Open lesson "kindness will save the world." Summary of GCD in the preparatory group. Kindness will save the world by tripping it up

Tatyana Lebedeva

Lesson notes« Kindness will save the world»

Target: give an idea about good, O good people. What do you mean by the word good. Why kindness will save the world?

Progress of the lesson:

Good afternoon guys, I'm glad to see you.

Today we will talk about the quality without which a person cannot be called a person.

This word is serious

The main thing, the important thing,

What it means

Very necessary for everyone.

This is quality

Lives in the hearts of many

And about the pain of others

Doesn't let you forget.

What quality are we talking about?

Children's answers.

That's right, that's kindness

Let's listen to one very interesting song about kindness from m/f pound

Guys, what do you think? KINDNESS?

Children's answers

If you do it to people good, then the person himself becomes kind;

-Good Evil always wins;

-Kindness makes a person beautiful and joyful;

A man who has in his soul kindness always looks happy;

Do good for friends and others;

Need to do kindness not only in words, but also by deeds;

"To believe in good, we need to start doing it" L. N. Tolstoy.

Good Good relationships of trust, justice, mercy, love are considered. Good Good is primarily associated with the ability to rejoice and sympathize, sympathize, empathize, respond to the feelings of others and keep your soul open. Kind Kind a person who is ready to come to the aid of another does not for the sake of profit, not for show, but selflessly, at the behest of his heart.

What do you guys think, what kind of people are called kind?

(who loves people, animals, who is ready to help at any moment, who loves and protects nature, Kind the person is trying to be polite).

Guys, let's plant a tree Kindness. (work on a magnetic board)

We have a tree and leaves with words written on them. It is necessary to attach only those leaves that can be on the tree Kindness.

(angry, sincere, joyful, bad, sympathetic, happy, unkempt, good, Kind, cordial, caring, affectionate, sad,)

Guys, why did you leave these leaves? Why didn't you hang them on a tree? Kindness? (children's statement)

– Tell me, guys, when people meet, what words do they usually start their communication with?

Children's answers

What other magic words do you know?

Let's remember what Kind your friend did the deed for you, let's tell him Thank you.

Game "Spiderweb" of good"

The guys pass the ball of thread in a circle, remembering good deeds, each other.

Is our the lesson has come to an end.

Did you like it? Are you in a good mood?

Total to you good luck and see you again!

Publications on the topic:

“Kindness will save the world.” Project for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities Project International Day of Persons with Disabilities in kindergarten Relevance: Unfortunately, the life of people with disabilities continues to be very difficult. Bye.

Summary of a lesson on spiritual and moral education for children middle group kindergarten, topic: “What is kindness?” Goals: To connect.

Summary of educational activities on social and communicative development “Kindness will save the world”"Kindness will save the world". Goal: To cultivate in children feelings of kindness and responsiveness, a friendly attitude towards each other. Tasks: Form.

Lesson summary for middle group children “What is kindness” Target: moral education children, teach children to be friendly, foster kindness and friendship, teach them to empathize with someone else’s misfortune, to care.

Lesson summary for children of the senior group “Kindness and Politeness” Goal: To consolidate knowledge about kindness and polite words. Objectives: To promote the development of cognitive activity, curiosity, and observation.

Lesson summary "Kindness" Objectives: to correct the idea of ​​manifestations of such a moral quality as kindness, to cultivate the desire to be kind and to commit.

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic: “Give people kindness”

Author: Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Shchukina, teacher at MBDOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 174”, Voronezh
Description of material: I offer you a summary of the direct educational activities for children senior group(5-6 years) on the topic “Give kindness to people.” This material will be useful to teachers of the senior group. This is a summary educational activity, aimed at developing an idea of ​​human spiritual beauty and mental health.

Summary of direct educational activities in the senior group on the topic: “Give people kindness”

Integration educational areas : “Social-communicative”, “Artistic-aesthetic”, “Speech”, “Cognitive”.

