Is electrolysis on the chest dangerous? Features of electrolysis. Opinions of people who have gone through the procedure

The modern beauty industry has come very far in everything related to improvement. appearance the beautiful half of humanity. Among salon procedures a place of honor is occupied by those designed to rid lovely ladies of excess hair on their bodies. Such procedures are called “epilation” and “depilation”. The difference between these two concepts lies in the effect on the hair follicle and the hair shaft itself. During hair removal, the hair root is destroyed; depilation involves removing only the visible part of it. Depilatory procedures include shaving with a razor and the use of special creams and mousses. There are more types of hair removal: waxing, sugaring, photo and laser hair removal, as well as the procedure that we will pay the most attention to today – electrolysis.


Electrical hair removal involves the following algorithm of action: using a special device for electrical hair removal, a very thin needle-electrode is inserted into the hair follicle. A current discharge passes through it, which, creating a high temperature in the affected area, “burns out” the hair root. Thanks to this aggressive approach, unwanted hairs disappear forever.

How and where do they do it?

The electrolysis procedure is carried out in specialized cosmetology centers and beauty salons by professional cosmetologists. You must first come for a consultation and discuss all the nuances with a specialist, since electrolysis has contraindications. You also need to know that doing it is quite unpleasant and time-consuming. The doctor will recommend pain medication and prescribe a course of procedures depending on the severity of the problem.

Electrical hair removal is carried out using a special device. The most popular devices are from ROS»S, such as Depil-Plus 13 Mhz, Depil-Plus 2, Kh-12 Plus, as well as e Depilprogram Ultrasystem Plus Active Line and Russian electroepilator EHHF-20-MTUSI. These devices not only efficiently and quickly deal with excess hair, but also protect the skin during the procedure. Each device presented has its own features and parameters, which your cosmetologist should inform you about in order to form the most accurate idea of ​​what effect you can achieve with this epilator model.

In general, the electrolysis procedure is quite common; it is performed in many cosmetology centers. In the North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow alone, there are more than 300 salons offering this procedure.


There are several types of electrolysis, which depend on the type of electrode used:

  • Tweezer method. The purpose of this procedure is to capture each individual hair with a kind of “tweezers” that transmits current. This method is good because it is quite painless, and it can be used to treat sensitive areas such as the face and bikini. However, the duration of the procedure is very long - it takes almost 2 minutes to remove each hair, so it is advisable to carry it out only on small areas of skin with not too thick hair;
  • Needle method. The hair follicle is destroyed by introducing a conductive needle-electrode into it. These needles are made from various materials(special medical alloys, with Teflon or gold coating) and have different shapes and thickness.

Needle electrolysis is divided into several subtypes:

  • Thermolysis. The essence of the procedure is high-frequency exposure to low-voltage alternating current. This is one of the most painful methods, which involves injection anesthesia of the treated skin areas. Thermolysis in the facial area is excluded;
  • Galvanic electrolysis. The hair root is exposed to direct current. Around the needle, sodium ions are formed, which, interacting with skin secretions, form an alkaline solution that has a detrimental effect on the hair follicle. Electrolysis is less painful, but the speed of the procedure is quite low;
  • Blend method. This is a mixture of the two previous methods. To begin with, the hair root is heated by thermolysis, and then destruction occurs using electrolysis. To carry out electrolysis using this method, there are special computerized devices for the best selection of a combination of frequency and degree of impact;
  • Sequential blend. A more advanced version of the blend method. Their difference lies in the use of low-pulse current in the sequential method, which reduces the pain of the procedure;
  • Flash method. Essentially, this is thermolysis, but using high-frequency direct current. This method eliminates excessive trauma to the skin and reduces pain;
  • Sequential flash. Used for simultaneous removal of hairs of different thicknesses. Perhaps the fastest way to perform the electrolysis procedure.

The choice of method that will help you combat unwanted hairs should be dictated by the choice of treatment area. The electrolysis procedure can be performed on the face (correction of the shape of the eyebrows, treatment of the upper lip to remove mustaches, individual areas on the chin), arms, legs, back, buttocks, thighs, and abdomen. There are some restrictions on epilation of the armpits. The color, thickness and thickness of the hair also plays a role. The cosmetologist who will work on your problem will tell you all this.


In order to get the maximum effect from the electrical hair removal procedure, you must remember to comply with certain conditions. The fact is that in this way you can remove hair that is in the anagen (growth) stage, but there is only about 30% of it on the human body. That is why it is recommended to repeat the procedure several times in order to gradually destroy all unnecessary vegetation.

A dermatocosmetologist should conduct an electrolysis session. He will be able to choose the right approach to your problem and tell you how to avoid negative consequences.

