Wedding script for toastmaster funny topic. The wedding script is completely ready. Active competition on the dance floor

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On our website you will find detailed information on the following topics:

Leaderwedding - LiderSvadba - Voronezh wedding agency (toastmaster, photographer, videography). Wedding salon (dresses: wedding, evening, children's, Wedding accessories: glasses, locks, jewelry). For the bride - information about the Voronezh registry office, photos of wedding dresses, hairstyles, wedding script, bride price, bouquet, first dance, makeup, manicure, jewelry banquet hall, cafe addresses for the wedding, evening dresses to graduation party.

Wedding preparations Preparing for a wedding involves good organization weddings, searching for a wedding dress for the bride, searching for a salon for a wedding hairstyle for the bride, organizing a bride price. Carrying out a wedding requires the presence of wedding video filming. Wedding photo on your wedding day should be professional. For all questions regarding the organization and holding of a wedding, please contact the Leaderswedding agency. Voronezh

When to have a wedding When to have a wedding is decided by the newlyweds. In any case, wedding photography and videography of a wedding in winter, spring, autumn or summer will be gorgeous! The bride in her amazing wedding dress, with amazing wedding hairstyle and wedding makeup will look like... wedding photos elegant and charming at any time of the year! The groom, casting loving glances at the bride, will certainly be the ideal subject of wedding video filming and wedding photography at any time of the year in Voronezh.

Wedding ring Wedding rings are a symbol of marriage. The names of the bride and groom can be engraved on the inside of the rings. The main thing is not to forget your wedding rings when going to the registry office. Jewelry stores Voronezh offers wedding rings to the bride and groom.

Wedding anniversaries The bride and groom at their green wedding can familiarize themselves with wedding anniversaries their subsequent happy family life. Wedding anniversaries by year involve the giving of symbolic gifts.

Wedding gifts Wedding gifts for the bride and groom should be useful in their future family life. Many guests invited to a celebration ask the question: “What to give for a wedding?” In any case, wedding gifts should please the newlyweds.

Wedding toasts Wedding toasts are parting words from all the guests who came to the wedding. Good toast for a wedding - these are just words spoken from the heart. Wedding toasts from the toastmaster will be made in honor of the bride and groom, for the parents of the newlyweds, and for the witnesses. The response toasts can be original or simply very sincere. Short toasts They really liven up the wedding evening.

Wedding signs Treat wedding signs with humor. There are many folk signs related to the registry office and weddings. A reminder to especially superstitious newlyweds: signs are created by people, therefore, dear bride and groom, you should not regard signs for the bride and signs for the groom as an unambiguous guide to action.

Wedding traditions Many newlyweds follow wedding traditions. Wedding traditions came from afar; earlier in Rus', a wedding was preceded by a “loaf” - the so-called ritual wedding bread. The traditional wedding “tree” was decorated with bread and kalach. One of the most stable traditions that has survived to this day in the city of Voronezh is that a wedding is preceded by matchmaking.

Music at a wedding Wedding music creates the mood for everyone present at the wedding party. Songs at Voronezh weddings are performed by both professional vocalists and guests invited by the bride and groom. Music for a wedding is very diverse - it includes both wedding compositions and music of the 80s and modern music. The music for the bride and groom in the first dance of the newlyweds is especially carefully chosen. And the music when the bride invites her father to a white dance is full of awe and tenderness of daughterly and paternal feelings.

Games, competitions It is necessary to dilute the wedding feast with competitions and games. Competitions at a wedding can be feasting in the first half of the wedding evening and active dancing in the second half. We do not offer games at the wedding one after another: guests need breaks. Wedding competitions must be very carefully chosen by the bride and groom during their meeting with the Voronezh toastmaster.

Bride kidnapping Bride kidnapping is one of the oldest traditions observed at a Voronezh wedding, which shows how much the groom loves the bride. Listen to advice related to bride kidnapping. The Leaderswedding agency has original version theft and bride price.

Wedding photo Voronezh Wedding photography is an art, not just a recording of events. Wedding photos are one of the most important memories of wedding day, so no wedding is complete without a wedding photographer. Amateur wedding photography is very different from professional wedding photography. A wedding photo taken by a Voronezh wedding photographer will very beautifully and vividly capture your one and only wedding day!

Wedding photographer Voronezh A wedding photographer will fill your wedding album with gorgeous photographs. Wedding photography at a wedding includes shooting a wedding portrait, staged photography, and reportage wedding photography. And “Love Story” wedding photographs will remind the bride and groom of the beginning of love all their lives. The wedding photographer at the Leaderswedding agency will very professionally reflect your joy, enthusiastic glances and positive emotions with which you will be full on the day of the celebration of your love.

Wedding photographer The photo gallery offers you to look at beautiful wedding photos. To get truly high-quality wedding photos, contact a professional wedding photographer in Voronezh.

Wedding photo in Voronezh The wedding photo, which is in the wedding book, is a selection of portraits of the bride and groom and collages. Collage is a professional combination of the best and meaningful wedding photos of the bride and groom. decorated stylistically on one sheet. It is the Voronezh professional photographer who will arrange your wedding photo into a unique, individual wedding book design, in which the purity of love between the bride and groom will be revealed in full force!

Wedding photographer Wedding photography is an art, not just a recording of events. Wedding photographs are one of the most important memories of the wedding day, so no wedding is complete without a wedding photographer. Amateur wedding photography is very different from professional wedding photography. A wedding photo taken by a wedding photographer will very beautifully and vividly capture your one and only wedding day!

Artistic wedding photos Of course, on their wedding day, all newlyweds are beautiful and delightful. On our website we show how a wedding day photo turns into a glamorous wedding day photo. If your goal is to get beautiful artistic wedding photos... Such wedding photos that you would like to review yours again and again, then you just need to turn to a professional photographer. To ensure that the pictures turn out to be of really high quality and do not disappoint you, you should not skimp on a professional photography.

Wedding photo Voronezh The photographs presented on this page are not entirely ordinary. The brightness of the colors and the twisted shapes make them extravagant and pretentiously attractive.

The best wedding photos in Voronezh IN Lately In Voronezh, it has become fashionable to make slide shows from photographs. We offer you three types of slideshows: still photos with transparent flow, photos in motion, photos in motion with added text.

Professional wedding photographer in Voronezh It is very important to arrange the best wedding photographs in a beautiful wedding book. All professional wedding photographers in Voronezh necessarily offer this type of service to newlyweds. This is very beautiful and super stylish!!!

Photos from weddings There are perhaps no better photographs than those taken on your wedding day. Enthusiastic euphoria, happy smiles, the inimitable sparkle of the eyes and the charm of falling in love - all this is present in wedding photos. Every happy couple after their wedding has a lot of photographs taken by a professional photographer.

Wedding. Photo. Voronezh. A wedding is the most significant, most memorable day in the life of any person. Wedding. A photo taken on your wedding day in Voronezh will warm you with its memories for many years. And a wedding photo processed by a professional photographer will fill you with warmth and a unique light joy throughout your life.

Toastmaster Voronezh Toastmaster is one of the main characters at the wedding. The wedding scenario is reviewed in detail by the bride and groom when meeting with the toastmaster. Toastmaster in Voronezh organizes weddings and creates a fabulous holiday atmosphere. Are you looking for a professional wedding host in Voronezh? - contact the agency "Leaderswedding"

Wedding scenarios Wedding scenarios are very diverse. It all depends on the tastes of the bride and groom. The toastmaster talks in great detail about what should be in the wedding script. We offer free wedding scripts.

