Tonic for combination skin at home. Homemade face tonic: folk recipes for skin toning. Delicious and fragrant cocktail - tonic for dry skin

Greetings to all who have looked at my light!

And if you have come to this review, then the topic of care is relevant for you. problem skin.

My skin problems started in my teens. I was about 13-14 years old.

First, black dots appeared, then pimples began to appear one after another.

I didn’t know what to do with them, I began to squeeze them out, spreading the infection all over my face.

I didn’t have those terrible photos from that period, and I tried not to be photographed. I remember - girlfriends are going to a disco, and I'm sitting at home and crying bitterly.

Now it is much easier for young girls. On the Internet you can find a lot of information on the treatment of acne, at the same time there was nothing, and no one could tell how to properly care for such skin. Mom said that everything would pass, scolded me for squeezing out acne, and I wiped my skin with alcohol lotion in the hope of healing.

Popping pimples has played a cruel joke on me. I tried to squeeze a pimple on my temple, although it was not yet ripe. As a result, I got an infection, pus began to form under the skin, and it went towards the eye ... In the morning, my eyelid was half open.

My mother and I rushed to the doctor's office, and in the end I ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks. The place was very dangerous, the temple, and this is the head and you can’t joke with it!

Under local anesthesia, they made an incision on my temple, removed the pus and cleaned the wound. Then the wound was sewn up. After that, dressings were done every day, and the doctor watched how the wound healed. I was lucky with the surgeon, oh, and then I heard enough from him ...

But since then, I realized that it’s impossible to climb with your hands to acne !!!

After the operation, I had a large scar on my temple.

I am attaching this photo for those who like to squeeze pimples, remember that this is very dangerous!

My skin in adolescence was very oily, shone within half an hour or an hour after washing.

I used soap, I thought that this way she was better cleaned, and she became even fatter.

And she also climbed her hands to pimples ...

Then my trips to the doctors began.

The dermatologist first of all sent me to do a demodex scraping and be examined by doctors. I went through a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, did FGS, took tests for hormones, helminths, etc. No deviations were found anywhere, everything was normal.

A scraping from the face showed the presence demodicosis.

Demodex is a subcutaneous mite that lives on the surface of the skin. It is quite useful in a small amount, cleanses the skin of dead cells, but its active reproduction leads to a prolonged inflammatory process.

I then thought - this is the solution, I need to defeat this tick, and I will get healthy skin.

For treatment, I was prescribed alcohol talkers, I don’t remember the full composition, but there definitely was sulfur and antibiotics.

The skin began to gradually clear and I was delighted, finally cured.

But after the drug was discontinued, acne began to reappear.

From another dermatologist, I learned that demodex in my case is not the root cause of acne.

I inherited oily problematic skin genetically, and now my task is to Learn how to take good care of your skin.

In order to keep oily problematic skin in check, certain rules must be followed.

🌿 🌿 🌿 My rules, following which you can significantly reduce the duration of acne treatment:

- avoid pimples if possible. The less we touch our faces, the better. The infection can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. As a result, it will sprinkle not only the face, but also the back or décolleté area.

- do not wash with hot water. Hot water increases blood flow to the face and as a result, the sebaceous glands will begin to produce more oil. The best option for oily skin is water at room temperature. Rubbing the skin with ice cubes from a decoction of herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage, etc.) is also very useful. Wash your face no more than 2 times a day. By frequent washing, we erase the natural protection-fatty film from the face. As a result, our glands begin to work with effort, produce more and more fat.

- use disposable paper towels to dry your face. Every wash is a new towel. Or every time a clean ordinary towel, but you will agree that it is more difficult, and washing is often not very convenient. Believe me, following this rule alone will reduce the amount of inflammation.

I usually buy paper towels in rolls (sorry, the cat got into the frame as always):

- change your pillowcases often on which you sleep. During the night, fat and bacteria also accumulate on them. Change at least once a week.

