Master classes for beginners: stylish jewelry made from genuine leather and fur with your own hands. Original DIY leather crafts DIY leather products at home

Look into the far corners of your wardrobe, where “no man has gone before” - a joke, where you haven’t looked for a long time, it’s possible that there are many things there that you are no longer going to wear. Surely, among all this rubbish there will be several items of clothing, accessories or shoes made of leather or substitute - these could be gloves, a bag, boots or even an entire jacket.

If you are definitely not going to wear them, then you can make a new unique thing out of them that will gain new life and you will enjoy using it.

Making leather crafts is very easy, especially if you have imagination and creative abilities. Look at the photos of leather crafts and you will definitely choose what you need most now.

As ideas, we advise you to consider options such as wall panels, souvenirs and gifts, flowers, various additions to your wardrobe and even decorations. In order to make a craft, you only need free time, attentiveness and a great desire to do something with your own hands.

If you are new to creating leather products, we recommend that you choose a simpler final option, so you can learn how to make a product and not screw up your first “hand-made” project. For example, you can make flowers for the wall or a small decoration.

You don't have to come up with something new, just find it step by step instructions to create a certain thing and follow it from start to finish. Once you learn this craft, you will be able to create masterpieces yourself and share them with the world.

Leather bracelet

What could be simpler than leather bracelet, made with your own hands? Today, such an accessory is considered very fashionable, and it can be done in just a few hours with the right approach to the pattern.

Materials and tools

  • Leather cord 0.8 m long
  • Chain 3x0.25m
  • Scissors
  • Thread with needle
  • Button of the same color as the chain

Such a simple leather craft as a bracelet is not difficult to make for beginners. Mentally divide the leather cord into three equal parts, and then cut one of them. Prepare the chains. The whole process will consist of braiding a braid from a lace and a chain.

When the weaving is finished, you need to tie the ends using a thread of the same color so that it is not visible. Try to do everything carefully so that the product looks decent.

You need to sew a button on one end, and make a loop on the other end that will fit over the button so that the bracelet can be closed. Keep in mind that the best option there will be unity of colors between the chain and the button.

Now your bracelet is ready and you can safely show it to your friends.

Leather brooch

Let's look at step-by-step instructions on how to make such a craft from leather. You can create a brooch design in the shape of a flower.

Materials and tools

  • Colored leather elements
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Pin
  • Tweezers
  • PVA glue and Moment
  • Candle

First of all, you need to make sheet templates for the cardboard flower. Then, according to the prepared template, you need to cut out about ten such leaves from the leather. Next, on the back side of each sheet, you need to apply Moment glue along its entire length and make a crease along the glue line.

Next, dilute the PVA glue with water, but not too much, and work on the underside of each sheet. When the glue dries, it is important to carefully take the leaf with tweezers and hold it on a burning candle, try it, you will understand why it is needed, but seriously, the leaf will acquire a natural volume and you will be surprised how beautiful it will look.

Attention, the sheet should be processed only inside out over the fire, so as not to damage the skin itself.

Further making leather crafts with your own hands involves creating a base for the leaves. To do this, you need to cut a circle of leather with a diameter of about 4-5 cm.

Then we proceed to gluing the petals to it. If you made leaves different sizes, then we put the large ones in the first row, then the medium ones and, finally, the smallest ones.

After this, you need to make several blanks for the center of the flower and glue them to the center of the base. The last step is to glue the pin to the back of the base. When the glue dries, you can immediately wear this decoration.

What else can be made from pieces of leather?

For example it could be leather bag V Japanese style. To do this, you need to make a bag of leather so that it resembles a cylinder with a bottom.

The upper edge of such a bag is folded back and properly stitched with a beautiful stitch. A cord with a clip is inserted into the hole that has been bent and stitched, then the bag can be simply tightened and the contents will not fall out of it.

You can sew handles or straps to this bag, then it will be comfortable to wear on your back or shoulder.

Lunch bag

Try taking a rectangular sheet of leather and sewing additional walls on the sides of the long side, right in the middle. On the smaller edges, it is important to equip a fastener.

If you got it right, when you join the long edges, you should end up with a small carry-on bag that is convenient for storing your portable lunch.

Yes, the bag is not easy to make, but you will catch a lot of looks at yourself and at the bag, which will allow you to be fully proud of yourself.

Leather package

Have you seen the paper bags they put food in at fast food restaurants? Try sewing two equal pieces of leather together to make the same bag. This product is convenient to store, carry and can be used for many occasions, from carrying food to storing money in it.


Don't want to spoil your new table with hot dishes? Cut a fancy shape out of leather or, conversely, a recognizable figure and you can safely place hot glasses and plates on it. Nothing will happen to the code, so don't worry.


Wrap your notebook in real leather from an old jacket you no longer wear. Study the dimensions carefully and get to work stitching the edges of your new notebook cover.

