Tidal power plants - reports. Lesson seminar. Equipment: presentation, video clip "Tidal power plant Presentation tidal power plants design features

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Constantly feeling energy hunger, humanity is turning more and more attention towards alternative energy sources. And in this regard, the World Ocean is an inexhaustible storehouse of energy resources. One of the most powerful sources of ocean energy is tidal and tidal currents.

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For centuries, people have pondered the cause of the ebb and flow of the sea. Today we know for certain that the mighty a natural phenomenon- rhythmic movement sea ​​waters cause the gravitational forces of the moon and sun.

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The highest and strongest tidal waves occur in shallow and narrow bays or mouths of rivers flowing into the seas and oceans. The tidal wave of the Indian Ocean rolls against the current of the Ganges at a distance of 250 km from its mouth. The tidal wave of the Atlantic Ocean extends 900 km up the Amazon. In closed seas, such as the Black or Mediterranean, small tidal waves 50-70 cm high occur. Tidal waves

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This is a special type of hydroelectric power plant that uses the energy of the tides, but in fact the kinetic energy of the rotation of the Earth. Tidal power plants are built on the shores of the seas, where the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun change the water level twice a day. Water level fluctuations near the coast can reach 13 meters. Tidal power plants

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Alternative energy sources are currently doing their job very well. Wind and solar energy are mainly used in the form of alternative energy. There is also the energy of ebb and flow, which is used quite rarely. Although, it is this alternative way of generating energy that does not create noise, vibrations, and also does not affect nature in any way. To create such sources of energy generation using ebbs and flows, the costs are significantly high. But with the help of unique turbines that convert the movement of water into energy, the price range of such a system can be more affordable.

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Autonomous institution

secondary vocational education

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra




Energy: problems and hopes

Developed by a physics teacher

Berezina Yu.Yu.

Surgut, 2012

Lesson Objectives:

- to deepen students' knowledge of the physical foundations of electricity generation at various types power plants; show their advantages and disadvantages from an environmental point of view;

To intensify the search and cognitive activity of students in working with educational, original texts;

To form students' communication skills in public speaking on the topic, to conduct a dialogue, to participate in discussions, to actively listen.

Lesson type:


Lesson Form:

Lesson - seminar.

Equipment: presentation, video clip "Tidal power plant", computer, interactive whiteboard, multimedia projector, transformer model, "Physics - 11" G.Ya. Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev, handout.

Lesson structure

  1. Organizational moment 2min

  2. Examination homework 15 minutes

  1. Frontal survey 5 min

  2. Test 10 min

  1. Learning new material 55 min

  2. Summing up the lesson 5 min

  3. Homework 3 min
During the classes

  1. Organizing time.
From the TV screen, we often hear the words: "Improve the quality of life." And what is included in this concept - quality of life? Those conveniences, the achievements of civilization, to which we are accustomed. And most of these benefits are associated with energy (light, heat, hot water, television, etc.). It is impossible to imagine life without electricity modern man. When we come home, we turn on the TV without hesitation, boil the kettle, warm up dinner, sit down at the computer, etc. All this, no doubt, we owe to the electric current, which is delivered to us, consumers, from various types of power plants through power lines.

So, the topic of our lesson is “Energy: problems and hopes”. Open a notebook, write down the date and the topic of the lesson.

The purpose of our lesson: to get acquainted and deepen knowledge about the production of electricity at various types of power plants; find out their advantages and disadvantages in environmentally.

  1. Checking homework.
Before we move on to learning new material. Let's review what we've learned so far. Be extremely careful, after the survey you will be offered a test on this topic.

  1. Frontal survey (work with the whole group)
- what is a generator?

On what physical phenomenon is the principle of operation of the generator based?

Name another device that is also based on the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction?

What types of transformers do you know?

Where do we use transformers in Surgut?

How is electricity transmitted over a distance?

Why is there a loss of electricity during the transmission of electric current?

How can power losses be reduced?

2) Test (individual work, peer review)

Okay, well done. Now we close the notebooks, you have a control sheet on the tables, we sign the last name, first name, group number. We carefully read the tasks and answer the questions. Mutual check: exchange sheets of paper, the correct answers are on the slide. Rate and pass the papers forward.

