How to make a Babu Yaga craft from cones in a mortar: photo. Crafts from cones with their own hands for kindergarten on the theme of autumn New Year's wreath of cones

You can make a lot of amazing crafts from cones: from interior items to funny animals and fairy-tale heroes. Children especially like the latter, because they can make them on their own or with the help of their parents. Such crafts will not only delight the eyes of children, but can also be a great option for crafts for school or kindergarten for the autumn exhibition. The master classes we offer vary in complexity, but all of them are animals and characters from fairy tales that kids love. Detailed instructions will help you make any of these crafts.

Crows from cones

It is so easy to make a funny crow from a cone that even small children can cope with their manufacture.


To make a small funnel you will need:

  • cones;
  • newspapers;
  • spray paint black;
  • small straw hat;
  • eyes for crafts;
  • hot glue sticks;
  • thermal gun;
  • pieces of orange and black felt;
  • scissors.

Step 1. Before starting work, be sure to check the collected cones. In order for the craft to turn out as it should, the cone must be stable in an upright position. For a small crow, it is better to take open cones so that they resemble the plumage of a bird. Clean the collected cones from dirt and dust. To do this, you can rinse them in clean water and dry or simply brush off the dust with a brush.

Step 2. Now the bumps need to be painted, use black spray paint for this. Work outdoors or in a room that is well ventilated. Cover your work surface or ground with old newspapers so as not to stain them. Lay out the bumps on the newspapers, and evenly color the latter. If necessary, apply several layers of paint, in this case, be sure to wait for the previous layer to dry so that the paint does not flow. Leave the bumps until the paint is completely dry.

Step 3. From a piece of orange felt, cut a small triangle - this will be the crow's beak.

Step 4. From black felt, cut out the wings of a crow. To make the wings the same, you can first draw them with a remnant of soap on the fabric and, if necessary, correct or cut out one wing and, applying it in a mirror image to the remaining felt, cut out the second.

Step 5. Using hot glue sticks and a hot glue gun, glue the crow parts to the pinecone. Fasten feathers on the sides of the cone, in front of the beak and eyes. Please note that if your eyes are on an adhesive basis, remove it before work. Place a straw hat on top of the crow's head. Glue it on too.

Since working with hot glue is fraught with injury if used incorrectly, do this part yourself, do not trust children.

The crow is ready, it will delight you and your child with its appearance for more than one year.

Hedgehogs made of cones and polymer clay

Charming hedgehogs are obtained from cones if polymer clay is used instead of plasticine. As a result, the hedgehog is very realistic.


To make such a hedgehog you will need:

  • flesh-colored polymer clay;
  • black polymer clay;
  • cone;
  • two black beads for the eyes, 4 mm;
  • loose blush;
  • cosmetic brushes;
  • tube for cocktails;
  • watercolor brush;
  • toothpicks;
  • board for working with clay;
  • glue.

Preschool children will not be able to accurately repeat this master class, and therefore you will have to prepare the details for the polymer clay hedgehog yourself. The children themselves can attach them to the cone.

Step 1. Take cones for making a hedgehog well opened so that they look like hedgehog needles. Before work, be sure to prepare and clean the cone from dust.

Step 2. First you need to make a hedgehog head. To do this, form a ball from polymer clay, then make a cone out of it. With the flat side, press it firmly against the bump. Gently spread the base of the cone with your finger and stretch it to the edges of the cone. Gently lift the top of the cone up, giving it the shape of a hedgehog nose.

Step 3. Roll four identical cylinders from polymer clay, press them against the side of the cone - these will be the hedgehog's legs. Bend the bottom of the cylinders a little and, using a toothpick, give the paws a characteristic shape.

Step 4. Shape the clay into small balls. This will be the base for the ears. Place them in the appropriate place of the already formed muzzle. Press the ears inward with the back of the paint brush, giving them a characteristic depression. On the back of the ears, smooth all the joints with your finger.

