An entertaining patchwork or everything about patchwork. Patchwork (patchwork) What is patchwork technique definition

Nowadays, different methods of sewing from patches and various techniques for connecting patches are very popular. We will talk about the features of the most common of them in this article.

Traditional patchwork

It is considered an Anglo-American type of needlework, which is based on the production of a single piece of fabric from various pieces of fabric, which will be folded into geometric patterns during the process. Thanks to this method, it becomes possible to form both impressively sized bedspreads and small oven mitts. Most often, like a bedspread, such insignificant things consist of a patchwork front and a lining.

Crazy Shred

This type of patchwork involves a method of creating patchwork canvases using casual patterns, curved stripes and appliqués. Among other things, the seams in this technique are hidden under braid or embroidery, and in the same way the product itself, be it a bedspread, pillow, bag or clothing, is decorated as much as possible with ribbons, beads, lace and other types of accessories.

Knitted patchwork

It is considered another variety of classic patchwork. However, this technique uses a slightly different method of fastening the shreds. In this case, the individual elements are simply fastened together using a contrasting thread and a crochet hook.

Japanese patchwork

This method combines Eastern and Western traditions. Stitching is often used here, and silk fabrics are given priority, thanks to which it becomes possible to create an exquisite patchwork bedspread and clothing. The main ornaments are classic geometric shapes in the form of a square, triangle, rhombus, corner.


It is customary to classify quilting as a broader concept than patchwork. However, if we take the literal translation, the concept of quilting means “quilted fabric”. In this method of needlework, ornaments are created using stitches. That is, at the junction of two canvases, a soft gasket (sintepon, cotton wool, batting) is laid. The pattern is formed using machine stitching. A voluminous bedspread or blanket made using this technique has a more elegant look compared to a conventional piece made from scraps.

Techniques and types of patchwork

The technology of fastening flaps may seem like a simple process: as they say, “cut and sew,” while making bedspreads, tablecloths, pillows, clothes, and potholders for the kitchen with your own hands. However, not all so simple. Patchwork is a skill that requires not only skills in handling a needle and thread, but also artistic style, diligence, diligence and scrupulousness.

Looking at the photos of finished products, the question may arise: “How is it possible to create such a variety of patterns using similar details: blocks of stripes, squares, corners?” And the whole peculiarity lies in the use of various techniques, thanks to which original and unusual masterpieces and colorful pictures are formed.

  • Technique "Quick squares"

An easy enough method for beginners. Using this method, prefabricated square blocks (quick squares) can be made, which must be cut from pre-prepared strips of fabric. Thanks to the described method, you can make an impressive-sized bedspread incredibly quickly.

  • Watercolor technique

A fairly popular method that also uses squares. It happens that squares are connected into blocks, from which a canvas is subsequently created. An important condition To obtain a successful item, the correct selection of colors is considered.

  • “Strip to stripe” technique

This is the name of the method of using strips of fabric of different colors. In the process of assembling a pattern using stripes, placement and combination can be changed at your discretion. Thanks to this method, you can easily form a cheerful rug or a huge patchwork bedspread in the form of parquet boards placed in a ladder, zigzag, diamond or corner pattern. The output will be patterns such as “Parquet”, “Herringbone”, “Well”, “Arable land”.

  • Log cabin technique

It is also a strip sewing method. This method involves collecting strips around the main square and laying them in a spiral. One of the variations of the described technique is to shift the square into a corner. In the same case, when the pattern must be clear, the pattern must be composed of paired stripes of the same color.

  • Magic Triangles Technique

Triangles are considered the most popular component used in patchwork. In addition to the fact that this form has always been considered endowed with magical powers, the triangle is also very convenient to use. From them you can easily make both a simple square and a varied star. Often, a right-angled isosceles triangle is used in patchwork. If you sew a pair of such shapes along the elongated side, you can get a two-color square, and if you fasten them on the short sides, then you can get various patterns of multicolor stripes. The most popular patterns are: “Mill”, “Diamond”, “Star”.

  • Technique "Patchwork corners"

Its difference is that the corners are not made according to a template, but are formed from squares or strips of material. And in the future, the resulting corners can be connected into strips, with the help of which the canvas will then be formed.

  • Technique "Chess"

Squares are also used, or rather squares placed during work in checkerboard pattern of two contrasting colors.

  • Technique "Russian square"

Its difference from others lies in the labor-intensive assembly of the pattern. The basis is a square, and the upper and lower tier are formed from isosceles triangles. Subsequent tiers are formed using stripes and triangles.

  • Honeycomb technique

It is a tightly assembled hexagon, and the pattern is very similar to a honeycomb.