Different zones - different painful sensations. The chin, arms and legs tolerate electrolysis quite easily, but removing mustaches and treating the bikini area can be quite painful. Removal of hairs in the nose and ears is completely excluded.

Don't grow too long long hair, but they should not be too short. The optimal length is from 2.5 to 3.5 millimeters.

You can verify the effectiveness of the procedure if you notice that hair growth has decreased by at least 10%, and they have become thinner and lighter.

How many sessions are needed?


The preparatory procedures, in principle, do not differ from those that are recommended before sugaring and waxing sessions: you need to thoroughly scrub the areas of intended treatment, take warm shower or sit in the bath. Of course, your hair needs to grow to at least 2.5 mm.

If you are not ready to endure pain in the name of beauty, discuss with a cosmetologist possible options pain relief or treat the skin yourself with a cream such as Emla a couple of hours before the session.

Comparison before and after

Of course, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. In the photo archives of cosmetology centers you can find a lot of photographs “before” and “after” electrolysis. The results are, of course, amazing - smooth skin where there was just a “thicket” and a much smaller amount of hair that grew back over time. However, not all photos are so encouraging. You can often see a picture that shows a pronounced rash, crusts and other microdamages. And it becomes unclear which photographs to believe more.

Experts in the field of cosmetology and dermatology argue that negative consequences after the electrical hair removal procedure are possible only if the skin is not properly cared for. If you follow all the doctor’s instructions and do not neglect care products, nothing threatens you.

Skin care

Taking care of your skin during post-procedure rehabilitation is very important, and it is equally important to do it correctly. Your cosmetologist, of course, if necessary, will recommend certain products depending on the reaction of your skin to electrolysis, but there is a list of some general rules which it is advisable to follow in order to reduce the risk of complications to a minimum:

  • In the first 3-5 days after the procedure, it is prohibited to apply products with perfume fragrances and too heavy, oily texture to the treated surfaces;
  • During the week, forget about the solarium, beach, sauna, bathhouse and gym;
  • Instead of a hot bath, use a warm shower for daily hygiene;
  • Wipe the treated areas with an antiseptic solution to prevent infection. It is advisable to do this every few hours for 5 days;
  • If there are crusts, under no circumstances should you scratch them or try to pick them off - you risk getting scars that will remain forever;
  • Use medications such as D-panthenol, Levomekol, Bepanten. You can use light moisturizing creams with chamomile, aloe, calendula

Contraindications and consequences

Electrolysis is a fairly radical and aggressive procedure; it simply cannot but have contraindications. So, You should choose another product to get rid of unwanted hair if:

  • You have varicose veins;
  • You are pregnant (at any stage);
  • You have problems with the lymph nodes and the lymphatic system in general;
  • you have diabetes;
  • Have mental problems or cardiovascular system;
  • Skin, infectious or cancer diseases are present;
  • You have a pacemaker.

As for the possible consequences, everything is purely individual and depends on many factors. For some people, hair growth stops after the 3rd procedure, while others need to take a couple of courses to achieve the same effect. Micro-scars, burns, or dark spots. Therefore, before deciding to undergo this rather expensive procedure that takes quite a long time to achieve the main goal, you need to consult with an endocrinologist and take tests to determine your hormonal status. Only then can you be sure that electrolysis is really what you need.

Can it be done at home?

Many girls are quite successful in waxing or sugaring themselves, at home. And, of course, the question arises: is it possible that electrolysis can also be done independently? After all, then you can save money, and the device will always be at hand and you can “walk” through unwanted hairs at any time, gradually killing them. The answer to this question is: you shouldn't do it. Firstly, any device for home use much weaker than salon ones and you will not be able to achieve the desired effect. Secondly, the sanitization of a cosmetologist’s workplace is still better than in your apartment, even if you are a fan of cleanliness and do wet cleaning every day. And thirdly, if side effects occur, you will one way or another have to see a doctor and treatment can be no less expensive than electrolysis in a salon.

Therefore, think about whether the risk is equal to the fact that you may be able to save a couple of thousand rubles. Electrical hair removal is not an easy procedure; certified specialists are trained to perform it, and they also know how to cope with possible negative consequences. Don't risk your health and beauty in the name of some pseudo-economy.

Advantages and disadvantages

Electric hair removal has a number of advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other types of combating excess body hair. After reading them, you can decide whether to choose this method or whether it is better to pay attention to something else.

Advantages of electrolysis:

  • Suitable for any hair and skin type;
  • Only with its help is it possible to say goodbye to unnecessary hairs forever;
  • Can be used on almost any part of the body.


