Holidays in the year March 8

Excursion marathon in Gorky Park

From 11.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 16.00 there will be an excursion “Women's duels, balls and entertainment of the inhabitants of the Neskuchny Garden”, which will tell about the rich life of the nobles in the Neskuchny Garden two centuries ago: balls, masquerades, horse races, horse carousels, dog races and duels . From 12.30 to 14.30 there will be an excursion “14 love stories” - about stories that took place on the territory of Gorky Park: Alexander Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova, Catherine II and her favorite Grigory Orlov, Nicholas I and his wife Alexandra Fedorovna.

Muzeon Park will conduct an excursion “Female Images in Monumental Sculpture”

The tour will take place from 13.00 to 14.00 and will tell about how the female image throughout Soviet history and “how it was reflected in the monumental sculpture of the era”. Entry will be free with advance registration.

Cubic installation in Sokolniki

Against the backdrop of the installation, guests will be able to take pictures. There you can also record 15-second clips with congratulations, post them on social networks and get a souvenir. At 12.00, the "sports and flower" quest will begin, during which you need to look for flowers in the park.

International Women's Day in the Hermitage Garden

In the Hermitage Garden, International Women's Day will be dedicated to beauty: master classes will be held on creating a romantic image, selecting and creating accessories, and stylists will do their hair and decorate their hair with flowers in a mobile hairdressing salon.

Tulips for all visitors to Vorontsovsky Park

Vorontsovsky park distribute tulips to visitors. There will also be competitions for the best declaration of love to wives, mothers and grandmothers, and musicians will perform.

Fitness zone in Perovsky park

The fitness area near the main stage will be prepared by Perovsky park. Visitors are waiting for lectures on psychology, a master class on women's self-defense and a jazz concert.

Fili Park will host a Flower Run

On which men must run 2 km with bouquets of tulips in their hands. The purpose of the race is to give flowers to every woman you meet along the way. Start at the main entrance at 12.00.

Decorative figures to be installed in Kuzminki

Within the territory of Kuzminok will install decorative figures forming a flower field. On the petals, using paints, felt-tip pens, pencils, colored paper, ribbons, plasticine and other materials for creativity, children will be able to make postcards for their mothers.

And also…

In Lianozovsky park The film The most charming and attractive will be shown on the big screen.

In the garden to them. Bauman a jazz evening will be held at the Mercato cafe, and visitors will be treated to a free drink.

In Izmailovsky Park and Northern Tushino there will be creative workshops for children to create gifts in honor of March 8, the Moskva agency notes.

The light show can be seen on Manezhnaya Square

You can see unusual projections on the facade of the Manege Central Exhibition Hall. The main theme of the light installation is the coming of spring. The program will be opened by the performance of the popular Turetsky Choir. For the beautiful ladies, the vocalists will perform their greatest hits.

The Valentin Yudashkin Show

A bright, enchanting, full of luxury, new haute couture collection awaits all guests, telling about amazing travels around the world, in which the couturier drew inspiration to create his new masterpieces.

Festival of Women's Crafts in Ethnomir

A festival of women's crafts is timed to the International Women's Day in Ethnomir, which includes a rich exhibition of masterpieces created by fragile female hands. Guests are waiting for the lessons of applied arts and a bright concert program with the performance of exclusively male teams.

Exhibition of vintage cars “Oldtimer-Gallery”

The largest show in Eastern Europe for vintage cars and antiques and the style of bygone times.

Chocolate Salon Festival at Expocentre

"Chocolate Salon" - an opportunity to please your beloved women with chocolate gifts. Visitors will get acquainted with new brands, performances by Russian and foreign chocolatiers, master classes and tastings, competitions, surprises and, of course, an enchanting defile of chocolate dresses.

Festival "Rehearsal of Spring" in Aptekarsky Ogorod

More than 7,000 tulips, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, lilacs, snowdrops, lilies, onions and other plants bloomed 2 months ahead of time to please Moscow by early spring. Guests can see more than 200 varieties of bulbous plants, cherry and almond blossoms, and daily enjoy the dizzying aromas of flowers that enveloped the greenhouse.

