Laser Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid (hyaluronoplasty). What is laser biorevitalization? Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid laser

Laser biorevitalization is a course of rejuvenation by introducing hyaluronic acid into the subcutaneous tissues through laser radiation (laserophoresis), bioimplantation of nutrients into the cells of the epidermis.

Types of biorevitalization

There are many types of biorevitalization effects. Depending on the method of carrying out the procedures, injection and hardware revitalization are distinguished. In both cases, the main task is to introduce hyaluronic acid enriched with essential trace elements and nutrients into the epidermal cells.

Injection biorevitalization consists in the subcutaneous injection of hyaluronic acid. Hardware rejuvenation is based on the transport of hyaluronate deep into the subcutaneous layers by means of ultrasonic waves, laser radiation or microcurrent exposure. A common method is laser biorevitalization. hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluron stabilizes the amino acid composition of the skin. Entering the epidermis, it accumulates there, then gradually enters the lower layer - the dermis, accelerates the metabolism, due to which the natural restoration of epidermal cells occurs. In the human body, hyaluronic acid is found in many tissues and organs, skin cells, and in the intra-articular fluid.

The main task of the acid is the distribution of fluid throughout the cells and tissues, the retention of collagen fibers in the skin cells at a level sufficient to ensure the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. This is a kind of elixir of youth.

Therapeutic properties of hyaluronic acid:

  1. Accumulation of water, which contributes to the hydration of the epidermis. Lack of water provokes dry skin and the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. Neutralization of free radicals, prevention of cancer development, strengthening of immunity.
  3. Neutralization of viral infections.
  4. Acceleration of the healing process of wounds, burns, postoperative scars.

The effect of laser biorevitalization

Not everyone knows what laser biorevitalization is, how many times it needs to be done, whether it is worth going for the procedure. Its essence lies in the fact that with the help of the laser phoresis method, low-molecular substances penetrate into the deep skin layers together with a laser beam, which are applied to the skin surface before the session.

The procedure is also based on medicinal properties laser, when the blood circulation of the epidermal integument improves, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated. There is a double effect on the skin - hyaluronic acid molecules and laser beams.

Biorevitalization with a laser promotes the accumulation of fluid in the cells, providing hydration to the epidermis and smoothing fine wrinkles, fights flabbiness, increases firmness and elasticity by increasing the concentration of elastin.

The laser beam penetrates the tissues by 4 mm, transporting up to 4 ml of hyaluronic acid into the skin cells, significantly increasing the effectiveness of the hardware revitalization procedure compared to injections. With ultrasonic revitalization, hyaluron penetrates even deeper into the subcutaneous layers - by 1-1.5 cm.

The impact of the laser on tissues stimulates the following processes:

  • active synthesis of natural moisturizing substances by fibroblasts;
  • production of own hyaluronic acid;
  • increase the protective forces of the skin;
  • acceleration of blood microcirculation in skin capillaries;
  • relief of inflammatory processes of the skin;
  • helps to get rid of some cosmetic skin imperfections.

No matter how long the procedure takes, laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid helps to “throw off” 10-15 years in a fairly short period of time.

The session is carried out using a special laser that practically does not heat the body. In rare cases, the temperature may rise by 1 °, which is not noticeable at all. Laser exposure is called biorevitalization with a cold laser.

Listing the advantages and disadvantages of various anti-aging techniques will allow you to figure out what is best for clients: hardware biorevitalization or injection revitalization. Initially, the course of facial rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid was carried out by injecting into those areas where it is necessary to implant useful microelements and nutrients into tissues. Such a procedure is quite painful and requires the use of anesthetics, and after injections, bruises and swelling remain on the face for several days.

The simple application of hyaluronate to the skin as part of creams or ointments affects only the upper skin layers, improving appearance and elasticity, but does not produce a rejuvenating effect. Laser hyaluronoplasty is absolutely painless, nourishes and enriches the deep layers of the epidermis and does not leave marks on the face, well protects against the harmful effects of free radicals.