Target: Give children an idea of ​​the spiritual beauty and mental health of a person.
Educational: to form an idea of ​​the meaning of goodness for harmony and happiness.
Speech: activate the words “thank you”, “please”, “sorry” in children’s speech, develop coherent speech.
Developmental: develop the ability to help and sympathize with people.
Educational: to cultivate the desire to give joy and good mood to loved ones.
Handouts: trays, cards with printed words “sorry”, “thank you”, “hello”, “goodbye”
Methodological techniques: game, conversation, solving a problem situation, physical education, task, productive activity. Educator:
Invented by someone, simple and wise
When meeting, greet: “Good morning!”
- Good morning! Sun and birds
-Good morning! smiling faces!
And everyone becomes kind and trusting
Let Good morning, lasts until the evening!
Educator: Children, I am very glad to see that you are in a good mood. We will start our day today by sending each other good thoughts, good feelings. Let's tell each other ours good wishes. I have in

“Kind heart” in your hands. I want to give it to Veronica and wish her all the best.
Game "Good thoughts, good feelings"
Educator: I want to ask you to tell me about how you felt when you sent each other good thoughts and good feelings?
(It was fun, it became very good, I felt good, I liked it, it’s interesting to play like that...)
Educator: Guys, how do you understand the proverb: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”? This proverb says that a person has a body and a soul. When the body is sick, the soul is sick too. And vice versa, if the soul is sick, the body also feels bad. What happens when the body is sick?
(Headache, sore throat, difficulty walking, taking medications...)
Educator: what happens to a person when his soul feels bad, what does he feel?
(Bad mood, melancholy, sad, not happy about anything...)
Educator: How can you cure an unhealthy soul?

(Take pity, visit, give something, cheer, give an interesting toy...)
Educator: Well done, children! Say magic words to each other. If kindness lives in the world, adults and children rejoice.
Proverbs about kindness
- Good is good everywhere.
- Everyone is busy, wants good for themselves.
- Life is given for good deeds.
- Everyone loves goodness, but not everyone loves it.
- A kind person teaches good things.
- A kind word also pleases the cat.
- A kind person is more likely to do something than an angry one.
Educator: Guys, remember and name which good and evil fairy-tale characters you know?
(Leopold the cat and the mice, Cinderella and the stepmother, the Needlewoman and Sloth, etc.)
Educator: In life it happens that people do good and bad deeds. Let's look at life situations with you.
1. The girl is crying. During the walk, a quarrel occurred between the girls.
Educator: What happened? Is it possible to help grief with tears?
Girl: Nastya and I played ball. And the ball rolled into a puddle, I wanted to get the ball and fell into the puddle, Nastya began to laugh loudly, and I cried loudly.
Educator: Did Nastya do the right thing? What would you do in her place? Let's help the girls make peace.
Educator: If you are the culprit of the quarrel, be the first to admit guilt. Magic words will help you with this: excuse me, let me help you, let’s play together...
2. The girl sat in the wrong chair, the boy pushed her and sat down himself. The girl began to cry. Did the boy do the right thing? What would you do in his place?
Children: Ask to get up from the chair, bring her her chair...
Educator: When you hear kind words, your soul becomes warmer. Goodness heals the soul. Good deeds and good thoughts are the best medicine for the soul. In order for your soul not to hurt, you must, first of all, be kind yourself. So we will play with good words and good deeds. I’ll start reading the poems, and you should complete them in unison:
- Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word
Children: Thank you!
- An old tree stump turns green when it hears
Children: Good afternoon!
- If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom
Children: Thank you!
- The boy is polite and developed and speaks when meeting
Children: Hello!
- When they scold us for our pranks, we say
Children: Sorry, please!
- And in Russia, in Ukraine, in Denmark, at parting, they say
Children: Goodbye!
There are words in the tray. Find among the printed words a word that begins with the letter “I”, “Z”, “S” (“sorry”, “hello”, “thank you”). Find an expression that consists of two words and begins with the letter “D”.
When I was walking to you, a strong wind blew, the “magic word” fell and the letters broke, I need to restore them. (Goodbye).
Educator: Well done, how many magic words do you know! A kind word can cheer up every person in difficult times and dispel a bad mood.

Physical education minute.
Hello golden sun,
Hello blue sky,
Hello light breeze,
Hello little oak tree,
We live in the same region
I greet you all!
(Perform movements in accordance with the text).
Teamwork"Draw a heart of kindness"

Educator: Children, let's draw a big heart of kindness together (paint the heart with your fingers).