Step 5. With a toothpick, press the tip of the nose to place a small ball of black polymer clay into it. So, you will finish making the hedgehog nose.

Step 6. In the eye area, press the clay with the back of the brush. Insert black beads in place of the resulting recesses. Insert so that the holes of the beads are not visible. These will be the eyes of the hedgehog.

Step 7. Take a cocktail tube and cut off a small strip with scissors. Cut it so that at the end of the tube you get a base in the form of the letter U. Attach the tube with the cut side to the area of ​​​​the hedgehog's mouth and press it a little. So you get a smile on the face of the animal.

Step 8. On the cheeks and on the inside of the ears, apply loose blush with a cosmetic brush. Blush take a pink tone so that they look more natural. Brush off excess blush with a clean brush.

Step 9. Send the hedgehog cone to the oven. Bake the craft according to the clay manufacturer's instructions.

When baking polymer clay pieces, make sure the room you are working in is well ventilated.

Please note that during baking, the cone may expand a little more, and pieces of clay may break off. If this happens, just glue the missing parts back in place after the craft has cooled completely. Do not use superglue for bonding. It will leave visible marks.

The hedgehog is ready!

Fairy gnomes from cones

Such amazing characters as gnomes can also be made from cones. They can become not just a craft for an exhibition or a toy, but quite a beautiful gift souvenir.


To make little gnomes from cones, you will need:

  • Pine cones;
  • large wooden beads;
  • sheet of paper or newspaper;
  • compass;
  • pencil;
  • pieces of felt fabric;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • black acrylic paint;
  • thin brush;
  • small brushes for washing the nipples;
  • wire cutters;
  • round nose pliers;
  • hot glue sticks;
  • thermal gun.

Step 1. At the very first stage of making gnomes, you need to choose cones. Cones take pine and ajar. Be sure to check that the cones are intact, so the gnome will look much more aesthetically pleasing. Be sure to dust the buds and make sure they stand firmly on vertical surfaces.

Step 2. From the newspaper, make a blank for a gnome hat. Draw a small circle with a compass, cut it out and fold it in half. Wrap the resulting figure in a cone. Trying on a cone to an existing wooden bead, adjust its shape. Use the resulting sample as a finished pattern.

Step 3. Attach the paper pattern to a piece of felt fabric, circle it with soap or chalk and cut out the base for the hat.

Step 4. Sew the resulting base for the gnome's cap with threads. Sew carefully so that the seam is not conspicuous. Turn out the hat. The felt hat looks interesting with the seams out. To do this, you need to sew it manually with an overlock seam and leave it in this form without turning it inside out. If you want to make the tip of the cone more interesting, adjust its shape even on a newspaper pattern.

Step 5. Glue the beads to the cone using hot glue.

Step 6. Put a cap on the bead, for reliability, you can fix it using the same hot glue.

Step 7. To make gnome handles, you need to take two small brushes. Usually these wash the nipples of bottles for babies. You need to bite off their handle, and bend the wires with bristles themselves with the help of round-nose pliers in the form of bent arms of a gnome. Most often they are sold in white, and therefore you can paint them with spray paint to match the felt pieces. The paint must be applied in one layer.

Step 8. From felt, cut out gloves for the gnome. Glue them to the already prepared brush base.

Gnome handles can also be made simply from felt. In this case, the mittens should be cut with a long base. The base should be bent in the form of a tube and sewn with a hidden seam, leaving the mittens themselves straight.

Please note that you do not need to make felt handles long, they will be located straight. To bend them and make them more accurate, like brush handles, you can insert a piece of wire into them or bend the felt base at an angle and fix it in this position with a loop of thread.

Step 9. Lubricate the handles made at the end with glue and insert into the bump on the side. Hold them for a while so that the glue grabs well.

Step 10. Cut out the legs from the pieces of felt and glue them to the base of the cone. This will help make the gnome more stable. In addition, the felt base will protect the surface where the gnome will stand from scratches.