  • “Lyapachikha” technique

Using this technique, the output can be a three-dimensional canvas. In the described method, it is necessary to sew raw colored strips of fabric onto the base.

Types of patchwork on video

Patchwork. What is this? Grandma's handicraft or fashionistas' hobby?

Patchwork- this is a type of needlework in which, using the mosaic principle, a whole product is sewn together from multi-colored pieces of fabric with a specific pattern.

History of patchwork

The history of patchwork dates back to ancient times. For example, in one of the museums in Cairo, an ornament made from pieces of gazelle skin is displayed. The item dates back to approximately 980 BC. The Tokyo Costume Museum houses clothing from the 16th century, decorated with patterns made from pieces of various fabrics. In the 4th-9th centuries AD, pilgrims came to the temple and left their pieces of clothing. From these numerous pieces a carpet was made, which was reminiscent of the pilgrimage of many people. And the London Quilt Museum houses magnificent items made by the wives of the first settlers. Very popular in the East, patchwork came to Europe, probably after the Crusades, when knights brought carpets, banners, and flags made using this technique. But still, the main traditions originated among the American settlers. At first it was fashionable to copy traditional patterns, as well as the shapes and colors of quilts. Currently, separate exhibitions are dedicated to patchwork, clubs and schools are being created to teach this technique. Today for many it is a hobby, and some make money from this art. Traditional patterns are modified, modified or created anew. If you want to seriously engage in this wonderful handicraft, then you need two qualities: patience and perseverance, and, of course, desire. Mastery only comes with experience, so don’t be discouraged if there are uneven lines and stitches. Be patient and you will succeed.

Accessories and materials needed for needlework

1. Thread and needle.

2. Thimble.

3. Scissors.

4. You also need to have a set of cushioning fabrics - burlap, padding polyester, batting, interlining, foam rubber.

5. Lining fabric- thick canvas (for panels and rugs), satin-type silk (for decorative pillows).

6. For decoration you will need a lot of decorative braid, ribbons, soutache and buttons.

Soutache- This is a silk braided cord for finishing women's dresses and children's clothing.

You also need: a strong centimeter with visible numbers, a ruler, a square, tailor's chalk for drawing lines on the fabric, and a lot of tailor's pins.

One of the main parts is templates.

Templates for a product are the same as patterns for cutting clothes. Making a patchwork product begins with cutting out templates: templates can be different: square, triangular, diamond-shaped. Since the templates will probably be used more than once, they are made from durable materials (for example, cardboard).

The template is made like this: the desired contour of the template is drawn on cardboard without seam allowances, then a few millimeters are added to the allowance and a second contour is drawn.

Where to begin?

Paradoxically, it is best to master the patchwork technique by making large items. And if your patchwork guide tells you to start with some kind of pot holder, then it's better to start with a traditional quilt or bedspread. There are several reasons for this:

Firstly, this is a result that will amaze your family and friends with its size and beauty.

Secondly, it is best to master this technique on a large product, working with large pieces of fabric.

Third, it will take you no more time to make a large blanket than it will take you to assemble a patchwork mosaic for a pot holder.

The next stage is the selection and preparation of fabric

Almost all fabrics can be used for patchwork. The products can use tulle, chintz, wool, cambric, crepe de Chine and burlap. But for beginning needlewomen it is best to use cotton fabrics: They wash well and iron perfectly. This is primarily chintz, satin, linen.

They also sew from other fabrics, silk, satin, cloth, drape, as long as they do not melt under the iron. If you need to connect flaps that differ in density and thickness, then thin flaps must be placed on a lining.

Advice: You cannot use fabrics that are too old, as they will quickly tear and ruin all the work. But such rags can be useful for stuffing sofa cushions, toys and pincushions. When sewing flaps, you often have to take into account where their thread direction is. If the edge on the flap is preserved, then the threads running along the edge are lobes, and the transverse ones are wefts. If the edge is cut, then take the fabric and determine the tension. Where the fabric stretches the least, that's where the lobe passes.

Just choosing a fabric is not enough, you also need it prepare. Even if you are going to cut pieces from new material, you need to wash and iron it, but this is not so easy. It is necessary to wash the fabric, otherwise it may shrink after washing, and then distortions, wrinkles and ties will appear on the finished product. In addition, many fabrics may fade during the first wash. This process is called decatification. Fabrics various types require in different ways decatification. It is enough to soak scraps of cotton and staple fabrics in warm water for 2 hours (selecting those of the same color), wring them out without twisting them, and hang them on a rope, then iron the wet ones from the inside out in the longitudinal direction. Silk and wool rags are laid out in one layer on a slightly wrung out sheet or towel, rolled up and left for 2-3 hours. After this, the wet ones are ironed from the inside out in the longitudinal direction through a dry cloth.

