What is better: stimulation or cesarean section? Statistics and doctors' opinions about what is better - cesarean or natural childbirth. Why is a caesarean section worse than a natural birth for a child?

Stimulation labor activity is a method of artificially inducing labor, used in different dates pregnancy. The reason for inducing labor may be a post-term pregnancy, as well as the need to strengthen labor directly during childbirth if it is weak. These measures can be used if there are complications during childbirth, When the duration of a baby's birth is unjustifiably increased due to lengthening .

So, what is artificial induction of labor? In what cases is it required? Why does labor delay occur at all? Is it possible to induce labor on your own, or should stimulation of labor take place exclusively in a hospital? Is drug induction of labor safe for the woman in labor and the child or is it better to prefer.


· When are measures to induce labor necessary?

Not every “delayed labor” requires stimulation, so doctors are obliged to carefully analyze the situation in order to find out the reasons for what is happening and act in accordance with them.

Medical indications for using medicinal methods stimulation of labor are as follows:

1. truly post-term pregnancy, especially when pathological changes in the placenta or signs of abnormalities in the fetus are detected;

2. the breaking of water in a pregnant woman ahead of time, due to the high risk of infection spreading to the fetus through an open cervix;

3. premature placental abruption, which poses a direct threat to the life of the child;

4. in some cases - late toxicosis;

5. certain diseases of a pregnant woman, for example, severe diabetes, etc.

If the time to give birth has come, but the baby is in no hurry to be born and labor still does not begin, the pregnant woman may be tempted to use. A prerequisite for this is the absence of pathologies and the consent of the doctor! Of course, this can only be a natural stimulation of labor approved by a doctor, and not a medicinal one - labor-stimulating drugs can only be used in a hospital setting, and only under medical supervision.

· Stimulation of labor during post-term pregnancy

Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, after which the baby is due to be born. However, the onset of 40 weeks does not always precede childbirth; women often “post-term” due dates. According to statistics, 10% of pregnant women reach the 42nd week. Despite the obvious delay in the process, this is not necessarily a post-term pregnancy - in 70% of cases, we are talking about a banal error in ascertaining the timing, that is, the estimated date of birth was calculated incorrectly. It is possible that in reality everything goes according to the schedule set by nature.

At the same time, you should not blindly hope that an error has crept into the calculations. A truly post-term pregnancy poses a serious danger for both mother and baby. In order not to miss a real post-maturity, constant medical supervision is required. For this they use Ultrasound of a child with Doppler sonography, constantly monitor his pulse. In addition, it is recommended to carry out amnioscopy- examination of the fetal bladder with a special medical device, an amnioscope, which is inserted into the cervical canal of a pregnant woman. This method allows you to determine whether there is amniotic fluid ah meconium (the baby's original feces), evaluate the insufficient amount of amniotic fluid, insufficiency or absence of fetal cheese-like lubricant, detect detachment from the uterine walls of the lower membranes of the amniotic sac.

These examination methods allow us to take correct solution about the possibility of further development of pregnancy, to have a natural birth or to use measures to stimulate labor, including birth-stimulating drugs. Sometimes a delay in childbirth is simply a psychological attitude of a pregnant woman: for example, a mother is determined to give birth to a baby when her husband goes on vacation, or to please her husband with an heiress on his birthday. In such cases, as a rule, a serious conversation with the mother is enough - a kind of natural stimulation of labor - and then everything will go “like clockwork”.

There are a number of medical indicators by which it is judged that this is indeed a post-term pregnancy:

1. lack of “frontal waters” that should envelop the baby’s head;

2. a sharp decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid;

3. turbidity of the amniotic fluid, contamination with feces of the child’s meconium;

4. V amniotic fluid there are no flakes of fetal cheese-like lubricant;

5. the child’s cranial bones are too hard;

6. immature cervix;

7. signs of aging of the placenta are observed.

If these symptoms are confirmed, the obstetrician will suggest artificial drug induction of labor or a cesarean section.

Post-term pregnancy itself provokes complications during childbirth, there is a threat of bleeding, weakness of labor, acute fetal hypoxia, which, among other things, have serious consequences. Monitoring the baby’s condition is mandatory, given the danger of placenta aging. The result of this process is a significant deterioration in placental blood flow, and nutrients reach the baby in smaller quantities. In addition, the production of amniotic fluid decreases over time. All this is extremely undesirable for the health and development of the baby. If an ultrasound scan shows thinning and deformation of the placenta, the pregnant woman is required to be prescribed hormonal therapy, which helps to hasten the onset of labor and induce labor.

