Location of massage lines on the face and neck: diagram, main directions of massage. How to use massage lines in home care Massage using massage lines

As we age, we try to pay more attention to our face. Small wrinkles appear on it, and the contour takes on a fuzzy outline. Creams and masks used systematically help to cope with the problem. And a diagram of facial massage lines will help make their application as effective as possible.

Main aspects

Cosmetologists assure that by studying a number of actions and their sequence, every woman will be able to carry out such a procedure independently. Within a week, clear results will be noticeable:

  1. This massage helps to relax all tense muscles and brings a lot of pleasure from the process itself.
  2. Having studied the technique of correct acupressure, with its help you can establish most functions in your body.
  3. The skin is noticeably tightened, in the right direction and in the right places, a flabby chin disappears, and the oval of the face is leveled.
  4. Metabolism in cells improves due to better blood circulation in the area. This helps to quickly clear the skin of pimples and inflammation.
  5. A general improvement in tone allows you to significantly slow down the process of trying, get rid of age spots, swelling and other age-related imperfections.

Parsing by lines

Specialists know that any procedure requires a clear direction of movements, which will involve all massage lines of the face and neck. Their scheme consists of a number of sections, each of which requires a special approach.

  • chin,
  • cheeks,
  • upper part of the eyes

By correctly following the application pattern, you can direct the skin in the desired direction and avoid excessive stretching.

Right direction

The scheme will do any cosmetic procedure several times more effective. The latter is carried out in the following directions:

The movement begins in the chin area and runs along the massage lines up and to the sides;

The neck is definitely involved, which is one of the first to begin to show real age;

From the chin, lip area and nose, the lines diverge to the earlobes;

The bridge of the nose is massaged along, Special attention is given to the area between the eyebrows, where the first wrinkles often form;

In the forehead area, the lines go to the temples and upward.

Careful study of the right directions will help you achieve better results and improve your work internal organs and ensure the supply of the required amount of oxygen to the cells.

The art of massage

There are many varieties of this process. Moisturizing is necessary for recovery, drainage promotes high-quality removal of toxins, massage with glycolic acid exfoliates well, and thanks to deep cleansing you can quickly get rid of blackheads. All of them use massage lines of the face and neck. A detailed scheme of such a procedure is known to every specialist in a beauty salon.

  • Before starting the procedure, the specialist will definitely conduct a consultation, find out all the client’s wishes, select the massage option he needs, and conduct an allergy test for the components included in the products used.
  • Followed by deep cleaning this area using a gentle scrub, steam bath or a hot compress with herbs.
  • The client is placed in a comfortable chair for complete relaxation; any type of massage involves complete relaxation and enjoyment of the process.

The choice of a specialist should be approached strictly individually, always taking into account his work experience. Salon massage should be performed at least once a month.

Ultrasound massage

To enhance the effect of the procedure, cosmetologists often use additional means - mechanical and hardware, during the use of which all facial massage lines are involved (diagram). The ultrasonic massager is now the most widely used. The essence of its action lies in the directed work of ultrasonic waves, which have the most positive effect on appearance skin, eliminating inflammation and minor defects on it. For perfect results this procedure It is recommended to do it every other day. It is absolutely painless, suitable for all skin types and is very popular with women.

Home massage

If the pattern of facial massage lines has been well studied, a similar procedure can be carried out at home, and a mesoscooter can be used as an effective additional means. For such purposes, a device with a maximum needle length of up to one millimeter is recommended. They create microscopic punctures in the skin, helping to accelerate its regeneration processes.

  • Wrinkles are smoothed out.
  • Skin nutrition and hydration improves.
  • An auxiliary network of capillaries is formed, improving blood flow.
  • The skin becomes firmer and the overall complexion is evened out.

In addition, such punctures affect certain points of the face, positively affecting nervous system and the work of internal organs. The absorption of cosmetics applied to facial massage lines improves. The scheme for the mesoscooter is completely consistent with other types of massage and excludes only the impact on the lower area around the eyes.

