A certificate for any desire. How to make a gift certificate. DIY gift certificate: sample

Every woman can do something pleasant and pleasant for her beloved man. unusual gift with your own hands. It can be dedicated to some kind of celebration or given just like that. A gift made by the hands of a beloved woman will help surprise a young man, delight him, lift his spirits, and strengthen the relationship between lovers. The main thing is to give a gift with conscience. You should not take on ideas that will be difficult to handle. Even if it is a simple gift, you need to choose an option that can be made efficiently and accurately. Then a surprise for your loved one will bring a lot of positive emotions.

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    Certificate for fulfillment of a wish

    Anyone young man You will love the gift in the form of a certificate for the fulfillment of a wish. It can be just one dream or several at once. Such a gift is worth making for your beloved husband or boyfriend, whom you want to surprise and amaze, and give him pleasure.

    To make a certificate, you can use decorative cardboard for scrapbooking or print a ready-made template on thick paper and enter the necessary words into it.

    How to do Erotic massage man

    Book of wishes

    Another unusual option, which you can give to your beloved man, is a book of wishes. You need to write down what will please a man, while leaving free pages on which he can write down what he wants most. These may be wishes that begin with the first letter of the young man’s name.

    The book can be made in the form of a collection of receipts, each of which contains little pleasantries for the guy. The idea of ​​the gift is that the man himself chooses a check with a wish and gives it to his beloved.

    To make a book, you will need a simple notebook or 10–20 A4 sheets, on each of which wishes are written down. The following can be written as wishes:

    • watching TV all day;
    • billiards;
    • striptease performed by your favorite girl;
    • Erotic massage;
    • football with friends.

    On the first sheets of the page you need to write detailed instructions.

    How to cheer up a guy

    Gift certificate with points

    This simple idea creation original postcard DIY consists of writing a wish list on one sheet of paper and assigning a certain number of points to each of them. Next, you need to print out the list and put it in a romantic card. When one of the wishes is fulfilled, it is simply crossed off the list. This gift option is perfect for Valentine's Day.

    For your loved one to call

    Beautiful little things

    For creating Have a good mood You don’t have to wait for the celebration. You can give a gift just like that, for no reason. To do this, you can do pleasant little things that will remind a man every day of warm feelings his wife.


    A stylish keychain can be an excellent gift. This necessary thing will become a small talisman for a young man. The guy will always think about his caring girlfriend. A keychain in the shape of a tie is simple but original. It can be made in a few minutes. Such a present will look very creative and unusual.


    To give a gift with meaning, a bracelet is suitable. There are many ways to create such a present, but the most stylish and unusual decoration for your chosen one you can make it from leather. A young man will be pleased to wear such an accessory on his hand.

    To make a gift, you can buy ready-made leather cords or cut an old leather item into thin strips.


    Another gift that will give a guy the opportunity to think about his sweet girlfriend every day is a key holder. This is a stylish and convenient gift that will always be at hand. To make it you need a small piece of leather and a little patience.

    Photo souvenirs

    Presents with photographs are always very valuable, as the photographs capture pleasant memories and the best moments of life. They charge you with positive energy, lift your spirits and carry great meaning for lovers. To create a present you need to select original idea, pick up best photos and get to work.

    Photo stand

    A photo stand can adequately decorate a guy’s desk and will always remind him of his beloved. You can make this thing using wire, cardboard, even clothespins. It depends on the girl’s capabilities and imagination. After the stand is ready, you must remember to print and place there a photo showing the young man with his chosen one.


    For the manufacture of beautiful frame for photos you can use ordinary buttons, cardboard, glue and romantic photo, which depicts a happy couple in love. A man will keep such an unusual gift on his desk, often admire it, thinking about his beloved with warmth and tenderness.


