Origami bird: all manufacturing steps with detailed instructions, assembly diagrams and video tutorial. Firebird.Modular origami.Master class Firebird from modules step by step instructions

Firebirds, like swans, take pride of place

in modular origami.

These crafts always make an amazing impression. They are often made as gifts.

Many varieties and variants of tails have been invented.

Choose interesting color combinations, add additional details (sequin beads, bows), and your birds will not leave anyone indifferent.

1. The body of the firebird is performed similarly to the body of a swan. At the base are rows of 20 modules. Run three rows of light green modules. Lock the chain into a ring and do not forget to unscrew the workpiece.

2. In the fourth row, alternate light green modules with green ones. Complete the fifth row from green modules.

3. In the sixth row, leave the saabodny b corners for attaching the tail. Next, lay out from left to right: 3 green, 1 pink, 4 green, 1 pink, 4 green, 1 pink, 3 green pieces.

4. Complete the wings, cutting each next row by 1 module. On each wing, lay out a pattern in the form of a one-time rhombus with an orange center (seventh row - 2 green, 2 pink, 2 green modules, etc.).

5. Between the wings, complete the neck. On the neck, lay out the same pattern as on the wings.

Seventh row - 1 green, 2 pink, 1 green module.

Eighth - 1 pink, 1 orange, 1 pink.

Ninth - 1 green (on the corners of the last and penultimate rows), 2 pink, 1 green.

Tenth - 1 green, 1 pink, 1 green.

7. Fourteenth row - 1 green, 1 orange, 1 green module. Fifteenth - 2 green.

Reduction (ksn) - short sides out.

8. In rows from the sixteenth to the twenty-second, green modules are used, inserted with the short sides out (ksn).
In the sixteenth - 3, in the seventeenth - 2, in the eighteenth - 1, in the nineteenth - 2, in the twentieth - 1, in the twenty-first - 2, in the twenty-second - 1.

10. It remains to complete the tail of the firebird. Take 3 modules (2 green, 1 pink) and attach 4 more modules (2 green, 2 pink) to them as shown in the photo. Get the first two rows of the tail.

11. In the third row, lay out 5 modules: 1 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green. In the fourth - 2 green, 2 pink, 2 green. In the fifth - 3 green, 1 pink, 3 green.

12. The sixth row consists of 10 green modules. To complete it, put one module on 4 middle corners.

13. In the seventh row, fasten 11 green modules. Insert two additional modules into the pockets of the first row to attach the tail to the body.

14. Turn the workpiece over and fasten 12 light green modules in the eighth row. In the ninth row, alternate: 1 light green, 1 light green (ksn), a total of 13 modules.

15. Put a pen on each module (xn). The pen is done like this:

first row - 1 yellow module;

the second - 2 yellow;

the third - 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 yellow;

the fourth - 1 yellow (put on the pink module);

fifth - 2 green (worn on 4 inner corners); sixth - 1 green (worn on two inner corners).

16. Between the feathers, make columns of 4 light green modules: 1 module, 1 module (ksn), 1 module, 1 module (ksn). Put the extreme columns on three corners.

17. Put a feather of the second row on each column (7 feathers in total). The pen is done like this: first row - 1 green module; the second - 2 green; third - 1 yellow; fourth - 2 yellow; fifth - 1 yellow (put on the yellow and green corners), 1 orange, 1 yellow (put on the yellow and green corners); sixth - 2 yellow; seventh - 1 yellow.

eighteen . You can leave the tail with two rows of feathers, or you can make a third row. To do this, you need 6 more feathers. For each feather, make a column of 8 light green modules, placing the modules alternately long and short side first.

Put a pen on the column:

first row - 1 yellow module;

the second - 2 yellow; third - 1 yellow;

fourth - 2 yellow;

fifth - 1 green;

sixth - 1 orange;

seventh - 2 yellow;

eighth - 1 yellow.

Fasten the posts with feathers on the pairs of corners between the feathers of the second row.

19. Secure the tail to the body by slipping the pockets of the bottom row of the tail over the corners of the back of the body. The whole figure should hold well without glue.

