Some for a birthday. Category "birthday games and competitions". Specific ideas and examples of what to give

The key to the success of any celebration, and especially a birthday, is a sense of humor, good mood and pleasant company. Of course, many people are quite tired of the usual table scenario for organizing a birthday party, so I bring to your attention creative ideas his organizations:

1. Take the celebration beyond your apartment, at least to the roof of your house. The higher you are, the more fascinating the picture of the city will be and the fewer onlookers there will be for your fun.

2. Maybe you've always dreamed of it? Of course, if heights don’t scare you, then your holiday is a great reason to jump from a height with your friends. You will have something to remember for a long time , gathered at one table.

3. If you consider yourself an active person, then you may be interested in such an event as shooting the hero of the occasion, i.e. your person, in . Now such a game can be organized both in a club and outdoors with all the equipment, and there you can have a blast.

4. And those who lead a healthy lifestyle will be able to appreciate festive event, similar to countryside, roller skating, or, plus a grandiose barbecue later, somewhere in a picturesque corner of nature. You can coincide with the celebration with an overnight hike or kayaking trip.

5. If you want to visit as many places as possible with your guests, you can organize an excursion during which you will visit all the famous places in the city: discos, bars, restaurants, casinos, ice complex and bowling alley.

Original excursions around Kyiv will bring no less vivid impressions. For example, it will amuse you and your guests. You will see unusual monuments and graffiti, and stroll through the most unique of Kyiv courtyards. And if you love an atmosphere of mystery and mysticism, feel free to go on an excursion called. Touch the era in which our brilliant fellow countryman lived!

Of course, you can go even further. Let's say in Chernivtsi. (that’s what the main city of Bukovina is called) – an excursion tour that will be an excellent alternative to a boring holiday at your home table. Or perhaps you will enjoy the tour. After all, what could be better than a celebration in the company of your other half in one of the most romantic places in Ukraine?

6. A great idea to celebrate a birthday on wheels. Today there is such a service as renting a holiday tram or trolleybus that will travel around your city all day. The inside of the transport can be decorated with balloons, music, treats and drinks will help you have a good holiday. Such an excursion is interesting, because some people have not used the services of this transport for a long time, as they prefer a car.

7. In addition to land, you can also celebrate the celebration on the water. Then water transport is for you. Remember the song “Music is playing on the boat”? So, arrange a disco on the ship, with a buffet table, of course. Rest assured, all guests will be delighted.

8. You can really give free rein to your imagination and organize a unique evening with the help of a themed party! For example, Oscar-themed parties. It is enough to decorate the venue of the event with appropriate paraphernalia and choose outfits for yourself and your guests, as well as music and refreshments - and you are the heroes of your own award ceremony. However, if you want the embodiment of the heroes to be more complete, take care of the nominations and don’t forget about photography!

9. When you're in last time we went to the amusement park rides? Can't remember? Then you definitely need to fill this gap! Birthday in - what could be more fun? Here you can forget about all your problems and fully enjoy what is happening! Grab your friends and have a fun day. Complement all this with sweets, and joy will know no bounds. Positive emotions are guaranteed. As well as pleasant memories. Don't forget your camera!

10. Is your birthday in the summer? Great! You can have a beach party on the seashore or river. In winter? The pool will be an excellent replacement for the warm beach. Light snacks, cold drinks and fun music will help you relax and good mood your guests. Complete the holiday with a fun disco and singing karaoke songs. You can also think of beach fun so that your guests don't get bored!

