Cool ideas for Valentine's Day. Unexpected date ideas for Valentine's Day. Postcard “100 reasons why I love you”

Looking for fun ideas for Valentine's Day? We are sure that with us you will find something special for yourself and your loved ones.

Original decor or table setting ideas for Valentine's Day will help you create a warm, romantic atmosphere for the holiday of love in your home.

How to celebrate Valentine's Day (February 14) together

Valentine's Day is a great excuse to express your feelings and emotions.

Have you been looking for words to explain yourself for a long time? On this holiday, everything can be done without words. All it takes is a romantic dinner, a small handmade gift, and your significant other will understand everything.

Organization of Valentine's Day

If this year you decided to become a hospitable hostess, receiving guests, or you were tasked with organizing corporate party in honor of February 14, our tips will definitely be useful. After studying this article, celebrating and organizing Valentine's Day will not seem like a difficult and tedious task. Fresh decor and menu ideas will help you prepare in advance and allow you to leave a little time for yourself :).

To organize a party, you need to think about various entertainment for the guests. These can be either your personal preparations or games from the article “” . Having sketched interesting scenario, as well as selecting romantic background music, you will actually complete half the task.

Room decor for Valentine's Day

The next stage of preparation will be the decor of the room. Decorations for Valentine's Day can be very diverse. If you are celebrating a holiday with your loved one, then you can place photos of them together, which will only add sensuality to the decoration of the room.

You can also attach a photo to a garland - it turns out very romantic (you can buy such a garland here).

You can make a Tree of Love. It can be made from ordinary wire or any other material. You can decorate with hearts, photographs, locks with your initials or just beautiful ribbons.

You can also make small trees that can be placed throughout the apartment. To do this, you will need a regular glass, weighted with pebbles or sand. We decorate the glass with burlap, insert a tree “trunk” made of wire, which we also decorate with burlap or ribbons. We make the crown of the tree in the shape of a heart from thick cardboard or any other material. You can decorate the top with buttons, coffee beans, small hearts or any other decorative elements of your choice.

The resulting masterpiece will be great decoration for your home.

Unusual for our country, but they look very cute and festive on the door:

Another interesting decoration attribute can be small touching figures. You can put them on your bedside tables, stick them on your refrigerator as a magnet, or give them as a gift to someone very special.

Instead of figurines, you can decorate your house with a heart or letters with light bulbs (you can buy them).

Is there a clock in the house? For one day they can turn into a Lovers' Clock :). All you need to do is download our clock template and use it to decorate a clock in your living room or kitchen. If you have a watch at home that you don’t use, but the mechanism is still working, then you can make a unique and original watch and give it to one of your friends :).

Well, and finally, a couple more interesting ideas for decorating a room using a wide variety of accessories - from candles to simple ribbons :).

Decor and table setting for February 14

If you want to cook something truly delicious, you can use the recipes you find. Main courses, drinks and excellent desserts - we have selected all this especially for you.

Red napkins, small cards for guests, and a large number of candles - what could be better for table decor?

In the corner you can put a vase with “greetings from childhood.” I am sure that this will become a favorite place for photos and treats for all guests :).

Do you want to cook surprise for Valentine's Day for loved ones? Give them small gifts. After all, Valentine's Day is not a reason to give expensive gifts. This is the time for small, but very romantic little things.

A real sweet tooth will appreciate an original packaged box of chocolates :).

You can also please your employees or friends with small gifts.

It is better to accompany any gift with small but very touching ones - a symbol of the holiday.

If you still decide to give a gift, then take care of its original packaging.

But this packaging would be an excellent option for tickets to the cinema, theater or ballet.

Here are some other things to help you celebrate Valentine's Day:

I am sure that, using our advice, you will create the perfect holiday for yourself and your loved ones.

Ideas for Valentine's Day February 14 (photo, video)

We are decorating the apartment for February 14th. Decor ideas for Valentine's Day (55 photos)

Below are some ideas for lovers and loved ones for Valentine's Day on February 14 - Valentine's Day

How to decorate an apartment, how to make cards with your own hands, gift ideas, how to decorate a holiday table and how to give a surprise gift “100 reasons why I love you”, design ideas with photos and videos

Even in Russia, February 14 - Valentine's Day - is a popular holiday that is celebrated by all lovers in the name of their tender feelings for each other. Surely every couple wants to turn this day into a special and unforgettable love adventure. An ideal date, which would be completely saturated with a romantic atmosphere and home comfort - this is what deepens in our memory for a long time. But how can you create a real temple of love from ordinary everyday surroundings? We will be happy to share with you how to decorate the interior of an apartment on Valentine's Day.

Mysterious interior with hidden subtext

On Valentine's Day, February 14, you can decorate your apartment with special details that carry a romantic message. For example, a calendar on clothespins with wishes or declarations of love for every day of the week.

In this case, the walls can be dotted with bright posters on which touching lines from poems will be written. Proper lighting will also add an atmosphere of mystery.

Another rather extraordinary detail of apartment decor on February 14, Valentine’s Day, could be a decorated jar with the inscription: “100 reasons why I love you.” This element will certainly evoke pleasant feelings in your other half.

Jar: 100 reasons why I love you. We do it ourselves

Garland of hearts

Hearts for garland

LOVE inscription

Flask with confessions

Homemade decor

Decor for Valentine's Day

Pillow with heart

sweet tree

Simple decor

Heart of roses

Give your interior a rosy innocence

The color pink symbolizes sincerity, tenderness and the feeling of being in love. This shade is very successful in decorating an apartment with a romantic theme. Other colors may be present in the interior: white, as a symbol of purity, innocence, and red, which symbolizes passion.

In this color scheme can be used from cute figurines to all kinds of bows, ribbons and inflatable balls, from which you can build a festive garland. You can hang such a miracle above the doors or just on the walls. Having shown at least a little imagination on February 14th for Valentine's Day, even with the help balloons in the shape of a heart you can decorate your apartment in a very unusual way.