In Russia, International Women's Day will be celebrated for 4 whole days. And all because March 8, 2016 falls on a Tuesday. And according to the Government Decree of September 24, 2015 on the postponement of the weekend in 2016, on Monday, March 7, we will also have a rest. After all, the day off was postponed from 03.01, which fell on the calendar day off Sunday. And as a result, they will have 4 days to rest in Russia - from March 5 to March 8 inclusive.

Day off March 8, 2016 in Ukraine

But in Ukraine there are much fewer days off, because in 2016 there will be only one day to rest here, that is, on March 8th.

Gifts for March 8

What to give mom

It all depends on your budget. For example, if you are still in school and there is absolutely no money for a gift, then you can simply arrange a day of rest for her, namely, clean the house and cook something simple, but at the same time festive. Do not forget about decorations that you can create from improvised means. But working children can afford a little more, for example, a trip to a beauty salon. Let her feel like a woman and relax a bit. If you would like a gift to remind her of you every day, then present, for example, a warm bathrobe, comfortable little things that will make it easier for her to cook or clean the house.

What to give your girlfriend

The complexity of a gift for a girl lies in the fact that it is too early to give more intimate things, but something simple will also be out of place. For such occasions, gifts such as tickets to a concert of her favorite band, a movie are perfect. A set of sweets with a chest of compliments, where you can express your most sincere feelings, will also be a good present. She will be delighted with various gadgets, for example, headphones.

What to give your wife

In this case, it is better to move away from such traditional gifts like spirits. Put your imagination to work and come up with something original, for example, arrange romantic dinner, unload this day for her beloved so that she can spend it in a beauty salon or just devote this time to her hobbies. If your finances allow you, then jewelry will be the best gift. Any lady will be happy. In cases where you do not know how to cook at all, you can simply go to a restaurant or even rent a hotel room in another city. Pay attention also to her hobbies, for sure there is something that you need all the time, for example, various tools. But also be original - hide the gift and arrange a quest for her to find your present.

What to give your daughter

For a little girl, toys or bright clothes are always suitable, you can have a small beauty kit, where there will be different hairpins and elastic bands. BUT adult daughter sure to be delighted with clothes, if you are afraid to miscalculate with the size or taste, then in this case you can buy a gift card in a clothing store. Who better than parents know about their child's hobbies? Play on this, if she likes, for example, fiddling with nails or hair, then give her good tools for her hobby.

Where to spend International Women's Day

  1. If you and your lady are not lovers romantic dates and meetings, then you can spend this day in motion, for example, go to the skating rink, arrange an individual dance lesson for two, or just do something with your own hands together. It will bring you closer.
  2. You can spend this day at home with your family. For example, arrange a real family adventure or just spend this time in games (logical, moving, whatever).
  3. Romantic natures will surely enjoy a candlelit dinner on the roof or order a whole cinema room for two, where you can watch all your favorite films.

A feature of the fourth phase of the waning moon is the slowdown of all processes in the surrounding world and the fading of energy. The human body becomes passive, easily succumbs to apathy and fatigue. It is not recommended to plan active actions and the implementation of serious projects at this time.

At work, you should refrain from doing important and complex tasks, time has to complete projects, analyze the work done. It is not recommended to start new projects, conclude contracts and make changes during the fourth phase.

For household chores, a period of easy and easy work has come - cleaning, putting things in order, getting rid of everything unnecessary will be the most optimal activities for the last days before the New Moon.

Do not plan for the current time of purchase or spending. Now it is easy to make a mistake and lose money. For the same reason, it is not recommended to invest and invest in any projects, even the most reliable ones.

Communication on the last days before the New Moon is recommended to be reduced, as there is a possibility of conflicts and quarrels. It is not advisable to conduct negotiations and business events now. Family celebrations and meetings should also be rescheduled to a later time.

During the fourth quarter of the waning moon, it is worth taking care of yourself - cosmetic and skin care procedures will give it a healthy and attractive look. Now you can continue to exercise and exercise in moderation.

The time is also favorable for medical effects - wounds will quickly heal, operations will not bring undesirable complications. Now it is recommended to start strengthening the immune system, as infectious diseases are possible due to overwork.