Step 11. The final touch in making a gnome is the face. It is very easy to make it. To do this, you will need black acrylic paints and a thin brush. Draw the half-closed eyelids of the gnome and a smile. If you wish, you can depict the gnome's face as you like by drawing open eyes, cheeks, and so on.

The fabulous gnome from the bump is ready.

A lot of people like to go for mushrooms. Do you like to go for cones? Why is it necessary? Because you can make a lot of interesting and beautiful things from cones. Such crafts will cheer you up when the autumn weather upsets you.


performed by Tanichev Kirill. MDOU TsRR No. 10 Alekseevka, Belgorod region

The cone is perfect in its shape. One has only to look at her longer and think what she looks like, as thoughts about the three-headed Serpent Gorynych appear. To create it, you will need about 10 cones and 10 minutes of time. And a little more glue, colored paper, plasticine and dry leaves on the wings. Just do not forget that each head has its own character. Let them be different in size and look in each direction.

“Once upon a time there was a goblin”, performed by Moiseeva Liza, 5 years old.

senior group of MDOU “Kindergarten No. 4 “Solnyshko” ZATO Svetly, Saratov Region.

As soon as you managed to stick the eyes on the cone, it will immediately look like an old man - a forest man. An acorn cap will save him from the cold. Be sure to make him arms and legs so that he can build himself a dwelling from dry leaves and branches. Give him your old shoelaces or a spool of thread to make his house durable. Be very careful when you help him cut logs to the right size with a knife.

Well, if his house is near the lake. Then he can fish for himself. A piece of an old washcloth can become his network.

“Hut on chicken legs and other fairy-tale heroes”, performed by Evelina Martynova, 5 years old.

MDOU “Kindergarten No. 4 “Solnyshko” ZATO Svetly, Saratov Region

And from the cones you get the perfect Baba Yaga. It seems that she is about to come to life, order the hut on chicken legs to stand in front of the forest and soar into the sky in her mortar. Rowan beads make her very cheerful and not scary at all.
Our Baba Yaga is very friendly. She even has a pet - a dragon or Serpent Gorynych. He is still very small, but he can easily set fire to the hut, so she keeps him on the street.

Do you know what good crafts are? They are very captivating. Just made one, as you already dream of the next.
Often the material for them is literally lying underfoot, so this hobby does not require significant material costs.

You can play with ready-made crafts no worse than with toys. Already in the process of creation, you can begin to come up with a fairy tale, the main characters of which you are currently doing.
Many children do not like and do poorly with tasks like “think up a new ending to the fairy tale.” Perhaps they will easily do this if the fairy tale is in front of their eyes. Start with "Once upon a time there was a Baba Yaga ...", and your son or daughter can continue. Tell each other about the proposal. You can do this both in the process of creating fairy-tale characters, and when they are already ready.

Crafts perfectly develop fine motor skills. And they can also be used, as described above, for the development of a child's speech.

Related crafts:
- Owl is an excellent hunter. It is very difficult to tame it, but it is easy to make it yourself.
- Cones are good if you want to make deer.

In the world, probably, only babies do not know what cones are. This natural material serves not only to decorate trees, but also is the source for many Hand-Made crafts. Having given quite a bit of time, you can make colorful products from cones at home and transform the interior with designer crafts. And also to make collective compositions from spruce, cedar, pine cones, involving the whole family in the work. Having given quite a bit of time to creativity, you will plunge into the magical world of a fairy tale. If you have a rich imagination, then it will not be difficult for you to make any craft. In the meantime, we have selected the most popular songs.

What can be made from cones

Cones can not only be combined with interior items, but also create stand-alone decorations. You can also always make funny animals, and the process of creating products will intrigue not only a child, but also an adult.

