Work experience for a woman's pension. General length of service: definition of the concept, rules of accounting and calculation, interchangeability with insurance experience. What insurance periods count towards early retirement?

Welcome to website. After the new pension reform was carried out in 2015, there was a change in the requirements regarding work experience for the assignment of an insurance pension. Now the insurance period for an old-age pension must be at least 15 years, but the length of service will increase gradually by 1 year every year.

However, there are still categories of citizens who have the right to early retirement, as stated in the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”. But only if the required amount of experience in specific industries is accumulated. The changes taking place in the reform did not affect the requirements for these categories of workers.

Labor length of service is the totality and duration of labor, social, entrepreneurial and other activities that are carried out in accordance with the law. They are the basis for calculating vacation pay, salary bonuses, pensions and other types of payments. Today there are three main types of work experience:

  1. Insurance experience. That time counts labor activity, during which contributions were made to the pension fund. These deductions are made by the employer for each employee from his wages throughout the entire period of work.
  2. Continuous experience. Labor activity is carried out only at one enterprise. Also, continuous work experience is maintained when working at different enterprises, but the gap between dismissal and employment should not be more than one month.
  3. Special experience. Time worked is taken into account within the framework of a specific work activity.

The insurance period represents the time when contributions to the pension fund were made for the employee, while a citizen can work both within the country and abroad, but only if such work does not contradict the law and international relations. In addition, due to recent changes, length of service also includes military service on conscription, temporary disability and time spent caring for a child until he reaches 1.5 years. If a person received unemployment benefits, then this time will be included in the insurance period.

Now let's talk about special work experience for retirement. Some categories of citizens may retire early and begin receiving pension payments. Special experience represents work for a certain time in a certain area or profession. This could be employment in the Far North, teaching or medical activities, underground types of work and other types of difficult and harmful working conditions.

In accordance with the latest changes, continuous length of service is considered only if a citizen worked at one enterprise all the time. If a person changed jobs, then it will be considered continuous if the breaks between jobs do not exceed 1 month; if the reason for dismissal is the employee’s desire, then the break should not exceed 3 weeks.

But if a person moves to another place of work, then he must work in the new place for at least 12 months. Dismissal before this time can only be for a valid reason - layoff, liquidation, end of contract and other reasons. If a person resigns upon termination of the contract or at his own request, then the length of service will no longer be considered continuous.

About insurance experience and its difference from work experience

According to the definition of the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”, the insurance period is the totality of all periods of work during which contributions from the employer to the pension fund occurred. And in accordance with the law “On the Basics of Compulsory Social Insurance”, the insurance period represents the total duration of payment of contributions and taxes without reference to work activity.

But, nevertheless, the question arises, what is the insurance period for a pension and what is included in it. In addition to the period of work under an employment contract, the length of service may include other periods:

  • Walkthrough military service on call.
  • Receiving benefits for temporary disability.
  • Caring for a child until he reaches 1.5 years of age.
  • Receiving unemployment benefits.
  • Participation in public works that are subject to payment.
  • Moving to another locality for the purpose of employment from the employment center.
  • Stay in prison if proven innocent.
  • Care for pensioners over 80 years of age and disabled people.
  • The presence of military spouses in an area where employment is impossible, but not more than 5 years.
  • Staying in other countries while working at a consulate or diplomatic missions.

As a result, it becomes clear how the insurance period differs from the work experience. Insurance experience includes large quantity different periods as opposed to length of service.

Minimum length of service for calculating and assigning an insurance pension

In accordance with the new pension reform carried out in 2018, the minimum length of service for an old-age pension will increase every year. In 2020, the required length of service for retirement is 11 years, and in 2024, the amount of service will be 15 years.

Along with the increase in work experience, the number of required pension points will also increase by 2.4 points each year. In 2025, the required number of points will be 30. As a result, the transition period for a full transition to the new pension reform is 10 years.

In 2016, changes occurred regarding the conditions for granting pensions for long service and civil servants. In accordance with the law, the minimum length of service for retirement also began to increase for these categories of citizens. Every year from 2017 to 2026, the amount of experience will increase by 6 months. That is, in 2020 you must have 17 years of experience, and in 2026 the minimum experience will be 20 years.

The length of service of a civil servant has a direct impact on the pension payment, the amount of which ranges from 45% to 75% of the average salary. And increases by 3% every year of service over minimum experience.

How is the pension insurance period calculated?

Until 2015, the minimum length of service for calculating a pension was 5 years, but due to innovations in 2015, not work experience, but insurance experience is required to assign a pension.

The Law “On Insurance Pensions” stipulates the necessary requirements for the availability of insurance periods of employment, which completely depend on the type of assigned pension payments:

  • In order to be granted an old-age pension, you must have a minimum work experience; in 2020 it is 11 years, but these requirements will increase every year.
  • A disability insurance pension will be assigned if there is any insurance period, but in this case the amount of experience and the cause of disability do not matter.
  • The same rules apply when assigning a pension for the loss of a breadwinner, who must have work experience, but its duration is not important.

