How to comb your hair correctly - recommendations of professionals, methods and features. Secrets of the correct combing of hair and choosing the perfect comb Combing long hair

Competent combing of hair of any type and very different lengths has great importance in their own care. A banal, but very difficult question, how to comb your hair correctly, is very relevant and even painful for many.

Someone after this procedure cannot in any way remove whole strands from the comb, hanging on it in shreds. Some maximally delay the moment of unraveling the curls, which are a “crow's nest”, but not a beautiful and well-groomed hairstyle.

To make these problems stop being painful, you just need to learn how to comb your hair correctly. This requires a well-chosen tool and knowledge of a few simple but very important rules.

A worker cannot be good without the proper tool. Similarly, with combing hair: how to perform this procedure?

The modern beauty industry offers a wide variety of combs, combs and brushes. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the material from which they are all made.


To date, wood as a natural material for combs is one of the best and optimal options for any type of hair.

Yes, it is difficult to take care of a wooden comb, but compared to a metal one, it is very pleasant for the skin, and unlike a plastic one, it does not electrify curls.

Its main drawback is the difficulty in maintaining perfect cleanliness and sometimes too intense absorption of moisture makes the comb unsuitable for its further use.


Another good, high-quality, natural comb material that you should pay close attention to is horn. It also compares favorably with plastic brushes in that it helps to reduce static electricity in curls.

But the most important advantage of the horn as a material for combs is that it is as close as possible in its chemical composition the biological material that makes up our hair.

He also has a drawback, which should also be taken into account when choosing such a tool for combing: with intensive and frequent washing hair with hot or warm water on horny combs, jagged pits and stripes appear that damage the scalp and the strands themselves when combing.


Steel hair tools are very popular as they are affordable and inexpensive. Experts recommend that before combing the hair with metal brushes, slightly warm it up (this can be done by first putting it on the radiator or the hot lid of the kettle, pan).

This advice is due to the fact that warm metal gives a slightly different (more pleasant) sensation than cold. And yet, most hairdressing and trichologists oppose metal combs because of the rigidity of the teeth and their poor-quality processing.


The most common tools for combing hair are plastic. Love for them is dictated by sufficient strength, hygiene, ease of care.

However, the disadvantage is also very significant: with such material, your hair will constantly electrify. So, the material for the comb is selected.

Now is the time to pay attention to their teeth, on which the process of properly combing the most intricate strands will also depend:

  • sharp and hard teeth are excluded: they injure the scalp and lead to various diseases;
  • ideally, the tips of the teeth on the comb should be rounded, not sharp;
  • for the often confused curly hair you need to choose combs with rare teeth;
  • if you need to comb out dandruff, take frequent teeth.

A properly selected comb is a guarantee that the procedure for combing even the most tangled hair will be soft and painless. However, there are a few more very important nuances that you need to keep in mind for proper combing of curls.

Rules for combing hair

To do this, it is enough to adhere to simple and unpretentious rules.

With strict and daily following them, you will feel how your curls are filled with vitality, no longer confused and do not fall out:

  1. Without fail, comb your hair three times a day: in the morning, immediately after sleep; during the day, after work; in the evening, before bed. However, this is far from a limitation: in ancient times, according to old recommendations, a girl had to comb her hair ten times throughout the day, and for each combing, make 10 smoothing movements through the hair with a comb from top to bottom. From the point of view of trichology, everything is absolutely correct: such daily manipulations help to improve blood circulation, release subcutaneous fat sebaceous glands, its uniform distribution along the strands.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to comb wet and even damp curls. First you need to dry them (best of all - in a natural way).
  3. To properly comb your hair, you need to tilt your head. This is possible in several positions: lie down with your head hanging down over the edge of the sofa; sit on a chair and tilt your head between your knees; do it while standing (although in this position, many can get tired back). The slope is needed for increased blood flow to the skin. However, there is one very important contraindication here: those who have problems with blood pressure should not linger in these positions for a long time.
  4. You need to start combing your hair from the back of your head evenly, smoothly, slowly in all directions. If you do everything right, after 3 minutes you will feel warm. This is a sign that the blood circulation began to work at an accelerated pace: the maximum amount of nutrients is delivered to the roots, the curls become stronger, gain strength, and begin to grow better.
  5. When combing, alternate movements with a comb (brush) with stroking the curls with the palm of the other (free) hand. Do one movement with a comb, the other with your palm. Stroking the curls with your hands for several minutes is recommended even after combing. This helps to distribute sebum throughout the hair more evenly, which makes them shiny, strong, elastic.
  6. No sudden movements during this procedure can not be made: they must be smooth and soft.