Indications for laser biorevitalization

What is laser biovitalization of the skin and when it is required, you need to find out from a specialist. Indications for the procedure:

  • dryness, when the skin is tight, overly sensitive to exposure, the effect of "paper skin";
  • signs of aging of the skin layer on the face, neck, hands;
  • and giving them volume;
  • regeneration of "tired" skin after prolonged exposure to the sun, frost;
  • stimulation of the healing process after cosmetic procedures and operations;
  • correction of sagging upper eyelids and swelling and cyanosis under the eyes;
  • treatment of inflammatory processes (acne, pimples, blackheads, etc.).

Make laser biorevitalization - help your skin launch internal reserves to preserve youth and beauty. According to some cosmetologists, in order to increase the effectiveness of laser phoresis, the course of laser rejuvenation should begin at the age of 30, the procedure should take at least half an hour. Laser biorevitalization can be used to regenerate the skin tissues of the face, décolleté, hands, neck, etc. The exception is the eyelids, for which

Carrying out the procedure

Many patients who first got to the procedure are interested in how laser biorevitalization goes, what it is, how long each session lasts, and how many procedures each course contains. Laser biorevitalization of the face and other skin is carried out using a diode laser and a gel with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

The order is as follows:

  • the procedure begins with cleansing the skin of dead cells by peeling;
  • a healing gel is applied;
  • exposure to laser radiation.

There is an effect on both the upper and deep cells and tissues of the epidermis.

Hyaluronic acid, once in the body, begins to break down. In order to increase the time of its action, it is necessary to periodically change the wave frequency of laser radiation. This leads to the strengthening of bonds between molecules, increases the resistance of hyaluronate to the effects of structure-destroying enzymes.

After the procedure, the skin should be moistened with a soft cream. No other follow-up care for the face or body is required. The only requirement is to increase fluid intake to 2.5-3 liters per day. This helps to hydrate the cells.

Usually sessions last from 40 minutes to 1 hour. The course of rejuvenation with a laser beam, depending on the site of exposure, skin condition, age of the patient, can include from 3 to 10 sessions, the interval between each procedure is 7 days. In the future, for the purpose of prevention, laser biorevitalization of the skin of the face and other parts of the body can be carried out once a month. How many procedures are needed in each case is determined by the specialist conducting the treatment.

Watch the video of the laser biorevitalization procedure:

Advantages of laser rejuvenation

Regeneration of skin cells by laser treatment has the following advantages:

  • laser phoresis is a painless and safe procedure that does not require a recovery period;
  • skin injury and damage to its integrity are excluded;
  • bruises, swelling, inflammation do not appear;
  • has a rejuvenating and healing effect on the skin, stimulating the body's production of natural collagen - elastin;
  • can be used in the presence of inflammatory rashes on the skin, since the laser has antiseptic and immunostimulating properties.

Possible contraindications

Along with many advantages, laser skin biorevitalization, like all procedures, has its own contraindications:

  • a large number of moles and papillomas;
  • infectious, viral or fungal diseases skin (herpes) during an exacerbation;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • endocrine pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • cuts, wounds, scratches, etc.;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • high blood pressure, severe form diabetes, diseases of cardio-vascular system, atherosclerosis of the brain;
  • epilepsy and mental illness;
  • malignant tumors.

Results of laser biorevitalization

The rejuvenation course has the following effect:

  • the skin becomes firm and elastic;
  • active hydration of skin cells to the deepest layers;
  • enrichment of tissues with oxygen elements;
  • smoothing deep wrinkles, disappearance of small ones;
  • the skin becomes young, smooth and healthy;
  • healing burns from sunlight and chemicals;
  • resorption of various scars and scars.

After the procedure, you should refrain from massage and intense friction of the laser treatment areas.

Here are just a few photos before and after laser biorevitalization:

Alternative methods of hardware biorevitalization

Treatment of the skin with a hardware method normalizes the level of collagen, slowing down the aging process of cells and preventing the formation of wrinkles. The lifting effect of this effect is to tighten and restore the contours of the face.

Alternative hardware methods for introducing hyaluronate under the skin include ultrasonic biorevitalization, electrophoresis and the use of microcurrent waves. Laser biorevitalization - great way bring back youth. But any procedures have a temporary effect and require constant prevention.

Time is merciless to female beauty. From the age of 25, the aging process begins, but it's good that there are many ways to slow it down. We propose to consider what it is - non-injection laser biorevitalization of the skin of the face, the price of the procedure, as well as what drugs are used in this process.

