A story about the Dymkovo toy: history, production, painting. Poems about the Dymkovo toy An artistic word about Filimonov whistles

Introducing younger preschoolers to the Dymkovo toy

One of the tasks aesthetic education preschoolers is the development of creativity and artistic abilities. Introducing children to decorative and applied arts and the products of folk craftsmen has enormous educational value. Folk art instills interest and love for folk art, love for the Motherland, for one’s people, nature, forms artistic taste, teaches to see and understand the beauty in the life around us, evokes in children best feelings, the desire to do something ourselves, adopting simple techniques from folk craftsmen.

Of course, not all methods of working with different materials We, educators, have the opportunity to teach children preschool age. And that's not the main thing. It is very important that they fall in love with Russian folk art, learn to observe, and know how to use elements of folk art in independent artistic activity.
I offer my experience of working with children in introducing the Dymkovo clay toy and teaching them decorative appliqué. During art classes and in their free time, I introduce children to a type of decorative and applied art - the Dymkovo toy; we examine objects of folk craftsmen, paying attention to contrasting combinations of colors - red, crimson, yellow, blue, green, applied to a white base, to decorative drawing techniques based on the use of simple geometric patterns; using templates, children learned to make appliqué on the silhouettes of toys; memorized material from Russian folk art: poems, nursery rhymes, riddles; played with their crafts.

Texts for games with Dymkovo toys
Folk songs, nursery rhymes, riddles

Lamb whistle
Left horn – curl
The right horn is a curl,
There is a flower on the chest.

The sides are steep,
Golden horns,
Frilled hooves
On Egorka's back.

Marfutka Duck
It goes along the shore,
Marfutochek Ducks
Leads to swim.


Here is a smart turkey,
He's all so good
At the big turkey
All sides are painted.
Surprised everyone with the outfit
He spread his wings importantly.
Look, bushy tail
He is not at all simple -
Just like a sunny flower.
And the tall comb
A red mountain of grief,
Like a king's crown.
The turkey is fabulously beautiful,
And pompous, proud,
Looks down on everyone around.
The important bird is the turkey!

Indya - indya - turkey
You look like a chest.
The chest is not simple:
Red, white, gold.

water bearer

Behind the icy water
Waterbearer is a young lady,
Like a swan floats
Carries red buckets
Slowly on the yoke.
Look how good she is

This girl is beauty
Tight black braid
Scarlet cheeks are burning,
Amazing outfit:
The kokoshnik sits proudly,
Like a swan floats
Sings a quiet song.

The nanny is wearing a kokoshnik,
In Vanya's arms.
Vanya is both good and handsome,
Don't forget the nanny
When you grow up.

All toys are not simple,
And magically painted,
Snow-white, like birch trees,
Circles, squares, stripes -
A seemingly simple pattern
But I can’t look away.

In any decent hut
There is a place for the Dymkovo toy!
What wonderful animals!
Horses, chickens, turkeys!
The lady had blue buckets hanging on the yoke.
And the other ruddy plump has cute kids at her side!

We brought clay from a distant hillock,
Well, let's get to work, miracle master!
I'll make a horse, I'll pet it
And I’ll fit a sitter with a fringe on his back.
Let's mold, dry - and into the oven!

And then we'll write it down,
We will bake toys
The stove is glowing with heat.
And in the oven there are no rolls, and in the oven there are no Easter cakes,
Not crumpets, not cheesecakes,
And in the oven there are Dymkovo toys!

The horse is running
The whole earth is shaking.
In the field there is grass and ant,
Lying prone.
* * *
Cockerel, cockerel.
golden comb,
You howl your voice
Through a dark forest
Through the forest, across the river
Shout: “Ku-ka-re-ku.”
* * *
Look what they are!
Both elegant and new:
Painted sleigh,
Bear with an accordion,
Soldier with a mustache.
Goat - golden horns
Yes, a doll in earrings.
Colorful, bright, glorious gifts!

excerpt from A. Dyakov’s poem “Merry Haze”

Near Vyatka itself, Dymkovo is a village,
A cheerful corner surrounded by forests.
He is over two or three hundred years old.
Men used to get together.
And, having settled the house, the women came,
With the daring of a familiar dance they started.
We celebrated the holiday - we sang, we didn’t get bored.
Somehow Vyatichi friends
We sat down by the river for the holiday.
Clay under your hands
A layer of three arshins.
They started rolling balls,
Like snowballs it used to be...
Feel the clay, crush the clay -
Fat as lard!