The "Firebird" of triangular modules looks very beautiful thanks to the modules of different colors. The master class was made by Katrin555. A peacock made of modules with a multi-colored tail is a real decoration of your room. To assemble a modular origami, you will need 1/32 of an A4 sheet: blue 1253; green 678; yellow 371; pink 93;
Total modules: 2395.

Description of the peacock assembly:
We collect 2 rows of 10 blue modules, close the chain.

3 row 20 modules. We dress in this way (the photo shows a different color)

4,5,6,7,8,9th rows are dressed as usual. 20 triangular pieces in each row.

In the 10th row we put on 3 modules usually, 2 for 2 pockets, 3 usually, 2 for 2 pockets and so on until the end of the row. Leaves 25 pcs. in a row.

In the 11th, 12th and 13th row, 25 modules each, the 14th row we put on 18 modules, we leave 14 rays free.
Further on these 18 we put on 17 modules, then again 18, then 17 and 18th row again 18 modules, 19th row 17 modules, 20th - 18 modules.
I do this, leaving a hole in the body for the tail. You can not bother and put on 25 modules until the 21st row.

21 and 22 rows of 30 modules. This is what the hole in the peacock's body looks like.

23rd row we dress 1 module for 3 rays, we get 20 modules in a row. In the center we put on one pink.

In the 24th row, we put on 2 pink pieces for 1 pink module, the remaining 18 are blue.

25th row 1 pink, 19 blue. We dress like this. The body of the firebird is ready.

We collect 4 rows. In the first row there are 8 modules, the second row 9 modules, the third row again 8 modules, the fourth row 9 modules, in the center 1 pink.

7th row 10 blue.

8th row 8 blue, 1 pink.
9th row 10 blue.
10th row 8 blue, 1 pink.
11th row 10 blue.
12th row 8 blue, 1 pink.
The 13th row is the first module for three rays, the second is also for three rays, 4 modules are usually, the 7th module is the same as the first for three rays and the eighth for three rays. Thus, there are 8 modules in a row.

We cut the 14th row again, we dress 1 pink in the usual way, and 4 blue ones on the sides, each with three rays. It comes out 5 pieces in a row.

15th row 6 blue dress as usual.
16th row 1 pink, 4 blue.
17th row 6 blue.
18th row 1 pink, 4 blue.
19th row 6 blue.
20th row 1 pink, 4 blue.
21st row 6 blue.
22nd row 1 pink, 4 blue.
23rd row 6 blue.
24th row 1 pink, 4 blue.

25th row we make a reduction, we dress 4 blue ones.

26th row 1 pink in the center, 2 blue on the sides.
27th row 4 blue.
28th row 1 pink, 2 blue.
29th row 4 blue.
30th row 1 pink, 2 blue.
31st row 4 blue.
32nd row 1 pink, 2 blue.
33rd row 4 blue.
34th row 1 pink, 2 blue.
35th row 4 blue.

The 36th row is pink in the center, we dress the 2 extreme ones each for 3 rays. Thus, 3 pieces come out in a row. On top of them, in the center, we put on 2 blue ones.
The neck is ready.

We take 13 modules, put another 13 on top, but with the short side out. Each module is better glued.

Gently, holding the edges, turn the workpiece inside out.

Third and fourth rows of 13 pieces each.

In the fifth row we add 4 modules. We dress 3 modules as usual, 2 modules for 2 rays, 3 as usual, 2 for 2 rays, etc. The photo shows a different color. There are 17 pieces in a row.

In the 6th row there are 8 blue pieces, 1 green, 7 blue, 1 green.

In the 7th row 2 green, 7 blue, 2 green, 6 blue.

In the 8th row 1 green, 1 pink, 1 green, 6 blue, 1 green, 1 pink, 1 green, 5 blue.

9th row 2 green, 3 blue, 1 yellow, 3 blue, 2 green, 6 blue;
10th row 1 green, 3 blue, 2 yellow, 3 blue, 1 green, 7 blue;
11th row 3 yellow, the rest blue;
12th row 4 yellow;
13th row 5 yellow;
The 14th row is going to decrease. We put on 4 yellow ones, each module has 3 rays, we put on the blue ones as usual. There are 15 pieces in a row.