Techniques and techniques

The procedure is recommended to be performed daily before bed. A diagram of facial massage lines will help you do it as efficiently as possible, and the whole process will take no more than fifteen minutes. Experts recommend that you combine it with proper nutrition, then the results will not keep you waiting. The most commonly used techniques for its implementation are:

  • tonic - quite energetic, includes pinching and patting;
  • relaxing - involves complete relaxation and light stroking movements, for which you can additionally use your favorite moisturizer, which ensures gentle action;

Techniques can be combined, starting the procedure with stroking and gradually moving to more active actions - strong and intense, each of which leads to a separate result:

  • light pats with the flat of the palm strengthen the skin, make it dense and elastic;
  • tapping your knuckles tones and has a positive effect on the functioning of nerve endings;
  • pinches compact upper layer skin, allow you to get rid of unclear contours and a flabby chin.

A very important aspect in all respects are facial massage lines. Scheme for applying cream, masks and others useful components depends entirely on their location. In order for the substances to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, cosmetologists recommend strictly adhering to movements along the lines. This does not mean that the cream will not work if simply applied, but this will maximize its benefits.

  • try to choose only natural products, which do not contain parabens or petroleum products, you can use homemade products from several types of oils (basic and essential);
  • actions should be energetic, but soft, not damaging the skin, but only tone it - a good result will be obtained from complex procedures, including contrast washing and high-quality facial moisturizing.

The skin of the face is most susceptible to harmful external influences compared to other parts of the body. Therefore, you should know the directions of the massage lines in order to tighten the contours of the face and make wrinkles less noticeable.

There are several aspects that many cosmetologists know about the advantages of this procedure:

  1. Facial skin massage improves blood microcirculation and outflow of stagnant lymph.
  2. Muscle relaxation after being stressed.
  3. Positive influence massage for the first processes of aging, the appearance of age spots, acne, improvement of complexion and treatment of edema.
  4. Providing oxygen to cells skin and improved metabolism.
  5. Elimination of sagging skin, double chin, tightening the oval of the face.
  6. Spot impact on certain areas will help stimulate the functioning of internal organs.
  7. Relaxation therapy both for the face and for the state of mind.

Only proper facial massage will have a beneficial effect on the skin and relieve many harmful external factors.


When performing cosmetic procedures, such as cleansing and moisturizing, strictly follow certain lines. Such lines are called massage lines; they have the least effect, which stretches the skin.

If you follow this massage correctly, you can avoid many undesirable consequences such as sagging skin, fine wrinkles and restore a healthy complexion.

However, not everyone knows about the existence of facial line massage techniques. Due to non-compliance with the rules, the risk of aggravation increases existing problems. The skin of the face becomes swollen, covered with a network of wrinkles, the natural oval of the face is “lost” and the skin sags.

Facial massage lines are divided into specific areas:

  • chin;
  • cheeks;
  • eyelids and eyes;

In addition to these main lines, there are others, such as the cervical lines. But often, women forget to take care of this part, and in vain. After all, the skin of the neck can most accurately determine the age of the female part of the population.

Direction of lines

The skin stretches unevenly in different directions, so you should follow the massage technique quite accurately to prevent skin sagging.

There are several directions of lines for facial massage:

  1. Massage starts at the base of the neck and extends up to the chin.
  2. From the middle of the chin on both sides of the face and up to the earlobes.
  3. From the middle part upper lip and to the tops of the ears.
  4. From the bridge of the nose along the back of the nose and to the very tip.
  5. From the middle of the forehead to the temples.
  6. Eye area warms up with circular movements.
  7. With light pinches from the eyebrow area to the bridge of the nose and temples.

You can follow these directions of the skin not only when performing a massage, but also during any cosmetic manipulation (applying cream or scrubbing).