Accrual of additional non-insurance pension points

If there are socially significant periods in a person’s life, then points are also awarded for them, these include:

  • One year when caring for a pensioner over 80 years old, a disabled person of group 1 and a disabled child - 1.8 points.
  • One year of conscript military service – 1.8 points.
  • One year of leave when caring for the first child – 1.8 points.
  • One year of leave when caring for a second child – 3.6 points.
  • One year when caring for the third and fourth child – 5.4 points.

It is worth knowing that periods when caring for a fifth and subsequent child are not included in the insurance period.

In accordance with latest news, it is not required to provide various documents that will confirm care for a pensioner over 80 years of age or for a disabled person. This period is included in the insurance period automatically. All the necessary information, as well as the length of service for retirement and the points that have been accumulated, is reflected in the citizen’s personal account on the official website of the pension fund; it is this data that will be taken into account when calculating the pension.

There are a number of categories of citizens who, according to professional and other criteria, have the right to early retirement. The payment is assigned ahead of schedule, which is established by law for 2020, for women - 55.5 years, and for men - 60.5 years, but only if the following conditions are met:

  1. Reaching the required age.
  2. Availability of work experience in special industries.
  3. Insurance experience.

Full list necessary conditions specified in Federal Law No. 400.

But early retirement can be granted even if there is insufficient insurance coverage and regardless of age. Such citizens include people who work in mines or mines, on fishing vessels, teachers and medical workers and other categories of citizens. They only have requirements for having the required amount of work experience. In 2018 in the new pension law changes were made affecting teachers, medical workers and residents of the Far North. For citizens of other categories, the requirements regarding the insurance period are mandatory.

Early assignment of a pension for social reasons occurs for the following categories of citizens:

  • Mothers of many children.
  • Visually impaired or during military service.
  • Persons who have experience in the Far North.

According to the new legislation, starting from 2020, women with 37 years of work experience and men with 42 years of work experience have the right to retire early.

Mothers of large families with 3 children can retire 3 years earlier, and mothers with 4 children - 4 years earlier. If there are 5 or more children, the mother can retire at 50, as she does now.

Unemployed citizens, upon reaching the required age, also have the right to early retirement.

Early pension payment can be assigned to the unemployed if the citizen was registered with the employment center 2 years before the statutory retirement, if there are no other reasons for the appointment early retirement.

Early pensions for the unemployed are assigned only with a proposal to assign such a pension to the pension fund by the employment center and are regulated by the law “On Employment”.

What if there is no minimum insurance period?

Citizens who do not have the required number of years of work are assigned an old-age pension without work experience, that is, they are supposed to be assigned a social old-age pension. But only if there are no other grounds for prescribing a different type pension provision and from a later age:

  • Men over 65 years old.
  • Women over 60 years old.

Social pension payment is a guaranteed state benefit disabled citizens who do not have the right to receive an insurance pension.

Persons who belong to the small peoples of the north also have the right to receive a social pension payment, that is, a pension without length of service, upon reaching a certain age: women are 50 years old, and men are 55 years old.

If a disabled person or deceased breadwinner has no work experience at all, then a social pension is assigned. This pension payment is subject to mandatory annual indexation, and the increase coefficient is determined at the government level.

To whom and how does the state assign a pension?

Pensions for state provision are made in accordance with the law “On State Pension Security of the Russian Federation”, it indicates the following types pensions:

  • For length of service - appointed to federal employees, cosmonauts, flight and test personnel, and military personnel.
  • For old age - assigned to citizens who suffered in radiation and man-made disasters.
  • For disability – assigned to citizens who suffered as a result of their service or during the Chernobyl disaster.
  • For loss of ability to work – assigned to disabled citizens of families of the above categories of citizens.
  • Social pension– assigned to disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, disabled children and citizens who do not have the required amount of work experience.

The duration of work for which contributions to the Pension Fund were made does not affect the assignment of these types of pensions. The requirements apply only to general length of service and differ by category of citizen and type of pension.

As a result, civil servants must have at least 15 years of service in order to be granted a superannuation. The length of service for military personnel is carried out in accordance with the law “On pension provision for specified persons”.

The service life for astronauts and pilots is 25 years and 20 years for men and women.

Old-age pensions for Chernobyl liquidators are assigned ahead of the deadline established by the state, and the work experience must be at least 5 years. When assigning a disability pension, the length of work does not matter.

About the procedure for calculating length of service

The calculation of length of service is a count of all working periods or other work activities during which contributions to the pension fund were made.

Pension rights are assessed using the worked period of work and in two stages, that is, before 2015 and after this period.

  • The calculation of length of service until 2015 is carried out using the current calculation rules and the preferential procedure is taken into account.
  • Calculation of length of service after 2015 occurs on the basis of the Law “On Insurance Pensions”.

Those periods of work that took place on the territory of Russia are subject to calculation; work abroad is taken into account if pension contributions have been deducted.