Wedding loaf The wedding loaf is a tradition that is observed at weddings to this day in Voronezh. The groom's parents welcome the newlyweds at their home with a loaf of salt.

Beginning of the wedding banquet Wedding celebrations are celebrated in restaurants, cafes, canteens, and at home. The wedding banquet lasts 6-7 hours. The banquet most often starts at 16-17 hours. At a wedding celebration, for the first half hour or hour there are toasts in honor of the bride and groom. Next is the first waltz of the newlyweds.

Stealing a shoe at a wedding The theft of a shoe from a bride's foot at a wedding is a small episode that requires a beautiful stage embodiment from the toastmaster. The wedding photo, taken by a Voronezh wedding photographer at the moment of the theft of the shoe, amazes with the spontaneity of the images and vivid emotionality.

Bride kidnapping at a wedding Bride kidnapping at a wedding is one of the oldest traditions, which is designed to show how much the groom loves his bride. The wedding photos taken by a Voronezh wedding photographer at the time of the bride's kidnapping amaze with the spontaneity of the images and vivid emotionality. Dear newlyweds, in any case, remember that theft, kidnapping of the bride is just a “game at the wedding”

Fortune telling for a boy and a girl Boy or girl - this episode at a wedding is very important, since all the guests are very interested in who will be the first-born of such a wonderful, beautiful and chic couple. The bride and groom joyfully welcome the news of the baby at their wedding.

Wedding competitions, wedding games. Video. It is necessary to dilute the wedding feast with competitions and games. Competitions at a wedding can be feasting in the first half of the wedding evening and active dancing in the second half. We do not offer games at the wedding one after another: guests need breaks. Wedding competitions are necessarily very carefully chosen by the bride and groom during their meeting with the toastmaster.

Family hearth at a wedding The fire, which symbolizes the hearth, is lit with great warmth and tenderness by the parents at the wedding evening. And the bride and groom very tenderly hold in their hands the family hearth that their parents have just lit in Voronezh.

Reviews about toastmaster. Video. The toastmaster is one of the main characters at a wedding. The wedding scenario is reviewed in detail by the bride and groom when meeting with the toastmaster. The toastmaster organizes the wedding and creates a fabulous holiday atmosphere. Are you looking for a professional wedding host in Voronezh? - contact the agency "Leaderswedding"

Wedding video shooting Voronezh Wedding videography is an art, not just a recording of events. A wedding video will be the main memory of your wedding day, so no wedding is complete without a wedding videographer. All moments of your unique day will be reflected in the wedding video, be it the preparation of the bride and groom, the ransom, the formal registration, the dance of the newlyweds...

Voronezh wedding video A wedding videographer will turn your wedding film into a masterpiece! Wedding video at a wedding includes staged video filming and reportage wedding video filming. And the video filming of “Love Story” will remind the bride and groom of the beginning of love all their lives. A wedding videographer at the Voronezh agency "Leaderswedding" will very professionally reflect your joy, enthusiastic glances and positive emotions with which you will be full on the day of the celebration of your love.

Photo video shooting of weddings A wedding video requires a professional approach not only to filming, but also to editing wedding material, including the design of CDs and boxes, and menu design. A wedding film, filmed and edited by a professional videographer, will turn out to be fabulously beautiful, as it will combine your excitement before the registry office and the warmth of your relationship, and the sparks of fun and joy that splash from the bride and groom during the festivities! Wedding video is the work of professionals in Voronezh!

MARRIAGE REGISTRY The registry office is where the bride and groom become husband and wife. Registry offices of Voronezh - Left Bank Civil Registry Office, Leninsky Civil Registry Office, Central Civil Registry Office, Zheleznodorozhny Civil Registry Office, Soviet Civil Registry Office, Kominternovsky Civil Registry Office. All Voronezh registry offices have their pros and cons. Dear newlyweds, watch our videos and find out in advance which registry office would be best for you to submit an application for marriage wedding rings your love.

Voronezh Civil Registry Office Levoberezhny Left Bank Civil Registry Office. In Voronezh, the registry office of the Left Bank region is impeccable! Photo and video. Advantages and disadvantages.

Voronezh wedding video Wedding clips are videos that are very content-rich. The maximum beauty of contemplating these videos is achieved due to the fact that the bride and groom, even before the wedding, took a very responsible approach to choosing a wedding videographer. Professional wedding videography guarantees the newlyweds a high-quality feature film. There can be many clips in a wedding film: Clip of the bride, Clip of the groom, Clip of the wedding car, Clips of wedding festivities, Clip in which the entire wedding is “run through” in 3 minutes.

Wedding. Baptism A wedding is a divine service during which a sacrament, blessing and consecration are performed Christian marriage. A wedding is a personal matter for each couple. You can get married as soon as civil registration, and before her. Weddings and baptisms are serious events, therefore, if you have a desire to capture this solemn moment in photographs or video, you should first ask permission from the priest or priest.

Newlyweds' first dance Improvising your feelings is what the bride and groom's first dance is all about. The wedding waltz is chic and truly beautiful, as it is filled with the warmth of feelings. For you - a gift bonus - a free first-time training course wedding dance bride and groom.

Wedding video. Voronezh The most frequently visited places in the city of Voronezh are: Admiralteyskaya Square - Kamenny Bridge - Revolution Ave. - Victory Square - Petrovsky Square - Chernavsky Bridge - Northern Bridge - Monument to Glory. Recently, a bridge for newlyweds in Aircraft Manufacturers Park was added to this list.

Wedding video shooting. Voronezh. Wedding video shooting. Voronezh. Very beautiful places for wedding video shooting are located in Voronezh. And every videographer strives to preserve them as souvenirs for the newlyweds in their wedding film.

Wedding videographer Voronezh. Love story. Recently, it has become very popular and fashionable among newlyweds to order video recording of their love story.

Videographer for a wedding. Video wedding invitation. Until recently, it was fashionable to send wedding invitations to all guests. Then the newlyweds began to simply invite guests by phone. And now the most fashionable trend among newlyweds is to send a video invitation to all guests. What it is?

Videographer for a wedding in Voronezh. Color correction for wedding video. Dear newlyweds. If you consider yourself to be one of those newlyweds who skimp on wedding photos and videos, then this article is not for you. It is intended for those newlyweds who want to admire their wedding day in the future, and do not expect to put a disc with a wedding video on a shelf to dust it off once a year.

Toastmaster for a wedding. Video. The wedding show will greatly diversify the wedding evening, making it more fun, light and varied. The bride, groom and all guests invited to the wedding will be enchanted by the free show program. Your wedding will receive a Bonus - a free chocolate fountain.

Bride The bride is the queen of the wedding evening and the beautiful and exquisite helps to make the bride the very perfection Wedding Dress. The bride's wedding hairstyle on her wedding day is simply amazing. Bridal bouquet, wedding make-up brides - everything is amazing on a fairytale wedding day. Voronezh agency "Leaderswedding" offers several options for bride price.

Tips for the bride Advice for the bride on organizing a wedding in Voronezh, choosing a wedding dress in wedding salons in Voronezh. Advice for the bride on choosing a wedding videographer, toastmaster, or photographer. A wedding photo of a bride in a stunning wedding dress will forever capture the fabulous moment of the triumph of love.