So, we repeated the main issues of the topic: transformer, generator, transmission of electricity to consumers. In today's lesson, we will talk about how to generate electricity.

  1. Learning new material
All power plants are divided into traditional (they include thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants) and alternative, i.e. renewable energy sources (WPP, PPP, SPP, GeoTPP). For example, in Russia, in percentage terms, the electric power industry looks like this:

The structure of the Russian electric power industry:

Our city of Surgut is the heart of thermal power engineering. The TPP, which is located here, ranks 1st in the world and is the most powerful. In addition, it is unique in that it runs on associated gas.

Well, now we will get acquainted with each type of power plant, the students of our group who have prepared messages on this topic will help me in conducting the lesson today.

All records will be entered into a table ( students draw a table in a notebook).

Power station

Primary Energy Source

Energy Conversion Circuit




TPP (thermal)

hydroelectric power station


NPP (nuclear)

WPP (wind)

SES (solar)

PES (tidal)

GeoTPP (geothermal)

(Working with the textbook "Physics - 11"G.Ya.Myakishev, B.B.Bukhovtsev.)


Let's start learning new topic from the most traditional power plant - a thermal power plant or thermal power plant. Please open the textbook pp. 117-118 § 39, your task: read the paragraph of the textbook and fill in the table.

(Student's message)

B) hydroelectric power station

Please open the textbook p. 118 §39, your task: read the textbook paragraph and fill in the table.

(Student's message)

AT) nuclear power station

Please open the textbook p. 119 §39, your task: read the textbook paragraph and fill in the table.

(Student's message)

Nuclear power is the main source of energy for many countries. In France in 1971 it gave 72.7%, in Belgium - 59.3%, in Sweden - 51.7%, in Hungary - 48.4%, in South Korea – 46,7%.

Japan has built the world's largest nuclear power plant, Fukushima, with a capacity of 8 million kW, with 10 power units. Japan aims to double production by 2010 atomic energy, and in 2011 there was a terrible environmental disaster.

However, advocates of nuclear energy believe that it (with a reliable system of protection against reactors and proper storage of radioactive waste) is the cleanest source of energy.

So, as you understood from the speeches, the main problems of the traditional electric power industry are:

1. Depletion of primary energy resources and their rise in price.
2. Pollution and destruction of the natural environment.

However, according to many scientists, these problems can be solved with the help of alternative energy. Listen to the following words:

If you have a constant wind blowing - use wind power!
If there are sunny days all year round, use the energy of the Sun!
If there are geysers nearby, it is necessary to use the energy of the Earth.
If you live on the banks of a river, take advantage of the achievements of hydropower.
If you can see the sea or the ocean from your window, you can use the energy of waves, surf, tides!

Countries - leaders in the types of alternative energy

G) WPP (wind farm)

The designers managed to achieve an efficiency of 46-48 percent. Windmills are widespread in Holland and the USA. California has 15,000 wind turbines (with a total capacity of 1,400 MW), and Denmark has 3,218 wind turbines (with a total capacity of 418 MW). The disadvantage of windmills is that they cause severe noise pollution and occupy large areas. Therefore, the role of wind energy in the energy supply of the future is limited, although wind turbines are indispensable as local sources of energy in farms, gardens, etc.

The first wind turbine in Russia was built in 1931, had a capacity of 100 kW and worked until the Great Patriotic War. After that, they did not engage in wind energy in our country, and only the last 2-3 years of work have been resumed. The total capacity of all wind turbines in Russia can reach 700 million kW. Dozens of options for power plants using wind power have been developed.

D) SES (solar power plant)

(student's message, the rest listen, ask questions, fill in the table)

The efficiency of modern solar panels reaches 13-15 percent. Solar power plants are environmentally friendly, but they have a very high metal consumption.

Photovoltaic cells on semiconductors provide more expensive energy, but convenient for their versatility. Installed on the roof, they will turn any farm into an energy producer rather than a consumer. There is no need for expensive power lines. At night, the energy stored in the batteries will be used.