15th row 5 yellow, 2 blue on the sides we dress as usual, and 4 blue from the bottom we dress each for 3 rays. There are 13 pieces in a row.

16th row. We dress 4 yellow modules, each with 3 rays, 7 blue ones as usual. The head is ready.

peacock tail
We collect 3 rows. The first row has 19 modules, the second row has 18 modules, the third has 17 modules.
It is better to glue each module with PVA, but in this case, the tail must immediately, during assembly, be bent in shape.

4th row 18 yellow.

5th row: 1 blue, 1 yellow, 3 green, 1 yellow, 3 green, 1 yellow, 3 green, 1 yellow, 3 green, 1 yellow, 1 blue.

6th row: 1 blue, 1 yellow, 2 green, 2 yellow, 2 green, 2 yellow, 2 green, 2 yellow, 2 green, 1 yellow, 1 blue. Between the greens, just insert the pink ones.

7th row: 1 blue, 1 yellow, 2 green, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 2 green, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 2 green, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 2 green, 1 yellow, 1 blue.

8th row: 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 yellow, 2 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 yellow, 2 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 yellow, 2 blue, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 blue.

1 blue, 2 yellow, 1 blue, skip 2 rays, again one blue, etc.

We put one yellow on top of the yellow ones, one blue one on the sides.

Two blue ones on top, one each on them.

We make feathers. We dress 1 blue, 1 green, 1 blue, 2 blue on top, 1 green on them.

Next to the green ones, we put on one blue one for one ray of blue.

Top 2 green and on the sides in blue as in the previous row. On top of the green one yellow, on the sides on green and one blue.

Top 2 green, next to blue.

Now green feathers. We put 2 green ones on one blue module, then one, again 2,1,2,1,2.

We put on 2 green ones one yellow and green on the sides, then 2 yellow ones on top and green on the sides.

1. for such a bird you will need 858 + 64 (stand) blue, 360 yellow, 152 red, 29 white modules

2. first we make a ring, in each row there are 32 modules, if we continue to lay out the modules as shown in Figure 1 and 2, then we should get a ring consisting of 2 rows (each 32 modules), lay out the third row in blue. fig.4. I must say right away that I will describe the product looking at it from the front side with a hole down!

3. FIG. 5 from 4 rows insert yellow modules 2 through 2
RICE. 6 then we insert one more for each pair of yellow ones, and for the blue ones: 1 row - 1 module, 2 row - 2 modules, 3 row - 1 module, then we start making a bend, for this we select any blue segment and find the right module from 2 th row, on the free "corner" of this module (it will be on the right), insert the blue module with the left "pocket" (let's denote it 1IZ). RICE. 7 on the right "corner" of the 1IZ module we put on the blue module with the left "pocket" (this will be 2IZ), similarly insert the third module (3IZ). RICE. 8 also insert the fourth (4IZ)

4. FIG. 9 similarly insert the fifth (5IZ) and sixth (6IZ), so we have a bend consisting of 6 modules. RICE. 10 we repeat the same on the right side of the yellow segment, only the bend will be made in the other direction. RICE. 11 on modules 6From both bends we insert the blue module, connecting them. RICE. 12 we repeat all actions with fig. 6 to FIG. 11 around each yellow segment

5. FIG. 13 along the contour we insert the yellow modules. FIGURE 14 insert the blue module into the lower part of one of the bends. RICE. 15 insert four more modules on the right..... FIG. 16 ... then four from the left, you get a "tick" of blue modules

6. FIG. 17 in the lower part of the "tick" we insert one red module, then two on the right and two on the left, we get a red "tick" consisting of five modules
FIGURE 18. insert a white module into the bottom of the red checkmark
RICE. 19 on white we insert two red ones in a row, on top of them there is another red one, you should get a red rhombus. RICE. 20 around the top of the red rhombus we lay out the blue modules - we get a blue rhombus. now starting with FIG. 14 to FIG. 20 repeat in each bend, i.e. we should get eight of the same rhombuses