Wedding salons A wedding dress is the first thing a bride looks for immediately after the groom proposes. Wedding dresses are the most expensive outfit for a bride. Luxurious wedding dresses in Voronezh wedding salons, stylish and unique, will fill brides with confidence in their own beauty and strength before taking an important step. In Voronezh wedding salons you can order an individual, fantastically beautiful wedding dress. We offer a list of all wedding salons city ​​of Voronezh.

Wedding bouquet Voronezh A wedding bouquet greatly decorates the bride. Wedding flowers, braided into brides' wedding bouquets, with their beauty, aroma and freshness will fill brides with a feeling of sublimity and give a boost of energy and great mood for the entire wedding day. We offer photos of wedding bouquets for the bride. We offer a list of all wedding flower salons in the city of Voronezh.

Wedding hairstyles photos A wedding hairstyle should not just be beautiful, it should be correctly matched to the features of the face, the wedding dress and accessories. Many brides conduct preliminary wedding hair rehearsals in wedding salons. At a wedding party, the wedding hairstyle is the bride’s decoration, complementing her beauty and the magic of her wedding dress. We offer photos wedding hairstyles for the bride. We offer a list of all wedding salons in the city of Voronezh.

Wedding manicure photo A wedding manicure will highlight the unique style of the bride in a very elegant, aesthetic and original way. We offer photos of wedding manicure.

Wedding glasses. Wedding accessories Elegant, elegant, festively decorated wedding glasses are an indispensable attribute of any wedding. These are the ones you will keep as souvenirs of your wedding. They will be in all your wedding photos. Elegant glasses with images of doves, good wishes or with the names of the bride and groom will become wonderful decoration festive table and will preserve the memory of this happy day for many years.

1 goods for the bride: dresses, gloves, veils, petticoats, garters, tiaras, necklaces and fur coats.

2 wedding accessories and necessary little things: wedding candles, confetti and bumfeti, glasses, photo albums, locks, towels, decorations for champagne and glasses, sliders for an exciting competition, ribbons, rings and car decorations, boutonnieres, cake figurines, champagne baskets

3 printing: invitations and Greeting Cards, posters, ransom kits, piggy banks, garlands, money (from the joke bank), cash envelopes and Money Tree, stickers on cars, medals, diplomas, certificates

Wedding accessories for the bride In our Voronezh store you can not only find the wedding dress you need, but you can also order a wedding dress from the available wedding dress catalogs.

Wedding dresses Voronezh Photo Wedding dresses that exude wealth, style and grace are your choice, since the wedding day is the best day in the life of every girl, and the bride should look simply luxurious! If you are looking for dresses without frills, then the models of Voronezh wedding dresses that are in our store will suit your taste, as they will emphasize your femininity and sensuality, and exclusive fabrics and original design The outfit will testify to the bride’s amazing taste. Wedding dresses have all the characteristics. They are sophisticated, sophisticated and exclusive. And at the same time, every wedding dress exudes luxury, wealth and unique grace!

Wedding gloves. Wedding accessories Every bride dreams of being graceful and beautiful on her wedding day. And various wedding accessories, of which there are a great many, will definitely help her with this. The main decoration of the bride, of course, is the wedding dress. But the look will not be complete without some important little things, such as a veil, elegant shoes, a bouquet of flowers and gloves. We are waiting for you in the Voronezh store of the Leaderswedding agency.

Wedding Veil. Wedding accessories. When choosing a wedding dress, you must immediately think about choosing a veil, because it is what gives completeness to the bride’s image. A veil is a symbol of modesty and purity; the tradition of complementing a bride’s outfit with this decoration dates back to ancient times. Voronezh wedding agency Leaderswedding is pleased to offer you a wide range of wedding accessories, including veils, at low wholesale prices.

Wedding garters. Wedding accessories. At a wedding, there is a tradition when the husband removes the garter from his beloved bride's leg to throw it over his shoulder to the unmarried guys. Voronezh wedding agency Leaderswedding is pleased to offer you a wide range of wedding accessories, including garters, at low wholesale prices.

Wedding Tiaras and wreaths Diadem - Women's jewelry in the shape of a small open crown perfectly emphasizes the status of the bride - the queen of the holiday. Wedding tiaras can be used as an independent decoration or together with other head decorations for the bride’s hairstyle - a veil, flowers, etc.

Wedding Necklace. Wedding accessories. A wedding dress involves a necklace or other appropriate jewelry worn around the bride's neck. Our store offers a wide selection of necklaces and earrings.

Wedding Coats. Wedding accessories. Wedding coats in late autumn, winter and early spring are the most essential item for a bride, after a dress.

Wedding petticoats. Wedding accessories. Choosing a wedding dress is only half the battle; the dress should fit the bride like a glove. So that on the most solemn day nothing distracts from the joyful event. The image of the bride must be impeccable; for this purpose, Various types petticoats and crinolines - depending on the style of the wedding dress.

Wedding accessories Wedding agency Lidersvadba offers you the widest range of goods necessary for decorating and holding a wedding! We offer you to buy all wedding accessories wholesale in one place, which means saving time and money. Here you will always find a wide selection of various things needed to decorate a wedding celebration: from car decorations to wine glasses, glasses and candles. You will find everything you wanted to buy for your wedding day in one place and at a great price.

Wedding candles. Wedding accessories. Very often at the end of the wedding evening, parents light the family hearth of their children. The warmth of parental hearts, lit in a candle with Best wishes, conveys happiness to the bride and groom life together. We are waiting for you in the Voronezh store of the Leaderswedding agency. Come for wedding candles. Light up the family hearth!

Wedding buffets There is a tradition of showering the newlyweds with cereal, money, rose petals and candy. With this, everyone present wishes the bride and groom a rich and happy life together. IN modern world Confetti and bumfeti were added to this list.

Wedding glasses. Wedding accessories. Elegant, elegant, festively decorated wedding glasses are an indispensable attribute of any wedding. They will come in handy more than once during the wedding, and there may be several sets of them. And you also need to think about elegant glasses for all guests. Inexpensive glass ones - for a trip to nature; a couple of glasses that are customary to break for good luck after the registry office; and of course the most beautiful and festive glasses for a wedding banquet. These are the ones you will keep as souvenirs of your wedding. They will be in all your wedding photos. Elegant glasses with images of doves, good wishes or with the names of the bride and groom will become a wonderful decoration of the festive table and will preserve the memory of this happy day for many years.

Wedding photo albums Photo albums made from natural or artificial leather with magnetic sheets in which you can place photographs of any size (maximum A4).

Wedding locks. Wedding accessories. In ancient Rus', there was a custom according to which, on their wedding day, newlyweds locked a new lock on the bridge and gave the keys to their fathers. The fathers went to different rivers and threw the keys to the bottom. Thus, it was said that nothing could separate a newly created family, just as it was impossible to find the keys and open the lock that was lovingly closed by the newlyweds. To this day, newlyweds symbolically hang locks, some on the fence, some on the bridge, and some on specially created decorative trees for the newlyweds. These trees are growing more and more new “leaves”. And the tree alleys of young Russian families are growing.

Towels for a wedding. Wedding accessories. A towel is a decorative rectangular cloth, most often linen. They are decorated with bright festive embroidery. And now at weddings parents greet the newlyweds wedding loaf, presented on a festively embroidered towel. On wedding towels Most often, birds are depicted (doves or swans), which are considered a symbol of happiness, love and goodness.

Decorations for wedding glasses and champagne Wedding glasses are incredibly beautiful. The newlyweds can choose a couple of glasses to suit their taste. For greater beauty, wedding glasses are decorated with rings, flowers or ribbons. All kinds of colors will satisfy every taste.

