Toys for girls. Toys for girls Interactive toys for girls 12 years old

A birthday is an occasion for a grand celebration. At the age of 12, you want bright emotions, fun and a real holiday. To please the birthday girl, it is necessary first of all to choose the right most basic attribute of a significant date - gifts. Many guests are lost, because at this age the girl is no longer a small child. Nevertheless, there are a huge number of presentation options, the main thing is to give products depending on the interests and character of the young lady.

Smart gifts: useful and for development

Twelve years is an ambiguous age in terms of preferences: a girl can still play with dolls, but at the same time be interested in cosmetics. In addition, this is the time of active development of children: they try to learn as much as possible new things, experiment with unfamiliar things and inventions. Therefore, before choosing a gift, it is recommended to talk directly with the futurebirthday girl to buy a necessary and useful thing that will bring joy to a young lady.

If the invited guests want the present to be a surprise, consult with the girl's parents. They know their daughter like no one else, so they will help you decide on a purchase.

At the age of 12, girls pay attention to little things, so guests are advised to wrap gifts beautifully before handing them to the birthday girl

For a young lady, excellent presentation options will be:

  • books. Nothing can replace the feeling of complete immersion in another world, space, like reading printed publications. Pick up the hero of the occasion an encyclopedia in the style of everything about secrets for young fashionistas, culinary recipes for beginners or mysteries of the starry sky;

    To make the book useful and interesting, choose it based on the hobbies of the child.

  • board games. Their choice is so great that it makes you dizzy when you see different boxes on store shelves. The young lady will be interested in:
    • Monopoly, which requires ingenuity, logic and the ability to handle numbers;
    • A fashion boutique where it is not so easy to reach the position of a fashion designer;
    • My family - a child's game in adulthood will make you feel like the mistress of the situation;
  • puzzles. Another win-win gift option. Buy a young lady items with images of beautiful sea views, landscapes or animals;

    You can order a photo puzzle in advance: a picture is printed from the girl’s photo and cut into small details. An original choice, because the birthday girl will be interested in collecting her image.

  • soap making set. Today everyone hunts for handmade soap. It is not only beautiful, but also natural, because there are no harmful components in the composition. With such a present, the craftswoman will independently make a bar of an unusual shape with a pleasant aroma;
  • test kits. They will not leave indifferent any teenager. For a girl, the ideal option would be the opportunity to grow a crystal.

Gallery: gift ideas (games, books, interesting sets)

For a twelve-year-old lady, buy nature or animal puzzles.
Such a gift will definitely cause delight: a girl will be able to grow crystals of any color on her own With the game My Family, the child will feel like an adult With the help of a soap making kit, the girl will make designer soap Monopoly board game is considered the most popular in the world There is a lot of useful information in encyclopedias for girls

Video: how to grow crystals at home

Gifts by Interest

One of the simplest, but by far the best ideas for a birthday present, is to purchase an item depending on the interests of the child. At the age of twelve, girls already have hobbies, so they want to purchase an unlimited amount of materials, accessories or other small things in order to develop their hobby. And the parents of children who have gone into big or not very sports, of course, know what equipment and training items are needed to further improve their physical abilities. ANDThe birthday girl will only shine with happiness if she is presented with a necessary and long-desired thing.

There are times when invited guests do not share the hobbies of the hero of the occasion and do not want to buy such gifts. Then it is better to donate money so that the girl herself buys what she wants.

