How to do vacuum cleaning. How is vacuum cleaning of the uterus performed? Result after vacuum skin cleansing

Vacuum facial cleansing is a very popular procedure today that can be performed both in the salon and at home. It is painless and effective. The result of vacuum cleaning compares favorably with the consequences of a manual procedure, which, among other things, also causes a lot of discomfort. For this, many representatives of the fair sex fell in love with her.

Vacuum facial cleansing – pros and cons

Vacuum has a beneficial effect on the epidermis, so cleaning with its use has many advantages:

  1. Efficiency. The vacuum very efficiently draws to the surface all the microparticles that contaminate the pores and removes the top layer of dead cells.
  2. Painless. Vacuum facial cleansing does not cause any discomfort.
  3. Stimulation of blood microcirculation. Thanks to the procedure, metabolism accelerates and the epidermis begins to receive sufficient oxygen.
  4. No scars or swelling. Vacuum facial cleansing leaves no traces. After the procedure, only slight redness is possible.
  5. Improved skin color. Vacuum treatment returns a healthy glow to the face.
  6. Smoothing out wrinkles. The effect is achieved by stimulating collagen synthesis.

As you can see, vacuum facial cleansing is really effective, but its disadvantages cannot be ignored. The main problem is the short-term result. Positive changes become noticeable after the first procedure, but even with proper care, cleaning will have to be repeated after a while. In addition, vacuum treatment is purely cosmetic. That is, it only cleans pores, but is not suitable for fighting inflammation and other dermatological problems.

What is better – vacuum facial cleansing or ultrasonic?

Both of these procedures are popular due to their simplicity, painlessness and effectiveness. In the salon, both vacuum and ultrasound treatment is carried out under completely sterile conditions. Since the result of both procedures is of equal quality, it is impossible to say for sure which facial cleansing is better - vacuum or ultrasonic. It is advisable to make the choice yourself, based on the advice of a cosmetologist and personal experience.

Vacuum facial cleansing – indications and contraindications

Facial vacuum helps get rid of blackheads, cleanse pores and restore a healthy complexion. The procedure is carried out using special apparatus, which allows you to clean all the most inaccessible places - such as the chin or areas near the wings of the nose. Vacuum salon facial cleansing can be done without a doctor’s referral, but before the session you should still consult with a specialist and familiarize yourself with the available contraindications.

Vacuum facial cleansing – contraindications

Although vacuum pore cleansing is considered a gentle procedure, it is not suitable for some. Cosmetologists recommend that people with thin and dry skin avoid this cleaning method. It is also undesirable for those who suffer from vascular problems to resort to it. Vacuum facial cleansing is also contraindicated in some other cases - with:

  • presence of acne or rosacea;
  • demodicosis;
  • rosacea;
  • any acute inflammatory processes in the body.

Vacuum facial cleansing - indications

One of the main indications is oily skin type. Experts strongly do not recommend that owners of this type of procedure resort to a mechanical type of procedure - it activates the work sebaceous glands, and the existing problems will only get worse. It is also recommended to use a vacuum for facial cleansing when:

  • violation of epidermal turgor;
  • minor skin defects;
  • (only not inflamed);
  • decreased skin tone;
  • medium degree of contamination of the epidermis with large .

How to do vacuum facial cleansing correctly?

To carry out the procedure, a special device for vacuum cleaning of the face is used. The entire process - taking into account preparatory and final activities - takes about 1.5 - 2 hours. Vacuum cleansing of the facial skin does not cause any unpleasant sensations, but it does not provide deep penetration, which is why dermatologists advise combining it with other procedures.

Vacuum facial cleansing in a beauty salon

The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation. Done correctly, it helps to achieve the most effective results. Before using a vacuum, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed with foams and lotions. Products are needed to remove various mechanical impurities and sebum. After this, the epidermis needs to be steamed to expand the pores. Vaporization involves irrigating the skin with steam and allows the use of special masks. At the very end of the preparation, de-encrustation is carried out - treatment of the skin with low-intensity electric current, which further expands the pores and helps get rid of excess sebum.
  2. Vacuum facial cleansing in the salon. The device used during the procedure has several replaceable attachments. They all perform different functions. The beak-shaped one is needed to clean oily areas of the skin, the flat one treats wrinkles, and the round one improves the outflow of lymph.
  3. Final stage. It is very important to complete the procedure correctly. After cleansing, a superficial peeling should be carried out - this will help remove dead and exfoliated particles from the epidermis - and then a mask is applied to the face to tighten the pores.

