Preparing for childbirth: what you need to do and know when preparing for childbirth. How natural childbirth goes: preparation and main periods Pregnancy and preparation for childbirth

If you decide not to negotiate the birth with a specific doctor and have not chosen a specific maternity hospital, and your pregnancy proceeds without complications and does not require advance hospitalization, then an ambulance will take you to the on-duty maternity hospital (the main thing is to call a medical team when first contractions).

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then already at the 39th week the pregnant woman’s body begins to intensively prepare for the birth of the child. On the eve of childbirth, the following changes are observed in the pregnant woman’s body:

  • Pressure on all organs, and suffers the most bladder.
  • Appearance of nervousness.
  • The appearance of blood from the genital tract.
  • Minor weight loss.
  • Removal of the mucus plug.
  • or loosening of the stool.
  • Increased appetite.
About the beginning directly labor activity The following signs indicate:
  • lower abdomen,
  • constantly intensifying frequent contractions occurring at regular intervals,
  • discharge of amniotic fluid.
When these signs appear, you can safely go to the maternity hospital.

Preparing for natural childbirth

Choose this option, which does not involve surgical intervention and drug stimulation, extremely responsible expectant mothers who think about the health of their child and take into account those Negative consequences which induced labor can lead to.

Benefits for the child

  • Low risk of developing respiratory diseases. Thus, compressing the baby’s chest helps prepare the lungs for independent breathing.
  • Stimulation of cardio-vascular system.
  • Receiving protection during passage through the birth canal. Such bacteria, colonizing in, play a decisive role in the formation of a balanced.
  • Readiness for emotional contact between the baby and his mother. The fact is that during natural childbirth, the baby receives endorphins, which help to quickly and comfortably adapt to life outside the womb.
  • Reducing the amount of pain a baby receives during childbirth to a minimum.
  • Elimination of the negative effects of drugs used for caesarean section and stimulation of labor.
  • Contact to the skin of the child and mother. This contact is responsible for the exchange of necessary hormones.
Benefits for the mother
  • Rapid recovery of the body.
  • The shortest stay within the walls of the hospital.
  • The emotional uplift caused by the fact that a woman was able to give birth on her own (this has a positive effect on psychological state women in labor).
  • Absence or minimization of the risk of complications during future births.
  • Exclusion of postoperative entries.
  • Putting the baby to the mother's breast immediately after birth.
  • A narrow pelvis or its abnormal shape, making it difficult for the child to pass through.
  • The presence of a tumor or scar changes in the vagina and perineum.
  • in the area of ​​the vagina and vulva.
  • Transverse or oblique position of the fetus in the womb.
  • Placenta previa, which blocks the internal uterine os.
  • Too much weight of the fetus and delay in its development.
  • Presentation of the umbilical cord loop.
  • The presence of severe fetoplacental insufficiency, that is, a condition in which the function of the placenta is disrupted, which entails its structural changes.
  • Various diseases, in the presence of which childbirth is dangerous for the health of both the woman and the child (we are talking about a high degree, post-traumatic, infectious diseases, vaginal,).
  • Availability large sizes.
  • Unpreparedness of the cervix for the process of childbirth during full-term pregnancy.
  • Previous births performed with the help of caesarean section.
All of the above signs are an indication for a cesarean section (otherwise the risk of birth complications is extremely high).

Labor pain
Many women do not want to give birth naturally (that is, with minimal medical intervention) because they are afraid of labor pain, which serves an important function during childbirth.

During contractions (provided there is no use of medications), natural pain relief occurs, significantly facilitating labor. During such anesthesia, analgesic hormones are released into the mother’s blood, stopping or reducing attacks of pain.

It is the pain of childbirth that activates the maternal instinct. Please note that the baby also experiences pain at birth, and this process cannot be anesthetized. Therefore, mothers who want to go through this difficult and painful moment with their child often refuse.

Finally, labor pain activates the mechanisms of so-called bonding (or non-verbal communication between mother and newborn), which brings mother and baby as close as possible.

Preparing for a partner birth

Today, partner childbirth is a fairly common occurrence, since the birth of a child is undoubtedly one of the most important events in the life of any family. However, the decision to “give birth with your husband” must be approached as responsibly as possible, since for an unprepared man the process of childbirth can be a real shock.
Conditions for partner childbirth
  1. Husband's wish. At the same time, it is important that he himself takes the initiative and does not succumb to his wife’s persuasion. If the husband is categorically against being present at the birth, there is no need to convince him of this; he should better prepare the family nest for the arrival of his wife and baby from the maternity hospital.
  1. Family harmony. A woman in labor should not be embarrassed to appear unattractive to her husband at the time of childbirth or too aggressive.
  1. Husband's preparedness. Before making a decision about joint childbirth, it is advisable to familiarize the husband with the stages of labor. Special courses for pregnant couples, video materials, special literature, as well as a conversation with the doctor who will deliver the child will help with this. The husband must understand that his task is not just to be in the same room with his laboring other half, but also to actively participate in the sacrament of the birth of the baby (we are talking about both physical and moral support).
  1. Absence of fear of blood, at the sight of which a man should not lose consciousness or self-control.
  1. Positive attitude. The husband must clearly understand that childbirth is real magic.
  1. The readiness of both parents for certain discrepancies in the course of the birth process with already established ideas. So, childbirth can happen quickly, or it can drag on for several days, it can be painless, or it can be accompanied by severe pain. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions of the medical staff.
  1. A set of tests taken by my husband, as well as necessary things. Thus, men who have passed tests for RW and HIV, HBS and HCV, as well as undergone fluorography are allowed into the maternity room. Some maternity hospitals may require a physician's opinion regarding the husband's health condition. Among the things, the expectant father should take a change of shoes, a bottle of water, something to snack on (the birth may be delayed), a camera or video camera, a disposable gown, a medical cap, and a gauze bandage.
Practical help from my husband
There are three periods of labor: contractions, birth of the child, expulsion of the placenta. At each of these stages, the husband must behave differently, but the main thing is to remain calm and self-controlled.