The calculation of length of service occurs in calendar order during actual work activity, except for those working periods that occurred in water transport and seasonal work in the relevant industries. They are recorded in a different order; in total, it should be one calendar year.

Also, if there is a coincidence between periods of work and other activities, then the length of service will take into account the activity chosen by the person applying for a pension payment.

The following periods are not included in the insurance period:

  • Which were taken into account when assigning a pension in accordance with the laws of another state.
  • Periods of service that preceded the assignment of a disability pension or were taken into account when assigning a long-service pension.

Citizens who independently provide themselves with work, that is, individual entrepreneurs, peasant farms, lawyers and other categories, also have the right to enroll this experience in the insurance. But only if insurance contributions to the Pension Fund are not less than the amount established by law. If a person knows how much length of service is required for a minimum pension and what deductions must be made, then there will be no problems in calculating length of service.

Retirement conditions for residents of the Far North

Citizens living in the Far North (FN) and equivalent areas have the right to early retirement. In 2018, these citizens included:

  • Men aged 55 years and women aged 50 years who have worked in the far north for at least 15 years, or in equivalent areas for 20 years. The northern pension age for men is 25 years, and for women 20 years.
  • Women aged 50 years who have given birth to two or more children, and also have 12 years of experience in the RKS or 17 years in equivalent areas.
  • Men aged 50 years and women aged 45 years who live permanently in the RKS and have 25 years of work experience and 20 years of work experience as reindeer herders, fishermen and hunters.

From 2019, changes will come into force in accordance with the new pension legislation. The changes begin to apply to women born in 1969 and men born in 1964. The retirement age for this category of citizens will be gradually increased by 8 years. Each year, 1 year will be added to the pension period. Those. for women born from 1966 to 1975, a transition period will begin:

for those born in 1969 1 year will be added before the pension is assigned;

for those born in 1970 2 years will be added;

for those born in 1971 3 years will be added.

The same thing will happen in men. The transition period will begin for men with those born in 1964 and end with those born in 1972. Accordingly, in 2020, for men born in 1964, the retirement age will be 57 years.

Under the new legislation, women who have given birth to more than one child and have earned northern work experience have the right to retire at age 50.

Until 2002, the calculation of pensions for this category of citizens took place in preferential treatment, that is, a year of service is equal to 1.5 years of service, and after 2002 the benefit was abolished and the calculation is carried out on a calendar basis. The calculation of length of service accumulated before 2002 is carried out at the choice of the pensioner, that is, either on a calendar basis without taking into account non-insurance periods or preferentially taking into account non-insurance periods.

Each year worked in equivalent RKS is considered to be 9 months of work in RKS, if there is other work experience in these areas.

Citizens who have worked more than half of the northern length of service and have a total length of service of more than 25 years for men and 20 years for women can retire 4 months earlier.

As a result

The new pension reform changed the requirements for the insurance pension and adjusted the minimum length of service for the old-age pension.

The insurance period will increase annually until it reaches 15 years. Official employment affects the size of the pension, since the number of pension points increases due to contributions paid.

If there is no insurance experience, then the person is assigned a social pension.

Work time is calculated on a calendar basis, and work experience that was accumulated before 2015 will be taken into account according to the rules in force for that period.

The end of cooperation with an employer can occur for various reasons. One of them is the achievement by a citizen of a certain age, which marks the legal right to receive rest. In this case we are talking about pensions. Each of us has heard about this concept at least once.

But it is worth understanding that pension payments can be assigned for completely different circumstances. As a rule, when talking about retirement, everyone perceives it as old age. But, the benefit is also intended for health reasons, and not just for reaching a certain age.

Work experience for calculating pensions - concept and features

In this article we propose to consider the conditions in relation to payments that are assigned after working a certain period. That is, the basis for the pension will be the actual length of service. We will consider below what features of such a process the legislation provides for.

Today, providing for citizens after their retirement plays an important role. The fact is that after an employee quits for precisely this reason, he must be stably paid the amounts specified by law to compensate for his inability to work. The calculation system in this case directly depends on the number of years that the citizen worked.

The length of service for a pension is a certain period that is taken into account by the Pension Fund to calculate the amount of benefits. It includes quite a variety of terms, which are sometimes and not always characterized by the work itself. So, for example, maternity leave is taken into account for women.

Pension and length of service are two interrelated concepts. But, at the same time, they can exist separately in the legal field. But, nevertheless, due to the peculiarities of the topic we are considering, it is worth noting that the amount of the benefit is directly proportional to the years of work. That is, the more years you work, the more you will have after retirement.

Among other things, it is worth noting that in order to receive a pension, you must have a minimum length of service. The fact is that the legislator limited the possibility of financing by establishing a minimum limit. Thus, this guarantees the right to receive payments that will correspond to the minimum living requirements. Every employed citizen knows that certain funds are withheld from his salary every month. They are sent to special accounts as a guarantee that he will be able to receive financial support upon retirement.

How much work experience is required for retirement?