Vacuum facial cleansing at home

It is possible to repeat the procedure you like on your own at home. Anyone can buy a manual vacuum cleaning machine. The main thing is to make purchases in specialized, trusted stores and adhere to the rules of the procedure described above. Skin treatment is carried out only after massage lines from the center of the face. The procedure should last no longer than 10 minutes. Like a salon, vacuum facial cleansing at home involves preparatory and final activities.

How often can you do vacuum facial cleansing?

For each person, the regularity of procedures is determined individually. The frequency of their implementation depends on the type of epidermis, its condition and some other factors. Those with sensitive dry skin, for example, require one vacuum cleansing of facial pores every 3 to 4 months. For normal and combined epidermis, the procedure should be performed more often - once every 2 - 3 months. Those with oily skin should cleanse once a month, but not more often.

Skin care after vacuum cleaning

To consolidate the results of the procedure, after its completion you need to take special care of your skin. On the day when vacuum pore cleansing was carried out, it is not advisable to use aggressive agents. It is best to wipe the skin with soft milk or foam. You can start using regular creams after a couple of days. If the cosmetic provides skin protection and has antioxidant properties, this will be ideal.

After cleaning, you should not use scrubs or peels. The flaky particles should fall off on their own. If there is no inflammation, you can apply nourishing, moisturizing and restorative masks to your face. It is recommended to treat microdamages with solutions, cool compresses or herbal decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and sage.


Vacuum cleaning of the uterine cavity is one of the gentle methods for removing the endometrial layer and organ contents. There are many indications for the procedure, but most often the method is used to terminate an early pregnancy. Vacuum aspiration (cleaning) is carried out after childbirth, spontaneous miscarriages and if the woman wishes to terminate the pregnancy.


The vacuum cleaning method can be prescribed in many cases. Most often it is practiced:

  • to terminate an unwanted pregnancy;
  • with partial miscarriage;
  • if it is necessary to abort the fetus for medical and social reasons in the early gestational stages;
  • after childbirth, if particles remain in the uterine cavity children's place, amniotic sac and blood clots.

The vacuum cleaning method for obtaining endometrial tissue samples is used relatively infrequently. But it is often prescribed if it is necessary to remove accumulated blood or other fluid from the uterus.

The vacuum cleaning method is considered the safest. It almost completely eliminates the risk of injury to the walls and cervix, ensuring high-quality removal of the functional layer of the endometrium without affecting the basal layer.

Method of execution

The method is practiced exclusively in a hospital setting (with rare exceptions). Since vacuum cleaning also involves complete removal of the endometrial layer, the procedure is accompanied by quite severe pain. For this reason, vacuum aspiration is performed under general anesthesia.

The exception is postpartum cleansing, when the cervical canal is already open initially. Under such conditions, the feeling of pain is minimal.

The most unpleasant and sensitive moment During vacuum cleaning, the cervix becomes dilated.

Vacuum aspiration can be carried out by two methods - machine and manual. In the first case, cleaning is carried out with a device, and in the second, a special syringe is used.

The stages of vacuum cleaning of the uterus do not depend on the chosen method. They are universal in both cases.

  1. The patient receives intravenous anesthesia and falls asleep.
  2. The doctor treats the external genitalia with an antiseptic solution.
  3. The vagina is dilated with gynecological speculum, which opens access to the cervical canal.
  4. If a woman has chosen the method of local anesthesia, then at this stage of the operation she receives an injection of an anesthetic drug directly into the cervix.
  5. If the cervical canal is closed, then it is opened using Hegar dilators.
  6. The length of the uterus is measured using a probe.
  7. Then an aspiration tube is inserted into the cervix to a certain depth. It works on the principle of an aspirator, drawing in the entire mucous layer. The doctor carefully treats all the internal surfaces of the uterus, removing the endometrial layer.
  8. Finally, the cervix and external genitalia are disinfected again.