- problematic oily skin can not be overdried b, otherwise it will release even more sebum in response. Find a good lightweight moisturizer that won't clog your pores. Grape seed oil is also very good for oily skin. It retains moisture in the skin and prevents it from drying out. And at the same time, for oily skin, this oil is one of the lightest, does not clog pores.

- The cause of acne is not only bacteria, but also excessive secretion of fat and poor exfoliation (exfoliation) of the skin. 1-2 times a week oily skin should be exfoliated. It is better not to use scrubs, they can injure problematic skin and lead to even more acne. I like to use peeling rolls, most often Korean ones.

- try not to be nervous. Stress will only exacerbate acne. After all, acne is not the end of the world.

- dairy products, sweets (especially chocolate), fast food should be excluded from the diet. Numerous studies show that these products can cause acne and affect the composition of sebum.

🌿 🌿 🌿 Pharmaceutical products for the treatment of acne.

I have tried many pharmaceutical products for the treatment of acne - clindovit, azelik, skinoren, baziron, regecin ...

You don't remember all of them.

But remember, antibiotics cannot be used for a long time! The skin gradually gets used, and the effect disappears.

Of the pharmaceutical drugs with an antibiotic, I like the drug Klindovit. It has a light gel texture, does not make the skin greasy and gradually removes inflamed acne. The main thing is to use strictly according to the instructions.

But Baziron cream showed the best result on my skin, it does not contain an antibiotic and does not cause such a quick addiction.

This roll rolls very well and perfectly cleanses the skin. The skin after it is smooth, and the pores become invisible.

I also like Tony-Moly Floria peeling roll.

It not only cleanses the skin of dead cells, but also brightens the skin.

I love using it for deep skin cleansing. Beldi.

The Spivak soap company has a large range of beldi, and I have tried many.

My favorites - Berry beldi And beldi 7 herbs.

They perfectly cleanse the skin of dead cells, polish the skin and make the pores clean.

For oily skin, it is best to use Beldi 1-2 times a week.

(I have reviews for all the favorite products I describe, but since there is a limit on the number of links, I cannot leave all the links. If you wish, you can find the necessary reviews in my profile).

At the moment my skin is in good condition. There are no active inflammations, no peeling either.

Worried about enlarged pores, with which you have to constantly fight.

Well, Badyagi powder, a cheap natural exfoliating product based on a freshwater sponge, helps me a lot with acne spots.

🌿 🌿 🌿 For many years of struggle for beautiful facial skin, I realized that caring for oily problem skin is a titanic work that requires not only financial investments, but also time, patience and strong nerves.

For those who are still at the stage of treating problem skin, I advise you NOT TO GIVE UP!!!

Love yourself for who you are and don't get hung up on the problem!!!

I wish you all healthy, beautiful skin!

Thanks for attention!

I hope it was useful)))

Suitable for dry and normal skin homemade tonics:
Tonic with oatmeal: 2 tbsp crushed flakes are poured with hot milk (2 cups), covered and infused. When it cools down, you can use it.
Rose petal tonic: red rose petals (3 cups) are poured with oil - peach or almond - the petals should be completely covered, and put to warm in a water bath. When the petals lose their color, they are removed, the resulting broth is filtered, cooled and used.

An excellent tonic is obtained from birch sap: 0.5 cups of juice is brought to a boil, add 1 tsp. honey, mix and cool. This product cleanses and tones dry, aging skin well.

Linden Blossom Tonic with Honey: lime blossom (1 tbsp) is poured with boiling water (1 cup), covered and infused for about an hour; filter, add honey and use.

Recipes for tonics for normal, dry and combination skin

To wipe the skin of the body, you can use an infusion of burdock roots. Burdock root is crushed, take 1 tbsp. raw materials, pour boiling water (200 ml), insist 20 minutes and filter.

