How to boost your baby's immunity. A healthy natural recipe to boost your child’s immunity. Signs of a weakened child's immune system

According to the World Health Organization, children in the early stages of life get sick up to ten times a year with various acute colds. Under normal conditions of activity of the protective system, children can suffer from various flus and mild adenoviral infections 4-5 times throughout the year (with symptoms such as runny nose, cough, low temperature). However, it is not always possible to use pharmacological drugs to improve health. Due to this problem Most parents are concerned with the question of how to increase their child’s immunity folk remedies .

Hardening the immune system has been a question for many years, because immunological memory is not hereditary, but is acquired with the further development of the body. This development must be accompanied by appropriate auxiliary actions leading to an increase in the body’s protective capabilities.

To regenerate the immune capabilities of children, the following folk remedies are used:

  • anti-inflammatory and restorative herbal infusions
  • propolis
  • mixtures of natural products containing vitamins
  • hardening, massage
  • other means

Anti-inflammatory and restorative herbs

Provided that the child gets sick often, parents can independently strengthen or restore his defenses with the help of medicinal herbs, the use of which is expressed in an immunostimulating effect. These herbs include:

  • chamomile
  • St. John's wort
  • chestnut flowers
  • Melissa
  • calendula
  • series

The listed plants can be brewed separately and used in combination.

You can boost your child’s immunity using folk remedies by preparing an infusion:

  • you need to collect fireweed and St. John's wort, linden flowers, chestnut flowers, calendula flowers, lemon balm herb in equal proportions
  • pour boiling water over a tablespoon of these plants - one glass
  • leave for 5-6 hours
  • add honey if allergic reactions are not observed (children up to three years Bee product should not be given at all)
  • add 2-4 drops of echinacea or propolis tincture (a common scheme is one drop for one year of life)

The child can take the drink in several small sips 3-4 times a day.

Another decoction has no less pronounced immune-stimulating properties. What you need to create:

  • linden and horsetail flowers are taken in the same ratio
  • a spoonful of plant elements is poured into a glass of boiling water
  • the broth is infused until it cools down

This drink should be consumed one tablespoon 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment should not last longer than ten days.

How to use herbal adaptogens

Before you familiarize yourself with the method indicated in the subtitle, you need to get an idea of ​​what adaptogens are.

Adaptogens– a pharmacological group of drugs of natural or artificial origin. These drugs can increase the level of nonspecific resistance to a wide range of harmful factors.

Any kind of immunostimulating drugs should be used in moderation: preferably in accordance with the advice of a doctor.

Another means that increases the body’s immune capabilities are the so-called plant adaptogens. Among them, the most popular are:

  • Eleutherococcus
  • echinacea
  • ginseng

Before parents decide which folk remedies are most appropriate for children and to increase their immunity, it is important to understand the following:

The defense system of a child under 6-7 years of age is not mature enough, and therefore, instead of the strengthening effect of these plants, a decrease in immune capabilities can be caused.

It is appropriate to prepare preparations based on these herbs for teenagers. In this case, the dosage and duration of treatment are determined by the doctor.

It is important to note that preparations of eleutherococcus and ginseng can increase blood pressure and contribute to nervous overexcitation. Due to these circumstances, these plants are prohibited from being taken in cases of primary arterial hypertension, mixed vegetative-vascular dystonia and nervous pathologies.

If contraindications are not relevant for a child, he can take infusions in the morning and afternoon, but not after 17:00.

Another remedy with useful effects for strengthening the immune system is peony root.

Peony root tincture has immunomodulatory and calming properties. It is taken in the run-up to sleep. Dosage: one drop for 1 year of life. The course can last no more than two weeks.

How else can you increase your child’s immunity using folk remedies? An infusion of blackcurrant leaves has a good immune-stimulating effect. To prepare the drink, pour a tablespoon of dry leaves with boiling water (one glass), then infuse for 3-4 hours in a tightly covered container. You can add a little lemon juice and honey. The product is consumed in tea form 3-4 times a day, the course is 2-3 weeks.


In addition to the methods mentioned above, nonspecific immunity can be strengthened with biostimulating agents, which include:

  • far eastern lemongrass
  • royal jelly

The use of these medications can only be prescribed by a medical specialist after an immunogram has been performed. As a rule, biostimulating agents are used in conjunction with the treatment of primary and secondary ailments. The course of therapy is 10 days, carried out every month at equal intervals. The total duration of treatment is 3-6 months.

Vitamin mixtures

A variety of background negative conditions such as hypovitaminosis, intestinal problems, anemia, and asthenia are characteristic of children, who often fall ill. These symptoms reduce the protective abilities of the immune system and provoke subsequent deterioration of the condition.

Folk remedies for increasing immunity in children in such situations are represented by a number of vitamin mixtures and decoctions that help improve metabolic processes and better digestion. They also normalize sleep and appetite. The following folk remedies are suitable for children's immunity:

  • rosehip decoction
  • honey-nut mixture with raisins and lemon
  • aloe juice with honey
  • cranberry juice
  • decoction of oats and flax seeds
  • mixture of viburnum and raspberry juices

Check out another recipe for one of the most popular remedies for strengthening children's immunity:

  • walnuts, raisins, dates (a glass of each component), half a glass of almonds, a couple of lemons, 100 grams of aloe leaves are passed through a meat grinder
  • the resulting mixture is poured with 300-500 ml of honey and mixed
  • infuse in the refrigerator for 2-3 days
  • the mixture is given to the child one teaspoon twice a day

Alternative vitamin mixture:

  • 500 g cranberries and lemon are passed through a meat grinder
  • two tablespoons of honey are added to the mixture, everything is mixed
  • the mixture is given a tablespoon twice a day, or with tea

Fresh juices and compotes

If parents are tormented by thoughts of how to strengthen the child’s immunity with folk remedies, then fresh fruit juices are perfect. They can be given to children from one year old, but not in their pure form, since they are too concentrated. It is recommended to dilute fresh juices with water.

