Preschool education. Preschool education Game material for children 3 4 years old

As the child becomes more active and resilient. He begins to be interested in playing games with his peers, and the baby strives to demonstrate his skills and achievements to other people. He wants to compete in his skills with his peers, although he is not yet quite ready for such games, because he does not know how to lose.

The task of parents during this period is to support the child’s desire for outdoor games, communication with other children and provide conditions for physical development child (for example).

Although play activity is natural for a preschool child; children aged 3-4 years are not yet able to independently invent games and bring them to life. They need adult help to:

  • gain experience in specific games,
  • learn to follow the rules while playing,
  • acquire certain skills (catch a ball, jump from a height, etc.),
  • alternate periods of active exercise and rest.

Psychologists recommend building a child’s daily routine in such a way that he has at least 1 hour of unstructured physical activity (the child runs and jumps on his own) and 1 hour of structured physical activity. physical activity(games, physical education, various sets of exercises), which is provided by an adult.

Outdoor games for children 3 - 4 years old


Children count and choose who will be the bear. Lines are drawn on two opposite sides of the site: behind one line is the bear’s den, behind the other is the children’s house. The middle of the site is the edge of the forest. Children leave their house and go to the edge of the forest to pick berries with the words:

By the bear in the forest,

I take mushrooms and berries,

But the bear doesn't sleep,

Everything is growling at us.

At the word “roars,” the bear runs out of its den and catches the children. The children run away to their house. The game repeats itself. When the bear catches 2-3 children, the bear is replaced.

Obstacle course

Is your child already confident riding a tricycle or scooter? Great, it's time to improve his skills in driving a new vehicle. Build an obstacle course out of plastic bottles, wooden blocks and toys that the child must go around. Next to the obstacle, draw an arrow indicating which direction to turn, so that the baby can practice driving around objects from different directions. you will find in this article.

After successfully completing all the obstacles, award the winner a prize.


A popular game that trains accuracy and dexterity. A child of 3–4 years old does not yet know how to confidently jump on one leg, so we throw the bat, jump on two legs, pick up the bat and return. The one whose bat hits the line or flies beyond the classics misses a turn.

Search for toys

Draw a sign on the asphalt with 4-6 cells, depending on the number of toys, and in each cell you schematically depict what you need to find. The baby closes his eyes and you quickly hide the toys on the playground. The child looks for objects and puts them in the appropriate cells. If there are several children, then we draw several signs. At the end of the game, we check the correspondence between the picture and the toy.

“Sardines in a can” or reverse hide and seek

Invite your child to play hide and seek in reverse. The leader hides, and the others try to find him. When someone finds the leader, he joins him and the two of them sit in the hiding place. In the end, so many people are crammed into the hiding place that they are there like “sardines in a can” - hence the name. The last one to find the cache becomes the leader.

"Cat and Mice"

If there are ladders for climbing, then you can play this game. Children - "mice" are located on the 2nd - 3rd step of the ladder - these are mouse houses. The cat (adult) is dozing in the corner of the site. The mice descend, run, and circle. Adult says:

Quieter than a mouse, don't make noise,

Don't wake up Vaska the cat!

Vaska the cat will wake up,

It will break up your round dance!

At the word “round dance,” the mice run back to the ladder, and the cat catches them. You can only fish up to the line, which is drawn 2 steps before the ladder. The one who is caught becomes a cat.


Children line up like a train and start moving, saying “choo-choo-choo.” The adult plays the role of a “regulator”. He names the lights of the semaphore, sets up the barrier, gives commands - “turn right”, “turn left”, “fast”, “slow”, etc. In this game, you need to periodically change the “locomotive” - the first player, who is responsible for the correct interpretation of the traffic controller’s commands, so that everyone can practice their orientation on the ground.

Frog and Heron

On the asphalt we draw a large lake with uneven edges and bumps. One player - a frog sits in the lake. He can only move on water. The second player - the heron moves only on land (along the shore and hummocks). The heron's task is to catch a frog that is jumping all over the lake. If a frog is caught, it becomes a heron.

African river

On the asphalt we draw a river (2 lines) or put 2 cords. There are crocodiles in the river, and danger may lurk on the shore - a lion. The child is a zebra who has come to drink. Mom says what danger awaits her: if there is a crocodile, then you need to jump out of it onto the shore, if it is a lion, then on the contrary, hide from it in the water. When the baby learns the rules, you can try to confuse him by saying the same command in a row.


We draw a circle with a diameter of 2 meters - this is a web. A spider sits in the middle (one player), and small insects fly and run around the web (from 1 to 5 players). They tease the spider, approaching the circle closely, stretching out their hands, but trying to evade the spider, which runs along the edge of the web, trying to catch the victim. If the spider catches another player, they switch places.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Color "race"

Draw the starting line. Using a counting machine, we determine the player who guesses the color first. This player names a color, and both run to any objects of the desired color and return back. Whoever runs first to the starting line guesses the next color.

Don't forget about such fun outdoor games as:

  • catching up,
  • flying a kite,

and your walks will be filled with physical activity, positive emotions and the joy of spending time together.

- this is an excellent opportunity for outdoor games with children 3-4 years old, which you can implement in the near future, using the game ideas from the article.

Outdoor games with children 3 - 4 years old at home

Harvest the harvest

We place 5 cubes one after another at a distance of 1 meter. We place a basket in front of the cubes, and behind them we put vegetables and fruits (toy or real). The child's task is to collect the harvest by jumping over the cubes with his knees raised high. You can only bring 1 product at a time.


First discuss with your child what seasons he knows and their signs. During the game, one player names the season, and the second shows the pantomime “What people do at this time of year.” For example, in winter - they play snowballs, sledding, skating; in the spring - they smell the flowers, go to the parade, dig up the garden; in summer - swim in the river, play in the sand, sunbathe; in the fall - they dig up and pick the crop, rake the leaves, etc.

Path home

We draw a path 40-50 cm wide (or put 2 ropes on the sides). Say that the baby is a horse that has galloped far from its village and it’s time for it to go home. But the road to home will be difficult, you need to listen carefully and perform all the movements correctly. Mom says:

  • Flat path - we walk at a pace;
  • Bumps, potholes - we jump on 2 legs;
  • In the hole “boom” - we squat down.

You can say the commands at random or use a nursery rhyme for the game:

A little boy was driving

On a gray horse.

On a smooth path,

On a smooth path,

Over the bumps, over the bumps,

Over bumps, over bumps.

Into the hole "Boom!"

Get a feather

We stretch the rope 10 cm above the child’s raised arms. We tie several feathers there (real or paper). We ask the baby to push off with 2 legs and jump so high that he can touch the feather with 2 hands.

Feathers can be replaced with sticky stickers with happy and sad faces. Then the kid’s task is to collect as many stickers with emoticons as possible.

You can expand the game and play tag with a condition. If a player touches a feather, he cannot be hit for 3 counts. If there are stickers, then only an emoticon gives such an advantage.

Sunny bunny

Suitable for playing indoors and outdoors, where there are a lot of colorful objects. The baby is a sunbeam that can change its color. If it hits its color, it becomes invisible. Mom says: “The fox is looking for a pink bunny.” The baby must run to the object Pink colour and touch him. If the child does not find an object of the desired color, then the fox notices the bunny, tries to catch up with it and eat it.

Cunning fox

The hunter wants to catch a fox who is hiding in his hole. The fox player turns away so as not to see the hunter. The hunter silently sneaks up behind him to slap him on the back - this means that the fox has been caught. The fox can turn around at any moment and then the hunter needs to freeze in order to remain unnoticed. If the hunter moves, the fox notices him and the game begins again. If the fox is caught, then the players change places.

And a few more simple ideas for organizing outdoor games with children at home:

  1. Dancing. To do this, just turn on any cheerful melody and. Don't stand aside, show the movements, and the baby will repeat them. This way you can adjust the complexity of the steps you perform, and you yourself will warm up. Add ribbons or scarves to make your dancing even more interesting.
  2. Obstacle course. Set up an obstacle course at home from sofa cushions, chairs, a massage track, a rope stretched at a height of 30 cm above the floor and go on an exciting journey
  3. The battle. Fight with soft cubes or soft toys. The task of one player is to hit and the other to dodge. Fun is guaranteed.
  4. Flashlight. Play with a flashlight. Direct the light from the lantern onto the wall or floor, and let the child catch the “sunny bunny” with his hands or feet.
  5. Charades. Take turns with your child to show different animals: how they move, what sounds they make. Who can guess the most animals?
  6. Freeze the figure. This is a variation of the famous game “The sea is agitated once...”. To the music or song, the child runs around the room, and when the music stops, the child should freeze in the figure of an animal, bird, fish, flower, etc. (the topic of the figure is discussed in advance). The presenter guesses who the player portrayed, and then they change places.

And here is a physical education lesson with which you can diversify your child’s activities if he is seriously interested in sedentary games:

Have fun games And harmonious development to your baby!

What outdoor games do you play with your child at home and on the street? Tell us in the comments!

Outdoor games for preschool children

Friendly guys

Goals: to cultivate friendly feelings and friendly relationships in children; teach to listen carefully to the teacher and carry out the actions he suggests; strengthen the skill of calling each other by name; develop Creative skills and motor skills.

The teacher invites the children to play and carefully watch what he says. And then he turns to the children:

Tanya, Tanechka, friend,

Come quickly to the round dance,

Dancing backwater! Children perform dance movements to the music.

Sasha, Sashenka, friend,

Join us quickly!

Let's take each other's hands,

Let's all run in a circle!

Lena, Lenochka, friend,

Join us quickly!

Try not to yawn

And catch the ball faster! The teacher throws the ball to Helen, then to the other children.

What happens and what doesn't happen

Goals: develop cognitive processes and volitional qualities in children; consolidate children's knowledge about the world around them; work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech; stimulate thought processes; develop speed of reaction.

Equipment: ball.

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle and the one to whom he throws the ball must tell something about the object that will be named.

The snow is cold, white, fluffy...

The sun is hot, bright...

Milk is tasty, white, healthy...

Kolobok is round, ruddy, cheerful...

Pencil - red, green, blue...

Rain - heavy, wet, cold...

The one who gives the most correct answers wins.

Subject and action

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about the properties of objects; contribute to the enrichment and expansion of children's vocabulary; improve speech, thinking, memory.

Equipment: ball.

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle. He himself stands in the middle of the circle and, throwing the ball to the child, names a noun, and the child must name the action in response.

