Tsavorit stone. Tsavorite is an amazing creation of nature, originally from Africa. To avoid such situations, you need to know that

Tsavorite is a rare green variety of garnet, proof that not all garnets are red. The exceptional rich green color of tsavorite has become the main factor determining the high demand for this stone among buyers.

However, Bridges did not limit the search for a new mineral to Tanzania alone. In 1971, he found another deposit of previously unknown green stones in Kenya. The Kenyan government had nothing against the export of new precious gems. One of the world's largest jewelry companies Tiffany & Co became interested in the stone. In 1974, Tiffany launched a marketing program to promote the new gem to the jewelry market.

In 2009, Dr. Bridges and his son were killed in own house located in the Tsavo National Park in Kenya. Their death is associated with the fact that they were the owners of tsavorite mines.

The name "tsavorite" was coined by the then president of Tiffany, Sir Henry Platt, in honor of the Tsavo National Park, where this unusual stone was first discovered.

In addition to Tanzania, there are also deposits of tsavorite in Tanzania, Kenya and Madagascar.

Astrological and healing properties of tsavorite

The astrological and lithotherapeutic effects of tsavorite are poorly studied due to the relative rarity of the stone and the short time that has passed since its discovery.

On this moment tsavorite is not included in official list Birthstones of the Jewelery Industry Council of America and the British National Jewelers Association.

Some modern astrologers believe that the effect of tsavorite may be most favorable only for the signs of the zodiac belonging to the elements of the earth. This point of view is based on the fact that, on the one hand, in the Western European astrological tradition, green is considered the main color of the earth element, and on the other hand, red garnet also patronizes this element. Since tsavorite combines the color of the elements of the earth and the nature of pomegranate, it is logical to assume that it will be useful for Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo.

There is a private opinion of individual lithotherapists that tsavorite may have medicinal properties, inherent in all green gems. That is, it can relieve eye strain and improve vision, relieve insomnia and nightmares.

Color and price of tsavorite

The color of tsavorite in the GIA system exactly repeats the shades of emeralds: very strong blue-green (vstbG), blue-green (bG), very weak blue-green (vslbG), green (G), weak yellow-green (slyG), yellow -green (yG), strong yellow-green (styG). The hue of 5-6 and the saturation of 5-6 are exactly the same as those of the highest quality Colombian emeralds. That is, a non-specialist will not be able to distinguish the highest quality tsavorite from an emerald of the same quality in a piece of jewelry without the help of a qualified expert gemologist.

Tsavorite belongs to type II purity group. In nature, there are large specimens of this variety of garnet, and with virtually no defects visible to the naked eye. Yellow-green tsavorite shades slyG, yG, styG are cheaper than bluish-green vstbG, bG,
vslbG, G.

Weakly saturated stones 2-4 and stones of too light colors 2-4 are usually called not tsavorite, but grossularite (a more common and cheaper type of greenish-yellow garnet).

Large tsavorites over one carat are very rare.

Perhaps, it is rare for any stone to observe such a huge range of prices depending on weight. While small commercial-quality tsavorites under 0.05 carats are so cheap that they are widely used in silver jewelry, stones over 5 carats can cost the buyer up to $5,000 per carat. Commercial quality tsavorites are characterized by low color saturation of 2-3. Quite often, stones contain inclusions visible to the naked eye. The price per carat depends on the weight:

From 0.5 to 1 carat - from $80 to 200 per carat;
from 1 to 5 carats - from $200 to 450 per carat;
from 5 to 10 carats - from $450 to 700 per carat.

Premium quality tsavorites are most often sold with a gemological laboratory certificate. Premium stones are always clear of inclusions to the naked eye. Color saturation 4-5. Price:

From 0.5 to 1 carat - from $300 to 600 per carat;
from 1 to 5 carats - from $500 to 2000 per carat;
from 5 to 10 carats - from $2000 to 3000 per carat.

Top quality tsavorites are sold only with a certificate from a gemological laboratory. The stones look clean of inclusions both when viewed with the naked eye and when examined through a 10x magnifying glass. Color saturation 5-6, hue 5-6.