Nowadays, there are several types of periods that are considered by the legislator as length of service in the field of work. Highlight:

  • period of work in government agencies. In this case, the work that was carried out by the citizen in government agencies is taken into account;
  • duration of insurance period. In this case, we mean the duration of work, during which the citizen paid periodic amounts to the account of the Pension Fund;
  • special period. It is intended for those categories for which the law provides for the possibility of a shortened work experience in order to receive social benefits.

At the same time, to calculate the required length of service for assigning pension payments, absolutely all types of work included in the list are accepted. Regardless of what enterprise a citizen worked at, his official employment presupposes the opportunity to further use the right to receive financial assistance.

So, how much experience is needed for retirement? In accordance with the instructions of regulatory and legal acts, it must be for a period of at least 5 years. However, such a period of labor does not have to be continuous. If a citizen worked at certain intervals, but his total term is the required number of years, he will receive a pension. That is, in the end, all periods of work are simply summed up.

How much experience is needed for a pension - periods that are taken into account

As we noted earlier, today quite a variety of periods are taken into account. They are not always directly related to labor. A certain part of them is a period of forced disability.

And so, the length of service for calculating a pension includes:

  • service in the military authorities provided for in the regulatory legal acts of security formations, the criminal-executive complex;
  • temporary disability;
  • period of financial support due to temporary unemployment;
  • maternity leave in connection with caring for a small child. In this case, all children are taken into account, each of whom requires care until the age of three;
  • period for moving to another territory in connection with reassignment to government service;
  • terms of public works;
  • length of stay in prison;
  • unjustified detention of a person for further criminal liability;
  • periods that are intended to care for family members in need. At the same time, this list can only include relatives with the first group of disabilities, disabled children, and parents over eighty years of age.

That is, when answering the question “what length of service is needed to retire,” it is worth saying that such a minimum limit includes not only the period of work itself, but also the above-mentioned periods. Thus, the state guarantees the citizen the opportunity to compensate for certain periods that he missed due to valid reasons.

At the same time, there is a certain nuance for the above list. Thus, these terms can be counted only if, before and after their use, the citizen is in an employment relationship with the employer. At the same time, such interaction must necessarily be at the official level and with systematic contributions to the account of the Pension Fund. Therefore, work without drawing up an employment contract or otherwise consolidating relations at the state level is not taken into account. That is why it is very important to register work at the official level, since otherwise it will be impossible to claim payments.

Among other things, quite often the question arises in relation to citizen training. It is worth noting that today the required length of service for retirement does not include such an item. That is, the legislator does not take into account the period of study in any institution of this type.

How much length of service do men and women need to receive a pension?

This question also quite often interests forum users. The fact is that in many situations the legislation provides for certain simplifications for representatives of the fair sex due to special physical capabilities. In addition, a considerable part of the benefits also applies to motherhood, since the birth of children requires special time.

So, how many years of experience does a woman need to retire? In this case, exactly the same five years that we talked about above. If we consider pension provision, then in this area the fair sex has only a lower age limit. They can retire legally upon reaching the age of fifty-five. In addition, certain benefits are provided if the mother has five or more children.

But, if we consider the total period of work, then the same answers are used here as to the question “what length of service is needed for a pension for men?” It’s just that for a lady, the period will include her maternity leave, which greatly simplifies the system. But it is also worth noting that a father can easily take maternity leave to raise a child in the first three years of his life. This phenomenon is less common today, but still occurs.

What length of service is needed for retirement - innovations and reforms

Everything we discussed above applies exclusively to 2015. The fact is that the government authorities decided to carry out a special reform in the field of pensions and, in particular, length of service. Thus, after analyzing the situation that has developed in the state, it became clear that the average number of years that a person works today is just over 34 years. At the same time, there is a small percentage of citizens who do not have a minimum limit.

Therefore, in order to somehow level out this category, a decision was made to gradually raise the limit. Thus, its maximum point in accordance with future plans will be an experience of 15 years. Every year it is planned to raise the bar by 6 months. Thus, with each subsequent period, the answer to the question of how many years of experience is needed for a pension will change.

At the same time, it is worth noting that this system of increasing the length of work has a positive effect on the size of the pension itself. The fact is that today financial payments directly depend on length of service. The higher it is, the greater the benefit. Accordingly, by increasing the minimum limit of the work period, it is planned to bring average pension payments to more than 30,000 rubles.

It is also worth noting that the use of this category is carried out in conjunction with entry to a vacation upon reaching a certain age. Thus, there is a special limit established in regulatory legal acts that allows each person to retire. Today, such a threshold directly depends on the gender of the employee himself. If you are a representative of the fair sex, you need to be 55 years old. If you are a man, then this age increases by five years.

How does length of service affect the registration of pension benefits?

The mere existence of length of service and the achievement of a certain age by a person, although it gives the citizen the right to receive a pension, is not automatic. To secure your status, you will need to contact specialized authorities. So, today the Pension Fund is dealing with these issues.