The positive impact of the fourth phase of the waning moon:

  • a good period for completing serious cases and summing up on them;
  • in the current period, it is favorable to engage in putting things in order in the house, cleaning unnecessary things;
  • the right time for self-care - cosmetic and cleansing procedures, moderate exercise will give a blooming look and cheer you up;
  • the time is ideal for the implementation of planned medical operations and interventions.

The negative impact of the fourth phase of the waning moon:

  • unfavorable time for starting new business, implementing grandiose projects, changing jobs, as there are too few forces in the body;
  • it is not recommended to make purchases and invest money in the fourth phase;
  • communication during this period is best reduced to a minimum with both business and personal environment;
  • in the last days before the New Moon, it is recommended to take care of increasing immunity - there is a possibility of diseases.

Moon in Pisces

The moon in the zodiac sign Pisces opens the period of reverie and creative activity when a person is given the opportunity to express their emotions. But, at the same time, there is a risk of becoming a victim of someone's intrigue.

What is worth doing, and what is better to postpone?

When the moon is in Pisces, it is not advisable to take on the implementation of new projects, as well as for things that require composure, concentration and careful attention. Also, do not change jobs at this time.
But everything that is connected with creativity and inherent in the emotional sphere will go smoothly. For example, classes in drawing, cooking, needlework and more.
In work, this period will be fruitful for all whose professional activity associated with creativity - designers, artists, journalists, managers of advertising companies and others. They will need good skill to keep up with the flight of thought and, at least, to have time to fix everything that came to mind.
And for workers in the engineering industry, this period can be a real test.
At this time, trips and travels are great, but the mood of others can be changeable, which is worth remembering in unforeseen situations.

Financial transactions when the moon is in Pisces

This is not the best period for any investment, as a person is psychologically unstable and unable to concentrate on important tasks. Therefore, the risk of failure due to one's own inattention is quite large. So transfer any risky investments to another period. Well, if it’s completely unbearable, then you can please the villagers with small purchases or a game of poker.

Relationships with people

While the moon is in Pisces, romantic relationships with the second half are developing perfectly. Excellent communication with loved ones. There is a high probability of resuming warm relations, even with those with whom you had quarrels.

Personal care

This is not the best time to visit a hairdresser or beauty center. Due to the unstable condition of a person, the result of conventional procedures can bring unpleasant surprises. Hair and skin at this time require additional nutrition, but certainly not stressful situations.

The influence of the lunar day

29 lunar day

29th day to lunar calendar not suitable for doing any business and completing complex projects. Do not take on the work, as the forces are still not enough. The time is not suitable for changing jobs, activities or starting new projects. Spend time doing light chores like cleaning the house, tidying up the yard.

The day is disastrous for any money transactions. Today, even small expenses should not be made at all - this will lead to financial failures.

Do not start new acquaintances on this day and refrain from communicating with colleagues and close associates. Today, any communication and event will end in a conflict situation. Refrain from dating and communicating with your soulmate.

Go in for sports during the 29th lunar day and in a healthy way life. Take a body cleanse.

Positive influence of the day:

  • the day is perfect for cleansing yourself, your home, your thoughts.

Negative impact of the day:

  • bad day to work and start something new;
  • it is strictly forbidden to carry out any financial transactions;
  • not a good day for communication, events and meetings.

Influence of the day of the week

The influence of the moon on a person on Tuesday is associated with the energy of Mars. The red planet, which is responsible for activity and vigor, makes its own adjustments, allowing you to achieve new heights and accomplish everything that until now seemed impossible. Under the influence of Mars, everything postponed until "better times" in the hope of vivacity and vigor passes from the phase of expectation to its implementation.

What to do according to the lunar calendar?

Tuesday can rightly be considered the most productive day for new beginnings. The energy received on this day is enough, both for the implementation of new projects, and for solving urgent and suddenly arising tasks.
Of course, being full of vitality and self-confidence, it is quite difficult to perform routine, uninteresting work. Therefore, it is better to postpone it for the second half of the day or even transfer it to another day.
When communicating with others, be attentive to their mood, as impulsiveness in their mood can turn into a conflict situation. In this connection, defending your own beliefs, always give strong arguments in a moderate tone, otherwise you may not avoid a quarrel.
This day is perfect for the device on new job, especially if it is associated with fire and steel: steelmaker, military, fireman, etc. If there is an interview coming up, then red clothes should be allocated in your wardrobe.

