For children 4 years old, a family plan. Comprehensive thematic week at the preschool educational institution “My family. Family is What Keeps Us Through the Storm

To educators junior group preschool educational institution

We all know that a computer enters a child’s life with early years, exerting both positive and negative influence on the formation of his personality. In terms of the power of influence on the child’s psyche, modern information technologies are incomparable with other means.
Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, information and communication technologies make it possible not only to saturate the child big amount ready-made, strictly selected, appropriately organized knowledge, but also to develop intellectual, Creative skills, and what is very important in early childhood is the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.
One of the main conditions for the introduction of information technology in preschool educational institution– specialists who know the technical capabilities of computers, have the skills to work with them, strictly follow sanitary standards and rules for using computers, and are familiar with the methods of working with preschoolers using information technology should work with children. Taking this into account, the primary task at present is to improve the computer literacy of teachers, their mastery of working with educational software systems, the resources of the global computer network Internet, so that in the future each of them can use modern computer technologies to prepare and conduct educational work with children on a whole new level.
For classes in the area " Cognitive development" made presentations on the topics of the week "My Family" and "Insects" (for the program "From birth to school"). Maybe they will come in handy for you when working with kids.

Presentation on the topic: My family

Presentation on the topic: The natural world (insects)

Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Class notes Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week: “My family”

Theme of the week: “My family”

Lesson 21. My mother

(Drawing with colored pencils)

Target. Teach children to correctly name family members and talk about them. Learn to draw a schematic drawing with colored pencils of a person consisting of a circle, a triangle and lines. Strengthen the ability to distinguish colors.

Demonstration material. Scene picture “Family”.

Handout. Landscape sheet, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson

Show the children the plot picture “Family”.

Play a "Guess Who It Is" game. Describe, for example, your grandmother: “She is dressed in a blue blouse and a blue skirt. Who is this?” or ask, “Guess who’s wearing a green shirt and brown pants?” (Dad.) etc. Then ask the children questions based on the picture: “What is the son doing?” (Grandfather, daughter, mother.)

Look at the mother in the picture with your children and determine that she has a head, torso, arms, legs; mom is wearing a dress.

Invite the children to pretend to be their mother. Show on a separate sheet of paper how to draw a head, a dress in the form of a triangle, arms and legs in the form of sticks; on the face - eyes, nose, mouth; hair. Each child must depict his mother himself and color over her dress with colored pencils (children can approach the teacher and look at the sample).

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “My Home” Lesson 21. Building a house (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. To develop in children the ability to sculpt a house from rolled up columns, placing them on top of each other and firmly connecting them together. Strengthen the ability to use a stack. Develop

From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “My family” Lesson 27. Filimonovsky and Dymkovo ladies (Clay modeling) Program content. Continue to introduce children to the features of Filimonov and Dymkovo modeling. Teach them to compare and sculpt the Filimonovskaya and Dymkovo ladies from life. Fasten

From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “My Home” Lesson 41–42. Houses of the Three Little Pigs (part 1–2) (Drawing with pastel crayons, sanguine, charcoal, wax crayons) Program content. Continue learning how to make illustrations for fairy tales. Develop the ability to arrange objects on a sheet of paper. Learn

From the book Lepka with children 4-5 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week: “My Family” Lesson 53. Test “My Family” (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. Explore the child’s interpersonal relationships in the family, mental condition child while drawing, identify the most significant family member for the child,

From the book Lepka with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “My Home” Lesson 21. Houses for nesting dolls (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. Teach children to draw small and large objects consisting of a square and a triangle. Continue learning how to compose a plot composition. Cultivate responsive

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “Professions” Lesson 24. Rooster and paints (Brush painting. Gouache) Program content. Expand children's understanding of the visual possibilities of paints. Strengthen the ability to name primary colors, learn to select the right color when creating a specific

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week “My family” Lesson 25. Tumbler family (Brush painting. Gouache) Program content. Encourage children to look at children to look at tumblers different sizes. Learn to draw with a simple pencil a tumbler from nature of a certain size; transmit

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week is “Mothers' Day” Lesson 26. Mimosa sprig (Brush and finger painting. Gouache) Program content. Teach children to draw a mimosa sprig from life with a brush. Continue learning how to draw flowers with your finger. Cultivate love for loved ones. Material. Live branch

From the author's book

Theme of the week “My family” Lesson 25. Family of nesting dolls (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. Learn to sculpt an object oval shape plastically, press the craft from below for its stability. Continue to introduce smoothing techniques. Strengthen the skill