They are sleeping by the highway
In the hoarfrost,
The trees are sleeping, the river is sleeping,
Bound by ice.
The snow is falling softly,
Blue smoke billows
Smoke comes out of the chimneys in a column,
It’s like everything is in a haze.
Blue distances
And the village is big
They called it “Dymkovo”.
Everyone there loves songs, dances,
Miracles - fairy tales - were born here.
The evenings are long in winter,
And they sculpted there from clay.
All toys are not simple,
And magically - painted.
Snow-white like birch trees
Circles, squares, stripes -
A seemingly simple pattern
But I can’t look away.”

* * *

1. A beard and legs (a goat) are running along the path.

2.Look, bushy tail
It's not easy for him -
Just like a sunny flower
What about the tall scallop?
Burning with red paint,
Like a king's crown (turkey)

3. Dense grasses are intertwined,
The meadows are curled up,
And I myself am all curly,
Even a curl of the horn (ram).

4. Chock, chock, snout.
There is a pink hook at the back.
There's a barrel in the middle.
The voice is thin, ringing.
Guess who it is!
This is... (pig)

5. Not a plowman, not a carpenter, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,
and the first worker in the village (horse),
6. Cheerful white clay,
Circles, stripes on it,
Goats and lambs are funny,
A herd of colorful horses.
Nurses and water bearers,
And the riders and the children,
Dogs, hussars and fish,
Well, guess who I am.

Tatiana Kiryushatova
The tale of the Dymkovo toy “Goat-golden horns”

Dear Colleagues! I hasten to present to your attention a new a fairy tale from the cycle"fairy tales - toys". It can be read to children when meeting with Dymkovo toy.

Goat - golden horns

It was a long time ago. In a village there lived one family - a husband, a wife and seven children. They lived well, sowed and plowed the land, kept cattle, and did not know any special needs. It so happened that in addition to their seven children, they had to take into the family an orphan nephew - a little girl - Alyonushka.

Everything would be fine, but not every heart is generous with love. That’s how it happened here. The husband and wife disliked the orphan. Even though she is my own nephew, my own children seem cuter.

The husband and wife are chasing the orphan around, scolding and kicking her, and the children look at them and repeat everything. All day long, Alyonushka’s eyes are wet, she won’t understand what she’s guilty of, it’s obvious that she’s guilty of being born into this world.

Day after day passes quickly; before summer has passed, winter covers the thresholds with snow.

One day the fair day came. The whole family gets together and dresses up. Mother and daughters' older cheeks are rosy and hung with beads. Father and sons try on new shirts and patterned belts.

Alyonka take it, and ask:

– Can I go to the fair with you?

Everyone stomped on her:

-Where are you going to the fair? There's a lot to do at home.

Alyonushka huddled in a corner and began to cry. Here is one of the eldest sons took pity:

“Let's take her,” he says. “Let him sit in the sleigh and watch over the goods while we walk around the fair.”

“And that’s true,” father and mother agree.

That's what they decided on. They went along the shopping arcades themselves, but left Alyonushka in the sleigh, covered it with straw and tutted:

- Do not go anywhere. Sit here until we return.

Alyonushka was sitting, sitting:

“Let me,” he thinks, “I’ll run and take a look at the fair.” I'll turn around quickly, no one will notice that I was gone.

No sooner said than done. Alyonushka ran to the shopping arcade, looked and couldn’t believe her eyes. What's missing on fair: rolls, rolls, gingerbread, pickles, all kinds of preserves, decks full of honey, shirts, sundresses, felt boots, various decorations. And in the middle of everyone stands a grandfather - he is as tall as he is, around him the tables are all unprecedented filled with toys: and the ladies here are in wide skirts with ruffles, and the accordion players are good fellows, and there are deer, and bears, and cockerels with turkeys. The little guy is whistling and whistling, praises his toys, screams like catechumen:

Come, people, who takes toys! Not simple ones - painted, whistling. If you whistle, you won’t be able to resist, you’ll immediately start dancing. If you start dancing right away, you will find your happiness.

Alyonushka stood in front of these with toys rooted to the spot, can’t take his eyes off.

Come on, what's this? toys, - shouts. - Now let’s see and buy some for our kids.

Alyonushka caught herself and quickly rushed to her sleigh. She's huddled under a straw, lying there, barely breathing.

Here the whole family returned from the fair, they put their purchases in the sleigh and boast about it. A toys something painted bought: each girl has a lady in a colorful dress, each boy has a horse whistle with a gilded mane, and the smallest son has a painted carousel.

“What are you looking at,” they shout at Alyonka. - Help me put the shopping in the sleigh.

Alyonka’s eyes are wet again. She helps her relatives and wipes away her tears. There's a little girl looking right next to the sleigh a toy lying around - a painted goat, gilded horns. Only one horn broke off slightly, which is apparently why it was abandoned.