In addition to all of the above, there are thousands of master classes on leather crafts. All you have to do is choose what you like best and make such a product. Leather has always been and will remain in fashion, so feel free to start creating a unique piece.

Photos of leather crafts

Leather is an excellent craft material. From such a soft and pleasant base you can make and sew many designer items: brooches, belts, original bracelets, hairpins, etc. Of course, all these accessories self made can be purchased ready-made in the store. But it’s much more interesting to make them yourself. Let's look at what designer crafts and leather goods you can create with your own hands.

Leather Basics

Let's start with basic knowledge and concepts about this material, namely with the features of working with it:

  • In your work you can use any leather and its small parts.
  • You can effectively remove stains from the surface of the skin using running water and a sponge.

Important! Using stain removers or detergents It is detrimental to the material, as it makes the skin very rough and, moreover, brittle.

  • If you need to soften the skin and increase its elasticity, treat the front side with glycerin.
  • Various rivets, special clips and threads will help to connect the elements of leather products with each other. It is best to make seams using a sewing machine, but be sure to choose only the right needles so that the resulting holes are neat.
  • High-quality work can be done using special tools. Therefore, make sure you have at least a minimum of them: a hammer, a punch, a vice, pliers, etc.
  • It is extremely convenient to cut out leather elements on a dense surface. For example, a regular cutting board is perfect for these purposes.
  • From decorative ornaments for leather products you can highlight bright beads and beads, shiny rhinestones, sequins, metal clips, buttons and laces, etc.
  • To ensure that the edges of the leather are even, gently heat them.

Another important step in getting acquainted with working with leather is familiarizing yourself with its types.

Types of genuine leather

Like any material, leather has Various types. It is classified according to the quality of production, differs in the type of raw materials, and the age of the animals is also important. The material has a dense front side and a loose back side, which is called bakhtarma.

So, what types of material can be distinguished from which you can make leather crafts with your own hands:

  1. Yuft. This type of material is made from the skins of pigs, horses or deer, which are impregnated with willow bark. In addition, this thick leather is treated with fat. Suitable for making shoes.
  2. Kid. This soft leather is made from goat skins. Chrome tanning makes the leather durable and elastic, which is why it is used for the uppers of elegant women's shoes.
  3. Suede . A popular type of leather made from the skins of goats and calves. The material is fat tanned. During the leather dressing process, the outer layer of the hide is sawed off. The peculiarity of the material is its low pile, softness of the fabric and high stretchability. Suede found its use in leather goods and shoe production.
  4. Chevrette. Quite loose leather made from sheep skins. It also has good stretchability. Chromium tannins were used for its processing. Suits are made from such leather outerwear(various jackets and coats).
  5. Opoek. Elastic and soft leather material made from the skins of dairy calves.
  6. Velours. Another type of leather with a pile surface, but unlike suede, this material is a little rougher, and the thick and even pile is a little lower. In addition, chrome tanning of hides is used. Used for sewing coats.
  7. Laika. Incredibly thin and soft leather with excellent elasticity. Business card Kid gloves are made of this kind of leather.
  8. Morocco. Thin and soft leather obtained from the skins of goats, calves, foals or sheep. Vegetable tanned.

Important! Most often, the skin of cattle is used for leather production, however, you can also purchase more exclusive material: from the skins of snakes or lizards.

DIY leather crafts can be made from the remnants of leather items whose service life has come to an end. For example, handbags, old gloves, boot tops or belts. New pieces of leather for small items can be purchased at an atelier or tannery. Its cost will be low, since, in essence, it is scraps of material. For larger items, you will have to spend money and purchase a whole piece of leather.

How to use old leather in work?

For small DIY leather products or miniature items, as well as individual elements of the composition, you can and should use old leather material. Wallets, parts of boots, handbags - all this will work for your creative ideas.

Step 1

First of all, cut the leather of the product at the seams. The front side of the leather is smooth and dense, it shines pleasantly, as it is most often covered with nitro paint. We advise you to wash it or wipe it with soapy foam.

Important! You cannot wash leather products, as you can wash off the fat tanning substances of the material, then it will lose its appearance, begin to bristle and shrink.

Step 2

Then rinse the item with salt water and vinegar. To do this, connect:

  • One liter of water.
  • 50 grams of table salt.
  • One glass of 9 percent table vinegar.

Important! This mixture gives the skin elasticity. This characteristic can be improved by lubricating the surface with glycerin. After that old material will become quite suitable for making leather goods with your own hands.

Other ways to wash your skin are:

  • Unboiled milk or coffee grounds. The only exception for the second remedy is white skin.
  • But suede can be washed in warm water washing powder with the addition of ammonia. If it has greasy spots, then purified gasoline, chloroform or another solvent will help get rid of them. Dip a piece of clean cloth in the liquid and wipe away any dirt.