Fish - swims

Boy - walks (jumps, runs)

Airplane - flies

Cat - sleeping (scratching, meowing)

Duck - swims

Bear - walks (roars)

Magpie - screams

A stream is running, etc.


Target: develop a sense of rhythm and coordination of movements.

Children sit or stand in a circle. Together with the teacher they begin to stomp to the counting rhyme:

Top-top, who's coming,

Clap-clap, what's going on?

Top top, here we go.

Clap-clap, we're carrying it. - What?

Children take turns saying what they “carried,” and using their fingers in the air, like a pencil, they draw what they “carried.” This game can and should be played at different speeds - at different paces. It develops not only a sense of rhythm, but also spatial imagination and coordination of movements.

Stork and frogs


A playing field is drawn on the ground or on the asphalt - a large lake with bays, capes, and islands. "Frogs" are sitting in the lake. They cannot jump onto land. A “stork” is running around the lake. He is not allowed to go into the water, but he can jump from island to island. At the same time, the stork tries to catch the frog. Each frog caught leaves the game. The latter becomes the new stork.

Thread - needle

Target: develop dexterity and coordination of movements.

According to the counting rhyme, they choose the driver - the “needle”. Several people join him at will - a “thread”. The rest are randomly placed on the site, standing one at a time. The players who make up the “thread” and “needle” join hands, forming a chain. There is a “needle” ahead.

The “needle” runs between those standing, making the most unexpected turns, zigzags, and the “thread” must exactly repeat its path.

Pass it on

Goals: develop a willingness to share with each other; develop fine motor skills hands

You wrap the gift in several layers of paper. Each layer is secured with adhesive tape, fixing the paper in two or three places. Invite the children to take turns unfolding these layers one by one. The unfolding takes place to musical accompaniment. When the music stops, the child must pass the “thinner” bundle to the kid next door. Each time the music is interrupted more and more often, and the children have difficulty passing the package to each other, but compliance with the rules is strictly necessary. To prevent children from feeling left out, give each of them a small souvenir at the end of the game.


Goals: develop coordination of movements; to form a friendly attitude of children towards each other.

Children stand in a circle. These are the “sellers”. Hands are held behind the back, small objects of different colors are in the hands - red, orange, green, blue, yellow, purple, etc. You can use cubes, balls or pre-prepared cardboard mugs. There is a child in the center of the circle. He is a buyer. The children all pronounce words together, to which the child buyer turns around himself, extending his hand forward, like an arrow.

Vanya, Vanya, spin around,

Show yourself to all the guys

And which one is dearer to you,

Tell us quickly! Stop!

The child stops at the last word.

- Anything for the soul? All products are good!

Leading. I want fruit! (or vegetable, berry, flower)

Now the child who “took the order” must offer a fruit whose color matches the toy hidden behind his back.

Salesman(holds out a yellow cube). You're wearing a pear.

Classics relay

Goals: develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

Equipment: hoops (13 pcs.), swivel stand.

If you like to jump,

If you have the strength,

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Over hummocks and bridge.

Guys, we invite you

Jump into hopscotch now!

There are hoops on the ground (floor), alternating in a chain: one-two, one-two, etc. It is necessary to perform jumps: where there is one hoop, jump on one leg, where there are two hoops, jump with legs apart, then run around the turntable, return to your team in the same way and pass the baton to the next player.

Relay race “Snowball on a shovel”

Goals: develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

Equipment: children's shoulder blades; swivel stand (this can be a snowman or any snowy figure).

The first player has a child's shovel in his hand, with a small ball of snow on it. At the signal, you need to run to the turning post, holding the lump on the snowball, run around it and return to your team, passing the shovel with the snowball to the next player.

If a player loses a snowball or drops a shovel, he returns to his team, puts a new lump on the shovel and completes his task all over again.


Goals: develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

Equipment: each team has a stick and puck; rotating racks (pins or snowballs).

The first player has a stick and a puck. At the signal, he begins to drive the puck with his stick in a snake between the posts to the turning post, goes around it and returns to his team in the same way, passing the stick and puck to the next player.


Goals: develop attention, coordination of movements.

Equipment: a cord of sufficient length, three multi-colored flags (yellow, red, green), a bell (tied to the end of the cord).

Children are arranged in pairs. With their free hands they hold on to the cord (its ends are tied). This is a tram. The teacher stands with colored flags rattling. He explains that you have to move when the signal is green, and stop when it is red and yellow. The teacher raises the green flag - the tram is moving, the children are running around the room. Having reached the teacher (traffic light), the children look to see if the color has changed. If the color is still green, then the tram continues to move; if the red or yellow flag is raised, the kids stop and wait for the green one to appear so that they can move again.

During the game, children are introduced to the rules of the street. If there are a small number of participants, you can place them not in pairs, but in one column. The plot of the game can be expanded by making a stop along the way. Passengers sit and wait for the tram. Approaching the stop, the tram slows down and stops. Some passengers get out, others get in. To get on or off the tram, children lift a cord with a bell attached to the end. The last child standing (the conductor) rings the bell and the tram starts moving.

Guide a friend through the maze

Goals: develop spatial orientation, coordination of movements, balance; consolidate in speech words denoting spatial orientation.

From the players, one rescuer, instructor and victim are selected. It is important to provide every child with the opportunity to be a lifeguard and instructor.

The rest of the children are placed in groups, simulating various obstacles: dips in the road, rubble, collapses, etc.

The “rescuer” is blindfolded. He must complete the route without encountering obstacles and get to the final goal - the “victim”, obeying the commands of the “instructor”.

The “instructor” gives him instructions: “Two steps forward. One step left. Turn right. No, to the left." When the “rescuer” reaches the final point of the route, the “victim” gives a command in a voice: “You are at the goal.” This means the game is over.

New “instructor”, “rescuer”, “victim” are selected and “obstacles” are placed differently in the playing space.


Goals: develop attention, dexterity, speed of reaction.

Equipment: jumping ropes or ropes according to the number of children, ribbon.

All participants in the game are divided into threes, each three has a coachman and two horses. During the game, the driver gives various commands, the horses carry them out, and the coachman controls and carefully watches whether the horses perform all the movements accurately.

The horses walk at a walk, gallop in a circle, turn left, right, etc.

To the words “Find your coachman!” the horses find it as quickly as possible.

When the game is repeated in each trio, the coachman changes.

Horses must definitely follow all commands. The coachman whose horses make a mistake receives a fine - a blue ribbon is tied to his reins.

The most difficult role in this game is that of the driver, who comes up with various movements for the horses. Therefore, when the game is played for the first time, the teacher plays the role of driver. At the end of the game, so that the triplets get together, you can give a new task: “Coachman, find your horses!”

The game ends as soon as the three players play the role of coachman. At the end of the game, the top three are awarded.

Salka on one leg

Goals: develop attention, speed of reaction, coordination of movements, dexterity.

Equipment: a small bright scarf.

The children disperse around the playground, close their eyes, everyone’s hands are behind their backs. The leader walks among them and quietly gives a handkerchief to one of the players. To the command “One, two, three - look!” children open their eyes. Standing still, they carefully look at each other. A child with a scarf suddenly raises it above his head and says: “I’m a tag!”

Participants in the game, jumping on one leg, try to get away from the tag. The one whom the tag touched with his hand goes to lead. The child takes the handkerchief, raises it above his head and says: “I’m a tag!” The game repeats itself.

If children are tired, they can jump on their right or left leg. When the tags are changed, the players can stand on two legs. Salka also jumps, like everyone else who plays, on one leg.


Goals: develop reaction speed, dexterity, coordination of movements.

Equipment: bright small handkerchief.

All participants in the game stand in a circle. The driver with a handkerchief follows the circle, puts the handkerchief on the shoulder of one of the players and quickly runs around the circle, and the one who was given the handkerchief takes it in his hands and runs after the driver. Both of them try to take an empty place in the circle.

If the player with the handkerchief catches up with the driver and is able to put the handkerchief on his shoulder before the goth takes a free place in the circle, he again becomes the driver, and the player who gave the handkerchief takes the free place.

If the runner is the first to stand in the circle, then the player with the scarf will remain leading. He walks in a circle, puts a handkerchief on someone’s shoulder and the game continues.

During the game, children should not run across the circle. While running, you are not allowed to touch children standing in a circle with your hands. Standing players should not delay running players. The players should not turn around while the driver is choosing who to put the handkerchief to.

The more children take part in this game, the wider the circle will be, which means that more effort must be made to take up an empty seat. Children in a circle stand one step apart from each other.

Ball up!

Goals: develop reaction speed, coordination of movements, dexterity.

Equipment: bright ball.

Children stand in a circle, the driver goes to the middle and throws the ball with the words “Ball up!” At this time, the players must run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and, having caught it, shouts: “Stop!” Everyone must stop, and the driver, without leaving his place, throws the ball at the one who is closest to him. The one who is hit becomes the driver. If the driver misses, then he drives again and the game starts again.

The driver throws the ball as high as possible and only after the words “Ball up!” is he allowed to catch the ball with one bounce from the ground. If one of the players continued to move after the words “Stop!”, he must take three steps towards the driver. When running away from him, children should not hide behind buildings and trees.

The guys stand in a circle close to each other. It is better to outline the place of the driver in the center of the circle with a small circle. Children in the game must be very attentive and quickly respond to commands.


Target: consolidate knowledge about autumn.

Equipment: autumn leaves.

Start of the game - viewing autumn leaves. Each child finds a leaf, shows it and names which leaf, from which tree, what color.

The teacher talks about how when the wind blows, the leaves fly slowly and swirl because they are light. When the wind dies down, they slowly fall to the ground.

Sunny bunny

Goals: consolidate the concepts of “up”, “down”, “to the side”.

Equipment: small mirror.

The teacher holds a small mirror in his hands and tells the children that a sunbeam has come to visit them. He jumps in different directions: up, down, sideways... Offers to play with him.

Where will you find what?

Goals: consolidate the ability to group objects according to their purpose.

Equipment: objects or pictures depicting dishes, furniture, clothing, etc.

The teacher places items throughout the playground, such as a clothes locker, a toy box, a tool box, etc. and offers to put all scattered objects (pictures) back in their places.

When all the things are laid out, check if they are correct; if not, then everyone should think together about how to do it.

A small collection of games for children.

Catch up with the ball.

Children play on the playground with whomever they want. The teacher calls several kids, invites them to run after the ball and play with it. Calling the names of the children, the teacher rolls the balls in different directions one by one. The child runs after the ball, catches it and brings it to the teacher. The teacher throws the balls again, but in a different direction.