From the author's book

Theme of the week “My family” Lesson 21. Mom (Clay modeling) Program content. Teach children to sculpt objects consisting of two parts; consolidate the ability to bring the product to the desired image using a pointed stick. Learn to understand and analyze content

From the author's book

Theme of the week “My Home” Lesson 22. House for a bunny and a rooster (Plasticine modeling) Program content. Strengthen children's ability to bring a product to the desired image using plasticine. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations. Demonstration material. Heroes

From the author's book

Theme of the week “My Home” Lesson 41. Ice hut (Drawing with pastel crayons) Program content. Continue to introduce children to cool tones. Learn to convey the characteristic features of objects using cold color scheme. Introduce opportunities

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “My family” Lesson 21. Palm ( Colored paper. Application from prepared silhouettes of objects) Program content. Teach children to apply glue to a part and stick it on a sheet; combine appliqué with drawing. Learn to pronounce words loudly and clearly

From the author's book

Theme of the week “My Home” Lesson 22. House for a bunny and a rooster (Colored paper. Application from prepared parts of an object) Program content. Cultivate compassion and kindness. Teach children to form a whole from several parts; apply glue to the part and stick it

From the author's book

Theme of the week “My family” Lesson 21. My mother (Drawing with colored pencils) Goal. Teach children to correctly name family members and talk about them. Learn to draw a schematic drawing with colored pencils of a person consisting of a circle, a triangle and lines. Strengthen the skill

From the author's book

Topic of the week: “My Home” Lesson 22. Fence near the house (Brush painting. Gouache) Purpose. Continue to teach children to draw various objects consisting of combinations of lines. Learn to retell fairy tales based on illustrations in the book. Develop speech and thinking. Demonstration

Summary of educational activities for children 3-4 years old on the topic:

"My family"


teacher at MBDOU "Kindergarten"

combined type No. 8 “Stork”


Miklyaeva Oksana Viktorovna

Program content: create a comfortable psychological climate;

To give children an idea of ​​the family as people who live together, to teach how to build basic family ties, to activate children’s vocabulary by deepening their knowledge about their family;

develop reasoning and proving skills, thinking;

Cultivate a loving, caring attitude towards your family members, a sense of pride in your family.

OOD progress.

The teacher invites the children to hold hands, stand in a circle, and smile at each other.

All the children gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold your hand tightly

And let's smile at each other.

How warm and bright our group became from your smiles.

Today we will talk about family. But first of all, let's agree on what a family is and understand how it differs from other groups of people. How might you answer the question: what is a family? (Children's answers).

Family is the most important thing in life for each of us - these are close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take example, whom we care about, to whom we wish goodness and happiness. When you were born, each of you was surrounded by the care of your family members, they gave you a first and last name. Families are created for this purpose, to raise children, to help them become strong and independent. All family members are very close to each other. They live and run the household together. They help each other both in difficult times and in ordinary matters.

Guys, listen to the poem:
There is a family album in every home.
Like in a mirror, we are reflected in it.

Even if we are not always beautiful,

But these photos are true.

The album is kept in our house,

And the pictures are stored in an album.
There are many of them - both old and new -

In our family...

Who has albums with family photos? (Children's answers.)

On the panel in front of the children is an image of a family tree.

Guys, our panel shows a family tree-drawing, in which a person depicts how he is connected to his ancestors. This tree has cells. We will fill these cells by placing pictures of family members. Each family member is connected to other special relationships, which are indicated by a special word. Now we will guess what word it is and place pictures on our panel.

The teacher asks riddles. Children guess and place pictures with the corresponding image on the panel.

Fragrant jam,
Pies for a treat,

Delicious pancakes

At my beloved... (grandmother)

I know that each of you loves your grandmothers very much. If you have joy, they rejoice with you; if you are sad, they will calm you down, they will comfort you. Grandma’s arms are so warm and affectionate. Grandmother's tales are a real miracle.

Well done, guess the next riddle.
He didn't work out of boredom,
His hands are calloused

And now he's old and gray

My dear, beloved...(grandfather)

Which one of you has a grandfather? What are your grandfathers' names? (The teacher invites the children to answer what the name of each of them is their grandfather.)

No matter how many different names there are,

The main thing about a grandfather is that he is a grandfather.

Which one of you has two grandfathers and two grandmothers? (Children's answers.)

Some grandparents are mother's parents, and others are father's parents. And you also have parents.

Who is not joking, but seriously
Will a nail teach us to hammer?

Who will teach you to be brave?

