Little lady's first birthday: what to choose as a gift. What to give a girl for her first birthday. What toys does a 1 year old girl need?

Each period of development of a baby is unique and inimitable in its own way. In the first three months of life, the baby carefully examines the objects around him, then begins to feel and taste them, and closer to the year he already performs various manipulations with objects. This is where the time comes to introduce him to his first educational toys.

However, do not forget that children who move independently are very active. This means they need to be given every opportunity to direct energy in the right direction. Yes and for development creativity should also be noted. Let's talk in more detail about what toys a 1-year-old child needs.

Educational toys


The good old pyramid should be present in the arsenal of every one-year-old child. After all, it perfectly develops coordination of movements, and also introduces the baby to the concept of “size”. To begin with, it is worth purchasing a pyramid with 4-5 rings, and when closer to two years, increase their number to 7-10. When starting the game, the mother needs to show the algorithm of actions by controlling the baby’s hand. Soon the child will learn not only to remove the rings, but also to put them on. For a one-year-old baby, a pyramid with a cone-shaped base is optimal. If you string parts onto a rod in the wrong order, you simply won’t be able to assemble it. Through trial and error, the baby will come to the conclusion that large rings should be at the bottom and small ones at the top. When choosing a pyramid, you should make sure that it has smooth rings that fit easily onto the base.


This type of toy consists of a body with holes and a set of figures. The sorter base can be very original look. TO classic options It is worth including toys in the form of a bucket, house or cube. The child’s main task is to correctly place the figures in the holes. Many modern products are equipped with sound functions. If the baby has completed the task, he receives thunderous applause and cheerful music plays. Whereas incorrect movements are accompanied by a not very pleasant sound. Sorters contribute to the development of a child’s fine motor skills and introduce him to the concepts of “size” and “shape”. For children over one year old, it is worth choosing bright products with 5-6 details, made in the form of animals or vehicles (moving cars, steam locomotives, etc.). Such educational toys for a one-year-old child will certainly attract the attention of the baby and arouse his interest.

Insert frames

In most cases, they are wooden products consisting of a base with recesses and a row three-dimensional figures. The simplest inserts are designed for children from 8 months and include only 4-5 parts. As a rule, these are figurines depicting animals and toys. When a child reaches 1.5 years old, you can purchase more complex inserts with 8-10 parts. At this age, funny animals should be replaced by figures in the form of various vehicles, geometric shapes, numbers, fruits and vegetables. Inset frames contribute to the development of not only fine motor skills of the hands, but also imagination, attention, logical and spatial thinking.


The images to be assembled by one-year-old babies should consist of 3-4 parts. It is best to choose colorful insert puzzles with simple pictures. Typically, such products are made of wood - an environmentally friendly and durable material. You can also buy a funny puzzle mat for your baby, which is very comfortable to play on while sitting. Of course, collect it alone one year old child will be beyond his power, but he will certainly take an active part in the process.

Vasilisa, mother of three-year-old Alexey and one-and-a-half-year-old Irina: “Children’s acquaintance with puzzles began in one year old. At first I used homemade pictures, printed from the Internet and pasted onto cardboard. They consisted of only two parts. There were no problems with such puzzles. Later the number of parts increased to 3-4 pieces. True, until the age of two, children did not collect pictures themselves. They showed me the necessary fragments, and I matched them to each other. This is still happening to us with our youngest daughter. My son began to assemble puzzles on his own after two years. For his birthday we gave him a set of several pictures (from 4 to 7 parts in each). Now he can easily assemble large images consisting of 40 fragments.”

Educational mats and electronic posters

Educational toys for a one-year-old child of this plan are suitable for children who have reached the age of eight months. The principle of their operation is extremely simple: the child clicks on the image, and the rug/poster makes a sound corresponding to it. Educational aids will introduce your child to the voices of various animals and birds, vehicles, and musical instruments. The selection of products is very large. Some of them are compact in size and hang on the wall, while others can be stomped on with your feet.

Development centers

It is perhaps difficult to choose a more successful gift for a baby’s first birthday. The baby will be delighted with the abundance of all kinds of buttons, levers, and moving toys located on one panel. For one-year-old babies, it is preferable to choose centers in the form of a table at which the baby can sit comfortably. An abundance of sound effects would be welcome.