Directions. A two-year-old child is able to run with interest after a ball thrown by the teacher many times in a row. 8 - 10 children can participate in the game. You can scatter all the balls at once so that the kids run after them at the same time. Instead of balls, rubber rings and soft bags are also used.

Along the path.

The teacher draws 2 parallel lines on the floor (or lays 2 ropes) 2.5 - 3 meters long at a distance of 25 - 30 cm. He tells that the kids will go for a walk in the forest. You must walk carefully along the narrow path. Children walk slowly one after another between the drawn lines. Then they come back.

Directions. The teacher makes sure that the children do not step on the line, do not interfere with each other, or bump into someone in front.

Through the stream.

There is a board on the floor (width 25 - 30 cm, length 2 - 2.5 m). This is a bridge over a stream. On one bank of the stream there are colorful flowers growing: poppies, cornflowers, daisies (multi-colored patches are scattered on the carpet). Children cross to the other side of the stream, pick flowers (squat, bend over), then return home. The game is repeated 3–4 times.

Directions. The teacher makes sure that the children step on the bridge and says: “The stream is fast and deep, we must walk carefully, not to get our feet wet.”

Who's quieter?

Children go with the teacher. Suddenly he says6 “Well, now let’s see which of you can walk quietly - quietly, on tiptoes. Like this” (shows). Children rise on their toes and try to walk as quietly as possible. They continue walking in the same direction. And the teacher quietly steps aside and says: “Now everyone run to me.” The children run to the teacher, surround him, he talks to them, notes that they diligently and well completed the exercise.

Directions. Some 3-year-old children, when walking on their toes, unnaturally bend their heads and pull them into their shoulders. It seems to them that they walk more quietly this way. We need to point out mistakes to kids and try to correct them. Walking on toes strengthens the arch of the foot, so it is useful for the physical development of the child. However, children should not be tired of performing this exercise for a long time. The game is repeated 3–4 times.

Step over the stick.

On the floor in the middle of the room I place 2 sticks parallel (at a distance of 1 m). A chair with a flag on the seat is placed on one side of the room. The children are on the other side of the room. The child stands 2-3 steps away from the sticks, facing them. According to the teacher’s instructions, he goes to the first stick, steps first over it, then over the second stick. He goes to the chair, takes the flag, raises it up and waves it. Then he places the flag on the chair, steps aside and returns to his place. The next one performs the task.

Directions. If after several repetitions this task turns out to be too easy for the children and they confidently perform it, you should complicate the exercise: place 4-6 sticks or several hoops in parallel on the floor and invite the kids to step over them.

Catch up with me.

Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the playground or room. "Catch up with me!" - says the teacher and runs to the opposite side of the playground. The children are trying to catch him. When the children run up to him, the teacher stops and says: “Run, run, I’ll catch up!” The children run to their places.

Directions. At first, it is advisable to play the game with a small group of children, then the number of players can be increased to 10 - 12 people. The teacher should not run away from the children quickly. When the children catch up with him, you should praise them and say that they are running well.

Sparrows and a car.

Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the room or area. These are sparrows in nests. The teacher stands on the opposite side of the playground, pretending to be a car. In response to the teacher’s words: “Let’s fly, little sparrows onto the path,” the children run around the playground, waving their arms like birds’ wings. After a while the teacher says: “Careful, the car is going, little sparrows, to their nests.” The car, leaving the garage, drives towards the sparrows. The sparrows fly away to their nests (the little chairs sit down). The car returns to the garage.

Directions. At the beginning, a small number of children (10 - 12) are involved in the game, then the whole group. The teacher first shows how sparrows fly and how they peck grains. Children, imitating sparrows, perform all these actions, then you can include the role of a car in the game. The teacher does it himself. Only after repeated repetitions does he entrust it to an active child. The car does not drive too fast to allow all the birds to find their nests.

Sunshine and rain.

Children sit on chairs or benches. The teacher says: “Sunny! Go for a walk! Children walk and run all over the playground. Afterwords “Rain! Hurry up and run home!” they return to their places. When the teacher says again: “The sun has come out! You can go for a walk” - the game is repeated.

Directions. At the beginning of the game, a small number of children participate, then 10 - 12 or more. The teacher can use a large colored umbrella. Kids hide under it instead of sitting on chairs. During the walk, you can invite children to pick flowers, berries, walk in pairs, spin, etc.

When repeated, the game becomes more complicated; houses are placed in different places, rooms, and playgrounds. The child must remember his house and give the signal to run into it.

Bring an object (toy).

At a distance of 6 - 7 m from the players - colored cubes, pyramids, rattles, small balls or other objects. Paths 30 cm wide are marked from each child to the toy. At the teacher’s suggestion, children go to toys and objects, take them, lift them up and put them back in place.

Conditions. Children follow the signal, do not go beyond the edges of the paths, maintaining a straight direction. Complications: go to the toy on the path, but in the middle of the way crawl under a cord hung at a height of 50 cm; run back.

Crawl to the rattle.

Children sit on chairs placed along one wall of the room. At a distance of 4 m, a flag or rattle is placed on the floor. The teacher names one of the children and invites him to crawl on all fours to the rattle, take it, stand up and rattle it (or wave a flag over his head), then put it on the floor and return to his place. Children take turns doing the task.

Directions. In a game-exercise, several people (3 – 5) or all at once can act simultaneously. (Then you should prepare a separate toy for each). This task makes kids want to crawl to the goal as quickly as possible. The game is lively. However, in this case, the quality of movement - crawling - decreases. The child is in a hurry and loses proper coordination. Therefore, the teacher should not specifically focus children’s attention on the speed of movement. Before starting the exercise, kids who are not engaged in the exercise happily say in chorus: “One, two, three - crawl!” - and clap their hands with joy at the end. Thus, the whole group actively participates in the game.


The teacher invites two children (monkeys) to approach the stepladder, stand face-to-face and climb the 3rd - 4th rail (tree) for fruits or nuts. Then the next couple climbs onto the stepladder. When kids learn to confidently climb up and down a stepladder, you can invite them to climb the gymnastics wall.

Ball in a circle.

Children sit on the floor in a circle and roll the ball to each other.

Directions. The teacher stands outside the circle and watches the game, explains that the ball must be pushed with both hands, and shows how best to do this; serves the ball if it rolls out of the circle, etc.

Catch the ball.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher is in the center, holding a large ball (diameter 18 - 20 cm). The teacher says: “Yura, catch the ball!” - and throws the ball to the boy, who catches the ball and throws it to the teacher.

Directions. The teacher makes sure that the children energetically throw the ball with both hands and catch it, slightly stretching their arms forward and grabbing it with their hands, without pressing it to their chest.

Roll the ball.

Children sit on the floor in a circle (legs apart or crossed), the teacher stands in the center of the circle with a ball in his hands. He rolls the ball to each child in turn. The kids catch it and roll it to the teacher.

Directions. When children master these movements, instead of a teacher, a child can be in the center of the circle.

Hit the goal.

Children sit on a bench, a line is drawn not far from them, and at a distance of 2-3 steps from it there are hoops (rainbow), the child gets up, approaches the line, bends down, takes one of the balls lying on the floor and rolls it, trying to get into the hoop. After rolling 3-4 balls, he collects them, and the next one completes the task.

Directions. The ball can be pushed with one or two hands. When children master hitting the goal, you can give them the task of knocking down the pin, etc.

Aim better

Children stand in a circle, each holding a small ball or bag of sand in their hand. In the center of the circle is a box or small basket (the distance from the target for children is no more than 1.5 - 2 m). At the teacher’s signal, the children swing and throw the ball into the box. When approaching the box, they take one ball at a time, return to their places and throw it again at the target.

Directions. No more than 8-10 people participate in the game at the same time. If the child does not hit the target with the ball, he only picks up his own ball. When throwing at a target, most children throw the object with one hand from the shoulder. Children should also be shown the method of throwing with one hand from below, since this is the easiest way for them to hit the target accurately. When throwing at a target, children of this age most like games - exercises in which a ball, bag, ball hits a real, not a conditional target. It is best if the item can stay in it (basket, mesh). The teacher must take this circumstance into account when organizing games with sweeps at the target.

Empty place.

Children sit on the floor in a circle (if the game is played indoors) facing inside the circle. The teacher, being behind the circle, goes around him, saying:

The fire is burning, the water is boiling,

You will be washed today

I won't catch you.

The children repeat these words, on the last word the adult touches one of the children, asks him to stand up, turn to face him, and then says: “one, two, three - run!” The teacher shows in which direction you need to run behind the circle in order to be the first to take the vacant seat. The teacher and the child from different sides run around the circle. The adult gives the child the opportunity to be the first to take the free seat and again becomes the driver. He goes around the circle again and repeats the words, giving the children the opportunity to remember them and get used to the rules of the new game. Having chosen another child, the adult this time tries to be the first to take a place in the circle, now the child becomes the driver and chooses his own partner for the competition. So, in turns, the children compete with each other.

Directions. Choose as a partner someone who has never run before. Run in a circle in opposite directions. Those who did not have time to take seats in the circle become the driver.

My cheerful, ringing ball.

Children sit on chairs on one side of the room, playground. The teacher stands in front of them at some distance and does exercises with the ball. It shows how easily and high the ball jumps when you hit it with your hand. At the same time, the teacher says:

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you start galloping to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you!

Then he calls 2-3 children and invites them to jump with the ball. Again he does exercises with the ball, accompanying them with reading poetry. Having finished the poem, he says: “I’ll catch up now!” The kids stop jumping and run away from the teacher, who pretends to catch them.

Directions. When repeating the game, the teacher calls on more children. When finishing the game, you can invite all the kids to be balls at the same time. The teacher should pronounce the text at a fairly fast pace, corresponding to the children jumping (and they are quite frequent). If children cannot reproduce the movements of the ball, they need to be shown it.

The little white bunny is sitting.

Kids sit on chairs or benches on one side of the room or playground. The teacher says, “They are all bunnies,” and invites them to run out into the clearing; the children go out to the middle of the room, stand in a group near the teacher and squat down. The teacher recites:

White bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears:

Like this, like this, like this

He wiggles his ears.

Children move their hands, raising them to their heads.

It's cold for the bunny to sit

We need to warm our paws.

Clap - clap, clap - clap,

We need to warm our paws.

At the words “clap” and until the end of the text, children clap their hands.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump.

