The most interesting New Year traditions in the world. Unusual traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries of the world Before the New Year, traditions of countries

New Year In Russia it is celebrated on the night from December 31 to January 1. Traditionally, it is customary to celebrate it with family and loved ones. Young people prefer noisy parties in clubs. On the eve of the New Year, in the main squares of cities, the fir tree is lit, near which the main...

The Germans celebrate the New Year, as in most countries of the world - on the night from December 31 to January 1. Unlike Slavic countries, in Germany it is not considered family holiday. Instead of a home feast, young people prepare in advance for parties in clubs and bars. The older generation prefers...

The Spaniards, like most peoples of the world, celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1. Unlike Christmas New Year's Eve In this country, it is customary to celebrate not in the family circle, but in large and noisy companies. Residents of Spain gather in the streets and squares, arrange...

New Year in the United States of America is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. This holiday is second in popularity Catholic Christmas(December 25). Unlike Christmas, which is a family celebration, most Americans celebrate New Year's Eve publicly, in the company of friends...

New Year in France is celebrated on the night from December 31 to January 1. The French welcome him among close friends and relatives. They organize home gatherings, go to parties in clubs or restaurants, have fun, sing and dance on the streets of cities in fancy dress. With my heart...

New Year in Italy is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. It has the name "head of the year" (Capodanno), the supper of Saint Sylvester. Italians spend this holiday noisily and cheerfully, in the company of friends in clubs, restaurants or on the streets and squares of cities. On New Year's Eve...

New Year in Great Britain is celebrated on the night from December 31 to January 1. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland it is second in popularity to Christmas. In Scotland, New Year is more loved and celebrated. In this part of the Kingdom it is called Hogmanay. Its celebration lasts for 3 whole days (from December 30 to December 1...

New Year in Finland is celebrated on the night from December 31 to January 1. In the coldest country in Europe, an atmosphere of warmth and fun reigns during the winter holidays. The older generation and large families spend New Year's Eve at home at the festive table. Young people prefer to celebrate the New Year in...

New Year in Ukraine is celebrated on the night from December 31 to January 1. Most people in the country celebrate this holiday with their families. Relatives and friends gather at the festive table, drink champagne, give each other gifts and say wishes for the next year. In anticipation...

New Year is celebrated twice in Kazakhstan. According to European tradition, its offensive is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. In accordance with eastern traditions, it is celebrated on March 21-23 and is called Nauryz Meiramy. New Year January 1 Favorite place to celebrate the New Year...

New Year in Belarus is celebrated on the night from December 31 to January 1. Most residents of the country meet him in the family circle. After midnight, young people go with friends to the main squares of cities, to parties in clubs or restaurants. The older generation prefers to stay at home and watch...

New Year is celebrated twice in Turkey. According to the Gregorian calendar, the year begins on January 1. This celebration is popular in large cities in the southwest of the country and is celebrated in the style of European traditions. According to ancient Turkic custom, the New Year is celebrated on March 21, the day of spring...

India holds the record for the most New Year celebrations in a calendar year. Christians celebrate it on January 1, Muslims - on the first day of the month of Muharram (according to the Islamic calendar). Some residents of the country celebrate it at the end of October - beginning of November, on the day of Diwali....

New Year in Japan is celebrated on the night from December 31 to January 1. The celebration takes a whole week - from December 28 to January 3. The Japanese celebrate the New Year calmly, solemnly, observing traditions and rituals. During the winter holidays, a special atmosphere reigns in the capital of the country. Behind...

New Year is celebrated twice in China. According to European tradition, it is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1 and is called Yuan Dan. Residents of the country celebrate it with their families, modestly and calmly. Since ancient times, it has been customary to celebrate the New Year in China on the second new moon after the winter...

The New Year in Brazil is traditionally celebrated on the night of December 31st to January 1st. Locals call this holiday Confraternização or Reveillon, which means “fraternization.” The participants of the celebration call each other brothers and sisters, hug and...

New Year's celebrations take place in a very exotic way in Australia. Due to the lack of snow, Christmas trees, deer and other usual attributes of the holiday, Father Frost appears in a swimming suit, on a special brightly decorated surfboard on the beaches of Sydney. Moreover, observing the traditions of the Old World, his clothes always include a white beard and a red cap with a pompom at the end.

IN new Year's Eve It is customary for large companies to visit various open-air public places where fireworks take place. A peculiarity of the Australian New Year's celebration is the virtual absence of such celebrations immediately after midnight. Australians wake up at 5-6 in the morning, regardless of weekends or holidays, and go to bed no later than ten in the evening. So New Year's midnight is an exception in itself. But by 00.10 everyone is already in bed.

In Austria It is considered an unwritten commandment to hear the solemn sound of the “Bell of Peace” installed on St. Stephen’s Cathedral on New Year’s Day in Vienna. Thousands of people gather on Cathedral Square on December 31. In the old days, in this country it was considered a good omen to meet a chimney sweep, touch him and get dirty. It was believed that this brings great happiness and good luck. In Austria, for the New Year it is customary to give porcelain or glass pigs, often in the form of a piggy bank. According to local customs, such pigs must certainly bring wealth to the one to whom they are presented.

In Argentina By long tradition On the last day of the outgoing working year, employees of institutions throw old calendars, unnecessary statements and forms out of the windows. In the business part of the country - Buenos Aires - by noon the sidewalks and roadways are thickly covered with a plump layer of paper. Nobody knows how and when this custom arose. There are some incidents. One day, overly enraged employees of one of the newspapers threw the entire archive out the window.