Cleaning duration is 5-15 minutes. If general anesthesia is used, the woman will need several more hours to recover from the operation.

With local anesthesia, the patient can leave the hospital immediately. But during the vacuum cleaning process, she will feel cramps reminiscent of menstrual cramps.


Cleaning using the vacuum method requires preparation. Regardless of the reasons for her appointment, the woman will have to pass:

  • blood for analysis - both a general clinical examination and a coagulogram with a biochemical study are necessary;
  • blood to determine the Rh factor and group affiliation;
  • analysis for hepatitis, syphilis and HIV infection;
  • smear on vaginal microflora.

Preparation for vacuum cleaning of the uterus also includes:

  • complete refusal to take blood thinning medications - this must be done two weeks before the procedure for planned intervention;
  • refusal of sexual intercourse three days before cleaning.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude vaginal irrigation, the use of intimate cosmetics, as well as suppositories and vaginal tablets.

Since the vacuum cleaning method requires general anesthesia, the last meal should take place the evening before the operation. Dinner should be light. In the morning you cannot drink or eat.

Advantages of the method

Vacuum aspiration is a gentle curettage method, since injury to the walls of the organ, the basal layer of the endometrium and the cervical canal is almost completely eliminated.

The obvious advantages of the vacuum method over traditional curettage are:

  • minimizing the risk of injury to the cervical canal area;
  • in certain cases, the procedure can be performed in an outpatient setting;
  • restoration of the menstrual cycle occurs 40–43 days after cleansing;
  • abortion performed using the vacuum method is much less likely to be accompanied by hormonal disruptions;
  • Vacuum aspiration as a method of termination of pregnancy can minimize the risk of infertility.

The method is often used in cases of frozen pregnancy. In this case, the dead fetus is subject to mandatory abortion. Otherwise, the woman may experience inflammation of the uterus caused by the decomposition of the fertilized egg.


Although the method is considered the most in a safe way cleaning, Negative consequences he may still have. These include:

  • Partial removal of the contents of the uterus. Since the physician does not have the ability to control the cleaning process, there is a high risk of leaving individual fragments of the endometrium, particles of fetal tissue, etc. In this case, vacuum aspiration will need to be repeated.
  • Injury to the cervical canal by instruments. Injury can occur during forced opening of the cervix due to the forceps slipping. In the future, it can cause recurrent miscarriage.
  • Uterine bleeding. The cause may be rupture of blood vessels. The worst prognosis in this case is removal of the uterus.
  • Infection. The infection develops as a result of non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. It can cause infertility and endometritis.
  • Weakening of the cervix. In the future, it may cause miscarriages due to the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

The development of complications is not always medical error. Against the background of termination of pregnancy, one cannot exclude the strongest hormonal disbalance, which can also cause many problems.


Contraindications to the vacuum cleaning method are:

  • acute inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • diagnosing ectopic pregnancy;
  • the presence of neoplasms – benign and malignant – in the uterine cavity;
  • gestation period exceeding five obstetric weeks;
  • abnormal structure of the uterus;
  • recent abortion.

There may be other contraindications, so the possibility of vacuum cleaning is considered on an individual basis.

Vacuum aspiration after childbirth

Vacuum cleaning method of the uterus after completion natural birth may be prescribed if a woman’s well-being begins to rapidly deteriorate. Signs of the development of pathology include a jump in temperature and increased vaginal bleeding.

All this may indicate inflammation of the uterus caused by the remains of a child's place. In some cases, the placenta becomes so firmly attached to the wall of the uterus that it has to be removed manually. In such cases, it is possible that small parts may be left behind.

The woman in labor is prescribed an ultrasound and if it confirms the suspicions, then vacuum cleaning of the uterus is performed. Then the woman is prescribed antibiotics that suppress inflammatory processes, as well as drugs that improve uterine contractility. Additionally, antiseptic treatment is recommended.