If you fall off your bike, don’t whine,

And scratched my knee,

Don’t cry, of course…..(dad)

Who is the most tender in the world?
Who's cooking us lunch?

And who do children love so much?

And who is more beautiful?

Who reads books at night?

Raking the mountains of the temple,

Without scolding my brother and I.

Who is this? Our mother)

Mom is the most close relative, most dear person. Guys, what are your mothers names? (Children's answers.) What beautiful names at your mothers. Guys, do you love your mothers? Let's choose the most tender, most affectionate words for our mother.

Ball game “Choose the word”

The teacher has a ball in his hands. The ball is thrown to the children, the children select words, the teacher helps them with leading questions.

When your mother hugs you, strokes your head, kisses you. What is she like? (Affectionate.)

When mom dresses fashionably, what is she like? (Beautiful.)

When mom smiles, laughs? What is she like? (Cheerful.)

When your mother doesn’t scold you, even if you are naughty, what is she like? (Good.)

And if you love your mother, what is she like? (Favorite.) etc.

Well done! That's how many wonderful words we said about mom. And there are also these words: there is a daughter and ... (son), there are brothers and ... (sisters).

Who loves both me and my brother,
But does he prefer to dress up? -
Very fashionable girl -
My eldest...(sister)

Who is the cheerful little one -

Does it crawl quickly on its belly?

Amazing boy -

This is my youngest... (brother)

How many of you have siblings? What are their names? (Children's answers.)

Look at our tree, how can we call everyone in one word? (Family.)

Finger gymnastics"Family"

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me.

(Alternately extending the fingers clenched into a fist, starting with the thumb)

That's the whole family!

(Clench into a fist and unclench all fingers at the same time)

Working at tables.

The teacher invites the children to draw their family. Invites them to the tables. Children draw.

Then they look at the drawings all together and tell who they drew.

I would like to end our meeting with a poem:
Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

Drive away grievances and quarrels,

I want my friends to say about us:

How nice your family is!

Bottom line. Incentives.

As a result of completing the tasks, children must learn: the concept of family, its composition and the functions of each family member, relationships in the family (respect, care, love).
Before completing tasks, it is recommended to talk with your child about his family. Let him answer questions about who he lives with, who is the youngest and who is the eldest, tell him the names of his parents, brothers and sisters, where his parents work.

Assignments on the topic “Family”

Task 1. “Tender name.”
Ball game. The adult throws the ball to the child, naming the family members, the child throws it back, naming the affectionate form.
For example: mom-mom, son-son.

Task 2. “One is many.”
As in the previous game, you can use the ball. An adult names a family member in the singular, a child – in the plural.
For example: mother - mothers, aunt - aunts.

Task 3. “Guess who we’re talking about.”
The adult asks questions, the children must answer them correctly.
Who has a gentle look? (Mom)
Who has strong hands? (At dad's)
Who is the most restless? (Brother)
Who has the kindest eyes? (By Grandma)
Who is the most serious? (Dad)
Who is the most obedient? (Sister)
Who has wise speech? (Grandfather's)

Task 4. “Our grandmother is tired.”
The adult asks you to repeat the actions after him.
Before performing, children stand in a circle.
Our grandmother is tired, (the children lean forward, clasping their hands behind their backs)
Sat on the threshold: (squat down)
“Where did the grandson go, where did he go?” (put their hands on their head and shake it)
I thought and sobbed (the index finger is applied to the temple, the head is tilted)
Then she stood up quietly, (stand up and straighten up)
Walked around the bush - (they walk one after another, holding their hands behind their backs)
Look for the granddaughter first. (turn in different directions)

Task 5. “Say otherwise.”
An adult shows pictures to children depicting a family representative, and says what he sees: “Mom has blonde hair" Children need to be told in a different way: “Mom is blonde.”
At my brother's Blue eyes- blue-eyed brother.
The sister has pink cheeks - the sister is rosy-cheeked.
At dad's Brown eyes- Dad is brown-eyed.
At grandpa's White hair- gray-haired grandfather.
By Grandma dark hair- dark-haired grandmother.

6. “Family locomotive.”
The child is given two sheets: one with a picture of a steam locomotive, the second with family members (you can use a photograph), as well as scissors and glue. The task is to paste faces into each carriage according to seniority. For example, grandparents will be the drivers of the locomotive, and mom and dad will be in the first carriage, etc.

If several children complete a task, then upon completion, the works are compared and discussed (since they may turn out different).