From 0.5 to 1 carat - from $700 to 800 per carat;
from 1 to 5 carats - from $1600 to 2900 per carat;
from 5 to 10 carats - from $3100 to 5000 per carat.

Refinement and imitation of tsavorite

Tsavorite is not subjected to any type of refinement. Synthetic green garnets are known, but they are not currently used in the jewelry industry.

Tsavorite stone can easily be confused with emerald. It is mined only in a single place on earth - in the north-west of Kenya. It is so rare that the same emerald is found several hundred times more often. Meet: Tsar. Chemical composition of this stone is so unique that other minerals lose to it very much in this.

But if we compare it with an emerald, then tsavorite is less hard, and its light-refractive ability is somewhat different.

Due to the fact that this mineral is characterized by low defectiveness (irregularities and cracks), therefore, its strength will be somewhat higher than that of a more expensive counterpart. In its pure form, tsavorite is much more common than emerald.

origin of name

After a stone deposit was found (and this happened in the late 60s of the twentieth century), the question arose of how to name the mineral. The American jeweler Henry Platt (Tiffany Company) named it tsavorite. Which, in fact, is a derivative of the name of the Kenyan national park - Tsavo. Naturally, everyone agreed and the name stuck.

Green garnet and Kenyan emerald - this is also called tsavorite. It should be noted that the color range of this mineral is wider than that of the same emerald: from yellow-green to dark green, with a barely noticeable blue. The weight of a large stone is 5 carats, but mostly medium-sized stones, weighing a couple of carats, are common in nature.

Mining Features

To extract a mineral from the bowels of the earth, you need to make a lot of efforts, because it lies at a decent depth, and there can be no talk of any mechanized labor - everything is done manually. Yes, and representatives of the African fauna can greatly annoy the stone miners. Poisonous snakes and scorpions are perhaps the most harmless creatures, and strive to make their own adjustments to the work of geologists.

Medicinal properties

This mineral heals eye diseases. If barley jumped up on the eye, then it is enough just to attach tsavorite to it. Suffering from insomnia? It is recommended to take a few glances at magic stone and sleep will be strong and healthy. Are you having nightmares? The recipe is the same - a short contemplation of the stone. Problems with the nervous system? Well, green pomegranate will come to the rescue here too: green color works better than any sedative. You just need to buy jewelry with tsavorite and wear it as often as possible. And then peace and complete harmony will reign in the soul.

This stone is also recommended for weather-dependent people, because tsavorite can easily reduce the effect of magnetic storms on the body and improve well-being. If a person does not tolerate sudden changes in atmospheric pressure and air temperature, then he simply cannot do without tsavorite. Plus, green pomegranate stabilizes blood pressure and helps lower body temperature (with the flu, for example).

magical properties

This stone cannot boast that ancient sorcerers and alchemists used it for their own purposes, because tsavorite was discovered only fifty years ago. But this does not mean at all that tsavorite absolutely does not have any magical properties. Not at all. Just this mineral can not cause any harm to a person. So, let modern sorcerers bypass it, because it is not their stone.

Tsavorite is not only a natural "quarrel suppressor", but also perfectly attracts wealth. After all, green is the color of money, which means that “multi-colored pieces of paper” will always be in abundance not only for the owner of the stone, but also for his immediate family. The mineral, set in silver, is a real talisman, both for a person and for his home. Having tsavorite in your house, you can not be afraid that a thief will climb into it or that it will burn. None of this will happen.

In addition, in a dwelling protected by a green pomegranate, quarrels and conflicts arise very rarely, and even then they are insignificant and quickly passing. Tsavorite simply absorbs all the negative energy in the house, which is why family scandals are absolutely not terrible for such a dwelling, and peace and tranquility will always reign among the household. True, as long as they themselves do not try to upset this balance.

The meaning of the signs of the zodiac

Tsavorite is able to bring real harmony into the souls of Cancers and Pisces, they will become calmer and less susceptible to the negativity that surrounds them in Everyday life. Naturally, this stone has its beneficial effect on other representatives of the zodiac circle, but Pisces and Cancers can not hesitate to choose tsavorite as their amulet, designed for constant wear.