7. FIG. 21. we begin to lay out the first wing, for this we select any 2 diamonds located nearby - this is the base of the wing
FIG.22 in the gap between the selected rhombuses on the top two yellow modules, insert two more yellow ones (let's denote them as 1p-right and 1l-left)
RICE. 23 further on on the left corner of the 1lev module we insert the yellow module with the right "pocket" (it will be 2l), on the right corner of the 1p module we insert the yellow module with the left "pocket" (it will be 2p). RICE. 24 on the 2l module, according to the same principle, first insert the 3l module, 4l on it; on the 2 p module, first insert 3p, then 4p, you should get a yellow "tick" between two rhombuses

8. FIG. 25 at the bottom of this "tick" we first insert one blue module, then two blue ones, then one more at the edges - again we get a "tick", only blue
Rice. 26 in the lower part of the blue "tick" we insert a white module, first 2 in a row on it, then one on top - it turns out a small blue rhombus with a white middle
RICE. 27 around the blue rhombus lay out the yellow modules - it turns out a large yellow rhombus
RICE. 28 lay out the upper part of the yellow rhombus with blue modules - the wing has already begun to emerge, it consists of three rhombuses, and the top is obtained with an angle at the top

9. FIG. 29, we begin to lay out our winglet with yellow modules along the contour, for this, we first insert one yellow module from the lower right part of the wing, and another yellow one on its left corner with the right “pocket”. RICE. 30 then also two more. RICE. 31 lay out three yellow modules as shown in the figure. RICE. 32 we repeat all actions with fig. 29 to FIG. 31, only on the left side of the wing

10. FIG. 33, 34,35 on the lower right side of the wing, we begin to lay out another row of yellow modules along the contour to the top, up to the three yellow ones that we got up in Fig. 31, bypassing them to the top of the reports. RICE. 36 repeat the same on the left

11. FIG. 37 on the right and on the left side, we insert two red modules into the bends, as in the figure

RICE. 38. From the red right to the top and from the red left to the top, lay out the blue modules along the contour. RICE. 39, 40. then again from the red right to the top and from the red left to the top we lay out with yellow modules, thereby, as it were, continuing the yellow row, giving the wing the correct pointed shape without bends

12. FIG. 41. At the top we insert first two, and then another yellow module, making the wing pointed. the wing is almost ready, at the end we will lay it out along the contour in blue, but that's later ......

further, starting with Fig. 21 to FIG. 41 we repeat everything on the opposite side of our craft, laying out the second wing, in the end it should turn out like in FIG. 42. (sorry for the photo) four diamonds should remain free, these will be the tail and head.

13. FIG. 43. we begin to lay out the chest: for this, between the two freedoms of rhombuses, we lay out a "tick" with yellow modules, as in the figure. RICE. 44 inside the yellow "tick" I lay out the red of the seven modules. RICE. 45. insert one white one into the lower part of the red one, then a row of two white ones, then another one on top. RICE. 46. ​​put 5 reds around the whites along the contour, getting a rhombus

14. FIG. 47 further along the contour, lay out yellow around the red ones, getting a yellow rhombus. RICE. 48 further on the right and on the left side we insert two blue modules, as in the figure. RICE. 49 now, starting from the bottom of the left side of the piles to the top, along the contour, lay out a series of blue modules. RICE. 50 we repeat the same thing on the right side of the chest, note that there should be 5 blue modules in a row on the top, if it doesn’t work out, you can lay out another row on top adjusting the number of modules, in this place we will start the neck

15. leave the chest for now and start laying out the tail, this is for convenience so that the bird does not tip over
RICE. 69 between the remaining two free rhombuses, first lay out along the inner contour, first a row of red ones (it turns out a red "check mark"), then a row of white ones (a white check mark), insert one module at the bottom of the white one, then two white ones in the top row, then 3 more white ones, further up white four red
RICE. 70 then a row of three red ones, then a row of two (you can also adjust the number of modules, the main thing is to get a flat corner. Now from the lower right part of the tail to the top, along the contour, lay out another row of blue ones, the same on the left side , connecting the top with one blue module.The base for the tail is ready ...

16. ... after laying out the base for the tail, we cover the wings with blue modules along the contour, carefully fixing the junctions of the tail and chest with wings
RICE. 51 now start laying out the neck... in FIG. 50 we left a row of five blue modules, we lay out four on it - this will be 1 row, in the 2nd row there will be five modules, in the 3rd - again four, etc. spread up to the 16th row, while giving the neck the desired bend (FIGURE 52,53,54)
as a result, it should turn out as in Fig. 54.

