Options for pictures for lockers in kindergarten, tips for choosing. Purpose of pictures for lockers, the most beautiful options Photo for a locker in kindergarten

Bright and colorful pictures on the lockers will help your child recognize his locker and easily find it. Also, interesting illustrations will attract kids and will help them quickly memorize the names of various fruits, vegetables, animals, and letters.

In the kindergarten there are special cubicles for storing children's things. Each child is assigned one locker. To prevent children from getting confused, they came up with the idea of ​​attaching different pictures to the booths. This way, kids remember their illustration and easily find the right booth.

Pictures for cabinets using photographs are widely used in Lately. An excellent choice if the child does not remember his own locker. He can easily find himself in the photo and thereby identify the desired booth.

Illustrations of letters glued to the booths help children quickly learn the alphabet. Pictures with letters on a bright background will appeal to kids no less and will attract attention. For example, sometimes they use the same shape for all booths. For example, the sun or a cloud are perfect for this. The best option is to use thematic templates depending on the name kindergarten or groups. For a group called Sun or Bee the best option- pictures with their images.

In addition, they often use pictures on booths with names. This option is ideal not only for children, but also for parents. Educators will also find personalized pictures convenient; they will not have to look for one or another booth if necessary.


For many years in a row, in kindergartens, different images have been attached to storage cubicles. To prevent children from getting confused, the images are repeated on towel racks and cribs. The pictures on the cabinets are completely different. They are divided depending on the material of manufacture, shape, theme.

Material of manufacture

Popular materials for making templates for booths include: cardboard, paper. These can be pictures and photographs printed on plain or colored paper. Use special templates made of self-adhesive paper.

It is possible to make templates from plastic, wood, chipboard or glass. Plastic pictures will last a long time. Wooden templates are not only durable, but also environmentally friendly. Glass ones look very beautiful, but due to their fragility, they are not recommended for use in kindergartens. Children can accidentally break glass and get hurt.





The form of illustrations can be completely different. Templates are often used in the form:

The most common geometric shapes are round and rectangular. In addition, images come in the shape of a diamond, square, or oval. Templates of berries and various fruits, such as apples and pears, look beautiful. These can be illustrations in the shape of a daisy, rose, cloud, house, ball, or other objects.

Geometric figures

Alphabet letters


The theme of the pictures plays a huge role. Children will be interested in colorful, large illustrations. The most common, memorable topics for them:

  • animals;
  • toys;
  • plants;
  • cartoon characters;
  • letters;
  • photos.

Pictures of animal lockers will help children remember their names and quickly find the right locker. Illustrations of bears, bunnies, kittens, dogs, squirrels, foxes, and elephants are used. In addition, these can be bees, butterflies, and fish.

There are no children who don't like toys. That is why templates with images of cars, locomotives, dolls, pyramids, balls, cubes, and drums are popular.

All kinds of plants and flowers can often be seen on wardrobes. Kids are attracted to bright designs of daisies, roses, apples, plums, and pineapples. Illustration of vegetables is popular among children. Images of tomatoes, carrots, radishes, eggplants, cucumbers, and beets will attract their attention.

All kids absolutely love cartoons. Images of popular cartoon characters will help them quickly remember the locker. Kids will love these colorful cartoons and they will decorate the cabinets in the kindergarten.

Mounting methods

The best option is pictures for cabinets on self-adhesive paper. They are easily glued to the booth. In addition, the templates are printed on a color printer. Such illustrations are glued to the booths using ordinary PVA glue and tape.

Plastic templates are attached to cabinets, for example, using double-sided tape. Templates made from wood are glued with special glue. If they are quite massive, they are screwed to the booth with self-tapping screws. They do this so that the screws do not come out from the inside of the cabinet, otherwise the kids may get hurt.

When choosing illustrations, it is important to remember that for children from nursery group Large images of fruits, vegetables or animals are better. Young children do not yet know how to read, so for now it is better to choose objects that are familiar to them. For older children, templates depicting letters, names, photographs, and cartoon characters are suitable. The main thing is that the illustrations are bright and memorable, then children will easily remember their own booth and not confuse it with someone else’s.



The interior decoration of a kindergarten should be interesting, colorful, and memorable. Then the child will be happy to explore the interior of the room. To attract his attention to the locker, there are original pictures of kindergarten lockers, which may differ in characteristics.

To provide the child in kindergarten with the maximum level of comfort, the group has a special room for changing into spare clothes and shoes. The sanitary standard applies to kindergartens and age groups in them. In such a room, the number of cabinets is installed according to the number of children attending a particular group. What is the purpose of such furniture? It is necessary so that the child can, after changing clothes, neatly fold his clothes and shoes.

Most kids who have just entered kindergarten cannot read. So that they can accurately remember their closets with clothes and shoes, children hang special stickers on the doors of such furniture or glue them to the cabinets. They come in a wide variety of designs, color scheme, size, thematic component, material and method of fastening to the surface of the cabinet door. All varieties of such decor perform an important function - to attract the child’s attention and allow him to highlight his own against the background of other cabinets.


Children's furniture inside a kindergarten must be functional, safe, practical, and its design must certainly be noticeable and interesting. This designer recommendation also applies to small children’s lockers, which are used to store spare shoes, clothes, and accessories. Let's look at the most popular types of baby closet door stickers with images today and determine their characteristic features.


Personalized children's stickers on lockers must contain a column in which the baby's first and last name is entered or printed. Such stickers are relevant for middle and senior groups, where children with basic reading skills go. Often such decor also contains a small design if used in younger group kindergarten. This allows children not to make mistakes when looking for their own closet. In any case, it is much easier for parents to identify their child’s closet if there is a sticker on it with his name and surname.