One of the symptoms that there is a real delay in labor is a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid; as a result, the pregnant woman stops gaining weight, or even loses weight. Additionally, a post-term pregnancy is confirmed by decreased or, on the contrary, increased activity of the fetus, due to a lack of oxygen as a result of improper blood circulation in the uterus.

If a post-term pregnancy is confirmed by appropriate examinations, the doctor prescribes artificial induction of labor. Post-term babies look somewhat sick after birth: they are thin, but at the same time hyperactive, the skin of post-term babies is wrinkled, flaky and dry, and does not have a layer of fruit lubricant. The eyes of children who have stayed too long are open, their nails and hairs are long. The umbilical cord has a yellowish or even greenish tint, indicating the onset of purulent processes.

· Signs of the need to induce or intensify labor

The doctor, observing how labor proceeds, pays close attention to the following signs indicating the need for third-party intervention in the process in order to induce or enhance labor:

1. Determining the presence or absence of contractions, their frequency, strength and duration. These signs can be reliably assessed by palpation of the uterus (abdomen), the results of the readings of a tocodynamometer - a device that allows you to accurately record the frequency and duration of contractions, and a special intrauterine catheter that determines intrauterine pressure against the background of contractions (extremely rarely used in practice).

2. The presence and speed of cervical dilatation. This criterion most accurately determines the normal course of the birth process. In general, cervical dilation is measured in centimeters. The minimum disclosure is “zero”, that is 0 cmwith the neck closed, maximum - 10 cm, that is, the uterus is fully dilated. However, even this indicator is not considered absolutely reliable, since the measurement is made, so to speak, “by eye.” In this regard, the resulting dilatation values ​​may vary even among the same obstetrician, not to mention the examination of a woman by different doctors. The fact is that the generally accepted guideline in determining the degree of dilation is the width of the obstetrician’s fingers: 1 finger corresponds approximately 2 cm, 4 fingers are 8 cmand so on. Normal speed of dilatation corresponding to the active phase of labor - 1- 1.5 cmat one o'clock. If the process progresses more slowly, they may begin to use some methods of stimulating labor. But the actions of doctors aimed at enhancing labor are based not only on the degree of dilation of the cervix, but also on the condition of the woman in labor.

3. Advancement of the baby's presenting part (heads at ). The advancement or descent of the fetus is determined by palpation of the mother's abdomen and/or using a vaginal examination.

If the woman in labor has a normal pelvic size, the intrauterinecorrect (head down position), there are no factors that prevent the birth of the baby through the natural birth canal, then the reason for the delay in labor may be:

1. the mother's fear of pain;

2. sedatives;

3. painkillers;

4. position of a woman during childbirth on her back;

5. certain diseases of pregnant women;

6. embarrassment of the mother in labor.

· Stimulation of labor or C-section?

It should be noted that drug stimulation of labor is used more and more often from year to year. If you think it is unacceptable to use medicinal labor-stimulating drugs, discuss this with your doctor so that this medicinal induction of labor is used only if absolutely necessary. You should also discuss this with your doctor because each maternity hospital has its own “favorite” methods of inducing labor - find out this in advance.

So, what methods of inducing labor are there? Formally, artificial stimulation of labor is divided into two main groups:

1. methods and drugs that stimulate cervical dilatation;

2. methods and drugs that affect the contractility of the pregnant uterus.

In addition, sedatives are sometimes used to stimulate labor. Often, a feeling of fear of pain during childbirth can slow down labor. Muting negative emotions, can restore the natural course of labor and enhance labor activity to normal.

The need for a cesarean section is determined by the fact that post-term babies have a rather large head, and the babies themselves are too large to be born naturally. Such babies, while in the womb, do not receive sufficient nutrition and oxygen. In addition, there is a high risk of the baby drawing the original feces into the respiratory and digestive tract, which is unsafe for his health.