With the use of cones, you can create:

  1. Decorative compositions that will not only add coziness and New Year's atmosphere, but also refresh the interior. The category of such crafts includes: a wreath on the door, ikebana, topiary, candlestick.
  2. New Year's products. Here the designer's fantasy can unfold in all directions, because you can start with a small composition or even make a tree from cones.
  3. Animal figures. Teddy bear, hedgehog, squirrel, goblin, penguins, snowy owl - a set of such heroes will not leave any child indifferent. And the manufacturing process will give a lot of pleasure and reward you with a charge of good mood for the whole day.

Cone processing

Before you start making crafts from cones, you should carefully process the cones:

  1. Contaminated material should be washed and dried naturally.
  2. Clean less contaminated material with a brush.
  3. Unripe and unopened cones should be placed in a slightly heated oven with the door ajar. You will notice that moisture will evaporate from wet buds, and unopened buds will gradually open in the form of spruce branches.

If, according to the idea, closed cones are needed, then in order to avoid opening the petals, you need to keep them in carpentry glue for 30 seconds. To transform, soak the cones in water, and then tie with a thread, giving the desired shape. Craft materials can be left in their natural form or covered with artificial snow, varnish, paint. Everything will depend on the intended craft.

Christmas tree made of cones

One of the most popular crafts around the holidays is the Christmas tree. Making it is easy enough. Consider 2 options.

For work we need:

  • cones;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • coniferous branches or tinsel.

Step-by-step instructions for making a Christmas tree:

  1. Make a cone-shaped base out of cardboard.
  2. Glue the cones to the cone at intervals.
  3. Attach coniferous twigs or tinsel between the cones.
  4. The Christmas tree is ready. It remains to decorate the New Year's beauty.

Materials for making Christmas tree crafts from cones:

  • cones;
  • cardboard;
  • stand;
  • newspaper or paper;
  • Super glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. From cardboard, make the base for our Christmas tree in the form of a cone.
  2. For good stability of the structure, put newspaper or paper inside the structure.
  3. Cut out a circle from cardboard or use a wooden stand and attach a cone to it.
  4. Glue the cones to the cone from top to bottom. To avoid large gaps, turn the cones of each subsequent row in the opposite direction.
  5. If you have glued all the cones, then the main part of the craft is finished.

Cone decorations

Increasingly, in houses you can find decorations from cones made for the New Year or Christmas holidays with your own hands. Mostly these are pine or spruce garlands, or trees in pots.

When working with cones, it is very important to note their advantages:

  • natural material without chemical impurities;
  • pleasant coniferous smell;
  • saving money by making decorations from cones.

If desired, you can make almost any toy out of cones, you just need to apply a little imagination and sometimes patience. Making Christmas tree ornaments is a great idea for a craft. After all, you not only make these decorations with your children, but also then dress up a New Year's beauty or decorate interior items with products. From the most elementary crafts, you can make a gnome.

Step-by-step instructions for making a gnome:

  1. Leave the bump unchanged, and take it as the basis of the gnome's body.
  2. Take a chestnut as the basis of the head. Then glue on the beard.
  3. Legs and arms are made of fabric and stuffed with padding polyester or cotton.
  4. Clothes are sewn from felt.
  5. For dwarf girls, a braid of thread should be braided.

The cones, elongated in shape, can serve as decorations in the house or become a wonderful decoration for the Christmas tree. To make exclusive ties for curtains, take a velvet fabric and fasten at the ends along a pine cone.

Another wonderful decoration of our decor can be a New Year's colorful garland of cones. The creation of this craft will not take you much time.

For the garland you will need:

  • cones (the number depends on the length of the garland);
  • glue;
  • rope;
  • spray paint (you can use any paint);
  • sequins.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare the cones for coloring by first cleaning them.
  2. Spray paint on the bumps.
  3. Sprinkle with glitter afterwards. Wait a little while the material dries.
  4. Take the rope and make marks on it where you will place the bumps.
  5. Leave 10 cm of string to tie the garland.
  6. Put a drop of glue on the base of the cone and glue it to the rope. Hold the bud firmly for 5 seconds for a firm grip.
  7. Do the same for the rest of the cones.
  8. The garland is ready.