Important! To make the pile look impressive and like new, walk over the surface of the material with a rubber brush, fine sandpaper or foam rubber. After this, rub your skin with this mixture:

  • One glass of warm milk.
  • One teaspoon of soda.

Step 3

The wet material must be stretched on some kind of base, a thick board or sheet of plywood. Dry small parts under a press, placing them between dry pieces of fabric. After such procedures, the skin will acquire an even and smooth surface.

While the leather is drying, treat it with one of the impregnation options:

  • Castor oil.
  • Mixture butter and warm water, plus a little ammonia.

Important! Carefully and carefully cover the surface of the skin with the composition. This is best done with a soft brush or thick cotton swab. Remove excess with a clean cloth.

As a result, you will get an excellent basis for crafts. What can be made from pieces of leather? Cute accessories and little things: keychain, stylish decoration, jewelry, etc. And leather remnants are also interestingly used in room design in the form of original fittings: handles for drawers, strips of leather can be used in the form of fastenings for shelves, handles for wooden storage boxes.

Necessary tools for working with leather

Professionals have a great variety of them. However, if you are planning to make leather crafts with your own hands for beginner craftsmen, then only a few of them will be enough.

Important! In the process of creative activity you will replenish your set of tools, as experience will suggest the most practical and convenient means at hand.

You can highlight the following tools for working with leather, which will definitely be useful to you initially:

  • Scissors. You should stock up on several types. For small details made of thin fabric, manicure ones are perfect, and for larger elements made of thick leather, tailor’s ones. Curly zigzag scissors will help you create a jagged edge.

Important! Scissors should be sharp to cut the leather rather than crush it.

  • Awl. Designed for stitching product parts.
  • Hammer. Needed for punching holes in the material, applying patterns and installing rivets.
  • Ruler. It is optimal if it is metal, as it is necessary for an even cut of the edges. In addition, using a knife and such a ruler, you can cut cords or parts from straight lines.
  • Substrate. It will come in handy if you cut out parts with a knife, as well as if you carry out actions using force. An example could be a wooden board, a plexiglass plate, or a thick rubber sheet.
  • Punchers. Using such means, holes of the required diameter are punched in the skin. The principle of their operation is quite simple: the instrument is applied vertically to the skin and hit the other end with a hammer.
  • Figured stamps. The purpose of such tools is to create patterns on the surface of the skin, which can be various geometric shapes or patterns. The technique is the same as that of punches: striking the stamp. Most often they are made of metal or hard wood. You can make the stamp yourself. To do this, take a nail and turn it upside down. Round designs are ready for use. And with the help of a file, you can also give it another shape: square, rhombus, etc.

Important! For a more embossed pattern, place a soft substrate under the skin: felt or a piece of linoleum.

  • Ball pen. With its help, it is convenient to apply a design to leather or a pattern. It is necessary to draw from the wrong side.

These tools will be enough to make DIY leather crafts one of your favorite pastimes.

Master class with video - a convenient method of self-study

DIY leather goods - master class for beginners and more experienced craftswomen. You can choose the most suitable option and implement your own in it creative ideas. So, let's learn how to make original things, and here are some of them.

Simple and stylish necklace

To create a leather decoration, prepare the following tools:

  • Revolving hole punch.
  • Glue.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • A piece of leather.

The creation process consists of the following stages:

  1. Using scissors, we cut out a number of triangles from the leather - their shape and size may vary. This will make your decoration look more interesting.
  2. Then, using glue, connect all the elements together in a chaotic creative disorder - as your imagination and sense of taste tell you.
  3. Wait until the glue is completely dry.
  4. After this, make two holes in the resulting blank along the edges and thread a chain or decorative cord through them.
  5. Fasten and wear your jewelry with pleasure.

Leather earrings

One more interesting crafts DIY leather for beginners, for which you will need:

  • Leather. Preferably painted in bright colors.
  • Base for earrings in the form of studs.
  • Glue and scissors.

The creation process itself is quite simple and fast:

  1. Decide on the design of your earrings and then use scissors to cut out the shapes you want. They can be arbitrary or geometric.
  2. We glue each of the elements to the cap-base of the earring.
  3. We wait a certain period of time until the glue dries.

You are the happy owner of new earrings!

Keychain and vase for keys made of leather

This unusual kit will be incredibly practical and stylish product. In addition, such DIY leather gifts will surprise you with their originality.

You will need the following things:

  • A piece of leather.
  • Sharp scissors and a stationery knife.
  • 6 rivets.
  • Key ring.

Stages of creating a turnkey vase:

  1. Cut a rectangle out of leather. Determine the parameters yourself - it can be a neat-sized vase just for storing keys, or you can make it wider to put some other small items.
  2. We clamp one corner and make a hole in it. To do this, you can use a hole punch or a sharp knife, or even a nail. Insert the rivet.
  3. We do the same manipulations with the remaining corners.

The vase is ready!