    To congratulate your loved one on their birthday or wedding anniversary, you can use a collage. This is quite a creative way to express your wishes. To make it, you first need to think through one or several sentences that you want to say to your loved one. Then print each word on a separate sheet of paper in the form of tablets. After this, you need to ask your acquaintances, friends or relatives to take a photo with one of the signs. It will be necessary to make one large collage from all the photographs. The result will be unusual and will please the man.

    Another type of collage is to make a touching pillowcase for the pillow that your husband has in his car. In the center of the pillowcase there can be a joint photo.

    To make such a gift, you need to select the necessary photos on your computer and print them on an inkjet printer using thermal transfer paper. Then you need to cut out the image and place it on the pillowcase with the picture down. You need to iron the picture with a hot iron without steam. After which you should remove the paper backing, and the surprise for your loved one is ready.

    You can buy a regular Rubik's cube and put parts of family photos on its squares.

    Notes with declarations of feelings

    One of best options A gift that can please your loved one every day is a box with declarations of love or simply good wishes.

    You should start by buying an original gift box. Or you can make it yourself using templates and paste it over gift paper, which is at home.

    A lot of small hearts are cut out of colored paper. different color, each of which has a declaration of love written on it. Let every day be for your loved one new surprise as nice words. It will be interesting for the guy to pull out a new heart over and over again and read the confession.

    You can cut the leaves into rectangular strips and wrap each one with satin ribbon Red. All scrolls can be placed in a glass container decorated with ribbon.

    Romantic candies

    This option is more original than just love notes in a box. To make it, you need to buy a man’s favorite candy, carefully open it and insert a note in the middle. The young man will enjoy not only the taste of sweets, but also beautiful confessions in the love of his chosen one.

    You can glue candy onto a box in the shape of a laptop. This will give the gift even more originality.

    Cookies with warm words

    If a woman knows the culinary arts, then she can bake romantic cookies and give them to her beloved so that he can take them with him to work, study, or on a trip. Such sweets will remind you of a girl’s feelings from a distance. He will be able to drink tea and think exclusively about his beloved.

    Diary “Only for you”

    An original gift is a diary with dates stamped on each sheet. The surprise is that the woman will write something nice that corresponds to the memorable dates indicated on the corresponding pages.

    To improve the gift, you can not only write something nice, but also paste a photo, rewrite some of the SMS sent to each other.

    A good idea would be to simply write something nice on each page. In this case, every new day of your beloved man will begin with reading kind words or confessions of feelings. Such a gift would be appropriate for the anniversary of a relationship.

    Erotic gift

    The next gift you can prepare for your loved one after a long separation. To prepare, you need to cut out several large hearts and many small ones. Large ones should be placed in those places where the lovers had sex, and be sure to write a few words about how it was, what feelings and emotions were overwhelming at that moment. Then, starting from the front door, you need to lay out paths to these places with small hearts.

It is very pleasant and joyful to receive such souvenirs. It’s creative, original, beautiful, and most importantly – it will give you so much joy and unforgettable emotions! It's worth taking a little time to make a special gift certificate for your loved one. It is very simple to make, looks luxurious, will definitely lift your spirits and will suit absolutely any holiday. For a birthday, Valentine's Day, dating or wedding anniversary - better than a gift can not found!

Important: you can issue a gift certificate for your beloved guy in the most different ways, there are many options. Such souvenirs are offered in some workshops, and there are many craftsmen who make them to order. Of course, if you really don’t have enough time, you can order this gift, but it’s much better if you still find a couple of hours and make it yourself. Such a souvenir will be much more valuable, and it will be more pleasant to receive it, because you will put your soul into it, make it with your own hands with love, and it will be individual, for one specific person. So it's worth trying!

Scrap booking

This fashion technology gained incredible popularity, and for good reason. Scrapbooking is a fun and easy process, and the result of the work always amazes with its beauty. It is in this technique that you should make your gift to your loved one, then it will turn out neat, beautiful and unusual. You can buy materials for work at an art store or craft shop, and there are also specialized departments for scrapbooking. Choose what you like, use your imagination, try not to copy materials from master classes, but add your own twist. Many master classes take ideas for the design itself, and we will consider the content and text separately. Get to work!