17. Getting to the feathers!
RICE. 55 we take the blue module, in the right "corner" we insert the blue module with the left "pocket", and in the left corner - with the right "pocket" also the blue module
RICE. 56 insert one yellow
RICE. 57 then according to the principle of FIG. 55 we insert again two blue ones, then yellow, etc. until you insert the fifth yellow
RICE. 58 on the fifth yellow we insert two blue modules according to the principle of FIG. then we put on two yellow modules, inserting them on the yellow and blue corners, on the remaining blue ones we put on one more blue one

18. FIG. 59 for each yellow we dress one more at the edges, and red in the middle, the next row will be like this: two yellow in the middle and blue at the edges
RICE. 60 further a row of yellow in the middle and blue along the edges, then two blue, then yellow on top, then again two blue and yellow on top (still the same principle)
RICE. 61 now like this: 1 row - two yellow in the middle and two blue at the edges, 2 row - five modules (from left to right): blue, yellow, red in the middle, yellow, blue
RICE. 62. 3 row - blue, yellow, two red, yellow, blue
RICE. 63. 4 row - blue, yellow, red, white, red, yellow, blue
RICE. 64. 5 row - blue, yellow, two red, yellow, blue, 6 row - blue, yellow, red, yellow, blue

19. 7 row - blue, two yellow, blue. 8 row - blue, yellow, blue 9 row - two blue ones, one feather is ready, now we will make 4 more feathers in the same way, now we insert the feathers into the tail: one feather at the top, two at the base on both sides and two in the middle on both sides. The joints should be glued

20. now we are finishing the head ... after laying out 16 rows (see the description for Fig. 51-54), we lay out the 17th row: blue, two yellow, blue (Fig. 65)
18 row: three blue (FIG. 66)
RICE. 67 19 row: two yellow, 20 row: one blue if in the last rows the corners of the modules stick out to the sides, they can be glued. the beak was made in the form of a cone of red paper, the eyes were made of white cardboard, the eyelashes were colored thin paper, the crown was made of yellow paper, everything was glued with a hot gun (Fig. 68). in the process of work, the tail will outweigh, do not worry, when we install the bird on the stand, it will stand evenly. We make a stand from 64 blue modules, insert the modules into each other, we get a flat ring

21. We glue the bird to the stand, this can be done before the feathers are inserted.
The bird is ready!

Firebird- a fairy-tale character in Russian fairy tales, in which she is the subject of a search for heroes.
The feathers of the firebird glow and shine with gold and silver, which is why it is called the firebird. This wonderful master class of the Firebird modular origami was made by Galina Tikhova.
The "Firebird" made of paper will look great on your table in the living room, decorating the interior for a very long time.
consists of: 254 green, 577 yellow, 245 orange, 208 white.

The assembly sequence of origami "Firebird"

1. Body of a bird: 11 rows of modules with 35 modules in each row.
Collect the first two rows of modules - 35 yellow modules in each row, we will connect them into a ring. In the third row, every 5th module is white, that is, alternate modules 4 yellow - 1 white.

4 row - (1 white, 3 yellow, 1 white) x 7
5 row - (1 orange, 1 white, 2 yellow, 1 white) x 7
6 row - (1 orange, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 orange) x 7

Turn the craft over and continue the assembly (from left to right):

7 row - (1 green, 1 orange, 2 white, 1 orange) x 7
8 row - (1 green, 1 orange, 1 white, 1 orange, 1 green) x 7
9 row - (1 white, 1 green, 2 orange, 1 green) x 7
10 row - (1 white, 1 green, 1 orange, 1 green, 1 white) x 7
11 row - 1 orange, 1 white, 2 green, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white, 2 green, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white, 2 green, 1 white, 1 orange, 1 white, 2 green, 1 white , 1 orange, 1 white, 2 green, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white, 2 green, 1 white, 1 orange, 1 white, 2 green, 1 white.