This is the first and longest period of labor, during which the husband who is nearby helps establish the regularity of contractions. So, if there are three or four contractions in 30 minutes, you can go to the maternity hospital. Within the walls of the maternity hospital, the husband helps the woman in labor get comfortable.

While in the prenatal ward with his wife, the husband should encourage her and set her up for a positive outcome of the birth. At this time, it is very important to correctly adjust the wife’s breathing, which may become confused due to pain. And here the husband, by personal example, must establish the rhythm and pace of breathing, which will be copied by the woman in labor. Inhalation is through the nose, and exhalation is through the mouth. Exactly correct breathing saturates the body with oxygen, soothing pain.

During childbirth, it is advisable for a pregnant woman not to drink water. But sucking a piece of ice or moistening your lips with water is quite possible. And here the husband’s help is invaluable, especially if the woman in labor experiences severe pain that does not allow her to move around the ward independently.

But still, the husband’s main task is to relieve prenatal and labor pain. To do this, it is recommended to do a pain-relieving massage consisting of the following manipulations:

  • lightly stroking the lower abdomen,
  • more intense stroking of the sacrolumbar area with palms or fists,
  • pressing on small symmetrical dimples that are located on the tailbone (directly above the buttocks),
  • massaging the inner thighs.
To reduce pain, you need to walk more during contractions. And here the help of your husband is invaluable, because who, if not he, will lend you his strong shoulder and listen to complaints and groans. As contractions intensify, the woman in labor often changes location, so the husband must be prepared for such manipulations.

Birth of a child
This stage is characterized by the appearance of pushing (or contractions of the uterus), which promote the movement of the child directly through the birth canal. With the appearance of pushing, the woman in labor is transferred to the delivery room or placed on special chair. At this time, the husband helps to take the correct position: for example, the laboring woman’s head should be bent so that the chin is at the chest. Now the husband takes a place at the head of the chair and continues to breathe correctly with the woman in labor. In addition, he becomes a link between the medical team and the woman in labor (often the husband is listened to better than the doctors).

It is important to talk to the woman in labor, encourage her, while wiping sweat from her forehead and carefully listening to the doctors’ instructions. The result of well-coordinated joint activities married couple and medical personnel is the birth of a long-awaited baby. In this case, dad has to bear the big part, which is cutting the umbilical cord!

Expulsion of the placenta
This stage of childbirth takes place without the participation of the husband, who at this time is busy with his newborn baby and various organizational issues related to the transfer of mother and child to the postpartum ward.

It is partner birth that allows a child, from the very first minutes of his stay outside the womb, to feel a close connection not only with his mother, but also with his father!

It should be taken into account that today there is no legal framework that would completely and completely control the activities of mother schools that are not medical organizations. For this reason, no one checks exactly how and what is taught in such courses, because the services they provide are called “educational activities”, for which a license is not required. Therefore, it is extremely rare for pregnant women dissatisfied with the courses to present their claims at the legal and legal levels.

Conclusion: it is necessary to approach the choice of courses, schools and centers for pregnant women with the maximum degree of responsibility, checking the education of instructors and doctors, because often the roles of doctors, psychologists and teachers are people who have nothing to do with the listed professions.

Experienced mothers know that a lot depends on how responsibly the preparation for childbirth was organized - partly the process of giving birth to a baby, and the postpartum period. In a woman’s body, all organs and systems begin to prepare for the upcoming birth almost from the first days of the “interesting situation.” These are physiological, hormonal, cellular processes, the task of which is to ensure the gestation and subsequent birth of a child. No less painstaking preparatory work It is also required from the woman herself who is preparing to become a mother. In this article we will tell you how to properly and competently prepare for childbirth, and what to consider.

Do you need to prepare?

Preparing for childbirth in advance is important for several reasons and preparation should be carried out in several areas. Childbirth is always a great stress, which sometimes prevents a woman from giving birth easily, without ruptures and injuries. The greater the stress, the higher the likelihood of birth complications. When mothers are in fear or panic, they experience muscle clamps, which prevent the rapid birth of a child. Numerous works of scientists and doctors from all over the world were based on this statement, as a result of which the programs “Childbirth without pain and fear”, “Painless childbirth” and others appeared.

The more relaxed and confident a woman is during pregnancy and during childbirth, the more correctly, easily and with minimal pain the birth of a child will take place.

Obstetricians in all countries pay great attention to preparation for childbirth. In some, pregnant women are required to attend courses and schools for pregnant women. In Russia, courses for expectant mothers are a purely voluntary matter; upon admission to a maternity institution, no one will ask to present a certificate of completion of the preparatory courses. or to trust the matter of chance - it is up to the woman herself to decide.

There are a lot of psychosomatic factors in the birth process: fear, fear, reluctance to experience pain, anticipation of this very pain, the opinion that it is obligatory and inevitable, can significantly complicate childbirth. While proper breathing, readiness of the birth canal and all muscles of the body will help give birth to a child faster. Properly selected things and documents, intelligently organized space at home will make the first days after the birth of a child more comfortable for everyone.

Many people are interested in who needs preparation. The answer is quite simple - any pregnant woman. But to a greater extent - for first-time mothers, pregnant women with twins or triplets, women who give birth to a second or third child after a long temporary break, as well as those who choose partner childbirth.

Preparation includes physical exercises, some specific procedures, and psychological preparation.

And we also must not forget about the practical side of the issue - correctly collected things for mother and child have never hurt anyone.