The rules of the game are very simple. Any even number of people can play (and in general, an odd number will do). If possible, an equal ratio of boys and girls. To begin, the questions and answers listed below must be written on cards of the same size. It is advisable to use thick paper or thin cardboard. You should end up with two identical decks: one with questions, the other with answers. And then everything is simple. Shuffle each deck thoroughly and place it in the center of the table. The first player takes the question card and reads it to his neighbor. He takes the card with the answer and reads the answer out loud. Then the person who answered the question asks his next neighbor, and so on in a circle. Even just a quick look at the list below can give you an idea of ​​the similarities there might be. What is it worth, for example: “Do you like to swim naked? - On Saturdays this is a necessity for me.” Or: “Tell me, do you like me? - When I’m drunk, and I’m always drunk!” It’s only advisable to sit down like this: guy - girl - guy - girl. Because when two guys sit next to each other, all the questions are like: “Do you like me?”, “Do you like to look into my eyes?” and even “What would you say if I kissed you now?” these guys come across (repeatedly tested from my own experience). And what kind of answers they come across to this is generally “boggles the mind.” So go for it! QUESTIONS: Are you attracted to extravagant men (women)? How would you feel if your husband (wife) cheated on you? Tell me, are you always so impudent? Do you respect men (women)? Are you friendly? Tell me, is your heart free? Tell me, do you love me? Does petty fraud torment your conscience? Do you like to give gifts? Are you making mistakes in your life? Tell me, are you jealous? Do you want to have a lover (mistress)? Do you love your husband (wife)? Do you often travel on public transport without a ticket? Do you want anything? Tell me, are you ready for anything? Have you often fallen out of bed? Do you like to read other people's letters? Do you often find yourself in interesting situations? Would you be happy to kiss your husband (wife)? Are you ever intoxicated? Do you lie often? Do you spend your free time in a fun company? Are you obsessive and rude in your actions? Do you love cooking delicious dinners? Could you put a pig on your loved one? Would you like to get drunk today? Tell me, have you sinned a lot? Do you like to dream under the moon? Do you like gifts? Do you often climb into your neighbor’s raspberries at the dacha? Do you feel dizzy when you drink? Do you often get lazy? Are you able to buy love with money? Do you like to laugh at others? Do you want my photo? Are you often subject to passions? Do you like to eat meat? Are you susceptible to the temptation of love affairs? Do you often borrow money? Have you tried to seduce another man (woman)? Do you like to swim naked? Do you want to gain favor? married man (married woman)? Tell me, do you often eat so much? Do you want to meet me? Do you have a clear conscience? Have you ever slept in someone else's bed? Tell me, are you an interesting conversationalist? Are you open with your spouse? Tell me, are you temperamental? Do you like pickles on Mondays? Do you play sports? Do you love to look into my eyes? Do you often wash in the bathroom? How do you feel about striptease? Does it happen that you sleep at your workplace? Tell me, are you cowardly? Do you snore in your sleep? Do you have a habit of promising him (her) more than you can handle? Do you like to eat well? Are you willing to kiss in public places? Are you increasing your productivity? Have you ever gotten lost in someone else's house? Do you like vodka? Do you like meeting people on the street? Do you often show your temper? What would you say if I kissed you right there? Do you like to sleep after lunch? Do you like to dress fashionably? Do you have many secrets? Do you have a tendency to sin? Are you afraid of the policeman? Tell me, do you like me? Do you think that your loved one should only be told the truth? What would you say if you and I were alone? Do you know how to control yourself? Do you like to visit? Are you gaining weight? Do you often take time off from work? Would you walk with me through the forest at night? Do you like my eyes? Do you often drink beer? Do you like to interfere in other people's affairs? Are you often drawn towards art? Do you spend a lot of time on love affairs? Are you hiding your age? ANSWERS: I can't imagine my life without this. I don't answer political questions. I love you, but at someone else's expense. Only on payday. No, I'm a very shy person. I find it difficult to answer the truth because I don’t want to ruin my reputation. Only when I feel some weakness. You can try it far from home. I don’t know myself, but others say yes. This is my hobby. Not here. Please don't put me in an awkward position. Ask someone more sober. Why not? With great pleasure! My blushing is the clearest answer to this question. Only when I'm rested. Youth is long gone. This case, of course, will proceed without witnesses. This opportunity should not be missed. I'll tell you this in bed. Only when you want to go to bed. You can already try this. If it can be arranged now, then yes. Only when there are troubles at work. If they really ask me about it. I can do it for hours, especially in the dark. My financial situation rarely allows me to do this. No, I tried it once and it didn’t work. Oh yeah! This is especially great for me! Damn it! You guessed it. In principle no, but as an exception - yes. Only on holidays. When I'm drunk, and I'm always drunk. Only away from your beloved. I'll say this in the evening when I make a date. Even the thought of it makes me ecstatic. Only at night. Only for decent pay. Only if no one sees. It's so natural. Always when your conscience orders. But something needs to be done! If there is no other way out. Always when I have a good drink! Well, who doesn’t it happen to!? Could you ask a more modest question? It all depends on how much and whether I have enough change. If it doesn't cost you. Do I really look like this? I have had a penchant for this since childhood. I'll ask my wife (husband). These are the best moments of my life. At least all night. On Saturdays this is a necessity for me. I can't say that without a couple of drinks. Only in the morning with a hangover. This has long been my greatest desire. My modesty does not allow me to answer this question. It all depends on the situation. Crazy! With great pleasure. Yes, only within the bounds of decency. Of course, we cannot do without this. This is the main goal of my life. I just can't stand it. I will never refuse such an opportunity. Nowadays this is not a sin. Why not, if you can and there is no fear. Of course, I am capable of anything. This often happens to me when visiting. Only in company. Not always, but often. Yes, if necessary. Anything can happen, because I am also a human being. No, I was too well brought up. Only when I wake up in someone else's bed you can't even imagine. If there are no big troubles later. I'm much more interested in other problems. And it’s not that yes, and it’s not that no. Let's not be naive, and we shouldn't ask questions that are difficult to answer sincerely. Today I don't want to talk about it. In principle, yes, although it will be very difficult. Only in despair. Unfortunately no. Well, this is, excuse me, luxury! Not especially in daylight, but in the dark - with pleasure. ...