Two bottles of wedding champagne traditionally decorate the wedding table. And, of course, they are beautiful too. At the moment when the newlyweds leave the table to dance their first waltz, these bottles, dressed in the clothes of the bride and groom, symbolically indicate that the newlyweds' table is occupied.

Wedding rompers - wedding accessories. There is a very good custom at a wedding where guests put money in pink or blue onesies. After counting the money, it becomes clear who will be the first-born of the newlyweds - a boy or a girl. They say that this is a very accurate fortune telling.

In our store you can buy these special onesies. Sliders for money.

Wedding car decorations In our store you can find complete sets of car decorations. The set includes rings or swans with flowers for the roof of the car, a decoration for the radiator, a very beautiful ribbons with flowers, flowers with ribbons on door handles. Individual orders are possible, to suit any imagination.

Fashion changes every season, but there are things and values ​​that never lose relevance. Love for chocolate is one of them. Chocolate is associated with happiness, romance and pleasure. The portal offers to fill wedding celebration hormones of happiness and represents cheerful thematic script chocolate wedding, completely ready for the toastmaster. The wedding script is written in uniform style and includes themed games, modern competitions and toasts for the presenter, which combine the concept of “chocolate”.

Scenario for meeting the newlyweds for the toastmaster

The meeting of the newlyweds with a loaf can be done in a creative way and instead of the usual bread, prepare a chocolate heart. For newlyweds with more traditional views, a loaf decorated with chocolate icing would be a completely acceptable option. The first speech according to the wedding scenario for the toastmaster:

The moment has come when you join your hands and hearts together. The people dearest to you - your parents - are presenting a symbol of your sweet love today, so taste your first wedding chocolate. And we'll see who bites off more and becomes the head of the family.

After a symbolic ceremony with a loaf of bread, the newlyweds and guests are invited to the wedding table. Congratulations to the newlyweds are heard, according to the toastmaster's script, and then the guests learn that the wedding is a themed one.

Dear guests, today is the sweetest and most wonderful day for our lovers! We will plunge into the atmosphere of the most chocolate wedding. This has its own pattern, because we are at the wedding of those people who will have everything(guests continue) ... IN CHOCOLATE!

Today we are waiting for a sea of ​​dancing, competitions and entertainment. And so that the lovers are in a chocolate mood all evening, we will have fun to the fullest. All agree? May the newlyweds now and always have a sweet time together! Let's shout together - SWEET!

Toasts for lovers

You can make a feast interesting by diluting it original toasts and congratulations. And so that reading toasts does not turn into a monotonous lesson, we continue the scenario for the wedding with the addition of competitions from the toastmaster. The first one is “The Sweetest Toast”. Here guests need to be smart and remember what the wedding theme is. Some unusual chocolate toasts are presented below:

So that everything in your life is wonderful, exquisite, sweet, tender! So that even the black stripes in life are made only of chocolate! For creation new family Let's raise our glasses!

Family life can rightfully be compared to a package of chocolates, because everything interesting is inside. Let's raise our glasses to the chocolate happiness of our beautiful couple, which will be created together with a variety of the sweetest fillings.

Chocolate, as a symbol of the connection of two hearts, is desirable, sweet and attractive. It requires a responsible attitude; if you heat it up too much, it will melt and burn, but if you have time to cool it down, you will get a multifaceted taste of pleasure and a pleasant crunch. Dear young people, enjoy each other, know how to influence each other’s emotions, cool down in time and be guided by reasonable thoughts. Have a nice chocolate life.

It is not necessary to make every toast a chocolate theme, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Table games for guests

A wedding is not just about toasts and dancing. You can have fun playing table games. The wedding scenario is diluted with funny and modern games with the participation of the toastmaster.

Savvy associations

Toastmaster's speech at the wedding:

Let's take a moment to travel back to the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" and remember the existence of a theory about the use of foods and their influence on humans. Mustard makes them sad, but onions make them cunning. Let's begin...

Variants of phrases and answers:

  • from lollipops (freeze);
  • from port wine (spoil);
  • from cheese (get damp);
  • from jelly (sour);
  • and from chocolate? (shock or get along)

Dear newlyweds, with all our hearts we wish you a shockingly excellent and happy life! Hooray!

Such an educational truth... or a lie

Presenter's speech:

In order for everything in life to be chocolate, you need to understand the myths and true facts about this product. Try to guess if this is true or false?

Chocolate Facts:

  1. Chocolate is a vegetable. Answer: true. It is extracted from cocoa beans. Beans are classified as vegetables. Just like sugar extracted from beets. Therefore, chocolate is also a vegetable.
  2. Eating chocolate has a negative impact on your skin. Answer: false. Scientists have not been able to identify a connection between acne and chocolate.
  3. Chocolate provokes excess weight. Answer: false. Carbohydrates from chocolate are instantly broken down and are the first to be consumed.
  4. Chocolate is an aphrodisiac. Answer: true. The well-known Casanova drank cocoa every day.

Do you know a few chocolate facts about newlyweds? Add them to the list and the competition will become much more interesting.

Compliment to the bride

The essence of the competition is to compose a compliment to the bride for each letter of the word “chocolate”. Eg:

  • noisy;
  • adored;
  • creative;
  • crazy;
  • darling;
  • active;
  • soulful.

Modern dance competitions for guests

After the first dance of the newlyweds, the dance program is considered open. It’s very useful at this stage to stir up the guests a little with dance competitions.

Master class from toastmaster

The witnesses begin their dance routine. After some time, they choose a mate of the opposite sex. The task is to recruit the maximum number of people. The toastmaster demonstrates a movement that needs to be repeated in pairs. Every movement to new music.

Examples of movements:

  • sudden turn of the head;
  • leg swing;
  • tilt of the partner;
  • change of partner;
  • tango stand and others.

Brazilian chocolates

The host introduces the volunteer dancers as a show of Brazilian chocolates. Their task is to dance in various styles. The winners are determined by applause. The music should be thematic, so select “chocolate” tracks in advance.

Games and other entertainment

A few new games for guests can be a real boon for the toastmaster.

Holiday Auction

By taking part in competitions, guests receive paper hearts chocolate color. They can be exchanged for gorgeous gifts.

Examples of lots and gifts:

  1. Romantic dinner for two in Italy (pack of Italian spaghetti and two forks).
  2. Evening in the jacuzzi (bath bubbles and scented candles).
  3. Million Red roses(pack of decorative rose seeds).
  4. An exclusive painting from as yet unknown artists (a rare autographed photograph of the newlyweds).
  5. An hour at the spa (massage glove and oil).

Demonstration of lots occurs after the purchase, which further fuels the interest of guests.

Shall we tell fortunes for our firstborn?

Collecting money for children's rompers for a boy or girl is a very touching spectacle, but a little outdated. We offer the original ritual with the participation of the leader below.

The host brings out a black box, and the guests guess what is in it.

The black man is wearing it
Bright jacket,
Admires the outfit
And in the heat it will melt.

A bar of Alenka chocolate appears from the black box.

Why is Alenka chocolate here?
The Year of the Child awaits you!
To whom are trials prophesied -
Birth or upbringing?

The presenter continues:

Finnish scientists have proven that chocolate lovers give birth to the happiest babies. Our newlyweds' love for chocolate is enormous, so their child will be very happy. Who will be born? We'll find out together.

The flash mob begins. The host gives the guests a choice of white or brown cap (symbolizing a girl and a boy). Music plays and guests put on their chosen cap. The result is announced.