Educator: Look, now we have a “Heart of Kindness” in our group. It will send us its warmth, wish us well and help us study. I propose to call this heart of kindness the “Good Deeds Calendar.” In it we will celebrate your good deeds and actions that you have performed during the day. Now fold both hands near your chest, open your palms, imagine that they contain as many good feelings as can fit. You are very pleased to feel the warmth. Place as much goodness in your heart as possible. (Join your hands and place them on your chest.) You felt the warmth of your soul, the warmth of the hearts of everyone who is now next to you.
Educator: I want you to feel good all day today. This heart can give kindness to all people, but for this you need to let it go along with your wishes. It is in our hands to make the world a kinder and happier place! (blow on your palms).

GOALS: developing students’ ideas about goodness, nurturing the desire to do good deeds, and developing self-esteem; development of students’ speech, thinking, ability to coherently express their thoughts, and develop communication skills.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational point: 2. Introductory conversation :
- Guys, today we have gathered here to talk about kindness and good deeds.
Educator: - Kindness... What does this word mean?
(Explaining to children how they understand this word) Educator : - What kind of person can be called kind?
(A kind person is one who loves people and is ready to help them in difficult times.
A kind person takes care of nature, loves birds and animals, and helps them survive in the winter cold.
A kind person tries to be neat, polite and respectful in his interactions with friends and adults.)
Educator: - Now let's turn to the definition in explanatory dictionary Sergei Ozhegov.Kindness- this is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others. He noted the qualities that define kindness: virtuous, good-natured, benevolent, good-natured, respectable, kind-hearted, conscientious.
- Maybe, for real a kind person has all these qualities.
- It seems to me that there have been cases in your life when you were offended.
(Children's answers) Educator: - Tell me, what feelings did you experience?(Pain, bitterness, resentment, frustration, feeling of loneliness, injustice towards you, insecurity.) - Do you think they treated you fairly?(Children's answers) Educator : -Now tell me, have there been situations in your life when you yourself offended someone?(Children's answers) Educator : - Now put yourself mentally in the place of the one who was offended by you and think: would you want to be treated the same way?- The Gospel of Matthew says: “ everything that you want people to do to you, do so to them.”
- Let these golden words determine all your actions in life. Every child wants those around him to love him and take care of him. But it’s not enough to just want it. You must do everything yourself so that your actions do not cause resentment, bitterness, annoyance and a sense of injustice in others.
3. Let's analyze the situation. Educator : There are two people. Everyone has ten good friends.
1. Every day one of them asks his friends to help him: to borrow money, food, and provide other services. Addressing them, he says. That if they are really his friends, they will not refuse him this and, in the end, they are simply obliged to help him. After a while, all his friends turn away from him. They stop calling and visiting him.
2. Another gets up early every day to get everything done. He is devoted to his friends with all his heart, so he often visits them, helping them in any way he can. After a while, everyone I know considers him best friend, trying to be closer to him. They tell others about him and he becomes everyone's favorite.-Which of these two people would you like to be friends with?(Children's answers) Educator's conclusion: All people are very different... some are ready to give their last to their friend or just an acquaintance; From others you can’t even ask for snow in winter.4. Test execution Educator: - Now we will conduct the test “Am I kind?”
Each of you will be able to check what kind of person you are, are you always attentive and kind to others?
Educator : - Let's look at the answer form. You are offered questions and an answer form, in which you must indicate “yes” and “no” against each question number.
Educator : - And now questions. 1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family?
2. A friend shares his problems or troubles with you in a conversation. If a topic is not interesting to you, will you let your interlocutor know this?
3. Your partner plays chess or another game poorly. Will you give in to him so that he doesn’t lose interest in the game?
4. Do you like to say nice things to people to cheer them up?
5. Do you often use evil jokes?
6. Are you characterized by vindictiveness and rancor?
7. Will you continue a conversation with a friend if the topic does not interest you at all?
8. Are you willing to use your abilities to benefit other people?
9. Do you quit the game when it is already obvious that you have lost?
10. If you are confident that you are right, will you listen to the other person’s arguments?
11. Will you do work at the request of your parents if it is not part of your responsibilities (to do something for someone in the household, for example)?
12. Will you imitate someone to amuse your friends?
Educator : - Now let's see how to correctly calculate the points.