Laser biorevitalization of the face

Biorevitalization is a fairly popular medical technique, which is often prescribed by cosmetologists in order to remove signs of aging from the dermis, as well as just slightly improve its structure. The principle is as follows: during injection therapy, a small amount of active substances are introduced into the epidermis, which help to smooth out wrinkles, and also accelerate (or resume) collagen production.

Laser biorevitalization refers to non-injection technologies. A special composition is applied to the skin of the face and neck, after which the thermal effect of the laser on these areas begins. It is much safer than grinding or peeling, because. the epidermis is not burned, but simply heated to open the pores. Beneficial substances under thermal influence penetrate cells much faster and more efficiently and begin to act. The effect is not long - from 3 days to a week, after which you need to repeat the session, but no rehabilitation period and you can immediately use foundation creams and other cosmetics.

Despite the fact that improving the structure of the dermis by the vacuum method is safer, laser needle-free cosmetology (Ier biorevitalization) is more productive, as evidenced by the before and after photos.

When appointed laser rejuvenation:

  1. For deep wrinkles and age spots age character;
  2. If the dermis needs deep hydration or nutrition;
  3. The laser also tightens the "settled" upper eyelids and eliminates dark spots under the eyes;
  4. For tightening the area around the eyes and nasolabial folds.

Despite the fact that injection therapy has a much better effect and is longer lasting, laser biorevitalization is cheap and painless. In addition, the session can be easily carried out at home.
Video: biorevitalization of the face with a laser

Drugs and devices

Beauty salons and clinics that offer us to host biorevitalization use a number of special medicines and preparations. We propose to consider in detail the most effective of them.

ApparatusDescription and notes
Polilaser bionic (developed by the Belgian company lumis)The Bionic is an excellent and very compact device, you can change the settings and the depth of the laser beam.
hialuroxA device that is aimed at working with hyaluronic acid. It is relatively expensive, but a salon effect can be achieved after 4-6 procedures.
Redline (Germany)This device has established itself as a means by which you can remove mimic wrinkles and age spots.
Vitalaser 500A modern device, it can be used independently, although much more often it is they who work in laser clinics.
Dibi laserThe Italian device, small but very effective, has a wide range of settings, as well as attachments for laser hair loss therapy.
Biorevitalization laser LasmikA very popular device, it is used in most beauty salons.
MustangThe most affordable device of all those listed above. We advise you to use it only if you have experience with this practice (bad reviews are known).

Mostly drugs based on hyaluronic acid are used, according to experts, so you can get quick results, in addition, it is not harmful to the body (hyaluron is produced by the body and is a natural substance).

The technique by which hyaluronoplasty, mesotherapy and laser lifting are performed is very similar, but still, what is the difference? Their pros is everywhere, but the main differences are as follows:

  1. The skin is not pierced;
  2. The face does not change its color;
  3. The session is absolutely painless;

Unfortunately, there are minuses:

  1. Not recommended for girls with inflamed and purulent acne;
  2. It is difficult to perform on your own without certain skills;
  3. It can not be used for oncological diseases, the postoperative period and during exacerbation of chronic diseases - eczema, psoriasis or lichen.

Photo - Before and after biorevitalization


The laser is a rather dangerous beauty tool, and the contraindications of laser biorevitalization should be considered in more detail. Most cosmetologists say that hyaluronic acid dissolves within six months, and is not dangerous to health in any way, but this is not so. The process can drag on for a year or more, and there is no guarantee that it will be uniform everywhere.

Because of this, biorevitalization cannot be carried out more often than once a year, because after that serious complications can occur.

Also, after the procedure, serious consequences are possible if you suffer from blood diseases or high pressure. You can not use laser equipment with vessels and capillaries close to the dermis - they can burst under the influence of temperature, and hematomas form on the face.

Photo - Skin before and after the procedure

Principle of procedure

The face is cleansed, makeup must be removed and a light warming massage is done. After that, the composition is applied to it. The doctor determines the amount of gel independently, based on your tests and problems. At home, we recommend using gentle preparations, for example, Matrix or even Vitalazer, in which the principle of action is based on gentle penetration into the epidermis. Those who have done biorevitalization in the salon know that the average session lasts 20-40 minutes.