To replenish vitamin C reserves, it is appropriate to consume fresh citrus fruits. Pomegranate juice will raise hemoglobin. Juices from carrots and beets are especially rich in vitamins.

For the use of various compotes best season- summer. This drink is good because it has a gentler effect on the child’s immunity. Berries and fruits from compote are also not deprived beneficial properties. They can be served in their pure form, flavored with honey. In addition, an equally useful cooking method involves the following steps: crush the fruits and season with sour cream.


Another good way, answering the question of how to strengthen a child’s immunity using folk remedies. To improve the protection of his body, you can use a special infusion. It is prepared from the leaves of the walnut tree. Two tablespoons of these leaves are poured with boiling water (500 ml). The mixture should sit for one night. It is more acceptable if you keep the infusion in a container like a thermos. The infusion is taken every day. The dose for a child is a quarter glass.

How to boost a child’s immunity using folk remedies in the off-season

Strengthening the immune system in children with folk remedies is not limited to plant foods such as fruits, berries and vegetables.

Fish fat

The benefits of a natural immunomodulator enriched with vitamins A, D and saturated fatty acids are undoubted. Fish oil is not the most delicious product, but today it can be purchased in pharmacies in capsules, which makes taking this product much easier. Fish oil is useful not only for the immune system, but also for the brain, because the drug significantly improves its activity. It should also be noted that the described drug causes an improvement in the condition of hair and nails.


Essential omega-3 fatty acids are found in seafood. Without these components, it is impossible to talk about the body’s defense system being fully provided with all substances. The child’s body needs special help in the off-season, during which the threat of contracting colds sharply increases.

The above-mentioned folk remedies during epidemic seasons will become a reliable reinforcement in counteracting harmful factors that weaken the immune system. Even if the child gets sick, the disease will proceed without complications.

Other popular folk remedies for boosting a child’s immunity

To increase a child’s immunity very quickly, many folk remedies are suitable. Don't get hung up on a narrow list of remedies you know. The human body has individual characteristics, and what works well for one person is not a fact that it will be effective for another. It is especially important to understand this if you are allergic to any foods. In this case, it is necessary to expand the arsenal of available natural remedies to improve immunity.

Bran for immunity

1 tablespoon of wheat or rye bran is poured into one glass of water. The mixture is boiled for 30-40 minutes. After all operations, a tablespoon of dried calendula flowers, previously crushed, is added to it. The mixture is boiled for five minutes. Then it is cooled, filtered and seasoned with a teaspoon of honey. You need to take a quarter glass four times a day before meals. The course can be quite long.

Cedar oil

To prevent colds, you can give your child cedar oil, a third of a teaspoon, 2-3 times a day to strengthen the immune system. You need to consume the oil before meals. The course of such therapy is a month. It is necessary to monitor the child’s stool during the course. If necessary, reduce the dose if there are problems with stool.

Onion syrup

In order to effectively strengthen the immune system and counteract colds, you need to systematically use the onion mixture in the winter. To prepare it, you need to take 0.25 kg of onion, chop it, add 0.2 kg of sugar, add water (0.5 l). Cook the mixture over low heat until it reaches a syrup state. Directions for use: one teaspoon three times a day before meals.


Gentian roots (10 g) are filled with water in a volume of one liter. The liquid is infused for 20 hours, after which it is filtered. Then 1 kg of sugar is added to it. The mixture is placed on low heat until it boils. The mixture should be cooled. It needs to be stored cool. Give children half a glass three times a day. The product will help strengthen the child’s immunity.

Fruit and vegetable mixture

How else to increase a child’s immunity using folk remedies? Well-known vegetables and dried fruits will help with this.

This remedy will strengthen the immune system and increase vitality. A bonus in the form of blood purification is included.

Recipe: 0.5 kg of carrots and 0.5 kg of beets need to be washed, peeled, chopped, put in a container and pour boiling water. The mixture is cooked over low heat until the beets are ready. After this, strain and add a handful of raisins and dried apricots to the broth. Then put it on the fire again and bring to a boil. You need to boil for 3-4 minutes. Then you can add a tablespoon of honey and leave in a cool place for about 12 hours. Children should take half a tablespoon of the decoction three times a day for a month.

Vitamin infusion

There is also a variant of folk remedies for immunity for children, which will help improve weakened immunity due to the high content of essential substances:

  • take two parts of lingonberries and three parts each of nettle leaves and rosehip berries
  • chop and mix well
  • Brew four teaspoons with boiling water (one glass)
  • let it brew for 3-4 hours, strain
  • give your child one glass 2-3 times every 24 hours for a month, then take a break (1 month) and resume the course

Figs in milk

For frequently recurring colds, you can use the following recommendation from informal medicine: boil 2-3 figs in milk over low heat. Give it to the child: he should eat the figs and drink the milk while it is warm.