Creative ideas

If you want your certificate to be very unusual and original, then choose creative idea for its execution. There are many such ideas!


What to write inside and how to do it? The options are different. You can take a ready-made template, but it will be useful to use your imagination. After all, only you know what the chosen one wants, and what desires are worth fulfilling for him! Remember the main thing - it’s up to you to fulfill your wishes. And if you decide on such a gift, there is no turning back - you will have to easily and joyfully do everything that you write yourself. If he is not a big fan of cinemas, for example, then the desire to “go to the cinema” will not delight him. Write only what he likes!

Points are a completely optional part of this gift. You decide for yourself how to design it and on what principle to do it. If you don’t like the points, you can make another condition - for example, any one wish every day. You decide! There can be much more desires than on standard templates. Listen to what your chosen one wants, and he will be happy.

To ensure that your gift brings maximum joy and pleasure, do not make it standard, strictly adhering to templates. Imagine! In any master class or lesson there is always room for imagination and creativity, so add something of your own, take into account the wishes of your chosen one and be ready to make him happy!

Everyone has a family, close people, friends, and therefore there is often a reason to give a gift or arrange a surprise.

This is also a birthday, meeting or wedding day.

And you always want to present something special that will remain in the memory of your loved one. We cannot always afford to buy an expensive and necessary thing.

For cases when it is not possible to purchase expensive gifts, you can make a gift certificate with your own hands.

Please note that your creative skills can be of any level.

Surely, he has never been given such an unusual certificate, so your gift will be exclusive.

The main idea of ​​such a certificate- this is the fact that we give our loved one the right to fulfill his desire.

Certificate for pleasure

If your friend loves hunting and fishing, devotes a lot of time to these hobbies and this is a reason for quarrels, then a handmade certificate from you will be a gift for him.

Give the gift of night fishing

With this certificate you give him the opportunity to go fishing or hunting overnight without your dissatisfaction and unnecessary calls. And of course, you will be waiting for him with a catch and a great mood.

Give the gift of relaxation

We associate massage with something pleasant and rare.

Although we all love it when they make it for us, we enjoy it.

Give your loved one a handmade certificate for a massage that will bring him pleasure.

Specify the time of the massage, or perhaps your certificate is valid without expiration, at any time.

Pleasant music, beautiful clothes and image, relaxing oil, candles.

Give intimate pleasure

Another option for a gift certificate is the fulfillment of an intimate desire. This is quite a bold gift. Suitable for you if you like experiments.

Yours will surely enjoy this experiment. And you can give it beautifully, with candles and champagne. And such a gift will remain in memory for a long time.

Many wishes in a frame

You can make a certificate for several wishes, print it, frame it, decorate it beautifully, and put it in an envelope. And so give it to a loved one.


If you wish, you can make a book. It will consist of pieces of paper where wishes are written down; you need to make a list of such wishes in advance. For example, compliment day, striptease, favorite dish, breakfast in bed, etc.

Punch holes in the cards and secure with ribbon or string. And celebrate your fulfilled wishes. You can print everything at home.


The certificate may not be related to desires; it can describe why you love or adore your husband.

Arrange it in the form of a postcard, your loved one will be pleased that you yourself came up with it and made it with your own hands.

Master classes and ideas

It will always be a pleasure to receive a certificate made by yourself, as it is beautiful, unusual, and will leave warm memories and pleasant feelings in your memory for a long time that no one else has such a gift.

What steps need to be taken in making such a gift?

Making a certificate using scrapbooking technique

Nowadays, a technique such as scrapbooking is at the peak of popularity. In general, this is not such a difficult process, but it is fascinating, and in the end, you get an individual beautiful work. Everything you need for work can be bought in the craft department, or even a specialized hobby store.

