect it from everything in the world. Don’t be led by your desires, but from the age of three weeks, dress your baby the way you would dress yourself. Moreover, some pediatricians believe that if the child is active, he should be dressed lightly: by running, children quickly warm up.

Parents often notice that their baby sweats at night. In this case, you need to adjust the temperature in the bedroom; it should not be higher than +20°, and the humidity should not be higher than 50-60%.

Dress your baby in pajamas made only from natural fabrics. It may be worth replacing your duvet and synthetic pillow with something more environmentally friendly and lightweight.

After a cold

When a baby is sick, not only does the temperature rise, but it also increases. In this case, sweating is a protective mechanism that prevents the temperature from rising further and also helps remove toxins. But it takes some time for normal sweating to develop, and until that moment the baby will continue to sweat even at normal temperatures. In this case, no other measures other than hygienic measures need to be taken.

Great unrest

Do your palms often sweat when you are very nervous? And babies are even more sensitive to emotional experiences, both positive and negative, than adults. At the same time, their palms do not sweat, like ours, but their heads and necks.

Fatigue and lack of sleep can also be the cause of your baby's sweating; try to establish a daily routine and protect your child from excessive fatigue.

Is this rickets?

They are much less common. Here in the first place is possible rickets, the first signs of which appear at 1-2 months.

This condition can be suspected if:

  • Increased sweating occurs during sleep. The face and scalp sweat the most;
  • sweating increases with any stress, for example, while eating or when the baby pushes. At the same time, cases of constipation are becoming more frequent;
  • the baby's sweat acquires a sour smell, it irritates the skin and the baby begins to rub his head on the pillow, which causes baldness at the back of the head;
  • anxiety and increased excitability appeared. The baby flinches even at a low sound or bright light, his sleep becomes disturbing.

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis. And to avoid rickets, you need to take your child for walks more often, since vitamin D, which prevents this condition, is formed in the skin itself under the influence of sunlight. Proper, nutritious nutrition and exercise play an important role.

Nervous system malfunctions

The second most common cause of excessive sweating is diseases of the nervous system.:

  • the baby sweats for no apparent reason, sometimes very much;
  • only certain places or unpaired parts of the body sweat, for example, only one palm or only the forehead;
  • a sweaty child smells unpleasant and pungent;
  • the sweat changed its consistency: it became thick, sticky or, conversely, very liquid and abundant.

Even one such sign is enough to show the baby to a neurologist.


The third dangerous reason is hereditary diseases. With such diseases, all organs that secrete secretions are usually affected, and this is not only sweat, but also saliva, glands that produce mucus, and digestive juices.

For example, with cystic fibrosis, the most common disease among all hereditary pathologies, it is very important feature is a change in the composition of sweat. Since it contains several times higher sodium and chlorine content, when kissing, parents notice the salty taste of the child’s skin, and if you look closely, you can even see salt crystals on it.

And the sweat of a baby with phenylketonuria has a peculiar musty smell, it is also called “mouse smell”.

Often, excessive sweating in a child causes concern for parents. And sometimes it is completely justified. In most cases, the active work of the sweat glands in the younger generation is a completely normal process. But in some cases this is a sure sign of a pathological process in the body. So how can you distinguish normal sweating from that caused by certain diseases and malfunctions in the body? Why a child sweats more than normal, and what this may be connected with, we will try to figure this out further.

Why does a child sweat a lot?

Excessive sweating in a child is a fairly common phenomenon. In most cases, it is caused by the physiological characteristics of a growing organism. For example, Small child may sweat too much due to improper care. In this case, you just need to bathe him more often. Sweat glands develop in a baby throughout the first month of life. But they begin to work fully only in the fifth or sixth month of life. Until then, they are just developing, because sweating directly depends on the temperature and humidity of the environment.

Often the cause of excessive sweating in a child is simple overheating during night sleep. This happens when he sleeps under a thick blanket. Or during hypothermia, the blood vessels narrow sharply, and the baby freezes. As they expand, excessive sweating occurs.

But there are more serious reasons for excessive sweating in a child. These are various inflammatory processes, pathologies, diseases. This phenomenon is called hyperhidrosis.

Important: experts distinguish between two types of hyperhidrosis in children: local and diffuse. Increased sweating in adolescents and children, related to specific areas of the body, is called local. Diffuse hyperhidrosis is a condition in which the whole body sweats, it is this that signals serious problems in organism.

reading information

Hyperhidrosis: a sign of a painful condition in the body

Hyperhidrosis is one of the signs of an infectious disease in a child

Excessive sweating in children can occur due to many factors:

  • vitamin deficiency and lack of certain microelements;
  • infection or virus in the body;
  • inflammatory process;
  • genetic diseases that result in increased sweating in a child during sleep;
  • Hyperhidrosis in adolescents is a common phenomenon caused by hormonal surges.