Homely hearth with a hint of chocolate

Leader's words:

Many of us choose amulet in the form of pendants, coins and other items. But few people know that a pie can bring prosperity to a family. Ancient recipe, passed down from generation to generation in the bride's family. The moment has come for the transfer of culinary family heritage from mother to daughter.

The bride's mother takes a tattered piece of paper out of the box (an alternative could be a recipe book) and gives it to her daughter.

Save it, young wife, because the time will come, you will pass on this chocolate recipe to your daughter. For comfort and warmth in your new family!

After this, mothers light their candles and transfer the fire to the newlyweds’ home.

We see off newly-made spouses in an original way

The wedding scenario for the toastmaster is gradually coming to an end.

The final words of the wedding program according to the scenario for the toastmaster:

Cocoa is an indispensable ingredient for the drink of love. Let's give the newlyweds a hand-crafted “Chocolate Mood” cocktail.

Parents (witnesses) can prepare the cocktail.


  • grated chocolate;
  • milk;
  • whipped cream;

Dear parents, only your hands are capable of creating this divine drink, which will contribute to the strength of the young and the manifestation of true feelings.

Parents mix the ingredients, pour the drink into a large glass and serve two straws to the young ones.

Save your sweet moments and be happy!

You can find other modern wedding scenarios, as well as a scenario for the second day of the wedding, on our website

    Do you want to arrange an unforgettable continuation of your wedding on the second day, but don’t know how? There are a lot of options to cheer people up. You can invite everyone to the houses for barbecue, or you can all go together to a karaoke bar or something like that. But isn't this trivial? Here's a script for a fun second day of your wedding party. Everyone will have so much fun that your wedding will never be forgotten. It’s very easy to find a scenario for the second wedding day for a toastmaster 2016 with competitions, but will it suit you? So, in this article you will find the best wedding scenario of 2016!

    Block 1: Start of the Wedding Party

    Meeting the bride and groom

    There is such a tradition at weddings - to honor the parents of the newlyweds. But first, the toastmaster invites the guests to greet the newlyweds with applause. Afterwards, their parents tie aprons around their waists and themselves take the place of the bride and groom. The bottom line is that the newlyweds are completely initiated into hostess and master.

    Words of gratitude

    And again, this part of the second day cannot be done without the parents and close relatives of the young people. The wife and husband should thank mom and dad, grandparents and others for raising such wonderful children, for the joy they bring them, for their kindness.

    Block 2: competitions

    In the midst of the second wedding, you can start competitions in order to somehow cheer up and excite the guests who came. There are a lot of such competitions, the main thing is that they do not hurt anyone’s feelings and do not offend a person, because anything can happen. Therefore, the toastmaster selects competitions, leaning towards the interests of the family and close guests.

    Family twinning

    As mentioned above, there is no place at a wedding without family, so one of the competitions is for them. The newlyweds take the stage with their parents. Everyone is invited to drink champagne from a common family glass, but if the family doesn’t drink, you can pour lemonade or juice. The husband should drink first. And then the toastmaster reveals the meaning of the word HUSBAND: Dear Respected by his Wife, and WIFE is Desired, Only, Beloved and Angel. Then everyone else drinks. The mother-in-law, who promises not to offend her son-in-law and feed him deliciously, the father-in-law tells his son historical stories. The father-in-law talks about the goldfish (bride) that he caught and now marries her. Well, the mother-in-law gives the most expensive and precious things to her daughter-in-law. With all these words, they must pass a glass of champagne (lemonade), and, if desired, hug and kiss each other. At the end, they all form a circle together, thereby uniting their family. The toastmaster plays the family's favorite song.

    Competition for mother-in-law and mother-in-law

    Ongoing family competitions, but now only for two of its members - the wonderful mothers of the spouses. The toastmaster gives them bubble. The point is that the presenter asks them questions one by one, and instead of answering they will blow bubbles. How many bubbles is the answer? For example, how many times a year will you take your grandchildren to babysit? How much fish will your son (son-in-law) bring back from fishing? And so on. The more and more interesting questions, the more fun it will be for the guests.

    Fortune telling for young people

    The next competition is for newlyweds. The essence of the competition is to predict who will be the first born to a married couple - a boy or a girl. They take two balls and put money there. The bride and groom go outside and launch them into the air. Everything is simple here - whose balloon flies higher, the child will have that gender.

    Competitions for guests

    Here you can come up with many competitions to entertain your guests. You are provided with examples of some of them.

    • Pack your clothes. Several guests from the audience are asked to bring as many clothes as possible within a certain time. At the end, the winner is awarded a prize. Now you can always turn to this person, because he can get everything.
    • The next competition is called “agile gentleman”. Competition for men only. Rubber bands are provided, one rubber band for each gentleman different colors. The essence of the competition is that each man must ring as many women as possible. There is also a similar competition for beautiful ladies. They are offered the well-known game with chairs, only the chairs are not empty, but young people are seated on them, one more girl. The music turns on and the girls have to walk around the chairs. When the music stops, they must sit on the men's laps. Well, those who didn’t have time are eliminated.
    • Comic medical examination. The toastmaster invites two guests to conduct a so-called medical examination of those present. They are asked to make the most unexpected comic diagnoses: under-snack, under-hangover, over-drinking, etc.

    There are also many other competitions that a professional toastmaster or presenter can offer you, who will feel all the desires of the audience and will definitely surprise you! Thus, you can arrange any second day of the wedding banquet as you want, the main thing is that all the guests are cheerful and satisfied.

    The most awaited day in the life of any girl is a wedding. To make the holiday fun and unforgettable, come up with an interesting and unusual scenario!

    Traditionally, the toastmaster or host greets the newlyweds and guests at the banquet, where the feast begins. The responsibilities of the host include hosting a banquet, competitions, and inviting guests to make a toast. Traditional wedding script includes the following items:

    1. Newlyweds meeting at the entrance to the restaurant with bread and salt
    2. Inviting guests to the table, helping with seating
    3. Opening speech, toast to the young
    4. Comic stories that will allow guests to enjoy light snacks
    5. Providing a word of congratulations to the parents of the bride and groom
    6. Return of gratitude from the newlyweds to their parents
    7. Entertainment, for example, determining the sex of the unborn child
    8. Giving the floor to grandparents and other relatives
    9. Newlyweds' first dance
    10. Competition for the distribution of future family responsibilities
    11. Friends of the newlyweds say congratulations
    12. Touching slideshow in Love Story style with photos of newlyweds
    13. Congratulations from friends
    14. Garter and bouquet toss
    15. Sand ceremony
    16. Fun dance competitions
    17. Family hearth
    18. Cutting wedding cake
    19. Words of gratitude to the guests from the newlyweds

    All points can be changed at the request of the heroes of the occasion or at the discretion of the host.

    Wedding script for toastmaster

    Often the toastmaster does not at all initiate the newlyweds into the intricacies of their holiday, so that this evening also becomes a surprise for them. In advance, the newlyweds may be asked to prepare a list of all those invited to the wedding with their names, describe the history of their acquaintance, and tell funny stories from the lives of the guests.

    The task of the toastmaster is to prepare a scenario that is suitable specifically for this couple and for their guests, and to be ready to quickly change jokes if the audience is not inclined to such humor. It is best to warn the host in advance about what topics it is better not to joke about and what competitions to refuse; for example, not everyone encourages competitions with collecting money from guests or jokes of a sexual nature.