For the certificate itself you will need to purchase:

  • special decorative paper,
  • colored markers, gel pens,
  • multi-colored beautiful ribbons.

How is such a certificate made?

  1. Take two sheets of paper. The main sheet will be lighter, and the darker one will be blue or brown with a pattern.
  2. We cut it with curly scissors, making it smaller than the first one. It turns out when we glue it on top of the first sheet, like a frame.
  3. If there is a dark sheet on top, then we will need a light pen - silver, white, gold, and we will write what we are giving under this certificate, what wishes or surprise.
  4. We roll it up into a bundle, make a tube and tie it on top with a bright ribbon.

Our beautiful certificate is ready.

If you have the time and desire to do something more unusual, then you will need more pieces of fabric to create a surprise.

You will need to paste it over cardboard and make an envelope out of it.

We also make the certificate from several types and colors of cardboard; you can choose different combinations.

More delicate, contrasting, you can use the color of passion - red.

Glitter and everything you can think of. Use your imagination.

You can show minimalism and make a card using subdued colors without going overboard with decorations.

Inside, also write everything you want to give or just say.

Or you can make a box for a surprise.

You will need the same materials, cardboard and decor. You can also decorate it to your liking.

Tip 1. If you give a gift certificate to your husband for several wishes, then you can do it in the form of a book.

It will take more time and you will need to work hard, but the result will definitely please you.

Each wish will have its own page; it is possible to decorate everything in the same style, or each page in its own way. As you wish. It will be unusual, and you can give such a book for any event.

Tip 2. You can use ready-made templates when writing text inside cards and certificates.

But it’s better to write wishes based on what you know well.

You also need to take into account what your lover wants and dreams of.

  • Perhaps he doesn't like cinema, but wants to go to the opera.
  • Or maybe your loved one doesn’t like sweets, then you won’t add chocolate inside the surprise.
  • Desires must be real, because you still have to fulfill them, and, of course, with pleasure.

This must be taken into account.

Tip 3. The size of the gift certificate will depend on the number and volume of wishes and wishes.

You can decorate it, no matter how thick or thin it is, in addition to decorative elements, with your shared photographs. This will be an even more unique surprise.

How to decorate a gift certificate

You can decorate the certificate in different ways, using what you already have at home from decorations, or by purchasing what you need.

  1. You can write a title on the cover, for example, “Certificate of Wishes for your Beloved Husband.” You can also add clarification on how many wishes he has.
  2. If you decide to use points, then you need to indicate how much the certificate is for, and whether there is a period for the points.
  3. Next, you can list the desires themselves in a row, or you can use a separate page for each desire, decorating the content of the page according to the theme.

Of course, now you can order the production of such a gift if you don’t have time at all. But the certificate will be more pleasant and valuable if you make it yourself, when you have put your soul and warmth into it. And definitely no one will have this.

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From this article you will learn

  • How to make a gift certificate and highlight its benefits
  • What types of gift certificates can be made?
  • Which design to choose when creating a gift certificate
  • What features of the production and use of a gift certificate must be taken into account when creating it?
  • How to Make a Gift Certificate in Adobe Photoshop

When there is a need to give a gift, but there is a risk of not being pleased with a specific item, gift cards or certificates come to the rescue. Essentially, this is a document indicating the amount deposited by the buyer at the store's cash register. The person to whom such a card is given has the right to exchange it for goods in this or any other store in the network. Many people are familiar with gift certificates, having received them as a gift from colleagues or given them themselves, but few people know what legal basis their use in business. Let's figure out how to make a gift certificate an effective tool for sales growth.

How to make a gift certificate, emphasizing its benefits

The features of a gift certificate as a means of payment are listed in the letter of the Ministry of Finance dated April 25, 2011 No. 03-03-06/1/268: “A gift certificate is usually understood as a document certifying the right of its holder to purchase goods, work or services in an amount equal to the face value of this certificate.” It is emphasized that the document itself is not a product. The funds paid by its purchaser in fact serve as an advance payment, and the act of sale itself occurs at the time of exchange of the certificate for the goods.

