Tutorial on gel nail extensions. Gel nail extensions. Instructions with photos for beginners. Which gel is better, technology on forms, tips. Napkin nail extension: video

Tips for manicure length, style and design vary from season to season, but fashion trends always stand for well-groomed and beautiful hands. Unfortunately, not every representative of the fair sex has been blessed by nature perfect nails. Hide imperfections in manicure, improve appearance nail extensions and increase self-confidence will help.

The most popular materials for this procedure remain acrylic and gel.

Gel extensions allow the arms to look more natural.

The acrylic method involves a thick and dense coating, and the gel is applied in a very thin layer, and at the same time the nail looks as natural as possible. In addition, acrylic sometimes causes an allergic reaction.

At master classes and exhibitions, the arched method of modeling is most often demonstrated. With the help of this technology, everything looks natural and elegant. To create this effect, special clips are used that give the nail a perfect arch-like bend. This is very painstaking work, difficult for beginners to complete.

Gel extensions can be done at home yourself. To achieve the best results, it is important to follow certain rules and act step by step.

It is worth paying close attention to preparing the procedure, that is, purchasing the necessary materials.

  1. First you need to choose the right gel. It can be single-phase, two-phase and three-phase. The first one is best for beginners to use at home. High-quality modern material does not have a strong odor, and its consistency should not be too liquid or, conversely, too thick. It will be more convenient to apply it to the nails, it will not spread. The cost starts from 200 rubles per 15 grams.
  2. Without an ultraviolet lamp, the gel will not harden. There is no need to chase design or additional functions; a simple lamp for use at home will be enough. You can purchase it at a price of 1000 rubles.
  3. Professional degreasers can replace simple medical alcohol.
  4. You will need a primer to improve the adhesion between your nail and the artificial turf. The cost is about 300 rubles.
  5. Brushes for applying gel, various files and other important little things are sold in every professional cosmetics store. For the first few times of self-extension, you won’t need a lot of them. There should be several files, with different grinding surfaces, including special polishing blocks.
  6. Dust brushes or lint-free cloths.
  7. A question that interests beginners is how to do extensions correctly so that the length of the nails and their appearance are ideal. To do this, use tips or forms.

What to choose – tips or forms for extensions

Tips are made of plastic. Working with them requires a certain skill, because the tips must be cut off at the point of contact with the nail plate and on the sides to the desired size. During this procedure, your own nail is also actively filed down and is subject to significant damage.

Extension on forms is much easier than on tips.

Form is most often paper template, onto which the gel is subsequently applied. It is easy to cut to the size of any nail. They are divided into upper and lower, depending on where they are attached. Upper forms are preferable.

A roll of disposable forms costs from 200 rubles. Replace finished goods You can use thick foil if you don’t have any molds on hand.

The video will clearly show how to use forms for nail extensions, where you will learn how to place forms for nail extensions under a classic square.

How to extend nails using forms

In the nails industry today there is great amount various options for nail manicure.

Please note that the choice of form for extensions should be made depending on the structure natural nail, fingers and palm in general.

Below is a list of popular nail shapes for extensions and ways to choose the shape for yourself.

  • Oval shape

Suitable for almost everyone, with the exception of those with short fingers and wide nails. Achieve oval shape simple - you need to round the ends, repeating the lines of their base. The oval is considered a classic.

  • Clear square

For large hands with wide nails, a clear one will suit square shape. The corners of the square should not be too sharp, otherwise the finished manicure will not be durable.

  • Soft square

This shape suits all nails and is the most comfortable. You need to file your nails into a square and round the ends. The length can be any.

  • Round form

The nail is filed along the natural curve of the finger and softened at the corners. This form is suitable for those with weak and brittle nails, as well as those who work a lot with their hands.

  • Oval square

An intermediate option between an oval and a square is the rounded tip of a square with corners at the edges. It will visually help to elongate the palm, suitable for thick fingers.

  • Almond shaped nails

These look great on thin fingers with narrow nails. The nail should be rounded to this shape immediately from the growth line. The main thing is not to overdo it with the length.

  • Pointed

This shape is very similar to the previous one, only the tip of the nail is not rounded, but sharp. It’s quite difficult to walk around with such a triangular manicure every day. Not suitable for large hands.

  • Stiletto shape

Very long, pointed nails are called stilettos. This design is preferred by bold and daring people.

  • Pipe nail shape

Many people's favorite shape. Very feminine and neat. The pipe has straight edges and a rounded tip, similar to an almond shape.

  • Beveled

Another name for lipstick shape. The cut end of the nail at an angle of 45 degrees looks very extravagant. The cuts can be directed in different directions.

  • Beveled curled nails

One of the most unusual shapes. Difficult to create. Suitable for themed events and parties. Too pretentious for office work.

