How to quickly paint short nails beautifully. Glossy highlight is a reality! Learn how to properly paint your nails with regular polish. Drawing patterns on nails

To get a manicure regular varnish must be mastered at home correct technique applying the material and learn some important life hacks that will help you create a neat manicure.

What you need for a home manicure

Make it simple and beautiful manicure You can use regular varnish if you have a number of tools and materials:

  • nail polish remover;
  • brushes;
  • one or more varnishes;
  • greasy hand cream, oil or wax;
  • cotton pads.

Every girl can create a beautiful manicure with her own hands; for this there is no need to resort to the services of salon specialists.

Preparatory stage

To do even the simplest manicure, you need to prepare your nails for painting:

Tip for beginners: apply a base first. This step is optional, but it helps to level the plate and prevent it from yellowing and preventing paint pigment from penetrating into it. Also, in order for the polish to always lie flat on the plate, it is necessary to moisten it regularly using wax, oils and special moisturizing nail pencils.

Step-by-step instruction

Before you begin the process of applying varnish, you should consider that the girl has 40 minutes of free time, eliminate or minimize distractions, and also think through the design. In addition, you need to check the shape of the brush; it should not be narrow and dense. Instructions for creating the perfect manicure:

  1. Apply wax or oil to the periungual area without touching the plate. This will help you subsequently easily remove excess material from the cuticle and rollers.
  2. It is recommended to apply a coat of base to facilitate subsequent application of colored varnish.
  3. Take a brush of colored varnish and wipe it on the edge of the bottle so that very little varnish remains on it, literally on the tip. This way it won't bleed onto the skin.
  4. We paint our nails with regular polish, starting with the little finger. You should place a drop in the center of the plate, then carefully “adjust” the varnish with a brush to the base.
  5. Then, with slow movements, holding the brush confidently, you need to apply the varnish to the side surfaces of the plate. Thus, the varnish does not flow onto the cuticle.
  6. You need to complete the manipulations with a brush at the end of the nail. Thanks to this, the varnish will last longer.
  7. Apply another coat of varnish to deepen the color.
  8. When performing movements, the elbow should rest on the table and the hand on which we are applying the varnish should also lie on the table; you should not apply the varnish while holding your hand suspended.
  9. Apply top with effect quick drying. This item is optional, but it will extend the wear time of the coating and make the manicure perfectly glossy.

    On the left is a top coat applied to the nail, on the right is a nail without a top coat.

    Ready-made manicure with regular polish

What to do if varnish gets on the cuticle

It often happens that varnish gets on the cuticle and ruins the entire manicure, but don’t be upset, now we will show you how to fix such a manicure.

To do this we need a lint-free cloth, a flat brush and nail polish remover or acetone.

We wet the brush in nail polish remover and move it over the area where the nail polish needs to be removed. We wiped off the polish, wiped the brush on a napkin, soaked the brush in nail polish remover, repeated, and so on until it was clean.

Result of work: before the varnish flows and after

Tips to help you paint your nails perfectly

The following tips on how to paint your nails correctly and beautifully will help you achieve a flawless manicure:

  1. Before you start applying colored varnish, you can practice using transparent varnish. Daily coating of the plates with treatment bases will help you get used to proper operation with a brush.
  2. To ensure a dense and beautiful coating, the varnish should be applied in two layers.
  3. If the coating is damaged during drying, you can smooth it out with a damp fingertip. It is necessary to smooth the coating carefully in a circular motion.
  4. It is better to apply “loose” varnish on a layer of white. Thanks to this, the coating will be more saturated.
  5. To ensure a perfectly even coating, the varnish should be applied to the base.
  6. To make a hole on the plate, you can use strips cut from regular tape.
  7. If you only have clear varnish left at home, you can make it colored by adding blush particles and two beads that will help the materials mix.
  8. PVA glue will help prevent the area around the plate from getting varnished; it should first be applied with a cotton swab to the rollers and skin at the base of the nail, without touching the plate itself. When the glue dries and the nails are already painted, the film must be removed.
  9. If the product does not dry for a long time, you can resort to using ice water and dipping your hands in it; the coating will dry much faster.
  10. To remove the polish from one nail and not ruin the manicure on other nails, take a cotton pad soaked in acetone, you can use the following life hack: you need to place the sponge in a glass jar, pour acetone into it and immerse one finger in it. Thus, the manicure on other nails will remain the same. The jar should be tightly closed.
  11. A thick layer of cream will help prevent streaks in the area around the plate after erasing the varnish.
  12. If you bring your nails painted with glossy varnish to a pan of boiling water, the coating will become matte.

Nail care after coloring

Caring for your nails after painting involves following several important rules:

  1. Wear rubber gloves when working with household chemicals.
  2. Apply moisturizer to your hands twice a day.
  3. In the cold season, wear gloves made from natural materials.
  4. Renew your manicure at the first sign of chipping.

Interesting ideas for manicure with regular polish

Newspaper manicure

When performing such a manicure, first you need to apply a transparent varnish to the plates, then white, after which you can also distribute holographic varnish, it will add shine to the nails. When the layers have dried, apply small newspaper clippings soaked in alcohol (10 seconds) to the nail. The paper must be pressed tightly, and then apply a transparent varnish or topcoat to the nail.

Lace manicure

For this you will need an orange stick, a brush, nail polish remover and varnishes. Apply two layers of the product to the plates and wait 7-10 minutes. Then use an orange stick to create drawings; this is especially easy to do with glitter. You need to draw designs on glossy varnish with a regular brush dipped in nail polish remover and an orange stick. Then the nails are covered with top. Thus it turns out Beautiful design nails with regular polish.

Manicure with a pattern

For it you will need a thin needle and varnishes of different colors.

The first option: you need to apply three red vertical stripes on a layer of white varnish, after which you need to make a pattern with a needle using gentle movements, moving it from one side roller to the other, gradually moving towards the free edge of the nail.

Second option: on a nail covered with dark varnish, you need to apply three white drops so that they are located on the same line, then draw a needle along this line from the edge of the plate to the base.

Third option: place a few drops of pink on a white polish, and a smaller drop of white on them, then use a needle to connect the circles in a chaotic manner.

Volume manicure

Manicure on short nails may be voluminous. After waiting for the varnish layer to dry completely, you can begin creating a knitted manicure. It is necessary to mix white varnish and the one that was already used to cover the plate, and use a brush to create a pattern as in the image.

Manicure with dots

To create an unusual manicure you will need a toothpick and two polishes. After waiting for the layer of one varnish to dry, you should use a toothpick to create several dots on the nail, moving from the free edge of the nail to the base, there should be fewer and fewer of them.


To create it you will need a sponge and three varnishes. You need to apply white varnish to the plate, and a strip of white, blue, for example, and blue to the sponge. Then you should cover the area around the nail with PVA glue. Then, using patting movements, transfer the material from the sponge to the nail, cover it with topcoat and remove the glue film.

Thus, to create the perfect manicure at home, you will need a little time and skill.

Most often it involves a monochrome design - only one color of polish is used to cover the nails. But even such a simple method of nail art often causes difficulties: the varnish does not apply uniformly, the colors spread, and the fingers and skin near the nail get dirty. It is possible to achieve the ideal result, and it is quite easy. To do this, you just need to study the technique that describes how to beautifully paint your nails at home, and strictly follow all the instructions!

Preparing nails for applying varnish

It would seem that there is nothing difficult about painting nails. You take the polish of the desired color and use the brush in it to cover your nails several times. But not everything is so simple. It turns out that there is a technique for applying nail polish, as well as mandatory preliminary stages of a quality manicure.

You should start by putting your nails in order - take care of your hands and give them a pleasant appearance. Best ways care is:

  • baths with essential oils;
  • masks.

Even a little care for your hands will make them look great and make the next stage easier, which will be a hygienic manicure. Its task is to give your nails a neat appearance and a fashionable shape. Today, ladies are offered many options for hygienic manicure:

  • figurative;
  • hardware.

After completing all the preliminary procedures, you can proceed directly to applying nail polish.

A simple algorithm: how to beautifully paint your nails at home!

Would you like to see a great manicure on your nails in a single color? Then don’t ignore the simple advice of professional masters! Applying decorative varnish to nails is carried out in several stages:

  1. Coating the nail with a protective composition. This step is ignored by many women, and absolutely in vain. A high-quality product will not only help protect your nails from the harmful chemical effects of varnish, but will also create the basis for a high-quality manicure. Depending on the type of nails you should choose protective agent strengthening, smoothing, masking cracks and unevenness of the nail.
  2. Applying the varnish itself. This is done in three fairly quick movements. The first brush stroke passes exactly in the center of the nail - to the edge of the nail plate, starting from the cuticle. The second and third are on the sides. In this case, there is no need at all to stain the cuticle with colored varnish - during the first movement, you should step back from the root of the nail a couple of millimeters, and after finishing painting, close the remaining gap with shifting movements.
  3. Coating with a second layer. Often this is a necessary step, since the first time it is not possible to achieve the ideal thick, rich color on the nails.
  4. Application of a protective coating. This can be done at will, but you should understand that under the protective layer the manicure will retain its attractiveness for a long time.

Sometimes you can’t immediately understand how to beautifully paint your nails at home. The varnish applies unevenly and unevenly. The reason may be a bad brush or incorrect actions when painting. It is important that before applying varnish to each nail, dip the brush completely into the coloring composition and, if necessary, remove excess.

Now every girl can easily figure out how to beautifully paint her nails at home and complete all the steps perfectly without any problems. decorative manicure. And even if you wish, decorate it with simple drawings, or.

Painting your nails with polish and doing it neatly is quite possible. You don’t have to go to a beauty salon to do this! It is necessary to take advantage of interesting and useful tips of this article.

Every woman wants to look good. To do this, among a dozen other procedures, she regularly gets a manicure. But it often happens that there is simply no extra money or time to go to a professional master in a salon. In such cases, a home manicure comes to the rescue.

The disadvantage of a home manicure is that it does not always turn out neat due to inexperience, inconvenience, working with your left (or maybe right) hand, lack of good tools, varnishes and conditions.

But don’t get upset ahead of time, because it’s quite possible to get a neat and beautiful manicure at home. To do this you need to have time and certain knowledge. For example, a paint scheme.

The scheme for painting nails with varnish allows you to correctly apply the product to the nail plate and, using smooth movements of the tube brush, spread the varnish over the entire nail.

How to properly apply nail polish?

How to properly apply nail polish to make them look neat:

  • Pay attention to the condition of your nail; you must clean it thoroughly before painting and wash off all remnants of the previous polish with acetone. Be careful: before painting your nails, do not apply cream to your hands, because the surface of the plate must be completely free of grease for an even layer.
  • If you want to protect your nails from unpleasant yellowness and even out their surface, you need to apply a layer of clear nail polish. This polish can be purchased at any store or manicure department.
  • The first drop of varnish should be applied to the nails slightly above the cuticle itself, and only then use a brush to pull this drop down a little so as not to touch the cuticle.
  • After this, stretch the entire drop of polish up to the very edge of the nail. You should get a fairly straight and even line of painted varnish.
  • The next step is to place the brush exactly where the first drop was and use the brush to stretch the fresh varnish, first along one side, then along the other as carefully as possible. Do not press too hard on the brush so that when pressed it does not spread and touch the skin on the side of the nail.
  • Wait until the first layer of varnish has completely dried and only then apply the second layer, which will give the nail a rich and deep color

How to paint your nails with varnish correctly and accurately?

How to paint your nails with tape?

It turns out that tape is a good helper in beautifully coating your nails with varnish. Skillfully gluing it will help not only to make designs on your nails, but also to carefully paint them.

To do this, you need to prepare templates in advance and cut them out, so that you don’t bother with this issue later with wet nails (especially since it will be quite difficult so as not to catch the freshly painted polish on one hand).

For such purposes, use only narrow tape, no wider than two centimeters. With the wide tape, you will have a hard time sticking it neatly to the sides of your finger.

You literally need three pieces of tape for each finger. They are glued one at a time: first from the sides vertically and carefully pressed to the sides, and then a horizontal strip, which, when gluing, you can try to bend to the shape of the nail.

To carefully paint your nails, you can use several types of tape. Transparent stationery is perfect, as it is one centimeter wide. No less convenient is masking tape, as well as electrical tape, which can take any shape and bend in any way.

How to carefully paint your nails using tape?

You can also glue some cut-out strips of tape onto a dry layer of varnish, which, when painted and removed, will leave an interesting geometric pattern on the nails.

blanks for decorating nails using tape

drawing on nails using tape

geometric manicure using tape

How to paint your nails with a sponge?

It is possible to create a beautiful manicure using such a simple device as a sponge. There are several basic secrets to painting your nails this way, but the most basic one is choosing the right sponge. An ordinary dry kitchen sponge is best suited for this purpose. It has a suitable structure with small bubbles, which are imprinted on the nail.

You can also purchase a special sponge in a store or manicure accessories department.

manicure done with a sponge

How to make a manicure with transitional colors using a regular sponge:

  • Gently paint your nails with polish as you usually do. The applied layer of varnish will serve as the base. It is best to use light colors as a basis: white, beige, pink. So, you can play on contrasts and give your nails volume
  • After this, wait until the varnish is completely dry, otherwise you will not be able to apply high-quality and beautiful drawing sponge
  • After the base varnish has dried, you should take up preparatory work: onto a work surface (a piece of oilcloth or a plastic surface), apply several colors of varnish alternately. The drops must be wide enough. Using a toothpick, try to mix the colors of the desired polish until smooth to create a beautiful gradient
  • Dip the prepared sponge into the resulting puddle of varnish. The sponge must capture a certain amount of liquid
  • Such a sponge should first be tested on some surface to remove excess varnish from it and only then applied to the nail with gentle pressing movements.
  • In this technique, there is no way to avoid getting all the skin around the nail dirty, because the sponge should not be too small (this is the secret of applying the varnish). Excess varnish from the skin can be carefully removed using a cotton swab or toothpick wrapped in cotton wool. You can also dip the brush in nail polish remover and carefully walk along the edges.
  • After you have removed all the imperfections of your painting, you should proceed to other decorative elements (if you wish, you can glue rhinestones, stickers or draw something)
  • The final stage of work is coating the painted nail with a fixative varnish. It is necessary to protect the varnish, make the manicure stronger and shinier, and create gloss.

The procedure of creating a blot on the work surface from the desired colors and dipping a sponge into it is repeated each time for each finger.

nail painted with a sponge. Double color

how to paint a nail with a sponge

nail design and painting with a sponge

gradient manicure created with a sponge

three-color gradient manicure on long nails created with a sponge

How to quickly and beautifully paint your nails on short nails, photo?

Some women have short nails. This happens due to personal preferences, beliefs, the woman's activities, or simply the inability to grow her own.

Don’t be upset, because short and beautifully painted nails are a trend nowadays. Long nails are increasingly being replaced by cute “short ones”, decorated with various decorative elements, varnished and skillfully painted with varnish.

There are several ways to decorate short nails in an original and beautiful way:

For example, you can draw on them dot pattern. To do this, you will need either a special manicure drawing tool with a metal ball at the end, or a regular toothpick. Unlike a special tool, toothpicks will have to be changed several times during work, as they quickly deteriorate.

Applying a dotted pattern to your nails is very simple; all you need is a wide variety of nail polish colors to choose from.

You dip the tip of your tool into fresh liquid varnish (apply a drop onto your work surface) and transfer the dot onto a freshly painted layer of base varnish.

To make your drawing as neat and interesting as possible, you should focus on special templates or examples of ready-made manicures.

dot pattern on short nails with varnish

dot pattern nail decor

speckled manicure on short nails

You can also surprise others with the help of another interesting technique - painting nails in different colors . This manicure is especially popular in the summer, as it evokes pleasant associations of summer, sweets, joy and childhood.

Choose only current colors, do not give preference to metallic or glitter colors. The varnish must be a single color - enamel. Repeat the colors, depending on the finger, on both hands.

multi-colored nails in bed colors, decorated with rhinestones

colorful short nails

You can also decorate short nails using:

  • gluing rhinestones
  • creating a simple geometric pattern
  • creating a miniature short jacket
  • creating a gradient using a sponge
  • creating or gluing a print on the nail (a design on the entire nail plate)
  • animalistic style drawings (leopard spots, which are drawn with a special manicure brush)

rhinestones on short nails

short manicure in animalistic style

slides (stickers) on short nails

How to paint your nails to make them appear longer?

Among all the secrets, of course, there are those that allow even the shortest nails to be made a little longer visually.

To do this, you need to resort to special nail painting secrets, aimed at stretching the area of ​​the nail plate using drawings, lines and other techniques.

The simplest thing will help you visually stretch your nails French manicure. To do this, you need to paint the entire nail with neutral beige or pink and paint only the outermost part of the nail, three to four millimeters, white.

This manicure is coated with a fixative varnish for durability and gloss. It is noteworthy that over time the nail will grow and become more and more beautiful with the help of such a manicure.

French with decorative patterns on ring fingers for short nails

Another tricky, but extremely effective technique is oblique french This jacket has not a horizontal, but a beveled strip on the nail from one edge to the other.

Visually and on the one hand, the white part of the nail becomes longer and therefore it seems that the nail itself is much larger than it actually is. The oblique French jacket can also be decorated with rhinestones, sand or sparkles.

beveled French option

avant-garde oblique french

It will also help to visually lengthen the nail drawing oblong lines or patterns on the nail. The pattern or strip must stretch from bottom to top or diagonally so that the nail becomes visually larger and longer.

Such a design can be safely decorated with sparkles or rhinestones to give it elegance and festivity, as well as to remove simplicity.

longitudinal line on the nail - a pattern to visually lengthen the nail

manicure that visually lengthens nails

geometric designs on nails and gradients also visually lengthen the nail

How to paint your toenails beautifully?

The most popular type of pedicure is French perhaps this the only way“ennoble” your toenails and make them well-groomed, neat and clean.

Doing a French manicure on your legs yourself is difficult, but doable. Nails are not always large and perfectly straight. In order to get a French jacket, you will need either special stickers or tape.

Paint your nails with a neutral color, wait for it to dry, apply the sticker, cover the nail area with white and remove the sticker. Apply the sealer and wait until it dries again.

The most difficult thing is to try to do everything to keep your fingers as spread apart as possible at all times, in order to avoid damage and snags of the fresh varnish.

Frenchman on legs

Several other options for a beautiful pedicure on your feet:

multicolor gradient

Pedicure also allows you to use gradients and paint your nails with multi-colored polishes. It is best to pursue this style in manicure.

decorating the big toe nail

Pedicure also involves painting small nails with one solid color and decorating them, as well as painting the large nail on the big toe.

pedicure decoration with rhinestones

You can decorate your pedicure simply and tastefully using the most common rhinestones. The thumb “requires” the maximum number of crystals, and the small ones one at a time.

simple pedicure in dark colors

A pedicure in dark colors always looks advantageous and feminine, but for this it is not at all necessary to choose black. The best and most popular (and also incredibly fashionable for several years now) are cherry and plum tones.

bright red pedicure

The most popular, most feminine and sexy in all years and at all times is considered to be a red pedicure.

It makes women's legs especially interesting, tender and sophisticated. Such a pedicure should be as neat as possible, without stains on the skin and with an even layer of varnish. Any shade of red will do. It is best to combine a red pedicure with a red manicure.

How to paint the nails on your right hand yourself?

It often happens that after painting the nails on one hand (the left), we proceed to the right and observe a not happy picture of the result of our labors. The reason for this is not the careful development of the hand, because the working one is mainly the right one. But in pursuit of a neat manicure, it is important to know how to achieve beautiful painting of the nails on your right hand.

How to neatly paint the nails on your right hand?

In order for the manicure to be almost perfect, it is important to remember a few secrets:

  • Start painting the right hand first. Of course, it’s more convenient to paint the left hand first and admire it, but it’s best if you spend all your strength and patience on the “difficult” hand
  • Apply a thin layer of varnish, do not dip the brush into the bottle over and over again to pick up the thickest drop. The less varnish, the more accurate the first layer will be, and the second will be easier to do.
  • Use a special corrector. It is not difficult to buy in cosmetic stores. Visually, it resembles a felt-tip pen, but its rod is soaked in nail polish remover. It most conveniently cleanses the skin of the finger from unnecessary “blunders” and makes the manicure neat
  • Buy special “protectors”. They resemble stickers. they should be attached to the finger around the nail so that the brush with varnish paints only the nail and leaves excess varnish on the sticker

How to beautifully paint your nails with gel polish or shellac?

Probably every woman has noticed how quickly ordinary nail polish can lose its attractiveness, cracking, peeling and bursting. For this purpose, manufacturers have invented a special shellac varnish.

What is shellac? This is nothing more than an exact combination of the most ordinary polish with gel polish. It is for this reason that working with this varnish is incredibly easy, even at home.

Shellac has its clear advantages:

  • it shines (gloss) much more than regular varnish
  • its coating is many times more durable than that of conventional varnish
  • the reliability of the material allows you to wear a manicure for a long time
  • It can be easily applied and removed by yourself
  • it does not require removing the top layer of the nail plate
  • it has a positive effect on thin and weak nails, making them stronger
  • is completely non-toxic

shellac gel polish

The difference between this varnish is that it requires a special ultraviolet lamp for drying.

  • first layer - base (using base varnish)
  • second layer - main (colored varnish)
  • third layer - fixative (fixative varnish)

Applying gel polish to the nail plate:

  • Perform your usual manicure with cleaning the nail, giving it a special shape, removing the cuticle
  • Completely degrease the nail using nail polish remover.
  • Use a special sanding file to polish the nail so that the varnish “grabs” onto the plate.
  • Apply the base coat (it's clear) and cure it under a UV lamp for about two minutes.
  • Apply colored varnish - this is the base. This layer also requires about two minutes of drying under a lamp.
  • Then the third layer is applied - the fixing one. It must be applied very carefully, since if its residue touches the skin, it can easily break its integrity
  • After this, the nails are polished with a special lint cloth, and oil can be rubbed into the cuticle. All. Manicure is ready

shellac manicure

How to beautifully paint your nails with two colors, photo

Two-color manicure is extremely popular. Depending on the season, it color solutions may be different, but nevertheless, it does not lose its relevance. Painting your nails with two colors is not too difficult. There are two main ways:

Combination - you combine two colors on one finger. It will take time to create such a manicure. Apply the first coat of varnish in an even layer, wait until it dries completely. Now, depending on your design, apply a second color of polish. You can use special stickers or simple tape to give your nails special shapes and patterns.

Semicircular stickers, like for a French manicure, can be glued not only to the top part of the plate, but also to the bottom, creating a hole. You can make many stripes with tape and geometric shapes, which when removed will reveal a beautiful design.

two-color manicure

Alternation - To do this, it is proposed to paint all the nails one color and only certain fingers with a completely different one. You can pursue the French manicure style by creating a stripe in the vertical part of the nail with a second color, or you can not do this at all. Everyone will pay attention to your manicure.

two-color manicure

How to beautifully paint your nails with white polish?

White varnish evokes pleasant associations of purity and femininity, summer, white sand, and the sea. This color is very goes long thin fingers and looks great on nails of any length. You should apply white nail polish very carefully so as not to touch the entire area around the nail:

  • Paint your right hand with white varnish first, and then your left, so that you can spend all your diligence on the hand that is always more difficult to paint.
  • Apply the varnish in a thin layer and under no circumstances hold your hands up. Hands should always have some kind of solid support
  • Apply white varnish in two layers: the first will paint all the edges and sides, and the second will add saturation to the color
  • Decorate the finished manicure with rhinestones, sand, sparkles, or a decorative element if desired.

Try to combine white nail polish with something else: beads, a belt, earrings or a watch to look as impressive as possible.

white nail polish

How to beautifully paint your nails with black polish?

Black nail polish is a favorite among many women. This is because it suits nails of almost any shape and fingers of any length and thickness. Black varnish gives mystery and special brutality to its owner. Applying black polish can be tricky simply because it tends to stain the skin around the nail.

  • Try to apply black polish first to your right hand and only then to your left.
  • Do not put too much polish on the brush - it will spread and leave unsightly stains on the nail.
  • Apply the first layer very thin and the second thicker to give the color depth.
  • Use a special corrector or a toothpick wrapped in cotton wool soaked in acetone to remove errors from an inaccurate manicure.

black matte varnish

How to beautifully paint your nails with pink polish?

Pink varnish, due to its soft neutral color, allows it to be easily applied to the plate without any special errors. Try to apply the varnish with concentration, without sudden movements or haste.

Do not overload the brush with too much polish and do not leave the sides unpainted so that the manicure does not look bad. Pink polish can be decorated with decorative elements, sparkles or rhinestones.

pink manicure

How to beautifully paint your nails with red polish?

Red nail polish on a woman says a lot about her. It testifies to the special sensuality of a woman, hints at the ardor of feelings, passion and love. Red is the color of sexuality and fire. It is for this reason that a red manicure should be as perfect and neat as possible.

Try to apply the varnish in complete calm and only in “small portions”, without overloading the nail big amount varnish A thin layer will, firstly, dry faster, and secondly, it will look neater. Top your red nail polish with a topcoat to give it a glossy finish that allows it to shine, drawing even more attention to itself.

red varnish

How to beautifully paint your nails with regular polish?

Regular nail polish gives you the opportunity to correct the situation at any time by using acetone or any other nail polish remover. Choose only fresh and liquid varnishes for painting your nails. Such varnishes will dry faster and spread better over the nail plate.

Make it a rule to apply a base coat of clear nail polish to your feet and only then apply colored nail polish. This will straighten the nail and preserve it from disease, eliminating yellowness.

How to beautifully paint your nails at home with a design?

Inventive fashionistas have found more than one way to create a simple but effective design on their nails. There are a lot of methods and secrets for this, as well as improvised means. You can learn in detail how you can paint your nails at home and make a design on them from the video.

Video: “Simple drawings on nails with a needle”

How to beautifully paint your nails at home is a question that interests many novice girls who want to give themselves or their friends a manicure at home. In order to learn how to do perfect manicure, you need to know some of the skills that are required for this.

Interesting photos:

First you need to know how to properly apply polish to the nail plate.

If you have already encountered this and know how to paint your nails well, then success in this matter awaits you. In fact, there are a lot of ways to apply nail polish, which means that even if you don’t know how to paint your nails, there can definitely be a way for you.

First, let's look at the simplest method that any girl can definitely use.

It consists of covering the nail with one color. This is a standard method of painting nails and there is nothing complicated about it. Since single-color manicure has become popular again after some time after many options for complex styles, feel free to use this technique not only because it is simple, but also because it is popular.

Before you start painting your nails, be sure to apply one coat of clear polish to protect your nails from harmful substances further varnishes.

After this, you can already paint your nails with colored varnish, starting from the middle to the bottom of the nail plate in small strokes. Then you need to paint the sides of the nail in the same way. When the first layer of colored varnish has dried, if you are not satisfied with the color, you can do one or two more layers to achieve the desired result. Remember that you should not dip the brush completely into the bottle of polish, as a large drop on the nail can ruin the entire painting and the layer will be uneven.

In principle, there is nothing complicated in this process, especially if you have at least a little idea about it. If they are not there, you can always watch how this happens in the video offered in the article. Also, it is worth remembering about the cuticles, the distance from which must be retreated by 1-2 mm for the skin to breathe. In those places where you got a little varnish on the skin or cuticles, you can wipe it off later cotton swab by dipping it in nail polish remover. In order for the manicure to last as long as possible, masters use a transparent varnish at the end. You can do the same. Another little secret to remember is that you should always shake the bottle of polish before use as this will help get rid of any lumps or thickening.

In this case, we will paint our nails with two colors.

This method is a little more complicated, but still simple if you follow all the steps correctly. In addition, a manicure that contains several colors, and in our case there are two, always becomes the center of attention. As a rule, in this case there are several coloring options. The more popular of them now is gradient, which also has several directions. For example, horizontal or vertical, smoothly transitioning from one color to another; gradient with sharp transitions of different contrasting colors; french style manicure, in which the tips of the nail are painted with one color, and the main part with another; and the most popular - different colors on all fingers.

All of these double nail styles are more than popular this summer. But if we talk about the first option gradient manicure, then you still have to try here. To do this, you will need two colors of polishes that will not differ much from each other (hot pink and soft pink) and a makeup sponge or a regular sponge. Once all the tools are ready, you can start getting down to business. To do this, apply two colors to the sponge so that the distance between them is as small as possible. Next, you need to apply the sponge to the nail plate so that the border between the shades becomes blurred. Using this method of applying flowers, you can easily and simply go beyond the boundaries of the nail plate. Therefore, it is necessary to remove excess as quickly as possible.

What is needed for a good result

In order to paint your nails with three or more colors, you need to stock up not only with other tools, but also with patience, because not everything works out the first time, as we know, the first time is a bit of a disaster. So, to achieve better color combinations, try to select two shades first, and the third is brighter and different from them. In our case, let's take the colors pink, white and black as an example.

What do we do? We will apply the main part of the nail and the highlight with two matching colors, and the design with the third. To get a more successful manicure, you should not immediately set yourself a difficult task. For the first time, let these be ordinary images in the form of (un) neat blots. In this case we apply White color as the main one, pink - depicting a large blot, and black - several dots on a pink spot. There are also other options where you can use multiple colors. For example, a striped manicure, in which you will need to add tape to the list of tools. By separating the strips with tape, you can achieve an even, neat and, most importantly, beautiful result.

An ideal manicure does not involve growing long nail plates and Lately discreet and neat design is in fashion. What is the best way to paint short nails and are dark or very bright, rich varnishes suitable for this?

What color is best to paint short nails and how to choose the right materials to create a spectacular manicure? Experts in the field of nail plate design believe that the shade should be chosen taking into account your own taste preferences, as well as your lifestyle and chosen style of clothing.

Short nails look very impressive. At the same time, varnish can both emphasize them and make them almost invisible. The most popular design option is French manicure. When performing this procedure, the free edge of the plate is painted opaque white, and the entire nail is covered with translucent enamel. But for such a manicure, you need your nails to grow at least 1-2 millimeters. Otherwise, it will be impossible to draw a “smile line”. You can get a little creative and paint the free edge not white, but red, black or any other contrasting color.

Another option for a discreet manicure is to paint the entire surface of the nail with a translucent matte varnish. It is permissible to use transparent enamel or any fixative. Hands will look well-groomed, but at the same time have a natural appearance. This nail design requires short nails. You can even cut them at the root or grow them by 1-2 millimeters and make them square, oval shape. Creamy, coffee, milky, beige, pinkish shades are in fashion. In summer, you can paint short nails with varnishes of bright and rich colors. Light green, blue, turquoise, orange colors. But you should remember that such a manicure is a very strong accent in the image. Clothes and makeup in this case must correspond to the chosen style. Yellow nails look impressive, but many men consider them asexual.

Lovers of the classics can be advised to choose red varnish. Dark red, burgundy, rotten cherry or even a red-brown tone looks very beautiful on short nails. The combination of bright enamel and very short nail plates was considered ideal by many critics. It is better that the nails are cut at the root or have a very small free edge. As for rhinestones and sparkles, it is better to avoid them, since the bright coating already attracts enough attention.

Pearlescent polishes look beautiful on short nails, but fashion experts They consider this manicure option outdated and not popular. However, if a girl likes this effect, she can also purchase a coating with mother-of-pearl. When choosing a varnish, you should also take into account the condition and shape of your own nails. When nail plates far from ideal, it is better to give preference to dull enamel. Mother of pearl and light shimmer conceal imperfections, visually hiding them. If you want to paint your nails with bright or dark varnish, it is recommended to go to a salon for an extension procedure. Using it, it is very easy to correct the condition of your nails, give them additional volume, and even out their length. Nails cut to the very base look good when they have an elongated shape. Uneven and wide plates need adjustment. It is better to paint such nails exclusively with light varnishes, so as not to attract even more attention to this defect.