In order to formalize your position, you will need to contact the appropriate authority. Its choice depends directly on the place of residence of a particular citizen. When registering pension payments, the government agency will need to provide a special package of documentation. It includes a passport or other equivalent document that can identify a person, a certificate of necessary experience and other papers that are required in individual situations.

One of the important elements today is the statement. Its form has a state model and does not accept voluntary writing. You can find such a form directly at the branch where registration will take place, or on electronic resources. It is best to look for such a profile on official representative websites. Only current forms are always posted there, and a government agency employee cannot refuse to accept them. In addition, in order to save your time, download the necessary form from us:

Second essential element– documents that indicate the presence of experience. As a rule, this is directly employment history. It notes everything labor Relations that a person has had throughout his life. Thus, after viewing such a document, it is possible to set the work period. In addition, you can provide other documents that have the same status in relation to the length of service. They can be labor agreements, which indicate the period of cooperation between the citizen and the employer.

The entire package of papers can be provided directly to the Fund, or using the services of the Multifunctional Center. Quite recently, such an authority began to operate throughout the country. She is engaged in receiving documentation not only in relation to the assignment of pension payments. In the future, the entire application is transferred directly to the Pension Fund.

In addition, the methods of circulation themselves can also be varied. You can certify your experience and right to receive financial assistance by directly going to a government agency. In this case, you can use the relationship of representation. In this case, the person will need to have a power of attorney for such actions.

In addition, you can submit your application by mail. In this case, there is no territorial connection in relation to the communications department. The main thing is to correctly indicate the address of the recipient himself, that is, the body that will carry out the registration. This method is often used when a citizen is away from his place of registration.

And the third, most modern method is electronic appeal. Today there is a system that allows every citizen to transfer everything they need by sending files through special servers. But here it is worth considering that all documents from the package, including the certificate of experience, must be contained in electronic form. In addition, you will first need to register on the official portal.

As we see, length of service is of great importance in the modern pension system. If it is absent or insufficient, the citizen is simply deprived of the right to receive financial assistance upon reaching a certain age. Therefore, when applying for a job where they are in no hurry to conclude an employment agreement with you, you should think several times about whether you need it. Working under such conditions does not provide for old age, since it does not have a documented record of work experience.

We will all become pensioners someday. It would be useful to find out what is important for receiving a decent reward based on the results of a glorious career.

Since 2015, new laws have been guiding our retirement future. The terms have changed. “Labor” has been replaced by ““. “Scores” and “coefficients” appeared. Another was the principle of calculating length of service.

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In 2015 – at least 6 years.

How to calculate experience?

You can use a special calculator on the PF website.

What will we count?

Let's take a work book and write down all the periods of our work.

Among them will be “useful” for the length of service (contributions were received to the Pension Fund, the length of service will be counted):

  1. They worked officially at an enterprise, in an organization, or for an individual entrepreneur. They received a “white” salary, the employer paid insurance premiums.
  2. They worked on a collective farm, a farm, or under a contract with an individual.
  3. We completed the author's order and received a reward for the created work.
  4. They provided themselves with work (private notaries, detectives, lawyers). In the first two cases, we calculate the length of service using the calendar method: subtract the start date of work from the end date and add one day.

Start of work – 07/16/1998. End date: 10/23/2001.
2001 – 1998 = 3 years.
10 – 7 = 3 months.
23 – 16 = 7 days.
Result: 3 years 3 months 8 days.

Using the same algorithm, we calculate all periods. We summarize the results by year, month and day. Every 30 days will be converted into 1 month. Every 12 months – every 1 year. Let's get the final result.
In the third case, the year will be counted if the transferred contribution was not less than the fixed amount established for that period. If there were several works or contracts and a larger amount was paid into the fund than the minimum required, no more than a year is counted.
In the fourth case, those periods for which insurance premiums have been paid will be taken into account.

There will also be “useless” ones (there were no transfers, length of service does not count).

  1. Study time.
  2. The time spent caring for each child is more than 1.5 years.
  3. Caring for the fifth and subsequent children.
  4. They were sick, but did not receive social assistance.
  5. We took vacation at our own expense.
  6. They were unemployed and did not receive benefits.
  7. They were in custody and in prison.
  8. Have not worked for more than five years while living with a spouse abroad or at the place of military service.

There will also be very pleasant “gifts” from the state (“other periods”)

That is, no one contributed money to the Pension Fund, but this time is counted towards our length of service.

This applies in cases where we:

  • served in the military, or the police, or the fire service, or the drug enforcement agency, or the criminal justice system;
  • were on “maternity leave” 4 times for 1.5 years;
  • looked after a disabled person of the first group, a disabled person since childhood, a person over 80 years old;
  • during military service, the spouse (or spouses) lived in an area where it was impossible to find work;
  • lived with your spouse during his or her employment or government service abroad;
  • were sick but received disability benefits;
  • we received unemployment benefits, the employment center paid us for community service and travel to our new place of work;
  • were imprisoned, but later rehabilitated.

Important! These special (“other”) periods will be counted toward the length of service if before or after contributions were transferred.