One point for each affirmative answer to questions 1, 3, 4, 7, 11 and for each negative answer to questions 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12.
Results: More than 8 points. You are kind, people like you, and you know how to communicate with people. Do you have a lot of friends. One word of caution: never let anyone take advantage of your kindness.From 4 to 8 points. Your kindness is a matter of chance: you are not kind to everyone. You will do anything for someone, but try to be equal with everyone so that there are no offenses against you.Less than 4 points. You have difficult work to do on yourself.5. Game: “A fairy-tale hero – good or evil?” Educator : - You all love fairy tales. One of the main themes of Russians folk tales there was a theme of good and evil. In fairy tales there are good and evil heroes. Now let's play a game. I'll call fairy tale hero, and you will answer whether he is good or evil. If you are kind, you clap your hands joyfully, if you are evil, you stomp your feet.
Ivan - Tsarevich, Thumbelina, Karabas - Barabas, Little Red Riding Hood, Baba Yaga, Cinderella, Malvina. Educator: - What do you guys think, what is more on earth: good or evil?6. Working with words
- Now let’s try to replace the words of the first column with words of opposite meaning:
Bad - good
Evil - good
War - peace
Greed - generosity
Rudeness - politeness
Cruelty is kindness
Lies are true
Betrayal - Devotion
Educator: - To defeat evil, there must be more good.
In life, droplets of goodness, merging, turn into a stream, streams into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​goodness. It's good when a person leaves behind a good mark. One wise man remarked: a person has not lived his life in vain if he built a house, grew a garden and raised a child.
Educator :- This means that not only words should be kind, but also deeds.
Educator: - Think and tell me what good deeds you can do in the classroom, at home, on the street, in transport, in nature?
(children's answers) 7. Conversation about polite words.
Educator: - Think and answer, what in communicating with each other helps to make our relationships warmer, kinder, more sincere?(Children's answers)
Educator: - Of course, these are kind ones, nice words. Which?(Children’s answers: “good health”, “bon voyage”, “be kind”, etc.)
Educator : - Tell me, how can you enhance the beauty and charm of these words?? (Using a smile, a friendly look.)
- Good words- these are the flowers of the human soul. And don’t be stingy in distributing these flowers to others.
These are the most wonderful words,
Everyone is very happy to hear;
Adults and children grow kinder,
And they rush to smile at everyone.
A game
- Let's play a little. I will read a poem, and your task is to complete a good word that is appropriate in meaning.
Invented by someone simply and wisely -
When you meet, say hello...
("Good morning!")
The old stump is turning green,
When he hears:...
("Good afternoon!")
The boy is polite and developed,
He says when meeting...
The ice block will melt,
From a kind word...
("Thank you!")
When they scold you for pranks,
We are speaking:…
("Forgive me please!")
Both in France and Denmark,
They say, saying goodbye:...
With great love to all of you,
( Good health".) Teacher's conclusion : There are many warm, kind words in our speech. A kind word can encourage us. Instill confidence in us, warm our souls.8. Work in pairs.
Educator: Kindness is the most valuable moral quality of the Russian people. How many proverbs and sayings about kindness have been created by Russian wisdom! Remember some of them:
You are given cards, they have 2 columns, you must pick up a continuation to the beginning of the proverb from the second column, connect it with arrows. Who is faster.
1. Kind word
and the cat is pleased.
2. It’s not clothes that make a person,
and his good deeds.
3. Hurry for a good deed,
and the bad will come on its own.
4. Do not boast about silver,
but boast of good things.
5. He who does good
God will thank him.
6. In whom there is no good,
There is little truth in that.
7. Don't look for beauty -
seek kindness.
Educator : - Now let's check.9. Conclusion Training game “Magic flower of goodness”
Educator : Children, stand in a circle, stretch your arms slightly forward, palms up, and close your eyes. Imagine what I'm going to tell you now.(Beautiful, pleasant music plays)
- Draw in your imagination a flower of kindness and good mood. Place it on both palms. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your body, your soul. It emits an amazing smell and pleasant music. And you want to listen to it. Mentally place all the goodness and good mood of this flower inside, into your heart.
Feel how goodness enters you and gives you joy. You have new powers: the powers of health, happiness and joy. You feel your body filled with pleasure and joy. How pleasant your face is, how good and joyful your soul becomes...
A warm, gentle breeze blows around you. You have a good, soul-warming mood.
Summing up - You are still children, but many glorious deeds await you ahead. You will make our planet Earth beautiful. But first you must grow up to be real people - brave, kind, hardworking. After all, doing good is great.
- Now open your eyes. Look around. Hold hands. Looking each other in the face, wish something good. (Children do) I want you to remember what you feel now and take it with you when you leave this room. Warm feelings and your good mood will continue to be with you.
- All the best! And remember “Kindness will save the world!”

