Frutonyanya baby puree: reviews, composition, assortment (fruit, meat, vegetable puree). Baby puree brands review Vegetable purees Frutonyanya assortment

FrutoNyanya is a market leader baby food in Russia. We produce more than 200 items under the FrutoNyanya brand.

Our Company helps mothers feed their baby deliciously and quickly. For this purpose, the FrutoNyanya line includes a wide variety of products for children: juices, nectars and drinks, directly pressed juices, fruit drinks, jelly, compotes, desserts, fruit purees, purees with cream, cottage cheese, fruit and vegetable purees, vegetable and meat purees. , different kinds porridge (instant, ready-made and liquid porridge), baby water, milk, curds, milkshakes, as well as a separate line for pregnant and lactating women.

Baby food "Toddlers"

“Malysham” is a baby food brand produced at the Progress plant since 1990. The products are designed specifically for young children. It meets all the requirements and sanitary-epidemiological standards of the Ministry of Health and is intended for feeding children early age. “Toddlers” products allow mothers to feed their babies with high-quality and affordable products.

"Lipetsk pump room"

The mineral waters of Lipetsk have been known since early XVIII century. The name comes from the French word “Buvette”, meaning “to quench thirst”.

We extract Lipetsk pump-room water from two wells on the territory of the Progress plant. From the first, 480 meters deep, is mined mineral water, from the second, 100 meters deep - artesian water.

Hello, dear mothers!

When you first encounter complementary feeding, your head is spinning from the abundance of baby products, and, at the same time, you feel helpless, because there is no information about How And why to begin with, not much. Now that I have my own experience behind me, I feel like a fish in water in this matter and feel free to give advice 😉.

The review is structured in the form of a HowTo for young mothers. Those who are not interested in the theoretical part can skip it and go straight to my summary of Frutonyanya puree.

So, the first question that a young mother must decide for herself is WHEN start complementary feeding?

Leading pediatricians in the world agree that complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than 6 months . You should not rely on the numbers on the labels - this is beneficial for manufacturers. You shouldn’t listen to the opinions of the previous generation - medicine has come a long way since then. You need to rely on scientific facts and common sense:

Complementary feeding foods should be introduced at approximately 6 months of age. Some infants may need complementary feeding products earlier, but not before 4 months of age.

Breast milk is an ideal food for newborns and children infancy. It contains all the nutrients children need for healthy development. Breast milk is more than 80% water, especially the milk that comes at the beginning of each feeding. Infants under 6 months of age do not require water, even in hot climates.

The adapted mixture is also able to satisfy the nutritional needs of the baby in the first 6 months of his life, since manufacturers enrich it with vitamins and microelements.

At about six months of age, the baby's energy and nutritional needs begin to exceed the level at which they can be met by breast milk, and the introduction of complementary feeding becomes necessary.

At this age, the child is ready to eat other foods and is developmentally ready. By 6 months, the production of enzymes in the baby’s digestive system increases.

You should also not delay the start of complementary feeding, since its late introduction can lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia, various vitamin deficiencies and growth retardation.

It is up to your pediatrician to decide when your baby is physiologically ready for complementary feeding. I introduced complementary foods to my children at the age of 5 - 5.5 months, but I couldn’t make it to six. Both babies at 5 months began to ask for the breast more and more often, and frequent night feedings returned. I stopped keeping up with their appetites. The kids seemed to be always hungry.

Remember: if the child is sick, if it is hot outside, or if you are giving your child vaccinations, the introduction of complementary foods should be postponed.

Second question - with WHAT DISH? start complementary feeding? Everything is simple here:

Children with reduced body weight and unstable stools are given industrially produced cereals as their first complementary foods; for overweight children with a tendency to constipation - vegetable puree.

In fact, these are two extremes. If your baby is healthy, with good bowel movements and a normal weight, then it doesn’t matter where to start. It's a matter of taste. In both cases, I started with cereals due to the fact that I needed to increase the nutritional value of the diet (so that the kids would eat up).

Most people prefer to start with vegetables . And Frutonyanya purees are ideal for this:

They are made in the Lipetsk region, there is a rich selection of vegetables, there is nothing superfluous in the composition - no salt, no sugar , as the saying goes. No thickeners in the form of potato, corn starch or rice flour:

The only thing that can be added is water if the product is dry. If a vegetable contains enough of its own water, it is not evaporated during processing. Therefore, the purees are quite liquid, which may seem inconvenient at first. But this indicates the absence of thickeners. Remember, if there is a spoon in the mashed potatoes, it contains starch or rice flour (this rule does not apply to potatoes, since they contain natural starch).