Because the in Burma The New Year comes at the hottest time, and its arrival is celebrated with a water festival. The spectacle, I must say, is very funny: when people meet, they pour water on each other from different dishes. But pouring water does not offend anyone, because this ritual is a kind of wish for happiness in the New Year.

In Bulgaria on New Year's Eve people buy dogwood sticks - an indispensable attribute of the New Year's holiday. On the first of January, children approach their family and friends, lightly hitting them with chopsticks, and congratulate them on the holiday.
With the last stroke of the clock of the passing year, the lights in all houses go out for 3 minutes: these are the minutes of New Year's kisses that replace toasts. Bulgarians are happy if someone sneezes at the table. They say it brings good luck.

A bizarre mixture of rituals of Indian and African beliefs with European flavor turned Brazilian New Year into the ritual of rampant carnival and traditional worship of the ancient gods. While on Copacabana beach almost a million spectators watch the magical transformations of lights flying into the sky from rafts specially installed in the sea, in Laguna di Freitas the world's tallest floating Christmas tree, 82 m high, is illuminated with fireworks lights against the backdrop of the no less famous statue of Christ. The Redeemer, who stretched out his right hands to bless the magnificent city.

In addition, on New Year's Eve in Brazil, thousands of candles light up on the sand on the ocean beach. Women in long dresses they go into the water and throw flower petals into the ocean surf.

In Great Britain It is customary to decorate the house with branches of holly and white mistletoe. According to custom, once a year, on Christmas Eve, men have the right to kiss any girl who stops under a decoration made from this plant.

One of the ancient traditions is the Christmas log. It is believed that the ancient Vikings brought this ritual to England. At Christmas they cut down a huge tree, and all year it sat and dried. And only the next Christmas they brought it into the house, and it burned in the hearth for a long, long time. If it went out without burning to ashes, the owners expected trouble.

In Vietnam New Year is celebrated at night. At dusk, Vietnamese people light bonfires in parks, gardens or on the streets. Several families gather around them and cook special rice delicacies over the coals. On this night, all quarrels are forgotten, all insults are forgiven, because the New Year is a holiday of friendship! The Vietnamese spend the entire next day with their families. The Vietnamese believe that the first person who enters their house in the New Year will bring them good luck, or vice versa - grief and misfortune. Therefore, these days, meet only with trusted people, just in case.

Even on New Year's Eve in Vietnam, it is customary to release live carp into rivers and ponds. According to legend, a god swims on the back of a carp, who goes to heaven on New Year’s Day to tell how people live on Earth.

In Holland, donuts with raisins are prepared once a year for the New Year's table. The kids here adore the white colt. In the evening they put carrots and hay in wooden shoes so that in the morning they can find their favorite cakes in them.

In Greece There is a custom according to which, at exactly midnight, the head of the family goes out into the yard and smashes a pomegranate against the wall. If its grains scatter throughout the yard, the family will live happily in the New Year. When going to visit, the Greeks bring with them a mossy stone as a gift and leave it in the hosts’ room. They say: "Let the owners' money be as heavy as this stone."

A in Denmark foresters came up with an idea great way save your forests from poachers who want to decorate their home with forest beauty. On New Year's Eve, they treat the trees with a special composition. In cold weather the liquid has no odor. And indoors, the tree begins to emit a sharp, suffocating odor, punishing violators.

New Year is celebrated in a very unusual way in Indonesia. So, on the island of Bali it lasts 10 days. These days, two-meter columns of colored rice are erected. They are intended for the gods. At the end of the festivities, the columns go home. People eat the rice, but the gods are left with memories of the gifts.

Very beautiful New Year rituals in India. The people of northern India decorate themselves with white, pink, red and purple flowers. In central India, buildings are decorated with multi-colored, mostly orange, flags. In western India, small lights are lit on the roofs of houses. Hindus have their own rules for giving gifts. For example, gifts for children are placed on a special tray. In the morning, the children close their eyes and are brought to this tray.

A in Iran New Year is celebrated on March 21. There, people plant wheat grains in small pots a few weeks before the New Year. By the New Year they emerge - this symbolizes the beginning of spring and the New Year.

In Ireland on the evening before the New Year, the doors of houses open wide; anyone who wishes can enter any house and become a welcome guest there. He will be seated in a place of honor, treated to a glass of good wine, not forgetting to say: “For peace in this house and in the whole world!” At half past twelve, the Irish go out to the central square, sing, dance, and have fun.

In Italy The celebrations begin on the day of Saint Lucia (December 13): on this day the festival of light is celebrated. On December 24, Babbo Natale, the local Santa Claus, comes. It all ends with the appearance of Befana - a little old witch who delivers all kinds of sweets (chocolate according to tradition) to children on January 6 - the Epiphany holiday. Befana is a very picky fairy: she brings chocolate to obedient and kind children, and fills a stocking, specially hung for this purpose from the Christmas tree or to the ceiling in the nursery, with tiny black coals for little naughty children and pranksters.

On New Year's Eve, it is at the insistence of Befana that the Italians, not without a sense of humor, deal with all the junk that has accumulated over the year. Often they throw it all right out of the windows, curiously watching the reactions of passers-by.

In Spain The main holiday remains Christmas: this evening is spent exclusively with the family, at a richly laid table (it is for this dinner that the hostess tries to stock up on the most incredible delicacies). Despite their age, gourmets young and old prefer sweets, which can be represented by dozens of different dishes. There are pies made from wine dough, almond cakes, and cookies with caraway seeds.