Some girls want things for study as a gift, for example, a cool backpack or books: do not be surprised and dissuade, it is better to fulfill the birthday girl's dream

Table: what to buy for a birthday girl, depending on her interests

What is the child interested in Gift Options
Sport is the main thing in life: gifts for active pastime
  • hoverboard (for a teenager, buy a model without a handle);
  • pogo stick - a kind of simulator on which you need to jump (when choosing, pay attention to weight restrictions, because models differ depending on this indicator);
  • badminton set;
  • Hula Hup;
  • exercise bike;
  • a set of dumbbells of different weights (prefer not the largest, this is a great item for morning exercises);
  • soft training rope (a consultant will help you buy a product of the right length, depending on the height of the child);
  • videos;
  • smart bracelet (it will become an assistant during training).
With your own hands: shopping for a needlewoman
  • a sewing machine (there are special kits for girls with ready-made patterns, fabric cuts and threads on sale);
  • a set for sewing soft toys;
  • accessories for weaving bracelets;
  • jewelry making kit;
  • decoupage materials;
  • a set for decorating a handbag or backpack;
  • everything for cross stitch, ribbons.
Art inspires: everything for creativity
  • kit for painting on wood or glass;
  • drawing on canvas (buy the birthday girl paintings by numbers, with the help of such a gift she will draw a masterpiece no worse than real artists);
  • easel;
  • 3D puzzles;
  • a set of professional oil paints and brushes made of natural bristles;
  • sand painting lessons.

Gallery: gift options for a teenager

Complete with rollers, buy protection for the child Pogo stick - an original simulator for active training With such a gift, the birthday girl will first sew a handbag, and then decorate it herself The girl will make exclusive models of jewelry for herself and her girlfriends Using a sewing machine, you can sew stripes to decorate a backpack , denim jacket and other products
The girl will be interested in sewing a soft toy on her own
With a smart bracelet, you can count calories burned and track your workout time

Video: what is a pogo stick

Girlish secrets: fashionable gifts for a girl of 12 years old

At this age, the girl is already staring at those items and products that her mother uses, because soon she will turn into a young girl. The birthday girl will definitely enjoy the necessary girlish surprises:

  • festive outfit. Many dream of a real princess ball gown. Guests have a chance to fulfill this desire and be in the form of a fairy godmother;
  • earrings. Surely a fashionista has long been thinking about a new thing with an unusual design;
  • shoulder bag or backpack to carry the most necessary little things with you;
  • teenage skin care set. Hormonal restructuring in many young ladies is primarily reflected in the condition of the face: rashes, black spots, inflammation. Choose products with a natural composition that have a positive effect;
  • decorative cosmetics. On sale there are special tools for teenagers;

    When making a choice, pay attention that the products are non-comedogenic (do not clog pores), because the skin is already prone to inflammation, and it needs to breathe.

  • creation of a personal perfume. The hero of the occasion will definitely appreciate the opportunity to make perfumes on her own;
  • hair accessories: elastic bands, hairpins, hoops. In addition, buy glitter gel to complete the look;
  • colored strands on the clips. With such a gift, you can experiment with a hairstyle without coloring your curls;
  • manicure set. Specially designed lacquers for children's nails will not harm the nail plate.

Gallery: cosmetics and other gifts for girls only

There are artificial curls with original coloring on sale There are several ingredients for creating an exclusive perfume in the set For birthdays, earrings made of precious metal are more often bought
Buy a backpack in rhinestones for a twelve-year-old lady After drying, the sparkles will shimmer beautifully on the hair.
The original handbag will be a great gift for a young lady
With the help of such a gift, the girl will make an original nail design

Non-children's toys: gadgets as a gift

Today it is difficult to imagine life without digital technologies. These expensive presents are most often given by parents or close relatives. But family friends can please the birthday girl with something interesting:

  • player with glowing headphones. The younger generation loves to listen to music, so the original accessory will come in handy;
  • unusual computer mouse. Not only adults working in the office, but also schoolchildren spend a lot of time at the monitor. Complete the student's work area with an original stylish thing;
  • flash drive of interesting design. A flash drive is always with a majority of teenagers. The bright and eye-catching style of the product will surely please the hero of the occasion;
  • smartphone. Staying connected and being able to search for information online is always important;
  • the tablet. On sale there are models designed specifically for girls: bright colors, patterns and rhinestones.