Also, handmade crafts in the form of snowflakes made from cones made by hand will look very elegant as a New Year's decoration at home.

For making snowflakes, it is better to use spruce or long pine cones.

Take 6 cones and glue the bottom sides together. The center of our craft can be decorated with a small paper snowflake or lace. Within 5 minutes, our snowflake is ready.

Christmas wreath of cones

Preparing your home for the holidays begins at the doorstep. The autumn framing of the door is replaced by winter motifs and takes you to a winter fairy tale. Making a New Year's wreath is not at all difficult.

First you need to cut out the base of the wreath in the form of a circle from plastic, cardboard, flexible branches or wire. Glue small rings on the cones, pre-select a decor for the cones, or leave it in its original form. Put the cones on the wire by stringing. At the end of the work, twist the edges of the wire and decorate with a large bow.

Newspapers can also be the basis for a festive wreath. Rewind them into a ring and secure with threads in a circle. If there is organza or other material at home, wrap the resulting frame with them. To imitate spruce branches, use a green or light green rain. Glue the cones to the rain and add plastic fruits to the composition.

You can buy a ready-made base for a wreath in stores. Decorate it with acorns, nuts, cones and create your own individual design. You can decorate with any improvised materials: paint, sparkles, ribbons, beads, beads.

How to make a beautiful ball of cones

You can diversify the decor of your interior by making an unusual ball of cones and acorns. It is quite difficult to do it, but if you follow our instructions, then you will cope with the task.

For the base of the ball, make a circle of paper, crumpling it like when making a snowball. Another option for the base can be a trash bag. You can make a ball shape by stuffing the bag with cotton wool, padding polyester or newspaper. The opening of the package should be closed or sealed. The basis for the craft is ready.

We proceed to the main composition and glue the cones, evenly distributing them around the perimeter. After natural drying of the product, the composition is ready.

The final stage is the coating of the ball with varnish or snow. The finished product can be put in a pot or vase, or simply attached with a thread to the ceiling.

Topiary from cones

A good idea for creating an unusual interior is trimmed trees - topiaries. Sometimes they are called trees of happiness and good luck.

To implement the idea you will need:

  • cones;
  • gypsum or sponge;
  • clay or plastic pot;
  • tree branch;
  • newspaper ball or flower sponge;
  • threads;
  • spray paint.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Form a ball of newspaper and wrap it with thread.
  2. Apply glue to the base of the cone, and glue it to the ball as tightly as possible.
  3. Glue the rest of the cones onto the ball. Try to choose buds that are similar in size.
  4. Sharpen the end of the pine branch and make a hole in the bottom of the ball.
  5. Fix the branch in the ball with glue.
  6. Paint the resulting ball with paint. The ball is decorated with dried leaves, branches, beads, colored ribbons.
  7. Prepare the plaster for work: dilute it in a pot, indenting 3-5 cm from the edge.
  8. Insert the branch with the ball into the gypsum solution and fix until dry.
  9. Mask the plaster with small cones or moss.

Making a candlestick from cones

A lit candle in a beautiful candlestick is responsible for giving romance and creating a New Year's composition at the festive table. The radiance of festive lights will not only add coziness, but also diversify the interior. Even a child can make this accessory with their own hands. The main decor material is cones, and other materials are selected depending on availability.

To create a festive candle you will need:

  • cones, acorns, chestnuts;
  • glue;
  • cardboard circle;
  • spray paint.

Lay out all the decoration elements on the substrate and paint. Staining should be carried out with open windows or on the street. Glue a candle and prepared decorations in the center of the cardboard circle. A branch of a coniferous tree will look original in the composition.

Another option for creating a candle can be decorating finished candlesticks with cones, twigs. Unusual candles are obtained from glass jars. To do this, pour sugar or artificial snow on the bottom of the jar. Decorate the top with lace and attach a few cones. Treat the composition with an aerosol with snow.