  • If you have previously waxed, sugared, or used a home mini-epilator, electric hair removal may not be suitable for you. The fact is that in the process of performing the procedures, you could damage the hair roots and bend them. In this case, the electroepilator needle may simply not achieve its intended purpose and completely destroy the follicle;
  • To obtain the maximum possible effect, several sessions, sometimes even several courses, are required. As was said earlier, electricity can only remove hair that is in the active growth stage - anagen, and there are only 30-40% of those on our body. In addition, there are also “sleeping” follicles, which for the time being do not manifest themselves in any way, but subsequently hair may appear from them, which will also require attention;
  • The electrolysis procedure is quite lengthy and not everyone has the patience to sit through each session. For example, it will take you almost 20 minutes to remove the antennae. Think about how long it will take to epilate both legs;
  • It is expensive. Yes, electric hair removal is an expensive procedure, since it requires painstaking work. Considering that you will have to do it again and again, it is better to calculate, first, whether its cost is comparable to the expected effectiveness.

Is it harmful?

Of course, even if electrolysis is carried out in a cosmetology center by a competent and experienced dermatocosmetologist, some minor troubles cannot be ruled out. Don’t be alarmed, most of them are harmless and can be easily eliminated:

  • Red spots on the skin. They appear due to increased sensitivity of the treatment area and, as a rule, disappear on their own within 1.5-2 weeks;
  • Scars, microburns. May be a consequence of incorrect calculation of the required current strength;
  • Itching. This is a normal phenomenon, but it is strictly forbidden to comb the affected skin, as there is a possibility of infection entering the wound surface;
  • Infection during the procedure. Such a nuisance can occur due to insufficient health literacy and hygiene in the specialist’s workplace.


Before you decide to undergo this rather complicated and expensive procedure, you would like to know more about it. We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions and tried to provide comprehensive answers to them.

How is it different from photoepilation?

In fact, there are several differences, and all of them are quite significant. The first difference is the mechanism of action on the hair follicle. We already know that electrolysis is its destruction using current; Photoepilation involves some kind of “irradiation” of the hair root with a light flash, as a result of which the color pigment melanin heats up and gradually destroys it.

The second difference is the degree of trauma to the skin. During the electrolysis procedure, a kind of “acupuncture” occurs when the needle penetrates the hair follicle. This, although very little, injures the skin. Photoepilation does not involve damage to the dermis.

Electric hair removal allows you to get rid of unwanted hair immediately during the session, since the hair cannot stay in the skin without a root. If you choose photoepilation, then be prepared for the fact that the hairs will fall out gradually, over 1-2 weeks, and during this period they cannot be shaved or removed in other ways, so you will have to endure the hair on the body.

Photoepilation is good only for dark hair, since the principle of its action is based on the destruction of melanin, and everyone knows that the darker the hair, the better it attracts light. Electrolysis can be performed on hair of absolutely any color, even gray hair.

As for medical recommendations, there are no contraindications. However, practice shows that best time this procedure is carried out on the 13th or 14th day of the cycle. At that time female body least susceptible to pain.

If you just need to go for electrolysis, but it just so happens that you have started your period, don’t be upset and go. Although, of course, refrain from treating the bikini area.

How long can you not sunbathe after?

Can it be done in summer?

Yes, you can. But first, be sure to consult with a cosmetologist who will warn you about possible negative consequences and will give recommendations on care and protection from ultraviolet rays.

The question of removing unwanted body hair worries every woman. Therefore, in the arsenal of cosmetology there are many ways to get rid of them. Among the variety of these methods, electrolysis enjoys particular trust, since it has almost seventy years of experience in use. And, despite the fact that new methods arise, it remains in demand and popular.

A little history

Electric hair removal in cosmetology is rightly considered the oldest method of getting rid of hair. It was discovered in 1875 by American ophthalmologist Charles Michel (1833-1913) and was used to remove ingrown eyelashes. But after 5 years, this method began to be used for cosmetic purposes. In the middle of the last century, the first device for electrolysis was patented. And soon the procedure became very popular in America and England, and in the 70s they began to study it as a subject in medical institutions.

What is electrolysis

Electric hair removal is a method of hair removal by destroying its follicle with a weak electric current. For this purpose it is used special apparatus for electroepilation (electric epilator), which has several operating modes and is capable of delivering current discharges of different frequencies, depending on the requirements and method of hair removal. The current is passed through a needle-electrode to the root, and under its influence it dies. This method can remove hairs of any thickness and color. But since manipulation is carried out with everyone separate hair, electrolysis takes a long time. In 1 hour of work, a skilled cosmetologist can clean an area of ​​skin measuring only 10 by 10 cm.