  • Age nail shape

From a distance it may seem that these are stiletto nails, only the tip is an angle. Rarely used in everyday life, but manicurists love to use this form as an example of their creativity.

  • Trapezoidal shape

This form is becoming very popular. When adding extensions, the edge of the nail is made wider than its base, creating the appearance of a trapezoid. This design is sometimes called "duck feet".

  • Ballerina nail shape

The name of this style comes from its external similarity with ballet pointe shoes. The edges of the nail are processed as with an almond shape, and the edge as with a square.

How to extend nails onto forms - extension technology at home

The gel extension procedure should only be carried out on healthy nails, without damage, burrs and fungus. By strictly following the instructions, growing your nails at home will not be difficult.

Stages of extension:

  1. Prepare workplace. An ordinary table will do, as long as it is not exposed to straight lines. Sun rays, otherwise the gel will harden too quickly, which will affect the quality of the work results. There should be an outlet for an ultraviolet lamp near the table.
  2. Treat your hands with any antiseptic.
  3. Trim or push back cuticles. Give your nails a maximum length of 2 millimeters. Too much short nails will not allow you to attach the form correctly.
  4. Run a nail file over the surface of the nail until it becomes slightly rough. The gel will not lie tightly on a smooth nail, and then peeling and air can enter.
  5. Remove dust from the nail with a napkin or brush.
  6. Degrease nails and apply primer.
  7. Place the form for modeling nails under the edge of the nail plate and fix it. Check if there are any gaps left.
  8. Cover the nail with a continuous, even layer of gel. You should start from the center. Apply a drop of material and spread it to the sides. Try to make sure that most of the gel is in the middle of the nail. This way it won't look flat.
  9. Give the nail the desired shape.
  10. Dry under the lamp for 30 seconds.
  11. Apply the gel again, achieve the desired length according to the divisions on the form.
  12. Dry under the lamp for about a minute until completely hardened.
  13. Remove the paper blank from under the nail.
  14. Use a file to smooth out any unevenness and adjust the length.
  15. Apply varnish, create a design, and enjoy the result.

The video below shows how to easily and quickly grow your nails at home.

Each season, fashion trends offer more and more options for nail coloring, and new unusual materials are used. The once classic French jacket has now become one of the ways to stand out in the crowd.

Colored gels are available for creating french manicure. After extensions in this way, all you need to do is cover your nails with clear varnish or add glitter.

How to care for extended nails at home

About three weeks usually pass between correction procedures. The first correction should be made after two.

To protect your marigolds, there are a number of simple recommendations.

  • Avoid nail polish remover containing acetone.
  • Use rubber gloves when cleaning and washing dishes using detergents.
  • Do not expose your hands to temperature changes. The extension material used may turn yellow and crack.
  • Use special oils to moisturize the nail plate and cuticle.

If you follow all the rules and instructions, prepare and approach the matter thoughtfully, then you can get a beautiful manicure with nail extensions at home, without having to go to a salon to specialists. The technology of using gel allows you to correct all natural imperfections, and if you try, artificial nails will look like natural ones.

To model the plate, give it strength and shine, nail extensions are done with gel. This procedure helps to adjust the shape and make a design of any complexity. Extension is suitable for those who have weak nails, who cannot grow the required length and those who do not like to paint their nails themselves very often. Gel nails look beautiful, shine, and do not differ from natural ones.

Gel nail extension technique

The technology of nail extensions is based on the use of a special gel material, which hardens under the influence of ultraviolet rays in a compact lamp. Due to the gel, the surface of the plate is leveled, a glossy shine is imparted, the cuticle and skin around are not irritated. False tips are transparent, similar in structure to natural nails, they can be given any shape or design.

On tips

A popular extension technique is the use of tips - artificial plates of different shapes, colors, and sizes. They are glued to their own plates, then covered with gel. It turns out that the tip continues the shape of the nail and is part of it. The method of extension using tips is suitable for everyone, even girls with very short nails.

Gel extensions on forms

On the lower or upper forms, gel nail extensions occur, in which special overlays are placed on the plate. The master already applies the material to them. The advantage of this procedure is the easy removal of forms from the nails after extensions, plus the naturalness of the manicure. It is also easier to remove such a coating after the expiration date than artificial tips.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gel supporters beautiful manicure they claim that it is comfortable to wear due to the hypoallergenic materials, lack of skin irritation, and gel odors. The components allow moisture, air and light to pass through, protect the plate from fungi, do not block its breathing, and last a long time. Gels are easy to use, do not peel off, do not require heavy filing, have good adhesion and are multifunctional. With their help you can sculpt any elements, make a French jacket. The disadvantages of manicure include:

Types of gel

Craftsmen use three gel varieties when working, differing in functionality and number of layers:

  1. Three-phase gels - includes three components. The first layer serves to ensure safe contact of the plate with artificial material, provides adhesion (adhesion). The second is needed for modeling, the third for strength, protection from external factors, creating a smooth shiny surface.
  2. Two-phase - one layer for adhesion and modeling, the second is responsible for strength.
  3. Single phase gel– a universal material that provides all functional characteristics.