Next stage - ironing. You can iron the fabric along the grain, from the wrong side, and it is best to use an iron or steamer.

Cutting rules

Be sure to draw a sketch before cutting finished product and count the number of parts. When cutting, consider two important points:

Firstly, you cannot use ballpoint or gel pens when cutting; you can only use chalk or a sharp piece of soap, or with a simple pencil. Otherwise, the ink will bleed through the front side and stain the entire fabric. Cut the fabric along the grain thread, otherwise the cut out flaps may warp and lose their shape.

In addition, do not forget about using ready-made templates. When outlining a template, make two lines on the fabric at once - a cutting line and a sewing line. Another option is to cut out the pieces and then apply a stitch line to them. And then you need to sort the fabric into boxes or bags. Next, you need to choose a pattern for work, and also decide on the sewing technique.

Patchwork patterns and techniques

Patchwork patterns depend on you and your imagination. Today, along with traditional patchwork techniques, there is also a technique called crazy patchwork.

Crazy patchwork or crazy patchwork- this is one of the ancient needlework techniques that appeared along with traditional patchwork. But unlike the traditional technique, which requires a clear sequence and forms, crazy patchwork allows you to sew on patches of various shapes and colors in any order. In this patchwork, beads, buttons, ribbons, lace, and floss threads are used for decoration.

In addition, the techniques include knitted (knitted or crocheted) patchwork, children's patchwork, patch appliques.

Here are some patchwork patterns:

"Mill" pattern

"Honeycomb" or "Hexagon" pattern

"Saw teeth" pattern

Patchwork is an activity not only for the hands, but also for the soul. Patchwork is not only an opportunity to show fantasy and imagination, but also to create a masterpiece yourself.

Pychwork is a popular type of needlework that combines elements of embroidery, appliqué, and knitting, the roots of which go back thousands of years. Previously, it was common among the lower strata of the population as a way to save fabric by using leftovers from cutting items. In this it is akin to rap, which previously existed in the status of African folk songs. Today, even some wealthy men take up handicrafts as a hobby.

History of patchwork

Creating new things from old waste fabric was popular as far back as 1000 BC. The first handicraft in this style that has come down to us is an Egyptian rug, sewn from different parts animal skins.

WITH patchwork bedspreads connected are fantastic stories that would seem like fables to the modern average person. Patchwork is an amazing way to bring the past of three thousand years ago to the present day.

In the West

England is considered the birthplace of the modern patchwork trend. Elegant plaids made from pieces of multi-colored fabrics have decorated English homes since the beginning of the eighteenth century.

The main reason for using scraps of fabric in needlework, rather than whole material, was the state ban on the import of chintz from colonial India in order to preserve its own manufactories.

The need for invention is cunning, the people came out of the situation and in crisis conditions used pieces of fabric that had previously been thrown away or burned.

In the East

The largest Buddhist temple complex, Qianfodong, with an area of ​​more than forty thousand square meters, hides many secrets and mysteries. An archaeologist from Great Britain named Stein discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century unusual carpet, created from multi-colored and uneven pieces.

The monks told the story of the relic. Pilgrims who came to worship their deities left sacrifices and their own clothes in the caves. The ministers decided to perpetuate a reminder of how many people revered traditional culture in the old days, and with their own hands they created a carpet from the clothes of pilgrims who came to worship the Tibetan shrine.

In Russia

Domostroy describes in detail methods for storing fabric scraps and their further use. Before the division of the Eastern Christian Church into old and new, there was a tradition of using patchwork armchairs depicting angelic ranks during services.

The most colorful were the rugs with the faces of higher powers: seraphim, cherubim, dominions. Handicrafts depicting principles, archangels, and angels were sewn laconic and simplified.

Patchwork came to the masses in Russia only later. Since the mid-nineteenth century, chintz began to be used for sewing clothes instead of good-quality homespun fabric. There were a lot of scraps left, and housewives enjoyed sewing household items and interior decorations.

Depending on the territorial distribution, the peculiarities of the creation technique, or due to the differences in the materials from which things are made, a direction such as patchwork is divided into several types. Here are the main ones.

Classic (traditional)

This use of pieces of fabric is characterized by stitching together parts of similar shapes and sizes. The product should not be variegated; repeating only two colors is allowed.

Examples of patterns for English conservative patchwork:

  • arrangement of squares in a checkerboard pattern;
  • symmetrical triangles.


The themes depicted on the product, created using this technique, are quite diverse:

  • scenery;
  • vegetation;
  • ornament;
  • random fastening of material.