Task 7. “Who is behind whom.”
Story game. The adult describes the situation. “One day, a family of 6 people: mother, father, son, daughter, grandmother, grandfather, went on a hike. Who followed whom along the path?”
“They had to get over a windfall. A number of them fell apart. And when they stood in a column again, their row became completely different. Who walks on the path in front of whom?”
Next, children can be given the opportunity to come up with a story themselves, changing the characters several times. You can use different prepositions, for example, who is between whom, who is behind everyone, etc.

Task 8. “Where are whose things?”
Children are given a card with pictures of family members and various things. The task is formulated: show with an arrow who owns the things.

Task 9. “Share the responsibilities.”
The game is played for 2 or more children.
Props: pictures with family members and tools.

Cards are distributed with family representatives. One child - one hero.
Children take turns choosing pictures depicting a tool and giving an explanation for their choice.
And also, they answer the question: who else can do the same thing?
The one who can accurately complete the task and correctly explain the choice wins.

Task 10. Conversation based on the picture “Lunch together.”
Children answer questions.

Who is in the picture?
What common word unites them?
What does each of the characters in the image do?
How does each family member feel?

Task 11. Story based on the picture “Cozy evening”.
Children describe the image. In case of difficulty, you need to help them with guiding questions.
After the story, discuss with your child why the picture has such a name.

Task 12. “My family”. After completing the tasks, you can invite the child to draw his family.

Video lesson on the topic “Family” in kindergarten

If your child participates in a reading competition or simply performs at a matinee in kindergarten, he needs to prepare beautiful and touching poems about family and family values. For children of any age: both 3-4 years old and 5-6 years old will understand short quatrains, in which heartfelt stories are brought to tears about the importance and beauty of good relationships with family.

Short and beautiful children's poems about the value of family

If you ask children what family is, they will without hesitation begin to list all their relatives and friends. In their young hearts, the idea of ​​love for their home and caring for loved ones is just emerging. It is in the family that they learn to respect each other, take care of loved ones, and take other people’s opinions into account. Therefore, the topic: “My family,” which is raised in classes in schools and kindergartens, is very important for the development of positive character traits in children. Short, beautiful children's poems about the value of family help children appreciate the importance of family unity, which is why they are very popular to be included in the program open lessons teachers. Concepts such as warmth, friendliness, support, mutual understanding, care cannot appear in a family in which there is no love. Children learning poetry with in beautiful words about the value of family, they find their lines close and understandable.

A selection of beautiful poems on the topic of family for children

Head of the family

In our family the head is the father,

He is kind, strong and brave.

But if he's not at home,

Then the head of the family is our grandfather.

And the grandmother is the head,

When grandpa falls asleep.

Mommy comes home

She becomes the head.

Each head of the family

We have our own laws.

We got used to them from an early age,

And we have no objections:

Grandfather forgives us everything in the world,

And grandma allows everything.

It’s more difficult with mom’s rule -

We don’t dare be lazy with her.

It's a pity, the dads of our reign

Happens only on Sundays.

But our dad is a democrat,

He is happy with all our ideas.

Dad and I are building a plane,

We go on a forest hike with him,

We stand on his head,

We talk about everything in the world.

The head is the most groovy,

Cheerful, kind and funny.

The board is short,

Well, we're used to it, nothing!

M. Skrabtsova

There is a miracle in the world - family.

Seven precious, bright me.

They are like seven notes, friendly,

And everyone is beautiful and important.

Three notes - dad, mom, me,

Another one is my sister,

Two more - grandmother and grandfather,

The seventh note is not with us.

"Bow-wow!" - Yes, she’s in the yard,

Can everyone hear the note well?

She sounds loudest of all,

The note doesn't sit still.

There are seven notes in the family - seven colors,

Seven strings sounding like one

And each of them is important.

This is how I drew the family...

This is how I drew the family:

Mom is a circle

And grandma is an oval,

Dad is a triangle

Little brother -

This wonderful square.

How will I portray myself?

I drag a feather across the paper,

Then I take them there

Then back I -

Something strange happened:

Ragged edges...

Mom, is it really me?

Mikhail Yasnov

Mom dad brother…

Mom, dad, brother - family...

Very interesting!

I am the youngest in the house.

We're a little cramped.

Cat, stove and fence,

Brother is sitting, bored,

The dog barks in the neighboring yard,

He gets angry with people.

Two titmouses in the snow

They pick up the crumbs.

I will protect the tits

From people and cats!

Star light and sun light

They shine intermittently...

There is no trouble and no grief -

We are the only ones in the world.