Third, most interest Ask- With WHAT , which product to start with?

Complementary feeding is always started from low allergenic products . Mashed potatoes and cereals should be one-component , i.e. initially contain only one vegetable, fruit or grain, only one type of meat. This is the only way to track the tolerance of a new product (stool, regurgitation, skin). It would be a good idea to keep a “food diary”.

Low allergenic products:

zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, green apple, pear, rice, buckwheat, corn, turkey, rabbit.

Highly allergenic products:

whole cow's milk, eggs, fish and seafood, nuts, soy, wheat (gluten), honey, citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries and berries in general (raspberries, black currants), tomatoes.

Giving a baby under one and a half years old “adult” products, for example, ice cream, is a crime against your own child.

Infants do not have the physiological maturity to transition from exclusively breastfeeding straight to food from the family table. Therefore, to bridge this gap between needs and capabilities, specially adapted foods (transitional foods) are needed, and the need for them continues until approximately 1 year, until the child is mature enough to consume regular home-cooked food.

The old line of Frutonyanya vegetable purees did not contain just zucchini. There was zucchini with potatoes, zucchini with broccoli, zucchini with cauliflower. Gerber had pure zucchini, so that's what I started with. vegetable complementary foods first child. In the new series of vegetables “Frutonyanya” zucchini appeared in its pure form, which I am very happy about:

I’m glad not because I was somehow dissatisfied with the quality of Gerber, no. Gerber purees are wonderful. But I was looking for a product whose quality would be no worse and the price would be lower. The difference between them is from 5 to 15 rubles per jar. When you have to buy a whole battery of jars, this difference becomes significant. The composition and consistency of the Frutonyanya puree suits me. Zucchini smells like zucchini, and cabbage smells like cabbage. Vegetables have natural colors. By the way, Gerber purees have very rich colors. Take, for example, carrot puree. It is bright red-orange. Have you tried cooking regular carrots? The color is brighter than the raw one, but not that much. What kind of varieties do they use? This confuses me a little.

Unfortunately, Frutonyan still does not have green peas. But Gerber has it.

Fourth question: PREPARE puree yourself OR BUY ?

For me there is a clear answer: buy. We live in modern world, enjoying the benefits of technological progress and thus making life easier for themselves. Not to mention the fact that we free up personal time, which a young mother can spend with no less benefit. For communication and games with your baby, for example. And, besides, I really doubt the environmental friendliness of products in markets and stores my city . Experts' opinion:

It is preferable to use industrially produced products for complementary feeding that are made from controlled raw materials. Such products are safe, they are enriched with vitamins and minerals that cannot be fully preserved when cooking at home.

I buy Frutonyanya at Korablik. In my area and, perhaps, in all of Moscow, this is the best retail store for children. The price for an 80-gram jar of vegetable puree in the online store is 34 rubles. The jars are packed in protective film with a lock, there is one division (40 g), the production date is indicated on the lid:

The protective film of Frutonyan is correct. It covers the joint between the lid and the jar, which means dirt won’t get in there and the jar is more airtight. And if it breaks in the bag on the way from the store, the film will hold the fragments and prevent the puree from leaking (tested).

And the last, burning question. HOW start complementary feeding?

On the Internet or in manuals for expectant mothers, you can find a table like this with the WHO recommended daily allowances:

I hung it on the refrigerator. In addition to this table, you will need the following:

A bowl or plate with high edges. The baby should have his own dishes for hygienic and safety reasons: no one should use it except the baby; it should not break; there should be no “adults” on it detergents. High edges will help maintain the temperature longer: while the baby eats, the puree cools quickly.

Beaker. I like to use AVENT containers from Philips.

Spoon with silicone tip. The baby should also have his own spoon and be made of safe materials. Ideally, the tip has a plastic core coated with silicone. The core gives this spoon the necessary rigidity, and the silicone will protect the baby’s tender gums.

Fork. It is convenient to stir products until smooth.

Grater. I use it to grind additional products (egg yolk, for example).

Blender. It can be useful for chopping products, bringing them to homogeneity and when preparing homemade purees.