    Cool wedding scenario

    The standard scenario provides the same type of scheme for holding a fun and memorable feast, but to make your wedding different, you can come up with a specific theme, for example, an old Russian wedding.

    At the entrance, the host distributes masks and props, kokoshniks, helmets and small notes with tasks to all guests, which say something like the following:

    • you must kidnap the bride and hide her on the 2nd floor immediately after the newlyweds dance
    • as soon as you notice that the newlyweds have not kissed for a long time, immediately shout loudly “Bitter!”

    Little tricks will allow the host to coordinate the celebration and involve all the guests. Example Scenario as follows:

    1. The arrival of the newlyweds, the guests line up in a long line, forming a corridor, and greet the newlyweds, showering them with rice and confetti; at the end of the corridor, the newlyweds are greeted by their mothers, who are holding a loaf and salt on a towel; the one who bites off the largest piece of the loaf will be the head of the family.
    2. The host invites everyone to follow the newlyweds: “Dear guests, follow the newlyweds into the hall, today you will attend not just a wedding, but a ceremonial feast, where we will honor the Tsar and Princess of the evening!”
    3. The guests take their seats in the hall, which is decorated according to the theme of the evening, the host tells the story of how the young people met: “In one kingdom of the state, three nine lands away, a beautiful princess languished in a tower. Not a single brave man could save her, because she was guarded by a stern and evil dragon. And then one day a young man was passing by the castle and saw a beautiful maiden in the window and was struck by her beauty. I didn’t sleep at night, I kept thinking about how to save the princess. With the help of a potion, he put the evil dragon to sleep and saved the princess, returned her to her parents’ three-story house on Rublyovka, and in gratitude received permission to marry her and a Toyota Corolla to boot. The newlyweds got married today and invited all the guests from all over the world today to have fun, sing and dance together.”
    4. Their parents rush to congratulate the newlyweds in order to determine the order. The presenter offers a contest of ingenuity “What can be made from an ordinary birch trunk?” Whoever gives the most answers is the first to congratulate!
    5. Next, congratulations from the rest of the guests and various competitions in the style of a Russian wedding alternate, for example, to fish an apple out of a basin without hands, shoot an arrow at a target, braid a Russian braid, perform a Russian folk dance, sing a folk song, draw schematic paintings of famous Russian artists and offer to others guests have to guess what is shown.
    6. The waiters bring the cake, which the newlyweds cut together, the bride takes the first piece to her mother-in-law, the groom takes the second to his mother-in-law, then the newlyweds treat all the guests.
    7. The wedding ends with the words of the newlyweds, in which they express gratitude to all the guests for their attention, nice words and gifts.

    Scenario for a wedding with competitions

    Competitions can make a wedding more fun and relax guests, giving them the opportunity to express themselves. After watching how others participate, your friends and relatives will behave more relaxed, which means they will have a good evening and will have the most pleasant memories from your wedding.

    Competitions at a wedding can be organized for the bride and groom, for example:

    • Choose one of two options when answering simple questions questions about your spouse, the more matches the better. For example, a wife must answer which superhero her lover likes most, Batman or Spider-Man. At the same time, the groom also answers, the answers are compared, then the situation changes.
    • Baby photos- needed for various photos children to find their spouse.
    • Find a kiss brides on a sheet with a bunch of kisses.
    • The spouse is asked tie a waffle towel as tightly as he loves his wife, and then untie him as easily as he will resolve any disputes in the family.
    • You can offer the bride try your hand at future motherhood, for example, swaddle a doll.
    • The newlyweds must use rose petals to create a word that unites them.

    Competitions for guests:

    • Find your wife— several couples are invited, the men are blindfolded, and the girls are seated on chairs in one row, the man must find his woman by feeling his knees.
    • The host says a word from the song, and the guests should sing a verse or chorus of a song, where there is a hidden word.
    • Two volunteers hold the rope, cheerful music plays, and the rest of the guests must walk under the rope, tilting your back back. The rope drops lower and lower with each round, until the most desperate ones give up trying to crawl under it.
    • Competition for who knows the bride and groom better, for example, you need to answer the question what rank in sports the groom has, how many years ago the bride dyed her hair for the first time, or how many children they dream of.
    • Contest " Invisible hula hoop" will also amuse all the guests, the host invites several men and gives them an invisible hula hoop, while the music plays, the hula hoop must be twisted first on the waist, then on the neck, then on the arm and on the knees.

    Wedding ransom script

    Traditionally, the wedding day begins with the bride's ransom. The groom will have to go through many tests to prove his love and devotion. Typically, competitions are held by bridesmaids, who certainly know what to ask and how to test the groom’s strength. Depending on your desire, you can use different scenarios:

    • If the bride lives in a tall building, then the tests can be arranged on the staircase, each floor is a new task for the groom, the main thing is to make sure that he does not use the elevator.
    • The bride only needs a healthy groom, so you can arrange a “medical examination” for him, let him go through all the doctors and prove that everything is in order with his head, and that he has great strength.
    • The bride can be imagined as a princess locked in a tower, the entrance to which is guarded by evil witches, also known as best friends brides Until the groom answers all their insidious questions from the category when the mother-in-law and father-in-law have a wedding day, he will not get to the bride or he will have to pay a ransom.

    Home wedding scenario

    A wedding can be celebrated at home, especially if the size of the room and the culinary skills of the hostess allow it. Prepare the room in advance, it may be worth moving the furniture and ask your friends for additional chairs and tables, prepare a place for outerwear and bags, assign, for example, parents or witnesses to resolve these issues.

    The room can be decorated with photographs of the newlyweds and wedding-themed stickers. To prevent guests from getting bored with conversations and staying too long, appoint one of the guests (it is better to warn him in advance) as the host of the evening, who will announce the following congratulations and offer an entertainment program. One of your friends should help with the musical arrangement of the evening.

    Competitions for home weddings:

    • You will need two clotheslines and two spoons, you need to tie the ends of the ropes to the spoons, ask the guests to divide into two groups, the task of each group is to pass a spoon through the clothes of each participant, the team that does this before the other wins.
    • Organize a fortune-telling game, let the guests pull out one piece of paper and read what awaits the newlyweds in their family life.
    • Called married couples, husbands write on a piece of paper what they plan to give to their wives, and women, without seeing this piece of paper, tell how they will use it.
    • Competition for the best dancing couple of the evening, everyone is invited, loud dance music is turned on.
    • Ask guests to write short poem, using the newlyweds' names and the word "wedding".

    Set up a photo booth with fun props, like mustaches or hats, where guests can take photos with the bride and groom.

    Modern wedding scenario

    Modern wedding is a very broad concept; young people want to spend this day in their own way, sometimes completely rejecting any established principles, for example:

    • After the registry office, the bride and groom go with their closest friends for a walk around the city on foot; in their favorite establishments they can order the food or drinks they like, and visit the place where the couple met. All this time they are accompanied by a photographer, completely impromptu, no clear plans, no worries with preparation. I send relatives who do not understand this behavior to a restaurant, where they celebrate in accordance with their ideas; in the evening, young people join them.
    • A themed European wedding outside the city, in a cozy cottage, where guests will spend two days with the newlyweds. Often young people deviate from their usual routine and choose a solemn exit registration marriage outside the registry office, so they are not affected by traffic jams, are not afraid to forget their passport in the chaos, or do not stand in line among the crowd of people getting married. The location for the ceremony can be a picturesque area in front of a restaurant or country hotel, then the toastmaster acts not only as the host of the banquet, but also as the wedding registrar.
    • A traditional wedding, according to generally accepted ideas: the bride's ransom from her parents' house, the registry office, a wedding walk through the most beautiful places city, a banquet in a restaurant and dancing until the morning.