Decorate the walls with flags with hearts for Valentine's Day

Knitted hearts

Volumetric letters LOVE

Sparkler Heart

Valentine's Arrows

Decor of ordinary things

Pompom wreath

Drawing hearts on mirrors

We sew hearts for home decor

Decorating the walls

Decorating a romantic table for February 14th

A romantic dinner is another step towards creating the perfect date on Valentine's Day, so you need to pay a lot of attention to its design. The table can be decorated with a festive tablecloth embroidered with gold threads and shimmering sequins. It will be ideally complemented by a composition of fresh flowers.

Decorating the table for Valentine's Day

To add a romantic touch to the atmosphere, the area around the table can be strewn with rose petals.

Ideas for Valentine's Day. Table setting and decoration

Table setting and decoration for February 14 - getting ready for Valentine's Day (30 photos)
Decorating the table for February 14

Dinner at a beautifully set table is an essential attribute of any celebration. Valentine's Day, the celebration of which is becoming increasingly popular both in families and among couples who are just starting to date, is no exception. Table setting appropriate for Valentine's Day creates the necessary atmosphere of comfort and romance in the home for such an occasion.

The table for a festive dinner can be decorated using a wide variety of accessories. Traditionally, Valentine's Day decor uses white, pink and red. Ribbons, flowers, hearts made from a wide variety of materials are indispensable elements festive table setting. For a romantic dinner, it’s a good idea to place paired elements on the table. You can emphasize the spirit of the holiday by using the most ordinary things - tablecloths, napkins, vases, cutlery, table lamps.

Pink and White color for table setting for Valentine's Day

Romantic table setting for Valentine's Day photo

Textiles for the festive table on February 14

Usually festive tables are covered with a tablecloth. If you show your imagination, it’s very easy to turn an ordinary white tablecloth, which is available for special occasions in every home, into an excellent background against which the rest of the attributes of Valentine’s Day will play. For example, you can sew a red or red satin ribbon at a short distance from its edge. Pink colour. The corners of the tablecloth can be decorated with bows or flowers from the same ribbon.

An addition to a table decorated with such a tablecloth will be napkins trimmed satin ribbons or flowers made from rolled ribbons. You can decorate a candy bowl filled with “hearts” made of chocolate or cookies with ribbon roses. You can also roll napkins traditional way and tie with ribbons. A small live rose attached with a ribbon to a napkin looks very romantic. You can fold napkins in the shape of a heart.

Decorating with paper: napkins for February 14

Great for table decoration paper napkins. It’s worth stocking up on ready-made multi-layer napkins with holiday symbols. You can serve a dish decorated using decoupage technique and napkins in the appropriate style.

Pink napkins in table decor for Valentine's Day

Another simple but effective way to decorate a holiday table is to cut out openwork heart-shaped bases for cutlery and all other items on the table from plain napkins made of paper or non-woven material.

Table decoration with flowers and plants

Traditionally, for most holidays the table is decorated with flowers. Usually a low bouquet is placed in the center of the table. When decorating a table for February 14th, you can decorate the vase or the space around it in the spirit of the holiday. A vase corresponding to the holiday can be bought or painted by hand acrylic paints. Then such paints can be easily removed if the vase is later used for other events.

Food with hearts and flowers on the table for Valentine's Day

On February 14, the tree of love is sometimes decorated. The “tree” itself is made from flowering branches various trees. Apple tree branches are good for this purpose. 2-3 weeks before the holiday they need to be cut and placed in water. By the time of the ceremony, the buds will open and leaves will appear, and possibly flowers. You can also decorate ordinary winter branches of the shape you like with ribbons, various symbols of love - hearts, paired figurines of swans, doves. Interesting option decorate the love tree - place photos of the couple on it. The tree of love should be placed on the table so as not to obscure those present.

Decorating the table for Valentine's Day photo

Table decoration for February 14 using lighting

Very often candles are used to create a romantic mood. If table space allows, you can lay out an image of a heart from low candles. Floating candles will look great in a low, wide vase. When decorating a holiday dinner, use scented candles with caution. They are used only if it is known that everyone present likes the smell and that it does not interrupt the aroma of festive dishes. Using candles requires caution, since an open fire is always a danger of setting something on fire, especially if there is fabric or paper nearby.

Candles for table decor for Valentine's Day

However, the familiar table lamp, decorated with your own hands, will also look good on the holiday table. To prevent its light from being too bright, the lampshade should be wrapped in fabric. This could be a pink or red scarf or scarf. You should check whether the fabric is very close to the lamp. Can be attached to fabric paper garlands from hearts, various figures or photographs. It is also good to decorate the lamp with the ribbon flowers mentioned above.

Candles in closed candlesticks for Valentine's Day

Food for lovers on February 14

On Valentine's Day, you can not only set the table beautifully, but also prepare some romantic food. The simplest option is food in the shape of hearts. And it doesn’t matter what it will be - toast and scrambled eggs for breakfast, watermelon hearts, candies and cakes or heart-shaped meat steaks, the main thing is to show your love to the one for whom you decorated your table.

Watermelon hearts for Valentine's Day

Romantic food for Valentine's Day

There are many options for decorating a table for Valentine's Day. But when setting the table for the holiday, you need to remember that this is a celebration for two and take into account the aesthetic preferences of your partner. Then the celebration will bring joy and strengthen relationships.

Table decoration for Valentine's Day

Cutlery in the form of hearts

Pink hearts

Bottle decor

Cookies with hearts

Heart shaped food

Holiday Beer Box

Candles are indispensable accessories on Valentine's Day

Candles are the best way to convey the sincerity and seriousness of feelings on February 14th. They are the ones who can give any room a romantic atmosphere. In their gentle flicker, everything looks more mysterious, but at the same time alluring.