Alyonushka raised it goat, hid it in her mitten.

At home all the children started to feel new play with toys. They play among themselves, they don’t call Alyonushka. But Alyonushka is not offended, she now has her own there is a toy - a goat - gilded horns.

That's how she is about it got attached to the goat that she never left him for a minute. Sometimes she does some work around the house, but she does everything looks at the goat, conducts conversations with him, sings songs to him.

You never know, how much time has passed, no one knows, no one knows. The boys just decided to play a joke on Alyonka. Selected goat and let's throw and throw to each other. Alyonka is in tears, and the boys are laughing. Then take one of them, open the door, and throw it goat straight into a snowdrift.

Alyonka ran, threw on her shawl, pulled on her felt boots and went into the yard. She cries herself, shovels the snow with her hands, looking for a goat. She searched and searched, she heard someone knocking on the gate, she looked out, and along the painted street goat jumps, The goat's horns are gilded, only one is broken off a little. Alyonka for him:

- Goat, - he shouts, - wait, don’t run away.

A the little goat is running, hooves flash, gilded horns sparkle.

Alyonka ran for goat, ran, reached the river. That goat, without thinking twice, he jumped onto the ice, beat with his hoof, and called Alyonka. But Alyonka is afraid to walk on ice.

And, come what may, he thinks and forwards goat.

They ran across the river and found themselves on a hillock.

Alyonka looks at the village in front of her. Each hut is like toy. The windows glow with golden lights, and a bluish smoke floats above the roofs.

The goat hits with his hoof again, Alyonushka calls for him.

So they ran up to one hut. The goat rested its horns on the door, she opened. Alyonushka stopped on the threshold and looked at the old woman sitting at the table in the hut. The whole table is made of clay laden with toys, and the old lady whitens them with chalk milk and paints them with colored paints. The goat ran up to the old lady, whispered something in my ear and instantly again turned into a toy. And the old lady looks at Alyonushka smiling:

Come in,” he says, “granddaughter.” Now I’ll warm you up, feed you porridge, and give you some milk.

So Alyonushka stayed with that old lady. They began to live together, live and make good things.

Alyonushka later found out that the river through which she and ran across like a goat, It’s called Vyatka, but the village is magical - Dymkovo. Alyonushka learned sculpt toys from clay, whiten it with milk and paint it with bright patterns. She became the first craftswoman in the village. Anyone who comes to her, without the toys won't go away.

Maybe she still lives there, waiting for you to visit. Believe it or not, or better yet, go and check it out for yourself.

Publications on the topic:

Compiling a descriptive story based on the Lost and Found toy. Speech development in the process of describing a toy (middle group) Writing a descriptive story about a toy. "Lost and Found" Group: medium (4-5 years) Integration educational areas: speech development.

Promotion "Golden words" In our kindergarten"Sunny" Novoshakhtinsk hosts the annual event "Golden Key to a Child's Heart". Directed.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group. Topic: “Making a story based on a toy” Summary of GCD on speech development in middle group. Topic: “Making a story based on a toy” Purpose: To teach children to write a short descriptive story.

Notes on the development of speech about the second junior group “Drafting a descriptive story about the toy Santa Claus” Goal: -Learn to write a descriptive story based on a toy; - Strengthen the ability to answer in complete sentences; - Activate children's vocabulary.

SOD summary on speech development in the middle group. Writing a descriptive and creative story about the toy “The Dog is Missing” Municipal preschool educational institution combined kindergarten No. 134 Development of active speech in preschool children.


Why I took this particular topic, I want to say in the words of V. Sukhomlinsky “The beauty of the native land, revealed through fairy tales, fantasy, creativity, is the source of love for the Motherland... Let the child feel the beauty and admire it, let it forever remain in his heart and memory images in which the Motherland is embodied"

Therefore, children need to know and study the culture and traditions of their ancestors so that they can be educatedrespect, pride for the land on which they live.

And the Dymkovo toy is fairy toy, which attracts to itself with its bright, simply mesmerizing colors, will help a little person to understand the world. After all, each of its colors has a magical effect:

Red, crimson color - sharpens reactions and enhances mental activity;

yellow – develops imagination, gives courage, causes joy;

green- calms and sharpens vision;

blue - relieves anxiety;

blue- helps to concentrate and creates harmony;

black th - mystical encourages curiosity;

white -symbolizes purity and openness.

This is magic. And add to this the magic of our folk music! This is a fairy tale!

The main goal is :

formation and development of a child’s personality through Russian folk toys.


Through love for beauty, teach to love your homeland, to be reverent about its beauties;

To promote the development of cognitive interests, aesthetic perception, logical thinking, attention, imagination, ingenuity, sensorimotor skills.