Rehabilitation after vacuum cleaning takes two weeks. During this period, a woman is prohibited sexual relations, visiting baths and saunas, using sanitary tampons, strong physical exercise and taking blood thinning medications.

Oily skin can be a real punishment; it is always accompanied by blackheads, enlarged pores, increased unhealthy shine, and sometimes acne. It is not easy to eliminate such shortcomings, but vacuum facial cleansing quite successfully copes with the assigned tasks, while the procedure is absolutely safe and painless, due to which it is in high demand and recognition among cosmetologists and patients.

Indications and expected results

Vacuum cleaning is carried out to care for oily and combination skin with enlarged pores, blackheads, excessive sebaceous secretion. In addition, indications for the procedure are skin lumbosity, uneven structure, first wrinkles and age-related changes.

After cleaning, the skin becomes more youthful and elastic, because the vacuum effect not only cleanses, but also stimulates the activation of internal metabolic processes, blood circulation, and facilitates the supply of oxygen to the cells. Thanks to the changes that occur, cells renew themselves faster, producing a large number of collagen.

Cleaning algorithm

Carrying out vacuum cleaning takes no more than 15-20 minutes, however, together with all additional manipulations, the procedure can last up to two hours. It consists of the following stages:

  • Preparation. It begins with cleansing the skin of cosmetics and impurities, then problem areas are treated with a stream of steam from a vaporizer, which helps to maximize the opening of pores. An alternative to such a device are warming masks.
  • Disincrustation. This is not a required step. The purpose of disincrustation is to dissolve fats and contaminants through low-power electric current and strengthen positive results the entire procedure in the future.
  • Using a vacuum to remove contaminants. It is carried out until the pores are closed with a special tube connected to a device that creates negative pressure, due to which sebaceous plugs, dust, blackheads are sucked out from the depths of the skin.
  • Completion. Consists of applying masks and special means, providing hydration and soothing of the skin. Often an infrared lamp is used after this.

Manipulations of this kind can be performed at home. To do this, you need to purchase the simplest vacuum cleaning device. Practical models powered by batteries or mains are produced by Gezatone and a number of other European companies operating in the domestic market.

Before purchasing a device for vacuum facial cleansing, make sure there are no contraindications to the procedure. Do not forget to follow the algorithm of actions when using it. In the absence of special devices, steam your face over a bowl of hot water, creating the effect steam bath. After cleansing, be sure to treat your skin with an ice cube to refresh it and close pores.

Gezatone home vacuum cleaning device

Side effects

Vacuum cleaning is easily tolerated by most patients, provided contraindications and safety precautions are observed during the procedure. Among its advantages: painless manipulation and minimal complications. However, some patients may experience bruising and hematomas.

In addition, among a number of cosmetologists there is an opinion that increased exposure to vacuum provokes stretching of the skin, a decrease in its elasticity and even the formation of wrinkles. This theory is quite controversial, however, with increased pressure during the procedure and sensitive skin such risks still exist.


  • Cuperose and dilated vessels located in upper layers dermis.
  • Dry or sensitive skin.
  • Numerous inflammations, pustular formations, acne.
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.).

In all of these cases, exposure stimulates the deterioration of the situation and the development side effects, which means it is strictly prohibited.

In addition to absolute contraindications, there are also relative ones. The cosmetologist, together with the client, determines the risks and possibilities of performing the procedure during pregnancy, acute chronic diseases, viral and bacterial infections.

There are several ways to cleanse your face. They differ not only in effectiveness, but also in the degree of impact. Vacuum facial cleansing is considered one of the most effective, but at the same time gentle methods. With minimal impact that a special device has on the skin, it allows you to gently cleanse it without damaging the sebaceous glands. Like everyone else cosmetic procedures, this cleansing technique has its own application characteristics, as well as a number of contraindications.

Why is the procedure needed?