Electrolysis technique

For complete cleansing, several sessions are required, approximately one month apart. This happens because about 50% of hair on our skin is in the active growth phase. After the destruction of the follicles during the procedure, new hairs begin to grow from nearby inactive bulbs after 2-3 weeks. On average, electrolysis requires about 4 sessions to remove all hair. However, depending on the area, hair thickness and color, as well as some individual characteristics, their number may be different:

Number of sessions during electrolysis depending on the zone

In the video you can see the result of the procedure in different areas and with different numbers of sessions:

Types of electrolysis

There are two types of electrolysis depending on the type of electrodes used:
The hair is grabbed with an electrode in the form of tweezers and a high-frequency discharge of electric current is passed, which passes to the follicle and destroys it. The advantages of this type of electrolysis are its painlessness and the absence of side effects (pustules and inflammation), as well as the ability to use it on sensitive areas of the skin. But cosmetologists rarely use this method because it takes a lot of time (it takes about 2 minutes to remove one hair).
The most common type. An electrode in the form of a very thin needle is inserted into the follicle and an electric discharge is turned on. It creates heat at the hair root, which ultimately provokes its destruction. The needles used during electrolysis are divided into 3 types: medical alloy for sensitive skin, gold needles for allergy sufferers, and Teflon-insulated needles. These needles are disposable and can only be reused on the same person.

To date There are 4 methods of needle electrolysis And:
1. Thermolysis– a method of influencing the hair root with high-frequency alternating current. An electric current moves the molecules of the follicle, it heats up and is destroyed under the influence of high temperature. This is one of the most quick ways Electrolysis (takes 2 seconds), however, is also the most painful. Also, if there is an error or lack of qualifications of the specialist performing the procedure, there is a risk of burns.
2.Electrolysis. Using direct current and two electrodes (one is the needle itself, the second is an iron object that is given to a person’s hand), sodium ions appear around the needle. As a result of a further chemical reaction, they turn into alkali, which destroys the follicle. Hydrogen bubbles on the skin indicate the completion of the chemical reaction. Compared to thermolysis, the electrolysis procedure is longer, but does not cause severe pain.
3. Blend. It is a combination of the two methods described above. First, thermolysis is turned on, and then electrolysis. In general, the procedure is not very painful. It takes about 10 seconds to remove hair.
4. Flash is an advanced thermolysis that uses high-frequency direct current. To reduce pain, the electric discharge passes only the end of the needle. The effectiveness of the flash method, as in thermolysis, depends on the qualifications of the specialist. Therefore, it is not recommended to do it on the face and bikini area.

The table shows the comparative characteristics of these methods of electrical hair removal:

Comparative table of characteristics of various electrolysis methods

To get a complete picture of how electrolysis is performed, watch the video:

Where you can and cannot do electrolysis

Most often, women choose this procedure to remove facial hair: upper lip, as well as for correcting the shape of the eyebrows. It can also be easily applied to the chin, legs and arms. Men mainly remove hair on the back, shoulders and chest, as well as cheekbones and neck.

We also recommend reading:

You should be very careful when doing electrolysis for the bikini area and armpits, since lymph nodes are located there close to the surface. And in the areas of the nose and ears it is strictly prohibited.
In the photo before and after electrolysis you can see the result of the procedure for different areas:

Legs before and after electrolysis

Bikini area before and after electrolysis

Advantages and disadvantages of electrolysis

In order to decide whether to use this hair removal method, you need, as they say, to weigh the pros and cons.
The undoubted advantages of electrolysis are:
Hair removal once and for all. But for this you need to be patient and go through all the hair removal sessions.
The method affects hairs regardless of their color and structure.
Suitable for all skin types.

Of course, electrolysis also has its disadvantages:
Dependence of the quality of work on the qualifications of a specialist. The electrolysis procedure is quite complex and requires precision and high professionalism from the one who performs it. Therefore, you need to carefully choose the specialist who will do it for you.
Soreness. Although it is possible to choose to use a local anesthetic, many clients choose to “stick it out.” At this point, electrolysis loses to other methods of hair removal.
Take a lot of time.
Risk of complications. If you neglect the recommendations for taking care of your skin after depilation, complications such as pustules, scars and inflammation on the skin are possible.
High cost compared to other types of hair removal. Please note that the cost of the procedure includes the price of the work itself plus the price of a needle and painkiller. On average, an hour of session costs about $50-70.

Contraindications and consequences of electrolysis

Contraindications to the procedure include:
Various diseases skin.
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Diabetes Types 1 and 2.
All types of tumors.
Infectious diseases.
Mental disorders.
Individual intolerance to metals and alloys contained in needles.
Intrauterine device.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What could be the consequences?

After the procedure, red spots appear at the site of the removed hair, and after a few days crusts form in these places. You don't have to do anything with them. If you follow the rules of hygiene and doctor's recommendations, they will disappear on their own.

If there is swelling and itching in the treated area of ​​skin, do not worry. After a few days, these symptoms will go away. But if they last more than 3 days, you need to consult a doctor.