Over the past five years, candles have become very popular. Their diversity today knows no bounds. Wall, floor, bronze, copper, gilded - this is not the entire list of proposed decorations. On Valentine's Day, it is advisable to place candles in the corners of the room, or hang them on the walls.

In order to give the interior more mystery and passion for the holiday on February 14, it is best to use a large number of small candles. Small for a romantic dinner scented candle(for example, with the scent of flowers or strawberries) can be placed directly on the floor, so they will create an atmosphere of warmth and tenderness. A very interesting result is obtained when using candles in the shape of hearts, angels, doves and cupids in the interior. They will be a kind of pendulum for the other half.

Candles look fabulously beautiful on February 14, the reflection of which can be seen in the clouds with champagne. You can use the idea of ​​a vase filled with water, after which small candles should be placed in it (they will act as a kind of floating islands) and, of course, rose petals.

Bath decor with candles for Valentine's Day

Floating candles

Candles for Valentine's Day

Making a candlestick yourself

Candles in rose petals

Decor of candlesticks

Candle made of hearts

Cookie candles

Candle decor with hearts

Candles for Valentine's Day

Decorate with candles

We hope these tips will help you create an unforgettable romantic atmosphere!

DIY jar, box, book “100 reasons why I love you” for February 14

It's time to get ready for February 14th and figure out what to give your boyfriend. What do you expect from your loved ones on Valentine's Day? Of course, love confessions, and a jar, box or book “100 reasons why I love you”, which I will tell you how to make today, will be an ideal gift. It’s simple to make, it’s not expensive, but anyone will definitely like such a gift, because everyone wants to be loved and everyone needs attention. So, we will learn how to make a jar of declarations of love with our own hands. How and from what can it be made?

Jar “100 reasons why I love you!”

Jar with declarations of love

The most popular idea is the "100 Reasons Why I Love You" jar. In fact, there may be fewer or more reasons, depending on your imagination and the size of the jar you chose for the gift. It is clear that than more reasons, the longer your guy will read them, and the more enjoyable he will be. Somehow choose a beautiful number of reasons - and get to work.

How to make a "10 Reasons Why I Love You" Jar

We will need:

Glass jar with lid (sold at any home improvement store - for bulk products)
- Paper for confessions
- Satin ribbons
- Fabric, lace, colored paper, jewelry


How to make a love jar for Valentine's Day

We search on the Internet for 100 reasons why I love you or come up with them ourselves - especially for your loved one. Then you can simply print them on paper and cut them into thin strips, this is faster than writing by hand (in the second case, we cut the paper into strips in advance).

We print reasons for love on paper and cut them into strips

We tie confessions with ribbons

We decorate our jar with lace, fabric, ribbons, bows, hearts, glue the inscription “100 reasons why I love you”, put confessions in the jar and close the lid. the gift is ready, all you have to do is wait until February 14th and hand it over. This is what we get:

Finished jar with photo confessions

More ideas on how you can decorate the “100 Reasons Why I Love You” jar:

Box with confessions on pieces of paper

A similar idea, but we will no longer put our love confessions in a jar, but in a box, which can also be beautifully decorated or made from scratch with your own hands. You can take ready-made beautiful boxes, for example, from Raffaello sweets, and pasted over with red paper, you can simply glue a cardboard confession box. This is what you should get:

Box “50 reasons why I love you” - how to make

Notepad or book “reasons why I love you”

A simple notebook with love confessions

Another idea is to arrange your declarations of love in the form of a book or small notepad. Again, here you can use a ready-made notebook from the store and just decorate its cover and write the title, or you can make it from scratch - the cover, sheets of confessions, and then sew them together. Here's what you might end up with:

Beautiful book “why I love you” with your own hands

Love cards

Cards - 52 reasons why I love you

A fun idea is to write your declarations of love on cards and then invite your boyfriend to play them. These cards can also be made from scratch from thick cardboard or thin white plastic, or you can use a regular 52 deck. playing cards and make a surprise - confessions inside. This is what you get:

Declarations of love on a deck of cards

How to design cards with confessions inside photos

How else to write down 100 reasons to love

If those ideas for 100 reasons for love are not enough for you and you want to do something more unusual, then here are a few more options for how you can arrange your confessions on February 14 as a gift to a young man.

Poster or postcard with declarations of love

Postcard “100 reasons why I love you”

If you know how to work with computer graphics, you can draw a beautiful card in Photoshop with a hundred reasons to love, as in the picture above, decorating it with photographs or some other beautiful pictures. If not, you can just buy a sheet of Whatman paper and arm yourself with colored pencils or markers, and draw a large poster with confessions by hand.

DIY poster “100 reasons why I love you”

Balls with papers inside

A beautiful idea is to use bright colors for your gift. air balloons. Inside, before you come up with your ball, put one confession at a time and give the balls as a gift. The bonus is that the guy will be sorry to read your notes right away, so he will be burning with impatience for some time, not knowing what’s inside.

Balloons with declarations of love

Gift bag

If you are preparing a gift for February 14 almost on the last day, and did not have time to decorate the jar or box, then your love confessions, which you can print out, cut into strips and tie with ribbons very quickly, then you can simply fold them into a beautiful gift bag or use other ready-made holiday packaging.

Declarations of love with a gift bag

For those with a sweet tooth

If your loved one has a sweet tooth, you can add candy to the 100 Reasons Why You Love Them box, or simply use a box of candy from the store to add your confessions.

For those with a sweet tooth - confessions in a box of chocolates

Love letter in an envelope

You can also simply write your reasons on pieces of paper and put them in a beautiful envelope. By the way, this love letter You can also send it by mail if your loved one lives in another city.

100 reasons why I love you, in an envelope

Wall stickers

And the last idea on how you can design 100 reasons for love is bright stickers on which you need to write these confessions and paste them in your loved one’s apartment.