2. Bird breast: consists of 11 rows of modules
1 row - 1 white, (1 green, 1 white, 2 yellow, 1 white) x 2, 1 green, 1 white

Reduce by 1 module in each next row.
2 row - (2 white, 3 yellow) x 2, 2 white
3rd row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 3 yellow, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white
4 row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 2 yellow, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white
5 row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white
6 row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow, 2 orange, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white
7 row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white
8 row - 1 white, 1 green, 2 yellow, 1 green, 1 white
9 row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white
10 row - 1 white, 2 green, 1 white
11 row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 white

3. Bird neck: consists of 9 rows of modules.
1 row - 2 yellow
2nd row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 white
3 row - 2 yellow
4 row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 white
5 row - 2 white (put each on three corners)
6 row - 1 green
7 row - 2 white
8 row - 1 green
9 row - 2 white

4. Firebird head: consists of 4 rows of modules in the position (short side out) of the OSN.
1 head row - 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white (white with one pocket)
2nd row - 2 yellow
3 row - 1 green (connects the yellow corners)
4 row - 2 white (put each on 3 corners)

5. Beak: Put 1 orange KSN module on 2 white modules. Give the neck a bend, bend the head forward and down.

Head Decoration: Connect 3 modules in a column: orange, yellow, green. On each corner of the green module, put on 1 orange module with one pocket.

6. Wing. Lay out the wing modules in the position (long sides out) SDS 1 row - 1 orange, 1 white, 1 green, 1 white, 1 orange.

In each next row, 1 module less
2 row - 1 orange, 2 white, 1 orange

3 row - 1 orange, 1 white, 1 orange
4 row - 2 orange
5 row - 1 orange

Put 1 white and 1 green modules in a column on the top orange module.
Do the same for the second wing.

Turn your torso back towards you.

7. Tail: Start making a tail, which consists of 20 rows of modules

In the first row of the tail, lay out the modules in the SDS position
1 row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 white, 2 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 1 white

From the 2nd row, lay out the modules in the OSN position

2nd row - 1 white, 1 green, 1 white, 3 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 1 white

In each next row, 1 more module. On the extreme corners of the first and last modules of each row, put on one yellow module with one pocket

3 row - 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white, 4 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow
4th row - 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white, 5 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow
5 row - 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white, 6 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow
6 row - 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white, 7 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow

In the 7th and 8th rows, do not add:

7 row - 1 green, 1 white, 8 yellow, 1 white, 1 green
8 row - 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white, 7 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow

In each next row, 1 module less:

9 row - 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white, 6 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow
10 row - 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white, 5 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow
11 row - 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white, 4 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow
12 row - 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white, 3 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow
13th row - 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white, 2 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow
14 row - 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow
15 row - 1 yellow, 1 green, 2 white, 1 green, 1 yellow
16 row - 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 white, 1 green, 1 yellow
17 row - 1 yellow, 2 green, 1 yellow
18 row - 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 yellow
19 row - 2 yellow
20 row - 1 yellow.

8. The bird stand consists of 6 rows of yellow modules laid out in a circle

From 1 to 5 rows - 34 yellow modules in each row.
6 row - 17 yellow (leave 2 blank corners between the modules of this row).

Glue the body to the stand

9. Feather "Firebird".

Connect 3 modules in a column (orange, yellow, green).
On each corner of the top module in a column, put 12 orange modules on top of each other, with one pocket.

The "Firebird" of triangular modules looks very nice thanks to the modules of different colors. The master class of the modular origami firebird was made by Katrin555. A peacock made of modules with a multi-colored tail is a true decoration of your room. To assemble a modular origami firebird, you will need triangular modules 1/32 in size of A4 sheet: blue 1253; greenish 678; yellowish 371; pink 93; Total modules: 2395. Peacock assembly description:

torso We collect 2 rows of 10 blue modules, close the chain.

3 row 20 modules. We dress like this (shown in a different color in the photo)

4,5,6,7,8,9th rows are dressed as usual. 20 triangular pieces in each row.

In the 10th row we put on 3 modules usually, 2 for 2 pockets, 3 usually, 2 for 2 pockets and so on until the end of the row. Leaves 25 pcs. in a row.