Skok - skok, skok - skok,

The bunny needs to jump.

At the words “skok - skok” and until the end of the text, the kids jump on two legs in place.

Someone (or a bear) scared the bunny,

The bunny jumped... and galloped away.

The teacher shows the bear, the children run to their seats.

Directions. The game can be played with any number of participants. It is imperative to prepare in advance places for the bunnies to run away to. At the beginning of the game, all children simultaneously perform movements in accordance with the text. When repeated many times, you can select a child to role-play and place him in the middle of the circle. You should not catch up with children quickly. Children are not required to return to their seats; everyone sits in an empty one. But when the game is carried out systematically, children remember their places well and quickly find them. This must be supported.

Birds in nests.

Children stand on a small elevation - a board, cubes, bars (height 5-10 cm), located on one side of the room or playground. The teacher says: “The sun is shining outside, all the birds are flying out of their nests, looking for grains and crumbs.” Children jump from heights and run, waving their hands - they fly. They squat down, peck grains (knock their fingers on their knees). To the words of the teacher: “It started to rain, all the birds hid in their nests!” - the children run to their places.

Directions. Before playing the game, it is necessary to prepare such a number of cubes and bars that there is enough for all the children. They must be placed on one side of the playground or room at a sufficient distance from each other so that each child can jump softly; if necessary, it helps to stand on a higher ground after running. When repeating the game, the signal can be given in one word: “sunny!” or "Rain"

Where is it ringing?

Children sit or stand in a group on one side of the room. The teacher invites them to turn to the wall and not turn around. At this time, the assistant teacher with a bell hides behind a closet on the opposite side of the room. The teacher suggests listening to where the bell rings and finding it. The children follow the sound of the bell, find it and gather around the teacher again. The teacher's assistant hides in another place. The game repeats itself.

Directions. The teacher distracts the children so that they do not look where the assistant teacher is hiding; they must first ring the bell quietly, then louder. When the game is repeated several times, one of the children participating in the game can ring the bell instead of the assistant teacher.

Find the checkbox.

Children sit on chairs on one side of the room. The teacher invites them to close their eyes, while she lays out flags (according to the number of children) in different places in the room. Then he says: “Find the hidden flags.” The one who finds the flag approaches the teacher. When all the children have been found, he suggests walking around the room with the flags and then sitting down in their places. The game repeats itself.

Directions. Checkboxes must be the same color, otherwise conflicts may occur when selecting a checkbox. The flags should be laid out so that children can easily find and reach them.


(game with singing, lyrics by T. Babajan, music by N. Metlova)

Children sit on chairs placed one after the other (or on benches). The teacher sings a song:

Here our train is moving, the wheels are knocking,

And the guys are sitting on our train.

Chu-chu, chu-chu-chu-chu, the locomotive is running,

He took the boys far, far away.

But here's the stop...

When the song ends, the children get up from their seats, get out of the carriage and walk around. Then the teacher says: “Hurry up and get on the train, let’s move on!” The kids sit down in their seats, together with the teacher they blow the whistle - and the train moves on.

Directions. The teacher should sit opposite the children and sing the song not very loudly, pronouncing the words clearly, so that everyone can see and hear him clearly. When playing the game again, you can invite the children to sing along. To the words “chu-chu, chu-chu-chu-chu, the locomotive is running,” you can show the kids hand movements imitating the movements of the wheels. After the third verse, when the children go out for a walk, you can invite them to pick mushrooms, berries, or play a ball (throw, catch, roll), a hoop (roll a hoop, climb into it, spin like a top). For such games it is necessary to free up as much space as possible.


(game with singing, lyrics by N. Frenkel, music by M. Karasev)

Holding hands, the children form a circle. Together with the teacher, they walk in a circle while he sings.

The children stood in a circle and saw a flag...

The children stop, the teacher sings, calling the song the name of one of those present.

Come out, Masha, into the circle, take the flag, Masha,

Come out, come out - take the flag, raise it higher!

The child approaches the teacher, takes the flag and raises it up. The teacher repeats the melody of the song without words on the syllable “la”, the children sing along. The girl walks inside the circle, waving a flag. At the end of the song, she gives the flag to the teacher and returns to her place. The game is repeated, the teacher calls the name of another child in a song.

Directions. When playing the game again, children can be asked to sing along with the teacher the words of the first verse and the last two lines of the second verse. While walking in a circle, you can invite your child to dance with a flag. Then the teacher sings along with the children to the dance melody.


(play with singing, folk words and music)

The children and the teacher stand in a circle. The teacher sings a song and shows the children the movements.

Bunny, stomp your foot, little gray one, stomp your foot.

Like this, stomp your foot like this! Like this, stamp your foot like this

Children stomp their feet, hands on their belts.

Zainka, clap your hands, Gray, clap your hands,

This way, this way, clap your hands like that! (2 times)

Children clap their hands.

Bunny, turn around, little gray one, turn around,

This way, turn around this way! (2 times)

Children turn 1 - 2 times, hands on their belts.

Little bunny, dance, little gray one, dance,

Just like that, dance like that! (2 times)

Children jump on two legs as best they can.

Bunny, bow down, little gray one, bow down,

This way, bow this way! (2 times)

Children bend over, spreading their arms to the sides.

Directions. The number of verses of the song can be reduced, especially at first. At first you can take only the first, second, fourth verses. When repeating, you can use all the verses. In addition, when the kids know the content of the song well, you can choose a child - a bunny, who stands in the middle of the circle and performs all the movements according to the text of the song. For the role of the bunny, choose a bolder and more active baby, who will not be embarrassed while performing the movements. With the next driver, you can add another verse:

Little bunny, choose, little gray one, choose,

This way, choose this way! (2 times)

The child chooses another bunny, and the game is repeated. The teacher must sing the song so that the singing matches the tempo of the little children’s movements.

Run to me.

Children sit on chairs placed along one side of the playground. The teacher stands on the opposite side. He says: “Run to me, everyone, everyone, run to me!” The children run to the teacher, who, spreading his arms wide to the sides, pretends that he wants to hug them. After the children gather around the teacher, he goes to the other side of the playground and says again, “Run to me!” The game is repeated 4 – 5 times. To the teacher’s words “Run home!” the kids run to the chairs, sit down and rest. According to the rules of the game, you can only run to the teacher after the words “Run to me!” You cannot push and disturb each other.

Directions. Those who want to play can be divided into 2 small groups; While one group plays, the other watches, then they switch roles. At first, the child can occupy any chair; gradually children learn to find their places. When repeating the game, chairs can be placed in different places in the room.

Bird and chicks.

Children are divided into 2 groups of 5–6 people. Each group has its own house - a nest (a circle drawn with chalk, a large hoop placed on the floor or a rope tied at the ends, etc.). The kids, squatting, pretend to be chicks in nests, the teacher – a bird. To the words “Let's fly, fly!” The chicks fly out of the nests and try to fly away to feed. To the teacher’s words “Let’s fly home!” The chicks return to their nests. The game is repeated 3–4 times.

Directions. The teacher makes sure that the children - the chicks - act on the signal, reminds them that they cannot fly into someone else’s nest, they must fly away from home - there is more food there.

Bring a toy.

Toys (rattles, cubes) are laid out on the opposite side of the room (area). The teacher calls the children to him and asks them to bring toys. At his direction, children go or run after toys and bring them to the teacher. Having praised the children, he asks them to take the toys to their place.

Directions. You can make the game more complicated by adding a task: reach the toy along a narrow path (board) or step over low objects.

Do not be late.

Cubes or rattles are laid out on the floor in a circle. Children stand near the cubes. At the teacher’s signal, they run around the entire room without touching each other or knocking over the cubes. At the signal “Don’t be late,” children run to their blocks.

Mice and cat.

Children - mice sit in holes (on benches or chairs placed along the walls or on the sides of the playground). There is a cat sitting in one of the corners of the site (the role of the cat is played by the teacher). The cat falls asleep and the mice scatter around the room. But then the cat wakes up, stretches, meows and starts catching mice. The mice quickly run and hide in holes (take their places on chairs). After all the mice return to the holes, the cat walks around the room again, then returns to its place and falls asleep. The game is repeated 4 – 5 times.

Directions. Mice can run out of the holes only when the cat closes his eyes and falls asleep, and return to the holes after he wakes up and meows. The teacher makes sure that all the mice run out of their holes. You can also use a toy cat. Minks can also be cubes that children should not climb on.

Run to the flag.

The teacher gives the children flags of two colors: red and blue. Holding a red flag in one hand and a blue flag in the other, he spreads his arms to the sides; children freely group in front of a flag of the corresponding color. Then the teacher invites the kids to take a walk - run around the playground. While they are walking, the teacher goes to the other side and says: “One, two, three - quickly run here!” - At the same time, he spreads his arms with flags to the sides. Children run to him and gather near the flag of the corresponding color; when everyone has gathered, the teacher suggests raising the flags up and waving them. The game is repeated 3–4 times.

Directions. You cannot run around the playground before the teacher’s signal. He moves the flags from one hand to the other. So that the children would gather either to the right or to the left of him. You can introduce additional signals and tasks into the game. For example, at the “stop” signal, all players must stop and close their eyes or dance, and at this time the teacher quietly goes to another place. At the signal, the children run to the teacher again. Instead of flags, children can be given handkerchiefs or cubes of the appropriate color or tied colored ribbons on their hands.

Find your color

The teacher gives the children flags of 3–4 colors: red, blue, yellow, green. Children gather in different corners of the room, designated in advance by the teacher with a flag of a certain color. At the signal “go for a walk,” the kids disperse around the room in different directions. When the teacher says: “Find your color!” - children gather near the flag of the corresponding color. The teacher notes which group gathered first. Then the game is repeated (5 – 6 times).

Directions. After several repetitions, when the kids have mastered the game well, the teacher can invite them to stop while walking, close their eyes, and in the meantime he will rearrange the flags in the corners of the room.


Children stand in a column in pairs (holding hands). With their free hands they hold on to the cord (its ends are tied), that is, some hold on to the cord with their right hand, others with their left. This is a tram. The teacher stands in one corner of the room with three colored flags: yellow, red, green. He explains that when the signal is green, you need to move, and when the signal is red and yellow, you need to stop. The teacher raises the green flag - the tram is moving, the children run around the room (area). Having reached the teacher (traffic light), the children look to see if the color has changed. If the color is still green, then the tram continues to move; if the red or yellow flag is raised, the kids stop and wait for the green one to appear so that they can move again.