Gallery: what gadgets the child will like

A computer mouse in rhinestones will interest a young fashionista Glowing headphones are perfect for a phone Do not buy a black smartphone for a girl, it is better to opt for a brighter or more delicate version
Complete with a tablet, give a bright case

Transforming a room: interior items

From a children's room with wallpapers depicting cartoon characters, the girl has already grown up. With the help of interesting details, you can give the room a kind of zest, emphasize the character and tastes of the child, create an individual charm:

  • watch of unusual design. They will help the schoolgirl plan her time;
  • dressing table. It's time to buy this piece of furniture, because the young fashionista is already interested in cosmetics, hair and skin care. It is convenient to arrange all the necessary bottles and accessories on the surface;
  • bag chair. A great option for relaxing, reading books or listening to music;
  • Wall stickers. With their help, you can transform even the most boring space and give it bright colors;
  • chandelier in the style of the interior of the room. Choose in advance so that it fits the overall design;
  • repair. Large-scale work begins in two or three weeks, then by the holiday the birthday girl will enjoy the updated nursery.

Gallery: How to change the room of a 12-year-old birthday girl with gifts

The bean bag chair is light, the child can put it in any corner of the room on his own
Choose wall stickers together with the girl so that the room is transformed in accordance with the preferences of the child For a girl of 12 years old, buy a dressing table with a large mirror Unusual solutions and furniture in the same style - fashionable, unusual and comfortable

Fun and humorous: cool and original surprises, including hand made ones

The birthday girl will definitely like unusual surprises. Such things can be presented by the girl's friends or invited guests as an addition to the main present:

  • a set of handmade soap in a festive package. Masters will make real masterpieces to order. Many products look very realistic: no one believes that you can really wash your hands and body with it. The specialist will definitely pack the kit and, at the request of the customer, add a greeting card;
  • interior pillows. For a 12-year-old child, choose something original, for example, a set of several items decorated in the thematic style of the room;

    On one side of the pillow, you can embroider the name of a young lady, date of birth or small inscriptions with wishes.

  • jewelry box. Now the hero of the occasion will have a place where she will put her most memorable little things;
  • The Diary. In the transitional period, children have secrets and innermost thoughts that they want to write down and keep under lock and key;
  • electronic piggy bank. Every teenager collects money for some things. Present an unusual product to make the process of accumulating finances even brighter and more fun;
  • subscription to your favorite magazine for a period of twelve months. If a young lady likes a print publication, she will be delighted to have it delivered to her home every month;
  • rose in a flask. A very popular gift these days. Surely the princess watched the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast", so she will be glad if such a flower decorates her room;
  • stuffed toys bouquet. All girls love to receive flowers as a gift. For twelve years, a great option is to buy a surprise of little bears or bunnies, designed by a professional.

Gallery: photos of unusual surprises

With an interesting piggy bank, the girl will quickly collect the required amount Handmade soap in the form of desserts will be an original gift
Such a rose will last for several years and will not wither.
Buy a jewelry box with a mirror so that the girl can immediately try on earrings, a pendant and other products Choose a personal diary with a secret on the lock so that no one can read the secrets of a young lady Order or buy pillows that fit the general style of the room A bouquet of soft toys will decorate the birthday girl's room for a long time

As without sweets: what can you give a birthday girl from desserts

Sweets are the highlight of any holiday. Today it is popular to order desserts in the original design or thematic style:

  • cake. Before agreeing with the confectioner, find out the number of guests invited to the celebration. The weight of the finished product depends on this;
  • cupcakes. They are packed in a beautiful box on which the girl's name and wishes are written;
  • candy shoe. Such a gift will allow the birthday girl to feel like a real princess;
  • gingerbread. But not simple, but hand-painted, depending on the interests of the hero of the occasion;
  • macaroons in a box with different fillings. The master will decorate everything with flowers.