Materials and tools

Craftsmen have a whole arsenal of materials and tools for work. Sample list items used:

  • ultraviolet lamp for drying - power minimum 36 W, with or without a timer;
  • brushes for applying gel – flat, made of artificial bristles, different lengths and width;
  • tips or forms - the first should bend well, not break, not leave white stripes, the second is preferable with a wide gluing area;
  • glue for gluing tips;
  • files for leveling the surface with a grain size of 100-200 grit;
  • buffs (wide files) for cutting down edges - disposable or reusable, processed after each client in a dry-heat oven;
  • spatula for pushing back cuticles, scissors, nippers;
  • lint-free wipes for wiping nails and removing the sticky layer;
  • primer (base coat);
  • camouflage transparent gel;
  • base (bonder) – for degreasing;
  • finishing gel – gives shine, smoothness, well-groomed appearance;
  • liquid for removing the sticky layer - special or regular medical alcohol;
  • cuticle care oil;
  • colored gels;
  • design elements (rhinestones, glitter, acrylic paints).

Gel nail extensions - step by step instructions

When performing the gel nail extension technique, step-by-step stages of work are distinguished, differing in function and duration:

  1. Preparation - disinfection of hands, removal of cuticles, sanding, applying primer.
  2. Extensions - apply the gel with a brush (do not touch the skin with it), dry it in a lamp to obtain a hardened gel coating. This stage is the most important, because the thickness of the layer and the accuracy of execution depend on it. Repeat it until the desired effect is obtained, about 2-3 times to give hardness and strength to the plate. If a burning sensation is felt during the stage, this means that too much has been applied. thick layer gel or low-quality components are used, it is recommended to stop drying. Upon completion, the finishing layer is applied.
  3. Correction – giving shape and length with a file. No polishing required.
  4. Beautiful design (optional step) - applying varnish of a different shade, painting with paints, decorating with rhinestones (there are lessons). The entire procedure lasts approximately three hours, and the service life is up to four months.

Post-procedure care

For the extension to be successful, the client must follow several simple rules on the day of the procedure or in advance:

  • do not use hand cream the day before the procedure;
  • thoroughly clean the cuticle before performing the technique;
  • do not combine the procedure with taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs;
  • nails must be healthy, diseases are unacceptable, because they can get worse under a layer of varnish;
  • take vitamins and calcium to strengthen the natural plates, because under the protection of the gel they can weaken.

Rules for caring for extensions gel nails should also be observed as strictly as possible so that the result pleases you longer:

  • Do not chew the plates, press them too hard, or type sharply on the keyboard;
  • To properly clean the house, wash clothes and wash dishes, you only need to wear rubber gloves;
  • During the first month, the correction procedure is performed twice, then the nails are corrected once a month.

Price for gel extensions in salons

In Moscow, the approximate cost of extensions using gel materials depends on the level of the salon, the education of the specialist and the materials used. Approximate prices:


Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with artificial nails. In an hour you can decorate your hands with nails of any shape and the most incredible design. Gel extensions are very popular among women. What types of it exist and how to extend nails with gel yourself?

We'll help you choose!

If you don’t know what to choose for extensions - gel or acrylic - read, in which we described in detail the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

Methods for gel nail extensions

On tips

Tips are artificial plates that are glued to the nail with a special substance and covered with gel on top. They come in various sizes and shapes and are selected individually for each nail. The more flexible the tips, the better the artificial nails will be. Plasticity is checked by bending the plate in half. In this case, there should be no groove left.

Advantages of extensions using tips:

  • High speed of the procedure.
  • Suitable for brittle and damaged nails.
  • Can be extended with both gel and acrylic.
  • Great for large nail plates.


  • Not all nail shapes can be done.
  • Nails become flat.
  • Not suitable for nails that widen towards the tips.

On forms

Forms are templates on which the master lays out the gel. They can be disposable or reusable.

This extension method is divided into 2 subtypes:

  • Extension to lower forms.
  • Extension to upper forms.

Advantages of extensions on forms:

  • The ability to make nails of any shape, thin and graceful.
  • The nails are very durable.
  • Improves the shape of natural nails.


  • Only a good nail technician can do high-quality extensions on wide nails with large pads.
  • The procedure lasts longer than with tips.

It is difficult to answer the question which gel nail extension technology is better. It all depends on the initial condition and shape of your natural nails.