Needles for immunity

Parents thinking about how to increase their child’s immunity using folk remedies may not take into account that such a natural component as pine needles also has valuable properties that have a constructive effect on the immune system.

A drink based on pine needles has a positive effect on the protective forces. It helps to avoid such a dangerous disease as scurvy. Drink recipe: a couple of tablespoons of pine needles, thoroughly washed, poured with water and boiled in a tightly closed container for 25 minutes. The drug is used in small doses.

Garlic with sunflower oil

A mixture of unrefined sunflower oil (0.5 l) with ground garlic (0.5 kg) has a positive effect on the body’s defense system. The components are mixed and infused for three days in a cool, dark place. Then you need to add 300 g of barley or barley groats, the mass is stirred until smooth and stored in the refrigerator. Directions for use: one teaspoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is a month. To prevent problems with immunity, the course can be renewed twice a year.

Increasing immunity in children using folk remedies is an effective and proven method. Restoring children's defenses is not the most difficult task if you follow the doctor's recommendations and monitor your child's diet and routine. The main thing in this matter is systematicity. If adults are interested in the question of how to strengthen a child’s immunity using folk remedies, then it is important to consult a specialist before using one or another method.

One child gets sick once a year, and the other practically never leaves the doctors. Moreover, they both live in the same conditions, in the same climate, and attend the same kindergarten. It's all about immunity, which is stronger in some children and weaker in others. In this article we will talk about How can you boost the immunity of frequently ill children using folk remedies?, as well as how to support immunity in a child, who is more rare.

What is immunity

The defense mechanism recognizes a foreign “guest” (it can be a virus, bacteria, toxins, etc.) and activates “special forces” - immunocompetent cells for special purposes, whose task is to block and destroy the stranger - this reaction is called an immune response.

Sometimes an autoimmune reaction occurs in the body, when the immune system destroys cells of the body’s own, but not healthy ones, but those that have undergone a mutation, for example, tumor cells.

The immune system is much “smarter” than it seems, it is well oriented in the concepts of “friend or foe”, and also has a long-term “memory”, since after the first contact with a new virus, it “remembers” it, and the next time it quickly identifies and takes urgent action.

This ability can be clearly demonstrated in the familiar chickenpox. The virus that causes it practically does not mutate, so after a person has been ill chicken pox, his immunity knows the causative agent of the disease well, and suppresses any of its attempts to cause the disease again. A person usually gets chickenpox only once in his life. But influenza and acute respiratory viral infections are caused by viruses and their strains, which are constantly changing, so we suffer from these ailments much more often.

Each of us has two immunities: one innate, the other acquired. Innate acts only in a generalized way, understanding foreign agents as one undesirable factor. He cannot “remember” viruses and bacteria that are new to him. Acquired - more active immunity. He “learns” and “trains” all his life, starting from the first days after the birth of a child.

In children after birth, the maximum load falls on the innate defense. And gradually, with each new disease, with each unfavorable factor from the environment, an initially weak and imperfect acquired immunity is formed.

Several important organs and systems take part in immune defense. Red bone marrow creates stem cells and is responsible for lymphocytes. It is actively helped by the thymus (thymus gland), which differentiates lymphocytes. A considerable burden falls on the lymph nodes, which are located very “thoughtfully” - along the course of the lymph vessels. The largest organ of the immune system is the spleen.


The mechanisms and factors of immune defense are different. Nonspecific factors perceive and resist any type of pathogenic organisms. Specific ones are especially effective only against specific pathogens. It is these factors that shape the immune system’s ability to remember enemies by sight.

In addition, factors can be constant or unstable. The skin and mucous membranes, microflora, inflammation processes, body temperature and basic metabolism are constantly protected by nonspecific immunity. Non-permanent factors come into force after the “intruder” penetrates the body - inflammation appears, the production of the interferon protein is activated, immune cells - phagocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, etc. - are activated.

How to calculate that your immune system is weak

In young children, as we have found out, acquired immunity (which is very important in diseases) is very weak and is still developing. The younger the toddler, the weaker his defense. If the doctor says that your child's immunity is weakened, this means that the deficiency of protective functions is below certain age norms.

The doctor comes to this conclusion after studying the patient’s card. If the frequency of illnesses, mainly colds, in a child exceeds 5-6 times a year, we can talk about weakened immunity.

Parents can notice this condition on their own, because the external manifestations of immunodeficiency are quite clear: the child has disturbed sleep, he often complains of fatigue, headaches, poor appetite, depressed mood, increased moodiness. A fairly characteristic sign is weak hair, nails, dry and problematic skin . Children with reduced immunity may develop dark circles under their eyes, and they are more likely than other children to have allergies.

Modern medicine offers a special study of immune status. To do this, they do an immunogram - a comprehensive diagnostic that will allow you to determine the composition of the blood, the presence of antibodies to certain diseases, immunoglobulins in it; specialists will analyze the cellular components of the immune system. The doctor will receive all this data from a special blood test of the patient. The average cost of an immunogram in Russia is from 350 rubles.

Immunodeficiency can be different. The mildest form is when the child is weakened after an illness. It is temporary, and the baby’s condition will recover fairly quickly. The most severe pathology is HIV infection, when the child’s immune system requires constant drug support.