Burns can occur as a result of unskilled manipulations by a doctor. They need to be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, such as bepanthen and panthenol - they will reduce the likelihood of scarring. If hygiene rules are not followed, inflammation of the skin and pustules may occur.

Consequences after electrolysis

Preparation for electrolysis

The procedure itself does not require any special preparation. It is enough just for the skin to be clean. Therefore, take a bath if possible. Hair should not be too short and not too long. Their minimum length should be 3 mm to make it easier for the doctor to get into the follicle. However, you shouldn’t get too overgrown. The most acceptable hair length for electrical hair removal is 4 - 6 mm. If you have a high pain threshold, then you should ask the specialist to numb the skin before electrolysis. To do this, apply a special anesthetic cream or lidocoin spray. Injections of ultracaine or lidocoine can also be used.

How to care for your skin after electrolysis?

Skin restoration after all manipulations takes about a week. Of course, I would like to immediately have smooth skin, like after sugaring. In the case of electrolysis, you need to be patient and follow all the doctor’s recommendations in order to enjoy it after a while. clean skin free of unwanted vegetation.

Following these simple rules will help you quickly recover after electrolysis:
The treated area of ​​skin should not come into contact with water for the first 24 hours.
For the first three days, refrain from taking a hot bath, as well as from using any creams and perfumes (if hair removal was done on the face, then refrain from using decorative cosmetics).
For 4-5 days, you should regularly treat the skin with an antiseptic prescribed by your doctor to avoid infection.
It is forbidden to sunbathe in the first week to prevent age spots from appearing.
Refrain from physical activity. Excessive sweating will cause you to take longer to recover.
Under no circumstances should you peel off the crusts that appear after removal. Otherwise, scars may appear in their place.
Do not touch the skin with dirty hands to avoid infection in the wounds.
Do not use the pool or sauna.
Make sure that clothing and underwear do not rub the treated body parts. Wear loose-fitting clothes.
To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should definitely follow these recommendations for the first week after the procedure. If you are thinking about whether to decide to remove hair in this way or not, then read reviews about the effectiveness of electrolysis:

Electrolysis is included in the list the most effective ways hair removal and has been retained in it for many years.

This procedure takes place in the list of services of various popular cosmetology clinics and beauty salons.

But it is impossible to call it the best, since it has not only advantages, but also disadvantages, and is not suitable for everyone.

Should you be careful when choosing electrolysis as a method of hair removal, what contraindications does this procedure have, is it possible and what consequences can you expect - you will learn all this from the following article.

The essence of this procedure is the destruction of hair follicles using mini-electrical discharges. The current carries out the heating process to a very high temperatures which destroy the follicle.

We suggest you read about the contraindications and advantages of laser facial resurfacing, what possibilities this technique has, before and after photos, average prices and reviews.

Side effects

Unfortunately, the procedure is traumatic for the skin, and a number of complications may arise after it:

  • Redness.
    As a rule, the area where the hair follicles were takes on this color. In some cases, the redness may be more extensive.
  • Itching sensation.
    It usually appears together with redness. With this phenomenon, in no case should you influence the skin mechanically, that is, comb it. This leads to the appearance of scars, because the sensitivity of the skin after the procedure increases significantly.
  • Scarring.
    In most cases, this phenomenon turns out to be the fault of the master. Sometimes it is promoted by improper care of the area of ​​skin injured by the effects of current.
  • Infection.
    This is the most unpleasant consequence, which can be protected from by following the rules of care after electrolysis and, of course, by choosing a good cosmetology salon.

The likelihood of burns, and subsequently scars on the skin, spots and swelling after electrolysis depends on the professionalism of the doctor and non-compliance with recommendations for skin care after the procedure.

We present to your attention a photo from side effects after the electrolysis procedure:

Pros of this method

Not every client of a cosmetology clinic experiences side effects, so in most cases the consequences are pleasant. These include:

  • Hair removal.
    If there were not too many hairs, and the bulbs turned out to be weak, an ideal effect that exceeds expectations is possible.
  • Beautiful skin color.
    Electric current has a good effect on blood circulation, as a result of which it has an effect on the dull color of the skin.
  • Visual rejuvenation.
    It is also achieved through a positive effect on the blood circulation process. The skin becomes more elastic and smoother.

this, the pros and cons and how the hair removal procedure goes - you will learn all this in the article on this site.

How to make your skin fresh and youthful with the help of sessions laser biorevitalization and what are the average prices for this cosmetic procedure, you can find out

Last resort or one of the best solutions?

If we take into account its high efficiency and many rules for care, contraindications and types of complications, the question arises: “Is it worth using this technique if there is no special need?”

In fact, everything is not as scary as it seems. Complications most often occur with extreme sensitive skin and mandatory measures not taken during the rehabilitation period.