In order not to lose hair in whole strands and prevent them from tangling, you just need to be able to comb them correctly.

Admit it, how often does this happen to you: you jumped up in the morning, quickly washed your face, almost brushed your teeth, barely combed your hair and quickly pulled it into a bun to create a semblance of a hairstyle on your head? Meanwhile, our hair also needs proper combing, just like our teeth need daily brushing. After all, people comb their hair not only to look neat. But also to remove dirt from them, improve hair structure and strengthen.

Combs: types and features

Hair is the "mirror" of our health. And, combing, which some are not serious about, is a necessary and important procedure. In the process of combing, the hair is enriched with oxygen and the roots are massaged, thanks to which they become beautiful, healthy, well-groomed. However, you need to know HOW and WHAT to comb them.

Let's start with the fact that not every comb is suitable for our hair. Yes, each consists of teeth, but the material from which it is made is often questioned whether to buy it so as not to harm the hair. Let's go through the types of combs.

massage brush

This tool has either an oval or square shape, on the one hand - often located vertical teeth. The use of such a brush helps to accelerate the blood supply to the hair follicles due to the massage actions of the tool. In addition, subcutaneous fat is distributed along the entire length of the hair, providing them with "nutrition". Naturally, preference should be given to brushes with natural bristles: from pig, horse or whalebone. Yes, they are more "capricious" than brushes with metal or plastic teeth, as they must be carefully looked after. But, using them constantly, you will be surprised that your hair becomes lush, healthy, and fits perfectly into the desired hairline.

metal comb

This tool is often used to make a bouffant or untangle very tangled strands. She has served for a long time. But this is where all the “pluses” of the comb end. Dyed hair in general, it is impossible to comb with a metal comb, since the metal, when interacting with the paint, can enter into a chemical reaction, and its results are unpredictable. Do not fall under the "can be used" category and wet hair. And if you comb dry hair, they become naughty. 3 significant minuses against 2 dubious pluses.

wooden combs

Yogis tend to choose combs made of wood, but high-quality wood, like birch or oak. The "first" will perfectly cope with dandruff, the "second" will calm the hair. However, wooden combs “tend” to crack, and then the tool must be replaced with a new one so that cracks and roughness do not damage the hair structure.

Plastic combs

Their only advantage is that they are cheap! When buying a plastic tool for combing, you probably do not think that you will have to wash it often, because greasy fat and dust from the hair quickly stick to the plastic. And if you often use a hair dryer, then you risk the health of your hair, because when interacting with hot air, plastic releases harmful substances.

Combs made from natural materials

Silver, bone, tourmaline tools are much more expensive than plastic products. But on the other hand, their use will not harm, but, on the contrary, will improve the condition of the hair.

  • Silver products are an excellent disinfectant and have a beneficial effect on the health of each hair. Daily combing with a silver comb - The best way cleansing from dust, bacteria, sebaceous fat and other contaminants; getting rid of seborrhea, itching, dry scalp and other skin diseases;
  • Combs made of bone and horns are not popular, although they provide gentle hair care; these products are expensive, but the main “minus” is that you can scratch the delicate scalp with sharp teeth;
  • Tourmaline products have no contraindications, but a whole “set” of advantages: improved blood flow to the scalp, hair growth, “resistance” to bacteria and fungi, as well as gray hair and alopecia, relieving nervous tension and headaches. Tourmaline combs do not have defects, but a perfectly flat surface, due to which damage to the hair is excluded.