Next, the gel is removed, the treated area is gently smoothed and applied. nutritious cream. It is recommended to repeat after 7-10 days.
In order to conduct a session on your own at home, you need to visit the clinic at least once. In large cities, you can visit excellent beauty salons where special compositions for the session are sold, and there are also various discounts and promotions all the time.

Laser biorevitalization is a procedure that is often advised by the women's forum, very well known about it. good feedback both doctors and patients, but still we urge our readers to be very careful with the use of mechanisms that give "eternal" youth.

What is unique about laser biorevitalization, what is it? These are popular questions. This is the name given to the procedure of rejuvenation and moisturizing of the face.

It involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin. The session itself can be carried out by injection or using a laser. The second option will be discussed.

What is the secret of laser biorevitalization?

So, biorevitalization itself is a procedure during which cocktails based on hyaluronic acid are delivered into the deep layers of the skin with the help of injections. As a result, the skin is moisturized, refreshed, and the synthesis of elastin and collagen is launched.

But for people who are categorically afraid of injections, laser biorevitalization was created. It involves the application of a special drug with hyaluronic acid to the skin, which helps to penetrate into the deeper layers of the laser (they act on the treated area).

Another name for laser biorevitalization is laser phoresis. This way:

  • saturates the skin with moisture;
  • improves metabolism;
  • reduces the number of wrinkles;
  • tightens the epidermis;
  • improves its color.

This procedure is also called neodymium fractional laser rejuvenation.

Dermatologist Jason Emer

With the help of a laser, cosmetologists open the conductive channels of the dermis. At the same time, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid penetrates into the subcutaneous layer in a significant (up to 4 ml) amount to a depth of 4 mm.

Therefore, at the end of the full course of sessions, clients of cosmetologists visually become 10-15 years younger. And you will see the achievement after the first procedure.

Age restrictions

Those who plan to resort to a rejuvenating technique are interested in at what age they can apply for laser biorevitalization.

According to experts, the procedure is acceptable after 25 years. This is due to the aging of the skin, which begins to appear closer to the 30s.

And laser phoresis helps to “catch” its withering at the very beginning, since such gentle manipulation is suitable for the prevention of skin aging. And young girls can start doing it too.

In addition, laser biorevitalization effectively fights other related problems, for example, it eliminates scars and scars.

In what cases is the procedure indicated

In cosmetology, laser biorevitalization is recommended if certain problems appear.


  • facial wrinkles;
  • skin laxity;
  • flabby outlines;
  • sensitivity and dryness of the epidermis;
  • photoaging;
  • puffiness, dark circles under the eyes;

Biorevitalization with a laser is indicated if the pores on the skin are enlarged or the patient is preparing to restore the skin after serious cosmetic manipulations.

The specialist will offer to resort to laser phoresis only after examining the face and analyzing the existing problems.

When not to use laser biorevitalization

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, those who have open wounds or boils on the face, herpes rashes need to wait with laser biorevitalization sessions.

But with the disappearance of these contraindications, you can plan a trip to a beauty salon.

But patients with allergic perception of hyaluronic acid, with voluminous pigmentation or moles should not take risks. It is forbidden to apply for laser phoresis sessions for patients with tuberculosis, dermal cancer, and diabetes mellitus.

Turning to a cosmetologist about rejuvenating laser manipulations, it is necessary to tell about all the concerns related to health.

Then the specialist will realistically assess the safety of the procedures for a particular patient.

Main advantages

Sessions of laser biorevitalization are in demand among clients of beauty salons. The technique is simple and does not cause discomfort or pain, as the integrity of the skin is preserved.

The following advantages of the technique can be distinguished:

  1. It is important that the process excludes infection with diseases transmitted through blood.
  2. The indisputable advantage is fast recovery after the laser without complications and allergies.
  3. The prohibition list is insignificant, and many clients will be able to use this procedure without fear.
  4. A person does not feel pain, because skin punctures are not made. But it is worth noting that the effectiveness of injections is better than that of the non-injection method.
  5. The patient recovers quickly. In rare cases, complications may occur.