If you are ready to follow all the rules, and your skin is not too delicate, you should not be afraid of electrolysis.

A large number of cosmetology clinics and offices can offer a whole list of services to get rid of unwanted hair.

We have already considered methods such as and.

Let's take a closer look at this type of hair removal as electrolysis, its features, how it is done correctly and how long the effect lasts.

Electrolysis is one of the methods of getting rid of unwanted hair using electric current. Having understood how electrolysis works, you can see that A needle-electrode is inserted under the skin into the hair follicle and, using current, it is destroyed. Thus, damaged hair follicles cannot recover for a long time, and, consequently, hair stops growing.

Let's look at the procedure itself and how to do it correctly. During the session, the skin will be damaged by the electrode needle, so before the procedure itself, be sure to disinfect the area of ​​the skin where hair removal will take place.

Disinfection is done to ensure that bacteria that are on the surface of the skin do not enter the wounds during the procedure, otherwise this can lead to the spread of infection.

After the desired area of ​​skin has been disinfected, anesthesia must be used. Hair removal process (regardless of its types) – quite a painful procedure. Before using anesthesia, the cosmetologist conducts a consultation with the client so that the type of anesthesia can be determined (lidocaine spray, Elma anesthetic cream, lidocaine or ultracaine injections) depending on your individual intolerance and preferences or wishes.

After anesthesia, the electrolysis process itself begins. To do this, the client must lie on the couch and hold the neutral electrode in his hand. The neutral electrode creates an electric field between itself and the electrode needle.

Thus, the device conducts current to the needle. The beautician then inserts a needle into the skin to destroy the hair follicle. As you can see, the hair dies instantly; it is removed using tweezers. In this way, section by section is processed.

Important! After the procedure is completed, the skin is re-treated with a disinfectant and a drug is applied that promotes rapid wound healing.

Depending on the amount of work and individual characteristics, the procedure time can be completely different.

Types of Electrical Hair Removal

Electrical hair removal comes in different forms. Exist different types electrolysis. Let's look at them.


Thermolysis is an epilation process based on method of alternating current supplied at low voltage. This is the oldest method and is the most painful.

If usually with other types of electrolysis it is enough to carry out only superficial treatment (lidocaine spray, Elma anesthetic ointment), then with thermolysis it is necessary to carry out pain relief using injections (lidocaine, ultracaine).

Another big disadvantage of thermolysis is the fact that it can only be used on hairs that are growing properly. But thermolysis has its own advantage - This method allows you to treat a fairly large area of ​​skin in a short time.


Electrolysis is the most popular method; sometimes even the word “electrolysis” itself is used as a synonym for the word “electrolysis”. This hair removal method is based on the implementation of an electrochemical reaction.

At the moment when the manipulator needle pierces the skin, an electric current appears, due to which hydrochloric acid is produced. Hydrochloric acid in turn is further converted into alkali. This alkali penetrates into areas of the hair follicle where the electrode itself cannot reach. This causes heating and then destruction of the hair root.

This method of electrolysis less painful and less likely to cause complications, which is certainly a huge plus of this method. The only drawback is the longer process.


There is also a flash method. This is a more modified version of thermolysis. With the flash method High frequency current is applied to the hair follicles. Thanks to high frequency current, the risk of complications is reduced, and pain is minimal.

Did you know? There are also more modern look flash method is sequential flash. This method uses not only an increased current frequency, but also alternating radiation. Thanks to this, the session goes faster, there are no complications and the recovery period becomes much shorter.


No less popular is the blend method, also called the mixed method. In it, the effect on the hair follicle occurs through thermolysis and electrolysis. Using alternating current, the hair is heated and removed using electrolysis.

Did you know? Sequential blend is a more modern version of the blend method. During such hair removal, electrolysis and thermolysis are used sequentially. The sequential blend method differs from the conventional blend method in that the equipment settings are much lower, which is why the pain is even less.


After the first procedure

During the first electrolysis procedure, the patient lies on a couch and holds a neutral electrode in his hand, and a cosmetologist inserts a needle directly into the follicle. After electrical exposure, the hair follicle dies.

Painful sensations can only appear at the moment when the cosmetologist directly presses the button and delivers a discharge to the needle.

After which the specialist painlessly removes the treated hair with tweezers. The session is repeated until the desired result.

At the end of the procedure, the skin is treated with an antiseptic, and a wound healing agent, such as panthenol, is applied.

After the first hair removal session, the skin should not be exposed to water.

The first result of electrolysis is a reduction in hair growth by approximately 10-15%, and with subsequent sessions the hair becomes smaller. The thickness of the hairs becomes smaller and the color becomes lighter.