Bring up little man– A PERSON;

This work is designed for a cycle of classes for senior and preparatory groups. Divided into 3 stages:

Stage 1- Familiarization with the Dymkovo toy and elements of painting: painting on paper, coloring. (For seniors preparatory group) With to varying degrees difficulties.

Stage 2 - Clay crafting. Dymkovo lady.

Stage 3 - Painting volumetric toy(for preparatory group)

Expected results:

Know the history of the Dymkovo toy, its characteristic features.

To create a desire in children to paint three-dimensional forms, improving their experience.

We learned to compare elements of different paintings, find commonalities and differences, and identify from many elements only those that relate to Dymkovo painting

Desire for children and ability to work accurately.

Fostering a sense of respect and pride for your people.

To achieve these goals and results, I used the program Microsoft PowerPoint , in which I discovered new possibilities for creating interesting activities.

When creating this work, it was important for me that it would be interesting for children, so that they could be fascinated and at the same time not tire them. Therefore, the presentation must be “live”

During the presentation, children:

They see : the beauty of our native land (photos of nature), the variety of Dymkovo toys.

They hear - information in a poetic and playful form, as the most accessible for children’s understanding, fragments of folk music, animal sounds, sounds of nature.

Can- play logical, developmental and attention games not only at the table, but also during the presentation.

And all this was achieved with the help techniques:

Triggers for reproducing not only sounds, but also animated actions and movements, which is very helpful when working in contact with children while watching a presentation, for creating logical and educational games to reinforce the topic.

Animation elements - to liven up the presentation. So that the pictures don’t just stand there, but can dance a little to the lively music.

Musical fragments - folk music.

And using these techniques, I created the following educational and developmental games:

Riddles - children love to guess

- “Find the colors of the Haze”; You can also make a game “Make a color circle” based on the poem “Every Hunter Wants to Know”

- “Find the Dymkovo lady”; You can also make up the game “Fourth Odd.”

- “Complete the pattern on the skirt”;

- “Puzzles for attention”, and for working at tables - “Cut pictures”


Technological maps for practical work - maps of the sequence of actions:

Elements of painting, modeling of the “Lady”, painting of a three-dimensional lady;

Coloring pages: “Complete the element”, “Color the toy following the example”,

"Color the toy"

For children with easy digestibility, we provide: more complex coloring pages"Color the toy" Board games“Make a pattern”, “Fold a picture”.

These are the ideas I came up with, and some of them came true while working on this work.

Listen more often to children's fantasies, because this is a bottomless well of creative ideas that will overwhelm you!

Create and create with your children.

Thank you for your attention!


“Introduction to the Dymkovo toy”


1. Introduce children to Dymkovo toys.

2. Continue to work on “getting used to” the image of the Dymkovo toy, enhancing children’s perception through folklore. To instill in children sensitivity to the beauty of painting, to develop aesthetic perception.

3. To develop children’s ability to notice and find the main means of expressiveness of Dymkovo painting: color, variety of elements.

5. Activation of the dictionary: Dymkovo toys, young lady, cockerel, turkey, horse, ring, circle, red, blue, yellow, clay.


Modeling of the Dymkovo lady.


1. Educational: to promote the development of the ability to convey characteristic features in modeling appearance Dymkovo lady. To develop the aesthetic taste of pupils, their attention, memory, ability to analyze and generalize, to demonstrate Creative skills;

2.Correctional and developmental: to promote the development of students’ ability to navigate a task (analyze an object, working conditions), the ability to plan the progress of work, the ability to control their work.

3. Educational: To foster respect for working people, instilling students’ interest in work. To cultivate a love for the art of our ancestors, aesthetic taste


"Painting of the Dymkovo lady"



  1. Introduce the works of Russian folk crafts and the history of the development of the Dymkovo toy.
  2. Learn to decorate a toy lady with patterns, preserving the traditions of the Dymkovo masters.


  1. Develop the ability to analyze, compare, highlight the main and distinctive features and features of the painting of the Dymkovo ladies.
  2. Develop a sense of rhythm and emotional responsiveness to the paintings of masters.
  3. Develop skills in performing elements of traditional painting.


  1. Cultivate interest and love for folk art.
  2. To increase students' interest in folk art products.
  3. Cultivate artistic taste.

Text support for the presentation:


Blue smoke billows.

Smoke comes out of the chimneys in a column,

It’s like everything is in a haze.

Blue distances.

And the village is big

They called it Dymkovo.

They loved songs and dances there.

Miracle fairy tales were born in the village.

The evenings are long in winter

And they sculpted there from clay

All toys are not simple,

And magically painted.

And the glory of Dymka spread,

Having earned the right to this,

They talk about her everywhere.