Important: parents can treat some of the causes of hyperhidrosis on their own. For example, increased sweating due to ARVI. But there are also diseases that you cannot cope with on your own. Therefore, if you have hyperhidrosis in children, you should consult a doctor to identify the cause of this phenomenon.

High room temperature is one of the causes of hyperhidrosis

Infection as a cause of hyperhidrosis

Excessive sweating in adolescents and children occurs due to an existing infection in the body, or during the post-infection period. This phenomenon can also be felt by adults. Excessive sweating is the cause of weakening of the body caused by an increase in temperature and its sharp decrease. The most common infectious diseases that cause increased sweating in a child:

  • OTRV;
  • angina;
  • flu.

This condition also occurs after recovery, since the body requires some time to fully recover.

Important: prolonged heavy sweating during sleep is often a sign of infectious tuberculosis in children. In this case, you should consult a doctor for a full examination.

Vitamin deficiency and lack of microelements in the body, poor nutrition

Hyperhidrosis is one of the consequences of rickets. It occurs due to a lack of vitamin D. In this case, increased sweating of the child’s head is observed. For teenagers, this problem may be relevant due to a lack of calcium.

Use large quantity sugar leads to dysbiosis, as a result of which hyperhidrosis is also often observed. In this case, you should gradually reduce your consumption of sweets and increase the fiber content in your food.

Often, only the baby’s legs, head and arms sweat. These are signs of local hyperhidrosis

Chronic diseases

Often, diseases of the nasopharynx are the cause of hyperhidrosis in children, the treatment of which requires a serious approach. It could also be:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • renal, cardiac, liver failure;
  • disorders of the autonomic system.
  • genetic diseases.

Warm baths with medicinal herbs help reduce sweating in a child. However, the problem should be dealt with from the inside if any disturbances are observed in the body.

Improper care as a consequence of hyperhidrosis

Often parents themselves create the conditions for hyperhidrosis. For example, they dress their children too warmly, including at night. As a result, the child sweats. The reason may also be heat in the room. For infants, the optimal room temperature is 20-22 degrees, for older children - 18-20. The children's room, just like the entire apartment, should be regularly ventilated.

Factors of improper care include the following:

  • clothing that is too warm when walking;
  • overwork, irregular nutrition and unregulated daily routine;
  • rare bathing;
  • lack of sleep.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis in children

Treatment should begin with diagnosis. If inflammatory processes are observed in the body, or any other cause of excessive sweating in a child, measures must be taken to eliminate it.

But in general, the following treatment methods can be distinguished:

  • avoiding overwork;
  • healthy diet;
  • frequent exposure to fresh air;
  • physical exercises, hardening;
  • maintaining personal hygiene.

In conclusion, we can say that excessive sweating in a child is often a normal physiological condition. But if it is observed constantly and causes significant inconvenience to the baby, you should consult a doctor to diagnose and subsequently eliminate this problem.

Many parents worry about their little child sweating a lot.

In general, such concern is justified, since sweating can be the result of any disease, metabolic disorder, or even psychological disorder. However, increased sweating may be a purely physiological manifestation that has nothing to do with pathologies.

In order not to worry unnecessarily, it is useful for parents to know why the child sweats. In addition, it is important to be able to properly deal with sweating in children.

Why do people need sweat?

Reflex sweating in humans begins almost from the moment of birth. This is the body's protective reaction to overheating. Sweat, once on the surface of the skin, evaporates and cools the body.

Sweat production is controlled by special receptors on the surface of the skin. When the ambient temperature increases above certain values, they give a signal to the sweat glands to produce sweat. At the same time, the body spends a certain amount of energy on this work. As soon as the ambient temperature drops to the required values, the sweat glands stop working.

It turns out that sweat is a tool for thermoregulation of the human body. That is, if a child sweats a lot, then the first thing you need to do is make sure that he is in normal temperature conditions.

What temperature is comfortable for small children?

It is no secret that people tolerate low temperatures much easier than high ones. For this reason, pediatricians insist that parents were not diligent in wrapping small children. And this is even despite the fact that in young children thermoregulation is very poorly developed. Their bodies are unable to properly regulate their internal temperature depending on the state of the environment. The thing is that it is easier for a baby to tolerate coolness than heat.

Instead of constantly wrapping the baby, it is easier to maintain the air temperature in the room within 18 - 22°C. The baby adapts very quickly to this air temperature and feels great.

Harm of hyperhidrosis

Parents should remember that if a child sweats a lot, it can be harmful to his health.

Hyperhidrosis (scientific name for sweating) does not necessarily appear due to any pathologies. Sweating is often associated with the child’s emotional experiences, overheating and nervous tension. Once these factors are eliminated, sweating will disappear.

Pathological hyperhidrosis always appears as a result of some disease. And in these cases, it can become a real problem: when a child sweats a lot, then malfunctions begin in his body. Delicate skin is the first to suffer. In its folds, under the influence of sweat, pockets of irritation appear, which can then turn into diaper rash. Due to the too rapid loss of moisture and salts released through sweat, the baby’s mucous membranes begin to dry out, and problems with digestive system. Dry mucous membranes can cause problems with respiratory system and pain in the abdomen.