The reasons that cause immune weakness are different:

  • Congenital pathologies of organs involved in the protective mechanism.
  • Congenital defects of the respiratory and digestive systems, as well as HIV infection that the child received in utero from the mother or independently (through blood transfusion or untreated medical instruments).
  • Previous infection, especially if it was not treated properly.
  • The state of hypoxia that the baby experienced during the mother’s pregnancy.
  • Premature birth. Premature babies are more susceptible to infection.
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions, living in a region with increased background radiation.
  • Long-term and uncontrolled use of antibiotics and antivirals - immunostimulants and immunomodulators.
  • A big journey, during which the child changed time zone and climate.
  • Severe stress.
  • High physical activity.

In the next video the famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky will tell you all about children's immunity and give useful tips about how to strengthen your child's immunity.

Folk remedies

Children with weakened immune systems need to be given more vitamins, everyone knows this. Moreover, it is better if these are seasonal vitamins, fresh, and not in the form of tablets and capsules. In summer, fresh black currants, raspberries, cherries and apples are useful for general strengthening. IN winter time years, you can give your child compotes, teas and decoctions of frozen berries, dried fruits and medicinal herbs.

It is better to avoid alcohol infusions; they are contraindicated in childhood. It is best to prepare the products yourself, at home. If you don’t have the skills to collect and prepare useful herbs, you can always buy it inexpensively at any pharmacy.

The following products and traditional medicine are of particular value for increasing a child’s immunity.

Honey and propolis

Bee products should not be given to children with acute allergies and a tendency to allergic reactions in general. It is not advisable to give honey to children under three years of age. To boost immunity, you can add honey to any tea you prepare for your child, to milk, and to almost any decoction and herbal infusion.

It is better to purchase propolis at a pharmacy in the form of an aqueous solution. Children are given a few drops, depending on age, 2-4 times a day.


Echinacea preparations should not be given to children under one year of age; other children are allowed to take this medicinal plant orally in dosages that are appropriate for their age. With pharmaceutical preparations with echinacea, everything is more or less clear, since all dosages are indicated in the instructions for use. Many questions arise about home preparation of products and their dosage regimen.

To prepare homemade tincture you need to take 50 grams. chopped herbs and 100 ml boiled water. Mix everything and hold for steam bath about a quarter of an hour. Cool, strain using gauze or a strainer. The child should be given the tincture one-fourth of a glass, cool.

For a more pleasant taste, you can add dry leaves of black currant, raspberry, strawberry and lemon balm to the tincture. Phytoenzymes, which are found in abundance in Echinacea, have a beneficial effect on the quantity and quality of immunocompetent phagocyte cells. This is due to its effect on the immune system.

Aloe juice

Available to everyone indoor plant rich in vitamins and other substances that stimulate the immune system gently, without unnecessary pressure. To get the juice, you need to cut off the fleshiest and juiciest leaves, put them in the refrigerator and keep them at low temperatures for a couple of days. Then finely chop the leaves, put them in a “bundle” of gauze and squeeze out the juice. You can add a little water to it and store it in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours. Over time, the product will lose its therapeutic effect.

Aloe juice can be mixed into tea or compote for children, or given in its pure form 3-4 times a day, a tablespoon half an hour before meals.

Rose hip

Berries and leaves are widely used in alternative medicine. For a child with a weakened immune system, you can prepare a compote with rose hips, you can make an infusion, but the most popular among parents is a decoction. To prepare it, you will need five tablespoons of berries (can be dried), a liter of boiled water. The berries are poured into boiling water and kept on low heat for about a quarter of an hour. Then pour the broth into a thermos, close the lid and leave for 10-12 hours. Children are given the decoction warm 4 times a day, a quarter cup.


Ginger root will help the child cope with illness when the illness is at its peak, and will also strengthen the immune system if it is weakened after illness. Finely chopped root is added to tea in small quantities; you can also make a decoction from it and give it to your child a tablespoon twice a day. Ginger jelly is very effective for immunodeficiency conditions. To prepare it, you will need a root weighing about 250 grams, one lemon and a teaspoon of gelatin.

The root needs to be washed and peeled, the lemon is also freed from peel and seeds. Both ingredients are passed through a meat grinder, gelatin and sugar to taste (or honey) are added. The jelly is placed in the refrigerator, and after hardening, given as a dessert 3 times a day, a teaspoon after meals.


This berry is rich in vitamins and acids, which is why cranberry juice is so popular for colds. To boost your child’s immunity, it is better to prepare a delicious dessert from cranberries, which the child will regard as a delicacy, and not as an unpleasant and obligatory medicine. For this recipe you will need 200 grams of cranberries and 400 grams of apple slices. Everything needs to be mixed and poured with syrup made from 200 grams of honey and half a liter of water. Keep the resulting mass over low heat for about 20 minutes, stirring constantly. After which the delicacy is cooled, poured into a jar and stored in the refrigerator. The child is given a teaspoon three times a day.


In terms of its effect on the body, garlic can be compared to ginger. But the drinks and infusions made from it are not very tasty, and children rarely like them. You should not unnecessarily stuff your child with a decoction of garlic; it is enough if you add it fresh to salads and other dishes that are included in the child’s diet.