Amazing miracle

We will bow more than once.

About the ancient Dymkovo toy

Let's tell the story now.

Level 4

There is no better Haze in the world.
Haze is a wonder of the world.
You can play with Haze.
You can chat with Dymka.
We know a lot about Dymka,

But we don't know
What do the Dymkovo people have?

Not toys - magic.
And deer and horses,
Roosters and turkeys,

Young ladies and nannies,
The gentlemen are great.

We will show them to you now,

And, lovingly, we’ll tell you about them.

Presentation of toys for full version presentations

Level 5

Make way, honest people!

Uncle sells piggy


The horse is running
The whole earth is shaking.
In the field there is grass and ant,
Lying prone.


Through the mountain spurs,

Over the rooftops of villages

Red-horned, yellow-horned

Clay deer rushing.


With ribbons and bows,

Yes, arm in arm with the dandies

We walk in pairs

We pass by peahens.

(P. Sinyavsky)


The nanny is wearing a kokoshnik,
In Vanya's arms.
Vanya is both good and handsome,
Don't forget the nanny
When you grow up.

Level 10

Here is a smart turkey,
He's all so good
At the big turkey
All sides are painted.
Surprised everyone with the outfit
Wings spread importantly


We have a good harmonica player,

Workshop accordionist.

If it starts playing, you're rocking,

It looks like a willow tree over the water.


Behind the icy water
Waterbearer is a young lady,
Like a swan floats
Carries red buckets
Slowly on the yoke.
Look how good she is


We have a pie on the table,

Donuts and cheesecakes.

So let's sing along with some tea

Tea ditties.


Carousels, carousels
Spun, spun -
You and I are behind the clouds
Like birds flew!
Past the house, Past the ate,
Past mom on the alley
They turned us around quickly and quickly
And the carousels circled.E. Nikolaev

Level 15

And our path does not end,

The expanse of the river is wide;

And he drives, he drives the boat


What a horse!

Just touch -

Together with the rider

He'll gallop away two hundred miles


We are talking about the Dymkovo toy

We will remember it more than once.

And now, friends, girlfriends,

We will finish our story.


Red, yellow and green,
Scarlet, blue, blue -
All colors on a white background
This painted haze.

Sl. 19-20

All toys are not simple,
And magically - painted.
Snow-white like birch trees
Circles, squares, stripes -
A seemingly simple pattern
But I can't look away

Sl.21 hidden video file

We brought clay from a distant hillock,
Well, let's get to work, miracle master!

We will knead clay using water from the river

We mold beauties, dry them and put them in the oven

We'll get the dolls out of the heat just in time,

Dip into whitewash from head to toe.

And then we’ll paint it with wonderful colors

Bright kokoshniks, painted dresses.

At least you can go around the whole market,

You won't find more beautiful ladies!


Oh, let's stick the young ladies,
nice and beautiful.

And we’ll paint it with colors for everyone else to marvel at!

Sl.22 Puzzles:

Goal: to introduce children to Russian folklore. Develop memory and attention. Cultivate interest in the life and customs of Russia

And now the nanny and I will play,

Let's solve all its riddles!

Hello kids

Girls and boys!

Interesting riddles

Would you like to hear?

If the correct answer

The picture will come to light!

Umbrella with fungus,

Pretzel hands

The girl is walking.
What kind of toy?

Beards are running along the path,

yes legs (goat).

Look, a bushy tail.

It's not easy for him -
Just like a sunny flower
What about the tall scallop?
Burning with red paint,
Like a king's crown (turkey)

Thick grasses entwined,
The meadows are curled up,
And I myself am all curly,
Even a curl of the horn (ram).

Through the mountain spurs,

Over the rooftops of villages

Red-horned, yellow-horned

Clay rushes... (deer).

Not a plowman, not a carpenter, not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,
and the first worker in the village... (horse),

Well done girls! Well done boys!

All the riddles seemed to be read in a book.

You have guessed all the secrets

And we learned everything about the haze!

Didactic games

Level 25 “Find the colors of Dymkovo painting”

Who can answer a question by lightly scratching their nose?

Find the primary colors that are used

masters, when painting the Dymkovo toy?

Sl.26 "Make a color circle"

Now the question is simple

Guess the colors " color wheel"by the initial letters of words from a poem about colors.

Goal: develop memory, thinking

Every Hunter

Wants to Know

Where the Pheasant Sits.

Sl.27 “Complete the pattern”

You need a little patience and a little skill!

Design on the Lady's skirt

If you do everything correctly, the lady will dance.