After the series

Let's figure out how long it takes to completely get rid of unwanted hair. The effect after electrolysis lasts for a long time. After a series of sessions (on average 3-6 years), cosmetologists advise applying for re-correction.

During repeated hair removal (1-2 sessions), the hair follicles that have managed to be activated during this period are removed. There are also cases when a repeat course of electrolysis is not needed. But all this depends solely on individual characteristics.


Let's take a closer look at the effectiveness of electrolysis.

What does the result depend on?

Electrolysis is quite complex cosmetic procedure, its success depends on the professional skills of the cosmetologist, as well as on the quality of the apparatus with which the follicles are affected.

For a good result and the absence of complications, you should only contact proven salons with professional staff working with the best equipment.

Important! The result largely depends on whether you adhere to the rules of skin care before and after the session, since in the negative case complications such as inflammation and age spots on the skin are possible .

Does hair grow after electrolysis and how long does it last?

Before carrying out the procedure, the question is whether you can get rid of unwanted hair forever or not. After the first session, the hair growth process resumes literally after 2-3 weeks (the period is also absolutely individual). During the first session, an average of 10-15% of hair follicles are removed.

After 2-3 weeks, the bulbs that were previously inactive begin to “wake up”. Therefore, in the second session of electrolysis, the hair follicles of new hairs are removed, this is about another 10%. Thus, depending only on individual characteristics, in order to remove all follicles, you need to carry out a whole series of epilations. The cosmetologist determines how many procedures need to be done.

How often to do and how many procedures are needed

The number of electrolysis procedures and how many sessions are needed for each person is very individual. This mainly depends on the type of hair and its hardness. As a result of these factors, the patient will need from three to eight procedures, since each hair is removed one at a time. The fastest way to remove hair is on the legs (thighs, calves).

The cosmetologist determines how many procedures are required. So, to create the correct eyebrow line, seven procedures may be needed.

The most problematic place for all women is the hair above the upper lip. More than seven procedures are required to completely remove them.

Patients are often also interested in electrolysis of the armpits, how long it would take to completely get rid of unwanted hair and how many sessions are required for this. We should not forget that the permissible interval between procedures in the same place is approximately 1.5-2 months.

These deadlines must be adhered to in order to allow the hairs to grow. Compliance with a series of procedures guarantees effective removal hair forever.


Electrolysis is a rather specific process that is not suitable for everyone, and in some cases is strictly prohibited. Let's look at the contraindications to this procedure.

You are prohibited from performing the procedure if you:

  • suffer from epilepsy;
  • have diabetes;
  • are pregnant or breastfeeding;
  • have skin diseases in the areas where the procedure was performed;
  • have moles or tattoos at the epilation site;
  • you have a viral disease that is in an acute stage;
  • have unhealed skin lesions in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • sick with herpes;
  • you are suffering varicose veins veins;
  • have chronic heart disease;
  • have cancer;
  • suffer from mental disorders;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the procedure.

The list of contraindications is quite long. And these recommendations should never be neglected, as serious complications may arise.

Basically, the cosmetologist conducts a survey before starting the procedure. But you shouldn’t shift all responsibility to the cosmetologist.

Before the procedure, be sure to familiarize yourself with the process of electrolysis and possible complications, since they are all absolutely individual.

A blogger talks about his experience of electrolysis

After reading this article, we figured out what electrolysis is and how it is done. Modern methods make the procedure a very effective and sought-after cosmetic procedure. Pain relief, adherence to skin care rules and professional cosmetologist make the process quite comfortable and efficient.

There are many ways to get rid of unwanted body hair. Hardware electrolysis is considered the most effective at the moment. This cosmetic operation reliably removes hair from the body and face. But today we’ll talk about the consequences of electrolysis.

What is electrolysis

The essence of electrolysis is the targeted damage to the hair root along with the surrounding tissues (root sheath) through a point pulse of electric current. The effectiveness and consequences are that unwanted hair gradually stop growing from the damaged hair follicle.

Using a special needle-electrode, a current discharge is delivered to the follicle. Under its influence, the root region of the hair and nearby tissues are deformed, destroyed, and lose their ability to regenerate.

There are three types of needle electrodes:

Principles and order of influence

But not everything is so unequivocally positive. The electrolysis procedure takes a long time and is not limited to one session, because the master works with each hair separately. Removing body hair requires an individual approach and consists of several manipulations:

  • insertion of a needle-electrode into the hair follicle;
  • electrical impulse;
  • hair removal with tweezers.

There are three active phases, they are characterized by:

  • active growth, anagen;
  • transition from one growth stage to another, catagen;
  • resting stage, telogen.