    A gift card is a great opportunity to do something nice, giving a person the right to choose the desired item himself, rather than receive a useless souvenir that will gather dust on a shelf. This option is often chosen by company management to reward employees on the eve of holidays or in connection with their personal achievements.

In addition to convenience for consumers, the sale of gift certificates is very beneficial for entrepreneurs, as it artificially increases turnover. By selling cards, the store thereby receives an interest-free loan from customers.

It's no secret that not all gift certificates are ultimately exchanged for goods. This means that the funds paid for them replenish the store’s cash register, thereby increasing its budget.

Gift cards have a positive effect on sales growth; their implementation allows retailers to attract those who are not directly included in the target audience to make purchases. For example, cards from a lingerie store are in most cases purchased by men to please their loved ones.

Finally, by exchanging a gift certificate for a selected product, customers almost always add their own funds, thereby increasing the amount of the average check.

How to make different types of gift certificates

When talking to a gift certificate specialist, you may be confused by the abundance of terms he uses. “Magnetic”, “embossed”, “local”, “coalition” - in the end it may seem that there is great amount cards, and it is extremely difficult to understand how they differ from each other. In fact, everything is not so scary, and everyone can understand the types of gift certificates. Let's try to do this.

The first distinction that needs to be made is to separate cards from certificates. By and large, in both cases we are talking about a piece of plastic or cardboard, which indicates the amount of money paid by the buyer to the store’s cash register. It is for this amount that the card recipient will be able to choose a product, adding the missing part of the funds if desired. Both the card and the certificate perform the same function, but they look and are used differently.

A gift certificate most often means a paper document filled out by hand by a store employee. When they talk about a card, they mean an electronic medium on which information can be printed and read only with the help of special equipment. Therefore, the first basis for classification lies on the surface: the certificate is simply presented to an employee of a salon or store, whereas in the case of a card, a terminal is needed to read the information.

The most commonly used cards are those with a magnetic stripe. In addition to them, there are barcode and printed cards: on the former, the information is contained in a barcode, and on the latter, it is applied by embossing, that is, creating a relief inscription.

Some companies prefer to issue gift cards that combine several methods of storing information. Thus, the series and number can be made in the form of a relief inscription, and information about the client and denomination can be contained in magnetic form.

Types of gift cards and certificates differ in who they are issued by and for whom. The issuer, that is, the one who distributes cards, can be either a separate company or several companies united by common interests. On this basis, a distinction is made between local and coalition (co-branding) cards.

Cards and gift certificates are purchased by both individuals and companies. If someone buys one card to give it as a gift to a friend, then we are talking about cards for individuals. When a company purchases a whole series of cards to reward its employees, they talk about cards for corporate clients.

This classification is based on a legal approach: gift cards and certificates differ in terms of their sale and purchase. In this case, such features as the denomination of the gift card, its validity period and the ability to receive the money paid for it are important.

The denomination of a gift certificate refers to the maximum value of goods that its holder has the right to receive in exchange for this document. A retail chain may offer to purchase cards with a pre-printed amount, usually a round amount - 1, 3, 5, 10 thousand rubles. Another option is for the buyer to decide for himself what amount should be indicated in the certificate or entered into the card memory. Based on this criterion, documents are divided into those with a fixed denomination and those with a floating denomination. In addition, the buyer may or may not have the opportunity to replenish the partially spent denomination. Thus, the card and certificate can be reusable or single-use.

If the validity period of gift documents is limited to a certain period of time, they are called urgent; if not, they are called unlimited. There are cards that you can return to the store and get your money back, and there are those for which the issuer does not provide such an option.