Nikolay Grakhov

Family is What Keeps Us Through the Storm

Family is what holds us together in the storm

After all, she is not afraid of the splashes of life's waves,

It will shelter you from the cold and protect you in the rain.

Family is our fortress and our faithful shield.

Family means children and marriage.

What could be stronger than such strong bonds?

Here everyone is understood and loved very much,

In its own way, it is expensive and irreplaceable.

We wish you to be a real family,

It's great if your family is with you!

We wish unity always and in everything,

And let happiness fill your friendly home!

Touching poems about family and family values

If we look at a child’s first drawings, the theme of his family will definitely be traced in them. Mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, dog and house on the grass - this is how little children usually depict the world of their childhood, the place and people who surround them. With age comes the understanding that without a family a person would not survive, he would be too weak in the face of life’s circumstances. That is why in schools and kindergartens children have conversations that are touching to tears about the importance of respecting family values, during which poems about family are read. Among close people and within their own walls, the child feels protected, learns to respect and show care. These qualities are necessary for his independent life in society, when he will need to be able to build relationships with friends, colleagues, and his soulmate. Poems touching to tears about family and family values ​​will resonate in the soul of any child, so he will happily learn them.

A collection of touching children's poems about mom and dad

Mom is the best friend

I have a close friend

His name is Mommy.

I'm behind him like behind a wall,

This friend is always with me.

He kisses me on the cheeks

Early in the morning after a night out.

He strokes my back

He always gets along with me.

If sometimes I feel sad,

Treats you to something tasty.

If I'm being naughty

He comes and forgives.

My dear mother -

My friend is the most beloved.

I'll try to become better

So as not to upset her.

M. Skrabtsova

Mom is with us

Mom's day off is coming soon -

Happy day, the best day.

He will take us to the park for a walk.

He will bake pies for us,

He will sing a tender song,

Will laugh with us

And share your dreams.

My brother and I are counting the days

We miss mommy.

Mom's day off, hurry up

Warm us up with magic!

M. Skrabtsova

The role of the father

Dear friends fathers,

Everyone needs you, you're great,

But you'll never know

How a mother feels and breathes.

Her nature created

So that children have tenderness.

All you have to do is protect

The center of warmth is the children and the mother.

Great dad

My dad is a great man

He is an amazing person

He doesn't grumble or scold,

He just doesn't know how to get angry.

When we do something wrong

We'll sort the problem out with him in no time.

Without further words and reasoning,

My dad is a genius when it comes to education.

He can handle any question.

He will not say: “You are not mature enough!”

With him everything is clear, everything is easy,

And the impossible is possible.

It's a pity that mom and dad don't agree.

“Dad’s spoiling you for no reason!” -

Mom often repeats,

But that doesn’t change dad.

Why is daddy not at home?

The family is upset -

I don't look like my dad:

I get up too late

I talk too much.

I rest too much

I forget about studying.

I don't like salad and soup

Sometimes I can be rude.

I don't keep promises

I don’t value time

I'm quarreling with my younger sister.

I'm completely different!

Why? There's a simple answer -

Dad is always away from home

How can I follow his example?

Can you tell me?!

Our dear dads,

Busy, business,

For children you are the light in the window,

The crumbs can't wait for you!

M. Skrabtsova

Poems for children 5-6 years old about family

Since ancient times, a person has found strength in an alliance with his family, strives to unite with other people, share everyday life with them, resolve financial issues, and continue the family line. The existence of a strong family is impossible without a strong connection between generations and care for all its members. It is especially important for a Russian person to have heartfelt connections with all relatives, who from time immemorial has strived to get closer to others spiritually. Children's literature is intended, to some extent, to help children acquire the knowledge about relationships that Lately are lost. Poems for children 5-6 years old about family can show the role of good and kind relationships between relatives, which many underestimate. Having learned the poems for children from our selection, a 5-6 year old child may recognize himself and his family in them.

A collection of poems on the theme of family for children 5-6 years old

Family – A Strange Word

Family is a strange word

Although not foreign.

- How did the word come about?

It's not clear to us at all.

Well, “I” – we understand,

Why are there seven of them?

No need to think and guess,

Two grandfathers

Two grandmothers,

Plus dad, mom, me.

Folded? That makes seven people


– What if there is a dog?

So there are eight “I”s?

- No, if there is a dog,

It turns out, Wow! - family.

Melvin Schwartz

I Asked Dad

I asked my dad:

“Who is the head of the family?”

He smiled back at me

And he said: “Two-headed snake!”