All other signs of the Zodiac will not stand aside, and the green pomegranate will do everything so that family relationships do not go wrong, and the strongest marriage ties become even stronger. Tsavorite is a real protector from the evil eye, an unkind word and the presence of bad people in the lives of family members. Let magicians and sorcerers not build their intrigues, for any person protected by a green pomegranate is simply inaccessible to them.


Tsavorite is used only in jewelry. It is not processed. And not at all due to the fact that it is a fairly solid mineral. It's just that green pomegranate looks much better in its raw form. This stone cannot be obtained artificially, so any attempt to offer the buyer artificially grown green garnet is nothing but a scam. Under the guise of this mineral, in most cases, jewelry glass is offered.

The most valuable are transparent stones and giant minerals weighing several carats. Such a pebble can easily "pull" 30 thousand dollars. But if the stone is interspersed, then it goes to the manufacture of cabochons. When buying tsavorite, you do not need to rely on artificial lighting, because this truly unique mineral can appear in all its glory only in daylight.

Particularly large specimens end up in private collections or museums that can buy such a find. But fashionistas and adherents of astrology need not worry: nature has taken care of them too. The stones of the most different shades and shapes, only their mass often does not exceed 1 carat, which is quite enough to feel protected by a Kenyan emerald.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/tsavorit-1.jpg" alt="green tsavorite" width="250" height="262">!} The tsavorite stone, which belongs to varieties of garnet, is very rare and incredibly beautiful mineral, which at first sight strikes with a bewitching emerald color. Jewelry with it is very exquisite, but their price is quite high. This is due to the fact that there are not so many deposits of bright green crystals, and their extraction is quite laborious.

Origin and main characteristics

For the first time tsavorite as a stone was found in Tanzania in the late 60s of the twentieth century. But then the scientist from Scotland, Campbell Bridges, had to follow local laws that forbade the export of jewelry from the country. The geologist was so amazed by the beauty of this mineral that he did not give up trying to extract it and began to search in the neighboring country - Kenya.

Png" alt="" width="80" height="68"> The name “tsavorite” came to the stone thanks to the head of the Tiffany & Co jewelry company, Henry Platt, who proposed it in honor of the Tsavo National Park in Kenya, where deposits were discovered. By the way, the development of these deposits is a very dangerous occupation, because often this territory is difficult to access and is inhabited by dangerous animals and insects.

This gem is calcium aluminum silicate. And tsavorite (garnet green) got its color thanks to its constituent chromium and vanadium. Sometimes there are bright examples of light green and even blue tint. Small crystals have a vitreous luster and can be either transparent or translucent. Stone properties such as hardness (7.5 units on the Mohs scale) and density (3.5 g/cm³) make it very easy to process.

healing power

Despite the fact that this stone is quite “young”, modern lithotherapists have been able to study data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/tsa1- 300x253.jpg" alt="tsavorite stone in its natural form" width="300" height="253">!} its medicinal properties and understand how it can affect the human body. For example, tsavorite helps relieve eye strain that can occur when working at a computer for a long time. The crystal can be applied to the eye if inflammation or stye appears on it.

After a working day, you can just look at the emerald stone for a while, feeling how it relaxes nervous system. Such properties of the mineral help to calm down, relieve headaches, and eliminate problems with sleep.

Such a mineral will also be useful for the elderly, because it will have a supporting effect on the body as a whole. It is also interesting that its properties improve the condition of people who are prone to weather dependence. Jewelry with this green gem can normalize blood pressure and even relieve the symptoms of a cold.

magical influence

It is clear that tsavorite, found in the second half of the 20th century, could not be an assistant to sorcerers in ancient rituals or serve as a source of magical energy for clairvoyants of the past. However, some magical properties he still has.

If you make this crystal your amulet, you will receive powerful protection from negative influences from outside. It acts as a kind of barrier that does not allow negative impact from others. The stone does not cease to protect its owner even at night, protecting sleep and saving from nightmares.

Like many green minerals, tsavorite has a positive effect on the financial aspect of the life of its owner. Being in your house, he will keep everyone calm and ensure mutual understanding between loved ones. He will become a guardian hearth protecting your home from burglaries and fires.

Green pomegranate is also unique in that it suits all signs of the zodiac. For any person, he will become a reliable support in business and family relationships, a protector from the evil eye and damage. But it especially favors those born under the signs of Pisces and Cancer.


Emerald tsavorite is used only for the manufacture of exquisite jewelry. Sometimes data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://karatto.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/tsa2.jpe" alt=" ring with tsavorite stone" width="140" height="161">!} no additional processing, because the crystals look extraordinary in their natural state. Sparkling stones look best when set in silver.

It is also interesting that at the moment it has not been possible to obtain an artificially grown gem. In addition, it is not amenable to refinement. But when buying, you need to be careful, because dishonest sellers can pass off ordinary glass as a real stone.

Png" alt="" width="80" height="80"> Collectors are ready to pay the highest prices for large specimens with absolute transparency. But such examples are very rare. More often you can find small stones (up to 1 carat), which look great in rings, earrings and necklaces. If there are various inclusions on the crystals, then they are usually given such a cut as a cabochon.

Nature never ceases to amaze us with its beauty. One of the amazing phenomena is the deposits of minerals that are of value in the jewelry industry.

Jewelry with sparkling stones is in high demand among people who can afford such a luxury. A few decades ago, the world became aware of another representative of the genus of precious stones - tsavorite.

Description and origin of the stone

The tsavorite stone belongs to the garnet family. More precisely, this calcium-aluminum mineral is a transparent, grossular variety of garnet.

Tsavorite has a green color of rich bright and dark hues, sometimes with yellowish or bluish luminescence. In jewelry, bright green stones are especially valued. Green color the mineral is attached to the vanadium atoms that are part of its crystal structure, less often - chromium. The content of vanadium in the composition of the oxide can reach 7%.

Physical and chemical properties of tsavorite:

  • color in powder - white;
  • syngony (symmetry system) - cubic;
  • transparency - transparent;
  • fracture - uneven;
  • cleavage - absent;
  • shine - glassy, ​​greasy;
  • hardness - from 6.5 to 7;
  • degree of refraction - from 1.74 to 1.76;
  • birefringence anomaly - absent;
  • specific gravity - 3, 594 g / cm 3.

If you look at a mineral sample under a microscope, you can see small inclusions that look like fingerprints. Due to the high ability to mix the constituent elements of garnets with each other, tsavorite has a zonal structure. This leads to the fact that during processing the surface of the stone may crack.

At jewelry processing The most common ways of processing a stone are diamond-cut or rose-cut. Samples of dark shades are processed in the form of a cabochon - the stone acquires a smooth polished surface without edges.

Tsavorite was discovered by Scottish gemologist Campbell Bridges. In 1967, while conducting geological research in the northeast of Tanzania (East Africa), he came across a scattering of bright green stones.

Later, in 1971, another deposit was found in neighboring Kenya. Initially, it was mistaken for a demantoid, another type of pomegranate that also has a green color. But, having studied the composition of the find, scientists have found distinctive features.

The origin of its name tsavorite is obliged to the executive director of the largest jewelry company "Tiffany and Co." Henry Platt. He suggested that the stone be named after the place where it was found - in the vicinity of Kenya's Tsavo National Park. On English language this word is spelled "tsavorite", so the stone called tsavorite, which is also quite common, is the same tsavorite.

Very soon, the bright green mineral became widely known and in demand on the market. jewelry. This was due not only to natural beauty, but also to the same Henry Platt, on whose initiative an active advertising campaign was carried out in 1974.

Platt, possessing amazing business acumen, did not immediately agree to this move, since the first tsavorite deposit discovered by Bridges could not provide the volume of stone supply required by the businessman.

But Bridges was lucky, and the Kenyan deposits turned out to be large enough for the employees of Tiffany & Co. agreed to "unwind" a new jewelry star.

Despite the elapsed period of time since its discovery, tsavorite is little known in Russia, but in Western countries it is highly valued and the demand for it does not fall. The cost of products with this stone can reach tens of thousands of US dollars, and sometimes more.