To tone the skin of the body, you can take baths with plantain tincture. Such baths also have an anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare the tincture, you need to mix plantain juice with 20% alcohol 1: 1. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes.

If the skin of the body is dry and prone to peeling, then baths with a decoction of chamomile flowers and flaxseed will help. Add 100 ml of each decoction to the water, and take a bath for 15 minutes.

Baths with sage reduce sweating and tone the whole body. It is necessary to pour 1 kg of carefully crushed sage leaves with 3-4 liters of cold water, let stand for 10 minutes, then boil for 5 minutes and leave for another 10 minutes. Strain the infusion and pour into the bath; take 20-25 minutes.

With the same decoction, you can do rubdowns and circular massage every day - this invigorates and gives energy for the whole day.

For skin elasticity, you can use a tonic with apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is mixed with water 1:1, and the skin is wiped on those areas that especially need it: on the chest, hips, buttocks, etc. After half an hour, the tonic is washed off.

As a tonic, it is good to use natural rose water. It is necessary to take fresh petals of 4 roses, pour hot water (2 cups), and leave for 10 minutes. Then strain and drain the infusion into a spray bottle so that you can spray it on the skin of the body after taking a bath or shower. To prepare this tonic, you cannot use roses bought in a flower shop - you need to find environmentally friendly plants, or grow them yourself in the country.

Peppermint toner suitable for sensitive skin. It is necessary to mix 2 cups of water with a glass of apple cider vinegar, add a handful of dry mint leaves, simmer for 10 minutes, then strain and cool. This decoction is rubbed on the skin of the body and scalp.

Real body tonic recipe

You can make a body tonic at home, similar to store-bought ones.. Some ingredients can be bought in special departments of stores, while others you can cook yourself. For example, birch bud hydrolat can be obtained at home by steam distillation - you need to take 150 ml of it.

You also need to take 2.4 ml of horsetail extract; 3.6 ml of lingonberry, grape seed, red wine extract; the same amount of rice protein, grape seed oil and hemp; 2.4 ml essential oils of rosemary, patchouli, cypress and cedar - all together; 8.4 ml of Polysorbate-20 is an emulsifier that can be purchased at the store.

First you need to mix birch bud hydrolate with extracts of horsetail, lingonberry, grape seed, red wine, and rice protein; then mix hemp and grape seed oil with and Polysorbate-20; Then combine both mixtures and shake well. You can add potassium sorbate - 0.3 g - so the tonic will be stored longer. You can use this tonic after a bath and shower, as well as an anti-inflammatory and moisturizer.

Most homemade tonics can be stored for a week., or just a few days, and always in the refrigerator.

An important step in skin care is toning it. After washing, our skin is temporarily deprived of a protective lipid layer; in addition, aggressive cleansers disrupt the acid-base balance, reducing the protective functions of the skin. That is why cosmetologists recommend wiping the face with tonic after each contact with detergents.

You can buy a ready-made tonic by choosing one of the many cosmetics offered on the market, but it is much more effective to make your own natural remedy, taking into account your skin type. To create a tonic at home, you need a minimum set of ingredients and a little time.

Tonics for dry skin

Dry skin needs constant hydration and protection. With the help of homemade tonic, made from natural quality ingredients, your face will become velvety smooth and toned. In addition, wrinkles will be smoothed out and a healthy glow of the skin will appear.

Despite the popular opinion about the dangers of alcohol, some tonics for dry skin contain it. In fact, the drying properties of alcohol are a myth. Diluted alcohol enhances the effect of the tonic and serves as a conductor of nutrients. Remember: homemade tonic can be applied to the skin two to four times a day.

grapefruit tonic

  • Peculiarities: nourishes and softens the skin, removes dead cells from the surface.
  • Ingredients: 10 ml of alcohol or vodka (dilute with three parts of mineral water), one small grapefruit, 5 ml of glycerin, 2 g of fine sea salt.
  • Instructions: squeeze juice from grapefruit. In a small dark glass bottle, mix the ingredients and shake for five minutes. Put in a cold place for three days.

