How to fix a hole in jeans between the legs. Jeans are rubbed between the legs: what to do with scuffs? How to hide a hole or a frayed spot on jeans between the legs

Jeans are in the wardrobe of many. They are convenient, comfortable, but the holes that have appeared over time force us to say goodbye to our favorite thing. In order for jeans to please us for some time, holes can be mended, hidden with an appliqué or a patch.

How to darn on a typewriter

A trick that is used to mask a hole with sewing machine, is called a contraption. It is indispensable for repairing men's jeans.

The sewing machine must have a forward and reverse stitch function.

You will need threads of the same color as the fabric, a patch, a piece of non-woven fabric larger than the patch.

A patch is applied from the wrong side, and interlining is applied to it. We iron everything.

On the front side, we "hammer" the hole with stitches. The first stitch is sent forward, then we switch the machine to the reverse mode and lay the next stitch. The width between stitches is equal to the width of the thread. It turns out a dense surface of threads, which, as it were, paint over the hole.

The final moment - we get rid of the excess fabric of the patch and interlining, that is, we simply cut off the unnecessary. There will be no trace of the hole, plus, it will be completely invisible.

A piece made with threads of a contrasting color will look very interesting. The completed work will focus attention and look unusual.


You can manually sew up a hole that looks like a right angle or a cut in the form of a straight line. The threads used should match the tone of the jeans, that is, be invisible.

The stitches overlap often so that there is no space between them. Their size is the same.

Patch or application - knight's move

In the event that the repair of the hole does not allow making it invisible, perform the application. It will hide a visible flaw and become a stylish element of decor, thereby enlivening your favorite thing.

You can make an application yourself or buy a ready-made one. As a rule, factory applications have an adhesive base and are easily attached to the fabric with a hot iron. As a result of several washings, they can come unstuck. It is better to additionally fix them with threads.

If you decide to run the application yourself, you can use different material. Perfect combination of denim and leather. You can use beads, braid, decorative buttons, or just a fabric of different textures. The scope of your imagination is not limited.

Floral motifs give grace, and ethnic - style. Cats, butterflies, fish - all this turns jeans into a cute and cozy thing.

Golden shades will make your jeans luxurious.

If you place the appliqué on a piece of denim and sew it onto a hole in the form of a pocket, then you, in addition, increase the functionality of your jeans. After all, a pocket is never superfluous.

hole in butt

  1. For restoration you will need a piece of denim. Very often, manufacturers attach a piece of cloth of the same color to a new thing just in case you need to repair the product. If you don’t have such a piece of fabric, then any other, dense texture will do. A patch is cut out of it.
  2. We turn the jeans inside out and place our patch on the hole. Next, an adhesive cloth is applied on top. It's a little more than a patch. Do not confuse. The rough adhesive surface should be in contact with a piece of our denim patch. Cover with another piece of fabric. It will prevent glue from getting on the iron.
  3. It remains only to iron the entire resulting “bookcase” with an iron, but first be sure to sprinkle it with water.
  4. The front side of the hole is processed with a zigzag seam with frequent stitches with a maximum stitch width. The lines should overlap each other by 0.1 cm.
  5. We stretch the threads to the wrong side and tie so that the stitches do not bloom. Cut off the remaining adhesive fabric with scissors.

hole in the knee

The hole that appeared on the knee is very noticeable. You can darn it using the stitching method, which is described above.

At the same time, there is one important point: it is inconvenient to lay a seam, so you will have to open the jeans along the outer side seam from the wrong side by about 20 cm. The hole will thus be exactly in the middle of the ripped part.

We remove the factory and overlaid lines with nail scissors. At the same time, we leave the ends of the threads so that they serve as a guide for the final assembly.

If the color of the jeans on the knee is not solid, resembling a gradient, then you will have to use several colors that match the tone.

Hole between legs

It takes maximum care to sew up the holes that have formed between the legs. Not without a paycheck. It is applied from the wrong side and secured with pins for convenience.

The seam is applied around the perimeter of the patch. On the front side, the disheveled edge of the hole also clings to the patch.

If the size of the hole is quite impressive, then the best option there will be a payment.

On children's jeans, it is better to make an application.

FROM original design your jeans will always win.