Part-time work

You are allowed to choose the most profitable period.

For example:

Main work: from December 20, 1986 to April 13, 1997.

Part-time: from 05/16/1995 to 07/10/1998.

  • 1st option. The salary was higher at the main job. We take into account the entire period for the main job and from 04/14/1997 to 07/10/1998 part-time.
  • 2nd option. They paid more for part-time work. We count the period for main work until May 15, 1995 and the entire period of combination work.

Seasonal work

Seasons or navigations may vary in length. For example: 6 or 4 months. If this period is fully worked out, the entire calendar year is counted towards the length of service.

Work on the collective farm

If a collective farmer’s work book for a calendar year indicates at least one trip to work, that entire year is counted.

You cannot count your experience twice! The second time, the length of service obtained and taken into account abroad, and that taken into account for the assignment of disability or long-service pensions, are not counted.

Calculation example

Ivanova L.I., born in 1959 I applied to the Pension Fund on January 20, 2015.

The following periods of work are documented:

  1. From 09/01/1977 to 09/01/1979 she worked as a secretary. 1979-1977=2 years+1 day.
  2. From 09/01/1979 to 07/01/1984 she studied at the institute. Not taken into account.
  3. From 08/15/1984 to 03/26/1996 she worked at the plant. 1996 – 1984 = 12 years. 3 – 8 = minus 5 months. 26 – 15= 11 days. Maternity leave lasted 2 years. One and a half years are included in the length of service, and 6 months will have to be crossed out. (12 years – 5 months) = 11 years + 7 months + 11 days + 1 day – 6 months = 11 years + 1 month + 12 days.
  4. From 03/26/1996 to 08/21/2003 she worked in a construction organization. 2003 – 1996 = 7 years. 8 – 3 = 5 months. 21 – 26 = minus 5 days. 7 years + 5 months – 5 days + 1 day = 7 years + 4 months + 26 days.
  5. From October 24, 2001 until the day of application, he is an individual entrepreneur.

It is impossible to take into account the length of service twice, so Lyudmila Ivanovna wrote a statement indicating that she wanted to take into account work in a construction organization. For the period from October 24, 2001, a certificate from the tax authorities was provided.

The length of service from 08/22/2003 to 01/19/2015 is taken into account.

  • 2015 – 2003 = 12 years
  • 01 – 08 = minus 7 months.
  • 19 – 22 = minus 3 days.
  • 12 years – 7 months – 3 days + 1 day = 11 years + 4 months + 28 days.
  • Let's sum up the years: 2 + 11 +7 +11 = 31 years.
  • Let's sum up the months: 1 + 4 + 4 = 9 months.
  • Let's sum up the days: 1 +12 +26 + 28 = 67 days.
  • Converting days to months = 2 months and 7 days.
  • Convert months to years = 1 year and 1 month.

Experience: 31 years, 11 months and 7 days.

Other special cases and answers to questions

Continuity of experience.

It doesn't matter for retirement. If there are several periods, they are counted separately, then the total is summed up.

What documents confirm the experience:

  • For individual entrepreneurs:
    • certificate of income from tax authorities;
    • certificate of payment of single tax;
    • PF certificate confirming payment of contributions.
  • Written employment contracts for the performance of work and services.

What to do if your work book is lost?

Contact archival and financial authorities for information recovery. Obtain certificates from the employer. You can submit any documents confirming employment and payment of wages. It is even possible to confirm the experience with the testimony of two or more people. But only in cases where it is proven that the original documents were destroyed due to circumstances beyond a person’s control ( disaster, fire, intent or negligent storage by another person).

, reference?

Entries are subject to the labor legislation requirements in force at the time they were made.
If only the year is indicated in the document, July 1 is taken as the date. If the day of the month is not specified, the 15th is accepted.
All documents received to confirm experience must contain the number, date of issue, last name, first name and patronymic, date, month and year of birth, place and period of work, profession or position. It is mandatory to indicate the basis for issuance: orders, personal accounts and other documents. The document issued upon dismissal may not contain grounds for issuance.

What additional documents may be needed?

  • Passport.
  • Certificate of birth, marriage, divorce, change of last name, first name, patronymic.
  • Military ID.
  • Certificates from the relevant authorities for all “other periods”:
    • a certificate from the military unit, military registration and enlistment office or institution where it took place;
    • child's birth certificate;
    • certificate from housing authorities cohabitation;
    • employer's certificate confirming the provision of care leave;
    • documents confirming disability, cohabitation and care;
    • a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office confirming that one of the spouses has completed military service and lives together with the second spouse, confirmation that there were no conditions for employment in this area;
    • a certificate from a government body or institution about the work of one of the spouses abroad and about the residence of the second spouse in the same place and at the same time;
    • a certificate from the employment service confirming receipt of unemployment benefits, paid public works and relocation to a place of work in the direction of this service;
    • document on serving the sentence and a court decision on rehabilitation.

How many years of service (minimum) do you need to receive a pension?

In 2015 – at least 6 years.