During the active growth stage, it is normal for healthy person Up to 90% of all hair is in the resting stage - about 10-15%, only about 2% of hair is in a transitional form at a time. During hair removal, the follicle is destroyed and actively growing hair is removed, but the next one, located in catagen, is on the way. Therefore, in order to get rid of all unwanted hair on the body, sessions will have to be repeated several times in order to get into the “right period”.

Types and features of methods

This hardware procedure includes a number of different methods of performing the operation:

  • thermolytic method (instant strong heating, exposure of the follicle to alternating high-frequency pulses) is suitable for treating large areas of the body, a type of thermolysis is flash, a needle with a special insulating coating is used;
  • electrolytic method (exposure to a galvanic pulse through the use of two differently charged electrodes), suitable for removing curved hair follicles, and is quite long-lasting;
  • blending system - a combination of thermolysis and electrolysis;
  • electrolysis with tweezers (tweezers act as an electrode); due to the duration of such a procedure, this form of hair removal is unpopular in salons.

Brief overview of the results of hardware procedures

According to reviews from clients of beauty salons, the method that has the most unpleasant consequences after electrolysis is thermolysis. The hair follicle does not die immediately; the painful intervention must be repeated several times. After thermoelectric exposure, complications often arise in the form of irritation, skin rashes, and allergic reactions. Flash thermolysis is not used on the face and in the chest and bikini areas, but on the limbs it gives excellent results.

Electrolytic hair removal is less painful, and the occurrence of troubles from such manipulations is minimal.

Blend hair removal is two-phase: an alternating mix of thermolysis and electrolytic action allows you to quickly destroy the structure of the follicle, and, therefore, reduce the time to achieve the final result. Such an aggressive effect on the hair follicle often causes folliculitis (inflammation) and painful tissue scarring.

In general, electrolysis is a painful process. Many cosmetologists urge clients to refuse any kind of pain relief. Their main argument is that anesthetic substances often have the opposite effect: increased hair growth is observed on skin surfaces treated with anesthetics. However, this is nothing more than a myth. An anesthetic injection is given deep into the muscle tissue while the electrode acts upper layers epidermis. External anesthetics (Lidocaine spray, Emla) are used some time before the start of hair removal.


There are a number of contraindications to this method of removing unwanted body hair. These may be some temporary restrictions on undergoing electrolysis, but categorical prohibitions for medical reasons cannot be ruled out.

Let's consider what types of complications electrolysis can lead to, as well as what contraindications and consequences of its use exist, depending on certain reasons.

Strict prohibitions on the use of the method include medical indications:

  • installed pacemaker, a number of cardiac pathologies (heart disease, various arrhythmias, etc.), high blood pressure, epilepsy;
  • diseases of the blood and veins (hemophilia, various thromboses, varicose veins);
  • oncology, infectious and viral diseases (hepatitis, HIV, etc.);
  • endocrine disorders;
  • mycoses in the areas of intended hair removal;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema and other dermatitis);
  • lesions of the skin in places of intended exposure (wound surfaces, rashes, etc.);
  • skin neoplasms (papillomas, warts).

Electrofrequency effects are not recommended during pregnancy. This method does not remove vegetation in the ears, nose and other mucous membranes. Failure to follow these recommendations can have fatal consequences. Failure to follow skin care recommendations after the procedure can lead to various kinds skin irritations up to suppuration and scarring.

Electrolysis results and care

Due to skin irritation during the procedure, some unpleasant symptoms may occur. However, these manifestations are temporary.

  • pain persists for some time after the procedure;
  • redness, swelling, swelling (lasts several days);
  • skin rashes (pimples, acne, formation of pustules and papules);
  • scabs (crusts) or peeling (do not scratch!);
  • temporary pigmentation in treated areas;
  • enlarged pores, long visible injection sites (especially on the face).

To minimize the consequences of the procedure, you need to follow a number of recommendations. Some troubles, such as redness or peeling of the skin, cannot be avoided. But it is quite possible to reduce unpleasant errors and speed up the healing process. To do this you need:

  • wear loose clothing to avoid the traumatic effect of the fabric on freshly epilated tissue;
  • Do not use cosmetics for 2-3 days - neither skincare nor decorative, only antiseptic (miramistin, chlorhexidine, calendula tincture) and healing agents (panthenol, boro-plus, bepanthen, etc.);
  • avoid contact with water on the post-procedure surface for a day;
  • do not pick off crusts, peeling, or sores that form;
  • do not sunbathe, do not go to the solarium, do not use self-tanning products in order to avoid skin pigmentation;
  • do not scratch reddened areas;
  • avoid strong physical exertion, exclude sports, baths, saunas - so as not to sweat, thereby causing itchy skin.

On average, the recovery period after electrolysis is 1.5-2 weeks. During this period, the above rules must be followed so that the unpleasant consequences of interference with the integrity of the skin are minimal. We discuss which is better: laser or electrolysis.