Directions. While playing, children are introduced to the rules of the street. If the number of participants is small, you can place them not in pairs, but in one column. The plot of the game can be expanded: there is a stop along the way. Passengers sit and wait for the tram to arrive; approaching the stop, the tram slows down and stops, some passengers get off, others get on. In order to get on and off the tram, children lift the cord. There is a bell attached to the end of the cord. The last child standing (the conductor) rings the bell and the tram starts moving.


Children line up in a column one at a time (without holding each other). The first is a steam locomotive, the rest are carriages. The teacher blows the whistle and the train begins to move forward, slowly at first, then faster, faster, and finally the children start running. “The train is approaching the station,” says the teacher. The children gradually slow down, and the train stops, the kids go out for a walk: they run around the clearing, pick berries, mushrooms, and pine cones. Hearing the whistle, they again gather in a column, and the movement of the train resumes. The game is repeated 4–5 times.

Directions. At first, children line up in a column in any order, and by the end of the year they get used to remembering their place - finding their carriage. You can change the plot of the game, for example, the train stops at a river, then the children pretend to be boating, fishing, etc.

Shaggy dog.

One of the children portrays a dog. He lies down on the floor, resting his head on his outstretched arms. The rest of the kids quietly approach him in a crowd while reading poetry:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

His nose buried in his paws.

Quietly, quietly he lies,

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up.

And we'll see what happens.

The children begin to wake up the dog, lean towards him, pronouncing his name, clap their hands, and wave. The dog jumps up and barks loudly. The children run away. The dog is chasing them, trying to grab someone. When everyone runs away and hides, the dog lies down on the ground again and the game resumes. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Directions. If the dog is portrayed by a teacher, then he falls asleep sitting on a chair or bench.

On a flat path

Children freely group or line up in a column and go for a walk, the teacher rhythmically, at a certain pace, pronounces the following text:

Our feet are walking. One-two, one-two, on the pebbles, pebbles,

Over the pebbles, over the pebbles... into the hole - bang!

When the words “On a level path” are said, the children walk at a pace. When the teacher says: “On the pebbles, on the pebbles,” they jump on two legs, moving forward slightly. To the words “Into the pit - bang!” squat down. “We got out of the hole,” says the teacher, and the children get up. The teacher repeats the poem again. After several repetitions, he pronounces the text:

On a smooth path, on a smooth path

Our legs are tired, our legs are tired.

This is our home - This is where we live.

At the end of the text, the kids run into the house (they agree in advance where the house will be - on a bench, behind a drawn line, etc.).

Directions. Movements can be varied, but they must correspond to the text of the poem (for example, jumping over pebbles from one foot to the other or on one foot, etc.). The teacher arbitrarily lengthens or shortens the motor task, repeating each line of the poem more or less times.

From bump to bump.

Children stand on one side of the hall (playground). The teacher places hoops on the floor (ground) at a short distance (20 cm) from one another. At the teacher’s signal, the children move to the other side of the hall, stepping from hoop to hoop.

Directions. Instead of hoops, you can use small plywood circles; mugs made of rope; drawn with chalk, etc. (diameter 30 - 35 cm). When children learn to step well from hummock to hummock, you can invite them to get to the other side, running from circle to circle or jumping on two legs. First, the kids perform the exercise one by one or two at a time, and then several at a time or all together.

Catch a mosquito.

Children stand in a circle facing the center at arms length. The teacher is in the middle of the circle. In his hands he holds a rod (length 1 - 1.5 m) with a mosquito made of paper or cloth tied to a cord. The teacher circles the cord slightly above the heads of the players. When a mosquito flies overhead, children jump, trying to catch it with both hands. The one who catches the mosquito says: “I caught it!”, after which the game continues.

Directions. We need to make sure that the children do not reduce the circle while jumping, rotating the rod with the mosquito, the teacher either lowers or raises it.

Sparrows and cat.

Children stand on benches or on large cubes laid out on the floor on one side of the playground. These are sparrows on the roof. A cat (the teacher or one of the children) is sitting to the side. The cat is sleeping. “The sparrows have flown,” says the teacher. The sparrows jump from the roof, spreading their wings, scattering in all directions. But then the cat wakes up. He says “meow-meow” and runs to catch the sparrows that are hiding on the roof. The cat takes those caught to his house. The game is repeated 5-6 times.

Directions. Ensure that children land softly, jump on their toes and bend their knees.

Mother hen and chicks.

Children pretend to be chickens, and the teacher pretends to be a hen. The hen chickens are kept in the house (a place fenced off with a rope stretched between posts or chairs at a height of 35-40 cm). An imaginary big bird lives to the side. The hen crawls under the rope and goes in search of food. She calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko-ko!” At the mother’s call, the chicks crawl under the rope, run to the hen and walk with her, bend over, squat, and look for food. When the teacher says “The big bird is flying,” all the chickens quickly run away and hide in the house. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Directions. When the chickens return home and run away from the large bird, the teacher can raise the rope higher so that the children do not touch it. Over time, the role of mother hen can be played by the children themselves.

Mice in the pantry.

Children pretend to be mice. They stand or sit on chairs (benches) on one side of the platform (mice in holes). On the opposite side, at a height of 50-40 cm, there is a rope stretched, behind it is a storage room. Sitting next to the players is a teacher playing the role of a cat. The cat falls asleep, and the mice run into the pantry. Entering the pantry, they bend down, crawling under the rope. In the pantry, mice squat down and chew crackers. The cat suddenly wakes up and runs after the mice. The mice run out of the pantry and hide in holes. (The cat does not catch mice, she only pretends that she wants to catch them) Then the cat returns to her place and falls asleep. The game continues. The game is repeated 5-6 times.

Directions. When crawling under the rope, the child must bend lower so as not to touch it.


On one side of the area, circles (5-6) are drawn with chalk - these are cages for rabbits. There are chairs in front of them. On the opposite side is the guard's house (the chair on which the teacher sits). Between the house and the rabbits' hutches there is a meadow where the rabbits walk. The teacher divides everyone playing into groups of 3-4 children. Each group becomes one circle marked on the floor. Children squat down as instructed by the teacher (rabbits sit in cages). The teacher approaches the entrances one by one and releases the rabbits onto the meadow. The rabbits crawl under the chair one after another, then run and jump on the lawn. After a while, the teacher says: “Run to the cages!” The rabbits rush home, each returns to their cage, crawling under a chair again, the rabbits sit in the cages until the watchman lets them out again. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Directions. Instead of crawling chairs, you can use arches, a bar placed on racks, or a stretched cord.

Children sit on one side of the hall (area) with a drawn line or a rope lying on the floor, each of the players receives a bag. At the teacher’s signal, all children throw the bag into the distance. Everyone carefully watches where the bag falls. At the next signal, everyone runs for the bags, picks them up and stands in the place where the bag lay. The children pick them up and stand in the place where the bag lay. The teacher marks the children who threw the bags the farthest. Then the kids return to their original places. The game is repeated 6-7 times.

Directions. It is better to play the game with half the group. Children should throw the bags with their right and left hands.

Get into the circle.

Children stand in a circle at a distance of 2-3 steps of a large hoop or circle (made of rope or drawn on the floor) lying in the center with a diameter of 1-1.5 m. The children have bags of sand in their hands, at the teacher’s signal “throw” everyone throws the bags into the circle . Then the teacher says: “Pick up the bags!” The kids pick up the bags and take their places. The game is repeated 4-6 times.

Directions. The bag must be thrown with both hands.

Knock down the pin.

A line is drawn on the floor or on the ground or a rope is placed. 2-3 large pins are placed at a distance of 1-1.5 m from it (the distance between the pins is 15-20 cm). Children take turns approaching the designated place, pick up the balls lying nearby and roll them, trying to knock down the pins. After rolling 3-4 balls, the child runs, collects the balls and passes them to the next player.

Directions. At first, it is better to give children larger balls - with a diameter of 15-20 cm. Later, when the kids learn to roll the balls energetically, hitting the pins, they can be offered smaller balls and increase the distance to the pins.

Take care of the item.

Children stand in a circle, at the feet of each of them lies a cube. The teacher is in a circle, he tries to take an object from one or another child. The player, whom the teacher approaches, crouches down, covers the cube with his hands and does not allow him to touch it. As soon as the teacher leaves, the child gets up, leaving the cube in the same place.

Directions. At first, the teacher only pretends to take the cube. When repeating the game, he may actually take the cube from someone who did not have time to cover the toy with his hands, after which the child is temporarily eliminated from the game. When the teacher manages to take cubes from 2-3 players, he returns them. He tells the children to try to close the toys quickly and not give them away. You can choose one of the children to play the role of the driver. Then the teacher only suggests how to act, participates in the game, standing in a circle.

Find your place (house).

Each player chooses a house for himself. This could be a chair, a gymnastics bench, a circle drawn on the ground or floor, a hoop, etc. At the teacher’s signal, children run out onto the playground, lightly and quietly run in different directions. At the signal “find your place” (house), they return to their places.

Directions. Children should run in different directions, without bumping into each other, away from their place, and not run up to it before the signal.

Guess who's screaming.

The kids stand in a circle with their backs to the center, the teacher stands in the circle. He appoints a driver, who also stands in the middle of the circle and imitates the cry of some domestic animal or bird. After this, all children turn to face in a circle. The one the teacher points to guesses who shouted. Then a new driver is appointed. The game is repeated 5-6 times.

Directions. If a child is at a loss and doesn’t know which animal or bird to imitate, the teacher helps him and gives him hints.

What's hidden?

Children stand in a circle or in a line. The teacher places 3-5 objects on the floor in front of the children (a cube, a flag, rattles, a ball, etc.) and asks them to remember them. Then, at the teacher’s signal, the players turn their backs to the center of the circle or face the wall. The teacher hides 1 or 2 objects and says: “Look!” Children turn to face the center of the circle and look closely at the objects, remembering which ones are not there. The teacher approaches some of the children one by one, and they whisper in a whisper what objects are hidden. When the majority of the players correctly name the hidden objects, the teacher says them out loud. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Directions. If toys are used in the game, it is better to choose toys of the same type, depicting either animals, birds, or trees. In the game you can strengthen the ability to distinguish between primary colors (red, blue, green, yellow). To do this, select cubes, flags, rings different color. The game can be played this way: when the teacher removes objects, only one child turns away, then he determines which object is hidden. The rest of the players should not give him any hints.

Colored cars.