Preparing for a birthday celebration - exciting activity, but it can also become real stress. Good holiday consists of many elements, and the responsibility for making it a success falls on you. Here are some win-win tips for organizing an amazing holiday, where no one will get bored and everyone will have a good time. It is important that You Enjoyed the preparation process!


Part 1

Decide on the place and time of the party

    Select a date for the celebration. The sooner you decide on the date, the faster you will move on to the next stages of planning the celebration.

    Choose a time to receive guests. The most appropriate time depends on the personality and age of the birthday person.

    • If you're throwing a baby shower, either late morning or lunchtime will do. This is most convenient for parents.
    • It is better to plan a holiday for an adult in the evening.
  1. Decide on a budget for the celebration. It can easily take a lot of money to prepare for the holiday, so be sure to calculate the amount in advance and stick to it.

    • Think it over total budget, which includes absolutely all expenses for the celebration. The holiday budget can range from several thousand rubles to several tens of thousands, so be realistic about how much you are willing to spend.
    • List separately all expense items (invitations, festive table, preparation and decoration of the room, place of celebration) and determine the amount of each of them.
  2. Make a list of invitees. There are several reasons why this is worth doing.

    • A guest list will ensure that you don't forget to invite anyone.
    • He will help you decide on the location of the party. If the guest list consists of 12 people, then you can celebrate the birthday at home, if that's what you like. However, for 50 people it is better to choose another place.
    • The list of invitees will help to avoid the unpleasant situation when people whom the birthday person does not want to see appear at the birthday party.
    • Knowing the number of guests, you can calculate the required amount of food and drinks for everyone if the birthday party is held at home, or book a table or room in a restaurant for the exact number of people.
  3. Choose a place where you will celebrate your birthday. You must know the person well in order to decide on the location of the holiday for him.

    • Please take note of the wishes of the birthday boy. If he wants a formal, elegant setting, choose the appropriate location. If he prefers to celebrate in a narrow circle of friends, focus on this option.
    • To save money, you can organize a party at home.
    • When planning a large-scale event that will be attended by a large number of guests, do not forget to reserve your seats in the restaurant in advance. Most restaurants easily seat around 25 people.
    • You can also host a party or reserve banqueting hall. This is a more expensive option, but this way you can invite many more people.
    • Review your guest list and think about where you can accommodate overnight guests. Provide them with all the necessary amenities. If among the guests there are people with disabilities, for example, those who use wheelchairs, find out if there is access for them in the places where the party itself and the accommodation of visitors are planned.