As for gifts, according to tradition, they are mainly received by children, as in Italy on January 6th. The kids hang out the window the night before the prepared stocking, which by morning is full of gifts. But December 31st - St. Nicholas Day - is a true holiday among friends. Here no one is bound by religious rites, and everyone has fun as his heart desires.

In Kenya New Year is celebrated on the water. Kenyans swim in rivers, lakes, the ocean, ride boats - in a word, have fun.

In China New Year is always celebrated during the new moon in late January - early February. During the festive procession that flows through the streets of China on New Year's Eve, people light many lanterns. This is done in order to light the way into the New Year. Since it is believed that the New Year is surrounded by evil spirits and evil spirits, they are scared away with the help of firecrackers and fireworks.

By Chinese traditions New Year's Eve is one of the most important and significant family traditions. On New Year's Day, the Chinese set off fireworks and also burn incense sticks, which they believe can scare away evil spirits and drive them out of the house. At first, the Chinese called this holiday “Xinnian” (New Year). However, today, in order to distinguish this day from the European New Year on January 1, the Chinese have renamed it "Chunjie", which translates as "Spring Festival". This happened in 1911 after the Xinhan Revolution, as a result of which China introduced a new style chronology.

In Colombia It is believed that there simply cannot be a holiday without shooting, fireworks and explosions. Colombians make dolls depicting the old year. They are carried around on sticks and funny wills are read. Then, they throw the dolls away from themselves and at midnight the charges and gunpowder hidden in the dolls begin to explode. Old year, surrounded by flames and smoke, scatters, making way for the New Year.

In Cuba Before the New Year, everyone fills glasses with water, and when the clock strikes twelve, they splash it through the open windows onto the street. This means that the old New Year has ended happily and Cubans wish each other that the new year will be as clear and pure as water. And of course, happy! The clock in Cuba only strikes 11 times on New Year's Day. Since the 12th strike falls just on the New Year, the clock is allowed to rest and calmly celebrate the holiday with everyone.

In Mexico, with the striking of the clock, fireworks flash and carnival processions begin. There is a custom here to break clay pots filled with fruits, water, and New Year's gifts.

In Micronesia the inhabitants of one of the islands change their name every year. This is done to confuse evil spirits. It happens like this: waking up on the first of January, family members cover their mouths with their palms and tell each other their new name. At the same time, one of the relatives beats a tambourine so that the evil spirit cannot overhear.

If two tribesmen meet somewhere on the road, then both squat down and whisper their name in the ear of the other, beating the ground with all their might with a stick or palm. Everyone chooses their own name. As a result, various incidents occur. So, one year, half the villagers were named Michael Jackson!

In Mongolia The New Year coincides with the cattle breeding holiday, so it is characterized by sports competitions, competitions for dexterity, ingenuity, and courage. Just like the peoples of Europe, the Mongols celebrate the New Year at the Christmas tree. Santa Claus also comes to them, dressed, however, as a cattle breeder.

In Norway children are waiting for gifts from the goat. She is greeted with festive treats - dry ears of oats, which are placed in children's shoes for the New Year.

The next morning, instead of ears of corn, the children find New Year's gifts in their boots and shoes. In this country, the goat is given a privileged position. The fact is that local legend tells that the Norwegian king Olaf the Second once saved a wounded goat by removing it from a cliff. The animal was taken to the palace, treated and released. As a sign of gratitude, she brought rare healing plants to the savior every night.

In Norway It’s customary not to forget our little ones: before going to bed on New Year’s Eve, children hang feeders full of wheat grains outside the window, and in the manger, for a horse or foal, they put a bowl of oatmeal so that the gnome - nisse - who comes with gifts can also reinforce his strength.

In Peru, it is believed that anyone who walks around their block with a suitcase on New Year's Eve will be able to complete a long-planned journey. If a girl walks around the block with a willow twig, the young man whom she invites to take the twig on the other side will become her groom.

In Panama New Year's Eve is unusually noisy: trumpets are blaring, sirens are wailing and people are screaming. According to ancient belief, noise scares away evil spirits.

Celebrate the New Year with ancient ritual songs and carols residents of Romania. A man wearing a goat mask and a goat skin (often replaced with a fleecy blanket) performs a ritual goat dance. On the streets of Bucharest on New Year's Eve, groups of teenagers meet in national costumes, in high sheepskin hats and with long whips in their hands. They enter the courtyards, stand in a group, beat the ground with their whips in a certain rhythm, and from time to time shout out traditional New Year's wishes.

This ancient ritual symbolizes work in the field: the guys beat imaginary oxen so that they plow the land better so that the coming year will be rich in harvest. All flower girls who do not leave the streets of Bucharest all year round have green mistletoe branches appearing in their trays before the New Year. The leaves of this plant remain bright even in the most severe cold. green color and freshness. In Romania It is believed that if a mistletoe branch is decorated along with the New Year tree, it will bring great happiness.

In Sudan The talisman of the New Year is considered to be a green, unripe nut. The most best wishes person - to find an unripe nut that would bring happiness and good luck throughout the year.

In the Philippines In November, mass production of Christmas trees from plastic, papier-mâché, and branches begins. Lantern competitions are held for the most different sizes and forms. In the thirty-degree heat that is here at the end of December, it is especially interesting to see Santa Clauses walking around in red coats trimmed with white synthetic fur.

In Finland New Year's gifts are laid out on the table and covered with a bowl. Unmarried girls throw a shoe over their shoulder. If he falls with his toe towards the door, there will be a wedding.