Artificial induction of labor or caesarean section will be used in any case when:

1. The woman in labor has hypertension or diabetes mellitus;

2. Amniotic fluid has green tint, as a result of the presence of original feces in it;

3. Fetal growth has slowed down significantly.

· Artificial stimulation of labor, affecting the contractile activity of the uterus

The following are especially popular among obstetricians in this group of means of artificial stimulation of labor:

1. amniotomy - surgical opening of the amniotic sac ;

2. taking synthetic analogues of natural hormones (most often oxytocin or prostaglandins) .

Both products have a number of strict indications, risks of use and consequences. Therefore, the decision in each case is made individually, depending on the situation.

- Read more about this method of obstetrics, such as amniotomy, in the article:

- Read more about hormonal stimulation of labor and the use of the drug oxytocin in the article:

· Stimulation of labor by acting on the cervix

The reason for the delay in labor or its slow progress is often the so-called resistance, immaturity of the uterus, or, more simply, the unpreparedness of the cervix for dilatation. The most common method to help the uterus “mature” and thus induce labor is to use it in the form of tablets, intravenous solutions, gels, topical suppositories and other forms of the drug.

· Herbal preparations to stimulate labor

In fact, there are many means and drugs that can enhance labor, but most of them are used extremely rarely during childbirth. As a rule, their use is considered justified in the fight against postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine hypotension - insufficient contraction of the uterus. These remedies include herbal preparations:

1. ergot,

2. common barberry,

3. shepherd's purse grass,

4. nettle,

5. drug spherophysin, etc.

In recent years, many birth-stimulating drugs have lost their ground: a striking example is the artificially synthesized hormones estrogens, the effectiveness of which, as it turned out, is significantly lower than that of. There are also unexplored unconventional methods stimulation of labor, for example, acupuncture.

Unfortunately, today there is no method that would suit both doctors and patients equally. Therefore, the final choice of method of inducing labor remains with the obstetrician, who will make a decision taking into account the current situation, the conditions of the pregnancy, individual characteristics women.

· Ways to naturally induce labor

A woman can also help herself, bring the baby closer to birth naturally and induce or intensify labor if necessary. Moderate physical activity during pregnancy, physical exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles, perineal muscles, the ability to relax, yoga, breathing exercises - all this is a natural stimulation of labor.

Significant assistance in childbirth is provided by knowledge about correct behavior during childbirth, about the, which will reduce the fear that prevents the mother in labor from adequately influencing the process of the birth of the baby. The knowledge and skills acquired in the training courses are a very effective natural stimulation of labor.

If possible, take advantage, quite often they are no less effective than medical ones, and also do not have side effects, as drug stimulation of labor.

And most importantly, remain calm and confident in your own abilities - this is already a 90% guarantee that the meeting with your baby will go quickly and smoothly! Have an easy birth!

Yana Lagidna, especially for MyMom

A natural birth is a birth that took place with minimal medical intervention in a calm, almost homely environment in a short period of time. The first birth should not exceed more than 12 hours, for those who give birth for the second time, more than 10 hours.

9 months Postpartum anesthesia
pregnant woman at the doctor's
the discomfort drags heavily

This does not necessarily mean that the faster labor lasts, the better. No, the fast and rapid labor process contains many dangers, no less than a long one. Natural childbirth- this is the middle when, during contractions, the natural opening of the cervix occurs, and during the period of pushing, a healthy baby is born, without any congenital pathologies. And this is exactly the moment when natural childbirth takes place.

This process means that the pregnancy proceeded without any complications. That is, this is the final point normal course pregnancy. Also, if they talk about a birth that took place in the usual way, they take into account the postpartum period.

After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is not cut immediately, but allows blood to flow from the placenta into the newborn’s body.

During such births, the newborn is applied early to the mother's chest and placed on the stomach immediately after the baby is born. This is done so that the mother's bacteria colonize on the baby's skin and thus establish natural contact. After the natural birth takes place, the baby remains in the ward with the mother, and she immediately begins to feed him on her own.

Benefits of a normal birth

Such births, which took place through the natural birth canal, are the most physiological for mother and baby. Because they come exactly at the moment when each of them is ready. A caesarean section leaves a permanent scar on the uterus.