Treating the skin with such a device helps get rid of blackheads by literally “sucking” such impurities out of the pores. After all, they not only do not look very aesthetically pleasing, but also interfere with the natural breathing of the skin, which does not receive enough oxygen. Because of this, the complexion deteriorates and develops more actively. acne. The advantages of this cleansing technique also lie in the fact that the device designed for it can be used in those areas that remain inaccessible to other cleansing methods. In particular, these are problem areas such as the chin, nose area and others.


With oily facial skin, mechanical cleansing can cause injury to the skin, which can cause the sebaceous glands to work even more actively, which will lead to an increase in existing problems. In such cases, vacuum facial cleansing is recommended. In what other situations is it indicated? This:

  • acne (but not in an inflamed state),
  • medium degree of contamination of skin with large pores,
  • minor skin defects,
  • decrease in its tone,
  • tuberosity (or disturbance of skin turgor).

Is it possible to use the vacuum cleaning method if the skin is heavily soiled? Theoretically, this is possible, however, such a procedure will take much more than 20 minutes, sometimes even several hours, since the cosmetologist will have to do many manipulations manually. And the effectiveness of such cleansing is very questionable in such a situation, since it was not originally intended for problem skin.


It should be noted that vacuum facial cleansing is a relatively mild procedure, so it is often combined with other types of hardware cosmetic cleansing. But at the same time, it can have a fairly strong drainage effect, which leads to increased blood circulation. Therefore, if there are problems with blood vessels, this type of cleansing is contraindicated.

But this is not the only situation; this procedure cannot be carried out. Contraindications include:

  • presence of acne and rosacea,
  • any acute inflammatory processes in the body,
  • chronic dermatosis,
  • rosacea and other vascular diseases.

The presence of even one of the listed problems should be a strong argument against any cleaning, including using a vacuum. After all, if there are at least some inflammatory processes, then with increased blood circulation they can be transferred to other areas, which will only worsen the situation. Also, this procedure is not performed if the facial skin is too thin or dry. It is not used in cases where the vessels are located too close to the epidermis. After all, this is fraught with serious problems. In any case, only a specialist can say whether cleaning can be done in a given situation.

How does the procedure work?

Before cleaning with a vacuum device, it is very important to remove makeup and open the pores. Typically, a cosmetologist uses a standard set of products to cleanse the skin (gel, milk or foam, depending on skin type). Pores are opened using a vaporizer. If for some reason its use is impossible, then warming creams are used.

Also, before proceeding directly to the cleaning itself, the cosmetologist must remove excess sebum from enlarged pores. This process is called deencrustation. It is also carried out using a special device, only this device acts on the skin not with a vacuum, but with a small electric current.

Features of vacuum facial cleansing

This procedure is carried out using a special device, which comes with various replaceable attachments. The choice of such a nozzle is determined by the type of problem that needs to be solved using this technique.

To work with oily skin a so-called beak-shaped tip is used, the name of which speaks for itself. But to combat wrinkles, a flat nozzle is used. To improve the outflow of lymph and activate the functioning of blood vessels, round nozzles are used.

How is the procedure itself carried out? After the device is turned on, an area of ​​strong negative pressure is formed in the place where the nozzle is adjacent to the skin. That is, the skin (and along with it non-inflamed pimples, blackheads and comedones) are, as it were, sucked into the cavity of this nozzle. This allows you to pull out any remaining sebum that has not yet been removed from the pores.

During vacuum cleansing of the face, the stratum corneum of the epidermis peels off, and this is a normal phenomenon. But we need to rid the skin of this residual layer. This is often done with a light peel, followed by a mask that helps tighten the pores while at the same time providing a nourishing effect. After this procedure, there is no redness left on the skin, and you can go outside almost immediately.

Efficiency of the procedure

So, if there are no contraindications, then vacuum cleaning is performed. It allows you to get rid of blackheads almost instantly. However, what is even more important is that dead particles of the epidermis and all pustules are simultaneously removed, which makes the skin smooth and soft again, and all this in the 20 minutes that this procedure lasts.

In addition, this hardware technique also has a rejuvenating effect. After all, at this time, blood flow improves, oxygen and nutrients enter the cells more actively, and this improves metabolic processes and ultimately prevents the appearance of wrinkles. After all, collagen production directly depends on how much oxygen enters the skin cells.