(tell about Denmark - ecovillages)

E) TPP (tidal power plants)

(student's message, the rest listen, ask questions, fill in the table)

Efficiency up to 60-70%. The use of tidal energy is just beginning, the possibilities and consequences of such energy have not yet been studied enough. In Russia, there is one TPP in the Kislaya Bay of the White Sea and the construction of a TPP in the Kungur Bay of the Sea of ​​Japan is being planned

The projected TPP in the Kungur Bay of the Sea of ​​Japan will have a capacity of 6.2 million kW, which is equivalent to the capacity of three medium-sized nuclear power plants. The dam will enclose a bay with an area of ​​900 sq.m., while not flooding the coastal areas and preserving the marine ecosystem. The designers believe that the construction of this largest TPP will help to solve the problems of energy supply in the Khabarovsk Territory, where there is a constant shortage of energy today, in an environmentally friendly way, without resorting to nuclear energy.

G) GeoTPP (geothermal power plant)

(student's message, the rest listen, ask questions, fill in the table)

Efficiency up to 40%. Countries that already use geothermal heat on a large scale today are the United States, Mexico and the Philippines. The share of geothermal energy in the Philippine energy budget is 19%.

The largest geothermal power station operates in the USA, its capacity is 700 MW.

In Russia, work on the development of geothermal resources is being carried out in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Dagestan, Kamchatka and Sakhalin. In Dagestan, they are already used today by 120 different consumers - greenhouses, hospitals, enterprises, etc. The apartments of the residents of the city of Ishberbash (25 thousand people) are heated entirely due to geothermal waters. The capacity of the Paudetskaya GeoTPP in Kamchatka is 11 MW.

  1. Summing up the lesson
As we see there are many sources of energy on our planet. But mankind simply has not fully learned how to use them. It is impossible to dwell on any particular source of energy, each species must develop and improve, the development of society involves saving natural resources and reducing the level of environmental pollution from production waste. I would like to end our lesson with the words:

"A world that you can fly around in 90 minutes will never be for people what it was for their ancestors"

  1. Reflection
Please continue the sentence:

Today in class I learned...

I managed …

It was difficult …

I was surprised...

It was interesting…

  1. Homework

  1. § 38-41, (textbook "Physics-11" G.Ya. Myakishev, B.B. Bukhovtsev)

  2. Prepare a presentation or message "Types of power plants" (take 1 type).

  3. Prepare for the test on the topic "Production, transmission and use of electricity", repeat the basic definitions, concepts, formulas.

Ges. Cons: Weak density solar energy. Replace faulty burners promptly. An uneven bottom of the cookware leads to 10-15% energy loss. The first geothermal power plant was built in Kamchatka. Use of electricity: If you wash at 30 degrees, you can save up to 40% of electricity.

"Transmission and consumption of electricity" - Transmission. Consumers of electricity. Energy saving. How much energy does a person need. Water energy. fuel energy. Remember. PES. Electricity. HelioES. The use of electricity. Transmission of electrical energy. Advantages. UES. Man. Production, transmission and use of electricity.

"Development of the electric power industry" - Dynamics of changes in the ratio of prices for gas and coal. Tariff for network services. Commissioning of coal thermal power plants. Prospects for the development of the electric power industry. requirements for the gas market. Structure of fuel in the electric power industry of Russia. TPP of the European part of Russia. Construction of power lines. Tariff for electricity produced at hydroelectric power plants.

"Production of electrical energy" - NPP. Production, transmission and use of electrical energy. Wind power plant. Transmission of electrical energy. Hydroelectric power plant. Krasnoyarsk region. Nuclear power plants use the energy of nuclear fuel for vaporization. Energy sources. Efficient use of energy. Solar power plant.

"Power industry" - Modern developments and innovations increase the competitiveness of alternative energy. Water level fluctuations near the coast can reach 13 meters. Usually refers to alternative energy sources using renewable energetic resources. The economic use of geothermal sources is widespread in Iceland, New Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, China, and Japan.