This is a natural process for which the mother’s body prepares for all 9 months

Most women who have had a cesarean section give birth again in the same way, since they do not have the opportunity to give birth on their own. They may experience adhesive diseases. “Adhesions” are connective tissue and can grow and expand. It blocks the path of intestinal loops, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. Because of this, there may subsequently arise painful sensations, constipation or infertility. Thus, natural childbirth after cesarean section is an uncommon occurrence.

After simple birth female body recovers faster because he experiences less stress. The postpartum period is much easier, the woman practically does not need drug intervention, and accordingly, she is discharged earlier.

This also relieves labor pain, and after a caesarean section the woman still has pain at the site of the surgical suture; she cannot do it without painkillers, which means additional stress for the body. With a natural process, painkillers will not be needed.

Advantages and disadvantages

After a natural birth, mother and baby find themselves together and may not be separated even for the night

Many people wonder what is better, natural childbirth or caesarean section. The answer is obvious, because if there are no medical indications, then any surgical intervention on the human body is abnormal. This can cause various complications or unpleasant consequences.

The main advantages of an ordinary birth.

  1. The birth of a child is a process that was provided for by nature itself; a woman’s body is adapted to this. He was ready for the birth of new life, the baby felt comfortable there. That is, the birth of a child is the norm for the body.
  2. The baby is gradually adapting to life. He is undergoing normal adaptation to new conditions. If natural stimulation of labor occurs, the body of the unborn child is “hardened”. It is better for a newborn if he is immediately applied to the mother’s breast, this helps to establish a connection between them and the formation of rapid lactation.
  3. A woman recovers faster after childbirth, and it is less traumatic. The mother can immediately take care of the baby independently after they are discharged from the maternity hospital. There is a theory that children born by cesarean section adapt much worse, often lag behind in development, they have poor resistance to stress and infantilism.

Obvious shortcomings.

  1. Severe pain during contractions and pushing.
  2. Painful sensations in the perineal area for some time, there is a risk of damage, and this requires stitches.

Of course, here it becomes obvious what is better - cesarean or natural birth. Both methods differ in the methods of influencing the female body, the process itself and the consequences.

Indications for surgery

Sometimes a situation arises that the birth of a baby is impossible without surgical intervention. Without it, the birth process can be dangerous for mother and child. There are main contraindications to natural birth.

The role of anesthesia is played by hormones that are produced by the body during childbirth.

This happens when a woman has a narrow pelvis; the child will not be able to pass through the birth canal on his own. Or it is a tumor or deformity of the woman’s lower body.

Indications for cesarean section are:

  • the possibility of uterine rupture due to the fact that it is thinned or there is a failure of the scar;
  • Not correct position placenta (it is attached above the cervix and blocks the baby’s path);
  • pathology (tumor, uterine or vaginal fibroids).

When natural birth after cesarean section is not possible:

  • symphysitis;
  • severe form of gestosis;
  • chronic diseases of the mother;
  • ruptures from previous births;
  • conjoined twins;
  • transverse position of the baby;
  • long-term infertility.

Such a birth is also impossible if:

  • early discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • various anomalies;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • placental abruption;
  • incorrect position of the baby's head.

In such circumstances, the wishes of the pregnant woman are not taken into account; in other cases, an alternative is possible.

If there are options, then a woman can take full responsibility for the outcome of events - this is possible in the following cases:

  • breech presentation;
  • natural birth of twins after cesarean (but this can be dangerous);
  • mother's age over 36 years;
  • the size of the fetus does not correspond to the norms;
  • with IVF;
  • any pathologies of pregnancy.

Preparatory process for birth

What to doWhy is this necessary?
You need to collect all the necessary things.When contractions begin, do not pack your things, but take your bag and go to the clinic.
Prepare mentally, don’t be nervous, don’t be afraid, think only about the positive aspects.This is necessary in order to worry less and thereby not harm the baby. The more a pregnant woman knows, the less painful the process awaits her.
More important point in preparation for childbirth, which will take place naturally, is to choose the right position.Sometimes the correct position does not require the administration of an anesthetic.
It is advisable to take courses for expectant mothers (gymnastics, proper breathing).This will help reduce pain and the muscles will be more prepared, which means the birth will be easier.
Follow the recommendations of a specialist.To give birth to a healthy baby on your own.

Childbirth after caesarean section

It leaves a scar

Many people are concerned about the question of whether normal childbirth is possible after a cesarean section. Previously this was impossible. But now this is irrelevant, and with modern standards of caesarean section, you can subsequently give birth on your own.

