What to do if you suffer from migraines during pregnancy. Non-drug and medicinal treatments. Treatment methods for migraines during pregnancy What can pregnant women drink during migraines?

There is also a period in a woman’s life when taking pills or other painkillers is extremely unacceptable.

What should a woman do if migraines during pregnancy begin to bother her more and more often? What painkillers are available to take during such a crucial period of her life? How to get rid of migraine pain without causing harm proper development fetus? How to treat migraine during such a delicate period?

Migraine is a type of headache that has its own clinical picture and a special development mechanism. If with a normal headache a spasm of the cerebral arteries occurs, which causes brain hypoxia, then with a migraine there is a pathological dilation of cerebral vessels and hyperperfusion of brain tissue. This explains the reason why attacks cannot be relieved even with effective painkillers.

Migraine and pregnancy are difficult to combine symptoms, but unfortunately, more and more often, when visiting a gynecologist, women complain of attacks of severe pain in one part of the head.

Important! Pregnancy is a delicate period in the life of every woman, therefore, without the permission of a doctor, it is not recommended to take painkillers, as well as medications for other purposes. The reason for this is the aggravated reaction of the pregnant woman’s body, which can bring completely opposite results.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman's hormonal levels change - the content of estrogen and progesterone increases, which directly affects the functioning of blood vessels. As a result, not only the cardiovascular system, but also the nervous system malfunctions. Increased irritability and nervousness manifests itself, appetite worsens and sleep is disturbed. What to do in such a situation?

Causes of migraines during pregnancy

Doctors believe that migraines during pregnancy, in most cases, can develop against the background of an emotional factor - depression and stress. In addition, there are other reasons that can affect the development of migraine:

  1. Nutrition. The risk of a migraine attack is increased by foods such as smoked meats, tomatoes, eggs, oranges and tangerines, spicy foods, dairy cheeses and nuts.
  2. Irregular meals. This is the reason why your doctor strongly recommends following a proper diet.
  3. Unpleasant odors. A pregnant woman has a greatly increased sensitivity to various external odors, especially in the first trimester.
  4. Light and noise factor. Loud music, too harsh light, etc. may cause a migraine attack.
  5. Disturbed sleep patterns. The trigger for migraines during pregnancy can be both lack of sleep and excess sleep.

In order to reduce migraine attacks to a minimum, a woman should first of all adhere to a healthy lifestyle, and not take pills. Spend time every day fresh air, eat healthy and balanced, avoid noisy public places.

Important! Migraines are most often experienced by women in early pregnancy, after which most experience relief.

Treatment of migraine in pregnant women

Treatment of migraine during pregnancy most likely comes down to eliminating provoking factors, as well as preventing the disease.

Important! Painkillers may have a negative effect on intrauterine development fetus, therefore it is very important to approach the issue of migraine treatment with increased seriousness.

Breathing exercises and massage

To learn how to properly relieve headaches and alleviate the condition, the doctor will recommend breathing exercises, which will also be useful during childbirth.

Therefore, upon noticing the first symptoms of migraine, a woman should take comfortable position in a chair or in bed, turn off the lights and music, close your eyes and do breathing exercises, which, if they do not relieve, then significantly alleviate the migraine condition.

In addition, massage of the temporal and frontal parts of the head can relieve pain. If necessary, massage manipulations are carried out over the entire head and neck.

Pills during pregnancy - pros and cons

Often young mothers are interested in the question - what to take for migraines during pregnancy, what drug can alleviate the condition and what can replace it?

Important! In exceptional cases, a doctor who treated a woman for migraine may recommend a drug such as Acetaminophen or Paracetamol, but in small dosages.

Food products

As a rule, treatment of migraine in pregnant women involves taking medications containing magnesium. At the same time, food can also replenish the body with such “metal of life”. Magnesium is found in fairly large quantities in foods:

Table of foods high in magnesium (mg/100 g)

Proper inclusion of magnesium-containing foods in the diet will provide the pregnant woman with magnesium and get rid of migraines.

If the cause of a migraine attack may be low blood pressure, then the woman needs to drink sweet tea. At high blood pressure, herbal tea relieves headaches well.

Traditional methods in the treatment of migraine in pregnant women

In order to fully study the question of how to treat migraine during pregnancy, one should not ignore traditional methods, many of which help not only relieve pain, but also completely cope with the attack. But first of all, it is necessary to organize the correct daily routine and rest. This is the main thing a woman who dreams of a healthy child should do.

  • Sweet and warm drink. This drink perfectly relieves pain when the cause of an attack is a decrease in blood pressure. However, you should drink it with caution in the early stages of pregnancy, as well as with diabetes.
  • Cold water. Washing with cool water works great for migraines.
  • Melissa pairs. This method is used exclusively in cases where the pregnant woman is not allergic to ethers.
  • Cabbage leaf. It tends to relieve pain better and more effectively than the Citramon tablet. Take 1 leaf of cabbage, pour boiling water over it and apply to the area of ​​pain. Wrap a woolen scarf and lie down. At the same time, turn off all irritants in the room: bright lights, TV, music. Be in silence
  • Ointment "Star". This Vietnamese ointment can significantly alleviate a woman’s condition during an attack.
  • Onion. Cut the onion and apply the cut to the skin. Fresh onions can relieve pain of any intensity in just 20 minutes.

All of the above methods work well against a migraine attack. But a woman should always remember her delicate situation and use them only after consulting a doctor.


Pregnancy and migraine are quite a serious problem and the wrong approach to resolving it can be a signal of quite serious complications. Many have already learned how to cope with attacks and overcome the difficulties that may arise during them.

But in any case, you should never self-medicate, but consult your doctor in a timely manner, conduct a correct diagnosis and identify the real reasons that may provoke its development. Only he can choose correct method treatment and provide the woman with qualified advice, so that she can properly alleviate her condition without harming the development of the fetus.