The author can choose the shape and number of colors and patterns on the fabric independently, focusing on his own aesthetic perception.


You can make a blanket not only from fabric scraps, but also by using thread parts. With the help of knitting, parts are created from yarn of any color and structure, crocheted or knitted. Square, polygonal, round or diamond-shaped pieces are stitched and tied together in a certain sequence.

Knitting is often used to create household items - a blanket, a pillow, wall decoration, a cape. The hook is used to decorate Nice dress, boots or napkins for the nightstand.

To obtain a product of a certain size, it is necessary to calculate the width and number of parts in advance.


The shapes of the flaps vary quite a bit when using this style of sewing:

  • squares;
  • triangles;
  • arched pieces;
  • wavy details.

You can decorate or connect patches when creating this model using the following elements:

  • ribbons;
  • beads;
  • rhinestones;
  • lightning;
  • brooches


This style leads in terms of uniqueness and originality. National characteristics put their imprints on this type of patchwork. Fabric colors are not limited to a certain quantity, but must correspond to the selected shade range. The depicted landscapes and plants are created using pieces of different shapes.

Due to cultural characteristics and a catastrophic lack of space, Japanese residents eat and sleep in the same room. In order not to take up space with sofas, they lay mattresses on the floor.

For long-term use, futons were decorated with themed patches when holes formed. Thus, the ordinary turned over time into a work of art.

Differences between Japanese patchwork:

  • several fabrics are combined at once using a special stitch;
  • this technique is interspersed with standard techniques;
  • exclusively natural motifs are depicted on household items;
  • the needle is directed away from itself, forward. This technique is called sashiko.


This is a patchwork with a 3D function, or American patchwork. The features of quilting include the presence of a group of different stitches and the multi-layered, three-dimensional nature of the created model.

Historically, the craving for a large number levels is determined by the fact that when settlers explored the new continent in its northern part, there was a continuous need for the use of woolen quilts.

Experienced housewives patched blankets with their own old clothes. Later this became a tradition. Craftswomen living in the neighborhood or men who came home from work were invited to create quilts on long winter evenings.

The patchwork style of creating blankets and other household items has become extremely popular since the beginning of the twentieth century. The world does not stand still, and patchwork has changed over the years and developed into certain trends.

Several sewing techniques from pieces differ according to the shape of the selected parts.

A simple and classic way to create a product from scraps is to use a square template when cutting out the parts. This patchwork is great for beginners, as it is difficult to make mistakes when calculating. The parts can be made quite large.


The magic triangle is an element that is reflected in cultures different nations. This circumstance is associated with the frequent use of geometric figures in many types of art. Handicraft, as the creation of a fundamentally new element, refers to creative activity.

In patchwork, rectangular, isosceles, and equilateral types of triangles are most often used.


One of the features of this style is the splendor of the created structure. An imperial carpet with a five-centimeter pile is not much superior to a fabric woven using the Lyapochika technique.

The pretentious name hides the chic effect of working in this style. When viewing the corresponding photos, it becomes clear how the conventional technique differs from this one.

The difficulty lies in sequentially sewing short rectangular pieces together with twisting the ends to achieve the effect of additional volume and interlacing the bases in order to fix the part.


When using this technique, practicing geometric figure is a six-sided polygon in which all sides are equal. After the individual parts have been cut out and cut out according to the template, each of them needs to be stitched to the main one, like petals, and then sewn together and so on until the desired size is achieved.

The main thing is to remember that you need to leave a seam allowance and take this into account in your calculations.


Next, you should mix the fabrics in such a way that you can visually detect the overall whole picture, but in fact you would not have to compare the details according to the drawing. This way you can sew a wreath or a heart on canvas from large flowers.


It is created using pairs of fabrics of different colors, contrasting with each other. The simplest approach to using this technique is to first stitch together two identical wide strips.

After receiving a canvas consisting of a pair of colors, it is necessary to cut it into longitudinal parts and turn over every second part. The chess structure is ready!

You can get into trouble if you incorrectly calculate the width of the squares or do not leave seam allowance. You must purchase a transparent ruler and a calculator!

New patterns and how to create them yourself

With detailed study and testing of some techniques through personal experience, the need arises to move forward. You can come up with the shape of the part yourself.

To do this you need:

  • draw a picture on paper divided into small cells and divide it into triangles, squares, rhombuses, rectangles, trapezoids;
  • cut strictly along the lines;
  • Using the created templates, cut out the fabric parts with seam allowances and lay them out with the wrong side up;
  • sew the scraps.

As a result of such a creative approach, you can get not only an interesting unique interior detail, but also create a real work of art.

You will need:

  • several types of fabric;
  • lining material;
  • good scissors;
  • strong threads;
  • templates;
  • excellent mood and desire to create a masterpiece.