Getting ready physically

Physical fitness is very important for a woman in labor. Women with low muscle tone and obesity are more likely to suffer from complications during childbirth and in the early postpartum period, so muscle preparation should be done from the very beginning of pregnancy, or better yet, before its onset. Some, having seen two lines on the test, deliberately refuse to go to the gym and other physical activities, stop walking, believing that for the unborn child it is the state of maternal rest that is most preferable. But this opinion is wrong. It is impossible to prepare your body for childbirth while lying on the couch.

No one demands that a woman set Olympic records and undergo excessive physical activity. In the first trimester of pregnancy, which is considered the period of the greatest risks, in general, it is considered better to reduce stress to a minimum, but not to abandon them completely - restorative gymnastics, walking will be useful for all pregnant women without exception, even if the woman does not exercise before the onset of an “interesting situation.” I was studying.

There are special physical groups for pregnant women - they work at swimming pools and in most sports centers. You can study in a group with other expectant mothers. Yoga and Pilates are especially useful for preparing muscles for childbirth. Swimming and water aerobics can also provide invaluable benefits. Being in the water will help keep your baby occupied. correct position in the uterine cavity.

Any exercise in water or on land should be comparable to the stage of pregnancy. A woman should not get tired, the load should not be a burden, cause muscle pain or discomfort. Physical training also includes breathing techniques that promote relaxation during childbirth, increase the intensity of blood flow, and prevent hypoxia during childbirth.

Proper breathing not only makes labor easier, but also reduces pain during labor. It is on breathing techniques that all the “Childbirth without pain and fear” programs that exist today are based. We have written a separate article for you about proper breathing during childbirth, because this issue needs to be considered in detail.

ABOUT correct technique Quite a few videos have been shot of breathing.

Moral readiness

Psychological prenatal preparation is very important. Often it is fear that becomes the cause of abnormal labor activity and weakness of the birth forces. Conquering fears and anxieties is important for the birth to take place safely and quickly. The main difficulty is that it is drilled into a girl’s head almost from childhood that childbirth is painful and difficult. There are such scenes in films, there are negative examples in literature, even in classic children's fairy tales, where the queen dies during childbirth, unable to bear the pain. As a result, a persistent block is formed in a girl, girl, or woman, which triggers the processes of animal horror before childbirth.

This may sound strange, but there are almost no pain receptors in the tissues of the uterus, so labor pain exists only in the head of the woman in labor. The more afraid she is, the stronger the pain will be - this is the basic rule of hypnotherapy before childbirth, which was practiced back in the USSR, and now the methods of psychologists and psychiatrists are based on it.

It is stupid to demand from a pregnant woman the determination of a special forces intelligence officer and the same high pain threshold. But psychologists in antenatal clinics and psychotherapists in any clinic - public or private - can calm a woman down and convey to her the principles of hypnobirthing. You just need to apply. And the sooner the better, because an express course of psychological preparation in the third trimester is not as effective as planned long preparation.

You can do psychological preparation yourself, but you need to know what it consists of.

  • Studying the theory - processes and stages, everything related to childbirth. How contractions and attempts go, how to behave at one stage or another, how to breathe, when and why, when to push and when to relax. How better woman Theoretically savvy, the better she behaves in the delivery room. When studying theory, you need to use materials from trusted sources and avoid reading women's forums, where the information is often not true. In addition, a pregnant woman has absolutely no need for other people’s negative stories and examples. You can ask an obstetrician-gynecologist at the antenatal clinic to give advice on choosing literature. The doctor will always advise which books for pregnant women will be most useful in preparing for childbirth.
  • Autotraining. A woman who repeats to herself every day that everything will be fine will definitely believe it. This confidence will give calm and regularity. A woman will not perceive the onset of labor as a disaster, and the birth itself as a difficult ordeal. Childbirth is a process that brings closer the meeting with a beloved and long-awaited baby, and not at all “a mockery of nature against the female body.” The body of every woman on the planet has everything necessary to give birth to a child. This should not be forgotten. Trusting your own body and confidence in a positive outcome is half the success.
  • Changing ideas about labor pain. It was said above that pain is of psychogenic origin, which means it can be minimized with proper psychological preparation. The natural process of childbirth is not a disease or an emergency. This is where breathing techniques during childbirth, for example, Kolbas breathing, as well as other methods of natural pain relief taught in courses, come in handy.
  • Simulation of the situation. A woman in her own imagination can replay her own birth many times - imagine how she endures contractions, how she pushes, how a baby is born. At the same time, it is important to imagine everything from a positive point of view. It is believed that any woman is mentally capable of programming the course of her own childbirth. Anticipation of pain and horror leads to a painful, difficult, long labor. A light and positive attitude towards a completely natural process leads to a corresponding reality.
  • Partner births. Childbirth with an assistant from among family and friends, whom the woman completely trusts, increases the comfort of staying in the delivery room and delivery room. If you have decided to give birth together, you need to start joint training both psychological and physical. A partner in the maternity hospital can be very helpful - he will massage between contractions, remind you when and how to breathe, help you take best pose to make it easier to endure contractions.
  • Trust in medical staff. Trust in the doctor who will deliver the baby or perform a planned caesarean section has a very great psychological impact on a pregnant woman. If a woman completely trusts a medical specialist, the stress level during hospitalization decreases tenfold. Therefore, it is important to choose a doctor with whom you will not be afraid to go to the delivery room or operating room.

Important! If you can’t put your thoughts and feelings in order on your own, you should definitely consult a psychologist. In antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals and perinatal centers, the assistance of such specialists is completely free.

Readiness of the birth canal

During physiological childbirth, the load on the pelvic floor muscles is always incredibly high. The Kegel gymnastics complex will help reduce the likelihood of perineal injury, ruptures, and weak dilatation of the cervix. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor should be done with the permission of a doctor. If a woman does not have isthmic-cervical insufficiency, threat of miscarriage or premature birth, the obstetrician-gynecologist may well allow her to practice such a complex.