How to make a well-designed gift certificate

When starting to develop a design, try to answer the question of who will purchase the gift card and why. According to the results of a study conducted in Moscow in 2016, it turned out that they are mainly intended to give gifts to colleagues and business partners. This means that appropriate design requirements are imposed—gift certificates are expected to look stylish and respectable. This does not apply to cards for goods that are not customary to give to unfamiliar people. For example, when designing gift certificates for children's toys or underwear, the designer is given greater freedom.

The packaging for a gift card should have an appropriate design and at the same time be convenient, that is, ensure the safety of the plastic and prevent it from getting lost in a bag. According to the study we have already discussed, the majority of respondents named a postcard as the most suitable packaging.

Another important requirement for design is that the card must contain maximum information. The numerous desires of buyers coincide in one thing: it should be clear from the design where goods or services are provided in exchange for the card. If we are talking about two or three places, their addresses can be indicated on the reverse side. As for co-branded cards and large retail chains, this is simply impossible to do; it is enough to place on it the address of the official website, where the buyer can get all the necessary information.

Features of gift certificate production

So, in general terms, we have found out what the design of a gift card should be, now we can move on to its design. When developing a card design, you will have to deal with many technical nuances.

In terms of the requirements for its design layout, a gift card is similar to calendars and business cards. The layout is created as a vector file, in the CMYK color model, with all labels converted to curves. You can make an image in raster form with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

During the cutting process finished product 2mm error is allowed. It is difficult to notice such a deviation visually, but it manifests itself as a distortion of the applied pattern, which must be taken into account in the design. The original layout must have a size larger than the finished card (90x57 mm), while the background and elements extending beyond these boundaries of the card are not cut off. You should also avoid placing straight lines – frames or stripes – along the edges; with them, cutting errors will be much more noticeable.

What features of using a gift certificate must be taken into account when creating it?

Another point that the designer must take into account when developing appearance cards - the specifics of its use. By default, it contains the elements necessary to work with the cash register - this is a barcode, magnetic stripe or embossed inscriptions. To function properly, they must be placed in accordance with certain standards (see, for example, ISO-7811, ISO-7812, ISO-7813 standards).

When developing a card design, you should start from a standardized media size. Like any other payment plastic, a gift card is a rectangle with sides 85x55 mm and a thickness of no more than 0.76 mm. Cash registers are designed to work with exactly this format, so in this regard the designer is not given any room for creativity.

There is a magnetic strip along the long side of the card. It can be located either at the top or at the bottom of the plastic. The distance from the edge of the card to the magnetic stripe is 4 mm, the width of the stripe itself is 12.7 mm. The distance from the strip to the text or image is 2 mm.

The embossed inscription is also indented from the magnetic tape. It is optimal to place it at the bottom of the rectangle, 3–5 mm from the edge of the card, without overlaying a picture or text on the inscription.

In order for the scanner to read the barcode without problems, it is better to place it on a contrasting light background, so if the card design is made in dark colors, you will need to provide a white fragment for its placement. The dimensions of the window should exceed the dimensions of the barcode itself - by 3–4 mm in width and 1–2 mm in height.

How to make a gift certificate a personalization tool

The overwhelming majority of gift cards issued in Russia are anonymous. Neither the identity of the buyer nor the identity of the person receiving it as a gift is known. Moreover, many companies are unaware that certificates and cards can be personal. Marketers attribute this to the unpreparedness of the Russian consumer for the degree of frankness that Western buyers are distinguished by.

Taking into account the Russian mentality, it is necessary to think through personalization schemes that will differ from those adopted in the USA or Europe, but you should not completely abandon the use of personal certificates.

Register a card to increase its value

The easiest way to convince a domestic buyer to make a card personal is to offer a bonus for this, for example, increasing the value of a gift certificate.

In practice, to implement this scheme, databases are used, information into which is entered via the Internet, and a CRM system, with the help of which the information is processed and systematized.