Skryagina Vasilina Mikhailovna, teacher scientific center children's health: “The toy stimulates everything in a unique way mental processes in the child’s body: perception, attention, memory, and also has a positive effect on hearing, vision and skin sensitivity. With its help, the baby for the first time feels the result of the actions he has taken, learns to perform precise and voluntary movements, and control his body. When buying a toy for a child, parents need to answer the questions: will it be interesting to the child and what can it teach him.”

Outdoor toys


Walkers and jumpers are a thing of the past, because the baby has learned to move independently on his legs. Parents should help their child consolidate this skill by giving him a comfortable and bright gurney. It is a toy on wheels with a long handle, upon which the baby begins to push the object in front of him. The illusion of support makes the child move more quickly and confidently, discarding unnecessary fears.


This term refers to miniature cars that you can either push in front of you or ride on. Moving on such a vehicle involves constantly pushing off the floor with your feet, which has a beneficial effect on the physical development of the baby. Little ones quickly master the principle of using tolokars. In the shortest possible time, they become experienced “drivers”, confidently navigating the expanses of an apartment or playground.


A one-year-old child should have several of them in his arsenal. Cloth products can be used at home, while rubber and inflatable products are suitable for outdoor use. Despite the fact that at this age, babies still do not know how to catch a ball, but kids are excellent at throwing and picking it up. It wouldn’t hurt to teach your child the basics of football. For this purpose, a beach ball is ideal, which every little one can hit with their foot. Although for playing in the yard it is better to use its rubber counterpart, which is much more durable.

Sand play sets

To prevent your one-year-old baby from getting bored during a walk, you need to captivate him with something interesting. An example of a fun and useful activity is sandbox games. And although the baby will not yet be able to make Easter cakes on his own, he will be happy to watch this process and will delight in destroying the figures erected by his parents. To direct the baby’s energy not towards destruction, but towards creation, you should hand him a spatula. Let the baby help fill the molds with sand and knock on the upside-down figures. Many sets also include seeders, rakes and watering cans that will not go unnoticed by the child. At this age, a toddler can find the most unexpected uses for them.

Bath toys

Evening bathing is not only a familiar ritual for little fidgets, but also an exciting game. This is facilitated by numerous water toys. Wind-up ships and fish, children's thermometers of bizarre shapes, squeaking ducks and sea creatures on suction cups - the list goes on and on. Bathroom slides and islands, which are miniature water attractions with colorful designs, are especially popular today.

Attributes for creativity

Finger paint

Since it is difficult for one-year-old children to hold a brush in their hand, painting with their fingers is the best option for them. There are special water-based paints for this purpose. They have a jelly-like consistency, do not spread, and can be easily washed off hands and clothes. Thanks to their completely harmless, non-toxic composition, you can even taste them. Many parents are afraid that their child will get covered in paint from head to toe. Therefore, they transfer drawing lessons to the bathroom, where the child has a huge scope for creativity. He can leave his creations on the sides of the bathroom, tiles, faucets, etc. An alternative to this option would be to draw on a roll of wallpaper. Having covered the floor with them, you can invite the baby to leave prints of his palms and heels.

Play dough

Ordinary plasticine is not suitable for one-year-old children, because they are used to testing everything. A worthy and absolutely safe replacement for it would be modeling dough. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself. Of course, the baby is not yet capable of sculpting in the literal sense of the word. However, he can knead the dough in his hands, make cakes out of it, and connect large parts with each other. The baby will also be interested in decorating pictures with multi-colored dough. To do this, print out several simple templates with large parts and apply the mixture to them, filling in the gaps.

Other toys

There are a number of other toys that are of interest to one-year-old babies. Their category includes baby dolls, cars, and strollers. Moreover, both girls and boys can play with them at this age. Looking at their parents, children willingly imitate them, trying to do adult things on their own. It is necessary to support this initiative in them by providing the crumbs with appropriate toys. Girls will be happy to set the table using children's dishes, and the ironing board and iron will not go unnoticed. The boys will be very enthusiastic about making repairs, using analogues of adult tools. Among other toys it is also worth highlighting:

  • rocking horses;
  • bubble;
  • nesting dolls;
  • animals on a string;
  • musical instruments;
  • magnetic fishing;
  • books with pictures and stickers;
  • drawing boards.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is necessary to choose toys for a one-year-old child taking into account his interests and level of development. After all, every baby is individual. What one child likes may not evoke any emotions in another. Some children at this age literally do not sit still for a minute, while others are enthusiastically engaged in modeling and drawing. All this must be taken into account. Thus, if you want to please a child with a toy, you should be guided by his individual characteristics and preferences.