Children sit along the walls of the room. These are cars in the garage. Each player holds a flag in his hands (a ring, a cardboard disk of blue, yellow or green). The teacher stands in the center of the room with his face tilted, in his hands he has 3 flags of the corresponding colors. He raises 1 of the flags (or 2 or 3 are possible), children who have an object of this color run around the playground, imitate a car driving, and honk their horn. When the teacher lowers the flag, the cars stop, turn around and head to their garages. The game is repeated 4 – 6 times.

Directions. The teacher may also have a red flag. Suddenly he raises it - all cars must stop at this signal.

Birds and cat.

A circle is marked on the ground (5 - 6 m in diameter). The child chosen by the teacher becomes the center - this is a cat. The rest of the children are outside the circle - they are birds. The cat falls asleep. The birds fly into the circle and peck the grains. The cat wakes up, sees the birds and begins to catch them. The birds are in a hurry to fly out of the circle. The one touched by the cat in the circle is considered caught and goes to the middle of the circle. When the cat catches 2-3 birds, the teacher chooses a new cat. The caught birds join everyone else playing. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Directions. The cat carefully catches the birds (does not grab them, but only lightly touches them). If the cat cannot catch anyone for a long time, the teacher chooses 1 more cat to help her.

By the bear in the forest.

On one side of the site a bear's den is outlined. On the other, the house in which the children live is indicated. The teacher chooses a bear that should sit in the den. When the teacher says: “Go, children, for a walk!” - children leave the house and go into the forest, pick mushrooms, catch butterflies, etc. (bend over, straighten up, make other imitation movements). They say in unison:

The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries

And the bear sits and growls at us.

After the words “growls,” the bear begins to catch the children running home. Anyone whom the bear touches is considered caught: the bear takes him to his den. You cannot catch children behind the house line.

After the bear catches several players, another child is assigned to this role. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Directions. There may be another version of the game - with two bears.

Find yourself a mate.

The teacher distributes to the players one flag of one of the primary colors. At the signal - hitting the tambourine, clapping - the children run around the playground, waving flags over their heads. At the next signal—several hits of the tambourine, claps, and the words “Find yourself a partner”—children with flags of the same color find themselves a partner. Each pair randomly makes a figure. All players address the one left without a pair with the words:

Petya, Petya, don’t yawn, quickly choose a pair.

Then, at a signal, everyone scatters around the site again. The game is repeated 5-6 times.

Directions. An odd number of players can participate in the game; then the teacher is included in it. The teacher must have flags of all colors; when repeating the game, he changes them for several children. Players must choose different pairs at the signal.


Children are divided into 2 equal groups. Some depict horses, others depict grooms. (The groom has the reins in his hands.) On one side of the site (this is a meadow) there is a stable where the horses are located, on the other there is a place for grooms. The teacher says: “Grooms, get up quickly, harness the horses!” At this signal, the grooms run to the stable and harness the horses. (Everyone chooses a horse of their own free will or as directed by the teacher.)

Harnessed horses line up one after another and, when given a signal, ride quietly, trot or gallop. To the teacher’s words “We’ve arrived, unharness the horses!” The grooms stop the horses, unharness them and release them to graze in the meadow, while they themselves return to their places. The horses are calmly grazing the meadow, nibbling the grass. At the signal “grooms, harness the horses,” each groom catches his horse, which runs away and dodges him. When all the horses are caught and harnessed, the pairs line up one after another and the game resumes. The game is repeated 3-4 times, after which the teacher says: “Take the horses to the stable, let them rest!” The grooms take the horses to the stables and unharness them.

Directions. In the game you should alternate running with walking and various types of jumps. The game can be diversified by offering different travel plots: horse racing, a trip to the forest for firewood, etc. If the grooms cannot catch any of the horses for a long time, the teacher and other grooms help him.

Rattle the rattle.

5-6 children stand behind a line on one side of the court. On the opposite side, on a bench (log), rattles are laid out at an equal distance from each other (according to the number of children). At the teacher’s signal “one, two, three... run,” the children run to the rattles, raise them above their heads and shake them. The player who did it first is marked. Then the children return to their places and the next ones come out.

Directions. You can complicate the game: include a task to overcome obstacles - step over a rope or crawl under it, crawl through a hoop, run around pins placed along the way, etc.


The children are on the playground. The one chosen by the trap stands in the middle. At the signal “one, two, three... catch,” all the players scatter around the playground, dodging the trap, which is trying to catch up with one of the children and touch him with his hand, staining him. The one whom the driver touched with his hand moves aside, when 3-4 players are spotted, they choose another driver.

Directions. You can use other game options: “Traps - dashes”, “Feet off the ground”, “Traps in a circle”, etc.

Hares and wolf.

The players pretend to be hares, and one of the children is a wolf. On one side of the playground, the hares mark houses for themselves. The wolf is hiding on the opposite side - in a ravine.

The teacher says:

The bunnies are jumping, jumping, jumping to the green meadow,

They nibble the grass and listen to see if a wolf is coming.

According to the text, the hares jump out of the houses, run around the area, jump on two legs, then sit down and nibble the grass. As soon as the teacher says the word “wolf”, the wolf jumps out from the enemy and runs after the hares, trying to catch (touch) them. The hares run away to their houses, where the wolf can no longer catch them. The wolf takes the caught animals into the ravine. The game resumes, depending on the preliminary agreement, after the wolf catches 2-3 birds with one stone, another child is chosen to play the role of the wolf. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Directions. Each hare occupies only its own house. Uzaitsev may also have a common house. At first, the teacher can portray the wolf.

Fox in the chicken coop.

The chickens are roosting in the chicken coop (the children stand on benches placed on one side of the area). On the opposite side of the site there is a fox hole. The rest of the site is a courtyard. The fox sits in a hole, and the chickens walk and run around the yard, clucking, flapping their wings, pecking at grains. At the signal from the “fox” teacher, the chickens run away, hide in the chicken coop and fly up to roost, and the fox tries to grab and drag away (carefully, lightly touching) the hesitating chicken. She takes the caught prey to her hole. The game ends when the fox catches the agreed number of chickens. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Directions. Various objects can serve as perches: chairs, cubes, etc.

Gray bunny washes his face

All players form a circle, the one chosen by the bunny stands in the middle. Children say:

The gray bunny is washing his face, apparently getting ready to visit.

I washed my nose, washed my mouth, washed my ear, wiped it dry!

The bunny makes movements in accordance with the text. Then he jumps on two legs towards one of the children. The one to whom the bunny approaches jumps to the middle of the circle. The game is repeated 5-6 times.

Directions. There may be several bunnies in the circle -4 - 5. They simultaneously perform a game task.

Shepherd and flock.

Children depict a herd (cows, calves). They choose a shepherd. He is given a shepherd's hat, a whip and a horn. The herd gathers in the barnyard. The shepherd stands in the distance. The teacher says:

Early - early in the morning the shepherd: “Tu-ru-ru-u!”

And the cows sang in tune with him” “Moo-moo-moo!”

To the words “tu-ru-ru-u” the shepherd plays a horn, after the words “mu-mu-mu” the cows moo. Then the children get down on all fours and flock to the shepherd’s call. He drives them into the field (to the other side of the site). The flock grazes there for a while, then the shepherd drives it back to the barn. A new shepherd is chosen. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Directions. To play you need a fairly spacious area. Children should not crowd into one place.

Bird flight.

A flock of birds gathers on one edge of the site (children are scattered), opposite a gymnastic wall with several spans. At the teacher’s signal, “let’s fly”, the birds fly around the playground, spreading their wings and flapping them. Birds fly at the signal "storm"

The basics of mathematics and reading, familiarity with natural phenomena, the world of flora and fauna, the first ideas about moral and ethical standards - kids are ready to absorb any information, provided it is presented correctly. The only true and win-win tactics for teaching younger preschoolers are games for children 3-4 years old.

Educational games for 3-4 years

Literally everything is interesting to a 3-4 year old toddler. He is ready to draw, sculpt, assemble construction sets and puzzles, learn rhymes and songs. Games for the development of children 3-4 years old will help parents systematize their child’s leisure time and direct age-related characteristics in the right direction. They effectively teach the baby, develop intelligence, horizons, memory, improve the speech apparatus, develop perseverance, and the ability to concentrate.

Speech therapy games for children 3-4 years old

A three-year-old's vocabulary includes more than 1,500 words, the child remembers rhymes and songs well, and constantly asks questions. Problems may arise with the pronunciation of certain sounds, with endings and prepositions, and with the correct composition of stories. The reason for the incorrect reproduction of individual sounds is considered to be imperfection of the articulatory apparatus, which includes the larynx, tongue, lips, and jaws. It is aimed at eliminating such shortcomings for children 3-4 years old. You can add a playful flavor to your activities with the help of visual pictures.

Expand lexicon children develop observation skills, learn to generalize, find objects by their description, classify, see the inconsistency of word games for children 3-4 years old. Among the interesting and entertaining ones are the following:

  1. “Tell me which one?” They are placed in the box various items, the child takes them out one by one and names the signs.
  2. “Who can do what?” The baby is called an object, an animal, a person (profession), and he must answer what he can do.
  3. "Extra". For fun, geometric shapes of different colors are prepared. The task can be different, for example, a child must determine that the red square is definitely the odd one out among the green shapes.

Educational games for children 3-4 years old

The comprehensive development of a child implies his familiarity with natural phenomena, processes and changes that occur around him. It is especially important at this age to teach a child to notice and admire the diversity of shapes and the riot of colors of nature. For further study and correct perception, a preschooler must know the basic sensory standards - these are systems of measures of weight, size, length, direction, textures, sound, smell, color and geometric shapes. You can convey and reinforce this fundamental material using sensory games for children 3-4 years old:

  1. “Sort it out by color.” For game actions it is necessary to prepare objects and figures of different colors. The baby's task is to sort them by color.
  2. "What's in the purse?" In a small bag you need to place objects that differ in shape and size and feel different to the touch. The child, closing his eyes, should try to determine what exactly came into his hands.

IN preschool age It’s too early to introduce your child to environmental problems, but it’s time to instill in him a love of nature, teach him to care for it, and develop a sense of responsibility and compassion. To make it easier for the baby to accept himself as a whole with the world around him, he must: be well oriented in time, know causes and consequences natural phenomena. Environmental games for children 3-4 years old will help increase a preschooler’s knowledge in this direction:

Intellectual games for children 3-4 years old

The ability to think logically, analyze, and count is the highest human superiority. It is genetically based, but requires development. WITH early years You need to work with your child in this direction. Mathematical games for children 3-4 years old introduce kids to the basics of counting, numbers, and the concept of more and less:

  1. "We're setting the table". The game allows you to combine two things at once - help your mother in the kitchen and learn to count. A child can prepare the required amount of cutlery, bring two carrots, three apples - tasks can be invented on the fly.
  2. "Fold a square." Ten colorful squares made of cardboard - each is cut in any order. The kid must reconstruct and count how many pieces each figure consists of.