It is necessary to choose the right maternity hospital with the necessary equipment and qualified personnel who can monitor the child’s condition throughout the entire birth process. There are risks of uterine rupture in the scar area, but this will happen if the suture is applied incorrectly. If there is no pathology, then natural childbirth, which will take place after a cesarean section, will be successful.

You need to prepare:

  • after 34 weeks it is necessary to do an ultrasound, they will examine the uterine scar, fetal presentation, etc.;
  • the doctor will conduct an independent examination (using his fingers) of the formed scar;
  • after 37 weeks, the specialist will determine whether it is possible to give birth naturally or not;
  • It is necessary to go to the hospital in advance (after 38 weeks of pregnancy).

Childbirth will also take place - contractions, pushing, the birth of the baby. It will not be possible to start pushing ahead of time, so as not to rupture the scar. Before the actual process of natural childbirth, which will occur after a cesarean section, the doctor will have to examine the uterine cavity.

Caesarean section, as well as natural childbirth, have their pros and cons. A woman cannot choose how to give birth; only the doctor has the right to determine the indications for surgical delivery. A cesarean section can have a positive effect on the quality of life of the unborn child if the operation was performed according to indications.

According to statistics, interest in surgery is currently gradually decreasing; more and more women in labor are trying to give birth on their own. The risks of natural childbirth do not exceed possible consequences and complications of the operation, however, the benefits for mother and child are truly enormous if a woman can give birth herself for medical reasons.

It is impossible to say unequivocally what is safer or more painful, or better, since it is necessary to evaluate the clinical situation as a whole. Large fruit, age after 40 years is not always an indication for surgery.

Many women in labor wonder what is better - natural childbirth or caesarean section, but there can be no clear answer. In the absence of indications for cesarean surgery, obstetricians and gynecologists often do not recommend that a woman in labor resort to surgical delivery.

When choosing an option for the development of events during childbirth, the expectant mother should know about all the advantages and disadvantages of cesarean and natural childbirth.

Type of operation

Advantages of holding



  • Short duration of the operation
  • No pain
  • No changes in the genital tract due to the passage of the child
  • Planned nature
  • No perineal incisions
  • The child is not injured during childbirth
  • The child does not experience oxygen starvation
  • Possibility of complications both in the early period and in the late period
  • Late breastfeeding
  • High risk of postpartum depression
  • Scar on stomach
  • Difficulty in subsequent spontaneous childbirth
  • Neurological problems in a child
  • Lack of natural hormonal changes during childbirth
  • The baby does not experience passage through the mother's birth canal
  • Long recovery period
  • The number of children in the future is limited

Natural childbirth

  • Normal changes in maternal hormonal levels
  • Breastfeeding from the first minutes of birth
  • Contact with the baby from the first minutes of birth
  • Pronounced maternal instinct
  • No stitches on the uterus and abdomen
  • The ability to have as many children as you want
  • Fast recovery
  • Low risk of postpartum depression
  • Complications of childbirth, which may lead to the need for a cesarean section, injury to the mother and fetus, and in some cases death
  • Perineal lacerations
  • Damage to the genital tract
  • Hypoxia of the child during passage through the birth canal

Caesarean section has many disadvantages, but if indicated, this option can save the life of the mother and child. During natural childbirth, a transition to operative labor is possible. Most obstetricians are of the opinion that cesarean section is safer for mother and child, even without indications.

But natural childbirth has its own nuances. They, being more physiological, help strengthen the bond between mother and child from birth.

Since the mother does not have a baby passing through the cervix and vagina, the risk of damage to these structures is minimal. During normal childbirth, there are often ruptures, and the tracts are also stretched and deformed to a certain extent, which can affect the quality of sexual life in the future.

When removed from the uterine cavity, the child is not subjected to compression by the bony pelvic ring, so there is no possibility of injury. Also, the dangerous complication of entanglement of the umbilical cord during cesarean section is impossible, which in general makes this operation quite safe for the child.

Watch this video about the pros and cons of a cesarean section:

Why is cesarean delivery worse than natural childbirth?