As you know, a child develops through play. While playing, the baby acquires new skills and improves the skills he already knows. In addition, in some situations, a child can try on a new role and try his hand at a certain profession. Finally, in the process of playing, the baby also acquires socialization skills that will be very useful to him in later life.

The right items for games and educational activities are equally important at any age. In this article we will tell you what toys a 1-year-old child needs so that he can develop well both physically and psychologically.

What toys are needed for a one-year-old child? - Primary requirements

The baby at this age is still too small and likes to try everything by heart, so any toys for a one-year-old child should not contain small parts. In addition, they must be made from natural, high-quality materials. In all cases, preference should be given to wood. Also, when purchasing any items for games, you must pay attention to the quality of the dyes, as well as the presence or absence of an unpleasant odor.

Every child should have musical toys. However, you should not play with them for too long, as loud noise can cause damage. auricle, and also have a negative impact on the child’s psyche.

List of interesting educational toys for children from 1 year old

For both boys and girls who have recently turned 1 year old, the following toys are very important:

The baby is growing, and there are more and more toys in the house. Of course, I want them to not just take up space in the drawer, but to be useful.

Reading forums and advice from experienced mothers, I compiled a list of ten toys that should definitely appear in the house where a one-year-old child lives.


Requirements: wooden (the most environmentally friendly), textile (the safest) or plastic (the lightest), not too high, with a stable base.

How long will it last: up to three years.

For now, we happily take them apart and gnaw on them. Later, the child will learn to string rings onto a pin and assemble them in a certain order. They are suitable for size recognition and comparison (especially if there is more than one pyramid). And there it’s not far from the flowers.

Montessori toys

Requirements: high-quality materials, several parts of different sizes.

How long will it last: up to eight years.

The Montessori method has captured almost the entire world; these toys have become the dream of many parents. Such materials develop spatial thinking, fine motor skills, teach not only to distinguish colors and shapes, but also to count.

Geometric pyramids

Requirements: at least three or four basic shapes: square, circle, triangle. Material - well-processed wood (no chips).

How long will it last?: up to six years.

Inserts (geometric pyramids) perfectly develop fine motor skills and also introduce the baby to geometric shapes. After the child begins to easily distinguish a circle from a square, and a triangle from a rectangle, complicate the task: play with him blindly - ask him to recognize the shapes by touch.

Rolling machine

Requirements: stable, low, with a reliable high back and space for toys under the seat, with rubberized wheels (so that neighbors below do not complain about the rumble).

How long will it last?: up to four years.

Don't forget about physical development. Such a wheelchair (an option is a toy wheelchair) perfectly helps develop coordination and becomes a support for a baby who walks unsteadily.

Of course, it is not suitable for every apartment. But you can play with it well in the summer on the playground, at the same time training the baby’s legs and relieving the mother’s hands. Many rolling machines include a handle for the mother, which can be easily removed if necessary.

To delight your baby, you can purchase rolling walkers with figures, molds, gears and sound effects.

Balls (regular and touch)

Requirements: the bigger, the better. Different sizes, colors, materials.

How long will it last?: up to six years.

Balls to throw and play football with, jump or inflate for games on the beach. This is important for physical development and coordination, for learning various games and rules of communication with other people (children). And, by the way, it develops imagination well.


Requirements: environmental friendliness and safety, small size, legs and arms are securely attached to the body, no small parts.

How long will it last?: up to seven years.