How to behave at home?

All the energy that remains after an intense day at home is better spent for good use - cleaning, fixing a broken thing, etc. Since the rest of the energy in communicating with relatives very quickly develops into a quarrel, when everyone defends his opinion. Goodbye and romantic evenings it is better not to spend on Tuesday - possible conflict situations and disagreements with outbursts of negative emotions.

Personal care

Tuesday is very favorable to visiting a hairdresser for new haircut. This will add energy and activity to you, relieve you of everyday problems and gray everyday life. In return, you will get a lot of pleasant new impressions from changing your image.
This day is perfect for sports. This can be especially felt by all those who did not dare to do this before. On Tuesday, meat and spicy seasonings are perfect for food.

This spring holiday every woman is looking forward to. It is filled with pleasant gifts, flowers, compliments and attention from men, which is often lacking in ordinary life. When planning March 8, it is worth considering that all women are different: someone will like gatherings with friends, someone cannot imagine this day without a romantic dinner, but there are also lovers to celebrate the holiday at home, in the circle of relatives and friends. For men, the beginning of March is a period of active search for gifts for their beloved wives, girls, mothers and daughters. Do not forget about your colleagues - women with whom you meet every day at work.

How do we relax on March 8?

In Russia, due to the transfer of a day off from a holiday Sunday (January 3) to a working Monday (March 7), whole mini-vacations are formed - It will be possible to rest from March 5 to March 8, 2016. Alas, Ukrainians will not receive additional ones, but they can count on a shortened working day on March 7. Well, we invite you to celebrate March 8 cheerfully and brightly, using one of the following tips!

Option number 1: Home celebration

If on the day of March 8 you want to give all your attention and love to your beloved, then the best option than to spend festive evening home, not to be found. Of course, all the worries and chores around the house on this day fall on the men's shoulders. In order to create a romantic mood in the morning, prepare breakfast and bring it to your beloved in bed, decorating the tray with a bouquet of spring flowers.

Take care of preparing a festive dinner. If you are not at all friendly with kitchen appliances and do not understand anything about cooking, food can be ordered from a restaurant. During the preparation, send your beloved to a session of stone therapy, cryotherapy or a hairdresser, but do not forget to send her pleasant SMS messages.

In the evening, create a romantic atmosphere with a candlelit dinner. You can give a gift original way: hide it in a secluded place, and offer your loved one to find a surprise through romantic hint notes. Approximately the same scenario for the celebration can be if you spend March 8, gathering your whole family.

A romantic dinner will be a pleasant and expected surprise.

Persuade your soulmate not to stand at the stove all day, but arrange home delivery of delicious and delicious snacks, buy wine and spend the evening in pleasant conversation. If your woman still wants to demonstrate her culinary skills, then free her as much as possible from unpleasant work - for example, cleaning vegetables or cleaning the kitchen.

Option number 2: Restaurant classics

A good option for celebrating March 8 is a romantic dinner in a restaurant. Your wife or girlfriend will never refuse the opportunity to spend the evening in a cozy atmosphere with pleasant music. The ideal option would be if, before the evening appearance, you organize a pleasant stay for your woman by ordering a relaxing massage session or beauty treatments from a beautician in a beauty salon.

Option #3: Travel

If in holiday time you have at least a few free days, you can plan a romantic trip for two for this period. New experiences are one of the most best gifts. Travel agencies for the pre-holiday period form proposals for weekend trips for every taste and in any financial range.

A tourist trip for two will be an unforgettable gift

Think about what would be more interesting for your half - romantic excursions, visits to art galleries, spa treatments or shopping? There are plenty of options - exotic countries (Turkey and Egypt), ski resorts in Montenegro or Austria, as well as traditional romantic trips to Paris, Venice or Prague. Do not forget about your native country - you can choose a romantic place for a holiday trip without crossing the border.

Option #4: A day dedicated to yourself

Girls who are away from their beloved or who are not in a relationship on this day do not need to despair at all, since you can arrange a holiday on your own. What could be better than a day dedicated to your own beauty and pleasure? Give up any chores around the house, get a good night's sleep and take a bath with lush foam and fragrant essential oils.