Kegel exercises are a set of muscle exercises for the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor, as well as for the muscles and sphincter of the anus. It helps strengthen the corresponding muscles and is an excellent prevention of ruptures and postpartum hemorrhoids.

To prepare the birth canal in the third trimester, especially in the last days before childbirth, it is recommended carry out a light massage with natural oil, which will include massaging the external genitalia to increase the elasticity of the skin and muscles of the perineum.

To relax the round muscle of the cervix, 2 weeks before giving birth, some pregnant women are recommended to take No-Shpu. This effective antispasmodic helps the cervix better prepare for labor dilation.

Mammary glands and upcoming feeding

To avoid problems with feeding the baby after the birth, experts advise preparing the mammary glands in advance. Breast preparation should become a mandatory procedure; it can be done at home, on your own, since such preparation in itself is not difficult. Of course, a woman cannot influence the timing of the arrival of permanent milk. This process is caused by the production of the hormone prolactin. But Preparing your own nipples for feeding the baby is the task of the expectant mother. Cracks and painful sores on the nipples often stop the process of feeding the baby, which is quite a painful undertaking. To prevent them, a woman is advised to take a correct approach to breast hygiene during pregnancy, especially when colostrum begins to be produced.

You need to wash your breasts with warm water, without soap, at least twice a day. A supportive maternity bra will ease the unpleasant heavy sensations that accompany an increase in the number of breast lobules during pregnancy.

To strengthen the mammary glands as part of their preparation, it is recommended to take daily cold and hot shower, wear pads in your bra.

Regarding advice to rub your nipples with a rough towel, massage them, you should definitely consult a doctor - excessive stimulation of the nipples leads to an increase in the level of oxytocin in the body, which can provoke premature birth. In obstetrics of the Soviet period, such recommendations actually took place and were applied mainly to later pregnancy. Modern obstetrics has a slightly different view on this matter - preparing the nipples with massage and stimulation is only possible for those women whose pregnancy proceeds without complications or pathologies.

The technique of putting a baby to the breastif a woman is going to give birth to her first child is also worth studying in advance. Not every maternity hospital devotes enough time to this issue.

For multiparous mothers, it is always easier to deliver a child - they have the relevant experience. Actively preparing the breasts for what’s to come breastfeeding It is recommended to exercise no earlier than the 38th week of pregnancy, while hygienic requirements for caring for the mammary glands apply from the very first months of gestation.

What do they teach in the courses?

Free courses for pregnant women are not a show-off event, as some people think. This is a great opportunity to ask all your pressing questions not to faceless advisers on the Internet, but real certified specialists. Classes at the childbirth preparation school are taught by obstetricians-gynecologists, pediatricians, neonatologists, psychologists and social service specialists.

Thus, training in such courses is multifaceted and very interesting. Women are told how labor begins, how contractions develop, how they can be alleviated, how to behave during the pushing process, how the early recovery period after childbirth goes, what recommendations should be followed to make rehabilitation faster and easier.

Pediatricians and neonatologists will talk about how to care for a baby in the first days of his life, how to feed the baby, how to treat umbilical wound and prevent diaper rash. Psychologists will help you get positive about childbirth and avoid postpartum depression, and social service specialists will give advice on benefits and payments due to a particular family in connection with the birth of a baby and tell you how to quickly apply for them.

If a partner birth is planned, both partners must attend classes. If the husband is expected to be present, he will be taught to give his wife a relaxing massage and shown effective positions for partner childbirth, in which a woman can wait out the next labor contraction. And also during the course, the partner will be provided with a list of tests and examinations that need to be done in order to be allowed into the maternity hospital with the woman in labor. Lectures are held both during the daytime and in the evenings; attending them will be convenient for both those who work or study, and those who are already on maternity leave and have big amount free time.

How to choose a maternity hospital?

Previously, women did not have the right to choose; a woman in labor was hospitalized either in a maternity hospital at her place of residence, or in an on-duty maternity hospital if she was taken by ambulance. Since 2006, every pregnant woman has been legally enshrined in the right to independently choose the maternity hospital or perinatal center in which she wants to give birth to her child. This right is supported by a birth certificate. It is issued in the antenatal clinic, where a pregnant woman is observed, along with a sick leave certificate when leaving for maternity leave.

If childbirth is planned on a paid basis, then there is no need for a birth certificate. The woman will be able to negotiate the conditions with the management of the selected maternity hospital independently– a contract for paid medical services usually implies the presence of a certain doctor or obstetrician at the birth, a luxury ward before and after childbirth, the use of epidural anesthesia not according to indications, but at the mother’s own request, the presence of a partner at the birth, and free visits to the mother in a separate box by relatives.

The same services, in addition to free visits by relatives and a VIP ward, can be obtained free of charge, but on the condition that the obstetrician will be on duty on the day the birth begins, and the presence of the partner will be allowed by the management of the maternity hospital. When choosing a maternity hospital, a woman can be guided by her own preferences and reviews of other pregnant and postpartum women.

It also wouldn’t hurt to visit the selected maternity facility and clarify the following questions:

  • conditions of prenatal and postnatal stay - what kind of rooms, how many places, where the bathroom is located, is there a shower;
  • living conditions for children - together with their mothers or separately;
  • qualifications of doctors and obstetricians, qualifications of pediatricians, anesthesiologists;
  • equipment and equipment - does the maternity hospital have the necessary equipment to provide assistance to children and mothers in the event of unforeseen dangerous complications.

You should take into account the distance of the maternity hospital from your place of residence - think about your relatives, because they visit you almost every day.

In the selected maternity hospital, you need to sign an exchange card after the 30th week of pregnancy. The woman will also be given a reminder about what documents and things she needs to take with her for hospitalization.