Goal: to introduce children to the basic elements of Dymkovo painting, to teach them how to correctly place elements on a silhouette, combining each other in color and shape. Form a sense of space on a micro plane

Sl.28 “Find the Dymkovo ladies”

Now pay attention, a recognition question!

Among various young ladies

Find the Dymkovo ones, the unusual ones.

Target: Develop thinking and attention. Teach children to recognize Dymkovo painting among others.

Find, among all the ladies, Dymkovo

Sl.29 "Puzzles for attention"

Assignment, pay attention!

In order you will count,

And you get the picture!

Goal: Remember the location of the sectors of the picture by numbers and find them in order.U to put together a whole from parts

Develop thinking and attention.


Remember the picture with separated sectors and the numbers of these sectors.

After the picture disappears, find the first sector number - if it corresponds to the number of circle 1, the circle will light up in red and when you click on it, the picture will appear in the right place. If a sector is pressed out of order, the color of the circle will not change, which means the sector is out of order.

Level 30

Those who have worked with all their hearts, now have fun and dance!

Russia is famous for its artistic crafts, which have a centuries-old tradition. One of the oldest is the Dymkovo toy; a story for children about this amazing craft would be appropriate already in kindergarten. So, how did the Dymkovo toy appear?

History of the Dymkovo toy

Let us preface the story about the Dymkovo toy with two significant facts:

  1. it has been made by craftsmen for over 400 years;
  2. these folk toys are known and loved not only in our country, but also abroad.

Dymkovo toy (pictures)

The pictures below will help you fully imagine the diversity and beauty of the Dymkovo toy.

The name of the craft was given by the Dymkovo settlement, where these clay toys began to be made. For a long time this settlement has been part of the city of Kirov, which formerly bore the names Khlynov and Vyatka.

The origin of the fishery is associated with a sad historical legend. At night, the Allied troops converged near the city and began to fight, mistaking each other for enemies because of the darkness. Many warriors were left lying on the battlefield. From then on, in the spring they began to commemorate those killed in this battle - the Khlynovsky massacre of 1418.

Time passed, and this tragic story was erased from people's memory. So Memorial Day turned into spring holiday whistling (whistling). TO mass celebrations Dymkovo residents made toys-whistles: ducks, goats, lambs and painted clay balls.

The great demand for clay crafts, as well as the presence of large reserves of this natural material, made Dymkovskaya Sloboda the birthplace of the famous folk craft. Of course, the appearance of the first crafts was far from canonical, but over time, the familiar appearance and ornamentation of the Dymkovo toy was formed.

The appearance of the first clay crafts in Dymkovo dates back to the 15th-16th centuries. By this time, the toy loses its sacred meaning, which determined the simplicity of its form: the pagan worldview of the Slavs and pre-Christian rituals are a thing of the past. The shape of the toys begins to change, they become beautiful and colorful.

The traditions and manufacturing techniques of the first masters have been preserved to this day. The Dymkovo toy known to us today reflected elements of Russian life of the 19th century; later images of gallant gentlemen and fashionable ladies appeared.

After the great upheavals of the early twentieth century, the fishery practically disappeared. Its revival occurred thanks to the hereditary craftswoman Anna Afanasyevna Mezrina, who carefully preserved the traditions of creating toys. In the early 30s, the craftswoman, together with the artist and first researcher of this folk craft, Alexei Ivanovich Denshin, gathered around her enthusiasts who wanted to recreate the unique Dymkovo toy.

Craftswomen of that time not only preserved old traditions, but also brought newness to the appearance of clay crafts, and also came up with new subjects. So craftswoman E.A. Koshkina has achieved great success in creating group compositions. Her work “Sale of Dymkovo Toys” was presented at the international exhibition in Paris in 1937 and received great fame. Craftswoman O.I. Konovalova (daughter of A.A. Mezrina) liked to create images of animals, and craftswoman E.I. Penkina preferred to embody everyday scenes in her compositions.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War the production of figurines practically ceased: the Kirov region was in the rear, and its residents began to work for the front. However, the evacuees really liked the bright toys, and the craftswomen started creating them again.

System of images and plots

If we compare the surviving images of the first Dymkovo toys with modern examples of this folk art, we cannot help but notice that over hundreds of years their creators have stepped far forward. The toy got rid of the simplicity of its form and ornamentation and became more decorative, and the number of plots increased significantly.