“100 reasons why I love you” on stickers on the wall

And here are 100 reasons for love that you can write on pieces of paper and put in a jar or box. I understand that they can be difficult to come up with on your own, but you can find some ideas in the video below:

14 master classes: how to make a postcard for February 14th with your own hands

February 14, also known as Valentine's Day and Valentine's Day, is the time when we all expect love and want to give love to everyone around us. You can show your sympathy in different ways, because the most important thing is attention, and if you want to give your boyfriend a gift, you can make it yourself. Even if it’s just a handmade card, it can be more valuable than the most expensive gift, because it’s not for nothing that they say that we put our soul, and therefore our love, into what you do. And today we will look at 14 step-by-step master classes on making cards for loved ones on February 14th.

We will need colored paper and cardboard to make a postcard, glue, scissors, and also a pencil onto which we will wind strips of paper to make this postcard:

The quilling technique is simple - cut colored paper into thin strips and wrap them around a pencil. Next, glue postcards in the shape of a heart onto the cardboard (you can draw it with a simple pencil). Use blue or white to make a border for the received heart - stick it on the side. We make hearts out of colored paper and glue them around the heart on the card. Here step-by-step instruction in photos:

What do we need

Stripes for edging

Heart stripes

screw it onto a pencil

Glue it on a postcard

Making hearts

If you want to do some complex quilling on a card for February 14th, here are four more ideas:

Beautiful quilling

Quilling postcard

Quilling heart

2. Card with hearts-butterflies and a memorable date

Card with hearts-butterflies and a memorable date

A very beautiful card with hearts that look like a butterfly and a memorable date - it can be either February 14, the holiday for which you are making this card, or the date of your acquaintance or wedding. Calendar on desired month can be printed beautiful font, a frame for a postcard - buy in a store or do without it, and cut out hearts from paper.

Memorable date on a postcard

It's no less easy to do. We print the calendar and with a thin pencil draw stripes on top where we will glue the hearts. We coat them with glue. We fold the hearts themselves in half and use tweezers to place them in the right place. For such a smooth color transition as here, we use the corresponding paper colors. Don’t forget to stick one of the hearts on the date you need on the calendar, and insert the postcard into the frame. If anything else is not clear, look at the photo instructions:

Choosing paper

Cutting out hearts

Printing a calendar

Glue hearts with tweezers

Making a heart

The postcard is ready

3. Coffee card for February 14

Coffee beans card for Valentine's Day

Surely your man loves coffee and one of the ideas is to give him a can of any of his coffee for Valentine’s Day, and to make it not so trivial - in addition, a hand-made coffee card. Coffee can be just a decorative element - several grains at random, and you can also make a heart from coffee beans. Here are more ideas for a “coffee” card:

Coffee and leaves

Coffee Valentines

Coffee in decor

Coffee heart

Heart made of grains

Grains on a postcard

Coffee card

Coffee and lettering

4. Valentine's Day cards with overlay elements

If you like delicate, light, snow-white cards, but are missing some interesting idea, you can use element overlay. This also works great when paired with fluted or embossed paper. The elements themselves - these can be hearts, houses, animals or something abstract, are cut out of paper and glued onto the postcard in layers. You can also use slots and backgrounds or add ribbons and some bright elements to decorate the card. Step by step wizard a class is not required here, but these ideas will be useful to you:

Pulse on a postcard

Fairytale castle

Satin ribbon

Card with heart

On corrugated paper

scarlet heart

Slots and background

Clouds and plane

5. Round card with stamp for Valentine's Day

Round card with stamp for Valentine's Day

To make this beautiful Valentine's Day card we will need red glitter and something similar small and loose, as well as some kind of stamp or seal with a heart. If you have something suitable, you can do it, if not, look at other postcard master classes. This card is easy to make. Blanks are cut out (see photo instructions). Apply glue to the stamp and place the stamp on the workpiece. Sprinkle with glitter, when the glue dries, just shake off the excess - you will get a heart. Next, simply glue the blanks on top of each other and add a satin ribbon - the postcard is ready.

What you will need

Cutting out blanks

We put a stamp

Glue the circle

Glue the tape

Assembling the finished postcard

6. Volumetric postcard for February 14th master class

Volumetric postcard for February 14 master class

Simple but very cute three-dimensional postcard for February 14, for which we only need paper, a colored background with flowers or hearts (can be cut from an old magazine) and thread. We cut out the blanks, glue the background inside the card and part of it on the cover. We make an inscription from letters on a string and glue it to the postcard. All that remains is to make the stand legs and the card is ready.

Cutting out blanks

Cutting through the heart

Paste the background

Inscription on a thread

Folding the stand

Glue it on a postcard

7. Button card for Valentine's Day

If you liked the idea of ​​using coffee beans for your February 14th card, then you might also like using buttons in the decoration. Here you can choose red, pink, white and other buttons in bright or pastel shades. You can use them to put a heart on a card or simply add a few buttons to its design. The only difference from coffee cards is that the buttons need to be sewn on, not glued.

Button decor

I love made of buttons

Heart and button

Button heart

Balls and buttons

Buttons on a postcard

Fabric heart with button

8. Postcard with voluminous hearts inside

Card with voluminous hearts inside for Valentine's Day

Do you want to make a card like this with 3D hearts inside? It is not difficult. Photo instructions, as well as the templates you will need for it and the assembly diagram are in the photo below. All you have to do is print the templates, stick them on the card, make slits and align the two parts of the card.

9. DIY “Happy Valentine’s Day” card scrapbooking

DIY Happy Valentine's Day card

If you want to make a card like this, find beautiful paper or cardboard - often sold in ready-made scrapbooking kits. In the same way as before, we cut out the blanks and glue them together. We close the seam with a satin ribbon, and order it with a button.

How to make a postcard for February 14

We cut out the shape for the inscription on the postcard; if your handwriting is bad, the inscription itself can be printed on a printer, and then circled with a felt-tip pen or left as is. We decorate the cloud with the inscription with rhinestones and glue it to our postcard. The gift is ready.