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The lesson is designed for older children preschool educational institutions groups at the age of 5-6 years.
Children will hear about the concept of “charity” for the first time and in game form try to take part in it!
The students will save the Bunny! During the lesson, they will perform various tasks, for which they will receive real money - coins. And in the end they will be faced with a choice: What to buy? Candy or pills for Bunny?

Target: Introduce the concept of “charity” into the children’s vocabulary.


  • develop children's coherent speech;
  • learn to answer in complete sentences;
  • develop attention, memory, imagination;
  • consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds S, Z, C;
  • introduce children to the concept of “charity”;
  • develop gross motor skills and mobility;
  • cultivate a sense of responsiveness in children;
  • arouse the desire to commit kind actions and evaluate them.

Preliminary work: Watching the cartoon “The Littlest Dwarf” the day before class

Equipment: an envelope with a letter from the gnome Vasya, cards with tasks, a basket of candy, a piggy bank with an opening bottom, a bottle of pills, a toy Hare, blank sheets of paper for each child, colored pencils.

Introductory part

Children are sitting at tables.

- Hello guys! Yesterday we watched the cartoon “The Littlest Dwarf”. Tell me, what was the name of the main character of the cartoon? (gnome Vasya)

– And where did the story begin? (Since the gnome Vasya went for a walk in the forest. He said hello to everyone, but no one noticed him. Vasya was very upset and went home to his grandparents with a question:

“- Grandma, I’m so small, so small that no one notices me. (Vasya)

-What did you do to get noticed? (Grandmother)

- Nothing. (Vasya)

– Nothing... I disenchanted Nils at your age. Guarded Snow White's sleep when she fell asleep.

To be noticed, you must do something good. (Grandfather)

- What needs to be done? (Vasya)

– Let your heart tell you this! (Grandmother)")

– Let’s remember what actions Vasya did after talking with his grandparents? (children answer who Vasya saved from the wolf)

- Guys, I found a letter in my mailbox this morning! And this letter is from the gnome Vasya!

(Text of the letter:

Hello guys! I really need your help! In our forest, the hare Poprygunchik became very ill. He needs pills. But I don’t know what they are and where to get them. The hare is getting worse and worse every day. The tablets are needed as soon as possible. I hope very much for your help.

Dwarf Vasya.)

Main part

- Guys, what are we going to do? Shall we help Vasya?

– Do you know what pills are? Why do we need them?

-Where will we get the pills?

(If there is any difficulty with the answer, ask the children to guess the riddle:

In this bright store
You'll see it in the window
Not clothes, not food,
And not books, and not fruits.
Here is the medicine and pills,
Here are mustard plasters and pipettes.
Ointments, drops and balms
For you, for mom and dad.
For human health
Opens the door -...

Answer: Pharmacy)

- Well, that means we urgently need to go to the pharmacy! Get ready! Let's go take the pills and give them to Bunny so that he gets better soon.

Physical education minute: (the children have stood up and are standing by the chairs)

All the guys stood up together - Will straighten up.

And they walked on the spot. – Walking in place.

They stretched on their toes, - Raise your hands up.

And now they’ve bent over backwards. – Bend back, put your hands behind your head.

We sat down like springs - Sit down.

And they sat down quietly at once. – Straighten up and sit down.

- Oh! Guys! Will the pharmacy give us pills just like that? Do we just have to come and ask?

-Where can we get the money? You have? Where does the money come from?

– Indeed, they need to be earned! And now I suggest you do it!

– You will carry out my tasks, and I will pay you only for those that you complete correctly. Agreed?

- And here is the first task:

– You take a card out of the basket. I read the task to you, and you complete it.

(used didactic manual“Whistles, waxwings. Speech therapy tasks for automation sounds S, Z, C. 27 cards.

– And now I invite you to go out onto the carpet, where we will play “Sunny Bunny”. Stand in a circle.