This procedure is easily tolerated by patients. There are times when they even fall asleep during the session, as there is no pain. Laser biorevitalization delivers only pleasant sensations.

Plastic surgeon Raffi Karamanukyan

Compared with the injection technique, laser biorevitalization wins at a lower price.

Cons of the technique

  • Laser biorevitalization accelerates metabolism in cells only in upper layers epidermis. Therefore, the course of laser rejuvenation requires constant use to maintain the achieved result.
  • It is permissible to carry out procedures at home. However, a portable laser device will have to pay a considerable amount.
  • It does not hurt to seek advice from several cosmetologists. This, moreover, will allow negligent doctors to be excluded from the list of specialists.
  • Be sure to ask about the quality and duration of the use of the gel with hyaluronic acid. It is worth making sure that the chosen beauty salon takes care of the observance of natural sanitation.

How is the procedure (step by step)

The process of laser biorevitalization occurs with the "participation" of a diode laser and a special gel based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.

Technically, the manipulation looks like this:

  1. At the preparatory stage, the skin is cleansed with superficial peeling. This removes the upper stratum corneum of the dermis.
  2. Then the doctor applies a gel with hyalurononate to the face.
  3. Next, with a special device with laser radiation, the cosmetologist treats the skin with a gel. This triggers cell regeneration, resulting in facial rejuvenation.
  4. At the final stage, the epidermis is moistened with a cream to fix the result.

The procedure is carried out not only on the face, but also on the neck, hands, and also in the décolleté area.

Dermatologist Michelle Green

It is important that immediately after the end of the session, the patient can return to the normal course of life. Special care for the skin is also not required.

Compatibility with other procedures

Laser biorevitalization is possible after many anti-aging activities.

  • It is combined with the face, which is performed before the non-injection procedure. This tandem increases the natural production of hyaluronic acid in the skin.
  • A complex is allowed, consisting of simultaneous laser and injection procedures with the introduction of hyaluronic fillers into the skin. Manipulation is done with a laser device with a special nozzle. Such a device concentrates hydrocosmetics in the depths of the tissues, thereby rejuvenating them.
  • There is a good compatibility between laser biorevitalization and cleaning of the epidermis with ultrasound.
  • Laserophoresis is also used together with masks, which are popular with customers. The beam enhances skin regeneration and minimizes inflammation.
  • It is not uncommon to use a combination of laser resurfacing with various microdermabrasion.
  • Laser biorevitalization is combined with myostimulation,.

All this will allow you to achieve even greater rejuvenating performance.

A 3-day recovery period after each session, however, will require:

  • less exposure to the sun;
  • forget about visits to the pool, solarium, bath;
  • give up alcoholic beverages;
  • use a moisturizing face cream.

Such rules will certainly exclude unwanted manifestations from the laser course.

Dermatologist Jeff Rapaport

Complications and side effects

If contraindications do not apply to a person, the procedure was performed by an experienced doctor, and further elementary rules were followed, then complications are unlikely to appear.

But, nevertheless, you need to understand that laser biorevitalization involves a certain effect on the skin, so the occurrence of some side effects is not excluded:

  • the face turns red;
  • allergy appears;
  • swelling occurs.

These effects pass quickly. This will take a couple of hours or a few days.

Question answer

The procedure does not take much time. Often 15-45 minutes is enough. It all depends on the specific situation, the amount of processing and the specifics of the work of the beautician.

No, laser biorevitalization can also be performed in summer. The fact is that after peeling, active skin renewal occurs, and exposure to the sun can provoke pigmentation. Laser biorevitalization acts deeper, does not particularly affect the regeneration processes.

The cost of laser biorevitalization

Potential clients who have applied for laser biorevitalization are interested in the price of rejuvenation procedures.

In Russia, the cost is in the range of 800 - 3 thousand rubles. per session. It consists of the rating position of beauty salons, the qualifications of cosmetologists and the price of the device that is being manipulated.

The number of sessions of laser phoresis is usually set at least 5. Age clients are assigned a course of more procedures.

Based on this, such rejuvenation will require significant expenses. But beauty salons often offer discounts if you buy several manipulations at the same time.

Nevertheless, photos of those who have undergone laser biorevitalization convince of the effectiveness of procedures using this technique. And especially women willingly use it to look younger.