Chamomile and linden

These medicinal plants can be bought at a pharmacy and brewed according to the instructions. To prepare a homemade decoction you will need 10 grams of raw materials per 300 ml of water. Children can be given decoctions of linden and chamomile, one tablespoon three times a day. Children over 3 years old can be given combined herbal remedies, in which several plants will be mixed. The combination of chamomile with lemon balm and St. John's wort, as well as chamomile with sage and violet flowers, is very useful for strengthening immune defense.

We lead a correct lifestyle

Normalizing lifestyle is half of a successful campaign to increase a child’s immunity. The child’s nutrition should be complete, balanced, rich in vitamins and microelements.. The child should walk every day, in any weather, at any time of the year. Walking in the fresh air saturates the blood with oxygen. A child with a weakened immune system should get more rest; make sure that the baby gets enough sleep; if necessary, after consulting a doctor, use mild sedatives to normalize the child’s sleep and mood.

A fashionable trend in medicine today - psychosomatics - claims that all diseases are caused by nerves. I don’t know about everyone, but problems with immunity are very closely related to psychological state, and therefore limit stress, let every day for your little one be filled with something positive, kind, limit computer games and watching TV.

If the doctor said that your baby has a weak immune system, it’s time to think about strengthening procedures, such as hardening. They must be systematic and constant, become an integral part of life, then there will be a lasting and noticeable effect - the child will begin to get sick less and less often.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

The famous children's doctor Evgeny Komarovsky cites the behavior of the child's parents as the main reason for the decrease in children's immunity. Overly caring mothers and fathers create almost sterile living conditions for their beloved baby: they try to protect them from drafts, close the windows, do not allow them to pet a cat outside, and feed them hypoallergenic and pasteurized food that has gone through several degrees of purification. The immune system cannot be strong and healthy if it does not have contact with pathogens. Only with such “communication” and confrontation does the defense become stronger.

Thus, parents who are concerned about increasing their child’s immunity need to think carefully about their own approach to parenting and their own lifestyle.

As for immunodeficiency, Komarovsky considers it criminal to give such a diagnosis to every second child in the country. In fact, in clinics they talk about weak immunity if a child takes more than 6 or more times a year. Evgeny Komarovsky assures that this is a wrong approach, because doctors consider all infections - both viral and bacterial.

According to Evgeniy Olegovich, frequent illnesses from influenza or ARVI cannot be considered a sign of a deficiency of protection. We can talk about pathology if a child suffers just as often from bacterial infections, he has otitis media more than 8 times a year, and pneumonia more than twice a year. Fortunately, he emphasizes, such children do not occur very often - one case per 30 thousand children).

Evgeniy Komarovsky categorically warns parents against using medications that contain the words “immunostimulant” or “immunomodulator” in their names. Their effectiveness in clinical settings has not been proven, but there is a certain relationship between taking such drugs and immune “laziness”, when one’s own defense mechanism gets used to the fact that the pill decides and does everything for it, and simply stops coping with its responsibilities and begins to be “lazy.”

In Komarovsky’s opinion, it is possible to increase the immune abilities of a child’s body only by qualitatively changing the lifestyle of the entire family, and first of all, the child himself. Without this important condition, no folk remedies or “miracle” medicines (if they are invented!) will be able to make the child stronger, more resistant to disease, stronger and healthier.

  • From birth, the house where the child lives must have the “correct” microclimate: air temperature - about 19 degrees, air humidity - 50-70%. And only so.
  • Temper your baby from the very beginning of his life, go for walks, ventilate the children's room, do not wrap up the baby.
  • Do not give folk remedies that contain allergenic components to boost immunity. If you are unsure whether there will be a reaction, give the initial dose that is 3-5 times less than prescribed. If no negative manifestations appear within 24 hours, the drug can be given.

A video release by the famous doctor and TV presenter Elena Malysheva about children's immunity can be viewed below.

A good and strong immune system is the key to protecting the body from external infections. Immunodeficiency is the first sign of a weak immune system; in this case, the baby is exposed to a large number of infections.

Eat a large number of reasons why the immune system malfunctions: inappropriate living conditions, all kinds of stress, lack of vitamins, chronic diseases and poor diet.

In order to maintain a strong immune system, doctors around the world advise monitoring your diet. During the period when the temperature drops outside, take vitamins and immunostimulants.

Depending on age, the immune system has its own developmental characteristics. Unlike adults, children are more susceptible to viruses and infections. From the first minute of life, immunoglobulin enters the child’s body. During mother's milk lactation, it helps support the immune system in newborns. And in this regard, doctors strongly recommend breastfeeding the child as much as possible, and not using various artificial formulas.

To strengthen the immune system, try to breastfeed for at least 6-8 months as it is an ideal food for newborns. It contains enzymes, hormones, nutrients for the development of the child and ideally promotes easy absorption in the baby's body. Milk also contains substances that help fight diseases; those who are breastfed are less likely to get sick and susceptible to infections such as diarrhea and pneumonia.

Causes of colds

During the development of the fetus in the womb, class G immunoglobulins are transferred to the baby with the mother’s blood. During the first six months after birth, all immunoglobulins themselves are not produced and therefore children begin to get sick more often if they are not breastfed. Children begin producing their own immunoglobulin after 6 years of age. While going to kindergarten and school, a child is at great risk of encountering various infections and colds. In this regard, routine vaccinations are carried out, which help to resist bronchitis, ARVI, jaundice, measles, influenza, etc.