– First, we will choose a leading cat using a counting rhyme (the counting rhyme can be any!)

One two three four five,
The bunny went out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out,
He shoots straight at the bunny.
Bang! Pow! Missed.
The gray bunny galloped away.

(The cat sits in the center of the carpet and “dozes.” The children jump in a circle around the driver and say the text. At the words “Don’t catch!” the driver rushes to spot the “bunnies.” They run off the edge of the carpet, where spotting is not allowed.)

Pussy jumps on the parquet,
Like a fluffy white ball.
The sunny bunny laughs
Pussy can't get her hands on it.
One two three four five,
The pussy can't catch the bunny!

- Well, we made money with you! Let's go to the pharmacy quickly!

(There is a basket of candies on the table, and next to it is a piggy bank where you need to put coins in order to get pills)

- Oh, guys! Look! You can even buy candy here! If you want to buy candy, then give the money to the seller. And if you want to buy pills for Bunny, then put the money in the piggy bank. (children make their own choices, the teacher does not comment on the situation!)

– Let’s open the piggy bank and calculate whether we have enough money to buy pills for Bunny.

(Options for the development of events:

1. When not all children put money in the piggy bank:

- Oh, we don’t have enough money! What to do? Can't we really help the Bunny?

– Where can we get the missing amount?

2. When no one put money in the piggy bank. Everyone bought themselves candy:

- Oh, guys! What should we do? What will we answer to the gnome Vasya? Can't we really help the Bunny? (under no circumstances put pressure on children! Finish the lesson and think through a different course of events, outline an action plan to change the situation)

3. When everyone has put money in the piggy bank:

– What great fellows you are! Now Jumpy will definitely get better!)

Final part. Summarizing

- Guys! Please tell me, have you ever heard the word “charity”. What do you think it means?

– But right now you and I took part in charity. We didn't keep the money and didn't buy any candy. Because they realized that for the Bunny they are more important. Together we were able to save him! And this is charity. When we help, we share something without expecting anything in return.

– But Varya and Egor have not been in our group for a long time. Do you know, why? (they are sick, Varya adaptation period after the operation, and Egor is in the hospital).

– How can you and I help them? They have pills and all the necessary medicines. But they really miss you and kindergarten. (children's answers)

– I suggest you draw something for either Varya or Yegor to please them. And then I will put your letters in envelopes and we will send them to our guys!

– What great fellows you are!

– And finally, I would like to tell you that the word “charity” consists of two parts: good and create. And grandfather correctly told the gnome Vasya that in order to be noticed, you must do something good (and this is what it is, to do good). Never pass by someone else’s misfortune, always try to help not only your loved ones, but also strangers, unknown people. After all, you and I also didn’t know the little bunny at first, but we still wanted to help him...

Scenario Extracurricular activities

Subject. Kindness will save the world.

Target: cultivate a culture of communication with each other.

Tasks: to uncover positive sides kindness, encourage sensitivity to adults and peers, to nature; to form the concept of “kindness” in the minds of children; expand children's knowledge about kindness and its role in the life of every person.

Planned results.

Personal UUD: teach to make moral choices and give a moral assessment, teach to understand who he is in this world, his strengths and weak sides.

Regulatory UUD: to plan (in collaboration with the teacher and classmates or independently) the necessary actions, operations, actions according to the plan; monitoring the process and results of children’s activities;

Cognitive UUD: developing children’s idea of ​​what kindness is and what a kind person should be;

Communicative UUD: development of communication skills, ability to communicate in a team; learn to speak in front of an audience, actively participate in discussions, learn to take into account the position of your interlocutor;

Before classes start, children choose their own pieces of paper. different color, sit down in a semicircle. An introductory conversation is taking place.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher: Guys, good morning! Let's start our lesson. But first, let's welcome the guests whom we are very glad to see; turn to them and smile; turn to each other, smile and good mood have a seat. You are ready? Then let's begin.

Let's start our lesson by watching a cartoon. We look at the screen. (Funtik’s cartoon “Kindness”).

You listened to the song. What is it about? (about kindness)

What do you think we will talk about today?

That's right, about kindness. How do you understand this word?

Well done, you said everything correctly.

Quiet music by P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Seasons"
Against the background of music, the teacher says the words:

Our planet - Earth
Very generous and rich
Mountains, forests and fields
Our dear home, guys.
The sun rises early,
Lights up the day with a ray.