TOP-5 devices

To carry out the manipulation, professional equipment is required. Below is a list of popular devices:

  1. redline. This equipment is made in Germany.
  2. Dibi laser. This equipment stands out for its small size. Despite this, it is not inferior in efficiency to other devices. The development is carried out by an Italian company.
  3. Polilaser bionic. This device also stands out for its compactness. The development takes place by a Belgian company.
  4. Lasmic. This device is very popular.
  5. Vitalaser 500. Another popular device.

Laser biorevitalization - salon procedure, which without surgery and pain is able to rejuvenate the skin of the face and body. Laser beams deliver hyaluronic acid to the deep layers of the skin. This accelerates cell regeneration in the treated area.

Clients of Moscow salons have access to laser biorevitalization of the face and body at an inexpensive price. You can get a discount if you buy a coupon or a promotional code on the Biglion website.

Laser biorevitalization: advantages

Skin transformation in clinics and salons in Moscow is painless and comfortable, and with Biglion bonuses it is also cheap. The doctor examines the visitor and determines the frequency of procedures. After laser biorevitalization, according to customer reviews, it is noted:

  • Elimination of dryness and flabbiness of the skin;
  • Smoothing wrinkles;
  • Discoloration of age spots;
  • Face oval and upper eyelid lifting;
  • Elimination of traces of post-acne and stretch marks, scars and scars;
  • Lip augmentation and clarity of their contour.

The effect of laser biorevitalization lasts up to a year. Even one session enhances the effect of other salon manipulations. Promotions from Biglion and sales of subscriptions to the course reduce the price of procedures by up to 90%.

Skin Rejuvenation Benefits with Coupon from Biglion

Biglion helps to compare the offers of Moscow salons and purchase a coupon with the most profitable ones. Also, the buyer of Biglion coupons gets the opportunity to:

  • View documents confirming the knowledge of a cosmetologist;
  • Make sure the equipment is new;
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  • See photos of patients before and after the course.

Biglion offers to buy coupons only for salons that are in demand in Moscow, with a serious reputation and competent specialists. There are no weather restrictions for laser biorevitalization, so transformation at a company discount is possible both in summer and winter.

Hyaluronic acid is a component that is able to retain moisture in the tissues and, accordingly, control the elasticity of the skin.

With age, the concentration of acid decreases and this affects the condition of the skin. To replenish its reserves in the deep layers of the epidermis and to achieve the effect of rejuvenation, sessions of laser biorevitalization allow.

A lasting result can be achieved after the first exposure to skin tissues.

Many people ask themselves: what is it - laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, how effective is the effect of a non-injection procedure on the skin of the face and body, which rejuvenation method to choose - laser or injection? Let's try to figure everything out.

This cosmetic procedure is a non-surgical intervention that is performed using a laser device. Under its influence, the pores and transport subcutaneous channels expand, which contributes to better absorption of the injected gel containing hyaluronic acid.

The applied preparation reaches the lower layers of the epidermis, restores the structure of tissues and improves their condition.

That is, laser biorevitalization is a rejuvenating procedure aimed at increasing the reserves of hyaluronic acid in the epidermis.

This component compensates for the lack of collagen that occurs with age-related changes, and also improves blood circulation.

Features and Benefits

In lineups modern means skin care contains hyaluronic acid. However, when applied to the surface of the face, it cannot penetrate deeply, and lingers only in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, providing it with moisture.

The features of biorevitalization include the penetration of the drug into the deep layers of epidermal tissues. And since hyaluronic acid is a natural component produced by the body, it affects the epidermis at the cellular level:

  • stimulates the production of collagen and elastin;
  • increases the nutrition and hydration of the epidermis by improving the composition of the intercellular substance.

Its advantages include quick results and a lasting long-term effect. The result after a session of non-injection biorevitalization is noticeable after the first procedure.

The duration of the effect in some cases is measured in years. After a course of cosmetic manipulations, the following improvements are observed:

  • increases skin elasticity and hydration;
  • color improves;
  • fine wrinkles are completely smoothed out;
  • noticeable lifting effect.