To decorate cabinets in kindergarten, various designs are used, the themes of which are varied. Bright and nice picture kids remember quickly. Often, several themes are used to decorate a large number of cabinets.

Drawings depicting animals on the surface of the doors should be bright, kind, and not aggressive. That is, in such a way as not to upset the baby in any way or cause him a feeling of fear.

Material of manufacture

Markings on cabinets can be made from various types of materials. They must certainly be absolutely safe for the health of children. Harmful toxic substances, radioactive elements and other unsafe components should not be contained in such decor for children's rooms. That is why manufacturers use environmentally friendly materials when making markings for children's lockers:

  • paper - this material is used to make pictures for signing cabinets, which are fixed on the surface of the door in a matter of seconds without any tools. The picture turns out flat, but interesting and attractive;
  • plywood, chipboard - a thematic drawing for children can be cut out from a sheet of plywood or chipboard and painted in bright colors. Appearance such pictures are interesting, because it will protrude above the surface of the door.

The use of plastic or glass in the manufacture of such products should be abandoned, since the first option may contain harmful substances, and the second - to break if the door is handled carelessly.


When the time comes for a child to attend kindergarten, every parent wants this period of life to leave only positive emotions for the preschooler. The first thing a child will see when meeting his group is the locker room. The impression and the child’s desire to come back here again depend on its design. Since a significant part of the locker room area is occupied by lockers, they should be designed in such a way as to evoke coziness and comfort. The main point in the design will be the stickers on the kindergarten lockers, because their implementation should attract and interest the child.

Stickers for lockers perform not only an aesthetic function, but can also organically combine the name of the group with the furnishings of the room. Visiting kindergartens designed in this way will be with joy and desire.

With stickers you can:

  • create a fabulous atmosphere;
  • to focus the child’s attention on your particular cabinet;
  • complement the design of the children's environment;
  • create a themed locker room;
  • make a child smile.

Using a set of stickers, you can designate your baby’s “main property.” Using the same picture on them, but perhaps different sizes it will be possible to designate:

  • a locker for a child's clothes;
  • a locker with his towel;
  • bed.

In the first days of being in kindergarten, the baby will not immediately get lost, because he will see where the objects and things he needs are located. If the group's locker room is decorated according to a theme, then correctly selected decors on the lockers will complement the design of the room. To emphasize the name of the group, it is worth choosing the design of the appropriate shape and color scheme.


It is impossible to imagine a children's establishment without stickers. Locker stickers for child care facility delight, develop and educate children. With their help, a cozy and cheerful environment is created. Wardrobes decorated with cartoon images will cheer up every child.

Stickers used to decorate cabinets in kindergarten, can be divided into two groups:

  • family;
  • thematic.



The first group includes elements with images of any characters, animals, nature, and they will have a place where you can enter the child’s personal data. It is very convenient to use for both parents and educators. Because each locker is labeled anyway, and if you do this with colorful pictures, it will look much more interesting.

Each kindergarten tries to create a group design so that the child is interested and wants to come back here. All groups have their own individual name, and try to emphasize this through the design of the room. Themed decors are suitable for such purposes.

Let's consider several options for designing a garden locker room:

  • “Forest Animals” - the locker room is decorated with stands and visual materials under a forest clearing where various forest animals have gathered. Stickers on cabinets in the shape of forest animals will add realism and fairy-tale style;
  • “Happy Bees” - hexagon-shaped decor will help in the design of the garden dressing room;
  • marine theme - stickers on cabinets in the shape of boats will create an atmosphere of the sea, sun and warmth. You can also add some decorative stickers to your themed cabinets.

Thus, a large assortment of thematic decors will allow you to choose the right one for each specific garden group.

Mounting options

Locker stickers are easy to use. To update the locker room environment, there is no need to constantly repaint the lockers; just change the stickers on them.

It's easy to use children's stickers, they:

  • do not leave marks on the surface;
  • easy to remove and change;
  • have many different topics;
  • does not require large material costs.

You can use paper and vinyl decals in the garden. Each of them will be bright and original, but vinyl ones will be more resistant to wear and moisture.

When attaching them to the cabinet, you need to:

  • thoroughly wash the mounting surface;
  • remove all greasy marks and stains;
  • dry the surface;
  • choose a flat, without roughness, place on the door;
  • remove the backing from the sticker and attach it to the cabinet;
  • Use a soft towel to gently straighten the edges of the sticker.

The mounting surface must be clean and dry, otherwise the sticker will quickly fall off. Decorate each cabinet door in the same way.



How to make it yourself

If you want to become a designer of a kindergarten premises, you can try making stickers with your own hands. This will require imagination, as well as the desire to create a unique environment. Below you can find many picture templates of different directions. Also, if you have artistic taste, you can use design programs to create pictures for future stickers yourself.

When the template is ready, it must be printed on a color printer. In this case, printing is possible on plain paper or self-adhesive. When printing on plain paper, you can attach it to the surface of the cabinet using double-sided tape. When printing on self-adhesive paper, simply attach the decor to the door.

For long-term use of pictures, so that they do not deteriorate from moisture and last longer, they can be laminated. If the sticker is small and printed on plain paper, it should be covered with wide tape on top. This will serve as protection against moisture and mechanical damage.

Using your own stickers for decoration, you can immediately think through the theme of the room. Combining different variants With one theme, it will be possible to create a harmoniously designed room in a kindergarten, which will not only be beautiful, but will also develop in children Creative skills, correct perception of color, contribute to the formation of artistic taste.

A visit to kindergarten will become desirable if the child’s day begins with a cheerful, smiling animal on the locker door or any other cheerful picture. To create a general atmosphere, it is necessary that the decor matches the color scheme of the common room and complements its design.