In each subsequent year, the required period is increased by 1 year until it reaches 15 years. This will happen in 2024.

At what age can you retire?

Women - at 55, men - at 65 years old.

Will the retirement age increase?

No. On this moment There are only discussions about this possibility. There are no real projects at the legislative level yet.

Is it possible to retire earlier?

  1. Due to the characteristics of the profession (actor, ballerina, children's teacher, doctor).
  2. Special working conditions (cosmonaut, pilot, geologist, sailor, rescuer).
  3. Harmful conditions (miner, metallurgist, firefighter, mine rescuer).
  4. Work and residence at Far North.
  5. Birth of 5 or more children.
  6. Disability of the first group due to vision and as a result of military trauma.

What is special experience?

This is the experience that was obtained:

  • when working in difficult, dangerous or harmful conditions;
  • in special professions;
  • when working in the Far North or equivalent areas.

Such experience provides advantages in the form of a reduction retirement age and increasing the fixed payment to the insurance pension.
Since 2014, a law on special assessment of working conditions came into force. Before its adoption, there was certification of workplaces. Special experience can be calculated under both new and old legislation.

No experience or less than 6 years. Will there be a pension?

Will. A social pension will be assigned to a disabled person from childhood, to a woman from 60 years old, to a man from 65 years of age.

What are the main results of changes in pension legislation?

  • Pensions that have already been granted will not decrease. They will even increase, as they will be constantly indexed.
  • The importance of length of service has increased. More experience means more pension.
  • Receiving an official salary became more important. The higher the salary, the higher the insurance contributions, the higher the pension.
  • Voluntary increase in insurance period is encouraged. The longer a person works, the greater the increase in pension he will receive.
  • The future pensioner can choose the most profitable period for calculating the length of service and the amount of pension.
  • Documents can be provided on paper and in the form of an electronic document.

Since 2002, all information about the length of service and received contributions is contained on the ILS - the individual personal account of the insured person.
Using the electronic services of the Pension Fund, you can order a certificate or document or make an appointment.
On the PF website in the Personal Account of the insured person, you can obtain information about your experience, pension points, about places of work, about earnings. The service allows you to generate and print a “Notice on the status of the HUD”.

Please select your tariff.

Please indicate your gender.

According to the law, for citizens born in 1966 and older pension savings are not formed.

Enter another value for your work experience.

Please indicate your year of birth.

Enter a salary higher than minimum size wages in Russian Federation in 2020 - 12,130 rubles.

In accordance with the data you entered, your length of service is , the number of pension coefficients is . From 2025, the minimum total length of service to receive an old-age pension is 15 years. The minimum number of earned coefficients for assigning a pension is 30. If in your answers to the questions you indicated less than 15 years of experience or the number of earned coefficients does not reach 30, then you will be assigned a social old-age pension: for women at 65 years old, for men at 70 years old. The old-age social pension today is 5,283.84 rubles per month. In addition, you will receive a social supplement to your pension up to the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of your residence.

In accordance with the data you entered, your length of service is , the number of pension coefficients is . You do not have enough pension coefficients or length of service to assign an old-age insurance pension. From 2025, the minimum total length of service to receive an old-age pension is 15 years. The minimum number of earned coefficients for assigning a pension is 30. If in your answers to the questions you indicated less than 15 years of experience or the number of earned coefficients does not reach 30, then you will be assigned a social old-age pension: for women at 60 years old, for men at 65 years old. The old-age social pension today is 5,034.25 rubles per month. In addition, you will receive a social supplement to your pension up to the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of your residence.

If you want to receive more high pension, reconsider your life plans so that your experience is 15 years or more and you can ultimately earn at least 30 pension coefficients.

Please check that the form is filled out correctly. The number of years of combining activities as a self-employed citizen and an employee cannot exceed the number of years of minimum experience specified in each type of activity separately.

If you want to receive a higher pension, reconsider your life plans so that your work experience is 15 years or more and you can ultimately earn at least 30 pension coefficients.

Sorry, the calculator is not intended to calculate the size of pensions of current pensioners, citizens who have less than 3-5 years left before retirement.

To mitigate the consequences pension reform In addition to the general increase in the retirement age by 5 years, the new law will provide fringe benefits on early retirement for certain categories of citizens.

One of these benefits is the provision of early pension based on length of service. If it is at least 37 years old for women and 42 for men, then apply insurance pension in old age it will be possible to 2 years earlier than the new prescribed retirement age, which from 2019 will begin to gradually increase and reach 60 years for women and 65 years for men (by 2028).

The main limitation is that it will be possible to become a pensioner early due to long-term work activity no earlier than upon reaching the age of 55 or 60 years (for women and men, respectively). That is, it will not be possible to reduce the general retirement age valid until the end of 2018 in this way.

In the first 2 years of the new reform (in 2019 and 2020), take advantage of the new pension benefit it will not work in full - i.e. It will still be impossible to reduce the retirement period by 2 years, since in any case it cannot be less than now - 55/60 years (see table of retirement by length of service).