Collecting things

There are universal lists of things for a maternity hospital, but in each maternity hospital the list of what is acceptable may differ. Therefore, you should definitely ask the staff of the chosen maternity hospital what you need and what you don’t need to take with you to a specific institution.

On average, the lists are quite similar. A woman’s bag in its classic version consists of three groups of things:

  • For childbirth– the list is individual.
  • For a woman in the postpartum period. To stay in the maternity hospital, you usually need washable slippers, a nightgown, a package of postpartum pads, a robe, a cup and a spoon, and toilet paper, soap, Toothbrush and pasta.
  • For a child. To care for your child, you need to take the smallest diapers for newborns, powder, baby cream, several vests and rompers or diapers made from natural fabrics. A breast pump may also be helpful.

Kit necessary documents always the same regardless of the chosen maternity hospital. It includes:

  • passport;
  • policy;
  • birth certificate;
  • exchange card;
  • medical record from the clinic (if there are concomitant chronic diseases);
  • certificates about the health of the partner for partner childbirth.

Some maternity institutions also require a copy of the sick leave certificate, the original of which the woman handed over to the accounting department at her place of work when she went on maternity leave.

IN Lately Doctors strongly recommend that women take a pair of medical compression stockings with them to childbirth to prevent complications with the vessels and veins of the lower extremities. It is important not to forget your mobile phone and Charger to go with it, you can also take a book or magazine to while away your free time profitably.

If you are having a caesarean section

Hospitalization before elective surgery, if indicated, must be taken seriously. A referral to the maternity hospital must be made at 38 weeks of pregnancy, because the operation itself is performed after 39 weeks.

It is necessary to go to the hospital in advance, because before the operation the woman is carefully prepared in the maternity hospital - the necessary examinations, tests are done, and the method of anesthesia is chosen.

To the list of things for a woman who is going for a planned operation, you must add a disposable Shaver, disposable diapers And compression stockings second degree of compression. If desired, a woman can also purchase and take with her a postpartum postoperative bandage, which will facilitate the recovery process after childbirth surgery.

When preparing for the upcoming birth, a woman must enlist the support of the attending physician with whom she is registered. You need to trust him completely. Only he will be able to answer with great accuracy what a particular pregnant woman can drink for a headache, whether she needs to drink a decoction of raspberry leaves before giving birth, and others.

Many people try to collect a “dowry” for a baby in advance. This point of preparation really needs to be given Special attention. But everything needs to be done in advance so that it doesn’t happen that in the last days before giving birth, a woman will run around children’s stores instead of resting.

According to women, after appropriate planned preparation, which covers all of the above aspects, going to the maternity hospital is easy and even noticeably calmer than spontaneously in the hope of a good outcome. Of course, no one can foresee all possible situations, all possible complications in advance - neither the doctor nor the pregnant woman. But a woman must remember the main thing - she is in good hands. If something goes wrong, she will definitely get help. Modern medicine is at a fairly high level, so infant and female mortality during childbirth is now extremely low, and the percentage of complications is decreasing.

Dr. Marusinets is a board-certified pediatrician based in Wisconsin. She graduated from the College of Medicine of Wisconsin Medical School in 1995.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Until recently, natural childbirth was the only way to give birth to a child. Natural childbirth is the birth of a child with minimal medical and surgical intervention. This means that the woman does not use any medications during labor, including an epidural, any painkillers, or an episiotomy (a procedure in which an incision is made to increase the size of the vagina or birth canal). Natural childbirth can take place at home or in a maternity hospital, and an obstetrician is involved in the process. Regardless of where you plan to give birth, there are a few things that are important when preparing for a natural birth.


Finding the right people

    Decide who will help you during childbirth. Some time before giving birth, you will have to decide who will help you give birth. You can choose a specific doctor, called an obstetrician-gynecologist. Make sure that the obstetrician you choose has sufficient experience with natural births and is willing to listen and accept your wishes regarding how the birth should proceed.

    Find someone who will help and support you during childbirth. If you want and if possible, decide in advance who you want to be with you during the birth. Discuss your decision with this person first. This could be your spouse, partner, girlfriend, or even your mother or sister. Choose for this role a person with whom you will feel comfortable and who can support you in the difficult process of childbirth.

    Find a doula. Besides loved one who will support you during the birth process (or instead), you can find a professional doula - that is, a woman who professionally emotionally and informationally helps women before childbirth, during the birth process and after it. To find a doula, you can ask your obstetrician, gynecologist, friends or acquaintances. If you find several candidates, then meet with each of them and find out how your views on natural childbirth match up.

    Ask other women about natural childbirth. To learn more about what happens during natural childbirth, try to gather as much information as possible. more information. Meet new mothers, attend pregnancy support groups or talk to specialists. This way you can get rid of your fears and find out all the questions that you may have as the cherished day approaches.

    Choose the place where you want to give birth. Generally speaking, you may have three options for where your birth can take place. You can give birth at home with an obstetrician to ensure your birth is as natural as possible. You can also give birth in a maternity hospital or perinatal center. In Russia it is quite difficult to find a maternity hospital where water birth is possible. At the same time, partner childbirth is practiced today in many maternity hospitals, allowing you to go through the entire process with maximum comfort and as you planned. In some cases, you can give birth in a hospital maternity ward - this is perhaps the safest method in case unexpected difficulties arise.

    Decide how you want the birth to go. If you want no medications to be used during childbirth, you must communicate this. You can choose to have a water birth, which is when the entire birth process takes place in a bathtub of water. It is believed that such a birth takes place with the least stress for the child, since the child leaves the uterus filled with amniotic fluid, and falls into a bathtub filled with water.