Now let's move on to making the keychain:

  1. We cut out a small rectangle from the leather, and on one side of it we leave a horizontal strip about 1 cm wide. It turns out to be a kind of rectangle with a tail.
  2. We bend this section in half and secure it with a rivet, thus creating a loop.
  3. On the surface of the rectangle, using a ruler and pencil, we draw lines along which we cut the fringe with scissors, not reaching the edge of the material by about 1-1.5 cm.
  4. We twist the resulting fringe around the loop and fasten the entire structure with glue.
  5. Last step: thread a key ring, chain or decorative cord through the loop.

Important! This elegant keychain can be used not only to store keys, but also to decorate a handbag.

Hair bow

You need the following materials:

  • Skin stripes.
  • Thin wire.
  • Regular hair tie.
  • Scissors with a ruler.

So what do we do:

  1. Using a ruler, draw a stripe on a piece of leather. Length - about 40 cm and width - 4 cm. Cut it out.
  2. Sharpen both ends of the strip with scissors.
  3. Attach the leather strip to the elastic band and fasten them together with wire. In this case, the elastic band should be placed in the middle of the leather tape.
  4. Tie your hair as usual with an elastic band, wrap a leather ribbon around the ponytail, and decorate it with a graceful bow.

Stylish DIY leather clutch

A bag is an accessory for every young lady, and how nice it is if you created such a product yourself. Everyone will certainly pay close attention to your handbag. This is why DIY leather crafts are so necessary!

Let's start the process by preparing the necessary materials:

  • A piece of leather of the required size and color.
  • Scissors and stationery knife.
  • Clips.
  • Flat plate.
  • A sewing machine and needles of the appropriate size, nylon threads are also needed.

Sequence of the creative process:

  • Cut a rectangle measuring 40 by 28 cm from a piece of leather.
  • Let's start decorating the front of the clutch. How it's done? Cut out pieces measuring 12 cm long and 1.5 cm wide on the sides of the rectangle. The lines should be smooth.
  • Now we apply a regular plate to the top of the product and mark the lines of roundness, along which we subsequently cut off the excess.

Important! Such rounded cuts should be made as symmetrically as possible.

  • Next steps: bend the bottom of the bag to the smooth cutouts on the sides of the product. Secure the connection points with clips.
  • We sew the resulting seams along the edges of the bag on sewing machine. Remove the clamps.
  • Turn the bag right side out.
  • We bend the upper part of the workpiece, make a small longitudinal cut at a distance of about 2.5 cm from the edge.
  • Now we need a separate piece of leather, from which we cut out a strip of material 70 cm long and 1-1.5 cm wide.
  • We tie one end into a knot, and thread the opposite end through the hole on the bag.
  • We gracefully wrap the excess strip around the clutch and tie a bow or a beautiful knot.

leather flower

What can be made from pieces of leather? Incredibly beautiful rose!

You need:

  • Leather.
  • Glue.
  • Candle.
  • Ball pen.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. On the wrong side of the leather, we draw rose petals with a pen, 10 pieces small and large, and cut out the details.
  2. We burn the elements over a candle fire. You need to hold the skin with the side down. Hold the petals with a clamp or tweezers. During the process of fire treatment, the parts are slightly bent inward.
  3. Apply glue to the underside of the petal and roll it up. This is how the core of the flower turned out.
  4. Apply glue to the next element and connect it to the middle. The petal must “hug” her.
  5. And now we gradually cover the resulting bud with petals. We start with small elements and then move on to larger ones.

Important! Place rose petals at the same level. To create an even more spectacular look of the flower, spray its surface with a glitter spray.

Leather belts

Such accessories are used by men, women and children. Therefore, handmade leather gifts in this design will be very useful.

For production you need:

  • Leather strip.
  • Rivet or button.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Stationery or carving knife.

And now the manufacturing sequence:

  1. Determine the length of the belt by wrapping a strip of material around your waist and marking where the two ends intersect. You can even make it a little longer.
  2. Make a hole for the rivet in the marked location.
  3. Use a knife to make a small cut about 5-6 mm in size. Then the rivet will go right through.
  4. If you want, you can make the ends of the belt rounded; to do this, just give them a smooth shape with scissors.

The original belt is ready!

Or another version of such a DIY leather product. To make it you will need:

  • Hammer.
  • A sharp knife, you can use a stationery knife.
  • Strip of leather.
  • Two rivets.
  • D-shaped metal ring.

Let's get started:

  1. Cut a strip of leather to the required length, and the width of the belt should match the width of the ring.
  2. Mark the location of the rivets and make four holes.
  3. We thread one end of our belt through the D-ring, and then install the rivets using a hammer.

This is how you can quickly and easily make original leather accessories that are particularly exclusive.

DIY leather crafts are an incredibly creative and fun process. You will really enjoy creating unique accessories and things in the hand-made style. In addition, such products are currently at the peak of popularity. And homemade leather gifts will amaze your loved ones and friends, and your efforts will be truly appreciated.