Exists a large number of reasons why jeans rub between the legs. However, they can be restored to attractiveness using a manual or machine technique.

Tools for the job

To sew up a hole in jeans between the legs or anywhere else, you need to prepare a few tools and materials. For work you will need:

  • strong threads;
  • piece of chalk;
  • pen, piece of paper;
  • iron equipped with a steam generator;
  • strong needle;
  • scissors;
  • a piece of soft matter (if a patch is to be sewn on).

If there is a denim fabric of the same color as the spoiled thing, it is better to take it. It is also desirable to select threads of the same color, otherwise the sewn area will stand out from the rest of the fabric.

Instructions on how to sew jeans by hand

Method number 1

To darn jeans, you need to follow the repair algorithm. It includes the following steps:

  1. To begin with, the product must be washed, dried and smoothed. It should not have wrinkles.
  2. Jeans must be turned inside out before use.
  3. If there is a hole in the damaged area, it needs to be repaired. You can make a seam by hand or using a special darning device.
  4. From the fabric prepared for the patch, you need to cut a small piece. It should cover the shabby place and go 1.5-2 cm beyond its edges.
  5. Then the patch must be fixed using an iron or any other suitable device.
  6. After that, the product must be turned out again. Then lines should be formed. They should be parallel to the fibers.
  7. After processing one side, the fabric must be turned over. You need to sew up the damage to the end.
  8. Similar manipulations must be done with the second leg.

If everything is done correctly, you can sew jeans between your legs unnoticed. In this case, you should choose strong threads so that they do not break.

Method number 2

With this technique, you need to sew the insert to the thing. The implementation of the method is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. First, jeans need to be washed and dried. The prepared patch should be ironed with an iron.
  2. After that, the seams must be cut on the product.
  3. Then you need to outline the part that will be cut off. The damaged zone must be located beyond this boundary.
  4. You can make even markings with a ruler and a pen.
  5. After that, according to the first outlines, you need to cut off the matter.
  6. The resulting fabric pieces are applied to a paper sheet and outlined with a pencil. According to the sketch, flaps of the desired size and shape are prepared.
  7. In the area where the denim flaps will be attached to the pants, you need to leave about 1.5 cm.
  8. The pattern made is applied to jeans, circled in chalk and cut out.
  9. For the other leg, you should make a symmetrical piece of matter.
  10. Patches are sewn with suitable threads.

How to sew jeans with a sewing machine

If you have a sewing machine, it is desirable to have the skills to work with it. If there are any, jeans can be sewn up almost imperceptibly.

For this you need:

  1. Stretch the fabric tightly so that no seams are visible on its surface.
  2. The seams of the machine must be vertical, otherwise they will differ from the texture of the matter. The patch is sewn in a zigzag.
  3. In the absence of a thread to match the color of the pants, you can combine 2 similar colors - darker and lighter than the "original".
  4. The formed hole is masked with the help of a “thing”.

In the absence of skills in working with a sewing machine, it is better not to take risks and give the product to a sewing salon.

What to do so that jeans do not rub between the legs

To avoid such a problem, you need to follow a number of rules. The main ones are:

  1. If holes between the legs are constantly formed, when choosing new pants, you need to choose the right size. Jeans should not be tight on the inside of the thighs. Experts recommend buying a product 1 size larger.
  2. In the presence of excess weight you have to try to get rid of it. This will not only avoid scuffs on jeans, but will also have a positive effect on well-being and health. With obesity, even the highest quality and most expensive trousers will not last long.
  3. Products with an ordinary or high waist are erased much less often. If the pants are firmly fixed and have a normal pull-up, the material in the crotch area will not gather into folds, i.e. holes and stripes will not appear on the thing. It is undesirable to purchase options with a low waist.
  4. When sitting, you need to get up a little, intending to change position on the chair. This will extend the life of the pants.
  5. Jeans need to be provided proper care. Don't wash them too often. At the same time, it is better to wash such products by hand, or by setting the delicate mode on the washing machine. Remove the buttons before washing.
  6. If scuffs have already begun to appear, it is recommended that these sections of the pants be immediately sealed with additional inserts.

It often happens that jeans, sometimes the most beloved ones, are generally preserved, but, unfortunately, they are constantly torn in one place: between the legs. It's a shame to throw them away. There is an exit. You can repair them yourself.