A throbbing one-sided headache in the temples and on the back of the head unsettles me. Migraine during pregnancy in women causes particular discomfort when the joyful days of expecting a child give way to nervousness, indignation, and irritation. How to get rid of migraines during pregnancy? Approved medications, alternative treatments, folk remedies. These are the questions that we will try to answer in this article.

What is migraine

Migraine is a type of headache. It manifests itself in attacks, mainly at one point, accompanied by dizziness, increased sensitivity to aromas, sudden noise, and bright light.

Migraine is considered a chronic disease. Severe headaches are episodic but recurring.

For expectant mothers painful sensations usually occur against the background of hormonal changes. Although they can be a consequence of serious internal diseases (meningitis, glaucoma, brain tumor).

Migraine begins to appear when favorable conditions are created: nervous shock, chronic fatigue, overheating in the sun.

Reference! Frequently repeated episodes of seizures and vomiting can lead to exhaustion and dehydration of the female body, arrest of fetal development and miscarriage in the event of brain hypoxia due to lack of oxygen.

Attack phases

A migraine attack develops in stages and goes through 3 phases:

  • Phase 1 – the appearance of lethargy, drowsiness, worsening mood, bursting feelings in the head increasing over 2-6 minutes;
  • Phase 2 - increased pain with pulsation in the temples, paleness of the skin, swelling of the eyelids;
  • Phase 3 – passing with symptoms subsiding. Although exhaustion and drowsiness do not leave women.

Migraine leads to weakening of the body, instability to complications, when convulsions, dehydration, and brain hypoxia may occur.


Pain in the head area such as intense pulsation, tingling, and a feeling of squeezing is the main symptom of migraine localized in the frontotemporal part. Then it can change, moving to the back of the head, the head.

The duration of the pain syndrome with periods of relief varies up to 3 hours and even several days.

The frequency is different. Some women experience only 1-2 attacks throughout pregnancy, others experience up to 4 times a week.

Distinctive symptoms of migraine from other types of headaches:

  • throbbing pain that does not respond to analgesics;
  • unilateral syndrome with localization at one point of the temple, occiput;
  • salivation;
  • onsets of nausea with intensification during physical activity, lifting weights.


The main symptom is intense pulsating pain. In the frontotemporal part it begins to tap and tingle. There is a feeling of squeezing.

The pain can migrate, spreading across the head towards the back of the head and change the area from attack to attack.

Other symptoms:

  • severe pain in one part of the head due to physical activity;
  • gagging;
  • increased sensitivity to light, smells, sounds;
  • decreased vision;
  • the appearance of jumping 3D effects;
  • surges in blood pressure.


Scientists have not established the provoking factors for the development of the disease.

According to numerous observations, most cases of migraine occur in women age category 18-30 years old. Up to 20% of cases occur during pregnancy.

Provokes migraine:

  • hormonal modified status;
  • vulnerability nervous system to various stimuli;
  • increased blood volume and stress on the kidneys, which negatively affects the cardiovascular system.

Migraine can be a consequence of high weather sensitivity, lack of night rest, sudden change in daily routine, reaction to external stimuli (loud music, flower aromas, stuffy rooms), decreased concentration in women.

Other reasons:

Scientists believe that the main cause of migraine is a hereditary predisposition and passes through the female line. Surely future mom will suffer from headaches if her mother previously had a similar disease.

Common reasons

Many women begin to suffer from migraines with the onset of pregnancy, although they were previously unfamiliar with this phenomenon.

Common reasons:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • swelling of tissues, when a special load is placed on the kidneys with the onset of pregnancy and the organ stops removing fluid in full;
  • allergies to food (smoked meats, cheeses, chocolate, coffee);
  • stress, family scandals, neuroses;
  • overwork;
  • bad habits;
  • binge eating;
  • head injuries;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • medication abuse;
  • weather changes;
  • short fasting, which women sometimes resort to to get rid of swelling;
  • lack of fluid in the body.

In the early stages

IN female body With the onset of pregnancy, dramatic changes begin to occur.

Causes of migraine during early pregnancy:

  • preeclampsia;
  • hormone surges (progesterone, estrogen);
  • placing a double burden on the nervous and cardiac systems.
  • It happens that migraines bother women even before pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, it became intense, provoked by various factors: an old head injury, chronic overwork, lack of sleep, stress, prolonged viewing of TV.

    In the later stages

    In the 2-3rd trimester, the fetus grows rapidly.

    Causes migraine:

    • load on the vertebral artery and spine;
    • excessive sensitivity, lability of women;
    • weather dependence.

    What is migraine with aura?

    Migraine with aura is an attack that begins with numbness, tingling in the fingers, irritation, anxiety, and flickering of spots before the eyes. Gradually, women begin to feel nauseous, a lump comes to their throat, and their heart rate increases.

    Aura is a precursor factor to another migraine attack: irritability, stress, loss of strength, hunger, loss of appetite.

    Less often, but an attack in pregnant women begins without an aura with the appearance of a throbbing pain in the temple that gradually increases.

    First there is a feeling of a hammer hitting your head. Gradually heaviness and nausea appear, progressing to vomiting. Multi-colored circles or spots begin to flash before your eyes.

    The pain intensifies when turning on the light, when turning and tilting the head, with a manifestation like a lumbago behind the ear, under the eyes.

    Symptoms appear within 5 minutes to 1 hour. Before the onset of a headache:

    • modification of sound perception;
    • hallucinations;
    • the appearance of fog and 3D effects before the eyes.

    Symptoms of migraine with aura most often occur in women in early pregnancy. Closer to the second trimester they begin to decline or disappear altogether.

    Effect of fruit

    Migraine does not directly affect the fetus, but depletes the body of the expectant mother. In anticipation of the next attack, many women begin to experience real hysteria, experiencing a feeling of fear.

    According to gynecologists, migraine indirectly worsens the blood circulation of the placenta, and therefore can potentially cause cerebral hypoxia and a malfunction of the cardiovascular system in the fetus.