The bird sings merrily
The day begins with a song.
How good, take a closer look
Maples, birches and fir trees!
Learn to sing from the bird,
And the bee’s hard work.

Kindness and mercy have been developed by humanity over the centuries in order to make life easier for everyone, to communicate with each other, so that this communication brings joy.

What human actions can be called good? After the children's answers.
I want to read you a fairy tale, and you listen to it carefully. Students listening to an ancient Chinese fairy tale. The teacher reads.

Once upon a time there lived an emperor who loved birds. He learned that the boys were shooting birds with slingshots and announced:

Whoever brings a live bird to the palace will receive a handful of rice.

Hearing about this, the boys stopped shooting birds. They set up many trap houses in the forest, and soon all the houses were filled with birds.

It happened that the emperor was visited by a sage from a neighboring principality. He saw birds in the palace and asked: “Why are there so many birds?”

The Emperor replied:

I have a good heart and I save them from the boys. They no longer kill the birds, but bring them to me alive.

Who feeds their chicks? – asked the sage.

What chicks? - asked the emperor.

The birds that now live in the rooms of the palace are left with helpless chicks in the forest. Who feeds them?

“I didn’t think about it,” the emperor admitted.

Then the sage said:

You have a kind heart, you love birds, but no one has brought them as much harm as you have. All the nests in your forests are now filled with dead chicks. You saved a lot of birds, but you killed five times as many chicks!

Oh, how difficult it is to be kind! – exclaimed the upset emperor.

To this the sage remarked:

And good must be done wisely. A mind without goodness is bad. But goodness without mind is no better.

Analysis of the listened fairy tale, discussion.

How do you understand the last line of the fairy tale?

What should good deeds be? (They must come from a pure heart, thoughtfully)

Today we will try to reveal the positive sides of kindness. Let's talk about kind deeds not only to people, but also to our nature.

Teacher: And now I suggest you unite in groups based on the color of the leaves.

Guys, do you know that there is even a tree of kindness growing somewhere? Let us try to grow such a tree today. There are obstacles along the way, we will try to overcome them. What will we take on our journey? By bus? Is he waiting for us? Maybe on a plane? Do we have a plane? Well, then on foot? Do you agree?

We will go through the swamp, over the bridge, along the road. Let's agree that when we walk along the road, we stamp our feet; on the bridge - knock on the chest; and in the swamp - we lift our legs higher. Agreed? Let's go: road, swamp, road, bridge, road, stop.

People have always treated kindness in a special way. No wonder they say: “A kind word pleases a cat.” There were many proverbs and sayings about kindness.

We will now try to remember some of them. We found an envelope on our desks under number 1, in the envelope there is a proverb about kindness. But the proverb fell apart. You must compose it, read it, explain the meaning of this proverb, present it to us. Rules: you must immediately agree who will be responsible for the answer. Who doesn't understand the task, raise your hands? You have 2 minutes. Let's get started. (The music video by A. Agafonov “Song about Kindness” plays, children work)

Group 1: A good word heals, but an evil word cripples.

Group 2: Speak boldly about a good deed.

Group 3: It is not clothes that make a person, but good deeds.

Are you ready yet? Then we are listening to you.

Proverbs and sayings always contain folk wisdom, tell me, what wisdom have you learned from these proverbs? From these proverbs we see that goodness always brings joy to the people around us. That you should always do good.

Guys, tell me, is it easy to be kind? (children's answers)

To be completely good

not at all easy:

Kindness does not depend on height,

Kindness does not depend on color.

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

You just have to, you just have to be kind

And in times of trouble, do not forget each other.

It is not easy to be truly kind, and not at all easy. Unfortunately, we do not always treat not only each other with understanding, but also the environment around us.

Listen to the poem.

Human and nature

People about nature

Stopped thinking.

Destroy, spoil,

They kill, they torture.

And animals and birds

They kill brutally.

Garbage, waste

The rivers are polluted!

How is this possible guys? Is this true? True, but not all people are like that.

Guys, do you love nature? What do you think is the essence of love for nature? How does a person show his love for nature? (Children's answers) Don't you break trees? Don't you pick flowers in vain?

Don't you shoot birds with slingshots?