Chair for babies. An irreplaceable household item. The chair should hold the baby securely, preferably with seat belts. It is convenient if the high chair has a table. An alternative could be a car seat in the car, a stroller, or daddy's lap 😊. I’ve seen mobile options made of fabric that hang on a regular chair and are convenient to take on a trip.

A bib or bib. Preferably with a pocket - it makes cleaning up after feeding very easy for the mother. It is better if it is made not of fabric, but entirely of oilcloth, so that it can be washed immediately.

Sippy cup. From 6 months, liquids in addition to breast milk or mixtures (water, juices, and later kefir). It should be comfortable, hygienic and safe. I use a Lubby sippy cup with a soft, flat silicone tip, side handles, graduations and cap.

Baby dishwashing detergent. Children's dishes, if they are not very dirty, can be rinsed with water. For special cases, you need a special product designed for children. I liked the Aqa Baby brand.

Wet wipes to wipe your baby's face and hands.

Thermometer. At first, it helps to control the temperature of food. My choice is the Sensitec non-contact thermometer. Most comfortable temperature for the baby's stomach - 40°C. If the temperature of the puree is lower, the baby’s body will spend additional energy heating it. Food with a temperature above 40°C can burn your baby.

Notebook for keeping a “food diary”.

So, armed, we can begin.

Let's look at the table above. It is advisory in nature. Of course, pharmaceutical precision is not needed here. It shows the daily intake rates. This does not mean that on the very first day you need to give your baby a 150-gram portion of zucchini. Any new product start with ½ - 1 standard teaspoon. For its introduction from 4 to 7 days , every day the dose is doubled . All this time, they evaluate the baby’s reaction and make notes in a “food diary.” It is better to offer a new product since morning to track your reaction to it throughout the day. Vegetable oil (sunflower or olive) is introduced into vegetable puree , when the serving volume is not less than 100 grams . Butter administered after vegetable adding it to porridge .

After successful introduction one product is introduced by another by replacing the first.

For example, let's say you introduced broccoli for seven days. On the eighth day, offer ½ teaspoon of cauliflower separately (introduce the baby to a new taste), and then give a portion of the main puree (broccoli). On the ninth day, before serving broccoli, give 1 tsp. cauliflower again separately to consolidate the taste sensations. Over the next 5 days, mix both purees, reducing the volume of broccoli and increasing the volume of cauliflower.

If something goes wrong (stool changes, allergies appear), you should stop introducing the product and try to introduce it again in a week, making appropriate notes in your “food diary.” If a negative reaction occurs again, the product should be discarded.

The use of the 7-day scheme is justified only in special cases, if the child is prone to allergies, when special caution is needed. I introduced complementary foods to my children according to a 4-day schedule, based on my own experience: allergic reactions to the product, if any, appear already in the first 3 days of introducing a new product.

In conclusion, I offer you a 5-day version of the start of complementary feeding for the first month that I compiled:

Thus, by 7 months the baby will have a complete breakfast and lunch. By 8 months, you can expand the diet by introducing green peas, pumpkin, carrots, and adding a dinner of fruit puree with cookies and cottage cheese. By 9 months, you can add finely chopped fresh herbs and white bread crumbs to vegetables.


Little trick: After your baby has mastered 2-3 vegetables, introduce “zucchini and potatoes” puree into his menu. Form each of his subsequent lunches from 1 part potatoes + 1 part any other vegetables. For example, a jar “my first salad” + a jar “zucchini and potatoes”. Or a jar of “carrots” + a jar of “zucchini and potatoes”. Firstly, this will increase the energy value of lunch, because potatoes are rich in starch - the baby’s stomach is so small, and every bite should bring maximum benefit. Secondly, it neutralizes the laxative properties of some vegetables. Thirdly, it will improve the taste of lunch - the baby will eat with more appetite!

SUMMARY: Vegetable purees “Frutonyanya”, in my deep conviction, are an excellent option for starting complementary feeding. They have the correct homogeneous (homogeneous), fairly liquid consistency - it is convenient for the baby to switch from liquid breast milk to more “solid” food. Natural color and smell. Zucchini smells like zucchini, and cabbage smells like cabbage. Carrots look like carrots. There is nothing superfluous in the composition - no salt, no sugar, no thickenersin the form of potato, corn starch or rice flour. A good choice vegetables (only green peas are missing), there are both one-component purees and mixes (salads). Eco-friendly, reliable, convenient packaging - no dirt will get under the lid, and the jar, if broken, will not give you any surprises in your bag. Acceptable price- a jar of 80 g will cost you 34 rubles in the Korablik store.