Many parents wonder why some children run through puddles and care nothing for them, but their child, after drinking cool water, lies with a stuffy nose and fever in the evening? This depends on the strength of the nonspecific immunity. At an early age, children are vaccinated against chickenpox, whooping cough, diphtheria and other diseases. But vaccination does not provide protection against sore throat, bronchitis, and otitis media, since it is the nonspecific immune system that provides protection against these diseases.

An important factor in a strong immune system is the nutrition of children. Parents should include vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats in the diet. If you do not adhere to this rule, it can lead to a decrease in the immune system. Nutrition should include products of plant and animal origin.

It is important to maintain the right emotional atmosphere in the family. If parents lead an unhealthy lifestyle and often argue, this will negatively affect mental state baby. A child should be surrounded by love, affection and care from people close to him.

Congenital or acquired diseases, such as gastritis and dysbacteriosis, tonsillitis and pneumonia, negatively affect the immune system.

How to strengthen the immunity of a child over 4 years old

Basic rules for strengthening the immune system:

  • proper nutrition
  • taking multivitamin complexes and medications
  • minimizing stressful situations
  • hardening
  • clothes for the weather
  • daily walks in the fresh air
  • active lifestyle

Hardening can begin with contrast shower. The procedure should be done alternately, first with cool water and then with warm water. Once a week you can reduce the water temperature by one degree, keep in mind that each procedure must end with warm water. But if the child was born healthy, then hardening can begin from the first year of life. Breasts can be rubbed with a sponge. At the end of the procedure, we wipe the child dry and dress him in warm clothes.

At 5 years of age it is necessary to devote Special attention nutrition. Vegetables and fruits should be present in large quantities in food. Your daily diet should include foods that contain: vitamins A, C, E, groups B, D, as well as potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc and iodine. Every day the child must receive minerals, proteins and vitamins with food.

Make sure that at the age of 5 your child drinks herbal teas and black and green teas. Freshly squeezed juices and juices with pulp are especially useful. Rosehip tea contains great amount vitamins, potassium, magnesium and other elements that have a positive effect on the quality of the child’s immune system.

At the age of 6, before the baby goes to school, you need to be safe from vulnerability to colds and take a course of multivitamins.

Every day, starting from the first day of life, the child should be in the fresh air for at least one hour.

We try to start every morning with an active lifestyle. In the morning after a light breakfast, 5-10 minutes should be devoted to exercise. Walking barefoot on the grass, pebbles at sea or just in the apartment has a positive effect on the baby's immune system.

Periods of formation of the body's protective properties

The first 28–30 days of a baby’s life are critical. At this time, the immune system is at risk from the outside world. During these first 30 days, the baby is protected only by maternal antibodies.

From 3 to 6 months the second critical period passes. Children are often exposed to ARVI and intestinal diseases.

The third period of formation of the immune system occurs in the second year of life. To get acquainted with the outside world, the child’s immune system has not yet fully formed, so the body is faced with viral infections.

Methods to strengthen immunity

Starting from the age of three, the fourth critical period of the formation of allergic and chronic diseases begins.

Include honey, lemon, onion, and garlic in your baby’s diet. They protect the body from acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and sore throat.

Let's look at several recipes to strengthen the protective properties of the immune system. Viruses are wary of acidic environments. If possible, consume more juices from lemons, radishes, etc.

  1. Apricot compote with raisins. In the summer, cook your baby a compote from one kilogram of apricots and two tablespoons of raisins. Boil all these ingredients in five liters of water. Cool and give to the child instead of water.
  2. Garlic. It contains a lot of vitamins. If you eat one or two cloves of garlic every three days, this will reduce the risk of diseases in your child. And since not all children like garlic, you can put garlic juice in your nose; it copes well with a runny nose.
  3. Tea with lemon is a healthy drink for every day. Parents, keep in mind that the lemon peel does not need to be cut off. It contains a large amount of vitamins and essential oils.
  4. Healing juice of radish and carrots. Radish juice and carrot juice are each beneficial in their own way. But if you combine them, you get an excellent vitamin cocktail. To make this cocktail tastier for your child, you can add honey and lemon juice to your taste. Your baby will be delighted with this drink.
  5. Pollen. Flower pollen is excellent for strengthening the immune system. This beekeeping product should be taken morning and evening, one teaspoon. Just keep one thing in mind, if your child is allergic to bee products, then this recipe is not for your baby.
  6. It is useful to drink a drink made from aloe and honey. We will need 150 grams of aloe juice and 250 grams of honey, mix all this and add the juice of five to six lemons. You need to put this drink in the refrigerator for at least two hours. You should take it once a day, one teaspoon.
  7. Decoction of rose hips. Rose hips can be added to tea, and you can also make a decoction from them. Rosehip decoction perfectly strengthens the immune system and also cleanses the kidneys.
  8. A decoction of dried rowan. The process of preparing the decoction is simple, take one tablespoon and pour a glass of water. You need to boil it all for 10 minutes. Let the broth sit overnight. You need to take the decoction half an hour before meals, 2 teaspoons three times a day. This decoction can also be made from hawthorn and cranberries. From these berries, your child’s body will be completely saturated with vitamins. You can add honey, but do not forget that it is not added to the hot broth.
  9. Kalina. Viburnum berries contain not only a huge supply of vitamins, but also a natural red dye that makes viruses lose consciousness. Mix the ground twenty berries with a spoonful of honey. All this is filled with boiled warm water. It is better to drink the infusion at night as it also improves the child’s sleep.
  10. Fish oil capsule three times a day. You can add lard to your diet - it is an excellent immunostimulant.