Many doctors agree that cesarean is much worse than natural childbirth, because:

  • During an operation, it is undesirable to have more than three operative births, and after the first one they will mostly all be so.
  • The intervention itself leads to great stress for the body, blood loss, and the toxic effects of anesthesia, from which the woman in labor may not recover if we are talking about general anesthesia. Therefore, conventional childbirth is much safer than surgical birth.
  • Children must pass through the birth canal for normal cranial bone formation and function. nervous system. also contributes to more harmonious development child in the future. A caesarean section does not provide this opportunity, so some believe that such babies are more susceptible to stress and less adaptive in the future.

Pros and cons of natural

During natural childbirth, a woman runs the risk of injuring the external genitalia. They are easily damaged by large parts of the fetus; in almost 90% of cases, a perineal incision is made - an episiotomy. It allows the baby's head and pelvis to pass through, but then needs to be sutured. Stretching of the genital tract contributes not only to a decrease in the quality of intimate life, but also to prolapse of the pelvic organs and prolapse of the vagina and rectum.

During natural childbirth, a woman experiences severe pain, often unbearable. Moreover, in this situation, frequent pain relief is undesirable.

But a normal birth is easier and safer for mother and baby than a cesarean section, which is the biggest advantage of this delivery option. The main disadvantage is the duration and pain of childbirth, as well as cosmetic defects in the perineal area.

During natural childbirth, a woman experiences a physiological change in state, which affects recovery after childbirth and contact with the child. She is also immediately allowed to feed the baby, lactation is stimulated from the first contact.

During a normal birth, there is no cosmetic defect and no incision on the uterus. This not only improves appearance, but also reduces the risk of displacement internal organs, development of adhesive disease, inflammation and infections. The woman may subsequently also give birth naturally and do not limit yourself to the number of children for this reason.


According to statistics, 50% of women who do not have indications for a cesarean operation want to have it done. At the stage of communication with doctors, only 15% continue to want the surgical procedure. At older ages, this percentage is lower. According to indications, cesarean section is performed in 74%.

Over the past decade, the frequency of surgery of a woman's choice has been decreasing, while the proportion of indications, on the contrary, has been growing. In Europe, interest in this operation is not so clear: in the countries of its northern part, elective caesarean section is performed in less than 10% of cases, and in the southern regions it increases to 25. The leaders in this operation are considered to be the neighboring countries.

What is the difference between caesarean and natural childbirth?

The cesarean operation differs from natural childbirth primarily in the mechanism of delivery: an incision and layer-by-layer dissection of the tissues of the anterior abdominal wall are made and then on the uterus, often in its lower segment. The baby is removed from the uterine cavity manually.

Then the placenta and placenta are separated from the surface of the organ and the blood vessels are coagulated. After this, the uterus and all layers are also sutured layer by layer, and a suture is placed on the skin. The woman is under anesthesia (general or spinal). In this case, the date of birth is selected in advance.

During natural childbirth, the baby moves through the genital tract independently under the influence of uterine contractions. Contractions begin spontaneously and are less often stimulated.

The woman also does not experience a hormonal surge, as during a cesarean section, but is exposed to the stress of surgery and anesthesia. After the operation, the child is born “in the shirt,” that is, in the membranes, and the first cry may be delayed. It also does not undergo the physiological stress of the birth canal.

What hurts more?

Of course, natural childbirth is more painful, but today many ways are used to reduce discomfort. The pain is caused by contractions of the uterus stretched by the fetus, which causes violent stimulation of pain receptors. In the future, if there were wounds on the perineum, they can also bring discomfort for a long time - about six months in case of serious ruptures.

But after a caesarean section, from the moment the effect of painkillers and anesthesia wears off, pain begins in the suture area, especially with exertion. They can greatly interfere with the life of a woman in labor in the postoperative period and require painkillers.

Suture after caesarean section

Which is safer?

It is believed that it is safer to give birth yourself if there are no indications for surgery. The very fact of surgical intervention carries many risks:

  • infection;
  • inflammation;
  • bleeding;

Natural childbirth is much safer for mother and child when they are normal course. If normal childbirth is complicated, then it goes into surgical resolution, which in such a situation will be a safer way.

Which is better – induction of labor or cesarean section?

Sometimes women resort to induction of labor for the planned birth of a child, but when asked what is better - induction of labor or cesarean section, most specialists will answer - stimulation. But provided that the period for the birth of the child is sufficient, and there are no contraindications for natural childbirth.