Gallery: birthday sweets

Order gingerbread painted according to the interests of the girl
A young lady will appreciate such a sophisticated sweet present. Before presenting a sweet present, it is better to pack it in a transparent film. Cupcakes in holiday-themed packaging will become a real decoration of the table.

A huge selection of gifts provides great opportunities for guests, parents and close relatives to please the birthday girl. At the age of twelve, a young lady already has certain desires, so before buying a present, it is better to talk with the girl herself or her mom and dad. The best option is to buy the thing that the child has been dreaming of for a long time. So you will be sure that the surprise will definitely please you.

In order to buy toys for girls 11 years old, you need to know about their hobbies. At this age, you need to be especially careful in choosing, because many children's fun will no longer be interesting. Teenage girls tend to imitate adults, and therefore their hobbies are more serious. We have the following toys to choose from:

  • Jewelry and cosmetics are always relevant at the age of 11 years. They are trendy and come in a wide variety. With cosmetic sets that you can choose from in the catalog, girls can experiment with their appearance.
  • Educational kits help to explore the world and gain new knowledge. These can be popular board games in the form of Monopoly and similar variants.
  • Creative kits. These can be unusual options for weaving bracelets and jewelry, kits for embroidery with ribbons or threads, and other options.
  • Dolls or soft toys are also suitable as a gift. Cool models do not cease to interest girls even in their early teens.

Originality. Many girls are attracted to cool toys. They have an original design and unusual functions.

Age appropriate. When choosing a toy, you need to consider that they should not be for babies. In the catalog you can pick up interesting options for younger teens that will teach the child and captivate him.

Safety and quality. Toys must be reliable and of high quality. Safe cosmetics, odorless toys and harmful elements are produced for children. For this, modern components are used.

Relevance. Interesting toys for girls should be relevant. You need to follow the news and choose the appropriate options that young girls will like.

Colors and appearance. Toy design plays an important role. When choosing jewelry, dolls and other options, you need to choose beautiful models with a good appearance and purpose.

Price. We have the best toys at affordable prices. Their cost will depend on the configuration, functionality, appearance, popularity and other parameters.

All girls are romantic dreamers. And from an early age, they imagine themselves either as a mother, or as a store owner, or as a noble chef. And for these games, they definitely need high-quality play sets that harmoniously complement their fantasies - dolls, baby dolls, a toy kitchen, dishes, houses, cute little animals.

The online toy store site offers you a wide range of all kinds of products for the development, creativity and role-playing games of your child. Here you can choose the most successful gift for a birthday or New Year's holidays, and for delivery without a reason. We are confident that your little one deserves the best!

The catalog contains toys and dolls for girls for every taste: ponies and cute animals that are popular today, interactive baby dolls, Bratz and Moxie dolls, Pop Pixie, products imitating real kitchen corners from Smoby, strollers, doll houses. Also included are the ever-loved Barbie beauties and Hello Kitty toys.

It is advisable to purchase goods that your daughter (niece, goddaughter) is most interested in at the moment - thus, the gift will not gather dust in the corner. But in case you are not very aware of her preferences and desires, you can buy toys, selecting them by age:

  • At 2 years old, babies like soft body dolls, interactive baby dolls, Hello Kitty toys for the little ones (wheelchair, designers).
  • At the age of 5, girls are interested in role-playing games - buy them a kitchen, household appliances, a baby stroller with a baby doll that looks like a real baby as much as possible. Also during these years, children love to play with figurines-heroes from their favorite cartoon (Rapunzel, Snow White).
  • At 10-12 years old, young beauties are also very passionate about role-playing games. During this period, Barbie dolls, Winx, Bratz, Sonya in a wedding dress, beauty salons, baby dolls will come in handy.

The toys presented by us have certificates, therefore they are safe for the health of the child!

Condition: new
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1) You can pick up this house on the day you apply at the address: Belorusskaya metro station, Leningradsky Prospekt, 2.

Here it is available. BUT be sure to warn by phone that you want to pick up a house near metro station Belorusskaya, we will make a reservation for you.