Have breakfast at the nearest coffee shop, forgetting about diets. Take a cup of aromatic coffee and a warm croissant or an unusual dessert. Treat yourself to a shopping trip and give yourself a gift - update your cosmetics or buy a new handbag. Make an appointment in advance for a manicure, spa or massage session. May this day pass without the usual hassle and worries!

Option number 5: Holiday with friends

Gather a fun bachelorette party - invite your friends to sit in the restaurant in the evening, where you can spend time having pleasant conversations and, of course, exchanging gifts. The party can be smoothly moved to the cinema, a nightclub or a karaoke bar, enjoying the holiday to the fullest.

Option number 6: Corporate

Often, March 8 is celebrated in unison by the whole office. In order for the event not to be boring, men should invite an animator and a DJ to the restaurant, and with their help arrange incendiary dances. A corporate event can be held without feasts - organize a trip to bowling, billiards or a rollerdrome for your women. In the office, you can hang a congratulatory wall newspaper, which in the morning will create the right mood for the fair sex.

Make sure that on March 8 your employees have fun and profitably!

If it is customary for you to hold celebrations in the office, do not involve the female part of the team in the process of preparing the table. You can buy sweets, a variety of fruits and ice cream of several varieties, or simply order sushi or a sufficient amount of pizza to the office. Cover the table with a festive tablecloth and buy bright disposable tableware for serving.

Gifts for March 8

Preparation for the celebration of this day requires a special fantasy from the male sex - and not only for organizing entertainment program but also for buying gifts. The task is not simple - not every man is able to understand the intricacies of female nature and guess her desires. Difficulties are added by the “multi-vector” searches, because what is suitable as a gift for an employee, you are unlikely to present to your mother, daughter, wife or girlfriend.

Gifts for mothers and grandmothers

Of course, the first and main gift for every woman - flowers. When choosing a bouquet, proceed from the tastes of the woman to whom it is intended. Someone loves luxurious roses on long stems, and the heart of another woman will melt from a bouquet of small garden roses. The first spring flowers can come to the rescue - snowdrops, tulips, hyacinths or daffodils. Try to choose a bouquet that fully reflects your love and devotion.

When choosing a gift, think about how practical yours or your grandmother is. There is a category of women who hate useless gifts. However, you must be sure that she will be pleased with such a practical gift as an electric vegetable grater, a new blender or a yogurt maker. Lovers of culinary delights can recommend beautiful containers for cereals and spices, a silicone dough mat, molds for baking muffins.

Even the youngest man is obliged to give his mother flowers and love!

Many women love home textiles - perhaps your mother or grandmother will like a set of quality bedding or a warm blanket made of natural wool. Working mothers often need a new bag or wallet, but do not buy new clothes themselves, preferring to spend money on things that are more useful from their point of view. But March 8 will be an excellent occasion to give mom stylish women's leather goods.

Grandmother will always be delighted with a new automatic blood pressure monitor, received instead of an outdated mechanical model. Don't forget about nice gifts. Working women will appreciate the opportunity to relax with a relaxing foot massage bath as a gift. Treat your mom to a day off by giving her a trip to a beauty salon, tickets to a theater or a concert of her favorite artist.

Gifts for beloved women

A classic and always appropriate gift for your beloved will be jewelry. If you know her tastes well, pick up a piece of gold or silver. Young girls may like jewelry - the market offers a wide variety of options from stones, leather and wood, decorated with enamel, Swarovski crystals or semi-precious stones.

If your loved one is indifferent to jewelry, but loves all kinds of technical innovations, give her useful gadgets for her phone or computer. A car enthusiast will be delighted with a navigator or a car thermal pad for coffee and tea. A table serving breakfast in bed can be a romantic gift - it will surely come in handy for holidays and weekends when it's raining outside the window and you don't want to get out from under the covers for a long time.

Breakfast in bed is a great start to the celebration of March 8

original and very beautiful gift- a projector of the starry sky or a bank filled with electronic butterflies. These cute moths that do not require care will fill the heart of your beloved with joy even on the most rainy days. You can choose and useful gift, but only if your woman is really waiting for him. For example, it could be professional hair dryer or a ceramic hair straightener.