“What kind of snake?!” - I was indignant -

What kind of jokes are you making?!”

Dad suddenly hugged mom

And he said: “She and I!”

I understand that this means -

You forgot about me!"

Everything has changed over the years,

I have become more mature.

The house is now managed

The head himself is a three-headed serpent!

I'm proud of my family

I'm proud of my family

We are always together in everything!

The magical gift of friendship

There is no service in my family.

Both in joy and in sorrow,

At the festival and in the field

We are always all together

Adults and children.

So we live together

We invite you to visit us!

Russian family

Different people live in Russia

Peoples from ancient times:

Some people like the taiga,

To others, the expanse of the steppe.

Every nation

Your language and outfit,

One wears a Circassian coat,

The other one put on a robe.

One fisherman from birth,

Another reindeer herder

One kumiss is cooking,

Another is preparing honey.

Autumn is one of the sweeter ones,

Spring is dearer to others

And the Motherland is Russia

We all have one!

Vladimir Stepanov

At home

It's raining continuously outside,

And the house is warm and light.

And it’s possible for brown showers

Calmly look through the glass.

Here you can hide from the heat,

Escape from a frosty day.

IN a good place native –

It just pulls me home.

Poems about family for children 3-4 years old, short and beautiful for kindergarten

For children 3-4 years old, it is most interesting to learn short poems about family and recite them at matinees in kindergarten. After all, this topic is understandable and close, since every child has a family. Classics of children's literature, such as Samuil Marshak, Agnia Barto, Natalya Samonii, wrote a lot on this topic. In kindergartens, special conversations are held with children, in which the meaning of such a concept as “family” and the need for such qualities as the ability to care for one’s neighbor, respect, friendliness in family life. It is assumed that after such conversations, children will show more positive qualities in intra-family interactions and will become interested in the history of their family. How seriously such activities influence children’s worldview is a controversial issue. After all, it is known that small man, first of all, copies the behavior of adults and their relationships. However, conversations help to understand the child’s place within his family and give an idea of ​​how human society is formed. Short and beautiful poems about family for children 3-4 years old for kindergarten are assigned to all preschoolers to learn.

A selection of beautiful poems for kindergarten on the theme of family

What is comfort?

So filled the house? –

This is when they sing

A song before bed.

What is comfort? –

This is pie, milk,

This is when they get up

Joyful and easy.

What is comfort? –

This is diffused light

This is when you get tired.

If there is no one.

What is comfort? –

This is when the family

This is when they live

Father, mother and me.

Oleg Bundur

Who's playing?

And the sun plays (with its rays on the river),

And the cat plays (with a ball on the porch),

And Zhenya plays (Zhenya has a doll),

And mom plays (in the theater on stage),

And dad plays (on a copper trumpet),

And grandfather (playing with his grandson in the hut).

And the grandmother washes her grandson’s diapers.

Grandma is probably playing with laundry?

About love

Mom looks at dad


Dad looks at mom


And the day is the most weekday,

Not Sunday

And outside the window there is no sun,

It's just how they do it


They're just

They love each other very much.

From this love

Both light and easy.

Me with my dad and mom

So lucky!

The best!

Can he play football?

Can you heat up the soup for me?

Maybe watch a cartoon

Can he play checkers?

Maybe even wash the cups,

Can draw cars

Can collect pictures

Maybe take me for a ride

Instead of a fast horse.

Can he catch fish?

Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

For me there is always a hero -

Most best DAD my!

O. Chusovitina

Beautiful and touching poems on the topic of family

Nowadays, family takes on the meaning of a simple partnership between two people who have agreed to run a joint household. However, for many years our ancestors had large families in which they took care of each other, representing a real force of cohesion. We can say that forgetting about family values, people become more lonely and weaker in the face of circumstances. Over the years, the statistics of divorces have been growing, which have become a normal phenomenon, and this does not surprise anyone. The younger generation will build their families according to the example they see before their eyes. Therefore, it is important to hold conversations and events in kindergartens on the topic family traditions so that children can express their opinion about what a modern unit of society should be like. Beautiful and touching poems on the topic of family can be found in our collection.

A selection of touching poems on the topic: “My family”

That damn year has been going on for many years now, and I sometimes crawled out of my hospital bed.

He raked up his debris and fragments and reconstructed his skeleton.

And he stole himself from sensitive nurses, smelling the sharp smell of will with his nostrils,

I ran to my two-year-old granddaughter Olya, where there was space that smelled of life.

Olya and I went to children's park, sat on our favorite swing,

We drank juice, ate ice cream, and looked at the walking dogs.