Adding the inscription Happy Valentine's Day

10. Simple valentine made of paper and lace

Simple valentine with lace

For a loved one, you can spend an hour making some complex and gorgeous postcard. But if you want to make a lot of valentines for friends with your own hands, then you need some simpler master class, for example this one. We make a small card from pink or red paper, cut out a heart, glue on a beautiful background (from a magazine, for example) and attach the lace at the bottom with glue or double-sided tape - the valentine is ready, and it will take you very little time to make.

11. Card made from scraps for Valentine's Day

How to make a card from scraps for February 14

The eleventh postcard is simple again. For it we will need paper, scissors, glue and scraps - made of fabric or paper for even more simple option. Draw a heart and cut it out. We glue the scraps onto the backing, glue the backing to the inside of the postcard - the valentine for February 14 is ready.

Drawing a heart

Cut it out

Preparing the shreds

Paste on the backing

12. Chic card with roses for Valentine's Day

Postcard with roses for February 14 - how to make

If you're tired of simple cards and want to make something complex, here's an idea for a chic card with voluminous heart-shaped roses. Making it is not as difficult as it seems. For the roses we will need pink and green corrugated paper. First we roll up the blanks for the roses. Then we fold the green paper and cut out the leaves, as in the photo below. We collect our rose and use our fingers to give it a more natural shape. Corrugated paper It wrinkles easily and holds its shape well, so you can make roses more vibrant and the leaves more natural. All we have to do is make the required number of roses and glue them onto a heart-shaped card. Here is a photo of the master class:

Making a postcard

Form for roses

Making roses

Folding green paper

Cutting out the leaves

Folding the rosette


Making roses

Glue them on a postcard

13. Video tutorial on making a Valentine's Day card

Paper card and satin ribbon Master class for Valentine's Day

The author will tell you how to make this postcard and show it on video. Enjoy watching.

14. Different ideas for postcards for February 14th with your own hands

Want more ideas for cards you could make for Valentine's Day? Here are 40 more photos beautiful cards, made with your own hands, and you can also get some ideas from here for your own gift for this holiday.

Hearts on a string

With sweets

With lace

Colored balls

With recognition

With your photos

Flowers - hearts

Cute card

love in an envelope

For the musician


Hearts and ribbon

White postcard

With flowers

Hearts and flowers


Volumetric letters

For Twitter lovers

Heart on a clothespin

By bike

Heart quilling

With love

Key to the Heart

Simple postcard

Heart shaped


Hearts on clothespins

Heart balls

Pink card

Postcard idea


With lace

Postcard with ribbon


Hearts in a box

The card often comes with a gift, and if you also want to give your loved ones something else this holiday, here are 5 gift ideas for February 14th that you can also make yourself.

5 DIY gift ideas for February 14th: give love to your loved ones!

Every year on February 14th comes the most romantic day of the year - this is Valentine's Day, when lovers try to express their feelings through actions, with gentle words, recognitions and gifts. It’s especially nice when they are made with your own hands, because a piece of soul, love and warmth is put into their production. Such gifts are the most precious and unforgettable, and in addition, they carry an immense charge of positivity and tenderness. You can make completely different surprises, decorate the interior thematically, or present something completely personal. It's up to you to choose, we'll just give you a few ideas.

1. Volumetric letters of your loved one’s name

They can be made from hard cardboard or plywood of any size. This can be not only a name, but also any words of recognition. To decorate the letters, use yarn of any color, but delicate shades are preferable. Glue is applied to the base and the yarn is wound in even rows. You should not rush to cut the ends of the threads; you must wait until the glue has completely dried.

Look at the animation! Cool idea! Instead of a banal postcard, take a blank notebook and break down your congratulations into several words, write them down large on the sheets of the notebook.
And then record a video of how you leaf through it. I think it's just great!

Such a notebook can then be given as a gift, if additionally fill it up.

If you know how to draw or write, then large words of congratulations can be supplemented with pictures and text.
You can supplement the author’s text with quotes about love (read this article for where to look for quotes)
and you will find design ideas and inspiration in the wonderful community

You can combine such a congratulation with a gift such as a love story in the form of an album

The idea was to collect your memories and photographs and put it all together. A very nice gift. After all, immersing yourself in a shared past, reliving first meetings, funny and touching moments... is so exciting!
So there you go! This when this album is ready, you can leaf through it a little and talk about how you made it and this process and record on video
Here's another good idea for a notebook like this: I love you more than... and options for continuing this phrase are included in the pocket.

Idea found

in addition (if you don’t already know), be sure to read about two ideas from the same series (each with its own twist):

Gift idea number 14. It may be a little corny, but I really like it. Give an envelope with hearts.
On each one you can write wishes, declarations of love or compliments to your loved one (“You are like the wind that fills the sails of my life”, “You are strong and bright”).

You can go the other way and leave the hearts blank, and write on the envelope: “Love for YOU fills me to the brim and I no longer have room for words.”

read for inspiration

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Another option with big amount hearts - fold them using the origami technique (for example, as described) and fill a small box with hearts (it’s convenient to buy such a box at the post office)

For volume, you can add chocolate candies in red wrappers.!

Again you can on each or V write something (a quote or a wish) for everyone. By the way, you don’t have to invent something supernatural, write simple good things, for example, “May everything work out well for you today,” “I hug you tenderly,” “I think about you and I can’t sleep because of the thoughts,” and so on))

And title this stack of hearts, for example, like this: “I put together each of these hearts, thinking about you. Warm, warm, tender, tender! Accept them as a gift! Unfortunately, I can’t give my heart, because it has belonged to you for a long time already!"

All about how to turn a heart into an unusual gift

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Gift idea number 15. You can please your loved one with notes that you paste and hang on the street (along his route to work or school).