The main stages of work are as follows.

  1. It is better to cut the blanks from fairly dense but pliable cardboard, after adding a few millimeters for the allowance.
  2. Trace the patterns onto the fabric and cut out with sharp scissors.
  3. Position ready-made patterns on a wide tabletop.
  4. In accordance with the diagram, sew the parts on a machine, ironing them step by step.
  5. Place the resulting product on the lining material, possibly using an adhesive base.

Patchwork in the interior

If patchwork had no practical application, then this type of needlework would have been doomed to failure several centuries ago. Fortunately for modern craftswomen, using the patchwork technique you can repair and decorate almost all interior items in the house.


You can decorate using patchwork in several ways.

  1. Change the upholstery. The matter is costly and very complicated. Requiring professional help.
  2. Sew a cover. It’s also not easy, but it’s possible to accomplish what you’ve planned without involving outsiders.
  3. Decorate pillows in pillowcases. Even a beginner can solve such a problem.

Wall decor

Compositions depicting nature, flowers or in the impressionist style, along with familiar paintings made on canvas with standard paints, will dispel melancholy and warm the soul.

Fabric on the walls in the form of a framed canvas looks great in the living room, bedroom or children's room.

Floor decor

In Russia, due to the climate and centuries-old traditions, it is customary to lay carpets. Such customs exist in other states, but are not mandatory. In our country, houses without carpets are extremely rare.

An interesting rug made using the lyapochika technique will brighten up the most conservative interior and, without a doubt, warm your feet.

Other ideas

Cup coasters, decorative mittens – potholders and other useful little things created using patchwork are suitable for the kitchen area.

In the nursery, in addition to the canvas on the wall, soft pillows with animal images or matching blankets with cheerful colors, draped over an armchair, bed or sofa, will organically fit into the interior.


Patchwork is a symbol of the continuity of generations, through which the fruits of hand and creative work. Many monks engage in this work with the goal of knowing themselves and making the world a better place.

The main thing that needs to be observed when doing work from scraps is to follow the pattern and remember the result that will be obtained in the course of painstaking work.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I try all the time various means, ways, techniques that can make our lives easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

The patchwork technique has long been known in many countries. It consists of composing various compositions - mosaic patterns - from scraps of fabric cut out according to a template, both variegated and plain. In our country, such creativity is called patchwork (chintz) mosaic.

In compositions made using this technique, there are no visible seams on front side products, as opposed to appliqué (sewing patches onto a single background). Both directions can be present and perfectly combined with each other in the same product.

The history of patchwork is of interest to many. How and when did this unusual tradition“assembling” things from pieces of fabric? In what country did it originate? Let's go back in time for a moment.

The history of patchwork

England is considered to be the birthplace of this technology. But in fact, the history of the appearance of patchwork sewing is connected with much more ancient times. In the National Museum of Cairo there is an example of an ornament on display, the material for which was leather fragments of gazelle skin; scientists date it back to 980 BC. e. The Tokyo City Museum houses an ancient outfit of similar age with patchwork patterns. In 1920, the English archaeologist A. Stein discovered a Buddhist carpet dating back to approximately the 9th century, sewn by monks from many pieces of pilgrims’ clothing.

The history of the emergence of patchwork in European countries is no less interesting. There is an assumption that this craft came from the East along with knights returning from the Crusades, who brought with them carpets, banners, clothes and fabrics as trophies. Then, at the end of the 18th century, settlers from England, Holland and Germany brought the patchwork technique to America, where it was significantly improved and turned into a national form of creativity.

The Western name for this technique is patchwork. This practical and inexpensive type of arts and crafts originally existed in England, where, from the 16th century, excellent bright patterns and colors were brought from India. A characteristic sign of wealth in the house was an Indian blanket luxuriously decorated with printed patterns or embroidery.

England as the birthplace of patchwork

Since not everyone could afford genuine colonial goods, English factories quickly mastered the production of counterfeits - locally produced blankets made from imported fabrics. Since 1712, the government of England, in order to develop its own manufacturing industry, prohibited the import and sale of Indian chintz and products made from it. Since then, the history of patchwork in the country has received impetus for development.

Chintz became smuggled and expensive. Having sewed clothes from it, thrifty Englishwomen used the remaining fabric for other products - mainly appliqués for woolen and linen fabrics. The smallest scraps were collected into a mosaic, forming a single canvas.

History of patchwork in Russia

In our country, references to this technique have been found since the 19th century, with the appearance of expensive overseas chintz on sale. This art reached its peak at the end of the 19th century, which is associated with the beginning of the development of machine-made chintz in manufactories and the widespread distribution of inexpensive cotton fabrics with printed patterns. Thus, in our country, the entire history of patchwork is briefly reduced to the emergence of industrial production in the textile sector.