    Part 2

    Carefully plan the details of the celebration
    1. Decide whether the holiday will be dedicated to a specific topic. A themed birthday party is a great idea, but it can be more expensive: think about what you'll have to buy for it.

      • Weigh the pros and cons, taking into account the opinion of the birthday boy. Does he want a themed birthday?
      • Take into account the age of the hero of the occasion. Is this a holiday for an adult or a child? Choose a topic that is age appropriate. For example, for children, a theme related to a children's film, TV series or cartoon, circus, children's book or carnival is suitable. For adults, themes such as a black and white party, casino, fashion of a certain period (for example, the twenties or eighties), or a famous film or TV series are suitable.
    2. Purchase and send invitations. After you have completed the previous steps, start creating invitations that need to be sent to all guests on the list.

      Plan your holiday table. Depending on the theme of the holiday, you are faced with big choice options.

      Figure out what exactly you will be responsible for when it comes to food. Depending on the location of the celebration, you may or may not be responsible for preparing and serving food.

      Think about how to decorate the room and gather everything you need. This is one of the most exciting stages in organizing a holiday!

      Choose entertainment for the holiday. This stage may include different kinds fun.

      Choose what to have for dessert. This is the most important thing for a birthday party!

      • Usually a birthday party cannot be complete without a cake, especially if the birthday person is a child. Decide whether you will bake the cake yourself or buy it at a pastry store.
      • Find out what the birthday person's favorite cake is, and also take into account whether any of the guests are allergic to the ingredients. For allergy sufferers, purchase another dessert in advance.
      • If the birthday boy doesn't want cake, let him have the dessert he wants! An excellent substitute for a birthday cake would be mini cupcakes, brownies, sweet pies, cookies or ice cream.
    3. Have a backup plan in case of bad weather if the party is outdoors. Prepare a backup plan in the room and consider how and when to notify guests.

It's your birthday on the eve and you still don't know how to celebrate it enchantingly? Check out some ideas to inspire you for the most unforgettable birthday party ever!

Idea No. 1: Home-style or theme party

The most traditional option. If you have a fairly large apartment, a lot of friends and family whom you want to see at the holiday, and you have organizational skills, then this is undoubtedly your option. However, it is necessary to take into account that you will first have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen to prepare treats, and after the holiday, devote the day to cleaning the apartment. To make your preparation easier, you can order food at a restaurant and ask one of your family and friends to help you prepare. You don't want boring feasts with conversations about the weather and latest news politics and sports? Then impress your guests and organize themed party, preparing games and entertainment, decorating the place of celebration and preparing small gifts for guests.


- throw a masquerade ball. Invite guests to dress up as fairy-tale characters. The outfits themselves will create an original holiday atmosphere, and if you also create a small scenario with competitions, both you and your guests will remember the holiday for a long time;

— prepare treats according to recipes from the cuisine of a particular country: China, Japan, India, Greece. Complete the holiday with interior decorations in the style of this country and ethnic music. Greet and accommodate guests in the same tradition;

— write your own script with competitions. Subordinate it to one idea: the plot of a book known to all guests, an event in history or in your common life, a country you have visited or want to visit. When creating competitions, keep in mind that in the end everyone must win;

- throw an unusual themed party. For example, “Hipsters”, “We are from the USSR”, Hawaiian party, black/white party, oriental, etc. There are no limits to imagination! Don't forget to set a dress code and prepare competitions, games and quizzes. Be sure to buy small prizes, let everyone leave with a small gift and remember your birthday with warmth in their souls!

Idea No. 2: By restaurants, by restaurants...

Restaurants, cafes, nightclubs are great places to celebrate a birthday with a small group. By choosing one of these establishments, you save yourself from two problems: preparing a treat and preparing entertainment program. However, it should be noted that this option is associated with additional costs if you pay for the party yourself. If your friends will each pay for themselves, then this issue should be discussed in advance.