How to make a basket of cones

To make an unusual basket of cones, use our tips.

Materials for creating a basket of cones:

  • cones;
  • wire, fishing line;
  • glue;
  • cardboard.

The bottom should begin to be tied from the central cone, and so connect 8-16 in a circle, wrapping it with wire or fishing line.

For the second row of buds, make a smaller circle. For a high basket, make 3 circles.

Connect 2 circles of cones together with glue and wire. Make the handle of the basket out of wire and decorate with cones. Weave the handle alternately, turning the cones.

Animals from cones

Engaging in artistic creativity is equally useful for both adults and children. Each work uses the principle of combination and play of contrasts. After all, the difference in color, shape and size dictate their own rules in the craft.

Teddy bear made of cones


  • fir cone;
  • 4 half-opened pine cones;
  • a large open pine cone with a round top;
  • acorn caps;
  • alder cones;
  • awl;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. An oblong pine cone is the body of a bear cub.
  2. Apply glue to the parts of the scales to be joined.
  3. Connect the parts of the product so that the scales of one cone fix the scales of the other.
  4. Make paws out of pine cones.
  5. Make the hind legs of the bear cub from larger bumps compared to the front ones.
  6. The head of the product will be an open pine cone.
  7. From the caps of acorns, make ears and a nose and attach tightly with glue.
  8. From black pepper, make eyes and the tip of the nose.

If a bag of cones has accumulated in the house, then creating a big bear is right for you. The size of the toy is selected according to the number of cones.

Make a bear frame from papier-mâché or polyurethane foam. Stuff the frame with paper, and put heavier material in the legs for stability. Make the top layer of cones and secure with glue. Ears, muzzle make from pompoms.

Hedgehog from cones

You can also make a beautiful hedgehog from cones by adding plasticine.

For the hedgehog you will need:

  • cones;
  • plasticine of several colors.

In order to make a hedgehog, all actions are performed in turn according to the instructions:

  1. Take plasticine and blind an elongated muzzle.
  2. Attach it to the base of the cone.
  3. From a different color of plasticine, make a nose, eyes, paws.
  4. Fix them on the craft.
  5. Additionally, make ears out of plasticine and attach them.
  6. The craft is ready.

Nature has always inspired people to be creative, because everything in it is subordinate to it. Having shown a little imagination, you can create not only toys, but also entire mini-cities from natural materials. And the process of creation will unite the family and give everyone the chance to show their design skills.

78 photos of cone craft ideas

Autumn gives a lot of natural materials for adult and children's creativity - these are chestnuts, acorns. Especially popular are pine, cedar and spruce cones, which help to create many interesting crafts. This material is perfect for classes with children - from three years and older. Crafts from cones with their own hands for kindergarten on the theme of autumn are unusual and cute. Subsequently, you can save these interesting products to hang on the Christmas tree. Study a few master classes to implement them with kids in kindergarten.

What you can do with your own hands from cones on the theme "Autumn"

Needlework is a great activity that kindergarten teachers or parents can offer kids. Eco-friendly materials such as cones, acorns, and chestnuts are great craft items. Working with them will bring pleasure to a small child, help to reveal their creative potential and express their individuality. Such an activity helps to improve fine motor skills, which positively affects the development of babies. Crafts on the theme of autumn will captivate and delight young children.

With the help of these natural gizmos, kids can create many interesting items - figures of animals, people, interior items (baskets, vases). Finished products will serve as children's toys or become the basis of an original three-dimensional composition. Plasticine, glue, polymer clay, twigs, scissors, wire can be used as auxiliary materials.

Step-by-step instructions for simple crafts for kindergarten

To make it easy for children to do interesting things, experienced craftsmen create step-by-step master classes with photos and a detailed description of the process. These instructions are suitable for both toddlers in kindergarten and for children who are already in elementary school. All master classes are distributed step by step, which will help to quickly assimilate information, and each child will be able to make the same product. Crafts from cones with their own hands for kindergarten kids on the theme of autumn will be a great activity for preschool children.