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Comments: 5

    Thank you for the useful information. I like toys that are multifunctional, safe and educational, so I gave preference to one of them. best brands. For example, the Chicco “Animal House” sorter is not only all the components in one convenient storage unit in the form of a house, but also a very multifunctional toy; this model offers several types of sorter. The sorter is very bright, all its components (figures, keys) are presented in vivid colors. bright colors, and have a streamlined shape without sharp corners, which is very safe! One sorter is on top of the roof, where you can study the figures, and the other sorter on the doors of the house will introduce you to the animal world. Well, the keys cause special delight. Each key has its own shape and color scheme in order to determine which door needs to be opened. Due to the convenient handle, it can be easily carried. I also think that every boy, as well as girls who are not indifferent to cars, should have a car like the “Billy Big Wheels” Chicco. It will serve as a faithful friend, because I have never seen a stronger, more reliable and impact-resistant machine. Despite her characteristics, Billy is very positive; those sweet, kind eyes and wide smile beckon her to play. Controlling Billy with the steering wheel allows even a 2-year-old child to feel like a real professional in driving. Everything is here for safety, the steering wheel is round as expected and NO AERIALS! The car is very maneuverable, on the steering wheel there are control buttons forward-backward, left-right, and a horn in the middle. Do you think that's it? Nooo, Billy also makes realistic engine sounds when starting to move, sound effects when the car is backed up accompanied by the illumination of red brake lights, and the bright glow of the headlights themselves. Obstacles are not scary for an SUV, just look at those massive, reliable wheels, so the driving surface can be different and even contain obstacles. In general, there is an opportunity to admire the machine and make your child happy)) Well, I recommend the Chicco “Talking Farm” Toy to everyone who wants to give a gift and not make a mistake with the choice. Because my kids are simply delighted with such an entertaining, versatile toy. Moreover, his little son is now already 3 years old, but he still spends time with interest with her (at the time of the gift he was 1.9), and his little sister is six months old, but she is also already happy to press the buttons that are within her reach. The toy has proven to be long-lasting and versatile for active development. Very high quality, easy to carry, with thoughtful design down to the details. A kind of educational gaming center where you can play and learn in a relaxed game form simultaneously. And also expand your knowledge, both in Russian and in English language. Thanks to this toy, we became acquainted with the animal world and learned to count. And to make learning and games more fun, there are also musical time-outs.

    The first months of communication with a newborn are comparable to playing with one goal - he demands attention and care, without giving anything in return. By the age of one year, the baby turns from a sniffling lump into a troublemaker with his own preferences, inclinations and an inexhaustible supply of curiosity. Educational toys for children from 1 year old channel their indomitable energy into a peaceful direction.

    What toys do 1-year-old children play with?

    A one-year-old child with pristine ardor begins to study the world around him, trying to touch and taste everything he can get his hands on. He is fascinated by moving objects from place to place, pouring sand, pouring water and actively imitating adults: combing, talking on the phone, etc. Educational toys from 1 year, stimulating the baby’s sensory abilities, coordination and perseverance:

    • frame inserts;
    • pyramids;
    • sorters;
    • finger labyrinths;
    • nesting dolls;
    • lacing;
    • large puzzles;
    • toys on wheels (cars, pushers, strollers, gurneys, etc.);
    • cubes;
    • balls;
    • toy fruits, vegetables and animal figurines;
    • musical toys;
    • sand and swim sets.

    The best educational toys of the year

    By the age of 1 year, the baby masters the skill of walking. This opens up a lot of possibilities for him: he can reach previously inaccessible places and reach everything hidden from him higher up. But coordination of movements is still poorly developed and the baby walks unsteadily, often falling out of the blue. The best educational toys for children over one year old - pushers and pushers - help to distract from the process of walking, making it more automatic. The main requirement for them is the stability and serviceability of all parts.

    Educational toys for boys from 1 year old

    When choosing a gift for a one-year-old boy, you should pay attention to the following educational toys for children aged one year and older:

    1. Sorter machines. Even in early childhood, future men tend to nourish warm feelings to everything automotive. Any little one will love the sorter machine, because you can not only put parts in it different shapes, but also to ride.
    2. Set of balls. There's nothing better than running around outside! If you combine it with the first skills of playing ball, the benefits of such a walk will increase a hundredfold. Educational toys for children aged 1 year and older are simply unthinkable without one or more balls that differ in color (pattern) or size.
    3. Cycling bike, or running bike. At the age of one, the baby is not yet able to master riding a regular bicycle. But transport without pedals, which you can ride by pushing off the ground with your feet, will be mastered without much effort.

    Educational toys for girls from 1 year old

    Mothers of little princesses look forward to the time when they can play real girly games with their daughters. And after a year, that time comes! Educational toys for girls from one year old:

    1. Interactive dolls. The baby will be happy to roll her “baby” in a stroller, feed him from a pacifier, rock him in her arms and even put him on the potty. While playing with the baby doll, the girl will develop hand motor skills and take the first steps towards mastering toilet tricks and other useful skills.
    2. Matryoshka dolls. Brightly painted wooden beauties are the best educational toys for children aged 1 year and older, because when interacting with them, babies get their first idea of ​​sizes, shapes and colors.
    3. A set of dishes and a children's kitchen. Children as young as one year old actively begin to imitate adults: they try to cook with sand and act out tea parties. A bright set of dishes and a kitchen set made of high-quality plastic will help with this.

    Toys that develop motor skills from 1 year

    There are many points on the baby’s palms that are directly connected to his brain. Therefore in early age It is so important to develop hands and fine motor skills. To make this task easier, it is worth purchasing developmental toys aimed at motor skills from the age of one year:

    • Hedgehog balls. Balls covered with small pimples different sizes Not only will they allow you to play a thousand and one active games, but they will also gently massage the baby’s palms with every touch.
    • Laces. Toys in which, using a regular cord, you need to connect several parts made of wood (thick cardboard). At first it will not be easy for the baby to do this, but over time he will learn to manage the lacing with a bang.
    • Educational books and stands. A child over the age of 1 year is drawn like a magnet to things that he is forbidden to touch: locks, zippers and door handles. Allowing the baby to develop safely will help homemade toys: books sewn from different textured fabrics with buttons and fasteners and stands with locks and latches screwed onto them.

    Montessori toys

    Maria Montessori's method is aimed at the diversified development of the baby from the first days. Help with this are specially designed for children over one year old: sorters, insert frames and lacing. But it is possible to raise a child using this method without any special investment of money. For classes, you can use cereals (buckwheat, semolina, rice), empty plastic bottles and boxes. For example, you can sprinkle semolina on a tray in a thin layer, and then show your baby how to draw on it with her hands.

    Interactive educational toys from 1 year

    Musical educational toys for children aged 1 year and older will be interesting and useful. Regardless of the form and manufacturer, they are all designed according to the same principle - in response to the child pressing a button, the toy responds with a funny melody and/or flashing multi-colored lights. Particularly popular are interactive toy phones that easily fit into children's hands. Designed taking into account age characteristics, developing interactive toys for children from 1 year old they give the first idea of ​​letters and numbers, sounds made by various animals and vehicles.

    Children's developmental toy center

    A toy that contains several “developmental tools” at once will help to comprehensively develop the baby’s basic skills and free mother’s hands for a long time. Such a complex includes a sorter (regular or musical), an interactive part that responds to button presses, as well as a reinforced part that is used by the baby as a support while walking or standing. All parts of the development complex are arranged in such a way that they allow you to find interesting activity in any body position.

    How to play with a 1 year old child?

    Not a single one, even the most expensive and high-quality educational toys for children over 1 year old, will be useful if children fiddle with them themselves, without the participation of adults. Only friendly communication and sensitive attention to inclinations will give the baby the basis for a harmonious comprehensive development. Let's give sample list, what to play with a child (1 year):

    1. Ball. It doesn’t matter at all what the baby will do with the ball - roll it on the floor, kick it or bring it into mom’s hands. In such a game, the baby learns to measure his strength and navigate in space.
    2. Matryoshka dolls. For little man nesting dolls hiding one inside the other will seem like a real miracle. And their colorful outfits will attract the baby’s attention for a long time.
    3. Cubes and constructors. It is clear that a one-year-old child cannot build a complex structure. But he is already able to build a small castle from cubes stacked on top of each other.
    4. Shifting objects. At this age, all children enjoy not only scattering, but also rearranging objects. An educational toy for children aged 1 year and older is easy to make yourself. For example, give a child a pack of kitchen sponges and an unbreakable pan, and he will enthusiastically fold the sponges for a while and then throw them out.

    Many parents say that the first twelve months of a child’s life flies by like one day. It would seem that the baby was just born, but she is already approaching one year old. Mom and dad begin organizing the celebration long before the date itself, because everything should be thought out to the smallest detail and nothing else. And the most main question- what to give to the little princess. If older children can already say what they want to receive as a gift, then a baby at the age of one year will not come up with an idea on her own. Therefore, you will have to decide on your own or with the help of the girl’s parents.

    Options for educational gifts for a one-year-old child from parents and relatives

    Today the early development of children is given great importance not only doctors, child psychologists, but also parents. They study a lot of information even during pregnancy, and after the birth of the baby they work with him independently or visit children's centers. Therefore, looking through various toys, books and other products on store shelves, choose things that will help the girl reveal the potential of her abilities, both physical and mental.

    When buying a present for your baby, you should study the information on the packaging in detail. There are age restrictions for each product. For example, a construction set with small parts will be unsafe for a one-year-old child.

    Gift ideas for physical development

    Each baby develops individually: some begin to sit earlier, while others begin to walk. But there are global standards with the help of which doctors determine the degree to which a child has mastered new skills and capabilities. In the first months of life, children are helpless, so adults must help them with everything. This also applies to improving the girl’s physical health.

    Doctors draw the attention of parents that by the age of one year, the child’s body makes a big leap in development and growth. And to help the baby master basic skills, you need to work with her. For the first birthday, gifts that will help improve the physical characteristics of the birthday girl would be an excellent option.

    The following gifts can be purchased:

    • rocking chair Children love exciting emotions, and what could be more interesting than riding a unique animal. This not only strengthens the muscles, but also trains the vestibular apparatus;

      Today there are models on sale with a chair so that the baby does not fall out while playing.

    • jumping toy. The product is made of rubber and represents an animal: donkey, horse, dragon or other. The principle of such a gift is simple: the girl sits on the pet and, pushing off the floor with her feet, jumps. It's not only fun, but also good for muscle tissue;
    • swing. By twelve months, the baby no longer needs rocking models in the form of a chaise lounge. An excellent solution would be a portable or hanging option;
    • orthopedic mat. It consists of several parts with different relief. While walking on it, the legs are massaged, and regular use contributes to the correct formation of the feet;
    • fitball With a large ball as tall as a child, you can not only perform exercises, but also play;
    • slide into the room. It is made of plastic and weighs little. The store sells various models. Some of them are complemented with other elements, for example, a basketball hoop. With such a gift, the baby will not only be able to skate for fun, but also learn to throw a ball into a basket and climb stairs.

    Gallery: what surprises are considered useful

    All children like the jumping toy Portable swings can be placed indoors
    Rocking chair models with a chair are suitable for one-year-old babies Slides come in different sizes and configurations You should buy a fitball for a child with a handle so that the baby can hold on.
    An orthopedic mat helps the correct formation of baby’s feet

    Gifts for mental and creative development

    Kids love everything new, and they show special interest in things that can be taken apart and have many details. In the ranking of gifts for the first year, products that help the girl develop mental abilities are among the first:

    • training boots. These are not really shoes, because you can’t wear such models all the time, or walk on the street. The purpose of the product is for the birthday girl to practice tying shoelaces, fastening Velcro and handling shoes correctly;
    • development center in the form of a table or portable surface. This category includes walkers with which the baby will be able to learn to walk and will train fine motor skills, logic, thinking, memory, playing with many elements on the play panel;
    • soft bodyboard. It is made in the form of books, on the pages of which it is recorded a large number of parts that differ in texture and material. In the process of examining the subject, the child will not only complete tasks, but also become familiar with the seasons, color scheme, the form of things;
    • finger theater Of course, children at one year old cannot yet play with such a gift on their own. But mom and dad will show stories and fairy tales with the help of little heroes. The young lady will definitely be attracted to bright characters;
    • Finger paint. They are made from safe substances, non-toxic, and therefore will not harm the child’s health. And developing creative potential is simply necessary;
    • color kinetic sand. Along with such a surprise, it is advisable to purchase a sandbox so that the birthday girl has a place to play, and various Easter eggs;
    • soft puzzles, pyramid, cubes and sorter. Every baby should become familiar with these things at the age of one year;
    • water mat for drawing. The set includes one or more markers. To start creating, they need to be filled with water. After a while, the drawings disappear and you can start again.

    Gallery: what will definitely interest the birthday girl

    Kinetic sand is available for sale different color Educational boots are bright, they train the baby's skills Finger paint safe if accidentally swallowed It's real magic: the designs on the water mat disappear within a few minutes of appearing
    With the help of a sorter, logic, thinking and motor skills develop The development center will help the baby train fine motor skills and learn to walk
    Children love to listen to fairy tales, and with the finger theater any story will come to life. The pages of a soft book may contain elements with sound.

    Souvenirs and memorable gifts, relevant for one year

    Surprises that will last for years will never lose their value. Therefore, as the main present or as an addition to the birthday girl, they give:

    • Jewelry. Most often for a girl these are earrings. Experts recommend choosing not long models, but carnations, droplets or products with an English lock, which will not cause discomfort;
    • set of silverware. Some give only one spoon, but also a plate, cup and cutlery included;
    • portrait of a baby. It is ordered individually. A photo artist paints a little lady for the appointed date;
    • certificate for a family look photo shoot. The price already includes studio rental, photographer’s work, rental of outfits in the same style for mom, dad and daughter, as well as printing of a photo book based on the holiday;
    • medal or coin. These souvenirs are presented in a beautiful case, and the gift itself has an engraving with the child’s name, date of birth and a short wish.

    Gallery: gifts that can be given as souvenirs

    Don't buy earrings for a one-year-old baby big size A portrait will decorate a children's room A good option There will be not only a set of dishes, but also a set of spoons and rattles for the baby You can conduct a photo shoot individually for a girl with many accessories.

    Toys as a birthday surprise

    What could be better than bringing joy to a little birthday girl? And all children love getting new toys. Guests and relatives often present the following gifts to the baby:

    • repeat. They come in the form of animals, a phone or a tablet. As soon as you say something, the toy will immediately repeat what was said in a funny voice. Kids are fascinated by such things, because it’s fun and unusual;
    • bathing sets. Everyone has the usual rubber duckies, but a real water center with slides, fountains and other elements is a real find. With such a surprise, spending time in the bathroom will be even more fun;
    • gurney There are models that make sounds, flap their wings and perform other actions. The girl will hold on to the handle of the toy and roll it. This is a great motivation to walk;
    • interactive pet. A year is the right time to introduce your child to animals, especially those that can blink, ask for food and show emotions. Such a toy will be interesting even at an older age;
    • phone with buttons. Children love to press on small parts, so the TV remote control always attracts their attention. Having received such a gift, the baby will be happy to play with it, as well as receive musical accompaniment;
    • stroller for dolls. You can also buy a baby doll in the set so that the birthday girl can roll it while walking or playing at home.

    Gallery: options for the birthday girl's joy

    Bath toys should be purchased in bright colors
    When you're one year old, you shouldn't give them big strollers, because the baby won't be able to push them.
    The most popular repetition toy is Tom the cat Gurneys are often complemented with moving and musical elements An interactive pet has a positive effect on the development of the baby Using your phone you can study the sounds that animals make

    Hand made: practical and original

    The best gift is a gift made with your own hands. Today this phrase is very relevant. Many people try to surprise parents and children with something individual and exclusive, so they make gifts from the list themselves or order from craftsmen:

    • knitted outfit. Light and Nice dress will become a crochet a worthy gift for the birthday girl from her grandmother or aunt;
    • bed sheets. They give him bumpers and pillows for the crib. The girl is already at the age when she will be interested in sleeping surrounded by such things;
    • wooden metric. This is a great addition to the nursery interior;
    • bathing kit. A robe and towel with embroidery of the child’s name are an original and fashionable present;
    • treasure box. Mom will keep her daughter's most valuable things there;
    • diary in scrapbooking style. There will not only be a place for photos, but also pages on which parents will write down the most memorable moments from the princess’s life.

    Gallery: unusual do-it-yourself gifts for your daughter, granddaughter, niece

    With such a gift, swimming will become even more interesting. The box will preserve memories for many years
    A set of bed linen will become an original and necessary present. A dress made from natural materials will delight your baby Much is forgotten over time, but information will be preserved on the pages of a diary.
    The metric contains information about what the baby has achieved in the first year of her life.

    Video: gifts for a girl on her first birthday

    What you should not give a year

    1. Don't buy gifts that are inappropriate for your age. For example, rattles will no longer interest a baby, because she is growing and changing. Also, you should not give a teaching computer for a year, which will be useful only in a few years, and other gifts for older children.
    2. Please pay attention to age restrictions. Items that contain small parts should not be given as gifts, because they pose a threat to the health and life of the girl.
    3. Always check what materials toys or other items are made from. Poor quality products can cause an allergic reaction in a child.
    4. Huge Stuffed Toys- Not the best choice. The baby will not yet be able to appreciate such a surprise. Being in the nursery, this thing will collect dust and nothing else.

    Today, any invited guest for a girl’s name day will be able to buy a present to suit their taste and financial capabilities. The main rule is to choose something that will interest the baby, will be useful for her development, or will become a souvenir that will be kept for many years. It is easy to bring joy to children if congratulations and gifts are made from the heart.