Do you know the rules of behavior in nature? The next envelope is number 2. Found. These envelopes have the rules written on a card, but the words are missing. You need to fill in the missing words in the rules, and then we will read each rule to you. The first rule is read by the first group, the second by the second, and the third by the third. You also have 2 minutes to complete this task. (work with cards). Assignments for each team.

    Use (garbage bags) , to take all the accumulated garbage with you to the nearest trash bin or landfill.

    Use rugs or mattresses for lining the tent, (don't chop ) pine needles and spruce branches.

    After relaxing in nature (fill in ) fire with water or (fall asleep) earth. Let's check.

These are the wonderful rules we have, use them and then you will not harm nature.

What good have you done? How have you helped people?

Maybe he grew a tree. Or cleaned the ponds?

Maybe you're building a rocket? Hydro station? House?

Warming the planet. By your peaceful labor?

Or under the snow powder. Are you saving someone's life?

Doing good things for people means making yourself nice.

Guys, I have an apple in my hands. Let's imagine that this is not an apple, but our planet Earth. Look how beautiful she is. But does she always look like this?

And when does she look different? (Children's answers: when we do bad things).

Guys, can we say that when we act badly, we hurt her? (Yes)

And by what actions do we inflict wounds on our planet? (children name, and the teacher sticks toothpicks into the apple)

Guys, should we leave her like this? What will we do to heal the planet? (do good deeds)

And what kind, name them. And I will heal our planet. (Children call, and the teacher takes out toothpicks).

Look, has our planet become what it was? (Children's answers: no, there are still wounds)

What needs to be done to make these wounds heal faster? (Children's answers: say more kind words, do more kind deeds).

Now let us remember and remind others how to behave with nature, and for this we will create emblems. We found envelope number 3. For this task you will need colored pencils, markers, and imagination. Listen, task: there are two rules in the envelope, you need to create an emblem for each rule of behavior in nature. In your group, agree who will go to the board, read the rule and show the emblem. (The emblem will be in the shape of an apple.)

Teacher: Trees, grass, flowers and birds do not always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed, we will be left alone on the planet.

Game "Ecological traffic light"
We all know what a traffic light looks like. What colors does it consist of? (red, yellow, green). You and I are also divided into groups, we have a group that has yellow, green and red leaves. Every signal I make on a forest path means almost the same as on the roadway:
Red light- harm to nature! This means that the red light comes on when human actions cause harm to nature.
Yellow- carefully! And this means that for all actions in which a person must observe moderation or follow certain rules so as not to cause harm either to nature or to himself.
Light green- how beautiful! - The green light is lit for those guys who do good deeds not only to the forest, but also to its inhabitants - plants and animals!
Let's play: I will tell you about my actions, and you “light” the desired traffic light and give an explanation of why you chose this color?

We play loud music outdoors. (Red color)

We photograph the chicks by creeping right up to the nest. (yellow)

We collected our trash after our vacation. (green)

We wanted to bring the hedgehog home to feed and care for it. (yellow)

We wanted to pick flowers in nature. (yellow and red)

Every year we clean the area near our house. (green)

We took a net with us to the clearing to catch butterflies. (red)

We planted trees near the school. (green)

Well done! You know about good deeds.

Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. I suggest you role-play situations that will be useful in life in order to remain kind, caring, polite, and attentive to the people around you.

Tree of Good Deeds (Pictured on poster, without leaves)

At the beginning of our lesson, we agreed to grow a kindness tree. My poster only shows a trunk, what is missing from our tree of kindness? (leaves) Do we have them? (yes) But before you attach the pieces of paper, write on each of them what kindness is, we talked a lot today in class about kindness, about good deeds. Agree on who will go to the board and read out all your statements. We will create a tree of kindness and good deeds. (children write down, then attach leaves to the tree to the music of T. Mukhametshina “Song of Good”). Let more such wonderful trees of kindness grow.

The path to kindness is not an easy, long path, on which a person faces ups and downs, descents and ascents, alternation of good and evil. Learning to be truly kind is difficult. A person should stop more often and reflect on his committed actions. Because kindness will save our world! Please!

I thank everyone for the warm, confidential conversation, for their kind, smart thoughts, and for their creative attitude to work.

    Kind words are roots.

    Good thoughts are flowers.

    Good deeds are fruits.

    Kind hearts are gardens.