With frequent illnesses, a child consumes twice as much vitamins and minerals. For this reason, you need to undergo a health complex of vitamin therapy. Stick to a sleep schedule and proper diet.

Health to your children!


The cause of weakened immunity is frequent colds. Their diversity is so great that the immune system does not have protection against all viruses. However, some children attending the same school or kindergarten get sick more often than their peers. Let's figure out why this happens and how to increase the body's resistance to all kinds of infections.

Let's look at the factors that weaken the immune system. These include:

  • frequent diseases of ENT organs;
  • improper and poor quality nutrition;
  • emotional instability of the baby (conflicts and quarrels in the family, with classmates, adaptation to new conditions, etc.);
  • unlimited computer use and prolonged TV viewing;
  • lack of walks in the fresh air;
  • fatigue and excessive stress on the child’s body (attending a large number of clubs);
  • seasonal allergies.

Symptoms of weakened immunity in six-year-old children

The main signs of reduced immunity are:

  • diathesis;
  • protracted diseases of the ENT organs and their transition to a chronic form;
  • sleep disturbance, moodiness and irritability;
  • lack of appetite;
  • pallor;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea or constipation, irregular bowel movements);
  • long-term recovery after illnesses;
  • frequent fungal infections.

If a child has the above symptoms, it is necessary to consult an immunologist. He will conduct the necessary research and prescribe comprehensive measures to strengthen the baby’s immune system, including multivitamins for children over 6 years old.

How to strengthen the immune system of a 6-year-old child

Comprehensive measures to increase the resistance of the immune system include several important points.


Plays a big role in strengthening the immune system. The sooner you start accustoming your baby to hardening procedures, the better. However, it is recommended to carry them out only with healthy child. These include rubbing the body, dousing with cool water (at least 36°C) and long walks in the fresh air.

The right diet

For a strong immune system, a 6-year-old child needs vitamins. The menu of a six-year-old child must include them and the microelements necessary for a growing body.
In the cold season, when fruits and vegetables good quality It’s hard to find, you need to give your baby complex vitamins for six-year-olds. In this matter, it is better to consult a doctor, and he will select the necessary multivitamin preparation for your child. Chewable vitamins for children over 6 years old have recently become increasingly popular.

Taking immunomodulators

Has a large quantity on sale different means, which help increase the activity of the immune system and strengthen the body’s ability to resist infections. You are wondering: “What should I give a 6-year-old child for immunity?” Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

  • interferon;
  • echinacea;
  • Viferon;
  • broncho-munal;
  • cycloferon;
  • immunal

These drugs stimulate the immune system and prevent colds.
Please note that they should only be taken under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Prevention of ARVI

Don’t know how to boost the immunity of a 6-year-old child? First of all, in addition to the above tips, follow the basic rules:

  • walks in the fresh air for at least two hours daily;
  • cleanliness, fresh and humidified air in the child’s room;
  • drinking regime (a 6-year-old child should drink about 1 liter of liquid);
  • give your baby immunity-strengthening teas with chamomile, linden, mint with the addition of honey;
  • healthy sleep (at least 9 hours a day);
  • comfortable emotional environment in the family.

By following these simple rules, you can easily increase your child’s immunity and prevent unwanted colds.

For most parents, the question of how to strengthen the child’s immune system comes first - children often suffer from colds and viral diseases. Doctors recommend paying more attention to preventing diseases and increasing immunity in children under 5 years of age. It is during this period that viral and bacterial infections are dangerous due to complications. If a child is often sick, then the most important part in protecting the growing body will be taken by means of increasing immunity in children.

When choosing suitable methods restoring and strengthening children's immunity, preference should be given to safe and effective options. In this regard, many parents will be interested in learning how to boost their child’s immunity using folk remedies. Alternative medicine recipes are based on the use of natural ingredients, which, when dosed correctly, are not capable of harming even newborn babies.

It is advisable to boost immunity from a very early age. In children aged 1 to 3 years, the immune system response is unstable and often weak. The strength of the immune response depends on the condition of the body. As a rule, infants under one year of age do not have an acquired (adaptive) immune response, which is based on the activity of receptors designed to recognize foreign stimuli.

Acquired immunity develops throughout life.

From birth to one year of age it is in its infancy. There are factors that inhibit the normal development of the immune system in children under three years of age and increase susceptibility to colds of viral and bacterial etiology. Among them:

  • congenital organ pathologies respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • weakening of the local immune response, which leads to the formation of local foci of chronic infection in the nasopharynx and oral cavity;
  • manifestations of allergies;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intoxication and hypoxia during gestation.

Separately, it is worth mentioning other reasons that contribute to increased morbidity in children of the younger age group:

  • contact with big amount people during the visit kindergarten, primary school, public places (shops, public transport, playrooms, children's entertainment centers);
  • unsatisfactory environmental situation;
  • deficiency in the body of vitamins, microelements, and other useful substances;
  • complications caused by infectious diseases in early childhood;
  • unreasonable use of antibiotics and other medications;
  • stress, excessive psychological stress;
  • failure to comply with hygiene and sanitation standards in residential premises.