And “for dessert”, photos of all the vegetable purees that I can get my hands on (I’ll add more as I go).

Puree is the best food for first feeding. Especially if it is environmentally friendly and does not contain preservatives. An example of such a product is domestically produced baby puree Frutonyanya. Let's talk about the range, composition, reviews of this healthy dish.

The Frutonyanya company presents a wide range of purees for babies:

  • Vegetable, fruit and meat purees Frutonyanya “First choice”. For the first complementary feeding, choose a puree from vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, and zucchini. Of the fruit mixtures, the manufacturer offers pear and apple for the baby; you can also find them with peach, prunes, banana and other fruits. Children will definitely enjoy turkey and rabbit dishes. The peculiarity of this product is the absence of additives that provoke the development of allergic reactions in toddlers.
  • Monocomponent vegetable purees. Apart from vegetables and water, this baby food contains no other components. Perfect for little allergy sufferers. The variety of vegetables, such as broccoli, pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, included in the delicacy, will satisfy the culinary requirements of any tiny gourmet.
  • Vegetable puree with milk. Such a natural product made from zucchini, pumpkin, and potatoes will feed a growing toddler if he has stopped eating purees in the water. Contains hearty semolina.
  • Fruit and fruit-milk purees with cottage cheese and cream Fruto nanny. Apples, pears, peaches are combined in the recipe for this dish with natural cottage cheese.
  • Organic products Frutonyanya. When preparing this food, ingredients grown only with natural fertilizers are used. The absence of sugar and thickeners makes this dish a priority among caring parents.
  • Meat, meat and vegetable purees. can be added to cereals to obtain nutritional mixtures for feeding in. Meat and vegetable containers, in addition to chicken or rabbit meat, contain popular vegetables or cereals.

Packaging for Fruto Nyanya puree

The company produces its products in a variety of convenient packaging:

  • in glass 100 mg;
  • in glass containers 250 mg;
  • in soft containers 130 mg;
  • in tetrapacks of 90 mg.

Reasons for the recognition of Fruto nanny baby purees among parents

Statistics show that 88% of mothers and fathers living in the post-Soviet space purchase Fruto Nanny brand products to feed their little ones for the following reasons:

  • Environmental friendliness. Products often receive positive reviews because they are natural. All ingredients for the preparation of these culinary delicacies undergo careful selection and testing.
  • Rich experience of manufacturers. This criterion increases the level of trust on the part of buyers. For more than thirty years, the products of the Lipetsk plant have been created by competent specialists far from cities polluted by industry.
  • Attractive price. For an affordable price, the buyer receives quality product in the form of Frutonyan puree, which will not cause fears for the health of the little gourmet.
  • Quality. At the puree production plant they were quite puzzled by the quality of their product. You can easily verify this: when opening the jar, a characteristic pop is heard, which indicates its tightness. Manufacturers ensured against sunlight and bacteria getting under the lid. The entire jar is covered with a protective film, on which an interested parent will be able to determine the expiration date of Frutonyanya puree, barcode.
  • Recognition. It is not difficult to find Fruto Nanny products among the products of other brands by color coding and the famous logo. Having selected a favorite delicacy for himself, the buyer can easily distinguish vegetable dishes (green packaging) from meat dishes (red) or from fruit and cereals (orange).

Composition of Frutonyanya puree

To prepare purees for children, manufacturers use only high-quality ingredients:

  • Vegetables: fresh vegetables, drinking water. The products in the Fruto nanny “With milk” puree series contain cream, rice flour, sugar, and milk powder.
  • Fruit: ripe fruits. In the “With Cottage Cheese” series you can find cottage cheese and sugar. The “Organic Product” series guarantees that the fruits from which the dish is prepared are environmentally friendly. For example, domestic varieties of apples are grown in the personal gardens of puree producer Fruto Nyanya. As is known, they contain a large number of iron, pectin, organic acids. In some types you can find the original ingredient - cookies.
  • Meat: rabbit meat, chicken, beef, rice flour, vegetable oils, drinking purified water. Potatoes, zucchini, rice or buckwheat have been added to the Fruto Nanny line of meat and vegetable purees.