In the 11th, 12th and 13th rows, 25 modules each, the 14th row we put on 18 modules, we leave 14 rays free. modules, 20th - 18 modules. I do this, leave a hole in the body for the tail. You can not bother and put on 25 modules until the 21st row.

21 and 22 rows of 30 modules. This is what the hole in the peacock's body looks like.

23rd row we dress 1 module for 3 rays, we get 20 modules in a row. In the center we put on one pink.

In the 24th row, we put on 2 pink pieces for 1 pink module, the other 18 are blue.

25th row 1 pink, 19 blue. We dress like this. The body of the firebird is ready.

Neck We collect 4 rows. In the first row 8 modules, 2nd row 9 modules, 3rd row again 8 modules, 4th row 9 modules, 1 pink in the center.

7th row 10 blue.

8th row 8 blue, 1 pink.9th row 10 blue.10th row 8 blue, 1 pink.11th row 10 blue.12th row 8 blue, 1 pink.13th row 1- The first module is for three beams, the 2nd is also for three beams, 4 modules are usually, the 7th module is the same as the 1st for three beams and the eighth for three beams. Thus, there are 8 modules in a row.

We cut the 14th row again, we dress 1 pink in the usual way, and 4 blue at the edges, each with three rays. It comes out 5 pieces in a row.

We dress the 15th row 6 blue as usual. The 16th row is 1 pink, 4 blue. The 17th row is 6 blue. The 18th row is 1 pink, 4 blue. The 19th row is 6 blue. The 20th row is 1 pink , 4 blue.21st row 6 blue.22nd row 1 pink, 4 blue.23rd row 6 blue.24th row 1 pink, 4 blue.

25th row we make a reduction, we dress 4 blue ones.

26th row 1 pink in the center, 2 blue at the edges. 27th row 4 blue.28th row 1 pink, 2 blue.29th row 4 blue.30th row 1 pink, 2 blue.31- th row 4 blue. 32nd row 1 pink, 2 blue. 33rd row 4 blue. 34th row 1 pink, 2 blue. 35th row 4 blue.

The 36th row is pink in the center, we dress the last 2 each with 3 rays. In this way, 3 pieces come out in a row. On top of them, in the center, we put on 2 blue ones. The neck is ready.

Head.We take 13 modules, put another 13 on top, but with a short side out. Each module is better glued.

Gently, holding the edges, turn the workpiece inside out.

3rd and 4th rows of 13 pieces each.

In the 5th row we add 4 modules. We dress 3 modules as usual, 2 modules for 2 rays, 3 as usual, 2 for 2 rays, etc. The photo shows a different color. There are 17 pieces in a row.

In the 6th row there are 8 blue modules, 1 greenish, 7 blue, 1 greenish.

In the 7th row 2 greenish, 7 blue, 2 greenish, 6 blue.

In the 8th row 1 greenish, 1 pink, 1 greenish, 6 blue, 1 greenish, 1 pink, 1 greenish, 5 blue.

9th row 2 greenish, 3 blue, 1 yellowish, 3 blue, 2 greenish, 6 blue; 10th row 1 greenish, 3 blue, 2 yellowish, 3 blue, 1 greenish, 7 blue; 11th row 3 yellowish , others are blue; 12th row 4 yellowish; 13th row 5 yellowish; 14th row we go to decrease. We put on 4 yellowish ones, each module has 3 rays, we put on blue ones as usual. There are 15 pieces in a row.

15th row 5 yellowish, 2 blue at the edges we dress as usual, and 4 blue from the bottom we dress each for 3 rays. There are 13 pieces in a row.

16th row. We dress 4 yellowish modules, each with 3 rays, 7 blue as usual. The head is ready.

peacock tail We collect 3 rows. The first one has 19 modules, the 2nd row has 18 modules, the 3rd row has 17 modules. It is better to glue PVA for each module, but in this case, the tail must be bent in shape during assembly.

4th row 18 yellowish.

5th row 1 blue, 1 yellowish, 3 greenish, 1 yellowish, 3 greenish, 1 yellowish, 3 greenish, 1 yellowish, 3 greenish, 1 yellowish, 1 blue.

6th row 1 blue, 1 yellowish, 2 greenish, 2 yellowish, 2 greenish, 2 yellowish, 2 greenish, 2 yellowish, 2 greenish, 1 yellowish, 1 blue. Between greenish just insert pink.