What do you need for gel nail extensions?

Before you start building up, you need to prepare everything you need.

Standard set:

  1. A lamp, preferably with a built-in timer;
  2. Gel;
  3. Forms or types;
  4. Sticky layer remover;
  5. Disinfectant;
  6. Finishing gel;
  7. Flat brush for applying gel;
  8. Set of files;
  9. Tweezers;
  10. Primer;
  11. Glue for tips;
  12. Polishing pad (buff).

That depends on the chosen extension method. Before purchasing, it is better to study the information about the tools in detail and choose the most suitable models. You can buy a ready-made kit for beginners.

Step-by-step instructions for gel nail extensions

To better understand the technique of nail extensions, it will be useful to watch video tutorials with detailed description process and photos with decor results.

Nail extension with gel on tips

This method involves preparing the top layer of the nail, but, unlike extensions on forms, the gel is applied over the tips. The process is faster and easier for a beginner.

Main stages of the process:

  1. Hands are treated with disinfectant.
  2. The cuticle moves back. Skin growths and other defects are removed.
  3. Nails are filed under the tip hole.
  4. The top shiny layer is removed. The surface of the nail is processed with a file to a matte color. Movements should be light, in one direction.
  5. Use a brush to remove dust from the surface of the nail.
  6. The tip size is selected individually for each nail. The width should match the nail.
  7. A drop of glue is applied to the inside of the tip and it is pressed against the nail for 10 seconds. Excess glue is removed.
  8. Using two files, the edges of the tip are pressed against the nail.
  9. Tips are cut to the required length.
  10. The required shape is given.
  11. The joint lines are cleaned with a file, then the surface is treated with a buff until the shine completely disappears. Dust is periodically removed from the nail plate.
  12. Primer is applied.
  13. A modeling gel is applied on top and carefully distributed over the tip. The hand is turned over for a few seconds to level the solution.
  14. The nail is placed in the lamp.
  15. After drying, the gel is reapplied and dried.
  16. The sticky layer is removed with a cotton pad soaked in a special product.
  17. Using a file and a polishing block it is leveled upper layer nail
  18. Use a brush or broom to brush off the dust.
  19. The finishing layer of solution is applied.

Gel nail extensions on forms

Both disposable and reusable forms can be used for extensions. Reusable ones are more convenient, but require care after the procedure, so disposable ones are most often used, and they are also inexpensive.

To the lower forms

The technology is to use special linings, which are applied to the inside of the nail and a layer of gel is laid out on them. The technology is not very simple and requires skill.

Stages of extension:

  1. The hands of the client and the master are treated with an antiseptic. It is more convenient to use the product in spray form. Excess product is removed with a cotton pad.
  2. The first stage is degreasing. The top shiny layer of the nail plate is removed with a file. The abrasiveness of the file is 240. Movements in one direction, without pressing on the nail. The surface should become completely matte. The areas near the nail shaft are carefully treated. Then the nails are treated with a buff, after which they are degreased with a cotton pad moistened with a special product.
  3. A universal product is applied, serving as a base coat and top layer. The nail is dried in the lamp for 2 minutes.
  4. After drying in the lamp, the top layer will be removed.
  5. If the shape of the nail does not match the rest, adjustments are made with a file.
  6. The paper form is placed under the nail, the evenness of the center is checked. The edges of the form are pinched and it is secured to the finger.
  7. Using a special brush No. 6, apply the gel in the form of a droplet, starting from the tip of the nail. Maximum compaction is made in the center. For the nail to accept beautiful shape, the finger turns over. The nail is placed in an ultraviolet lamp to dry for 3 minutes.
  8. Once dry, another layer of gel is applied to raise the S-curve. Again the nail is turned over to align and a drop is formed. The nail is placed under the lamp for 3 minutes.
  9. After drying with a degreaser, the sticky layer is removed, then the mold is removed.
  10. Using a file, the nail is shaped, in this case a droplet.
  11. Using a sanding block, the surface is leveled, small nicks are removed and the top coating is made smooth.
  12. Use a cotton pad to remove dust.
  13. The finishing layer is applied and the nail is dried in a lamp for 2 minutes.
  14. After drying, the nail is degreased. The marigold is ready.

To the upper forms

Unlike the previous method, this technique is much simpler: there is no need to form an S-bend. The nail turns out perfectly smooth. After just a few workouts, you can get a manicure that is no different from a professional one. Not so long ago, extensions to upper forms were done only with acrylic, but today gel is actively used. It is important to follow the technique and carefully process the nail plate so that the adhesion is strong.