Surgery poses a higher risk than using drugs that increase uterine tone. However, the question of which is better and safer is controversial. Everything must be carried out according to indications and with minimal risks for the child and mother.

Natural birth or cesarean: what will the doctor prefer given other factors?

To choose a natural birth or cesarean delivery, you need to take into account the presence of indications and contraindications for one or the other method. Indications for cesarean section include:

Relative indications are:

  • abnormalities of labor that cannot be corrected with medication;
  • incorrect fetal position;
  • incorrect insertion and presentation of the head;
  • malformations of the uterus and vagina;
  • older primiparas (over 30 years);
  • chronic fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • post-term pregnancy;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • long history of infertility.

If there are two indications from this list, the doctor will choose a cesarean section as the more safe way delivery.

For thrombophilia

Thrombophilia is a hereditary or acquired disease associated with increased blood clotting due to altered properties of blood cells. The hereditary form occurs with thrombotic complications and often leads to the development of severe gestosis and preeclampsia during pregnancy, which is the reason for cesarean section. However, giving birth to a child on your own is possible, although 70% of such cases involve surgical delivery.

Large fruit

A large fetus is neither an absolute nor a relative indication for cesarean section. A child weighing more than 4.5 kilograms is considered large. In this case, the woman’s data are taken into account: if the pelvis is clinically narrow or does not correspond to the size of the fetus, then a cesarean section will be chosen. And if a woman has normal indicators of the anatomical structure of the pelvic ring, then she will have a natural birth.

What is better: giving birth yourself if you have diabetes or caesarean section?

If you have diabetes, it is better not to give birth yourself without clear indications for this. Diabetes significantly increases the risk of surgery, while sometimes a woman can give birth naturally. This is possible with:

In practice, this is quite rare, so women are more likely to undergo a cesarean section. During natural childbirth, there is a high risk of complications from both the mother and the child.

For vision problems

If you have problems with vision, the possibility of spontaneous childbirth should be approached very carefully: if myopia reaches more than minus seven, then it is recommended to switch to a cesarean section. Also indicated are:

  • presence of eye surgeries or injuries;
  • retinal degeneration;
  • change in part of the retina;
  • high risk of detachment (insufficient retinal thickness).

If you give birth at 40 years old

Childbirth at 40 years of age, provided that it is the first and the woman has no children, is often an indication for cesarean section. In order for operative delivery to take place, other indications or a history of diseases are also needed. If a woman does not have them, then she may be offered a natural birth.

Why is a caesarean section worse than a natural birth for a child?

Caesarean is worse than natural birth for a child because:

  • there is no normal passage through the birth canal;
  • the bones of the skull do not undergo the usual changes during childbirth;
  • the nervous system does not respond to surgical resolution;
  • the risk of developing intracranial hypertension and headaches increases;
  • the child’s neuropsychic development may be delayed;
  • the child does not breastfeed from the first days;
  • there is no sufficient contact with the mother after birth.

Statistics show that those born via cesarean section have worse health indicators in the future, and also do not always develop optimally for their age. However, the proportion of such children is increasing, which replenishes the databases with information about the success in the development and growth of babies relative to those born in the usual way.

How to give birth without cesarean

To give birth without cesarean, you need:

  • be examined before pregnancy for chronic and hereditary diseases;
  • compensate for all chronic diseases before pregnancy;
  • lead healthy image life before and during pregnancy;
  • be observed in the antenatal clinic;
  • follow all treatment recommendations during pregnancy;
  • eat well;
  • don't get carried away physical activity in the second and third trimesters;
  • avoid stress and infections.

Prevention of a possible cesarean section consists of healthy pregnancy management, which will reduce the risk of possible complications.

From the article you will learn about what spinal anesthesia is during a caesarean section, the features of epidural anesthesia, which anesthesia is better and how it affects the child during a caesarean section.

And more about when milk comes in after a cesarean section.

It is impossible to say unequivocally what is better - a caesarean section or a natural birth. Each method has its pros and cons. The indications and method of delivery must be chosen by the doctor. The main thing is that mother and baby are healthy and do not suffer serious complications.

Useful video

Watch this video about the consequences of a caesarean section: