The amount of increase in pension at 80 years of age. Pension at eighty years - allowances provided by law. Amount of compensation payment

Russia provides unique benefits and allowances for people who have lived a long life. The state helps to forget about financial problems by increasing some payments and guaranteeing new benefits.

Citizens over 80 years of age receive preferences from the government, their amount was changed in 2019.

What surcharges are possible?

Federal Law No. 173 states that a pensioner over 80 years of age receives a 100% increase in the fixed part of the pension. In January 2019, it was indexed by 4.1%.

Calculations are carried out by Pension Fund employees taking into account standard indicators:

  • bonus for additional experience;
  • regional coefficients, if any.

In addition to this payment, there are additional benefits available to people over 80 years of age. They are paid to citizens who have incapacitated persons as dependents.

The amount of the supplement depends on the situation:

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If a pensioner lives in the Far North, he will receive payments taking into account the increased coefficient.

If at some point in his life a citizen worked in this region, he will receive a bonus if the following conditions are met:

If a pensioner is entitled to both this payment and a pension taking into account another regional indicator, he has the right to choose only one pension.

Who is entitled to

In 2015, the government revised the grounds and conditions for receiving a pension supplement after age 80. The right to it are citizens who until this time received insurance pension. If a person has received social benefits, there will be no increase.

If a person receives additional assistance for the loss of a breadwinner, he will be able to apply for a supplement when switching to an insurance type of pension. To do this, you need to sign an application at the nearest Pension Fund.

Disabled person of 1st group

Disabled people of the first group can count on an increase regardless of the citizen’s age and length of service. The main condition is passing a medical examination and establishing the appropriate group.

For these citizens, the size of the fixed payment is initially larger than the standard one. Also, close relatives have the right to receive compensation for caring for an elderly citizen if they are not employed anywhere and do not receive any income other than the minimum pension.

What is the supplement to pension after 80 years in 2019

The additional payment for pensioners over 80 years of age is 4,383.59 rubles. For pensioners of this age with disabilities, the amount may be higher.

Each citizen 80 years old in 2019 receives at least 8,767.18 rubles, plus individual allowances and regional coefficients.

In Moscow

One of the most tall sizes additional payments, it varies from 4,500 to 12,000 thousand rubles. Several hundred thousand citizens are counting on the bonus upon reaching 80 years of age in 2019.

To get the maximum increase, a person must meet 2 basic conditions:

  • live in the capital for at least 10 years. The pensioner must have permanent registration. This period includes the time spent in the territories annexed to Moscow;
  • if the pensioner was registered in the territory of New Moscow and then left it, this period is counted when calculating a pension supplement.

Other pensioners receive minimum size old age pension, which then increases to living wage from federal funds. A person cannot receive less than this amount.

Where to contact

In 2019, upon reaching age 80, the pension is recalculated automatically; there is no provision for appealing to government agencies. If employees have problems, they will send a letter asking for clarification of the situation; the processing time for applications is 2 weeks.

If the decision is positive, the bonus is calculated in the same month. If a negative decision is made, the person is sent a letter with the reasons for the refusal. Citizens have the right to appeal the decision in court.

How to apply

In order for a person to apply for an appropriate payment for elderly care, he must visit the Pension Fund or the nearest MFC.

To prove the grounds, the following documents will be required:

  • a statement from a person who is 80 years old;
  • a certificate of absence of unemployment payments and pensions, if the applicant will be looked after;
  • certificate of absence of official employment;
  • internal passport.

What documents are needed

If the pensioner himself applies for payment, he must take a passport and work book. If documents are submitted by an authorized person, then you need to make copies and have them certified by a notary; the person must have a power of attorney.

If a student will be caring for an elderly citizen, he must obtain a certificate from the dean’s office and attach it to the application.

Payment procedure

If a pensioner receives payments at the place of actual residence, then to receive the funds it is enough to sign an application and send it to the nearest Pension Fund. The application can be filled out online on the State Services website if the person has an electronic signature.

If the recipient changes his place of residence, he must withdraw the application. Employees will deregister him at one address based on the move and register him in another location. From this moment on, the payment of the pension supplement will continue; if a regional coefficient appears, a recalculation will occur.

The pension fund sends a notification by mail stating that everything was done correctly, and the citizen retains the right to a bonus. If there are no problems with the documents, all procedures will take place automatically without human intervention.

Payment of accrued money is made for the current month. Responsible for transferring funds local authority Pension Fund. If a citizen lives in a municipal or state inpatient facility, payments will go there.

The legislation provides for the possibility of automatically paying for the accommodation of elderly citizens in hospitals and other specialized institutions from their pensions.

To do this, the pensioner signs an application and the Pension Fund begins sending monthly bills to the place of residence for payment. This process can also be automated.

A pensioner has the right to receive a pension either at home or at a post office, bank or organization that delivers pensions. When transferring in person, a person must present an ID each time.

It is possible to transfer by bank transfer to a bank card using the specified details, if the citizen has one. There are no transaction fees.

Fringe benefits

In addition to the pension supplement, citizens over 80 years of age receive an automatic right to benefits, including:

  • absolutely free social and medical services;
  • allocation of places in boarding houses for the elderly, nursing homes, boarding homes and any other specialized government institutions;
  • If a pensioner’s housing is in disrepair, then if he has documents for the living space, he is provided with state real estate (returned after the person’s death).

In some regions of the country, a law has been passed on exemption from paying contributions for major repairs for citizens over 80 years of age.

In addition to the above benefits, people in this category receive unique social services:

  • free legal consultations;
  • receiving a set of groceries and hot meals once a day;
  • free medical and psychological assistance;
  • free visits from medical and social workers;
  • receiving social assistance in the form of clothes, shoes and any items necessary for a comfortable life.

Care allowance

In addition to the basic supplement due to every pensioner over 80 years of age, citizens have the right to receive compensation for care. If relatives do not work to care for the person, the Pension Fund will begin to pay additional funds.

You can apply for compensation at any Pension Fund in the country. The pensioner and relative must sign an application for assistance.

Not everyone can provide care and receive compensation. Payment is possible subject to the following conditions:

  • age from 14 years, up to 18 years it is necessary to obtain permission from the guardianship authorities;
  • do not have an official place of work;
  • not receive any other type of pension;
  • not be a member of the employment service and not receive unemployment benefits from them.

Since at the age of 80 some citizens do not have the opportunity to personally carry documents, they have the right to issue a power of attorney to a third party, allowing them to process payments.

The power of attorney must be notarized; a relative caring for the pensioner can bring it. The notary also makes home visits.

Since long-term care compensation is paid together with the pension, the assistant receives the money from the hands of the pensioner. If a relative finds a job, he is obliged to notify the Pension Fund. Otherwise, it falls under the article “Fraud,” and public money will be confiscated in court.

According to statistics, compensation is often issued by students and schoolchildren who are grandchildren of a pensioner. The fact of transfer of funds from a pensioner to an assistant is not verified. The amount of compensation depends on the regional coefficient.

Citizens over 80 years of age are a vulnerable group of people, therefore they are entitled to additional payments and benefits. If a person’s health is not sufficient to complete the documents, a representative can go through the procedure in his place.

Video: Increase in pension after 80 years in 2019

The compensation payment after 80 years for each resident of the Russian Federation consists of several parts - a fixed payment, which for 2018 is 4,824 rubles and the amount accumulated during the period of official employment.

If the pensioner reaches the age of 80, then the fixed part of the monthly payment doubles. It should be noted that in 2018, such monthly compensation increases independently using a special accounting program. There is no need to contact the Pension Fund for subsequent assignment of a pension.

If the pensioner has dependents, then each disabled person receives 33 percent of the standard amount. However, there can be no more than three persons.

About what the basic pension is in 2018, the amount in rubles, the features of payment - in the article at the link.

Additional pension benefits after age 80

When a pensioner reaches the age of eighty, the Pension Fund authorities automatically carry out recalculation. As mentioned above, the fixed payment increases to one hundred percent.

The exception is pensioners who have received the first disability group. Their fixed payment was initially doubled.

  • The compensation amount increased to 5.4 percent. The total is 4806 rubles;
  • Persons who have reached the age of eighty receive a pension in the amount of 9,612 rubles.

If pensioners who have reached the age of eighty live in harsh climatic conditions or in the Far North, the indexing coefficient will be different. For the entire period of registration in one of these areas, the corresponding coefficient is used for calculation.

If pensioners have reached the age of 80, but worked in the Far North or in other difficult conditions, in addition to the monthly increase in payments by 100 percent, the following increases additionally:

  • 50 percent if the citizen has worked in the Far North for at least 50 years;
  • 30 percent of the total amount for persons working for at least 20 years in areas whose conditions are equivalent to those in the Far North.

How to apply for an increase in pension after 80 years?

To apply for an increase after 80 years of age, contact the regional office of the Pension Fund. The pensioner and the person caring for him must write a statement. If a relative applies for a pension, several conditions must be met:

  • He must be over 14 years of age;
  • He is not considered employed;
  • Not a pension recipient.

Also, in order to assign a certain pension, it is necessary that the pensioner has an identity card, a work record book and other additional documents requested by the Pension Fund authority.

If a full-time student is additionally looking after the pensioner, you need to take the corresponding extract from the dean’s office and attach it to the main package of documents.

Additional payment to pension after 80 years in 2018 - what documents to provide?

The recalculation process is carried out by people. Therefore, in any case, the human factor plays an equally important role. Because of this, errors are rarely made when calculating a certain amount of money.

Additionally, attach certain documents:

  • A statement that states that you want to understand the calculations made;
  • Identity document;
  • Insurance certificate (SNILS).

Today, the amount of payment upon reaching the age of 80 increases by 100 percent for everyone, without any exceptions.

Calculation of pension after 80 years in 2018

At the beginning of this year, the overall indexation of pension compensation was 5.4 percent. In April, social compensation increased additionally by 2.6 percent.

Below is an example calculation:

Alexander Petrov lived and was officially employed in the Murmansk region. After reaching retirement age, he began to receive a payment of 14 thousand rubles.

Upon reaching the age of 80, his benefit increased automatically. He began to receive an additional 5,000 rubles.

After some time, he learned that his pension payment had been calculated incorrectly. He contacted the Pension Fund for maximum clarification. The employees of this institution saw their mistake, as a result of which they recalculated taking into account an additional coefficient of 1.8.

5000 * 1.8 = 9 thousand rubles - a fixed part of the payment together with the coefficient;

9000*2 = 18 thousand rubles - double the size of the fixed payment.

The insurance part of the pension compensation consists of two parts: 120 * 80 (price of one point) = 9,600 rubles.

As a result, Alexander Petrov began to receive:

18 thousand rubles + 9,600 rubles = 27,600 rubles.

In this situation, it is necessary to take into account that pensioners who worked in the Northern Regions can claim not only doubled compensation, but also additional benefits according to the regional coefficient. This issue is discussed in

Part-time pensioners are far from uncommon. The size of the pension does not always allow you to live properly, given the increasing costs of basic necessities and medicines. A positive point is the increase in pensions for elderly citizens at 80 years of age. What changes will affect it in 2018 will have to be considered in detail.

The increase in pension, which is calculated after 80 years, is provided for in Art. 17 Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” No. 400-FZ. The normative act establishes a provision according to which, upon reaching a certain age, one of the parts of the pension is doubled. This component is a fixed payment determined by a separate legislative act, it is minimum pension in the Russian Federation.

Thus, to all citizens in Russia who receive an old-age pension, upon reaching 80 years of age, as well as disabled people (Group I), the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation accrues additional funds in the amount of the minimum pension benefit.

To whom is it assigned?

An increase in the pension already received is provided for persons who have reached the age of 80 years. This means that the day after the 80th birthday, the pensioner is entitled to receive a fixed payment of double the amount. In addition, in each individual region of the country, local legislation establishes its own benefits and allowances.

If a pensioner was a Group I disabled person before he reached the age of 80, then the increase will not affect him for the reason that he is already the recipient of an additional allowance from the moment he submits supporting documents to the Pension Fund.

Receipt procedure

Senior citizens currently receive pension benefits in two ways:

  1. The money is brought by a postal employee and handed over personally against signature;
  2. In the form of a transfer to a bank card.

Pension after 80 years of age is paid to recipients in the same way. Only the amount of money received changes upward. The increase occurs by doubling the fixed payment - that part of the pension benefit that is guaranteed by the state upon retirement. The cash supplement is added to the monthly payment already received. It is permanent and will be paid every month for life.

In addition to the bonus under consideration, a pensioner may receive other monetary additional payments as a result of the appointment of appropriate benefits by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or the Social Policy Administration if, for example, he is disabled or supports dependents on his pension.

Where and how to apply

Pension Fund has the opportunity to apply for a pension supplement without the participation of its recipient. Additional funds are accrued automatically, according to the information entered into the database. To receive additional payment, a pensioner who is 80 years old does not need to do anything.

Failures in the program are excluded, however, if a pensioner is to receive a pension supplement in 2018, he can contact the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for clarification on the amounts that make up the monthly payment.

Amount of pension supplement

Additional pension payments, like the already accrued pension, are subject to indexation. The law establishes that such indexation occurs annually. It becomes known in advance how much the amount of state support for the elderly will increase.

In 2018, the payment amount will increase to 4982.9 rubles per month. As a result, the size of the pension of an 80-year-old pensioner without taking into account the insurance part from 01/01/2018 is 9965.8 rubles.

Of particular importance when recalculating monthly payments is former place work of a pensioner. If he worked in the Far North or in a nearby area, his pension is increased by the regional coefficient.

The final amount of the fixed part of the pension will be as follows:

Group I disabled person and 80-year-old pensioner without dependents9965.8
Same categories + dependentsIf there is one dependent - 11,626.77
Two - 13,287.74
Three - 14,948.71
80-year-old pensioners and disabled people (I group) who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North and have an insurance record of at least 25 years for men and at least 20 years for women.14948.7
Same categories + dependentsIf there is one dependent - 17,440.16
Two - 19,931.61
Three - 22,423.07
80-year-old pensioners and disabled people (I group), who worked in areas equated to the regions of the Far North for more than 20 years, with insurance experience of more than 25 years for men or at least 20 years for women12955.54
Same categories + dependentsIf there is one dependent - 15,114.80
Two - 17,274.06
Three - 19,433.32

Caring for 80-year-old pensioners

For 80-year-old pensioners, not only material benefits are important, but also the necessary care, which over the years they are no longer able to provide on their own. Relatives or other persons can count on compensation for debt. Care refers to actions to provide living conditions for normal life human supplies, food and medicine.

To a citizen who expresses a desire to care for an elderly person, the state will pay an amount of 1,200 rubles. The payment is extremely small, but it is increased periodically.

The compensation is included in the amount of pension payments of the 80-year-old pensioner, and he himself transfers the money to the person caring for him. If such a person cares for more than one pensioner, then he can receive payments for each elderly ward.

The requirements for a person caring for a frail pensioner are as follows:

  • lack of another source of funds (pensions, wages and other income, including benefits as an unemployed person);
  • age over 16 years, if the specified age is not reached, then parents or guardians give their consent, the student must study full-time;
  • availability of performance;
  • lack of registration as an individual entrepreneur.

Since such a person has no right to engage in any other activity, the period of providing supervision and care for an elderly person is included in seniority caregiver, with one year being equivalent to 1.8 years. The main thing is to meet the condition: to be officially employed and have work experience before the period of caring for the elderly ward or after, with the necessary deductions.

The pension fund must provide the following list of documents for registration:

  1. Application of a person for the assignment of benefits;
  2. Application for consent to the retirement of a pensioner;
  3. Copies of passports of both persons;
  4. Certificate from the place of study (for schoolchildren and full-time students);
  5. Documents confirming the absence of any income;
  6. A work book with no record of work;
  7. For schoolchildren under 16 years of age - permission from parents.

Compensation is assigned after reviewing the documents within 10 days. You will be able to receive payment for the month in which the application occurred.

Other benefits

Besides due payments provided pension legislation, other benefits are also provided for the category of pensioners under consideration.

For example, they are provided with priority placement in boarding homes or provided with assistance from a social worker if necessary. Assistance is provided in difficult situations in the form of provision of food, basic necessities, and legal advice at the expense of the state.

All regions of the Russian Federation have adopted acts regulating the complete exemption of 80-year-old elderly people who pay utility bills on time from contributions for major home repairs.

Besides social payments for the maintenance of dependents, 80-year-old pensioners are provided with benefits such as:

  • Spa treatment ( 1 time in 2 years);
  • travel to the vacation spot at the expense of the state ( within the region);
  • payment of half the cost of medicines;
  • payment for the use of intracity transport.

In some cases, these benefits may be replaced by additional payments in accordance with local legislation.

Is it true that pensions increase after age 80? In general, this is true. However, not every pensioner can count on its increase. The purpose of the increase depends on the type of pension he receives. It is also important to know that in addition to increasing the pension payment, there are other social support measures available to persons in the older age category.

What is due to someone after 80 years?

Having crossed the specified age limit, a citizen has the right to count on the following preferences:

  • an increase in one of the components of the insurance pension, which is called a fixed payment;
  • a small surcharge for the person who cares for this pensioner;
  • other benefits and services of a social nature.

Of all this, the most noticeable is the increase in pension after 80 years in the form of a 100% increase in its fixed part. But it is not available to all pensioners, but only to those who receive an insurance pension. This is stated in Article 17, which regulates the calculation of insurance-type pensions. It is immediately worth noting that more than 80% of Russian pensioners have been assigned such pensions. Therefore, most of them still have the right to expect an increase in their pension.

Group I disabled people stand apart - they are not entitled to such preference. The fact is that when calculating their pension, the formula initially included a double fixed payment. Therefore, their pension amount is not recalculated. In other words, a disabled person of group 1 will not see an additional payment to his pension after age 80, since he already receives it in an increased amount.

Another type of insurance type pension is for the loss of a breadwinner. For those who receive it, the basic payment is also not recalculated. However, for them, age preference is implemented differently. At the age of 80, such a citizen has the right to request the Pension Fund to calculate the amount of the old-age insurance pension. It will be calculated taking into account the increased basic payment. And if it is profitable, that is, the size of this pension turns out to be larger, the citizen will be able to switch to it.

About the fixed (basic) payment

80-year-old citizens are entitled to double the basic payment. What does it mean? To understand how much the payment will increase for a specific person, you need to know the basics of calculating an old-age pension. To calculate it, the following formula is used:

Pension = IPC x Point Value + (Fixed Payout x Fixed Payout Coefficient)

This formula involves the following quantities:

From this formula it is clear that the fixed amount is only part of the pension. Its size directly depends on the pension coefficient. Therefore, the more experience a person has, the higher his pension.

How much will the pension increase?

Now the fixed amount is 4982.90 rubles. For 80-year-old pensioners, it doubles (if they have the right to such a preference) and amounts to 10,334.53 rubles. If a citizen lives in an area where a regional coefficient applies, then the fixed payment will be increased taking into account this coefficient.

If everything is simplified to the utmost, we can state the following: upon reaching 80 years of age, the pension will increase by the amount of the fixed payment. For example, a pensioner receives a pension of 14,000 rubles in 2018. He celebrated his 80th birthday in October. After this, his pension will be recalculated and will be 14,000 + 4,982.90 = 18,982.90 rubles.

Next year the fixed part will increase. Pensioners who cross the 80-year mark in 2019 will generally receive an increase in their pension in the amount of 5,334.19 rubles.

It is noteworthy that citizens at such a respectable age will not have to contact the Pension Fund and submit documents to calculate the allowance. Pension recalculation will occur automatically when the citizen turns 80 years old. This must be done no later than one month from the date of his birth.

Caregiver Compensation

It is a rare eighty-year-old person in our country who is able to live completely independently. Many people need help. The person who will provide it can receive compensation in the amount of 1,200 rubles. This amount is assigned as a monthly supplement to any type of pension and is transferred to the pensioner.

For the oldest person there is only one condition - he should not work. But for a person who claims compensation for long-term care, there are much more requirements:

  1. He must be able to work, that is, he is not disabled.
  2. He cannot work for hire, be registered as an individual entrepreneur, practice law, and so on. However, he may be a student over 14 years of age or a full-time student.
  3. He must not be unemployed, receiving appropriate benefits, or a pensioner.

But the degree of relationship between the pensioner and the person who will care for him does not play a role in processing the additional payment. This can be any relative or stranger, including those not living with the pensioner. If the caregiver worked before or after helping the elderly person, then the period of care can be included in his total insurance period.

To apply for this compensation, the pensioner should contact his Pension Fund office. You need to prepare:

  • a statement from the pensioner that he agrees to provide care for him;
  • a statement from the caregiver that he has been providing care since a certain date (indicating his residential address);
  • certificates stating that the assistant does not receive pensions or unemployment benefits;
  • work books and passports of both persons.

In some cases, additional information may be required. For example, if the caregiver is a fourteen-year-old child, the consent of one of the parents and the guardianship authority will be required.

Regional features

It was mentioned above that the increase in the basic payment is made taking into account regional coefficients. Therefore, the increase for pensioners, for example, from the Yaroslavl region (coefficient 1) and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (coefficient 2) will differ by half. The same is true for additional payment for caring for a disabled person.

Additional preferences are also provided for pensioners who have worked in difficult climatic conditions. When they reach 80 years of age, the fixed amount increases additionally (that is, in addition to the double increase):

  • by 50% if the person has worked for at least 15 years in the Far North;
  • by 30% if he has 20 years of experience in areas equivalent to the Far North.

The laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may establish additional benefits and guarantees for senior citizens. For example, in St. Petersburg there is an additional payment for pensioners over 60 years of age.

The government annually allocates funds from the country's budget to provide for vulnerable segments of the population.

First of all, these include pensioners, and the older they are, the more difficult it is for them to take care of themselves, go to the clinic and buy groceries, and so on.

Relatives are often unable to provide the elderly with proper care, and therefore the state provides for the payment of benefits for the care of the elderly, an additional payment to the pension, and various compensations and benefits.

These measures are aimed at improving the quality of life of both the elderly person and the family member who cares for him. Let's look at what benefits pensioners are entitled to after turning 80 in 2018.

About benefits and payments for pensioners aged 80

First of all, it is worth mentioning the increase in pensions for older people after 80 years of age - the increase is as much as 100% of the amount of the fixed basic amount (FBR) pension, which, after recent indexation, currently amounts to 4,805 rubles 11 kopecks.

It turns out that the full payment to a pensioner who has reached the age of 80 will be equal to 9,610 rubles 22 kopecks.

  • It is also necessary to remember that residents of the Far North and similar areas have the right to count on an increase in payments associated with additional regional coefficients:
  • 50% for citizens whose work experience at enterprises in the Arctic is at least 15 years;

30% for pensioners who worked in the North in areas equivalent to the Arctic for at least 20 years. Those pensioners who have disabled dependents are entitled to an additional payment in addition to pension payments

social pension citizens who have received a survivor's pension. If it turns out that getting a raise

labor pension more profitable than a preferential one - a pensioner has the right to apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with an application to replace the social pension with a labor pension. After the pensioner turns 80 years old, from the beginning of the next month he begins to receive a pension that is doubled in size - additionally contact

Pension Fund branch

the citizen is not required, since the employees of the institution arrange the additional payment themselves.

  • This is done in order to simplify the procedure for receiving an allowance for older people who have reached such a high age.
  • Supplements to pension payments for pensioners after 80 years of age
  • In 2017, citizens of retirement age who have turned 80 years old will receive the following additional payments:
  • increased old-age pension payment; supplement to pension for providing for dependents; benefits for people caring for an elderly person;


pension benefits such as, for example, a discount on the cost of major home repairs. Only the labor pension is subject to increase.
The pension consists of a fixed part and bonuses. When a pensioner turns 80 years old, the fixed component doubles (RUB 4,805.11 x 2 = 9610.22 rub.). Depending on the number of persons dependent on the pensioner and who are unable to get a job, the pension recipient will have the right to an additional payment to the monthly pension - for each dependent 1601.70 RUR. Condition - the dependent should not receive any pension payment. An 80-year-old person usually needs help with housework, but relatives must think about their own income. Therefore, for those who are ready to devote time to an elderly person, the state provides a special cash allowance ( 1200 rubles excluding regional coefficients), which will be accrued along with the pension of an elderly family member. The time spent caring for an elderly person will be included in the length of service. The recipient of the payment must be able to work, must not be employed or as an individual entrepreneur and receive any social benefits.

The law prohibits hiring a minor child on a full-time paid basis to care for an elderly person, since, firstly, caring for the disabled and elderly is considered hard work, and secondly, the time spent on a pensioner is required for training.

Where to apply for additional payment to your pension?

The pension supplement, which will subsequently be transferred to the person caring for the pensioner, is issued at the regional branch of the Pension Fund.

The 80-year-old pensioner himself and his future guardian must come to receive the payment.

If old man limited in movement, a legal representative who has a notarized power of attorney to represent interests can appear on his behalf.

In addition to payments for caring for a pensioner, the guardian will receive “ pension points» in the amount of 1.8 points per year of work, since caring for the elderly is included in the total length of service and is recognized as hard work.


Additional payment for pensioners who have reached 80 years of age: the amount of the supplement

In order to improve the quality of life of older people, our state has developed measures to support them.

This is especially true for citizens who have reached the age of 80 - for them not only the amount of pension provision increases, but also a number of additional benefits and payments are provided.

In this article we will talk in detail about what additional payment to pensions is established after the age of 80, as well as what other privileges such citizens can count on from the state.

What additional payments are required?

Upon reaching the age of 80, citizens receiving an old-age insurance (labor) pension acquire the right to receive additional financial assistance, namely:

  • increasing the amount of pension benefits;
  • receiving monthly compensation to a person caring for a pensioner.

Also, depending on the region of residence, older citizens may be provided with additional social support established at the local level.

We suggest you watch a video on this topic here:

How much extra do pensioners pay after 80 years of age: the amount of the supplement

The amount of pension provision for 80-year-old citizens is increasing due to an increase in the fixed payment.

According to Article 17 of Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions,” the fixed payment in this case is subject to an increase of 100%. The only exceptions are pensioners who are disabled people of group I - for them increased size payments are valid initially.

It should be noted that taking into account the annual indexation of insurance payments, since January 2018, the size of the fixed payment has been increased by 3.7% and amounts to 4982.9 rubles.

Thus, for citizens who have reached the age of 80 years, the fixed payment amount is 10,334.53 rubles.

At the same time, when calculating the pension provision of citizens living in the North, the corresponding regional coefficient is applied for the entire period of residence in a given climatic zone.

For persons with sufficient northern work experience, the 100% increase in the fixed payment is further increased by:

  • 50% of the increase amount, subject to at least 15 years of experience in the Far North;
  • 30% of the increase amount, subject to at least 20 years of experience in an area equated to the Far North.

Citizens who have the right to apply the regional coefficient to payments, as well as to increase their pensions due to northern work experience, are given the right to choose the most favorable basis.

How to apply

Where to go and what to do?

The increase in pension provision for citizens who have reached the age of 80 is carried out by the Pension Fund independently on the basis of available data on personalized registration of citizens.

What documents are needed

The pensioner himself does not need to apply for an increased payment anywhere - this procedure The pension fund carries out the process without the participation of the pensioner.

Payment terms

The fixed payment increases automatically within one month from the day the citizen reaches 80 years of age.

What other benefits and payments are available to an 80-year-old pensioner?

In addition to additional financial assistance, pensioners over 80 years of age are entitled to the following benefits:

  • free social services and medical care;
  • provision of places in boarding houses for the elderly, boarding schools, nursing homes and other government medical institutions;
  • provision of public housing in the event that the pensioner’s existing housing is unsuitable for living.

Also, senior citizens have the right to use a number of social services, including:

  • free legal assistance;
  • receiving a set of products or a one-time hot meal;
  • medical and psychological assistance;
  • a visit to the home of a social or medical worker;
  • receiving targeted assistance in the form of clothing, shoes, hygiene products and basic necessities.

In addition, amendments made to the Housing Code allow the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to independently decide on the complete exemption of single 80-year-old and older citizens from paying contributions for major repairs common property in an apartment building. Also on regional level Such pensioners may be provided with other benefits:

  • the right to free travel in public transport;
  • discounts on housing and communal services;
  • compensation for using the telephone, etc.

Care benefit for pensioners over 80: what do you need to know?

Who can receive: conditions

Since some citizens who have reached the age of 80 are not capable of independent care and need constant outside help, the state has provided for the provision of material support in the form of compensation payments for citizens caring for the elderly.

According to current legislation, any able-bodied citizen has the right to care for a pensioner, regardless of whether they are related to him or her. Fact cohabitation doesn't matter either.

In this case, payments are assigned only if:

  • the caregiver is not the recipient of any income (salary, pensions, unemployment benefits, etc.);
  • a pensioner who needs care does not carry out income-generating activities.

What is important is that not only adults, but also minors who have reached the age of 14 can take care of a pensioner.

The compensation is paid monthly and transferred to the pensioner along with his benefits. In this case, the elderly person pays for the services to the person providing assistance independently.

How to properly register for work experience?

According to Article 12 of Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions,” a citizen caring for a pensioner can count such periods of activity into the insurance period - for each year of such care, 1.8 pension points can be awarded.

In this case, a mandatory condition is that the carer has work or other activity before and after caring for the pensioner, for which payments were made. insurance premiums in the Pension Fund of Russia.

To apply for a care subsidy, you must contact the appropriate institution - the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of Russia or the law enforcement agency. A pensioner can apply there either personally or through an authorized representative. In addition to statements from both parties, it is necessary to provide:

  • passports of both citizens;
  • certificates stating that the caregiver does not receive pensions or unemployment benefits;
  • work records of both persons.

If the pensioner for whom it is planned to provide care receives pension provision both through the Pension Fund of Russia and through the law enforcement agency, then you can apply for the establishment of a compensation payment to any of these bodies. In this case, the second institution will have to obtain a certificate stating that they were not awarded compensation for care.

If a minor (over 14 years old) is providing care for a pensioner, then the package of documents must be supplemented with permission or consent of one of the parents and guardianship authorities to provide care outside of school hours. If the caregiver is a full-time student, then along with other documents a corresponding certificate from educational institution.

What is the payout amount?

Today, the amount of compensation for an elderly person is 1,200 rubles. However, this payment is not subject to annual indexation.

In accordance with current legislation, a compensation payment is established to a citizen for each pensioner whom he cares for.

The subsidy is assigned from the 1st day of the month of application.

Citizens living in the regions Far North or areas equivalent to it, the amount of compensation increases in accordance with the regional coefficient established in the region.

The following circumstances may be the reason for termination of payment of compensation:

  • death of the person being cared for;
  • employment of one of the parties;
  • assignment of unemployment benefits or pension to the caregiver;
  • actual cessation of care.

If circumstances arise in which care for a pensioner is terminated, the caregiver must report this to the appropriate institution within five days. Otherwise, the illegally received funds will have to be reimbursed.

Thus, the state provides citizens over 80 years of age not only with social, but also with material assistance, which, at least a little, allows them to improve the standard of living of older people.


Benefits for Russian pensioners after 80 years of age

After 80 years of age, Russians begin to receive a long-service pension, which is somewhat different from the financial assistance paid to “younger” pensioners. Let's figure out what benefits are available to pensioners after 80 years of age, how to apply for them, and what features they have.

List of laws

All benefits for pensioners after 80 years of age are regulated federal law RF No. 400 “On insurance pensions”.

It states that pension financial assistance increases by 2 times after reaching the age of 80.

This rule does not apply to citizens who have a 1st degree disability, because a higher pension rate is initially calculated for them.

According to research, this year the fixed pension increased to 4,805 rubles, and its doubled amount amounted to 9,610 rubles. This amount is guaranteed to be paid to all pensioners who have reached 80 years of age. In 2018, the amount of this payment is planned to increase.

But the state will pay this amount only if the person previously received an insurance pension. Social benefits in this case they do not increase.

Benefit for relatives to care for the elderly

The amount of benefits for caring for an elderly person may vary depending on each specific region. That is, it depends on the regional coefficient. But, there is a minimum amount of care payment, which since 2016 has been 1,200 rubles. monthly.

If a person caring for an 80-year-old elderly person wants to get a job and has previously received a care allowance, he needs to contact the Pension Fund to have the payments suspended.

If this is not done, then all the money received from the state as part of the benefit for a person who turned 80 years old, while the person was working, will need to be returned back.

What documents are needed to receive benefits:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Application from the person caring for the pensioner;
  • Certificate of consent of this citizen to terminate labor activity while caring for the elderly;
  • An extract from a pension institution stating that the person has not previously been paid such benefits;
  • Information from the employment service that the person is not currently working anywhere.

In some cases, additional documents may be required. Therefore, you should find out their full list in advance at your place of residence.