Master class on making "People"

Cute crafts-men absolutely will be liked by small children. For their manufacture, you can use spruce or pine cones, dried acorns. Also, toothpicks or twigs, threads and plasticine will be used. Depending on the idea, you can use other materials. So that the pine cones, when dried, do not take on a different shape, pre-treat them with slightly warmed wood glue. The same applies to spruce natural materials. To make an original craft:

  1. Take a suitable sized cone. Turn it over with the sharp end down. Stick a little plasticine to the wide part - this will be the neck of the future little man.
  2. Place the inverted acorn on top to make the hero's head.
  3. Stick some plasticine on it. Make thread bundles, place them on the head - this will be the hair. Cover this area with an acorn cap.
  4. Stick two pieces of plasticine on the sides in the widest part of the cone. Use some more material to do the same procedure from below, closer to the sharp edge. These are the arms and legs.
  5. Insert twigs or toothpicks into clay. Attach inverted acorn caps to their legs - for strength.
  6. Make eyes using white and black plasticine.
  7. The original figurine is ready!

Beautiful composition "Owl on a tree"

Making a touching owl will delight young children. To create it, you need a fir cone, ash seeds, persimmons, melon seeds, plasticine (for kids) or glue (for older children), and also a branch on which the night bird will sit. If you do not find suitable natural materials, you can replace them with something of your choice. To create an owl:

  1. Flip the bump. Attach it with a sharp end to the selected branch, which will serve as support for the entire structure.
  2. Attach ash seeds on glue or plasticine on the sides - these will be the wings of an owl.
  3. Make the ears of a night bird using persimmon seeds (or other fruits). Use plasticine for fastening.
  4. As an eye, flat melon seeds are perfect. Take two pieces of black plasticine, make balls, press down. Position where you want to make the eyes. Place seeds on top.
  5. Make the owl's beak orange or yellow using plasticine.

Crocodile is a simple and fun autumn-themed craft for kids. To implement this interesting idea, you will need dark green, white, black plasticine, two unopened pine cones - one larger, the other smaller, green paint (gouache), wood glue. To make a cute animal using natural natural material:

  1. Dip the elements of the future toy (cones) in warm wood glue. This is necessary so that they keep their shape without opening after making the craft.
  2. Paint natural materials with dark green gouache. To do this, you can mix the usual green tone with black.
  3. Take a piece of plasticine and fasten the pine cones together with the wide parts facing each other. The body of the crocodile is ready.
  4. It remains to make the eyes of the animal: roll up the white balls, place on the bump intended for the head. Attach two black plasticine dots to them.
  5. The craft is ready!


A beautiful turtle will be a great option for a child's toy. To create this animal, you will need brown and green plasticine, a sharp, durable knife, and a pine cone that has already opened well. When starting to work with children, cut off the top of the natural material, leaving only the base. What comes out will be the shell of an animal. Make a turtle like this:

  1. Take a piece of brown plasticine, fashion a flat oval (the future body of the animal). Make another ball smaller (about three times), attach from the narrow side of the oval piece, flatten slightly. Such a ball will serve as the turtle's head.
  2. Make four brown legs and place on the sides of the oval piece.
  3. Take green plasticine, roll up two small balls. Place them on the head of the future turtle, flatten a little - these will be the eyes.
  4. Finish the craft by placing a pre-prepared shell (bump) on top.

Craft "Swan" is easy to create, but looks elegant and attractive. It will be a great home decoration. To make it, you will need white, black, red plasticine, a small half-open or open pine cone, a piece of snow-white cotton wool. The finished product on the theme of autumn is successful even for the smallest children. To create a beautiful swan:

  1. Roll up a white strip of plasticine 4-5 centimeters long for the bird's neck. Bend it into an S.
  2. Attach it to the thick side of the cone.
  3. Stick a small piece of black plasticine on the free end so that there is a sharp corner on top.
  4. On the black part, place the orange material, sharpening it at the end, like a bird's beak.
  5. Finish the craft by placing pieces of cotton wool on the sharp side of the cone - these will be the wings and tail of the swan.