Let's say the denomination of a gift card is five hundred rubles. When selling, we suggest that the buyer add another hundred rubles to them after registering the card on the official website of the store. The questionnaire that must be filled out includes information about the age, education, and clothing size of the card recipient, for which the client receives the promised increase in denomination. For marketers, this data, processed using a CRM system, will become valuable information, essentially representing a consumer portrait of the one who bought the certificate, and, possibly, the one who will receive it, if the appropriate items are added to the questionnaire.

Register to get access to all denominations

Another option is to offer customers special privileges when using the certificate. Those who have not registered will be able to spend the denomination only in installments, while authorized buyers have the opportunity to cash out the entire amount at once. When wanting to make a large purchase, the client will be faced with a choice: either add personal funds or provide the store with personal information. But even if he refuses to participate in the marketing program, the company will remain a winner, because in order to use all the funds on the card, its holder will have to return and make several more purchases.

Register to activate your gift card

Gift cards can be used as promotional materials, given away for free at an important event or sent by mail. To use the card and purchase goods for the amount of its face value, the client must first activate it. This procedure involves registration, and, consequently, entering data into the CRM system and providing it to marketers for further work.

Gift card as a cumulative gift card

You can personalize the card holder at the moment when he comes to the store to exchange a gift card for a product. We ask him to fill out a form immediately after completing the purchase, for which we top up the certificate account with a certain amount, for example, the amount he paid extra from his personal funds if the cost of his purchase exceeded the card’s face value. On the next visit, the client will use the bonuses provided, for which he will receive another amount into his account. As a result, he will have a reason to come to the store again. This scheme allows you to turn a gift certificate into a savings card, and turn a random buyer into a loyal customer.

All of the personalization schemes we have presented are successfully used by Russian retail chains. However, this does not mean that you should limit yourself to the examples described. If desired, each company can develop its own personalization methods, the main thing is to understand that gift cards can be an extremely effective personalization tool and, as a result, contribute to sales growth.

There are a lot of ready-made templates on the Internet, with the help of which it is very easy to create your own version of a certificate design; a search engine readily returns them upon request “certificate psd template”.

For example, let’s choose this rather nice certificate:

We open the template in Adobe Photoshop and immediately encounter a problem: the font used for all the text is not in the system.

You will have to find it on the Internet and install it on the system. To identify the font, you need to select the text layer marked with a yellow icon and select “Text” from the toolbar. As a result, we will see the name of the font in square brackets in the window on the top panel.

We find the appropriate font on the Internet, download and install it. At the same time, do not forget that different fragments of text can be written in different fonts, so for subsequent productive work on the certificate it is better to check the presence of each of them.

The main thing to do when working with the template is to enter the appropriate text into the previously prepared blocks. As a rule, this does not cause any problems. We proceed as follows:

We do the same with all text blocks - we replace the words in the template with those that we need.

Your gift certificate is ready to print. Choose the original layouts that seem most suitable to you and edit them.

You always want to give a loved one a gift that will tell him about the depth of your feelings, but attempts to come up with something original very often end in purchasing a necessary, but completely banal thing in a regular store.

But we were all once taught that the most best gift- one that is made with your own hands. Anyone is pleased to know that they thought about him, spent time and imagination preparing a surprise. In addition, to make such an unusual gift as a certificate of wishes, it will take very little time, and the joy that you will bring to a loved one will be immeasurably greater than from a ready-made souvenir.

To make a gift certificate for wishes, we will need:

  • colored cardboard;

    scrap paper (you can buy it in craft stores);


  • eyelets and half bead (eyelets are metal or plastic bushings for holes);

    satin ribbon;

    double-sided tape.

Before starting work on the certificate, you should decide exactly what desires will be included in it. Its size will depend on this. Having prepared all the materials and a wish list, we begin to make an original and memorable gift.