Calico shirts and sundresses have become firmly established in everyday life. Their decoration, as a rule, was a patchwork pattern. Thrifty housewives managed to collect many useful products from the smallest scraps of cotton left after cutting clothes - blankets, curtains, rugs, pillows, and much more.

Made in Russia

The history of patchwork in our country traditionally comes down to the technique of “rustic” patterns - a simple mosaic of triangles, squares, stripes and contrasting inserts bright color. The most interesting and noteworthy are the volumetric technologies characteristic of Russian sewing.

The essence of this technology is as follows. All scraps are cut out according to a pattern in the form of a square or circle and folded into triangles. They are grouped in rows and attached in a circle to the base, which is thick fabric. Another option is to cut the fabric into strips, from which long strands are twisted. Then a braided cord is woven. Several of these braids of different colors are laid out on the fabric in a circle and sewn together.

What about these days?

In the twentieth century (namely in the 70s), there was a new surge in fashion for clothing, jewelry and interiors in folk style, in the wake of which interest in this technique was revived. Museums became interested in this type of folk art and began collecting samples of products.

As a result, entire collections of folk masterpieces appeared (which is not surprising, since the history of patchwork goes back many decades). And they are stored in the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art in Moscow, the State Russian Museum of St. Petersburg, the Ivanovo Calico Museum and many city local history museums. The patchwork technique has attracted a huge number of modern professional artists.

Is it easy to sew from scraps?

This technique is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The artist is required not only to have sewing skills, but also a subtle sense of style, color and, of course, taste. A good result is possible only with high precision cutting and stitching of elements. A difference of just a few millimeters can lead to misalignment of the entire product. Requires mastery of both hand and machine quilting (the term "quilting" means stitching through a pad of wadding, a layer of batting, or any other material placed between two layers of decorative fabric). The stitch can have various patterns that further decorate the product.

What craftswomen don’t sew from multi-colored scraps! They create a wide variety of things - from blankets, tablecloths, pillows, curtains, potholders, rugs to panels and paintings, as well as bags, jackets and vests. Having a developed taste, the artist has complete freedom in choosing fabrics and creating her own, always unique design.

Mastering the intricacies of this original art requires patience and time. Beginner needlewomen can be advised to take up a simple product small size, for example, a potholder. When making any item using the patchwork technique, first of all, you need to master connecting a pair of rectangular triangles of the same size of different colors into a square, then composing strips from similar squares, followed by stitching a number of strips into a continuous fabric.

What is required from an artist

A necessary component of success is the presence of accuracy and artistic taste. So that the composition does not dazzle the eye, the pieces of fabric must be in harmony with each other in color. A successful geometric solution can give a composition a truly unique flavor. Difficulty arises when working with patches that, in addition to the main pattern, have many additional colors and shades. When composing a single canvas, the master has to check the achieved effect every minute. And the main thing in his work is not the theory of color combinations, but his own intuition.

The extraordinary variety of patchwork crafts amazes and attracts attention. In the kitchen decoration, tablecloths, elegant napkins, colorful potholders are striking; in the bedroom - blankets, all kinds of rugs and pillowcases. Getting into the living room, we pay attention to and the wardrobe stores accessories in the form of a wallet, bag and even clothes - they can be cozy or in a folk style.

Modern tendencies

Nowadays, patchwork attracts both professional artists and amateur craftsmen. Someone is passionate about sewing blankets, making it a national art, while others chose to make clothes, enriched with the decorative diversity of Russian folk costume.

In any of the cases, an interweaving can be traced modern technology sewing with folk traditions, and through this - penetration into the cultural heritage of the past. Patchwork works of the Russian style are characterized by a special brightness and “fun” of colors. There is always multicolor in the patterns; various motley motifs and fabrics of several textures are harmoniously combined in an incomprehensible way.

In a number of Russian cities, fans of this original, wonderful creativity have organized their own clubs. Patchwork lovers hold joint events, meetings, exhibitions and festivals, including the implementation of international projects.

The history of the development of patchwork sewing is by no means complete today. All over the world, this craft is being revived; many countries claim priority in this area of ​​applied creativity. Perhaps it is most correct to consider it international art - belonging to the whole world. Like other methods of artistic expression, it serves as an accessible and understandable language for interaction between representatives of different faiths and nations.

Starting out is never easy. You also need to learn patchwork sewing. Not everything works out right away: your hands don’t obey, your eye fails. This is what the experience of the masters is for. Having mastered video lessons, photo materials and a master class with their tips and secrets, you can safely bring to life any idea - from making a simple pot holder to a new sofa upholstery.