Many people keep old things that they no longer wear, but it’s a shame to throw them away. This often applies to good-quality, but no longer fashionable leather items: raincoats, jackets, winter boots, bags, belts. The safety margin of such products is still high, but there is practically no confidence that they will ever be used for their intended purpose.

In this case, DIY leather crafts are an opportunity to give a second life to this natural and practical material. The choice of products that can be made from such unnecessary things is huge.

Leather products: from antiquity to the present day

In ancient times, leather craft was one of the most widespread. Leather products have always been highly valued and in use. In primitive times, harnesses and armor, household items and even housing were all made from leather. With their own hands, the first hunters made primitive shoes from animal skins, wrapping their feet with suitable pieces and securing them with leather straps.

The technology of tanners was constantly improved. Today, with the development of technology, leather for shoes and clothing has become thinner, more flexible and durable. It has become possible to give this natural material a wide variety of textures, colors and shades.

Leather furniture in the home, always considered a sign of prosperity, has become more affordable today. With pressed leather technologies, it became possible to preserve all the beneficial qualities of natural raw materials and at the same time not depend on the size of the original skin.

Types of leather

DIY leather crafts can be made from materials of varying quality. Saffiano leather is usually made from goatskin, tanned primarily with vegetable tannins, and often dyed in bright colors.

Suede leather is soft, it is covered with small, thick pile and does not absorb moisture well. It is most often made from the skins of wild goats, elk, and reindeer.

Leather with surface defects in the outer layer is brought to a velvety state after special grinding of the outer layer. This material is called velor.

Laika, a very thin and light material made from fine goat or sheep skins, is most often used to make gloves and leather goods.

Shagreen - vegetable tanned leather, mainly made from goat or sheep skins, is distinguished by its softness and very fine relief pattern on the surface layer.

Split leather is made from thick-hide hides - a fragile leather material, often with embossed embossing.

Materials for leather processing

For work, you should immediately stock up on a sharp knife with a comfortable handle, tailor’s self-sharpening scissors, an awl, needles of various thicknesses with a set of nylon threads. It doesn't hurt to have a thimble; a metal ruler or square will come in handy. You may need contact glue and acrylic paints.

Do-it-yourself leather crafts are made on a flat and non-slip surface. Loose and fibrous materials are not suitable for these purposes. It is best to use plastic, plexiglass, hardboard or linoleum for cutting leather. You can use kitchen cutting boards.

Once you become interested in working with leather, you can eventually acquire special punches, hole punchers, pliers, special stamps, hammers, clamps and vices.

Leather treatment at home

It is best to make your first leather crafts using simple circuits and simple patterns. It is not easy to immediately produce a high-quality item without extensive practical experience.

Old leather items need to be wiped free of dust. It is not recommended to wash such material. The alkaline environment of detergents destroys impregnations; after drying, the skin will become rough and unsuitable for creativity.

It will be enough to wipe the surface with a damp sponge or rinse the material in running water. After drying, apply glycerin or any hand cream to the sponge and wipe the facial layer of the skin with it.

Before starting work, you need to decide on the choice of handmade product. For beginners, we can recommend making a hair clip, bracelet or original belt from an old belt.

A simple job of making beads or a necklace from a set of multi-colored and textured leather. Making a brooch, a phone case, or decorating a box with leather in decoupage style is a little more difficult, but anyone can do it.

Funny figures for a keychain, coasters for dishes, lampshades, bags, floor mats - all of these can be crafts made of leather. Handmade leather products will in any case be original, unique and exclusive. A homemade gift for a loved one is more valuable than one purchased in a store or market.

DIY crafts from genuine leather can be done in various techniques. It depends on what purposes and for whom you plan to create a man-made masterpiece. For simple work, weaving, die-cutting, applique or mosaic intarsia are most often used. To give decorative properties On leather surfaces they can be embossed, burned, engraved or artistic carved.

Is it worth opening a home leather workshop if all you have at your disposal is a single leather glove and a pair of leather or suede tongues from worn-out sneakers? I assure you, it's worth it!

Firstly, a single leather glove can turn into two again if you carefully tear it apart and remove the parts, resuscitate and renew them, as described at the beginning of the chapter. Cut out the other halves from fabric or knitwear. Or sew both leather halves onto the front side of knitted gloves. They will not only become more beautiful, but also warmer. And if you are interested in strength, then it is better to sew both halves of the glove on the palm side.

If the work of sewing on each finger seems too laborious to you, cut them off - they will have another use. Sew the remaining parts to the knitted gloves from the palm side (Fig. 33). Front side decorate with a strap cut from the fingers of a leather glove and trim with cute little buckles (for example, from old sandals, just first thoroughly clean the buckles with chalk or a special paste for cleaning metals).