Stone mining

Tsavorite comes to the surface at the points of contact between the folds of slate and marble. The mineral can be found in the form of nodules and inclusions, less often in the form of crystals, due to its resistance to weathering it occurs in the form of placers. The weight of natural crystals almost never exceeds 5 carats; in processed form, you can most often purchase crystals weighing 1-2 carats.

There are, of course, unique finds. So, in 2006, a crystal weighing 185 g was found. When cut, it turned out gem weighing 325 carats.

Large crystals are less valued by jewelers, as foreign inclusions and cracks are more common in them, and small processed stones cost ten times more than emeralds of equal weight. The fact is that tsavorite is much stronger than emerald, has a lower density and a more diverse palette of bright saturated tones.

This mineral, unlike many others, does not require a refining procedure - a processing process other than cleaning, cutting and polishing to improve its characteristics. appearance- color, purity, strength and others.

The stone is also valued because of its rarity. The geological conditions necessary for its formation are unique. Only a few deposits have been discovered so far:

  1. Ejeda (Madagascar).
  2. Arusha, Merelani (Tanzania).
  3. Tsavo National Park, Coast and Rift Valley provinces (Kenya).

Most of the tsavorites on the jewelry market are of Kenyan origin. The extraction of the mineral is hampered by climatic conditions - during the year, only four months do without tropical showers. Mining sites are mined manually. In addition, tsavorite does not have a clear deposit and is found in placers and eroded veins.

In addition, Kenya has legally limited mining within its borders. Since the 90s In the 20th century, there is a turbulent political situation there - ethnic cleansing, the struggle of tribes for territory. All these factors affect the cost of tsavorite.

Magical and healing properties

Since ancient times, magical and healing properties have been attributed to pomegranates. He was no exception and tsavorite, despite his rather young age. Lithotherapists believe that this stone has great healing power - it improves eyesight, normalizes blood pressure and metabolism, relieves insomnia, relieves fatigue, and helps people with meteorological dependence improve well-being during geomagnetic storms. In order to feel the improvement in health, it is enough just to look at the stone for a short time.

The magical properties of tsavorite are no less extensive. It is believed that the stone protects from the evil eye, damage and streams. negative energy, which is so abundant on the crowded streets of big cities. Having a tsavorite jewelry, you can protect not only yourself, but your relatives and friends from negativity. The mineral protects the peace of the household and keeps the peace in the family. The mineral will help to find inner harmony, establish friendships and love relationships.

There is an opinion that tsavorite brings the greatest benefit to the signs of the Zodiac belonging to the water element - Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer. With the help of a stone, they will gain self-confidence, calmness, get rid of disturbing thoughts.

The healing power of tsavorite has not been scientifically confirmed, and to believe in it or not is an individual matter for everyone. But, if you want to stand out from the crowd with exquisite taste, this elegant bright green stone is the most suitable solution.

Tsavorite - African emerald

Tsavorite properties

It is also called African emerald, it has magical properties. The green color of the mineral contributes to the acquisition of spiritual harmony, peace and tranquility. A person wearing tsavorite has a feeling of inner comfort, his intuition works better.

Tsavorite is believed to attract new people into the life of its owner. The mineral reconciles, absorbs conflicts. Due to this property, it is considered the guardian of the family hearth.

In addition to magic, it also has healing properties. The pomegranate group mineral has an analgesic and soothing effect. It can be used during any inflammatory processes, even during a cold. Also, the mineral normalizes the sugar content in human blood, increases libido. Thanks to its warmth, the stone can activate the energy in the body, improve immune system and thyroid function.

Talisman Stone

These emerald green stones, as in the photo, bring good luck to those who are associated with agriculture, construction and trade. He is also a talisman for people born under the signs of Pisces and Cancer. Protects them from the surrounding negativity and helps to find peace of mind.

Any jewelry with this mineral can act as a talisman. Most often in nature there are stones weighing one carat. 3-4 is already a rarity. However, finds were also recorded when the crystals weighed as much as five carats! The peculiarity of tsavorite is that, even small in size, it can reflect a large number of Sveta. Magnificent gloss is best appreciated in daylight. Therefore, experts advise choosing jewelry during the day.