Patchwork is very popular today - a handicraft in which colored scraps of fabric are assembled into a whole product with a planned pattern based on the principle of a mosaic. The result of such a fascinating process can be a recognizable image of some objects, geometric patterns or fancy patterns. Ideas for patchwork can be taken from photo and video lessons, as well as master classes.

Initially, the patches were sewn together to save material, and the patchwork had very specific tasks. Now the patchwork technique is the desire to create beauty while enjoying this magical action. Quilted bedspreads, decorative panels, blankets and pillows, oven mitts, updated furniture, and clothes are pleasing to the eye.


  1. AccuracyAndaccuracy. The patchwork technique is not a complicated technology, but realizing the idea, as in MK, is not always easy. The guarantee of success in patchwork is accuracy and precision. Patterns for potholders or blankets must be precise and very neatly sewn. The fabric requires pre-treatment (decatation). It needs to be soaked or washed, dried and ironed, sorted by color.
  2. JobWithiron. The iron is an important tool in patchwork. During work, the seams must be ironed; when decatching fabrics, they must also be ironed. Ready potholders or bags are steamed from the front side and always in one direction. The seams also need to be pressed in one direction. Then they will not crumble and will be durable. Seam allowances are smoothed from the inside out so that no marks remain on the front side. In complex blocks where seams meet in different directions, the allowances of each next row are ironed in a different direction. On the front side, iron at the intersection points of the seams. If the strips are too long, they should be placed on the ironing board not horizontally, but vertically - they will not wrinkle or stretch. Fabric that is too thick is moistened and steamed. The fabric is ironed lengthwise at a temperature appropriate to the type of fabric.
  3. Secretssewing. Carelessly sewn fragments of a future potholder or napkin, uneven seams, even a slight discrepancy in sizes will destroy patchwork sewing for beginners. Therefore, the flaps must be sewn in very precisely. Beginning craftswomen will be helped by templates in the form of a frame, which are made on graph paper with a seam line printed on the fabric. Before starting a huge project, it is recommended to sew a sample block. It will help check the cutting accuracy and adjust the work sewing machine. It is easy to see all the errors on the sample - this will save both time and effort.

In general, the patchwork technique should be taken seriously, considering everything color combinations even for potholders - after all, they, like sloppy work, can ruin the thing and discourage you from mastering such an exciting handicraft.

Master class: block of squares (video)

Where to start patchwork sewing

To begin with, they collect all the scraps of fabric, sort them by texture and color, and begin to create a pattern. You can do the opposite: come up with a pattern or find it on MK, photos and videos, and then cut blanks from purchased fabrics.

The second step is to create a sketch of an oven mitt, pillow or napkin. It is better for beginning needlewomen to use ready-made patterns from magazines or MKs from the Internet.

The process of joining shreds into a whole canvas:

  • Sewing the parts of a potholder or blanket;
  • Connecting blocks into one whole;
  • Sewing the lining

In addition to sewing, there is also knitted patchwork, where the flaps are connected to each other using crochet and contrasting thread.

In addition to threads, fabric and machines, the patchwork technique uses:

  • Roller cutter or scissors;
  • Pins, needles;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Pencil or chalk;
  • Cardboard or soft plastic;
  • Crochet hook.

In handicraft stores you can find patchwork kits - with pattern diagrams, MK.

Patchwork: patterns, templates

You can create diagrams and templates yourself or take ready-made patterns from the Internet, books or magazines. Templates are cut along the contour of the part, taking into account seam allowances. The material for production can be cardboard, thick paper, plastic. For accuracy, you can stick graph paper on the cardboard, and then cut out the shape of the intended size. When making curved blanks, longitudinal cuts-notches must be made on the outer contour of the template - it is convenient to mark seams along them when connecting the flaps.

Photo and video tutorials on patchwork sewing offer diagrams, templates and MK

Cutting rules

The most convenient templates are frames. The inner part must correspond to the finished size of the fragment, the outer part takes into account seam allowances. The width of such a frame is the size of the allowances. When making a pattern, the frame must be circled twice and cut only along the outer contour. The inner outline will show the seam line. The pattern is transferred to the fabric with chalk or soap; any pen leaves marks on the front side. Cutting is done only along the grain thread, so that subsequently the sewn parts do not stretch or warp. Cut out the flaps with regular scissors or a special cutter. A roller cutter makes the process much easier, cutting long strips that are easy to cut into smaller pieces. You can't do without a cutter when the templates are curved.