What can you make from the remaining finger parts? Well, for example, by cutting off the rounded ends and making paired cuts in the upper part of each strip, sew them together. Sew a round or oval bottom from thumb pieces or cut it out of a suitable fabric - and here you have a nice antique wallet, in the shape of a pouch (Fig. 34).

All that remains is to thread the lace through the slots. As for further decorative finishing - embroidery, painting, gold stamping, burning - this is entirely at your discretion. Or maybe the wallet is not bad anyway?
The wallet didn’t work out - you can use the remains of the glove on decorative pendants: tassels, “lanterns” and other finishing details that do not have a name (Fig. 35). They are good to attach to a zipper leash on a bag or jacket, or to update the look of shoes or boots.

Further. If you cover the buttons with thin, soft, well-made leather (and gloves are made from this kind of material), your clothes will immediately accept modern look. To do this, cut out a circle of leather with a reserve. The edge is sewn with strong thread. After wetting the skin with cold water, place a smooth button in the middle of the workpiece and carefully tighten the thread. When the leather dries, it will shrink and fit the surface perfectly evenly.

Shaped buttons also come out of narrow wedge-shaped scraps of leather that are thicker (Fig. 36). Round the corners of the elongated triangle, grease the bakhtarma with glue and twist the skin into a tube, starting from the base of the triangle. These oblong barrel buttons are good for coats, jackets. Or maybe such a button will be useful as a bag clasp. From pieces of leather 1 mm thick or more, cut identical circles, use a punch to make two or four neat symmetrical holes in the middle - and here you have ultra-modern buttons.
vices. If you want, decorate them with burning, gold embossing, or paint them. But in my opinion they are good as is. The texture of the leather, even when worn and lost its even color, is unique. By the way, you don’t have to cut out circles. Your buttons can be oval, diamond-shaped, triangular. Everything in this case is in your hands.

From small scraps of medium-thick leather it is easy to make a simple keychain (Fig. 37), a simple rectangular wallet with a button clasp (Fig. 38), and a convenient, cute toiletry case (Fig. 39). In Fig. 40 shows how to make a soft leather watch strap.

Once you have a larger piece of well-crafted leather at your disposal, why not use it to update your boring plain sweater? Decorate it with artistic leather appliqué. For example, in the form of a branch with graceful three-lobed leaves, as proposed by Estonian fashion designers (Fig. 41). Pieces of leather with the contours of leaves transferred onto them are placed on knitwear on top of pieces of thin durable fabric and sewn directly on the machine. The interlining fabric prevents the work from stretching while sewing. Then the excess skin along with the fabric is carefully cut off along the stitching with sharp small scissors with rounded ends. Branches and leaf petioles are embroidered with silk thread to match the color of the skin. If you do not feel qualified enough to perform such delicate work, then here is a simpler finish, also proposed by Estonian artists (Fig. 42). A stylized flower made of leather is attached to fabric or knitwear with several stitches of thick twisted thread through holes made with a punch. The stems are embroidered with a chain stitch.

Figured details cut from scraps of leather (can be multi-colored) just need to be glued and stitched onto a wide bodice or onto a strip artificial leather- and here is a fashionable belt for you (Fig. 43). As a fastener, if it was not possible to find a suitable buckle, bunches of narrow straps cut from leather in a spiral with beads or simple knots at the ends are suitable.

Finally, when you have quite a few pieces of leather of the same type and color at your disposal (such sets are sometimes sold in DIY stores), try, with patience, to make a belt or bag according to the method of Estonian craftsmen. These items do not need to be stitched or glued. It is enough to cut out many identical parts and assemble them, hooking one after another. In Fig. 44 shows the manufacture of a single and double belt (do you understand how they are assembled?)

in Fig. 45 - making an openwork bag. This design also involves narrow horizontal straps, the ends of which, once closed, will have to be sewn or glued.

Bags, wallets, purses

These are the first things that come to mind when it comes to leather goods. Finally we got to them. Let's start with simple crafts, requiring not so much material and skill.

Here is the simplest children's handbag, worn around the neck (Fig. 46). They put keys in it, change for the road and for ice cream. The design is ingeniously simple: an oval is cut out of leather as large as your scrap will allow. Four neat round holes with a punch on one edge and four on the other, thread the lace through - and you're done!

Decorative finishing at your discretion.

The second model of a similar handbag (Fig. 47) is a little more complicated in design and not so original, but it does have a clasp. You can jump and run - nothing will fall out of it.

Polish designer A. Olodovy came up with a leather string bag. To make it, nothing is required except a fairly large piece of leather of medium thickness and a shoe knife. Remember how to cut evenly along the entire length paper strip Do you get an openwork garland? Mark your piece of leather as shown in Fig. 48, and make very neat cuts. Place a weight in the middle, grab the handles and pull up - your small piece will stretch into a lattice string bag of very impressive size! And when it is empty, it rolls up into a tube and takes up very little space.