There are two easy ways to repair jeans worn between the legs:

  1. apply an inconspicuous patch;
  2. make an insert.

1. How to put a patch?

To repair jeans between the legs, we need:

  • Spool of thread;
  • A small piece of denim.

It is desirable that these be special white threads for denim, but if there are no such threads, then you can use others, but as close as possible in color to leaky jeans. The same applies to a piece of denim.

How to sew up a hole between the legs?

1. From the wrong side
sides sew a small patch, slightly larger in size than the worn area.

The patch can be easily applied at home with your own hands. The main thing is that the seams do not burst.

2. How to paste?

1. This will require spools of thread in two colors: the first in the color of the problematic denim trousers, the second in the color of the delay of the seams on them, and patches.

2. Prepare patches, in this case bigger size than in the previous method.

3. It is necessary to properly rip the jeans along the side seams and along the back seam, which runs in the center.

5. Attach the cut parts to future patches, circle and cut. It is important to remember about seam allowances!

In addition, sewing up jeans, you can show your imagination: try such inserts, for example, or from velveteen. Leather inserts help prevent abrasion. In addition to this, you can add details from the same material to the belt. Can be added as patches to other places where there are no holes. Your favorite jeans will get a new, stylish look. And most importantly, they will be absolutely unique! No one will have similar denim trousers.

As you can see, quite a bit of effort is enough to repair and transform jeans worn between the legs and carry them for a long time until you want to part with them on your own initiative.

If the jeans are beyond repair?

If you still can’t fix your jeans, then you can make spectacular ultra-short shorts out of them. The remaining denim material can be used to create some stylish accessory to them: handbags, hairpins, an interesting strap or a flower on a brooch.

Another way out is to disguise jeans by adding scuffs to them, make new cuts, paint, and also decorate with appliqué. In this updated form, old jeans will also look good, allowing you to hide defects. It is important to understand that this will not be an outfit for the office or a party, but rather for walking and relaxing.

There are many ways to bring back worn out jeans. new life, you just need to show your Creative skills, and the new one will delight its owner for a very long time.

Step by step photos How to sew jeans between legs?

We find worn jeans. We take a piece of non-woven fabric. Estimate the size of the hole.
Apply interlining. Press down with a hot iron. We check whether the interlining is firmly glued.
We sew with a machine. The seam should be further than the hole. Try not to damage the jeans even more.
Be sure to check the condition of the machine. We apply a denim patch Sew on a patch.
Ready! You are gorgeous! Old jeans have been reborn. Now light wear is in vogue.
These jeans are perfect for walking in the park. You can enjoy picnics there.

Greetings to all my readers! Favorite piece of clothing - jeans, often torn between the legs. This problem overtakes people with full legs. But there are good tricks that will help hide an annoying defect. Learn how to sew jeans between your legs discreetly.

We work carefully

How to darn if there is no hole

If scuffs appear on the surface, but there is no hole yet, do not allow it to appear. You have to strengthen the place of a well-marked abrasion.

  • Pick up denim pieces, special fabric glue, or gossamer tape that can be glued on with an iron.
  • Attach a self-adhesive tape from the inside, a piece of fabric on it, glue the patch with an iron. You can attach from above, then glue. It all depends on the amount of damage.
  • Sew along the perimeter on a typewriter so that the patch lasts longer.
  • On sale there are ready-made patches for jeans, one side of which already has a self-adhesive tape.
  • If the seam is unraveling, machine sew or hand sew with a blind seam.

If rubbed between the legs, then you can darn and hand if there is no machine.

How to avoid scuffs

So that you don’t snort between your legs longer, and you don’t have to mess with repairs, try to follow some rules.

  1. Do not buy things "back to back", or, conversely, too loose. Such a purchase in the future will lead to gaps that will have to be repaired.
  2. Jeans with a low waist are especially torn. They wear out faster than others precisely between the legs.
  3. To avoid trouble, buy jeans only in your size. Don't expect them to stretch and be comfortable in them.
  4. Read the label before shipping to. Please follow the care instructions provided there.
  5. Before throwing in washing machine turn the product inside out. Wash them with other jeans or wash them separately.
  6. Pants are best washed in cool water using a delicate wash program.
  7. It is better to dry not in the car, but in the air, so they will last longer.