In France A large log, which is lit in the fireplaces of houses, is considered a symbol of well-being and family hearth. Père Noël, the French Father Christmas, fills children's shoes with gifts. On New Year's Eve, a bean is baked in gingerbread. And the best New Year's gift to a fellow villager - a wheel.

In Scotland On the eve of the New Year, they set fire to resin in a barrel and roll this barrel through the streets. The Scots consider this a symbol of the burning of the Old Year. After this, the road to the New Year is open. When the clock hands approach 12, the owner of a house in Scotland silently opens the door and holds it open until the last blow sounds. So he lets out the old year and lets in the new one. And the guest is supposed to bring a piece of coal with him, throw it into the family fireplace, and wish that the fire in this fireplace burns for a long, long time.

The first person to enter a house after the New Year is believed to bring good luck or bad luck. A dark-haired man with a gift - fortunately.

In Sweden On New Year's Eve it is customary to break dishes at neighbors' doors.

In Ecuador on New Year's Eve they stuff a stuffed animal with straw old clothes. This is a symbol of the passing year. He is seated on a chair in front of the house, equipped with a pipe and a cane. At midnight, the “will” of the old year is read, which lists all the troubles in the family. The paper is stuffed into the stuffed animal’s bosom. They light a match, and the old year disappears in the flames, taking with it all the family troubles.

In Japan, New Year is considered the biggest holiday. It continues for several days. New Year's Eve is called "golden week". At this time, many institutions and firms, government organizations, and large department stores stop operating. Even banks are open until 12 noon on December 31st and have a rest for the first three days of the New Year. The custom of seeing off the Old Year is obligatory, including organizing receptions and visiting restaurants. When the New Year arrives, the Japanese begin to laugh. They believe that laughter will bring them good luck in the coming year.

On the first New Year's Eve it is customary to visit the temple. The temples ring a bell 108 times. With each blow, as the Japanese believe, everything bad goes away, which should not happen again in the New Year. To ward off evil spirits, the Japanese hang wreaths of straw (or just bunches) in front of the entrance to their houses. Bamboo and pine are placed near houses - symbols of fidelity and longevity.

In every Japanese home On New Year's Day, 3 branches appear: bamboo - may children grow up just as quickly, plums - may the owners have strong helpers, pine trees - may all family members live as long as a pine tree. The New Year is celebrated not at midnight, but at sunrise. When the first Sun rays illuminate the earth, the Japanese congratulate each other on the new year and exchange gifts. And the evening is usually spent with family. Like the Chinese, visits to parents are mandatory here.

Most countries in the world celebrate the New Year on January 1, just like you and me. However, there are a number of countries in which the New Year falls on different dates and is celebrated completely differently. For example, Chinese New Year is celebrated during the winter new moon after the end of the full moon. lunar cycle after the day winter solstice. The holiday falls on one of the days between January 21 and February 21.

Jews also celebrate their New Year. The holiday of Rosh Hashanah (which translates as Head of the Year) is celebrated between September 5 and October 5 (163 days after Passover). Jews believe that on the day of Rosh Hashanah a person's fate for the entire next year is decided. How a person behaved on this day is how he will spend the entire next year.

On the night of Rosh Hashanah in Israel, everyone they meet is greeted with the following words: “May you be included and subscribed to good year in the Book of Life!” Then 10 days of self-knowledge and self-repentance begin, which are called “days of return to God.” Believers on these days dress only in light clothes and eat apples, dipping them in honey.

In Germany prefer to celebrate the New Year in a homely family atmosphere. In Germany, the whole family gathers at the festive table and the so-called Bescherung takes place - the traditional exchange of New Year's gifts.

There are many wonderful traditions for celebrating the New Year among the former Soviet republics that became independent states. For example, in Moldova, on the first day of the new year, grain is certainly scattered in all houses, which symbolizes an abundant and fruitful year.

In Latvia the same thing is symbolized by peas. When celebrating the New Year, you need to eat at least one pea. In Georgia, on the first day of the New Year, it is not customary to visit each other without an invitation. The owner himself invites those who, in his opinion, are associated with good. Such a guest must certainly bring sweets to the house.

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The most "New Year's" country

Finland is a northern country, and therefore, along with winter sports, great attention is paid here to winter holidays. They prepare very thoroughly for the New Year, as for the most significant event in the country. This holiday in Finland has become truly special, and tourists from all over the world want to get here by the end of December. On the website of the Jazz Tour company you can find out in detail about what kind of holiday Finland is preparing for the New Year Finnish New Year traditions are in many ways similar to Russian ones. With the same trepidation, they decorate the Christmas tree, choose gifts for family and friends and prepare a festive dinner. But only with the arrival of the long-awaited holiday in Finland will you not hear the chimes. In exchange for this, they organize fireworks here, the scale of which cannot be compared with any other. This is the event that both children and adults are looking forward to. You can get help in getting a loan and your New Year's trip will become even more accessible.

Family holidays and fairy tales for children

The New Year in Finland is best celebrated with family, because a holiday in this “New Year’s country” is aimed precisely at this. Only in Finland does the real Santa Claus live, and children will be very happy visiting his residence in Lapland. Together with the owner, who in this country is called Joulupukki, his wife Mouri and a whole family of gnomes live there. Well, adults will be able to ride a sleigh pulled by real reindeer. In addition, you can go to the zoo with your children and look at polar animals, which you rarely see in zoos in other countries. Moreover, here they are in their natural habitat, in their native climate, and therefore look completely different.