Stages of extension:

  1. As always, extensions begin with disinfection of the hands of the master and client.
  2. The nail plate is prepared, the top shiny layer is removed, and the cuticle is pulled back. Skin growths are also removed from the surface of the nail plate.
  3. A degreaser is applied.
  4. An upper mold is selected individually for each nail.
  5. A construction gel is placed in the center of the mold and dried in a lamp.
  6. A small amount of solution is applied to the cuticle area.
  7. The form prepared with gel is applied to the nail plate at an angle of 45 degrees.
  8. The finger is placed under the lamp for 20 seconds.
  9. Excess gel solution is removed from the inside.
  10. The nails are dried in the lamp for at least 3 minutes.
  11. Carefully remove the top form.
  12. A special product removes the sticky layer from the inside of the nail.
  13. The tip of the nail is given the desired shape.
  14. Dust is removed with a brush; if desired, a three-phase gel that does not have a sticky layer is applied for shine.

Nail extensions upper forms has a great advantage - this method can be used on thin nails and small plates.

Gel extensions on tips in French style:

French made with gel varnishes:

The procedure for gel nail extensions is not very complicated; if desired, it can be easily mastered. But it is necessary to remember that if the nails are damaged, there are fungal diseases or hangnails, it is better to postpone the procedure for a while. You should also take a responsible approach to choosing your nail shape and length, taking into account your lifestyle and place of work.

Beauty salons offer a wide range of services, including gel and acrylic nail extensions. Every self-respecting girl should take care of her hands, regardless of whether she works or does household chores. If a lady gets her nails done in a salon, she is forced to visit a specialist every 3 weeks, because the nail plate grows quickly and correction becomes necessary. It is important to learn how to carry out the procedure yourself to avoid unnecessary expenses and loss of time.

Nail extension methods

Craftsmen use tips and forms to work with materials.

Extensions with tips
They are made of plastic and are an elongated plate that is attached with glue to the edge of the original nail. Next, gel or acrylic is applied, the surface is sanded and you can begin to create a design. Tips are convenient because they involve only the edge of the nail, as a result of which the impact on the natural plate is minimized. The material is available in various lengths and shapes, which allows you to quickly select the appropriate option. After attaching the plate to the nail, it is given the desired size, and the excess is cut off with a special tip cutter.

Form extensions
The material for work is made of a thick paper base, which is covered with polyethylene on top. The outer part is equipped with a sticky layer that holds the shape on the natural nail and prevents it from coming off until the master finishes the work. The outer side also does not allow the material to stick or be absorbed into its surface. As a rule, the forms are disposable; there are also reusable ones with special clips, but they are not used at all.

When choosing your preferred extension method, consider the length of your own nails. If they are cut to the root and there is no free edge of 1-2 mm, there will be nothing to attach the forms to. Tips, in turn, are not very strong, but the process will go 1.5 times faster.

Features of acrylic nail extensions

Initially, acrylic was used exclusively by dentists for dental implantation and repair; nowadays, masters have resorted to this method in cosmetology. Acrylic is a combination of liquid crystals (liquids) and loose powder. The liquid interacts with oxygen, as a result of which the material hardens and a strong layer is formed.

Acrylic is cloudy, so an aquarium design is immediately out of the question; for these purposes it is better to choose a gel. However, if you prefer gel, you can forget about ideal lines and a clear contour, since this advantage belongs to acrylic. If you use this method in an apartment or in a closed, unventilated space, you will go crazy from the smell of the material.

It's all about the monometer, which is used in extensions using this technology. Its toxic and volatile smell spreads throughout the room in an instant. If you choose the acrylic method, allocate yourself a separate room, ventilate it thoroughly, close the door and do not allow children or pets to enter there.

This trend appeared not so long ago, but has already taken an honorable place in the hearts of its owners. As a rule, the gel consists exclusively of natural polymers, as a result of which it is harmless to nails. Its composition most often includes coniferous tree resin, so the artificial turf is non-toxic and resistant to various factors.

The gel is particularly strong and durable; the process does not stand still and manufacturers have begun to produce a composition with a denser consistency. The material will not spread on the native nail, which allows the beginner to carry out the procedure carefully and efficiently. The gel does not have a sharp and repulsive odor, it does not harden in a few minutes like acrylic, which is an undeniable advantage of this technology.