When looking for an answer to the question of how to strengthen a child’s immunity with folk remedies, it is better to first consult with a pediatrician. Traditional healers have many effective recipes aimed at increasing the immunity of a frequently ill child, but when prescribing them, possible contraindications must be taken into account.

Traditional ways to increase the child’s body’s resistance to infections

The first steps in how to increase the immunity of a child who is already 3-4 years old are aimed at eliminating the causes of a decrease in the body’s natural defense against infections. A proper daily routine and good nutrition play a big role. The therapy program includes:

  • complex vitamin preparations. During and after illness, the consumption of vitamins and mineral elements increases, which is difficult to compensate by eating regular food;
  • biostimulating additives prepared on the basis natural ingredients(adaptogens). Adaptogens actively prevent the development of the disease or contribute to its mild course. These are tinctures, decoctions, extracts from ginseng root, lemongrass (Chinese and Far Eastern), eleutherococcus, echinacea, propolis. Pharmacy analogues - “Immunal”, “Immunorm”, “Immunex” (echinacea), “Apilikvirit” (bee jelly, licorice), “Politabs” (fermented pollen), “Cernilton” (extract obtained from dry pollen), “Fitovit "(medicinal plant extracts), "Likol" (Chinese lemongrass oil);
  • pharmaceutical drugs with immunomodulatory effects. Medicines “IRS-19”, “Ribomunil”, “Bronchomunal” are prescribed from an early age - with their help you can improve immunity even infant. These medications contain fragments of bacteria that are harmless to the baby, which are most often the causative agents of infectious diseases occurring in the throat, nasopharynx and bronchi. The drugs act according to the vaccine method. Once in the body of a small patient, they force the immune system to independently adapt to pathogens, respond to their penetration and produce antibodies that localize the activity of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

Parents who are thinking about how to increase the immunity of a 3-4 year old child should be aware that treatment with adaptogens and immunomodulators requires a systematic approach. To achieve the desired result, such medications are taken continuously for a long time. After a course of therapy, immunity is formed, which will protect the body from infections for a certain time (individual indicator).

After a 2-3 month break, revaccination is usually prescribed. The dosage, duration of administration and timing of the repeated course are determined by a pediatrician.

To boost immunity, children prone to allergies should be prescribed medications containing honey and bee products with caution. If there have been cases of allergies to similar substances, honey-based medicines should be abandoned.

Other ways to improve your child's health

When considering how to increase the immunity of a child aged 2 years and younger, you should pay attention to hardening, which will help maintain the body’s own defense at the proper level. It is recommended to start hardening a child from a very early age - from 1.5-2 months. For these purposes, hardening procedures are regularly performed:

Parents who are interested in how to restore their child’s immunity at home should pay attention to acupressure. Regular massaging of certain points on the child’s face and body leads to increased production of substances that increase their own immunity. These are interferon (a protein that is secreted by the body in response to the introduction of a virus), lysozyme (an antibacterial agent), complement (a set of immune system proteins responsible for the immune response). Active points are located:

  • in the middle of the chest at the level of the fifth rib;
  • in the jugular cavity;
  • at the base of the bridge of the nose;
  • in front of the anterior edge of the auricle cartilage;
  • slightly above the base of the nasolabial fold at the wing of the nose;
  • on back side palms between index and thumb.

To restore the body’s immune system, you need to massage the active points daily for 10-14 days, as well as at the first signs of a cold, after the child has come into contact with an ARVI patient. The procedure is performed with light pressing circular movements of the thumb, index or middle finger. Rotation is performed first clockwise and then in the opposite direction. Exposure time is 4-5 seconds in both directions.

Medicinal mixtures and mixtures to strengthen the immune system

Folk remedies for immunity for children include decoctions and infusions prepared from medicinal plants. Recipes for drugs that support your own immune defense at a high level:

  • herbal collection Mix dried herbs - licorice root and elecampane (one part each), elderberry (2 parts), raspberry leaves (4 parts). A teaspoon of raw material is poured with water (150 ml), brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for one minute, then filtered. The prepared decoction should be given to the child 2-3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is one month;
  • herbal collection 4 tablespoons of a dry mixture of herbs (2 parts each of oregano and coltsfoot, 1 part calamus, 4 parts each of viburnum and raspberry leaves) pour 0.5 liters of boiled water, leave for 5-10 minutes, filter, give the child a drink 2-3 doses. Duration of treatment – ​​one month;
  • decoction of rose hips. 2 tablespoons of dry berries are poured into 0.5 liters of water, brought to a boil and cooked for 5-7 minutes;
  • vitamin mixture. Walnuts, raisins, dates (1 cup each), almonds (0.5 cups), two lemons, fresh aloe leaves in an amount of 100 g are passed through a meat grinder. Add 400-500 ml of honey to the mass, mix thoroughly, leave in the refrigerator for three days. Give the baby 1 dessert spoon twice a day;
  • vitamin mixture. 1 lemon and 0.5 kg of cranberries are passed through a meat grinder. Add 2 tablespoons of honey to the mixture and mix thoroughly. Give the baby 1 tablespoon twice a day along with warm tea (preferably herbal tea - fennel, chamomile, mint, raspberry leaves, linden flowers).

To strengthen the immune system, it is useful to introduce juices and compotes made from cranberries, black currants, viburnum, and raspberries to the little patient’s menu. Must be present in the daily diet dairy products(cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir), fresh, boiled and steamed vegetables and fruits.