Logic games for children 3-4 years old encourage the child to find solutions to assigned problems, compare, contrast:

  1. "Leaf fall." For this game for children 3-4 years old you will need tree leaves, you can take maple, oak, birch. Their outline is outlined on paper. The baby must guess where each piece of paper is depicted without attaching the last one to the drawing.
  2. "Scullion". Fun that does not require costs or special training. All the pots in the house are laid out on the floor, and lids are placed on a pile next to them. The preschooler must select the missing part of each container, taking into account the color and size.
  3. “Correct the mistake.” Using pre-prepared “wrong” pictures, the child is asked to figure out what’s wrong with them. For example, a blue bear cub pecks at grains, the child must notice that bears have a different color, and this animal does not feast on grains.

Role-playing games for children 3-4 years old

By bringing dolls and animals to life, and acting out life situations, children learn to interact in a team, find solutions to assigned problems, and express their mood and interests. By influencing this area of ​​a child’s activity, adults can discern and correct mistakes made in raising a child, instill generally accepted norms of behavior, and form the right habits and attitude towards others. Role-playing games for children 3-4 years old they guide the development of a small personality in the right direction:

  1. "Daughters and mothers." A timeless plot - little princesses always want to try on the role of an adult mother who takes care of her baby, feeds her, takes her for a walk, puts her to bed.
  2. "Holiday". Games for children 3-4 years old, dedicated to the holiday theme, are popular with boys and girls. The little ones happily prepare gifts for the birthday people, help set the table, and then begin the main delicacy.
  3. "Home construction". A plot that allows you to expand your child’s horizons with knowledge about construction equipment and professions. Babies are involved in the creation process beautiful interior and home comfort, the boys try on the role of the head of the family.

Finger games for children 3 4 years old

By training their hands, children develop muscles, fine motor skills, memory, attention, and such exercises have a positive effect on speech. Finger games (3-4 years) are dramatizations of rhymed stories and fairy tales, where the main characters are fingers. The latter perform simple movements: bend, unbend, connect with each other, following the plot.

Board games for children 3-4 years old

Spending time with adults gives a child happiness and joy. Great for spending time together Board games for 3-4 years:

  1. "Walkers." There are many variations of this kind of fun, but the essence is the same: each player throws a die and, in accordance with the value rolled, moves towards the goal.
  2. "Janga". From a series of games for children 3-4 years old that are interesting to all family members. The rules are very simple - a tower is built from wooden blocks, each level consists of three components, the floors are laid perpendicular to each other. This preparatory stage, after which game actions begin. They are as follows: in one turn, players pull out one block from the lower levels and lay it on top of the top (you cannot pull out blocks from it). This continues until the tower falls.

Musical games for children 3-4 years old

Useful and exciting activities for kids can be varied. Children especially like games for children with music. With their help, babies learn to control their movements and feel a given rhythm. Fun involves a competitive element, so it is more suitable for large groups of children. At home with your child, you can simply play music and introduce him to musical instruments:

  1. "Rain." The adult invites the child to reproduce the sound of rain using cubes, but clarifies that it will be either strong or small. The baby must grasp the tempo and pitch of the sound.
  2. “What instrument does the doll play?” Parents are preparing musical instruments, a doll will play them - they call each one, play a sound. Then the toy hides and plays one by one - the child guesses which instrument.

Didactic games for preschoolers 3-4 years old

The presence of a game situation, rules, assessments, and a certain sequence distinguishes did. games for children 3-4 years old from other fun. Younger preschoolers are easily involved in such a learning process and involuntarily remember the necessary information. Didactic classes organize children, teach them to interact with peers and adults.

Montessori games for 3 4 years old

Maria Montessori's method involves the child's active participation in everyday activities. You can invite your child to help sweep the floor, wipe the dust, and water the flowers. Others will also seem interesting to him.

  1. "Funny clothespins." The child should add pre-cut blanks from cardboard (sun, hedgehog, Christmas tree) with needles from clothespins.
  2. "Magic sieve" Separating semolina from rice using a sieve is within the capabilities of a younger preschooler. This activity will give him a lot of pleasure, and the result will be equivalent to a real trick.

Sports games for children 3-4 years old

The harmonious development of children is impossible without physical activity. It’s good if at home there is a wall bars and a horizontal bar, where the baby can work out and throw out the accumulated energy. But even this is not enough for little fidgets at this age. Daily walks outside and morning exercises are considered mandatory for them. It is necessary to warm up between games for children 3-4 years old. In summer, children stay at fresh air you need to maximize it by combining a walk with activities useful for development. These are considered sports and entertaining games for children 3-4 years old.

Outdoor games for kids 3-4 years old

Following the rules, losing with dignity, adhering to a given line of behavior, this is not about younger preschoolers. The kids of this age category They are not yet ready for such activities, therefore, in the matter of organizing interesting leisure time, they urgently need the help of adults. Alternative solution for the latter, active games for children 3-4 years old are considered, for example:

  1. "Search for toys." On the site, a table of 6-8 cells is drawn with chalk, in which the available toys are schematically depicted. The adult hides these toys, and the child looks for them and puts them in the appropriate cells.
  2. "Overcome obstacles." An obstacle course is constructed from plastic bottles, toys, and blocks, which the child must overcome by avoiding obstacles on a bicycle or scooter.

Dance games for children 3-4 years old

For organization children's party or just for pleasant leisure, round dance games for children 3-4 years old will be a real find. It's a joy to watch the little ones dance around Christmas tree, or cheerfully sing a song congratulating the birthday boy. Entertainment of this kind contributes to the communicative development of children, develops a sense of rhythm and an ear for music. They are accompanied by songs and poems that coordinate the movements of the little fidgets. In a modern interpretation, round dances look something like this:

  1. "Monkeys." The kids form a circle, with an adult in the center. The task of the little dancers is to copy the movements of the leader as accurately as possible.
  2. "Slow and fast." Children learn the movements and, at the command of an adult, begin to perform them, taking into account the constantly changing pace set by the leader.

Health games for children 3-4 years old

Preserving and strengthening the health of the child is the main task of caring parents. Health-improving games for preschoolers will help them cope with it, which include sets of exercises aimed at developing an even posture, a beautiful gait, endurance, and quick reaction. Through this game for children 3-4 years old, by the age of 6, the child will have mastered the basic types of movements and will be physically ready for the school lifestyle.

Lyudmila Savelyeva

Outdoor games for children 3-4 years old(Second junior group)

Target: Teach children stand in a circle, make it wider, then narrower, teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words.

Children stand close together in a circle, holding hands. Together with the teacher they They say:

Blow up, bubble,

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't burst out.

By reciting poems, children gradually expand the circle.

He was flying, flying, flying

And he ran into a branch.

Psh-sh-sh, and burst!

After the last words, all the children lower their hands and squat down. The game can be repeated 3-4 times.


Target: Learn children walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, teach them to act on a signal from the teacher

Children stand in a circle.

The sun looks out the window,

It shines into our room. They go in circles.

We'll clap our hands

We are very happy about the sun. They clap while standing still.


Top-top-top-top! They rhythmically stamp their feet in place.


Clap-clap-clap They clap their hands rhythmically,

On signal “It’s raining, hurry home!” the children run away. Then the teacher speaks: “The sun is shining!”, - a game repeats itself.


Target: Learn children jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.

Children stand in a circle, the teacher with a basket of small balls in the center. Everyone says it together words:

My funny ringing ball

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you.

At the end of the words, the teacher throws the balls up so that they scatter in different directions. Children must quickly collect them back into the basket.


Target: Develop children consistency of movement of arms and legs; teach them to walk freely in a column one at a time; develop a sense of balance and attention.

Children, holding hands, walk rhythmically in a circle, They say:

"In an even circle one after another

We are going step by step, stay still!

Let’s do this together!”

At the end of the words they stop and repeat the movements, which the teacher shows, for example, turn around, bend over. You need to walk rhythmically in a circle, maintaining the interval; don't go into the circle.


Target: Learn children run in different directions without bumping into each other; teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving according to the verbal signal.

The teacher invites the children to prepare for "flight", having previously shown how "start up" motor and how "fly". Educator speaks: “Get ready for the flight. Start the engines!- children make rotational movements with their hands in front of their chest and say sound: "R-r-r". After the signal teacher: "Let's fly!"- children spread their arms to the sides (like the wings of an airplane) And "fly"- scatter in different directions. On signal teacher: “Landing!”- children sit on the bench.


Target: Learn children crawl under the rope without touching it, dodge the driver, be careful and attentive; teach them to act on cues and not push others children, help them.

Children pretend "chicks", teacher - "mother hen".

On one side of the site there is a place fenced off with a rope - "house", where the chickens are placed with the hen (the rope is stretched between trees or two posts at a height of 40-50 cm).

The hen steps over the rope and goes in search of food. After a while she calls chickens: "Ko-ko-ko-ko". At this signal, all the chickens climb over the rope, run to the hen and walk around the area with her.

When the teacher speaks "big bird", all the chickens are running home.

The teacher says "big bird" only after all the children stepped over the rope and ran around the playground for a while.


Target: Learn children jump off gently, bending your knees, run without touching each other, dodge the catcher, quickly run away, find your place, train children be careful When taking up space, do not push your friend

Children stand along the walls of the room on benches, on large blocks or in hoops placed on the floor. This - "Sparrows on the Roof" or in "nests". sits at a distance "cat", whose role is played by one of children. Teacher speaks: "The sparrows have flown". Sparrows jump from the roof or jump out of the nest and, spreading their wings, run scattered throughout the room. Meanwhile the cat is sleeping. But then she wakes up and says "Meow meow" and runs to catch up with the sparrows, who must hide from her on the roof or in nests, taking their places. The cat takes the sparrows it catches to itself "to the house".


Target: Learn children listen to the text and perform movements with the text; teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text; bring joy to children.