    Reference! Migraine and pregnancy are not compatible. Constant attacks can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

    Pregnant women should not tolerate episodic headaches. It is important to eliminate them in a timely manner and even agree to treatment.

    When to see a doctor for diagnosis

    Symptoms that cannot be ignored and should be seen by a doctor urgently:

    • pressure surges;
    • temperature increase;
    • spasms of the neck muscles;
    • photophobia;
    • diffuse pain with a change in character to severe throbbing, bilateral;
    • the appearance of the first attack in the 2-3 trimester;
    • sudden pain reaching its peak intensity in just 1 minute.

    Such atypical types of pain should be examined. Migraine greatly worsens the well-being of women. The blood vessels begin to contract sharply. Nutrient components and oxygen cease to be supplied in full to the growing baby.

    Migraine is dangerous due to complications. Prolonged painful attacks provoke the development of neurological disorders, migraine stroke, and facial paralysis.

    Features of treatment

    Women should not use illicit medications during pregnancy. Here are some tips that can help you get rid of headaches:

    • avoid constant lack of sleep, severe overwork;
    • stop taking spices, citrus fruits, and chocolate in large quantities;
    • drink enough fluids;
    • avoid influence on the body, avoid sudden climate change, weather changes.

    Drug treatment

    For expectant mothers, many chemical drugs are prohibited. But is it possible to eliminate headaches without pills?

    Relieving drugs for migraines during pregnancy will not cause much harm: Panadol, Acetaminophen, Paracetamol, if taken in small quantities (no more than 2 g per day).

    In the second trimester, it is permissible to use small doses of Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen. Although these medications are not allowed to be taken during the 1st-2nd trimester. They can cause premature birth.

    You should be extremely careful with other medications and be sure to consult your doctor first.

    Massage and manual therapy

    If you are worried about migraine during pregnancy: what to do? Relaxation, yoga, special gymnastics, meditation, aromatherapy (if you are not allergic to essential oils).

    Lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus, and basil oils (evaporation) perfectly relieve internal muscle tension, improve blood flow in the vessels, and relax the body.

    What to do if a severe migraine flares up during pregnancy? Massage for the neck and sore spots on the head is effective if performed by a specialist. Although you can learn the basics so that women can do it themselves at home.

    Acupuncture by placing needles, an approved method in the first trimester. However, women should first seek advice from a neurologist and gynecologist.

    The procedure, when used correctly, leads to rapid relief when the needles block nerve impulses as they pass through painful pathways.

    If there are no contraindications, the method allows you to restore impaired functions of the vascular system, achieve stable remission, and stop women from taking harmful analgesics.

    Many mothers are afraid of needles, for example, during acupuncture and prefer to undergo treatment for migraines during pregnancy folk remedies:

    • balm “Star” with a cooling effect;
    • cabbage leaf applied to the sore area;
    • dill seed (decoction) for pain relief by brewing 1 tbsp. for 1 cup boiling water;
    • lavender tea, 10 inflorescences per 1 cup of boiling water.

    Breathing exercises done in a ventilated room and sweet hot tea to raise blood glucose levels help a lot.


    To reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks means that expectant mothers should follow simple preventive measures:

    • ventilate the room before going to bed;
    • sleep 8-9 hours;
    • walk more in the fresh air, taking walks;
    • avoid dehydration, drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day (if you are not worried about kidney disease);
    • do not visit noisy public places during pregnancy;
    • do not travel to other countries with completely different climates;
    • exclude spicy seasonings from the diet, alcoholic drinks, black chocolate;
    • eat more often, but in small portions;
    • avoid hypothermia and overheating in the sun;
    • drink soothing decoctions and teas (folk remedies for migraines during pregnancy) so that there is no fear or anxiety about the possible occurrence of a headache.

    You can always adjust and coordinate preventive measures taking into account your condition with a gynecologist. It is with an individual approach to the problem that it is possible to ease the course of pregnancy and reduce the number of attacks.

    If an unexpected migraine occurs during pregnancy, it is important for every woman to know how to treat it in order to speed up relief and not harm the growing baby.

    Useful video: preventing migraines during pregnancy. how to treat safely

    Ivan Drozdov 11.01.2020

    Migraine is intense unilateral headache pain, main reason which are vascular disorders. During an attack, strong pulsation in the temples, frontal lobes or the back of the head is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms - nausea, dizziness, weakness, visual, tactile and auditory disturbances. Doctors have identified a certain list of common causes, which are supplemented during pregnancy and aggravate the woman’s condition.

    Common causes of migraines during pregnancy

    At different stages of pregnancy, changes occur in a woman's body that can cause migraine pain. During this period, more frequent and intense manifestations of attacks are promoted by:

    1. In the early stages of pregnancy, there is a change in the level of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and the condition of the arterial vessels, as a result, a double load on the heart and nervous system.
    2. On later pregnancy - emotional sensitivity, the occurrence of weather dependence, load on the spine and vertebral arteries.

    Migraines are often observed in women even before pregnancy, and during pregnancy the attacks simply become more intense. In this case, the causes of migraine during pregnancy can be very diverse:

    • exposure to stress;
    • chronic fatigue;
    • diseases of the nervous system;
    • hypertension;
    • head injuries resulting in disruption of the vascular system or;
    • heredity;
    • hormonal instability;
    • insomnia or prolonged sleep;
    • factors present in Everyday life(polluted air, working at a computer, smoking, watching TV, frequent quarrels, scandals, living or working in noisy places, strong unpleasant odor).

    In some cases, migraine attacks subside with the onset of pregnancy, and women forget about painful discomfort and associated symptoms during pregnancy. This occurs if the development of pain was associated with the menstrual cycle, which disappears for the next 9 months after fertilization of the egg.

    If a woman is bothered by migraine attacks during pregnancy, she and her gynecologist need to develop a treatment chart that describes safe medications and non-drugs, optimal dosages and methods of taking them.