Required tools and materials

  1. UV lamp 36 watt.
  2. Cuticle spatula. Choose a tool made of orange wood; this material is gentler on the skin, it is soft and environmentally friendly.
  3. Disinfectant. A regular antiseptic is suitable for hands; instruments can be boiled and then treated with alcohol. If these options are not suitable, buy “Kutasept” for hands and “Bacillol” for tools.
  4. Files. Abrasiveness of tools for acrylic nails- 80/100, for gel - 100/120. The higher the indicator, the softer the nail file. You will also need a glass file for natural nails.
  5. Dehydrator is a special liquid composition designed for degreasing natural nails.
  6. Brushes. All of them must be natural, artificial ones leave lint on the gel or acrylic, then it is impossible to remove it. You will need a round brush for applying acrylic and a flat brush for gel.
  7. Forms or types. The materials must come with glue, don't use it, it's bad. Buy glue separately for each extension method.
  8. Monometer is a special liquid that is required only for acrylic nail extensions.
  9. Tweezers are only needed for the forms to grab and attach them.
  10. Primer is a means for treating the natural nail plate, which ensures a strong connection with the artificial nail.
  11. Finish - the product gives the extended nails shine; it is needed for both acrylic and gel.
  12. Liquid to remove the sticky layer with the final result.
  13. Special construction gel or acrylic Powder, the choice is made in favor of one or another extension technology.
  14. A tip cutter is needed if the extension is made using tips.

Preparing nails for extensions

Important: if you have fungus or cracks on your nails, you should not start the procedure.

Disinfect your hands. Take an orange spatula and move the cuticle upwards, but do not cut. Use a glass file to file down the top layer of your nail, moving from the center to the edge. You need to make the surface of the plate matte.

Finish the edge of the nail, do not make it too sharp or, on the contrary, square, bring the shape to a soft oval. Remove the resulting dust, then coat the nail with primer.

  1. Take the forms and secure them to your nails, connecting the ends together. Inject material under the plate, not onto it. Cover your nail with gel along with the form. Look at the scale, remember what division you stopped at so that you can apply the gel to the same length on the next nails.
  2. After applying the first coat, place your nail in the lamp for 45 seconds. For your convenience, first extend four fingers, treat them and dry them thoroughly, and after them proceed to extend the thumb. When the layer has dried, take a file with 100/120 abrasiveness and begin filing the surface.
  3. Remove the dust with a napkin and proceed to the second, denser layer. Apply the gel and turn your palm up so that the material spreads evenly over the plate and does not slide onto the cuticle. Dry the layer for 2 minutes.
  4. Detach the forms from the extended nail. Take the sticky layer remover, apply it to a cotton swab and walk over the surface. Then file the second layer until matte.
  5. Apply finish and let dry for 1 minute. If you have artistic talent, you can paint your nails. If such a gift is missing, cover the plate regular varnish in 2 layers, dry each of them for 40 seconds. Treat the cuticle with oil and do not wet your hands for 2.5 hours.

  1. Apply glue to the inside of the tip and glue it to the edge of the nail. Hold for 5 seconds to dry. Take a tip cutter and adjust the length. Using a glass file, align the border between the tip and the natural nail, and also adjust the edge of the artificial plate.
  2. Place the gel on the brush and cover your nail with it, moving from the cuticle down. Let the gel dry in the lamp, hold your finger there for 2 minutes. Make the next layer, but on the entire surface of the natural and artificial nail, dry for 1.5 minutes.
  3. Take liquid to remove the sticky layer that has formed after polymerization. Apply it to a cotton pad and wipe the nail. Use a 100/120 nail file to level the surface, then apply the finish. Make a drawing or paint with a plain varnish in 2 layers. Dry in a lamp for 2 minutes.

Gel nail correction

  1. Take a spatula and push back the cuticle. Use a file 80/100 to remove 2/3 of the entire gel.
  2. File down your overgrown nail, smoothing out the area where it comes into contact with the gel coat.
  3. Disinfect your hands. Apply primer to the nail and place it in the lamp for 1 minute.
  4. Make a layer of gel, as with extensions, dry for 1.5 minutes and apply a second one, also dry it.
  5. Degrease the surface with a dehydrator, cover with finish and place in a lamp for 2 minutes. Give your nails the desired shape.

Acrylic nail extensions on forms

  1. Glue the shape, bringing the ends together. Place the material under your nail.
  2. Pour the liquid into a container and soak the brush in it. Squeeze it out in a convenient way, start picking up powder to form a ball. Make sure to keep it dry, otherwise the acrylic will bleed onto your nail. Let the liquid absorb into the powder and begin the procedure.
  3. Begin to gently roll the ball into the shape and onto your own nail, without touching the cuticle. If the layer is too thin, repeat the maneuver. After all layers are ready, dry your nails, remove the form with tweezers and file the edge to the desired length. Polish the surface with an 80/100 file, apply the finish and dry in a lamp for 2 minutes. Apply 2 layers of regular varnish and dry for 30 seconds each.