Advantages and disadvantages

This method is usually considered an alternative mechanical cleaning. However, it also has a number of advantages over chemical peels. Its main advantage is that it is a completely painless procedure that does not cause any discomfort. The patient feels how the cosmetologist runs a drainage tube with an attachment across the face - and that’s all.

In this case, the skin is not injured, which means it recovers very quickly. And since the stratum corneum itself is practically not removed, the skin does not change shade, which is important in the summer if you want to maintain a tan. An important advantage is that after such cleaning you do not need any special, particularly thorough care - your usual products are enough.

The main disadvantage of this procedure is that the effect does not last very long, because after some time the cleaned pores still become clogged. But since the procedure does not injure the skin, it can be performed often. Moreover, with each subsequent time the number of blackheads will decrease.

The human body has its own reliable self-cleaning mechanisms, but sometimes for various reasons they do not work. In this case, modern medicine has created methods of hardware intervention to avoid severe complications. One such method is using a vacuum aspirator to cleanse the uterus.

What is vacuum cleaning of the uterus?

Vacuum cleaning of the uterine cavity (vacuum aspiration) is the removal of its contents along with the upper functional layer of the mucous membrane. For high-quality manipulation, a device called a “vacuum aspirator” is used.

It is a catheter, or aspiration tip, connected by a flexible tube to an aspirator. The mechanism uses a pump to create negative pressure. The powerful suction effect created by the aspirator allows you to collect and remove accumulated blood and particles of the contents of the uterine cavity.

An alternative to the hardware method is manual (manual) vacuum aspiration. It is carried out using a mechanical tube in which negative pressure is created by the force applied by the doctor.

Advantages of using vacuum aspiration:

  • Vacuum cleaning is considered a gentle method that minimizes complications in the form of an inflammatory process;
  • The cervix and the uterus itself are not injured, or these injuries are minor;
  • It is possible to carry out the procedure under local or general anesthesia;
  • Vacuum aspiration restores a woman’s reproductive health and the ability to conceive and bear a child without complications in the future.

The procedure is performed in a hospital by an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist. For local anesthesia, injections of analgesics are used, for general anesthesia, intravenous administration of anesthesia drugs is used.

The disadvantage of this method is that all manipulations in the uterine cavity are performed blindly. In addition, in most cases, the material taken cannot be used for detailed histological examination.

In what cases is the procedure performed?

Vacuum cleaning is not a frequently prescribed gynecological procedure; serious reasons are needed for its implementation. Indications for vacuum aspiration:

  • Frozen pregnancy early stages fetal development (up to 12 weeks);
  • Spontaneous termination of pregnancy with incomplete removal of particles of the fertilized egg;
  • Incomplete delivery of the placenta after natural childbirth or after cesarean section;
  • Taking a sample of the internal contents of the uterus for microscopic or bacteriological examination;
  • Accumulation of blood in the uterus (hematometra);
  • Planned early termination of pregnancy (medical abortion);
  • Hydatidiform mole (growth of chorionic villi in the form of bubbles with liquid);
  • Volumetric bleeding from the uterus.

In some cases, the gynecologist takes a wait-and-see approach, not excluding the possibility of spontaneous removal of placenta and endometrial particles and blood from the uterus.

If a woman has a fever, increased bleeding, signs of inflammation in the form of mucopurulent discharge from the vagina with unpleasant smell, vacuum aspiration is carried out without delay.

Vacuum aspiration is contraindicated in case of bifurcation of the uterus and the presence of a septum in it, with tumors of any etiology, during pregnancy for more than 5 weeks, with ectopic development of the egg, or with a history of abortion within the previous 6 months.

How is the cleaning done?

To carry out the procedure, the woman sits on a gynecological chair. If the uterus is cleaned after childbirth, then the manipulation is carried out directly on the birth table.

Local or general anesthesia is required for vacuum aspiration, which involves forced dilation of the cervix, as this is the most painful part of the procedure. Postpartum cleansing in most cases is performed without anesthesia, since the cervix during this period has a sufficient degree of dilation.