    Be aware of possible complications. And while a home birth can be as natural as possible, you should always be aware of some of the risks of the process. There are a number of reasons why medical or surgical intervention may be necessary to ensure the safety of mother and baby. These situations can happen even when you've planned ahead and the pregnancy is progressing normally, so make sure you understand the risks of home birth and be sure to have a backup plan. In some situations, your doctor or obstetrician may need to rush you to the maternity ward for a C-section or other surgical procedure. Such situations can arise very quickly and completely unexpectedly when.

Pregnancy and childbirth are important processes for every woman that require careful preparation. None of the doctors divides pregnancy and childbirth into two different events, since they are deeply interconnected - one state smoothly passes into another. That is, childbirth is the final stage of pregnancy. Therefore, every woman should know how to prepare for childbirth while still carrying a baby.

There is no doubt that childbirth requires special preparation. This process is absolutely unpredictable, requiring, first of all, active participation and initiative from the woman in labor herself. So, how to properly prepare for childbirth?

Psychological readiness for childbirth is as important as physical readiness. Trained perineal muscles and the basics of breathing exercises are not yet a guaranteed success for the upcoming birth. Equally important is a woman’s awareness of the process that is happening to her, thanks to which she will be able to control her behavior during childbirth, relax in time and breathe correctly, which will have a positive effect not only on her, but also on the condition of the child.

And it is present in every woman. Primiparas are afraid of the unknown and stories about the births of friends and relatives, multiparas are worried about failures that occurred in previous births or during pregnancy. Psychological preparedness for childbirth will help you avoid this fear.

Experts have proven that women who have undergone psychoprophylactic training before childbirth cope more easily with pain during pregnancy, interact more actively with medical staff, and the condition of their newborn children is better compared to other women in labor.

Psychologists distinguish 3 levels of psychological readiness for childbirth.

Low level

The woman experiences the following feelings:

  • strong excitement;
  • panic fear for one’s own health and that of the baby;
  • anticipation of suffering and pain during childbirth;
  • aggressive attitude towards the child's father, less often - towards the baby himself;
  • unwillingness to listen to doctors.

The negative emotions guiding such a woman are wrong. You need urgent help from a psychologist who can tell you how to prepare for childbirth from a psychological point of view. Serious work is required on the moral state of the expectant mother in labor.

Average level

Determined by the following criteria:

  • optimistic attitude towards childbirth;
  • gnawing doubts and self-doubt;
  • experiences of failures of strangers, fears of unverified information, etc.

Psychological help in this case consists not only of teaching how to prepare for childbirth, but also of supporting the woman’s loved ones. The goal is to cope with uncertainty and take an optimistic view of the childbearing process.

High level

It means that:

  • the woman is positive about bearing a child and giving birth;
  • knows how to prepare for an easy birth: studies, does self-massage, etc.;
  • ready to help my baby as much as possible during childbirth;
  • actively cooperates with medical personnel;
  • positive emotions predominate in the mood;
  • plans

A high level of psychological readiness means that a woman is well prepared for childbirth and must maintain this attitude until it occurs.

Physical training

Physical training allows the expectant mother to stay in shape, which will help her endure childbirth more easily.

It consists of the following aspects:

  • Motor activity and hardening. Both of these factors are necessary for every pregnant woman. In the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to take walks in the fresh air more often, wisely alternating activity and rest. The rhythm of the loads is selected individually according to the well-being and condition of the expectant mother.
  • . Physical exercises are selected individually for each woman, depending on the nature of pregnancy, duration and presence of complications. A specialist will tell you how to prepare the body for childbirth with the help of gymnastics for expectant mothers. If a woman works out at home, then it is important that someone is nearby.

If the expectant mother has previously been involved in sports, then in the absence of contraindications she can continue exercising, choosing the optimal and suitable physical activity. After 36 weeks of pregnancy, it is better to stop exercising or reduce it to a minimum, as there is a risk of premature birth.

  1. Go swimming. While exercising in the pool, the expectant mother strengthens all the muscles of her body - the perineum, legs, abs, back. The body becomes more flexible and resilient. Breathing functions improve and stretching increases. In general, water has a pronounced relaxing effect on the entire body, as a result of which preparation for childbirth is more effective.
  2. Get a massage. It is part of a set of exercises to physically prepare the body for childbirth. For expectant mothers, massage has its own peculiarities - without active influences and kneading in the abdominal area. Massage helps eliminate lower back pain, relieve muscle tension and lower limbs. This also includes self-massage of the intimate area using special oils. Preparing the perineum allows you to avoid excessive stretching and tearing of tissue in this area, making it easier for the baby to pass through the birth canal. How to prepare the uterus and perineum for childbirth is worth checking with your gynecologist in more detail.
  3. Learn proper breathing. at the right pace during labor allows you to minimize painful sensations during contractions and facilitate the process of childbirth. Breathing exercises should be practiced regularly, starting from the 2nd trimester.
  4. IN last weeks During pregnancy, the cervix should be prepared for childbirth to minimize the likelihood of complications, cracks and ruptures.

Cervical preparation

It is impossible to accelerate the ripening of the cervix with the help of any training or muscular effects. Cervical preparation can be done with medication or at home. Let's consider these options.

Medication preparation aimed at preparing the uterus for childbirth is as follows:

  • use of vaginal and Kolposeptin;
  • a drug that is safe for the unborn child;
  • the drug Mifepristone, which is a potent drug and is therefore prescribed less frequently.

How to prepare the cervix for childbirth at home:

  • Regular intimate relationships in the absence of contraindications for the expectant mother. Frequent sexual intercourse effectively softens the cervix, and the vagina becomes elastic, which means it is more prepared for the upcoming stretching. Thanks to this, the onset of labor is naturally stimulated.
  • Nipple massage results in the production of oxytocin, a hormone that induces labor.
  • Evening primrose oil also promotes cervical ripening, but can only be purchased with a doctor's permission. It is rich in fatty acids that help the cervix soften and prepare for childbirth.