  1. Take the tip and apply glue to the inner surface, then immediately attach it to the tip of your own nail. Hold for 10 seconds so that the tip adheres to the natural plate.
  2. Using an 80/100 file, file away all the irregularities on the surface where the tip meets your nail. Also at this stage, give the desired shape and cut off the artificial edge with a tip cutter if it is too long. Cover the entire length of the nail with primer.
  3. Dip the brush into the liquid, squeeze it out and dip it into the modeling powder. Apply the composition to the nail along with the tip and wait until the acrylic hardens. Run a file over the surface, making it smooth without any bumps or depressions. Apply the finish, then send the nails to dry in the lamp for 2 minutes. Make a design or cover with 2 layers of varnish, dry for 30 seconds.

Correction of acrylic nails

  1. Disinfect your hands, remove the top layer of varnish with a liquid that does not contain acetone.
  2. Push back the cuticle with an orange stick. Completely file off the free edge of the artificial nail, and the entire surface of the plate by 70%.
  3. Using a glass file, polish your overgrown nail to a matte finish.
  4. Treat the nail with a dehydrator and cover it with primer.
  5. Begin modeling by applying acrylic with a brush, as with extensions, being careful not to get it on the cuticle.
  6. Cover with finish and place your finger in the lamp for 2 minutes.
  1. Consult your doctor to see if you have any contraindications to using gel, acrylic, dehydrator, primer or other products. It is important to find out this before you begin the procedure.
  2. Nail extensions are contraindicated for women and girls with diabetes mellitus, stomach diseases and those who have recently taken antibiotics.
  3. Be sure to take breaks while wearing artificial turf. Give your nails a rest at least once every 2 months.
  4. Nail extensions can lead to cracks and degeneration of the natural plate. There is also a high risk of infection, so always disinfect tools before starting work.
  5. Lubricate the cuticle with special oil more often and take soda baths (1 tablespoon of soda per 250 ml of water).

Agree, it’s not difficult to grow your nails at home. It is important to control the process and pay attention to possible little things. Choose the appropriate extension option, decide on the materials and go ahead to conquer heights. Good luck!

Video: video instructions for acrylic nail extensions

Every girl knows: to look attractive, you must take care of the beauty of your hands. I want my nails to look well-groomed for as long as possible. The most common way to keep your manicure beautiful is to add extensions. However, not everyone can afford to visit an expensive salon every 3 weeks to receive this service. Therefore, many people think about how to grow their nails themselves. The article talks about this in more detail.

Nail extension methods

The method depends on the selected material. There are two types: gel and What is the best way to extend nails?

Acrylic is a hard substance, it holds its shape very well and is easier to remove. But it has a rather pungent smell. In addition, it hardens quickly - it will not be easy for a beginner to have time to distribute the material before it hardens.

For the first experiment, gel is more suitable. Among its advantages are the following:

  • It is much easier to work with it, as it is evenly distributed over the nail.
  • It’s easier to make sawdust and apply correct form.
  • Absent bad smell.
  • Does not cause allergies.
  • Adheres tightly to the nail plate.

It's up to you to decide what's best for nail extensions. But if you are still a beginner, it is better to try the gel.

Necessary materials for nail extensions

Before you go to the store professional cosmetics, let's make a list of the necessary tools and materials.

  1. UV/LED lamp. Without it, the gel simply will not harden. To begin with, you can purchase the most inexpensive 9 W ultraviolet lamp.
  2. Files. For a natural nail, a file with an abrasiveness of 180-230 grit is suitable, and for artificial sawdust, 80-100.
  3. Pusher to push back cuticles. A more economical option is orange sticks.
  4. Tips, since for beginners it is easier to build nails on them than on forms. Special glue and tip cutter (can be included in the kit or sold separately).
  5. Gel brush. Choose flat synthetic bristles.
  6. Lint-free wipes.
  7. Antiseptic for hand disinfection.
  8. Degreaser.
  9. Primer. It is better to use an acidic one, it provides stronger adhesion to the nail.
  10. Take single-phase gel, as it will be faster and easier to grow nails at home.
  11. Cuticle oil.

Stages of nail extension

We offer step by step instructions how to build nails.

At the end, you can cover the resulting manicure with regular varnish or choose a design of your own.

Form nail extensions

The process of adding nails to forms is similar to the previous one. First, prepare the nail as described above. Only instead of tips, a paper form is placed on the free edge. First you need to try it on and trim it if necessary. The form should fit seamlessly to the nail. After it is fixed, you can lay out the gel. Next is polymerization in a UV lamp. Then the sticky layer is removed with a degreaser and the length and shape of the nail is filed down. Then apply finishing coat to consolidate the result.

Precautionary measures

Before you extend your nails at home, it is worth considering some contraindications. If fungus or cracks appear on your nails, extensions are not the solution. This can only worsen the situation; under a thick layer of gel, the fungus will continue to multiply.

If the nail plate is too thin, you should also postpone the extension procedure. In this case, material detachments may appear, and when drying the gel in a UV lamp, unpleasant painful sensations.