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The cost of delivery to the point of 200-300 rubles. depending on the selected item, the period is 1-5 days (also depends on the item you have chosen)

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💜 Inexpensive! The average price for a wooden house for a Barbie of this size is about 10 thousand rubles.

💜 Beautiful and functional: the doors open, there are trims and curtains on the windows, flowers in pots.

💜 With a twist: the house has an ELEVATOR and a SWING!

💜 Large (height - 102, width - 81, depth - 52 cm) and spacious: 2 full-fledged residential floors, balconies and a veranda on the 3rd floor

💜 Suitable for all Barbie type dolls (Monster High, Winx, Brats, etc.). Almost all girls of senior kindergarten and primary school age have such dolls and getting a house for these dolls as a gift is a dream!

💜 Eco-friendly. Made from birch plywood.

💜 Developing. Let the child show his imagination and try himself as an interior designer: paint the facade, paste wallpaper (you can print them from the Internet or buy self-adhesive film at any hardware store).

Yes, and there is no more universal toy for role-playing games.

💜 Durable. Plywood is thick, three-layer. Assembly details are fixed with additional plugs, so the whole structure is very stable and reliable.

💜 Safe. Made according to GOST. There is a certificate. The plywood from which the house is made is of very good quality. The details are laser cut, so the edges are even.

MillionPodarkov actively researched as many as 232 online gift shops, went through the entire web space and took into account the opinions of eminent magazines Seventeen, She / She, Samaya, or rather their top ten best answers in order to find out what kind of gift for 10 years the young lady will become most desired. Moreover, the question was asked by the very young creatures of this age - information from the original source. Of course, many do not openly admit their desires, so an anonymous survey was also conducted on the Internet.
As a result, a kind of "scale" was obtained, on one bowl of which there is the most favorite product of the givers, on the other - its less successful fellow.
10 years is the first serious anniversary in your life, so you can’t get away with souvenirs in a hurry. Here it is necessary to approach the choice thoroughly, taking into account the character and tastes of the birthday girl. In addition, the desire to surprise takes its roots here.
11 years old is the time for the formation of a personality, when it is very important to take into account the hobbies of a young lady. At the same time, it must be remembered that romance is relevant in any situation, and especially at this age.
12 - the height of teenage experiences about "how I look" and "what others think of me." Keep this in mind when choosing a present. It is desirable that he impress the friends of the birthday girl.
And after all, there is such a gift that fits perfectly into the required range of ten to twelve years. 6% of buyers prefer the original and unusual "Party Fountain". Girlfriends will be delighted when a cocktail, fruit drink or other drink can be taken directly from it - just like in films about famous beauties. After the birthday, stories about this star party will continue to circulate for a long time.
On the other side of the scale is the Grass Piglet Piggy. Despite the fact that he is so cute, the toy looks like a gift for 6-7 year old kids, while our heroine is already quite an adult, accomplished person. Therefore, before you buy it, when the girl is already at the age of 10, 11 or 12, we advise you to weigh the pros and cons.
There is also a third category of gifts, which is called "the most expensive." By the way, this is the answer to the question "what can I give a girl for 12 years." And this is a home planetarium, from which all girls will be delighted, from the age of ten to the age of twelve. The electronic menu is easily and simply adjusted to the desired time and date. Bewitched charmers will be surprised themselves, and delight their friends and fans.
The choice - what to give a girl for 10 years (also 11 or 12) - is made. It remains to give a present. You can, as an option, use the following methods of donation.
1. Romance is always relevant. Therefore, take the usual large box (from under the TV, for example). Put a gift in it and fill it with small chocolates (or balls, sweets) so that it seems as if there is nothing there except them. Imagine the joyful surprise of the one who will receive such a “package”.
2. You can arrange a "game of hide and seek." Hide the gift securely, and draw a diagram of how to find it on several separate pieces of paper. Hang them in the most visible places, and keep the intrigue until the last moment.