In order not to fall for fakes, we advise you to buy combs in professional hairdressing supplies stores. Owners of thick long hair should get a massage brush with natural bristles that have different length. For those whose hair is not too thick, a comb is suitable for daily combing. And if there is “trouble” with the hair, and the curls have a dull and lifeless look, then it is better to comb with combs and brushes with a soft “base” made of natural materials. Their use will speed up the blood supply to the scalp.

When choosing a comb, be guided by the following nuances:

  • The teeth of combs and massage brushes must have tips.
  • The teeth of the combs should not be scratched, otherwise they can injure the scalp.
  • Before buying wooden tools, check them for cracks and burrs.
  • Products with silicone, plastic or rubber inserts must not be damaged or defective.

Tip number 2. Stick to the basic rules of combing your hair

Having the “right” tool, you can start combing. Usually this procedure is given time after sleep and before bedtime, that is, in the morning and in the evening. Dry hair can be combed more often, and greasy hair less often. In summer, it is recommended to comb your hair on the balcony or on fresh air so they can "breathe".

Hair middle length you need to divide into strands and comb them from the tips, moving to the roots. Hair should not be pulled with a brush or comb to “untangle” or comb faster. The movements should be smooth, and when you finish the procedure, you can smooth the hair with your hands. The same ones who long hair, they need to be taken in a bun and combed carefully and slowly: first only the tips, then the tips together with the middle part, then the whole hair. Short-haired girls and ladies can comb the strands, starting from the roots.

Untangled hair is recommended to be combed at least 50 times. But our grandmothers claimed that in order for the hair to be lush and healthy, it is necessary to comb through it at least 100 times.

Yogis advise after combing to actively “work” with your head: back and forth, left and right. And so on 10-20 times in each direction. In this case, the head should be “tipped over” down, and the hair should be loose.

Take care of your hair! Do not overdo it with a hairdryer and hot curlers, massage your head with your hands more often, eat fresh and high-quality food, especially fruits, vegetables and herbs, take vitamins. And your hair will delight with its beauty and splendor!

To make your hair look good, you need to properly care for it. With healthy hair, keratin scales lie evenly, covering each other (like tiles). With improper hair care, the scales begin to exfoliate, warp and separate. In order for the hair to look beautiful and healthy, it is necessary during the growth of the hair to influence its root organ, which is located in the lower layers of the scalp.

The life of hair can be roughly divided into three periods: hair growth. This period lasts from 2 to 10 years. Almost all the hair on the head is in this state; hair rest. This period lasts approximately 3 weeks. Resting about 1% of the hair; dying off. This period lasts about 3 months. Approximately 14% of hair dies on the head.

To determine the condition of the hair, it is enough to take a strand of about ten hairs and pull it a little. If you have 2-3 hairs left in your hand, then everything is fine. If there are more than 4 hairs in the hand, then there is cause for concern (unless, of course, this is in spring or autumn).

Washing hair. How to wash your hair properly

Washing your hair is one of the main ways to take care of your hair. Immediately arises main question- How often should you wash your hair? It depends on the type of hair, season, climatic conditions. The main thing is that the hair must be washed when it is just beginning to become dirty. Before you start washing your hair, you need to comb it. The head is well moistened with water. Previously, to wash the hair well, they used rain or melt water. Now, a little borax or baking soda should be added to hard tap water to soften it, usually 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.

Water for washing hair should be soft enough and moderately hot (38-40 ° C). Washing with hard water does not clean, and even, on the contrary, spoils the hair.

To rinse your hair, you can use infusions prepared from birch leaves, nettle leaves or chamomile flowers: pour a tablespoon of dry chopped raw materials with a glass of boiling water, let it brew until it cools down, and then filter it.