banana tonic

  • Peculiarities: intensively moisturizes, refreshes and tones the skin.
  • Ingredients: one banana, 50 ml full fat milk, 5 ml lemon juice.
  • Instructions: Peel the banana and use a blender to turn into a smooth puree. Add milk and lemon juice, beat for about a minute at high speed. Strain the finished tonic through a sieve and store in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

Rose Water Tonic

  • Peculiarities: perfectly soothes, deeply moisturizes the skin and gives it a healthy tone.
  • Ingredients: 100 g of spray rose petals, 5 ml of alcohol or vodka (dilute with two parts of water), 5 ml of wheat germ oil, half a carrot.
  • Instructions: Rinse rose petals with water and finely chop with a knife. Pour diluted alcohol and insist in the refrigerator for two days, stirring occasionally. Once the petals are infused, strain the rose water through several layers of cheesecloth and add wheat germ oil. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, squeeze the juice and add it to the tonic. Shake well before each use.

Toners for oily skin

Oily and combination skin needs to regulate sebum secretion, light drying and narrowing of pores. Due to the tendency to acne, it is also necessary to clean the pores in time (in particular, black dots on the nose, forehead and chin).

If you have combination skin with an oily T-zone and dry cheeks, it's best to rub homemade toner only on problem areas, leaving your cheeks to prevent overdrying.

Salt Tonic

  • Peculiarities: brightens and dries the skin, tightens pores.
  • Ingredients: 10 g of fine sea salt, 10 ml of lemon juice, 5 drops of tea tree essential oil, 40 ml of mineral water.
  • Instructions: mix all the ingredients until the salt is completely dissolved. Wipe the skin with tonic in the morning and evening.

Cabbage juice tonic

  • Peculiarities: cleanses the skin of excess fat, brightens black spots.
  • Ingredients: 5 cabbage leaves, 5 sprigs of parsley, one cucumber, 5 ml of alcohol or vodka.
  • Instructions: place cabbage leaves, parsley and cucumber in a blender bowl and grind until smooth puree. Add alcohol, mix and infuse overnight in the refrigerator. Then strain the liquid through gauze, pour in 20 ml of mineral water without gas and shake.

Mattifying tonic

  • Peculiarities: removes excessive shine of the skin, moisturizes, cleanses the pores.
  • Ingredients: 30 ml of milk whey, 20 ml of orange juice, 20 ml of kombucha tincture (sold in a pharmacy).
  • Instructions: mix whey and orange juice. Dilute kombucha tincture with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and mix with the main composition of the tonic. Store in a cool place in a tightly closed dark container. Wash your face twice a day.

Tonics for sensitive skin

Sensitive and allergy-prone skin requires special care. Tonic ingredients should be all natural, hypoallergenic and soothing. Alcohol must be avoided, otherwise the skin may react with redness and severe burning. The main components of cosmetics for sensitive skin are herbs.

If you have sensitive skin, you must give up cosmetics with alcohol!

strawberry tonic

  • Peculiarities: Refreshes, soothes and hydrates the skin.
  • Ingredients: 100 g fresh strawberries, 40 ml still mineral water, 5 drops of rosewood essential oil.
  • Instructions: Peel the strawberries from the stalks and rub through a fine sieve. Squeeze juice through cheesecloth. Add mineral water and rosewood oil. Store the tonic in the refrigerator for no more than three days, rubbing the skin two or three times a day.

egg tonic

  • Peculiarities: deeply nourishes, refreshes and softens sensitive facial skin.
  • Ingredients: one egg yolk, 10 ml aloe vera juice, 30 ml heavy cream, 5 ml jojoba oil, 40 ml mineral water.
  • Instructions: Whisk all ingredients with a whisk until smooth. Strain through several layers of cheesecloth. Apply to the skin up to four times a day (additional moisturizing in the form of creams is not required).