You can also go to a sports complex (bowling, billiards, swimming pool, etc.), casino, karaoke club or amusement park! Yes, anywhere... Another good “female” option is to go with your friends to a SPA salon.


- attract a professional host for the show program, he will entertain all the guests with exciting competitions and will not let anyone get bored! Invite artists, dancers, magicians... You can also make an agreement with your friends - probably one of them dances, sings or plays some musical instrument;

— invite a cartoonist to the event. Let him sit nearby unnoticed and draw funny cartoons for your friends. At the end of the party, all guests will receive their portraits, laugh and go home, charged with positivity;

— involve the operator. After all, it’s a sin not to capture the brightest moments! Then all your friends can do gift discs and remember many pleasant moments. You might also consider a professional photographer.

Idea No. 3: Everybody go to nature!

Mountains, rivers, forests, fields... This version of the celebration is more suitable for those born in the warm season. However, if you and your friends are not afraid of the cold, then it is quite possible to go outdoors in winter. The main treat in this case may be meat fried over a fire or a delicious aromatic kebab. Just don’t forget to interrupt your meal with outdoor games. Choose a topic and come up with something suitable entertainment, and then the event is on fresh air will not be a banal alcoholic and barbecue picnic, but a bright, memorable holiday.


— get out to the lake. Beautiful landscapes, clean invigorating air - what else is needed for happiness?! Book a cozy cottage or small house and “have a blast” there with your friends to the fullest;

- go to a country house or dacha. Prepare delicious treats alcoholic drinks, competitions, quizzes... and full speed ahead!;

- go to the ski resort. Just don’t forget to ask your friends for their opinions, some may not like this idea. But if your company includes nature lovers and healthy image life, then your choice will be clearly supported;

- go to the outdoor skating rink. Even if there are newbies in this business in your company, there will be a reason to learn. As a rule, there is a cafe at the skating rink where you can have a snack, drink coffee and relax. But just in case, take a thermos of tea or coffee and sandwiches with you.

Idea No. 4: Dreams come true, or your own Wizard!

Why not do on this day what you have been dreaming about for many years, but couldn’t decide? You can go horse riding or play football with a group of good old friends. Or you can finally gather your courage and jump with a parachute or fly on a hang glider. And then, sitting over a glass of wine or a glass of beer, exchange impressions and emotions. Rest assured, you will not soon forget this day! Think carefully, remember all your deepest desires, make a list and be sure to fulfill one of your “wants”!

- do something extraordinary. Maybe even crazy or a little childish! If you are afraid of heights, take a ride on the cable car. If you don't like depth, swim underwater. If you think you can't sing, don't hesitate to go to a karaoke bar. If you are afraid to go out on the dance floor, go to a nightclub with friends!;
- drop all your business and take a tourist package to warmer climes! You will relax and celebrate the holiday in an exotic way... True, this option is more suitable for lovers or married couples;

- go to Paris if your finances allow it. It is impossible not to fall in love with France, and a birthday in Paris is impossible not to like. There is no need for a special menu or decorations - Paris will say everything for you!

Idea #5: Kill the birthday boy!

Are you tired of gray everyday life and gloomy days? Do you want to plunge into the world of adventure? Paintball is what you need (a game that uses special devices that shoot paint - author's note)! This game is a great idea for a birthday party, it will allow guests to truly relax and return to childhood! And then you can have a grand party!


- come up with something interesting before the game holiday script, distribute roles/names to all “fighters”, reward the most resilient and “punish” (give some interesting funny task) the losers;

- organize a small table there - just light snacks with drinks and a small cake. Or maybe a little champagne to give it to your head before the battle...;

- at the end of the game, continue the “military style” and at the party itself - spend interesting competitions and relay races, present the guests with comic nominations and titles!

Every year people face a serious problem - how to celebrate a birthday. This holiday accompanies us from the first day of life, but first it is organized by our parents, and then this responsibility is shifted onto our shoulders.

How to spend your only day of the year? Of course, sometimes you just want to sit with your family with a cake and candles, without noise and loud feasts. But there are years when the soul asks for a real holiday, and it’s stupid to deny yourself this!