When determining the right to a benefit, all periods included in the insurance period will be taken into account (i.e., both periods of work and other taken into account “non-work” periods determined by law - for example, caring for each child until the age of 1.5 years).

It is also necessary to understand that the benefit provided for by the new law for a long insurance period of 37 years for women and 42 years for men will not in any way affect the general requirements for length of service! Those conditions, the fulfillment of which is already provided for in order to receive an old-age insurance pension on a general basis, do not change during the reform and will remain the same.

Experience giving the right to early retirement (for women and men)

The law on raising the retirement age, adopted by the State Duma in the third (final) reading on September 27, 2018, initially provided an additional basis for early retirement - the presence of a long insurance period, which allows you to become a pensioner 2 years earlier than the period provided for by the new law (taking into account transitional provisions).

The original version of the bill also contained a restriction according to which it was impossible to take advantage of such a benefit before the age of 55/60. However, the length of service that gives the right to such a benefit was reduced by 3 years for women and men during the discussion of the bill in comparison with the original version.

Let us recall that the government draft law initially established standards allowing for early retirement status at 40 years for women and 45 for men. It was with this content that the draft was adopted by deputies in the first reading in July.

During a televised address to the population of the country, Vladimir Putin announced the need to reduce the proposed parameters so that such a benefit would become more accessible. Corresponding amendments to the draft law were introduced by the President in September. In them, the length of service requirements were relaxed to 37 and 42 years (that is, 3 years).

What insurance periods count towards early retirement?

The length of service for early retirement is calculated in calendar order. When calculating, only the insurance period will be taken into account, including:

– Periods of work or other activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, during which insurance premiums were paid to the Pension Fund.

– Other periods during which contributions to the Pension Fund were not deducted, but in accordance with clause 1 of Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions”, they are counted towards the insurance period (pension points can also be awarded for them).

In particular, countable “other periods” include those during which the Russian:

– looked after each child until he reached 1.5 years of age, but no more than 6 years in total;

– cared for a disabled person of the 1st group, a disabled child or a citizen who has reached 80 years of age;

– served in the military or other equivalent service;

– received social benefits. insurance during temporary disability;

– received unemployment benefits;

– in the direction of the employment service, moved to another area for further employment;

– participated in paid public works;

– was in custody as a person unjustifiably brought to criminal liability, etc. periods.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 12 of Law No. 400-FZ, the above periods will be counted towards the insurance period if before them or immediately after there were periods of work or other activity during which Pension Fund insurance premiums were paid.

Early pension based on length of service from 2019 (table)

Having accumulated the required number of years of service (37 for women, 42 for men), a citizen will be able to apply for an old-age insurance pension early - two years earlier than the retirement age provided at that time. However, due to the fact that this age standard will increase gradually from 2019, not all citizens who have worked the required number of years will be able to become pensioners 2 years earlier.

In fact, in the first years of the reform this decrease will be for fewer years:

– In 2019, the retirement age in Russia on a general basis will be 55.5 and 60.5 years. Citizens who have worked the required number of years for early retirement will be able to reduce their retirement age by only 6 months - that is, they will be able to become pensioners at 55 and 60 years old (according to the standards of the old law). This change will apply to women born in 1964 and men born in 1959.

– In 2020, the decrease will already be 1.5 years, since the retirement age standard this year will be 56.5 and 61.5 years. According to these conditions, women born in 1965 and men born in 1960 will be able to become early pensioners based on length of service at the ages of 55 and 60 years.

Early retirement by year of birth in the presence of long insurance (work) experience can be presented in the following table:

Table - Retirement length in Russia according to the new law 2018

Note: GR - year of birth; PV - retirement age.

After the final retirement ages for Russians are established - 60 and 65 years old, the age for early retirement will also be finally fixed at 58 and 63 years old. According to these standards, women born in 1968 will be able to become pensioners. and men born in 1963

What length of service is required to receive a pension under the new law in 2018-2019?

With the implementation of the pension reform since 2019, no additional conditions for receiving an old-age insurance pension have been introduced, however, the requirements for the minimum required length of service began to increase even earlier - in 2015.

Every year the minimum required value of this standard increases by 1 year:

– for 2018 the standard is set at 9 years;

– in 2019 it will take 10 years;

– in 2024 the final value will be established - 15 years.

But it is worth recalling that in addition to long-term employment, there are 2 more conditions, the fulfillment of which is required for registration of old-age insurance payments, these are:

– achievement of the prescribed retirement age (will gradually increase from 01/01/2019 to 60/65 years for women/men);

– presence of the minimum required number of pension points - IPC (standards are increased annually by 2.4 points until the standard is reached at 30 points).

Therefore, to retire in 2018, you need to reach the age of 55/60 years, have at least 9 years of experience and 13.8 IPC. In 2019, these standards will be changed to 55.5/60.5 years, 10 years of work activity and 16.2 points.

The minimum necessary requirements will be adjusted after 2018. All planned changes to retirement conditions by year are presented in the table below:

Note: PV - retirement age