In addition to the existing lines, there are also massage points. Massaging them regularly improves blood and lymph flow, which ensures stable functioning of internal organs and oxygen flow to cells.


When performing a massage, you need to know all the basic rules for safe and high-quality implementation. After all, massage is designed to relax the body, calm the soul and deliver maximum benefits.

Basic rules for facial massage:

  1. Consultation with a specialist before self-massage.
  2. Before the procedure You should cleanse your face of dead skin particles to open up your pores. This will make the massage effective. To cleanse the skin, you can use a hot compress or take a steam bath.
  3. Comfortable body position will make the procedure not only useful, but also enjoyable. If you perform the massage yourself at home, you can sit on a gymnastic ball to reduce the load on your back and joints. This position will have a beneficial effect on all muscle groups and will help make the massage last longer.
  4. Testing emollient cream on the bend of the elbow to prevent an allergic reaction.
  5. Collecting hair in a bun or under a special bandage so that there is no interference during the procedure.
  6. Thorough hand cleaning before the massage will prevent infection from entering the pores. Hand washing with a bactericidal agent is suitable.
  7. Regularity self-massage at home. It can be performed every day for 5-15 minutes, or in a 10-day course once a month.

Strict adherence to massage techniques will eliminate complications after the procedure and improve the condition of the skin.

Basic Techniques

Massage is a complex of mechanical movements that vary in strength and depth of impact:

  • pinching;
  • patting;
  • pressing;
  • rubbing;
  • kneading;

They affect all skin receptors. The effect of massage can be general and local.

During massage, the skin of the face turns red, warms up, metabolism increases, gas exchange improves, the work of sweat and sebaceous glands.

Facial massage techniques for a specific area are comprised of 3 techniques:

  1. Necessary put 3 fingers together and follow the line with light striking movements.
  2. Further followed by light pressing pressure.
  3. Finally, it is necessary to follow the frequent tapping of the fingers towards the top strictly along the line.

Each technique needs to be practiced about 2-3 times in a cycle.

This may seem complicated and difficult to remember, but after several sessions of the procedure, the fingers themselves will remember all the basic movements.

You can involve a friend in this process, so you can more effectively remember and repeat the movements. So, you can perform the massage one at a time and give your hands a break out of habit.

The session can be carried out in a sitting position (throw your head back) or lying down (first place a cushion under your neck).


The self-massage procedure should begin from the neck:

  1. Tapping with fingers (3 times).
  2. Circular light pressure(3 times).
  3. "Finger shower"
  4. Stroking movements upward, in the direction of the line.
  5. Alternately with the fingers of the right and left hands knead both sides of the neck from bottom to top several times.
  6. Finish the massage with light sliding movements from bottom to top.

Chin area:

  1. Massage movements from the bottom of the chin, along the contour line of the face and to the earlobes.
  2. From the middle of the chin and up to the earlobes, repeat as the previous cycle.

Area above the upper lip:

  1. Middle fingers massage from the middle part to the corners of the lip, then with 2 fingers (tapping, pressing) massage the line from bottom to top;
  2. End of the cycle a – pressing in the corners of the lips.

Area of ​​expression wrinkles:

  1. Middle fingers walk along the nasolabial folds (pressing, tapping and vibration about 3 times).
  2. End of cycle– pressing along the folds from the lips to the nose, from bottom to top.
  1. Pressing movements make a rounded motion with your middle fingers - kneading the wings of the nose: from bottom to tip.
  2. Light pats(up and down, 2 times).
  3. End of cycle– smoothing with the tips of all fingers from bottom to top.

Cheek area:

  1. Apply pressure along the jawline along the contour of the face and up to the earlobes with 4 fingers of both hands.
  2. The surface of both palms Knead from the cheeks and warm up towards the ears.
  3. After warming up the skin perform tapping, pressing, “finger shower” from the bottom of the face along the middle and upper parts, without touching the skin under the eyelids.
  4. At the end of these cycles perform pressing at the earlobes, center auricle and at the temples.