In the middle of the site, draw a large circle or place a thick cord in the shape of a circle. Group of children is located along the edge of the circle, the rest sit on chairs placed on one side of the platform. Together with the children sitting on chairs, the teacher says the following: poetry:

Here are the frogs along the path

They jump with their legs stretched out,

Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva,

They jump with their legs stretched out.

Children standing in a circle jump up and down, pretending to "frogs". At the end of the poem, children sitting on chairs clap their hands (scares the frogs); frogs jump in "swamp"- they jump over the line - and quietly squat down. At repeating the game, the roles change.


Target: Practice walking in a limited area, jumping, accustoming to act on a signal

On the site, hoops are laid out in 2-3 rows (plastic or flat plywood with a diameter of 60 cm, in each row there are 5-6 hoops. 2-3 children At the signal they step from hoop to hoop. Having reached the end, they jump up, clap their hands and return.

Rules: walk with an intermediate step in the hoop, but without going beyond its edges, do not touch the hoops.


Target: Learn It's easy for children to run around, on toes, without bumping into each other; navigate in space, change movements at the teacher’s signal.

Children- "mice" sitting in "minks"- on chairs or a bench placed along one wall of the room, or on the sides of the platform; sits in one of the corners of the site "cat", the role of which is played by the teacher. The cat falls asleep, and only then the mice scatter around the room. But then the cat wakes up, meows and begins to catch the little mice, who run into their holes and take their places on the chairs. After all the mice have returned to their places, the cat walks around the room again, and then returns to its place, falls asleep and plays repeats itself.


Target: Learn children walk and run in a column one at a time, speed up and slow down, stop at a signal; accustom children find your place in the column, do not push your comrades, be attentive.

Children stand in a column, one at a time, along one side of the playground or along the wall of the room. The first one standing in the column - "locomotive", the rest "cars". The teacher blows the whistle and the children begin to move forward; at first slowly, then faster and finally start running (when moving slowly they can make a sound "chu-chu-chu"). "The train is pulling into the station", says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop.

The teacher regulates the pace, direction and duration of movement children.

At first, the teacher himself leads the column, and then puts the more active child in front.


Target: Learn children walk and run in all directions without bumping into each other; teach them to quickly act on the teacher’s signal and help each other.

3-4 are installed at different ends of the site or sides of the room "nests" (you can put chairs, put hoops or draw large circles). Children- "birds" are placed in nests. At the teacher’s signal, the birds fly out of their nests and scatter throughout the entire area. Teacher "feeds" birds on one side or the other of the site. Children squat down, hitting their knees with their fingertips (pecking food). After the teacher's words "Birds in the nests!" children run to their places.


Target: Development children speed of reaction to a verbal signal, development of attention; exercise children running.

A line is drawn at one end of the site. This is the edge of the forest. Behind the line, at a distance of 3-2 steps from it, a place for the bear is outlined. On the opposite side is indicated by a line "house children» . The teacher chooses a bear with a counting rhyme. Teacher speaks: "Go for a walk". Children walk and talk words:

By the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, berries are running,

But the bear doesn't sleep,

Everything is growling at us.

The bear must sit in its place. When the players say the last "growls", the bear gets up with a growl and catches up children who run to themselves "home". Once caught, the bear leads him to himself.

After the bear catches the 3-2, a new bear is chosen.


Target: Learn children

One of depicts children"dog". The rest of the children quietly approach him, whispering words:

Here lies a shaggy dog,

With your nose buried in your paws.

Quietly, quietly he lies,

He's either dozing or sleeping.

Let's go to him and wake him up

And we'll see if something happens.

The dog jumps up and starts barking - the children run away. The dog is trying to catch up with them. When all the children run away and hide, the dog lies down on the rug again. A game repeats with a new driver.


Target: Learn children move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement, run, trying not to get caught by the catcher and without pushing.

At one end of the site there is a teacher "trap", in another there are children. Children approach the trap by jumping on two legs and saying words:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end:

There's a mouse living there

He'll bite your tail off.

At the end of the words, the children run away to their places, and the trap catches them.


Target: Learn children

Children receive flags 3-4 colors: some - red, others - blue, others - yellow, and grouped 4-6 people in different corners of the room. In each corner the teacher places a colored flag on a stand (red, blue, yellow).

At the teacher's signal "Go for a walk!" children scatter around the playground in groups or alone. At the teacher's signal "Find your color!" children run to the flag of the corresponding color.


Target: Learn children act quickly on a signal, navigate in space; develop dexterity

For games you need to prepare flags by quantity children. Half the flags are one color, the rest are another. Children receive one flag each. At the teacher’s signal, the children scatter around the playground. At another signal, children who have the same flags find a pair.

The game must take an odd number children so that one of the players remains without a pair. Addressing the one left without a pair, everyone playing in chorus They say:

Vanya, Vanya, don’t hesitate, choose a mate for yourself.

Then, at the sound of a tambourine, the children scatter again, the game repeats itself.


Target: Learn children move in pairs, coordinating your movements with the movements of other players; teach them to recognize colors and change movements according to them

Children stand along the wall of the room or side of the platform in a column in pairs, holding each other's hands. With their free hand they hold a cord, the ends of which are tied (one holds with his right hand, the other with his left). The teacher is in one of the corners of the room and holds three colored flags in his hand. (circles, cards)– yellow, red, green. The teacher raises a green flag, and the children run, the tram moves. Having reached the teacher, the children look to see if the color has changed flag: if the green flag is raised, the movement continues, if a yellow or red flag appears, the children stop and wait for it to appear green color so that you can move again.


Target: Learn children move together one after the other, coordinate movements, do not push the person running in front, even if he is not moving very quickly.

Children become pairs. In a pair there is one - "horse". Another - "carrier". Reins are used, or children hold each other by the belt. Educator speaks:

Let's go, let's go, with nuts, with nuts

A turnip for a grandfather, a boy for a boy,

sweetly, sweetly.

With the end of the text, the children continue to run in the same rhythm while pronouncing teacher: "Gop, hop", run until the teacher will say: "Wow".


Target: Learn children run around without bumping into each other, speed up or slow down movements, orientate yourself in space.

Group of children stands at one edge of the site. The teacher gives everyone a stick 50-60 cm long. Children sit astride the stick and gallop to the opposite side of the playground, pretending to be horsemen, trying not to bump into each other or touch objects or equipment located on the playground.

During games The teacher can ask children to move faster or slower in different directions. When children learn to run fast, you can organize competitions.


Target: Learn children move together, balance movements with each other, change the direction of movements, be attentive to your playing partners.

Children stand inside a large hoop (1m in diameter, hold it down) hands: one on one side of the rim, the other on the opposite side, one after the other. The first child is a taxi driver, the second is a passenger. Children run around the playground or along the path. After a while they change roles.

2-3 pairs can play at the same time children, and if the area allows, then more. When children learn to run in one direction, the teacher can give the task to run in different directions and make stops. You can mark the stop location with a flag. At the stop, passengers change, one gets out of the taxi, the other gets in.


Target: Learn children listen carefully to the teacher, perform jumps and other actions in accordance with the text; learn to navigate in space, find your place.

Children - hares hide behind bushes and trees. There is a wolf behind a bush to the side. Hares run out into the clearing, jump, nibble grass, and frolic. On signal teacher: "The wolf is coming!"- hares run away and hide behind bushes, under trees. The wolf is trying to catch up with them. The game can use a small test:

The bunnies are jumping, hopping, hopping,

on the green on the meadow.

They pinch the grass and eat it.

Listen carefully

Is there a wolf coming?

Children perform the actions described in the poem. With the end of the words, a wolf appears and begins to catch hares.


Target: Develop children ability to perform movements according to a signal; exercise children in the crawl space, running and squatting.

On one side of the room there are chairs arranged in a semicircle, with the seats inside the semicircle. These are rabbit cages. On the opposite side is the watchman's house. In the middle there is a lawn where the rabbits are allowed to roam. Children stand behind the backs of chairs; at the teacher’s direction, they squat down - the rabbits are sitting in cages. Teacher – "watchman" approaches the cage and releases the rabbits onto meadow: One by one, the children crawl out from under the chairs and then jump, moving forward across the entire lawn. At the teacher's signal "Run to the cages!" the rabbits return to their seats, crawling under the chairs again.

The teacher must ensure that children, crawling under chairs, try not to touch them with their backs. Instead of chairs, you can use arches for climbing or sticks and slats placed on the seats of chairs.


Target: Learn children act quickly on a signal, navigate in space; develop dexterity and attention.

The teacher lays out cubes on the floor. Children stand near the cubes. At the teacher’s signal, they scatter throughout the room, at the signal "Do not be late!" run to the cubes. Initially, children can run up to any free object; gradually they get used to taking their place. At repeating the game You can invite children to run like horses.

During teacher watching games so that the children run further away from the cubes, do not bump into each other, and help each other find their cube when the signal sounds.


Target: Develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction; practice running, squatting and climbing.

In the middle of the site there is a large space - a vegetable garden. On one side there are watchmen, on the other there is a chicken coop, in it "chickens"- children. The role of a guard is performed by a teacher or one of children. By signal "The chickens are walking" children crawl under cords, walk in the garden, look for food, and run. The watchman notices the chickens in the garden and chases them away - he claps his hands, saying "shoo-shoo". The chickens run away, crawl under the cord, and hide in the house. The watchman goes around the garden and also returns home.


Target: Learn children act quickly on a signal, navigate in space; develop speed, agility

Each child chooses a house for himself. It could be a flat hoop…. At the signal, children run out onto the playground and run in different directions. On signal "Find your house!" occupied by houses.


Target: Learn children act quickly on a signal, navigate in space; practice running, develop speed, agility

Children should run easily, in different directions, without bumping into each other; do not run up to the house before the signal “Hurry up in the circle!”

On the site they draw a circle with a diameter of 4 meters in the middle - a smaller circle with a diameter of 2 meters. Children follow each other in a large circle. The teacher walks between the large and small circles. On signal “Hurry up in the circle!” children try to run into a small circle, the teacher catches them, and those caught stop in place. Then they stand in a circle again.


Target: Learn children run in different directions without bumping into each other; at the signal, find your place in the line.

At the first signal, the players scatter from the line and say chant: “The guys have a strict order, they know all their places, well, trumpet more fun: tra-ta ta, tra-ta-ta.” By second At the signal, everyone quickly forms a line.

At first you can take empty seats, but by the end of the year you will find your place.


Target: Development of skills children run in a certain direction; navigate in space.

Children - "fish" "float". On signal teacher: "Shark"- children are hiding, "float away" to the shelter (house made of rope).