Finally, I would like to wish not to throw away your favorite trousers, but to carefully sew up all the holes and scuffs, especially since you now know how to sew jeans between your legs imperceptibly.

Quite often, when buying a thing they like, they wear it until it breaks. And recently, your favorite jeans come into disrepair. It is at this moment that the main question arises: throw them away or sew them up so that they still last a long time.

How to sew jeans by hand

Of course, you can give your jeans to a tailor shop or have them repaired, or you can have them repaired at home. If there is no sewing machine, it does not matter, because it can be done manually. It all depends on the extent and location of the damage.

1st way:

  • This method is very simple. They take a tag from any other product, tear it off or take a new one. This does not have to be a tag, it is quite possible to use a beautiful application. The tag is placed on top of the damage and carefully sewn with a needle and thread. For these purposes, you can use matching threads, or you can take beautiful contrasting threads, which will look very stylish and interesting.

2nd way:

  • You don't have to sew at all. It is quite possible to use a glue cobweb. To do this, a cut-out segment of the desired size of the adhesive cobweb is applied to the damage, a tag or appliqué is placed on top and ironed with a hot iron through the fabric.

how to sew jeans between legs

Both methods are good if the jeans are torn at the leg. But if the jeans are torn between the legs, another method should be used.

For repairs you will need:

  • Scissors,
  • Threads in the color of jeans
  • dublerin piece,
  • Iron,
  • Needle with thread.

Repair process:

  • First, smooth the jeans at the site of damage. The place of the gap is folded together as much as possible, securing with safety pins. A piece of dublerin is glued from the wrong side. In size, it should be slightly larger than the damage. For gluing use a hot iron with steam. On the front side, they are stitched with threads to cover all the flaws.

How to sew knee jeans

To sew jeans on the knee, you need to turn them inside out, rip open the side seam to get to the hole and make it easy to darn. If the hole was somewhere at the top, then there would be no need to rip the side seam, because it would be easy to darn. After that, the excess threads are removed. If a large mahr is obtained, then it is also removed.

Cut out a small piece of denim. So that the patch does not hinder movement on the knee, you need to choose thin fabric. You can use non-woven fabric from the wrong side for bonding, and then sew. But you can go the other way and use a glue stick. Spread glue all over the patch to fix it, and it did not move. The wrong side of the knee with damage is smeared with the same glue.

Carefully combine these two parts with each other. Turn the product over front side and darn diagonally. The stitching is done diagonally because denim has a structure in which the stripes are arranged strictly diagonally. Therefore, it is very convenient to lay a line along these lines.

An important point is the correct selection of threads. If the threads are chosen poorly, then the work will look sloppy and not have an aesthetic appearance. The line should be laid small, approximately 2 mm. Excess threads are removed. Make an overlay on the side of the jeans and sew.

How to fix jeans on the butt

And there are times when jeans are torn on the pope. There is also a way out of this situation. The patch cannot be inserted because it will be visible. It is necessary to overcast the edges of the damage and bait, then sew. Since the fabric is quite worn out in the damaged area, a patch will need to be inserted after the stitching. big size, which will be inside.

Before you fasten both sides together, you need to get rid of excess threads and terry. Then the sides of the gap are connected to each other and a seam is laid with a thread and a needle. The seam should be kept small so that the jeans do not become smaller. Sew seam to seam sewing machine.

You should choose the right thread in color. If the stitch length allows, it is better to sew stitch in stitch. At this stage, the work does not stop. After cutting off the extra threads, strengthen the resulting work from the inside. Using a measuring tape, measure the size of the patch. But not in a finished state, but in a stretched state. This will allow you to feel comfortable when wearing, because the fabric on the jeans is stretchy. If the denim does not stretch, then this is not necessary.

You need to cut the part diagonally, because this way the fabric stretches well. They baste a patch to jeans and attach it on a sewing machine. This method is very convenient because it allows you to sew up jeans discreetly. Besides the aesthetic appearance, it is also convenient.

Each method is very useful in different situations, so do not rush to throw away old jeans, but you should try to give them a second life.

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