It is also worth waiting out the first days of your period. Any hormonal changes in the body serve as a contraindication. These also include pregnancy, breastfeeding, treatment with antibiotics or other potent drugs. Before you do your own nail extensions, think about whether it might be worth holding off on this procedure.

Before you learn how to do nail extensions, consider how to properly treat your nail plate. There is no need to leave a long free edge. If the nails peel, which happens from frequent contact with water, then they need to be filed down with a buffer, creating an even, smooth surface.

Under no circumstances continue the procedure if you feel a burning sensation or other pain; this may be caused by an allergy to the materials. Therefore, it is better to use high-quality certified products sold in professional cosmetics stores. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the materials and preparations used.

After you've done your own nails, lubricate your cuticles with oil. And repeat this action at least once a day. The oil will help keep your hands looking well-groomed longer and nourish the skin with nutrients. Especially in the cold season, try not to forget about this procedure so that the cuticle does not become keratinized, which entails the appearance of unpleasant hangnails.

Correction of artificial nails

After 3-4 weeks, when the nails grow, it is necessary to make a correction. If the manicure remains intact during this time, without chips or cracks, the correction will take a little time. Otherwise, it is better to remove the artificial nail and carry out the extension procedure again.

Never try to tear or bite off damaged gel or tips. This will lead to injury to the nail plate. Use a hard file to remove material.

For correction, you also need to file the nail, removing excess length and smoothing the transition between the gel and the regrown gap. Brush off dust with a brush and apply primer. Next, you need to lay out the gel on part of the natural regrown nail, then carefully distribute the material along the entire length. Dry in a lamp and shape. If one layer is not enough or if there are any unevenness, you can add gel to level the surface.

Just as with extensions, pay attention to the stress area. There should be no transitional depression on it. A polished nail can be decorated in a new way.

Nail shapes

Before you get your own nails done, decide on the shape and design of your future manicure. Start with simple shapes.

Oval. Suitable for those with short nail plates. An oval shape will give your hands a more gentle, calm look. For sawdust, use a rounded, crescent-shaped file.

Almond. The most common on this moment form. It is often done by amateurs long nails. Almonds look good in both dark and light colors color scheme. This shape needs to be filed in one direction, moving from one corner to another.

Square. If you have long aristocratic fingers, you can safely make this shape. Visually it shortens the length. To create a square, use a straight saw and keep your hand level when filing. Don't make curves.

Soft square. Differs from the usual one with rounded corners. More comfortable to wear.

Choosing a nail design

When considering how to grow your own nails, it doesn’t hurt to learn how to make a simple design. The most popular is the French one, which has already become a classic. White - for lovers of strict, discreet manicure and bright colored - for bold and extraordinary personalities. To paint French, it is more convenient to use a thin brush.

If you like beautiful drawings, but no artistic talent, use sliders. They are easy to use and will brighten up any boring monochromatic manicure. Moreover, sliders are inexpensive and suitable for home use.

First, paint the coating white. Cut the slider to the shape of your nail and place it in water for a few seconds. Apply the peeled image and smooth it onto the nail. Secure with a sheer top. Remove all excess from the free edge of the nail using a file. Seal the ends with the same topcoat.

When choosing a design, try not to overdo it. Remember, your pens should look neat and elegant. They say that too bright a manicure scares away the male half of humanity.

Dispelling myths

Along with the question of whether it is possible to grow your own nails, another one arises: “How harmful is it?” There is a misconception that nails do not breathe under a thick layer of material. Let's look at this issue.

The nail plate is made up of more than a hundred layers of keratinized keratin cells. When the nail moves from its bed to the free edge (that is, grows), the cells lose liquid substances in their composition and die. In simple terms: nails are “dead cells”; they cannot breathe. It is on them that the gel is applied during extensions. “Living” cells located in the growth zone are not affected in any way.

Many people are afraid to do their own nails because they think it will spoil them. They deteriorate not from extensions, but from improper removal of the material. Over-processing or even removing the gel in pieces damages the surface of the nail, thinning it. Remove the material correctly and then keep your nails beautiful and healthy.

Lifespan of artificial nails

Exact date No nail technician can determine your nail socks. This is influenced by many factors. But by following some rules, you will extend the life of your manicure.

As soon as you can learn how to do your own nails, at first it will be unusual to wear them and perform some simple manipulations. The main thing is habit and accuracy. Remember: your nails are not a screwdriver or a construction tool; you don’t need to pry everything off with them. When opening the door of a car or public transport, make sure that the nail does not get stuck, otherwise you will break it, and this is very painful. Do not expose it to fire, otherwise the material will turn black.

If you want your manicure to maintain a neat appearance, carry out the correction on time, after 2-3 weeks. Then your hands will always look great.