A set of natural bristle combs, manicure or hardware pedicure tools will do. Knowing well the taste of your lady of the heart, you can please her with high-quality decorative cosmetics, but if you are not sure what to choose, then limit yourself to buying gift certificate to a good brand store. And, of course, do not forget about the bouquet of her favorite flowers - this gift is always expected for the holiday of March 8.

Gifts for sisters or friends

Sisters and girlfriends are also pleased with signs of attention on International Women's Day. You can limit yourself to a small surprise: a box of your favorite sweets, a beautiful keychain, an unusual cup or curly soap self made. The closest women can be presented with an e-book, a photo frame (always with a photo of joint gatherings) or headphones - today not a single girl can do without modern gadgets.

Always helpful and nice gift- USB flash drive. Look for models in the "female" version. You can pick up a drive in the form of a pendant on a chain or a flash drive decorated with rhinestones and enamel. If your friend or sister wears jewelry, then you can present her with a beautiful and roomy box for the holiday.

Gifts for colleagues and boss

Choosing gifts is not easy. On the one hand, the budget is not rubber, but on the other, I want to make a pleasant surprise who you see every day. There will always be tea or coffee sets at work. A nice sign of attention will be silicone molds for ice or magnetic coasters for paper clips. In addition, colleagues will always need a USB hub of the original form or a lamp that provides keyboard backlight.

It is better to make a gift for March 8 to the head from the whole team

A special task is the choice of a gift for a woman leader. If you collect money from the whole team, you can buy a present that corresponds to the status of a business woman. It can be a branded leather-bound diary, a silk scarf famous brand or expensive leather goods. You can give a fountain for the office - it perfectly calms, creates coziness in a strict working room and helps humidify dry office air.

Gifts for girls

Little girls will never refuse another doll, so this one belongs to the category of win-win. Baby dolls are suitable for the little ones, and fashionable and diverse Barbies are suitable for older girls. Little housewives will be happy with a children's set of kitchen utensils or household appliances, which are so interesting to play with, imitating their mother.

The snow has not yet melted, the smell of frosty freshness is still in the air, and spring is already in a hurry to come into its own. Very soon the sun will warm more strongly - and the first defenseless flowers will appear and remind of the future women's day. After all, a magnificent solemn holiday, praising female tenderness, lightness, beauty is just around the corner. It's time to find out how we rest on March 8, 2016.

How we relax on March 8 in 2016: a step back in history

For the last decades, on March 8, women have been honored not for achievements or labor feats, but for their graceful weakness, defenselessness, wisdom and beauty. But it was not always so. To worship feminine have been in ancient times. The oppressed and oppressed weaker sex hour by hour tried to assert their rights, demanding the elimination of all discrimination and fulfilling certain requirements, sometimes absurd. For example, in 1857, American factory workers demanded that their working day be equal to the men's 10-hour one.

The founder of the holiday, celebrated to this day, was the well-known Clara Zetkin, the leader of the German Social Democrats. But at the beginning of the 20th century, March 8 was not at all so solemnly romantic. The female half of the population organized numerous strikes, rallies, riots, for which the representatives were arrested more than once. Probably, thanks to the fortitude shown in that distant hour, today girls, women and grandmothers are a full-fledged part of society, achieve success in various fields of activity, firmly build and reliably protect their family hearth

How Russia rests on March 8, 2016

The revolutionary holiday, previously aimed at attracting male attention to the female person, is now interpreted in a completely different way. Now it's international lovely ladies' day. All citizens of the country are looking forward to it in order to spend an official holiday for festive table in a warm atmosphere. It remains to find out how many days we have a rest on March 8 in 2016. Perhaps the year of the monkey at least this time will give us a pleasant surprise?

According to the Government Decree of September 2015, the transfer of holiday January 3 (Sunday) to March 7 (Monday). Thus, we can easily calculate how many days they rest on March 8:

  • March 5 - Saturday (standard holiday)
  • March 6 - Sunday (standard holiday)
  • March 7 - rescheduled holiday
  • March 8 - official public holiday