    Wedding scenarios: table games

    Last time Board games have become especially popular among young people. This great way spend time in the company, so you can keep guests busy, for example at a small home wedding, by playing Jenga, Imaginarium, Concept or other games.

    For a big wedding, table games are used:

    • The most traditional game is pass the box (the box is wrapped in 7-10 layers wrapping paper), music plays and the box is passed from one participant to another, when the music stops the participant in whose hands the box is must quickly tear off as much wrapping paper as possible from it, as soon as the music starts again, the box is again passed from hand to hand until the next stops. This continues until one of the guests pulls a prize out of the box.
    • A comic game “Why did you come to the wedding?”, you need to prepare pieces of paper in advance with answers like “Delicious food”, “There is nowhere to sleep”, “Everyone went, and I went” and put it in a bag, then the host asks the question “Why did you come to the wedding?” wedding?”, the guest takes out a piece of paper and voices the answer.
    • The host hands out cards with the letters of the alphabet to the guests, the guest must choose an adjective for the letter that fell to him, which characterizes the newlyweds, for example, “I” - bright, “N” - newlyweds, etc.
    • Guests from the bride and groom participate in the competition; they are divided into two teams. The presenter gives each team a blank sheet of paper and a marker, in 5 minutes, passing the sheet to each other; the guests of the bride need to draw the groom, and the guests of the groom need to draw the bride, each guest draws one figure and passes the sheet to the other, at the end the portraits are solemnly presented to the newlyweds.

    Scenario for the second wedding day

    If the bride and groom want to extend the holiday, then the second wedding day is perfect for this purpose. You need to plan in advance where your guests will spend the night and what you will treat them to on the second day. All these opportunities are offered by country hotels or serviced cottages.

    To organize the day, you can hire a host or do everything yourself as a hostess. The mood of the guests on the second day will be positive, but not active, so it is better to postpone various sports and outdoor games. Guests will also get up in the morning at different time, so don’t rush to gather everyone in one place.

    • On a fine summer day, offer guests barbecue, outdoor games, badminton, tennis, paintball
    • In winter, you can relax in the sauna or bathhouse, especially after yesterday's fun, or play billiards
    • In the fall or spring, you can arrange a viewing of the video that was recorded yesterday, because everyone is so eager to see themselves from the outside

    You and your guests will remember your wedding day for the rest of your life, so try to organize it in such a way that there are no regrets about missed opportunities. A toastmaster at a wedding is necessary, since it is a professional who can organize the holiday so that the newlyweds and guests can relax and have fun from the heart.

    Video: Fun scenario for a wedding day

    Recently appeared new trend– organizing a wedding event without observing ancient traditions, during which significant time is devoted to fun gaming competitions and competitions.

    This means that when preparing for the celebration, funny and modern scenarios for a wedding for the toastmaster. When conducting a wedding in this format, it is necessary to involve the newlyweds and guests in a fun, exciting gaming celebration - interesting show, which will remain in the memory of all participants of the holiday for a long time.

    Scenario with competitions

    Marriage Registration Day is rightfully considered the biggest celebration of a young family.

    The wedding format has a wide range: from a modest student party to a grandiose large-scale celebration. It all depends on the wishes of the bride and groom, national traditions and, of course, financial capabilities. All newlyweds, without exception, dream that their wedding will be a real joyful festive event, filled with fun, laughter, jokes, songs, interesting competitions, dancing.

    To do this, even during the preparation of the wedding, it is necessary to draw up an interesting scenario according to which the wedding host will be able to competently and cheerfully conduct the event, observing the customs and traditions of everyone.

    By modern style The wedding can be divided into several parts:

    1. The beginning of the wedding. The wedding celebration begins with a formal part. Young spouses celebrating wedding table accept congratulations and gifts from all participants in the wedding celebration.
    2. Main part. During the second part, a fun entertainment program is held, filled with numerous fun competitions, funny competitions, and playful theatrical scenes with the participation of the newlyweds and wedding guests. There are also fun singing competitions and, of course, lively dancing.
    3. The final part. In the final part, romantic wedding rituals are carried out: lighting the candles of the hearth, sand ceremony, tying a scarf, throwing a wedding bouquet by the bride and others interesting rituals. At the end of the wedding, guests are offered a delicious dessert - a wedding cake.

    If you are planning a wedding with big amount for young people who are not interested in boring old traditions and want to have a lot of fun, we can offer one of the options interesting scenario with the participation of a presenter or toastmaster.

    The wedding begins with the words of the toastmaster: “Attention, our dear guests! Now we will see an amazing and beautiful couple– our beautiful bride and groom come up to us. Let’s greet our newlyweds with thunderous applause!”

    The bride and groom approach the toastmaster and stand in the center of the wedding hall. The toastmaster continues: “Good afternoon (says the names of the bride and groom)! Let's start your wedding celebration. Please accept our congratulations on the occasion of entering into a legal marriage.

    Congratulations on the birth of a new young family (says the surname of the young spouses)!”

    The presenter recites the following short congratulatory poem:

    “Our dear newlyweds! Let's now come to our nearest and dearest - your parents. In the hands of your mothers you see a symbol of well-being - ruddy and fluffy wedding bread, a symbol of your home well-being and prosperity. I invite the bride and groom to go to their parents and break off a piece of the wedding loaf for themselves.”

    The newlyweds come up and break off a piece of bread from the sides.

    "Dear guests! What conclusion can be drawn from the young pieces of loaf broken off? Now you can understand who in a young family is a big fan of food or who will be the head of the family!

    Now heavily salt your pieces. wedding bread. Don't skimp on salt, add as much salt as possible! With love and tender eyes, look tenderly at each other, exchange pieces and carefully feed each other! Dear guests!

    Notice how carefully they feed each other, they don’t want to be hungry!” There is friendly laughter in the hall. The toastmaster invites guests to go to the wedding hall and take their seats at the wedding table. While the guests are seated, the host says the words: “Dear guests! Please don’t be shy, today we will have fun, try delicious treats and raise toasts in honor of the most wonderful couple.

    I suggest gentlemen to court beautiful ladies so that glasses and plates are not empty.”

    The wedding party fills their glasses. The words of the presenter are heard:

    “Dear newlyweds! Today, on this wonderful wedding day, the most significant event happened - you united your destinies and united your life paths. From now on, you are no longer the bride and groom, but real spouses - husband and wife. Let me congratulate you on behalf of all the wedding guests on this step and on your legal marriage!”

    “Dear (name of the groom, name of the bride)! What a joy to see a happy couple in love! Everyone knows that the greatest happiness in life is the confidence in mutual love!

    Our newlyweds have such great happiness. It is to this happiness that we raise our glasses.

    Our first toast is to our beautiful newlyweds, to your happy family life!”

    While the participants at the wedding table are tasting the festive dishes, the toastmaster invites the guests to meet each other, congratulate the newlyweds and give them gifts.

    The host approaches each of the guests, introduces himself and offers a microphone for congratulations.

    After congratulations and presenting gifts, the toastmaster suggests holding a quiz about the newlyweds: “Dear bride and groom! Now we will conduct a quiz among the guests on knowledge of the history of your acquaintance. Guests must answer questions, and young people are asked not to suggest the correct answers.