Methods of preparation for childbirth

Any method of preparing a woman for childbirth includes three important aspects:

Modern methods of preparing for childbirth are similar and different at the same time. Every woman can choose what is closest to her.

So, we prepare for childbirth using the following methods.

Grantley Dick-Read technique

This concept was developed more than a hundred years ago by midwife Margaret Gamper and doctor Grantley Dick-Read. Their technique is based on achieving a soft birth process with the necessary preparation for it.

Grantley Dick-Read argued that every woman is capable of controlling the physical stress and pain that arises during childbirth on her own. To achieve this, it is enough to strictly adhere to the main principles of independent childbirth.

To do this, it is important for a woman preparing to become a mother to overcome her fear of the inevitability of pain and suffering, since it is fear that causes physical tension, which increases pain.

But it is not only the position of self-persuasion that underlies this technique. Grantly Dick-Read offered his patients deep relaxation techniques that also played great importance in childbirth. This technique is described in more detail in the book “Childbirth without Fear,” which every expectant mother can get acquainted with.

Lamaze technique

This technique became popular in the 50s of the last century. Its founder was Ferdinand Lamaze. According to many doctors, this technique is more like training - a woman learns the same techniques for a long time, which are practiced to perfection, which allows her not to be distracted by physical discomfort during childbirth and keep the process under control.

Lamaze took the teaching of Pavlov’s reflexes as the basis for his method. As for women, most of them believe that following the Lamaze method really gives tangible results during childbirth. The main techniques of the Lamaze method are meditation, breathing and relaxation. All of them can be practiced alone or together with a partner.

Robert Bradley School Methodology

As in the previous case, this technique became known in the middle of the last century. Despite this, it remains relevant today and tells how and when to prepare for childbirth.

Unlike the Lamaze technique, the concept of this theory was the task of listening to one’s own feelings during the birth process and learning to actively interact with the body. Robert Bradley, in his methodology, developed a special balanced diet and a mandatory set of physical and spiritual exercises.

The author of the method believes that a careful step-by-step approach to his theory will allow the expectant mother to realize that physiologically normal processes occur in her body during pregnancy and childbirth. Also, the objective of the technique is to increase the level of confidence and calmness of a woman.

Joint preparation for childbirth with a partner and partner childbirth - Robert Bradley advocates for this. Before the advent of this theory, childbirth was considered an exclusively individual matter and nothing was known about partner childbirth.

Sheila Kitsinger's Method

You can get acquainted with the method of this author in the book “The Childbirth Experience”. Sheila Kitsinger views preparation for childbirth as an indispensable combination of the following factors: breathing technique, massage, self-control and sacred experience, based on the social, personal and sexual peak in the life of a pregnant woman.

The author of the methodology believes that with the help of childbirth, a woman is revealed as an individual, while the level of her social significance and her own self-esteem increases. Such an attitude is necessary when preparing for childbirth; only in this case will it become favorable and successful for the woman in labor and her child, as well as for all her loved ones.

Michel Auden's technique

According to the founder of this technique, childbirth is a process saturated with the deepest intuition. In order for them to be most successful, the woman in labor must learn the power of emancipation; she must follow her emotions and nature. To achieve this, it is important to observe certain subtleties.

Michel Oden suggested that women explore their talents during pregnancy and discover their new capabilities. This could be dancing, singing, drawing and other creative activities. The woman must choose her own position during childbirth. According to the author of the technique, vertical birth is the most suitable for women in labor.


This technique is based on the practical activities of ancient yoga. With its help, expectant mothers can master self-hypnosis, self-hypnosis, the basics of meditation, positive thinking and much more.

What do you need to buy?

Approximately 2-3 weeks before giving birth, every woman begins to pack her bags, thinking about what might be useful to her in the maternity hospital. On average, women in labor spend from 5 to 10 days within the walls of this medical institution, which means that they should not go there empty-handed. So, what should you buy for the expectant mother and her baby?

Good day, dear readers! Today I decided to talk to you about how to prepare yourself for childbirth. And I want to start with motivation!

I’ll tell you a story that a friend once told me: when her pregnancy was approaching 39 weeks, her water broke. After calling an ambulance, she calmly walked around the apartment and breathed, and after 2.5 hours after the first contractions she held the baby in her arms and smiled.

Now this friend is telling everyone how to prepare for childbirth. And the main rule that she conveys to everyone and everything: “the main thing is calm.” But why exactly? I agree, it is important to prepare yourself psychologically. But physical training also plays an important role.

On the other hand, my friend’s pelvis is narrow, she was giving birth for the first time, but at the same time she gave birth easily and without ruptures. I began to study the information and re-read numerous reviews of women in labor. It turns out that it is really possible to prepare yourself for childbirth.

I want to start with the basics: it is important to set yourself up mentally. Our mothers are very fond of one phrase: “I gave birth, and you will give birth.” And in the maternity hospital they always joke: “not a single woman has ever left us pregnant.” Therefore, as soon as you find out about your situation and decide to give birth, know that this is inevitable. And it doesn’t matter if you are scared, difficult or in pain - you will still give birth!

Since the outcome is clear - you will have to go to the maternity hospital, it is important to start setting yourself up for a good outcome of the birth in advance.

In general, too many stories have been written about how difficult it is to endure pain during contractions and pushing. And these stories instill fear in a woman, instead of “sowing” in her soul a “grain” of hope for an easy birth.

But it is fear that is the “first provocateur” of pain, because it is fear:

  • influences the organs involved in the birth process;
  • disrupts the balance of muscle functions;
  • impairs blood circulation;
  • causes tension in the body.

Therefore, you need to try to remain calm and not panic. Fear only harms the natural birth process. Stiffness and stupor provoke the body to respond – pain. But that’s exactly what we have to fight with, right? Relax! And breathe.