mint tonic

  • Peculiarities: tones blood vessels, soothes the skin and heals small cracks.
  • Ingredients: 30 g of fresh mint leaves, 30 g of dried chamomile flowers, 20 g of dry St. John's wort leaves, 100 ml of mineral water.
  • Instructions: Pour dry chamomile flowers and St. John's wort leaves with mineral water and cook over low heat for about an hour. Rinse mint leaves with water and pour boiling water for 35 minutes. Strain the decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort, add mint infusion, mix. Wipe the face with tonic once a day. Store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Tonics for aging skin

Aging skin needs intense hydration, soothing and protection. As a rule, aging skin suffers from the harmful effects of active radicals, so it is important to add ingredients to the tonic that are responsible for reducing wrinkles, improving complexion, strengthening capillaries and lightening age spots.

Complex tonic

  • Peculiarities: creates a protective film, brightens, nourishes and softens the skin.
  • Ingredients: 5 g coconut oil, 10 g liquid honey, 10 ml lemon juice, 30 ml mineral water.
  • Instructions: Mix all ingredients with a mixer or whisk. Wipe the skin of the face in the morning and evening. Store at room temperature for up to seven days.

Oatmeal tonic

  • Peculiarities: intensively moisturizes, relieves irritation, has an antioxidant effect.
  • Ingredients: 50 g of oatmeal, 60 ml of full-fat milk, 30 g of large-leaf green tea, 10 g of liquid honey, 100 ml of water.
  • Instructions: Pour oatmeal with milk and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth and add honey. Pour boiling water over tea leaves and let stand covered for 15 minutes. Strain the tea and add it to the rest of the ingredients. Shake thoroughly. Store at room temperature.

birch tonic

  • Peculiarities: soothes, protects and moisturizes the skin.
  • Ingredients: 50 ml birch sap, 10 ml lemon juice, 20 ml aloe vera juice.
  • Instructions: mix all ingredients until smooth. Wipe the skin twice a day. Store in a cool place in a dark glass container.

Hello lovely ladies. There are so many things we can do that DIY facial toner is not a problem. Here are some interesting, simple recipes just a miracle!

Tonic Ingredients

You will find all the components at home, therefore, you can start manufacturing.

What is it for? Lotions are designed to cleanse and tone the dermis, therefore, you see for yourself, you can’t do without them!

Moreover, the tonic is not a mask, it does not need to be washed off, therefore, it should be ideal for your type of epidermis, not tighten, not irritate.

After seeing the list of features, you will be surprised what this simple cosmetic tool is capable of.

Many women don't have a toner at all, thinking that a simple lather wash will solve their cleansing problems.

But this is far from true. After all, fat, pollution penetrate too deeply, and the composition of lotions prepared at home includes substances that actively destroy this debris.

Daily care with this tool will help:

  1. Improve blood circulation;
  2. Remove particles of dead epithelium;
  3. Smooth the skin, quickly relieve fatigue;
  4. Shrink pores
  5. Restore acid-base
  6. Accelerate metabolic processes;
  7. Renew cells, accelerate the process of rejuvenation;
  8. Slow down aging, improve complexion;
  9. Increase the effectiveness of the cream that is applied after the tonic.

Did I convince you? So, let's start making!

What do we need?

First of all: mineral water without gas, as well as vodka or alcohol. If you make a tonic on water, then it can be stored in the refrigerator for only 2 days. Alcohol solutions are stored for up to 2 weeks.

For sensitive epidermis, it is better to make a solution in water, since alcohol-containing products can cause irritation.

For cooking at home, you can take different components.

It can be medicinal herbs: mint, chamomile, lime blossom, sage, as well as citrus fruits, vegetables, rose petals.

Juices of various fruits work well (but only home-made), as store-bought products contain sugar and preservatives.