Your certificate may look like a single piece of construction paper or resemble a folded card. In this case, the front side is decorated with any decorative elements that fit the theme of your wish list and that will appeal to the person for whom the gift is intended.

For decoration, scrapbooking or applique is used, consisting of various images and photographs. Use paints colored paper, braid or lace - anything that will help make your certificate attractive.

Having finished decorating the card, proceed to filling it with the selected content:

1. Certificate for the fulfillment of one wish. Based on the interests of your loved one, choosing something that will truly please him and demonstrate your care.

    Free evening with friends and beer. Find a suitable template with a beer theme on the Internet, fill it out by entering the names of the gift recipient and his friends, leave lines to enter the date and place of celebration. And don’t forget that such a certificate comes with complete trust and no control on your part by default!

    For your beloved girlfriend or wife you can do certificate “Day of SPA treatments”, give her a day of rest from work and household chores, and at this time clean the house and prepare a festive table.

    For lovers of fishing and hunting, you can get a certificate "Weekend in nature." Make it clear that you support the hobby loved one and respect his right to spend his time as he pleases.

    The certificate is suitable for both men and women “Freedom from household duties for the whole day.” However, this does not mean that their implementation is simply postponed until later: the donor takes upon himself all the worries that his other half usually performs in order to make her vacation as pleasant as possible.

  • “The right to choose a movie for family viewing” is rather a joke, relevant for those couples who argue about this every evening.
  • Back massage, foot massage or full body massage. Such a gift does not imply a visit to a professional; the massage must be done by the donor himself, but this will not make it worse. On the contrary, done with love and care, it will perfectly bring both together and relax.

For it, you need to find a template with an image of a goldfish and decorate the gift by writing the recipient’s name in it and leaving three blank lines. You can put it in a frame, but do not cover it with glass, so that you can add wishes to the certificate. Following the logic of the fairy tale about the goldfish, you yourself should ask your loved one what he wants. Therefore, when deciding on such a gift, be prepared to do everything that is asked of you. Of course, it is assumed that in your couple a good relationship, and your significant other will not come up with unrealistic desires.

This gift is designed to fulfill several wishes, each of which is assigned a certain value. Let's say the total value of your gift certificate is 10,000 points. Individual wishes can cost from 100 to 1000. Thus, cooking dinner can be valued at 1000 points, and a kiss - at 100. It is better to make such a gift certificate in the form of a postcard - at front side An impressive number will be displayed, and inside there will be a price list of wishes indicating their cost. It will be easy to design a gift using the Word editor, using built-in fonts and images.

4. The certificate is decorative. In order for the gift to be made professionally and look decent, it is better to order its production at a printing house. Specialists will select the appropriate paper to make the certificate as impressive as possible, and then you can insert it into a beautiful baguette. This option is best suited for significant events - a wedding anniversary, an anniversary or another important day for a couple.

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Great idea for Valentine's Day - . You can imagine so many things :) And you can fit it into such certificate for your beloved man your “special” things. For example, your husband loves pancakes, but you rarely bake them: make “A plate of rosy pancakes” as one of the items. Or maybe your loved one loves rock concerts? Then include in the certificate “A joint trip to a rock concert.” Be creative and approach the wish list with humor. Create comic certificate for your loved one, include in the list: “Freedom from shopping together for 2 months”, “Putting socks in pairs for 1 month”, “The opportunity not to put your things in the closet for 2 weeks”, etc. Remember all the weaknesses of your beloved!) The main thing is to clearly record the beginning of the action of desires, so that they do not later go into permanent mode :)

Making such a gift is not difficult, the main thing is to think through the design gift card, in which it will be nested certificate of wishes for a loved one. If you have a talent for scrapbooking and creating cards, great, but if not, choose a suitable ready-made card or envelope, and print a certificate for your beloved man on beautiful paper, which can be purchased at almost any art store.

You can end with a mysterious P.S. What exactly will be in your P.S. - it’s up to you to decide;) Have a tender relationship!