"Production and use of electrical energy" - The contribution of electricity. Nuclear power plants. Type of power plant. Electricity. alternative energy. The advantage of electrical energy. Production, transmission and use of electrical energy. Tidal and geothermal power plants. Modern power generators. The sun. Types of power plants.

Total in the topic 23 presentations

A tidal power plant (TPP) is a special type of hydroelectric power plant that uses the energy of the tides, but in fact the kinetic energy of the Earth's rotation. Tidal power plants are built on the shores of the seas, where the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun change the water level twice a day. Water level fluctuations near the coast can reach 13 meters.

Pluses and minuses Pluses 1. Environmental friendliness. 2. Low cost of electricity. 3. Do not pose a threat of disaster in the event of a dam failure. 4. Close to consumers. Cons 1. High construction cost. 2. Constantly changing power (Depends on the phases of high and low tides). 3. Pays off for a long time. 4. The coast is spoiling.

A feature of tidal power plants (TPPs) is their use of the naturally renewable energy of sea tides, the nature of which is associated with the tide-forming force that occurs during the gravitational interaction of the Earth with the Moon and the Sun. For the water shell of the Earth, only the horizontal component of the tide-forming force is of practical importance. Due to the proximity of the Moon to the Earth, the magnitude of the tide under the influence of the Moon is 2.2 times greater than the sun. On the coasts of the seas and oceans, a semidiurnal tide is most often encountered, in which the maximum tide wave comes twice in a lunar day (24 hours 50 minutes). Establishing PES requires favorable natural conditions, which include: high tides (A > 3–5 m); the contour of the coastline (preferably with the formation of a bay), which allows separating the basin from the sea for the operation of the TPP with a minimum length and height of the blocking dam, favorable geological conditions for its foundation.

Physics teacher Karpacheva Valentina Alekseevna

slide 2

Hydroelectric power plant (HPP)

  • About 23% of electricity worldwide is generated by hydroelectric power plants. They convert the kinetic energy of the falling water into mechanical energy rotation of the turbine, and the turbine drives the electric machine current generator.
  • Two main factors are necessary for the efficient production of electricity from hydroelectric power stations: a guaranteed supply of water all year round and the possible large slopes of the river.
  • slide 3

    HPP types

    Hydroelectric power plants (HPP)

    • Dam hydroelectric power plants
    • Run-of-river hydroelectric power plants
    • Dam hydroelectric power plants
    • Derivative hydroelectric power plants
    • Hydrostorage power plants
    • Tidal power plants
    • Wave power plants and on sea currents
  • slide 4

    Hydroelectric scheme

  • slide 5

    The principle of operation of the hydroelectric power station

    The dam creates a backwater in the reservoir, providing a constant supply of energy. Water flows out through a water intake, the level of which determines the flow rate. The flow of water, rotating the turbine, drives the electric generator. High-voltage transmission lines transmit electricity to distribution substations.

    slide 6

    The largest hydroelectric power plants in Russia

  • Slide 7

    Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

  • Slide 8

    Hydrostorage power plants (PSPP)

    Hydrostorage power plants are used to equalize the daily heterogeneity of the electrical load schedule.

    During low load hours, the PSPP, consuming electricity, pumps water from the downstream reservoir to the upstream one, and during hours of increased load in the power system, it uses the stored water to generate peak energy.

    Zagorsk PSP

    Slide 9

    Tidal Power Plant (TPP)

    Tidal power plants use the energy of the tides. Tidal power plants are built on the shores of the seas, where the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun change the water level twice a day. Water level fluctuations near the coast can reach 13 meters.

    La Rance Tidal Power Plant, France

    Tidal power plants on video

    Slide 10

    Kislogubskaya TPP

    The experimental TPP is located in the Kislaya Bay of the Barents Sea, near the village of Ura-Guba, Murmansk Region. The first and only tidal power plant in Russia. It is registered by the state as a monument of science and technology.

    slide 11

    Run-of-river hydroelectric power station (RusGES)

    Run-of-river hydroelectric power station (RusGES) refers to damless hydroelectric power stations, which are located on flat high-water rivers, in narrow compressed valleys, on mountain rivers, as well as in fast currents of seas and oceans.