Levi: winter leisure

If you prefer active recreation, then the best place for winter sports, this is the Levi resort. He has no equal in all of Finland, and he truly deserves the right to be called the best. Renting a cottage in Levi for the New Year holidays is carried out directly on the spot or from the resort’s website. After steep ski slopes, snowmobiling and dog sledding races, you can warm up with the whole family by the fireplace in one of these cabins.

New Year's holiday for young people

If you are traveling with friends and want to spend New Year's Eve with Finnish youth, then you won't have to look for such a place. Residents of this country love to spend a festive night in noisy company, and you can easily join them and make new friends. To do this, you need to go to one of the many nightclubs, each of which prepares its own New Year's program.

New Year is one of the oldest holidays on the planet. It is celebrated in Europe on January 1, in Burma on April 1, in India the beginning of the year is celebrated eight times, and the Eskimos are sure that it comes with the fall of the first snow. They have known since time immemorial that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it, which is why to this day different countries the world carefully preserves traditions and customs that help attract good luck and prosperity.

In Germany The New Year is usually spent with the family. The culmination of the holiday is the Besherung, a traditional gift exchange ceremony. Adults give each other pleasant little things, Christmas grandfather Vainakhtsman in an inverted fur coat and the girl Christkind, a colleague of the Snow Maiden, come to visit the children. Everyone sits down at the festive table, and when the clock begins to strike midnight, they climb onto chairs and, with the last blow, unanimously “jump” into the New Year. It is not customary to sit at home on New Year's Eve: Germans walk the streets, meet friends and set off fireworks. And if you meet a chimney sweep while walking, you will have good luck all year.

Happy New Year in Mongolia, traditional national festivities begin in the country. On the eve of the Old Year, there is a farewell ceremony called “bituun”. During this period, it is considered a great sin to argue, quarrel, deceive or swear. New Year is a family holiday and all old grievances should be forgotten. An indispensable holiday accessory in East Asian countries is a special rake, which is richly decorated and decorated. It is believed that on New Year's Eve they help “row happiness.”

In Scotland The old year is “burnt”. A grandiose torchlight procession, when burning barrels of tar roll through the streets, lights the way for the New Year and forever relieves the departed from the sorrows and adversities of the departing one. The Scottish holiday, called Hogmanay, begins in the early evening and continues until the morning. At exactly midnight, everyone sings a New Year's song in chorus and congratulates each other. After the New Year, it is customary to go to visit friends. You need to take wine and pie as a treat, and also be sure to take a piece of coal with you. This is the most the right way provide yourself with drink, food and warmth for the whole year.

To celebrate the New Year's holiday in Cuba, you need to fill all the dishes in the house with liquid in advance, and at exactly midnight start pouring water out of the windows. According to the inhabitants of the island, this is a wish for the New Year to have a happy journey, which is as bright and pure as the water itself. In addition, while the clock strikes twelve, you need to have time to swallow twelve grapes, and then well-being, harmony and prosperity will accompany each month. For Cuban children, the New Year's holiday is called Kings Day. Letters are written to them with cherished wishes, and three wizard kings bring gifts.

New Year is celebrated in Japan January 1st and is one of the most popular holidays in the country. It is customary to hang armfuls of straw on the facades of houses to ward off evil spirits. Rice cakes and tangerines are placed in a prominent place in the home, symbolizing health and longevity. The main decoration that welcomes the New Year's Deity is kadomatsu - “pine tree at the entrance.” It is made from fern, pine, bamboo, tied with a rope woven from rice straw and placed in front of the entrance.

Before the holiday, it is customary to observe the custom of seeing off the Old Year. The Japanese give each other postcards with images of the animal of the coming year, toys and souvenirs. One of the most wonderful traditions is to laugh at the first moment of the new year, because laughter will certainly bring good luck and happiness. On New Year's Eve you need to visit the temple, where the bell chimes 108 times. According to beliefs, each blow “kills” one of the human vices. According to the Japanese, there are six of them, but each has eighteen different shades.

If in Italy at the last minute of the outgoing year, dishes, clothes or furniture will fall on you, do not be surprised. According to tradition, it is customary to throw old things out of the windows of houses onto the pavement, so that in the New Year good luck will not pass by and help replace them with new ones. Italians care not only about home renovation. New Year's Eve should be celebrated in new clothes, and on December 31, red underwear should be given to loved ones, because red is a symbol of newness. The children of Italy are waiting for gifts from the sorceress La Befana, who flies in on a broomstick, sneaks through the chimney and puts them in special shoes.

Brazilian New Year is an amazing combination of European traditions with Indian and African rituals. It annually attracts about three million people - ardent fans of carnival and beach parties. It is customary to celebrate New Year's Eve in white, since it is this color that brings happiness. However, clothes can be complemented with other colors if there are additional requests to the deities: if you want health, include pink in your outfit, prosperity – yellow and gold, love – red.

The people of Brazil believe that the New Year is best time to achieve the favor of higher powers, therefore every Brazilian must present gifts to the African goddess Imanja - the mistress of the seas, identified with the Virgin Mary. White flowers, mirrors and decorations will serve as gratitude for all the good things that happened in the Old Year. When burning candles are sent out to sea on wooden stands, you need to make your most cherished wish, and if the fire does not go out for a long time, it will definitely come true. The celebration continues in grand style New Year's carnival, fireworks, champagne and fiery samba.

In England When the Big Ben clock begins to strike midnight, according to ancient tradition, it is customary to open the back doors so that the Old Year can leave the house, and with the last stroke open the front doors, letting in the New Year. Gifts are ordered by the British from Father Christmas. If you write him a detailed letter and throw it in the fireplace, the smoke from the chimney will deliver the wish list the fastest. In the family circle, the ancient custom of sending out letters on the eve of the New Year is often observed. Greeting Cards to all acquaintances, and also to give each other gifts of the same value and distribute them among the household by lot.