Although craftsmen claim that no two figures are absolutely identical, five main typical groups can be distinguished:

  • Women's images(young ladies and mistresses, nannies and nurses with a child in their arms, water carriers). The ladies have corsets and crinolines, umbrellas in their hands, fashionable hats and outfits; nurses in kokoshniks, wide skirts, aprons with frills. Static figures full of majesty and dignity.
  • Cavaliers, are often depicted on horseback in profile. Compared with female images smaller in size and simpler looking.
  • Animals. Initially, toys were created depicting totem animals: a ram, a goat, a deer, a bear, and images of various domestic animals were gradually added. A distinctive feature of this type: an upturned head and short legs, widely spaced. Often the figures are “dressed up” in bright colorful costumes of musicians with instruments in their hands.
  • Birds(roosters, turkeys, ducks). Ducks have lush capes, roosters and turkeys have bright, curly tails.
  • Compositions. They can include both people and animals. They present various scenes from Russian city and village life: tea drinking, folk festivals, sleigh rides and many others.

A distinctive feature of Dymkovo toys is that they expand at the bottom. Ladies have fluffy bell-shaped skirts, gentlemen have horses, and animals have stable legs. If the figures had thin, long limbs, they would not be able to withstand the weight of the toy body.

Making a Dymkovo toy

The figurines are made by hand from red clay mixed with sifted sand. The process of creating a toy consists of several stages.

Modeling of a Dymkovo toy

A clay toy is molded in parts. First, the torso of the figurine is made from clay dough, then the remaining small parts are attached to it using liquid clay. The joints at the places where the parts are fastened are smoothed with a damp cloth. The toy is leveled with wet fingers.

If you need to make, for example, a lady, then the first step is to fashion her cone-shaped skirt, to which her body with an elongated neck is then attached. The head is made from a ball attached to the neck. Below, hands are formed from a clay sausage. Then comes the time for details: the lady has a curled hairstyle, she is wearing a fashionable hat or kokoshnik, she has a painted shawl on her shoulders, and in her hands is a small handbag or a baby.

The animal is made a little differently. For example, the Dymkovo horse toy is made like this: short legs are attached to a cylindrical body, and a head with an elongated muzzle is attached to a curved neck. Small details of the figure - small ears, tail and mane.


Before firing, the toy must be dried. The drying time depends on the size of the figurine and the conditions in the workshop - air temperature, humidity, etc. This process can last either 2-3 days or 2-3 weeks.


In ancient times, toys were fired in a Russian oven, placing them on an iron baking sheet directly above the firewood. When the figures became red hot, they were left to cool in the oven. Today, firing is carried out using special electrical equipment, which is safer and less labor-intensive.


During the firing process, the clay toy acquires a red-brown color. Before applying ornaments, the figurine must be whitened.

For whitewashing, a solution consisting of crushed chalk diluted in milk is used. When the milk sours, the solution becomes solid, covering the entire surface of the figurine with an even layer.

Despite attempts to improve the composition and method of its application, the ancient tradition of whitewashing is still preserved. Experiments with the composition were unsuccessful: it was not possible to achieve the ideal white, and the new solutions themselves dried unevenly. True, in some cases it is possible to deviate from tradition. For example, when children paint clay toys with their own hands, you can whitewash them with regular gouache.

Colors of Dymkovo toys

When the whitewash has dried, you can begin painting. Patterns are applied to the toy with bright colors.

The color range is quite limited; the following colors are used:

  • blue,
  • crimson,
  • green,
  • yellow,
  • orange
  • brown.

If you dilute the primary colors with chalk, you can get additional shades. For example, diluted Blue colour turns into blue.

The old masters did the painting not with brushes, but with a wooden stick wrapped in linen scraps. Such a tool allowed them to make only the simplest elements of the ornament: lines, diamonds, circles, zigzags. Today, when painting, they use brushes made of ferret or kolinsky hair.

To add shine to the figurine, add a raw egg. The final touch is to decorate the toys with small figures cut out of gold leaf leaves.

There is a certain tradition of painting:

  1. On the man's face, eyebrows and round eyes are indicated with black paint.
  2. Raspberry paint is used to draw the mouth and cheeks.
  3. For hair coloring, choose black or brown.
  4. On the skirts of female figurines and animal skins, the ornament is applied to a white coating; shirts and hats are plain.

Dymkovo painting

The ornament consists of various geometric shapes:

  • stripes,
  • rhombuses and zigzags,
  • circles and stripes.

The pattern is not invented in advance; it appears during painting and depends on the size and image of the toy. Therefore, craftswomen say that form and decor are closely related, and no two toys are absolutely identical.

The figures drawn on the toys seem simple and uncomplicated, but the ornament of Dymkovo toys is symbolic.

The wavy line resembles a river, a surface of water, a circle with a dot - the sun, cells of intersecting lines - a log house. All these concepts occupy an important place in the Russian person’s picture of the world.

Dymkovo painting in kindergarten and school

The study of Dymkovo toys is included in the training program in children's creative studios and art schools. They also pay attention to it in fine arts classes in kindergarten and secondary schools.