How to apply

It is possible to apply for a care allowance for a person upon reaching the age of 80 only if the pensioner is fully 80 years old (or has received a special expert opinion stating that he needs constant care, as well as when he has a disability group).

It is important to know:

  • If an elderly person receives 2 pensions, then it will not be possible to receive benefits;
  • Living with an elderly person is not necessary;
  • Care must include: cleaning and laundry, food, purchase of all necessary medicines and products.

To apply for a benefit, you need to contact the Pension Fund (PFR) at your place of registration. What documents need to be prepared:

  • Pension certificate of the person who will be cared for;
  • Copies of passports of Russian citizens of both persons;
  • Medical report on the health status of an elderly person;
  • Work records of both;
  • A certificate from the employment service stating that the person does not work anywhere;
  • Statement by the applicant about the desire to care for the elderly and receive care payments.

In the case where the carer is a student or a minor, it is necessary to provide permission from the parents to care for the pensioner, or a certificate from the educational institution stating that the student is receiving education in one of the forms.

Discount on utilities

What discounts are available to an 80-year-old pensioner in terms of utility bills? For all such persons, payments according to public services are reduced by exactly half. This is prescribed by the Housing Code of Russia. Moreover, pensioners after 80 years of age have the right not to pay contributions for major housing repairs.

To apply for benefits for major repairs and payment of housing and communal services, you must contact the institution social protection and submit a special application. Also, for people over 80 years of age, it will be necessary to prepare a package of documents:

  • Ownership of real estate (or lease agreement);
  • A receipt for full payment of previous utility bills;
  • Certificate of income of the pensioner and his family.

* This calculation is for informational purposes. In case positive result We invite you to contact one of the subsidy collection points in your locality.

Medical support

Upon reaching 80 years of age, each pensioner may be provided with benefits in the field of medical care. Thus, an elderly person has the right to:

  • Purchasing vital medications with a 50% discount. You can receive such a benefit only after providing a prescription at the pharmacy within 10 days from the date of its issue;
  • Obtaining a voucher for treatment in a sanatorium for pensioners once every 2 years;
  • Free travel on public transport to the place of treatment (only in your region);
  • Service without having to stand in line at institutions that provide medical services;
  • Partial reimbursement of financial resources spent on the purchase of prostheses (except for dental structures);
  • Calling a medical or social worker to your home;
  • Free diapers in a specified quantity.

In order to receive a free trip to a sanatorium upon reaching eighty years of age, you must contact the Social Insurance Fund and provide the following package of documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Medical certificates about health status;
  • Pensioner's certificate.

Discounts on transport travel

For pensioners over 80 years of age, discounts and benefits on transport travel are provided. They are included in the package of social services. Depending on the settlement, 80-year-old citizens can be provided with 2 types of benefits in the form of:

  1. Personalized document for free travel;
  2. Financial payment for travel, which is paid along with the pension.

These discounts upon reaching 80 will only apply to certain types of vehicles:

    • Airplane travel. The discount is set by each individual airline and is provided in the form of a reduction in the cost of an air ticket for each preferential category of the population;
    • Recalculation (reduction of cost) of travel on public transport and commuter trains.

After 80 years, absolutely all pensioners can travel around Russia on public transport for free. Also, regional authorities can themselves establish additional benefits for certain categories of citizens.

You can receive such benefits only when purchasing a travel ticket, and they are issued only if you provide a pension certificate.

Other benefits

In addition to the above benefits, there are others that may differ depending on each specific region. For example, in Moscow, pensioners after 80 years of age are served in some institutions out of turn.

Also, social security authorities are obliged, if necessary, to provide pensioners with free (or with a fixed basic amount) care in boarding schools, nursing homes, as well as other medical and social institutions.

Extensive work experience also allows an 80-year-old pensioner to permanently or temporarily use additional specialized services provided by the state.

Here are some of them:

  • Serving free hot meals or receiving humanitarian aid in the form of food;
  • Obtaining a place for temporary residence;
  • Providing free legal assistance;
  • Medical and psychological assistance;
  • Calling a social or medical worker to your place of residence.

In addition to these benefits, the pensioner, if necessary, can be given basic necessities. These include shoes and clothing, hygiene products, etc.

For pensioners over 80, the following applies: tax benefits, which exempt him from paying taxes for conducting, for example, business activities.

In addition, pensioners may be entitled to a supplement (additional payment) to their pension. But such benefits are determined exclusively at the regional level, and the reasons for receiving this financial assistance may vary significantly.

Even such a large list of benefits cannot be clearly regulated by the government of our country, since the legislation does not have any precise instructions regarding assistance to pensioners after 80 years of age.

But, fortunately, pensions are constantly growing, and people who have taken a well-deserved vacation are increasingly receiving various bonuses and other benefits. And in the future the government plans to expand their list.