I would like to propose the design of a bag from a part of a worn-out boot, namely from a narrow strip of leather with a zipper sewn into the middle. This is the case when, when dissecting an old boot, it makes sense not to evaporate the zipper. You will need two more narrow leather straps for handles and the remains of an old-fashioned bologna raincoat. Thin fabric Fold the “bologna” into an accordion, making an opposite fold in the middle, and sweep it for ease of work. Sew the edges of the accordion to a leather strip with a zipper (here is a reliable bag clasp). All that remains is to securely stitch the structure along the edges in transverse direction. Attach the handles. What should happen is shown in Fig. 49. The longer the bologna accordion, the more spacious this string bag will be.

In Fig. 50 shows a very simple design of a rectangular zipper bag from a multi-colored leather set. Just remember to cut out and sew in the lining with an allowance before sewing in the zipper.

The envelope bag (Fig. 51) is also cut out on the basis of a leather set. Please note that the underside of the flap must have a lining - either from a whole piece of leather (can be artificial) or from lining fabric. Fastening with a button or Velcro.

Bag in pic. 52 has a very long triangular valve that is somewhat
wraps around once when it is closed. Agree, this is a fairly reliable clasp. The inner side of the flap has a thin silk lining, which contains pockets for flat objects (combs, mirrors, papers).

Using a relatively small amount of leather (the top of a boot, for example), it is nevertheless possible to make a fairly large, roomy bag if you combine leather with tarpaulin, canvas, denim. The combination of leather with tapestry fabric (the kind used for upholstery) is very elegant).

In Fig. 53-55 show models of such combined bags proposed by Estonian fashion designers. Large decorative leather details are sewn onto a fabric base. And although there is not much leather here, the bags give the impression of leather with fabric trim, and not the other way around. In the model in Fig. 54 defects of worn leather are hidden by finishing with perforations: even round holes punched with punches of different diameters along the lines of the structure. After such treatment, it is advisable to tint the prepared leather parts.
From rough, thick leather you can make a very nice little handbag according to the model proposed by Cuban designers (Fig. 55). No lining or any decorative finishing is required. Maybe you just need to bead the edge of the bag flap with a heated wheel.
Old waist belts are used as handles for all these bags: for some models, for example, in Fig. 56, a broken leather drive belt from sewing machine. It is not forbidden to make handles from fabric. If you find pieces of leather from which you can cut many narrow straps in a spiral, weave handles from them using one of the methods shown in Fig. 57. By the way, this is how they weave a bracelet or watch strap.

Thick, durable tetrahedral handles are woven from leather straps, as shown in Fig. 58. So that they do not bend and are securely fastened, steel wire is inserted inside.
From stripes thin skin a small pocket toiletry case will come out. This is a narrow, flat case, which, however, holds many useful things: a comb, a nail file, a pen or pencil, a stack of narrow pieces of paper for notes and a mirror cut to fit the case. The mirror will be replaced by a polished strip of metal. The design of the toiletry case is clear from Fig. 59.

Finally, a description of a homemade wallet “with a secret.” If you open it, there will be two narrow parallel jumpers on one side, and a wide cross-shaped jumper on the other (Fig. 60). Place a piece of paper on top of the cross. Close the wallet, open it again - the piece of paper somehow ended up under the cross! Close and open again - the piece of paper will now be on the other side of the wallet, under two parallel jumpers.

The secret is in the fastening of the jumpers, thanks to which the wallet can be opened from either side. You close it on one side, then quietly turn it in your hands and open it on the other. It is clear that such a wallet is very convenient: whatever you put in it, it is automatically pressed securely by the jumpers. It also has compartments for coins and travel tickets. Parts A and B consist of two parts, stitched back to back. In one of the parts of part A there is a window cut for a coin holder. A ticket flap is attached to part B on the outside. Jumpers B and D are cut out double and sewn or glued together. Attach the left edges of the jumpers B to the left side of part A, and the right edges to the left side of part B. And vice versa, attach the left edges of the crosspiece D to the right side of part A, and the right edges to the right side of part B.

Shoes, gloves

Most likely, you will not be able to make real shoes yourself at home without special equipment and materials. But it’s worth trying to make the simplest house shoes.

Let's start with home slippers made from thick woolen socks, to which are sewn leather soles. Sometimes they are made from new socks. But it makes sense to improve socks in this way, the feet of which are starting to rub. Let's cut two soles from the boot top with an allowance of 7-10 mm at the edges. It is unlikely that it will be possible to sew the sole smoothly to the sock without a special blank. Instead of a blank, try putting the sock over a smaller boot (clean and dry, of course). Sew the sole with a thick, harsh thread using a zigzag stitch.