Attractions were a dime a dozen, but the day was burning and the sun was cooling down,

And Olya got tired, fell behind and quietly whined: “Grandfather, wait.”

Leaving Sunday behind, I returned to the walls of the hospital guests,

And I did, I did, as much as I could, but the neighboring bunks weren’t fit,

They grew weak, withered, wasted away, and left; no one asked them to wait.

When I feel the burning in my chest, I see how from the other side of the field

Little Olya is rushing towards me with a heart-rending cry: “Grandfather, wait a minute...”

And I’m good, I’m still good and, it seems, I can endure any torment,

While I still hold that tiny hand in my exhausted hand.

Leonid Filatov

Family and home are like light and bread.

The native hearth is earth and sky.

Given to you for salvation,

no matter what troubles you are in.

Let life run hastily,

wherever the road leads,

in your changing fate

There is no more beautiful gift from God.

They always keep you safe

no matter how much you travel around the world,

like a guiding star,

and this shrine is not holy.

Your family's warmth and light -

This is the best joy for the soul.

There is no other happiness in the world,

There is no need for any other kind of happiness.

And family is home

And family is home,

These are two and a third,

And maybe the fourth one,

And then the fifth.

These are warm lines

In the desired envelope,

If separation waves

A sad wing.

And family is light,

What is invisible and generous

Illuminates your whole life

And accompanies us.

This is creativity

Where there are neither last nor first,

Where is both joy and sorrow -

Always in half.

And family is everything.

It gets colder without her

Lonely thought

Lonely life.

Nothing happens

More dear in the world,

Nothing, no matter what you think

And no matter how brave you are...

Love! Family! Loyalty!

We grow with love in our hearts,

If the family is full of it.

We feed our feelings with fidelity,

If you have true friends nearby.

For the sake of our loved ones, we are ready to do anything.

We don’t know any love for them higher than that!

We are ready for any sacrifice!

If only they were happy!

Families are different in life,

Unfortunately, it cannot be changed.

I believe that those who want have it!

Among them are you, my Friends!!!

A. Maltsev

Family tree

I have a wonderful tree.

It is my family

And it is my kin.

On this tree

Until old age

My great-grandfather nested

And also my grandfather.

I learned to fly on it

And I was able to become a real bird!

And, as in the cradle,

On this tree

The winds swayed.

And the leaves were ringing,

Like bells

When I have

Chicks have appeared...

G. Dyadina

Poems touching to tears about family and family values ​​for a reading competition

A person’s happiness lies in the ability to build relationships in his personal life, to create warmth and comfort around himself with his own hands. This is exactly what the tear-touching poems about family and family values ​​for the reading competition, which we present in our selection, teach. For the participants of the competition, the main victory will not be winning first place, but the thoughts and feelings that the poems can evoke in them. Experience in public speaking and a love of poetry will be a reward for those children who perform in front of an audience. Poems about family and family values ​​usually sound especially touching from the lips of young readers at the competition.

A collection of poems about family suitable for the competition

It's good to wait at home

It's good to wait at home

When the bell rang they hurried to the door,

They opened, kissed,

Warmed your hands, right?

Good for tea

With pies and jam

Sorrows have moved away

Good conversation, right?

It's good to be in the world

It smelled of snow, sun, willow,

So that children everywhere know

That there won't be a war, right?

It's good to be loved

Like the first snowdrop,

And then, then any

Not afraid of troubles, right?!

Family Science

A grandson once asked his grandfather:

“There are many sciences in the world,

But here's one thing I want to know:

So why call me that?

Who am I and why do I live?

Why do I eat, why do I breathe?

And what is my family for?

And why was I born?”

The old man sighed and blushed:

“As a child, I also wanted to know

Why and for what was born.

You repeated my question.

Well, I'll start science.

You are our entire family.

In You, as in a mirror, the whole Family

I left the best I could.

And a sonorous name was given,

So that he knows his great-grandfather.

For the glory of the Family, life is given,

Don't waste it anywhere.

Do good, don't be ignorant.

Then you will reward us with hope,

That you will meet your destiny,

And I will come to your wedding.

And you will have children,

And they will be the best in the world.

And so as not to destroy them,

You must be their support.

So try now

Study science at school.

And choose who you will be,

To make your dreams come true.

All problems are surmountable

And with the truth we are invincible.

Love your parents

And take care of the memory of your ancestors.

Learn this science yourself,

If you are given the opportunity to walk around the world.