Pattern selection

INtechnologypatchworkexists 3 kindproducts:

  • Canvas, stitchedfromscraps, where the parts assemble the seam into a seam. The shape of the patches can be regular, geometric (traditional sewing) or arbitrary (crazy patchwork). Watch video lessons.
  • Quiltedproducts(quilting) are sewn from a whole cloth, the pattern on which is created using stitches.
  • Application– pieces of other fabrics are beautifully placed on the base, sewn and quilted.

Patchwork technique for beginners

The pattern can be created based on one repeating figure, for which each part is cut out paper templates and baste the flap to it. The seam allowance is folded over the edge and basted again. This is a traditional English technique.

The block technique is more modern: pieces of triangular or square-shaped fabric are sewn into blocks, creating a geometric pattern. A simple block can be made from a small number of large parts. This kind of work takes less effort and time. It is often used by video lessons and MK.

The strip patchwork technique is also known. It differs from the previous version in that the fragments are collected into strips, then they are combined into a canvas. The block technique is convenient because the flaps are sewn together directly on a machine.

In crazy patchwork, the flaps are sewn on according to the applique type: individual flaps of arbitrary shape are beautifully placed on the canvas and sewn. Potholders, blankets, covers come out in two layers.

Patchwork: video lessons for beginners

Patchwork: master class for beginners

Objects create special comfort in the interior self made, in particular, beautiful and comfortable pillows. Let's try to sew a decorative pillowcase with a voluminous "Rose" application using MK. You can take any scraps for work, the main thing is that they match well in color. Don't forget to prepare the fabric - wash it, iron it.

Master class “Pillow with applique”

Step by stepinstructions.

  1. It’s convenient to start by preparing squares. Their number and size determine the size of the pillow.
  2. Then you need to cut a circle out of the fabric. In the middle, put a piece of fabric and some filler for volume (cotton wool, padding polyester). Secure in a circle using a machine stitch. The middle is ready.
  3. Fold the squares from the flaps diagonally, as in the photo, sew around the middle piece in a circle - 3-5 pieces.
  4. For the next round you need to prepare large squares of the corresponding color. Continue until the end of the intended flower size.
  5. The sewn petals must be trimmed in a circle.
  6. The finished roses are beautifully distributed on a pillowcase and secured to the product with a zig-zag seam and a wide, dense stitch. The rosette has the appearance of a three-dimensional appliqué.
  7. If desired, the bouquet can be supplemented with leaves cut from scraps of a suitable color. Look at the photo for a step-by-step master class. The blanket in MK is made using the “crazy patchwork” technique (you can watch video tutorials), and it consists of 30x30 cm squares. For a single blanket you need 24 pieces, for a double blanket – 36. Let’s say the pattern will be made up of 4 types of fabric.

Master class “Patchwork for beginners – blanket”

Tools and materials:

  • 1 m of fabric of each color (width 220 cm) - 6 or 9 squares 45x45 cm;
  • For the lining - 170 cm or 220 cm (the margin at the bottom goes away after the blanket is quilted);
  • Sintepon of similar sizes;

Step-by-step instructions for MK:

  1. Cut into squares and stack, alternating colors.
  2. Cut this layer cake diagonally or randomly. It is convenient to cut with a roller knife.
  3. Take the part from above and move it down under a stack of similar elements. In a cut stack there will be 1 piece of the 1st color on top and 1 piece of the 2nd color.
  4. Machine sew all the squares along the cut line.
  5. On an ironing board, carefully press the seams to one side or press them flat.
  6. Fold the blanks into a neat stack in the same order - squares of the 1st and 2nd tones on top.
  7. Using a ruler and a knife, cut the entire stack again along any line (you can cross the first seam).
  8. Move one of the top fragments down under the stack. Sew and press, remembering to fold in order - now it’s better to match the seams.
  9. The operation is repeated until the last detail. The optimal number of seams is 6-10 horizontally and vertically.
  10. After ironing the seams, you need to trim the squares to get a figure with a side of 32 cm.
  11. You can assemble the blanket in different ways: first assemble the front part, then quilt it with padding polyester and lining. It's difficult on a typewriter. Or quilt each square separately, cutting padding and lining.
  12. Gather the quilted squares together, trim and cover the seams with narrow tape or strips of fabric. It is convenient to assemble according to the scheme: ribbons of 4-6 squares, then sew the strips.
  13. Along the edge of the blanket, you also need to trim it with an edging made of plain fabric or pieces of rags, as in the MK photo.

Congratulations on your new look!

Quilt technique (video)

Having learned basic concepts about this type of needlework such as patchwork and mastered the simplest skills of putting fabric “puzzles” together into a single whole, you can create creative household items or interior decor from different scraps.

Patchwork: beautiful and easy for beginners (photo)