Reviews of Frutonyanya puree

Analyzing the reviews of young parents buying Frutonyanya brand products, we can safely say that most of them are positive.

  • You will not find salt, spices, dyes, preservatives, or starch in Fruto Nanny puree. There is only purified water, fresh vegetables and fruits. Dietary meat: chicken, beef, veal. Often babies simply refuse to eat purees from other brands.
  • Although the color and consistency do not look very nice, Frutonyan’s mixtures normalize the work digestive system toddler. Rice flour, rather than starch, is used as a thickener in Fruto Nyanya puree, which is very valuable for calorie content in children's nutrition.
  • Ready-made Frutonyanya puree is a godsend when you don’t have enough time and energy. Every child needs to replenish vitamins, fiber, and proteins. To prepare these at home you need a lot of free time. And here the products of the Lipetsk Progress plant come to the rescue. Opened it, poured it into a plate and it was done. Fast, tasty, and most importantly healthy.
  • The capacity of the Frutonyan puree jars is optimal. The contents are enough for exactly one feeding; there is no need to put leftover product in the refrigerator. Manufacturers have taken care of the balance of vitamins and nutrients in the puree, so there is no need to spend money on purchasing an additional vitamin complex. If your baby is hungry while out for a walk, this dish will help. You just need to open the compact jar and give him a spoon.

The history of this trademark so interesting that it is impossible not to remember it (in an abbreviated form, of course). It all started in the late eighties of the last century, when the huge and proud state of the USSR was still present on geographical maps. One of the Soviet enterprises decided to cooperate with Brazilian and Swedish companies to create a company specializing in the production of fruits and vegetables. Just a year later, the efforts of three parties began the construction of a plant in Lipetsk. The latest scientific achievements and innovative technologies were used, so the international enterprise, which began operations in the fall of one thousand nine hundred and ninety, and received the name “Progress,” stood out from its competitors. It all started with the production of juices in Tetra Pak bags, which was the latest invention that year.

Let's fast forward ten years to the year 2000, when the company launched the production of Frutonyanya children's juices and purees. With the arrival of new shareholders and top managers with experience working abroad, the brand design is completely updated, becoming stylish and recognizable. The range of products is expanding, which includes directly pressed juices, special water, fruit drinks, cocktails and much more.

Products for children

Today “Frutonyanya” is a rich assortment of products, which can be purchased inexpensively in the “Rural Boutique” online store. This brand produces a variety of products for first feeding (including food for children with allergies), and various “snacks” that develop the taste of babies: juices and purees (vegetables/fruits/cereals/meat), minute porridges, baby water, drinking porridges and desserts, jelly and much more. Products manufactured under the Frutonyanya brand do not contain harmful additives and are adapted for different age groups kids. The products are enriched with probiotics, vitamins and other positive substances necessary for harmonious development baby. Ordering Frutonyanya food is easy and convenient at the Rural Boutique. We will deliver your order throughout Moscow and even a little beyond the Moscow Ring Road (no further than ten kilometers).

Separately, I would like to say about the packaging of goods under the Frutonyanya trademark. It is made of innovative aseptic materials that allow preserving the best properties of raw materials and their freshness. The color scheme of the logo allows parents to easily choose the desired product: if the food contains fruits/cereals, the logo is orange, dairy components are blue, vegetables are green, meat components are red. The Frutonyanya brand is the winner of numerous awards and prizes.

Taking care of the buyer

The main priority of the online market "Rural Boutique" is taking care of its customers. That's why we carefully select suppliers and try to offer you the best in all product categories. Despite the crisis, we keep prices at an acceptable level, which will certainly please thrifty people who are used to calculating their budget. We also hold weekly promotions for one or another group of products and give lucrative discounts to regular customers. We work to make you feel comfortable!

When a baby is already 4-5 months old, he can begin to get acquainted with new types of food. Vegetable purees are the softest and safest product for a baby’s first complementary feeding. Many pediatricians advise choosing a very tender, easily digestible and, most importantly, healthy vegetable as your first vegetable. It contains pectin, beneficial minerals and dietary fiber, which improve intestinal function and strengthen the immune system. They begin to introduce it, like any subsequent complementary foods, with one teaspoon, gradually increasing the dosage. Suitable for the role of first complementary foods and purees from carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini. From the age of five months, cabbage can be included in the menu. In addition, the baby can already eat not only single-component purees, but also multi-component purees. At 6 months, a child can become familiar with tomatoes and beets, but various legumes are not recommended to be introduced into the baby’s diet until the age of seven months.