This folk craft is part of the history of our country, and bright figurines decorated with symbolic ornaments can tell a lot about the life and worldview of our ancestors.

Painting a Dymkovo toy in a simplified form is accessible to young children who are interested in drawing small diamonds, circles, and stripes on animal figures. Older children can even try to fashion a toy themselves according to Dymkovo canons.

Dymkovo toy in the 21st century

No matter how technology develops, the famous Dymkovo craft still remains manual. Masters create toys, carefully preserving ancient traditions. Therefore, each figurine is unique. Dymkovo toys have been made for centuries and remain popular, being not only souvenirs, but also guardians of folk memory, a symbol of Russian folk culture.

Currently, both enthusiasts and various organizations. In 2010, in the center of Kirov, with the support of the Megafon company, a monument dedicated to the Dymkovo toy was erected. It represents a family consisting of a mother with a baby in her arms, a man playing the harmonica, a boy with a whistle, as well as a cat and a dog. All figures are made in the classic Dymkovo style.

The Dymkovo toy was among the assets of Russian art presented at the opening of the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014.

Child and folk toys

Folk toys not only Dymkovo, but also other crafts contain great opportunities for the development of a child and his aesthetic and moral education. Made by human hands, the figurines are unique and retain a piece of the master’s soul. But often the problem is that surrounded by bright modern toys mass production, children simply don’t know what to do with folk ones. Parents can help their child learn to “communicate” with a Dymkovo or Filimonov toy.

  • Real folk toys made of clay and wood can be offered to a child already in early age. Children 1.5-2 years old will be interested in whistling, rattling bright figures, older children will join in the story game with them.
  • In an accessible form, a child can be introduced to the history of the craft and told how toys are made. Today there are many colorful publications dedicated to folk art that can illustrate the story.
  • Together with your child, come up with the most various games with figures. Folk toys contain many images, plots, themes from the lives of people and animals. With their help, you can bring scenes from Russian folk tales to life on your home mini-stage or come up with your own stories.
  • Today, many sets for children's creativity are produced, including those dedicated to folk patterns and toys. The child will be happy to color the Dymkovo lamb or try to sculpt a cockerel. And, who knows, maybe a DIY Dymkovo toy made by a child today will turn into a favorite hobby or even a profession.

Dymkovo toy (coloring book)

We hope that our story about the Dymkovo toy has inspired you not only to pass on information about this amazing folk art to your children or pupils, but also to try to recreate the process of making clay crafts at home or in an educational institution.

Dymkovo toy. (Presentation/video/film/Kirov)

Master class “Dymkovo Lady”

Master class for educators.

Target: introduce teachers to the technique of “Modeling figures from plasticine on a frame.”


1. Introduce children to folk arts and crafts in the context of their own practical creative activities.

2. Enrichment of the subject-development environment of the preschool educational institution.

Excerpt from A. Dyakov “Merry Haze”

The snow is falling softly,

Blue smoke billows

Smoke comes out of the chimneys in a column,

It’s like everything is in a haze,

Blue distances

And the village is big

They called it “Dymkovo”.

They loved songs and dances there,

Miracle fairy tales were born in the village,

The evenings are long in winter,

And they sculpted there from clay

All toys are not simple,

And the magically painted ones:

Snow-white, like birch trees,

Circles, squares, stripes -

A seemingly simple pattern

But I can’t look away.

For production we will need:

Base (jar, lid...)


PVA glue

Varnish colorless

Step-by-step process for making crafts

We select the size of the base for the toy. You can use cans and plastic jars. Cropped plastic bottles will not fit, because they are not dense.

From foil we form the torso, head and arms. Squeeze the foil very tightly.

Attach the arms to the body using foil.

Using plasticine, attach the body to the jar.

We begin to cover the entire frame with plasticine, forming a figure.

We complement the figure with details: nose, hair, hat, sleeves and dog.

Degrease the figure with flour.

Let's prepare a primer - mix PVA glue and white gouache in half (1 to 1), the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the first layer. The PVA glue must be fresh, otherwise the primer will crack when it dries. It can be washed with soap, dried and primed again; if it still cracks, add a little water to the primer.

After drying, apply a second layer.

When the figure dries well, we paint it with elements of Dymkovo painting. After drying, coat with varnish. We fix the dog in our arms using thin wire(separate 2 cm from a paper clip), stick it into the hand of the young lady and the leg of the dog.

Similarly, you can make any Dymkovo (Filimonov) toys.

The work is long and labor-intensive, but the toy, if stored correctly (avoid contact with sun rays) will delight you with its brightness and uniqueness for a long time. The toy can be used to decorate the interior and in classes when introducing preschoolers to folk art.