  • The vaginal walls and cervix are fixed using dilators;
  • The genitals are treated with an aseptic solution;
  • Anesthetic injections are performed into the cervix and periuterine tissue; for general anesthesia, preference is given to intravenous anesthetic drugs;
  • The doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina to monitor the progress of the operation, opens and dilates the cervix, if necessary;
  • The gynecologist uses a special probe to measure the distance from the entrance to the cervix to its fundus in order to calculate how far the aspirator catheter can be immersed;
  • An aspiration tube is inserted into the uterus and a vacuum is created in it;
  • The gynecologist fixes the aspirator tip in one position or rotates it to collect the desired material.

After a period of time determined by the doctor, the woman needs ultrasound examination the uterine cavity to control the condition of this organ. If the study shows that there is no blood, placenta or fertilized egg inside the organ, then the cleansing was successful.

Features of vacuum aspiration in various conditions:

Vacuum cleaning of the uterine cavity after childbirth.

If there are placenta particles, blood clots, and other atypical tissues in the uterus, it will not be able to fully contract after childbirth. After an ultrasound confirming the atypical condition of this organ, medications that contract the uterus or manual cleaning may be prescribed.

If these methods are ineffective, the woman in labor is prescribed vacuum cleaning. After aspiration, she takes antibiotics to prevent inflammation, and the woman undergoes antiseptic treatment of her reproductive organs. Breast-feeding During the period of treatment you will have to stop, saving milk by expressing.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterine cavity during a frozen pregnancy or hydatidiform mole.

Fetal death may result in spontaneous abortion. If it remains in the uterus, sooner or later its decomposition begins, which leads to intoxication female body, to sepsis. Vacuum aspiration allows you to get rid of particles of the fertilized egg and placenta that were not exfoliated when the dead embryo was released.

With a hydatidiform mole, the contents of the uterus cannot be expelled spontaneously. Bubbles with liquid remain inside the organ and cause the development of a malignant tumor.

If a woman experiences hyperthermia after the procedure, careful examination is required to ensure complete removal of the foreign tissue. After cleaning, the woman must be prescribed a course of treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterine cavity after miscarriage.

The manipulation is carried out to remove placental particles after the loss of an embryo older than 13 weeks, or during a miscarriage between 6 and 12 weeks, when there is a possibility that blood clots and particles of the fertilized egg remain in the uterus.

Here, a wait-and-see approach is more often used, and cleaning is prescribed for severe bleeding and signs of acute infection.

Mini abortion.

Early termination of pregnancy is performed by aspiration of the contents of the uterus along with the embryo. The procedure greatly reduces the trauma and negative consequences for women’s health inherent in the traditional method.

Recovery after vacuum aspiration

Many women referred for vacuum aspiration are interested in how much there's blood coming out after the procedure. Since the inside of the uterus is a wound after cleaning, there will still be discharge.

They may look like ichor or blood. Bloody discharge will last from 3-5 to 10-14 days. They are not very abundant and do not have an unpleasant odor.

If the bleeding intensifies, spasmodic severe pain appears in the lower abdomen, you should immediately seek medical help.

The menstrual cycle will improve in 35-43 days, because restoration of the endometrium begins to occur from the first day after aspiration. After the procedure, vaginal tampons cannot be used; the use of sanitary pads is permitted.

Since vacuum aspiration is a complete surgical intervention, an examination is carried out before the procedure. It includes the standard diagnostic minimum:

  • Blood test for infections: HIV, hepatitis, syphilis;
  • Determination of blood group and Rh factor;
  • General and biochemical blood test;
  • Coagulogram (determination of blood clotting);
  • Vaginal smear cytology analysis (PAP test);

Immediately before aspiration, 6-8 hours before, you should not eat or drink anything, since otherwise complications will arise during anesthesia. For complete antiseptics, before the procedure you need to remove hair in the genital area and take a shower.

It is advisable to inform your doctor in advance about possible allergic reactions to medications.

Vacuum aspiration is a reliable method that avoids complications. At the current level of development of medicine, it does not carry severe consequences for a woman's reproductive function.