The persistence of the effect depends on the age of the person and the rate of consumption of hyaluronic acid by his body. Consumption is accelerated by exposure to ultraviolet radiation, sluggish chronic diseases and smoking.

Differences between laser and injection

Laser biorevitalization is safe method effects on the skin. The energy density produced by the apparatus is minimal and can be controlled.

Even with a long session, the temperature in the affected area does not rise by more than 1 degree, which eliminates burns.

The only protective equipment used during the sessions is goggles to protect the eyes from hitting or reflecting the beams of the apparatus.

The procedure has many advantages, among which are:

  • painlessness and comfort;
  • maintaining the integrity of the skin of the treated areas of the face;
  • lack of a rehabilitation period (after the session, bruises and redness do not appear);
  • the possibility of using for patients whose skin is prone to inflammatory processes (the laser acts as an anti-inflammatory and soothing element).

Cosmetic surgery is performed using a gel containing a hyaluronidase inhibitor that slows down the process of reducing hyaluronic acid and increases the result of its impact.

That is why the result even after one manipulation is preserved for up to 3 weeks. After one course of a cosmetic session, the effect will last up to 4 months. With regular exposure to the skin, the duration of the effect of the procedure can be increased up to 8 months.

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Contraindications and possible complications

The rejuvenation procedure has two types of contraindications - for the use of hyaluronic acid and the laser itself. For the use of GC, the following contraindications are distinguished:

  • skin diseases (fungal or viral);
  • increased levels of thyroid hormones in the blood;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • component intolerance.

Contraindications to the use of a laser are as follows:

  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • physical or nervous exhaustion;
  • laser intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking photosensitizing drugs;
  • cold, flu.

Laser biorevitalization does not cause any complications. It can be used for hypersensitive skin, as it does not cause allergic reactions.

How is it carried out

Devices for laser biorevitalization can operate in two modes - pulsed and constant, and the procedure itself is carried out in four stages:

  1. At the first stage, the face is cleansed, then the gel is applied to the skin.
  2. Further, the device acts in a pulsed mode, in which hyaluronic acid begins to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  3. After that, the operation of the device switches to a constant mode, forming larger areas of the injected gel in the skin, which increases the duration of the effect and provides hydration of the epidermis from the inside.
  4. At the last stage, the remains of the gel are removed.

The face immediately after the session looks fresh. There are no injection marks on it, no redness and bruising.

The procedure can be done on any convenient day and after it you can continue to do your usual activities.

Compatibility with other cosmetic procedures

Often, along with the laser procedure, injectable biorevitalization is performed with the introduction of hyaluronic. Therefore, a laser device was invented, which is equipped with a special nozzle. With its help, the surface of the face is simultaneously treated with a laser and subcutaneous injections are made.

This combination allows you to concentrate the acid deep in the tissues and enhance the effect of rejuvenation. It goes well with laser biorevitalization and peeling.

The laser accelerates the process of skin regeneration and reduces inflammation. A good rejuvenation effect can be achieved in combination with facial treatments that involve the application of masks.

This leads to a more pronounced effect after visiting a beautician. Can be used with microdermabrasion.

These operations are also carried out in combination with myostimulation, photorejuvenation (efficiency and results) and microcurrent therapy.

Laser biorevitalization, with all the simplicity of its implementation, is a serious procedure that must be carried out in compliance with all the rules. To achieve the desired result - a pronounced rejuvenation of the skin of the face, it is necessary to observe the following conditions:

  • For carrying out it is necessary to choose a modern specialized clinic.
  • The specialist must have experience in carrying out such procedures. His knowledge must be confirmed by certificates, examples of work and patient reviews.
  • The injected gel must be of the highest quality. The gel should be purchased from leading suppliers in individual industrial packages.
  • When choosing a salon or clinic, first of all, you need to pay attention to the popularity and reputation of the institution. It is better to consider several options, compare them, and only then make the final choice.

The cost depends on the area of ​​influence and will cost from 2500 to 12000 rubles.

There are no seasonal restrictions on the procedure.

It is even recommended to carry out two sessions before a trip to the sea in order to increase the skin's resistance to active sunlight and resist photoaging. The remaining cosmetic rejuvenation procedures are recommended to be done after the sea in order to restore the skin after exposure to ultraviolet rays.