Of course, you can prepare vegetable purees yourself, but for convenience, saving time and effort, it is better to use industrial purees, which are prepared from high-quality vegetables grown without any artificial additives. Depending on the age at which a particular puree is aimed, it may contain greens, onions, salt, vegetable oil etc. It must be said that it is preferable to choose a puree with the shortest list of ingredients that does not contain salt, since its excess will have a bad effect on sensitive skin. cardiovascular system baby.

We have compiled a review of the most famous and popular brands of vegetable purees of domestic and foreign production in Russia.

The Dutch baby food company Hame, under the brand of the same name, produces a wide range of high-quality products. In the assortment you can find many varieties of meat and fruit purees, but the choice of vegetable purees is limited to only three types: broccoli, cauliflower and cauliflower with vegetables.

Tasty, inexpensive, natural composition

Very small assortment

2. Swaddle.

The Spelyonok brand, created by the Pridonya Gardens company, produces its juices, fruit and vegetable purees from fruits collected in its own gardens and vegetable gardens. Baby food from Spelenok is prepared according to special recipes created to preserve all the benefits of natural ingredients. Among the purees produced by the brand, you will find several vegetable and fruit and vegetable varieties.

High quality, natural composition, pleasant taste

Small selection, liquid consistency

3. Smart girl.

“Umnitsa” is another Russian brand that enjoys high trust among mothers. A large assortment of products and a low price are the main attractions of the products produced under this brand, created by the Ivanovo Baby Food Plant.

Large selection, low price, easily diluted with water

Average taste, chemical additives in the composition

The German company FleurAlpine maintains the highest quality standards in the production of baby food. The company's product range is not very large, but it was created using the latest developments in the field of baby food production. In the FleurAlpine puree range you will find mono- and multi-component products that retain the excellent natural taste of vegetables grown in organic farms.

Very high quality and tasty, truly natural composition

A little expensive, not sold everywhere


The FrutoNyanya brand is one of the leaders in the domestic baby food market. The quality and variety of products, neat, beautiful and convenient packaging, excellent taste make FrutoNyanya a constant choice for both mothers and babies. Vegetable purees from FrutoNyanya are intended for children from 4.5 months.

Delicious, big choice, natural composition

Not good nice smell

The Semper brand belongs to the Swedish company of the same name, whose history goes back more than 70 years. The range of Semper products is very wide, in it you will find exactly what your baby needs. Semper vegetable purees, like other brand products, are enriched with vitamins, Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids.

Delicious, hypoallergenic, sufficient selection of varieties

Some varieties contain starch

Bebivita is a German brand of baby food. All products marked by this brand are created to high quality standards, vacuum packaging guarantees freshness and good preservation. When creating them, the needs of all categories of children are taken into account, depending on the age and degree of tolerance of various products. Vegetable purees from Bebivita are divided into three main categories: from 4, from 5 and from 7 months.


Allergenic, tasteless, lumpy consistency

8.Babushkino Lukoshko.

"Babushkino Lukoshko" - a brand from the Russian company "Sivma" - has the reputation of one of the best Russian brands baby food. Among the vegetable purees from “grandmother’s basket” you will find mono purees, multi-component purees, and purees with milk. For their preparation, only environmentally friendly products from partner farms are used.

Good choice, inexpensive, natural

Flavorless taste

The Heinz company has a long history of successfully producing baby food products. Among her list you will find 5 types of vegetable purees and one vegetable mix. All these products are designed for children from 4 months and are optimal for initial complementary feeding.

Non-allergenic, good consistency, natural composition

Some varieties are not very tasty; they contain corn flour (may weaken them)

Vegetable purees from the Hipp brand are, first of all, a truly impressive range, which is divided into 5 subgroups: 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10 months. You will find here single-component purees, two-component purees, assorted vegetables, purees with rice, cream, and the addition of pasta. Hipp vegetable purees are produced and packaged in accordance with quality standards, and the beautiful, convenient jars are simply a pleasure to use.

Healthy, tasty, natural, delicate consistency

A bit expensive

Summing up the brief review, the Home Guru team recommends Hipp brand purees. This is a natural, high-quality product that babies love and mothers trust.