To eliminate the influence of alkali, give hair elasticity, softness and make them shiny, you must add 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water or juice of 1 lemon to the rinse water. Wet hair well after washing with a liquid consisting of 5 ml of glycerin, 15 ml of lemon juice, 90 ml boiled water and 15 ml of cologne. This will make them soft, silky, shiny. Hot water and a light head massage help to increase blood circulation in the scalp and improve tissue metabolism.

After washing, dry your hair with a towel. It is recommended to use heated towels, especially in winter. In summer, it is advisable to dry your hair outdoors. Clumped and tangled long hair must be carefully combed with your hands, squeezed between the ends of the towel and left loose until completely dry. Rapid drying with a hair dryer or dry heat is very harmful, as the hair is easily dried out, becomes brittle and brittle (splits). It is not recommended to comb hair when wet, especially long hair. Weighted with water, they are easily pulled out.

After bathing in salt water (sea), the hair should be washed with plain water, as the simultaneous exposure to salt water and bright sunlight makes the hair brittle.

Never wash your hair not intended for this detergents- they will remove all natural fats from the hair. It is better not to use "family shampoos", try to choose a shampoo according to the condition of your hair and scalp. Today, the choice of shampoos is very large. Special additives in shampoos provide almost all care options.

For oily hair mild emulsifiers and soothing herbs are suitable; anti-dandruff - biologically active substances that kill bacteria; for sensitive skin heads - restoring fat content; for damaged hair- substances that can combine with keratin and smooth the surface of the hair. Keep in mind that the condition of your hair can change, so keep an eye on it and change your shampoo if necessary.

Hair balms

The next element for hair care are balms. Rinsing with balm gives hair shine. As a rule, the use of a conventional balm only prevents damage to the hair. But there are balms with special protein supplements that have a healing effect and restore the surface of diseased hair for a while. It is advised to use a balm that gives hair shine every time you wash your hair, so it is best to use the balm at the same time as shampoo. Usually the substances contained in the shampoo and balm are selected so that the hair becomes clean and smooth, easy to comb and curl. This is very important for women with long hair, after shampooing the hair gets quite tangled and falls out when combed - balms will smooth the hair and make it much easier to comb.

Conditioner hair conditioner

In addition to balms for hair care, conditioners are used. Conditioner, or rinse, neutralizes static electricity and makes hair supple. It protects the hair from the harmful effects of the environment, facilitates combing, gives hair shine and elasticity.

Hair Styling Gel

In order to facilitate the creation of hairstyles or to give the hair some form, use a hair styling gel. The gel fixes the shape of the styling, but not as much as the varnish. Using the gel will allow you to quickly style bangs or curl curls.

Modeling hair styling gel is available in three versions: ultra-strong, strong and normal hold. The gel is applied to still damp hair. Take the gel in a cupped palm, rub it in your hands and evenly apply it to the entire surface of the hair. After that, give your hair the desired shape - comb smoothly, style individual strands in curls, etc.

Combing hair. Why and how often should you brush your hair?

This question will probably seem strange to you. But the fact is that you need to comb not only out of accuracy. Hair needs constant care. One of the manifestations of this attention is the regular combing of hair (rather than looking at it in the mirror).

It is best to comb your hair twice a day, because when combing, the teeth of the comb irritate the nerve endings of the scalp, which revitalizes blood circulation and promotes hair growth. It is necessary to have a comb with blunt teeth so that they do not scratch the skin. Constant combing of the hair massages it well and, to some extent, cleans it, removing dust from it. With increased greasiness and dustiness of the hair, it is advisable to use a frequent comb with a layer of absorbent cotton wool at the base of the teeth.

Long hair must be combed from the ends, short - from the root. When combing short hair only a comb should be used. In general, it is recommended to use a massage brush for combing hair. Combing with a brush painlessly tidies up tangled long hair. In addition, the brush not only combs, but also massages the scalp more thoroughly.