For inspiration on this action, read these articles:

Gift idea number 16. Give the key to your heart! You know, hearts and keys are banal until they are given by a person whose gaze makes you shrink Your heart(With)

So don’t consider it trivial)) The main thing is to find and arrange it beautifully. For example, the key could be big(because you have a “big and broad heart” as they say in Ukraine)

Or instead of the key to the heart you will give an envelope with a piece of paper inside on which the username and password are written(because you are an IT guy)

more articles about gifts with a key

Idea found

Gift idea number 17. If you are a regular reader of 7darov, then you probably know that by postcards we usually do not mean pieces of cardboard with an image. and installations are compositions of objects and words that can be composed on a table or floor, or even on the asphalt. As an example, see these articles: number 1 and number 2 and number 3

Here is an example of another idea for such an installation for Valentine's Day:

just tie a heart with a key and put out the word “Love” from the threads

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Gift idea number 18. You probably know about this idea, and yet I will mention it - select joint photos, your photos and photos of your loved one, print and attach it to a paper base in the shape of a heart, if you do not live together, give a cork organizing board (for example, this )? and attach all the photos to her.

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Gift idea number 19. If you think that giving flowers is trivial, then

A bouquet divided into parts and placed in pots and cups with the inscription “I love you”

By the way, if you feel sorry or expensive to order printing of letters, write them with a marker, which, as you know, can be easily erased with ordinary alcohol

And on the back you can even write a whole message. This is how it will work out.

More ideas related to cups and this idea is very good - be sure to check it out!

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Gift idea number 20. If you have been together for a long time, give a ring with the inscription “I love you”. Moreover, the ring can be threaded into two bracelets (made of ribbons), on each of which a piece of paper with your names is attached. That is, the gift will be about how love connects you together!

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Gift idea number 21. If you're bored paper hearts, which were discussed in idea number 1, buy a beautiful jar at the supermarket and fill it with magic stars!

We can say that they are unique, since only a person in love can collect them from the sky!

How to make such a star

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Gift idea number 22. I already talked about garlands, I just want to add that you can lay out such a garland in the shape of a heart. Moreover, if you agree with a cafe or shop, then this can be done even on the street. And I liked the idea in the photo: "I just shine when you're around!!!"

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Gift idea number 23. Remember in the article “Photoshoot for lovers” there was an idea to make an outline of a heart from hands. Such a photo collage -wonderful gift to your loved one. But it can be simpler: Cut out a heart from paper and take a photo early in the morning at dawn (even in winter it’s beautiful) and give the photo to your loved one.

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Valentine's Day is a great occasion to express your feelings and tell the people closest to you about them. In Russia, the holiday began to be celebrated not so long ago, but it has managed to fall in love with many couples who traditionally celebrate it every year. To create a harmonious romantic atmosphere there is a large number original ideas decor and table setting for Valentine's Day. Using some of them you can make a wonderful surprise for your partner. The eccentric atmosphere and surroundings inherent in the celebration will be remembered for a long time and will often come to mind as one of the most pleasant memories.

You don't have to buy expensive jewelry and gifts. It is quite possible to do everything yourself; it is much more interesting and creative, and also saves a lot of money on the budget.

Create a unique design for your interior on February 14th! Arrange romantic dinner or just a festive tea party in the symbolism of the celebration. You will pleasantly surprise your chosen one and show your sincere love for him.

If you're looking to add some holiday spirit to your home, these decorating ideas will do the trick! You shouldn’t limit yourself to just preparing dinner and toasting “to love.” Add a few small pleasant additions to your apartment design and spend an unforgettable day in tune with the atmosphere of falling in love.

Wall decoration

Turn on your imagination and start acting! When choosing a range of shades, be based on the color symbolism of the holiday - red (the color of passion), pink (tenderness, love). But don't limit yourself to just two tones. Dilute them harmoniously with other colors. Laconically suitable - beige, purple, white, cream, lilac shades. Don’t forget about the main symbols, they must be present in the interior - hearts, paired images of swans or doves.

Garlands of hearts cut out of colored paper are perfect for wall decorations. Glue together flags on which you can write wishes, poems, short phrases on the topic “100 reasons why I love you so much!” The garland fragments themselves can be of absolutely any shape, the main thing is that they do not stand out from the general style.

Make a big poster - your love story. To do this you will need a large Whatman paper or a sheet of paper. You need to paste on it joint photographs of different time periods, grading from the earliest to the present day. Draw arrows between them and come up with funny captions. This product will be an ideal gift that will always be in your field of vision and remind you of all the happy events. Don't forget to complement it with the main words “I love you”!

Cut out large hearts from cardboard, decorate them with beautiful appliques from available materials (dry twigs, feathers, colored paper, felt flowers).
If you have photographs in simple frames at home, create stylish ornaments. Use hearts of various sizes made of paper, fabric, pink or bright red. Additionally, decorate the edging with sparkles, feathers, rhinestones and other elements.
The walls can be decorated with simple cut-out hearts made of paper and fabric, or you can make them voluminous. Attach the product with double-sided tape.

Balloons are a common holiday accessory that will add ambience to the overall atmosphere. It is better if they are filled with helium. Balls can be tied to furniture handles, or simply released to the ceiling. Curl the hanging ribbons with the sharp edge of scissors. An original solution is to glue small hearts to each tip, on which you can write a lot kind words to your loved one. Simply scatter balloons inflated with air along the floor along with rose petals, or tie them together with a thread and place them on walls and doorways.

Balloons with LED inserts will not only serve as decoration, but will also completely replace lighting. Different shapes and colors will lift your spirits.

Nice accessories in the interior

Small details will perfectly highlight the solemn decor of the apartment. And they will help you spend February 14th in full harmony with the holiday! Just a few touches will fill the day with joyful impressions.

Make a pendant for a chandelier. To recreate it you will need

  • hoop (alternative - corrugated paper, pages of an old book);
  • fishing line/strong thread;
  • colored paper;
  • textile;
  • beads.

Wrap the hoop with fabric strips of any color you like. Tie several pieces of fishing line to them; first you need to hook beads and paper hearts in turn. The hanging structure is easy to attach, does not require much time to make, and will also be a wonderful decoration.

Take glass jars (with or without lids) and decorate them first. Paint the walls with special paints, make funny inscriptions, cover them with paper cut-outs various colors(hearts, swans, flowers). Inside the jar, put sweets, small notes, with various signatures, for example, “100 reasons that explain why I love you!” Your significant other will be more delighted with such a gift than with a banal set bought in a store.

Make elegant candlesticks from empty bottles and place them around the entire perimeter of the room. Decorate as described above. You will choose the material for decoration yourself, guided by your personal preferences.

Decor of fresh flowers

Favorite flowers will add originality to the room and give a pleasant aroma. A living bouquet can be an independent piece of furniture or an addition. You should not choose his usual form. Weave a beautiful wreath/garland of fresh flowers. Place small bouquets in vases or boxes in different places, or make one general composition.

Scattered rose petals will add tenderness and romance. Place them on the bed, holiday table, filled bath with thick foam, aromatic oils, aphrodisiacs. If your partner is at work on February 14, then such a meeting will cause delight. And taking a bath together with a glass of champagne will help you relax and tune in to a pleasant celebration of Valentine's Day!

Table decor

The festive dinner is an obligatory part that should be carefully thought through. To ensure everything goes perfectly, pay attention to some great ideas for serving and decorating the table:

  • First of all, choose a tablecloth. It can be large or in narrow stripes. Both types can be configured. On top of a large white tablecloth, place red and pink tablecloth runners on the sides (in the center). If you prefer one large canvas, embroider the tablecloth with multi-colored ribbons along the edges, shimmering sequins, and beads.
  • Choose napkins that suit your style; they can be placed under or next to plates. Napkins are folded different ways, But traditional method looks more elegant. Additionally, tie the bundles with ribbons to match the tone of the tablecloth, attach a live rose - this design looks very original.
  • Cut out beautiful ornaments from fabric and multi-layer paper napkins. Place the blanks in the central part of the table, place them under the cutlery. It is not necessary to choose the shape of hearts, it can be beautiful lace, similar to snowflakes, but with more rounded ends.
    On February 14, there should be a bouquet of flowers on the table. Place it in the center; if space allows, then lay out a heart from small compositions.
  • Decorate champagne glasses. The easiest way is to tie the legs with a scarlet ribbon. If you are not looking for easy ways and love original objects, paint the wine glasses with glass paints, apply beautiful patterns, write pleasant words or just draw lots of hearts. From volumetric jewelry(real flowers, beads, feathers, rhinestones) create decoupage. Appliqués need to be glued with special glue; it will not damage the product.
  • Start decorating your alcohol bottle. The vessel placed in a decorated bucket of ice will look unusual. You can just stick hearts on it different sizes, tie with massive threads and colored ribbon.

If you want to decorate the bottle, you should remove the label under hot water. After this, you can proceed directly to decoration:

  • Method 1: paint the container white with special paints, wait until the paint dries. Cut out hearts from any material (paper, fabric, foil) and glue them randomly. Carefully paint the spaces between the cutouts with pink or peach color. Additionally, glue sparkles, rhinestones, and beads. You can attach a three-dimensional applique to the bottle.
  • Method 2 is an unusual decoration method that will delight everyone present at the festive table. Coat the cleaned bottle with melted chocolate and apply several layers. Then cover it completely with nuts, confiture - hearts. Leave the neck of the bottle in its original form so that it is convenient to pour drinks.
  • Method 3 – print out your own label from paper on which you will write congratulations and pleasant words about your feelings for your partner. Stick on uncovered areas decorative ornaments(hearts, bows, ribbons).

Arrange candles so that they replace the main lighting. This will give the room a romantic atmosphere. Dim light will add tenderness and mystery to the holiday. Place them on elegant candlesticks, place small water candles inside a transparent container. Do not use products with fragrance. You may simply not like the aroma. When burned for a long time, the smell causes nausea.
The food should fit the style of February 14th, some make it in the shape of hearts, be it scrambled eggs for breakfast or steak. The main thing is that the taste preferences suit your companion.

Tea ceremony

Do you want to arrange festive gatherings with lots of sweets and your favorite tea? Then you can decorate the tea bags according to the spirit of the celebration! It will be an unusual gift For loved one who loves this drink.

You can decorate only the labels - the simplest option. Cut out hearts from red paper and glue them on both sides to a thread. Envelopes, bags for tea bags - they are made of paper and material. The bag is additionally tied with a ribbon, and the envelope is painted with bright colors and embroidered with hearts. Completely redesign the tea bag. The base is sewn from non-woven material according to the pattern of the heart. Pour tea into it and sew thoroughly. Glue the ribbon with the label.

On February 14, everyone wants romance and exciting action, but, unfortunately, the budget after New Year's holidays takes a very long time to recover. Give up maximalism in the spirit of “if we don’t have money for a restaurant, we won’t go anywhere at all,” and please your loved ones with unusual romantic dates. Here are 10 ideas to help you have an interesting evening.

What's most important in romantic evening? Of course, it’s the mood, and not at all the amount of money in the wallet. So if, due to financial reasons, you are temporarily isolated from expensive, beautiful establishments, you can arrange the following.

1. Spend the day actively

Of course, it all depends on the weather and your preferences - whether you like “complete relaxation” on the couch or prefer to relax actively. What's the romance? In spending time together, which can be completed with a romantic dinner. After all, it’s always more pleasant to relax at home if you’re tired and cold outside beforehand.

There are many options for active recreation:

    Skate. This is recognized by many as one of the most romantic winter sports, especially if you are both bad at skating and are constantly holding on to each other to avoid falling. Overall it will be fun.

    Play snowballs. A lot of positive things, of course, if you don’t get carried away and start a life-or-death war.

    To make a snowman. Collaborative creativity strengthens relationships, and sculpting from snow is real creativity, because you don’t have to sculpt a classic three-lump with a carrot, you can show your imagination and create a real masterpiece from snow.

    Just walk until you freeze. Surely you haven’t seen all the places in your city. You can visit an unfamiliar area and just explore it - you will probably find some new, interesting or Beautiful places. Discovering new things together - what could be more romantic?

    Indoor activity. If you have no desire to be on the street, you can think about leisure indoors, for example, go to dance classes (it will turn out very romantic, especially if you dance well) or to climbing training, climb the wall, belaying each other.

2. For the truly adventurous

If you and your other half don’t mind a bit of extreme sports, you can go on a trip by train or commuter train. A supply of tea or mulled wine in a thermos, approximate directions, and “toward adventure!”

Just be careful, if your passion doesn’t like adventures in the spirit of: “What a beautiful snow-covered field, by the way, we have nowhere to sleep, let’s warm up with sex in that abandoned lodge,” it’s better not to even try.

3. Romantic effects

What is romance without additional effects? And the budget for the evening does not affect this in any way, but it is advisable to prepare in advance.

Chinese lantern

If you buy a Chinese lantern in the shape of a heart, you can launch it from the roof or just some elevation. By the way, you can make such a surprise at the end of the walk, when you find a suitable place to launch it.


You can decorate your apartment with prints in the shape of hearts and other romantic themes. Like any themed decoration, like Christmas tree, they will create a special atmosphere. Prints are inexpensive, and after the holiday they can be easily removed.


Valentine's Day is drowning in hearts, why not follow the example of many? You can cut out valentines from colored paper and scatter them in front of the bed or on the bed. Ideally, you can write something nice on each one, or mix them with rose petals - one or three roses and petals is enough.

Light, sound and smell

If you are planning a romantic dinner / a trip to the bathroom / an evening that smoothly flows into the night, you should definitely stock up on candles. Red candles, different candle lamps or beautiful lamps are perfect. If it's too cold outside to say words of love under the starry sky, Starry Sky projectors will help.

You can light an aroma lamp with ylang-ylang, cinnamon, patchouli or rosewood oils. All of them, to one degree or another, awaken sensuality and sexuality. It’s just better to experiment with oils in advance, otherwise some smell may be unpleasant for you personally.

Now about the music: don’t think that you can just play your list on social media or radio. Make a selection of romantic or just calm melodies, because when during your beautiful words When your favorite thrash metal track comes on, neither you nor your other half will like it.

4. Food and drinks

If you do not go to a restaurant, it is better not to order food at home, but to prepare it yourself. This will be another joint creative act, because, of course, you won’t be cooking soup or porridge, but some cool dishes. For example, desserts, the mere sight of which already makes your mouth water.

You can make pizza or experiment with the ingredients of a dish. If it turns out delicious, you can write this recipe down as your “signature” dish and give it your name.

The same applies to drinks - you can endlessly experiment with the composition of cocktails, add different components and enjoy unusual tastes. The main thing is not to overdo it with the tasting, otherwise the evening will end not entirely romantic.

5. Games and not only role-playing

Adults love to play no less than children, so why not play together - moments of laughter and sincere passion are guaranteed. Truth or dare, a twister with colored circles on the floor, even an ordinary crocodile - show your imagination.

If you would like something more romantic, with erotic overtones, there is even a special application that is more convenient to play with and easier to choose what to play.

6. Photo session

The only people who don’t like to be photographed are those who are sure they don’t look good in photos, but if you’re together and the photo can always be deleted when you’ve had enough of a laugh, why not?

Here, too, you can’t do without imagination: come up with images for yourself, you can take pictures in each other’s clothes, arrange a small home cosplay, or just cool outfits from everything you have in your closet. Of the most best photos you can make a collage or print them as decoration for your apartment.

7. Look for gifts

This is an interesting method that can be used anywhere: at home, on the street or in mall However, it will be more convenient at home. The point is that you prepare in advance a card or pieces of paper with inscriptions on which your crush will look for her gift.

The game becomes interesting even at the thinking stage: for directions you can use riddles from your common memories and life events, for example, a photo next to the window will mean that the next clue is somewhere there, and on the back you can write clarifications in the form of a riddle or verse - the scope for imagination is simply immense.

In the end, everyone will enjoy it - the game itself will become a gift, and at the end of the quests there will be a material gift waiting for you.

8. First date

Even remembering the bright beginning of a relationship is very pleasant, which many people do from time to time, but what about “reliving it all again”? You can not just imagine, but act out your first date or the moment you met with your other half.

Take it seriously and the experience will be more than pleasant: the same phrases, perhaps the same clothes, you can even turn on the music you were listening to at the time - musical compositions are great for preserving memories.

9. Massage

If you cannot order a massage in a SPA salon, you can do it yourself - it is very pleasant, relaxing and gives an indescribable feeling, even if you are not at all a professional in this matter.

To greatly diversify your technique, you can watch videos on Youtube, for example, techniques classic massage. Massage of the back, legs and feet, aroma oils, relaxing music, candles: you can relieve stress for the whole month.

10. Think through the scenario and be prepared for anything

From all of the above, you can make a good holiday scenario, filling it with sweet surprises and a feeling of mutual tenderness. Just don’t put off preparation until the last minute, because the necessary attributes may not be available in the nearest store.

In addition, your ideal, clear holiday plan may fall apart due to your partner’s banal reluctance to participate in something or lack of mood. The main thing here is to remember why you are organizing your holiday: to please your partner and yourself, strengthen relationships and again feel bright, strong emotions.

Do whatever pleases both of you and enjoy the evening.