Types of hyperhidrosis in children

Sweat glands in children are activated in the first 2 weeks of life. But they begin to function fully only after reaching 5 years of age.

In their normal state, these glands produce sweat, which has no odor. If a faint odor appears, this indicates the development of pathology. After the appearance of ambergris, you should consult a pediatrician.

Exist the following types hyperhidrosis in children:

There is also a diffuse form of excess sweating. With it, sweat is released immediately throughout the baby’s body. This form of hyperhidrosis clearly indicates the presence of pathology.

Causes of hyperhidrosis in children

Causes of sweating in children different ages may be different. In infants, increased sweating can be caused by some factors, and in older children by others.

Why do children under 1 year of age sweat excessively?

Newborns most often sweat due to the peculiarities of metabolic processes in the body and thermoregulation settings. Sweating in infants– in most cases this is normal. Once the sweat glands begin to function normally, hyperhidrosis goes away.

However, sweating in a baby under the age of one year can be caused by various somatic pathologies, viral diseases, and infections that he received during intrauterine development.

Often the cause of hyperhidrosis in children under 2 months becomes rickets. However, it is not difficult to determine why such sweating appeared, since it is accompanied by obvious signs of the underlying disease.

Sweating during rickets manifests itself as follows:

Why do children aged 2-3 years sweat excessively?

In two-year-old children, hyperhidrosis most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • Clothes are too warm.
  • The room where the baby is is hot.
  • Uncomfortable shoes.
  • Excess weight.
  • Lymphatic diathesis.
  • Various colds.

Do not forget that at this age children can sweat a lot due to overwork, intense anxiety and insufficient sleep. Therefore, before taking any action, you need to find out the cause of excess sweating. And this can certainly only be done by seeking help from medical specialists.

Why do children between 4 and 7 years old sweat excessively?

There are many reasons that cause excessive sweating in children at this age. The most common of them are:

  • Lymphatic diathesis.
  • ARVI.
  • Bronchitis.

In general, hyperhidrosis at this age can be a consequence of various pathologies of body systems. Parents cannot identify these pathologies on their own. Therefore the only thing correct behavior– seeking help from medical specialists.

Why do children aged 8–9 years sweat excessively?

With the children of this age group everything is a little more complicated. They often experience severe sweating due to that the body begins hormonal changes. Simply put, it prepares for the hormonal changes of adolescence.

During this period, children are very excitable and any changes in the social environment lead to problems in nervous system, which, in turn, is highly likely to provoke hyperhidrosis.

Also Excessive sweating in a child aged 8 - 9 years can be caused by:

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Excessive production of hormones by the thyroid gland.
  • Manifested by hereditary pathologies.
  • Taking medications.

It is worth noting that with increased sweating caused by hereditary factors, sweat has specific characteristics: a pungent odor, abundance, stickiness and increased density.

If hyperhidrosis is caused by heredity, then all organs that secrete secretions begin to suffer due to sweating.

Excessive sweating in adolescence

According to doctors, Excessive sweating is almost normal in teenagers. Sweat at this age appears due to hormonal changes in the body.

During this period of development, parents should focus on teaching their teenager the rules of personal hygiene. He should be trained to use deodorant and depilate his armpits.

It would be useful to take the teenager to an appointment with an endocrinologist for preventive purposes in order to exclude possible pathologies that provoke hyperhidrosis.


As is known, effective treatment cannot be prescribed without an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, if you suspect the presence of any pathology that provokes hyperhidrosis, you need to have your baby examined by a doctor.

To get a complete picture of the baby’s condition Doctors most often conduct the following tests:

If necessary, medical specialists can prescribe additional research methods and involve other specialists to make an accurate diagnosis.


Most often, hyperhidrosis goes away immediately after the problem that caused it is eliminated. Therefore, the treatment of this pathology is different for each person, but there are methods to minimize the external manifestations of hyperhidrosis. This is about proper care for the child:

  • You need to use special antiperspirants that contain aluminum chloride. They are needed to suppress bacteria that contribute to the appearance of a pungent odor. But you should remember that they cannot be used in the summer.
  • You can use baths with decoctions of oak bark, chamomile and string.
  • Doctors often prescribe iontophoresis for young patients.
  • More attention should be paid to hygiene procedures: use antibacterial soap in the shower; change your underwear more often; To treat the body, use special powders and ointments against sweating.
  • Create a proper diet that excludes harmful foods.
  • Give your baby immunomodulators and vitamins.
  • Walk outdoors more often.

Preventive measures

To prevent the problem of excessive sweating The following preventive measures will help:


If a small child sweats a lot, then there is no need to self-medicate or worry ahead of time. Maybe, increased sweating is a consequence of normal physiology. In any case, you need to show the baby to a specialist and he will find out why he is sweating. The pediatrician will tell you what to do to get rid of hyperhidrosis.