How to use the tool

Before applying the product, you need to wash, dry your face. Then, with a cotton pad dipped in the solution, walk over the face with gentle circular motions, without stretching the skin.

We begin to apply from the middle of the chin, and then along the massage lines twice a day: in the morning after sleep and in the evening, before bedtime.

I have written about massage lines more than once in my articles. Many cosmetologists advise applying products with your fingers, so the skin is less stretched.

On sensitive epidermis, it is generally better to apply with a sprayer. After the procedure, lubricate the face with a moisturizer.

What is the best tonic prepared at home?

If you cook it at home, then you know that only natural products are used, which contain nothing but useful things.

A home remedy can perform the same functions as a store bought one, but only it is natural, without additives.

Types of tonics

They can be moisturizing, refreshing, matting, for problem skin, cleansing. Prepare it for your type of dermis, then use it to your health!


Pour 25 g of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for 1 hour, then strain. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons orange juice, freshly squeezed.


equally take the juices of grapefruit, lemon and vodka, leave to brew for 3 days in the refrigerator. Use for oily skin.

Banana lotion (moisturizing) for dry skin
Grind 1 banana in a blender, take 2 tsp. product, pour 50 ml of milk into it, mix. Then take 4 layers of gauze, strain. Use the received liquid.

For problematic or oily epidermis, cucumber lotion is suitable, which is prepared very quickly: grate a fresh fruit, pour 3 tbsp. juice, pour 30 ml of milk.

For oily dermis: brew 1 tsp. leaf green tea in half a cup of boiling water, cool, then strain, add 30 ml of lemon juice. This lotion will only keep for 1 day.

Matting with parsley: finely chop 25 g of the roots of the plant, pour 250 ml of water, put on a quiet fire, hold for 20 minutes, then strain. Let it cool completely, then pour 1 tsp into the broth. lemon juice.

Cleansing for all types of dermis: 1 tbsp. any dry herb pour half a cup of boiling water, let cool under the lid.

For oily epidermis cranberry: mix cranberry juice and water in equal parts.
For problematic dermis: take 0.5 cups of rose petals, pour 0.5 cups of apple cider vinegar, put in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain, add a cup of water.

To normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, simply wipe your face with green tea with jasmine. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tea bag and that's it!

An excellent remedy for problem skin is a decoction of bay leaf. Take 3-4 bay leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours and use.

For sensitive epidermis, it is better to use mineral water as a base, but without gas.

Lotion for all skin types

This tool not only perfectly cleanses the skin, but also tones, tightens pores, protects against the negative effects of air.

What does it include:

  • Apple vinegar.

Take 1 glass of cold water, dilute 1 teaspoon of vinegar in it, mix well. Wiping the skin in the morning and in the evening, you will make the skin even, velvety to the touch and matte.

For dry skin

For dry skin types, an alcohol-free moisturizing toner is suitable.

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder (1 cup), pour 2 cups of very hot milk, leave for 30 minutes, then squeeze out the flakes, and wipe your face with the resulting infusion.

Peach Peach peel, knead well, take 3 tbsp. puree, add 1 raw yolk to it, pour 1 glass pour cream.

In parting, I want to wish: do not disregard this miracle remedy, without which it is impossible to achieve a well-groomed appearance of the skin. Share the recipes with your friends and subscribe to my blog together.

To keep your skin healthy, you need to take care of it regularly. Many people think that cleansing the face with facial cleansers and foams is enough, but these products do not provide deep cleansing. The use of a tonic helps not only cleanse the pores, but also relieve inflammation, refresh and rejuvenate the skin. At home, you can prepare many different tonics and solve a number of skin problems with their help.

Effect on the skin

Tonic is a cosmetic product designed for daily use, they need to wipe the skin after washing. This is one of the main cosmetic cleansing procedures, which allows you to remove the remnants of cosmetics and other impurities that settle deep in the pores.