7th row: 1 blue, 1 yellowish, 2 greenish, 1 yellowish, 1 blue, 1 yellowish, 2 greenish, 1 yellowish, 1 blue, 1 yellowish, 2 greenish, 1 yellowish, 1 blue, 1 yellowish, 2 greenish, 1 yellowish, 1 blue.

8th row: 1 blue, 1 yellowish, 1 greenish, 1 yellowish, 2 blue, 1 yellowish, 1 greenish, 1 yellowish, 2 blue, 1 yellowish, 1 greenish, 1 yellowish, 2 blue, 1 yellowish, 1 greenish, 1 yellowish, 1 blue.

1 blue, 2 yellowish, 1 blue, skip 2 rays, again one blue, etc.

On top of the yellowish ones we put on one yellowish one, along the edges one blue one.

Two blue ones on top, one each on them.

We make feathers. We dress 1 blue, 1 greenish, 1 blue, 2 blue on top, 1 greenish on them.

Next to the greenish ones, we put on one blue one for one ray of blue.

Top 2 greenish and blue along the edges, as in the previous row. On top of the greenish one yellowish, along the edges along the greenish and one blue.

Top 2 greenish, next to blue.

Now greenish feathers. We put 2 greenish ones on one blue module, later one, again 2,1,2,1,2.

We put on 2 greenish one yellowish and greenish along the edges, later 2 yellowish ones on top and greenish along the edges.

Blue in the center, yellowish around, greenish at the edges. Above 2 blue, next yellowish, greenish at the edges.

Next, we dress 1 pink in the center, next to it is blue, then yellowish and greenish around the edges. Above 2 blue, 2 yellowish, 2 greenish, later 1 blue, 2 yellowish, 2 greenish. After 2 yellowish, 2 greenish, above 1 yellowish, 2 greenish, above 2 greenish and topmost 1 greenish. We make 4 of these.

Attached feathers. We dress 2 blue, on their greenish, two blue, greenish, 2 blue, greenish.

On the bottom 2 feathers, which are in the center, we put on 2 blue, 1 greenish, 2 blue, 1 greenish.

We make 4 arches. In one arch there are 5 modules on one side, 5 on the other and one in the center.

From above we put on blue modules.

In the center we put on 1 pink, above 2 greenish ones. After 1 yellowish, 2 greenish, 2 yellowish, 2 greenish, 1 pink, 2 yellowish, 2 greenish.

And here is our tail

We glue the beak, eyes, crest. We connect all the details with a thermal gun.

The firebird of triangular modules is quite ready.

The creator of the master class is Ekaterina Timarevskaya. Source — http://stranamasterov.ru/node/953278#photo19

Firebird modular origami. Workshop on assembling a firebird out of paper

Firebird modular origami step-by-step assembly master class with explanations and photos. A beautiful firebird made of triangular modules is a true homemade decoration for a room. The feathers of the firebird shine and shine with gold and silver, therefore it is called the fiery bird. This excellent master class of the Firebird modular origami was made by Galina Tikhova. Modular origami fire bird consists of 1989 triangular modules: 1330 - burgundy, 394 - blue, 228 - snow-white, 20 - green, 17 - yellow.1. Torso of the fire bird Collect the first two rows of modules - 40 burgundy modules in each row, we will connect them into a ring. Also 40 burgundy modules in 3rd and 4th rows.

In the 5th, 6th, 7th row, we alternate the modules by color - see the photo, the other modules in the row are reddish in color.

From the 8th row we collect only the front part of the body where the modules alternate in color - see photo

From the 9th to the 22nd row, we continue to collect the torso according to the photo below

The body is ready.2. The neck of the firebird consists of 13 rows of modules that alternate in color - see photo below

We finish with a reddish module - there will be a beak, assign a suitable twist to the neck.

3. The tail of the firebird. We collect 8 more rows with reddish modules - there are 13 rows in the tail.

4. Assembling the tail feathers of the fire bird. Collect 11 pieces in total. The feathers of the second row are attached to the back of the body, and the feathers of the first row are simply pasted on the bottom with a hot glue gun.