    Drugs during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, you should limit the intake of any medications and use alternative methods. If migraine pain aggravates the pregnant woman’s condition with its intensity and the use of chemical medications is inevitable, then, in agreement with the gynecologist, you can take one of the painkillers:

    1. and its derivatives (Nurofen, Imet) are prescribed once in the first two trimesters, and it is not recommended to take it later in order to avoid complications labor activity and premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in a child.
    2. and its derivatives (Efferalgan, Panadol) are prescribed at the end of the second trimester and in the last months. Despite the presence of many side symptoms when taking it, the drug is considered a safe painkiller for pregnant women.
    3. Mild antidepressants (Fluoxetine, Phytosed) are indicated for pregnant women whose migraines are triggered by emotional instability, fear of childbirth, and suspiciousness. In this case, taking the medicine is a preventive measure.
    4. Beta blockers (Atenolol, Propranolol) reduce blood pressure in hypertension to normal levels and thereby prevent the development of migraine pain.
    5. Magnesium preparations (Magne B6) prevent the development of migraines.

    The use of the described drugs during pregnancy must be coordinated with a gynecologist, who, when prescribing a dosage, must compare the condition of the pregnant woman and the risks of exposure chemicals on fetal development.

    If you are overtaken by a migraine during pregnancy, then during this period you should not take, as well as drugs in which the main substance is analgin, aspirin, ergot alkaloid, and narcotic substances. In exceptional cases, during severe attacks, they can be prescribed by a doctor if the choice between the fetus and the pregnant woman is made in favor of the health and life of the latter.

    Treatment of migraine during pregnancy with folk remedies

    For moderate pain attacks, medications can be replaced with available folk remedies:

    Preventive measures, as well as treatment of migraine, must be coordinated and adjusted with a gynecologist depending on the condition of the pregnant woman. Only an individual approach will help reduce the number of attacks and ease the course of pregnancy.

    Expectant mothers often experience discomfort in the early stages of pregnancy. After all, their body is being rebuilt, their immunity is decreasing, which is manifested by drowsiness, apathy, and migraines. But the latter for pregnant women is simply a disaster. Migraines knock a woman out of her usual working rut, and besides, treating them in a new situation is problematic. How to be saved and with what?

    Briefly about migraine

    It is a hereditary pathology, which is expressed in sharp pain in one half of the head. The headache can be so severe that it cannot be relieved by the usual tablets of Citramon, No-shpy, Paracetamol. Other analgesics may also be ineffective.

    Migraines are different from regular headaches. This is a stronger and more dangerous pathology. It is accompanied by so-called precursors of attacks - they are also called an aura. These are the signs:

    1. Fear of light. It can accompany headaches all the time or only during the daytime.
    2. Intolerance to strong odors, noise, loud sounds.
    3. Closedness, detachment, self-isolation.
    4. Vomiting and as symptoms of an impending headache.

    Pregnancy and migraine

    It is worth noting that this pathology in expectant mothers has its own specifics. The reasons for its occurrence also differ:

    1. Eating certain foods. These include cheese, chocolate, citrus fruits, hot spices. Alcohol, which is contraindicated while pregnant, can also provoke an attack.
    2. Water deficiency in the female body, especially in the first trimester.
    3. Overdose of medications. For example, Citramon in large quantities can increase headache symptoms.
    4. Stress, psychological stress, lack of sleep.
    5. Changes in weather conditions, changes in the indoor microclimate.

    So, migraines in expectant mothers are provoked by many more factors than in ordinary people.

    Eliminating migraines using traditional methods

    Many women who experienced similar conditions before the onset of an “interesting” situation do not want to see a doctor about this. Especially in the early stages, when medications to alleviate the condition are extremely undesirable. They use proven folk recipes migraine treatment:

    1. Brewing sweet, strong black tea. But you need to be careful with this treatment option in the early stages of pregnancy.
    2. Compress made from cabbage leaf. It must be scalded with boiling water, applied to the frontal part of the head or the area that is bothering you, and wrapped in a woolen scarf.
    3. Applying ice. Promotes vasoconstriction. You cannot keep an ice compress on your head for a long time.
    4. Aromatherapy. Many people find it helpful to inhale the vapors of lemon balm, lavender, and citrus fruits. The method is acceptable if the pregnant woman is not allergic to esters.

    About relieving seizures with medications

    Even Citramon, which is familiar to a woman before pregnancy, should be used carefully. After all, when carrying a baby, this medicine can only worsen the headache.

    If Citramon does not help, then the doctor may prescribe more serious medications, for example, Acetaminophen. In minimal doses, this safe and hypoallergenic drug can be taken in early and late pregnancy.

    You can try using Paracetamol. It is safer compared to Citramon. For pregnant women, doctors prescribe medications containing magnesium for migraines - they are beneficial for blood vessels. But relieving migraine attacks with Aspirin is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. This remedy can provoke bleeding and premature birth and pregnancy.

    Prevention of migraine during pregnancy

    To prevent unpleasant attacks, you should follow simple recommendations:

    1. Maintaining a daily routine. Eating without a schedule, lack of sleep and oversleeping often become causes of headaches. They are signs of a weak body, so you should take care of yourself and live according to the regime.
    2. Physical exercise. Yoga for pregnant women, Pilates, and swimming will help you forget about pills, feel more energetic and not gain weight.
    3. Massage of the cervical-collar area You can do it yourself (with a long-handled brush) or ask your husband to do it.
    4. Maintaining water regime. Lack of fluid can contribute to headache attacks.

    Headache attacks are more common in women (2/3 of all patients) and can worsen during pregnancy. Migraine does not pose a threat to the unborn child, but it can cause severe inconvenience for a woman, because almost all pills that help get rid of headaches are contraindicated for pregnant women.

    Symptoms of the disease

    The manifestation of migraine attacks varies from person to person. In some pregnant women it can be expressed in the form of mild malaise and discomfort, while in others it can be unbearable attacks accompanied by vomiting. Its most common and typical symptoms include the following:

    • severe throbbing headache;
    • pain often spreads to one side of the head;
    • the duration of pain ranges from 4 hours to 3 days;
    • increased sensitivity to bright light and loud sounds;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • vomit;
    • general weakness.