Tonics are widely represented on the cosmetic market, but most industrial products contain alcohols that enhance the disinfectant properties, which makes them aggressive and unsuitable for owners of dry skin. In addition to alcohol, pharmacy products almost always contain various flavors, preservatives and acetone, the effect of which on the skin is not favorable.

Making a tonic at home will help you choose the most suitable natural ingredients for your specific skin type and make your daily care as effective as possible.

Skin cleansing is the main function of a facial toner, but it is not the only one. Thanks to the combination of ingredients, it becomes possible to provide a number of useful actions:

  • narrow enlarged pores;
  • even out skin tone;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • refresh and moisturize the skin;
  • relieve inflammation and redness;
  • restore acid-base balance.

The antiseptic effect provided by the tonic allows you to effectively eliminate and prevent inflammation, so this remedy is indispensable for owners of problem skin.

It is necessary to remember some features of tonics prepared by one's own hands. First of all, they have a limited shelf life, unlike pharmacy counterparts, so the best place to preserve useful properties for as long as possible is the refrigerator. Naturally, the shelf life depends on the composition, here there is a fundamental difference between alcohol-containing products and those that do not contain alcohol. The shelf life of the first stretches for about a week, it is not recommended to use a tonic without alcohol on the third day after preparation.

Bold type

You can prepare a rejuvenating tonic based on green tea. For this tool you will need: a tablespoon of green tea, lemon or lime, a glass of water.

  1. 1. Brew a glass of green tea.
  2. 2. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes and strain.
  3. 3. Add the juice of half a lemon to the tea and mix thoroughly.

You need to apply such a tonic chilled, and in two ways at once:

  1. 1. The first method is standard: apply liquid to a cotton pad and wipe your face, paying special attention to problem areas.
  2. 2. The second way: pour the tonic into a spray bottle and spray on the face, maintaining a distance of 20 cm.

This remedy has antioxidant properties, thereby helping to protect the skin from the effects of free radicals and maintain youthfulness. Another pronounced effect of this remedy is the narrowing of pores and the regulation of the sebaceous glands, also suitable for combination skin types.

Cucumber Refreshing Tonic:

  1. 1. It contains the following ingredients: a medium-sized cucumber, an aloe leaf, a third of a grapefruit, half a glass of mineral water.
  2. 2. Aloe leaf should be wrapped in gauze, put in a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator for a day.
  3. 3. After the time required for cooling, take out the aloe and grind it together with the cucumber using a blender, if it is not at hand, then you can use a regular grater.
  4. 4. Squeeze the juice from the crushed plants and strain it.
  5. 5. Squeeze the juice from the grapefruit and mix all the ingredients together.

The resulting liquid must be poured into a container with a spray bottle, cooled, and only after that it can be used during the day. This tool is indispensable for oily skin, as it refreshes and prevents inflammation, but, nevertheless, the composition allows it to be used for any type of skin. If there is no spray bottle at home, then you can apply the product to the skin in the standard way.

Alcohol tonic with plantain:

  1. 1. To cook, you will need: 2 tablespoons of vodka, half a liter of boiled water, 2 tablespoons of crushed plantain leaves.
  2. 2. Thoroughly wash the plantain leaves and grind them to make 2 tablespoons.
  3. 3. Mash the plantain so that it releases juice, pour vodka over it and place in a cool place to infuse for a day.
  4. 4. Add boiled water, leave for another 15 minutes and strain.
  5. 5. Pour into a glass container and carry out long-term storage in it.

Alcohol tonic provides an antibacterial effect, removes oily sheen and dries up inflammation. As mentioned earlier, an alcohol-based product can be stored for up to a week. This tool is indicated for use only for oily skin, but due to the increased drying effect, it is not recommended for use on aging skin, even if it is of oily type.


Tonic with glycerin:

  1. 1. It consists of: a medium-sized cucumber, a tablespoon of crushed rose petals and the same number of lily flowers, a teaspoon of glycerin, half an orange and half a glass of boiled water.
  2. 2. Pour the flower mixture with water, bring to a boil and let it brew for another half hour.
  3. 3. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater and squeeze all the juice out of it.
  4. 4. Squeeze orange juice.
  5. 5. Drain the water from the flower broth and mix it with orange, cucumber juice and add a spoonful of glycerin.

This tool provides ultra-moisturizing, tones and effectively softens the skin, improves the process of cell nutrition and speedy regeneration. It is best to use a tonic before applying a nourishing cream, immediately before applying which it must be washed off.

Tonic based on a decoction of herbs:

  1. 1. You will need the following ingredients: 1 teaspoon of chopped chamomile, oak bark, calendula and mint, grape seed oil.
  2. 2. Brew medicinal herbs in a glass of boiling water and let it brew for an hour.
  3. 3. Strain and add a few drops of grape seed oil.

This tonic is applied in the standard way using a cotton pad. It has a softening effect, makes the skin velvety, fights inflammation and helps get rid of acne.

Greetings, friends. Toning is an essential part of facial skin care. That is why among the fair sex, among creams, masks and other preparations, tonics occupy a rather significant place on the shelf with cosmetics. A high-quality product does not just cleanse the skin of impurities. It helps to restore the natural balance of the skin, reduces the negative effects of hard water, effectively fights inflammation, acne and other misfortunes.

A soothing facial toner Evinal

However, often expensive tonics from stores do not perform well. The main problem is allergy to the ingredients. From this article, you will learn how to make your own face tonic with your own hands, recipes sensitively kept by our grandmothers. And you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Moisturizing tonic

Recipe 1

  • In 150 ml of mineral water (non-carbonated) add a couple of drops of carrot seed oil, one drop of chamomile oil (or 50 ml of freshly prepared and pre-strained decoction) and a drop of sandalwood oil. Shake well before use. It is prepared quickly, stored for a long time, perfectly moisturizes and cleanses. In addition to facial skin care, it is used in the complex restoration of dry and severely damaged hair.

Recipe 2

  • In a half-liter bottle of mineral water, add 4 tablets of regular aspirin (you can crush it into powder for faster dissolution) and 15 ml of apple cider vinegar. The resulting product perfectly cleanses, moisturizes, relieves acne, relieves inflammation, tightens pores.

With green tea

To prepare an amazing product that will help get rid of pimples, rashes, allergic manifestations, as well as heal the skin of the face, protect it from the negative effects of the environment, remove age spots and freckles, you will need:

  • one drop of acai berry extract and eucalyptus oil;
  • 1 ml of geranium oil;
  • 5 drops of tea tree;
  • 3-4 bags of green tea without additives and flavors.

Brew tea in an enamel container and cover with a lid on top so that beneficial substances do not evaporate. Wait until it cools down a bit and take out the bags. Add all other ingredients, mix. You can use it regularly, twice a day. Keeps well in the refrigerator.

Soothing tonic

Facial skin is often exposed to aggressive environmental influences. Strong wind, frost or, on the contrary, heat, sunshine, cosmetics... You can continue for a long time. The result - the skin is dry, irritated, flaky. A tonic will help calm her down, restore the natural balance.

To do this, bring purified or mineral water to a boil, add five drops of rosehip oil and carrot seeds, two tablespoons of chamomile, lavender, calendula flowers to it. For greater effectiveness, you can add a little glycerin. Leave to cool, strain.

From rose petals

A presented bouquet of roses will wither after a while, but the petals can be used with benefit in the future.

We wrote in detail about all the ways to use the petals in the article. Today we will only mention how to make a tonic from rose petals.

You need to dry them, put them in a jar, pour vinegar so that it covers the petals. Close the lid tightly and leave for several days in a dark place. Strain and dilute in half with water. Wipe it twice a day and you will notice that the skin will become cleaner, healthier, get rid of bumps and defects, and fine wrinkles will also disappear.