2. Rule two: breathe - don't breathe

We all know that breathing is very important during contractions and pushing. But how to breathe correctly so that it really helps?

In fact, techniques have long been created that help a woman focus on childbirth. One of the basic principles is breathing technique. Moreover, this skill can be learned at home on your own.

However, there are also some nuances here:

  • breathing training should be carried out systematically;
  • You should start classes already at 20 weeks of pregnancy;
  • You need to learn several different breathing techniques.

By the way, learning the art of breathing during pregnancy helps to the expectant mother cope with shortness of breath, eliminate heartburn and keep muscles toned. But during the birth itself, proper breathing can protect a woman from ruptures of the perineum and the use of medications (which can harm the woman in labor or the newborn).

2.1. Breathing training during pregnancy

In order to master the breathing technique perfectly, it is important to start practicing as early as possible. Daily training will help you master the technique perfectly and apply it during contractions and pushing. Breathing exercises will help you reduce pain during labor.

Before starting your workout, be sure to take a position that is comfortable for you - this is the key to success. You can also turn on your favorite music (or better yet, calm music so that your baby feels comfortable). Imagine how oxygen enters your body and “enriches” every cell of your child’s body.

Practice the following techniques:

  1. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth (inhale calmly, when exiting, pull your lips forward a little; try to breathe with your stomach);
  2. Inhale for a count of 3, exhale for a count of 5 (gradually increase the intervals, inhale for a count of 4, exhale for a count of 7);
  3. Breathe like a dog through your nose or mouth - whatever you like;
  4. Breathe rhythmically (inhale on a count of 5, hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale also on a count of 5; learn to hold your breath for as long as possible).

Six weeks before your expected due date, increase your exercise to half an hour a day. Repeat various techniques, learn to breathe in different positions. It is important that your body remembers the state of calm while breathing, this will help you endure contractions and efforts.

If during training you feel dizzy or tired, stop exercising for a while. After the condition returns to normal, continue training.

2.2. Practice breathing during contractions

As soon as labor begins, start breathing. Breathing should be calm, according to the principle: inhale on a count of 3 through the nose, exhale on a count of 5 through the mouth (intervals can be increased).

We know very well that as labor progresses, the intervals between contractions decrease, and the contraction itself lasts longer. If you feel that contractions are becoming more frequent and appear every 30 seconds, start breathing like a dog. Frequent contractions are a sign of dilation of the cervix. You are on the right track.

By the way, if dog breathing does not suit you, you can try breathing according to the following principle:

  1. Fast breathing (inhale – nose, exit – mouth);
  2. Rhythmic breathing through the mouth (open your mouth slightly, as if you are saying “A” and inhale air, when exhaling, narrow your lips a little, as if you want to say “O”);
  3. Breathing through your nose (you can also breathe through your mouth if this technique relaxes you more).

It is very important to monitor your well-being here. If you breathe quickly, you may feel dizzy, and while slight dizziness helps you relax, the “cloudness of mind” may not work in your favor.

2.3. Practice breathing while pushing

During the period of contractions, the baby passed through the birth canal, and now, during the pushing, you have to help your baby be born. It is at this stage that you will need the ability to hold your breath more than ever!

The midwife will monitor the birth process. Inhale and hold your breath:

  1. Don’t start pushing without the midwife’s “command”; even the desire will exceed your strength - the child may suffocate;
  2. Inhale slowly, not sharply.

If you practiced breathing techniques during pregnancy, you will be able to easily withstand pushing.

Usually 2-7 attempts are enough. This period must be endured.

Here you can watch a video about breathing during childbirth:

And another video about proper breathing:

3. Rule three: movement is life

Special yoga for pregnant women and classes in the pool are also very useful. Not only will you feel much easier, but you will also be in the company of other pregnant women, where you can discuss the issues that most interest you.

Why can't you lie down all the time? Yes, because in the absence of movement, the muscles atrophy, the ligaments become less elastic, and then no amount of breathing and calmness will save you from surgical intervention. So don't be lazy! And no matter how difficult it may be for you to “move your belly,” move!

I know girls who hate walking! Okay, go outside just to breathe. fresh air, and instead of walking, dance at home in front of the mirror. In fact, doctors recommend “dancing with your hips” more often. Turn on rhythmic music and repeat the movements:

  • do circular movements with your pelvis (in physical education classes this exercise was part of the warm-up);
  • move your hips back and forth and left to right;
  • “Draw a figure eight” with your hips.

Such easy dances lift your spirits and help your pelvic bones “dissolve.”

Moreover, an active position during pregnancy, in principle, has a positive effect on the female body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes favorable development of the fetus;
  • strengthens the respiratory system;
  • accustoms the body to physical activity;
  • reduces the risk of complications during childbirth;
  • helps to recover faster after childbirth.

By the way, many obstetricians agree to freedom of movement; during contractions, you can take any comfortable position and move your hips, which will help the baby pass through the birth canal faster.

4. Rule four: relaxation

During pregnancy, it is important for a woman to learn to relax, and one of the most the best ways relaxation is massage.

Currently, there are special massage courses. The advantage of these trainings is that the training is carried out on special couches (yes, exactly those on which the woman in labor will have to endure contractions in the future).

However, taking such courses is not at all necessary and you can learn massage techniques at home.

The massage should be done gently, without intense pressure, avoiding the abdominal area. But during contractions, doctors may allow you to rub and knead the lumbar part.

A good massage is that it relieves swelling, eliminates lumbar pain, relieves muscle tension, activates blood circulation and promotes the supply of oxygen to the child. Moreover, it helps you relax and lifts your mood.

And here you can watch a video from Dr. Komarovsky about preparing for childbirth:

In general, you can prepare for childbirth! The main desire. If you found my article useful, recommend it to your friends. And subscribe to my updates, I have something to tell. Bye bye!