    1. The first prize is a kiss from our beautiful bride. Question for the audience - who is the bride according to the horoscope? “Answer: Taurus.
    2. The second prize - a strong man's handshake from the groom - will be received by the one who answers the question: what sport does (groom's name) prefer? Answer: sambo.
    3. The third prize is a kiss from our bride. Question for guests: what are the bride’s favorite flowers? Answer: roses.
    4. The fourth prize is a triple kiss from our groom. What is the groom's favorite sport at today's wedding? Answer: A unique opportunity to have a drink with our bride for brotherhood.
    5. The fifth prize for the bride and groom is the opportunity to give each other a hot kiss if they give the correct answers to the following questions: Question to our bride: What dish does the groom like best? Question to the groom: What long-running TV series (bride's name) has been watching since childhood and can never watch to the end?

    After completing the comic quiz, the host offers to refill the glasses and taste the festive treat. After some time, the presenter announces a competition about parents.

    “Today the bride and groom have a new status"Husband and wife". In connection with this joyful event, changes also affected their parents. We invite fathers and mothers of newlyweds to learn their new statuses.”

    Addresses the groom’s mother: “Our dear mother, you are no longer just a lady, but the mother of a wonderful bride. Our ideal one will never frown... (the guests continue in unison - mother-in-law! ").

    The following words are an appeal to the mother of the bride: “Now you have a new son - your wonderful wonderful son-in-law! Be simpler with your son-in-law, as you should be... (mother-in-law!)"

    The toastmaster proposes a toast to the parents of the bride and groom: “I propose a toast to the closest people - to the parents. It was these people who surrounded you, young people, with their selfless love and care, and were your faithful support and support. Let's raise a glass in their honor and thank them for raising such wonderful children, our groom (name) and bride (name)!”

    The clink of glasses sounds. After the snack, it’s time for active, fun competitions.

    The toastmaster proposes holding a dance competition with the following words: “I invite all wedding participants to the dance floor so that our couple in love can undergo pleasant training in our “Kissing Academy.”

    1. The first lesson is “The Royal Kiss”. We invite the bride to sit on an imaginary throne (offers a decorated chair). Here she is – our queen! The groom is her subject who must kiss the hand of his queen.” (The groom must get down on one knee and kiss the bride’s hand) The toastmaster invites the guests to give the newlyweds a grade for the first lesson with applause.
    2. The second lesson is “Caucasian”. The presenter asks the groom to imagine himself as a horseman standing on one mountain (places a chair in front of him). Dzhigit shouts to his bride: “I love you!” Mountain Echo (the groom's witness) repeats this phrase. The bride at the foot of the mountain (chair) shouts in response “I love you!” The witness, like an echo, repeats this phrase to the witness and he passes it on to the groom. In conclusion, the groom and witness perform a fiery lezginka. The groom goes to the bride and kisses her.
    3. The third lesson is “Cossack”. The bride is a beautiful farmer, and the groom is a Cossack. He gallops into the farmstead, sitting astride a dashing horse (witness), circles his bride three times and kisses her as he goes.
    4. The fourth lesson is “Graduation” or “Wedding Kiss”. The guests stand in a circle, with the newlyweds in the center. The guests chant “Bitter!”, the bride and groom kiss, and the guests count how long their kiss lasts.

    After this competition, the host announces the first dance of the newlyweds, which begins the dance program with the participation of all wedding participants.

    When the guests get a little tired of fast dancing, the host suggests holding the popular competition “Guess the gender of the future first-born of the young people.”

    The toastmaster announces: “We all know that a happy young family is a family with small children. Dear friends, let's all make magic together and order the young spouses their first child - a daughter or son. I invite witnesses to be bankers and offer them bags to collect money for the baby.

    Whoever collects the most money in his bag will have a baby of that gender in the family.”

    While the money is being collected and counted, the host asks funny questions, and the guests quickly answer:

    “I suggest our bankers announce the results! Witnesses, please state the amounts collected. Now you can make a statement: in the family (names the common surname of the young) the first to be born (names the gender of the child). I propose the following toast to the health of the firstborn.

    It doesn’t matter what gender the first child will be, the main thing is that he is healthy and strong. Let's raise a glass to love!"

    Scenario without competitions and traditions

    When thinking about the format of a wedding, modern brides and grooms often think about giving their main holiday event a special personality and holding a wedding in their own specific style without competitions or observing ancient traditions.

    Usual scenarios consist of numerous competitions, in which the toastmaster has to persuade wedding guests to participate. Modern youth are perplexed by competitions for moving an apple between their legs or kissing different parts neighbor's body.

    In order to hold an interesting and spectacular wedding without competitions and without observing outdated ancient rituals, it is important to correctly draw up the script for the wedding event in advance.

    The following order of the wedding celebration is proposed:

    1. Each of the future spouses, with the help of close friends, prepares for the wedding in their home.
    2. The groom and his close friends go to meet the bride at her house. When meeting the bride, the groom brings a wedding bouquet and words of love as a gift.
    3. Light snacks and drinks are offered to guests at the bride's home. The first photo session is underway.
    4. The bride and groom with close friends, witnesses and parents go to the place of registration of the marriage. Outdoor ceremony is considered a wonderful alternative to the usual ceremony in the official registry office.
    5. At the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds go for a walk and a photo shoot.
    6. After the walk, the newlyweds arrive at the place where the wedding banquet will take place. Guests and relatives form a living corridor through which the newlyweds enter the hall. Along the way, the newlyweds are showered with fragrant petals of multi-colored roses and greeted with words of congratulations.
    7. There are congratulations from parents.

    The bride and groom and invited guests enter the wedding hall, filled with the sounds of wedding melodies, and take their places at the festive wedding tables.

    The toastmaster pronounces the following congratulatory words:

    A beautiful song on a wedding theme plays in the background music. The participants of the celebration begin the wedding banquet.

    Some time later, after the guests have had a bite to eat, the host invites them to congratulate the young spouses and give them wedding gifts:

    “Let's congratulate our newlyweds (name of the bride and groom) on the most solemn birthday of the new family - Happy Wedding Day! Today our closest friends and parents have gathered here and offer you their congratulations with all their hearts.”

    The host approaches each wedding participant in turn and gives the floor for wishes.

    After congratulations, the toastmaster extends an invitation to fill the glasses and continue the festive meal.

    1. Toastmaster announces the start entertainment program: “Today real magicians came to congratulate our newlyweds, who will be happy to entertain our guests with their wonderful and even magical performances.”
    2. After the performance of professional artists, the toastmaster invites professional dancers to conduct dance master classes with the subsequent involvement of guests in their dance program.
    3. Those who want to take photos go to a decorated photo zone for filming.
    4. The toastmaster announces the dance of the newlyweds: “We invite our dear newlyweds to their first wedding waltz. Now they are no longer the bride and groom, but husband and wife. Now our wonderful couple will spin in a slow waltz dance, and let the wonderful sounds of music envelop them with their magic blanket! And we will be happy to admire the happy couple in love!”
    5. The sounds of the waltz are replaced by rhythmic fast music, the wedding participants join the newlyweds and a kind of wedding flash mob begins.
    6. The wedding ends with the cutting of the wedding cake. The presenter says the words:

    The wedding celebration ends with a fire show or a touching ceremony of launching Chinese lanterns into the sky with a lit candle inside.

    This video will tell you how to create a wedding script:

    So in a new way, without following the established traditional rituals and competitions, you can hold an interesting wedding celebration. The modern entertainment industry and their own creative approach allow couples to turn their wedding into a truly exciting spectacle.