Areas of skin around the eyes:

  1. Movements are carried out, starting from the inner corners of the eyes to the outer ones, using circular tapping, tapping and vibration.
  2. Kneading the crow's feet area(pressure, vibration) – 4 up and the same amount down. If there are deep wrinkles, it should be repeated several more times.
  3. End this cycle you need to start with stroking: combine your middle and index fingers and apply them to the inner corners of your closed eyes. Hold this position for 3 seconds.
  4. Use your fingers to draw a line from the upper eyelids to the outer corners, hold the position for 3 seconds. Next, from the outer corners of the eyelids, use light sliding movements along the lower eyelids, stop at the inner corners of the eyes, and also linger. This exercise will help relax your muscles.

Bridge of nose and forehead:

  1. Alternately, from the back of the nose, across the bridge of the nose and to the hairline, move the index fingers of both hands (9 times).
  2. Same movement fingers from the back of the nose to the hairline, then from the border of the hair to the temples.
  3. Palm surface press on the forehead, perform 3-4 times.
  4. Changing the palms of both hands move from the eyebrows to the hairline of the head, stroking movements.
  5. Perform effleurage three fingers of both hands from the middle of the forehead to the temples, followed by rubbing and a “finger shower”.
  6. End of cycle kneading with both palms from the bridge of the nose to the hairline.

Face oval:

  1. To prevent the formation of a double chin, necessary back sides use both hands to make “mill” movements, starting from the middle and moving to the right, then with continuous movements to the left.
  2. Massage and knead from the hollow of the chin to the earlobes.

End of the massage:

  1. Alternation all mechanical movements during facial massage (2-3 times).
  2. End of the massage– warm palms clasp your face, fingertips are on the eyelids. Relax and feel warm.


In addition to the beneficial effects, the massage procedure can also have an adverse effect on the human body. Therefore, before starting a massage course, it is important to familiarize yourself with all contraindications from a specialist and identify your personal tolerance to cosmetical tools and the presence of diseases.

TO negative factors Facial massages include:

  1. Presence on skin small red vessels that merge into a mesh.
  2. Pustular lesions.
  3. Minor abrasions and other damage to the skin (dermatitis, allergies).
  4. Viral diseases(herpes).
  5. Intolerance person for a cosmetic massage.
  6. Any acute condition body.
  7. Unstable intracranial pressure(downgrade).
  8. Oncological diseases.
  9. All types of blood diseases.

The skin has the ability to stretch, but not in all directions equally. Massage lines- these are the directions of least stretching of the skin. All movements of your hands on your face - whether you apply cream, mask, remove makeup or wash your face - should be done along massage lines.

Treat your skin as gently as possible. Rough touches can stretch the skin and make it flabby.

Facial massage lines:

  • From the center of the chin to the earlobes;
  • From the corners of the mouth to the tragus (middle of the ear);
  • From the wings of the nose to the temples;
  • Nasal fold: from bottom to top to the tip of the nose;
  • Along the back of the nose: from the tip of the nose upward;
  • From the center of the forehead to the temples.

Massage lines of the neck and décolleté:

  • From the center of the chest to the clavicular area;
  • Along the front surface of the neck from bottom to top;
  • Along the sides of the neck from top to bottom.

Basic rules for facial skin care

  1. Use cosmetics according to your skin type and condition

  2. Your daily morning and evening facial skin care routine should include:
    superficial cleansing of the skin and makeup removal of the face and eyelids; toning with tonics and lotions;
    the use of creams and superactives that nourish, moisturize, restore and protect the skin.
  3. 2-3 times a week, perform intensive skin care with deep cleansing and the use of masks.
  4. Apply cosmetics in the direction of the facial massage lines (see diagrams in the photo).

1. If you are sure that you are applying the cream to the skin around your eyes correctly, you don’t have to read this paragraph. We remind the rest: care products should never be overused. A lot does not mean “much better”; on the contrary, there is a risk of causing irritation due to an overdose.

2. Apply creams (as well as wash your face) strictly along the skin lines, using light tangential movements or gently patting the skin with your fingers from the outer corner towards the bridge of the nose. There is no need to wipe the skin. It is better to apply the cream when it is damp.

By the way, those who practice facial massage along these lines achieve amazing results.

Massage lines for the face and décolleté

Let's start with the forehead:

Let's mentally divide it into two equal parts, starting from the vertical line between the bridge of the nose and the growth line of the vertical line between the bridge of the nose and the hairline.

Apply the cream with light stroking movements, starting from the lower end of the line, as if rubbing it towards the temples.

We gradually move up, completing the procedure. We “smear” the nose from top to bottom, then along the wings, without touching the cheeks and nasolabial folds.

We process the cheeks, starting from the areas of the nose with gradual advancement to the cheekbones. You can use all four fingers.

Chin - from right to left.

Nasolabial fold - from right to left.

The area around the eyes is a special topic. If you abuse the wrong application of even the most the best cream, then the effect will be exactly the opposite of what was expected: swelling and bags are guaranteed.

Firstly, the cream is applied with the ring finger, since it is the weakest and “non-working”. Secondly, the movements should be barely noticeable. Thirdly, the cream is applied not from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, as many people do, but, on the contrary, from the outer corner to the inner.

Self-massage- this is one of the most useful cosmetic procedures, with the help of which girls and women can keep their skin young, elastic and toned for a long time.

Daily massage of the face and neck has a beneficial effect on the skin, muscles and blood vessels.
If you have never given yourself a massage, then it is better to do the massage for the first time or the next few times in front of a mirror, sitting on a chair. A straight back should rest on the back of the chair, shoulders straightened. Before performing a massage, you need to remove hair from your face so that it does not interfere during the massage. The skin of the face needs to be cleansed, and moisturizer should be applied to still damp skin. To make your fingers glide better, put a few drops on them. vegetable oil. And after the massage you can apply nutritious cream. We perform all actions with both hands, preferably synchronously on both sides.

There are certain massage lines face and neck, on which the massage is performed, it is worth noting that all cosmetics are applied according to the same rules.
Let's take a closer look at these lines:

1 massage line - from the chin to the earlobes;
2 massage line - from the corners of the lips to the middle of the ear;
3 massage line - from the wings of the nose to the upper tip of the ear;
4 massage line - from the middle of the nose to the temples;
5 massage line - along the back of the nose from the tip to the bridge of the nose, from the back of the nose to the wings of the nose;
6 massage line - along the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, and vice versa along the lower eyelid;
7 massage line - first from the middle of the forehead to the temples, and then from the eyebrow line to the hairline (that is, vertically upward);
8 massage line - these lines touch the neck, on the front surface of the neck we massage from bottom to top, and on the side surface - from top to bottom.

So, all movements are only along the massage lines and we try to lightly press the skin, but in no case stretch it. All self-massage movements are performed in three stages. Place the index, middle and ring fingers of each hand together. First stage - light rocking along the massage lines with your fingertips. Second stage - light patting with pressure with fingertips. Third stage - vibration movements along massage lines (with fingertips).
We work around the eyes only with the ring fingers, these are the weakest fingers of our hands, so it is with them that we make light tapping movements around the eyes, in the direction of the massage lines.
Pay special attention to the fact that despite the enormous benefits that self-massage brings, it is still contraindicated for some ladies! Contraindications are a predisposition to vasodilation, as well as various inflammations and skin diseases, such as sunburn, inflamed purulent acne.
Daily self-massage for 15-20 minutes for 1.5 - 2 months can significantly improve the condition of the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles, strengthen the facial muscles, and increase skin tone. Then you can massage 2-3 times a week.

Immediately after performing the exercises, you should apply a thin layer of the recommended cream, as this will allow it to be absorbed into the skin much faster and, therefore, increase the effectiveness of the care.

*Place your index fingers on your eyebrows, pressing them tightly against the bone. Try to wrinkle your forehead while counteracting with your fingers. Hold the tension for 5-8 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10-12 times.
*Index fingers on the eyebrows, pressed tightly to the bone. Try to frown your eyebrows by counteracting with your fingers. Hold the tension for 5-8 seconds, then relax.
*Index fingers fix the skin at the outer corner of the eyebrow, pressing on the bone. Slowly close your eyelids, feeling the tension in your skin. Keep your eyelids closed for 4-5 seconds, then open your eyes. Repeat 6-8 times.
*Press your fingers to the ends of your eyebrows and slightly pull the skin towards your temples. In this position, blink your eyes quickly several times, then relax. Repeat 6-8 times.
*Open your eyelids wide, holding for 5-6 seconds. Then close your eyelids tightly (do not squint), also holding for 5-6 seconds. Repeat 6-8 times.
*Inflate one cheek as much as possible, holding the tension for 5 seconds, then roll the air behind the other cheek, holding the tension for 5 seconds. Exhale sharply. Repeat this 6-8 times.
*Take a deep breath through your nose. Exhale with sharp, short bursts through the left corner of your mouth (the right corner is closed). Exhale next through the right corner of your mouth. Repeat this 6-8 times.
*Press your index fingers firmly to your lips. Try to pull them out with your proboscis, overcoming the resistance of your fingers. Hold the tension for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 6-8 times.
*Silently chants the sounds “o-u-i-yu.” Repeat 8-10 times.
*Tilt your head back as much as possible. Move your lower jaw forward, holding the tension for 5-6 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10-12 times.
Try to touch the tip of your tongue to your nose. Repeat 6-8 times.
*Rest your chin on your closed palms. Try to open your mouth, overcoming the resistance of your hands. At the moment of greatest tension, count to 5, then relax. Repeat 8-10 times.
*Tighten your lower lip, while pulling the corners of your mouth down. At the same time, there is tension in the subcutaneous muscle of the neck. Hold the tension for 5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 5 times.
*Maximum turns of the head to the right and left with fixation of the position at the extreme points of the amplitudes for 2-3 seconds. Repeat 5-6 times in each direction.
*Tilt the head with maximum tension to the right and left, forward and backward. Performed with smooth, stretching movements, stopping for 2-3 seconds at the extreme points of the amplitude. Repeat the cycle of movements 3 times.

Performing this complex daily for 15-20 minutes for 6-8 weeks can significantly strengthen muscles, smooth out wrinkles, and increase skin tone. Then, to maintain the achieved result, it is enough to perform the entire complex 2 times a week. If it is not possible to perform the entire complex or you want to achieve results much earlier, perform individual exercises during the day as soon as the opportunity arises.
When caring for your face, you should never forget about your neck. It's never too early and never too late to start taking care of your neck. She, like the open part of the chest, needs to be given close attention.
The skin of the neck is very delicate and sensitive, and if you do not take care of it, the first premature wrinkles may appear as early as 25 years of age. This is due to the fact that there is almost no fatty tissue on the neck, and its muscles weaken faster than the muscles of the face and other parts of the body. It's very thin skin, blood circulates more slowly, which means the skin is less nourished, ages faster, and loses elasticity. We must also remember that the skin of the neck can be either normal or dry, since there are no sebaceous glands.
The habit of sleeping on a high pillow, reading while lying down, and keeping your head down leads to the early appearance of transverse wrinkles. By constantly remembering this and controlling the position of your head, you can somewhat prevent the appearance of wrinkles. However, it is possible to prevent sagging neck skin only through constant care.
The skin of the neck, like the face, needs daily cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing and protection. Regular exercise and self-massage will also be helpful.

*Directions of movements on the front surface - from bottom to top, from the collarbones to the chin;
*Movements along the lateral and back surfaces of the neck - from top to bottom.
*At the same time, “beat” the chin with the backs of your palms.

Gymnastics for the neck
Very simple exercises for the neck can be done in the morning before breakfast or while sitting at work. Each exercise must be repeated 3-4 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 10-12 times.

*Sitting at the table (elbows on the table), rest your chin on your fists. Bend your head forward, overcoming strong resistance from your hands and straining all the muscles of your neck.
*Tilt your head left and right, “preventing” head movements with your hands, placing them on your temples.
*Tilt your head back, resisting with your hands clasped at the back of your head.
*Lower the corners of your mouth (mask of “contempt”) and tense your neck muscles.
*Stretch your lips with a tube and, tensing your neck muscles and strongly articulating, pronounce the sounds “o - u - i - a - s”.
*Take a juice straw (or pencil) between your teeth and, stretching your chin forward, “write” the numbers “1, 3, 8, 10” in the air.

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Science has known for quite some time about the existence of such a substance as collagen. These are protein threads present in connective tissue, namely in the intercellular substance. Collagen provides firmness and elasticity to fibers. This substance forms peculiar bundles. Langer lines are located in their direction.

History of discovery and subsequent research

In 1861, the scientist Langer published his work “On the anatomy and physiology of the skin. On the splitting of the skin." It was in it that he described the presence of conditionally drawn lines on the surface of the skin, along which it is most extensible.

Langer studied the properties of skin, such as elasticity, and noticed that skin is more stretchable in some directions than in others. He associated this phenomenon with the placement of collagen bundles under the skin in these places. He stated that in different places of the body, elastic fibers have different directions.

Along the Langer lines (cleavage lines) the strength of the skin is much higher. The scientist established this experimentally, using skin on corpses. In our time, researchers have tried to provide more accurate data about this phenomenon by doing experiments on animal skin. Of course, animal skin is significantly different from human skin. Therefore, the information obtained in this way left many questions.

Scientists at University College Dublin in Ireland and Professor Aisling Ni Annaidh personally tried to obtain accurate information. To conduct research, they needed about fifty-six skin fragments (taken from cadaveric material).

These studies confirmed Langer's hypotheses, but the question of the origin of this phenomenon remained open. This is probably simply a matter of the forces that act when attaching the skin to the body, but it could also be an anatomical phenomenon. That is, it is possible that the skin itself has hidden structures that form Langer's lines.

The main conclusion from all the studies of this phenomenon can be the fact that the existence of Langer lines simply needs to be taken into account by many specialists in different fields. From surgery to cosmetology, for a more effective effect on the skin you need to know the specifics of Langer's lines.

Langer lines on the face

To reduce the consequences after surgery, including plastic ones, as well as for more effective work of a cosmetologist, it is necessary to know where exactly the Langer lines are located on the face.

These lines on the face are located as follows:

  1. Along the line from the chin to the earlobes.
  2. From the corners of the lips to the middle of the ears.
  3. From the wings of the nose to the upper tips of the ears.
  4. From the middle of the nose to the temples.
  5. On the nose: from the tip of the nose to the bridge of the nose along the back and from the back of the nose to the wings.
  6. Upper eyelid: in a semicircle from the inner corner of the eyelid to the outer.
  7. Lower eyelid: in a semicircle from the outer corner of the eyelid to the inner.
  8. Forehead: from the middle of the forehead to the temples; from the eyebrow line vertically upward to the hairline.
  9. Neck: The front surface of the neck has an arrangement of fibers from bottom to top, while the side surface has fibers from top to bottom.

It is not so difficult to remember the location of these lines, but they should definitely be taken into account when cleansing your face and removing makeup, and even when applying make-up. These procedures should be carried out strictly in the direction of these lines, avoiding stretching the skin. Applying makeup to the surface of the nose is from the wings vertically to the base of the nose, and starting from the forehead, change the direction towards the temples.

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest and should never be stretched when applying or removing makeup. It is better to rub in the products with patting movements, and remove makeup with circular massage movements. Applying cosmetics to the face should occur along stretch lines, which will keep the skin more elastic. Proper care prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Langer lines on the body and head

It is obvious that collagen bundles are located in a certain direction not only on the face, but throughout the body. For a better understanding, you should consider the drawing.

Langer's lines on the body are usually located in places where the skin naturally folds, since they are directed perpendicular to the muscles so that when the muscles are tense, the collagen bundles are not damaged. As we can see, Langer's lines are located horizontally on the hands, parallel to each other. Also in the center of the back and on the back of the legs. The lines run parallel to the ribs, bend around the pectoral muscles in front and the shoulder blades in the back. On the buttocks, directed from the center to the edges from bottom to top. On the front of the leg above the knee, the lines are located vertically. All these features are usually taken into account by surgeons during operations, massage therapists and cosmetologists.

When we need to determine the location of Langer's lines in places where there are no natural folds or wrinkles, we can do the following: squeeze an area of ​​skin with your fingers, first along and then across. If skin folds appear, then Langer's lines are located there; if the surface is smooth, this area does not correspond to the direction of the lines.

Langer's lines are located not only on the face, but throughout the head. Their location is important to consider when undergoing hair transplantation, for example.

Langer's lines in the upper half of the forehead are parallel to the hairline.

You, of course, want to look beautiful and, it would seem, you are doing everything for this: you have determined your skin type, selected the necessary creams, lotions, masks, tonics, etc. But, do you know how to properly apply all these necessary cosmetics?

It is not enough to simply carefully distribute the cream or mask over the face; it is important to do this along the massage lines. What it is? Let's figure it out now.

What are facial massage lines

These are the names of the directions along the vectors of which the skin is subject to the least stretching. With proper skin care, doing homework cosmetic procedures It is extremely important to follow these directions. It doesn’t matter what exactly you do: apply a cream or mask, cleanse the skin with lotion or tonic, perform a self-massage of the face - in any case this must be done along massage lines.

This is the only way your skin will not experience stress as a result of improper mechanical action on it, only this way will it maintain its elasticity and avoid the premature appearance of wrinkles.

Where are the facial massage lines or how to apply the cream correctly ( mask) on the face, forehead and neck

  • neck: in the central part - from bottom to top, on the sides - from top to bottom;
  • chin: from the center to the cheekbones and further to the earlobes;
  • cheeks: from the corners of the lips - to the middle of the ear, from the center of the upper lip - to the top of the ear;
  • how to apply eye cream: in a circle – inner corner of the eye, upper eyelid, outer corner of the eye, lower eyelid ( you can alternately change the direction of movement);
  • forehead: from the center to the temples ( slightly angled downwards);
  • nose: from top to bottom along the bridge of the nose and from the bridge of the nose to the cheeks.

It’s not difficult to remember facial massage lines; just look at the picture and repeat it several times in practice. To make the memorization process easier, simply take a photo of the diagram below on your smartphone, then you can quickly use this “cheat sheet” at any time.

Several Yet important points

No rubbing ( rubbing) movements, they lead to the formation of wrinkles, especially around the eyes. Movements should be light sliding or tapping. The process involves two fingers of each hand - the ring and middle ones, and around the eyes you only need to work with the ring fingers.

Of course, there are other ways to work with massage lines, for example, plastic and pinch massages. They are used for problem and aging skin, but it is better not to do them yourself, but to trust professional masters, because the process is much longer and more complex than the simple “classic” method of self-massage.

When performing a facial massage, do not do it “dry”; be sure to use a small amount of cream or oil, after cleansing the skin. The massage is carried out with light strokes, without stretching the skin, along massage lines in the following sequence.