For flip-flops (Fig. 61), in addition to two leather parts for the top, cut from the top of a boot, you can use something that has been lying idle in the house for a long time: the top of an old felt boot (for soles), pieces of foam rubber (for soft padding), scraps of cloth or drape from an old coat (for insoles). How these parts are arranged in a “sandwich” in the final form is shown in section А-А. The edges of the parts are covered with a leather strip edging, forming a wide welt. All this is connected with large stitches using two needles sewing towards each other. A simple cut of closed house slippers is shown in Fig. 62.

But the greatest success awaits the home shoemaker in making soft shoes for babies. Leather moccasin slippers are cut out very simply (Fig. 63). Here you only need to lay one seam along the toe. You need to tighten it so that small folds form along it. You can also make two seams on the heel, but this is not necessary for house shoes. Finishing fringe looks better on suede. Glue insoles inside the finished moccasins, placing porous rubber pads under them. The cut of children's shoes, which was developed by Estonian fashion designers, is a little more complicated (Fig. 64). The parts are connected at the toe and heel with large cross stitches through pre-prepared holes. The upper edge of the boots is trimmed with a strip soft skin, suede or fabric. Fluffy fur is also used.

Mittens made of leather or suede, even artificial ones, are elegant. If, of course, you can cut out six rather large parts from an old bag or boots (Fig. 65). As a last resort, try stitching the pieces together with one or two horizontal seams. More is not advisable, otherwise the mitten will be stiff and the seams will get in the way. Don't forget to cut out the lining from soft fabric. Defects in the material will be hidden by decorative finishing: embroidery with wool and beads, appliqué with pieces of fur, colored felt and cloth. You can save leather by making the cuffs of your mittens out of fabric and decorating them with patterned braid.

What else are the tops of worn boots good for? Cut six identical parts from them and sew a real leather ball (Fig. 66). In the last seam, leave a gap through which you turn finished work present, and insert the rubber inflatable chamber inside. You can also fill such a ball with pieces of foam rubber.

Leather is an accessible and pliable material to work with. Even a child can create handmade leather products. Old bags, scraps from boots, gloves or belts will work. To create a large product, it is recommended to buy a single piece of leather in a specialized store.

Algorithm of actions

To make any souvenir products at home, you need to prepare the material for the future leather product. An old bag or other item is ripped open at the seams, and each flap is wiped clean using a soft brush and soap. Then the pieces should be rinsed in a solution of water with vinegar and salt. The cleaned material must be dried well.

Clean and dry leather must be painted. Most often, oil-based paints, markers or nail polish are used for this. Products made from light-colored genuine leather can take on almost any shade.

Procedure for preparing a stencil: to start working on a craft made from this material, it is advisable to cut out a stencil from cardboard in advance. The prepared template is applied to the skin from the wrong side. After this, the outlined part is cut out. By constantly using a stencil in your work, you can learn how to make leather products with complex and numerous elements.

After all structural elements have been cut out, you should begin processing the edges. A paraffin or wax candle is perfect for this action. Hold the craft over the fire for a few seconds.

In order to glue all existing parts, it is recommended to use Moment glue. If you have additional materials in the form of cardboard, paper or pieces of fabric, it is advisable to purchase PVA glue. Good advice Before gluing, you will need to treat the future leather product with acetone yourself.

How to decorate the craft? At this final stage, the craftswoman resorts to the help of her imagination and can use any decorative elements: sequins, beads or sparkles.

What to do with skin spots

If stains have formed on the required piece of leather, you can try to remove them with improvised means. Leather products are often susceptible to household grease, which can be easily washed off with gasoline or solvent.

If stains are found from ballpoint pen You should resort to a mixture of alcohol and acetic acid. If these ingredients are not at hand, wet salt is poured onto the craft and wiped with a dishwashing sponge.

Cleaned leather products are ironed with an iron, which should be warm, after laying a layer of fabric.

How to make a bracelet yourself

The first step is to think over a sketch of your masterpiece. To do this, you need to draw it on thick paper. Fashion trends can be a clue.

Don't forget about the convenient clasp. Mostly female representatives prefer to resort to buttons for the convenience of removing jewelry. After drawing the sketch on the cardboard, you need to accurately measure all dimensional components, making sure to leave an allowance for the fastener.

The next step is to transfer the image onto the skin. To do this, the model is cut out, applied to a piece of leather and outlined with soap. The almost finished craft is cut out using scissors. The most difficult thing for a DIY leather product is installing the button. To do this, you will need a special device that presses the fastener into the skin. A simple solution It will be possible to independently sew in a regular fastener, but with monitoring the accuracy of the seam.

At the final stage, the craft is decorated to suit the taste of each housewife. These can be rhinestones or beads.

Making a rose from leather

Future petals are drawn on the prepared piece of skin; there should be at least ten of them, small and big size, and carefully cut out. Then all the parts are burned over a candle flame so that they are slightly wrapped.

The first small petal is filled with glue and rolled into a tube - it will become the center of the flower. Each subsequent one is glued to the middle. An important note will be the exposure of one line to obtain a rose. At the end, the product can be sprayed with glitter hairspray.