    Causes of migraine during pregnancy

    The clear causes that can cause migraine during pregnancy remain not fully understood.

    But today, as a result of the research, the following factors can be identified that can provoke severe headaches:

    • severe physical or psychological stress;
    • lack of sleep and stress;
    • eating certain foods: chocolate, citrus fruits, cheese, smoked fish;
    • sudden change in weather conditions (some expectant mothers are especially sensitive to climate change);
    • lack of water in the body (especially in the first trimester);
    • taking certain medications in large doses (for example, Citramon).

    There is a close connection between headache attacks and the state of pregnancy, because the cause of any pain in a woman’s body is often a change in hormonal levels. Therefore, migraines often have a hormonal nature. Severe attacks in expectant mothers are more common in the early stages of pregnancy. After this, they either stop completely or are repeated several times throughout pregnancy.

    It can be noted that for those women who suffered from headaches for a long period, everything went away with the onset of pregnancy. 70-80% of all pregnant women who previously suffered from migraines noted that there was a decrease in pain or its complete disappearance during pregnancy.

    But the opposite situation also happens, when a girl who knew about headaches only by hearsay experiences the first attack precisely after conception.

    The danger of migraine attacks for an expectant mother

    Despite the harmlessness of migraines for a child, there are some risks for a woman. So, if severe pain in the head is accompanied by darkening of the eyes and nausea, then this may be a sign of sudden surges in pressure, which is not desirable during pregnancy. Sharp spasms of blood vessels interfere with the full supply of nutrients to the fetus.

    In addition, headaches can be symptoms of conditions such as blood clots, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and increased intracranial pressure. Therefore, in cases where headaches recur quite often and intensely, you should report them to your doctor, who will be able to determine the nature of their origin.

    Non-drug treatments

    As you know, the use of any medications while carrying a child is extremely undesirable.

    But what to do when you can’t take medications and the headaches are already unbearable? There are several ways to treat pain or reduce it without resorting to pharmaceutical products:

    1. Caffeine. Verified and effective means Hot drinks containing caffeine (coffee, cocoa, tea) are the remedy for headaches. It has been established that in moderate doses, caffeine does not harm the unborn child. It is better to add a lot of sugar to the drink. Glucose is the main food for the brain.
    2. Massage is no less effective for pain. For migraines, massage of the cervical spine and head is indicated. If there is no massage therapist nearby, you can massage your temples, scalp and neck yourself. Movements should be circular, intense, but not sharp.
    3. Cold. To reduce pain symptoms in pregnant women, it is recommended to apply cold compresses to the head and hold for several minutes. You can also take a cold shower or simply rinse your hair with cold water.
    4. Walks in the open air. Small physical exercise useful not only for the pregnant woman’s body, but also for the outflow of part of the blood from the vessels of the brain to the muscles, thereby normalizing blood pressure and eliminating pain.

    Medications for migraines during pregnancy

    TO drug treatment Doctors view any illnesses during pregnancy extremely negatively. This is due to the negative effects of drugs on the fetus. Therefore, if it is possible to endure a headache, experts advise refraining from taking pills.

    If the pain is too severe, then the most by safe means Citramon and Paracetamol remain in the fight against migraine. However, they must be taken in a strict dosage prescribed by the attending physician.

    In some cases, the doctor may prescribe magnesium-containing medications, which have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and do not threaten the child’s health.

    Under no circumstances should you take aspirin and its derivatives when treating migraines during pregnancy. They thin the blood and can lead to internal bleeding and cause premature birth and miscarriage.

    It is also prohibited to treat yourself with analgin and other analgesics. They have a detrimental effect on the hematopoietic function of the body and can cause disturbances in the development of the fetus.

    It is important to remember that self-medication during pregnancy is very dangerous both for the child and for the woman herself. Therefore, before deciding to take any medications, you should consult your doctor.

    Preventing an attack in pregnant women

    Due to the fact that the use of medications for migraine attacks is limited, effective method the fight against the disease remains its prevention.

    To prevent severe headaches in pregnant women, the following tips can be highlighted:

    1. Regular meals, preferably small ones. It is known that one of the most common reasons Headaches in pregnant women are caused by changes in sugar levels. Therefore, it is important to prevent hunger. To do this, you need to eat often and in small portions.
    2. It's important to get enough sleep. It has been established that lack of sleep is the cause of headaches. Pregnant women need to sleep at least 7 hours a day, but no more than 9-10.
    3. Peace. Stress and any serious worries and worries are contraindicated for pregnant women. They not only provoke headaches, but can also lead to premature birth.
    4. Regular physical activity. Expectant mothers are recommended to take daily walks in the fresh air, as well as light exercises in the form of yoga and breathing exercises. They reduce or relieve headaches. In addition, they increase the supply of blood to brain cells, therefore preventing migraines.
    5. Massage remains an effective way to prevent migraines. It has a calming and relaxing effect. To do this, you can sign up for a session with a massage therapist or massage your face and neck yourself. The impact should be soft and smooth.

    Let us remind you that the longer the period of bearing a child, the less frequent and less intense the migraine attacks. This is explained by the restructuring of the woman’s body and the preparation of the body for childbirth. If in the early stages headaches are observed quite often, then closer to the birth of the child in 90% of expectant mothers the migraine completely disappears. Therefore, the main task in the fight against migraine during pregnancy comes down to the prevention of headaches in the first trimester. It is at this time that the body needs outside help. In the second half of the term, the body itself learns to cope with the problem.

    When migraine attacks occur, you should never self-medicate, as taking some medications can harm the fetus.

    Therefore, any actions should be performed only after visiting a doctor.

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    Vascular diseases of the central nervous system

    Spinal and central nervous system injuries

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    Migraine during pregnancy: how to get rid of migraine

    Migraine is intense unilateral headache pain, the main cause of which is vascular disorders. During an attack, strong pulsation in the temples, frontal lobes or the back of the head is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms - nausea, dizziness, weakness, visual, tactile and auditory disturbances. Doctors have identified a specific list of common causes of migraines, which are supplemented during pregnancy and aggravate the woman’s condition.

    Common causes of migraines during pregnancy

    At different stages of pregnancy, changes occur in a woman's body that can cause migraine pain. During this period, more frequent and intense manifestations of attacks are promoted by:

    1. In the early stages of pregnancy, there is a change in the level of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and the condition of the arterial vessels, as a result, a double load on the heart and nervous system.
    2. In the later stages of pregnancy - emotional sensitivity, the occurrence of weather dependence, stress on the spine and vertebral arteries.

    Migraines are often observed in women even before pregnancy, and during pregnancy the attacks simply become more intense. In this case, the causes of migraine during pregnancy can be very diverse:

    • exposure to stress;
    • chronic fatigue;
    • diseases of the nervous system;
    • hypertension;
    • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
    • head injuries resulting in disruption of the vascular system or the development of tumors;
    • heredity;
    • hormonal instability;
    • insomnia or prolonged sleep;
    • factors present in everyday life (polluted air, working at a computer, smoking, watching TV, frequent quarrels, scandals, living or working in noisy places, a strong unpleasant odor).

    In some cases, migraine attacks subside with the onset of pregnancy, and women forget about painful discomfort and associated symptoms during pregnancy. This occurs if the development of pain was associated with the menstrual cycle, which disappears for the next 9 months after fertilization of the egg.

    If a woman is bothered by migraine attacks during pregnancy, she and her gynecologist need to develop a treatment chart that describes safe medications and non-drugs, optimal dosages and methods of taking them.

    Drugs during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, you should limit the intake of any medications and use alternative methods. If migraine pain aggravates the pregnant woman’s condition with its intensity and the use of chemical medications is inevitable, then, in agreement with the gynecologist, you can take one of the painkillers:

    1. Ibuprofen and its derivatives (Nurofen, Imet) are prescribed once in the first two trimesters, and it is not recommended to take it later in order to avoid complications of labor and premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in the child.
    2. Paracetamol and its derivatives (Efferalgan, Panadol) are prescribed at the end of the second trimester and in the last months. Despite the presence of many side symptoms when taking it, the drug is considered a safe painkiller for pregnant women.
    3. Mild antidepressants (Fluoxetine, Phytosed) are indicated for pregnant women whose migraines are triggered by emotional instability, fear of childbirth, and suspiciousness. In this case, taking the medicine is a preventive measure.
    4. Beta blockers (Atenolol, Propranolol) reduce blood pressure in hypertension to normal levels and thereby prevent the development of migraine pain.
    5. Magnesium preparations (Magne B6) prevent the development of migraines.

    The use of the described drugs during pregnancy must be coordinated with a gynecologist, who, when prescribing a dosage, must compare the condition of the pregnant woman and the risks of exposure to chemicals on the development of the fetus.

    If you have a migraine during pregnancy, then during this period you should not take triptans, as well as drugs in which the main substance is analgin, aspirin, ergot alkaloid, and narcotic substances. In exceptional cases, during severe attacks, they can be prescribed by a doctor if the choice between the fetus and the pregnant woman is made in favor of the health and life of the latter.

    Treatment of migraine during pregnancy with folk remedies

    For moderate pain attacks, medications can be replaced with available folk remedies:

    • When you have a headache, apply a cold compress to your forehead.
    • Take a fresh cabbage leaf, mash it a little in your hands, apply it to the painful part of the head and wrap it with a cloth on top. The compress should be kept on the head until the headache goes away.
    • If you have low blood pressure, you need to drink hot tea with added sugar; if you have hypertension, add lemon to the drink.
    • Use the “Star” balm, gently rubbing it into the temples and forehead area.
    • Take a cold one a raw egg, apply to the area of ​​the upper cervical vertebrae and hold until it becomes warm.
    • During an attack, inhale essential oils of orange, lemon, lavender, and lemon balm.
    • Give a light head massage using a comb. To do this, you need to comb your hair first in one direction, then in the other.
    • Use a raw onion for a compress, which must first be cut into halves and then applied to the area of ​​pain.

    A pregnant woman needs to be careful when using infusions of medicinal herbs, as some of them can cause a miscarriage or negatively affect the condition of the fetus. In this case, the specific type of herb, as well as the medication, must be prescribed by the gynecologist.

    Prevention of migraine in pregnant women

    Preventive measures play a significant role in reducing the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks during pregnancy, which is very important for women carrying a baby. First of all, you need to review your usual daily routine and eliminate factors that provoke migraines. To do this, it is advisable to keep a diary in which to record the time and duration of the attacks, their intensity, as well as the events that preceded the development of the pain syndrome.

    During pregnancy, to prevent the development of migraine pain, a woman needs to follow simple but effective measures:

    • Ensure healthy sleep for 8-9 hours in a well-ventilated room;
    • Regularly take walks in the park area, if there are no contraindications to walking from a gynecologist;
    • Avoid dehydration. To do this, drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day, provided that the woman does not have kidney pathologies;
    • Avoid visiting noisy public places during pregnancy;
    • Avoid traveling to countries with a different climate;
    • Develop a “healthy menu”, giving up nuts, hot seasonings, hard and processed cheeses, dark chocolate, and alcoholic beverages;
    • Eat small portions, but often;
    • In agreement with the gynecologist, engage in physical therapy;
    • Avoid overheating in the sun or, conversely, hypothermia;
    • Periodically, in agreement with the doctor, perform a light relaxing massage of the neck and collar area, head;
    • Prevent the development of migraines against the background of worries and fears characteristic of pregnant women, with the help of soothing teas and decoctions.

    Preventive measures, as well as treatment of migraine, must be coordinated and adjusted with a gynecologist depending on the condition of the pregnant woman. Only an individual approach will help reduce the number of attacks and ease the course of pregnancy.

    Choosing a doctor or clinic

    ©18 The information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a qualified physician.

    Migraines during pregnancy: causes and treatment with folk remedies

    Migraines are a medical problem that occurs at any age, more often in women. During pregnancy, it has a number of course features and specific correction tactics.


    This is an attack of severe one-sided headache against the background of a sharp deterioration in well-being, the reaction of internal and sensory organs. It is based on a violation of the interaction between the nervous and vascular system. Lasts from several hours to 3 days, passes through several stages.

    Has the following manifestations:

    1. In the initial period (several hours before the pain), rapid mood swings, weakness, and nervousness occur due to noise and light.
    2. The aura stage (when it occurs) lasts up to 1 hour and is manifested by changes in the sensory organs.
    3. During the painful stage, a debilitating headache occurs due to the reaction of the internal organs.
    4. At the final stage (no more than 1 hour), the pain stops, the condition improves, and digestion normalizes.

    An aura does not always occur. It can be observed before a painful attack, or at the height of pain. Depending on this, migraine without aura (simple) and with aura (associated) are distinguished. Read more about how to avoid a migraine with aura.

    Migraines during pregnancy

    When carrying a child, it sometimes occurs for the first time.


    Manifestations depend on the degree of damage to the nervous tissue and are most pronounced during the pain stage.

    • headache;
    • dizziness;
    • loss of appetite;
    • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
    • sensitivity to light and sound;
    • pale skin;
    • weakness;
    • feeling of heat, cold.

    Headache is caused by the location of the affected area of ​​nervous tissue.

    Pain syndrome is always combined with intolerance to noise and loud sounds, light, and smells.

    Early dates

    Pregnancy in different periods has its own characteristics that contribute to the occurrence of the disease.

    • specific stresses;
    • changes in hormonal levels;
    • lack of water, dehydration;
    • allergies or aversion to previously familiar foods.

    Late dates

    At this time, the woman’s body undergoes the next stage of changes and prepares for childbirth.

    • the amount of fluid increases;
    • vascular permeability increases;
    • blood movement becomes difficult;

    There is an increase in the load on different parts of the spine, especially the lumbar. Posture changes. Changes in the spinal column affect the condition of the nerve endings and vascular formations in this area.

    Pregnant women become more sensitive to changes in weather conditions, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, humidity, and temperature. This causes an increase in the occurrence and intensification of attacks of the disease.

    In trimester

    For the second trimester, unlike the first ( early dates) and third (late periods) are characterized by a noticeable improvement, relief of symptoms, and a decrease in the frequency of occurrence. Often there is a complete disappearance of manifestations at this time.

    Doctors are also expanding the list of approved drugs somewhat.


    The occurrence is associated with a violation of the nervous regulation of blood vessels, the release of special biologically active substances (serotonin). This leads to a deterioration in the functioning of the nervous tissue, the processing of information about pain, as well as impulses emanating from the senses and internal systems, is disrupted.

    Most often the disease can be provoked by:

    • strong emotions, including positive ones;
    • prolonged anxiety, low mood;
    • physical overload;
    • fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, temperature, magnetic storms;
    • consumption large quantity chocolate, smoked meats, red wine, coffee, hard cheeses;
    • changes in hormonal levels.

    Strong light, loud sound, or a certain pungent odor trigger a cascade of processes leading to the appearance of symptoms.

    Migraine with aura during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, a number of signs associated with the reaction of the sensory organs and nervous system (usually one-sided), which are called an aura, are often observed before the pain syndrome.

    Aura manifests itself with symptoms:

    • visual effects (dots, lines, zigzags, light rays);
    • temporary blindness in one or both eyes;
    • weakening of the motor ability of the arms and legs on one side;
    • tingling, loss of sensitivity in the limbs;
    • speech disorder.

    If at this stage it is possible to stop the action of the provoking factor, then further development of symptoms may not occur.

    What to do and how to treat it?

    During pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid taking pills as much as possible. Normalize lifestyle, diet, use traditional medicine. A doctor's supervision is required.

    1. Create peace, stop irritating all senses.
    2. Turn off the lights in the room, close and curtain the windows, turn off everything that spreads sound, humidify the air.
    3. Next, use folk and traditional remedies.

    Folk remedies

    Before using alternative medicine methods, it is better to consult a doctor to avoid negative effects on the body of the expectant mother and child.

    The safest way to relieve the condition is:

    1. Brew and drink sweet tea, stronger than usual.
    2. Apply a compress of fresh cabbage leaves doused with boiling water to the painful area. Wrap with a woolen scarf.
    3. Place ice for a short time.
    4. Massage with your hands or a massage brush, along conventional lines from the forehead to the back of the head, every half hour.
    5. Inhale the vapors of citrus aromatic oils, lemon balm, mint.
    6. Use a pillow containing dry laurel, cherry, and eucalyptus leaves.
    7. Place small slices of lemon on the temple area, bandage your head with a towel soaked in hot water.
    8. Place napkins moistened with water with a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil on your temples and forehead.
    9. Place a compress of steamed wormwood on your forehead, temples, and wrap with a towel.

    Before use herbal remedies and aromatic oils, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to them.


    Most traditional migraine medications are dangerous to use during this time. The use of aspirin can lead to bleeding, complications, miscarriages in the early stages, and premature birth in the later stages.

    Can be used under medical supervision, only in the second trimester in small doses of Citramon. Find out what Citramon tablets help with here.


    Paracetamol today is one of the few drugs that can be taken for treatment during pregnancy. This drug is prescribed and the number of tablets that can be taken per day is determined exclusively by a doctor. You should take paracetamol during pregnancy with caution and try not to take it on an empty stomach.

    When to go to the doctor

    A pregnant woman should definitely go to the doctor if she begins to worry or if previously observed migraines intensify. The consultation will help you navigate the recommendations and select tablets for treatment, if necessary.

    However, there are situations when seeking medical help should be urgent.

    You should definitely be wary of:

    • more intense headache than usual;
    • persistent visual impairment;
    • numbness or deterioration of movements that persists after an attack;
    • gradually increasing chronic pain in any area of ​​the head;
    • confusion.

    The importance of urgent diagnosis for these manifestations is due to the fact that symptoms and signs similar to migraine may be signs of other diseases that require completely different actions.


    Prevention is based on lifestyle and diet correction.

    First of all you need to:

    1. Maintain a rest and wakefulness regime (sleep 9-10 hours);
    2. Avoid nervous psychological overload;
    3. Ensure low noise levels, absence of chemicals, light irritants (light indicators);
    4. Maintain the room temperature no more than 23°C, humidity – 50-70%.
    5. Sleep predominantly on your side, especially in the third trimester.
    6. Stop active physical activity no later than 6 hours before bedtime.
    7. At dinner, eat a small amount of easily digestible foods that contain a lot of protein (lean meat, fish, cottage cheese).
    8. Eat no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

    Thus, a number of changes occur during pregnancy that contribute to the onset of and also influence existing migraines. Observation, timely detection and a set of treatment measures allows you to stabilize the condition, avoid complications, and restore health.

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    Migraine during early pregnancy

    Treatment of migraine during pregnancy

    Migraines in pregnant women are quite common. But how can you help yourself with this illness? You can’t take pills, and even more so the ones you took before pregnancy.

    Migraine is characterized by severe headaches that are localized in one side of the head. Actually, the ancient Greek word “Hemicrania” is translated as “half of the head.” Migraine is a vascular type of pain. The walls of the blood vessels that supply the brain dilate and put pressure on the nerve endings of these cells.

    Treatment of headaches during pregnancy

    Medication methods for treating any headache during pregnancy are very, very modest. Basically, all medications that can relieve headaches have a very adverse effect on the formation of the fetus and negatively affect the course of pregnancy as a whole. In addition, if there are drugs that are acceptable during pregnancy, they are prescribed by a doctor and should be taken strictly under his supervision.

    Alternative to drugs

    What methods can pregnant women use to cope with headaches? Here are some of the methods:

    Read also:

    • Lie down in a dark, ventilated room in complete silence and try to fall asleep for at least half an hour.
    • Light massage. Use your fingertips to make circular movements across your head.
    • Wash your hair with warm water.
    • Perhaps a cold shower aimed at the back of your head will help you. But only for half a minute, so as not to catch a cold.
    • Cold compresses on the frontal, temporal and occipital parts of the head.
    • In the back of the head, in the hole, place an egg from the refrigerator until it warms up. Helps.
    • Cabbage leaf compresses. Before using, remember the leaves to release the juice. Apply the leaves and tie a scarf or handkerchief around your head. Keep the compress until the pain subsides.
    • Fractional meals. Hunger can cause headaches.
    • If your blood pressure is low, strong and sweet tea will help.
    • Decoctions of mint, lemon balm, rose hips or chamomile - you can drink them instead of tea.

    Medicines during pregnancy

    If all of the above recommendations do not help, take Paracetamol, Efferalgan or Panadol. Aspirin and its derivatives are contraindicated: Citramon, Askofen, etc. Aspirin is so dangerous that taking this drug in late pregnancy increases the likelihood of bleeding during childbirth, and also contributes to premature closure of the duct in the baby. Spazmalgon, Analgin, Baralgin and the like negatively affect the blood condition of pregnant women.

    To relieve migraines in pregnant women there is alternative treatment, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. Be sure to consult your doctor if you notice the following:

    • Headaches in the morning, after waking up;
    • Constant intense headache;
    • Pain appears in only one area of ​​the head;
    • Headache associated with high or low blood pressure;
    • Headache is accompanied by deterioration of vision, hearing, motor functions or numbness of the limbs.

    In such severe cases, of course, you should not rely on your own intuition, especially during pregnancy. Consult your gynecologist and family doctor immediately. You may be able to prevent serious complications. Be healthy!

    Especially for iwom.infoBely Sergey

    Treatment of migraine in pregnant women with folk remedies

    Considering that you have to refuse medications during pregnancy, you can contact traditional methods, many of which really help relieve or alleviate an attack.

    • Peace and quiet. At the very beginning of the attack, you should go to a well-ventilated room, take a horizontal position in silence and darkness, and try to fall asleep by placing a cool, damp towel on your forehead.
    • Tea with big amount Sahara. Coffee is not suitable as a caffeinated drink - it increases blood pressure.
    • Breathing exercises.
    • Cold on the forehead (for example, ice in a towel) or, on the contrary, dry heat (down shawl, dog hair, felt bath cap) - depending on what exactly helps.
    • Under a shawl/scarf bandage, you can apply halves of a raw cut onion (cut to the skin) to the points of pain localization - the method is very effective. Even a severe attack can be relieved by onions in minutes. After this, of course, throw away the onion.
    • Washing with cool water.
    • Relaxation techniques - meditation, auto-training, yoga for pregnant women, the Bradley method, biofeedback method.
    • Head massage, acupressure.
    • Lubricating the pulse areas on the wrists with Espol ointment. In summer - rubbing the same areas with nettle, ground to a paste.
    • Zvezdochka ointment - on the temples and forehead.
    • Ginger root - against nausea during migraines. Acupuncture bracelets will also help.

    The expectant mother chooses the treatment methods herself. Of course, if the pain becomes too frequent and unbearable, then you cannot do without consulting a doctor. To avoid resorting to pills, take steps in advance to eliminate all sources of migraines. The best option– go to a quiet, calm place in your climate zone during pregnancy (for example, to a dacha, to a village with relatives), establish a sleep/diet regime and eliminate all contacts with unpleasant people.

    The site Colady.ru warns: self-medication can harm your health! The recipes given here do not replace a trip to the doctor!