Hair longer than 25-35 cm is best combed first with a brush, then with a comb. With very long hair, it is necessary to clasp it in a tight bun near the head and comb it strand by strand with a brush to the ends.

After washing the hair, the hair remains wet for a certain time. Experts do not recommend combing them in this state, as well as drying them with a hair dryer. This is due to the fact that wet hair is easily injured, broken. They are very hygroscopic, so immediately after washing they become heavy, as a result of which they are very easily pulled out and broken off, especially since steamed skin facilitates this process.

If possible, you should try to let your hair dry naturally, and then start styling. An exception can only be going out when you need to put yourself in order very quickly.

How to comb wet hair

Immediately after washing, wrap your head with a terry towel for 5-10 minutes. This time is enough to absorb excess moisture into the fabric. You can also gently pat wet hair with a towel, then apply to them. special remedy to facilitate combing or leave-in balm.

Modern cosmetic companies produce a variety of hair products designed for high-quality styling and complete care. Most products make combing much easier. It is better to give preference to products in the form of a spray, as they are very convenient to use.

When using cosmetic products in the form of foam or lotion, you need to squeeze or pour a small amount of them into the palm of your hand, and then evenly distribute them over the entire length of the hair.

After applying the cosmetic product, you can start combing. For this, a wooden or bone comb or comb with rare teeth is ideal. Round and flat brushes with synthetic bristles or metal teeth must not be used. They are very easy to damage wet hair.

The comb must be used very carefully. To begin with, it is worth dividing the hair into several large strands, and then comb each of them. You need to start combing from the very ends of the hair, and then you need to gradually move up to their roots.

It is advisable to start styling only after the hair has dried a little more. During drying and creating hairstyles, you will also need a comb, but in this case, you can already use flat brushes and round combs. It is important that the tips of their plastic or metal teeth are rounded. This is necessary to maintain healthy hair and prevent injury to the scalp.

How to actually brush your hair?

Perhaps you have never even thought about how well you comb your hair. However, this simple daily care can not only benefit the hair, but also seriously damage it - if certain rules are not followed. In order not to make mistakes, read this material and follow our detailed instructions.

Beauty instruction: comb your hair correctly

Depending on whether the hair is wet or dry, very tangled or obedient, the combing procedure should be different, but in any case - pleasant and gentle. So, let's deal with the most problematic cases.

We are sure that many girls have heard: you can’t comb wet hair during and after. Indeed, due to the fact that wet hair is more vulnerable, it breaks easily and even pulls out. However, if you follow the professional recommendations of stylists, then this problem will not arise.

“There is an opinion that only dry hair can be combed. But I recommend to all my clients: when a conditioner or a mask is applied to wet hair, it is necessary to comb it gently and gently with a wide-toothed comb. This gives a better distribution of the care product, all the knots are untangled and the scales are closed.

Irina Egorova

Natalia Mikhaleva, Kérastase stylist, emphasizes that wet hair is always combed from the ends:

“If the hair is wet, then we comb it from the ends, getting to the roots.”

Natalia Mikhaleva

If nodules have already formed on the hair, then they are better after washing and using a smoothing care product. Take a comb with rare teeth, separate a thin strand and gently start combing the ends, gradually moving up. Be sure to hold the strand at the roots to reduce tension.

The care cream smells very expressive, has a weightless texture, and the hair after it is silky. Natural myrrh extract and argan oil are responsible for easy combing and nutrition.

It solves a variety of hair shaft problems, whether it be brittleness, dull color or tangles. Just apply for a couple of minutes on washed hair, rinse and start combing without difficulty or knots.

Conditioner-mask without silicones, but with argan and sunflower oils in the composition. Facilitates combing, softens and smoothes hair.

"Aura Botanica Fundamental Care is suitable for natural hair and medium damaged hair, including dyed hair - it will carry additional nutrition.

Natalia Mikhaleva

Shampoo after the first wash of the head provides the effect of glossy hair: it gives it a natural shine and smoothness, the strands become obedient and do not tangle.