A fabulous bird is a craft that kids will definitely like. To make it, you will need dry leaves (one large, two smaller ones and a very small one), a spruce cone, a rose hip, wire, blue beads, toothpicks, plasticine. It is better to trust the creation of such crafts to older children who will not get hurt by wire material. To make a magical bird, follow these instructions:

  1. To make the head, use copper or gold-colored wire, a small leaf, beads, and a rose hip. Pierce the fruit of the wild rose bush with a metal material, fasten two beads at its ends. Cut off excess wire. From the thick side of the berry, stick a small dry leaf, which will serve as a tuft of a bird.
  2. From below, stick a toothpick into the fruit - it will be a mount for the head and calf (pine cone).
  3. Use a large narrow leaf for the bird's tail, two smaller leaves for the wings.
  4. Toothpicks will serve as paws. Make a flat stand using your favorite shade of plasticine and place the bird on it.

A funny hedgehog will be an excellent addition to a home interior, decorate a nursery's shelves, and can be included in an interesting autumn composition. Creating this cute animal will bring a lot of fun to kids. To make it, you will need dark brown plasticine, black peppercorns, dry pine needles and a cone of the same tree. Small branches, plasticine, acorn caps are needed to decorate the finished thing with mushrooms. Make a hedgehog like this:

  1. Collect pine needles in bunches of seven to nine. Attach some plasticine at the ends.
  2. Place these elements under the opened scales of natural material on the side where the back of the hedgehog will be. Slightly cut the needles to a length of 2-3 centimeters.
  3. Using plasticine material, mold the pointed muzzle of the animal. At the tip, place black peppercorns for the spout.
  4. Make homemade mushrooms for the back: place a little colored plasticine under the acorn cap, stick short branches into it.

A stylish decorative basket will serve to decorate the house, will surprise guests and household members with its unusual look. To create it, you need a dense wire, 39 opened pine cones of almost the same size. The basket weaving pattern is simple but requires attention. All elements must be fixed evenly so that the product looks good in the interior. Sequencing:

  1. Make three bump rings, directing natural materials with sharp edges inward and securing them with a layer of wire between the scales. It will take eight cones for a small circle, nine for a medium circle, 11 for a large circle.
  2. From eight cones, make a semicircle that will become the handle of the future basket, fastening the elements with two strips of wire.
  3. Putting on top of each other, connect the three rings with wire material. Attach the handle to the widest upper circle with wire.
  4. Insert three cones from below. You can fasten them, but most likely they will hold on to themselves.
  5. Stylish basket is ready!

If you want to keep the children busy in kindergarten with interesting needlework, make a funny bear with them. To implement the idea, you will need one large pine or spruce cone, one element three times smaller, four very small cones, black and brown plasticine. Make an original bear toy using natural parts, like this:

  1. The large element will become the body of the teddy bear. Place it with the sharp end down.
  2. From above, with an elongated edge towards you, place a medium-sized piece - this will be the head of a bear. Fix it with plasticine.
  3. On the sides, top and bottom, strengthen two small bumps with plasticine material. The paws of the bear are ready.
  4. Roll up balls of black plasticine, attach where the bear's eyes will be. Ears create using brown.
  5. Children's imagination is truly limitless! Thanks to the ideas of the kids, amazingly beautiful crafts are obtained. These are figures of people and animals - men, cats, mice, squirrels, deer, fish, penguins, horses. It is popular to create fairy-tale characters, cartoon characters, such as foresters, goblin, cheburashka. Flowers made from cones look original and unusual - roses, peonies. An excellent decoration of the interior will be a tree of happiness - a topiary. Sometimes real pictures are created by children's hands. Check out the photos of autumn-themed crafts for kids to get new ideas: