Logical and entertaining problems (300 problems). Puzzles for children Puzzle tasks for children 7 years old

Riddles for children - puzzles with or without answers, can be simple or complex. Each puzzle in pictures for children must correspond to the child’s development. That is, for example, puzzles for children with answers for 8 years old should correspond to the knowledge that your child receives while going to grades 1-2.

  • Logic puzzles for children can be depicted in the form of pictures, letters, words or numbers. The category of such “brain-straining” puzzles helps to develop not only a mathematical mindset, but also non-standard thinking that goes beyond the usual.
  • If your child is in 4th grade, he will very quickly get bored with solving easy puzzles. Any puzzles should develop logic; of course, by composing the puzzles yourself, you can write the answers. But it’s better if your child solves the puzzles on his own (without peeking), and should receive a reward (praise or something tasty) for the correct answer.

How to make a rebus

Puzzle riddles are certainly logical and educational, but a 7-year-old child still does not know many mathematical and trigonometric concepts, so such riddles should be compiled according to age and acquired knowledge.

It’s very easy to create interesting puzzles for children; first you need to understand the basic rules.

Puzzles in pictures for children can be solved by both children 4 years old and schoolchildren from first to 4th grades. It all depends on how simple the meaning is in them.

And so the rules of compilation themselves:

  1. Use commas. Commas can be upside down, they can be above or below, to the right or to the left of a word or picture.
  2. Replacing letters. A letter can be crossed out or equal to another. For example, M=G or M is crossed out, and G is under it.
  3. Use numbers. The numbers can correspond to each letter of a certain word or be that word.
  4. Place the letters in different positions. They can be located on top of each other, behind each other, next to each other, inside, separated by a division line (fraction), etc.
  5. Turn the pictures upside down.

Puzzles for children with answers. Pictures of puzzles for children

How to solve puzzles

Educational riddles, math puzzles and other puzzles in pictures can be guessed using the following rules:

  1. If a word has one or more commas, for example “PRE + LOGIC”, therefore, on the side on which these commas are located, you need to remove the unnecessary three letters. As a result, from the word “logic” the word “log” should be obtained. At the beginning of the riddle there is the word “pre” and “+”, which means we add to this the resulting “log” and the answer will be the word “preposition”.
  2. If the word “year” is given, which is turned upside down and “G=M” is indicated under it, then in this case, firstly, the inversion means that it must be read backwards, i.e. not a year, but a dog, and the task “G=M” means replacement, therefore, already in the word “dog” we replace “G” with “M” and get “House”.
  3. Numbers are a working tool in puzzles. So, for example, there is an image of an elephant, and under it the number 2 is crossed out. With such puzzles we teach little ones to count, remember letters and develop associative thinking. Here is the solution: in the word “Elephant” each letter corresponds to a number, the letter “S” – 1, “L” – 2, “O” – 3, “N” – 4. According to the assignment, we need to remove the number two, which means we remove the corresponding letter, and we get - “Dream”.

In the same way, the numbers under the picture can be mixed up, this means that an anagram for the picture is given and you should arrange the letters in the numerical sequence indicated. Example: the picture “Crab” with the numbers 3, 4, 2 underneath it, in addition, next to the picture there is the letter “I” + the picture “Scythe” with a comma on top. Using numbers we get “ADB” + “I” + “Kos” = Apricot.

Pictures of puzzles

You can choose any images, they can be individual cartoon animals or objects, or real photographs. Picture puzzles for children 7-8 years old must be real to be interesting, i.e. real photo of a deer, elephant, cat.

About animals

Animals must be encrypted in such tasks. Moreover, the riddle itself should not hint at the mystery character.

Puzzles about animals

Puzzles about family

In such riddles, the answer must contain a word associated with the family, for example, mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother, etc.

Puzzles for children

About health and sports

Answers must correspond to the topics of sports and health. You can give your child a hint in advance and say that the answer to this task is related to sports or in a healthy way life.

Puzzles for children with answers

Extracurricular activity for elementary school students “In search of escaped puzzles”

Target: development of attention, out-of-the-box thinking, creative imagination.

Equipment: the teacher has a table for puzzle No. 1; Students have colored pencils, a squared notebook, and matches.

Teacher. Guys, a librarian I know came to me asking for help. The fact is that trouble happened: a book with puzzles escaped from the children's library. It was in a single copy and was in demand. But last summer, none of the readers took an interest in her even once. This is understandable: the summer was hot, and young readers tried to spend all their free time somewhere closer to nature, to water. But it started academic year, and they ask for this book again. However, the puzzles were offended, felt unwanted in the summer and ran away, leaving a note. Here she is.

The teacher shows the card.

The recording is encrypted, that is, it is a puzzle. Let's try to decipher it. Guess which “key” you need to use.

Independent work.

Children write down the deciphered text in notebooks. Examination.

Answer.“Nobody needs us! Let's go to the Island of Eternal Summer. Farewell". We read from bottom to top from right to left.

I suggest going to the Island of Eternal Summer and finding the escaped puzzles there. Maybe they will agree to return.

To find yourself in a land where the waves of the warm sea splash, where palm trees grow, magnolias bloom and where there is lots and lots of sun, it is enough to use our imagination, which never fails us. We close our eyes... Kreks-pex-fex!.. We open our eyes. We are on the Island of Eternal Summer! The island is surrounded on all sides by the sea. Let's walk along the coast. On the right the sea is blue, clean and gentle; on the left - wherever you look - palm trees, vines, coconuts, bananas... And under your feet there is light warm sand. Wow, it's hot! Need a swim. What is that splashing on the waves there? Let's swim closer. What a success! A tiny raft, on it is an open book, and next to it, with their bellies up, lie little men with large heads, thin arms and legs, sunbathing. On the raft stands a flag with the inscription:


What is this word? Maybe someone has already guessed?

Answer. PUZZLES. We rearrange the “scattered” letters.

Oh, that's it! The puzzles specially encrypted themselves so that those around them would puzzle over who was in front of them. Guys, draw at least one puzzle as you imagine it.

Children draw. Exchange of impressions.

Hello puzzles! We specially arrived on the Island of Eternal Summer to persuade you to return to the library, because the children miss you so much!

Puzzle. Is it really special for us? We miss the boys too. We were offended that they forgot about us for the whole summer. And so we decided to escape to this island. Let the readers feel that they feel bad without us.

Teacher. Readers have already felt that life without puzzles is boring. And we are happy to solve them right now. Come on, turn us to a more difficult page!


We'll look at the table

And we will see faces on it,

Unfamiliar faces -

Sad, happy...

Now take a closer look

Look at them, my friend.

What pattern

Are they subordinate?

Answer. Each horizontal row has one face round, oval and square shape, in persons different shapes hats, different shaped noses, mouths and eyes.

The teacher covers one of the faces and asks the children to draw the hidden face in their notebook, after checking for a pattern in their answer.


There is an “extra” concept

Literally in every line.

You, having thought well,

Mark it with a dot.

1. Birch, wood, maple, poplar, rowan.

2. Addition, multiplication, addend, division, subtraction.

3. Bitter, hot, sour, sweet, salty.

4. Precipitation, rain, snow, frost, hail.

5. Comma, period, colon, union, dash.


Needs to be made out of matches

Various items.

Keep a strict count of matches

It follows this.

Lay out: a) a vase of 8 matches; b) an envelope of 8 matches; c) a Christmas tree made of 9 matches; d) a tower of 9 matches.


Twin proverbs

In the list you will find,

From English to Russian

Draw an arrow.














Answer. Silence is the smartest thing. The word is silver, silence is gold.

Clothes don't make a man. They meet you by their clothes, they see them off by their intelligence.

And a good shooter can miss. And Masha sometimes makes a mistake.

Fear has long legs. Fear has big eyes. You can't catch the wind with a net. You don't apply water with a sieve.

The meaning of proverbs is explained.


So that the words are known

Be able to decipher

Multiplication table

Great to know.

Clue. To insert a letter instead of a number, for example, 4, you need to look at the code and think about how to get 4 by multiplying one of the numbers in the vertical line by one of the numbers in the horizontal line. Only if you multiply 2 by 2. Their intersection is the letter C. And so Further.

Answer. SEVEN SPANDS IN THE FOREHEAD. This is what they say about a very smart, outstanding, talented person.

Puzzles. And you guys are great. You crack the puzzles like nuts! We agree to return to the library, but on the condition: you will not forget about us, including in the summer.

Teacher. Guys, do you agree with the condition? Then we all leave the Island of Eternal Summer together.

There are no “right answers” ​​to these puzzles, so just some options are provided. Children's intelligence and wit are encouraged.

1. At one competition, the average boxer won three fights. At first the blows were ordinary, but gradually became stronger, reaching such force as if they were hitting with a stone. Then he was disqualified.

Answer: The hands are wrapped in a plaster bandage.

2. Two horsemen compete: whose horse will be the last to reach the finish line. But things don’t work out, both stand still. They turn to the sage for advice... After that, both rode at full speed.

Answer: The sage advised to exchange horses.

3. A young man is sitting in a trolleybus next to a lady. Her friend comes in and the ladies start talking. The young man stands up and invites the lady who has entered to sit down. She calls him impudent.

Answer: The lady doesn't fit in the seat.

4. The father's son was unknown to anyone, then he violated the instructions, died and became famous. Who are we talking about?

Answer: About Icarus from the ancient Greek legend.

5. An engineer came to a small town on a business trip and settled into a single room in a hotel. In the evening I went to bed, but could not sleep half the night. Then he got up, dialed the phone number, said nothing, lay down and calmly fell asleep.

Answer: I called my neighbor behind the wall, who was snoring loudly.

6. A man and a woman fell in love and got married. They lived together in perfect harmony for a very long time; didn't work, but gave each other expensive gifts. As a result, they became millionaires. How could this happen?

Answer: Before they got married, they were both billionaires.

7. “This morning,” the girl says, I dropped my earring in the coffee, and although the cup was full to the brim, I was able to get it out without even getting my fingers wet.” How could this happen?

Answer: a) dry coffee; b) coffee beans; c) the earring is light and does not sink; d) the earring is long.

8. A village boy tells his friends: “Yesterday there was such terrible rain, and my father did not take either an umbrella or a hat. When he appeared at the door of the room, water poured from him in streams, but not a single hair on his head got wet. There is nowhere to hide from the rain within a radius of 500 meters from our house - there is bare steppe all around.” Is it true? How can this happen?

Answer: The boy's father a) was bald; b) took a bath.

9. Reverend Saul Luni publicly announced that on a certain day and time he would cross the Hudson River “like dry land.” At the appointed time, with a large crowd of people, Sol Luni stepped onto the waters of the river at its widest point and after 20 minutes he safely reached the opposite bank.

Answer: The river froze in winter.

10. A noble, well-known lady in a small town went to the theater. It was a very boring play. She couldn't stand it and left the second act. After her departure, a terrible scandal broke out in the theater.

Answer: The lady was the leading lady.

11. Professor Jane Book became famous for demonstrating an amazing experiment: he placed a bottle in the center of the room and then crawled into it. What is the secret of the experience?

Answer: He crawled into the room.

12. New York resident V. Harris registered marriage 20 times in a relatively short period of time. Every time there was new woman. However, he did not divorce any of them, but he also did not become a polygamist. Could this happen?

Answer: Worked at the mayor's office and registered marriages.

13. One student tells another: “Yesterday basketball team our college won the basketball match with a score of 76:40. It’s interesting that not a single basketball player scored a single goal in this match.” How could this happen?

Answer: Two women's teams played.

14. The lady did not have a driver’s license with her. She did not stop at the railway crossing, although the barrier was lowered. Then, not paying attention to the sign prohibiting entry with a “brick,” she calmly moved along the one-way street against the traffic of cars. All this happened in front of the guard, who for some reason did not consider it necessary to intervene. What actually happened?

Answer: The lady was walking.

15. On one section there is a double track Railway changes to a single track and goes into a tunnel. One summer, a train flew into the tunnel from one side at full speed. Another train rushed by at full speed from the other side. But no collision occurred. Is this possible?

Answer: Naturally, the trains passed through the tunnel in different time.

16. Famous illusionist and hypnotist Dale Brant absolutely accurately predicts the score of any basketball game before it starts. How does he do this?

Answer: Any of us can do this, since the score before the game is always 0:0.

17. A man committed a theft, and although everyone knew about it, he was not convicted. Despite the anger of just a few people, the act became legendary. Who are we talking about?

Answer: About Prometheus from the famous ancient Greek legend.

18. On one of the Odessa streets there were three tailoring workshops. The first one had a sign: “The best workshop in Odessa!” The second tailor hung a sign: “The best workshop in the world!” The third one outdid them both. What did he do?

Answer: He hung a sign “The best workshop on this street!”

19. Elevator accident. 3 people were stuck. Two are upset, one is happy. Why?

Answer: Any good reason is appropriate. For example, a poor student is happy that he will be late for school.

20. American Charles Brown was furious when, 10 years later, he found out that he could hear better without a hearing aid than with one. He went to complain to the doctor, who recommended wearing the device. After carefully examining the patient, the doctor found out the cause. What is she wearing?

Answer: The patient wore the device on his healthy ear.

21. One man tells another: “He walked, but did not wear his shoes. I decided to help him, but I only made it worse: now he can’t even walk with my help.” What or who were they talking about?

Answer: About the alarm clock (about the clock).

22. The harder it is hit in the right place, the better it performs its function. Who or what are we talking about?

Answer: About the nail.

23. Interview with twins: - Are you brothers? - Yes!

- Were you born on the same day? - Yes! -Are you twins?

- No! Why?

Answer: They are triplets.

24. As you know, all native Russian female names end with either “a” or “ya”: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there are female name, which ends in neither “a” nor “i”. Name it.

Answer: Love.

25. When is the best time for a black cat to get into the house?

Answer: When the door is open.

26. There are a ruler, a pencil, a compass and an eraser on the table. You need to draw a circle on a piece of paper. Where to begin?

Answer: You need to get (take) a sheet of paper.

27. Is it possible: two heads, two arms and six legs, but only four in walking?

Answer: Yes, it's a rider on a horse.

28. Which car wheel does not spin when making a right turn?

Answer: Spare.

29. What word always sounds wrong?

Answer: The word "incorrect".

30. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take one cat to catch one mouse?

Answer: Five.

31. How many months of the year have 28 days?

Answer: All 12, because if there are 30 days in a month, then

28 days are among them.

32. What is dropped when needed and picked up when not needed?

Answer: Ship anchor.

33 What do all people on Earth do at the same time?

Answer: They live.

34. How many peas can fit into one glass?

Answer: Not at all, because the peas don't move.

35. What is the correct way to say: “I don’t see the white yolk” or “I don’t see the white yolk”?

Answer: The yolk cannot be white, it is yellow.

36. The hunter walked past the clock tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he end up?

Answer: To the police.

37. What comes first in Russia and second in France?

Answer: Letter "R".

38. Which part of the bookcase consists of half a consonant letter?

Answer: Shelf (floor - ka).

39. A crow sits on a branch. What should be done to saw off a branch without disturbing the crow?

Answer: Wait until she flies away.

40. Why are some riddles dangerous?

Answer: Because people “rack their brains” over them.

41. Why can a sparrow eat a handful of oats, but a horse cannot?

Answer: Because sparrows don't eat horses.

42. What disappears when you eat a big bagel?

Answer: Hunger.

43. A surprised man tells his friend: “Every time after lunch I look at my watch, and it always shows the same time, although I have lunch at different times.” How can this be explained without involving mysticism?

Answer: The clock is standing.

Puzzles for children with pictures

Children love to solve various riddles. And this is not only fun, but also a very useful activity that develops little man, including its figurative and logical thinking. Particularly good for developing these abilities are such logic problems like puzzles.

By the way, solving them is interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Even if these are ordinary ciphertexts with pictures. So such time together can gradually turn into a wonderful family tradition.

We present to your attention children's puzzles in pictures; under each card you will find the answers.

*** - means that we don’t know the answer to this problem, if you solve it, please write in the comments, thank you.

Answers to puzzles(from left to right): wart, bruise, ***, drug, thorn, hygiene, hematoma, stretcher, fever, injection, mole, operation, tetanus, malaria, patch, flatulence.

Answers: butterfly, chocolatier, peacock eye, shrimp, water strider, crab, ***, cockroach, ground beetle, horsefly, mosquito, scorpion, drone, dragonfly, fly, bumblebee.

Answers: scalpel, barrel organ, chisel, guitar, wire cutters, whistle, drill, clamp, cleaver, disk drive, scythe, cane, knife, light bulb, flute, freezer.

Answers: incubator, switch, brush, radio telescope, hook, radiotelephone, paper clip, radio tube, stepladder, electric saw, cartridge, electric pump, tube, electric drill, bookmark, electric hammer, brush, electric guitar.

Answers to puzzles in pictures: swordfish, mackerel, lamprey, roach, hammerfish, swordfish, sawfish, vendace, strapfish, carp, needlefish, halibut, ballfish, silver carp, hedgehogfish, crucian carp.

Answers: wind, storm, thunderstorm, tornado, haze, flood, source, dew, blizzard, drops, snowdrift, slush, frost, ***, darkness, beach.

Answers: jacket, insole, socks, peakless cap, sleeveless vest, half coat, shorts, blouse, cap, stripes, strap, leggings, cap,***, lining, sock.

Answers: scarf, spikes, scarf, sandals, down jacket, heel, sleeve, tights, skirt, hat, scarf, underwear, tailcoat, sweatshirt, cap, leggings, jacket, overcoat.

Answers: hair, knee, mouth, fist, pupil, armpit, vertebra, bridge of the nose, crown, elbow, cowlick, cartilage, leg, posture, collarbone, lower leg.

Answers to puzzles: compote, jelly, lemonade, entrecote, cheesecake, pie, knuckle, pampushka, yolk, sbiten, crackers, meatballs, bagel, toffee, pastries, bagel.

Answers: potatoes, plums, apples, cranberries, cabbage, radishes, currants, strawberries, dried fruits, coconuts, ***, buckwheat, zucchini, orange, cutlet, beans.

Answers to puzzles: bugler, knight, gardener, maid, bodybuilder, tanker, naturalist, tamer, ophthalmologist, tanker, carpenter, turner, fireman, trumpeter, fisherman, picador.

Answers: stylist, archer, cook, spooner, steelmaker, crabber, astronomer, mower, miner, cattle breeder, understudy, crusader, livestock breeder, carpenter, journalist, key holder, gold miner, spy.

Answers to puzzles: longboat, broomstick, rocket, tanker, rattler, motorboat, carriage, skating rink, sailboat, tractor, submarine, motorized carriage, pirogue, motorized boat, ambulance, motor sleigh.

Answers to puzzles: metro bridge, dolphinarium, greenhouse, planetarium, ***, barn, Kremlin, yurts, bell tower, barracks, dam, mosque, cathedral, citadel, feeding trough, elevator.

Answers: fort, funnel, club, one-piece, tunic, shootout, cartridge, grenade launcher, pistol, holster, torpedo, visor, dart, massacre, butt, colt, shooting, slingshot.

Where did puzzles come to us from?

So, what are puzzles, where did they come from and how are they useful? This will be discussed further. Unraveling words encrypted in pictures first became a hobby in France back in the 16th century. Of course, such entertainment was available to everyone, but it was mostly done by representatives of aristocratic families, since they had more free time for such entertainment. But other sections of society did not miss the opportunity to unravel the words encrypted in the pictures. They say that this was done even in not very respectable drinking establishments.

In our country, ciphertexts appeared much later. The general fascination with puzzles that need to be solved “with the help of things” (this is how the word rebus can be loosely translated from Latin) began only at the end of the 19th century. At this time, in the Russian Empire they even began to publish a special magazine, which was called “Rebus”.

Currently, cryptograms of this type will not particularly surprise anyone. But, unfortunately, such logical puzzles do not have the former popularity. And this is in vain! Such a pastime is much more useful than sitting on social networks or computer games. Especially for children!

Why do children need to solve puzzles?

Most puzzles are a riddle where the main role is played by a picture. The image is supplemented with letters, numbers or signs. By putting together words denoting drawn objects, adding or changing letters in their names, removing individual letters or syllables, you can turn the original word into the desired one. That's the whole task.

Children's interest in such puzzles is very high. And there is nothing strange about this. Some element of mystery always attracts children's attention. And as a result, little people not only enjoy decoding words, but also, unnoticed by themselves, develop the qualities necessary for studying at school, and indeed for life in general. Solving such text riddles greatly contributes to the development of:

  • horizons (kids remember new words and learn their meanings);
  • speech (in puzzles you can encode not only individual words, but also proverbs or tongue twisters);
  • memory (primarily visual) and attentiveness;
  • logical thinking;
  • intelligence, ingenuity and intuition.

In addition, thanks to encrypted text messages In pictures, preschoolers and first-graders cope much easier with learning letters and numbers, and older children remember the spelling of various words.

IN Lately Even textbook writers use such logical problems. In elementary school they are often assigned as homework. Older children can be asked not only to solve cryptograms, but also to compose them themselves. This exercise is also an excellent workout for the mind. Moreover, such tasks are also creative work. After all, most contain a picture that the child will have to draw on his own.

Differences in children's puzzles

The most difficult are mathematical puzzles in which letters replace numbers in some mathematical expressions. The most complex are the so-called cryptorhymes. These are puzzles in which a mathematical expression is encrypted not just by a set of letters, but by a completely meaningful phrase. Of course this option puzzles are only suitable for children who are already well versed in arithmetic operations and are good readers.

The more common option is alphabetic. In them, the word is encrypted using letters, syllables or whole words. To solve such a puzzle, some letters must be removed and others replaced. Often, to solve such puzzles you need to use ingenuity and attentiveness, since the solution may even depend on the location of letters and syllables relative to each other. Younger schoolchildren who know the alphabet well and can read already cope well with such tasks.

Puzzles with letters and pictures are perfect for children who have just started learning letters. Such puzzles not only teach the child to think and reason, but also allow him to quickly remember letters and learn to read. Such puzzles are suitable and younger schoolchildren. Solving them is a good exercise for the mind.

But text riddles in pictures are an excellent option for educational activities for children from 3 years old. They are considered the simplest and are quite capable even for such kids. It’s worth talking about this version of puzzles in a little more detail.

Puzzles in pictures

Logical tasks that use only pictures are suitable for kids who have not yet mastered the alphabet or have just begun to master this science. Most often they consist of two pictures. From the names of the objects depicted on them, a new word is obtained.

In such puzzles, the child does not need to remove or add letters to the words found. It is enough to connect them together. However, one should not assume that such problems are too simple. The tricky part is that many items are often named differently, for example:

  • a drawn eye can be called both an “eye” and an “eye”;
  • stylized window can be used in this sense or denote the word "frame";
  • a funny face can be deciphered as “face” or “face”, etc.

Such puzzles not only teach a child to think, but also significantly expand his vocabulary.

For older children, more complex puzzles are suitable, in which the picture is depicted upside down. In this case, you need to not only guess what is written on it, but also say this word backwards, for example: NOSE - DREAM. Sometimes in such problems the image is not turned upside down, but the direction of pronunciation of the word is indicated with an arrow.

If the child has already started learning the alphabet, he can already be asked to solve a text code in which a picture is accompanied by one or two letters. Such tasks greatly simplify the process of memorizing the alphabet, and the lessons turn into an exciting game that does not strain the child.

How to solve text codes with your child

With the help of logic puzzles, it’s easy enough to turn a learning activity into fun game. But first, the parent needs to familiarize himself with the basic rules for solving such puzzles. Although there are no special tricks in this matter.

Any rebus is read from left to right (sometimes from top to bottom), unless otherwise specified or indicated in the form of an arrow. All names of objects are used in the nominative singular case. Of course, if several objects are depicted, then the word should be used in the plural.

Unlike other types of similar problems, picture puzzles always have only one solution. But their more complex counterparts may contain two answers. True, in this case this is necessarily indicated in the conditions.

At first, children should not be given too complex options. The first tasks should be very simple in order to interest the baby. Before starting classes, he needs to explain the essence of the task in clear language.

If the picture shows an object unfamiliar to the child, then with the help of leading questions he should be led to the name of what the picture depicts or the meaning of this word should be explained. The same must be done if the object can be called by different words. Most children identify the eye shown in the picture this way. The adult’s task is to tell him that this part of the face was previously called by another word. Thus, solving puzzles will not only develop the child’s thinking and logic, but will also significantly expand his horizons and vocabulary.

Don’t be upset if your child doesn’t complete the task right away. This in no way indicates the weakness of his abilities. Even simple logical cryptograms are not always solved the first time. Moreover, some at first glance simple pictures It’s not even the first time that adults manage to decipher it. And in general, you can always tell your child the way to solve a problem or direct his reasoning in the right direction. The main thing is not to overdo it and not solve the problem for the child. This line should not be crossed.


Hello Dear friends and blog guests! Today I want to bring to your attention puzzles for children 7-8 years old, tell you what types there are, and how to teach a child to solve them.

This activity is very useful for children of any age: it develops thinking, memory, logic and perseverance.

A rebus is a graphic riddle in which a word or phrase is encrypted. They use pictures, letters, numbers and some signs.

There are a huge number of different puzzles for children different ages.

Of course, division by age groups conditionally, there are no specific criteria, since each child is individual.
Some children at 5-6 years old can solve complex puzzles, while others at 8 years old find it difficult. It all depends on the child’s level of development and his individual abilities.

Puzzles for children 7-8 years old

Children of different ages, but especially 7-8 years old, show great interest in puzzles.
In order for the child to be able to solve encrypted words himself, you need to explain to him the basic rules of what the various signs mean.

Main types of puzzles

Let's take a closer look at what types of puzzles there are, and what the various combinations and signs in them mean.

1. Adding one or more letters to the picture.

> Letters are added in front of or after the design. This is the simplest type.

2. There is a crossed out letter next to the picture.

> This means that it needs to be removed from the word

3. Replacing letters


> When there is another letter next to a crossed out letter, it must be inserted in place of the crossed out one.

> Sometimes there is a letter with an equal sign next to the picture, which means that it also needs to be replaced in the word.

4.Commas at the beginning of the picture or at the end.

> A comma indicates that a letter, the first or the last, is removed from the word, depending on where it appears: at the beginning or the end. How many commas are present, so many letters are removed.

5.The picture or word is turned upside down.

6. A horizontal line between letters or pictures.

> It denotes the prepositions “on, above, under.”

7.Different arrangement of letters relative to each other.

> When one is located in the other, it implies the preposition "in". If one letter is behind another, it means “behind” or “before”.

8. Several identical letters or syllables.

> This means that the number of letters must be pronounced in numbers.

9. Using various numbers together with letters or pictures.

A number is added to a word, picture or letters from different sides.

10. On the surface of one or more letters, some other letter is written several times.

> In this case, the preposition “by” is added. (Cook)

11. Below the picture there are numbers in small print.

> You need to rearrange the letters in the word in the same order.

Most often, several types are used simultaneously in one rebus.

Puzzles of varying complexity and for different ages can be found in children's magazines, special collections and on the Internet: online or printed.

Parents themselves can create puzzles for their children.

Now you know which puzzles for children 7-8 years old and other ages can be used for activities with children.

Most children love to solve puzzles and puzzles, so support their desire in this exciting and useful activity.

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