If you live a glorious life,

Then you take your grandchildren to school.

And the little one will ask you -

Are we a good family?

Live so as not to be ashamed,

So that the grandson can be proud of the family!”


Grandma will tell me a fairy tale

And make a sweet pie

And give me a little yarn,

So that I could run with the cat!

And my grandfather will give me a plane,

He will bring nails, a hammer,

And it will be ready early

We have a birdhouse and a scoop!

And dad will take you fishing,

He will tell you about forest herbs...

We're close, waddle a little

Let's go past the mushroom firs.

We'll pick mushrooms at the edge of the forest,

Let's find an intricate root,

In a forgotten forester's hut

We'll drink tea with raspberries...

And mom, bending over the crib,

He will sing a calm song,

On tiptoe he will go out furtively

And good dreams will come!

And the wind rushes through the windows,

I think I haven't slept for a long time:

Well, how can I answer this?

I just love them so much!

M. Takhistova

Dad can't be mom

His mustache is growing

He doesn't apply blush

And his character is cool.

Mom is softer and more tender,

And bakes a tastier pie,

Heals me when I'm sick

And it will relieve you of anxiety!

Kisses, caresses

And will hug you warmly

In life he will never stop loving me

And he will always understand me!

About grandma.

My grandma and I are very friends.

We help each other.

She... cooks dinner for me,

For her, I... eat everything.

I lead her by the hand.

A passerby will not always understand,

Is my grandmother my granddaughter?

Either I'm a child after all.

Who is taking whom to Molochny?

Who is dragging whom to “Toys”?

We live as a strong family,

Let's be true friends!

Beautiful poems for children about family that bring tears to tears

In Russia, about 4 million children live outside their families. To help society with the problem of building family relations, it was proposed to introduce a new subject in Russian schools - family science. This subject should have taught a person how to properly build relationships with other family members, provide basic knowledge on motherhood and fatherhood, caring for a baby, housework, and budget planning. In essence, this is the knowledge that newlyweds gain from their own experience, very often going through insoluble conflicts and disagreements. Back in the 16th century, Christians were invited to use Domostroy, a book that became a monument of Russian literature. It describes in detail how a Christian should live, build relationships with household members, go on visits, and raise children. Attempts to influence the construction of “cells of society” were made during the Soviet Union. Nowadays, people, and especially children, may need simple educational work, a conversation about the moral significance of family and values. Beautiful, tear-jerking poems for children about family are told in everyone educational institutions, hold competitions and concerts. Children, as a rule, like to participate in joint games or talk about their household. Those poets who wrote poems especially for children spoke beautifully and touchingly, to the point of tears, about the family.

Options for beautiful children's poems about family values


Dad and son at the market

We bought oranges

And we decided to sit in the park,

Eat these oranges.

The son is satisfied and happy,

And with a smile on your face,

Because in oranges

Vitamins A, B, C,

Because oranges

Father and son took it together

Because oranges

Father and son ate together

And also because

That the people walking by

I was so jealous of him!


Dad walks like a duck

I also follow him.

He'll sit down for a minute -

I'm also sitting next to you.

He sneezes -

I'll follow him right away

He will blink -

I have two eyes.

Mom is tired of this -

Apparently she felt sorry for dad:

- Son, you are simply amazing,

What are you walking around imagining?

I don't imagine

I imitate my dad...


What will happen,

What if I'm not there?

And the sun won't wake me up?

And the rain won't cool me down?

And mom won't be with me?

And dad won't be there either?

Yes, this cannot be!

So that there is no night and day,

May I not be here!

Sunday is lucky!

Sundays are so needed!

Because on Sunday

Mom is making pancakes.

Dad washes the cups for tea.

We wipe them together,

And then we as a family

We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.

And a song pours through the window,

I'm ready to sing myself,

It's good when we're together

Even if there are no pancakes.

Family is the most meaningful word.

The “seed” is heard in it - the basis of life.

The seven “I”s are seven firmly connected,

And future lives are a reliable source.

Family is a joyful children's laughter.

Family is what gives us success in life!

Let relatives be each other’s support,

And may all misfortunes pass by!

Family is a reliable stronghold of our life,

What protects us in childhood and old age.

Family is a house built on love,

May joy and happiness reign in him!

The most favorite poems for children are those that are written about mom, dad and parental home. Literary classics wrote beautifully and touchingly about family values, bringing tears to tears. Short poems about family are read to children 3-4 and 5-6 years old. They are suitable for a concert in kindergarten, and for a reading competition, where you must look decent.