The editors of InPlanet have prepared a list of 15 original ideas for a birthday celebration!

1 Costume party

Classic version birthday celebration - party in costumes. The beauty of this option is that you can choose many ideas that will please any guest. For example, you can make a Hawaiian, pirate or rainbow party. You can use your favorite TV series for the theme of the evening, for example, "Game of Thrones", or make it a party.

2 Quest

Another exciting option for a holiday is to arrange a real quest for yourself and your guests. You don’t have to bother yourself with preparation, but simply choose one of the quests that this moment are coming to your city. Or create something unique and conduct a quest right at home or in a restaurant. Then you will have to write a script and prepare a real adventure!

3 Role play

You can turn your holiday into a theater stage with the help of role playing game! The birthday boy will have to try a little, but then the evening will only become unforgettable. You need to agree on the list of guests, choose a script and assign roles. And it’s better to let it be a surprise for the guests! For example, you can act out a scene from your favorite book or find a ready-made script online.

4 Picnic in nature

True extreme sports enthusiasts can spend this day in nature, and the celebration options will depend on the time of year. Those born in the summer are luckier - you can have a picnic in the forest, a trip to a river or lake, or an outing in the mountains. Winter birthday people are less fortunate, but they can rent a house in the forest and have plenty of skiing. And in the evening, sit by the fire or fireplace and have a cozy conversation with your loved ones.

5 A dream come true

Once a year you can arrange a real holiday for yourself and do something you could only dream of. For example, skydive, go to the dolphinarium, visit, have a shopping day or go horseback riding! In general, everyone has their own dreams, so it’s better for the birthday person to know what to do on this day to make their dream come true!

6 Sports party

Those who love an active lifestyle can choose a sports party. The most popular ideas for such a birthday are paintball, a rope park or a climbing wall. Big and noisy company Have a great time and spend this day with health benefits. And only pleasant memories will remain in the memory of this day! The main thing is to warn guests about the location of the party in advance so that they dress in sportswear.

7 Alone birthday

No, no, it’s not sad at all, but on the contrary, fun and interesting! If the birthday boy is tired of everything and everyone, you can have a great rest and devote your birthday only to yourself. You can do whatever your heart desires - even go to Paris for a day to walk along the winding streets and enjoy the romantic atmosphere. Or treat yourself to a day at the spa, shopping, beauty salon, or go to your favorite show or concert.

8 Photo shoot

A great way to combine business with pleasure is to celebrate a birthday with a photo shoot. All it takes is to make an agreement with the photographer for the whole day and invite guests. You can prepare a bunch of outfits and arrange a themed photo shoot, shooting outdoors or in daring images. This day will remain not only in memories, but also in hundreds of fun photos with friends and family!

9 Holiday at the amusement park

How long have you been to an amusement park? You can fill the gap on your birthday - give yourself a real trip back to childhood. You can enjoy the rides, carousels and swings to your heart's content in any amusement park. Another creative option- a joint trip to the water park. Then this day will definitely be remembered for a long time, because it will be spent not only fun, but also usefully!

10 Restaurant

A classic option for celebrating a birthday with your family is going to a restaurant or cafe. Such a holiday will help you enjoy the company of loved ones and sincere conversation. And if you’re already tired of going to regular restaurants, you can choose an establishment that you haven’t been to before. For example, having dinner at a restaurant on the roof of a high-rise building - what could be more exciting?

11 Club

For real partygoers, birthdays can be celebrated in a nightclub. This great way bring all your friends together and remember the carefree years! You can safely dance the night away to the light of strobe lights and the sounds of your favorite music. True, in the morning it is better to sleep longer, otherwise you may not feel good!

12 Party at the spa

For girls, an excellent option for celebrating a birthday would be a whole day at a spa or beauty salon. You can gather your friends together and spend your holiday in a relaxing atmosphere, enjoying the procedures. Spas have a special opportunity to rent space for the whole day. Such a birthday will not only be memorable, but also healthy!