The most “New Year’s” country in the world – India. Here, the beginning of the year is celebrated about eight times, which is due to the diversity of religions and cultures. Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians live in the country, and each part of the population celebrates the New Year according to its own customs. Residents who profess Hinduism celebrate Gudi Padwa in the spring, and lunar calendar every year falls on different days. In the western states, New Year is celebrated in October. On this day, thousands of lanterns are lit and it is believed that the goddess of wealth Lakshmi goes from house to house in search of a place to rest, but will only stop where there is bright light.

Muslims in India celebrate the holiday on March 21, the day spring equinox. It is called Nowruz, which means “new day.” If the European New Year comes at night, Navruz is celebrated during the day, but still in the family circle. January 1 is also celebrated in the country, since many social spheres are focused on the Christian chronology. Residents of the northern part decorate themselves with flowers, while in the southern part they place sweets and gifts on a special tray. It is also customary to light a large fire - its smoke, as Hindus believe, will take away all the misfortunes of the outgoing year.

In Russia There are many celebration traditions, but almost all of them come from the West. With the adoption of Christianity by Slavic Russia, the ancient pagan customs of celebrating the New Year were forgotten. For a long time, nobles imported traditions borrowed from Western culture into Russia. Many were accepted, “took root” and became popular. By decree of Peter I it was approved Christmas tree, toys and a festive table, and the USSR gave us Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, champagne and the chimes on the Spasskaya Tower.

New Year is celebrated in different ways and in different time, but still remains one of the kindest and brightest holidays. Despite the diversity of cultures, traditions and customs, in every country in the world the New Year has a common feature - it should be celebrated cheerfully and on a grand scale.

Shipilov Timofey

And watch “Enjoy Your Bath.”

But in many countries the celebration is completely different. We have collected the most unusual new year traditions different countries, so that on the eve of the holiday you will be even more imbued with the spirit of the New Year!

Traditions of European countries

European options for celebrating the New Year are similar to Slavic ones, but Christmas (December 25 according to Catholic custom) is more important for them. significant holiday. However, this does not prevent the existence of interesting customs that accompany his meeting in various countries.


If the weather cooperates, unusual competitions are held in Jurmala on the first night of the year:

  • on rolling the biggest snowball;
  • by accuracy of throwing snowballs;
  • snow battles;
  • speed racing on sleds.

Among all this fun, you can choose products as a souvenir self made from local artisans: straw and wooden figurines, masks, as well as delicious national first and second courses and pastries prepared by professional chefs.


On the eve of the holiday, Norwegians visit the temple to receive blessings to enter the new year. It is not customary to congratulate with gifts on this holiday, with the exception of a box of matches, as a symbol of warmth and prosperity. Children expect gifts from the goat. To lure it, the babies' Christmas socks and boots are filled with hay so that the animal will eat it. And in the morning, instead of goat food, there are sweets for children.

Residents of the country limit themselves to traditional family dinners.


Features of the holiday in Finland in general look like this:

  • Unlike most countries in the world, in Finland the population hears the New Year’s address not from the president, but from the mayor of the capital;
  • the country does not yet sell fireworks and firecrackers to persons under 18 years of age and adults who do not have a special permit;
  • the country is considered the birthplace of Santa Claus and on the first of January of each year you can meet adults talking in all seriousness about how they saw him at night;
  • Finns have a candle on the New Year's table; the candlestick for it is a washed and peeled turnip, often grown by the head of the family;
  • the country's population says goodbye to all the negativity of the outgoing year by setting fire to tar barrels;
  • during New Year's holidays The world famous festival of snow and ice sculptures is held.


The Danes are lucky to have not one, but two Father Christmases - big old Julemanden and young little Julenisse.

Mandatory dish New Year's table– a large bowl of rice porridge with secretion – almonds or any other nut. The one who gets it will certainly be happy next year.

Denmark has an interesting and unusual New Year’s way of preserving coniferous trees; it wouldn’t hurt to borrow it for us too. Foresters process spruce trees special means, which in warm living conditions begins to smell very unpleasant and pungent. That’s why no one cuts down live trees there.


It is customary for Albanians to burn a tree generously sprinkled with herbs on New Year's Eve. They bring it to every home about a week before the holiday. The smoother and more beautiful the tree, the better, according to their beliefs. The ritual is carried out with the aim of expelling negativity and bringing prosperity into the home.


Unusual traditions of this country are associated with plants:

  • On December 31, it is customary for the Greeks to place the root of the sea onion outside the house. The next day in the morning, the mother takes it from there and hits all the sleeping family members with it;
  • A few minutes before the arrival of the New Year, the entire Greek family goes out into the yard and waits for midnight. With its onset, loved ones congratulate each other, and the most successful of them breaks a pomegranate on the threshold of the house and only after that everyone enters the house, always with the right foot.


Everyone knows that on New Year's Eve it is customary for Italians to throw out everything unnecessary from windows and balconies, including pieces of furniture. In reality, this is a myth to attract tourists. But here's what their celebrations are really noticeable about:

  • costumes: on New Year's Eve, all residents of the country are dressed in clothes in the colors of Santa's costume. Every Italian wears something red - be it socks, underwear or their entire outfit;
  • eating raisins: Italians have an unusual tradition of eating as many dried grapes as possible straight from the bunches. They believe that this ritual will bring them wealth in the coming year because raisins are associated with coins.


Austrians call December 31st St. Sylvester's Day or Old Year's Day. People walk along the streets dressed as Perchten, a mythical character who looks more like a devil. They ring the bell, thereby announcing the passing of the current year. On the first day of January, the Austrians begin the carnival season, which continues until Lent.


In general, New Year's celebrations in Germany are similar to ours. But they have one funny and cheerful tradition: jumping up onto chairs with their feet up as soon as the chimes start striking and jumping off with joyful shouts and congratulations at the last knock. Germans of all ages do this.


The only time of the year when fireworks are allowed in Holland is from 10am on December 31st to 2am on January 1st. In addition to them, the streets are lit by bonfires, the firewood of which is Christmas trees. So quickly, the Dutch part with not only Christmas trees - gifts are usually given on the fifth of December, and often you have to go through the whole city to receive them.

It is customary to give bulbs of rare varieties of tulips in beautiful pots or cups, spiced shortbread cookies, waffles in the form of Christmas wreaths, chocolate letters and souvenirs. Typically, in order to receive your gift, you must follow instructions left in notes around your home or workplace. The surprise may be hidden in the basement, somewhere on the street or in the yard, and sometimes very close by in a shoe or stocking, but before you discover it, you need to play the role of a detective.

Also, in order to receive a gift, you may need to complete several humorous and cheerful tasks - sing, dance, recite a poem, shout some phrase in a crowded place. In large families, the ritual of exchanging holiday gifts can last all day. This tradition is especially loved by all Dutch children.

It is interesting and unusual that Sinterclass appears in the country - it arrives by sea on a brightly decorated ship in mid-November. He is met by half the capital, led by the mayor.

Traditions of the Americas

America is a country very diverse in mentality and customs. Each nationality has its own flavor in celebrating the New Year, we will tell you about the most interesting ones.

Celebration in the USA

The New Year's symbol of the Americans is a child (Baby) in a diaper, which, according to their beliefs, grows and ages within a year, transferring its powers to the next baby every December 31st.

A spectacle that attracts more than a billion viewers from all over the world is the fall of a huge colored ball during the last minute of the year from a 23-meter height in Times Square. The tradition has existed since 1907.

Each state interprets it in its own way, and in different parts of the country, giant peaches (Georgia), acorns (North Carolina), and ping-pong balls (Pennsylvania) descend to the ground on New Year's Eve.


Oddly enough, Canadians are close to us in the tradition of swimming in ice holes in winter. But they do this not on Water Baptism, but on December 31st. They call this ritual “bathing.” polar bear” and those who perform the ritual will have a healthy year ahead.

In Canada, it is not customary to give as a gift for the New Year. expensive gifts, Canadians limit themselves to small souvenirs for friends and family.

In addition, residents of the country eat pea soup the day before. They jokingly claim that the “musicality” with the smells that it evokes scares away evil spirits on a festive night. This is the custom of Canadians of French origin who inhabit the largest province of the country - Quebec. The soup should be thick, and yellow peas are chosen for it.


On New Year's Eve in Argentina, it is customary to throw irrelevant papers out of the window: old calendars, statements, documents that lose their validity in a matter of hours. By noon on December 31, the country's sidewalks are thickly covered with papers. Where and how the tradition originated is unknown.

There is a story about how temperamental Argentines once went too far. Employees of one of the country's newspapers tried so hard to clear their offices of old papers that they threw the entire archive out of the windows.


For Russian people, New Year is associated with a frosty winter with snow slides and cold. In Brazil, this holiday takes place when the weather is hot and sunny. On this day, every resident of the country brings gifts to the goddess Imanji, who is identified with the Christian Virgin Mary: snow-white flowers and small candles. They are released into the sea: flowers are simply thrown, and lit candles on flat wooden boards are carefully placed on the water. The spectacle is very beautiful. At the same time, Mexicans make a cherished wish and firmly believe that it will come true if the flowers float far away and the candles do not fade for a long time. These rituals have African roots.

Another interesting custom, similar to the Italian one, is to eat 12 grapes at the last minute of the passing year. In Brazil, there is no chime; the population, cheerfully celebrating the New Year in the company of friends, counts down the last seconds out loud and in unison.


Mexicans celebrate the New Year for at least nine days. In this state, the holiday is associated with fun and carnivals, during which scenes from Bible stories are played out.

Like the people of Brazil, Mexicans eat 12 grapes on New Year's Eve.

Here it is customary to break clay pots (pinatas) in the shape of stars or animals, filled with sweets. Children love the activity, although its meaning is adult - the vessel symbolizes sins that are forgiven before the New Year, and gifts serve as payment for faith in God.


If in some countries on the eve of the New Year it is customary to get rid of old things, then in Peru people at this time shed negativity through fights. On city streets at the end of December you can find men and women of all ages beating each other - from children to the elderly.

Peruvians who want to travel in the New Year must jump out of their homes at 11:55 pm on December 31st with a huge suitcase and run around their entire neighborhood with it until midnight. Returning home, the out of breath resident of the country, like his neighbors on the continent, eat grapes, but not 12, but 13 berries. They believe that it is the last grape that brings good luck in the new year.

On a festive night, the girls of Peru can still choose a mate - they go out with willow twigs and the guys they touch with them become their chosen ones.

Celebrations in the country's squares are accompanied by the ritual burning of an effigy of the outgoing year. To make it more fun, they stuff firecrackers into his clothes. Thus, in addition to the fire, there are also fireworks.

New Year traditions of Asian countries

The East is, as everyone knows, a delicate matter. Unlike most countries in the world, almost all Asian countries celebrate the New Year not only in winter with the whole world, but also in spring and autumn (Israel). Their traditions are diverse, original and very interesting.



Those who have the luckiest New Year are the Thais: they celebrate it three times:

  1. December 31 – January 1;
  2. Together with the Chinese at the end of January - beginning of February;
  3. Your New Year, Songkran - April 13.

The spring celebration is accompanied by obligatory dousing with water; absolutely all the people on the streets of the country are wet and happy. In addition, on the same day it is customary to smear each other with clay. It is forbidden to wipe and wash it off; you need to wait until it dries and falls off on its own.


Vietnamese New Year is celebrated between January 20 and February 20 and is called Tet. On the day of the holiday and for several days after, not a single store is open in the country.

The New Year's tree is often a peach or apricot branch, as well as a tangerine. All these plants bloom during this period.

On the first day of the new year, it is customary to get up early and immediately go to the temple. There, monks give people money in red bags, this is considered a gift from Buddha.


Jews are no less fortunate than Thais; they celebrate the New Year three times:

  1. With the whole world on December 31st - holiday special attention almost not paid, with the exception of Russian-speaking repatriates.
  2. New Year of Trees is a floating date, falling in January. On this day, trees are planted and songs glorifying their fertility are sung.
  3. The Jewish New Year is celebrated in September-October and is called Rosh Hashanah. It is customary to eat apples, honey and sweet pies on this day to ensure a happy year ahead. Before the holiday, it is customary to inspect all things in the house and then eliminate unnecessary ones.

According to Judaism, it is during the celebration of Rosh Hashanah that a person’s destiny for the coming year is recorded in heaven, so the traditional congratulation is literally translated as “a good record.”


New Year in Cambodia comes when the harvest season ends and the rainy season has not yet begun. It lasts three days, usually April 13-15. This is essentially the same Songkran as the Thais.

The holiday is integrally connected with religion, so many residents of the country go to temples on the last day of the outgoing year. There they worship Buddha, thank him for everything, donate money and burn aroma sticks. On this day, it is customary to wash your face in the morning, your torso at lunch, and your feet in the evening with sacred water.

On the second day of the New Year, it is customary to engage in charity and, if possible, help everyone in need.

On the third day, Cambodian Buddhists wash Buddha sculptures with scented water.


Residents of the Philippine Islands believe that all family members will remain alive in the New Year if the whole family celebrates the holiday together.

Circles are their symbol of good luck, so these figures are used in decorations and clothing prints. On festive table You should definitely have 12 round fruits that will make you happy every month of the year.

The population of the Philippines is also in a hurry to fill their wallets with paper bills and coins before the New Year. This should bring them wealth and wealth. Some even, in order to succeed financially, put coins in a pan, walk around their own house and shake it, creating a ringing sound.

Filipino children jump up as hard as they can, believing that this will help them grow up faster.

In general, New Year celebrations in the country are very noisy, because residents believe that loud sounds scare away evil spirits.

New Year traditions of African countries

Africa is mysterious. This is a separate world with its own beliefs, rules and views on life. But the presence of many countries as part of the colonies of France and Spain left your mark - despite the frequent refusal of the population to accept traditions ruling country, African states have nevertheless “Europeanized” in some issues.


In this country, on New Year's Day, every adult whom a child congratulates is obliged to give him a coin. In this way, local residents appease the spirits. The children of Cameroon are happy to try to congratulate everyone, make noise and have fun, emptying the wallets and pockets of passers-by. Therefore, many adult residents even try not to leave the house on this day.


A special feature of Nigeria's traditions is that only men participate in New Year's parades and masquerades. Theatrical actions are performed, the essence of which is necessarily the victory of good over evil.

Burning torches in the hands of local residents serve as evidence of the coming of the New Year. Nigerians make them with their own hands.

Ivory Coast

Very unusual and interesting tradition New Year celebrations in Cote d'Ivoire. Local residents are divided into 63 tribes and in one of them it is customary to organize original competitions. Their essence is that the participants race on all fours, carrying in their teeth a raw egg. It symbolizes the birth of the coming year, and its shell reminds of the fragility of life in general.

New Year's traditions of Australia and Micronesia

During the New Year celebrations in distant Australia there is no snow or frost, but, like all year round, there is a warm ocean. Therefore, Santa Claus appears from the water on the surf in a surfer suit, the colors of which are identical to the outfit of the classic Santa Claus. A beard and a traditional hat are a must, looking original when paired with red beach trunks and a large bag of gifts. The spectacle is original, exotic and humorous - just like the mentality of Australians in general.

On a festive night, it is customary to visit crowded open-air places where fireworks are set off. Most Australians go to bed at 00:10, immediately after New Year's Eve - this is due to their national tradition of going to bed early. But young people can celebrate noisily until the morning.


Among all the countries in the world, Micronesia is distinguished by its originality.

A mandatory event every year is the change of name for every resident of one of the Caroline Islands. The goal is to ward off evil spirits and evil spirits. The ritual goes like this: on the morning of January 1st, family members cover their mouths with their hands and tell each other their new names. At the same time, they appoint someone responsible for protection from evil spirits, who, with all his strength, plays a tambourine so that the noise does not allow them to hear new names. Having gone outside and met a neighbor, the inhabitants of this island squat down and tell each other their new names in a whisper.

Our planet is amazing in its diversity and New Year’s traditions in different countries - bright that proof. In addition to the listed features of the holiday, each nationality is interesting with its cuisine and attire. Which customs did you like the most?